You know, I thought rust could be those games with no sad story mode or ending, cause yk it doesn’t have one, but I was wrong. The group u been playing with for years could just not log on one day
That’s the reason why Istop playing rust too many hackers too many fucked up admin day z going through the same shit to my question is, when is people going to start real true gaming? Without hacks? When is that going to happen
Connection terminated. I’m sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don’t even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that’s not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don’t belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It’s in your nature to protect the innocent. I’m sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn’t be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn’t save you then, so let me save you now. It’s time to rest – for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
I said there’s hacker that raided me he had speed hack and no one believed me I even had clips. In hopes that they’d stand against hacker with me but they ended up being toxic and trash talking me. Like is this what a gaming community has become.
How you gonna raid buddy when your gonna get banned as soon as you die from the master that trapped you xD your just raiding air and always can relocate. Love when cheaters get insta karma.
??? the fk sooo dude normally walks in to trap….. then dude noclip fly hacks his way over to god mode kill the guy who walked in to trap.. why bother with the trap… just continue to god mode noclip fly around… the hell…
Bro this is not rust it’s gmod I only relised because of his other vid under this and they were dancing I was like that’s gmod and I was like rust doesn’t have above the player
Did that guy ever realize that dude just flow to the wall and you try to kill him with a gun nah the first thing you’ve seen will RPG you should probably apologize
This is so old that alot of people dont realise this is when rust was just becoming the best game out there, it was one game that was always bringing new PVP aspects to the game now they have completed all of that and are just doing role play and other things and ruining the recoil was one thing but they are Improvements from where rust first started
Does no one realize this is just potato graphics with admin commands. You can set keys to active commands on a server you have perms on he has a fly key
“Angry Hacker walks gets trapped into a base where there is no player to kill but a dude up the hill that he didn’t notice for whatever reason” Title Update
bros playing rust mobile edition
Это раст в горисмот?
Porque isso foi recomendado pra mim? Kkk
Ohh guys I’m watching black orange YouTube from rust hub
Rust from temu
I just wanna know who took that massive dump
First time seeing u wut s ur pfp
rust do velho testamento
Camomo Would Be Proud.
Off brand ahh rust
Well rust was made by the same dude who created gmod so this might be rust
Is this old rust or a knock off
“Free rust”
bro that’s gmod not rust
I take it this rust mobile
That’s not rust nor oxide
That’s fuckign corrosion
-мам купи раст
-у нас уже есть раст дома
раст дома:
This is not rust this is crust
Bro playing Costco version Rust
this aint rust mans playing dust
раст с петёрочки
That’s not rust it’s crust
Broski never Play rust bcs he dont say nword after stupid
Anit that Gary’s mod rust
On second thought it looks like Garry’s mod
Is this 2017 rust?
Is this budget rust
Also this is gmod
So this is rust two years ago?
is his graphic decaying?
This is old
Bro became the hacker
My guns bigger than yours
That are not rust or oxide thats Corrosion
What game is this
was this 16 years ago
That’s not rust that’s rast
Rust hub
Garry’s mode?
that aint rust thats degrade
По расту
В гараж мод
Повезло меня забанили
That’s litt

How old is this
Bro is playing dust
garrys mod rust is wild
Just admin
Bro is not raiding anymore after that
Is that mobile
What in the 2016 rust
What im the fake rust is that
Potato rust
Love vide that admin f around with hacker.
you stupid you stupid i need now
bro downloaded rust from torrent
why is it gmod
fake fml
its a gmod????
Что это? Гаррис мод?
No fckn way gmod rust is like a cs go in gta san andreas
Nah thats tsur
Seems legit
Define crashout
С какого тапка он там играет
this aint even rust this gmod
Rust not on computer
Is that gmod
this ain’t rust this is dust
Is that rust console?
Raid This
That’s definitely grust
I was wondering why the game loocked so weird. Had a brain aneurysm hearinf him walk. And the second i seen the posture of the dude in the hazzy.
gay baby jail
Is this old rust or what cause these graphics are boo-boo?
This Grust?
that’s not rust that’s dust
Wth r those graphics
gmod rust?
Grust is very bas
Это раст или что? Графика жерьмо
G mod rust
Thats gmod rusy doseint have voice png obove the head
Bros playing on 0.000000001 gravifts
this shit aint rust this is oxidized metal :skull:
Bro aint playing rust
Bros playing Dust
Bro that is not rust
bros got the gmod rust lmao
Hacker: i raid you
He: proccesed to raid he’s base
Not all hero’s wear capes
Bro ths dead
Rust from Temu
Y is bro on gmod
What are those ark mobile graphics?
Is this fucking rust on Garry’s mod
Bro doesn’t even care
Why has this only now showed up
looked like you admin abused that guy rofl
Bro plays Crust
That’s not rust that’s bust
Goofy ahh graphics
Thats not rust thats crust
Bros playing corrosion
Accused him of hacking then walks through walks
fake a real rust player would have been yelling slurs
Да че вы все бро бро я здесь
Man’s playing rust in Gmod
Machine gun rocket launcher
What was this 2014 rust?
I’m so glad I stopped playing rust
Damn this shit old, wish it was like this now though :
Blud really playing grust
For those who dont know this isnt cRust it isnt 2016 rust… This Is Grust, Garrys mod rust
g mod?
Garrys mod aoaoaoaoa
Bro is playing bust not rust

