Damage dealt to Metal Facemask in RUST!
I’m a Twitch streamer and YouTuber who menaces people in Rust.
• https://www.twitch.tv/yakov
• https://twitter.com/itsYakov
• https://discord.gg/onlyyaks
Editor: Fisuxd https://fisuxd.crd.co/
Music: Prime Street – Smartface
Taqs:rust,rust ak,rust pvp,rust duo,rust base,rust best,solo rust,rust solo,rust raid,rust movie,rust plays,rust clans,rust admin,rust hacker,rust update,rust secret,rust fastest,rust raiding,rust console,rust snowball,rust solo pvp,rust luckiest,rust trolling,rust best solo,c4,rockets,rust rockets,gaming,rust sulfur,sulfur,clan,rust clan,loot,secret,gameplay,vanilla,modded,rust skin,eco,stimpee,spoonkid
コメント (646)
Remember to come follow me on Twitch for BIIIIIG entertainment – https://www.twitch.tv/yakov

You should use max heal teas to see how much it dose if it’s a one shot
so what your saying is the eoka is the best weapon.
That damn eoka hack that some cheaters have that makes it one tap should carry a 5 year prison sentence for when they’re caught.
So the euko is the best weapon
Eoka W
Eoka is the only one don’t underestimate it
Where DBs?
Now try with 5.56 explo ammo. Totally shreds full metal
Eoka most strongets gun in game
Brah…brah! We too stupid to know what you are talking about. Go read a book, play golf and leave Rust to us. Who does this guy think he is…talking to us like we smart? The nerve some people have.
I love how he said eoka dead and bro survived
No one was harmed in the making of this video
We making hella spears with this one
crazy that a piece of wood with a metal pipe that needs to be hit multiple times to shoot is stronger than a L96
Ooh yeaaaah
The humble eyoka
Double barrel please
where is double barrel
Hah and those ballance experts say heavy plate is op XD, metal armour is real op without debuffs
U forgot the pipe
Tommy and bow do same damage
kinda dumb
You forgot the rocket
bro rust has evolved into just a horrible game, it used to be a fun game that everybody would play. Now everybody has no recoil and just tryhards, rust has changed so many things like the recycler and the furnace which make it worse in my opinion.
Buff rock, it should do at least 300 damage
Stone spear?
So the eoka is the best gun in the game
Pump slug does double the damage of a SAR? Wow got to get me a pumpie next wipe
So, you’re saying a need eoka?
So if I head shots them 4 times and body someone with bolty they will d!e right?
U missed the spas, and m39
What about rocket launcher
So the worse weapon in the world of rust which fires bullets kills him one shot
Once again, the Eoka proves itself to be superior.
Rock should do 900 to the left pinky

swear eoka only 1 taps when it wants to
Spas? M?

