i stopped playing rust when they did strange changes like you cant chose your own character, that along with other changed things just makes the game less fun and like a generic clan fighter but with less
Why not make your video first and then show the developers so that way you’re not scrambling for time that would be making more sense but of course these days not many people actually have that anymore because the way I see it people are getting stupider
Rust devs and admins are so chill and down to earth. I remember adding Alistair on Steam like 10 years ago when the game was microscopic compared to now.
Used to message him whenever I encountered cheaters, and they were literally gone within minutes. Still have him on my friends list, dude has like every single major rust youtuber added, Garry Newman and me.
These things they fix but when a player gets false banned they don’t seem to care. 74 days and haven’t played Rust . Well guess they lost a player and I can keep my money away from their skins
That’s the first time I’ve seen holmzy’s name in over ten years, wonder if he knows what happened to turtle gaming and grid warped, the film compositors in LA
Dude next time something like this happens make them a deal because you reported it to let you know before they patch it and to give you 12-24 hours longer to play with it
Wait tust drvs are so cracked out of their mids they fux stuff like this in a day?
Damn meanwhile theres big corperations like bungie who still have multiple bugs and glitches in destiny 2 that have been there since launch and were already marked as bugs and or glitches….
I’m kinda annoyed that they took this out. “Exploiting a game” is not cheating cuz everyone can do it. Now if you use other programs outside of the base game than it’s cheating.
My favourite response to a bug was in an MMO i play where someone fugured out how to bet more money then he had on hand breaking 1 his bank and 2 the progressive jackpot on the slots.
A few seconds later 4 words in a dm from the community manager pop up “How’d you do that?” Fixed and reverted and he was paid a bug bounty
U should be allowed to exploit things a trash ass dev team allows in .. maybe run tests servers first b4 u put in the actual game .. kinda like pubg has
And when RUST developpers fix that light model they fucked up bcs of taht shit switches in monuments ?! Did the ever leave offices ? They not able understand how light in real life works ?
Hey, at least the rest developers. We’re nice and said thank you for showing this issue. We can fix it But the disappointing thing is, you gotta hear from the developer. It will be fixed tonight, no.
When they make night time more realistic, maybe will play rust in the future. Its like those artist who just put a dot on a canvas and call it art. Well that is exactly this game. Bunch of pixels having a sasuage party. 100 percent waste of time.
The guy responsible for the cars gonna get the guy that is responsible for the build and they gonna go at it with each other saying it’s the other guys problem lol
Great clip though haha love the devs reaction and they were really not fans hahaha they said they would have it fixed by that night that’s dedication hahahah
“A software tester walks into a bar…runs into a bar…crawls into a bar…dances into a bar…flies into a bar…jumps into a bar, and he orders a beer…two beers…nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety beers…a lizard in a beer glass…minus one beer…QWERTYUIOP beers. TESTING COMPLETE!
A real customer walks into the bar and asks where the bathroom is. The bar goes up in flames.”
Bro shows an exploit, then abuses it. No punishment. I play with a group that without my knowledge cheated to beat people that were also cheating( I know this because the people the group I was with used cheats against were banned for cheating) and I get banned for association, with no consideration at all for me having no idea that the people I was with were using them. I see how it is.
thank you for your trap base ideas. I welded some moments in my memory thanks to you and your trap bases ideas!!!
A wise boy once said: “I’LL DESTROEY YOUR FAMILY!”
This is why I love facepunch. Not even a week. Mfs fixed it in an afternoon. if only apex/halo devs were like this. [Maybe when halo gets its Unreal engine BR well see some fortnite like snap updates]
I tried rust once, logged into some server with a rock in my hand and no clothes with the ugliest character I could possibly think of. I never came back, I get it can be fun if you’re part of a community, but fuck that lol
I could never get into rust. paid for it, played it a bit…was absolutely gobsmacked by how completely rutheless so many people were, even on PVE servers. The hate just dripped from this game like molasses. Which really sucks cause the game actually looks kinda fun, funny this coming from a DayZ vet XD.
At least it wasnt like Blizzard that recreates the exploit that ymthe dev requested then gets perma banned. FOR REPORTING A BUG AND THEN COMPLYING WITH THE DEV DURING TROUBLESHOOTING!!!
I am the rust developer responsable of the cars and when this happened I was like “WAIT I’m not a rust developer I just like spreading misinformation ”
They’re so nice about it, like yeah, let me get the guy who is responsible for this dumb mistake. He has to witness his huberis in full. He definitely headbutted his keyboard at somepoint. All I would be able to think is, “What in the goddamn?”
I Forgot What Game It Was But For Some Odd Reason It Would Jump Scare Me Into A Creepy Room With A Bunch Of Creepy Photos. I Got The Dev On And The 5 Mins After He Disappeared With A No Ending Scream For 5 Mins. Man Our Whole Lobby Were RollingIf I Find It Again I’ll Definitely Check To See If Its Been Patched
when a game’s Devs come on and actually test things in game, unlike a certain million dollar company who can’t even have a phone number, and multiple tickets get just an auto response. i’ll give you a hint it begins with B.
I love how he just gets pulled into the backrooms and fricken executed! Lol. Then he comes back just completely baffled as to how tf this bug even works.
Wait wait wait back up is that a xbox console you need to upgrade to a ps2 I remember my first xbox I torn up about 1 kg of fireworks packed it inside and sent it to the moon then I gave my parents a good telling off that was back in 2006 I may buy another one and do the same what a bang for my money
Thats why you never say shit about shit. Fuck them bitches. Games are ONLY about fun. And restrictions are NOT fun. No matter how game breaking, allow it. Or its not worth playing in my opinion.
Damn, the FacePunch dev askin, wtf happened, that’s sum else , the fact they probably did patch it by that night, yessir, also the fact he spawned the creator of cars in rust… Gold
People be reminiscing like “Do you remember the 2020-something bug? Yeah good times..” while at HQ there’s just WW2 background music playing every time someone mentions it .
if this wasn’t going to be fixed the day it was found out then making a base that appears to have just been raided(giving the idea there might be loot left) would be PERFECT. just like set up an area where there’s a opening for someone to walk through and where they can see crates at the end then yk the rest.
Years ago on the 4th of July when landmines/rocket launchers first came out, I was on an official server that had a huge problem with unraidable rock bases. Apparently the devs had no idea and one fateful day I saw a dev with godmode running across an ocean arch rock formation, absolutely loaded full of landmines. He was creating a huge celebration of explosions, all while shooting rockets in the sky. I ran up to him and immediately asked him to follow me. He surprisingly did and I lead him to a massive rock base that had been a problem for the whole server.
He called in a whole team. The man himself Helk and a group of devs asked me for information. By showing them exactly how they use entities to no clip without hacks into giant boulders for unraidable bases, I was able to forever change the game for the better.
It was fixed in a day, just like this and before they left I got to watch them nuke every rock base on the server. Helk then thanked me and gave me his ak and mining hat (which was also new), I took a group picture and never saw another dev in my 5k+ hours again.
I love that his coworker (Holmzy) without even asking or saying anything to the car dev, declared that the exploit was going to be fixed by _tonigth_. My car guy will have to run to the office on a sunday real quick
Not a dev but was an admin for a group of people who developed mods for their own server and the reactions every time someone finds a game breaking bug was hilarious. Gaurenteed the next few moments was filled with “how the fuck did he find this”
Honestly I’ve been playing and kind of play testing a new mobile game that is like an older one called dransik this one is called kisnard
And sometimes you just find something so ridiculous that you have to report it
Like I found out that on mobile only you could take and sell an iron bow more times than you had in your inventory on kisnard
I made 50 million with this before I took in reported it 2hours after I found it
They also took away my gold but I made an appeal to the Creator and he gave me my gold back
Mainly because I’ll never spend it on anything other than pots
Omg this was funny sad to see the exploit go and let’s it story leave an historical story in rust history would love to see more of wtf moments from the mods
I would have given him a few days if he asked for it. Call it a finder’s bonus. Plus, its a memorable bug and giving it some time to shine isn’t that bad tbh.
i stopped playing rust when they did strange changes like you cant chose your own character, that along with other changed things just makes the game less fun and like a generic clan fighter but with less
“how many days do i got” arr you disabled bro
they should give you time to record content atleast.
as if report it to the devs………not cool.
I love how they will fix an exploit that makes the game fun in one day but they won’t fix the other s*** that makes the game suck
“thanks for reporting and not exploiting it”
umm yeah sure
How to make plz
Wish Tarkov had devs like this.
The guy responsible for the cars. Nition, ignition
They sounded SO MAD hahaha xD
I didn’t know kc was back
Dam fair enough bro good to see rust admins and devs are still doing good
is he a brummy
that’s funny lol
Why not make your video first and then show the developers so that way you’re not scrambling for time that would be making more sense but of course these days not many people actually have that anymore because the way I see it people are getting stupider
Boss: “hey I need you to join this lobby”
Dev: “cool what’s up?”
Boss: “you see this shit? You have until tonight to fix it. Get worken”
Why are you using dirt riders video
Dirtrider is the best.
Rust devs and admins are so chill and down to earth. I remember adding Alistair on Steam like 10 years ago when the game was microscopic compared to now.
Used to message him whenever I encountered cheaters, and they were literally gone within minutes. Still have him on my friends list, dude has like every single major rust youtuber added, Garry Newman and me.
Damn holmzy is a bit of an OG
These things they fix but when a player gets false banned they don’t seem to care. 74 days and haven’t played Rust
. Well guess they lost a player and I can keep my money away from their skins
“It will be fixed today”… That is realy fast
Don’t let memeio see this
i need a personal chat with the FP dev about my acc
Do they hook you up with any expensive loot or anything for helping them patch their sloppy work?
Still works
Yk it’s better he gives you permission to use it in a video , good serve dev
its still not fixed
Shout out to pd opening scene music
The dev seen soo many issues in the code he can’t even laugh anymore
and yet the submarine bug still works since forever xD
Why would u point this out to them so early?
…..why would you report it before you recorded the video?
These guys seem chill asf! What a game they all made!
Who knew spoonkid was responsible for the cars
why u report this bug? ruin everyone fun who build trapbases
The perfect dark music unlocked something
Why not record content first then report
And that’s why you don’t tell the world when you find a usable exploit. Dingus
yeh ur a freak for getting it fixed
i just love Face Punch at this point, the devs have true love for the game and player base
lame ruining something like that
Tonight?! Give me a week cmon
this is the type of content i wanna see
That’s the first time I’ve seen holmzy’s name in over ten years, wonder if he knows what happened to turtle gaming and grid warped, the film compositors in LA
lol love Holmzy and his wife Ern
Shoulda waited a day or two ;P lol
Why didnt you exploit it?
Holmsy is a legend. I remember watching him fool around with Ray__C on twitch during the OTV rust days back in 2020.
That’s the guy responsible for the cars who’s responsible for the recoil?

