Bethesda keeps talking about Starfield, but I’m worried about Elder Scrolls VI.

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Bethesda has been talking about Starfield updates but they haven’t been talking about Elder Scrolls 6 and the leaks, new reports, talks of a new release date, and so much more that have been going on as they starve us for information, but looking at their pattern and what they’ve done with Starfield, I’m not very confident in ES6.


00:00 Intro
3:50 Bethesda is working on Starfield?
5:23 Design Trends From Fallout 4
7:53 Bethesda Doesn’t Learn (Shattered Space)
12:49 Evolution Carried Forward
16:52 Technology and the Competition.

Taqs:trailer,gamespot,ign,gameranx,endymion,asmongold,luke stephens,ac infinity,ubisoft,star wars,star wars outlaws,skull and bones,prince of persia,mugthief,ubisoft collapse,legendary drops,bellular,concord,sony,fair games,gaming news,video games,bethesda,penguinz0,moistcritical,someordinarygamers,mutahar,luke stephens starfield,starfield shattered space,starfield dlc,starfield review,starfield shattered space review,mrmattyplays,skyrim,skyblivion,oblivion


  • コメント (473)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @Mugthief
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    • @matthewryan2060
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I heard they are going to add craft-able pirate ships in ES 6 and I definitely think that’s going to be a horrible idea.

    • @thekingofhim
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I don’t really care anymore. The Bethesda of old is long gone. Even if a new ES gets made I wouldn’t expect much of it.

    • @Megawrench-f8s
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Outward is a great little indie game! 😀 co-op even better! Sequel on its way!

    • @vergil_vt
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda motto rush the game in a buggy mess and let the community fix it.

    • @RLLZYGaming
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Crazy how bethesda have made so few games recently that Fallout 4 is considered recent.. it was a decade ago

    • @brandonmyers4050
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I played oblivion for the first time last year and I absolutely ADORED it. Put 80 hours in like it was nothing. Genuinely blew me away with how well the quests were designed and how different they are. It legit felt like an RPG.

    Playing kingdom come deliverance makes me think that that’s what a Bethesda game should look like in 2025. There’s really no excuse why Bethesda’s games have made the RPG elements take a back seat. Starfield felt like everyone that played it had a very similar experience but if 1000 people play kingdom come they are gonna have ENTIRELY different experiences. And that’s what I miss about Bethesda.

    • @yusted1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I think theyve given up on elder scrolls. Even if they release one we all know its gonna suck hard

    • @TheRavenShadowsWolf
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the Elder Scrolls 6 – There’s your first problem.

    Also, I’m guessing you have a thing for Smurfs? Because that’s a lot of blue balls in your future…

    Sad part is I bet that Granny that they commemerated in Skyrim won’t actually live to see the day ES6 does come out at this rate. Of course, that might be a good thing. It’ll take even longer before they patch any of the bugs out, and you all know it.

    * A new Xbox Console… I literally just bought the series X this (technically last…) year. For my birthday in November. They don’t need a new freaking console – they need actual games on the console they just put out that weren’t from a generation or two before it. : /

    – Technology
    – Evolution
    – Direction.
    You want to TED Talk. xD Priceless

    • @Siropfraiseeuboom
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The engine is simple but it needs more stuff in

    • @hankdedalus
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Beth not talking about TES6 fills me with a dread.

    • @sorenvalen
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    i belivie the reason they stay with that engin is look at unreal engine 3 games on nexus mods you cant mod really on unreal engine i think unreal will heavely limit moder capialtys imgaine a elder scrolls game where you can only change to the looks of asset not make or ad world spaces even dungeions i dont think unreal is the answere sadly look at all the heavey modded games you will see a trend unreal mods are nouthing more than conmitic and not poplar iamgain you have to wait on bethesda to acuttly do a unoffical patch worth of bug fixes you can only swap assets in unreal games or code in a cheat or give items in very qiunitys the reason is bethesda cant make a good game without mods and a doubt that will change starfeild was the aboulte issue of you put the worst type of game and put it on creation i think starfeild needs for next entiry to be droping unreal but i dont like fallout of elder scrolls need to be remember one of the things only the creation egin so far can do is the thing where each items if you bump into is is hasphyics sometimes jankky phyics but phyics on any object that is not nailed down

    • @artinotsoparty
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Ugh, yeah i am tired of this Unreal Engine discussion. UE isnt the answer and most certainly not for a Bethesda game. All of you clowning yourselfs if you think UE would be good for a Bethesda game. Name me ONE UE big open world game that has no issues and works good while ALSO offer the shenanigans that the creation engine does.

    • @artinotsoparty
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield needs MAJOR reworking. Its as deep as a puddle in EVERY aspect of the game. Be it story, gameplay or rpg mechanics. It lacks depth in all of them and this means Bethesda would need to redo the game from ground up for it to be truely a success. Despite what many people say, i like the game engine. It sure has weaknesses but those would be easy to fix compared to the other criticism i have. And lets be honest….graphics aint the everything because otherwise we wouldnt have success stories like Stardew Valley or minecraft.

    • @jessep5280
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    This is textbook poisoning the well.

    He’s expressing concern so that once they finally do start talking about TESVI, he can reinforce the concern and create a narrative that’ll keep you guys coming back.

    This is how rage bait content creators farm engagement and generate views. It’s a manipulation of the audience. It’s a piracy of thought.

    Bethesda hasn’t said or shown a thing about TESVI.

    • @chadwolf3840
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    ES6 is cooked. Zero percent chance those blue haired land whales that wrote Starfield are going to do a good job with ES6.

    • @millax-ev6yz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I liked fallout 4. Does that mean i would like starfield?

    • @suxix7312
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    4:44 A new gaming computer is like a $3000 commitment. And after a year it’s getting obsolete already. Ps5 for what? For what game that I can’t already get on my PS4? I dunno if its just because I’m getting older or the gaming industry is really that greedy, but it doesn’t even feel worth it to me anymore as much as I would love to have a new gaming computer.

    • @kentowakai1234
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Why does it matter? We’ve got Dragon Age. Elderscroll 6 is totally unnecessary. I’ve learned about coffee, pronouns, coffee, more pronouns, bear fettishes…what else do you need in a game?

    • @Illaexur
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    disagree with you blaming engine, CE is better than UE5 for mods miles ahead of

    • @xiNerdLordix
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    You almost had me until you started yapping about them changing to Unreal. Sorry but I like modding these games. This argument is so stupid.

    • @amysteriousviewer3772
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    TES 6 needs to be at the very least up to KCD 2 standards in terms of immersion and presentation if it’s going to succeed. Skyrim with better graphics will not be enough. The Bethesda formula has run its course and needs a complete overhaul.

    • @jw5280
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    the Fallout 4 hate is fucking inept

    • @ZayJayPlays
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield: Elder Scrolls in Space.
    Elder Scrolls VI: Elder Scrolls on the ground.

    • @darkfoxxbunyip
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I am not at all worried. I have accepted ages ago, that Skyrim is the last good Elder Scrolls game we’ll ever get. No studio, no dev team, is able to do better, since the talent has been lost.
    Play Skyrim, enjoy, do not worry about the next game since it can only ever be bad.

    • @Art_and_Logic
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’ll tell you what TES VI was about… Redguard…and they had such a woke story that was painful AF to get through…even though I begged them not to go the woke route… Now they are probably remaking the story.

    • @Zilron38
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda “come on guys, a video game where you visit empty planets with almost nothing to do there is the peak of video game entertainment… right?”

    • @ryanlandes6849
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    It should be called Elderly Scrolls 6 because we’ll all be very old when that game comes out..

    • @shadylamp2kk
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    the scale of sparked curiosity launched by bethesda games hasn’t increased, if anything they’ve shrunk their ambition or at least failed to recapture the same fun feeling of mystery in their games and at their core, the functionality in these games hasn’t improved. if they miss on either of these marks for elderscrolls 6 like they did starfield it’ll flop. I can’t state it any clearer.

    • @NoMaamNo
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    When you’re backed by MS why would you care? You know you’re getting a check. Just pretend as long as possible and suck on that sweet sweet Bill Gates teet.

    • @Julian_Gio
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Noone asked for Starfield, Bethesda pulled it out of nowhere. Not saying it’s good or bad. Just saying. Why can’t we get an Oblivion or Morrowind remaster? Skyrim wasn’t as good as Oblivion IMO. When is the next Elder Scrolls?

    • @NTGJaguar
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I guess I gave up Bethesda Skyrim had a good open world mediocre story I’m back on the Witcher 3 and waiting on Blood of the Dawnwalker Starfield was a L I have 60hrs and I can say it was a L I would rather play The Outerworlds just saying

    • @Stinkydew0
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    All our big name devs from childhood are just failing.

    EA, used to make some good and fun sports games. Ssx tricky was a blast

    Ubisoft, AC1 was revolutionary.

    Blizzard fell from having some top tier games to being awful

    Hell even Rockstar going the route of losing fans. I’m personally on the fence about GTA 6 after the 50 remasters and only supporting online

    • @ckstuckey4386
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Let me tell you something. The game shouldn’t be made. Certainly not by Bethesda. If you can’t anticipate how BAD the game is going to be, you need to pause and reevaluate your relationship with reality . Todd is a LIAR, that’s all he can do is lie. Until he and his cronies are removed from the picture, it’s going to continue. So you can take your optimism about ANY title Bethesda might produce and toss it in the incinerator. As it stands, the whole creative department should be put out to pasture.

    • @aquelehiru
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    6:14 i dont think that any of your choices matter in Bethesda games since at least Oblivion (New Vegas is exception but also not Bethesda)

    • @ShadowXII
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I don’t care that Cyberpunk is a good game. I’m not buying it, I’m going to continue to punish the publisher for releasing a broken, buggy, unplayable mess, and I really wish that I was not the vast minority in this opinion.

    • @AleksanderNevskij47
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    You did not cut your hair… What happened?

    • @dabbingtoast7743
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The older I get, the more I look back and realize that Bethesda just makes bad or mediocre games with interesting open worlds. Then you have Starfield which is bad and has a boring open world.

    We ain’t trending in the right direction folks.

    • @TheUgliestBarnacle
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Is Emil Pagliarulo still working at Bethesda? If so, I ain’t got any hope for any future Bethesda releases.

    • @Eraiyna
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I feel as if Fallout 4 was still really good. I still haven’t really seen an in depth analysis of why “everyone” hates Fallout 4. It could be me, but, if seem just as shooter-y as say, Fallout 3 or New Vegas. The stories acrossed those 3 fallouts seem about even with each other when it comes to story and decisions? They all have a fairly similar perks and points system? Maybe the gunplay is slightly better in Fallout 4? Some of the side quests are slightly better written in New Vegas? I can admit the Fallout 4 main story wasn’t as great since you got railroaded a bit more in your primary role; you are a mom or dad war veteran/lawyer. But in New Vegas you are the courier/mailman, seeking revenge on who shot you in the head. In Fallout 3 you are some vault dweller ( like in 4). It’s not like the roles are oh so different in what you get to start as, but you get to choose how you go about your story. Sure in Fallout 4 you start off being a mommy/daddy but you can certainly turn into a ruthless asshole murdering everyone and even destroy each faction and eventually tell your son to fuck off when you find him. Or you can be a goody two shoes. Or you can choose a little between. Or you can fuck off from the story. Sure it’s not Baldur’s gate 3 levels of story choices. But neither is Skyrim, everyone’s golden goose. In fact Skyrim’s not even that good either in my opinion. Morrowind’s way better, if clunkier and more outdated. But someone’s gonna come in and scream about how Daggerfall’s the best.

    • @pluto940
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    as soon as starfield released i lost hope for ES6

    • @xKingRognarx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    but another thing is that UE is not cure it all thingy and it has some downsides, sooo without full knowledge of how both of them work you can’t really say which is better choise
    it might be as simple as that people at bethesda just incompetent and no matter what tools they use they cant make a good game
    (GGG have their own engine and and it works for them nicely)

    • @xKingRognarx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    tbh even if you use engine like Unreal, you still need to make your own tools and extensions
    i don’t know how much work was put in their engine but i bet that personalizing UE would be faster

    • @vincentninja68
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    anyone else completely forget Bethesda existed after starfield

    • @cass.undefined
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    We’re getting Bethesda outsourced to India :^)

    • @ASquirrelNecromancer
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Honestly, my partner was really hoping Starfield would be good since it’s a new franchise but all it did was further expose how lazy, uncreative and greedy Bethesda is.

    • @straightjak1t
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    After Starfield, no one should be excited for ES6.

    • @TheMichaellathrop
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    On the proceduraly generated end of things I could easily see having all the big islands be hand crafted, but the small ones and the exact placement of things like ship wrecks be procedural. The big thing I would like to see them take another crack at is having some proceduraly generated dungeons including cave systems which seems less likely to make the world feel too bland and will help with the replayabilety… assuming they can get that to work without you constantly clipping through the world.

    • @jsmith434w
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    22:25 literally nothing about the game changed except for bug fixes. JFC those cyberpunk shills never stop

    • @emptyforrest
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    every Bethesda games feels worse than the previous one. the only actual improvement from game to game is graphical. and still by industry standard it too is sub par/dated. i have no doubt ES6 will be any diffrent. i dont have any high hopes for that game what so ever.

    • @OiWhiskey
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    A lot of new employees who are coming into the ganes industry are comfortable using unreal because that’s what they used in the schools.

    • @trollstheking2636
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    i don’t believe they even started concept art for Elder scrolls

    • @dh8203
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I would love to see Bethesda bringing the ship customization tech to fallout as a mobile base, but you’re spot on about how critical it is that the world isn’t the extremely lazy procedural generation system from Starfield. In a game about exploration it’s kind of important that the places you’ve been and the exploration you’ve done exist for the whole game, and not just the current moment. If going back to a place you were before results in a similar, but different random location, you’re in a house of smoke and mirrors, not a vast world to explore.

    • @frankkent5567
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Your worry is warranted, Mug. 🤔

    • @NolessHuman
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Good video

    • @Moscatinka
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    As a software developer of 25+ years and an avid Skyrim modder, I think it’s important to understand for gamers that the creation engine, for all its clunkiness, is the only engine that can simulate physics and object-permanence on essentially every object in the game. And that it can do that because of systems that are tied to that clinkiness and outdated feel. In other words, if they make the next ES in UE, or RedEngine, or whatever, that Elder Scrolls game will not have that, or only have it to a much, MUCH lesser extent. I’m sure you have seen the “Skyrim vs Avowed” videos, you need to understand that if Bethesda changes engine, you will see the same videos, highlighting the same differences, but then it will be “Skyrim vs ES6”, and ES6 will look the same as Avowed in that comparison.
    Just consider for a moment how many actual permanent physical objects there are in Cyberpunk. Named NPCs. The Player Car. Perhaps a few quest objects like Bartmoss’ final resting place. That’s pretty much it. The rest is either not physical, or a temporary object that disappears when you leave the area and resets when you come back (like all the unnamed NPCs, Traffic, the stuff a soda machine hacked with “Distract Enemies” spits out, or rubble that came off exploded cars). Would ES still be an ES game if it didn’t have that? Maybe. Would ES still be a Bethesda game if it didn’t have that? It definitely would not feel like one.
    I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing (I haven’t made up my own mind about that yet) but I think more non-coders need to understand this before they start shouting that Bethesda should switch engines. Because if you don’t realize this, ES6 is going to be just as big a letdown as Avowed was.

    • @linop2
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I sincerely hope that Bethesda stays away from the Unreal Engine. There’s so much wrong with every studio going to it with every genre you can think of and it’s really not all that good if you want to deviate a great deal from the Sony style single player game.