You forgot about the Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher
Eoka is the best weapon aside from the end shots
eoka dead XDDD YEA YEA
So basically…Eoka’s the best weapon in the game.
Thing is ak does 49.1 in reality
what abt waterpipe
So unless you go against a new player with good aim your good
Proof that the eoka pistol is op
Eoka the fuck your gun need a luck stat
How bout DB?
Доел за Русс фд раста
Inc 556 l9 and inc pistol
Как обычно чирка лучше
I like how a bow is better that 556. 100% realistic. My bow hits like a 50cal.
Eoka shouldnt even be able to 1 shot coffee cans
So crossbow does more than sar? What
The eoka gun caught me off guard because the eoka gun is the gun the cypriot organization EOKA used to get independence and i live in Cyprus
damage range falloff?
So euoka is the best gun in the game
You forgot spear with rock
Eoka the best weapon in the game
Винтовка в голову даёт 75
Db slug
Do body armor
How does a python do more than a ak
so ur telling me eoka is the best gun in the game
hey guys Follow me please
Soo 4 body hits w python to full metal kit they ain’t dead?
The Long Sword is one shot headshot to facemask just saying
That was a BIIIIIIIIIIIIG rock that did barely any damage. A realistic effect of throwing a rock at someones head would certainly deal 20 or more damage along with a concussion
Eoka is OP
What about minigun?
i’ve never played rust, eoka is the best weapon clearly
Euka is legit the best
How does an eyoka do more than the rest
water pipe?
Do slincers too please
I love how you can craft Yoka but pump won’t full kill
btw they don’t get killed with 2 heads from ak
Sooo what im hearing from this is that eoka is the best gun
you forgot acousic guitar
you forgot mace
Roma just like that
Compound bow 5 short of bolty/L96…..crazy
Gotta love how you can tripple a fullmetal with a custom and they can eat it like a bigmac.
Where us the DB
how does the fact that a pipe on a peice on wood does more damage then a ak
Spear is insane
Remember Distance Makes Difference
Can you Coffeecan helmet.
Muito balanceado kkkkk
Ak needs 3 heads to the metal mask
What does db do?
EOKA best gun. proved REAL
Eoka still op
So what you’re telling me is eoka is op? Got it
eoka the best gun in the game
Bro l96 needs a buff
With that said, eoka is the best gun in the game
Eoka op
L96 with fire ammo OP
Too much armor and med pen spam kills the game for me.
Украдено у русского ютубера
Rust model got distoret with yakovs BIIIIIG
Why does the cheapest weapon in the game insta kill
Oh man, thank you so much for the information! Now i just need 60 dollars and a safe place so i cant get killed by a bunch of kids with fire guns
“rock does 4”
Compound bow: “OH MY GOD I’M ALMOST DEAD!”
Sar: “Must have been the wind.”
How tf eoka win against L96
eoka GOAT
winner: eoka at cqb
Rockets, DB, waterpipe??!?!?!
Love how obe of the worst weapona does the most and it kills
A actual gun ahooting high calibrr bullets deals good dmg vs a pocket grapeshot cannon is just DEAD
stole from a Russian YouTuber
Dont even play rust but I probably watch more content about it than any other game
95% sure none of these damages are right
Waterpipe does Between 0 and 180. ur Welcome
Eoka is the best gun in the game
Wait… how does a eoka auto kill a metal face mask, yet it does 13 DAMAGE TO A WOLFS HEADRESS, RUST LOGIC GODS WHAT WE’RE YOU THINKING?
Remember kids, as long if your close that eouka is a nuke.
eoka supremacy
Why some gun weaker than a bow-
Eoka w
Now do it from 150m
Spas = double dead
Feels misleading
Eoka is the traitors pistol. One shot that deals 200% betrayal damage
eoka best weapon in rust i think
Looks like 80 takes the dub for this one
Saw this when it you were only on 27 likes per video. Came back to see you became a legend.
Eoka needs a nerf
eoka is dead
This is why I use EOKA everytime
What about a db slug?
Uhm you missed the rocket launcher
All I learned is eoka is still the best gun in the game