’schloop’ sound effect lol.
Blackhole trap base. None shall returneth
“okay so… what the fuck was that”
Server admin. Not rust dev.
Dude next time something like this happens make them a deal because you reported it to let you know before they patch it and to give you 12-24 hours longer to play with it
Fix the anti cheat plzzz
Why he never explained how it works ?!
He doesn’t want to deal with what he has created.
Huge respect for reporting the exploit in a very, very effective way
I remember back on moose we found kick rocks that If people stepped on them they’d get fly hack kicked and we built a base on them
why dont u just not tell him about this im so confused
This is why contact with the player base is so good, cause then you guys can find more work for us to do :,D
I’m guessing this works because of the cars hit box covering the lockers. So when they loot the locker they instead enter the car.
This still is a good one lol
nition went like
Btw that guy making that face is from an Really good anime GTO great teacher Onizuka comedy anime btw funny as hell
But what was the bug?
How and why was it sucking players through the wall?
yam yam
that was so good. haha
Love how nice they are, and how fast they work… wish some gave companies hired folks like these
The little fart sound when “the guy responsible for the cars” pops up got me
shouldn’t have told em
Shoulda asked if it could be fixed the next day :V
What’s the games name
Tarkov devs let bugs go on for many many months even years lmao
Delusions of audio nowadays pisses me off enough of the AI voices get off the f****** ass and start using your voice
Bro sounds like Chris griffin
Thats a what all games need great the see rust dev s on duty i never see in any other game
bro this is not youer video
Saw dirt rider do this so devious
and its been unptached by the way.
You’re a grass
“the guy who is responsible for the cars” i was like hell naw this guy about to get whooped
I met holmzy at hapis like 6 years ago, he came to official server to remove a group of hackers, hes nice
I’d of given him at least 2 days to have some fun with it lol it’s f***ing hilarious.
lmfao! best vid on rust ive seen
What’s crazy is he’s probably thinking about every line of code that made this possible in his head
I love how developers are always dumbfounded about bugs, he probably wondered “WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING”
How people figure out these kinda things is insane to me.
mad when i learned the devs lived right by me
Na this shit don’t beat when a val dev didn’t know about a the poster and one his teammates trolled him with it
The wall ate him
Dirtrider’s vid
Ooooooo he snitching
The guy responsible for the cars took that personally
If this was new world, ags would had said it might be fixed this year
wat a rat
How dare you report this
The muffled gunfire is the best part.
Facepunch ain’t letting you hit kcmo
Too funny. 10/10 on the developers for creating content.
You tattled on yourself?! -10pts

