wow how lucky they left a soft side stone roof and a door facing the wrong way so you could soft side in. try making actual content instead of faking it
Спасибо за этот опыт!
Конечно, проще и быстрее было бы добыть дерева и зарейдить базу копьями, но тогда мы бы никогда не узнали сколько времени нужно чтобы выдолбить одну мягкую стенку
I actually did this with a programm that repeats your actions. It takes about 1,5 hours to break a door so its actually possible to afk raid 2-5 doors houses. You only need some stone and food.
Uhh i didnt watch is my ai right?→ In the game Rust, it is not possible to raid a house using just a rock. Raiding in Rust typically involves using more advanced tools and weapons such as satchel charges, rockets, or explosive ammunition to destroy doors, walls, or other structures. A rock, on the other hand, is a basic tool that can be used for gathering resources, attacking animals or players, or breaking barrels and crates for loot.
To all the people saying to hit it, that’s a bad idea. You’re just letting the same thing happen all over again. A new civilization will eventually rise up and make the same mistakes over again.
This reminds me of the time me and some allies i made on rust we were raiding a base nearby our area and we ran out of explosives and we needed like 1-2 doors to get loot and there was like 4-5 of us and we rocked the shit out of those doors, it took a bit but we got it done, and may have fucked around and threw frags at each other inside the base after raiding it
I remember one time i managed to gaslight some people into thinking i was in their group and they let me come in and take a few guns and i just left and never came back to that base
I’ve done this and it’s the funniest thing ever when they wake up and you suddenly break through with nothing but a rock and 3 friends sporting eoka’s and bunny ears while screaming like a maniac.
I think that base had already been raided and the raiders put a rough airlock on it to stop the owners using it that’s why the upkeep was bare minimum and the loot was garbage
I have found out myself that I can kill a heavy m2 on loil with a rock I got Ak from crate and I got back to my base a I log off and my friend used it and he lost it I spawn killed him for like a hour
No matter how tough and clever your defenses are, a single naked person with enough tenacity can break into your base if you are, for whatever reason, unable to defend it.
I learned this the hard way and as someone who only plays a few hours from time to time, it’s one of the things I don’t really like in Multiplayer Survival Games. You log out and the next time you log in, your base lays in ruins.
Dear Rust players, dont be that guy…you could have gone to Wendys, fucked a milf, done your taxes, learned something new instead of raiding a base with a fucking rock
Best way to raid a base with a rock…
1) Obtain Rock
2) Find someone with gear, preferably raiding gear
3) Beat them to death with the rock
4) Use their gear to raid the base.
I’ve spent more time to have less loot and less of a base.. so while I agree THIS was not worth it, something similar probably wouldn’t be far off – like.. 3 guys with spears, for instance.
hm…if you compare to the normal raid on a resource that takes luck and skills than using only rocks, with that all the loot you get, it’s really all worth it though, like if start with nothing. The downside is that the owner it needs to be offline and no interruption from other players, and also it takes a lot, i mean a lot of time and max full of patience.
“is it possible to raid a base with rocks?” yes it is possible. when h1z1 died our friend group all started playing rust, we found a low pop server to learn the game, built an entire compound, but in a different way, we all had our own little house. our 1 friend who always wanted all the loot, always wanted the biggest base, always something, had built his base, bragged about his loot, and got off for the night. the admins were very chill, even ran around with us showing us the game, we had convinced one of them we got locked out of our base. the admin gave us a stack of 999,999 rocks. we all set our auto attacking macros and got to “work” while we all watched yt switching out rocks as needed. by the time our friend was ready to hop back on we had completely raided into his base, we then convinced him that we all got raided and rebuilt our bases when we got on. but someone… someone had decided to fill everything he owned with rocks, if it weren’t for filling the chests with rocks, maybe he wouldn’t still be playing with us. maybe he doesn’t even play anymore. but that night in rust. that is the best memory i have of this game.
Is it possible? Have you ever heard the saying. Even impossible has possible in it. So yes it is possible sir. Just not something a sane person would do.
Memeio: “55 minutes”
Also Memeio: “I knew this was gonna take a while.”
Also, it used to be much worse around when the game came out. A friend and myself spent around 2-3 hours breaking 2 walls with pick axes. It was good fun though.
I’ve done raids through whole compounds with only rocks and spears before. On Rust CE and it takes awhile but is easier with pals, I personally had 8 people helping
Going through doors is faster and more effective, me and my buddies could raid a clan base with just rocks assuming we are all online and they’re offline
my first experience in rust was me walking up to a base hitting a metal door with a rock. in like 10 mins there were like 30 people there all hitting the door with a rock. there was no killing or anything just us being stupid af rock raiding. after we broke the door everyone ran in and someone found a gun and then it all went to shit, but it was the best hour hour and a half i had in rust
It shows you how criminal minded a man is, they rather steal from another and spend 10 times more time and effort to get nothing at all, than to gather everything to build a base 3 times that size.
I would’ve loved to see the occupant just patiently watching this dude chipping away at his structures durability and then repaired it right before the guy broke it
I rock raided my toxic neighbors a few wipes ago and filled their inventories with rocks and a note that said “ez loot” we got multiple AK sets and enough farm to build our entire base they were not happy. Best 6 hours spent ever
I remember one time I was raiding with a team of 5. And we ran out of explo on an armoured door. We got so tired of it we started raiding it with rocks and torches. Took like 2 and a half hours but we finally got through. Also got an M2 by winning a pvp engagement with a really blind guy. Triple tap with ak
Isn’t there door frames you can hit if so they were wood you could of hit that instead of the wall but also just as enardo he does zergs with rocks and anything him and his zerg can get there grubby hands on they’ve even broken a armored wall with rocks mostly
Fun fact we randomly raided a base with rocks on 2 metal sheet doors and a bunch of randoms kept coming up and helping us it was end of wipe and we where bored
“Not worth it!??” From having only rocks to having a whole base with some mats, and a tier 2 gun, in just 2 hours only lossing some stone for rocks, THATS MAD WORTH IT WDYM
Why is there a roof instead of a fondy why is there a backwards door frame this base look like a 1×2 expansion so no way they just have that backwards right?
But hold on. Why was the door frame soft side… I think you made that base and put the loot in, that’s why his roam kit was better than his loot in base
It’s called rock raiding, and from experience yes you can do this, a Zerg of 50 broke down our stone walls and filled our compound, you walked out the door to 50 eokas at your face. It was a very good time
I mean, 75 rocks is 750 stone, so 1500 stone with a return of 700 stone from TC, so you basically spent 2-2 1/2 hours and 800 stone to get a python, some bullets, and random scrap, I guess if you don’t have anything on a server it would be worth it but spending that time farming is way more profitable for sure especially since most people don’t have reverse door frames to where you can just soft side it
Do it on a clan base
7 rust days is 7 hours…
Get a life, get s girlfrend
Bro wasted so much time for like nothing