Wait how the heck does eoka one shot? Oh right its a pistol shotgun
Eoka > Bolty
Which one will kill faster ? :
A highly advanced sniper rifle attuned for extreme distances and weather with variable scope ability has comfort ability for the user
Litterly a metal water tube fastened by twig on a wooden handle unreliable with every shot and needs to be detonated by a flint stone
Benelli ya dead
Why does it seem pump slugs do so poorly against NPCs
Where is my water pipe?
Eoka dead… not a bolty?
Вивод еока лучшое оружие
I kill 2 players with Eoka 1 player have full kid amor 1 player neiked
eoka with handmades does not one shot
How is AK better than HLMLG if it does less damage
What about snowball?
Eoka on top
Dude I be tripping with ak and that bitch be still alive
Dmg dealt by a full kit chad -> “one tap hip-fire towards a random tree” deals 1000 dmg to my face across 1/3 of the map with my hard earned prim kit! ;(
Вывод: нерф йоку
Eoka>all guns and tools
i feel like a headshot from an L9 should be one shot like they add an op shotgun in the game but can’t make a massive sniper one shit to head i mean i get it uses 7.62x51mm cartridges but still.
Мп Лори, ни фарм вс кари
Time to start roaming with eoka
The game doesn’t have an M2.
eoka Legendary
All I heard was tomorrow’s the winning lottery numbers
Does it bother anyone else that all the gear and no boots, it kinda triggers me a bit.
Bro you didn’t include DB and Shortgun and spaz
Water pipe shotgun has left the chat
Bolty and l96 are not the same
I’m doing some mental math here, and pure max health tea is pretty damn good. For tons of weapons it allows you to survive an extra headshot while wearing top tier gear. Bigger clans should consider securing a supply of tea for sure.
I’m kinda sad you forgot the instant rockets
how does a sharp wooden stick oh most the same amount of damage or somethings more damage than a gun
You forgot the best weapon.
Rocket launcher well good luck with that
Eoka: dead
Projectile_Invalid: Not on my sight
You forgot m39
eoka is bullshit
a wooden spear does 30 but a stone or stone hammer does 4-6? against armor you use hammers not blades as armor can’t stop contusion damage. They just needed to study medieval warfare to understand that a rock is mightier than the sword.
Rust isn’t exactly realistic when it comes to damage. A python would shoot a 44-40 or 44-70 which will clean a head up in Lvl 4 head protection.
a bolt action is likely to use a .308, 30-06 or some form of 6.5 creedmore/grendal or .22/27 nosler which will clean the head up no problem
the L96 is a 338 magnum and unless you are Jesus or Superman you are dead
The eoka is a Giga Chad
what about stone spear?
Bro forgot pipe shotty
Dear god, imagine Potting someone from a few meters away with a literal Sniper rifle and watching your target get away only to see a fucking naked a few hours later Yolking the guy with an Eoka
I just died laughing when Eoka was just straight up dead and he said it so calmly
So do facemask only affect headshot? Like if you shot chest and they didn’t have other gear would there still be a damage reduction
U also didn’t take distance to a count
BRO forget MRLS
Guys now we know the eoka is best in the game
Получается самое сильное оружие это йока
eoka realy said
yea im an early game gun
and i oneshot people in armor :3
Scout:next time eat a salad
(It make ya faster like me)
Just a random guy:)
Eoka on top
“Oh wait one more *Pulls out a fucking rocket launcher*”
Poor maan
Rock: nothing
Sharp metal tools: nothing
Wood stick: K.O
How does an arrow do more damage THAN AN LMG
i don’t play this game, but it’s nice to know now!
You’re supposed to go from least damage to most damage
“Bazooka, 60”
Бро не воруй
me at the stage during assembly
Aw yes a literally wooden bow got a same damage as a Tommy that literally fires metal
“Eoka, Dead (#×_×) “
Mf doom saved peoples lives thwn
its all fun and games till they got the advanced max health tea
583 rocks later you have killed your first sweat that didn’t bring enough meds
Eoka is too powerful Nerf it
I’ve killed a hazzie mp5 while they were cutting trees with spears, got the hazzie with stone spears
So nerf eoka and buff the rock got it.
I don’t even play rust nor do i plan or can play it… yet im getting videos of it recommend
Me when I get a fully charged compound bow arrow lodged in skull but I’m wearing the Metal Facemask: i live
Mine- 2
Eoka: 3
The quiet kid be like
Db ?
It more looks like hes hitting the actully head not the face
The mf he kidnapped and put the facemask on:
Ага только елка шотает в голову мвк маску
Eoka is OP, 1-shot kills
Finally someone calling it Sap instead of P2. Like why is it called P2?
Bros as strong as the camera man
Eoka op
Dayz = all dead
The fact there is no one shot potential with not even the L96 on a full metal face mask just pisses me off
Eoka shouldn’t count because you were to close
pump-slugs is the best
W eoka
Grenade launcher