i love rust dev interactions. some of the best ive seen in gaming
Holy shit I’ve done this before
Why expose such things
It’s still not fixed so long as you can put the car in some kind of dip in the terrain. This still works
Bro took a video of himself snitching
How does one even figure this out
i love how even the developers are laughing
lmfao, love this is wholesome
You got 3:13 minutes no more no less
These devs are the biggest pieces of trash
Want tutorial aaaaaaa
This got patched
I mean you could have made content and then reported it, but that is just me
You are the one who coded this shit… You tell me what happened? lol
bruh “tonight” lol rust devs are no joke
Not your vid
Never its gonna be fixed tonight… They take years to fix shit…
What a snitch
Must be nice having small balls
Stop reporting bugs
You gotta at least make one video for content before reporting the exploit. Smh rookie mistake
Bro had to type it out cuz he was to pissed to talk lmfao.
They sounds so young to have an amazing game
admin* not dev
The brummy accent in this video
the fucking face that pops up kills me. “oh shit HES coming”
they should at least give you god mode for a week.
This will never not be legendary
bro messed up his order of operations
Being a dev must suck. Like imagine raising something as your child, releasing it to the world, and having gamers fkn trample all over it.
The developers reaction in the first that was classic I love it
Ive rewathed it like 8 times
Why would you report it snitch
Seems like you got your order of operations out of wack
Dumb as
So obviously fake
Still not fixed
This is an L video. Why the fuck would you go and show Devs how to fix problems keep them for yourself, and exploit the hell out of them. LLLLL
You snitched on yourself
“Itll be fixed tonight” is a gigachad answer
memeio wacthing this }:)
Y does this guy sound like bootyclapKC
stupid game
What are the logistics of this trap? Im so confused..
“hild one let me get the guy”

