Bethesda, Don’t Waste Starfield’s Potential
Bethesda, Don’t Waste Starfield’s Potential: An Analysis
Bethesda’s first Starfield expansion, Shattered Space, was supposed to take us deeper into the cosmos. Instead, it played it safe—giving us one new planet and a faction questline that could’ve easily been in the base game. But Starfield has always had the potential to be so much more.
In this video, we break down:
-What Starfield does right and why it has incredible sci-fi potential
-Why Shattered Space was a missed opportunity for expanding Starfield’s universe
-The DLC Starfield actually needs—think wormholes, alternate dimensions, first-contact alien encounters, and AI transcendence
-How Bethesda can turn Starfield into an unforgettable sci-fi epic
With Starfield’s next DLC still on the horizon, Bethesda has a chance to go all-in on the wild, mind-bending sci-fi concepts it teased in the base game. Will they play it safe again, or will they finally embrace the unknown?
🔔 Subscribe for deep dives into Starfield, Skyrim, Fallout, and more: @bandercoot
💬 Let me know in the comments—what do YOU want to see in the next Starfield DLC?
#Starfield #ShatteredSpace #StarfieldDLC #Bethesda #SciFiGaming #RPG #GamingNews #OpenWorldGames #Bandercoot
コメント (82)
Thanks for watching. Would love to hear people’s ideas for a DLC!
Little too late for that bud, also you’re never getting anything like their old games again, anyone that made the old games enjoyable has left the company or died
Good Plan , Thank You
I agree Bethesda shouldn’t worry about placating whiny fans who have a delusional expectation for what these space games can be. Instead of making “hand crafted” stuff, they should spend their time adding to their procedural generation with more dynamic encounters, mission board quests, and locations.
Procedural generation isnt the problem. Look at games like no mans sky and deep rock galactic. When its done properly its epic and youre always going to be surprised by something new.
There is so much potential with the game it’s sad to see it’s pretty much abandoned, apparently another update coming end of the year but it’s just a console, port thingy. I think they run out of ideas and passion and panicking about ES6, that’s still another 4 years away
Beautifully said brother
Yeah.. They definitely should bring in more fantastical elements. Actual sentient alien life. Bring them as a NG+ element.
Upgrade the Starborn Guardian. Make it a TARDIS like ship, bigger on the inside that you can customize. A Starborn ship builder or just a vendor, or even give an option to customize your SBG at the start of your NG+.
All of your suggestions would be great too. Things that the fan base has been asking for. I like the game, i just think they played it too safe.
Also, more than 1 customized city on the major planets.
You know some of those “haters” are fan and were just disappointed with the game overall, ignoring valid criticism won’t help Bethesda make the game better. And shattered space had the right idea of a more concentrated space for the dlc, it was just badly done.
I think Exodus the up and coming game will deliver what Starfield didnt.
Another amazing video, full of great thoughts!!))) But!!! But… We have to be realistic, most people have lost interest in the game, and the studio itself has practically stopped supporting it. Recently, they shared news that something new is still coming, but judging by the interest in the game, unfortunately, they will probably release another standard DLC and maybe a PS5 version to make a bit more money. It’s sad because Starfield has incredible potential. It could have been developed for years, if only the public had embraced it from the start…
Great video guy, thank you.😊
I’m not wasting my time on it. It was a horrible copy paste of dragonborn in space.
First, they need to address the repetitiveness of planetary bases. They need to at least quadruple the amount of planetary base designs.
And they need to create more variation in enemy and loot placement in those bases. If they do not do that, then the game will only repeat itself again and again.
I tried finishing the game twice, and have put in many hours, but I can not finish it, because the repetition of the bases destroys my will to live.
I wish they had the talent to pull off some excellent DLC. They have great ideas but poorly execute them in under-baked and under-whelming ways. BGS also has been good at lore and world building but have never been great at actual story telling. I wish they could collaborate with another studio or two. They need to let other people write dialogue/plot, and handle technical performance while they focus on lore and world building and exploration.
Edit 2: thank you for making fun videos about Starfield 🙂
I think your explanation of “Shattered Space was a great Fallout 4 DLC, but a disappointing Starfield DLC” is so apt for it. I loved it, because I love “typical Bethesda” stuff. But I ALSO agree that it just left me wanting more still, because having something more suited for the “science fantasy” of Starfield would have been so incredible.