    I’d rather them completely re-code the creation engine so than do anything with Unreal. Which most likely means trying to get people that made it in the first place to come back for a time, so no telling how feasible that is.

    • @AncientAccomplishments
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’m looking at ES6 as the next game from the studio that made Starfield and NOT the sequel to Skyrim. And I’m assuming most people are looking at it like that too. Bethesda lost our trust after the fifth Skyrim remake and fumbled pretty much everything since. ES6 is NOT being made by the same developers that made Skyrim or FO3 – don’t forget that.

    • @jkvintageanalog8489
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I think whats wrong with bethsada is todd howard maybe its time for him to step back he just doesnt have the vision any more. He has ruined the past few games so yeah. He just dont got it. In fact hes never really had the abilitly to make anything truly deep. Add to that he getting even worse and pushes his crappy ideas on the devs and you get starfield.

    • @ichigokage
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    They never have learned their lesson and never will. They received applause for adding NPCs into 76. That is pathetic. Unless Todd and Emil are sacked, BGS will get worse and worse. With the braindead diehards only kissing their asses more and more.

    • @_Kakoosh
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Todd has been obsessed with Starfield for so long. Like just let it go man, it ain’t it

    • @AlHyckGaemsTAD
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Advocating against proprietary game engines is an incredibly bad take. Moving towards a consolidation of a select few engines like Unity and Unreal is essentially advocating for monopoly.

    I don’t think that there is an issue with the Creation Engine, we’ve seen what mods can come out of Skyrim and Fallout which were built on the engine. They can simulate combat, environments, and narrative on par with Cyberpunk, Witcher, Dark Souls and Assassin’s Creed. The issue with Bethesda is a director issue, a leadership issue, Todd and Pagliarulo have shown no interest in capitalizing on the strengths of their studio, instead they are attempting to diversify the system involvement focusing on specialized mechanics, like; multiplayer, survival, and proc-gen.

    • @sojoubundo
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’m really not looking forward to it, I have no idea why they announced it so early only to announce they JUST started pre-production AFTER the blunder that was starfield.

    • @ikwilgeenkanaalzeur
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Love elder scrolls, but their other games like fallout and starfield just don’t do it for me.

    • @rockjianrock
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Emil: players don’t care about the story, they just wanna build shacks

    Meanwhile, epicnate drops a 2hr long lore video about M’aiq the Liar, 230k views in 24hrs.

    • @toby3695
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    After the boring mess that was Starfield I have no expectations for ES6 to be good

    • @Mithrevan
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    mfw Mugthief never cut his hair after reaching the 50k sub milestone

    • @nlmnyc
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Reminder to everyone to install and play Fallout London! What a triumph. So good.

    • @koezypdx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield is still the CSPAN of RPG’s.

    • @Xalantor
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The engine is just a convenient scapegoat for the real problem. A lack of passion and ability. Look at what modders can do with the very limited access they have to the creation kit. Animation bugs, texture resolutions and wonky AI was never the big problem with Bethesda’s games.
    It’s a lack of vision and the staunch refusal to accept and incorporate criticism from their most dedicated fanbase. Just look at how they took the justified Starfield criticisms. They went full retard and blamed their fans for playing wrong.

    The pervasive DEI culture put incompetent people in lead roles where they never belonged in the first place. And not to forget hacks like Emil Pagliarulo outright dismissing the need for good stories since “players will fold your story into a paper airplane” anyway. And on top of all of that, Todd “King of Lies” Howard himself. The magic system gets more and more gutted each release since Todd’s favorite DnD class is the barbarian and as he stated multiple times over the years “who’s interested in magic if you can hit them with a sword anyway”. Their proud lack of a coherent design document leading to a disjointed game in all aspects is just the icing on this shit cake.

    Sure Bethesda has not really invested in improving the Creation Engine for decades, but let’s not kid ourselves here and say that the lack of a new engine is the only or even the main problem they have.

    I am certain that even if you gave Bethesda 10 more years to familiarize themselves with Unreal for example you’d still get a mediocre game lacking in meaningful choices, compelling story, intriguing characters and a reactive world. Because they just do not have both the leadership or the talented staff to make it happen in the first place.

    • @achicirno8523
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    You think we’re getting a bethesda, I thinking we are getting another Piranha Bytes who is gonna have a long LOOOONG death.

    • @RobinT.H-D.E.S
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Couldn’t harldy stand Shattered space. The wokie 🤡 looking characters. Even worse performance somehow. I skipped all the cut scenes and dialogue.
    Im still optimistic for the Elder Scrolls Vl. But just as much cautious

    • @adamemedia3139
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    ES6 is going to suck, isnt it?

    • @streakingclothed
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    isn’t a smaller, more focused elite team working on ESVI what we wanted??

    • @DragonslayerGaming
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The last time i needed a certain console to play a game, Helldivers 2 (I dont have a pc) and spiderman 2 (pc=still aint got that sh*t)

    • @ThrobbGoblin
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Since they made every friendly NPC in Starfield immortal, the only logical progression would be to make all of the enemies immortal too!
    I can’t wait for Elder Scrolls VI: World Peace.

    • @HazeNades
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Honestly im not even excited for Elder scrolls. So many great series have been butchered over the years that im just expecting it now. We already know even when the game finally does come put its gonna have missing content so they can sell it back to you in paid mods

    • @rhettshanley8712
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Would not be surprised if ES6 Is officially announced along side a trailer for it when the new Xbox console is announced. People will flock for miles to buy a new Xbox if ES6 is an exclusive/is out on Xbox first.

    • @corwyncorey3703
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    You still give a shit about anything Bethesda says about anything? You expect them to release anything at all? You think they are worth talking about in any way anymore?

    Aww, aren’t you adorable! Bless your heart. **

    • @robotron1236
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Honestly, I’ll never buy another BGS game on a console. I bought Skyrim on PS3, then 4, then XBox One (the mods were better), then PC and the PC version is way more stable than Xbox and I have like a 100gb mod list 😂

    • @spa1ktc
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’ve played TES since Morrowind. One of my favourite game series.
    Sadly, Bethesda will not deliver a TES VI anywere near expectations, it’s a fact. It’s simply not within their capability anymore, there are many reasons for this. As a matter of fact I don’t think they would even be able to reproduce Skyrim now if it hadn’t been out already.
    Folks, keep expectation LOW, don’t get caught in any hype when / if it starts.

    • @woodsgump
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield was “okay” when I played it at launch. Like I did all the side quests and factions then stopped playing the main quest. Literally Skyrim in space.

    Never considered going back to Starfield unless mods come to spice things up. As a gamer I’ve played pretty much all Bethesda games, far back as Morrowind which is pretty sweet. I’m more longing for Oblivion only because that game really impressed and have a good feeling the 100+ hours I’ve put into it.

    • @robotron1236
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    To be fair, BGS has been using procedural generation since Morrowind, maybe even earlier.

    • @robotron1236
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The problems with BGS are the same problems that every other AAA studio is having. They’re focusing too much on graphics at the expense of gameplay and storytelling and they’re also being infected with weird gender ideology because of ESG requirements from investors.

    • @O_Draws
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The biggest problem with the idea of Bathesda moving away from the Creation Engine is you instantly make modding way more difficult of a proposition – especially when it comes to Unreal Engine. Keep in mind that the next Cyberpunk game will likely be unmoddable, because it’s being developed on UE5. I’ll gladly put up with CE, if it means easy modding.

    • @VNYRDS
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I WAS excited for ES6 but now I really don’t care.

    • @imALazyPanda
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda’s problem isnt really CE, its theyve gotten complacent, lazy and are dumbing down their games. One needs only to look at what mods can do on the CE to see that its not the CE’s fault. Open cities, more action based and dynamic combat, bossed with interesting mechanics are all possible on the CE, they just dont do it.

    I hope they do not move to UE under any circumatances as someone who has worked with UE(mostly UE4). I think the oblivion remake in UE will be a big dissapointment when people realize what they cannot do to it. Itll look pretty(probably) but thats really UEs big draw, easy(relatively) to use and can look really nice. In my, limited, experience UE is not great for heavily systems driven games.

    • @flameloude
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I still belive ES6 will be the start of the real downfall for Bethesda if they don’t get it right

    • @DebiDalio
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I have extremely low expectations for ES6. Bethesda is going to have to knock it out of the park for me to buy it.

    • @syndicalist-0
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I know one thing…ES6 will be awful.

    • @Grenetpr
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    if Bethesda f*cks up the next TES, it’s done for good

    • @Mario53415
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Yap: the channel

    • @Danny-ko4zl
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    To be honest, I’m pretty sure everyone on the planet wants Bethesda to just stfu about Starfield and every other game aside from TES6….. Just concentrate on making a good game. You’ve had nearly 15 years to do so……

    • @Hardek19
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    “Ignoring the critics” – Emil P.

    • @SireDragonChester
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda does NOT have skilled devs/staff or coders. The very fact they still using creation game engine that is STILL base on Xbox 360/ps3 code is proof of how out touch they truly are. We know this Cus Starfield has thousand of loading screens. Proof the devs are too under-skilled/lazy? and they don’t know how code for today NVME Ssd that are in both current gen consoles and pc.

    Creation game is OLD and needs be retired. They need switch to different game engine. As for modding capability, going with different game engine would ruin this is bullshit. Any other newer game engine is better then old outdated creation engine. But Bethesda will never switch and you don’t see ms doing anything to help them make better games.

    Love both Elder scroll games and Fallout games. But as other have said. Got zero faith for next Elder Scroll 6 game. We’re suppose get remaster of Oblivion and fallout 3 and still haven’t gotten word about them. The fallout 4 remaster was a joke. Slap on up scaled graphics /60 fps option on current gen console and that was about it. And broke thousand of mods lol.

    • @KunaX3
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    After Kingdom Come 2 and how ambitious Light no Fire seems to be, what can they bring to the table if they don’t ditch that horrible engine.

    • @thelaughingrouge
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I was a ride or die fanboy for Bethesda for years, but I have zero faith that TES6 will be even playable at this point. Every game they’ve put out in the last few years has been worse than the last.

    • @bread7932
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Have to say it even though you didn’t the engine age isn’t the problem, Unreal just for example comes from the Quake Engine which came out a year before Gamebryo which the Creation engine comes from.

    The issue is that your wrong on your comment at 20:25, they haven’t been updating and pushing it forward like Larian Studios and RockStar have with their inhouse engines despite now having the people to do so their fixation with one game at a time has lead to band aids and duck taped on new systems which in turn is where the performance issues come in. There are still issues and bugs that have existed since Morrowind if you need an indication that they aren’t updating the engine.

    • @jmppodcast
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield was such a waste of time. They should have just had one team working on starfield and another working on elder scrolls. Not dedicate all resources to this lame passion project that no one wanted.

    • @gattzflappa6306
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda have already said elder scrolls 6 will take place in the iliac bay and feature ship building. Get ready for ES6 to be a loadscreen/ fast travel simulator just like starfield.

    • @hawkabomb
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Y’all have it all wrong. It’s not the engine. It’s the creative directors/designers and engineers.

    An engine is just a tool. Either the designers are just not interested in making what we want to see, or the engineers are just not capable in programming it.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda needs to forget elders scroll and move to Starfield. Starfield is that 10/10 epic game

    • @tjhedgescout3052
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The engine “can” do more, but Bethesda aren’t very savvy with their own engine, otherwise they would have fixed legacy bugs years ago, possibly decades ago.
    And yeah they keep tacking stuff on without prior optimization to the engine, causing it to be more and more demanding as they keep adding to it.

    • @rpgden4553
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I honestly don’t care about the Elder Scrolls anymore. 15 years later?? I’ve gone through 4 cars in that time. 3 generations of console. The kid who was named “Dovahkiin” is almost done with high school! I will be retired before ES6 comes out.

    • @SwingVoter-hz6nn
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda will screw up Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I’m not going to get them when/if they come out. It’s like expecting good content from Disney+. One or two good nuggets for hours of sifting refuse.

    • @xLyer809
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I knew Starfield was bad when todd said 1,000 planets.

    • @partymcfly5549
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Please stop putting the “just move to unreal” meme into the zeitgeist. Unreal engine is god-awful and makes everything feel the same. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • @KevinMole-cj3kl
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I didn’t like starfield at all it was a loading screen and has boring has hell it deserved to be a flop lets hope the elder scrolls is better

    • @soulward6334
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Pattern recognition. Bethesda is following the same pattern of all the other great studios we made famous. Poor release after poor release. If they could make a good game they would. Zero confidence the next elder scrolls will be of the same quality. They are simply incapable of doing it.

    • @shogenx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    personally I want them to keep working on starfield 🙁 the game has alot of room to be even better then it is

    • @villen2020
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    TES put on the backburner for Starfield????😂😂😂. I get Todd doesnt want to be known as the “Elder Scrolls” studio. I dont want Bethesda to be known as the company who relies on its modders to fix their game either. But hey we dont always get what we want.

    • @AlexandriaJesser87
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    But if Bethsaida switches to unreal engine 5 they would have to get used to it and take awhile like a few years

    • @MatthewGDunlap
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The main issues with Bethesda are
    1. design by committee; the studio is ~4x the size it was when Skyrim was made, too many people, too many managers.
    2. I think they are suffering hugely from the sunk cost fallacy with their engine. UE is fine for a FPS, but they would have to put in a lot of back end work to make a TES game. If the oblivion remake is actually happening in UE5, this might be the reason; Key developers help a separate studio work out the world simulation stuff to make a TES game work, they test the engine on the oblivion remake, and get feedback and polish the systems for TES6.

    If they are working on TES6 now, that means they already made the switch to UE5, otherwise it is still creation engine and bethesda is already cooked.

    • @Scarecr0wn
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    As a huge space nerd, I am gonna just say one thing. The procedural generation is not the main problem, the problem is how Bethesda used it with combination of their ancient tech that require constant loads, the small fishballs for in-space encounters and planets being separated to just infinite small rectangles of nothing. We would be talking completely differently if the space was actual space, if you could actually travel somewhere, if the whole experience was not just hopping between tiny boring areas. I´ve been crying for proper space RPG for very long time. Sad they botched it.

    • @wackywarrior001
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Based on star field , there is no elder scrolls 6 , mod Skyrim , and move on .

    • @torgeist.
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Morrowind will be forever a part of me!
    now I feel sad 🙁

    • @akatsukicloak
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Handcrafted content alone will not make the game great, it would make it mildly passable.

    • @roadrollada287
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Very off topic, because I really don’t feel hopeful or excited for anything Bethesda related, but man, you sound a LOT like Gale from BG3, sometimes it felt even uncanny, the inflexions were way too similar, you even have the long hair to accompany it.

    • @LeonmitchelliGalette
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    It’s very bad thing spreading among audience – that Creation Engine is so bad and so outdated – it should be thrown away and use new shiny hyped stuff!
    1st – it’s not an engine problem that you mentioned, it’s people problem around that engine.
    2nd – game engines (in studio made ones) are not stone bricks that frozen in time. It’s code available to tinker, change and tweak. It’s fluid base that can be shaped into what company needs without bloats and unpredictable behavior. And most modern shiny tech – can be coded in by any competent enough staff that works on engine.
    3rd – if they throw away own engine and switch to new modern shiny tool – that not means they magically spawn new staff that experienced with it on a level as they with own creation.
    4th – in-house engine do not have license fees and working on internals of such engine creates and trains new personnel. And trains in a way that company needs.
    Most Starfield problems are design based, not engine.
    You mentioned Kingdom Come 2 as great example. But they also use extremely outdated and obsolete engine. Engine made not for RPG, but for shooter games. But… They have 15+ years of experience with it and able to shape in what they want.
    With CD Project situation – I don’t know, maybe they just lost all staff able to work and improve RedEngine and now they starting from blank sheet and do DEI-hire of new personnel.

