Next Update Now on Testing & More 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX



Next Update is now live on Rust Console Edition Testing Branch for PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X. We have patch notes for the the Quality of Life update that will be out on main at the end on November 2024. Also massive changes are coming soon after this update for Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox Ones, PS5, Xbox Series X. Prepare for a whole new Rust Console Edition experience! This video is covers recent information we have about helicopters Scrap and mini coming to Rust Console Edition your comprehensive guide to the much-anticipated Sky Update, bringing Minicopters and Scrap Helicopters to the world of Rust on PS4, Xbox, and next-gen consoles. Master the sky and dominate your enemies with our in-depth analysis of these game-changing additions. But that’s not all! We’ll also cover the importance of horses, your trusted companions on the ground. Unleash the full potential of land and air combat in Rust! Whether you’re playing on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Xbox Series X, or PS5, this video is your ultimate resource to prepare for the incoming air vehicles update. Stay tuned for more updates and gameplay guides for Rust Console Edition! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this video with your fellow players! Rust Console Edition’s first big transportation update will be horse right after the farming (cultivator update). Other modes of transportation that we could be getting in the future are, minicopters, scrap helicopter, hot air balloon, cars (modular vehicles). In this video I go over what we do know so far and what could be on the horizon for us on Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Get ready for Rust’s latest update, featuring brand new modes of transportation like horses, modular vehicles (cars), hot air balloons, and mini helicopters (scrap helicopter)! Testing Branch is ready to receive the next big update that we will be getting. A big change in the way Rust Console edition does updates, along with a lot of exciting additions coming for us still this year. Future updates could include Minicopters, cars. Will we get cars, Minis after electric furnaces (industrial update) on Rust Console Edition. Other modes of transportation that we could be getting in the future are, minicopters, scrap helicopter, hot air balloon, cars (modular vehicles). In this video I go over what we do know so far and what could be on the horizon for us on Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Get ready for Rust’s latest update, featuring brand new modes of transportation like horses, modular vehicles (cars), hot air balloons, and mini helicopters (scrap helicopter)! Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rust’s upcoming transportation options and see how they’ll change the way you play. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.

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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust QoL,Rust Quality of Life,Rust Mini Helicopter,Rust Console Mini,Rust PS4 Heli,Rust Vehicles,Rust PS4 Cars,Rust Hot Air Balloon,Rust Xbox Mini Heli,Rust Xbox Cars,Rust Cars,Rust Event,Rust Christmas,Rust Xmas,Rust Gingerbread mine,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5



  • コメント (60)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @nightmare7983
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    wtf is 9:46 😂

    • @Fearhojtz
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    What r them numbers on the hotbar?

    • @Owen-y2i
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    We need minin choppers

    • @luuxiss
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    the sound ak is like shit, there is no fps, what are you talking about?

    • @Its_flixifyxx
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Wait what toggle with L2 instead of triangle? For flashlight

    • @Beans-gt3qb
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am


    • @BigKilla66
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Did they retract these patch notes because I can’t find them anywhere

    • @Dames2001
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Graphic update would be solid, as well as build skins wall/foundation and roof as they have on pc would be great, I believe bicycles will possibly make it into the game before vehicles.

    • @bluberrybrah
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    I stop playing rust for months and your still talking about the same updates that haven’t come out yet . 😅

    • @AjHill-l8p
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Ngl the last quality of life update was better..

    • @botchman5947
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Tc bunker is we’re u can access tc three vending machine.

    • @ltustk2744
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    When is the building skin update ?

    • @YnotZap
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    After industrial update, you were no longer able to place a vending machine in front of a TC, boxes, etc. Happy they fixed it fairly quickly

    • @captaincrunch7944
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    we need sex boxes….so i can lock myself in and… some stuff…i just want a private box mb somewhere in a cave or something and what i do is my business ok!!!!!

    • @lllIIIlllIIllll
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Trash update no graphics

    • @Sowowdz1
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Exclusives rad towns!

    • @_twixttr
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    how do i do left handed?

    • @Triplethreat732-u2p
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Adding anything but graphics cars minis and maps🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @samanthakelly483
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    We need barrels on console.

    • @Fytb_Austin
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    The tc vendy bunker is when you put your tc on a triangle foundation with a door frame then put a vendy not in snapped on to the frame but blocking the tc but you still have access to the tc thro a pixel but the raiders cannot destroy the tc without destroying the vendy increasing raid cost and if there dumb they might not even know the tc is behind the vendy

    • @TinyTim711
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    I assumed the TC vending machine bunker was the bunker willjum has been doing a lot recently where you put the TC in a triangle behind a single door frame and put a vending machine in the doorway

    • @hendoiii3487
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Heeeeey. I love watching you jade for latest updates. More so because you have all the pc updates but you know all the latest console updates. Keep up the good work 👍

    • @adriano5560
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Unfortunately this QOL is so weak , there is nothing to look forward to. Nothing for better graphics, and we’re getting further away from pc as each month passes

    • @michaelwalker7696
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Vending machine/tc bunkers. On PC you can put your tc behind a single door frame and then place a vending machine in the single door frame in a way that you can still access the tc behind the vending machine through the door frame. You can also have a single door between the vending machine and the tc. Makes it more expensive to get to the tc.