Do you need pc for rust
My new fear
I don’t think he has seen enardos raids with his fans
За время что он рейдил я бы уже с калашом бегал
Now raid a hqm zerg base with nothing but a rock
Me and my buddy rock raided 2 sheet doors took a couple hours and git nothing out of it w raid
bind z attack
That is
Now do it with hqm walls
That was my base ong
What that one friend does on a tuesday
Do it again!
*Sebbyk taking notes
game name?
Do a clan base?
Memeio your like the Mr.Beast of Rust Content
Get a zerg to break the entire base with rocks in 5 minutes flat.
HAHAHA I can Feel the Pain my Friend
Let’s Game It Out would foundation raid that base 100%
If any of those guys killed my homie one single time he would say that rock raid was worth it
Hey @Memeio just stopped by to say YOU ROCK!
wow how lucky they left a soft side stone roof and a door facing the wrong way so you could soft side in. try making actual content instead of faking it
Offlined by the rock
With all that time I raided 9 other bases with spears
i don’t believe you
My man has 5k hours and has 0 achievements bc he only uses rock
I don’t think anyone understands the rage that I would be in knowing someone raided me with a rock.
this is all me and my friends did on console rust xD
It’s impossible to break a base with a rock becuase he used multiple
Спасибо за этот опыт!
Конечно, проще и быстрее было бы добыть дерева и зарейдить базу копьями, но тогда мы бы никогда не узнали сколько времени нужно чтобы выдолбить одну мягкую стенку
Spear :
Gay af
Brilliant brilliant
some wonder how i got through an armoured wall
Try it with the most secure base in rust
55 mins u will never get back
Imagine u do 1 hour of raiding and u go in a air lock XD
14 wood spears 360 stone 7minutes—-use the spears till they break then turn them into stone spears super cheap and
now go through hardside
Been there done that. Went through 4 sheet metal doors with only rocks
I’m so bad at this game that even on a four-person server my base gets destroyed before I can even get past the bow and arrow stage
*A* rock. Not many.
Hit trees make spears, be done in 20 mins.
Enardo gonna be so proud
It takes 55 minutes to break a wall – so I knew this would take a while is the most braindead take ever.
online raid chinese clan with wooden spear
My base has zero loot worth taking lol
I guess hard work won’t always pay