“the fucker who coded that crap”
Wait tust drvs are so cracked out of their mids they fux stuff like this in a day?
Damn meanwhile theres big corperations like bungie who still have multiple bugs and glitches in destiny 2 that have been there since launch and were already marked as bugs and or glitches….
Man these devs are insanely dedicated
Didn’t know rust devs were from Birmingham

hahahaha to be fair though, as a developer i’d love players like you reporting shit before spending the last 20 seconds exploiting it.
I love how chill they are

Annnnd it was Exploited Forever anyhooow

Lol I’ve been banned by holmzy when I used to hack
Rust developers r goated
Rust devs with the hotfixes
I’m kinda annoyed that they took this out. “Exploiting a game” is not cheating cuz everyone can do it. Now if you use other programs outside of the base game than it’s cheating.
this was great bro
That’s Major Points in my book for the Devs of FacePunchStudios… Definitely going to Buy this Game and put Ark to Rest.
Thats a sub from me. Brilliant
Still show
loool thats was perfect
snutches like you is the worst thing happened to this game
I guess fortnite didn’t work out
Ayyy the perfect dark music
Kc is always drunk oljn rust vca
My favourite response to a bug was in an MMO i play where someone fugured out how to bet more money then he had on hand breaking 1 his bank and 2 the progressive jackpot on the slots.
A few seconds later 4 words in a dm from the community manager pop up “How’d you do that?”
Fixed and reverted and he was paid a bug bounty
What game is that its similar to scrap mechanic can i know what the game name?
W bro, good job
Aw fixed by tonight.. some times some things should be left for the simple fun..
Ppl will forget about it in a few weeks ..
I’m sure of it
one of the best rust vids on youtube LOL
How do i join server like this where its normal map and i can do anything and im only one there?
U should be allowed to exploit things a trash ass dev team allows in .. maybe run tests servers first b4 u put in the actual game .. kinda like pubg has
Rust sucks
Is this game still busy? I’m thinking of getting it
This was gold lol low key roast on “the guy responsible for the cars”
Bro self reported
“We are freaking out bc they are trying to fix it” Well who’s fault was that?!
Kcmo is a narc
And when RUST developpers fix that light model they fucked up bcs of taht shit switches in monuments ?! Did the ever leave offices ? They not able understand how light in real life works ?
These devs are really nice for a game with a player base that makes an original modern warfare 2 lobby look like a pleasant conversation
What a confidence that the developer told the bug WILL be fixed tonight
Immediate panic sets in-
Teacher we have homework due
Hey, at least the rest developers. We’re nice and said thank you for showing this issue. We can fix it But the disappointing thing is, you gotta hear from the developer. It will be fixed tonight, no.
How did you found out about this bug
we not gonna talk about how he’s literally no clipping in front of devs? or is this like some creative server like minecraft?
Honestly you probably could have asked for a couple of hours to record just for a funny video
I knew a exploit that basically ddos’d the server internally. Where the fuck are the devs in my dms?
How do you make it
Using exploits is against tos. You just addmitted breaking tos to the game
It’s funny how they don’t even have any special clothes or anything like fancy suits or something, they’re just basically naked
Can u ask them to check recoil change that destroyed game like my englando is destroyed???
I have never laughed so hard watching a rust video, this will be remembered by all
Rust is awesome. Wish Mojang was more in tune w their base
They say we’re going to fix this all the time and most of those were never fixed 3 years ago
I now see why so many more people love rust pver ark. In ark the devs are little sh*ts. They barely hop online and don’t care much for the community
When they make night time more realistic, maybe will play rust in the future. Its like those artist who just put a dot on a canvas and call it art. Well that is exactly this game. Bunch of pixels having a sasuage party. 100 percent waste of time.
Shouldve just asked them to give you x amount of hours before they put out that fix
Goooood it should be patched
This is why we can’t have nice things -_-
You should be game banned because that’s just shit, if I lost my stuff because of some idiot with a glitch I’d lose my shit at him
The guy responsible for the cars gonna get the guy that is responsible for the build and they gonna go at it with each other saying it’s the other guys problem lol
The seriousness when he says it will get fixed tonight… You know Nitious is not leaving early. Best game ever made.
It’s official. Game devs don’t want you to have fun.
I didn’t know people still played rust I thought it died with h1z1
Memeio wouldn’t have let that slide
Imagine of COD developers took the time to do something like this.
how tf dont the devs even know
Rust devs be like: Shit they having too much fun get em
You played yourself burning up the spot
it makes sense to patch this as you could make some broken bases
So how did this work?
Wow you’re a snitch
Great clip though haha love the devs reaction and they were really not fans hahaha they said they would have it fixed by that night that’s dedication hahahah
Couldn’t leave this amount of comments praise the lord the one and only Jesus Christ sun of god
Imagine snitching
Good Job reporting it..
Holmzy is a g… him and alistar were basically the only admins on the uk1 back in the day haha poor dude had his work cut out
It’s sad that I know the song at the end is from Perfect Dark for N64 lmao
The fact u got an actual dev of the game is sick
So whats happening?
Love the perfect dark music
Literally whats the point of the game without trolling
This was a great video
Devs: Oh great, more work, but I’m intrigued.
Little did you know it was fixed two weeks later on force!
Rust builders on their way to invent quantum travel to kill a player(it’s self defense)
Gto edit is crazy
That’s filthyyy