I played Grust last summer, fact about all players are cheating, its not joke
How fake do you want it?
bro he disappeared
This does not look like rust
This is gmod rust
Those potato graphics go hard
It’s Garry’s mod?
Why his rust look like that
He was playing rust on ark
Rust on Xbox is so bad its not even funny
That ain’t rust thats dirt
I love that mod
that aint rust thats decay
Is this rust from like 2018 jeez
in my time they were cheaper
I thought this was rust but just potato mode nah this is gust LOL
What rip off reason of rust is this bruh
What’s the matter can’t play a game without using hacks because you lack any talent whatsoever?
Bro this is an OLD version of rust
Rust with 4gb ram
Wtf is this gmod or rust???
Inmidiatly you can hear a monkeys voice
bros playin grust
1 year ago…
Console graphics be like

I thought it was legit at first but then i slowly started realizing this looks a little *too* much like gmod
No way grust on my youtube wtf
Wtf are those windows 98 graphics
Garry’s mod??
Bro claims him as hacker so he looks better even though he’s a hacker
G mod rust lol
“Trap base”
What a salty ego and a terrible sense of character. You can tell alot about someone based on their actions
I see a lot of people calling this oxide as a joke but oxide doe not look that good! Oxide sucks à$$
Is this gmod rust
“How you gon raid me now”
Lol gmod rust
omg grust , so many hackers
How is this not rust and its still better than console rust

Its a rast g ?
Hacker got an african accent
I don’t think that’s rust

Найс админ граста
Waaaaait a minute….
Gmod Rust be going crazy.
Old ass clip bro
Bro is on 2003 rust
Gmod rust is funny
nombre del juego??
What you got windows 2

You playing the oldest rust

The game is called oxide
Considering you walked through the wall I’d say you are the hacker good sir.
Wtf are these graphics
Thats fucking gmod mate
Bro play rust on the garrys nod
This content is not even worth a comment..cause its so staged it hurts
Is this Rust Mobile? Graphics are wack
Garry’s Mod in Rust. Truly amazing graphics.
i think this might be garrys mod!!???!!??
Its not rust lol
Bros tryna raid a admin

Its Garry’s mod, no?
Че по графике
i raid you. no im gonna raid myself
And it’s always the Russians that hack
Typical Ruzzian
Just a mod screwing with toxic players
Why is bro flying
Bro is playing Rusty

Only hacker are you xD
Гарис мод
Wth that it worst then playstation rust that mobile
Crust much
Какой это год ?)))
Ебать свежак подъехал, видео свежее хлеба, годнота прям
All partys came out losing
This ain’t rust it’s crust
What kinda rust is this
That’s rust gmod
When I released it was gmod

Is this rust but în 2015??? Can anyone tell me
was that an ak47 where did it even came from its not even in the game
That’s not rust that’s bust
It’s grust/gmod rust
Fake rust lol
Ak wit hazzy is crazy
Is this like Roblox wtf XD
Rust if it were from Temu
how do you that he is a hacker
Gmod rust?
When Arnold swarzingger raids you
You know, I thought rust could be those games with no sad story mode or ending, cause yk it doesn’t have one, but I was wrong. The group u been playing with for years could just not log on one day
How old is this shit
Imagine being so poor that you cant afford real Rust and you pretend to own one by playing Gmod’s version of Rust
I wonder why “rust” looks like gmod in this video
Bro just got raided on the base he had for 2s
Gmod rust is crazy
Okay 1. This is gmod rust and is terrible and 2. Bro is hacking and said a hacker fell for it
Is this old rust or g mod
This isn’t rust this is moist metal
Bro those graphics hurt my soul, console can’t even begin to be that bad what the hell