Edit: Also, 100% on board with the AI DLC. With the AI Parts, prototypes, mechs being so popular, I’d love a “mecha DLC” that focuses on the way Starfield uses machines and AI, and embraces the fantastical parts of it to tell a cool story. This is all for the sole purpose of allowing players to build and use mechs and fight against other mechs, because that’s all I’d really want out of it lol
Shattered Space was what people were asking for, a more Skyrim like world with quests and things to do everywhere you go. I don’t want Starfield to become Halo or Mass Effect. We have those games already. They need to go deeper on The Unity and the origins of the Starborn.
They set out to create something separate and new, and that’s all I want them to continue doing, not look at other franchises and copy their ideas.
I agree we need more. Deeper gameplay systems, answers to questions that bring up new questions, more reasons to stay in a universe, more reasons to leave.
Too bad. They already did
Bethesda give this man a job!
They messed up at the start when they abandoned hand crafting the world. If they just made a couple solar systems or just one the game would be 10 times better. They also messed up with the story because starfield lore and history is much more interesting than the story we got in the game.
A revamp of planet biomes, new creatures, point of interests, more water stuff on planets, would be nice honestly. But I think only a half-baked DLC and paywalled Creations will come ^^
Edit: I love your ideas, but it might be too deep for Bethesda I’m afraid, we shall see.
FINALLY!! A video with logical, REASONED criticism of Starfield and Bethesda and what it could and should do to enhance/expand it. I LOVE Starfield – it’s far from perfect, but it’s AMAZING in it’s potential, which is seen in the thousands of mods which already exists… Btw, I’m a lvl 146 player who has NEVER(!!) played the Main Questline but have added over 320 Nexus and Creation mods and created an entirely new, randomized experience… Apparently the next DLC is to be called ‘Starborn’ (from Bethesda patent discovery), so maybe Bethesda will start to push the limits again. We can hope….
The AI… suggestion… is already a quest. But I don’t want to spoil it.
“it’s not fallout with lasers”
Dude…Fallout HAS lasers
Thats the most meaningful take on Starfield up to date. Bethesda please watch this.
This is incredible, dude. Great great great work.
Would love some endgame, a reason to upgrade ships and gear to the max, more love interest, ability to change how they look and sound, complete sets of Legedary armor instead of having one piece of one and one of another. I save scummed for so long before I realized their wasn’t even a full set of Superior Legendary Bounty Hunter armor in the game, just a helmet. Many of these things have been done with mods but I don’t use nexus and don’t want achievements turned off. Aliens would be awesome as well, more factions and a revamp of powers because honestly I have 800 hrs in the game and most of that time I used 2 powers- rest are completely useless. I would also like a way to keep ships that you have made if you decide to go through the unity and reset quest. I don’t care about keeping your credits because it’s so easy to make it but nobody wants to remake intricate ships that you love that took many hours to make. Put new enemy ships and upgrades in the game and maybe some unique or legendary ships you can obtain through defeating the subsystems and taking it over. Make some of those specials ships hard to defeat one on one so you get a sense of accomplishment while exploring- Feel free to use player made ships as models as most of them are 100 times better than what you yourselves put in the game.
Well said, this vid is 100% accurate 👍
In addition to the points mentioned, untapped potential also is in improvement on the dog fights with your ship, the ship building mechanics. Make it more worthwhile to create your own custom ship and the things you can really can do with it. Same for outpost building, and trading etc. Companions should be more unique, memorabel, and truly add something extra to make it worthwile to bring them along. Add a strategic element to it all.