Actual gold that you told them and that they didn’t just ban you for exploiting
Someone explain bug
the cars
How does this actually work?
KCMO is back?!
Naw they discovered hoiking in rust
Didn’t you used to play Fortnite? I’m so confused, you sound so familiar
this game dev team is better then most 3xA titles Devs
this show what dedication to your project means
I would’ve given it a week before patching
Might as well have some fun
Why report tho
Holmzy is funny. But you snitched on us all
“A software tester walks into a bar…runs into a bar…crawls into a bar…dances into a bar…flies into a bar…jumps into a bar, and he orders a beer…two beers…nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety beers…a lizard in a beer glass…minus one beer…QWERTYUIOP beers. TESTING COMPLETE!
A real customer walks into the bar and asks where the bathroom is. The bar goes up in flames.”
Bro shows an exploit, then abuses it. No punishment. I play with a group that without my knowledge cheated to beat people that were also cheating( I know this because the people the group I was with used cheats against were banned for cheating) and I get banned for association, with no consideration at all for me having no idea that the people I was with were using them. I see how it is.
Never report bugs
This ish is so funny

You know your base is OP, when the developers show up
Rust sucks ass
thank you for your trap base ideas. I welded some moments in my memory thanks to you and your trap bases ideas!!!
A wise boy once said: “I’LL DESTROEY YOUR FAMILY!”
That’s what snitches get.
dude never report the exploits
we got a couple we treasure
Why did you tell them noob
Didn’t kno the game devs were from the black country
This is why I love facepunch. Not even a week. Mfs fixed it in an afternoon.
if only apex/halo devs were like this. [Maybe when halo gets its Unreal engine BR well see some fortnite like snap updates]
That’s fantastic! Must be wild playing with the people who made the game
Ahaha how is coming? The guy responsible for the cars… XD
Reports > Exploits
Big W for the devs, and in turn the playerbase.
As a Rust OG this is amazing. Stay toxic kings
For sure that guy didn’t sleep
I tried rust once, logged into some server with a rock in my hand and no clothes with the ugliest character I could possibly think of. I never came back, I get it can be fun if you’re part of a community, but fuck that lol
Question do the devs give some credits to you who descover it and give a lil item or some immunity what so ever?
Next time just keep your mouth shut and have some fun until the fun gets boring then report it imagine how Manny ppl get mad and their reaction

Why would you show devs the fun stuff? They ruin all of it
Shoulda got your content then reported it
Lol devs casually witnessing the showstopper bug that’s gonna give them overtime this week
Why share what you know. Yall wouldent make it in war you talk too much
why I love rust.we would always have devs at our base. lol good times
we actually the ones went server to server with rockete
when they first.implnamentes them
Stolen content by ai lmao
Since it was fixed you couldn’t say how it was done?
Can we get some of those guys working at ubisoft?
I like how instead of informing the dev for the cars via a company group message or something, he gets him in the game to experience it for himself

That was a hilarious edit at the end

Guy responsible for the cars
it’s awesome the devs actually showed up
Could you ask them to optimize the game and fix EAC while you’re at it?
Tell developers to fix pvp.
I keep forgetting the face punch lot are from bloxwich
Brummy accents
like the real rust dev ?
Snitches get stitches.
So I understand the car is a necessary part, but how does this trap work? Is there an action that just sucks them through the wall or what?
“Ok so, wtf was that” XD You know you did good when you confuse a developer
Good people for helping fix bugs

