Starfield MOD That Changes The Entire Game on Xbox Series Console and PC – Coming To PS5!

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Mod Link –

Starfield released over a year ago now and of course Bethesda is renowned for its amazing modding community, and Starfield is no exception even today!

Today I wanted to share one of the best mods that I have found for Starfield that completely changes the entire way that you play the game.

Starfield suffered from a lack of exploration for a lot of people and I think that that is due to the fact that people explored the game way too quickly. With this mod, everything changes…

Taqs:Starfield,Starfield mods,Starfield new mods,Starfield console mods,Starfield achievement friendly mods,red wolf,red wolf renegade,Starfield update,Starfield dlc,Starfield modding,Starfield console modding,Starfield PC mods,Starfield PC achievement friendly mods,Starfield best mods,Starfield immersive mods,Starfield best game changing mods


  • コメント (44)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @VelcroSnake93
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    0:08 – Nah, just watching to see if whatever is in this video has actually made the game less boring and more enjoyable.

    And after watching, not really. It just forces you to do things you could have done before by just not teleporting, which may make the game even more frustrating at times. I was hoping for actual new systems or mechanics that made the game more interesting.

    • @paulharper7185
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Still needs to force travel inside solar systems to get where it needs to be as well as up in space encounters.

    • @martinkidjoemueller
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    …hi, i see no need for that MOD 🤔 sorry. All ways to travell are up to you 🤓 and no need for restrictions like that! THX for the video, so i know that i dont need it 😎…

    • @auberalex
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    i would have just loved the game if like… traveling in your ship was like traveling on your horse in skyrim… i mean, you actually travel to get to another place and in the way you find things and have adventures… i mean, between systems ok, grav jump that’s fine… but in solar system travel it’s like pulse drive or slower than light or whatever you wanna call it… and you find things, space stations, asteroid pirate bases, derelict ships, pirates shot you out of pulse drive, you get emergency signals, an asteroid shower damages your grav drive, you have to manage to fix it, whatever! adeventuring IN SPACE!! that is the space game everyone wants i believe. (and it can be done, there was a mod for making the travel between planets that way, so devs could make it even better, then we just need the adventuring)

    • @HargolasXGaming
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I understand what you’re saying but man…thank good for fast travel in this game, did you play in day one!? 4 or 5 loading screens to go to one place. Here comes the improved maps and now only one loading screen to where I need to go, thanks to fast travel.
    It would be great to have implemented the fuel cost of travel, but better yet…seamless grav jumps, landing on planets maybe like SW outlaws did…sure there are plenty of other ideas for this…but Bethesda just went to cryo sleep, at least they should put an achieve of 1mill loading screens for us to reach 🤣…well…here is me going for 1000 hours of Starfield 🤣

    • @polowbornfly3862
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Wait he didn’t show the mod once did he wthell is this video lol

    • @benhale6773
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    But engaging with the systems, like grav jumping and landing on planets, is teleporting cause I’m not flying in any of these travel systems

    • @leeshuster3798
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I have almost 1,700 hours into this game & just waiting on the next DLC. I have a spreadsheet with every planet/moon & how to get there from Jemison so I can planet jump rather than fast travel. I will have to check out this mod tho because you know it would cost an arm & leg to get anywhere if this was RL.

    • @xavierdoesntmatter
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    It kind of fixes my complaint but they need to just put a fuel need back in which was supposedly a thing before. There is absolutely 0 reason to ever build and outpost anywhere. I beat the whole game without ever using an outpost because it served no purpose at all but that should be where I’m going to refuel my ship.

    • @grendal3507
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Thanks for the video. I love mods like this.

    • @zobzoby2183
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    You are truly an idiot.

    • @tobylerhone7908
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    0:42 Which planet/moon/system is that please?

    • @cfo0621
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I would love a mod that forces you to walk around and repair your ship after a battle and even during. I stead of crew adding a buff to your ships stats they also make repairs during battle. Ship components could never be repaird back to 100% requiring replacememt or overhaul at a space port or landing pad.

    • @earlofdoncaster5018
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I rage quit Starfield when a lengthy loading screen took me to another ‘king loading screen. There’s no excuse for loading screens (except when fast travelling), but a loading screen leading to another loading screen is just piss poor programming or museum level laziness.

    • @sofajockeyUK
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Tempting. I only play survival in Fallout 4.

    • @zakkmiller8242
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Do people think the vast emptiness of space is exciting in real life? Lmao

    • @peacemaker2023
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I like the idea of not fast traveling. But random events need to happen not the same ones over and over again in vanilla it kills the immersion. Makes traveling feel fake. Bethesda did a horrible job when it came to random encounters.

    • @ghostriderer6n09
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Check out the “starvival” mod. There are a lot of adjustable simulation aspects: food, fuel management, and ship and rover maintenance… And lots of other cool stuff. You can even choose to activate what you want. For example, if you just want the fuel simulation aspect… it’s possible.

    • @Herbnasty2178
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I’ll get back on if some one actually mods space into the game.