    • @888brownies
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    dude elder scrolls 6 can be dookie, modders will do it justice

    • @Cold_Zero_The_Wise
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I mean, if they want to drop Elder Scrolls and make starfield their new postwr child i understand just be honest about it

    • @noctoi
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I personally could NOT possibly care any less for starfield. It’s almost as dead as Elder Scrolls, and I wish they’d just… stop flogging that dead horse. I’m utterly uninterested in *anything* they produce, unless they’re *actually going to write, finish, polish and upkeep any new games properly* . I’m done supporting companies that gleefully admit they expect the *paying customers* to finish producing the product they expect *us* to pay top dollar for.

    • @fraya9
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    If you’re like me and don’t play sci-fi or mmo games then Bethesda for all intents and purposes went bankrupt 15 years ago.

    • @CharlieMander843
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    ES6 is going to be a bunch of RedGuard life’s matter junk.

    • @jasonnchuleft894
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Based on the recent trajectory of Bethesda games I’d be surprised if what they’ll ship as TES VI can even be considered a RPG anymore. After all in AAA circles nowadays RPG basically means action adventure with level scaling purely to waste time and pump those engagement numbers 😶

    • @PrincessStabbityPLS
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Oblivion was among the first games I ever played, and which got me into core gaming in the first place (followed by Morrowind, which I ended up liking even more). So watching Bethesda’s slow decline throughout my life has been a special kind of depressing. It’s a grim reminder that no one ever deserves to stand on a pedestal, and that’s doubly true for brands. Whether it’s stagnation or evolution driven by the wrong priorities, it’s much easier to damage a beloved franchise than to improve it.

    But that said, it’s no reason not to try. I want to believe that there’s hope for TES6, and a redemption for Bethesda as a whole, but I have long grown out of blind faith. I’ll believe it when I see it, play it and can take it apart to see what makes it tick.

    • @ryansamaxyz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I wasn’t able to play 76 I didn’t buy starfield I’m. Not buying es6 unless it’s good they have to justify the price.

    • @Moe-od7yt
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Look …. F4 was leagues better than Starfield bro lmao… DO NOT lump them into the same category. What we will get in the future is Starfield quality.

    • @Artholos
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The space combat was super fun. But that was the only thing that was fun and once I did put game down I just never picked it back up lol. Rip, sad game.

    I railed against the people calling it ‘starfailed’ before it launched, but the egg was on my face lol. Starfailed indeed, big sad. I’m not gonna buy another Bethesda anything in the future until it’s both good af and on a HUGE sale. That’s the only way I can feel like I’m getting my money’s worth

    • @ShreddingFinn
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The last time an ES game was released, wokeness was not even in existence yet….

    • @diss-chargemaker
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I fully expect TES6 to be absolute dogshit and people won’t bother modding it if it’s as mid as Starfield.

    • @XxXuzurpatorXxX
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Dev here, game dev even. The _engine_ is not an issue in itself. It is a superposition of competence crisis and Beth internal corporate structure. If they wanted to keep Gamebryo up to date, they would.
    Even Unreal whatever version certainly has code that is 20 years old. You don’t develop 10 million code line engine in two years.

    • @vi6618
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    It took Epic Games almost 2 years to make the documentation for Unreal 5, and studios with already established engines are just jumping to that? I think it is a mistake. Don’t get me wrong I went to school and learned on Unreal, but I am scared for the future of gaming with the monopoly developing.

    • @ZeSgtSchultz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    We’re at least 6 years from a new elder scrolls

    • @Mamiya645
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda is just a name and ES6 will have white male humans be the baddies and everybody else especially redguard women the heroes. /jumps back into time machine

    • @plague180
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I didn’t see a single redeeming aspect of the game when I played star field. But maybe it’s because I got bored in a couple hours and I never picked it back up after the game crashed and lost my save data.

    • @Smittenz1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I have 0 faith that Elder Scrolls 6 will be good.

    • @VenymX
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Six is gonna be a day one release on game pass.

    • @rinkashiroikami9947
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    As someone who plays a heavily modded Skyrim to this day, I think Bethesda abandoning the creation engine is a bad idea

    • @Muddleglum
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’ve always been pretty easy to please. I’ve liked pretty much everything Bethesda’s done, some more than others. I just like to play the game I don’t get hung up on the writing so much, and other things(for example settlement building in fallout 4 I absolutely hate but I don’t have to do it). Despite the hate I figured it would be like most games, that I could at least play through Starfield’s main story and have a decent time. I just can’t do it.. I’ve played a decent way into it and I just can’t do it. I install it every now and then promising myself I just want to finish the campaign once. I play for 5 to 10 minutes not remembering where I was or where I’m supposed to be let alone start the main quest and I just uninstall again.

    • @buckrodgers1162
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    1: If Xbox themselves are to be believed… The “new Xbox” is a toaster, and a phone, and a PS5, and a PC.
    Xbox, is going the way of Sega.

    2: Fallout 4 main ending choices: Button 1, button 2, or button 3, after chasing down a macguffin that you are given no reason to care about.

    3: And if TES6 is in Hammerfel/High Rock, and the game contains ANYTHING other than a ‘Daggerfall like’ PGS (Procedural Generation System); People might as well just go back to playing Daggerfall. At least in Daggerfall, the PGS works, and does what it needs to do; Instead of spamming the same 5 or 6 ‘prefab dungeons’ everywhere.

    • @megaplexXxHD
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Ive seen at least 5 starfield fanboy channels who simply stopped making content for starfield. Apparently it took them a real long time to realise how bad the game actually is

    • @mr.carter0521
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Todd the fraud Howard

    • @AniwayasSong
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    If Bethesda actually gave a damn about the Fans/Clients, and actually EARNING MEGA $$$’s, they would have pursued the Skyrim Story/Universe a long, *LONG* time ago. Their online MMO is,,, one thing. For people who prefer a more cartoonish, silly setting. I for one, tried it, and found it,,, un-fun. For me (And millions more), playing a ‘Solo’ game is the thing. ‘I’ play when I want, as long as I want, and am not pressured or feel any obligation to making anyone else ‘Happy.’ (Not saying that’s a bad thing, but my gaming times are highly erratic, which makes ‘Me’ a terrible partner to pal around with).

    Skyrim V was my first introduction to this Universe, and I absolutely fell in love with it! An avid board Gamer of ‘D&D/AD&D, 1d20’ the Lore, Settings, Songs/Clothing and Armor styles scratched ALL my many itches for such a game! The ‘Mods’? omgs… That’s the delicious icing on an immense cake!

    So, nothing at all, for *HOW LONG NOW,* to see this massively popular game pursued? No clue why Bethesda chooses to ignore it, but THIS Fan/Player is more than fed up with THEIR disinterest! Bethesda is like Martin and his refusal to create the last book in his ‘GoT’ Story. They/He doesn’t give a damn about us, the Players/Readers, who HAVE invested our time/energy and $$$ into supporting it.

    Why give them a damn?

    • @KeytarArgonian
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I actually disagree on the engine. I think it’s absolutely the best engine for Bethesda BECAUSE of what it does. All of the Skyrim/Oblivion vs Avowed vids I see comparing them side by side to show exactly how bad Avowed’s interactability is showcases the engine. So it’s very strange seeing the same people saying ‘wow this is what Bethesda could do 15/11 years ago!’ are the same people saying ‘wow Bethesdas engine is dogshit!’ Just make it make sense.

    I like the clutter Bethesda’s engine is capable of. I like having a sword I drop have its own physics, sitting there for where I dropped for me to come back 300 hours later and toss it into a lake where it’s physics will cause it to sink, but if I did the same with an arrow it would float away. I have yet to see this replicated in any other engine.

    And I definitely do not want EVERYTHING to be on Unreal engine. The brain drain in the industry is real. That’s exactly why CDPROJEKT have dropped the Red engine.

    • @LooseyGooseTube
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Elder scrolls 6 will be the death of Bethesda. It will sell well but it will be the last straw for the fans. It might not even be worth modding. Their character design as far as personality and heart is long dead. The characters in Starfield were dead inside. They were just empty. The quests were boring, annoying, and immersion breaking due to constant loading screens. The worlds were empty obviously. And of course the creation engine is tired and needs to be put to rest. But they won’t. They won’t upgrade anything visually. It will be just as crap as Starfield and fallout 4. And just as buggy as fallout 76. ES6 will be the biggest failure of all time. That’s just my guess of course. Just based on how Bethesda has been declining for so many years and how the industry as a whole has been on the decline as far as Western developers. I for one won’t buy a Bethesda game just like I wouldn’t pay for somebody to give me their garbage and kick me in the nuts. I’m fine just waiting for a new game by Game Science, Fromsoft, Shift up, CDPR, or the dev Eclipse Glow Games that’s making Tides of Annihilation. Western devs (besides indie devs, they’re still doing good stuff) can go fuckin rot.

    • @ihave7sacks
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    TES6 will be made on the same broken engine.
    If there is a loading screen ( not counting fast travel ) in TES6 I will not buy it.

    • @MasticinaAkicta
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Oh right that game…
    Did anybody care?
    And TES VI, well… I expect to see another trailer that shows nothing much in about five years. And after that five years of nothing again.

    • @Xavril8
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    If you guys still think Elder Scrolls 6 is something to be looking forward to, you must be delusional….. You already cried about MH Wilds and atleast Capcom is still credible but…. boi we are talking about Bethesda here this video is for clicks only.

    • @JonBonZombie
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    As of November 2023, Bethesda Game Studios had 450 employees. Around 250 of those developers were assigned to Starfield.

    Is ir possible the rest went to work on the new Elder Scrolls?

    • @Cycon91
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The Oblivion remake is supposedly a “bolt on” solution. According to the leaks

    • @MaxPayne322X
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    There is no hope, just give up and move on, sorry.

    • @HangerHangar
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    It takes way too much “cope” to believe that anyone at Microsoft and Bethesda could coordinate a Bethesda release with a console release.

    • @FinGeek4now
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    The problem with Bethesda is the executive management. Its their decisions that is leading to all of the bad decisions being made with the development of their games. I won’t buy another one until they’re gone from the studio and all of the issues are fixed.

    • @prezzeruk4054
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I think bethesda lost its best talent, the team that built skyrim and earlier games, have long been scattered by the wind!
    If starfield was the best they could muster, bethesda is bethesda by name alone!!

    • @Mak10z
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I didn’t come back for shattered space because Starfield is pretty big on the ol SSD, and I needed the space for actual good games. I had to get through KCD1, before KCD2 launched… and then there was BG3, Stalker 2.. and Rogue Trader. all games about the same in drive space, but far FAR better games than Starfailed

    I think the Creation / Gamebryo engine are the reason for Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim / Fallout 3 / NewVegas’s LONG lifespans.. their tools dont change all that much between games. so modding is more or less samey from game to game. if you know how to mod morrowind, a lot of those skills translate pretty well to oblivion and fallout 3. I mean if they cleaned up some of their technical debt with the engine, I think it would work well in the future. but relying on screenspace ‘gels’ to change colors is so 3 gens ago. work on a real global illumination system please.

    • @ShadowXII
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’m not going to waste any energy even following ES6. So done with Bethesda. No faith.

    • @Direwoof
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Anyone having high hopes for ES 6 is high on copium. It’s going to be full of DEI m8 and woke-slop. Bethesder hasn’t made a good game in literally fourdeen yrs lol.

    • @7magicnumber
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    why are you worried ? it will be like all bethesda games, absolute dog shit release, wait a year for the modders to fix it and then enjoy it.

    • @iodragon9454
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    As long as Todd and Emil are working on ES6 there is no hope for it sadly.

    Starfield was Todds baby, his magnum opus, his greatest game yet! I think it was his “high note” which he was going to retire on. And we all know the results but todd denies that existence, he will throw as much staff as he can to keep working on the game till it becomes well loved. Which means less staff working on ES6.

    Emil thinks he is the smartest person in the room at any time. He did an “ok” job dark brotherhood questline in oblivion, (which I feel only got more hype because people love assassins so much) and rode that success and failed upwards ever since. As long as he sits at the helm of the story line its going to be barely passable if not flat out a sinking ship.

    • @blueshadow3794
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Skyrim released in the same year that the first Dark Souls released, let that sink in.

    • @slopedarmor
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Whining about the engine again, as if they cant modify the engine to get rid of loading screens. An engine is like 1000 different software programs together. Ps modders are not game developers. Theyre modders.

    • @EasyGameEh
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    i think overall design, including writing and quest design, attention to detail and general passion to make a good game outweigh limitations of the engine. just look at enderal of fo london – you don’t need new shiny tech and mechanics to make your game great. same with fnv and fo3 – you take the same engine and in 18 months you get completely different experience. heck, even going back to kotor/kotor2 – it was night and day between those two, they were the same engine wise, but the difference in design approach was striking from the very beggining of kotor2.

    • @bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I don’t trust Bethesda to create anything more compelling than paint drying on walls at this point.

    • @Foogi9000
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I used to think that Bethesda using Unreal 5 would be the key but honestly Unreal 5 has a lot of problems and crutches for devs and these could affect the end result of TES 6. I’m tired of Ai upscaling and TAA.

    Ultimately they tough but necessary decision that they aren’t going to do is put TES 6 on hiatus and shift focus to building their own brand new in-house engine.

    One other thing is how the entire modding community is built around the CE. By design it’s very moddable for modders and the devs.

    • @MrGrim504
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    yeah if the elder scrolls 6 is simply skyrim but with better graphics then i consider that a massive needs significant improvements a many different aspects for me to even consider buying this on release date..deeper rpg mechanics, more realistic npcs not the souless robotic npcs that breaks immersion, dialogue choices with actual consequences, modernize more engaging combat system, branching storylines, and 60 fps..30fps isnt going to cut it by the time this game releases. ngl not really optimisitic but good thing there are other games to look forward to none the less

    • @TheBlubba13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    People keep ragging on about them needed to move on from the Creation Engine. I don’t think so. Bethesda has other problems to solve. You look at what their saving grace does (modders) and then you look what Bethesda does. The jank machine isn’t responsible for Bethesda’s piss poor attitude to making their games.

    • @Craig_Murray
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    A new console? How many are we gonna get through before the next Elder Scrolls game? 14 years already, is this the future? An Elder Scrolls game every 20 years? The 360 had 2!

    • @eglspl425
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda haven’t released a good game since 2002. TESVI is going to be even worse trash than Skyrim.

    • @packlesswolf1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Starfield is a dead overhyped garbage game. I dont get how people still play it . Its a 5/10 game.

    • @OmnipotentGoggles
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Stop trying to make Starfield happen. It’s not going to happen!

    • @JuggernogYT
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I need Bethesda to do a full rework of their studio. They need to reevaluate every aspect of management to direction. I refuse to buy any Bethesda products until they show a clear effort in anything

    • @ericneilson1198
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    ES6 should be considered abandoned at this point. They’re all about Fallout and SF.
    They could hire Kirkbride to give a great story though.

    • @Oozaru85
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I just hope they dont switch to Unreal. I hate that unoptimized piece of crap.

    • @alisamartinez7645
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Let’s be real allready!They suck now!! New ES 6 would be shit and looking GARBAGE!!Its not worth to waiting for this!!🙄🙄

    • @SpentAmbitionDrain
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Look. Bethesda is a bad game developer. They make mid mechanics, less than mid storylines and terrible implementation. The last decent game they made was Oblivion but even that does not hold up today. Expecting them to make a good game is a setup for guaranteed failure.

