How a Solo with 9,873 Hours Plays Official Rust…
#Rust #chilledvibes #solosurvival
Today, Im taking on a 1000 player official vanilla server, Solo, and im going to be showing you guys, how you can do it too…
My Instagram! (cheeky face reveal) – https://www.instagram.com/will_j_27/?hl=en
Join my servers discord for info https://discord.gg/willjum
[EU] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect willjum.eu
[NA] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect willjum.US
MY SECOND CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYBxwW1sqqKMb4KjfvDZgQ/videos
Massive thank you to my current Patrons, Thanks to your help i was able to afford my new PC! so thank you! if you want to support me further:
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Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Fantastic Music From
Velvet: https://www.youtube.com/@prodvelvet
SouthHarborMusic: https://www.youtube.com/@SouthHarborMusic
Miercoles: https://www.youtube.com/@prodmiercoles
Heydium : https://www.youtube.com/@heydium
DanDarmawan: https://www.youtube.com/@DanDarmawan
Chkody: https://www.youtube.com/@chkodybeats
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Blooprint,Frost
コメント (1645)
Wow i love the one hour videos broo love ittt
I love rust. I played this game from 2014 or so. I absolutely loved it. I miss my days on rust.
Serious question, i need some help from experienced players. Im 800 hours and played in alpha.
Recently, coming back to the game, I realized that i can’t hold my own in a fight a lot of the time.
And it’s most of the time. it’s not even my aim. it’s my positioning. This always tends to lead to me lacking in the wipe and getting rolled by other players because im out geared and i cannot physically walk in a direction without getting killed.
Is there any other players that get this? And if so how do you fix it and get better at the game?
10k hours…thats a long time wasted on a game
When you grow up into a big boy let us know we can come back to you horrible videos the world hates to hear s British TSLK it’s not gArage it’s a garage door and stop with the words gd god is not the source of your problems he is the solution to the problems you fucking morun
you are so comfortable. Thank you for your existence!
name of the background music?
@11:18 i spit out the ice i was chewing
what server/map name is this in rust?
Does anyone could post the playlist, I’m struggling with finding the songs, there are many very good songs
such a satisfying and smooth video. not much of a rust player but enjoyed it very much
How do you have a crosshair in the game?
Держи дверь круче
This video is the reason im gonna buy rust
safe to say bro has 10k+ now
No one is nice on this game.
go to 16:33 and pause it
Garcia Steven Rodriguez Jessica Jackson Anthony
I aint never heard of rust yet I still watched the full hour video. Sum abt this dudes voice its like peaceful
Taylor Frank Brown Elizabeth Harris Shirley
get a life dude.
damn i wish i had a good enough pc to play rust…….
Dat intro smack. What is that song…summin to ride 2
what is your crosshair
17:56 lmaoo
Got a base outside of airfield
Please….. Your PC specs?????????
Nathen Drive
Should I play this game ? But because even I could see it coming that the base he raided had nothing in it before he raided it . I’m probably a goat
bro has been in game for almost 1 and a half years.
Imagine using shitty ass ShadowPlay rather than OBS lol. Do yourself a favor, switch over to OBS. It gives a LOT more control, like being able to split audio of different sources to different tracks, so you can discard them later or merge them if you want, aswell as not having stupid overlay being recorded, nor any other useless overlay that might appear like Steam, as OBS hooks directly into the game.
Also if set up right, it will also give a lot more quality, as OBS has a bunch of different encoders, along with option of variable bitrate, which is a game changer, because not all scenes require the same bitrate.
And that’s not even at the cost of a higher filesize, infact, it can be lower filesize and still look better depending on how you set it up.
OBS is also great if you happen to have an actual studio mic, since they are mono, which require editing afterwards if you use ShadowPlay. OBS on the other hand, can just shift it before recording so it’s always fixed.
Anyways, cool video.
Wonder how long it took to get to minute 10 in this video.
Most helpful rust video ever
i get killed look at the scenery trying to find a good spot to put my base
Does anyone know what the song at 36:38 is called? im dying to find it
is it that Day Z guy?
JLK or smth?
sounds like him a little bit
Noob question, how come you don’t have to use scrap to learn BP’s ? They dont reset?
at 27:20 can you please tell me the song name on youtube
Literally fantastic music lol such good stuff bro
smooth moves, climbing that tower at the beginning, and taking on a 3 man with better gear. like we could not see how that was gonna go.
i dont know why but out of all the solo rust youtube i like your video the most cause of the calm you bring into your video, love it thanks.
Did he say 1000 player
I’ve always wondered, you say that a horse is so integral as a solo why do you rarely build a stable for your horse?
Whats the best way to get better at pc rust i maybe have 8 hors on pc 1500 on xbox1
does anyone know what the name of the first song is? I’d greatly appreciate it if you could pass that along <3
Wholesome content
A full time job at 40 hours a week is 2080 hours a year. So you’ve played the equivalent of almost 5 years of full time work in Rust
Bro just said rush at 28:51
Anyone got the name song that plays around 6:45 in the video?
what is the song at the start called?????
Nah that was so wholesome at the end fr. That’s why I always loved playing video games tbh. You can connect with people you don’t even know. And make memories forever. He will remember that one of his favorite YouTubers gave him loot on a game he bought because of you. Full circle.
Poor horse getting picked every few minutes
wait, I don’t play rust why did i finish the full hour
song at 36:51
good game
more like how a kid with no life goals
plays some game, pathetic
Hi wiljum, love your vids, please can you make a new solo series. Just if you fell like it though
you took a year off your life, you spent 411 days playing this game.
Willjum do you recommend me to get rust?
no way i just watched a 1 hour video
Hello. One of your biggest fans. I actually bought the game because I started watching you. I do have one question? Is there any way I would bump into you since I’m on PS5?
is this a steam game?
been an ark player for so long and this is the first time I’ve ever seen gameplay of rust, it looks fun might need to try it out…
youtube recommended i watched
nice music taste NTW
just finished waticging this one sitting
45:32 i was on edge watching this part SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH
part 2?
why does he spam crouch and run
if anyone was wondering what is the music at the end is called
“Philip Ayers – Only Human” i goes so hard i just had to find it
Dudes voice is majestic
Solo is correct with that many hours in one game. Imagine 10,000 hours in something useful.
I’ve never watched a rust video or played rust in my life but this guy is so cool and I loved his video so much I’m thinking about buying the game and I will def watch more of his videos. Wholesome guy with a big heart and really good at what he does.
One word, and that is wow… That video was absolutely amazing, from the soundtracks, to the amazing storytelling. indeed something which I will never forget. Thank you Willjum, thank you.
hey whats the first music, when the video started?thanks.
11:08 what is that crosshair?
Just saying but there s a litlle mistake on 35:47 !
36:39 more of this kind of music during your videos please
thank you
I’m catching up with ya. I have about 8k in
as a solo
Does anyone know the name of the song that starts playing around 16:50
Song name at 23:04
I don’t even know this game but it’s thrilling and entertaining it’s like Minecraft x pubg
i js bought rust any tips or any good servers
The ending was so fkn wholesome. Music on point the whole way through. Thank you :’)
Never played it once but LOVE for all games,watched it from start to finish. I agree there’s something about your narrating and storytelling/voice that just pulls you in and keeps you there. Btw it was also wonderful to see you being such a wholesome and humble player, especially towards a fan. Keep it up man,your awesome.
silent aim ?
cool man
It feels like im watching a camping trip on national geographic
make a video where you go outside and touch grass irl
your the reason i started playing rust legend
I don’t play these games simply because of the time sink that they will become if I allow them to. I do however enjoy watching someone’s online videos once in a while.
What’s the outro song
What was the console at 16:39?
anyone know whos that first song
whats the background music name please its very good
Is there a part 2 to this?
can someone please tell me the name of the first song
This was a Nice recommand vidéo sure I suscribe
but north is the worst direction for a solar panel…. at least in california
Man this video is sick AF such a good edit ! The way u comment is great as well
43:47 is that a shitter
15:15 u were sticking out to them because u moved left and right bud :0
Oh man, that moment with the fan was so heartwarming. 10/10
I was always wondering do any off you 10 000h guys fuc..k anything?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he stole ur horse, that was so funny XD
Every like i’ll plank for 10 seconds
What’s the song name at 39:12 ?
I love the nice part of the rust community
got randomly recommended, this felt like an adventure movie
New to this channel, is there a sequel to this? Do you continue playing on this server?
Wait, I figured this was vanilla, but never saw you have to blueprints, etc. do you get bp’s on this server?
never watched a gaming video in my life, can’t believe I watched this for a whole hour. felt like a movie. I like the way you are chilled out.
misleading title
9873 hours – it’s over 411 days. It’s your job so it’s fine, but there are people who actually waste so much time of their short life like this. Nothing wrong with gaming but, moderation really isn’t an enemy.
There are 8760 hours in a year.
No way you have over a whole year in play time in a game. Go touch some grass
Very Entertaining, playing rust is my dream.
love playing this game laptop fell from bike and icant anymore
I dont even play rust and id likely suck at it like you wouldnt believe but Willjum your content is really amazing. Really entertaining. Keep being awesome brother!
That kid ain’t forgetting that no cap.
There’s 8,760 hours in a year. That’s over a year of your life playing Rust. Gone. Forever. Can’t get it back.
That was so humble
Enjoyed watching thanks for the tips
ive never played rust and just watched a 1hour video and didn’t even feel the time go by. it was like a documentary, great stuff!
5k Apex hours player been watching you
Same as others here… I’ve never played rust and I likely never will, yet I can’t stop watching Willjum videos.
Bro why is everybody writing paragraph long comments????
6 mins into the video and it feels like i have been watching you for 2 hours. crazy how you draw ppl in
That little interaction with yearbaby was the best!!!
What music is being used in the video?
9873 hours in one game? I don’t even have that much in all games combined…
Im just wondering if you have a life 9000+ hrs lol
Clicking on a video that you made just makes my whole day better. you are also the reason why i got rust. Love your content WillyJ.
I’ve never played Rust, never watched anything about Rust and will never play the game. Still, this video was simply amazing. Keep the good work.
“they see me already?” my brother youre the only moving thing at the top of the tower….
2 minutes in and im thinking of the hunger games
Yow. This guy have 2 chanels?
This reminds me of pewdiepie early years.
Why not wait near an outskirt building and take what you can there instead of diving head-first?
Man your base is sick!!
thhat intro though

