The (PIE) Crafting Update, Where are Premium Servers? WB changes? | Rust Update 7th March 2025
The crafting update is here, which let’s face it is mainly about Pies.. but where are premium servers? And have worbench changes been rolled back? All the latest news in this week’s Rust Update.
Get 30% OFF your RUST server with Pine Hosting now! Use code SHADOWFRAX and my link here: https://pine.host/shadowfrax
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Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
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Thanks to Facepunch for letting me use their trailer, original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGrxEguK0pY
Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders
Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2025
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2025
Taqs:rust update,shadowfrax,rust,concept limbo,rust pc,rust pc update,subject to change,rust review,rust recap,rust console,rust patch,new rust update,rust console update,rust raiding,rust latest,rust latest update,rust latest news,rust pc review,rust whats new,rust mobile,rust 2025,rust hoppers,rust pies,cooking 2.0,rust beehive,rust pie,rust chicken coop,rust bees,rust cooking,Rust premium,rust beenade,rust cheats,rust cheater
コメント (222)
My work here is done. Enjoy the pies chaps! #PIES
Pies are GREAT! So happy they finally added them.
Premium however relies on $15 of skins? When cheat software that evades the crap-level EAC costs $50 a month. This is not going to help, it’s just going to cause a wave of cheap skin trades, making FacePunch money and alienating the kids who don’t have access to daddy’s credit card. Useless money grab from a game company getting increasingly desperate to milk the audience.
I know what the hopper is for and i wont telll lol and its not for trap bases
1200 hours and I’ve never bought a skin
half height planter stacking needs to stay! terrible idea removing this
i have zero dollar and 500 plus hours
Should make servers at different levels of premium, like needing to have over 100 steam games to get on the server or have 300$ in purchase history so those of us that meet that criteria can play with others that are invested in not having our accounts banned by cheating.
When is Ironman suit being added?
I have over 1000 hours, i dont have any skins that are worth anything, because i simply dont care for them xD
Will Hoppers suck up bees?
Why couldn’t they just ban the premium from people who have less than a certain amount of play time?
Now only if we could get Rust to lean away from, whoever gets the ak and rockets first “meta” to go away and have this game be what it’s meant to be, a survival game
Can you throw the pies? A pie headshot with crunch sound would be hilarious.
Lol it only took 7 years
There you go, you said it finaly ” The Team”
the game became too complicated im honestly quiting this miserable game
My inventory over a few hundred dollars cus I have a bad habit
Been playing since 2015 and my inventory is worth probably $3. I sell every skin I get to open Counter Strike cases lmfao
can you create an Client IA or server IA to check cheaters gameplay and autoban them ? Cause your game is broken by hackerz
FREAKING Love the bee nades! FINALLY a way to annoy racists, roofcampers and bullies without having to no-life the game 20-hours a day.
Hope they’ll never patch these.
The bee’s are broken. During raids they start flying back towards the team that flown them. Not to mention about the new update on the shaking when rockets hit your base. Makes ADS ing near impossible, especially with bolty
Wow rust sure is a game now.
Im surprised you didn’t mention the new explosion graphics.
Can u create video with AI coding in Rust?
Ahh yes, lets make solo life harder by adding a 200 crap work bench just for electrical n stuff.
Already see people have huge scrap farms close to stable with orchids. It’s 1 for 4 scrap (minimum)!
Awesome! Another update that adds a bunch of dumb useless stuff that 2%of players will use once and never again after. Sad
*Rust has finally caught up to Minecraft 2018….*
Facepunch we need apple trees
I sold my inventory once the combat update came out cuz I quit the game so me at 2.7k hours only have streamer skins
More benches less room bigger bases GG way to ruin the game even further
Culling is causing stutters on newer hardware, hopefully before implementing it as default setting they somehow fix the issue. Disabling it on the newest cpu and gpu combo gave me extra performance needed for smooth gameplay.
Lol, “premium” does not solve the issue the anti cheat doesn’t work. People will still cheat on “premium” im still unbanned to this day just another bone headed facepunch update
I wish it would be possible to keep a server longer than just a month before it gets wiped…
is there rust 2 coming someday?
cheaters buy hacked accounts with artic hazmat and other sale bought items, they can buy these accounts for less than 10$, the artic hazmat set is currently $13.41, which is only $1.59 away from actually bypassing the premium servers………. great job facepunch
at least the rust devs are nice to their community, can’t say the same about space engineers given what they did to captain jack
love this update.. except for fp getting rid of half-high planter stacking.
i used to be able to play rust on 6 gb of ram and now the game is so optimized that it crashes before i can load in
6:35 WHeat…I’m going to call all of my WHeat -plants, WILL
what a whoile bunch of crap we don’t want
What happened to you rust?