    • @perrote6911
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    12:55 juicy fart

    • @chrispritchard6447
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Glad I figured out the hoarse saddle bags when I first started playing. Extra slots now yes. And small backpack I would no doubt use it to my advantage. Long time players I noticed don’t use saddle bags I’m like bro why not there’s been several times I needed extra space and wala I had it on my hoarse. Finding a decaying base or you know. But can’t wait for the other amenities to enjoy

    • @leansleeping-v3
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    is he on test branch?

    • @chrispritchard6447
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Wish they would implement the texting instead of the chosen chat options. Also other things that pc rust has. I have noticed on PC when they would fire a bow it goes 3 to 4 × further than console. In game feet let’s say 20 my arrow would fall little more then halfway through. Vs PC they could aim like a inch up and hit anyone like 40ft away in game as anyone noticed that

    • @kawasakistevo
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    The game badly needs a graphics update for the latest console already. Thats what I thought we was going to get for the end of the year but no we get simple fixes here and their. I do wonder what developere they have working on this game because they can’t be very good if thats their level of updates

    • @KeirGevo
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Was really hoping for a graphics update man. Like light sources have a few meters render distance ffs

    • @brandonmctoast
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Just to report a lot of people in your custom server break team limit

    • @rustconsole666
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    All the YouTubers getting excited about the future updates but no one’s talking about people not even being able to load into the game just getting insta kicked

    • @complexgamer-hg8sf
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    My coworker said you should add flowers around your initials that it would look better (she has no idea what you do she just said that in passing

    • @Machbar-steiger
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Come on cars!!! That would be awesome!!!

    • @Skew45
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    An example of a Vending machine bunker is where you place tc inside a triangle foundation. Close it off, use a single door frame but use vendy to see. You Have to place Very carefully so that that you can still access tc without seeing it. (Or you can just rotate the vedy) but you shouldn’t have to. Some builders on pc use this as a loot bunker aswell and use large boxes instead. Because it takes so much boom to destroy. But in reality you can just use like two jack hammers.
    Also Jade, I hope and wonder if the “triangle foundation extension” means they are allowing stair bunkers

    • @haydenmeesey1334
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Does the horse saddle bag increase mean you could potentially hold 8 rows of loot on a horse if all of the saddle bags are equipped?

    • @jacobhoff5070
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Tc bunker ahh yes the wiljum special

    • @LOXKJAW02
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Is it bo wipe for weekly’s?

    • @chimmy1969
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Lets drop old gens and add rustplus so we can actually use the seismic sensor for what its meant for….offline raid defense

    • @HitManTPanda
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    So what you’re saying is that we still got absolutely nothing..😂
    These devs full of 💩
    And probably rich ASF too after all the purchases everyone has made so basically were getting our money stolen.

    • @tyearl1777
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Thank you so much for making these updates and for being our version of shadowfrax or drizza for console

    • @jalberto428
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    We need caves!

    • @johndeerefarmer6811
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Vending machines were relly finicky to plase and it wuld need ever thing in a 2 square area to be removed

    • @mrtakedown3596
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    They need to add cave

    • @classicmixologist4234
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Could we get mlrs to wipe compound turrets n walls

    • @TheyLoveDR1P
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Can u wipe your server rn?

    • @chillllaaaaxxxeebruuuuuudd109
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    So are there no more pixle gaps?

    • @SleepySlumms
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Great update! Thanks for the continued support you give to RCE

    • @CannibalKiddo
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Rust Console officially promoting Bunkers…people can stop complaining that Bunkers should be banned now

    • @Mvgical
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Okay but when are they going to start banning cronus users? When are they going to update the horrendous graphics? When are they going to increase server population and add more transportation? Another Facepunch L. Guess I should just use Cronus as well since everyone else is.

    • @nathancorona557
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Let’s go bro

    • @JaysTopPlays
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    We need an update that bans zim/mnk from being useable on console rust, update graphics would be sick and bigger maps sizes to

    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    I’m betting January will be test branch update for whatever transportation is next. Thx Jade

    • @earthwormjim3333
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Vending machine bunker is where you can place a vending machine in a door way and flip it to access tc or boxes behind it, wasn’t working for ages

    • @jasonkilcrease
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Putting a vendy infront of tc

    • @ryley_208
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Can someone tell me everything we are getting

    • @supermariomexi3471
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    I’m loving this !!!!!!!!!!

    • @supermariomexi3471
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Torpedos Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @supermariomexi3471
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

    Yes!!!!!!!!!! Remote C4

    • @archiewells5550
    • 2024年 11月 09日 7:30am