where is the rest of the gameplay?
did he just gave up after that?
I’ve never played Rust and I still enjoyed the shit out of this
why am i watching this i dont even play rust
yo do you ahve a link to that base build looks amazing
Not even a rust player but this is so very well done it’s almost a masterpiece to watch, thank you for your time & for sharing this amazing journey =)
Honestly I never had a interest in Rust in any form or way you my guy made me really like it from the first 15 min of the video. Thank you for tips and wish me luck.
Me with 4 hours in rust watching this
00:01 song name pls?
1:00:00 Do we always shoot the blamer ?
Why u build ur house so stupid
Such quality content that I watch a 1 hour long video of a game I never played.
Is there a part 2
It’s the first time watching this game YouTube suggested it randomly and that YouTuber made it better experience with the background music and the montage
Playing a video game for 10.000 hours ?!
song at 11:15 please
song in 10:00 pleasse?
Anybody know the name of the tune he uses at the end?
This is “Rust the documental”
ddnt evn kno wat rust was buhhh jus sat through a whole hour watching a rust youtube vid wen i should b writing ma assignment
men wasted 1 year and a half in fcking game god
ur ass
I have never heard of rust bu this makes me want to play it.
I hate this game with a passion, biggest piece of shit game there is
hahah i watched an hour of something i dont even know how to play, very entertaining guy, really caught my attention. i dont even comment on videos lol and shesh nice work!
“I have a question….. is it you?”
I never play this game, i never Watch a single gameplay, but i like this clip and I wanna try this game
New drinking game: take a shot everytime he says “solo”
As a person who has never really watched or played Rust. I have to admit this video was great watching as a first time experience I might consider playing rust a sub to this YouTuber.
This guys voice is so nice
10k hours
0 combat skills
Great, hwolsome and cozy video. keep it up mate.
and what is the last songs name ?
for 10k hours you die alot, pretty nooby
I’ve never played Rust, and not going to ESPECIALLY after watching this vid.
This was a great hour of entertaining content, keep it up man
This should be on discovery channel
You have a great vibe. Enjoying the wind and never letting things get to you
0:05 song name?
why the satanic satchel
it is similar PUBG PC?
Love this video! is it a monthly wipe server you are on?
You really make me want to play this game, but I am not good.
I wish we could play together.
I’ve never played Rust, but i have no idea why I’ve sat through this whole video until the end. Pretty cool game, I might play it someday.
Great gameplay!
Is this just worse Ark?
from the intro you can see this video/movie will be fire
This dudes scanavian accent is so delicious .
willjum let me add u on steam, ima send a friend request on discord too. wont even hit u up unless we js be on the same server
The old rust times hitted different”
Basically some unemployed guy destroying some studends experience by having 16h of time to play the game and grind hard every day. Bro that kid just went to sleep and his base was like fully developed xD
Imagine comparing this shit to Ark
@14:13 that was ONLY THE FIRST DAY???
At about 4 minutes and I’m so hooked.
thank god i left this toxic game, i hate to see people roofcamping ^^ waiting for someone to kill, that´s disgusting
Bro that interaction with the viewer was the most wholesome shit I’ve ever seen in Rust lmao, Rust is WAY too stressful for me to play but man is it entertaining watching you solo
look at this noob ! using splitters !? pro’s only use branches
male living spaces.
You have no life
Wow never watched rust and never really watched long videos before… You are my 1st XD
Hacks…. @ 2:13 common man.
How a guy with no life plays Rust.
Can someone please explain how he makes that jump from small box to door? I can’t do it it’s too big
whats name of that first song in this video please i need it
What is the Music Name at 5:50? and whats the genre of the Song?
Heeeeyyy, I am absolutely new to the channel, have never played Rust and I’m not actually interested in it, but this quality hits different. I watched the whole piece in one go! Awesome job
15:30, only 1 bag, pathetic
“I have a question… Is it you?” What a legend
This an episode of antiques road trip?
what is the song name towards the end?? i really liked it! good video too!!
Yeah so im gonna need the song title at the end
solar panel facing north ? hahahaha
I used t play rust all the time back in the day and solo to me is the most fun
is it worth starting this game if never played before?
Had a great time watching, but dayum that music is too loud! Makes me go insane – lower it down a bit for future episodes.
38:38 thats a bad way to die
couldn’t wait to hit 10k hours?
What’s the song at 36:52 ?
Found it – “Telephone” by Blood Red Sun.
Great music and video
how does bro know where everyone is gah dayum seems like esp lol
I can’t remember the last time I was able to watch a 1-hour video in one sitting. It’s beautiful to see a master of his craft.
i cried on a youtube video about a videogame. thank you for all people envolved.
Anyone has the link to the background song at 7:00 ?
eeryskies – [FREE] Mac Miller Type Beat | “Burning Soul”
Hello. so this game has like a server i can join? or you get a queue and all of players starts at 0?
Couldn’t wait for 10’000 hours, ey?
Is Rust still going strong? use to love playing it.
Best video ever! I was so exited to continue this after my dinner!
Well… rust is definitely the kind of game that is fun to watch, but not for me to play
this game sucks ass
your videos have more jump cuts than hollywood… i mean overall i like your videos, but it cuts from “end of hitting this node” to “last hit of this node” over and over…
I haven’t played rust in years but I pop in for an occasional Willjum vid.
@willjum Have you heard of the 10 thousand hour rule?
I’ve never played rust a day in my life. Why is this on my recommended? Every once in a while, I get a video that doesn’t belong. Even rarer I click on it. And even rarer than that, the video is this damn good.
I’ve literally never played this game and have no clue who you are but watched the entire episode. Great stuff!
Pretty good soundtrack choice! I am not really a Rust player, I just enjoyed watching this video because of its quality and OST choice. Well done bro, Well done.
Poor sweet bear just wanted a hug lmao
Wish I could play but the game just insta-crashes and I’ve been too lazy to start a new wipe on my rig
Where do I find the first song? I found it as Soft by THEKOKOXP, but I can’t find the instrumental
How does it end???
The background music goes hard
man I don’t even play this game but that was a damn goop video
anybody know the first song? been looking but cant find
is there no sequel to this run?
What is the twig ramp like structure you use to get to the top level of your base? Im new to rust
Love it!! Thanks for this vid m8. Made my day
Imagine not playing Rust and watching the whole thing, what a good video
even in a survival game we see cooperation because humanity wins
Assuming you get paid the US federal minimum wage of $7.25 you could’ve made $71,579.25 with 9,873 hours. Most states have a higher minimum wage though, for example Illinois has a minimum wage of $14 an hour. If you got paid Illinois minimum wage, you could’ve made $138,222. You sir, are insane.
Damn! I was thinking of buying RUST but it seems like you must have a ton of time to play as a solo!
It looks super nice!
16:15 thats going in the history books
does anyone know the songs name at 37:24
I’ve never played rust but if this is what 10k hours looks like I’m disappointed
This was so good. Fell asleep, woke up in a different dimension and finished the whole video.
i dont remember this game having a crosshair
I have never played rust but i just watched the whole video
I’ve never played rust and the only content I’ve watched looked pretty toxic. This was so different.
whats the music at 32:59 someone please figure it out
I didnt know you could respawn… kinda lame
I don’t even play rust, why am I here watching till the end.
It’s amazing to me, how calm you stay throughout the process. I really feel like this is a skill/trait I would like to acquire, as over all the years I’ve gamed, I really only been able to stay calm in games if I cared little about them, or if I played them so much that nothing was exciting anyways ( which includes quite an overlap). Were you always just like this? or did you do something consciously to improve it?
I don’t know shit about “Rust”, but when I shroom I love this! My guy is so genuinely happy, and exited. Such a….. pleasant voice! I subed…. You da man!
go outside
so now they put specific hours in the title it really works tho, I see this
I dont even play rust but bro commentary is on point explaining everything and its fun to watch
Deserved a subscribe mate, I don’t even play rust but that human interaction between you and that kid was really wholesome. Kudos to you!
Willjum, do a collab with lucky lama, spoonkid, and blaze.. be a menace to server, build strongest base, and bait others to online raid your base..that would be epic
nice background music, nice voice, great video!
18:13 “I’ve mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye” – Drax Plays

Could anyone please tell me the name of the artist/song @37:24
how do you win this game?
What do you use for editing software?
What terminal session does he quickly alt tab to around 16 min?
bruh thats over 400 days thats insane if its real
this guy is the bear grylls of rust
Looks like 80% are cheaters, the timings and angles they get on you is so suspectful, coming from a BF5 player
This is art..
I am a bit late to this video but I would like to know why you placed the solar panel facing north? The sun is never north. Or is it in Rust different?
You’re very good at this game.
wanna know the song name on 24:59 please someone provideeee !!
thank you in advance, ofc i checked description.
love the music
How does one make furnace fuel with a dead bear and a deer? xD 13:00
What is the song in the opening of the video?
You make this game so chill and it’s not at all Bro

This shit is brutal
lmao theres literally 0 bases there, not that populated server
your pfp is not centered
Can someone tell me what the song is called that played in the end?
So refreshing to not watch someone constantly screaming “LET’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” too! Really cool video!
Could you do a tutorial on the base you built in this video. Just like a short video of you building it without any cuts. You don’t need to do the interia. Please
Only realised what a SAR was at the 46 minute mark. Awesome video! Never really liked Rust before but I found this highly entertaining!
Change the hours to 10,000..it give you more *gravitas*
What is the song at 59:00?
what was the song at the end
Amazing video! So entertaining and fun to watch.
45:38 pls let me know music name
38:36 his position
Do you even have a fukin life?
how do you quickly put the items in inventory when looting?
13:30 i really thought this was about to be a betterhelp sponsor for a second
Man how I hate this game. Toxic and on top of that I have no mental stamina for PVP and I am not good. But watching your videos is different. Nice.
i watched the whole thing, and i don’t even play rust
You know this a great video when you’re randomly recommended it by YouTube, having never played Rust or have no interest in playing Rust, but you end up watching the whole hour long video in one go. Hooked in from the start. Great work Willjum. I think you’ve really got a great talent for storytelling, voice over and editing pace.
I never have as much fun playing rust as I do watching you play it. I just get curb stomped constantly. I don’t even bother trying anymore.
I’ve literally never played Rust in my life. You make great narrative and beautiful commentary that I was so intrigued the entire time. Keep em up

bro first vid ive seen of urs 10/10
a racist and hatful game and this guy is just positive and dont even swear
Hello what is your bgm ? It’s Good
I’ve never played rust in my life but I watched this entire video and it was fascinating. I feel like I just watched a documentary lol good shit
9874 hours is equal to playing the game 8 hour a day for almost 3,5 years. or 411 days non stop.
This video is put together with the music so well
10,000 hours….. tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin.
Youre pretty mid at the game
My mind asplodes every time I see you play, dood. I can’t do anything in this game
or games like it
Song at 5:48?
feel like this is the first person to not say 10000 in his Video neither his title and tells us the true hours
Bro died into a sus position
Pause to see
Mate for the love of god take a 3 month break and go touch grass please im worried bout you
game name?
WIth DMA, Kmbox and a fuser.
I would have loved to watch this unedited tbh, even if it was like 10 hours
I returned but still can’t play as game refuses to let me change keys. F13 bug lives on forever
whats the song at 10:59?
background music theme song
he lists the artists but theres hundreds of songs and i cant find it or shazam it
Fuck you and these cringe titles
I don’t even play rust but this video was entretaining
i would play for another 130 hours they record the video xD, well done tho mate, 8k playtime dota player here, keep up the good work <3
What is the background song @5:49 pleasee
wiljums videos are a absolute cinematic masterpiece love the videos keep it up
58:50 does anyone know the name to this song
Watch yo language
you sound like younger Thoughty2
that was entertaining, th
Nothing happened in this video other than him building a tower and raiding some wood door bases and dying on repeat.
Hi. What’s the name of the first song that plays?
Im like a Dwarf, I like High Quality, Materworks! Lets see Howie Looks
Why did i watch this like it was a movie. I’ve never even played rust. Amazing content.
Its actually so wild that you have that many hours and youre still ass
i neded to teach one of my friends and i said he neded to watch wiljum blooprint and hjune:D
*Solo Rust Adventure Abstract*
This video follows a seasoned Rust player as he attempts a solo playthrough on a highly populated server. The video showcases various tactics and strategies employed by successful solo players, emphasizing the importance of efficient resource gathering, base location selection, and calculated risk-taking. The player’s journey highlights the challenges and rewards of solo play, emphasizing mental resilience and adaptability in the face of constant threats and setbacks.
*Early Game Tactics (**0:00** – **2:37**)*
* *0:01**:* Avoids the crowded beach spawn and prioritizes bag acquisition to secure respawn points and distance himself from initial chaos.
* *1:13**:* Prioritizes gathering cloth for additional bags before venturing into the snow biome.
* *2:02**:* Employs “grubby” tactics, utilizing whiteout skins for camouflage and stealth.
* *2:14**:* Avoids unnecessary fights early on, focusing on establishing a foothold in the game.
*Base Location and Setup (**2:37** – **5:45**)*
* *2:37**:* Utilizes High Ground for base location, allowing control of the surrounding area and easier access to resources.
* *4:44**:* Avoids roads and small monuments due to high player traffic and roof campers, opting for larger monuments with ample building space and “grubbing” opportunities.
* *5:28**:* Establishes a secure base near Launch Site, prioritizing the tool cupboard and bag for initial protection.
*Resource Gathering and Progression (**5:45** – **14:20**)*
* *5:45**:* Leverages headstart to farm resources quickly, utilizing horse for mobility and escape.
* *6:19**:* Secures valuable loot, including a crossbow, hatchet, horse, metal pickaxe, and salvaged axe, enabling faster progression.
* *7:03**:* Avoids unnecessary greed and prioritizes returning loot to base for safekeeping.
* *7:24**:* Eliminates a potential threat near his base to secure his position.
* *10:39**:* Obtains animal fat and crafts furnaces to begin smelting metal.
* *12:50**:* Emphasizes the importance of metal smelting for staying ahead as a solo player.
* *13:27**:* Encourages taking breaks to manage stress and maintain focus.
*Launch Site Encounters and Adjustments (**14:20** – **24:57**)*
* *14:20**:* Acknowledges the increased challenges of playing near Launch Site.
* *14:38**:* Attempts stealthy engagements with a compound bow but encounters numerous players and experiences setbacks.
* *15:48**:* Adopts a “die until it works” approach, utilizing water pipes for readily available weaponry.
* *19:46**:* Adjusts tactics due to high player activity, focusing on shorter loot runs and avoiding recycler side of Launch Site.
* *20:17**:* Establishes a reliable farming route for scrap and components.
* *20:47**:* Prioritizes gathering leather and cloth for crafting clothes and armor.
* *21:12**:* Successfully ambushes a solo player on a horse, acquiring valuable sewing kits.
*Base Expansion and Upgrades (**24:57** – **32:51**)*
* *24:57**:* Farms wood and metal to maintain resource stockpiles.
* *25:20**:* Expands base and organizes storage.
* *26:35**:* Upgrades to a revolver for improved combat effectiveness.
* *27:00**:* Gathers stone for further base expansion.
* *28:12**:* Acquires the final scrap needed to craft a Tier 2 workbench.
* *28:51**:* Highlights the importance of the Tier 2 workbench for accessing advanced weaponry, garage doors, and electric furnaces.
* *29:38**:* Secures honeycomb and sets up an electric furnace for efficient metal production.
*Neighborly Interactions and Raiding (**32:51** – **56:06**)*
* *32:51**:* Discovers a nearby base and plans a raid.
* *33:29**:* Gathers resources and crafts explosives.
* *35:02**:* Encounters and eliminates a player on the road to Outpost.
* *36:00**:* Visits Outpost for additional resources.
* *40:15**:* Successfully raids the neighboring base, but finds minimal loot.
* *42:28**:* Witnesses another group raiding the same base.
* *43:35**:* Upgrades base core to metal for increased protection.
* *44:01**:* Gets killed by a neighbor with an M2 turret, prompting further base upgrades.
* *46:04**:* Capitalizes on a nearby clan fight and acquires valuable loot.
* *47:14**:* Eliminates a player near his base and secures more loot, narrowly escaping a roof camp.
* *52:50**:* Encounters the player whose base he raided, and offers him supplies and support as an apology.
*Final Loot Run and Conclusion (**56:06** – **1:01:04**)*
* *56:15**:* Returns to Launch Site for another loot run.
* *56:23**:* Eliminates a player at recycler and acquires his horse and loot.
* *57:08**:* Encounters campers at Outpost and retreats.
* *58:37**:* Attempts to raid a base with an active furnace.
* *59:35**:* Successfully eliminates several players but gets killed by a remaining defender.
* *1:01:04**:* Reflects on the day’s progress and expresses satisfaction with his achievements.
i used gemini 1.5 pro
Token count
13,470 / 1,048,576
what a gamer.
My brother in Christ I have not played Rust in 2 and a half years but I just watched this entire video LOL
44:29 Song name plz???
rust is just ark without dinos
Man i almost forgot about wiljum, such cozy vids. LOVE it
11:17 is that a new emote?
man I don’t even play this game and know nothing about it. I clicked the vid on a whim and 56 minutes later that interaction made the whole video worth it. =D
Bro i have a feeling that someone will do 360 noscope on the mountain
Trying to find the song that starts playing around 37:00 does anybody know this song name?
I never watch rust came across this vid and genuinely enjoyed it. Keep up the good work mate
What’s the song at 32:45??
I’ve never even played Rust, but that was awesome fun to watch
Suc – seed ?
Nobody is sucking seed
Dude youre music makes your video so chill, i feel so wierdly amazing watching it
The end part was actually wholesome.
If you think of a day being 16 hours (sleep excluded) That guy spend playing this game for 617 days. That is insane
more than an year wasted on a video game is wildest possible thing a living human could do
Taking breaks only true rust players play 24/7
Wow, talking about this channel: I was looking for copper and I found gold. Subscribed.
I played Rust pretty early after release, and never really got into it. Was struggling a lot and didn’t have a team. Your video popped up in my recommended and the clickbait title peaked my interest after so long.
It was a damn good watch, I ate up the hour like it was breakfast. Keep making content!!
What’s the song at 17:00?
stop wasting ur life drop gaming and move on to a better life as a man !
Imagine playing rust as a 6+ man group believing ur good. Bet they all black.
This guy really sounds like @JLK
Intro music name please? ))
i dont play rust. I never have. this was entertaining. it made me cry. it also has an incredible selection of music.
Bro i am using my mom acc
28:51 “rush”
Bro i threw my phone bc i got shock there in 15min
someone please help, what is the song / artist that starts @ 16:48 ??? Its like soft piano chords
Ihave literally never played this game. But, this video felt so good. It felt like home
No way of all games you chose to have 10000 hours in you chose rust
It’s crazy to think that some people dedicate more than a year of their life playing a game
Having never played Rust before, this was really fun to watch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3djJ16nu8Zk Rust Legacy still around
First time watching your video, also first time watching rust, definitely entertaining! I’ll be sure to explore more of your stuff for sure!!!
I don’t play rust and I don’t know why i love this vid
iam diyng all the time not because of that iam bad but because i got 30 fps on lowest graphist XD
this was surprisingly calming with the very nice music choice
Love the music. This video has a great feel plus awesome gameplay and nice commentary
So is no one gonna talk abt 11:18
that first horse guy was a paid actor no ?
1.5 million views

