This Mod Makes Ebbside Dangerous | Starfield The Dark Side Of Neon Free Mod Review (XBOX/PC)

starfield 情報局

Today we are checking out a mod thta adds enemy npcs and gangs to ebbside

Link below to the mod



  • コメント (34)

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    • @henrycarlson7514
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Interesting , Thank You

    • @kasper_429
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    12:50 Well, technically one of them is between your legs. Lmao I had to.

    • @kasper_429
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    What modded Orion is that? 1-bursting level 100s is crazy, lol.

    • @kasper_429
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Does this mod play nice with other Neon overhaul mods? I have the “Neon Vertigo” overhaul and LOVE it, so I don’t wanna mess that up, lol.

    • @brianake1
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    What weapon are you using?

    • @Vhagar32
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Sid the sloth

    • @player24361
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I’m glad mod developers are sending you their creations man, I usually don’t download anything until you get a chance to review it.

    • @johndilleyjr.9620
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Enjoyed the opening narration 👍 Another great mod review. You produce quality content man.

    • @robgoolday9180
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    That was freaking hilarious!!!! “O… was that a civilian?” Drags and yeets body off the side!!! LMFAOOOO

    • @darkjediken323
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    This is one of my favorite mods.

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    That body dump was epic

    • @tminator7026
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Using this and his npc’s have routines a longtime now always in load order.. top mods 👌

    • @JesseJamison-f6i
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Beware of dark alleys: stabbings may occur 😂

    • @blackfish95
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Now if they only make The Stretch actually a bit more dangerous too, thanks for the review!

    • @hraefn1821
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    This mod is a 10/10 for me. Yes it can be overhwelming when you get surrounded but that’s part of why I love it. Feels like you’re dealing with real gangs in a turf war and adds to the immersion. On the gameplay side I love having a “target rich environment” for looting, XP, weapons testing etc. (This could be your new Vulture’s Roost Crimson, just saying) it also pairs very well with the neon stairs mod which adds fire-escape style stairs leading up and down the 3 different levels around ebbside which provides additional escape routes and vantage points while also blending into neon’s architecture seamlessly as though they were meant to be there.

    • @crooklyn673
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    🤣🤣 Telling your companion “I got this” while it takes you an half an hour to reload the shotgun 🤣🤣 Love your commentary 👍

    • @nolgroth
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    This mod really makes me wish that Neon was larger, with more districts to populate with street scum.

    • @nolgroth
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    “Oh yeah, she’s on Aurora.”

    Spoken like someone with extensive experience running Aurora interventions.

    • @HenryAB
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Don’t see the coffee time guy, so coffee time I guess. Nice review.

    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    “Oh … looks like there’s a dead body here. That’s kind of cool.”

    Average day in Ireland?

    Love your intro Crimson. And the outro.

    • @DougJessee
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Really like this intro!!

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    THANKS Crimson.
    Exactly my kind of mod, and i would have missed it.

    • @comyxcon4gaming860
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Modders doing the job Bethesda should’ve done prior to launch…

    A damn shame, as evidenced by this mod’s quality.

    The fact they’ve remained silent regarding the future of this game, gives hope and skepticism.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Wow, neon became real nasty. Though, there should be reputation system SO that ebbside npcs know who to not mess with at the end of a week like the mantis, and who to fleece credits from like how the pirates do in space encounters.

    • @larriejohnsonII
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    is there lag on xbox?

    • @Gamingdragon618
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    “are you lee harvey oswald?” killed me

    • @sirbowserfelix9293
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Neon is Literally Space Rio de Janeiro.

    • @runnymedeworks6326
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Love the review, brother. Wondering if this changes the Syndicate hideout you access through the fridge at Frankie’s Grab & Go. Going to try tonight. Just started a new character and was about to head to Neon.

    • @magister.mortran
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    The conversation between Cora and the Street Rat is what also happens, when a prisoner escapes from the brig on your ship in the mod Useful Brigs. When the prisoner says “You are not supposed to be here.”, your crew member tries to de-escalate the situation and draws the gun, but without shooting. It usually ends in a staring duel, because the prisoner is unarmed, but your crew member is. I never saw it resulting in an actual fight.
    So this dialogue must be in the vanilla game, but I don’t know, when it would get triggered in the vanilla game without any mods. Perhaps it is cut content and the pieces that remained in the code only get triggered by mods.

    • @mtfreeman800
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Coffee time. Yeah, nice mod. Your intro was fantastic. Great video, thanks for the review.

    • @briancowan4318
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Now if there can be a way to overthrow Bayu all will be right with the world….

    • @TJS-life
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Hey man. Just found you recently. Love your videos, really helps us decide if these mods are really worth the time and money so thanks! Also, what is that weapon you’re using in this vid? Looks great! Thanks!

    • @denimdan555
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    “Lee Harvey Oswald?” 😂😂😂

    • @TheCMWolf
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Ay Crimson would you be able to review the Nadiba Mod? Love the vids 🙂