10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Join (And Be Better Off!)
From Cyberpunk to Starfield, the choice is yours.
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コメント (51)
Bhalen is honestly the best choice though
Fall out 4 made me so mad.. i never knew that shawn was the leader. I got down there, saw him in the cage and shot the old man in the face the moment he opened the door. i ended up “completing” the game without ever finding my son. i was so confused and mad i looked it up online and was even more pissed.
Honorable mention ORCA from Armored core For Answer. Since you gain access to their arena as well as several new weapons like the moonlight sword
After this take on CP77 I will NEVER watch another video from this, or any associated channel again. There is an absolute reason this is called the Devil ending.
5:32 Um siding with Arasaka is the worst ending and V is still doomed to die pretty much.
The Snake School Silver Sword is also available if you defy O’dimm
It’s good. It’s good to be bad
I have to disagree with Behelen being bad and would argue that Harrowmont is the bad guy
I always found healing in KOTOR to be much better than fast-killing, tbh
Maybe I’m misremembering but the nomad ending with the Aldecados V also survives, they just have an operation to remove the chip and all their cyberwear
Extra additions:
In Star Wars: Jedi Knight if you join The Dark Side, you don’t necessarily get a better ending than if you stay on the light side. You do however get a snazzy gold lightsaber (which you steal after killing a Sith Initiate) and you get the opportunity to use Force Destruction against Darth Jarek. To be honest, the latter perk is really a bit of a booby prize. Force Destruction in Star Wars lore basically collapses the universe in a massive singularity. 99% of the time, it doesn’t work and the remaining 1% that it does, it breaks the game.
In Command Conquer 3: Tiberium Sun, you are given the option during the final mission of GDI campaign to permanently defeat both the invading Skrin menace AND arch-enemies the Brotherhood of Nod all in one fell swoop. The only problem is that it means you have to resort to Nod’s “scorched earth” tactics and use a liquid tiberium ‘device’ to do the deed. Your boss, and all-round straight arrow General Jack Granger (played by Michael Ironside) strongly advises against you taking this because it will permanently cement humanity’s dependence on Tiberium based weapons and that it’s “not the GDI way”. If you follow Granger’s advice, he will simply give you a congratulatory pat on the back during the debrief. Whereas if you DO decide to use the ‘device’, your story ends with you sipping martinis in a nuclear bunker with Billy Dean Williams’ corrupt politician. The tragi-comedy of that final segment alone is reason enough for some people.
I think persona 5 royals ending deserves to be here too
Finally my favorite spidery game gets some LOVE
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is easily one of my favorite games of all times.
There is no good and evil in the Witcher just shades of grey. What is the lesser of two evils. They are both monsters
Dark Brotherhood Oblivion > Dark Brotherhood Skyrim.
Just saying.
I’m sorry, I fully disagree that siding with O’Dim being villainous. Olgierd is not sympathetic and got EXACTLY what he deserved.
I went symbiote route in web of shadows my first time. I totally ship Peter and Black Cat.
Never finished it but Cyberpunk: Phantom liberty one ups them on that by saving V and working with a messed up government.
Get the BBQ sauce ready, Jules. You’re gonna be roasted by all of the Dragon Age fans after THAT one. You know you will.
However, that particular choice has been one of my favorites of the Bioware golden age. It actually makes you think about real world times where “the good guys” backed dictators. You have to wonder if, somewhere behind the scenes, they knew (or hoped) for a similar result of their choice. Even if it turns out to have been the wrong one.
Not sure any of these count as “secret”. most of them are either quests, choices the game makes obvious you can take, or things you know you can do from the start.
Another point for Bhelen is that, if you play as a Dwarf Commoner, he is basically your family’s one golden ticket out of Dusttown, and a hero for the casteless.
Siding with Arasaka being the best outcome? Yeah, right? You’re basically signing up to be a slave. Ever heard of “I’d rather die standing up than living on my knees”?
pagan min not making this list is LITERALLY criminal by the way
In Cyberpunk 2077 I mean there’s technically 2 ways to get rid of the chip but ones DLC so I won’t spoil. But I still think Arasaka is one of the worst outcomes in the game minus that one ☝🏼 ending on the rooftop. Granted I may be bias since I chose the Nomad ending
The corporations from The Outer Worlds
Secondary point about the arasaka ending. You don’t really get more time to live it. You’re still dying and then one of the options is to sign your soul away to the soul killer program
You would need 0 understanding of whats going on in Cyberpunk to think that siding with Arasaka makes V better off. Literally no one is better off and youve actively chosen to keep thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands of people’s souls enslaved.
The Devil is considered the worst possible ending for everyone other than V commiting suicide.
Big 2025 and still no timestamps is crazy.
Siding with GOD in the Witcher 3 only really has one good reward in the horse saddle, everything else is pretty useless and the money wish only gives you $5000.
Tell us you have never played Cyberpunk without actually playing the game. God this list is utter trash.
So, no Pagen Min from Far Cry 4?
Yeah no, I always know there’s going to be a catch that will screw the player over.
Far Cry 4 is the prime example of this, why isnt it on the list?
I can’t fully remember Revans story (kotor 1) but according to SWTOR he mastered both the dark side and the light leaving him in a weird postion, i know the whole plot twist to kotor 1 but does that mean canoncly he was light during kotor 1?
Arasaka isn’t the reason V ended up the way he did. It was him/her trying to steal from them. They’re the villains but for all the wrong reasons listed in this video.
The Arasaka ending is literally called “The Devil” i fail to see how any part of that is better off. Also just a little thing,but technically Bhelen doesn’t kill all his family he simply manipulates his siblings into killing one another or framing one for killing the other and the pain of losing two children so close together causes his father to pass away. That being said,yeah he is still the better ruler inspite of the scheming he’s done to reach that point
7:38 I see what you did there! 😆
Or-ZUH-mar, they say it like 1000 times in each of the games.
Evil ftw 🥳😆
Thanks for the video
Dark brotherhood…
Umm, you literally can join them, the thieves guild, companions, and college and nobody gives a single damn.
So the only real “bad” thing they do is kill an Emperor that you never knew until now.
Same with crimson fleet. It doesn’t effect the actual story for “rewards” it’s just a side thing Bethesda let’s you do.
Now the Opposite: 10 Video Game Heroes You Can Secretly Join (And Be Worse Off)
a “Bad” choice is usually the easiest most comfortable, but the most selfish. Being good is about doing things the hard way for the greater good of the people around you
Old favorite of mine was Langrisser series. The mobile game actually tries to follow it up multiverse style
Sometimes Bad is Good
Arasaka? It is arguably the worst ending you can get. V can die and it would arguably be a better result than siding with Arasaka.
16s and Im the first view? You guys are slowing down.