Console rust is not rust
What year is bro in
I miss old Rust
what ancient ass copy of rust is this ???
literally sounded like garrysmod for a bit there
Bros playing oxidized
Why this look like some low poly rpg game from 2015
Wait, who was hacking?! Lol
People have no life even Russia the people who talk like that they going to hell in real life %100
Fever dream rust
You would not catch me dead wearing a Hazzy with AK kit
bro tf are u playing on a potato? (couldnt be me)
“I will raid you now.”
“I’ll help.”
Not rust this is rushed
What is a This
Bro is playing crust
Man really has a solar panel
What kind of off brand rust is this.
bros playing mold
Fake RPG has 60 ammo
Rust android version
Real af
Is this gmod?
That’s what we like to call a counter raid
I put the graphics in the rasta on
Is this fucking gmod rust?
Bro thats GRUST Garry’s mod Rust
blud playing gmod?
Bros playing that dust

Blud is playing crust
Console rust
Bro playing grust
Bro why was that so funny
Your video funny

It’s Garry’s mod?
Bro is playing rust mobile
Is that rust legacy?
This is the fakest rust video ive ever seen and ive seen memeios videos
You call him a hacker you’re literally flying
Этоо Гаррис мод
Bro that ain’t rust that’s crust

Rust on gmod looking fire
Wait its garrys mod
Who’s the hacker?
What devblog
Admin abuse
Raid me nah I raid myself
Is this crust?
Bro is playing oxidize
Garry’s mod
What even is this rust?
What is this???
Bro out here playing bust
If he was hacking he would have seen you there with esp. fake video
Holy fuck he got OBLIDERATED
btw this is gmod rust
He don’t look like a hacker if he can’t get out
this rust from 2016
bros playing crust

bros playing corrode
bros playing iron oxide

bros playing oxidation 

mans playing gmod
старый раст
These comments are making me cry laughter
wtf this looks sht hahaha
Bro you sure he’s the hacker

Dawg what type of rust is this
Bro its rust in garrysmod
Thats… Gmod
Damn Rust on console looking better than i remember.
This aint rust this is bust
This is grust
Граст ещё не закрыли
I like how even his body is gone
“i raid you know stupid dug”
Bro that’s not rust, that’s garrysmod
Didn’t know there was rust in 300 B.C
Proceeds to show he’s a hacker himself
This ain’t no rust I’ve ever seen
this is gmod
I’m pretty sure ur the hacker here
Bro who was the hacker?
Console rust
Портят харашую пародию читами сейчас каждый чел там с читами
bro playing Rust Demo from playstore
I raid yuo now yuo stoopid noob

Если это читы я позвоню Создайте игры получилось смешно

Bro u are the hacker wym?
It’s garrys mod not rust
how u do this in gmod
That escalated quickly
Cheaters out
Bro playing rust on Garrys mod lol grust btw
I miss old rust
Crust solar panel gaming
Bro’s playing Fe₂³⁺O₃²⁻.
Wtf game is this? Corrosion?
Naab Road turned out the Gmod graphics
New update is crazy
Bro what are you playing on a potato no hate
Srsly it looks like CS 1.6
This still looks better than console rust
back when rust had good performance
nigga playing metal
Rust mobile ?
Bro this shit is like 6 years old
this is gmod rust?
Mans playing rust console
its garrys mod rust Grust LMAO
Can I have ur ping account pls
My man is playing Rust on Nintendo Switch
dude activated HD mode lol
Hacker vs admin

whos the hacker ?
Bro’s playing Crust
bros playing gmod rust
U stupid u stupid I raid u know rockets go off *
Bro playing dust not rust
Bro what is this game
*Garrys Mod*
proceeds to hack
is that not rust?
Ph wait its gmod
Bro is playing Bust
That’s g-mod
Bro be playing Gmod Mobile
That is must
Bro not playing rust he’s playing aged metal
How fake do you want this to be?
Mom can i play rust, we have rust at home
Bro is playing crust
he didnt see the hbs
Bro was raging in lower case
I think thats garrys mod rust version
This looks worse than a mobile game
Не играйте на этой помойке!
Do not play in this dump!!
Это каловая масса жиденькая
Garyy’s mod
Roblox rust belike
that ain’t rust

thats oxidized
Is this the handy version xD
It’s an admin he clipped into the building
Someone has a really cool base on the server I play and they have a massive sign that has your RustHub logo on it , very cool
Bro is playing decaying metal
Grust fucking shit
It is grust in garry s Mode
What game is it
That’s gmod
Hahaha nice gmood
“Angry hacker kills random for falling for a trap” more like

Gmod Rust
Ima save this and do this in the future
Dog this was the first day of rust ever
Grust I’m love you
Looks like the base owner was the hacker
Do people really be playing rust in gmod?
It’s not a rust, it’s grust
Bro this is not a rust

