Raid Smarter using a HAMMER in Rust..
I’m a Twitch streamer and YouTuber who menaces people in Rust.
• https://www.twitch.tv/yakov
• https://twitter.com/itsYakov
• https://discord.gg/onlyyaks
Editor: Zen – https://x.com/xZen___
Music: Meander – Jobii
Taqs:rust,rust ak,rust pvp,rust duo,rust base,rust best,solo rust,rust solo,rust raid,rust plays,rust clans,rust admin,rust hacker,rust update,rust secret,rust fastest,rust raiding,rust console,rust snowball,rust solo pvp,rust luckiest,rust best solo,c4,rockets,rust rockets,gaming,rust sulfur,sulfur,clan,rust clan,loot,secret,gameplay,vanilla,modded,rust skin,eco,stimpee,spoonkid,rust base building,2×2,2×1,dust,dust rust
コメント (111)
Remember to come follow me on Twitch for BIIIIIG entertainment: https://www.twitch.tv/yakov
And check the floors once you’re in
2×2 just 4 rockets on the roof that opens up everything lol
Go on top and boom straight in the middle?
Thank you
Might use this
Still don’t understand why your on or ground level basically and if your using all frames you still wont get 100% stability its so dumb
Now if you raid a real house in real life you start with the door
This is next level. Def gonna do this from now on haha
Nobody like the video or share. We gotta keep this a secret.
Damn never thought to do that
You can raid with a hammer?
Checking stability of foundations as well to look for bunkers.
Raiding a 2×2 is always better through the roof
Kids be like „Nah I don’t do maths when playing games“
well then hammer on enemy zone needs nerf
That’s fantastic knowledge now tell me how i get passed the part where people kill me before i can even gather a couple materials
Idk why youd everr door raid a 2×2. TC 90% is in the back on either side. Unless the doors are wooden I guess
I miss when nobody had any information about games. This is cool but it makes games so horrible to play nowadays. You cant just get off work and enjoy it anymore. I imagine this is why single player games are having a rise in popularity.
If rocket raiding top down, this doesn’t even matter right?
Bro imagine you leave your base and when you come back you find some mofo inspecting your roof
Кто русский

Lo hago desde el 2016
Ролик топчик, и ресльно помог
Watching this and being like: I should tell the guys about this
In game: *braindeadly spamming explosives until we see a way in
Not smarter. Cheaper.
Either way, 4 rockets at the centre of the roof is always the way to go
In my 1400 hours I’ve never raided with intelligence like this.
теперь игроки будут ставить везде каркасы чтобы нельзя было узнать план здания киянкой:)
You can lower the stability by stacking two half walls tho
I dont wanna think i just wanna boom
Unless there are roof angles and turrets with pythons, lol
great vid
Offline Turorials… That’s what the game needed…
And remember: if you’re raiding someone offline you’re a wimp soy boy
Yup this would’ve helped a lot a few days ago I raided 2 different 2x1s with explo ammo turns out they both had garage doors
My dumba** thought he was gonna eco raid with the hammer through a glitch
Using structural engineering for combat engineering. Nice
My bases either cost a lot of explosives to raid, or are disguised as a raided base. This game is not for the faint of heart.
shhhhh stop telling them
Also, use the building plan to determine a 2×2 TC room. Try to build clipping to the middle of the wall. If you use a square it will try to clip to the triangle shelf (frequently used in the TC room) and stick through the wall on an angle.
I feel the influence of the ecoking in this video
they really should removre that feature
Why bro whyyyy expose this. Raiding is supposed to be fair game because you are to destroy someone hard work
yakov dont miss <3
Zergs: Floors
Makes no difference. Top downing as shown in this video, you can just 4 rocket splash all 4 squares. Done.
Biiiiiiiig THANKS!!
Or u can js go through roof
Love the videos but screw that ima just pummel
Me rn: Nice I will do it
Also Me: Uhhhh 7..9? Nvm I just go play Roblox :[
Just top down both if it’s built like that
The RCE certified way to play rust
just finding more ways for sweaty offliners to make this even worse.
Spoonkid finds a 2×2 in the middle of no where find a tarp “ahhh okey” blow all the door “well we got a tarp” Lama starts dancing
Why should anyone other than those authed on TC be allowed to view this information?
I put doors on every square no matter which way. Too many doors not enough loot.
It never shows you in % it only shows you wall is 500 or 800 ect
You can usually see door frames poking through the wall as well. Using a building plan on the side of the base to see if there are loot rooms or drop downs.
Idk man. Doing too much. I’d rather just bring 4 rockets and call it an offline
Bro made raiding easy
I like when players use every aspect of the game
Great info
Or u can look in between of the 1×2 tiles and see a frame stick out if it’s stone
Cause I got spurs that jingle Jangle jingle, As I go riding merryinly along, And they sing, ain’t you glad your single?
You can do all that, or just 4 rocket the middle of the roof
How much hammers do I need to break a stone wall then
Im pretty sure most bases that are worth raiding will have walls and frames down.
zerg : stone
Nobody care about 2×2 investigat top down and all 4 is broke
I’m a solo wish I knew this before I wasted so much sulfur
Big Braun Yako
yeah and if you did check and found there is no frames you’ll still splash the middle
This shouldn’t even be a thing
I’ve never played a game with more blatant cheaters iml lol. Love the game but cheaters ruin it imo
yes rico, kaboom
I don’t know if it’s a rumour, but i heard if you say BIIIG you get pinned?
Plot twist I build a massive pyramid out of sheet metal despawn my valuables and wish a mf would attempt it
There’s a easier way to find TC
Or you could have friends in real life…
Incredible info yak!
regardless 4 rockets to roof anything else and your just dumb
Just use ESP a lot easier
Dont u need tc to see stabilty ???
You can also use the Bp to locate lootrooms with triangles or tc
Bro just 4 rocket online the side
after this i will be better than yakov!! (yakov loves piizza ifykyk)
Biggg info
Rust academy be like pulling out hammer and randomly just raiding whatever
Quick Maffs with Puppa Yakov ……… On the real though quality gem of info
I just realized you are the one that always plays with sebby
just cause theres a frame doesnt mean theres going to be a double door
Yakovs the sort of guy….. (carry it on)
Yakov only likes tier 3 subs pass it on
BiiiiiG Info :thumbs:
ive been using the hammer for this and finding bunkers/lootrooms
Gotta be a frickin scientist to play now
Legends know this is a repost
Extremely useful, will definitely do this for next wipe
Ownlee ah hammah!