Rust Review // Is It Worth It?!
Rust Review // Is It Worth It in 2024?! Is Rust, one of the most insane PVP survival games worth a buy for everyone? Let’s Find Out!
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GPU – PowerColor Red Devil AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT: https://amzn.to/3ix0D63
Power Supply – EVGA Supernova 1300 G+: https://amzn.to/3P8GiQH
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Racing Wheel – Cammus C5 – https://cammusracing.com/?ref=nyxson (Code “Nyxson” 5% off and “Nyxson15” for 15% off)
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Mouse – Logitech G604 LIGHTSPEED: https://amzn.to/3Pbgunk
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Hi, My name is Nick Nyxson and I am a full-time online instructor, streamer, and Entrepreneur.
Mind that everything in this video is based on my personal opinions and experiences which may be different from yours.
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コメント (68)
Dont buy rust i have lost all social skills and connection with other human beings
Not paying 50 for this shite
How about now in the end of 2023? Scum Or Rust ? Thanks
The goal of Rust isn’t to have fun, it’s too make sure no other players have fun.
Server’s get wiped constantly? Wouldn’t you lose everything? And have to start over?
Its the best game ever made…only 1 problem which takes away from that and that is the cheaters……they use scripts and stuff to cheat and devs dont do anything. Most servers are IMPOSSIBLE to play because of cheaters…..
Did you watch the whole video?
Me: “PvP”
im going to buy it rn, thank you!
So Rust or Sons of forest which one is better and an better open world?
not worth it ,the load time alone makes this game crap although the game play is nice ,just another good game being turned to shit by greedy assholes.
I like different genre of video games, but im just concerned about how toxic the comunity is. I want a game thats replayable this summer, but alot of people say that people will go out of their way to make u suffer (Spawncamping etc)
This is by far the best game I have ever played. For the most part you get out of it what you put in. Your skill will increase with time and the game gets more fun as you get better. I wouldn’t play this game unless you are ready to invest a lot of time. It’s worth it though!
You mention its age, however I don’t think theres any survival game as good in terms of polish, updates and content. I bought the game when it was in early access so was very cheap. Legacy was an amazing game I took a break for years and when I return now and again its always got new cool things. I’m back to playing casually and I wouldnt reccomend any other “survival” to ppl.
Garbage full of cheaters
Wait what? So the servers constantly get wiped and you have to start over again and lose all that time you put in your build and your loot?
Thanks, saved me 50 bucks! Not happening!
My nephew is so addicted to this game that he has lost his job and his friends as a result, so I came here to find out what this game is all about.
Another amazing thing about Rust is that the devs genuinely care about the game and roll out monthly updates with interesting contents. So the game keeps evolving in terms of meta, maps, roams, etc which I feel like is the highest selling point for me.
nice review, but the footage from the trailer is too repetitive
Ultimately, seems like you (not specifically you lol) as a player need to shed the idea of “gear-fear” and recognise that everything you have outside of your starting items is pretty much temporary.
Play for the experience, progress is a big deal but it doesn’t have to be earth shattering when you lose, right? The constant player interaction, positive or negative keeps the game dynamic & fresh I imagine. I think I’m gonna bite on it, I’m not too bothered about building up a big base and defending and I don’t mind treating the game like rogue-like in a sense.
I got a question do u need the dlc packs 2 play?
sounds like everyone needs to experience spending lots of hours gathering then getting wrecked and starting over and over.
Prefer to play Scum
I never played this game but idk why is my favorite… I like the idea of survival pvp amd building
I wish there was a pve mode
40 secs in…. tyvm.. not for me. well done
I really don’t like the combat overall I played it for like 50 hours and got pretty tired of its repetitive nature and that it’s all clan based
cheaters 30+ deep clans 🤣 and dont think your gonna start playing the game learn how to play and then try to join these clans because I have 2000 hours on the game and am extremely good and whenever I try to join a good clan I get called a no name and people say you need 5000 hours to join 🤣 this game is an actual joke you could play in a smaller group or solo on a official server but your just going to get cheated on you could play a server with better admins but sadly on these servers there is like 500 people in the server and you could barely make it off the beach after spawning in and dying for 3 hours and when you finally build your base it will just get raided or you won’t be able to find resources in your area because there is 500 people on a server also most servers wipe after 1 week so you cant even keep your progress you could play a monthly which tend to be lower pop but like I said there is so many cheaters and big clans that will raid you or kill you before you even have weapons to fight back but once you get past this and get setup in a area and have weapons to fight back raid defenses are very fun which is pretty much the only reason why people play this game which is to defend there base or raid someone’s base I also feel like half the players are absolute no lifes that must have rich parents or something and just play the game all day they never log off people play this game like a full time job there is no way to compete against a full no life tryhard 30 deep clan on an offical server modded isnt even the real game its just mindless pvp and not fun.