I really hope to see Bethesda expands those things. Looking forward to it!
if i had to make a comment on something you said “dont make a game for the haters make a game for the fans”….. I am a huge sci-fi fan its one of my favorite genre’s. all I have to say is im a hater of this game because they played it so safe there was nothing to explore nothing to even think about nothing challenging to the mind in anyway shape or form it straight up was a nothing burger in the end i play RPG’s to allow my exploration of the things i can do and change because they’re fun if i want to be evil i can evil if i can be good i can be good. but in this it was just pointless i put in 160 hours to just try and find anything good about the story, gameplay, settlement systems, ship building / ship mechanics (which i liked but ultimately in the end I just found shallow because i could only use it in space and there was nothing to explore its only purpose was to be used as a fast travel mechanic an combat and a base and not being able to fly through the atmosphere of a planet was probably the biggest disappoint ever the biggest one of all) also exploring planets trying to fit into 2 or 3 biomes was really annoying that i had to use console commands to get the precise i wanted for the maps to land and set up bases on other planets and all the loading screens became kind of unbearable towards the end even though they were short because there were so many, it took me out of the game so much and because the main story was so badly written i became so frustrated and angry because i expecting them to return back to the roots of great story telling and that there is something else that is greater then yourself much more powerful and at every turn when they would build something up it was like a balloon popping and not a 1000 ton bomb going off making me go “ohh my god”. also one last thing that got missed was not being able to circumnavigate the planets that you land on.
in the end i felt like i was trying drown myself in 100″ x 1″ X 1″ pool of water. I really tried to like this game it was just to safe an it should have been more hardcore they what was given, accessibility for the sake of accessibility burns so many games because its treating so many people like they are 5 years old and I am not saying the game should be like dark souls in space but there should be a lot more mechanics. I think right now the only game currently that does it best for accessibility is Enshrouded because if you want it to be harder you can change it there even certain things you can just straight up turn off and on and making it harder doesnt mean that there HP is super higher which is nice
I really like all the of the ideas you throw out but in the end i dont think we will ever see because Microsoft gaming division has turned into the netflix of gaming an were going to keep getting shallower and shallower “RPG’s” if you want to even consider what is being made these day’s as RPG’s from microsoft.
Starfield needs a reason to pilot your ship, end of story.
I also think that they need to add underwater gameplay with biomes and an intelligent alien civilisation below neon that wants to stop them raping the sea. A bit like the abyss.
The only thing that will save Starfield is the community uniting to create in-depth, fully fleshed out worlds they craft by hand, and they replace the existing planets with these hand-crafted worlds.
“Make a game for the fans, not the haters” Insane to say when Bethesda already did that. They churned out the slop that is Starfield and its DLC. Starfield and everything that comes with it is exactly what Bethesda fans deserve for rewarding and praising mediocrity. I put 200 hours into the game. Bad writing, terrible world building, nonsensical logic. It’s more of a linear action adventure than it is an RPG. The copium in this video and the comments is insane. Bethesda and its products won’t improve, they’ve shown us that time and time again. With Starfield, it’s more fun to ask “What if?” Rather than “What is”. Get ready for more disappointment in the future, brothers
– new deep / romanceable & attractive companions (not shallow NPC followers)
– hand crafted biomes
– quests with real choices & outcomes (maybe retrospective, like if side with the Crimsons or Varunn)
– more weapons with gameplay effects (The First Descendant, Doom Dark Ages..)
– a better 3rd person camera (like Fallout 4s)
Please, no aliens. At least no typical humanoid sci-fi aliens.
Starfield’s greatest narrative strength is its grounded take on the future and the more philosophical journeys it encourages instead. Having humans be both the good and bad guys forces us to question what it truly means to be human, rather than having an alien race of warmongers or something who we can just point to and say “yeah, those guys are evil.”
We can definitely expand on the Creators though, and honestly I imagine they will (maybe as some sort of extra-dimensional beings or long-gone forerunner race), but just meeting Klingons in space would cheapen the whole setting.
if an alien species with borg-like qualities shows up and starts giving me puzzles to figure out i’m shooting first and dealing with those puzzles never. 💀
Starfield’s problem is incoherent world building. It’s both empty, and crowded.
It’s empty because the UC and free star only comprise of 6 systems. The NPC hubs are few and far between. And the “big cities” are so small I’m pretty certain my hometown in west Texas is bigger than it. New Atlantis should be sprawling. Jamison has one city on it. That’s it. The rest of the planet is just open wilderness. Jamison, Mars, Akila should be special planets. You can only land at approved landing sites.
It’s crowded because no matter what rock you land on, there is a deserted listening post full of spacers you can shoot up. I remember the quest “back to vectara” you find Heller marooned on a random planet and you have to save him. He has dialogue “I’m glad to see you, you’re the only ship I’ve seen” or something to that effect… yet there is a Bionics lab half a kilometer away, and mining outpost 300 meters away. That planets should be completely barren.