Where do you get the eggs for the chickens?
1:40 bur Pie Brother we don’t just buy stuff in rust in our first 1000 Hours , like i don’t have 15$ worth of items i bought BUT! i have a Ton of Twitch Drops that probably cost alot more then 15$ so would that count?
frisbees started from pie dishes! Imagine scoffing down a pie then throwing the dish at a neighbour!
Im not going to be satisfied until you can eat the pie then throw the pie dish as a frisbee!
The more I see added to Rust, the more I wish it were PVE
Cheaters use stolen accounts anyway
Food spoil timer keep on ticking the same even inside a fridge. This kind of sucks i’m not eating my 80 meats in the next 3 hours, such a waste of a mechanic.
It took me less than 10 seconds to go from patch notes to your channel once I saw pies.
Anti cheat culling is awful if you run
Over a mountain massive fps drops
The occlusion culling is awful massive fps drops when roaming
Remove the tech tree tax for solos
Fix animal and scientist LODs
Fix foliage and terrain , lod pop in
They need to fix 13900k crashing randomly
The need to make the lighting and graphics good again like the hdrp Backport release version the biomes looked much nicer.
If you have chickens, will they be really annoying like they are normally? There not much worse than building your base just to find out there’s a chicken spawn next to your base.
so annoyed at the planter placement change.
This is a dedication update to the dedicated Shadowfrax. Bravo Sir. Just to add, New Zealand pies are better than, British, Aussie and American pies
Cows & Goats would be nice addition for those who just want to roleplay / cook and build, but also to add into the cooking tree, milk, sugar, flour, etc. Maybe a windmill, Make some cakes. etc
I would like To Buy the space suit asmat skin, i didntvget To Buy It when It came out because i didnt known the game existed in that Time era
Iv found deadside now!! I strongly doubt I will ever play rust again. Had some good times though
performance AND anticheat updates coming?
The Team!
Cool intro
Give me a tea or pie for increase craft time
Gotta say, the devs are absolutely cooking in this update
The premium server feature is literally just adding 15$ to the game cost. People need to start review bombing rust
Hello i want to say how the serers admin in this game are the worst you can find in any game after trying this game for a month i realised its all about profit. I will dislike this game and whatever content comes with it.
Overall a w but the half height planter nurf is an L
They need to bring servers based on play time on steam most cheaters dont even have like 100 hours on their account make make it so you need like 250 hours play time
Premium servers with a higher dollar cap and a rather significant hours played would be so nice. I think it’s the only reasonable path to servers with less cheaters. I understand most people haven’t invested hundred of hours and thousands of dollars into Rust, but some of us have
Need to write how pies effect the RUST Lore… Waiting for that video.
For weapon damage, one extra bullet for chest shots would be a good place to start. For example, the AK
Full metal – 5 hits to 6 hits
Road sign – 4 hits to 5 hits
Hazmat – 3 hits to 4 hits
Anyone else’s graphics look bad? Turned on AA but the game looked so much better with the DLSS 4 override though Nvidia APP. They removed the ability to do that unfortunately
Premium shouldn’t be based off how many skins you have. I’ve got over 2k hours and never purchased anything but the base game and main dlc
But but but… Whatever happened to Deep Learning Super-Sampling? I heard it disappeared due to AMD having issues with it. Can’t even re-enable it using the F1 console.
I’m so happy that Shadowfrax finally got what he wanted. A very fitting reward for his many years of loyal service! ^_^
I’m playing on a premium server right now? At least its labelled that way
Animal are nice and all but they have to make it where they SLEEP at NIGHT please
Imagine a monkey that’ll steal what’s in your hands when your going through the jungle
Finally they are working on crocs I been wanting them in the game for years
So im guessing twitch drop skins dont count towards the 15$
What next, totaly worthless they will bring to RUST ? Sewing suits? Soup cooking? Kities ? What about pets or kids ? It is still RUST or just SIMS ? Thank god I play on XMillion battlefield server. Your videos are more and more worthless to watch, thank Facepunch. They have no better ideas what to add to the game than all this crap ?
PS, Im 9088 hour player
You finally got it o7
Gpu settings are screwed. 4080 running 100%
Useless premium servers? xD I’ve seen guys toggling on cheats just to revenge kill/raid on some silly low pop solo servers. Their accounts are 140 level+ with thousands of games. And I only ever succeeded in report banning one because admins are also useless with their brainrot (like camomo). I bet they can buy such accounts fairly easily compared to premium cheats.