LOL imagine spending all that time for there to be a shotgun trap right behind the first wall.
ice spice is fat, not thicc.
this is what auto-clickers are for
the ultimate eco raiding strategy
Me with my 2 friends breaking normal wall with rocks cuz other friend left and he placed lock on front door
Me and the boys are now raiding area 51 with onky rocks…
bro you would make 8 satchel
So me and my 3 teammates can grt through a stone wall in less than 15 min with rocks ?
Well time to eco raid
Why? Have you literally nothing better to do?
Gdoors take way to long and way to many rocks
Raid a compound with a ROCK
Do it on a bigger base
( )
Pin me
Abra ka boom boom
He Does Realize Theirs A Wood Door Frame?
I’ve literally raided a sheet door with rocks and 1 teammate it took 2 hours
Wood spears would take less then 30 minutes for the same results even with farming the wood with rocks
I coulda just watched an enardo video to solve this
Do it live next time Hagahaha
Bring back Pickaxe Raiding!!!! Thats when Rust was at its best!!!
Do it do it
Always faster to farm wood with rock and spear raid the base instead, but i like that i now know how long just rocks would take, ty
its the first erosion raid I’ve ever seen
What is the name of the game
Yo try getting an LR and trading it for a base!
No one’s like huh
Bro probably could of got aks M249s and countless guns in that time (knowing rust youtubers)
I actually did this with a programm that repeats your actions. It takes about 1,5 hours to break a door so its actually possible to afk raid 2-5 doors houses. You only need some stone and food.
last short u said u would bet 1 scrap per sub when is that coming out?
Now please do it till your satisfaction is high
Game name pls
conveniently placed backwards door frame
2h … I’d go crazy after 5 min
now do it on clan base
I’ve done it
Name game
Tell me u have no life without telling me u dont have a life
Rock and stone
Bro turned into Brody at one point
you would spend the better part of a year but yeah it’s possible only that base would probably decay faster then you can raid it with rocks
Do a live raid with the musk-er I mean water pipe and no rocket launcher only throwable explosive like c4 or bean cans
Me and my friend did this last week so worth it got like 6 guns
So if i get a group of friends to log on and spam kill respawn i can take like ten minutes for a wall with rocks
Bro saif rock not rocks
Ok thats great do it again
Put a autoclicker on and watch kino films idk
What’s the name of the game plssss
Which game man
Uhh i didnt watch is my ai right?→ In the game Rust, it is not possible to raid a house using just a rock. Raiding in Rust typically involves using more advanced tools and weapons such as satchel charges, rockets, or explosive ammunition to destroy doors, walls, or other structures. A rock, on the other hand, is a basic tool that can be used for gathering resources, attacking animals or players, or breaking barrels and crates for loot.
A rock not ROCKS
Enter kevdog
What game it is bro?
Please make videos without invoking God in vain
I think he died
Attempt it on a zerg
get 74 chinese players
name of game
Bro the “that wasnt worth it” hit my soul
only (a) rock…..
New vid raid a clan with spears or sto e tool
To all the people saying to hit it, that’s a bad idea. You’re just letting the same thing happen all over again. A new civilization will eventually rise up and make the same mistakes over again.
You could’ve got almost triple amount of loot in that time
This reminds me of the time me and some allies i made on rust we were raiding a base nearby our area and we ran out of explosives and we needed like 1-2 doors to get loot and there was like 4-5 of us and we rocked the shit out of those doors, it took a bit but we got it done, and may have fucked around and threw frags at each other inside the base after raiding it
_pLebs oF eNvy, seekinG eN₺raSianCe iN₺O sieG’s mAiN vallachia base. ._ *oNLy ₺O diScoVeR i₺’s A RanDoM. AbaNdoNeD. Ou₺poS₺.* ✓
Talk about a budget raid
Just break tha door frame it was wood
So many rust day ? But he said only 55 minute
Yes I did it
Wait is this ark

Wait that looks a lot t like my base
Average rust player
Da rust can AT mobile pliz?
Did bro waste space for a single apple?
just srowling up und this shit comes up…………..
That yell and rock throw at the end was definitely 100% legitimate
The pov cameraman head in the chest be like

You Or NOt a lol
This is the definition of “Work hard, not smart”.
Please do not harm yourself
A rock?
Bro was doing the overdrill objective
If you post more we will help u reach 1 m sub
Me:oh how cool! My brain:UNGA BUNGA
Whats that game?
I remember when I raided an armored door with rocks alone and got an m2 and some ak as well as rockets out of it great times
Rock raided 3 sheet doors before lol
You can destroy a hqm wall with just rocks, no soft side needed
Can’t you just break the wood doorframe
But have u hardsided armoured
What if you had someone break in your base with a rock
Rust is so interesting game.
Also this guy:
I remember one time i managed to gaslight some people into thinking i was in their group and they let me come in and take a few guns and i just left and never came back to that base
might as well farm spears
Its possible, but this base wasnt worth it.
A rock
No life

Unemployed friend on a Monday night
No not a rock but with rocks, yhea you could
U should try it on the biggest base on the sever
I dare you can’t raid a clan compound with just rocks
Me and my friend literally spent 1 hour and 45 minutes raiding a armored door with rocks
It’s actually quite cost effective just not time effective.
Damn you sick
You can raid anyone in Rust if you have an Aussie.
Me and my friend once broke down a metal door with rocks, literally 0 loot inside
That looks an awful lot like my base
I’ve done this and it’s the funniest thing ever when they wake up and you suddenly break through with nothing but a rock and 3 friends sporting eoka’s and bunny ears while screaming like a maniac.
this is real eco raid
you can earn those loots in 10 minutes
Bro that was my friend and his other friends base
Foundation wipe him but with only rocks
Should have used spears. They’re faster, plus you can use store to make stone spears. I eco raid a lot of bases this was
Palestinan dream be like
Bro have too much free time
Now is it possible to raid a base using only a co-
You should do a compound
It’s still technically a zero to hero
Memeio = one of the best rust content creators
The un employed mf:
I think that base had already been raided and the raiders put a rough airlock on it to stop the owners using it that’s why the upkeep was bare minimum and the loot was garbage
2 hours of your life for a python
Bro 14 wood spears and upgrade them to stone Spears after they are broken
you need’s Boizs
is it an insult if someone raids you and takes literally nothing?
*smack smack smack smack smack smack*
Let’s Game It Out has made me not realize that 3 hours is kind of long.
nobody talking about how the wall is soft side to their tc room
Clan base?
Is it possible to raid a base with bean cans
я с другом зaрейдил кaмнями целый осторв
Joe Caine was here
Nooooo I’ve been there
There was wooden door frames
Two ppl would take half the time
Litterally no reason to do it as you could do the same thing with pickaxes in like 700 or less seconds
3am offline raider be like
the eco raid to rival all eco raid
Give your chat the server, and sit back and relax.
That was my stepbrothers base