Bros on rust mobile
Bro removed the existence of his own base and the player
It’s don’t rust it’s Gmod
Bro i dont think thats rust
bro got the rust gmod version lmfaoo
Name of the game?
Still better than rust console
Mmm devblog
Thats wish rust
Nah bro is playing crust that’s crazy
Это что за версия раста?
He aint no playin rust he playin Ferrous Oxide
bro really playin gmod rust
This is some kind of RustAcademy vibes
Trust rust in Garry’s mod
This is straight crust dude
This is not rust??
bro this isnt rust this is corrosion
man rust looks like it’s from 2008 in this video.
Hacker I hate hackers didn’t unjust u hacks
No I raid
I dunno why but this feels like gmod
bro plays on a potato
Why is bro playing thrust
Whos the hacker in your oppinion???
чо за странный раст
Is gmod
Bro i want to play this “rust”
Rust 2008 xD
Guys he is playing dust
Bro got my respect for killing that dumb kid
Didn’t know rust was on mobile
This is Gmod Rust xD
Who’s the hacker??
Half these comments don’t even know what legacy rust looked like lol
Bro is playing oxidation

That shit is not rust but crust
RPG with a switch on it go kinda hard though
Actually its gmod
Why bro got 2016 rust texture pack
this is gmod rust and it sucks ass
Who’s da hacker I see man fly and infinite ammo I see man who try raid base
Wait, is that rust mobile ?

Rust potato mode be like:
What is Arnold Schwarzenegger doing in rust
120P be hittin
Old rust
That child had a deep voice
The good ol Oxide
what version of rust is this
Ayo, garry’s mod rust?
I think he is the angry hacker
So fake its not even funny
Cannon event
Nice graphics
Bro got rust mobile with them graphics
how many years ago was this
This some rust mobile type sh!t
Old Rust was sumn else lmao
Bros playing mobile rust
Bros playing Dust
Bro playing rust 1.6

What is this garbage? Console rust?
bro playing gust
Is this fucking gmod?
Как называеться игра
Rust on a microwave?
Facepunch servers experience
What kind of fallout new Vegas rust ass game is this?
Stop calling them hackers, they’re just dirty cheaters…
Wtf is this rust mobile ?
Bro I am tweaking. It took me way to long to realize it’s not actually Rust but Gmod lmaooo
Never seen a rust console cheater or admin before and now I see both
Looks like you was hacking to me ??
Bro got that rust console game
Is that rust on Xbox because it looks like shit
Rust in GMod?
Most realistic hacker video
gRust be like
This isnt rust its mouldy
Consol rust
Crust was crazy back then
He hacker and didn’t see you? You cap!
That aint rust. This is decay.
Or are you the hacker
U meant “CRUST”
Bro playing rain iron
Garry’s mod rust experience
Garis mod
Angry hacker gets tricked by angry hacker.
Is this rust on game boy what the fuck
I’m a console player, and man, even these graphics are just upsetting to look at.
This reeks of source engine
How small of a 8D do you have to have to hack in Rust lol what a nerdgin
This shit ain’t rust it’s dust
Elder Scrolls Oblivion Rust
Garry’s mod
that aint rust that crust
Миммм гарисмод
İts rust mobile ?
Fucking delete cheats
how was he hacking
grust sucks
This is sooooooo old
it makes me feel old
Where is the hacker
No way he knows what grust is thats crazy
Is this gmod?
So rust players are from Zimbabwe;
How old is this clip?
Rust mobile
That’s looks like a old version of rust
Console rust rn
Why it look lile that?
rust in ohio
Bro pulls out fetus deletus gun
looks like og rust
Bro playing Corrosion
it’s gmod LOL nice try
garrys mod
Bros playing on a potato
wtf 144 ahahhahahahaha
oml the gmod rust
I think you’re the hacker
Is this garys mod rust
Bros Stuck in rust 1998
Wait he’s a hacker or you
Is that fucking gmod rust
Jaja no hablo inglés pero si lo entendí
fake clip admins aint ever on there fucking servers so its hacker central
Охх прям старый раст
bros on bust
Те самые будни абмина
Mans playing iron oxide
How is he cheating?
Bro this shit looks like Gmod
is that fuckin gmod?
Is this gmod
Bro is playing iron oxide
Them boys playing that Paslanma, siz bazalar inşa və on yaşlı uşaqlar basqın olduğu oyun
bro that’s not bust not rust