Do we get the Human meat pie? asking for a friend
TBH I hate that they raised the rail system, as it makes it significantly more dangerous to go down there solo, because people can actually hear the gunshots now
i feel like at no point has it dawned on them to leave the island as a goal. like… instead of learning to make cars and pies, why are we not trying to leave? Theres clearly some corporation there keeping us around for something. there should be an escape event. something we could all work together or fight over. taking over a tanker and leaving or a landed chinook. somethin. OH! those hot air ballons would finally have a use lol. doesnt have to end the server for others. just a way for you to “win”. because escape feels like the only win youre getting. it could be a massive battle vs all the might of the corporation on the island. the bradley, the heli, all the heavy units… theres an army of stuff we could flight all at once that would require teamwork.
@4:50 wow huge nerf to base builds, destroying honeycomb that easily must be subject to change /j
I don’t think $15 is enough of a deterrent. More of a way to monetize cheating in game.
I think the best solution would be a tier based system that includes play time, for example tier 1 – $15 plus 100 hours game time, tier 2 $50 plus 500 hours, and so on and so on.
Really wish the kept the workbench changes
I would like to see guns having less and different bullet ranges…..you have to get closer to an enemy to kill him. It doesn’t make sense to me to be able to shoot and hit an operator from far far away. Just a thought.
what they need to do is, add ability to upgrade workbenches. Make t2 an upgrade of t1.
Lets go as long as they dont patch the industrial exploit i do not care
Need to be able to power a vending Machine now to extend the life of food being sold
I dont think the bee
grenades will be good for the game.
Have the rust devs lost the plot
Premium servers requiring a minimum purchase barrier entery is literally the stupidest thing FP could’ve done.
Obviously there’s security steps to help BUT…. All premium servers do, is show hackers EXACTLY where to go to try and highjack accounts.
How about those idiots JUST HIRE ADMINS!
ESPECIALLY on “premium servers” that require ABOVE & BEYOND the game purchase… we’ve ALREADY PAID 10 fold for facepunch to hire admins.
Medieval update was the dumbest, non requested, nobody asked for, nobody cares.
ALL FP is doing is making things harder for solos which is VASTLY their bigger player base.
Solo, duo, trio max.
Nothing they’ve done or changed has slowed down big groups at all.
Literally just made the solo experience even worse than it is already.
ALOT of STUPID stuff coming out of facepunch lately.
No wonder the player base is dropping
100 + hour 15 dolar inventory, no private account, no vac ban, add anything more to the list make the cheaters have to check all the boxes even for the oppurtunity
The issue with time requirement is, that means any new players will be shoved onto cheater loaded servers, that almost guarantees to cripple growth for the game. So it’s a tough spot to be in.
Segregating players by wallet size is a great idea, beats having a mod/admin on hand to get rid of the cheaters or preventing the actual cheating to begin with ….Yaaaay Facepunch!
I can’t stop eating bread.
I love this update!
More building options would be great!
I made a bear pie and i loved every 3 hours of it
So I buy the game and the only way to play on a “premium” server is by spending more money on things I don’t use…?
You finally, after many years of lobbying got your pies!
I feel like air drops got buffed.
You can retire now
do you think rust singleplayer will happen at some point?
You made it bro. You’re the one who brought the face punch to their knees and made them create the pies.
Unfortunately a minimum of played hours wont stop people from just opening the game and afking for said hours.
Don’t add an hour requirement, that is the absolute biggest waste of time. My friend runs a FREE hourboosting service and one of the biggest botted games is Rust, 50-100 hours adds less than $0.10 worth of value to a hacked account because its THAT easy to get. And all accounts being sold will just be hourboosted instead beforehand similarly to ‘Face-it Ready CS2 Accounts’.
And they need to add constant checks if a player’s inventory remains at over $15 while inside a server, otherwise you can just trade the valuable items off once you’re already inside the server.
So, theyre just making it harder on slos and easier on clans.
one of the best fun updates yet.
The premium server is basically stating they allow cheating as long as you spend a little more money on the game. The only reason why I stopped playing rust was because of cheaters.
What about pizza PIE?!
dude facepunch so stupid like is this good idead to add prime servers lol and u have 15$ at least bruh so dumb u guys so funy > u know broke players don have the money to spend on cheats and most of the cheaters they have so much money to spen they dont care what anice move from u guys
Why do the pies have a VGA port..?
What about players who have many hours without bans?