    • @joepverlaan575
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Also, the idiot called Emil in charge of the writing team is ruining Bethesda imo. His “keep it simple, stupid!” philosophy worries me a lot.

    • @JamesMichael-z7c
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I’ve petty much given up on TESO 6, it will never live up to the hype or any expectations we have.

    • @bearimprint5214
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Games are made by developers, not by a name on a portal of a beautiful building.
    I’m not sure the people who created Skyrim are still around. At least the most important ones.
    And those who are left have to act as if Human Resources is going to come down on them for the slightest discrepancy.
    The switch to the Unreal Engine for many of the big studios isn’t necessarily a matter of choosing the best graphics engine, but often because there’s no one left in the company who can evolve their in-house engine (or simply use it).
    So UE5 makes it possible to recruit young Devs who all know UE5, and also to outsource the bulk of the work.
    I don’t hold out any hope for Elder Scroll 6 or anything else that the big Western game companies will do, rotten to the core by anything other than passion and the desire to create fun games.
    We’ve had a good idea of the kind of games these companies want us to eat.

    Mediocrity is the watchword these days.

    • @hyperionzagreos9731
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    lets face it… elder scrolls 6 will be Starfield with Swords and Magic… its a dunning-krüger-downwardspiral.

    • @ramireza6904
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    0:10 you are wrong. They said from the beginning that they plan to support Starfield for a long time. This has nohting to do with TESVI.

    • @Glare108
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Still on this? BSG will sadly not put out anything worthwhile ever again, it would be a miracle if they did. You just have to come to terms with the fact that they are now old bastards and don’t have the drive they once used to, let alone all the talented people who helped them along the way. Mix that with modern expectations, and you have the recipe for a bad game. Yeah, I’ll partially blame people who want cutting edge graphics over gameplay, they are huge nuisance, and they definitely contribute towards things like this. Not entirely, but they do, nonetheless. I think it’s best you enjoy the many gifts of games they have given us, and be happy you at least got to experience them in your lifetime. But if you continue to have hope, at this point, you’re just playing yourself, as much as it pains me to say.

    • @sompret
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Every day Bethesda and Bethesdrones suffer is a day where I’m abstaining from destroying my liver.

    • @chocobear8777
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I wish Starfield was never a thing so we can have Elder Scrools Vll by now > w>;

    • @justincastro8964
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Wow the same complaints everyone has been saying for years and years… maybe the reason they use the creation engine is because it allows them to do all of the things they need it to. Sure it’s buggy and supposedly outdated but it’s probably good for dropping items, having independent and varied armor and clothing with multiple slots that works in first and third person, the ability to keep track of gobs of world items with physics all the while easier to implement and balanced enough to work on faster for hopefully more content. I’ve been playing since morrowind released and can honestly say the bugs are features. I love that stuff. Sure things have been getting worse every subsequent release but I will say some things have also gotten better. Just about all of the things you complained about are things I actually ended up enjoying quite a bit. I haven’t played star field because just by the look of it I could tell it wasn’t for me. Yea more reactive world elements are a good thing but so is customizable equipment and homes/settlements/ships (as long as there’s a lot of variety). I am aware that star field messed that up along with too much procedural gen and I agree there.

    • @mairaineplayzgames2205
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    starfield is nothing but a husk made for modders, last time Bethesda showed passion for making games, it was morrowind, they havent even updated the engine since morrowind!

    • @zrexia3932
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesdas games are as wide as the ocean but as shallow as a puddle

    • @PepperoniRonin.
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    12:45 Zenless Zone Zero music in the background?

    • @Haarba1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Im not worried, I know what its going to be, so why would I even care about another flop? I got much better options for wasting my time. And if by some miracle TES6 going to be more or less ok game… well, it would be a nice surprise in 2028-2030 or whenever they release it.

    • @aliensinmyass7867
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    You will still buy it. EVERYONE will still buy it.

    • @michaelprice3040
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I pray for a silver lining, Bethesda are putting so much effort into the elderscrolls that everything else they work on is neglected.

    This elder scroll 6 has to be good, please lord let this be true.

    • @BIGbirdG
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Off topic but bc you mentioned the new console, i feel like rockstar holds off on their releases until just before a new console releases in order to catch a double bubble and release on the older gen then the newer one.

    • @wdf70
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    When I look at Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4: I get massive worlds that load once (unless I go into a cave and even Fallout 4 did a good job of masking loading screens in elevators.) I can cross the entirety of the game’s world without seeing a single loading screen and the game just works.

    NPCs in their later games have schedules and do their best to follow them creating a decent illusion of immersion. They react to what you’re doing, how you’re building your character and when you do things for them or to them.

    Gameplay is always a bit hit or miss with Bethesda games. Melee combat has always been terrible, but the shooting in Fallout games has always been decent to good with a lot of unique weapons in any of their games that can change up your playstyle or make your current one even better.

    Starfield only has decent shooting mechanics. NPCs don’t have schedules anymore. NPCs just path from point A to point B because they have no character, immersive qualities or they’re not doing tasks. And the map…instead of making a couple handcrafted and massive maps, there’s only a few handcrafted cities and over 100,000 randomized maps with absolutely nothing worth exploring in them.

    Shattered Space is especially egregious. If you look at the map of Va’ruun Kai or whatever their planet is called, the city is a massive square where they “handcrafted” everything in there. Everything outside of that square is their awful procedural formula of whatever.

    • @Johan_Wahyudi_
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Bethesda need to listen to their real fans. Not from some DEI cash grabber.

    • @darthmaul8952
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    “I’ve been think a lot …”

    Don’t think, accept it is probably going to be a massive disappointment and you never know we may be pleasantly surprised.

    • @alexanderneumann6587
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    Its time for them realizing that their gameplay model is outdated. Starfield was a step to the side instead for a step forward.

    • @BurghezulDjentilom
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    I never think about Elder Scrolls 6. I know it’s going to be hot flaming garbage.

    • @gameboyish
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    No, the oblivion remake is using both engines, unreal is mainly for the visuals.

    • @vovasyhin7219
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:55pm

    BGS had a sole wrtiter for the entire studio since Fallout 4, the same BOZO also made 76 and Starfield, and is currently writing TES:6. BGS had also fired their entire LORE Department, If you are expecting the next TES game to be at least half as good as Skyrim then prepair to be VERY Dissapointed! If you have any BGS stock now is your last chance to get some of it back, before you loose it all!

    • @JakeRyanBooth
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Arguably, Fallout 76 is ironic a more RPG focused game than Fallout 4.

    • @Jan12700
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    VPNs are Scam!

    • @HassanSabbaku
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Listen if they can’t fix Starfield why TF do you want them to work on ES6? They need to get their sh*t together BEFORE they go all in on ES6

    • @JakeRyanBooth
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Manage your expectation for TES 6. Keep your hopes down low and head held high and you won’t be disappointed. People just want Skyrim but bigger and better. If they can do at least the bare minimum like making the game 60fps at launch, innovating and improving what the last game did by implementing some things from Starfield without totally alienating the fan base like they seem to do with every new game release, then it’ll be fine. A common 7 outta 10 BGS experience as always. Starfield sucked because it was too ambitious and barely hit the mark. Not to mention, fans wanted a new Elder scrolls or Fallout, not a new IP but of course, Todd only has so much time life as the lead director before he rides off into the sunset so they just went for it. At this point, me personally, I expect to be disappointed no matter what they do regardless. They are proof game companies can have the same team and leaders and still eventually rot and wither.

    • @timbow1833
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ever since Fallout 4 the game has been up.

    • @hemingttv
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    nordvpn charged my expired card for 4 years. i never got my money back. don’t use nordvpn, they’re nothing but greedy thieves. also for the time i did use it, it sucked.

    • @majorandras7474
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    9:10 comparing set pieces from any other game even from 15 years ago shows why people are not so positive about them, there is nothing in starfield that an another open world game doesnt do way better. At the end of day its mush, pile of half baked ideas that dont harmonize with each other at all
    When too many people are working at a game and there is no actual lead designer this is what happens, it becomes a product

    • @vovasyhin7219
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    What we have seen from AAA developers in the last 10 years should be a warning to all of you. Shartfield, Failout 4 & Failout 76 has killed Bethesda, Awowed the pretentious wannabie Skyrim killer, killed Obsidian Entertainment instead!
    The Elder Scrolls: 6 is doomed to be another developer tombstone, just as Queerage: Failguard killed Bioware, TES:6 will be the death of Bethesda, and the final game of Todd Cowards career.
    Even a blind man would see the impending catastrphy from a mile away, the death of AAA game industry and whe next game crash!

    • @ThraceVanderbuild
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    As long as they don’t use Unreal then I don’t care which engine Bethesda uses, Unreal is a plague of poor performance/optimization and lazy/cheap development.

    • @bubbadumps3747
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Imagine sticking by starfield.

    What a joke.

    • @HunterOmbrégal
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    the lack of reactivity and depht was already present in Skyrim 🙄

    • @Scalpaxos
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda has joined the kingdom of irrelevancy for years now. Hard to believe what happened to this studio.

    • @tindekappa9047
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If it were any other AAA company my knee jerk reaction would be: ”They have multiple teams working on multiple games, this game won’t affect this other one”
    But this is Bethesda. Every single game is identical, it’s its own genre of games. Of course they’re all hands on deck for Starfield lol. This is the only AAA company that has 6 VAs voicing 300 characters, they don’t have two teams.

    • @ArchangelAries
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    No offense to those who like Starfield, but I hate it. Such a trash game imo. I’m hopeful for ES6, but not optimistic, very worried ES6 is gonna be dated and that the writing is gonna be lackluster and lazy like in SF.

    • @CreedOnYouTube
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Video starts at 3:50

    • @CreedOnYouTube
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m thinking TES 6 is getting pushed back and we’re getting that oblivion remake as a gap filler. Maybe they’re moving TES 6 to UE5

    • @deptusmechanikus7362
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m not worried about Bethesda anymore. I gave up on Todderino and Email producing anything worthwhile ever since Faloot4

    • @mateuszkwietowicz2470
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have a quite different perspective. As someone who grew up playing Daggerfall and saw the comming of Morrowind and what a huge leap of technology, graphics and mechanics it was and then Oblivion which was the most I wanted out of game graphichs the culmination of the development in Skyrim I never really wanted more out of graphichs from Bethesda… what I really wanted was more variety – more environments, more types of enemies, more items, more skills, more simple game mechanics and more depth into the game systems in place. I really, really don’t care how the game looks, or if the physics are so realistic or how many fps over 60 I can get – it doesn’t matter. What matters is if the exploration of the world is interesting – if I can go both left or right and stumble upon a dungeon or a castle for me to explore and loot, when I enter a City – I want to be able to be lost in this city – doing quests, discovering secrets, skulking around at night .. and I want to cheese the AI, I want to make ridiculous things happen using bugs and faulty physics and game mechanics – I want to be able to steal from or to kill NPCs and then I want to avoid consequences. But using my own ideas and discovering it all on my own.
    Honestly, ever since 3DMark2001 – from graphics all I wanted was what was in the Nature section of the benchmark – I told myself, even today – if my game could look like that – I’ll be happy. And I’m still waiting for this. Morrowind was to me a huge letdown sinc instead of trees, we got huge mushrooms, and deserts and rocks. Oblivion was close, but it was overshadowed with bloom effects, everything was glowing like it was irradiated, and the game was very limited. Skyrim gave me the most I wanted out of graphics, but took back so much from mechanics, story and dephth – that only with mods and avoiding the main story as much as possible I was able to enjoy the game fully.
    Now, I want Skyrim graphics, but with either Daggerfall or Morrowind level of quests and mechanics… anything less than that, will be a failure, no matter how well the game looks.

    • @bethlaria812
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    here it is: Starfield didn’t do as well as Bethesda hoped, so they rely more on The Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 for money. ESO is still strong because many players keep spending on it. Greed plays a big part—they keep updating ESO instead of focusing on The Elder Scrolls VI. As long as ESO makes money, Bethesda delays TES VI to keep profits coming

    • @GmanZer0
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t see elder scrolls 6 selling millions or even just selling well. They also thought the same thing with veilguard, suicide squad, star wars outlaws, and saints row reboot. Just with the name brands and studios alone, it wasn’t enough. Plus, Bethesda’s track record over the past several years hasn’t been good, especially with their flagship open world games.

    • @MrFakefall
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m just going to automatically assume that people who are older than 13 and are still invested in BGS games are on the spectrum.
    Not that I mean anything bad, it just has to be, like, an entirely different kind of perception of reality and how things get processed or whatever that i cant even fathom

    • @Boss_Fight_Index_muki
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The problem with Starfield is when you fragment Skyrim into isolated levels (the RNG planets) you also “un-layer” the layered (cross interaction) systems which makes a BGS game work.

    • @3choblast3r4
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m sorry but people are deceiving themselves if they believe TES 6 will be any good.
    1. Bethesda hasn’t had decent writers for ages now. Skyrim had a lot of improvements over oblivion, but the side quest writing wasn’t one of them. Literally all you do in skyrim are boring fetch quests with no story or personality. Meanwhile anyone that has played Oblivion remembers being waken up by a black hand member and being invited to join the guild, then doing the crazy quest line of the guild etc. Oblivion was far from perfect but the quests were miles better than skyrim. Shortly after skyrim Witcher 3 released and it was such a insane leap of story telling, quests, character animations, voice acting etc that it turned Bethesda from my favorite studio to a joke to me. A relatively small polish studio could do this but bethesda the giant made garbage games that felt outdated and stale.
    2. Don’t expect any of your choices to ever matter in bethesda games.
    3. Todd Howard is obsessed with simplifying systems. He says so himself. He won’t allow devs to come with new stuff, only to come up with things that simplify or join systems together. He thinks this is something to brag about. That’s why nowadays fallout leveling is just picking from a handful of perks and no stats. It’s why skyrims leveling is so simplified. It’s why fallout dialogue is 4 choices that are supposed to convey a “feeling” but generally don’t even remotely convey that supposed feeling etc.

    If skyrim released today, with far superior graphics from a studio that isn’t bethesda, it would at most get a 7. After Witcher3, Cyberpunk, Baldurs Gate, Kingdom come 2 it would just be some stale game stuck in the past. And the thing is… That’s 100% what the new game is going to be. It’s going to be Elder Field. Star field is just Skyrim but worse, in space. The new TES will just be Star field, but slightly better .. in Tamriel. “But member the adoring fan? Membah? Membah fus roh dah? Memba guilds? If you buy the ultra deluxe edition and buy the latest version every time we release a definitive ultra final, complete edition we might add guilds!

    • @Axterix13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ES6 won’t be a reason to buy a console, most likely. Bethesda is owned by Microsoft, so Microsoft will want it to run on Windows/PC. Consoles themselves are in decline and quite expensive these days. China is also becoming an increasingly important market for AAA, and they game almost entirely on PC and phones.

    As far as the Creation engine goes, Starfield has many issues, and the biggest ones aren’t the engine, but rather, the design… poorly conceived systems, lackluster characters, no meaningful choices, boring world(s), and so on. But at the same time, yes, I do think the Creation Engine is holding ES back, so if they actually listen to feedback (another thing Bethesda is historically bad at), they probably should have started with a new, clean take on it. And they could test such an engine on a lesser product, like a graphically updated remake of one of their older games.

    • @simulationone
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm


    • @noirknight9770
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield whats that? whats a Starfield? Haha

    • @GikamesShadow
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I will say this as someone who never got into Skyrim. Please just temper your expectations. Skyrim. Fallout 4. Fallout 76. Starfield. 4 games in a row where the goal was not to actually make the player part of the world but instead make the player run around like a headless chicken, looking for stuff to do on their own. Despite having quests. Despite having a story.