if u want to waste ur life.
I guess he was rusted after this.
Or hit a tree and get wood, still using a rock to break in technical
“Ah yes guys we found this base and raided it soft side for a couple hours while nobody comes to check on the noise” lmfao
Got stuck in a trap base once with a decent inventory so I actually soft sided out with rocks as the base owner wasnt online
Who doesn’t go to there base for 2 gours
Im just happy that on other survival games eco raiding is “ban able” no need to worry for that bullshit anymore
Memeio I sincerely ask that you let me do a wipe with you on console rust, and i will help be the best rust console player on the server
Whats game name? Who know
Thats the definition of spamming xD
Takes 250 for sheet door
Try this on a server where there is at least 1 player. 55 minutes straight, hitting something?
That one clan that was raided by rocks
“a rock” means one. So no.
That’s really convenient that you found two soft side walls with a Loot …
What a waste of time
Real joke is you for posting this
i think im sub
Joe Caine did a video on this
You can eco raid the classic 2×1 with 800-1200 rocks
Name game pls
I have found out myself that I can kill a heavy m2 on loil with a rock I got Ak from crate and I got back to my base a I log off and my friend used it and he lost it I spawn killed him for like a hour
Poor mans eco raid
I just watched fancy orbs biggest raid video and memeio that was an awesome betrayal
i’m gonna subs for seening you suffering
Imagine getting your base raided with rocks
Takes less time to chop the 7500 wood to craft 24 spears with a rock then it does to use a rock
Don’t use God name in vain
clearly faked tho
“A” rock not 70
Couldn’t you have destroyed the door frame? That was wood? Instead of the stone wall?
Bro which game
You spent way too much time just to get nothing…
Good job mommio, happy mothers day, you wasted your time
No one’s safe from this guy..
I’d like to see enardo play Dayz and Tool Raid a base
Ok I dropped a like just for the grind for content haha
Is it possible to empty an ocean with a teaspoon?
The real question is why are you wasting your life.
Idk is it
mission failed. you said A rock. not 100+ XD
251 is not half of 500
I had a team of 12 do this through like 3 garage doors and 2 armored doors with rocks

i did this 80% of my rust career for fun its my therapy lol
now do a sheet metal base
No matter how tough and clever your defenses are, a single naked person with enough tenacity can break into your base if you are, for whatever reason, unable to defend it.
I learned this the hard way and as someone who only plays a few hours from time to time, it’s one of the things I don’t really like in Multiplayer Survival Games. You log out and the next time you log in, your base lays in ruins.
Sebby would be proud of this eco raid
Bro became a caveman for days
who was on the server 4 people? or do you have wallhacks and avoided all the players..
Bro do it on a huge clan base
you said a rock an you used rocks
ive done this with sheet metal doors with a team of 5
You had to use The Rock
Try doing it on the most fortified base on the server
currently watching your forest play through
Yes i das it in speedrunning Shorts
It took me and a buddy 8 hours to raid a 3 by 3 with only rocks
Use rock to cut some trees to craft spears:

Spent 2 hours to get inside by 148 rocks:
TDW: yes.
He fr tried to kill the guy for being too broke
“Damn player you broke af”
*Bashes with rock
using a lit torch takes longer than one that isn’t lit. UNLIGHT YOUR TORCHES
nice offline raid .. noob
Dear Rust players, dont be that guy…you could have gone to Wendys, fucked a milf, done your taxes, learned something new instead of raiding a base with a fucking rock
which game is this
What is this game called?
Is it posdible to Ræjd
Remember kid if you cant open the door you just break the wall
Memio you should play with meow meow some time he tried makeing a trap base you should help him he could use the masters help:)
Why is it every time you try and use some small tool to do a massive raid you always end up finding the perfect soft side to start it on
Try a mega zerg clan base that surely would profit
Best way to raid a base with a rock…
1) Obtain Rock
2) Find someone with gear, preferably raiding gear
3) Beat them to death with the rock
4) Use their gear to raid the base.
Would’ve been funny if the player had been standing there watching you try to destroy their base
That’s my friends base
Eco raid much?
and in 2 hours no one came to see what the rock smash sound was. yeah right
Sounds exceedingly simple to raid a base in this game.
Where was iraq used
Patience is indeed, “a virtue”
If u build it with a Rock.. u can broke it with a Rock
I can’t subscribe because I’m already subscribed
farm smelt craft boom=1hour
Get 75 rocks and save you 5 min now.
I’ve raided thru 3 armored doors with rocks and 6 people beating the door it took roughly 2 to 3 hrs
we all know hitting a couple trees and making spears woulda been 3x quicker
I’ve spent more time to have less loot and less of a base.. so while I agree THIS was not worth it, something similar probably wouldn’t be far off – like.. 3 guys with spears, for instance.
Wait… with 10 nakeds and a stone node you’re telling me I can do this in 5.5 minutes?…
what’s with the accent? do they teach you to speak like that in school?
Ecoraids be like: PROFIT
Are you killing him for having bad stuff?
Got your rocks back
Stuck in the Stone Age?!?!
It makes me RAGE that you said a rock, but you had like 50!
hm…if you compare to the normal raid on a resource that takes luck and skills than using only rocks, with that all the loot you get, it’s really all worth it though, like if start with nothing. The downside is that the owner it needs to be offline and no interruption from other players, and also it takes a lot, i mean a lot of time and max full of patience.
you know the server only got 3 people on when you can spend 2 hours rock raiding with no interruption….
Conveniently there was a soft side to start at…
He had a little relief when he ended that dudes life lol
So now, because you said a rock
Bro went god mode on that
Imagine if he only found where they keep their rocks
В это время надо было фармить…
God Australian accents are fucking annoying now
When i log off and get rock raided
Plot twist, its his own base XD
Bro I think I saw you doing this. Tried to talk to you even and you ran off so I kept walking.
I hate this.
You got what you deserved for being toxic maybe?
Imagine doing all of that just to run into a shotgun trap
You should have used spears and some friends to eco raid the base
You could have saved a lot of time going straight for the doors, I’m not joking
i saw this whilewatching “speedrunning yt shorts”
dumb video. Anyone who plays knows you can raid with rocks and that it will never be worth it
While he sleeps soundly no matter what you do to him lmao
Speeedruning short
name game
Minecraft in 2069. Be like
lmao the scream at the end
With one rotate and 100 extra stone they could have prevented that completely
Just call da boys
boring lol, you just raiding one of your friend. if it’s an active player you already death before you can enter it
That one frienfd who is a reger but is also crafty:
Tell me you have no life without telling me
You should try this on a public server
Loot looks like me and my mates in a huge base
Coulda just made spears and cut that time in half or more
You should do that on the best base on your server with a bunch of people just with rocks
Yes, have you seen enardo
Bro I love riding bases
This is my base
Proceeds to raid clan bases and hurt chill hidden in their loot room
Listen 2 videos ago I saw Joe Caine speedrunning this short then 2 videos later I see the same short
this was the most painful rust content i’ve ever experienced watching
r o c k s
Imagine having your base raided and then going on youtube shorts just to see a guy break into your base with rocks
Do it
Bruh you expect loot from someone that can’t even properly place his foundation and door frame.
I saw this in speedrunning shorts minutes ago. Wow
Is that vr
Just watched speedrunning shorts with this short
i mean.if you got 4 or 5 people then it works
What is the game?
Do it your mom
lesss go
Game name?
What is this game called?
Thanks to Joe Caine i knew what happens
Just saw this in the speedrunning yt shorts video
what game is this
This man is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will… something I know very little about. I once saw him raid a base… with a rock, with a f***ing rock.
Its not worth it, and i don’t want you to do another, so I’m not subscribing
a new challanger approaching !!!
SebbyK * observe
can you tell me what game is it
Speeeedrunning shorts
What’s the game name?
now only flashloghts
Ohh rust
What is that game for real
Bro he sounds like jazzy so much lmao wth
Game name?
Eco raiding to a new level
What is this game
i’ve Been dreaming to play rust for Ages, i cant buy the game and also don’t have a pc
Looks like literally nothing is safe in rust
imagine how many kids you will have to take care of in a couple years
This is realistic Minecraft
Get urself 2 friends and that’ll be quick asf and cheaper than anything else
Guess i am not subscribing
Gift him 50 bucks to raid a huge clan base using only rock’s