How does he wear conflicting attire?
Another useless update.
You took on a mantle that i’m not sure you always wish to wear but hey, here’s the payout. You are now part of this game.
FacePunch, if you’re reading this. Consider a Venusfly trap plant for the new jungle biome!
When i was starting playing game you could crash in to unspawned base (you was unable to see that), then it was fixed and now it is back – you can crash to invisible base and there is more cheaters than before.They are working 4 years to be back at same lvl.
Took how many years did it take to get food in this game? These Devs….
Why are my beehives not going to grade 2? Got 100 % at all and still not
So much dev time for something about 5% of the playerbase will ever touch. The whole cooking addition just feels weird to me
OMG RUST works now flawlessly on M4 macs. 16gigs enough for low settings at 2560*1440
Facepunch is stupidly greedy, they added a tax just not to play with cheaters lmao
This update has been very fun! Loving the chickens and bees. Tried out the pie that gives you better genes when crossbreeding the new wheat and it made things much easier. Very happy with this update.
Are we having cheap barbed wired fences to keep the naked away from the sun time for the chicken, till we learn the wired fences? would be cool to run it around the base like rose and electrical wires
2:10 thank god that idea was terrible. also MASSIVE W with the new benches, pots, triangle planters, and neon sign power! that last ones been a pet peeve of mine for years never expected it to be fixed
Glad you’re finally the hapPIEst you can be about this update. It does look rather tasty. Time to jump back into Rust!
Auto loot sucker for trap base, pipe to bunker. Nice!
8:52 best post credits scene !
So cheaters spend hundreds a month on cheats. But $15 is supposed to stop them.
Awesome updates!!! I wonder if you throw a bee grenade at a group of people if the bees will go after everyone or just 1 person haha
Who complained about workbench rework…
Uses for Sunflower seed and corn seed… to feed the chickens. Makes sense?
STOP updating Rust lmao
Pies for the pie god!
Just plain overwhelming
Where are my DLSS graphics options???????????????????
I wonder if large clans will realize that if they hand out a bunch of tea the day before they raid, their victims will have more loot.
so this is the way to combat cheaters? so me i dont have skins i cant play or i have to pay 15$ wtf is this a troll
how premium servers ill fix the cheating problem this game have? lol cheaters pay another 15$ …
Premium serevrs idea is despicable. $15 American is a far greater amount of money for people in countires which does not have a good exchange rate. That could be $100 or $1000 for some people in the world. So small countires and all poor people globally would be forced to play on hacked servers. How about FIX the problem instead.
Should add fake invisible players so if someone looks them for more than 2 second the account gets flagged.
Another update that just brings more junk in loot crates smh..
Past years its only been either buyable packs, mods being copy pasted without giving credit to the real makers, junk, and more useless things that where good to try for 1 wipe and than never used again
But whatever.. cheater accounts add to the player numbers and are the reason rust stays on top of the list in steam and since they can’t do anything about that without killing the population they have to make it look like they are doing something ig
So no pecan pies then, what a jip.
They should increase the threshold to $50
I named the 1st pie I made “In Shadowfrax’s honour!” It is in my powered fridge – on the top shelf (obvs) – It will stay there until forced wipe or raided. 11yrs of Rust made better by your continuous update vids and Finally, the dev’s add pies. Really happy for you Sir
This is just like Roblox rust
What are the chances of a future building update? Maybe curved walls, foundations, half vertical walls etc to make building styles/designs more flexible.
Why add so much ‘stuff’ when I still ‘float’ for 3 seconds at least 2 times while jumping up a mountain, or cannot place any sort of construction because of an ‘Antihack’ or LOS error. Like come on.
Not to mention that you still regularly need to add a lock to a door before you can pick it up. Fix game first please.
They should add a lunch box item which you can use to carry food in. All of these different food items will require a lot of inventory space (especially the non stackables).
5:46 holy unc
reduce the bees please it’s stupid
omg the item ownership thing brings back memories. I was just a noob when that was last in the game and i dont even remember it getting removed
On the subject of premium servers – it’s a terrible idea which won’t get rid of cheaters (we’ll come to find this out if it’s added). On the other hand, I want to thank the Facepunch team for the occlusion which prevents players rendering if they are behind terrain, as this kind of serverside anti-cheat is the kind that genuinely works. I would like to see more of this sort of thing, perhaps some sort of dynamic approach to include buildings? As mentioned before, if a cheater is willing to spend $20-50 on cheats plus the value of the account, what’s to say they won’t buy $15 in skins and transfer them from account to account? (of course they will). It also prevents honest players who don’t have spare cash from playing. The occlusion (and similar serverside solutions) are truly brilliant though and show a genuine commitment to tackle the issue, as opposed to just making more money from it. So on the one hand awful work do better, and on the other hand it’s top-marks and much respect. Also the pies are cool too, it’s just this is necessary lol.