I know you just made this video basically teaching people how to play solo on rust but, I was curious if you would be willing to personally teach me how to play rust overall especially as a solo. With your 10k hours of experience you must know things I don’t know. I have less than 50 hours on the game if you would be willing to teach me I don’t really know much about the game and the few times I have played I’ve tried to follow your tips and other peoples tips but every time I try I get raided even though Im far away from other players and I barely even have anything.
As a solo, i always build a 1×2 in the shadows near sat dish, or fishing village. Low pop, always untouched. (On console)
What is that amazing song you played for the first few minutes???
at 11:19 the deer ascended
Crazy how day z is so much better
thats like 400 days + . it cant be
I have an exam tomorrow, and I don’t even play rust, but I watched the whole damn 1 hour long video now that it’s 2:20 a.m.
Your plays are a part of my sweet relaxing memories
The big group that you were fighting were hacking. It was very clear. They would get angles that are useless unless you know a person is somewhere. Dropping down and looking through the window was very blatant. Pre-firing around corners when you arent making noise.
bro tried making rust look interesting with the thumbnail
How can i get crosshair in rust??? same one
hey willjum when u reach 10,000 can u make a best of 10,000 hours
6:21 whats this song called
One issue with rust game is how bad pvp, like someone who played game for 4 years wasn’t able to have more than 5% success in PVP, its more about who sees the other person first rather than skills… I stopped playing game for good… It just bad pvp..
bro whats the song at around 7:15 ?
I’ve never played, and really only seen like 2 minutes of gameplay when a bunch of streamers started playing a while back. For some reason this showed up in my feed and decided to click it. After an insanely busy week at work it was nice to unwind and just zone out and watch for an hour. Honestly not sure what the end game is but the gameplay looks kinda fun and interesting. Also think your commentary is pretty good. Like it’s informative enough to give us an idea of what your thinking is, but still entertaining and not just screaming at the game like some YTers who probably have a demo of children
This is a continuous 411 Days
6:00 @Willjum can I please get the name of that beat?
Title looks like fortnite
I love ur editing style
For every new sub I get I’ll do a push up in at 366 right now!
Yo the music choice is super well done! Love it!
Anyone know song @37:00 ?
Does anyone know the name to the first song he played?? Been trying to find it for ages
Great vid to write my homework to (i mean it as a compliment), but the music choice was the thing that stuck out the most for me, like dang what an atmosphere.
26:29 killed by “they dont know me son”
@3:40 – “If I die with all this I think I might cry.” Says Willjum after murdering someone over that exact same stuff – a sad someone whos is probably crying.
that wholesome moment with that neighbor made me fall in love with your channel. You also do well to quench my desire for entertainment, I look forward to keeping up with your content. – A proud new subscriber
Willjum. Always wholesome. Good on ya with that kid. Sometimes it pays to meet your heroes.
This video earned a new subscriber Loved this video it was actually watchable
This was heartwarming stuff.
The irony is after 9873hours his life has become rust lol
Not even 10k? This dude is a noob!
I don’t even play this dog shit game anymore (console) but I’ll always enjoy a willjum play through
I’ve never played rust before but somehow I’m so entertained with this video. I think I’m going to get rust
Name of the double door 30:39?
Can I just say how much I appreciate the music and how well it meshes with the gameplay??
i have like 500 hours in rust. mostly pve and i didnt know u can knock down road signs
56:00 whats the name of the song ? cant find it
I was not playing rust, but I love it to watch
I have 4k hours on fortnite lol
I know ur gaming chair has dookie stains
please tell me the MUSIC NAME ON MIN 7:01
Hey man, I’ve watched vids of yours like this one for some time and it’s such a great way to deliver.
I never played rust, but watching your vids is just an utter joy. I love how you are able to show skill and knowledge without the necessity to go “look how i fkin own3d you all noobs u fkin pu$$sies” etc etc. Please keep it up, u r great!
hi Willjum
38:20 anyone know the song name?
123 is a cheater. I dont know why or how he is not banned yet
is this guy the soursweet of rust?
Why not put a raid base, you have literally everything there, why risk?
38:38 what is the name of song
what exactly is the end game ?
I don’t know the game like that
The beat in the beginning ??
WOw i havent played long time i had 2500 hours on beta– few years.. Then i hear ELECTRIC furnace rust is Updating
Thank you for the video! Now I know more about rust
Bro gave his 10 thousand hours of mastery to a video game. Bro really has no life skills because of this game !!!
@45:37 track name?
I love you wj
Looks boring as fk
this is very intense
i have never played rust or watched a youtuber play it, but u popped up on my feed and it was so soothing and calm watching u man.
I dont even play rust… yet i love Wiljum’s vids! keep it up
Damn this was an hour long? I suck at rust, but enjoy watching your videos. The music you add in the background just makes it peaceful to watch.
Yo what type of instrumental is that in the beginning
He has 416 days on rust. Kinda sad but hey if this is what makes him happy good for him
Wow look, you finally show that you use the crosshair cheat on Rust after years and years of pretending not to be a cheater.
damn you kinda suck for having this many hours
I love watching your videos brother and the content that you provide. Please avoid using God’s name in vain.
14:50 he saw you there on top because he is using wallhack, like 50% of rust players, 16:30 is not a bad timing, its just another wallhack enjoyer
Ohhh he’s not solo lol famous last words
So chill video
This man is trying to tell us he played this game for a total of 411 days
Willjum if it’s possible to use without all the copyright stuff, “Snake in the Gravel by Coobee Coo” might be an actual good song to use in your videos. I hope you see this comment!
cosa ne hai fatto della tua vita
Bro…. I just saw something…..
411 days on rust is fucking crazy
Can someone please tell me the name of the first song?
you’re entertaining, but nothing about this game makes me want to play it lmao
Yo great fucking video damn that was fun. I don’t even play Rust.
Why do u walk like that
Good job mate you made a kid cry… The good cry.
Whats the song 39:20
nah the ending was so unclimatic but so like clean but euphoric it touched my soul [it is wa it is]
bro wasted 411 Days 9 Hours on a game
So chill to watch, i don’t even play rust anymore, but still, good video, good vibes
Hey man… This video randomly pops up to me and I don’t even know why I clicked on it… I’ve never played Rust and never cared about that game… I didnt even knew what about it is. But I have to say that your comment and style interested me so much that I watched it to the end and I don’t regret it.
Great editing, very pleasant commentary and good choice of music, making it very cozy and pleasant to watch.
+ By the way, big plus for being nice to that guy. You were so wholesome that I just couldn’t stop smiling
Why’d you hold onto the grub in the beginning
Enjoy waching you way more than playing my self.
Aint nothin til you reach 9876!!!!! Why is 6 afraid of 7?
bros more than 1 years of his existance is rust
i dont play rust, but i really enjoyed this video, great job!
Willjum i thought at min7 its gonna be wild wild west!
more then a year of playing bro touch the grass
get a life
I never played or watched Rust before and I’m amazed how you are able to shoot anyone without a crosshair. You are a good shot dude!
I admire those who play solo in a game based on clans and groups, and I am happy because I am watching the greatest player in the game of rust
Just started a new server! Come check it out! Server name is Rusty Raid 2x Harvest. Solos, duos, trios, or whole groups welcome! Full raiding server both online and offline. First 10 players to join I will happily gift a nice starter pack to get you going on the server. Have a wonderful day everyone and good hunting!
is this game pretty hard on pc? i think i wanna give it a shot
Bro u wasted a year of your life, doesn’t it feel weird?
what’s the point killing nakeds?
Great video, loved the fight at the end. Wicked !
I like this rust YouTuber. He’s not a psycho like stimpee.
I subbed.
love it
trash game
good video pookie remember bear rug
I think it’s cool that you keep going after CLEARLY encountering so much cheaters with ESP ….
You are so bad switch game
How come the quality is only set to 360fp?
The one thing I don’t like about solo on console is constantly being raided. Most of the time it’s while I’m offline.
loving your Rust gameplay bro. From south asia, Bangladesh.
I used to watch you all the time but i have stopped playing rust now seen you vid on recommended and really brought back memories i love the vids man
Whats the last song used?
I’ve watched a couple other videos from this guy before. Why does he always only play one day of wipe and then stop? Are the wipes not very long in this game?
It’s true. My last wipe on official I ran straight to the third tier area of the map. The furthest cliffside away from spawn beach. I bagged along the way and used outpost, conveniently in the middle of the map, as a rest stop. I farmed barrels and power plant all wipe and out of all the 8-10 bases in my area, mine was left alone because I was quiet and discreet, train tunnels was right next to me and I had no problem getting cozy. I lasted almost all wipe and ranked 40 with 137 hours of survival. If I went straight to battle in the begining, it would have ruined my wipe early. My demise came 2 days before wipe, my mistake was trusting a random player who manipulated others to use their base for resources just so he can pvp without his own effort. He convinced me to pvp and left me to fend off a zerg alone that he pissed off. I was offlined and the random player I let in disregarded all my work and compromised my end game just so he can shoot around for a day and not provide me backup. Terrible teammate. But overall, bags over arrows. Good advice.
What is the song in the beginning in the background please
WTF happen in 35:47 lol
Subbed because even though you didnt have to, you looked out for the kid and made it right <3
Please take a shower immediately
does anybody know what the name of the song that play around 44:00 is i have been searching but cant find it. Plz help @Willjum
day 69 of asking how do you make these thumbnailss
Willjum i really like your base design can you make a video on how to make it
Anyone know the music at 5:55?
Hey Willjum the 2k quality on your video is blurry as hell.
I wonder if This guy will ever quit rust. I know he wants to but he don’t want to stop making that bread
Whats that song on the outro clip
you make it look easy
Willjum.. I don’t play rust.. But I somehow just sat through an hour long video of you playing it.
when you start hitting buttons down the line 9, 8 ,7 “shit cant make it to obvious” 3!!! “whew that was close”
4:45 ..yes having the high ground means having a huge advantage against the enemies ..Once shown and spoken by a wise man
welcome to esp cheater world, strange then u didint see so many cheaters overplay u.
and how they do what.
Willjum building the same exact starter every wipe
Just wanted to say love you Willy J thank you for the great content
Yo what was the song that played in the background at 7:00 i really liked it and it made my anxiety calm down Jurassticly it mean a lot to figure it out
Please do a base design vid!
That was really cool what you did for that kid
Probably won’t see this comment. But on the off chance you do could you post a video without cuts for how to start a wipe. Not the whole thing just maybe up to the first gun. There are lots of guides but I personally find them hard to follow and unhelpful for how to actually start a wipe
Hi Willljum, my best friend is a big fan of yours. He often talks about your videos. He was assaulted last night and has a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging. If there’s any way you could record a video of your Rust avatar and your voice saying something. His name is Brandon. Im sure this would brighten his spirit and help his recovery. Thank you sir, bless.
Bro just endet this video from one to the other second..
45:38 which chkody beat is that?
Btw love this content!!
That really was sugar at the end
I’m just curious. Do you use nivida to record?
“We die until it works” is not the best strategy if you’re not playing a video game…
13:00 anyone knows whats the name of this song? So chill…
I think it would be interesting to have timer somewhere on screen to see how long as passed since server wipe its cool to see how fast you get stuff set up.
really liked the doobie hoagie rooftop neighbors song at the end
Every time I play this game, I feel like I have to be 100% alert 24/7. It sucked, you raided that guy, and he said he had to go to school. That felt bad, bro… I wish Rust was a calmer experience…
Wait u should be 10k hours now nuhr
i remember when you where at your first 100k
Definition of insanity
Where is new video ???
I dont pay you to sleep i pay you to make videos
1.1 years playing rust is crazy
Yoooo your merch link isn’t working
Where’s yesterday’s video man, I’m having withdrawal symptoms
wheres the new vid
Your my favourite rust creator keep it up
Yo what playlist of music do u use cuz it’s amazing
Beautiful into song Willjum ! A burning soul won’t last forever
New video ?
Oh… The community tab has an update, posted 16 hours ago:
“Unfortunately due to commitments IRL can’t be getting this weeks video out until tomorrow, but trust me when i say, its worth the wait….”
So it’s coming today then. **phew!**
what background song at 6:30?
WJ nice video but where is the yesterdays one? D:
I really want to know the music that was used at 39:20 love it so much!
I’m going for wood!
There is no “r” in chainsaw
0:23 Voice Crack Is Crazy
What happened to the Saturday post
My Sunday morning routine… Wake up, watch Wiljum’s new video, then get up and start the day… Only today there is no upload lol. Whats going on brother, I need my fix!
What’s the thing he builds behind the window at 39:59? Looks very cool… I assume it’s just a cool piece of furniture?
Evey like is 1 minnite of pushups
Bro u haven’t posteddddd whyyyy
yo why no saterday post
Whole level: off the charts
Patiently waiting for bro to upload lol
where is the new video?
What server did you play on?
906 hours added since the last video with a very similar name 10 months ago, which means he plays three hours a day on average
Love the content keep it up
Hi I was wondering when u will be on twitch , u helped a lot of people
its sad you said you would always upload but still here again waiting
not shure if you will see this but aloneintokyo, just published a video that you will be jealous of the view
Edit: Spelling
Did u make some kinda pack/deal with the bears..? since when isnt yogi willjums bane? lol
Why do you call bears ‘yogis’
9,873 hours and he farms a bear with a stone pickaxe it’s getting harder to watch these videos lol
I’m explaining to my friend how online games can be positive through your content. Keep up the good fight.
I love too what your videos I play the deadest server I can find I suck so bad my little spot isn’t so bad I live next to water treatment it has blessed me a lot of stuff though I wish I could meet you face to face in rust if you want you could try a dead server there kind of fun for newbies
Maybe we might meet
the server I play on is: RustFORC3 [EU,UK.CZ] WIPED 7.3
I live near fishing village maybe ill meet you and it will be friendly unlike my other two bases that got raided by a evil team mate or from a open window
WillJim don’t yell at me for a stupid mistake I only have one Brian cell
I hope to see another video filled with pain, agony and lots of death as you continue the solo (sometimes non solo) journey
Good video, sadly the start is scripted but the rest is good
The sound of the builds being upgraded to brutalist is so satisfying
ncoh man this was such a wholesome video. it brought a be smile onto my face
I like how you briefly show the name of the person that killed you. Some great bragging rights for them.
Song at the start?
first song name???
Willjum giving me that Rust urge.
believe jesus repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins
Do use un copyrighted music if so, where do you get it from?
today i found a revo in a vanilla surver and i died to a bear
35:47 mistake
The first and only time I duo’d with someone i was scared of losing their stuff because i’m not great at pvp so those little runs were my tactic. Go out naked with just a stone pickaxe, farm a few nodes or get a few crates then home. Those quick runs made us rich AF whilst They built our massive raid target of a base
Willjum can I play with u for one wipe
I wish I could play Rust as my full time time job and farm as much as Wiljum does.
How does he shoot and reload the crossy almost simultaneously?
10 months ago you uploaded video with 8967 hours and now you are here
I think it’s incredible how you made that kid’s day. You’re a really stand-up guy.
123 dude looks like he might be cheating
What music are you playing at the end here? It is exactly my kind of get-in-the-flow… gief link! (please)
“It is what it is?” Where have I heard this before
Qaixx played on the same server
Your neighbor is Jake from State Farm.
Love the acoustic tune you put in this video.
Help! Does anyone remember what the title is of the video of willjum that ends in a sweet airstrike + gank on enemy tower? he was playing with some other ppl probably frost and the boys. I can’t find that video, I’d like to watch it again, if anyone knows please share
I5 12600K
4060 8GB
16 RAM RUN RUST? For stream?
Hey Willjum! I’m going to start creating Rust content and am looking for a high quality mic that doesn’t pick up any background noise. I gotta say, your mic sounds amazing! What mic are you currently using?
embrasure skins lol
willjum is the solo bogeyman
Hey wiljum im a small creater would you give me some advice please and thank you.
Ah maaaaan your a legend Willjum!!! I been watching for couple years now an your progression is amazing… Proppa pro you!!!! Love the videos an I saw that lad you raided even commented… So wholesome