10000000000 damage
Вывод: еко самое мощное оружие в расте
Talk about the fact that it’s pump with a slug in it does the same amount of damage has the strongest sniper game
Eoka ded
Rock does 6 but if anybody got hit with that in real life they would get a coma
Os caras jogam um jogo pvp teoricamente realista mas nenhuma arma da hit kill HAHAHAHAHA
L96 should have more ap so a true one shot sniper exists. And thats fine because it has bad firerate and would encourage skill.
Forgot rocket
Imagine you headshot an enemy with arrow, still moving like it was nothing
Imagine if the ak does 47 dmg
Forgot the Spas
eoka? Ded
Rocket: dead
rock should be an insta-uncounsious man like that shit HURTS
Nail gun is an OP weapon on first day of wipe
What about m92
I love rust
I legit wondered why thw crossbow didn’t 1 shot then I realized this was rust not day z
All this told me is all i need are eokas
Rocket ?
Eoka needs a buff
Eoka is even better than all guns
Bro forgot shotguns well the common ones
Eoka: d e a d .
Eoka the best
Why not include different ammunition types?
naaaaaa man its imposible to one tap with eoka
Proof eoka is better then ak
pump slug = pocket bolty
Nerf pump slug
What about incendiary ammo ? And slugs!
My favourite loadout is DB with slugs and a sap with incendiary ammo
Eoka is the best weapon no doubt
EOKA>>>> All Rust Weapons
Nail gun thirtdeen eoka DEAD that had me rolling
this why eoka best weapon in game
thudeen = 13
Screw rust
U make a misic
Snipers needs a buff
aint no way a crossbow does more than a sar
so all i need to take big oilrig is just an inv full of eoka??? say no more
Eoka is both the worst and best weapon lol
We all know eoka isn’t a one tap
Imagine being all geared up and you get killed with a eoka
It also depends on the distance…
compound bow does more than a ak47
Why is the eoke dead shot the easiest gun to make

The fact on how he glosses past the eoka
Dou barrel
No way, they do half damage, how could I have guessed?
Imagine being a fully kitted player with 50 thousand hours on rust and you get killed by a caveman’s pistol.
How the fuck dose a crosbow do more danmage that a custome
Eoka is king.

Bro said them so fast
Bro idk about eoka killing them if that was the case I would have many more kits
How is rock stronger than bullet?
I bet no one would put 4x on compound bow and 1v1 a full metal while your on a roof camp base naked
Eoka dead lmao
What about the spas
What about jackhammer
I dont play rust, but it seems to me that eoka is the best hun in the game. Is that right?
Dead is not a number! Do again.
Eoka aint dead the amount of times it doesnt kill is everytime
who tf throwing a whole iron pickaxe
Fully charger compunf boy 45
Pero te dejan tocado no? De vida no sean malpensados eee
Bros got a lot of brain damage
I watch this only for the BIGGGG and the amazing content
Bro, why does an Eoka do more damage than any other gun in the game?
AK needs nerf, headshot 45 should be max HS dmg
Arrows are sharp
You can double with a python but not an ak
Eoka sollo
Eoka king
Wait a minute. Pump slug does 80, that gets ½ to 40 then it does x3 damage because slugs do three times their damage for a headshot, so 120. Pumpie is no joke at close range.
my favorite damage, ded
finna roam full metal eoka
Why get a m2 when u can craft lmgs they are so much better I solo v a 30 man raid defense with 5 lmg turrets and 1 in my hands and never died once
I like how to Assault rifle is based off the AK but shoots 5.56mm even tho realistically it shoots 7.62. Same with some of the other weapons
Get 20 people to throw a rock each at a guy wearing hqm gear (not heavy plate) and see if it kills him (20 rocks vs HQM)
Just confused how handcrafted sniper is the same a millitary grade sniper… it’s so stupid
A pickaxe to the head will penetrate armour no point in just standing there
Bruh pump slug does 80 but eoka kills
eoka dead lmao
How the fuck does a shotty slug not kill how to almost all of these weapons not kill to one head shot rust is so inconsistent
Eoka sweep
Eolka op if u know how to use em well ngl
░█▌▓▓▓▀▀▓▓▓▓███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▀▓▓▐█ THIS IS DOGE
█▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ COPY AND PASTE HIM
▌▓▄▌▀░▀░▐▀█▄▓▓██████████▓▓▓▌█▌ SO HE CAN TAKE OVER YouTube
then how come i tripple a guy with sar and he doesnt die
*Metal hatchet directly to the head*
Game: best I can do is 6
When the first primitive firearm you get does less damage than a rifle made for its stopping power
Eoka- ᕦ༼✩ل͜✩༽ᕤ
Eoka dead