What is this game
Dude is hardcore eco raiding
“is it possible to raid a base with rocks?” yes it is possible. when h1z1 died our friend group all started playing rust, we found a low pop server to learn the game, built an entire compound, but in a different way, we all had our own little house. our 1 friend who always wanted all the loot, always wanted the biggest base, always something, had built his base, bragged about his loot, and got off for the night. the admins were very chill, even ran around with us showing us the game, we had convinced one of them we got locked out of our base. the admin gave us a stack of 999,999 rocks. we all set our auto attacking macros and got to “work” while we all watched yt switching out rocks as needed. by the time our friend was ready to hop back on we had completely raided into his base, we then convinced him that we all got raided and rebuilt our bases when we got on. but someone… someone had decided to fill everything he owned with rocks, if it weren’t for filling the chests with rocks, maybe he wouldn’t still be playing with us. maybe he doesn’t even play anymore. but that night in rust. that is the best memory i have of this game.
Game name ????
I don’t want you to be torturers again
do this on a known trap base xD
If it’s a Mobile Game so please tell me the game name.
Excuse me, what’s this game?
Ah yes “a” rock
And I thought I have no life
“A” rock..
Get the boys.
do it on hqm walls.
Me thinking it was a minecraft texture pack before he said in rust
On NEXt vidEO, wE’lL bE raIDinG, a FULLy armoErD BaSe fiLlED with tuRRets wITh OnlY ROCKS
Now I wanna see THE BOYS do it
Rust by neigefu
With that much time you could just make a pick or 50 spears at that point. But still good to know for a Zerg.
And that was my dead body
There’s basically nothing in there because I stole it all from my friends
no way bro, that’s my base no way
At this point he needs to do
next vid ..
Game name?
What’s the game called
rust moment
Is it possible? Have you ever heard the saying. Even impossible has possible in it. So yes it is possible sir. Just not something a sane person would do.
Eco raid players:
Imagine if after all that, he broke into the wrong room
Game name
You said ‘a rock’ not 70+ rocks. Do it again
What is the game
Memeio: “55 minutes”
Also Memeio: “I knew this was gonna take a while.”
Also, it used to be much worse around when the game came out. A friend and myself spent around 2-3 hours breaking 2 walls with pick axes. It was good fun though.
2 rocks for spears and a little stone in in around 30-45
Pov: that one phychopath gamer
” I hate my life I wish I didn’t have to work”
Meanwhile the jobless friend:
Get a life bro
Technically he couldn’t do it with A rock he had to use 100+
Dont try and steal the echo kings content now, you already copy dirt rider and kcmo trap bases
I miss rust. Zergs and offlines killed it for me.though.
Ngl, spending an hour for that gun is worth it, I’m not good and keep dying L
What’s best is that they’ll know they’ve been raided, but won’t know about the rocks
What game is this
I’ve done raids through whole compounds with only rocks and spears before. On Rust CE and it takes awhile but is easier with pals, I personally had 8 people helping
“A” rock
This is a new level of eco raiding
you are the very best rust streamer in all time , love yur videos , keep it up
Going through doors is faster and more effective, me and my buddies could raid a clan base with just rocks assuming we are all online and they’re offline
yeah sure thing he was mining that half of wall with rocks off video…
robberies in ohio:
Haha Memeio, you crazy!
Yes did it on console with my village
es eh posabayl ta rayid aen eantiah bayse innit mayte bruv
“a rock”
Can you get Rust on the Xbox 1s
What game is this?
rock n stone
10 bases next time
“Is it possible to raid a base in Rust using ONLY A ROCK”
*Starts using an inventory full of rocks*
I have an idea you someone will bild the most protect base in Rust (sorry)
Ive been trying to find this game, what is it called?
That’s not a rock, that’s many rock, you illiterate vape pen
“using only a rock”
*shows like 40 rocks*
my first experience in rust was me walking up to a base hitting a metal door with a rock. in like 10 mins there were like 30 people there all hitting the door with a rock. there was no killing or anything just us being stupid af rock raiding. after we broke the door everyone ran in and someone found a gun and then it all went to shit, but it was the best hour hour and a half i had in rust
“Why do I hear thumping noises?”
entire bayse
congrats that’s the longest raid I know
Let’s go again
what is this game
Bro said “and if you don’t want to watch me be tortured again on a bigger base subscribe”
“No nakeds were hurt in the makings on this video…”
Enardo has already beat you there why you even trying
this is why i hate rust
I have done this with 4 friends. We broke through 6 metal doors and got a box of sulfur and 3 ak kits.
Haha omg ofc eh nothing at all
Bruh indeed
U used a bit more than a rock. U used a lot of rocks
aight attempt another one i hope this gets pinned xd but that sucks lol like no loot lol
That one friend on a random Tuesday:
Props to you my man
O sub do it
Breaking bad
What is the name of this game
I would like you to rate an entire base with torches please.
Why u waste time spears brother spears
decime que no tocas una pala sin decirme que no tocas una pala:
Dude no way
Love you memio
You said entire base. So get to breaking every wall and foundation!
Ok but how does this affect the legacy of LeBron James?
Trap base:
But u said a rock?
It has always been possible, very economical. The best method is water guns. Only possible on monthly servers.
Minecraft RTX
Raid hqm wall this way on live stream, please. Lots of new subs guaranteed.
Buy me rust
It shows you how criminal minded a man is, they rather steal from another and spend 10 times more time and effort to get nothing at all, than to gather everything to build a base 3 times that size.
Bro took eco-raiding to a whole new level
Do sheet metal and then high qual.
“A rock” you said
Hope he raids a full metal compound with this strat
Thinking about rocks
You spin my head right round round round like a record player
Paper scissors
Guy has waaaaay too much time on his hands
Man took eco raiding to another lvl
Do it in a full metal base
Do it on a clan’s fortress. XD
Do an online raid
Ofc it is, you can do it with the strongest one too, also rustlabs tells you these things
For your sanity I won’t subscribe. I will not let you lose your mind like that
“…only a rock….” we all know thats not possible. you need many.
Do it to a Zerg
We had about 5-6 go at garage doors months back. It was hilarious.
me and a old friend have many tales of rock raiding
I would’ve loved to see the occupant just patiently watching this dude chipping away at his structures durability and then repaired it right before the guy broke it
It’s about drive
The real question is why does he have soft walls facing outside and towards the doors
bro why did you raid my base
IRL you could break through that crap wood easy.
That’s a bit more than just “a” rock
Top tier no life guy
Anything is possible if you’re determined enough
bruh the entire video was pointless. “can we?” then proceeded on explaining that you can it just takes a lot.
you can chop down a SINGLE TREE in muck with a rock
Is what I call Karma
Imagine someone breaking into your house IRL using only rocks
Make sure they don’t throw it at you
bros so stupid that he forgor to rotate the wall :skull:
I’ve done this before with a friend of mine and it took us a bit even with a wooden wall, but once we got in we started killing everyone
Do an army
You should call the boys they will broke the base in under a minute
can someone tell me the name of the game
Ahh that pure British accent…Good old days
yes with “the boys”
hhhhh. just trash
that rock bein thrown was personal
You sad A rock
Bro really kill the owners of that house that u raid