Rust in Gmod lol
bro is in gmod rust
Is this minecraft?
what is this, garrys mod ? just look at it. this is not actual rust.
gmod rust
Why are you gay
*when virgins collide*
Best grust admin
bro is playing stainless steel
Что получится ели скрестить читера-скамера
He’s not baking u are
Imagine being on console
“Rust content isn’t scripted I swear” rust content:
Bros playing bust
Anyone else noticed that is g mod
This is a really old clip
Bros playing iron oxide

bro play rust in gmod
ofc the dude talks like he’s from india
You can tell that he has brown skin
That’s not rust it’s crust

console rust be like
Bros playing Iron Oxide
bro what rust is that name pls
What is the name of the game?
this aint rust this is bust
Console rust goes crazy
haters will say its fake
Bro shits so fake
Bros playing rust on nokia
rust but its made in china
bro said:

How do we know he’s really a hacker, he could just be angry and not a hacker
the hacker : What did u say?
Ohio rust
Rast from Deep Web
game name?
I wonder how many people thought this actually was rust
Tf is this gam r
No what people should do with hackers is wait till they are away or offline and then turn their base into the trap.
Can’t raid what’s not there
Rust? More like crust
bro is playing the pirated version of rust
Bro got the grapics
It should have been a moment of terror for that hacker as soon as he saw his jailor meld through the wall like some unholy demon.
That ain’t Rust, that’s Decay
Who’s the stupid noob using hacks
this is everything but rust
bro playing grust
GRUST my guy
Bro i was like
Dafuq why does rust look goofy is this an early version or something??
*Sees the speaker icon when vc*
Ahh its Grust
this gmod
he playing corrosion
Bro really playing rust in skyrim graphics XD
Console rust lookin different
how old is this
That ain’t rust that’s dust
bros on ark
Gmod trapbases
Bro playing rust in roblox damn
Mf dis is grust
Gmod rust
That’s the reason why Istop playing rust too many hackers too many fucked up admin day z going through the same shit to my question is, when is people going to start real true gaming? Without hacks? When is that going to happen

Not the gmod rust
What is this off brand rust
Bro finally show the video after 10 years later.
Be like indian accent “thank u very much come again”
The gmod rust is wild
Bro is that rust mobile like what is your frames at
what is this rust 2012?
what the game call
rust in garrys mod be like
Yo taht ain’t rust that’s crust
What in the Roblox graphics
bros playing iron oxide
this is garys mod
Is this console rust ?! If it is it looks like ass
gmod omao
Big solar panel on the top with an open door jusy fuck my shit up fam
That’s not rust thats crust
Only legends know the name
Holy shit this is old bro
this is fake and u cant hack on console
This Garry’s mod
Bro got extinct
Connection terminated. I’m sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don’t even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that’s not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don’t belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It’s in your nature to protect the innocent. I’m sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn’t be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn’t save you then, so let me save you now. It’s time to rest – for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
Your logo looks familiar

How he Hacker me no understand me no no braincells
Hacker v Hacker but they both have no life, no dignity, and deserve to die
Wtf is these graphics
Are you playing rust in skyrim?
Rust in 08
Bro on rust mobile that’s how bad his graphics are
If his a hacker how did he not see u with his hacks?
Your the hacker
I never played this game but I get so many rust Videos in my shorts
what a rust?
what kind of rust ripoff is this :d
Still looks better than rust console
I don’t understand who is the hacker here
after him flying, passing through wall and fire rocket launcher while flying
What version of rust are you playing the 2001 version?
ของผมคอมอยู่เหมือนเดิมนะ พอดีถนัดซ้ายน่ะ(。ノω\。)
Bro this is Garry’s mod
1800’s rust be like
aren’t you the hacer?
Ong this ain’t rust
Installing mods …is a hacker nowadays
Thats not Rust thats Decay
Russland Or ukrainan
gottga love the old rust clips <3
My guy done playing at windows XP
Plot twist, the guy filming is the hacker
Why Gmod look worse than the free Roblox game?
I said there’s hacker that raided me he had speed hack and no one believed me I even had clips. In hopes that they’d stand against hacker with me but they ended up being toxic and trash talking me. Like is this what a gaming community has become.
Bro I used to play it when I did not have rust
This is G-rust LOL
Wait who is the hacker
Gmod rust is insane

Ironic how he calls u a noob yet he’s the one who fell for the trap base, which makes this situation so much better.
we got rust at home
The rust at home:
i rate chu i rate chu now