What is Rust?
Rock should be at least 40 dmg
solution? funny rock gun
imagine been killed by a eoka, but survive to an L96
Funny how a manual gun that needs a rock to use kills a guy but a shotgun can’t
Pay f for the head
big grin
Try green bullet on pompy
Name game bro
You forget sime brooo
Eoka grindset
Not my eoka
Eoka ftw
Creds to the guy who got shoot
50 percent reduced damage equals it was just the base dmg of the gun
Common eoka W
Try a satchel
Legend says that full metal is still alive till this day
Starting to regret the 500 scrap i used to bp this
eoka strong
So is the eoka like one of the most hard hitting handguns?
А есть оружия с ваншотом,и вопрос века, почему топор наносит меньше урона чем лук в несколько раз
Eoka : very crude gun, literally a pipe tied to some wood and needs a rock striking it to fire
L96 : a military grade sniper that can easily pierce through skulls like butter
20 hp left
The worst Gun deal the highest damage
He pronounces “13” as “thir-deen.”
Your telling me , an bow inflicts more than an revolver [i have not see the game or watch any gameplay]
Вывод: ëка лучше всего оружия раст
all of those bullets were right above his forehead
I don’t care what your wearing a eoka at point blank will kill you for sure.
Eoka damage:99999
That is not at all realistic thin metal mask is not going to stop a rifle round let alone most pistol rounds not to mention back face deformation
Crazy how Tommy and a bow do the same. Bruh
that concludes eoka is the best wepon in game
Metal hatchet:6
Bruh that axe didn’t even hit the metal mask it’s stuck on his 1 braincell
eoka wtf I never knew that why no one use them ?
I like how despite being shot in th BACK of the head, you still are protected.
“AK, 50”
somewhere, an AK guy is laughing…
Lol no 1 shot
You just kept in shooting and hitting my man’s forehead
casually shrugs off an lmg shot
what I’m gathering from this is that the eoka is too good
Sweatlord: aw dude nice i got a bolty im finna go click on heads
Meanwhile a naked in tree with compound bow
The most hot take in rust rn: the handmade sight is the best non ranged sight in the game
But that’s only when you’re close
l96 and bolt do both the same damage on metal facemask?
bro has a 80cm long stick in his head and still stood strong
Why do you sound like Memio
Ioka-dead *proceeds to stand there and say* “what bs you talking bro”
I find it hilarious that a handheld pipe bomb (eoka) does more dmg then a sniper on headshot
Bro, you flow good
You think a freaking rock that size being thrown at you even with a helmet would kill you
and fire ammo?
sometimes i think that deagle is a toy compared to a revolver but its the opposite in shooters
eoka is an instakill on any headgear
what im hearing is eoka is goat
eoka, dead
I love the
Nail gun:13
What song is this?
We’re the rocket launcher and water pipe
E.O.K.A It’s An Cypriot company to defeat the British from cyorus
I love how the eoka that’s practically a flintlock just pierces through the face mask
EOKA is good first wepon
I know only about Ak
No waterpipe shotgun?
Is the weapon still in the game?
DB – deed
Pump Shotgun – deed
this is why you fear the naked eoka roaming chads, you fail the detection roll once and your head turns into mist
Te most realistic game
Somone who actually does it seriously n knows the eoka one taps everything
this is why the eoka is the best
To be honest melee in this game should get a buff. Would nerf endgame greifers.
Ak doesn’t do 50. It looks like it does but it’s actually 49.999. If you get doubled you will remain at 1 hp
What we learned: eoka is the best weapon in rust
Eoka>all gun for rust
Python still best gun ww
what about one tap with a jackie ?
the way he said “EOKA: *D E A D* “
Most basic is deadliest out of the guns. Eoka for the win
I’ve hit a full metal point blank and he still didn’t die