Love how devs can get baffled at how people fuck with buggy code in their game
it’s like the doom devs watching speed runners
Yall exploiters are lame
I could never get into rust. paid for it, played it a bit…was absolutely gobsmacked by how completely rutheless so many people were, even on PVE servers. The hate just dripped from this game like molasses. Which really sucks cause the game actually looks kinda fun, funny this coming from a DayZ vet XD.
I love rust devs
I can just imagine the suffer emoji when you tell him you found something
How does it even work you’ve never actually explained it
Why tf would you tell them smh
Nice snitching….
They sound so unhappy
Why dont you give credit too the guy who originally posted this…
Over here daydreaming of a day when Ark developers care at all
If they are truly devs, they soumd af and im glad they look into shit like.that
rust devs love their game.
I think this game have a long life ahead
I love the dev just laughing when he read the message outloud XD
Full fuckin send
a dev finds a bug in his project:”Ok, wtf was that?…”
Dude got sucked in like a ghost busters vacuum
First comes the confusion then comes the panic patches if they persist In comes the ban hammer
Im curious to what was even happening and why and love how he drags the guy that made the cars like “you done fucked up pal”
Fuck this is so funny
Subbed when i heard LOZ music.
Snitched on yourself
But…how? How does this work?? I’m dying to know.
Glad to see them taking it so seriously I mean it is game breaking.
Next video: “I got banned from Rust”
Yes, I sure do like it when good fun things are removed from a game, and the people that bring it to the devs shouldn’t be allowed to game.
That “perfect dark” song…. Fire!
At least it wasnt like Blizzard that recreates the exploit that ymthe dev requested then gets perma banned. FOR REPORTING A BUG AND THEN COMPLYING WITH THE DEV DURING TROUBLESHOOTING!!!
People ruining content as usual by reporting it.
Bro that dev has his sleep cycle fked and you worry about videos.
You terrified him into pulling an all nighter.
Comment section is as golden as the video.
Is a dev the same as aerver admin?
Why did you show him it in the first place.
As a new dev myself “tonight” translates to between one day and twenty months.
Hey I hear that Paper Mario 64 Koopa Bros fight music you can’t hide from me
This is why you let the devs find out AFTER the videos go live! lol
Heres the difference between a dev and a gamer.
A dev will build shit that shouldnt break and doesnt think the gamer will be able to break anything.
A gamer will entirely annililate everything and break everything the gamer touches and do everything possible to break the game
This clip with the dead broke music is peak
It’s been a while i saw Holmzy on any rust videos, last i saw him on the server divide (otv rust server) that was 3 years ago.
I am the rust developer responsable of the cars and when this happened I was like “WAIT I’m not a rust developer I just like spreading misinformation
If only they could get rid of all the Kronus cheaters on Rust Console
Ever dev knows that no matter how much to test and tweak something, a player will find the most out of pocket shit to break the game.
I always have a good time with devs
Rust developer? More like full of shir
Lmao thanks for reporting this and not exploiting this forever
Never share with the enemy
What a snitch
You sound like Dan Soder
I’d like to know how it works.
They’re so nice about it, like yeah, let me get the guy who is responsible for this dumb mistake. He has to witness his huberis in full. He definitely headbutted his keyboard at somepoint. All I would be able to think is, “What in the goddamn?”
Yo thats so funny
It should be a feature,perhaps a meme a cannon trap ,the player gets trapped into a comically large cannon and then shot into who knows where
What causes this?
one of those fucker devs is directly responsible for assisting chinese cheaters/hackers in a base raid.
they knew what was going on and ignored it.
the game bans took them out later but not before ruining all of the progress of me and my mates.
this was before the electric update but the memory still stands and im still pissed.
like asking how many more days you have left to live and them answering in hours
hey bro let other content creators use content before you get it removed for the sake of your own. sir winter wannabe
Haha I love these devs
With the first person it takes two shots, but with the guy who made the cars, it only takes one shot….. Interesting.
Always make the content first THEN report it and as they’re working on it. Get more content DUH
The fact the character model is just slurped up and you hear the gunshots cracks me up
a server host is not a developer you degen xD
And this is why you never help devs
Blizzard Devs: “We’ll fix it in 4-6 months”
Rust Devs:
I Forgot What Game It Was But For Some Odd Reason It Would Jump Scare Me Into A Creepy Room With A Bunch Of Creepy Photos. I Got The Dev On And The 5 Mins After He Disappeared With A No Ending Scream For 5 Mins. Man Our Whole Lobby Were Rolling

If I Find It Again I’ll Definitely Check To See If Its Been Patched
imagine you show a rust dev the bug you found and he just summons the guy responsible for that bug existing
this is funny not that I know what happened
I’ve seen at least 3 shorts on this and they never explained how it works.
“I aint reading another man’s code fuck that.”
All Devs when theres a glitch-
Minecraft java devs: “huh, its working how it’s supposed to, lets just let the community call this a farm or some sort.”
Bedrock Devs seeing an archaic game destroying glitch: *out on permanent vacation
I like players love the game someone made so much they can even suprise the dev about their own game
i’ve been waiting for rust to go on sale on playstation for so long
i’ll probably get it for christmas
Rust devs seem much nicer than the Marauders team, I found a way to launch the game without anti cheat launching and they threatened to ban me lmao
I wouldn’t have told admins or developers about this
you’re telling me the rust devs are brummies?
The Guy from gto xd
not even a dev
Damn you for showing em!!

I love the laugh
wow, idiots will believe anything on the internet.
Developer was even at a lost for words lol

“Thanks for reporting this…” “so uhhh how much longer can I exploit this if not forever???”
Brenda is so appropriate
Why’s this so funny lol
Yea what the heck!?!? Show it to the devs is such a drop kick thing to do
Didn’t memeio do this first?
If it were Blizzard or Dice, you’d be perma banned for even knowing the glitch exists….
cant the devs let you choose what yr character looks like
when a game’s Devs come on and actually test things in game, unlike a certain million dollar company who can’t even have a phone number, and multiple tickets get just an auto response. i’ll give you a hint it begins with B.
“Ok wtf was that?”
Every dev ever lmfao.
Stimpee watching potential money just disappeared into oblivion
Bro contemplating how this is possible when asked how long i got before is fixed an bro is calculating when he steps back an somehow isn’t frostbitten
Most chad dev of all time.
Self snitching??
thats nuts lol
I love how he just gets pulled into the backrooms and fricken executed! Lol. Then he comes back just completely baffled as to how tf this bug even works.
Welcome to the world of QA testing!
The Kass theme freaked me out bc that’s my ringtone, lol
I can almost hear that internal “oh fuck I forgot to check that flag” from the dev
Holmzy is a G
this existed over a year ago
I’m curious if your name means KCMO like Kansas City Missouri
That smiley face was written through tears
Good guy
The dev knew that needed to go asap my mans said it will be fixed tonight