Or when you’re going on a temple mission… We’re supposed to believe that these temples have never been discovered, and that we’re supposed to be the ones to first explore them… But, on the hike to the temple you’ll see a carbon copy “cryo lab” within eyesight for at least 5 of the temples.
what potential??? lmao!
so basically you want more and better story in new DLC. I kinda agree.
The foundation on gameplay is so bad so they might as well focus on story.
Great video! 💚 Really hope Bethesda watch this! I particularly like the suggestions in the ‘Existential & Surreal Experiences’ section of the video.
They also never seem to lean into the nasa punk feeling, give me scrap heaps and space suits far to big and cluncky to be practical. Buildings that look thrown together or mishmashes of technology. They wasted the endless opputunities
I appreciate your insights & opinions, but please place spoiler warnings & time stamps for spoilers. I really didn’t need to all the story beats for the end of the game….
100% agree – Potential is there -but until now, boring emptiness!
TODD HOWARD I HOPE YOU SEE THIS! listen to your real community. great video
fallout has lasers btw but good vid
It needs not to happen at all. They need to focus on TES VI. It’s not looking too good.
BGS, What he just said plus split screen local co-op and seamless space to planet mechanics.
People still play this game?
Id be ecstatic if they simply added real travel times (not instant travel and load screens) and space content, like having to go outside in deep space to repair my ship, or having to EVA over to a creepy alien ruin in deep space… I hope someone gets your vid to Todd Howard
This whole video was a cocktail made from equal parts hopium and copium mixed in a glass of trying to squeeze quality from an asset dump game.
Man all I want is like 100 hand crafted dungeons to add to the list of procedurally placed ones. Having to clear the exact same abandoned listening post 2 times in a row makes me want to uninstall immediately lol
I am sorry but bethesda is not capable of making a open world space game, they are good at loading simulators
How about adding an alien threat that compels us to bring the factions together against a common threat? Maybe the great serpent is the creation of an alien race to cause division within humanity to weaken them.
those are some great ideas. Sci-fi should have something more to say than just presenting a future where something happens to have altered the course of humanity. Those moments of quiet soul searching and philosophical pondering about the nature of reality should be what this game focuses on, much like games like Fallout focus on critiquing modernity, war and capitalism through satire, or like Cyberpunk, focusing on what it means to be yourself, what is the soul and if advanced enough machines can even have one.
Starfield could similarly ask questions about what is life after death, whether it’s moral to change the course of history, is the universe a random set of events or is fate already written down and unchangeable?
Its 2023 in a alternative reality, Starfield launches as a ps5 only exclusive, this channel: “oMg sTaRfIeLd is 10/10, the best gaYme eVaR!!”
I have 186 hours in game.
To me its not the wow effect or space magic that game lacks, its the overwhelmingly rotten core of the game.
Its the abysmal UI that fights you in every step of the way.
Its the boring safe dialogues that passed 10 HR filtrations until there is no soul in NPCs.
Its the absolute absence of exploring.
Its the barren and dead cities with filler NPCs who neither sleep nor talk.
Its how shallow game is in its every mechanic, how meaningless everything feels.
It’s clear to me that new “Bethesda Formula” is to release an empty game, then suck money out of everyone who bought it by dozens of paid mods.
Its what happened to Fallout 76
Its what happened to Starfield
And it will most definitely happen to TES6
New DLC – once downloaded it wipes Starfield from your hard drive, freeing up memory that could be used for something else.
great video, loved the topic you covered and how you did so.
It’s unlikely that Bethesda will drastically change their approach, as Starfield represents the culmination of their customer research. They’ve designed the game to cater to their target audience, incorporating every element they believe their fans enjoy. Given the company’s size and established methodology, it’s improbable they’ll revamp their strategy for future projects, including DLCs or Skyrim 6.