“This is a solo with taste,” Willjum said, before reaching through the player’s window to break things.
Admins on your servers. Not doing their job
Give me that door skin
The guy that hit u at 44:00… he instantly downs u and keeps attacking through the ground and can hit u.. call Commo . Dam cheaters
Just look at this view at 16:52, boys be fighting hot air balloon is taking off, shots seen in the air, Willjum incoming. Beautiful
I always get stuck tryna build a fast base due to other players, def gonna try this base
i think they need to go to an eye-doctor because they are blind (like “PROPER BLİND” blind)
When need more videos like this one
52:41 This is what I love about Rust. I make friends daily.
– De_Dust
What was the song you used
at the end?
After getting raided by a team of 4 russians right before work today, I really needed this.
Ngl it was hard to not cry a little at 56:00. You could here in his voice he was so genuinely happy to just be able to have an in game interaction with you. Beautiful moment, thank you for being a good example in a world full of bad ones.
Bro I just hit my first 1k hours on scrap mechanic last month
i love how willjum gets a gdoor before a single sheet door
im w8ing always a new upload wil.
n thank u
green fn
25:08 very nice 33:55
Another GREAT video.. thank you
Small batteries now give 15 power. so you can put a branch in before the splitter, and set it to 10, to run 3 furnaces. then you can run an industrial light or take that power to something else.
W willijum
i came here for kills not for feels. stop being wholesome! it’s inhuman and illegal in rust! (jk, keep being wholesome)
I love how he doesnt get mad when he dies or something happens he gets back up laughing and goes back.
Man i love listening to this song in basicly every willjum video please some tell me what its called 58:50
i like rust for the survival aspect mainly because i suck at pvp but also because i love survival games
Rust some of the worse in humanity and some of the best, thanks for the vids im defenitly inspired.
Do not take Wiljums advice on electricity
I dont evan play the game
its to hard solo but i love watching your vids. They make me feel like i might hop back on and be good someday
@38:50 thought there was a mosquito by my face..
11:17 press F for Rudolph
What the song at 40:01?
18:00 to me
what is the last song called at 59:00?
i really love seeing you play solo like you usually do, unlike you previous vids, its boring when someone is with you. it loses authenticity of your channel. but love to see you on solo play again, id love to see more. ps. you inspire me to play rust and play solo.
The music at 45:38 goes so hard
With the head dink on beat right after too, bro was even LOADED
So thats the reason i cant find any cloth on wipe day! you take it ALL!!! xD `
Honest review, this was a video without excitement or anything new / special. 1 day playing for the sake of dropping a video. We had seen this base a million times before and seen him build by launch site a million times before too.
You would of thought after the cave base covering 3 videos he would of put more time into upcoming videos but clearly not, i feel like the old willjum put alot more into this than the current willjum
DUDE I SAW YOU IN A ARENA TONIGHT or atleast i think. It had the username Willjum
a willy vid at 2 am always hits different
Willjum 5.0 ;p shot first ask questions later. Turned out to be a huge fan. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Then end music puts you on edge lol
Willjum! I know you like to step away from the meta and do your own thing but I would love to see you try the new “The Dugout” build from dust! Even if you did a duo with coma! Anyway keep being you I love your videos and I look forward for the next one!!
I miss when garage door was t1
Day one of asking willjum to play Roblox rust aka (fallen survival)
i need a full breakdown on @47:38 the aim you know he was ads staring at his rectile then switched to a pixel on a mountain i just need to know the strats cause that the most bs play off of knowing where someone is ive ever seen again @52:10 legit paused both eyes wide open didnt see a soul and wj says “thats him” bruh no just no “no idea where he lives” double not once twice scans the exact location hes coming from TWICE ! why would you look there twice to your left and not once to the right ? wouldnt a normal person who doesnt know where the enemy is look left and right ? since you dont know where he lives right? you would look all directions… not just straight double peek his spawn ? the zoom makes it seem clearer theres no zoom in rust only editing freeze it at @52:16 there no way you notice that stick figure in a 2 second scan theres no way huge L wj your a cheater dude thats just lame ruin someone elses wipe for clicks
44:00 you getting beamed like that was VERY suspicious especially at that range. Could of just been luck, but still suspicious.
nice of you to help that kid, this is why i watch this channel even though i never played rust
Anyways here’s a recipe for Chocolate Cake:
1 (15.25 ounce) package devil’s food cake mix
1 (5.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
1 cup sour cream
1 cup vegetable oil
½ cup warm water
4 large eggs
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Generously grease a 12-cup Bundt pan.
Mix together cake mix, pudding mix, sour cream, oil, water, and eggs in a large bowl until well-blended.
Stir in chocolate chips.
Pour batter into the prepared Bundt pan.
Bake in the preheated oven until top is springy to the touch and a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean, 50 to 55 minutes.
Cool cake thoroughly in the pan for at least 1 ½ hours before inverting it onto a plate. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top if desired.
Recipe from Allrecipes.com
Willjum for the future you can put 2 barrels and 2 boxes on 1 triangle
rust is full of cheaters ….
And the moral to this story is.. there’s always one more.
workbench level 2 most crustal thing to rush
what is that song at 39:16 it’s driving me crazy!!!!
Literally this is the best fan reaction that’s been recorded. You could hear and feel how much he loves what you do Wil. Your incredible bro. Very humble. Too new humble beginnings. Your changing the gaming and streaming community into what it should be. Much love
Epic video from willjum again
35:48 jump scare
35:47 wth happened here
What is the rust song remix at 6:00
Anyone know the background track he used in the beginning? Legit been search in hrs
31:04 solar panel should be facing SOUTH
one day @Willjum will see my comments, I believe
Isn’t willjum stuck at 9k hours from like a year, or am i bugging
I always love waking up, watching a Willjum video; even if im late. Keep up the amazing work as always
Love you bro
same video, same primlock, same stupid music….Willjum used to be good, but its boring now
need base turorial!pls
with 4.8k i just run and pray and hide lol
The intro hits different when watching it in the dark
this day just got better
When you said the right spot to put base, it helped me. But i need to work on the building part
that one deer that he killed was like “im going to my home planet now”
15:02 – you were moving from left to right on bright sky as background, what did you expect?
53:30 min oohhhh sooo Cute! U did the right !
That kid sounds Danish as fuck
23:00 can you maybe make a vid of the path you walking
Niceu thumbnail
Could someone tell me what the last musical theme is like?
outpost players are absolute vermin, special type of player. Imagine building on the edge of outpost to roofcamp lol
Kid: Are you him???
Damn bro idk what you do with your rust settings, but it looks SO damn good.
Yo WillyJ please do a video of you snowballing
How a solo virgin DOMINATED a rust server (look at me I’m so good with my hours)
43:40 Wow, just fucking beamed.
عزیزان گرامی سلام
Aye bro, take a page out of mr beasts book and change the title to say 10,000 hours