Should have got the footage for a day then reported it, and recorded there responce.
W devs
Good to know the kid who reminded the teacher about the homework got a YouTube channel
Crazy that you can baffle a dev with their own game
you have broken the magician code and also snitched to the cops, this is a unforgivable act
They got the insurance in lmao
I watched that jeep jump.
I was playing a Rust clone with a niche discord community of under 100 people and got banned because I killed the dev’s little brother too much ToT
How are you surprised that the devs are going to fix this issue ASAP. They’re devs, lmao.
So what happens? The car spams you through the wall?
Bro was like: i wanna try this on a victim, but i also gotta report it… why not do both?
Dont let stimpee find out about this
Let the man keep this
This is the moment you realize your yt channel is over.
Holy crap the perfect dark carrington institute music hit fucking home in the childhood
That is so perfect, did not had this laugh for so long. The surprised behaviour of devs , beautifull.
Wait wait wait back up is that a xbox console you need to upgrade to a ps2 I remember my first xbox I torn up about 1 kg of fireworks packed it inside and sent it to the moon then I gave my parents a good telling off that was back in 2006 I may buy another one and do the same what a bang for my money
I immediately saw how the glitch worked lmao
Still working
Thats why you never say shit about shit. Fuck them bitches. Games are ONLY about fun. And restrictions are NOT fun. No matter how game breaking, allow it. Or its not worth playing in my opinion.
The face used for after he hears the guy responsible for the cars. Lmao did the same face lmao
Damn, the FacePunch dev askin, wtf happened, that’s sum else
, the fact they probably did patch it by that night, yessir, also the fact he spawned the creator of cars in rust… 
didn’t dirtrider make this?
They have to dive into a field of numbers and letters to figure out what the heck is happening.
u should do fortnite content again
I would have asked if they could give me a Lil time to at least see some reactions to it?
Yall flying around “ima get banned” fking rtarded.
So basically “How long do we have?”
GTO reference for the win
Holmzy is such a great one :`D
don’t recommend this channel
Bro legend

I love how one Dev was just like “nah i gotta get the guy who made these stupid cars in here and show him what he’s done”
This is wholesome.
I would have exploited it for a couple days to get footage first.
We need a POV wtf
can imagine someone thought this will be the easiest raid ever
reported for ruing this shit.. bro ya youtube think ya doing shit but
Well then dont report it to the devs and ruin the fun for everyone else. I hope players v kick you for ruening millions of peoples gaming experience.
Rust is boring af.
He said it’s going to be gone asap
classic ruining anything that’s fun
This is the same guy that reminded the teacher of homework
why does that dev sound like one of the beatles sayin “it’ll be fixed tonight”
This is gold. Never seen an interaction between a dev and normal players
Imagine reporting bugs like this to devs
Damn, i would’ve just kept it to myself lol
People be reminiscing like “Do you remember the 2020-something bug? Yeah good times..” while at HQ there’s just WW2 background music playing every time someone mentions it
Both you and ur loot goblin friend didnt let that slide
I can already see imagine the overstressed rubber duck coming back to his wife
Hear that brummie accent.
Just like America they give there enemies weopeons so they can kill them

At least he reported it so it could be patched instead of exploiting it forever like the dev said
In a weird way this is one of the fun aspects of a game…we not trying to break the game to cheat but trying to break it to have a little fun
I wanna know what in the hell happened and why
if this wasn’t going to be fixed the day it was found out then making a base that appears to have just been raided(giving the idea there might be loot left) would be PERFECT. just like set up an area where there’s a opening for someone to walk through and where they can see crates at the end then yk the rest.
Thats why you exploit it for a day then report it before releasing the footage lol
Very cool, this would never happen with BSG and Tarkov
We got a snitch
Another brother.
Years ago on the 4th of July when landmines/rocket launchers first came out, I was on an official server that had a huge problem with unraidable rock bases. Apparently the devs had no idea and one fateful day I saw a dev with godmode running across an ocean arch rock formation, absolutely loaded full of landmines. He was creating a huge celebration of explosions, all while shooting rockets in the sky. I ran up to him and immediately asked him to follow me. He surprisingly did and I lead him to a massive rock base that had been a problem for the whole server.
He called in a whole team. The man himself Helk and a group of devs asked me for information. By showing them exactly how they use entities to no clip without hacks into giant boulders for unraidable bases, I was able to forever change the game for the better.
It was fixed in a day, just like this and before they left I got to watch them nuke every rock base on the server. Helk then thanked me and gave me his ak and mining hat (which was also new), I took a group picture and never saw another dev in my 5k+ hours again.
This is what’s so cool and awasome about working with video games, seeing this shit is also very funny and intriguing
Rust devs after seeing this: “Ah shit, time to pull another allnighter…”
Well stop playing a game made by devs who hate their community
Holmzy is the GOAT though.
Def not a dev just a server admin
nah f*** the devs stupid BS like that’s what gets their f****** games canceled got to have more respect for your playerbase
Can we just appreciate the fact that he added in the Carrington Institute theme from Perfect Dark??
Not fixed was not a dev
I love that his coworker (Holmzy) without even asking or saying anything to the car dev, declared that the exploit was going to be fixed by _tonigth_. My car guy will have to run to the office on a sunday real quick
@Camomo_10 needs something like this
Ngl, Rust got some dope devs who care about keeping the game good
Not a dev but was an admin for a group of people who developed mods for their own server and the reactions every time someone finds a game breaking bug was hilarious. Gaurenteed the next few moments was filled with “how the fuck did he find this”
this game has the best devs but the worst community
Ok I love that they actually play rust instead of lurking in the shadows
Holmzy sounds like Memeio
Devs are so cool. Poor devs like fuck more work lol
Try the new one with boats it just has to be built with the water he hasn’t patched it!
devs are so lame dude
Dude that could have been used so maliciously lol
Bro self reporting smh
Wish we heard those words more often “it’ll be fixed tonight”
So many cheaters and you helping them get rid of something that just isn’t really an issue
Why would tell tho like why
What happened with the cars?
the dev just laughs
Good thing you did that cause you could get a ban for this kind of shit.