bro rust gm
It’s called gRust
is this rust mobile
Да вы админы ахуенно работаете особенно баня людей по приколу
To mi coś przypomina
Bro but he not hacking you are
Why yoo trap me stuuuuupit
Hacker: stupid noob **ded**
I rate you well now give him a good review on how the trap was pretty good so go rate him
What is playing but that’s not a version of rust
?What is the name of this game?
Ah, Yes quality content
whos the hacker? the one who didnt see him watching him or the one whos flying through walls???
is not Rust, This Garry’s mod…
what about the graph?
nah that not rust that’s bust
is this gmod ?
fucking deleted
жиза пиздец
Rust on windows 95.
That’s not rust that’s bust
When was this
Bros playing mold
Bros playing Pixar rust
That is not rust that is bust
At first i thought it was just a old Rust xd
Gmod rust people
It’s gmod
Hackers are dumb in rust
Bro thats gmod
What in the Gary’s mod is this
Is this rust in skyrim
what is this it looks like rust made from plastic
Wtf is this game man
Grust player:
Rust in Ohio
Wait which one is the hacker
Bro is playing grust
Коротко о том, что происходит в Украине…
Rust mobile
Love Ohio rust
Bros playing dust
This ain’t no rust it’s duat
When was this made 2015?
Ur the hacker
Bro is this rust in. 1 k
Is that good rust?
Still better the console
That’s not rust bro that’s crust
Grust , i played it)
“Stoopeed nuob”
Bro playing rust in the 2000s
how to make a graphics like this?
Wtf is this
Bro is playing iron oxide
bros play rust gmod
how do u know hes hacking
Isn that gmod
Css announcer: OVERKILL
let meee do it for youuu
fake. also, trashy taste.
That aint Rust, thats Crust
Is that rust console???? The graphics ass
Bro that ain’t rust that’s crust
По звукам понял что это Гаррис мод
Bro playing crust on ps2
Oh my God I love Garry’s mod rust
Dawg that’s crust
Rust garry smod
That’s not rust. That’s dust
Rust in 1784
gmod rust?
You got the world of Warcraft graphics
This is not rust it’s crust
5 months later and seeing it again
Mobile rust? Not even console looks this bad
Gmod rust is lowkey fun ah
That’s not rust, that’s bust
Wtf is this?
Rust in Ohio
That ain’t rust that dust
What i understand from this video:
– man gets in a house
– gets trapped after opening a chest
– and fucking dies by several 40mm rounds
Are we not gonna talk about this dudes fps
Why you trap me you stupid – you stupi- I raid u I raid you I raid you now
is this mobile rust xD? O_O
Is this rust mobile
Mf playing garrys mod rust imagine
yooo only 1 rocket por stone tf
Old rust
Dude what is up with all the broken English Eastern Europeans in rust?
something seems off Hmm
Man is playing gmod
Why bro playin gmod
Bros playing ark
love it
Wait bro that’s gmod