    Bethesdas approach to making games has changed drastically from way back when Fallout 3 was a thing. And it shows in every newer title. Cause it was the only title that Bethesda had released in which one could actually understand why things were happening in the way they did in a believable world.

    Skyrim: You are the great hero and savior of the world, Alduin is coming, oh dear god. Oh wait thats a cave. And a bandit hideout. And this poor peasent needs my help! Ah yes the war effort! Alduin is just a paper tissue anyhow so who cares honestly?
    Fallout 4: Concerned Father who for some reason is given the choice to flip 180° after a traumatizing scenario that would make anyone go insane from the get go.
    Fallout 76: Literally had no story at the start. Was plagued with bugs like no other game before it. And was then turned into a money making machine for Bethesda where they sell people just a different set of walls. Sell. Not give.
    Starfield: Fallout 4 + Skyrim in Space. With worse writing. How that is possible I cannot tell you but here we are.

    What is the above? Its a track record. One that doesnt include the mmo or mobile titles because the mmo is just a subscription based game like any other mmo that has the same pros and cons as any othe rmmo and the mobile games are… I dont think I even have to mention it do I? Lets just say they aint Gachas. So even if one would be able to just waste their money, at this point in time, youd feel ripped off by not playing a Gacha that is literally designed to rip you off.

    I never got into Skyrim and I never understood why people liked it so much. I wont fault anyone for liking it however. But at the same time, objectively speaking, it is about as deep as an ocean wide puddle. Quantity galore. Quality almost non existant. Or as I like to say it: “There is a lot but still not enough.” And thats been a staple for Bethesda ever since. Settlement building. Homestead Building. Ship Building. And then you have all 4 games just have radiant quest after radiant quest. And when main quests start to feel like Radiant Quests, it starts to become a problem.

    And although Im preaching to the choir with this comment as this entire video is about having low expectations, I know that once you guys actually get some great hype news from Todd again, like with Fallout 76, like with Starfield, yall will jump ship again. Im not saying this to be mean. Its just a trend I noticed. You have low expectations now and they will stop being low the moment Todd shows his pretty face again to tell yall “Sweet lil lies”. Its been memed to death at this stage for a reason.

    4 games. 4 games are enough for yall to follow these simple steps:
    1. Dont pre-order
    2. Dont buy instantly on release
    3. Dont jump on the hype wagon
    4. Wait at least 2 months to see how the game performs

    Also and I will make this final paragraph quick cause this comment is long enough already:
    This is to address what you said that Starfield did to make you the most powerful person but how it handled it. The Multiverse existing does not mean you cant be the most powerful person. What Bethesda did with this scenario is just introduce another faction and in turn making it a “The One” scenario in which there are many powerful ones but only one can rule truly. Its the same stuff that we already had. Just another struggle for power and enemies to fight.

    I have my own worldbuilding that features a Multiverse. But those who ascend into the rank of a “Dragon” a demigod basically, are still the most powerful beings within their own given reality. In a different reality their rankings depend on power and there even is a “Dragon” who is the literal strongest of them all as she is a “Worldeater” who consumes any universe she wishes and with that also other “Dragons” if she can. But in Starfield you are just a human with superpowers.

    In Cyberpunk you are just a human with augments. But you are THE human with augments. Cause you aint an NPC you are the protagonist and by sheer virtue of that you WILL be the strongest. Cause you have to be stronger than anyone else who wants you dead. In Starfield you are just one of many, fighting one of many. Or two.

    • @snelnea4658
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield – the game on one needed.

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Concerning Bethesda’s engine, they are now owned by a multi, MULTI TRILLION dollar TECH company. Theeeyyy can’t do…something? Make a brand spanking new “Creation 3”? Clean the baby up? No I guess they would have to be owned by a multi KZILLION dollar company theennn…maybe.

    • @elmercy4968
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Perhaps they should hire Obsidian to make Elder Scrolls. 😅

    • @Djwoben3837
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    starfield didn’t lahbch with the last new box and elder scrolls won’t launch with the new box

    • @Elmer_Fapp
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t think switching to unreal is the answer. If Bethesda wants to stay the king of what they do they have to make a new engine from the ground up. Not rehashing gamebryo, a completely new engine that does everything a Bethesda game engine should be able to do.

    • @a.bettik8698
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda is in a “Hello denial” situation, as you’ve rightly pointed in your video about hybris in VG industry. They don’t have it, right now ; their authors don’t have the magic ; they haven’t read enough great books by great authors (not only SF an fantasy), they haven’t put themselves into states of emergency, went through hard backpack treks, camped in the wood, watched nature for 6 hours, experimented or Trh33somes, IDK what but they don’t have it in them and don’t have the talent. I expect nothing from ES6 but a huge disappointment (which is paradoxical).
    They totally lack of any artistic, poetic vision. From Sof has about 10 times more poetic vision than they do. From sof, though, lack world immersion, stories and characters ; Beth used to have those. Some arcs in Starfield ain’t bad, but it’s not enough and immersion 100% isn’t there. They need to hire new people, or better : let them invoke back the old ones, Kirbride, Nelson, from their slumber in Rlyeh ! But that would imply shutting down one’s ego. Which they can’t. QED.

    • @SuperKillJoy15
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The biggest issue I have with Starfield is that the NPCs are far too positive and nice.

    Neon is supposed to be a drug addled cess pool run by a powerful millionaire and is full of murder and betrayal…

    Every store owner you talk to “Its tough working in Neon, but im going to pull through and turn my luck around!”

    Ok, then why should I want to help you or care in general? If youve got this, ill leave you be.

    Everything in the world is hunky dory for the NPCs, it makes the universe boring to explore because i know im going to meet more of the same positive and uplifted people.

    Im not asking for depression on a silver plate, im asking for dynamicly written characters and variety.

    The universe is dark and solitary as well as beautiful, express that in its characters.

    On the engine though, i dont want them to move from the Creation Engine. I definitely dont want them to use the Factory line UE5. The Creation Engine offers so much to the games and modders/mods.

    Are they wasting its potential? Yes.
    Is the engine itself to blame? No.

    Enderal and Fallout London are both examples of the best that can be done with the engine.

    • @dianuevo8925
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Worries are unfound.

    • @iragremka
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Todd would go so far as to say it’s a “whole new engine running ES6” and it’s just an updated CE.

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda: “We’re working on Starfield.”
    Starfield players: “… fu*k “

    • @kenmck7802
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Whaaa? What’s to worry about? Todd obsesses over…food packs and the head “writer” can’t say a sentence without putting his ASS in his mouth. Oh and they…can’t release a THING, NOT broken anymore. Besides that alllll is looking…alllriight.

    • @ToshioThunder
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Mug theft was one of my daughter’s first actions in Starfield.

    • @huntermocktar1746
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm


    I keep seeing this genre of video where it’s around 30ish minutes long, but sounds as if they didn’t even do 10 minutes of research. There’s no reason to be worried about ES6 NOW, the time for that was in 2011. ES6 will be ES5 but with graphical “improvements”, 12 cut features, 3 returning features from other Bethesda games, and maybe 1-2 genuinely new additions. Bethesda works on 1 main project and will typically have 1-2ish smaller projects. This is why they were able to develop the Fallout DLCs as well as Starfield at the same time. Starfield will get dlcs, but that wont have a major impact on ES6. ES6 will be garbage by its own merit. Not because of its engine, not because of Starfield, not because of “Woke”. Just pure unfiltered horrible creative decision.

    • @ronsandahl274
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    There was a time when Bethesda cared about making great games for passionate gamers. Then at some point either during or just after Fallout 4 that all changed. One look at Fallout 76 is all you need to see the change. The game – if you can call it that – is little more than a drawn out series of grinds to get the player to spend money. And the reason Bethesda shows no signs of making another single player Elder Scrolls or Fallout game is that anyone who wants either of those franchises will need to turn to the appropriate Bethesda cash cow MMO. This was nowhere better seen that Bethesda’s actions just after the Fallout TV show. Bethesda knew looking at Cyberpunk 2077 that they would get a huge influx of new players after the TV show. So what did Bethesda do? They gave Fallout 76 a huge new update with a map expansion, and for Fallout 76 – where most new players would be heading – they made a Next Gen update that broke the game. It is nearly a year later and it is still broken. I don’t believe that Bethesda can regain any of its former state as long as Todd Howard remains at the head, and I would add Emil Pagliarulo to the list of those who need to make room for new blood.

    • @thespacedisland5746
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I understand the sentiment of Bethesda dropping the creation engine, but I only worry we’d lose the world interactivity, physics and ease of modification that I’ve come to love in Bethesda titles if they drop it

    • @Aristocles22
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield is a just there game. Not terrible, not good. Definitely not groundbreaking. It didn’t redefine the open-world RPG, no matter how much Bethesda wishes it was so.

    • @SiRedCat
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Whatever we are getting from them it wont be worth more than 10€😂😂😂

    • @Kohbra22
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The real question is why the fans haven’t learned their lesson. How many times are you going to be disappointed before fans stop talking about bethesda outright and make it earn players attention again.

    • @roymarron7622
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda is gonna make a Bethesda game for TES VI no matter how much the new mainstream audience that got in with Skyrim and FO4 cry about it, the real Bethesda hardcore audience likes things how they are and since we are the ones buying the game and not only playing on gamepass 🥴 I’m actually excited for TES VI after Starfield, all ingredients for the next level I’m looking for TES VI are there.

    • @pandereodium
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Over the years Bethesda could easily develop a new engine if they don’t want to rely on 3rd party software. They had time, they had money, they had necessity. The only thing they didn’t have is… Willingness to learn new things.

    • @omyowom2447
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I think maybe they’re caring about what people like more than what actually made it. Good people love looting in Skyrim people love shooting in fallout fun guns but what makes that fun is the world that it’s in it’s not fun walking around the world of chest just to open chest. It’s fun to explore a world get loot and talk to people sell things interact with the world. Find something interesting that you weren’t expecting random encounters.!

    • @discman15
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Just replay Morrowind. No more slop

    • @TravisDayton
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda has a business model of selling their good name and milking decade plus old games for every penny they can get. they are going to try to milk starfield. they will go back to milking skyrim. one day they will make tes6, but the huge question is, can they make a product worth millking anymore or will tes6 be the grand finale of selling their once good name? i have no intention of purchasing tes6 until i watch a lot of reviews and verify that it is not a bug filled nightmare. you can only 76 me one time.

    • @rearlafull2870
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    if the Unreal engine Oblivion is lamer than Skyblivion will you shut up about Unreal, i know you won’t

    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Frankly im more concerned about fallout

    • @Dank_Engine
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m not even excited about ES6… I was. Back when the Creation Club only existed as a wet dream in Todd’s sordid imagination, I was bullish on all things Bethesda Games. But now I’m just bored. They make the same, tired game every. single. time. And now the modding community is compromised because free modders actively compete with Microsoft’s bottom line. This conflict of interest means Bethesda has a vested interest in competing against the modding community, when modders are literally what put their games on the map. They will pay the price for biting the hands that kept Skyrim alive for over a decade.

    • @jassykat
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t understand why people hate Starfield. I’m not a Bethesda fanboy, played it on Hardcore, nailed every quest, had memorable moments. And that’s it.

    • @Dylorian_
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I also have been thinking a lot about TES VI. Actually, I have been through all the stages of grief since 2011.

    • @marconeves1979
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Well said, Mugthief! Edit: great analysis and conclusions.

    • @SafetyRabbit
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Former game dev here: I get the push to move away from the Creation engine, but we also need to understand what a colossal investment in time, effort and retooling would be required for an engine swap. It might be worth it in the long term, but there would be a considerable amount of disruption (way more than you are imagining) for a game or two. If you are Bethesda you would be weighing up the choice of abandoning all the work you have done, the knowledge, the array of in-house tools you have made… only to do it all over again with a new engine. Unreal Engine is powerful and versatile, but out of the box it would be unsuitable for a TES style game. They are going to have to remodel the engine, add new systems, remove all the extraneous stuff they don’t need to work the way the game requires, just like every other large studio does when they use it. I understand that people can see the limitations of Creation, and I personally think they should move on as well, but let’s not set aside what a monumental task that would be, probably more so than many other studios.

    • @NecroBanana
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    TESVI will just be Daggerfall, but possibly bad.

    • @NecroBanana
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m worried, Bethesbros.

    • @ShaggyShagz13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda has done wonders with unicycles but everyone else is using cars.

    • @SHAdow98V
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bad part is, i am fine waiting many years for a game take R* for exemple, takes several years for one game and singleplauer experiences in their games are amazing. . . .multiplayer experiences are totally opposite 😂😂
    Anyway Bugthesda takes a metric fuck ton of years to make a game and the result is usually as bad as R*’s multiplayer experiences. Starfield is garbage, its dlc is almost as garbage and sadly my expectations for TES6 and the next Fallout are as dead as Concord XD

    • @strettoasino9006
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    “Hate all upcoming games” paranoia has robbed you of all joy..

    • @SetariM
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I could have sworn I read a press release somewhere that said they were gonna can the creation engine for UE5 or something else. I could be wrong though.

    • @lotogallant2647
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If Bethesda cared to make a good quality game they’d be here in the comments asking questions. They just don’t care at ALL.

    • @Ragk5231
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Very good critique

    • @Majima_Nowhere
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have zero faith in ANY big developer to properly follow up on their games any more.

    Back in the 90s up till the mid 10s, game sequels would come out within only a few years of their predecessors. Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 all came out within 5 years. Portal 2 came out 4 years after Portal. Melee came out 3 years after Smash 64. Skyrim came out 5 years after Oblivion, Oblivion came out 4 years after Morrowind. Developers would know what to do with their sequels because the very same people created the prequels.

    Now we live in an era where games spend 8, 9, 11, 15 years in development hell only to come out running like shit, looking like shit, and having none of the things fans liked about the originals other than the name tag.

    • @ShaggyShagz13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield is a decent starship building game surrounded by a garbage game.

    • @NIL0S
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I stopped gettin Bethesda titles after FO4. I got so frustrated and tired by the direction that game took, mostly with the writing and creation engine that needs to be taken back out and put out of its misery, that I decided to stop giving them money.

    • @Vedrlaufnir
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I wonder if that Unreal Engine Morrowind will have the mod compatibility we’ve grown to expect from these games.

    • @Danem1985
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    they dont move away from the creation engine because Todd likes to take the core of the last game anc copy paste.

    • @TimCoolidge-h2q
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Hood it up to a super computer with the right scientific language and some Ai,and presto! Instant currect generation of everything on the planets.

    • @FuccGoogle-c9c4d
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I guess it’s hard for Xbox players to realize that Microsoft bout a dud… a non inspired, cheap imitation of no man’s sky, with the foundation of fallout 4 and led by a man who will lie to your face in a nice jacket lol. Bethesda died in 2020

    • @TimCoolidge-h2q
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The customer is 99% right,and if want to be a success you must cantor to there needs

    • @ShaggyShagz13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda shot the entirety of their talent load into Far Harbor and have limply been shooting blanks ever since.

    • @Homiloko2
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    There’s no need to worry about ES6 because I have already given up many years ago. The game won’t come out before 2030 and by then no one will care about it anyway, it will probably be a messy flop like Veilguard.

    • @hunterm-w7527
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ES6 is at least 5 to 10 years away and that’s generous

    • @glens2019
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Every Elder Scrolls game has been more watered down from the last. I doubt the Bethesda as we currently know it would change that.