9 873 h
13,52466 Mon.
That’s really long wow.I really enjoy watching your videos, keep it up.
Sneaker archer build for the win
man id love to do a wipe with u
Willjum i got a perfect song for you it’s call counting sars
Hey mate, love the videos!! I catch the fresh upload every Monday. I recommend using the conveyor with the electric furnaces in early game- uses 1 extra power, but it makes the quality of life in game so much better.
Keep up the great work!
“I’m dressed in white on top of a brown tower. How could they possibly have seen me?!”
does the circuit he talked about for 3 electric furnaces work? I tried it in my current play through and my furnaces turned off. Looking for someone to confirm that 1 solar panel -> small bat -> splitter -> 3 electric furnaces is legit.
28:80 he says rush instead of rust lol
how u get the headset
I’m this close to launch in my current wipe, absolutely killing it as a solo for once, blasted a few raids on a couple duo & triple teams, is a lovely feeling eradicating the neighbourhood.. til a zurg comes along
launch site again? *YAWN*
I got exhausted just watching this game. Just can’t burn that many hours of my life on a game that just deletes every week or so
Song from introooooooooooo???
My spouse asks why I watch videos of other people playing games… Willjum…just provide the answer.. story, goals, achievement, respect…. keep running…GG
thank you once again for using my beats
Song at 5:12 and at 6:48?
Is there a build vid for this base design at the start of the video?
Why do you never wear shoes and why doesn’t going barefoot have horrible movement penalties?
Groups in rust like a sweaty hairy ball sack all stick together cuz separate there garbage
Nice soundtrack bro
Rust needs a tier 3 clothing that slightly changes color when moving from the snow , desert , to woods Nothing OP just light changes and then turns straight black at night
willjum what crosshair do you use
the deer at 11:15 was on sumthin lol
I will never play rust, but I love your videos WillyJ. Much Love
danny the best
For your 10000 hours in rust video you should do a rust server fan meet up. Every time I see someone who loves your videos make it into said videos it warms my heart.
Hey, you have any tips? I olay rust Unfortunatelly on Crack, but i have plan to buy normalz and i have 30 hours.
willy has came so far
Thx Willie J for being who you are, for bringing the content to us, for giving us the pleasure and happiness to watch ur vids. I don’t rlly play Rust myself as I get discouraged quite quick cuz i suck at the game but It’s an absolute pleasure watching ur weekly stories. Also huge props for setting the kid back up, it gave me a smile and a tear at the same time watching this encounter.
If you played this game like people worked a 40hr weekly job, you would’ve been at this for almost 5 years straight (if you took off 2 weeks per year for vacation). Your level of expertise shows in your ability to land clutch shots and your ease of building awesome bases. Please never stop.
Week 4 please update and live out of an evil wurst base. He keeps coming up in your vids
I’m Brazilian, your videos saved my life, it may seem strange but when I was in a deep depression, your videos distracted me and brought me peace and made me happy, thank you Willjum.
what an handsome moment with that guy u raided. i really love moments like this. rust doesnt have to be full of angry people an interactions all the time
I just watched maxtwo and twig was the clan who competed in the video whats the chanses
LMAO silenced revy the new meta
I would like to see you make a proper fortress or fortified house, everything always seems so clunky and on top of one another.
Like make the walls and then do like 3 rooms, that would be hard. i would never even get half your stuff done. just saying.
May I ask about your computer configuration?
getting close to the 10k! big stuff my man, cant wait for the 10k hr special <3
Yo bro willjum I recently joined rust and I love it so much I get used to it pretty quickly I’m good at gathering loot and pvp but I mainly struggle with my base that leads my base into getting raided? So could you make a shorts video or maybe a seperate video on how you built this base? thx Cheers gained a new sub(:
ok but like if the title said something about a wholesome kid interaction or anything not “How a solo with * hours play rust” and then just incrementing the number when you make your next video, then maybe I would be more prone to watch it. But no, I clicked on the video cuz I love your content but your titles are trash. Make me want to watch when I am scrolling my feed.
“like a willum base”
A 2024 willjum solo high pop action relaxing tutorial

another great video! thank you for making my perfect weekend ending <3
Bro has 412 days in rust
You can tell when people only play weekly servers because they tell people to point solar panels north, instead of looking at whether the sun is currently north or south of the east-west line.
you made that kid`s day
W Willy J
35:48 farming sign jumpscare lmao XD
Hey willjum I absolutely love your videos but can you build a new base
How do you do it??
I build a 2×1 yesterday with 4 layers of armoured honeycomb arount it in the end the base looked huge i woke up and was still raided this game is nuts
Love your Content man, keep it going
No way i made it to willjum’s video..
I wondered who broke my one and only mixing table
Thank you so much for the solo base compliment
I’m glad I built next to you
همیشه پای یک ایرانی در میان است
With how many people “randomly” finding you when you haven’t made a sound is pretty sus man. I wonder how many of these groups have someone soft toggling
Everyone is focussing on the Video and it is great. But also really great job on the Thumbnail!
Willjum/Stimpee duo?
New WJ video, my day is now good
I don’t care
….man that launchsite group was very…..AWARE
Willijum video and food is just the best combo ever!
the only reason stopping me from trying to make rust content is because i rage too much
Wait what
you play high pop because the barrels spawn fast. You never do monument

46:25, huge fist pump. “LETS GOOOO”
There is one tip that u dont mention in this video but that you demonstrated in the past that I personally took to heart as someone who doesnt have all the time in the world to play rust. Which is to have multiple small bases around the area you want to live in. I personally just do small airlocked 1x1s with 1 low square and triangle. I set up 3 or 4 of those bad boys before I end my session and even if one is raided its not usually a big loss as long as I keep my loot a little spread out. Plus if I find that I will have lots of extra time I can turn one of them into an external TC and build up a main base
Whats your favourite video?
they should add a moon panel
4:22 I was fully expecting that to transition into a manscaped ad lmao
wholesome willjum
Thank you for the vid by far the best rust youtuber i know
I love how willjum plays rust in the most creative way jt just brings new life to the game that Is always toxic and hateful
found myself bored and was thinking when’s the last time I watched a Willjum video… and here we are now, thank you sir…
I know that farmer Willy will not play a Bob Marley song it would be funny as just starts his video and you just hear in the background a Bob Marley song

Thanks for another video WillyJ <3
The ghost in the snow
man these interactions are just getting better and better every video…
hey willy, you should build The dugout by dust your next wipe, one of mye favorit 2×1 expasions
You got all those garage door skins but almost always use the same one…why? Is it a wiljum skin?
wiljum how do you get inn 1000 pop server and which server are you playing on
7:31 “Get Over Here!”
ur fucking prim locked
launch site group is the twig clan and that clan has like 20 members
These stories are the best!
My miss when rust was new and in demo on console my mate and I had a group of 6 we played with for the first 6 months of rust on console was aids with the constant dc in the first month of the game and longest ques in servers but was the best rust experience in my life
I get my pants pulled down as a solo 90% of the time.
is there any possible way to get his bandana poncho skins
I’m 33 years old and I would be just as excited to meet you broski
loved the video!! me and my husband unwind our days by putting your videos on, its become a tradition for us now lol the music and vibes and the bear rugs!! youre doing an amazing job!! <3
Love to see some more creativity from your vids wj, not just solo wipes in partially finished wipes. I’ve seen all your vids and i want more! Just not same old, 2-3 parters make my day
idk if you gonna se this com, but, i want to say thx to you for all your video you have done, with the same vibe, calm, happy, no pressure, just relax and chill, i look every video of your when a need a break on my work who take all my mental health xD thx for this one and have a nice day !
Bro amir is a goat he is like 70 fps 13k houers love 2 play w him
21:27 we found the next David Attenborough
Hope you never stop doing these videos Willjum, it’s so entertaining and relaxing to watch you do your magic, Thank you for your hard work, bless you and your family brother.
yo willjum i been watching you for about two years now i had to play console rust for a long time because my pc broke but i got a new one got 600 hours frog boots and im tryna duo with someone thats good it would be fun
need the intro song name!
its really amazing youre able to get anything done. when i played, i played solo and would die virtually every time i hit a node even on like a 300 player server.
When you get 10000 hours what are you gonna do

an other sublime video
Honestly him saying that he ran and didn’t even try to get her help make me suspicious you would think that if someone who accidentally shoots someone would try to call for help or take them to a hospital not just run and let them die
Those SAR guys at around 18:30 are bricked lol.
When you don’t know what to title your vid do you just use your hours
How can you have that many hours and be that bad??
Hello, what graphics card do You have???
As a 7k solo player its always refreshing to watch your videos and see the struggle be accurately portrayed with the deaths, the bad choices, the wins and losses but always going back out to make whatever happen again. Cheers willy j and everyone else watching, keep pushing
Imagine if they had claymores in this game
amazing thumbnail
Man the first video i watched in ur channel was the how a 8k solo player plays rust and its the same thing as this video so its so nostalgic to me

The absolute best

You know Willy’s becoming big time when a player who started because of him met him in game
willjum has that life is strange music as a soundtrack AMAZING!
And this is why I always recommend starting on modded server even, if it is vanilla speed. Some of them have a raid protection at night and at the morning. You can ask ‘whats the point of playing rust if you cannot offline anyone’. I say ‘I prefer to sleep, work and then come and raid with all other people rather than be offlined’
Wiljum should do a video on rustoria us main love the vids keep it up
willijum. If you don’t start splitting your ores when putting them in a furnace im going to track you down, take your rust account and do it my self
what’s the intro music?
28:51 “Rush”
you need to give him the doors code
If u go through doors
Your base isn’t 15 rockets it’s like 5
yo willjum
great video got a question what is the name of the song you placed in the last 2 minutes of the video
Love your content willjum
It’s not the guy who gets beaten down who loses, it’s the guy who doesn ‘t get back up, that’s the real loser – Kuze, Yakuza 0
whats the song at 37m
Top quality Willjum video, even at his standard of delivery. Bravo my man.
You have a stability of heart and humanity of gesture to be admired <3
You could have played 3 more hours and say 9876 hours….. but you choose not to
Song at 12:15 ?
Willy was that little clip of you hitting the sign ment to be their at 35:50
Rust should full sponsor you, you are doing amazing marketing for the game specially finding interesting and innovative ways to play the game
Bro thanks for the top tier comment, dont even play rust but I found myself looking forward to Willjum dropping another video tysm man!
Guys 35:48 one millisecond (oops in editing)
Maaaan, the interaction with a fan was so overwhelming! You made his day unforgettable bro!

“ooooo that guy has a backpack on…” HOW DID YOU SEE THAT LOL!!! I hardly saw there was a guy there!?!?!
Sick as video today man, btw does anyone know the name of the song at the end of the video??
i think you should try to do attack heli and rig more for one wipe and gargo too
Can you pls make a video with Tesla? You two are my favourite content creators
It takes some people their entire lives to be able to show love. Willjum does it with ease. Good man.
bro you make may day better i watch all vids i found it got boring so i switch to fornite then i found the game i foudn so i started to play fornite more to i cant try to earn money and get a better pc or my pc exsplode. i miss rust
“And then over the next two hours, you lose fight after fight right outside your base…” I was expecting him to use that as a segway to talk about a sponsored ad on shaving your balls.
Damnit, Willjum.
Wilijum saying even a solo can thrive like he’s not THE solo
thank your for the electric tutorial much appreciate! it helps me alot
1:37 Me too bro… Me too
Like this comment if you love rust&willyJ
damn that kid was so wholesome
You promise us to organize the loots.
Great video. Nice to see you throw back to the old style of vids you used to do. Engagement with neighbour was awesome.
@willjum are you up at 6am posting or is it automatically uploading
Mr. Bear took your “Come here you fat fuck!” personally.
Man i love a good old fresh willy j vid before i fly out for work for 2 weeks
Correct me if I’m wrong, but one of the best things in life is working 6 days a week, and on your day off in the morning with coffee and some cake watching Wiljum.
@54:10: This mentality is exactly what makes Willjum the greatest! So many toxic players in the Rust playerbase, Willjum is the northstar we should all aspire to <3
It is one of the most croshel tings in rush
I decided to give rust another go recently. This video helped me realize to keep going death after death, thanks willjum
what servers do you play on because i play eu and i cant get a start. or it just might be that i have 72h in the game
The neighbor was danish
Sorry Willjum i was the one killing you at 44:00 xD
Willjum will never like this comment
Are you going to something special for 10,000h play time
gg Willjum <3
I swear, the way Willjum creates his videos are so relaxing and enjoying to watch
100 hour marathons? Ill watch.
Hey @Willjum You have a random few frames of a clip @35:47. Might’ve happened when you were slicing and moving clips around in premiere.
Whoever makes your tumbnails has out done themselves again!
Love the vids. Keep it up!
Wiljum tried console rust. And can you go back to your fortress bases instead of these compact bases. Like using templetaps solo bases. And perhaps play longer wipes
Is it just me or does he sound like drewski
Willjum I believe I have to THANK You inspirational and relaxation I use ur videos to relax and sleep at night. Ur voice relaxation Ty
but videos awesome
U should build SHOTS solo base very good
Time to watch a lovely video from WillyJ once again
Willjum will do the bearskin rug, but hasnt made a Yogi Head mount yet??
Ohhhh! Hi is not solo! (Dead) LOL!
bros growing roots
Willjum, your video on the metal detector helped bring an end to my wipe strat. It was so broken, I’m actually glad they made it so the metal detector doesn’t work in safe zones.
Paddle farmer montage lololoo top tier solo player man. FR. Only a true solo knows the paddle farming
Only 9873hrs… Not even 10k smh.
Will, NA solo is dead. You should do a couple wipes on there to pick it back up again
He says one of the crucial things to rush not rust
At 11:19 did anyone else see that deer fly?
i like the running gag with the bear its like always me waiting with popcorn for a ferrari peeking bushbear attack
ich klaysik
so u like high ground. do u happen to like star wars ? ( love you willjum keep up the great vids )
Song at 36:38 is “Telephone” by Blood Red Sun.
xD 35:47-48
Willjum i dont understand why you keep wood chest and soke cloth pants and lather hands and not loot 1 k stonr adn metal ore

love the content! what would you recommend to a brand new player to the game? i feel like as a new player this game is super unforgiving! people with a lot of experience will just roll over you, or is it just a “well it is what it is, die until you get good” kinda deal? like no servers for like new players or such?
Thought u had 15h hours
Man I suck at rust
. Love Wiljum videos though
Just one bear rug down!?? And you call that cozy?
Do your homework. I gotta say it’s pretty shitty out here if you’re a failure at school with a minimum wage earning family.
The 10,000 hours rule says it takes that long tomaster something. Do you feel like you masterd it by now?
Sad is so wrong emotion to rust
usually more like red hot rage 
Willjum video today, to keep the anxiety away <3 Keep on, Willy
You know it’s about to be a good video when you hear “Welcome to a solo rust adventure”
I just got here
What a vibe
Willjum please Collab with Memeio and Bloo
second video we hear nothing about ur balls…. MANSCAPED!!! HELLOO!!!!!
Ngl I think it would be baller af if they made more biomes like thick jungle and like a volcano. Like things ti diversify combat a bit
28.50 yes rush my favorite game (or am i stupid)
You’ve played this for over 1 year strung together, insane
I like the tutorial style. Also enjoyed you helping the kid.
26:00 metal detector + night time , the way you get p2 in no time and you go inside launch site
You should try a 2x solo duo trio quad and see the difference
Hi,absolutely love your video and have you ever done rust with a big clan,with the players you know you guys would rule rust