Graphics in ohio
Bro’s playing oxidation
What is that rocket
This is the funniest shit anyone has just come up with
What game is this
bro update your game
Grust is cancer now that I’ve realized I used to play it admins don’t help and it’s full of hackers
That’s not rust That’s bust
I raid u
Lets gooooo
Old rust man
Nah not the Garry’s mod rust
Bro is playing on nintendo switch edition
Bros playing 2005 rust
Cronin zen players suck at rust
Wait who is the hacker here? One gets trapped and is “the hacker” but you fly through walls and that are you admin or?
Is this rust mobile?
Gmod rust
Is that even rust
Bro called him a hacker an started flying
russian-how fake do you want this to be
I’m dead
Na bro Fr was knocking to get his attention
Anyone wondering this is the rust gmod game mode
“I raid you no-“ he in fact, did not raid him.
Bro what is this rust? Bros got halo 1 graphics
tf is he playin on his little sister’s nintendo switch?
Ur the one hacking
Rust Mobile Edition
Rust in gmod
nah but srsly its pretty fun!
Bro is playing Ferrous oxide
Its Amazing
How you gonna raid buddy when your gonna get banned as soon as you die from the master that trapped you xD your just raiding air and always can relocate. Love when cheaters get insta karma.
??? the fk sooo dude normally walks in to trap….. then dude noclip fly hacks his way over to god mode kill the guy who walked in to trap.. why bother with the trap… just continue to god mode noclip fly around… the hell…
Fake clip.
im surprised that grust has good admins like you,bc got verified one time .
bros playing rust on a raspberry pi
wtf is going on in this video the graphics … the obvious fake video, like… this is on an old old old version of rust but has teams?
His not a hacker bruh, and it’s normal if he is mad cause trap base are so annoying
idk how i feel about your channel name and icon
Your the angry hacker
Rust 1999?
Call him a hacker while he floats up and bombards the guy with missiles.
what kind of offbrand rust is this
Rust Academy “real” videos be like:
this is RUST in GarysMode Game
is it me or did you clip through that wall ?
Xbox rust lol
But your the hacker clearly
How u just no clip like that
Is that Rust mobile?
didnt even realize it was gmod until i saw his stance
Walmart rust:
bro in gRust lmfao
Bros playing G Rust
Bros on Gmod
Bros playing GRust
Gave him a base and an online in less than 10 seconds. Magnificent.
Recorded on mobile
This is Garry’s mod
Backdoored his ass
The guy got deleted instantly
new rust update lit
That is Garry’s mod, not rust?
if he was a hacker he would have seen you
That’s not even rust
Game looks like battlefront on the psp
I raid you now *dies*
He was wiped from existence so quickly
“Stupid noob”
What the fuck is this shit
These videos are -100 iq
Gmod lol
Uh oh he’s gonna raid an admin watch out
Why would anyone ever play this garbage gmod rendition?
Grust lol
looks like the mf recording was the hacker
This of brand rust game
Playdoh graphics
Gmod rust looks better thsn console no cap
Rust on phone
How you now he is a hacker
You mean gmod rust
Bro this is not rust
it’s gmod I only relised because of his other vid under this and they were dancing I was like that’s gmod and I was like rust doesn’t have
above the player
Man look at the one who’s stupid enough to fall for a trap
Gmod rust is full of russians
Rust mobile
hey, this isnt rust academy! whats the big idea?!
Not overkill at all
Fake rust?
Before I blow up I like to sponsor raid shadow legend
I was wondering y this reminded me of gmod then by reading the comments im guessing there a rust thing on gmod
“I raid you now” (some reference)
*turns base into hiroshima
He hates you
I hate I now I hate u now u stupid the guy:oh ok so u do wanna die!
That aint no rust thats Rdza
how old is this .-.
Why does this guys rust look like oblivion? And how do I make mine look the same?
Wtf is this ? Lmao
Is that rust on Xbox because your graphics suck
why are you in gmod bro
bro dat aint rust thats gmod
i like your profile picture XD
Gmod rust is funnier than actual rust
How old is this clip
“you stupid i rate you know”
Bu ne biçim rust la
This ain’t rust this bust
Bro this ain’t rust this is clean metal
Grust lol
Game looks like dogshit
how is the hacker hacking tho
rust in a nutshell
Wait so who’s the hacker
Bro thats not rust thats dust
*shoots him with lots of rockets*
my guy got the mobile graphics
Is this rust mobile or something tf
Tf is man playing on a chromebook
Rust mobile?
mom can we get rust no we have rust at home rust at home
bruh got deleted
Thats not rust
“I raid you know i raid you now”
“Not if i raid you first”
Seems like the hacker was the one that made the trap?
mans playing gmod rust lol
My dreams:
Sorry whos hacking exactly?
People might think this is fake. No rust is just cringe lol it’s like this 100%
How old this crap
I’m pretty sure your the hacker lol
bro’s playing corrode

That’s gmod doe
I’m so confused lol
Bro flabbergasted
There’s rust mobile now?
Bro really out here playing Crust
This is in fact not rust
This is fucken gmod, not rust. The fuck?
Wtf is this, mobile Chinese rust
Ром и смерть означают одно и то же хахахаха
Bruh this is gmod wtf
Get to the choppa
Starts chanting in Russian accent:
Aah Grust the poor man’s Rust
Is this rust mobile?
bro playing rust beta
That is not rust
That’s a mod in gmod lol
How was he hacking there were no observable cheats
Bro on rust mobile
what do you mean hacker your litreally just a peice of human garbage
Rust 2014?
the “why you trap me stupid”is just funny
damn that’s og rust
Rust console looking pretty good
Plot twist he was the hacker
What is this game called
Is this console or 2014
That went to 10-100 very fast
You was the one hacking…
Console rust or its just very old ?
What version bro playing

Admin abuse is what we call it
Bro playing gmod
how is that guy hacking?
What type of rust is that
lol bro ur pc is shittier than mine
Average rust academy
U stoopid man i raid u now- *nuke*
Who the fuck is the hacker in here
Did that guy ever realize that dude just flow to the wall and you try to kill him with a gun nah the first thing you’ve seen will RPG you should probably apologize
I am pretty sûre you are thé hacker not him
Admins versus hackers is great
Dis is a custom rust server on g mod
When you download rust apkhack
Looks like gmod
Scammer get scammed
Nice gmod modpack
This is so old that alot of people dont realise this is when rust was just becoming the best game out there, it was one game that was always bringing new PVP aspects to the game now they have completed all of that and are just doing role play and other things and ruining the recoil was one thing but they are Improvements from where rust first started
mobile rust fr tf is this gmod stuff LOL
Hold on who’s the hacker lol
This entire thng and the people involved need help intellectually
Rust in gmod?
Bruh idk but that don’t look like the Rust I be playing
Talk about fake. Jesus christ why is this being recommended.
он русский
Thats gmod
This fells like afternoon nap dream
Gmod rust cool
wtf is wrong with graphics
bruh what are these graphics. didn’t know fp released rust for android
Garry’s mod X Rust
If there is gas traps in game then I’m going to make a camp that breaks the Geneva convention
Bro why this look like it was recorded on like 7 years ago version of rust
Well this seems boring
fake rust
Who’s the Hacker again
? I think this video should be called hacker Trap people in Trap Houses i gues
how he was about to say Stupid and got blasted
Gotta love scripted vids
his last words is funny
More like random gets trapped by hacker and gets fucked by 40 rockets
The ending
Bros playing trust
This mf playing on the first update of rust
How old is this