    • @itscaz3749
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    How the hell is bethesda bigger than ever in terms of staffing but their games are emptier than ever and they somehow can only work on one game at a time!? They were broke when they made morrowind with scraps and its easily still there best game

    • @shift7808
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m more interested in them fixing Starfield than I am ES6 at the moment. Tons of wasted potential, and if they provided better modded tools other people could fix the game.

    • @Destiny_sm
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Idk. I’m still going to play it. I am not that hard to please with games. People can be mad at that all they want. People take games too seriously. Like it could be a lot worse. It could be Gamefreak/Pokemon level worse. People dogged Fallout 4 for being “bad” when it is just an average game.

    I just can’t understand why people are constantly complaining about something that hasn’t been shown yet. I get some of the criticisms but damn.

    • @cardemis7637
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Just gonna keep playing bg3. Played thousands of hours of elder scrolls games, but Bethesda is turning me into a Laritarian XD

    • @XPLOSIVization
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I dont have any hope for ES6, and to be honest i feel that’s a good thing, because in the past i used to always have hope and give the benefit of the doubt for a new Triple A game, and its always turned out as a huge disappointment/letdown, Where as if id used my gut feeling i would have never had got completely burned, I envy the person who thinks ES6V will be great, But ill also keep a seat warm and a box of tissues on the table for that person

    • @articusUno
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    they may be doing a oblivion remake in UE, but i still have to see a UE game, or any other game engine for that matter as moddable as bethesda games.
    Cyberpunk is indeed a good game, but man, i dont see any cool overhaul mods being made for it.

    • @NV..V
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I was concerned about ES6 and then I remembered that I stopping caring after FO76. Todd is so full of shit he can no longer think straight.

    • @lvl_0
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Procedural generation was great… In ES2:Daggerfall. Back in the 90s, procedural generation had a real purpose, Bethesda was a very small team and the “radiant quests” in Daggerfall made a whole lot more sense as well, surrounding the hand crafted main and side quests. Now they have no excuse, they’ve had nothing but time and resources, and they keep their old engine going specifically to facilitate their open world gameplay. They need to fill it with quests, items, encounters, and points of interest that aren’t the same 5 things shuffled randomly in their poor excuse of a procedural generator.

    • @tydoesnothing7521
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Honestly, when things go south for the company, we can always hope for Skyrim 2 2.

    • @XtremeXbox
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    GOOD FOR A LAUGH!!! It’s entertaining how all these streamers are PANICKED over TES6 making up all kinds of things. When no one knows a damn thing about it. They love creating things from thin air to worry about.

    • @Nick-jf7ku
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Forget Elder Scrolls VI its just a name made by people that are bad at making games, Bethesda only goal is money not fun. they have only ever made one game from scratch and its a pile of shit that’s nothing more than a ripoff of ideas from games they have bought or seen. Bethesda has added ZERO to game design game making, innervation or game replay ability or help makes game better or more fun in anyway in the last 20 years.. Its the people that LEFT Bethesda you should be watching.. you know the ones that ACTUALLY MADE Elder Scrolls rather than the ones buying out an idea and replacing the staff for profit .

    • @ahhcmon9604
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It seems as though Bethesda lost a writer or something that made their games good todd Howard probably relied on this person to make the games good

    • @gaius2451
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’ll be real, even if there where no loading screens, no bugs and amazing graphics, starfield would still suck

    • @texasfuneral4787
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Anyone that started with morrowind could see how bland oblivion and skyrim was compared. Same with morrowind and the two main games before it.

    • @EatWave
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If the next Elder Scrolls game looked like Carnal Instinct and at least played like Avowed, use of Unreal Engine 5 would be justified somewhat.

    • @R3TR0WJVN
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    They saw Avowed reception and realize the Bethesda western rpg game design had to be scrapped and redefined 😭

    • @derekdrake8706
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    How is the creation engine still a thing?

    Well, Avowed was made in UE5 and I’m pretty sure if you added physics to every cup/plate/basket, like in Skyrim, it’d give PCs an existential crisis. Xboxs would probably just explode.

    Imo it’s better that Bethesda sticks to the engine they know best.

    • @doctorlolchicken7478
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The problem with remaking Oblivion is that it is famous for ridiculous physics and AI, plus mods. Take all those things away and Oblivion is pretty mid.

    • @yettiluch1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Best bet is to just get your mo2 or vortex together, and load up some overhauls. Bethesda is finished.

    • @DerekPaksa
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    TES5 and GTA5 is the peak. The lower your expectations, the bigger your wins.

    • @BoxiesAU
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If they are using the Creation engine in any way, shape or form, ESVI is dead on arrival

    • @bjornolfactory9363
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda is dead. They died for me on the release of Fallout76. Now I just play their old games.

    • @Otazihs
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m a massive Bethesda fanboy and I can tell you, it’s not looking good. I’m very worried about any future Bethesda title. Starfield was a huge letdown and it really makes me scratch my head. You look at games like FA3 and 4, ES4 and 5, great games, some better than others but they weren’t bad. FA76 came out and it was horrible, absolute trash, yes they turned it around and now its playable. But then you look at Starfield and it’s like… what happened? Have we learned nothing? So of course, now I’m looking at ES6 and I wonder if they will YET again, fall flat on their faces.

    • @mysticranger6894
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ES6: EMpty Map, where WE get the FREEDOM and CHOICE to make the land, houses, npc,s dialogue voices, music etc, thanks Todd and Bethesda! If I cant customize my own ship or dragon and fly on it, ima riot.

    • @torrb420
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Their issue isnt their tools, its their lack of vision and competent writers. Show many game that isnt a stuttery fucking mess from a big AAA fame of UE5 or has any semblance of a theiving community generated content pipeline then id have a bridge to sell you. Is CE ideal? Was Starfield good? Not really, but ot wasnt CE’s fault for that games true issues. And dare I say, didnt lead into proc gen enough.

    • @derekdrake8706
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Nobody cares about Starfield. It’s just not interesting enough to be what Bethesda wants it to be. They should focus literally all of their attention on ES6 because they’re probably going to have to do some rewriting – assuming they learned anything from Starfield, which they probably haven’t.

    • @mysticranger6894
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    es6 will be mad boring like starfield cause emil cant write for shit, anything interesting or fun, and their style of dialogue is so outdated and static, where u stand and talk, versus cyberpunk 2077 which mixes it up, just look at phantom liberty start

    • @Koulechov
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    i remember the hype i felt when elder scrolls VI first was teased, right now i’ve just learned and accepted to move on from any new title made by bethesda, unless they really put in the work, i don’t have any hype for the game.

    • @MistaWells
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I think it’s too early to know if the oblivion remake will be any good. If it is then yes. You’re point stands. Other engines could be just as good if not better for Bethesda games. But again, it’s too early to know that for sure 23:30

    • @NewMitchell-wh3fj
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    lol “Skyrim is an evergreen game”

    Like FO4 didn’t have higher playercounts than Skyrim when it dropped

    • @kevinvazquez8707
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    TES 6 is gonna be a disappointment and flop like starfield bethesda took too long in getting that game out, sure it will be a good game but i doubt it will be as great as Skyrim or anywhere it.

    • @thacoolest13
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Everytime I look at Avowed, my first thought is “wow imagine if skyrim combat was like this”

    • @jyphelballet7569
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    People still having hope for EScrolls or even Bethesda as a studio, are one of the reason of Bethesda devolution. They re the same who think F76 is a good game now, and Starfield is ok. The same as always, there no more talented people, the last have left in or after Starfield dev. The leftovers are mediocre.And so about which one, neither of your two, just the worst of two versions, and Bethesda have aknowledged nothing, all is good, they are proud of Starfield, and shattered space. Their best accomplishment for a game…DOA on 2028 in best case scenario, for the launch date. And with 16times the details…

    • @hazimm5268
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Great take as usual Mug. One more upside worth mentioning regarding shifting to UE5, is obviously hiring. Using an industry standard engine opens up the talent pool exponentially! Therefore, saving the company so much money and time onboarding new devs into existing teams and ongoing projects. 👍

    – HZM

    • @restlessfrager
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda, actiblizzard, ubisoft. Everyone getting hyped up by these games is responsible for their money being wasted.

    • @wafflingmean4477
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It’s Bethesda. They’re no longer the company that made Skyrim. ES6 is doomed. There’s just no point.

    • @ShadowAimai
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    “Procedural generation”


    Starfield had NOT procedural generation. None at all. Sprinkling assets around and noise maps are NOT procedural generation. Stop it with this argument. You want procedural generation? Look at NMS or Daggerfall.

    • @SimonFrancis-gd1qx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I fully expected mug to say that bloodborne on the ps4 was the last system seller at the end there. I feel that was truly the last major one right?

    • @OneColdtruth
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    yeah i just accepted that elder scrolls is dead. hope am wrong but they repeated the same behavior for years and they keep thinking that “Bethesda magic” will carry them :/

    • @rynsart
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    i really hope they stick with the creation engine tbh. It makes it easier for modders to be creative and add things to the game. And i would hate it if TES 6 was in unreal engine 5. Ue5 has lots of issues like for example, ghosting and horrible performance, if more games get made with ue5 i probably wont be able to play games anymore. Also its not the same people who made skyrim, not really, sure todd is involved but lots of the artists and level designers dont work at Bethesda anymore. Skyrim was great because of the art direction and exploration, if tes 6 has everything made with procedural generation, it just wont be fun to play. Bethesda is owned by microsoft too, and since they are going deep into ai i doubt there would be many artists working on tes 6, there might be lots of ai generated content in the game.

    • @Jonderlei
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Back when they gave us that ESVI tease at E3 it was the only game I cared about getting now fucking ten years later or whatever its been I couldnt even imagine buying it anymore with how Bethesda has been. Hope they prove me wrong

    • @VoASuX
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    GTA6 and ES6 are gonna be a mess.

    • @masterofbloopers
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Aren’t we all? Thing is, I’m so starved of a new Elder Scrolls game, that I’ll probably end up getting it, even after all the Bethesda controversy. I fully believe it’ll be better than Starfield, but not by much. But maybe that’s enough to satisfy me. My standards can be shamefully low sometimes. But hey, if I’m having fun at the end of the day, does it matter how good or bad the game is? I will feel a bit guilty supporting them, though. Maybe I can use the free Game Pass trial to play and beat it.

    • @lucaloeb7223
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Worry – if EVER justified – should be reserved for things with an unsure outcome that matter. Both of these things do not apply to yet unreleased Bethesda games : The outcome is all but guaranteed and it really does not matter anymore.

    • @EmberQuill
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I was worried about TES VI before Starfield. Now I’ve given up. I’m putting Bethesda in the “made a good game at least 10 years ago” category with BioWare, Obsidian, and a bunch of others.

    • @Jonderlei
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I just finished Days gone again and the reactivity in that game is just great. So many times while driving around since I refuse to fast travel in that game ill see animals or zombies fighting each other and it was always entertaining. Just Cougars fighting a pack of wolves,seeing a breaker fuck up all the freakers,seen the wolves and cougars take down zombies or each other with actual animations. So many times where I just sat back and watched.
    Its always so disappointing in games when the enemies all ignore each other and just focus on you. I still rememeber when I was first playing Fallout 3 and I seen the Brotherhood Outcasts fighting deathclaws or super mutants or something intimidating and it was so fucking cool,I cant really rememeber who they were fighting but it was the first game I seen with that type of reactivity

    • @macheteishrecords8419
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    You down with OPE? Yeah you know me… except Bethesda.

    • @BoomMC_Inc
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Every second wasted on Starfield was a tragedy. But I gotta get real and accept that Elder Scrolls 6 ain’t ever coming out.

    • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    They’re hoping for a lukewarm 76 come back maybe

    • @usucculentcow2988
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Kcd3 will be my elder scrolls 6

    • @breezyleogaming
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    We are getting GTA6 before TES6

    • @Seoul_Soldier
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    In the time it took them to release one half-assed DLC for Starfield, they released Dawnguard, Heartfire, AND Dragonborn for Skyrim.

    Bethesda is absolutely washed-up, and Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be a fart so wet that every Bethesda fanboy will have to change their underwear. It is going to be pathetic.

    • @huddleaw
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Just remember that Skyrim was an outlier for Bathesda and not the norm. Then you won’t get your hopes up 👍

    • @tombstonee86
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    its not elder scrolls 6 turn yett

    • @UToobUsername01
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I am glad they are devoted to working of Starfield. Much like No Man’s Sky on launch SF feels like it needs more meat on its bones. Starfield 1 is in many ways like Elder Scrolls 1 where they had to focus on core mechanics first. Then later add things piece by piece. (through sequels and dlc content) Why do it that way? I think it’s about bug testing being easier if you do it that way. Adding a bit here and a bit there, they ensure it’s more stable. Starfield still wins award for being thier least-buggy game at launch. The game being able to just run, is more important than having dozens of features but crashes every ten minutes. They have made the right choice imo..

    Reputation is another big issue. Because if they abandon Starfield now, they will send a message that they will not “fix” flaws the critics pointed out in their games and would rather chase the easy money. By staying true to their comittment fans now respect them for trying to salvage this series. Much like Cyberpunk2077 when it got fixed and nobody is complaining anymore about Cyberpunk. The reputation issue is one of the biggest reasons NOT to abandon Starfield for elder scrolls 6. I think AFTER you fix starfields weaknesses, then you renew confidence in the fans of Bethesda and they will be eager to buy ES6 and hype it up after this. Right now not many people are hyped for ES6 because they feel SF wasn’t up to their standards. So fixing the broken thing, shows you actually CARE what fans think of your stuff. And putting effort to make them happy take priority over immediate profits.
    This is all part of saving the long term brand image of Bethesda. If they can continue to listen to fans and address issues they will get reputation boost which will then lead to increase chance of sucess for ES6 as people will have proof that you can correct bad decisions. (eg the map in SF was one of the biggest things people were turned off by and they fixed that which shows they give a crap what we think)

    Possibility of ports to other machines:
    this should also be considered because if they can fix all the bugs on pc and console and then add content to beef up the game, it will be worth it because at some later time they can port the game to Switch 2 or PS5 audience. So by putting in all their effort into releasing 10 years worth of additions, it gives them the promise that all these seeds they have planted will pay off in the future once their reputation is changed.
    If No Man’s Sky got a chance to add things over a long period of time, why not Starfield?
    It’s the first game in its series so we should expect it to be more bare bones then the other series Bethesda have done. IE they had to build it from the ground up (with the exception of the engine) compared to the other two franchises. (Fallout and Elder Scrolls)

    As for your rant about changing engine. No. UE is not good for open world RPG stuff. You want your workers to use the thing that they are comfortable with. It means they will work faster and create content with more speed. UE is for action game. RPG has more data going on in the background to track objects. I get it, “everyone else is doing it so Bethesda should folow trends.” You are wrong. I don’t expect my RPG games to feel like action games and shooters. I don’t care about a bit of loading time here and there. We live in the age of SSD so if you are having problems with loading times you need to sell your crappy outdated pc and buy a modern one. (get a job and cut your long hair you dirty hippy 😛 )

    • @tioalra6746
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    My theory: Elder scrolls six is gonna be obiVIon rwmaster

    • @AsmodeusMictian
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Look, if you’re “worried about Bethesda……” in any way, you haven’t paid any attention for years now.

    They’re a trash company making trash games at full price. Their games are the laughingstock of the gaming community and are consistently BROKEN on Day 1…..and pretty much every day after that too. The only ‘worry’ about Bethesda is worry about why the hell they’re still in business, because by all logic they should be occupying space in the dustbin of history. They. are. TRASH.