Eoka looks old but somehow it can kill him in 1 hit
that even better than a sniper lol
Ру, с
Qhat about the tourch
Long sword?
Rocket: 20
In what world is a bow more dangerous than an ak
“Eoka dead”
Me:”im in danger”
Yoka still the kryptonite of all full kit guys
People who dont play rust but still watched it
I wish i have a pc gaming to play this game
Thats why eoka best
A bolt does less damage than a wooden makshift gun ( forgor name when typing
Remember stone spears like 10 years ago
Not my eoka
Let’s try this in real life
Damn bro Eoka> anything else
The only problem I have with these is he uses the eoka up close. but not the other shotguns?
This guy has a very good gaming chair for surviving that
Takeaway: eoka best gun in rust
A gun made out of wood does a better job then normal guns bro the devs need help
Eoka: when the damage comes in letter, you know shit is getting real
Any1 else notice t2 tommy does more than t3 MP5… RIP MP5
eoka solos
They nerded everything and made the metal mask even more op what
Eoka Plays!!!
Йока соло
Song of music in the background?
Double barrel same as Eoka?
Man forgot the water gun
So what I’m gathering is metal face mask turns headshot damage to exactly what the weapon desc says.
samuelingo es calvo
Спасибо бро
eoka so powerfully
Where db
Clearly the correct take from this is to use the eoka
I am gona use eoka now more them ak
Eyoka best
Then you realise it just does the normal damage. It’s damage x 2 cause headshot, then divided by 2 cause armour. Just equals guns damage. Simple way to check.
But when a bullet from any weapon hits me in the foot: 18672649392648494938274 damage
It just proves the Eoka is the best weapon
вывод ёка сила
falloff is important, I have double headshot many metal facemask people from mid range and more often then not they survive
Now we know that to survive a 50bmg round to the face just put a bit of metal on it.
Eoka supremacy
so what your saying is you can 2tap with l9 and you can 2tap with python which has a massively faster fire rate
does the water pipe not exist anymore? I loved that thing but I stopped playing after it got paywalled behind research
It’s funny how a poorly made wooden shotgun that’s literally as big as my hand does probably triple the amount of damage a literal machine gun does and a heavy sniper.
The eoka can kill one shot how
If ak is 50 and we have 100hp why is it 3 hs to kill?
Eoka top g gun
How a metal helmet can recive more damage to spear what are thise logic
As someone who has gone to the blood river, i can say i found tree or four bodies.
Ps. I only killed two of them.
So You’re telling me that the L96 cant even 1 shot heads…
MGL and RPG:
Players forget that eyoka is the strongest weapon in rust u just need rng god by yourside to always firr on the first hit
“I’ll give you one shot”
*Pulls out Eoka*
yeah i will just have a spear go through my brain but just go through my day as of nothing happened
Metal Mask sucks
Eoka supremacy
Eoka takes the W
Bro you can’t just put the eoka in thare because it’s a one shot
I call bs on the ak I be 2 tapping people with metal face mask it does notting like it does 50 nah more like 49.9
Eoka: and than he threw me for something “Better” boy I can kill a man in a single shot.
Conclusion: a pistol made from shit and sticks deals more damage than Military grade bolt rifle.
you forgot rocket launcher
Eoka stays on top
Eoka, dead

That’s why eoka is the best gun
the reason im not playing this game is the weapon 3d models and shooting but it is a great one
aoka wins lol
Will eoka still one shot with the +20 max hp from the best hp tea?
So no one talking about how spear does 30 damage to metal face mask
Вывод: еока лучше калаша
L96 with HV ammo does almost one shot damage… like 95 something and if you add bleed damage to it… it’s really nice
Do that pickaxe just stuck on his head?and no one talking about it
And rocket, 9000
Eoka is too op
Also a guide online showing the damage just saying
He’s aiming above the mask
unless your forfoxsake14 than it all does 0
New video could u maybe do non headshot damage, along with number of ahots needed for kill
Eoka is the best weapon confirmed
By a rat
Pomp+8 x+ green ammo
I don’t think you should even survive a headshot in my opinion
27:20 i quess bush scared the clown
Eoka *dead*
Eoka : dead.
Eoka not def
I know bro lying I headshot a metal mask it did 3 from a bow
Eoka best
Eoka= dead
Ak = ah head ake
didnt know metal facemask was this bad
Eoka never kills them you can have 2 eokas hit them both headshot and they still don’t die
You forgot Glock
what about dB
Wat about the burst glicky
Sniper headshots should be insta kill or down..
water pain?
What about rocket?
Can’t use 1 shotgun at close range and the other and mid
He missed the helmet half of the time
All hail the great equaliser