Me goes on vacation
The homeless man that lives at my neighbourhood:
game name?
Just imagine scrolling through yt shorts just to see you base being broken into with a rock
Poor memeio he spent sooooooooo long trying to get in that base and got noting R.I.P
I have a question is rust worth getting?
Is it possible yes was it worth it no
I’ve done that lol, took about 30 minutes irl to raid, got basically everything lol
“Maybe ill raid another base” I dont think thats a good idea if the guy comes back to there base have a weopon ok?
Seby k would say good job
Bro this is why I font play rust too grindy
This guy sounds like bob belcher if he was Australian
I rock raided my toxic neighbors a few wipes ago and filled their inventories with rocks and a note that said “ez loot” we got multiple AK sets and enough farm to build our entire base

they were not happy. Best 6 hours spent ever
Let’s Game It Out: “170 rocks and 200 hours? Those numbers are disgustingly low”
u shold doo a 100 players brake a zerg base wit only roks
Pov u use auto clicker
Everyone subbing to see him suffer
What is the games name
It’s worth it when your new + a lot of time + few players
Saying omg is a sin in bible
Let’s do a rocket..ahm, we don’t have boom. Rock raid.
Yeah now do it on a 47 person zerg base while their online
You could use 74 rocks over 55 minutes….. Or you could zurg with 74 people with rocks and 5 minutes :p
Is this really all it takes to get raided in this game lmao
You can use the “rock” to chop tree
Caft somthing to raid that count because you only use rock
You could have unironically gotten more loot with those 2 hours just by doing normal rust farming
how many naked did it cost
you said *a rock* which means one rock.
Calm down sebbyk
“I see that you chose the hard way”
and the face in the end
this man is a true legendary gamer with no life.keep it up
If I get raided by a man with rocks and he insults me by saying not worth it on a sign bro I’m out
I remember one time I was raiding with a team of 5. And we ran out of explo on an armoured door. We got so tired of it we started raiding it with rocks and torches. Took like 2 and a half hours but we finally got through. Also got an M2 by winning a pvp engagement with a really blind guy. Triple tap with ak
Softside everything, feels a bit sus
If I woke up and saw I was raided then saw this video I would quit
Why would I like this? Don’t want tou waste another 2 hours with rocks
A sheer fucking will
it takes a bajillion of time to do something pointless
Bro is running out of ideas
I had to raid out of my base using a rock once.
Only a rock to raid a base, bring a full inventory of rock
This is why i love Memeio
lol the rock throw
I dare you to raid a 5 player massive base with rocks. Bet you cant
Yeah go find another base with a soft side conveniently exposed for your next video.
Isn’t there door frames you can hit if so they were wood you could of hit that instead of the wall but also just as enardo he does zergs with rocks and anything him and his zerg can get there grubby hands on they’ve even broken a armored wall with rocks mostly
Fun fact we randomly raided a base with rocks on 2 metal sheet doors and a bunch of randoms kept coming up and helping us
it was end of wipe and we where bored
Try ot clan
Next time hard side
Stone is too easy try online rock raiding a sheet metal base, I did … took hours
“Not worth it!??” From having only rocks to having a whole base with some mats, and a tier 2 gun, in just 2 hours only lossing some stone for rocks, THATS MAD WORTH IT WDYM
Least Patient Rust Player:
“A” rock