wtf the developer was like oooooooookkkk it’ll be fix by tonight daaaaammmmmmee
Honestly I’ve been playing and kind of play testing a new mobile game that is like an older one called dransik this one is called kisnard
And sometimes you just find something so ridiculous that you have to report it
Like I found out that on mobile only you could take and sell an iron bow more times than you had in your inventory on kisnard
I made 50 million with this before I took in reported it 2hours after I found it
They also took away my gold but I made an appeal to the Creator and he gave me my gold back
Mainly because I’ll never spend it on anything other than pots
love his dudley accent
Duuuude. The little “pop” sound effect followed by the gunfire fuckin kiiills me every time.
gotta be the best trap base ever in rust or any game maybe by the way the devs were like WTF lol
His reaction is priceless.
I just want to say, I hate the fucking robot voice.
The shotgun double tap is amazing
If I were the dev, I’d retrofit this into a feature after figuring out how it works. Make these kind of traps a thing, but not with cars.
Good on ya for reporting it and not just exploit it
not a rust player so bare with me. so what exactly is happening here?
Surprisingly wholesome!!
Omg this was funny sad to see the exploit go and let’s it story leave an historical story in rust history would love to see more of wtf moments from the mods
The “Okay so what the fuck was that?” Absolutely kills me.
This reminds me of the old WoW days GM’s would be in game sometimes do some crazy stuff. It was awesome. Need more games like this tbh haha
when devs actually play the game, thats a good game.
I would have given him a few days if he asked for it. Call it a finder’s bonus. Plus, its a memorable bug and giving it some time to shine isn’t that bad tbh.
Taking all of our fun, thanks. DNR.
nvm stimpee not doin this bug
I love how the rust devs are good sports and respectful they are funny as hell
The laugh XD
Tonight , yeaaaaa righttt xD
why all the developer sound so sad and frustrated
PD64 music brought back some memories lol
Ok so wtf was that

Can you ask them to unban me lol
The cars in the game?
Or the Cars as in lightning Mcqueen?
I need a job with these people
Kcmo: Reports teleport bug
Developer: plans to patch it in 24 hrs
Kcmo: wait, please, I wanna make a video on it
Nice! Got yourself a sub
“OK wtf was that” idk you the dev bro you tell ussss
I fucking love that it disappears and you only hear the shots!
NOOOO!!! REEEeeeeee!!!
Then the dev coded
“Can enter vehicle through wall-FALSE”
and all was right again in the world of rust.
Save all of those clips lol
I wonder if it’s in the console version
How did this guy figure this out to begin with
Also, the guy responsible for the cars definitely desk smashed when that happened. Probably accompanied by “WHY?!?”
I love snitches
Not your video
Why didn’t you film the video then report the bug that way you wouldn’t be on a time crunch.
they are off to examine his build and patch it out lol
I would have had more fun with it before reporting it lol
worlds biggest snitch
someone explain in detail pls
Rust developers are genuinely nice people. The people that play the game? Well, some bans are necessary.
You really should of exploited that for like 2 weeks
Wish it was really that easy to report a problem
Did he get paid
Ya coulda just asked can u give me 2 days tk make a vid
are you still playing rust with actual children?
Got 24 hours: Kicks on Mission Impossible Music
Why not record then show it
Bro you’re a legend
We need a victim pov on this
Snitch. How hard is it to just stfu?
they dindt fixed it yet xD
This explains the cars i found in some weird bases
In all honesty do you know the rust developers
Lmfaoo absolute gold! You got to meet some devs!!
This is gold
this is why you say nothing when you find gems like this
You would not have such a short amount of time with BSG
Is this real?
So these are the brain dead monkeys they have destroying rust? Great
Oh I wonder why they fixed it hmmmmmmmm
dont care itf its fixed but im really curious as to how this works
hahahha that was so funny bro
Here we witness an FP dev in his natural state: baffled.
what the..
Ha! Next time record your content then you show the exploit to the Devs. Or let them find it through YouTube