35:48 rookie move
Dam willjum 1.3million Subscriber thats crazt i remebr whenyou was at 808k i have almost 400 subs
Willjum uploaded, it’s a good night
Yessss, another wiljum vid
Willjum that’s how I start bags the best to do first
“Getting too cozy in here” WHAT? Thats blasphemy Willy! Especially coming from you!
your not 9873 hours… i can smell it… scamming is not a joke!
as a solo, once i get established, i look for a secondary base location near by, after a day i would have look to making a third base far away and a boat base, if your base looks small but not worth the loot few will raid you unless your in a hot area or people looking to build in the area.
Rust is dead. Rip Careers soon.
4:00 “You’ve had a smooth start to wipe”
I swear to god I thought it was going to be a transition into manscaped ad
Hey mate can you refund my pc please? I brought a pc cos this game seemed fun and now I’m in a mental ward
Let’s go bro
Willjum casually having another stroke at 35:45
35:48 weird edit error
Wiljim let me play with you
It’s natural to always put yourself in the skin of the protagonist, but when you don’t, you get a much more accurate picture of what game you play. Repeated headshots out of nowhere and losing loot all the time. I think I don’t have time to play this and even if I did… no way I would go without a group of friends who play this game.
I can see myself making my first base within 1 hour after server wipe only to get jumped by a couple of player who already built a helicopter and are now flying over my base lol.. think I’d ask a refund on steam
You know how talented you are it’s incredible, I can’t do solo but i try and u inspire me to not give up no matter how low things get , thank you
There was a random 1 sec clip of road farm while inside the base at 35:48
I look forward to this every week. It is my chill time. A bit of mellow therapy after a hard and hectic week of nonsense. Thank you, Chilljum. Keep being you.
What’s the name of the last song at the ending of the video
Good to others u r.
And today I’m on a 1 billion pop server
I like that ending last run background music
Day 1 is asking wiljum to duo
Just like the boy and many others. You were the reason I started as well. Great video, as always.
he built a cozy wiljum base right next to The cozy wiljum base haha
Never played rust, this is my favorite channel. BY FAR. thank you Willy J. These videos are excellent
yooo will this music is fire this video!
what a vibe.
silenced revolver might be the wackiest thing i’ve ever seen
“THEY ALREADY SEE ME”, Bruh… most people notice movement my guy, should’ve sat still
Finally Willy J! A classic 3 triangle Willjum base design. A no gimmick solo journey. My favourite type of content from you. Back to your roots.
Dude went on one geared roam that’s it. Shoulda at least gave the base to the neighbor since he was out after losing that last roam
I try to aloneintokyo strat the chainsaw too. I just try and pay close attention to the approximate sound of the chainsaw when it’s close to finishing each type of tree
. Maybe I’m crazy and dumb for that one lol. But it gives a lot of movement while using the chainsaw as well, which I feel is useful.
Who saw the editing mistake? It’s at 35:48
crazy thumbnail and awesome video silencer p2 going crazy
I uploaded with the same title, 1 hours before willjum and hes video killed my video nooo

Hello willyJ
15:04 “they already see me” bro your strafing back & forth, movement attracts the eyes. You need to watch a few videos on US sniper school & stalking, genuinely would help you in rust bc you’d know movement, color which you know from white out skins & such & reflection, shine & abnormality from normal terrain. Those are just the very very basic examples
I love these “How To Solo” type videos.
I don’t play Rust, but I am generally playing solo which can be challenging, even in other games. Willjum’s videos always give me encouragement to get back up and keep trying, no matter what shit gets thrown at me. Thanks Willjum!
I love watching these videos man I’m a big fan
Would you ever do a wipe with Jordan Rants. You and Jordan were the reasons I started playing rust a year ago. It would be my ultimate dream to see you 2 play together.
Hi. I want to mention three points that I did not like

I’m not responsible if you don’t like what you find.
Is there a part two coming because what happened after you died did you raid them a holes down the way did you and the kid help each other out
Getting raided by willjum would make me so happy lmao
54:03 That’s the reason I don’t play Rust, I would feel too bad to raid people like this fella
Willjum the thumbnail is amazing.where did you get or made it.i love art so iam always interested in games which have natural beauty
How do I get that crosshair
how do you get that little crosshair on your screen?
The music in the start…. insane
Not going to lie, this may be my favorite base, in awhile
Have a awesome day bro
Bros in all white kit giggling about on a red pole “huh they see me already ?” Has me laughing so hard
if i didnt get the game in beta i would so have bought it after watching your vids too.
Just an idea, maybe team up with a bunch of solo players and dominate a server with a badass compound!
Panicked about my research proposal for tomorrow but managed to calm down thanks to this. Amazing video as always man.
Hey can you do a build tutorial for this base design?
Where is the part 2 to hemp base???
Bruh you have the most mellow rust videos. Thanks for the uploads my guy
You know Willy J is grinding to hit that 10k hour mark
Been watching your videos since the begining. If you want to maximize your space since your core is 3 triangles base.for inventory like boxes why not craft multiple bags and store the loots inside the bags then store it inthe boxes.
It’s all these 1-shot headshot hacking that keeps me from getting this game
I have a friend that makes playing duo so much harder.. I prefer solo so much more.
Willjum you should talk to the creators of rust and ask them if they could help console out by adding electric furnaces lol. Love the content thx

Thanks dude, usual good vibes.
Best thing after a nice hot shower is laying in bed with a willjum video and a couple blinkers off the penjamin. I’m living life bois
like i know its your job and all but thats a concerning amount of hours
“you were kinda poor” – Willjum, 2024.
I waited to watch this until I could finish chores, cook dinner, and have a few brewskis. Well worth the wait.
What happened at 35:43
Whats the music at the very end?
1.25 speed crew checking in
The feeling I get when I see a new Willjum video is hard to describe. Your videos are just so good. Please! Keep up the good work!
I want you to play rust main
Damn that kids made this vdo really nice ending
It might be just me but is there no audio?
My cat died today, this is a good way to end my day. Thank you Wiljum
need to play a wipe with that fan show him the ropes
I licked my own doughnut
400 days of your life on rust, wow
2 hours in and he got work bench two while it takes me two weeks to get that, that’s why I’m here tho to learn a bit off of wiljum as a fellow solo
I like my own videos
There better be something crazy for your 10,000 hour mark in Rust. Like a 24 hour stream of Rust.
Willy j. Almost 10k hours. We demand a 24hr live stream. Think of the nostalgia it will give you in the future
if you have a vr headset you should try strayed its like rust but vr
I really enjoy your content, and I realise you have made a career out of playing this game. It’s just crazy the number of hours you have played. In that amount of time I have walked the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, and hiked 7 other Thru-hikes in 5 countries. I hope you take some time to get out in nature, the Rust sunrises on mountain tops are cool, the real ones are better.
I do enjoy gaming some when I am not hiking (I would be the clueless guy getting fragged a lot), and often watch some video’s while on trail, so keep your stellar content going.
A challenge fkr u willj.. build a horse farm
Now this is epic
4:00 i low key thought this was gonna be a slick transition into why you need to shave your balls
Another great video man
the content 

keep it coming
Bro, I added Space Cadet to my Playlist and listen to it everyday now!! Great song!!
Never is spiller use branches bruh…
415 Days of your life on rust.
I love wiljim
You would like the hermit base by dust
the random clip of you hitting a sign at 35:47
At 35:48 there is a small editing mistake
W video as always willjum

truly a rust moment
aww another wholesome scene in a willjum video
Will Jim I watch you every day and I am also a solo and I wanna say thank you for making me play rust again and making it fun
how the black suit man dead style is crazy at 38min

28:48 rush??
i just made a comment
Where are the classic wiljum ads miss em
Just watched Bloo’s 3 hour video and saw this was just uploaded. I guess I’m watching 4 hours straight of rust videos now. lol
Wiljum be killing me when he leaves good loot because he won’t drop the clothes to make space
. Aways great content though and keeps me motivated to play solo, even though it’s so hard
i got an idea how that group got an m2…seems the guy using it is there designated cheater. reason i say this is unless im mistaken that early peak at launch, i dont remember there being a place to get up to that window. and then the fact the guy kept shooting despite you being down susses that he was aimbotting thru the ground and just too dumb to realize that he was trying to hit you thru the ground.
Cool one
Jeez, I’m pretty new to finding you on YouTube and let me say your definitely my favorite YouTuber the way you make your videos are amazing I’ve been watching youtube since forever and lately it’s been pretty mid and your videos aren’t just reminds me of YouTube in its prime and I’ll be extremely sad when I run out of your video to watch
Harry Houdini once said something like, “At ten thousand hours of practice you may consider yourself a master.”
DarkviperAU is a master at GTA:V and you now approach that rank, sir. Godspeed.
How does this guys does it??? How can he made each weekend such goods videos??? Even the editing is good, i feel immersed, i wish i had a 105 inch samsung tv
Another great solo video!!!
I don’t play rust have the game but don’t play , but man I love watching and vibing to you while I play other games after work or something it’s always a good day when Willy j is playing
I thought that kid was going to cry. He was so happy.
WillyJ is so wholesome. If he only he didnt use pentagrams and cuss it would really change rust
Classic Willy fumbling on the outro
Im begging to know how you find so much cloth a few minutes into the server I absolutely suck at finding hemp bushes and stuff
you need to do a video where you actually build a realistic house style base not these weird honeycomb odd shaped builds aha. just an idea
Hey really like the format of your video. Very reallistic and informative for a nub like me. Also so relaxing ty!
Bro, I haven’t played Rust in YEARS, yet somehow I have to watch EVERY Willy J video… what is this dark magic? And can you teach me?
How I play as a solo in rust is like the template of half of Willy J’s videos
1 like = 1 push-up
Not gonna lie. When Willjum started talking about solo players placing a base and dying over and over in front of it (around4:10), I thought he was gonna segway into another Manscaped commercial
Willjum does a lot of these high pop, stay under the radar, grind monuments, farm, die to groups, rinse and repeat until you can craft SAR, molotov raid a wood base then end video. They’re popular so I get why he does it, but he’s a better player than this. Would like to see him try different types of wipes.
what if u make an base on the water the closest u can to oil rig?(;
“It’s over Anakin. I have the high ground.”
Solo is how the majority play the game. At least at the begining.
Of course we can all relate.
And regardless of the base, peopls will raid you, unless you are “invisible”.
* or do random High Qual to confuse the raiders (they will try to get around/in whatever is behind the metal or high qual wall)
The raiders, always assume that the TC is behind the High Qual wall.
*(i always play 1000 players servers, & can have a small base & are just surviving by building a hiddsn base & using high qual walls to make the raiders to waste all their boom
Nah wiljum u a legend but does really matter how many hours u have??? Lol you ser winter and the one and only Oblivion are basically the only rust players i enjoy watching keep up the good work brah i enjoy the vids!!!
What a nice find! 46:45
I have watched so many rust videos while eating that seeing one makes me hungry
I commented on my own comment.
0:00 woooowhooowoooo a legend was born
Damn earliest I’ve been to a Willjum video 3 hours
(View of beach) *pop*
I may not be the best fragger, but what I do have is balls, shaved balls, which brings us to today’s sponsor. . .
Rust has made me toxic every time in the middle of the night i wake up and say n word !
These videos have been boring 4 a long time @Willjum Dont u play any other games?
Damn even I felt bad about that kid. Hope the game went well for him after that
If u think that’s interesting you should see how a 100 hr solo plays…
51:18 oh he’s not solo
Any wipe that starts out with Pickles is a good wipe.
It a good day wj vid
For someone who goes through as much cloth as you do, I die a little inside when you dont replant the seeds
I love these type of solo vids coz their just so relatable
“Launch Action” AKA killing deer in launch site lol
that was so nice you made his day
So, .. as I do love the building and the wild plays you make Will.. the humanity that pops up here and there just floors me. Good vid sir!
17:54 average size friend group
School bro = wholesome. I am that guy
new to rust and learned alot
did you know that youve played rust for 411 days in all
best thing to come home to after work
Boring video.. +dislike
you should make a video where you give a lot of tips to solo rust players. like on what you should train on or how you should think
Bro every time I see his vids it makes me want to reinstall rust Evan tho i don’t know how to play it. It’s harder than it looks
123…you spilled my coffee
That 123 guy was a cheater in another video. Can’t remember if it was yours or blooprint
I loved that you were specific about the hours rather than rounding them up or down. It feels more hard-earned that way and less arbitrary
I liked darsin7860’s comment
a spoonkid classic!
That interaction hit right in the feels.
This has got to be the coziest base ever
I love your vids bro I’ve been watching you vids for more than 2 years I think and I really support your channel and love the community thank you for always being the same and always find new ways to do things that I couldnt imagined
My boy aaaayyyyy