Plot twist
The doors weren’t locked
Next time, try it on a compound
Do it but with the most god stuff ever
again but with the boys
You have to much time on your hands
That gut probly spent a while on getting all that stuff
No you can’t use just a rock to raid a base because you used 148 rocks
Well this how you never lose profits it a raid
it would have yielded better look and taken a shorter amount of time if you had had a gaming chair
Most sane rust player
what I find funny is how cheap a rock raid is… one soft wall = 750 stone.
That’s literally what the Chinese zergs be doing
Why is there a roof instead of a fondy why is there a backwards door frame this base look like a 1×2 expansion so no way they just have that backwards right?
But hold on. Why was the door frame soft side… I think you made that base and put the loot in, that’s why his roam kit was better than his loot in base
He fs didn’t use a pickaxe when the video cut.
Your a god
thats 100s of rocks not a rock haha
You should have went for the wooden door frame
Bring some friends with you and it wont take an hour
Aren’t u good friends with enardo? U know what rocks can do
No, don’t do this again, I don’t wanna watch a man suffer for YouTube, please
What a mad lad
try do it on the richest base
Hello police, I’d like to report an attempted suicide.
Wow that’s cool now do it on a full metal clan base
Do this on a clan
Attempt it in a compound
Sebby k would be so proud
imagine logging on and witnessing that
The amount of nakeds kill just for this video
gl on 1 million subs!
This is what I get for sleeping for too long
What is that game called
do it on the alpha base
my group ran out of boom 1 time so my buddy and i stayed and dropped over 100 hp on an armoured door with only rocks
Ur 2k subs from from 1 million
Put 80-100 people in a rust server and raid with just the rock
do it on a compound with a zerg for next vid
Lol try it again
Two hours to get loot you could’ve farmed in 45 minutes
Is rust on mobile too?
Get a life lol
Wouldn’t the door frame be cheaper to raid shit was wood
When I first played rust me and a couple friends who were also new spent an entire day using rocks to break 3 metal doors and raid a base
There is a full video? If not nice bait!!!
Try some giant clan base
I saw your guy raid a hard side high metal with only rocks
You need to get the boys.
do not do that again pls . thank you
Game name pls
You should have hit the wooden frame
I won’t subscribe even if I’m already am but I don’t want you to see suffering anymore
Do it only using rocks on a steel base
i Sub so u better raid another base or UNSUB !
me and 3 of my mates used to do this when we were new to rust
The Zerg: he serious?
How the heck a big stone can t break wood in like 5 mins?
I have 700.462 rocks and infinite time
Bro this is some spoonkid type shit he’ll spend 5 hours doing some shit like this for 13 scrap and 113 charcoal
Do a sheet metal door lol me an my duo have plenty of times with rocks
as they say: “RUOK”
Bros gonna see this then tell u the exact cords of his house to do it irl
I mean you got a baae out of it too so.. seems like you both did plenty of stone farming – one guy just used it to make raiding rocks.
The Waffle House has fond its new host
Break into one of those mega base clans and see how long you survive.
Now hardside some hqm for us please, true dedication is rare these days.
The way he yelled, it’s not worth it at all.
it killed me
why was door frame soft side?
Do this on online base
It is I’ve done this before
Clan base this time
You can actually beat rust story mode in 45 min and get any weapon you want why raid at all
wow i would have hit like hit it 20 times and given up lol
It’s called rock raiding, and from experience yes you can do this, a Zerg of 50 broke down our stone walls and filled our compound, you walked out the door to 50 eokas at your face. It was a very good time
We’ll see you in 55 minutes
Short answer, no
We were short of boom so I rock raided though 2 armor double doors
I mean, 75 rocks is 750 stone, so 1500 stone with a return of 700 stone from TC, so you basically spent 2-2 1/2 hours and 800 stone to get a python, some bullets, and random scrap, I guess if you don’t have anything on a server it would be worth it but spending that time farming is way more profitable for sure
especially since most people don’t have reverse door frames to where you can just soft side it
I’ve been a victim of this shit. My allies just watched them have st my doors for 3 hours
Can’t believe 9000+ people want you to go through torture again
Why. Just why a rock
could’ve spent that 2 hours recording/editing a rinsed video
do it on a zerg base no balls
Using A rock
This take ooga booga to another level
I’ve done it with a hq wall
yes it is i did it with my friends it took like 4 hours

Quick question… why?
Raid the biggest bace you can find
Why was the bottom of the honeycomb missing
New rustacademy

Use only a spear on the biggest base you can find
when ecgoraiding becomes too basic
Memeio taking advantage of kids’ gullibility
a rock but 74 rock
“a rock” nah you failed before you even started
bro I love your videos
Oh were rocket raiding? No were rock raiding.
Should have asked Enardo for advice
completely legit server, no doubt
Adderall on deck
What the game call in Installer
Attempt on the BIGGEST base you can find
Is it possible to soft side stone walls?… Yes, yes it is
A zerg of one, the sacrifices Memeio makes for us
You Should do it with an army
Yes I raided an entire high quality metal base with 5 full inventory’s of rocks got major loot tho epic took me 8 hours
Bro created rock raiding
Me and 2 friends have rock raided 2 metal doors and a garage door before. It’s not worth the time but it’s worth for the experience
Close one, memeio but good idea
Memio zerg…
Guys he had put HOURS OF WORK on this I think we sho all sub
You’re a sick man
Next time just gather up a ton of viewers and rocks and raid with them bro
Cheapst raid Method but the second longest raid method the longest is torch
But can you online with a rock
(Me just trying to entice memio into making another rock vid lmao)
Raiding a zerg base with a rock next
Attempt again
its not possible
My man is a legend spend hours and mins on us
Why did you break the cement wall instead of the wooden doorframe………..
Ask Enardo about that…
Would have left a note saying get rock raided loser
Your sanity…
Do it on another base but with sticks
The time investment to hit trees for spears would have been bettet LOL
When you releasing crust btw 10/10
enardo zerg be like
I subbed
I would have deleted not only Rust, but my entire Steam account after something like that

I’ve done it before it was painful
How to download the game???
I wanna play it
Try trading a ak for a base
Enardo zerg be like
….wow you should have left a msg “dear Player, i spent endless hrs breaking into ur stupid base with a rock. have a good day.”
Don’t, don’t do it on another base