I read the caption and said “bro’s 2 years late”
They should do a hollow earth area and explore the idea of the edge of space. They should also add super planets with kaiju esc beasts like that movie cloverfield paradox. They should also watch Star Trek the next generation. They should also explore what would life forms be like on gas giants like sentient creatures we can’t perceive. They should also add a radio and a history channel in game. They also need to add in children pets and more npc housing cause the people just feel like androgynous filler people who do nothing. They could make a mission with a dimension device that takes you to the elder scrolls and fallout universes for brief segments maybe even doom and wolfenstein. They also need to fill in some of these barren planets with shit to do (help stranded people, aid a small town, have a wars going on beetween factions on different planets). Also they could rip off some shit from starship troopers and make a quest line from that.
Edit: they could also make a society of giant people and have you use a mech suit in order to use their facilities in their giant society on a giant planet with giant towns where humans are just mad tiny compared to them. They could also have a quest line where you go back to earth and solve why exactly earth got fucked up.
They could also explore faction controlled systems and systems that factions are warring over. They can also rip off star trek with the cyborg empire that is invading the settled system.
Personally I think Starfield shouldn’t do any intelligent aliens. It would hurt the hard sci fi aesthetic.
you’re basically asking bethesda to have good writing in their main story line, which they haven’t done in any of their games. unless they hire a good writer just for a DLC and not Emil, its not gonna happen
This video is a gem. It’s great to see that more people have perfectly understood the Starfield experience from its core—a hard science fiction that we fans have embraced and want more of. Bethesda must move toward the direction of mystery and the unknown, giving us few answers and more questions that make us think. They have already planted the seed of an incredible universe, with ‘Creators’ that we would one day meet… give us more of this. As Bandercoot rightly said, ‘Make a game for the fans, not the haters.’
I’d argue the base game is more like Fallout in space,
only with multiple planets and systems to explore.
but the dlc Shattered Space i don’t know what they were
trying to do with that. it’s just smaller limiting it to
one planet, but it also feels far too linear.
it also doesn’t even connect with the base game in any way,
i think that’s the main disconnect. Shattered Space
feels like it’s own thing, it just so happens to exist
as part of the overall game of Starfield.
but if people are hoping the next dlc, most likely
the last, it’ll probably be more average.
i already get the sense Bethesda has moved on from it,
which is a shame, cause i agree their is alot
of potential, but unfortunately the negativity towards
the game likely killed any chance of that.
Glad to see someone bring some positivity to this game. While it has its shortcomings, I think it was judged too harshly from day 1. I hope Bethesda is able to expand on the starborn and unity with future DLC.
man send this video to Bethesda NOW!!
make a game for the fans not the haters. LOVE IT!!
I love all of these ideas! I’d love if Starfield did them all! Hopefully they do something awesome with the next DLC! I really hope Bethesda does not give up on Starfield! Liked & Subbed!
I loved starfield still playing
The entirely of the game is a hollow husk of sloppily made content other games do infinitely better. Bethesda and potential don’t belong in the same sentence, we all know they settled for barebones long ago.
Honestly I think Starfield has a lot of fundamental issues that need addressing way beyond just adding more DLC to the game. I really tried to get into this game, having been a fan of most of Bethesda’s previous RPG offerings, but I’ve found Starfield to be kind of a slog to get through. Starfield is in need of a Cyberpunk-style retrofit touching on almost every aspect of the game. Some of it’s faults — like poor writing, boring quests, and way too many loading screens — might prove too much to fix at this late stage, but there’s tons of other issues that could and should be addressed that would at least significantly take the edge off. The UI is clunky, the navigation system is confusing, the combat balancing seems all over the place, there’s a ton of bugs…
The ship-building system is just about the game’s only clear redeeming feature, but even that has it’s issues. Given the monetary and skill cost in-game to fully interact with that feature, it takes a significant amount of time before you can really dive into the game’s best and currently only big selling point. And the ship parts are very poorly labeled and do a frankly terrible job of explaining to the player what they’re stats do and how you can effectively compare them against each other to determine their relative worth. Add to that the fact that you have to travel to specific locations to access certain ship modules at all, which is very inconvenient. The shipbuilder needs a rework to make shipbuilding more worth investing skills and money into earlier in the game, as well as better showcasing where you can get location-specific parts and better explaining what the stats of parts do for your ship. There should be a much better distinction between weapon types and auto/non-auto/turret variants. As it is there’s practically no point to using anything other than the highest DPS auto particle weapon, and that’s lame.