10k hours in the next video?
Thank you man. Been here since the first solo survival series and I still enjoy every single video the same. You’re a comforting constant for me and a lot of others
Such heartfelt vibes from your neighbor, reminds me of myself.. I’ve been watching your videos for years, and you’re the reason I built my pc and started playing Rust.
You have such a great following man, cheers
You make my day, keep up the good work! I am sure alot of us have your videos as our «safe place» to just disconnect the world for an hour. Thank you!
Will it come an 10k hour special?
It says a lot about your influence that somebody built RIGHT where you did cuz they thought it was a safe spot for a solo.
Youve taught us well, Willy J.
13:30 so true
I wish you could upload more frequently I love your mindset I love rust but I get so tilted sometimes dying to cheaters or just getting rusted
bro really said his exact hours
I love willjum
LOL sub 10k hours, what a f’n noob bro. how do you have 1.32m subs? not even 25k hours.
Willjum, you complete me. <3
I bet you made that kids year, that was a great interaction.
Willy J notice me#1
the whole rust community needs a reboot regarding the M249 nickname. It is not an M2…it is the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon System or SAW…The Marines and Army call it a SAW…you should to.
I always love when willjum drops a new video best part of my day
If Willjum replies to this comment I’ll personally create Gym 2
Thabks for uploading daddy
“come here you fat fuck” has me weak
worlds top click baiter bro i cant resist clicking
That was such a heartwarming interaction with the player at the end. Not easily seen in a game like Rust.
I’m not even watching the video yet. I’m just watching the views go up and up
Death screen familiar solo player here… Your absolutely right with the “we die until it works”16:15
Famous last words oh he’s solo oh no he’s not
Willy, I never wanted to watch that much videos from one person, but your personality is so nice… We really love you, and please keep the good content up. <3 Greetings from Germany!
My boy!! I would totally have several beers with this man.. Sooo Chilll
Hey what’s the song name?
Like so many others I really look forward to your videos every Sat. This one was great! Was curious Willjum how many game hours did it take to do this video? Thank you.
I guess today is just a rust day. I watched 2 other videos by another youtuber and now i noticed that wiljjum uploaded so of course i have to watch it
dont like this comment
It would be sick if you handed off your base to a well deserving player at the end of some of your clips. Like, if you know you’re not gonna play for the rest of wipe just make some random kids day, people love the good vibes in Rust and it feels like those moments are few and far between
Your cover gave me an idea , a volcano like area / monument .
Keep being awesomely you @Willjum !
Hello. I was the kid you raided. I Just wanna say meeting you was a dream come true. I’ve been dreaming about meeting you and being in a Willjum video. i’m truly thankful . I was talking with my friend when i encountered you and he started to freak out. he was like “NO WAY ITS ACTUALLY WILLJUM!” You have without a doubt made my day. Also right after you went offline i got roam
raided by the big base down the hill:(
Edit: Thanks for the positive comments. It really just makes me happy waking the next day to see these comment. I’m truly grateful
Bat Jumpscare 35:46
Loving the chill music. Great vibe
Did you have 9873 before or after recording this
35:48 editing mistake spotted
Day 1 of asking Willjum to play a wipe as a hidden sniper, trying to keep his base and himself as hidden as possible whilst killing many.
very cool video as always – i love it. but in this case i dont understand the very early ending of the video :((((
Jeeez, that interaction with the fan was so fucking amazing. The joy in his voice, he probably never thought he’d get to say that to you. And you could tell he had thought about it a ton. Meeting you in game, discovering that it was you, letting you know that your content got him into this absolute cesspool of a game, how wholesome.
1 Like and my mom won’t beat me with a belt. She will use an aluminium baseball bat instead
mm yes i love rush https://youtu.be/2ys-ILlpQlo?t=1731
35:48 small editing error
Also you should help yexom in his cloth farming challange
No spoilers!!!
whats the music at 59:00?
1 AM, just got home from a 1½ hour drive after a sweat dripping concert where I gave everything I had on the dance floor. And there’s a new Willjum video. No sleep for me
Man you bring a nice vibe to rust love your video’s
somehow you always seem to find the good in rust
You ever do 1 with few days in wipe reckon you’d build something cosy and loot love all your vids though dude
Almost a master
Almost at the 10k mark keep it up
You don’t know it but your the g.o.a.t
Hell Yeah! The “Is it you?” Priceless! He knew! Your bad ass Sir!
Aw yeah! Watching Willjum play Rust, while playing Rust. Perfect Saturday night!
The kill at 43:09 is truly how to do it without aimbot. I really had to scope that out a few times but that dude ran out and didn’t shoot… and I mean a super
Solid kill for sure. Just surprising lol.
ACTUALLY I GET BERRIES AND CLOTH FIRST for tea and cloth mini farm
You had the drip at the start of the video
I did not like my own comment
The intro music
You made a video with a tree house now do a real tree house the big unbreakable tree in the swamp area thing you can build a base on you should
If u put a 2×1 on the back side instead of honeycomb. U can trick raider to think ur base is in the 2×1 section. Still using as honeycomb. Just a though.
i dont know how willjum somehow makes so many super long videos so fast without burning out, but he does it and im not gonna complain
i remember that starter
i LOVE you blooprints friend
Hello sir. I really liked the added info and insight in how you play the game.
Good vid will
Road sign violence 35:48
11:17 What the deer doin?
Wiljum: 15 rocket raid pretty strong
Me: ok i need my base at least 40+ Rockers for solo base pretty strong
sooo last week we had 8000 hours, now we got 9000?
59:19 song nameee pleasee!!
Hey big fan! Just wondering when you’re gonna start finishing videos with more than 4 guns, there’s no reason this is an hour long and you’ve progressed that slowly
classic willyj video
Love your content, love your voice you just perfect for your job
Part 2 pls
I now don’t even play anymore. I just watch Willjum.
what is the server you play on . me and my brother just started the game and are looking for a good server . let us know if you have some
What if humans are the aliens and the aliens are the humans?? ( you didn’t think about that one did you)
Why you never use auto shorter ?
Good Karma with the kid next door.
I so love yours videos but u dont love me
Luv the music
Wholesome is when … someone recognises you in game and you hear their emotion.. a fan of yours for years and ‘you were the reason he bought the game’
Love it
great vide as always, keep up the good work <3 (I haven't started the video yet)
35:47 random road farm
anyone see the deer at 11.21 start flying LOL
What happened 35:50? the editing?
Oh man. I’m gonna keep an eye for an “I Got Raided By WIlljum” video. Rust isn’t usually wholesome, but this one was Willjum wholesome.
Vanilla furnaces are so dark I wanna get a skin but on console it’s that shitty looking Gothic furnace
I love my mum
its all perfect the music, the gameplay, the quality good shit wiljum
So close to 10k hours but already a true chad.”, Thank you so much for getting me into this game.
Love it
Willy j man you are… A F#CKING GOD u are so fun to watch you gave me the inspiration to use the bear rug in EVERY SINGLE BASE all im trying to save man you kept me happy I really love man you keep on doing ass good as your doing love you man
Ayyye that’s whats up with the kid my guy. Things like that they’ll never forget. Bless you both.
willjum, adopt me. dearest regards, M3L0
Yes I love the game rush 28:55
Keep going
I give you my bank I 12 400)
Can we pls duo next wipe I ready
Rat pack we die until it works
Take that kid on a launch run!
the video is great as always but DAMN! 12:13 that bear’s ass tho
That solo to solo interaction … really sweet in this salty ass game.
35:48 yoo editing glitch, I can see the hacking screen (someone need to start an argument would say)
Finallyyy a neww videooooooo!!!!!
u realize everyone has hours like that now right?
I love how he always scrolls the garage door skins but always goes with chopshop
I stopped playing rust cuz Solo even i was doing fine takin down helis and Bradleys but everytime i had to compete server bigest zerg n i got tired after While i just did not enjoy rust at all anymore
Pin me
Best Rust Player!
i wana get into rust but dk how 2 any tips
always a good time when willjum posts
what does hours do in rust i never play it but its interesting
I was wondering if you were going to post considering it’s like after 6pm
it starts at 58:45 WHAT IS THE SONG I NEED IT
Like that kid your videos make me want to play rust. I’m just too hooked on scum to play it though. You should try your luck/ skills on scum.
New rust video.. time to make a coffee
I wish more of your ep just flowed in to each other like back in the day
You should of given your base to the neighbour. He seemed genuinely thrilled to meet you IRG
. Love the vids, respect.
YAY! It’s Willjum day!!!
Don’t know if you read your comments Willjum but I have an idea for a future wipe. Get a group like Bloo and HJune and build a base at Outpost. Use it to raid roof campers and keep them off their roofs giving some relief to the other players trying to get to Outpost without being sniped. Kind of a white knight effort but it would be funny to see roof campers get a taste of karma.
Why is there a random clip of you mazeing a sign 35:48
“babe wake up @willjum just dropped a new video”
Let’s get it Willie J!!
How about building a wall across the whole map?
i want yogi yogi yogi
Part 2?
5:18 thank you so much willjum i always want to play solo but i get shit starts,get roofcamped and stuff like that now from the tips u gave my i want to try play solo tomorow
Spoiler Shield
Could you do a video with electrics, auto look, farm, a big automated setup and a new type of unseen basedesign
When I saw the thumbnail there was no way I couldn’t click on it
I binge your videos for a week and damn I love them so much, without even knowing what Rust is
I don’t know what it is about your videos, is it the charisma? The editing? Or maybe just the excitement I hear in your voice… I am not entirely sure, but I will definetly stay.
You’ve changed man… fame has twisted your priorities… 56:42… so depressing… you’ve changed… remember your roots! Don’t forget what’s important!
another beautiful run my man, keep up the good work
Too bad you let your own servers die off..
Do a 10,000 hours special video and put my comment in it so I can get a PC
This video is just frustrating.. idk something about solo is kinda just a drain and boring.
I’m an upcoming rust console,46 and fortunate utber and streamer
after a long time finally got something i can watch and chilling. Thank you willjum. WWWWWWWWWW
One wonders, how cozy would wipe be like with a collab with Orange and Willjum
thanks for the awesome content!
W vid keep it up
I liked my own comment
Should’ve gifted your Willjum base, made BY Willjum, to that kid
that was so wholesome i almost CRIED. HOW DARE YOU
Bro wanted the title to be specific af, thats dedication
You were in the same server as blazed and luckylama

God I love watching willjum videos!! Always the best content!
my love <3
Great content Willjum. Thank you.
i love u willjum keep up the good work
You are only truly a solo. If u Kill Bears With Silenced Revos
Can’t wait for this one before I go to bed
“I’m literally shaking” love that kid!
People cheat at this game. So I do not play. I refuse to spend money on a game that I can lose everything to a cheater. Defeats the point of playing.
idk why and how but every one rust youtuber videos are intensive and alot is going on but willjums is just so peaceful and calm , i just love ur videos willjum! keep it up
They say you need 100hr to master a skill. But with 10,000 hr you must be a god at that skill.
Around 35 minutes is an editing mistake I think
In few videos You’ll get the 10k hours
Can I play like this if I only have 7345 hours?
35:47 is probably deathly 25th frame xdd
Hi Willjum love your vids. How do you have your sound settings so that you hear everyone? I find it so hard to hear people when they’re not literally walking/running really near me. Thanks!!
‘not the best fragger’ like he don’t 1v7 and win.
35:47 average jumpscare of Lucille on stop sign violence right there
loved the video
Good boy title
Omg yes!!!! Im waiting your new upload, and its felt like forever
Aww hell naw i need to sleep but now i see willjum uploaded
35:47 that road glitch
ye revi + pipe once thy hear Re lode most push pipe fun
Sorry but I watch Wiljum to fall asleep.. It relaxes me
I wish they had a pass through on electric furnaces, that way you wouldn’t need a splitter
The interaction with that kid was so heartwarming, especially in such a toxic game. Nice to see that not everyone is so mean and you can tell that he really enjoyed meeting you in game.
Willjum defo got a boner when he posted this
w vid
can someone tell me why he is using the WHITE snow camo in the monument when he hides in green grass and the monument itself is also in green land ???
going there using the green camo would make much more sense, or am i wrong?
New willjum video? Instant upgare to the whole week
Hey dude. I start every Sunday morning with my wj vid. Just wanted to say thanks for the many many fun starts to the day. Today’s video all the chuckles and good vibes made me smile
. You rock dude. Keep on being positive
Could’ve played 3 more hours and title would be 9,876
“Ghost, did you raid me?
“uh… I may have…”
“I had to go to school.”
feels bad for the kid, gives him a bunch of free shit, more than he took.
“are… are you … Him?”
“I may be. I do like my bases…”
kid almost cries
Felt so sorry for the neighbor. What a nice kid
Ahhh perfect time for some WillyJ on a Saturday afternoon!
Okay, that neighbor fan interaction was wholesome.
brother in two weeks your might just be a 10k hour player
I just get so hyped and happy when you upload Love your videos keep it up