For 1sec i though it was cs 1.6 zombie match
I think you got him
I dont think this is rust w
just something about it
“I raid u now stupid noob” admin: raid this
What the fuck did i just watch lmao
Walmart rust
“I hate you” or “i raid you” lol
The way he spams rockets
But how was he hacking
How fake do u want this to be
That felt like a fever dream
Likely fake as he doesn’t use any offensive language other than stupid. Would have been using every word in the book.
This ain’t rust. This is iron oxide
Peasant rust or rust for poor people
This is Gmod but ok
When Schwarzeneggers son plays rust

This ain’t rust this is dust
Bruh what version is this. It looks like u playing rust in Gary’s mod
Rust on Nintendo Wii
Why u trap

What is the name of the game pls ?
This is bot rust lmaoo
what in the console is goiing on here
The rocket sound got me weak
what rust is this? this is not rust
meeen dead all fucking hackers
Un buen admin
gmod rust hittin different
Bros playing just metal
what version of the game is this
Hahahahahahahhahah lol gmod
Does no one realize this is just potato graphics with admin commands. You can set keys to active commands on a server you have perms on
he has a fly key
Bro nuked him
“Angry Hacker walks gets trapped into a base where there is no player to kill but a dude up the hill that he didn’t notice for whatever reason” Title Update
My guy playing on the original xbox
Ah yes old rust
This is half life not rust
Imagine playing rust in Garry’s mod instead of playing real rust
God Is Good Amen
Don’t care if it’s fake made me lmfao
That ain’t rust that’s bust tf
G rust.
“How fake do you want it”
Him: Yes
Ok good my computer won’t blow up
Now i wanna play a rust in gmod
Mf playing gmod XD
What in the holy flying fuck did i just whitness
Why this look like gmod
Oh wow not scripted
off brand rust
Dude is playing Oxide
Classic no mods
is this the new 6.69 update?
tf is that rust mobile
Bro is this console rust??
Ps2 graphics brah
Wtf is this last time I checked console was better than this
“angry man falls for hackers trap base”
Rust new up date look crazy
Bro raided them graphics
that ain’t rust that’s bust
Whats the game called
this console? wtf
Hackers < admins
This kind of stuff makes me not want to subscribe. Thanks for making this easy to not recommend your ch.
Это гарис мод кажись
Mobile Rust?
G rust : )
This game has more pixel in my grandpa flip phone than yours!!!
the graphics on dat bish, watchu playing rust mobile or some shi
What’s the name of the original TikTok creator
Wait, was this in sandbox or actual grust server? I wanna know
u got the ps2 version?
Rust 2 looking amazing
i thoght he was the hacker at first
What is that? Rust mobile?
Rust in Gmod WTF
Man’s playing rust in 2009
this is grust
POV: you play rust on a school computer
This is g mod what the?!?!
Bro playing on Nintendo
Is this like rust console edition,or it’s just old?
It’s not a rust
Very cool rust
Dude said “I raid you now” and he replied with
“Oh let me help you with that”
Damn gmod rust be hittin different
What are them graphics
Is Grust
rust has never looked like this lol this is not rust
Actual console rust gameplay
Bro did not let that slide
The headshots
Grust u admin?
Shit be looking like legacy wtf you playing bruh
That’s grust
Bro are You the hacker or whats goin g on?
How is he a hacker?
Bro this aint rust, this is crust
What are you playing on, a Sega?
Gmod moment
Is this gmod rust?
Calls the other person to cheater Then turns around and massively cheats with a script of his own well the other person clearly didn’t have one
When did rust go Mobile ?
mobile rust be like:
Bros playing pre pre alpha of rust
Why you trap me

u stoooopeeed… pls tell him it is stupid not stooopeed
Bruh tf is this 2015 quality bs
you can’t raid me if I raid myself
Hacker meets God be like
Man I love gmod
holy shit console rust is ass.
Door open, solar panel on roof, still walks in. I believe he is a Hackers solely because of this.
bro raided himself
Man’s playing gmod lol
Rust console be like
Это гарик
is that even rust bro
How was the dude hacking?
HVH – hacker vs hacker