4 Rust Tips That Will Shock You! (How Many Do YOU Know?)
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Taqs:rust,rust tips,rust tricks,rust tips and tricks,rust how to,rust guide,rust facts,rust shorts,rust console,rust gaming,rust loot,rust build,rust building,rust building tips,rust glitch,rust bug,rust memes,rust xbox,rust playstation,rust update,rust basics,pine hosting,pine hosting rust,rust vending,rust wall,rust wipe,rust bases,rust box,rust pixel peek
コメント (65)
Just use flame rockets on the large furneys
You don’t get loot from vending machines when you break I think
Love this keep up the good work
A rust tip that won’t shock you vendi used to delete bag
Its the jackhamers repaird?
Works on console?
No one is blowing up large furnaces
Or you can just die to the code lock and it will say who placed the code lock
The contact “seen now” tip works to check if someone is inside not if that is someone’s base. It’s an abuse of 10m radius event proc.
How do people still not know how to jump through large furnace
pinehosting sucks
I broke a vending and git 3 c4 raided there armord dorr and got 2 box of rockets lol
u can jackhammer a furnace in 10 seconds
number 3 is why i always f1 before i log off
Best tip for rust. Dont buy it
It’s apixel peak not peep tf
Who in his right mind uses rockets on large furnaces when you can destroy it with one Jackie in no time?
game is full of bugs and abuse
Bro 5 rockets on large furnace?? Just 3 salvaged pick axe and it’s broke.
Use a ladder for the large furnaces
Can use the bear rug trick with shotgun trap as well to raise them up through half wall peaks

Vending machine one is untrue. Tried it last night multiple times, and after four jackhammers it was barely damaged
None of these work on console
Well now everyone is going to be doing this.
Number 2 is wrong you dont need 5 rockets just use a jackhammer 1.5 times
Im roaming with 3 jackies from now on
3 FULL JACKHAMMERS. Gotta repair that shit many times for it to be 3
just jump over the furnace?
Does the “ seen now” base tip work on console?
No one is wasting 5 rockets on large furnaces
tysm your so helpful
Did they changed items getting removed if they are in vending machines if they got broken
This feels like the old weight system, but divided by about 4, almost everything is buffed in inconsistent ways, and there’s a slighlty confusing whitelist.
You gotta place the large furnaces high enough so they cant jump through the roof of it though. You can crouch jump under one of the metal roofs on the large furnace and jump through. Good tips, especially the seen player one.
3 Jackhammers I started playing this game a few days ago and I am 80 hours on my very first wipe. I have only found 1 jackhammer in all that time. How can you find 3? I’ve been farming like crazy to get gunpowder and guns so I can practice shooting with them. I have found and placed 3 pop-up shooting targets and placed them at varying ranges so I can learn how each gun works at different ranges. Finding the one jack hammer ha made it a bit easier to farm but it’s still hard fining enough sulfur ore.
Theres no way, I just say a player named Goose yesterday
When a vending machine is broken, no loot drops. This can be a big disadvantage as the player you are raiding can throw the loot into a vending machine and blow it up. OR when your raiding and a rocket splash damages the vending machine it would break with no contents falling.
i am shocked
I play on PC. It used to be that if you destroyed a vending machine, all of the loot inside it was destroyed as well and the raider would get nothing at all from the destroyed vending machine. Did that change recently?
How u find me
a furnace is legit one pickaxe to break, ive done my fair share of compound and zerg trolling to figure it out
This game is literally just farming and exploding walls for hours on end
wait they actually put the vending machine thing in?
who told you vending machines drop loot?
Wait the jackey will it work on console
Dont use rockets for furnaces. Its like 1 axe
The third tip works with counters and stone barricades too
The Chinese Zerg does not care about 5 rocksts
If you break the vending machine you won’t be able to get the loot from it .
When making a new base if tou want to annoy raiders is putting vendong machines in your honeycomb
Man all them rust youtubers finna need that third one
omfg stop saying the furnace walls are 5 rockets!!!!! you can 1 ladder over it 2. its ONE Incend rocket to burn them up!!!
Place your vending machine in a single door frame after you place your door.
Ladders* Am I a joke to you?
Wait how do i see who lives in a base ??? I play console
All these console rust kids thinking u lose all the loot from breaking a vending
you can just ladder onto the furnaces but i suppose during an online raid the furnace tricks are some what useful
Large furnaces can be broken ez 2 machetes
Yeaaaa nahhh only PC
Can you do console addition
i didn’t know any of these.