Eoka life
How in the hell is an eoka dead but pump slug not? That’s nuts
I love how your just gonna eat a sniper round to the face
ima stick to dayz
Eoka is broken as usual
It’s not fair he gets close with eoka but not any other shotguns
Sorry but eoka is not straight dead. I’ve shot point blank into so many metal facemasks and they turn around like huh
Eoka = dead
Seems like a perfect weapon for tryhards to me
Bro i triple bow headshot a guy with no healing or aurmor he no die help me
On console rust you gotta hit ‘em 20 times with mp5 to kill a full metal, plus pot glitch ruined PvP. They are literally unkillable without incen or explosives.
Eoka solo
Bro its the aloneintokyo songg
Eoka DeaD
”eoka dead” yh i found that out after i took 98 damage in heavy metal facemask and body xD
L96 + Incendiary Bullets = Dead
Eoka deaddddd
I’ll just never understand how a compound bow can do more than an Ak. And how a arrows and prim shit can do nearly as much or just as much as BULLETS.
Maps ran out of XP guys
into the next we go anyone found one?
What is this stolen aloneintokyo music
Now does this change with distance Or is it the same overall
Mp5 45 damn the sound fire
Eoka is goat
Dude you can tell how much dps the guns which down you do by increasing ur health using commands on your own server stupid
little do he know if you put slug in eoka he dead from far away
Eoaka’s do not kill
This proves thst the eoka is the best weapon
That’s from 1meter range soooooo
Now do them all with incen rounds
So you’re saying the Eoka is the best gun in the game?
For ballistic weapons, facemask provides 50% defense. Headshot multiplier is 200% so facemask completely cancels it. Thus all ballistic headshot damage on a metal facemask is equal to the weapon’s base damage.

Eoka slug?? Slacking bro
Ak does 48 lr does 47 m2 does 57 hmlmg does 53 no bleed
If Ak does 50 per than why do you need to triple them
if anything you should test them all at like 25 meters away no one is gonna let you get that close to them
Crazy how it does the damage that gun says it’s not like a headshot is double damage and the face mask protects 50% of damage
So ur telling me the eoka is the best gun in the game?
Rocket: B
Why is the euoka the only one that kills
A lot different from console
thats bull tommy do more buddy
i wish pump slugs was same after 0.1m
Stone Spear WHERE??
I like how a sharp stick does more than a metal pickaxe
Eoka dont counter
where chainsaw and jackhammer :/
“Eoka dead” not in my case
What about boots and gloves
So the eoka dose more then an actual shot gun and sniper

seems like it needs to change
So your saying Eoka is best weapon in the game!?!?!?
Morality: Nerf eoka.
Use incendiary rounds
So the only thing that 1 shots is the crapiest gun???
Rockets nothing left
So why do we need to triple them to kill them if it does 50 damage
no life rust player speaking
BTW rush need flash rocket ,smoke rocket all types of ammo
bruh forgot all the type of ammo and incendiary ammo have higher pen and dmg
Now way he just called it a “SAP”

No way a friking bow does more damage than a rifle bullet
You forgot the damage drop on Ranges
Only point blank doe
” Thurdeen “
You can just look at the damage stats on guns and since headshots do 2x damage and facemask deflects 50% you just get the original damage
For example python does 55
Then the facemask deflects 50%
What about snowball that shits over powered
I’m sorry but I’m what world does a metal slab in front of your face protect you better from an M249 than a compound bow
So what your saying is the eoka is the best gun in the game
eoka is op
First I ever heard the P2 called a sap
So….eoka best got it thx!
Excuse me but did you just call the p250 the *fucking sap???*
i tripled a full ak with p2 he didnt die noway it does 40
What is hmlmg? When did they added it?
Bolty is 75 not 80
Eoka dead my ass
Metal pickaxe 9
headshot with 98 hp
L96 -98 damage??
You forgot to count the eoka rng. Sometimes one taps sometimes wolf head bandana eats a shot from a distance smaller than my dick
Bro, everyone underestimates eocka actually the best gun in the game
You forgot rockets bro, how am I supposed to know the damage on him
Eoka seems to instakill point blank
Bone knife?
when will they nerf eoka
I’ll have to stick to throwing my rocks at nakeds
Nice vid
Rock needs a buff