Starfield had a lot of potential as a game, and some of that potential was squandered in a way that I don’t think can be fixed at this point. But some of it could be regained if Bethesda were willing to put the work in, like CD Projekt Red or Hello Games before them. Another DLC and some non-functional sidequest paid creation questlines won’t come close to cutting it.
I love your video and your take on possible story ideas for Starborn DLC. I think leaning further into sci-fi themes for Starborn is a great suggestion. I am not one of those that hated the main quest and Constellation I wish BGS to expand upon them. 👍
YES Thank You 🎉
There is no one right answer. Personally, I love immersive mundanity when done right and dislike chosen one storylines. However, the key change I would like to see for this game might also be the best route to what you want out of it.
AAA games seem to be having trouble taking risks, while AA games are stepping up. Bethesda could exploit this by deemphasising the current story to just another DLC, and make the core game just a great story-agnostic sandbox sort of like the Traveller TTRPG core rules. Lean into mods to the extent that Starfield is almost like steam within steam, just an environment where any company can feel safe to produce AA-scale DLC and make a profit if the consumer likes it.
I think we would only need some subtle changes to allow DLC to introduce entirely different starting points. They may have to be selected at the start but the main story you end up playing could emerge organically during play. Choices can lop off certain branches until just one remains, but then that must be completeable.. or the game would probably also be fun without main stories if you just want to play the same character indefinitely in an episodic fashion. Personally I like a beginning, middle and end and then starting with an entirely new character concept. The choices you make as you play could take you to a high concept SF main story, or a political intrugue, or a crime drama set in just one city on one world among thousands.
I just want some atmospheric flight and mechs, that’s all. But it’s still my game. Catch a smile out there. o7
Thank you man they should watch more movies or find a way to be more inspired. This game has so much potential and we keep coming back because we do want to explore the unknown in space.
I would LOVE Starfield to have:
1. New full companions/ romance options! (Like the Constellation ones but ideally neutral / evil morality);
2. Space flight between planets (even if it is just hiding loading screens);
3. In-game Bestiary/ Codex of our discovered flora & fauna (with images);
4. Radio stations for each faction system/ planet (like the FO4 one in Nuka World);
5. Space station building, & ‘space walking’ outside our ship;
6. Combat finishers & stealth kill animations; and
7. First Contact DLC & also move the Creators story / lore forward in a meaningful way.
Another good analysis of Starfield on the channel, love to see it. Although I did enjoy Shattered Space quite a bit more than the rest of the community and give it a 7/10, I think they could’ve leaned more into the surreal with the Great Serpent for sure. The game has so much potential and BGS has the opportunity to tell a sci-fi story that is incredibly unique.
As for an idea I had for a DLC, I think it’d be awesome if they played with the wormhole idea and allow us to go back in time to when the Colony War was happening and see what the large-scale conflicts between the UC and FC looked like. We’d get to meet some of the names from the war that we see on the Colony War memorial list in New Atlantis to get a feel for who they were. We’d get to see Londinion before the…closure…of the city. I think it’d be awesome to get more insight into that. It’d be even cooler if we got to take part in the conflicts and choose a side, which could have some choice/consequence with the factions in the present day.
That would definitely be a more “grounded” DLC, but if they were to play more with the surreal nature of wormholes, black holes, time warps, etc., that could be really cool. Keeping the grounded sci-fi NASApunk aesthetic but touching on the more outlandish ideas like those could be really sweet. All in all, I really like Starfield as-is and, dare I say it, is my favorite BGS game. A couple days ago, BGS confirmed via X that they are working on some big/exciting updates for the game, and I hope they really take advantage of the full, massive potential this game has.
I would love to see that , also possibly have humanoid aliens be a frequent thing or a virus in a a different galaxy
Ai thing was already done in one of the quest lines. Also, grav drive travel is the equivalent of wormholes in the game. However, I do agree that these ideas need to be expanded upon.
Bethesda came out with a great game and then some rotten people that wanted it to be skyrim and fallout started trashing the game. Irs not Bethesda that made mistakes it folks like you that want to bash the game and the maker. It is not any other game. Its Starfield. Bethesda played it safe because the haters pushed it and overshadowed the ones that love it.
Wormholes and alternate dimensions would work so well with the base game. Another great video.