Willy J Making my Saturday night much better !
I love you fucking videos so much , i got cheater banned but ithe cheats were not for rust , ur video keep me going on how good rust it
What is that first song? I tried looking for it in the links and using Shazam, but couldn’t find it.
Best part of Saturdays is a Willjum video
Willjum is the best yt channel right now
i love your bacon box <3
oops, cheeky little editing mistake at 35:46 lol
what server is 1k pop, in official i only see like max 300 pop
Top of the notch video like always willjum

It’s always a good day when willjum uploads
Yo wj
Running out of title ideas huh
Anybody within a mile radius of Willjum:
Willjum: “You’re a liitle too close for me”
With 9873 h 32m 54s
Keep up the good work
I was just thinking when the video was coming and reloaded the feed and saw this

I’m always looking forward to Saturday’s
4:02 with that music honestly goes so hard.
Love ur vid keep it up <3
Every time I watch Willjum I feel like I’m watching a Movie
If there was a solo server where you couldn’t get better than tier 2 weapons. Willjum would be unbeatable
Everytime I watch a wiljum video I wanna play rust…then I play rust and regret life
I like how your rust hours always change haha. What are your actual hours?
Why we should play solo when we have 1.3m zerg
Ahh, i get to go from a blooprint movie to a fresh willly j one
The best thing about Saturdays
It’s my birthday! Nothing like a Wiljum video to wind down after some games!
yo les go another willy j vod
Editing mistake easter egg at 35:47 let’s gooo
37:00 what is that bag lmao
I need this after getting raided again. My first 8 days. Lots of clans out there.
That smooth voice
U k gona be a good day when willjum post a video
he which the intro bet u thought we wouldn’t notice
Same thing every vid but with different title
Why wasnt this in my subscription feed??!
love the vids keep it up
willy I was waiting for you voice to up on the video. love you man.
You say you’re not the best fragger but I think you’re just being modest. Your aim has become quite good, imo.
I love the variety in willjums videos, great work
A perfect amount of heathy playing hours in rust
A Willy-Jay “Movie”? Bruh. Its a great day! Cold Disarono and Willjum.
Stopping kids from saying first
Pls pin
i really liked the music you used
Good video all the way through
Omg lets gooooo
What kind of bee makes milk?
I have big pomelo balls
Love you videos William
35:47 that snuck in there
I lived F7 on this wipe
Willjum coming out with another banger of a video
Man, I love his videos he’s so chill and relax
time 12:10 i have to say GYAAAAT
Those first 2 deaths are kinda strange… 44:08 the same guy as the first death kills him again, again a strange death…
For Every like I’ll do 1 push-up
Another One ! Willjum classic
If that’s his exact hours that is crazy especially since more than half or half is probably him playing solo
Willy J! Do another wipe with your noobie friends, like when you all built that castle that instantly got raided..
Never bin this early on your vid love your content
Bout time i been waiting all day for this
Yo yo a great creator to play with would be cali you guy would make an amazing team
at 15:03
They see me!!!???
like daaaaaaa
Glad i checked one last time to see if there is any good content available
Right on time
9873 hours after or before the wipe??? Needed clarification!
new vid lets go
It is truly impressive the time spent on this game creating amazing content. To translate 9873 hours is approximately 1.22 YEARS in game. But admittedly for a very good reason
Hidin’ in the grass bro. <3
live in a tugboat
You can round up to 10,000 hours we wont be mad at you willy j
My computer broke 6 months ago but i just bought a new one it has a 1650 i can finally play without as much lag!!
That Thumbnail is gorgeous
U are a legend
Love your work keep it up
Who is bradleyyy?????
I love you bro
Video was so good I traveled In time to finish it
I didn’t like my own comment
Know its going to be a good day when you’re early to Wiljum uploading
Hello Willy J you should try play console rust since it is more updated
Great run, man. Would love to see you run a wipe with Dirtrider. That would be cool.
W video
getting really close to that big 10k hours.
William my birthday is coming up can I play a wipe with you for a birthday upload it would mean the world to me as you made me start playing rust and I now have 300 hours on pc and 200 on console
willjum please give it to me
Haha I’m one of the firsts
Nice comfy Saturday playthrough with my favorite beats. Thank you willjum
Bro really said , “
u could had just wrote 10k hours
music bussin out the gate — great intro
Yo willy jay i love your style and your videos man
24 min gang
I found your videos I addicted to rust but sadly I don’t have a computer thanks for helping my Rust addiction
Honestly, your videos are the only reason I still play Rust. Love your content, man.
hi chat
Just finished cooking dinner and now there’s a willjum video? let’s goooooo
Nobody gonna talk about the markers at the start
Wiljum I hope I’m early enough. Been looking into PCs and I was wondering what you run, I really want good graphics and good performance. Let me know what you have.
Canyo buy me pc boy
You know its a good day when the man comes through. Happy Saturday willy j
Love the creation and making of your videos. Keep up the work
Number 981
incredible, you are an inspiration for those of us who play alone!
Wiljum you are to goood bro also I’m going to see what launch is like soon cause it’s been added to console.
i watched it 7 times and i confirm, this is a willy J banger
Late night gift
First 1k likes

The solo champ
My favorite Rust player
Bro make my day happy
You’re the best bro.. in the fucked up life I have.. the one hour a week of yours literally saves my mental health… Keep it up broo

I was looking for your vid and it ain’t show up but yayy
Perfect Sunday morning vid…cheers Wiljum, awesome content bro
Waiting for the 10,000hour special video
Heloooo bıroooooo
love watching my fellow brit go for it love u wiljum
I see a new WillyJ video, I click. The rules are simple.
hi wilijum what coponets do you have in pc beacuse my pc is very bad for rust
I was watching something I didn’t care to, and I thought to myself “I want something good, I need some Willjum” — I clicked on the YouTube home page, and here you are, 14 minutes old. It’s like you know when we need our fix. God bless you WillyJ.
Hi Willy j
5.4k views in 14 mins. You’re beast bro <3
willjum your the best rust youtuber
Does solo never get boring?
Willjum gotta change his upload time
2:49 am out here… The biggest dilemma.. sleep or watch?
Hell Yeah
almost 10k hrs lets gooo
Bro have under 10k hours and you are GOAT

Just checkin in…here we go ppl…lol
Under 1 hour gang
When the wooOooOOo in the beginning kicks in
12 min ago
lmaoo I was literally watching another Willjum video and when I finished this was uploaded, always a happy day when he uploads
Love you Willjum keep uploading
Saturday afternoon. It’s gloomy, wet, and a little chilly outside. I’m gonna burrito up in a blanket and enjoy me a Willjum video. Thanks, Willjum. You always make my weekend.
perfect thing to cheer me up after the 6th time getting raided this wipe
Yoooo, early
Doubt you’ll see this be whatever anyway I found a base on YouTube it’s called “The Nook” it’s a solo base design tight and compact just how you like your bases when you play solo it’s bunkered to thought it would be cool to see you use it in a wipe in the future and see how it holds up in a high pop server, great content
Lets dive into the video
After watching this 2,000 times I can confirm this is a willjum classic!
Under an hour gang
how are there so many people commenting already
You know its a good day when Willy j uploads
Uploaded 9 min ago and 3700 views already
Womp womp
and here we are again, another Rust adventure with our favorite chill solo player. Lets do this!
I was about to sleep, but then saw this new upload :D. fk sleep
Been checking every 10 min for the past 2 hrs. Finally!
Love you will!
Love the content
Babe wake up!!! New willjum banger dropped

Buy me pc $600
I was not the first… But I am the best.
As a fellow solo i can tell this is a spoonkid classic
another willjum video means a good day
youve not played youre own solo us server in a long ass time. its dying homie.
Let’s go
Lets Go Willjum!!!!!!!
willjum tactics are great tactics
So good
500th like(gimme cred)
I love your videos willjum

Just wacthed the video. it was great! (i know you uploaded it 5 minutes ago)
I enjoy having this on in the background either when I’m cleaning or at work thanks for the best video music and sexy voice quality ♥️
i was just looking for rust videos, then this popped up all of the sudden. Thank you Willjum, always a pleasure relaxing and watching your videos.
Clicked asap liked asap
I cheated on my wife while watching your videos.

2 minutes since posted and already 2 hundred comments and over 1 K views. He’s a popular player. I love Rust but it’s kind of a poorly designed game. It takes so much time to get going, like it takes days or at least dozens of hours, to get the necessary scrap to get weapons.
Good day when Wiljum be posting
way to go, my friend!!
Predictions: Epic solo cozy base with sick PVP gameplay
Daddy Willjum back with another banger
3 min gang
HA, I was like “lemme just check if any of my favs have uploaded and I’ll go do my homework” and BAM 3 minutes ago lmao
Yk wat this is the usual banger the willyj uses
lets go willjum your w creator love the vids
Willjum Saturday
Why won’t it let me watch it?
Keep up the good work
I watched it and can confirm that this is a willjum classic
I’d like to know why, not how xD.
Hey Wiljum you face punch might make planes that you can craft with 600HQM and you could do a vid on that
Haha not me saving the video for when my food gets done
I like cheese
We’re in for a good ride.
Just in time for bed
Next Video : How a Solo with 10,000 hours plays Official Rust…
Best rust YT and player
You already know this is a good vid when he spawned in
Under 10 minutes gang
love you willjum making the days better
Love your content man keep it up
Your the goat of rust
First kill at 215
An hour before I get ready for volunteering for a soup kitchen then a long shift at work. An hour long Wiljum video – yes, yes please.
i already know this is another banger !
I got fees lick
Although he might not be the best rust player, his content is definitely the best quality.
Not a Saturday without Wilijums best video’s
1 minute ago
holy hours
Solo RUST is premium RUST
Im from philippines, i always waiting this man every saturday to watch his video, hopefully someday i can buy Rust to play, more power willjum labu
wish i could play with Wiljum once… itd honestly be a dream haha.
the solo adventures are always the best cozy Willjum content
It should be illegal to be this early
First comment
nice video I liked it a lot
Just finished the factory video and see another video uploaded, can someone be more blessed?
Couldn’t sleep, got a Willij video
00:13 Solo player with 9,873 hours showcasing tactics on official Rust server
02:30 Importance of choosing the right base location for solo players
07:35 Surviving as a solo player in Rust by building a balanced base
10:20 Needed a metal door for base security.
15:36 Strategy for playing as a solo with waterpipe in Rust
18:24 Strategizing launch site loot runs for reliable farming
23:17 Struggling with survival in a hostile environment
26:06 Upgrading to revolver for better combat advantage
30:47 Setting up efficient power source with a single solar panel
32:53 Preparing for a raid on a nearby base
37:40 Efficient base management for successful progression in Rust game
40:40 Solo player faces potential threat of raid by group
47:00 Successfully executing a risky maneuver to secure loot
49:40 Solo player explores interesting base design and encounters unexpected PvP situation
54:37 Building positive interactions with neighbors in Rust
57:19 Successful Rust raid with tactical approach
Welcome to rust
Already watched it I’m too fast
always a good day when willjum uploads
Love your videos, even though i dont play Rust myself. thx for another fun video.
oh yeah
ah a willjum video, today is a good day after all..
Let’s go new vid from my fav youtuber
New willjum vid mek me happy

Wiljum you are to goood bro also I’m going to see what launch is like soon cause it’s been added to console

Finally good vid again
Love ur content bro, keep it up!<3
Love seeing it!
Time to sit back and relax
Yoooooo I am early here!
love it willyj
The crossbow can get it
Let’s gooooo
We love you willjum
Watching wiljum is just
Can’t wait to watch this video and learn more
best movies ever
yo willjum im a big fan i love you bro
Under 1 Minute gang, also W Video my G
Love it
It’s a good day when your in Hawaii, Kona and Wiljum makes a new vid.
number 1 in rust
I’ve been playing rust since it came out on console and only have 4k but my friend has 9k on console
11 second
I love when u fill me up with all this amazing content
I need to sit back relax and watch a Willjum movie
Love the videos
how you doing willjum
Haven’t seen your videos for a long time, but I just saw the notification, and I got that exciting feeling in my stomach
love the content man keep it up
If you like this you are racist
10000 hours is dedication
Hey willjum I’ve been watching since 200k and loved the vids
W video
Letsss gooooo
can already tell this is a banger
31 secs
You know it’s gonna be a good Saturday when willjum posts

I don’t think I’ve ever been this early
hi Willjum how are you?
w vid
With in the first 30 seconds
30 seconds? Already the best video I’ve seen all week
Every Saturday I wait for these videos, looking forward to finishing this one!
Was looking forward to this video
Welcome to a solo rust adventure! Here we go!
Best rust solo player ever
First so now one else can say it
Finally new vid
1 second in from post
What a great video!!
Bet you won’t pin and reply to me
cant wait for the willy special!
im too early
8 seconds ago heck ya what timing to open YouTube
Wiljium I love your vids green up the great work

Nice bro
Thank you ! I needed something to watch
Hi Willjum
Welcome to a solo adventure
Bro got real specific with the title
Ww video
I was praying for a new video right now
Mf you 6 minutes lat3
Love u Willie keep it up
Am I first
Yeaahhhhhh happy day now
Im first no way!
First on
Love the content dude. Keep it up
Yes sirrr
First comment
Bro had to say the exact hours
Hello willy
Love u
I liked my own comment
I was waiting for this!
You know its a good day when willjum uploads
First comment
Actually first