    • @Birdman-zg1sz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    12:30 not the whole team. The writers for starfield did not learn the lesson. Their lead writer came out telling us we we wrong and that the writing was amazing. I have ZERO hope for elder scrolls 6.

    • @Arkvelt
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I was hyped for Star field back then. But I wanted to wait the reviews. Glad I did and so till this day I didn’t buy and or play it. Also it’s almost never in sale. If I could get it for 20 I would try it but otherwise I’ll pass on that. For sure I would have some fun with the game like I always had with theyr games but it’s not a real evolution like the other games before. If I watch gameplay of it it looks kinda like a fallout 4 mod In space.
    I also hope they don’t ruin TES 6

    • @myopiniongoodyouropinionbad
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I gave up on Bethesda years ago. If TESVI came out tomorrow, I literally would not give a shit.
    Given their track record it’s probably gonna be terrible anyway. I would like to be wrong, but I’m probably not going to be.

    • @senbrisbane5352
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bro, CD Projekt Red moved away from their amazing game engine because they chased away all the people who knew how to code with that engine

    • @YawaruSan
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I want more discussions on game engines, I feel like the stagnation in graphics has come from the split in development time between different engines, but I don’t think all developers focusing on a single engine would necessarily be better. Monster Hunter is also showing flaws in RE Engine, would Wilds have more or less performance problems as Unreal Engine 5? Were the games that had their UE4 version scrapped for a UE5 version worth the extra effort?

    • @VampireNoblesse
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    imo they should be focus on Starfield full, with passion, no forced DEI, etc.

    than move on to TESVI, when Starfield is finally up to par, fix etc.

    TESVI shouldn’t come until 2029/30, or it will be like Starfield (too shallow & bare bone..)

    • @seanheisey8645
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It sucks to know that ES6 is gonna suck. What a shame.

    • @jhit2026
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It’s a talking point, but with how these major studios been acting, and don’t care anymore. I’ll just play the classics.

    • @HurtyTeefs
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m not worried about ES6 because I already know it’s going to be dog shit. Starfield cemented it.

    • @Andiandru
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Man, I used to love Bethesda. I even bought a Series X just to play Starfield (and many other reasons) since the optimisation in PC was balooney. I got Game Pass, installed it, been excited… Played a few hours and decided it was enough…

    Such a letdown game, jesus. I personally won’t buy any Bethesda game until Todd and the engine are swapped

    • @Laterose15
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have to wonder how much they insist on sticking with the Creation Engine for modders to fix their games

    • @skivvac
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Mug who do you play in Xrd?

    • @ragingmonk6080
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Its not the engine and modders have proved that.
    The engine was not Starfield problem. Most of the load doors are not needed, some can be bypassed.

    CDPR are expanding and opening new studios. They have to use the junk UE5 so they can just hire zombie devs that are already trained in it. How many more games do we need with everything in the environment is a static object that cannot be interacted with? Red Engine is like that also.

    • @SuwinTzi
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    In not convinced that Unreal would still make it better. Avowed was Unreal, and your single good point in Avowed was the combat.

    Any rpg and questing, any npc living schedule would have to be developed by Bethesda to use in Unreal

    • @fallingcurse9208
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    about the combat, have you by any chance played Dark messiah ? that’s the combat that should be in an elder scroll game, especially with how they handle inanimate objects in them

    • @Fishster
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    This conversation is 10 years too late. (Apart from the Starfield specific stuff).

    • @ewgrosslmao
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    They’ve been saying for decades they have learned stop being sheep and giving them money it’s literally the only way they will listen. If you trust and believe them you are the problem

    • @Sald8Trin
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    How tf Avowed has a good combat? It’s spamming LMB repeatedly

    • @MichaelPerlmanjr
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    wow bethesda game are just bad and core and are only good for the use of mods means the game is just bad with they put love in the game like larion or cd project red were you see a lot of pashen and care in the game

    • @ewgrosslmao
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda has always been the laziest, I’m not huge on graphics it doesn’t really matter to much but their games look disgusting because of the mindset of the studio. Put out whatever and the fans will fix it, I’ve never bought a Bethesda games after playing skyrum even as a kid I did see them for who they are but yay good job on finally see what I have for decades

    • @MangoMann072
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t think Bethesda is convinced the Creation engine is their only or best option to make games I think its more they don’t want to lose their modding community. Bethesda was fully convinced modders would fill in the worlds of starfield and make content for them which luckily many modders hated the game and didn’t waste time doing so but Bethesda definitely wants to hold on to their modding community

    • @mistressminerva3382
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfields quests are infuriating and lack severly in choices and consequences.
    When i first ran into the stranded spaceship quest above Paradiso , i got really frustrated because all options to finish this quest are just outright bad , blowing up the ship with everyone on board being the most humane thing to do kinda bad. I so wished i could get rid off that CEO guy instead.
    And that one Story quest that forces you to steel something while being scripted that you will always get detected , just cuz the story wants to tell it that way.

    Anyway , my major issue with Starfield is basicly the same that i have with Avowed … Starfield might even have more issues than Avowed now that i think about it.
    Lack of Immersion like NPC Day n Night Cycles , NPC reactions when i pull my weapon out , being a first person game i dont want to have to swap to 3rd person when i climb a ladder , … the devs gave us camera toggle so we dont get forced into the face of the NPCs but without actually giving the NPCs idle animation , now it just looks like your talking to a stick or a brick column.

    That aside , BGS gave us a car so we can drive faster to those boring and repeated POI … instead of making more variations of POI and actually giving us a reason to care to go there in the first place …. cuz as it stands there is except for 2 magazins no reason to visit any of those locations anyways.
    And the fact that the Outpost System is worse than the FO4 one is also infuriating …

    Sorry bringing up Starfield just riled me up again … gosh i so wished this game would be good instead its just infuriating

    • @gaspump
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t know why anyone would look forward to it. It’ll just be the same slop they’ve been re-releasing for 20 year. And that includes Starfield.

    • @smooth_jazz8877
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Here’s the breakdown. ES6 not coming in 2026. Xbox’s console is a handheld. The Starfield update is bringing it to PS5

    • @MrGeneralPB
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    but it is bethesda… since morrowind, they have only gone downhill… even their most sold game of skyrim is exceedingly shallow and it is the mods more than anything that saves them… and i have starfield and the expansion, but i have had no interest in playing them until there is a complete rehaul mod out for something like mass effect or the expanse – but until then, they have nothing worth playing it for… and es6 is going to be worse as they have learnt ZERO from all their failures

    • @kreatur_
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    CDPR should’ve stuck with their REDEngine. Now Witcher 4 is gonna run like ass

    • @readifdumb
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t think we’re going to get another amazing game like Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and I’m saying this from the perspective of someone who has shit on Bethesda and saying they are an overhyped company for years. They simply have not shown any sort of progression of their formula. I’d argue Fallout 4 was the last game we saw anything new or interesting in, but I’d argue it has less staying power than Skyrim. Then it’s just a downwards slope of Fallout 76 to Starfield, with a bunch of phone games and garbage DLCs inbetween. I have not cared about Bethesda for over a decade, and I’ll keep playing their old titles instead of hoping that Elder Scrolls 6 is good. Oblivion Remake might be good since it’s not being done by Bethesda.

    • @Calamity556
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    What part of, “We don’t want more Starfield” does Bethesda not get? All of it, apparently.

    • @nym7973
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I’m waaay more excited for SkyBlivion and SkyWind than I am for TESVI. I truly don’t believe we’ll be getting a competent offering from Bethesda.

    • @wilomica
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I agree I want an RPG single player game. If Bethesda is going to keep on making multiplayer games that railroad you then I am putting my money elsewhere.

    • @CorvusDei2012
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    6 seconds in.

    Let’s be real. We should assume that Elder Scrolls 6 is an unplayable, uninteresting, and he/she/xer *disaster* until proven otherwise.

    My money is on Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon to pick up the crown for this style of game.

    • @AC-hj9tv
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Garfield > Starfield

    • @shardinhand1243
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    iv been dreading … DREADING the next elder scrolls like i dreaded the recent flop of dragon age… becuase i see past my own love for a brand name… im not blinded by thta nostalgia or brand loyalty, and bethesda like so many have fallen so far…. but im repeating myself at this point and my words have continued to fall on deaf ears, but thats fine, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they unjustly murder you and bury all evidence of your ideals and existence and history forgets about their crimes… i may be mis quoting to some extent but the gist of the points there. they being the majority, “normal” people

    • @gileadbot19
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have no faith in Bethesda at all. Starfield is so watered down, catering to as many people as possible which is why it is so terrible.

    They have lost the plot, and seemingly have no interest in going back to when they were good.

    They need to downgrade Emil at the very least, his writing is terrible. We need look no further than the lack of choice in FO4, 76, & of course Starfield.

    I swear that guy has some serious dirt on Todd Howard, there’s no way he would be lead writer anywhere else with his stunning lack of ability.

    I still play Oblivion and New Vegas more than anything else from this company, and only one of those was made by Bethesda.

    • @TacoMan850
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Great videos across a variety of games. Always a good reason to come back 💯

    • @aundtheny
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ZZZ bg!

    • @liquidsnakex1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Creation engine is for the birds. Todd is as fanatic as randy pitchford in his little belief

    • @liquidsnakex1
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Creation engine is for the birds. Todd is as fanatic in his belief as old randy pitchford.

    • @ayeyuh6920
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have become painfully aware that you look exactly like a young version of my dad. Can you not?

    • @flakes1972
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    With respect Mug, as a modder for BGS games that has actually worked alongside scripters pulling the creation engine apart.
    You and 99% of people who go after the engine don’t know shit about what you’re talking about.
    Credit where it’s due – Respect for acknowledging later in the video.

    • @djstef4549
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    People need to STFU about es6. Stop caring lol it’s gonna be just ok and decent at best.

    • @PenguinDust1969
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The reason Bethesda continues to rely on the Creation engine is because they are aware that the lasting success of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout are the mods. The two most robust and lasting franchises, the Elder Scrolls and the Sims have the most robust and varied modding communities. If Bethesda doesn’t want to create a good game that lives for about year then fades, but rather one that lives on for close to a decade they’ll have to also release a “creation kit” for whatever new engine they adapt. At this point it’s expected for their games.

    • @mernky3562
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Why are they still trying to make Starfield work? Nobody wanted that game and still nobody wants it.

    • @JAIMEGARCIA-gw9re
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If Unreal is so great why can’t studios do what BGS does with their games? Obsidian hasn’t achieved the same level of greatness since Fallout New Vegas which was made on the Bethesda engine. Avowed took 7 years to make and NPCs don’t even have reactions. The closest things to BGS experience is KCD2. The immersive elements of that world is what made BGS games great in the past.

    • @bigiron1990
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Youre the man MugThief! Youtube cant stop me from watching your videos no matter how much they try to hide your content from me for some reason.

    • @25xxfrostxx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda’s biggest problem seems to be Todd Howard. I don’t see them moving forward while he’s there. I have played every major Elder Scrolls or Fallout game released but I will probably give 6 a pass. I don’t have the patience anymore to ignore the jank of another Creation Engine fossil.

    • @jayporter1981
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    All we can hope for at this point is that Bethesda closes down and their IP’s are sold off to other studios that hopefully have talent.

    • @sarcasm-83
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Idk if Bethesda is even at Jack of All Trades state.. more like Jack of All Compromises

    • @DuskoftheTwilight
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Have they been talking about Starfield? I haven’t even thought about it in months now

    • @Wizard_Pikachu
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Crazy how both Obsidian and Bethesda are shifting so much. Old talent gonezo and the new ‘talent’ is dogshit and can’t learn from their own mistakes or feedback.

    • @ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Todd is slick
    Wants the fans to iceskate up hill.

    • @Spoonies21
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda couldn’t produce a smelly turd let alone a good Fkn game.

    • @AlexanderBrown-lz4rg
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I played Starfield for few hours and I enjoyed the experience. It felt like a Bethesda game on a space setting with the inconvenience that there were a lot of loading screens. Hopefully I’ll have the time to really play it to conclusion.

    • @brentbentKRFP
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    As somebody that’s been in FM radio for decades, I thought you might like to hear the obvious: you have an excellent voice.

    • @aaronwe9850
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Let’s say that Epic made Unreal Engine Six.
    It’s so realistic that God would take notes.
    There’s no shader compilation stuttering.

    Even if Bugthesda got their hands on Unreal Engine Six Elderly Scrolls six would suck.
    Bugthesda doesn’t have the chops to do what they used to do. Heck, they don’t even have the ground beef either.
    How many years did they have to get Starfield done?
    And they still screwed up exploration, something that’s really important to a space game.
    They didn’t learn anything from Fallout 76 and use those lessons in Starfield.

    If Emil P is still there, you can expect less than optimal writing.

    Bugthesda’s management is a big reason why things won’t improve.
    Bugthesda is another one of those companies that is coming out with something new that fills us with dread, like the Apocalypse.
    “Do you feel that? Something wicked this way comes!”
    “Nah, I liked the movie, but the next Bugthesda game is going to be really bad!”

    • @Skaikrish
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    As someone who played thousands of hours Bethesda Games with and without mods i can tell you exactly why Starfiled had to do certain things and suffered all these Loadingscreens. Over time you learn the small quirks and things how the engine roughly work and iam baffled that Bethesda still wants to use their creation Engine for newer Games and i dont even gonna count Graphics as one of the reasons.

    • @bodabodaguy3193
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Man you need a more consistent thumbnail style, I love your videos but at the speed I and most others scroll through this app I didn’t even notice it was you. Just saw todd, big font and assumed it was an upload from a lesser yt channel.

    • @mannsama7084
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Even if they show something, you can never believe their trailers or gameplay reveals. It typically all fake and not in the game.

    • @atinofspam3433
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I stopped caring after they went xbox exclusive.

    • @rumulux21
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    i think elder scrolls 6 is gonna be mid tbh and im just wait and see at this point

    • @しらこ-465
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda games always thrived on the *promise* of what they could be rather than the actual game thay they deliver.

    Now that other games have actually come along and delivered on those promises, they cant keep releasing the same shallow janky games in big worlds that they did 15 years ago. Expecting them to release a fun game in 2025+ is just wasted hope.

    • @readifdumb
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The best Bethesda game is Fallout: New Vegas and it wasn’t even made by Bethesda.

    • @yargum69
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    What I worry most about is the inclusion of settlement building, ship building and procedural generation. These fad elements draw away from the core gameplay loop of exploration and questing. Starfield felt so scattered to me, both in terms of its elements and its tone. I really hope Bethesda has the sense to make TES6 a focused game, like Morrowind or Oblivion, although I’m not sure they’re able to do that anymore.

    • @Asriel_Cypher
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The fans of the game will probably buy their game and not criticise it properly like some of them did with Starfield. It’s like they got toxic positivity. Not criticising it properly as they should so the product got lazy and lazier and then you get Starfield. Even back when Fallout 76 came out, with the memes, I don’t remember people bashing it as a horrible release. We just made fun of them and the fans. Starfield is then released and it was the most mediocre game ever to most people. They’re still not being critical about it, leaving it at Mixed Steam reviews. It really doesn’t improve the game’s quality when all they do is relying on the Mods rather than telling it straight to the Dev team. Toxic Positivity.

    I’m happy with for the fans that gets to enjoy these games but when you neglect feedback and give a harsh criticism and giving a game a pass when we have good games releases like Baldur’s Gate 3 that year, it really feels like that. Shattered Spaced added a lot for players but not many returned to play for it. Yet they left a lot of positive review and recommended review, all because of the hype rather than an objective and critical look at the game. If Starfield was released today, during extremes POV and takes was taking place, it would be bombarded with negative reviews. Rightfully so. There’s some value there, I especially like the ship customization but that’s about it. Everything else was mid and boring to me. I like customizing the ship the most, I don’t want to do the explore and loot because it happens to be generating the same structures, copy pasted over and over and then came with it the same bugs or glitches.