8000 hours and i have only ever bought the dance and emotes dlcs. Never ever bought a skin. guess i will not be playing premium servers
They’re assuming cheaters are broke boys
we need a 100-200$ premium server with ID card & Facecheck
Man, nerfing planter stacking really was not needed. Everything else looks great, not counting the armor inserts.
Can’t wait to see Willjum abuse the plants for scrap system xD
My server kicks anyone with under 500 hours or a private account and tells them to either make that account public, or come back when they have some more experience. We still ban 3-5 cheaters a week lol
Server owners should be able to set their steam inventory values. So we can keep the poors out.
The amount of scrap to get through the WB is insane now
people being able to log in on official server 15min before force wipe is grince and should be fixed or bannable
Curious about premium servers: Can this simply be gotten around for free just by trading their 15$ of items to the new disposable account ad infinitum?
If only D11 worked this hard to improve console edition.
I love cream pies
Have you ever actually played rust tho
Or even stream yourself getting rekt ?
Congrats to the pie update Shadow! You deserve this more than anyone
Pay to cheat thats a new one.
You need so much scrap now to get a basic farm running. I think they should’ve at least slashed the electrical tech tree costs in half and put the auto turret back in t2. It already costs a whopping 250 scrap just to get access to the eletrical tech tree…
I feel like armor crafting tea should be focus tea and have more than just one function like having faster item moving and faster crafting for any item
do you have a kink for horses
4:25 Who thought it was a good idea to make this change to planters? Farm bases are already big with stacking now they’ll need to be massive.
My friends and I were waiting for the premium servers…. massive disappointment. Also 15$ is far too little. Should be at least 50$.
After so many years they finally heard you! Pies!
Its MONEY GRAB Because Instead Of SPENDING MONEY, Tyhey Could Make The Thing 2-Auth For The Same Reason, Lock Some Things Together Like Playtime And Other Things, Cmon, This Is 100% Moneygrab And BECAUSE They Reason Like That They Can Do Other Things With It Also, Bbut Its Money Grab, I Have 6k Hours, Bbut I Dont have Money To Buy ANY DLC, The Game Itself Was Gifted To Me Soo Jeah, Now Im A Cheater?
I think the premium servers are a great first step. Next I’d want to see email verification, steam account being fully set. People need to understand that you cannot get rid of every single cheater, but doing all of this will reduce the cheaper to player ratio on the game which is one of the worst ratios in all popular games.
Theyre really gonna jump the shark with the coming jungle biome stuff
intresting, my rust items are not worth $15 added together kek, well maybe, if primitive dlc counts?
Are you happy
for your PiEs?
At least there is one positive about buying the fireworks pack when it was 16$, now 3$
Basicly, If You Are Rich, You WIn, PAY TO WIN GAME, SWEET< SWEET!
I already had 130h when first skin released
Outbreak scientist! I wonder if there will be some form of hazardous area? Like a gas cloud that appears near dome? Then they come in and spray it to clean it, but it also spawns elite crates? Idk, interesting for sure
1600 views. Fell off.
I cant play this game CPU 100% they need to optimize cpu usage
I love how different meat spoil times don’t stack and all my chest are full
Outbreak scientists sounds as if there will be the potential for disease. Makes me wonder if an outbreak mechanic might migrate to include too many players in a single base. Soon, I will get my washing machine. Soooon.
What is the point of mixing table? I also don’t know how I feel about armor slots. Makes it hard to know how much protection a person has just by looking at them
FFS I knew it, facepunks only want to help the people with money play the game in a fair and honest way. Everyone else can like it or lump it with the cheats due to facepunks incompetence as they have no control over their game.
Premium servers is dumb unless you make it they purchased 15 dollars in games.
Cheaters will just juggle cosmetics and gifts, unless they get vac banned.
Premium servers will do nothing. Rust is so infected with cheaters. Let’s stop pretending they can do anything about it. There have been cheats undetected for years.
instead of making the server premium based on steam, it should be based on a two auth factor using a phone, if the account is banned the phone will also be banned
i’m so excited so more useful garbage!
I think they should up the price for the premium servers if cheaters are willing to pay for cheats they have 15 bucks
First baby lfg to a legend!
I bet you are over the moon with this update