    • @lilturbo2657
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    The loot system in the game sucks I don’t get any good weapons

    • @BusinessMan1619
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    My game backlog is huge but I’ve been longing to give Starfield another try.

    • @serpenthydra
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Yeah, exactly what I thought. Fast travelling 26+ LY and then appearing outside Mars base w/o your spacesuit on, because you’d naturally just leave your ship and suffer the hazardous environment on the walk over before ‘suddenly’ remembering, is, like, totally normal!
    Also it removed all spectacle from the game. So what if you’re going to the far-flung reaches of nowhere when you’re just suddenly there.

    I also wish that the game forced you to airlock out/in – slow you down a bit. In fact they could have avoided loading screens altogether by using airlocks to load in/out assets for the next dungeon (though they do get a bit samey after awhile…)

    • @Bear-Knight
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I prefer the “immersive fast travel” paid mod. Settings for all fast travel, and no credit penalties for having “things” on your ship. My cargo is 115,000

    • @PSCortezz
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Putting a cost on fast traveling, only allowing it when aboard your ship and making it so you can’t move at all when over-encumbered.
    That seems to be the main things, according to the Mod page over on Bethesda. (Link in the video description, thanks for that.)

    But saying it changes the entire game is a bit overkill, no? Seems very click-bait’y.

    • @luismkts
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Man imagine that instead of just the credit cost of traveling, they could implement a real fuel mechanic and refuel your ship on spaceports, and definitely the best solution I think would be to travel there in “real time” just like star citizen does. But just hear me out I know that the engine has its limits and there is not really a physical space between the planets in game, how about instead once you hit travel the game just quick load a moving looping background or even just load a new “cell” that is the ship while in space travel. Then based on distance and mass it calculates the arrival time and once the timer is complete bang, load your destination. IMMERSIVE <3 LoL

    • @scang7107
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    The Starfield dynamic is what you want it to be… Do you want a constant stream of events? Run through the story, quests, factions and there will always be something happening and you will see most of the hand-crafted content. Do you want to explore space slowly? Do not use fast travel, carefully study star systems for random events… Abandoned, drifting ships, contacts with other ships, all this is always found and you will feel the real scale of the game. The choice is up to the player and no mods are needed)

    • @GtheMVP
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Does it always show your ship landing? I hate that you only get it once per location, then you just teleport there.

    • @ValterUngerson
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    This is great feedback. Send the request to Bethesda to have the fast travel disabled. Great video ❤👍🏻

    • @misapheonix
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    As usual, limitation in an open world game makes it objectively better!

    • @bossredd-77
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I’m still playing Starfield

    • @johnathanday3011
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I don’t play Starfield as much not because I don’t like it but love it due to being filling my Trekkie nerd fantasy. Mainly got so many other games trying out and really enjoyed shattered space and looking forward to next dlc whenever that’ll be. Thinking about a role play series sometime soon, will be my first in trying to act out a story even if it is the main story about exploration.

    • @j_hutchinson
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Past games had fast travel, they didnt have this problem ….

    • @LadyAnnt
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I did not like Starfield at first, but when i stop and slowed down…….to just explore………….I fell in love with Starfield.

    I want to get this mod, slow travel, and the mod author’s helium 4 mod, (really like this mod author’s mods) but i am afraid slow travel and helium 4 mod will conflict with Tn’s new mod, Out in Blackness.

    • @DM_Rid
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I’ve been playing Starfield again for the last month as well. I enjoyed the hell out of the game when it launched, but I will say this particular mod doesn’t really do it for me. It quickly loses its appeal after playing for 10 hours or more. After a certain point, it’s what I’d best describe as “tedious” and I really do enjoy realistic settings/mods that make games more realistic. Limiting fast travel is certainly fun, and it’s a wholly different way to play. I lost interest pretty fast though and uninstalled. (Especially because I’ve already spent so much time in Starfield).

    I feel like travelling and moving around the world are sadly the weakest points of the game. Especially on planets filled with identical flora/fauna, a lack of points of interest, or just anything all that interesting to find in general.

    • @teknogear1705
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I don’t mind seeing some gameplay of mods like this, not the run and gun down everything videos i see a lot of on YouTube.

    • @chadsct1
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Teleporting no, loading screens yes.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Technically speaking the grav jump is a form of teleporation as opposed to travelling through deep space. Its connecting spaces from star heliosphere to star heliosphere without needing to go out of a solar system.

    • @adamt9027
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Idk, Once I realized the only thing of value is experience points, I stopped fast traveling through space. Looks like a cool mod though, thanks for sharing.

    • @LixRG
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Somehow, this video got recommended to me even though I haven’t touched Starfield since its launch month. But this mod looks interesting, I might give the game a second chance. Thanks!

    • @ramen_guru
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Great tip! Thanks!

    • @schnitzelman93
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Really been having the itch to play again, just waiting for the next update

    • @AlvinWillistonDavis
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    God Starfield is gorgeous!

    • @soiltek2015
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    Great video. Never forget the joy of Concord. 😂

    • @gameseekerm
    • 2025年 3月 14日 9:55pm

    I just started playing Starfield again! Thanks for the video!