    Back when Skyrim was released, I was critical of the bugs and issues with the game but I tolerated it. Now, I wouldn’t, because I’m spending my hard earned money on a sub-par products in today’s economy. Even like Monster Hunter Wilds right now, I spent a lot of money and while loving and enjoying the game, the performance and lack of content is making me annoyed and I wanted to play more for the price I’ve paid. I don’t think a lot of BGS fans are like that and I think that’s a problem. Look at Wilds, a lot of people love the game and are playing more than 30 hours but left a negative review for the game to be fixed and optimized. Why aren’t a lot of BGS fans like that? It’s like when a big name chef served you a mediocre meal and charged you to max and people didn’t even realize that they’re getting scammed.

    • @isthatyoursomnomnom
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield? I remember that. 😒

    • @RS40320
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Also, tainted grail is on Unity, not Unreal.

    • @Javiruger
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Love your channel. Studios rise and fall. I was a huge acclaim fan in the 90s. Other games will rise up because the market is thriving for good games. Fear not.

    • @Naer__
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Do we want a monopoly on game engines though if everyone moves to UE? Could Epic start raising the cost to eventually meet the cost of creating and maintaining inhouse engines. Will games start feeling more the same if sharing the same engine.
    I’m not very knowledgeable on game development, so not sure on the intricacies

    • @Antonio-xq2hg
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I once literally lived to see TES 6. I was a depressed teen who didn’t kill himself out of fear of missing out on TES 6. Now i couldn’t give less of a shit. Have you played KCD2? Fuck bathesda

    • @HimmelsDaemon
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I think I’d disagree with the Skyrim omni-powerful complaint. That requires the meta knowledge that what would appear as probability is truly destined in your favor as the player of the game. If if NPCs acknowledge you as the Dragonborn, even if the world’s prophecies say such, it’s still a world filled with powerful beings, of prophecies, and their sub-planting of each other. Addressing that would not be fit with the world or narrative (the term for that escapes me). It’s not an “issue” or a “problem,” it’s just a different story with requirement different and generally antithetical to the world of the Elder Scrolls.

    • @macsattic7155
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Why are they still working on that steaming pile of disappointment ? NOONE cares. For the love of all that is holy man, move on and put your energy into ES6

    • @TheFuriousMulatto
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It’s time to just accept that TES 6 is gonna be a dumpster fire. The only joy any of us will get is watching it potentially be the game that causes Bethesda to get shut down.

    • @indi1st517
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I like Starfield (600+hrs)✌

    • @toasterenthusiast6188
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I really dislike the argument that the creation engine is holding Bethesda back, first and foremost I would very much prefer for them to stick with their own unique technology instead of entering the homogenized mess that is Unreal Engine.

    Secondly, they own the source code of the engine, they can literally add any new technology to modernize things, but that’s not the point.

    Bethesda is successful because of its engine, you just wouldn’t have the same modding capabilities in something like Unreal than you would CE2, you would abandon things like the radiant AI, and its tile based system, its very unique physics engine and as well for the ability to make props permanent in the game world.

    Essentially you would just end up with another Avowed. Bethesda just cannot exist without its engine, all of Bethesda’s success can be tied directly to the technology they use.

    • @RS40320
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    As a Bethesda fan I am ROOTING for ES 6 to fail. Bethesda needs to change, and probably needs a change in leadership to make those changes. If ES6 is the sacrifice that’s require for that, then so be it.

    • @clukskin
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    just give us ES6 already so the modding community can get to work fixing it.

    • @kada0420
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm


    • @polerli18
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Next TES having a customizable ship make perfect sense, but i have no confidence in Bethesda ability to do sea travel/battle.

    • @LordShadowZ
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I stopped caring about Bethesda games even before Starfield. Bethesda is far too stubborn to change and other studios do what Bethesda was once good at but far better. Bethesda no longer adds anything of value to the industry.

    If the Oblivion remake is actually being made in Unreal maybe it’s them testing the waters on how viable their games will be in a different engine and if its successful maybe they will actually jump off the sunken ship that is the Creation Engine, and if that is the case then I will keep an eye on Elder Scrolls 6 but will remain skeptical. They really need to improve their writing team too. Otherwise I have zero interest in a Creation engine ES6 and Bethesda will remain dead to me.

    • @KurokishiOcelot
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    “Are you still excited?”
    “I’m worried for”

    Why though? Bethesda just keeps going backwards. Why should I care what they make next when they didn’t even care about making a good game? You can point out something bad about every game they’ve made before Skyrim, but they’ve always had soul. But every game has regressed since, especially with increasingly infantile writing.
    Bethesda wants to nickel and dime me for mediocrity, all they’ll get from me is a cold shoulder.

    • @4newestaccoun
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    We all know, with full certainty, that TES6 will be a let down. Skyrim will be Bethy’s peak time. Sad but true

    • @RageRaccoon
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    at this point, I’m just learning to make my own games.

    • @calebbraun9505
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    “We’re sorry Bethesda, we were all busy playing Cyberpunk and Skyrim, did you say something?”

    • @OuterHaven_Snake
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Everyone hates the Creation Engine, it baffles me that Bethesda continues to insist on using it when literally everyone agrees it’s garbage and makes modding harder. Bethesda should get Microsoft to put in the money to get them access to an actual video game engine and rebrand it or whatever if they have to (either for legal reasons or what I’m guessing is their delusional company pride) but just get rid of that outdated dumpster fire they’ve been using. They can’t even release a game without tons of game breaking bugs, there’s no reason to keep an engine that you can’t even release a proper AAA full-price game on.

    • @ElyonDominus
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Why would anyone be worried about TES VI? It’ll be Skyrim II. TES hasn’t been good in decades. It’s going to be slop with broken systems and with 14x the loading screens and predatory monetization of mods.

    • @kodaiyoung
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Avowed is not a RPG? It ticks every single RPG box that has for it to be a RPG, even the bad consequences of your acts are there. It may not be the a RPG for your taste, but it’s a RPG for sure and it’s also better overall game than starfield.

    • @qinlongfei
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Shitfield made me realize that Bethesda & Toady Coward either no longer understand, or never knew what made their games good to begin with. Even aside from the whole ‘hand crafted world for exploring’ argument everyone’s been beating into paste, Shitfield’s mechanic somehow dodged away all the old and new points that could have made their game good and worth playing. I’m not sure if it’s a strange form of genius, or sheer idiocy that they managed to avoid all the right answers.

    • @Faminetheblack
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    People should just drop hope for es6. When was bethesdas last good game? Skyrim? Which came out in 2011ish? They’ve had 10 plus years of failure. Only fools hold out hope after a decade of failure.

    • @tonylorenzetti9424
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Just want to say Thanks to Mugthief for all the coverage on Bethesda you are a GoAT

    • @kalashnikovdevil
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It’s gonna suck sooooo bad.

    At least we have Skywind coming.

    • @PopPopDooWap
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    “We know you’re eager for Starfield news…” – BGS
    “Nope” – Me

    • @balloonedraccoon2503
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I can totally play Oblivion for the rest of my life and be happy. That doesn’t mean I’m not holding out hope for Elder Scrolls 6 though. I do really want it to be good, I think it will be cause it’s their baby and it will be Todd’s last game.

    • @ogun6464
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda peaked at Daggerfall. TES 6 will just continue the decline

    • @Braven-j7m
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I would not buy a console to get a new elderscrolls game, especially without modders to fix the game and add things they should have already had in the game. No way am i putting up with their terrible characters models

    • @jhonayo4887
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda id borked we shouldn’t expect anything good from them. Hopefully with another flop which i expect will make Microsoft divy up the fallout and Scrolls series to other studios.

    • @AYDR000
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have lost all my hope in bethesda after preordering starfield. I guarantee you that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a dumpster fire, it will be an even worse reskin of skyrim.

    • @MindzEyz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Not Playing ES VI. Only want more Starfield.

    • @connerdennis-fr4xb
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Proud to be Canadian!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @SamuelCatsy
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    My tiny glimmer of hope is that Elder Scrolls formula is so set already they’d have to work EXTRA hard to screw it up as far as the base elements go. Like we can safely assume the story is going to suck, obviously. But the ES levelling system is so much better than Starfield’s and they’re going to have to make a world map with normal dungeons. God help us if they actually do the boat thing and make it so you land at procedurally generated islands and coasts. I’d be okay with that if it was a side thing, but if it was the main thing you’re expected to do and the main map is really lacking in hand crafted content that’d really suck.

    • @Khadharphak
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If Bethesda wasn’t talking about Starfield no one would be

    • @oneill6291
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    We ALL were worried about ES6. Now we’ve all just lost hope and it’s total apathy 🙁

    • @reyhaz
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    as some of the hardcore bethesda game modders stated: starfield is unfixable!
    so the rule of “in mods, it gets fixed” does not apply to starfield, hence it’s… flop

    • @BlackVulcan22
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    My last console-seller game was the RE remake on Gamecube.

    I still remember that birthday….what a simpler time….

    • @frostreaper1607
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    All the technical advancement in the wold isn’t going to help them one thing as long as Emil is part of the writing team.

    • @ferrite1707
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I love it when people complain about game engines without really understand how they work. That isn’t even getting into the institutional knowledge that would be lost and the work that would be required to go about trying to migrate assets and make them work as they do in Creation.

    Creation isn’t the same as it was in the past. It’s an iterative work. Starfield just isn’t a good example of its strengths and Bethesda made the bad decision to use it there (but I understand why they did, because of the institutional knowledge they have).

    • @mystmistmonorea1327
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The proof i need is a thriving modding community that can produce mods that do and add things to a similar extent. Even if other games engines often have mods they are often a lot more limited.

    • @Statykx
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I don’t trust Bethesda one bit. And I’m willing to bet they haven’t learned anything.

    • @BlackVulcan22
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Design aside, is Emil is attached, it wont work. A good story and amazing world can make up for weaker RPG elements (SEE cyberpunk 2077, which I absolutely adore).

    But you cant have a bland story, dated engine, mid gameplay, AND weak RPG elements

    Imagine being a company with their pedigree, and being bad at ALL of those…..😮

    • @cosmicusstardust3300
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I love how Bethesda keeps talking about the game nobody cares about lol

    • @snazzydrew
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    it actually make sense for them to try remaking an older game of theirs in a new engine to even see if it’s possible. People also trash talk Bethesda because they deserve it, but their engine is still the only one I’ve ever seen do the weird things is does. Due to all the game objects being rather persistent and able to me moved around the whole game map. it’s a very powerful engine that is just nowhere near modernity at this point

    • @leinadreign3510
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Starfield? Wasnt that the action adventure shooter from 2015?
    Nah, didnt liked it much.
    But i will reinstall Morrowind as my next game!

    • @kreatur_
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Atp Skyrim with mods is probably still gonna be better than ES6

    • @akarinoyami9317
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The absurd struggle to say ANYTHING positive about starslop

    • @TheNightman.
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    You do realise they never, at any point said or even acknowledge fan backlash or hate of their bland boring buggy sterilised mess that was starfailure right? They never said anything like “we realised we made a mistake here’s a hand crafted world” right? Shitty space wasn’t something they made, it was cut content they “took a year” to develop. They believe there are people who love it and people who like it less, todds own fucking words in an interview.

    Bugthesda is done as a studio, as long as emil is a writer there and todd existts, along with many activist writers they have, it’s a shadow of it’s former self, ES6 is fucked before it even got cooked

    • @zupmeoff
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Why would anyone be excited for a Bethesda game? Still haven’t learned anything yet huh?

    • @Darkholow
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    After a mediocre main game then an abysmal expansion my hype for anything related to Starfield has gotten into the negative and I couldn’t care less about it anymore. Nothing they can do will fix it, because the only way to fix some of it’s problems is to rewrite the whole game (which they won’t do).

    The wait for ES6 is still there, but I have this feeling that people are hoping for another Skyrim and I doubt we’ll even get a fraction of that, because it will reach the point very soon where it’s been more than a decade and we haven’t heard anything about it.

    • @asdadsgsaadasf6043
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ES 6 is just going to be fantasy Starfield. Dumb, safe, bland, sanitised, lazy, etc. They’ll push crafting and settlement building again because they think that sells to kids, but of course it’ll be poorly implemented because they don’t actually know what they’re doing or care. They are no longer a passionate group of fantasy nerds making RPGs. It’s a corporate workplace led by Todd, a guy who thinks the key to success is making your product dumb and more shallow so kids and idiots will buy it. They can’t fix their issues, they aren’t the people to do it. They’ll push further away from their fans to where they mistakenly believe the easy money is. When this game comes out, people are going to be mad. It’s going to have more in common with Starfield and Avowed than something like Skyrim or a deeper modern RPG like BG 3.

    • @LiAkahi
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I was unaware that there ever was a good year for Starfield

    • @Sleepy.Time.
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    i will be to busy playing Skyblivion to even notice TES6 has come out

    • @boeserKadser
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    They delivered 1! ONE! “content” within a year. A timeframe they delivered ALL of Fallout 4 s DLC in

    • @bracken7794
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Bethesda have had their day. No shame in it…. They made their mark on gaming history and can be proud of it. However, they can’t compete with the top developers anymore.

    • @drazharkarandaras5527
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Hey there mug. Great content. Wanna makeout?

    • @jsrodman
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    At some point, you have to come to grips with the reality that Elder Scrolls as been a giant mess from the start, and since morrowind a mess without a pilot.

    • @TheSpongyMallard
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    ES6 isn’t coming out until 2028 or later most likely. It’s too early to start to worry.

    • @brianhanna3128
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    It wasn’t procedural generation itself that was problematic, it was what they did with it and how they used it.

    • @GoodOmenGaming
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Imagine how great this game would have been if they only made our solar system.

    • @joelhodoborgas
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    TES VI is absolutely gonna suck balls, starfield is an abomination.

    • @Implode4488
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I pre ordered starfield, the first game I’ve pre ordered, i went against my better judgement because it was Bethesda, i love their games, and to say i was disappointed would be an understatment. I uninstalled the game after 50 odd hours, and I’ve never reinstalled it, not even for the DLC

    • @Rapunzel879
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    TES6 will almost certainly be bad given Bethesda’s recent games.

    • @saschaberger3212
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    When I look at all the NPCs in Starfield then I’ll assume every NPC in ES6 will be a Redguard

    • @TheWosniakGambit
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Hope for the best, expect the worst. I have zero optimism anymore

    • @earlofdoncaster5018
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The only thing that can save Starfield is if it ported to a new engine capable of dynamic loading.

    • @ShreddingFinn
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    They should just put Starfield on the Skyrim map and call it a day, people would love it

    • @kclink1579
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    Our great, great grandchildren will enjoy this game when it comes out.

    • @lamborghinea-pig5663
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I gave up hope for tes6 when it was announced with a slow scroll over trees and a title card and then silence for multiple years

    • @18266609
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I have no hope for elder scrolls vi.

    • @AKABoondock19
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If you arent worried about ES6 then you just have your head in the sand.

    • @trailboundphoto
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    The console that’s coming is the handheld thing. So I doubt we have to worry about that being the ES6 release.

    • @prodajie
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    I was worried too until I stopped caring. Down with Bethesda, long live Morrowind.

    • @bvyup2112
    • 2025年 3月 12日 9:56pm

    If they use the same engine its just going to be Starfield with a new skin.

    They need to seriously upgrade gameplay and graphics to keep up.