Its £28 on Xbox atm so I might just buy a disc on eBay for cheap because I only got £25 atm and don’t want to spend all my money on a game again lmao
Edit: looked on eBay all £20-40 lmao so I guess I’ll just wait
I feel like the game is good just by looking at it but i alsso feel where there are pvp good gmes there are greifers and that will ruin the play unless you enjoy that
Help me ive been trapped here for 3k hours
i got rust and played and i hate it with my whole life I die all the time and just hate it in general
I just finally got a gaming pc and i only have money for one game, i’ve always wanted this game.
I want to play rust but I don’t have any friends who play so i’d likely be playing solo. Shit seems hard man like people having assault rifles and you have primitive weapons at best. Perhaps i’m missing something but it seems like everything is tied to research benches and i’m unsure if that means you lose all your progression if someone destroys your research benches?
also i’m curious if stealth is an option. seems to be lacking in alot of ambush, trapping and stealth mechanics that would otherwise give solo players a better chance of fighting groups. There arent any riggable traps to create zone control, no camouflage, I haven’t seen any silencer modifications to guns. Which I suppose would be hard to balance.
This guy is a beast subbed
I enjoy your videos but I can hardly hear you, get your volume sorted please.
Been playing this game since legacy when it was easy to get a p2 from the start and just loot other players, when zombies was a part of the game. I’ve streamed this game on twitch everyday for a while also. Needless to say I’ve put thousands of hours into this game which is a gem for sure. Problem is we grow up and soon don’t have time for another full time job and Rust is very time consuming. I wish we could still hop on Rust legacy for this reason lol. That being said Rust is a great game that I probably won’t ever play again since I just don’t have the time for a game like this anymore.
If you say ‘Well” one more fucking time, its so obnoxious Goddamn.
Ty for the courage 😉
does toxic kids and clans spoil it, YES
Fallout 76 is better for my blood pressure. I did log into RUST a few times. I found the entry to a server ridiculously tedious. I am a controller addict so trying to use a keyboard was painful. You can’t even get used to the mechanics before some other player comes along and bashes your head in with a rock. RUST is beautiful but I don’t know if I can get good enough with a keyboard to compete.
Like the video, I want more reviews from clover!!! Like 👍
i am enjoying to play this game very much
so i am a poor kid…i am saving money for ark 2….but now learning about rust i am craving for it too…tell me what should i do?
thx man, helpful info, lookin into getting it.
lol the pve is awesome what you talking about
So can I choose not to play pvp until I figure the game out a little bit or is it just boom welcome to pvp
Spot on
Could you please explain what the long-term endgame is? I guess I’m saying, except for the survival mechanic in this game, would Tarkov be a better choice?
Antifa wannabe with a world to actually be intimidating to others. Real life doesn’t work at all, game world may.
Got Rust when it was a bundle and you can get 3 for like $30 USD, gifted it to some friends at the time. How much the game has evolved and improved is absolutely astronomical. You can play for 1 hour or 1 month and still have a story to tell.
3k hours in and I can’t stop playing it. I love and hate this game. The community is massive as well. Lots of streamers and YouTubers. I bought an official Rust tshirt and it’s hilarious when ppl recognize it.
2:26 clearly someone who doesn’t play rust lol, spear, axe, and helicopter blueprints? Yeah there’s a hatchet and salvaged axe but you can craft spears and stone spears from the first second, and no one can craft a helicopter lol.
I got this game when it very first came out and had a special for 5 dollars. I am at 7000 hours in the game and love it, highest replay value of any game on the planet
As a 8000 hours player i can confirm everything he says is correct 🙂
The recoil update ruined the game
rust is a legendary game
i will say faster then video , no NOT WORTH it becouse of cheater 80% community using hacks , esp, aim, recoil. playing rust from start and i know it. Left if becouse of cheaters.
Enjoying this game for 3 year straight, i love the grind
Rust has evolved through time, where one thing that wasn’t really mentioned is its comprehensive building system. It’s easy to get to grips with, and with electricity in the game you can build crazy things!
Rust is without a doubt, the best game I have ever played. But it’s exacted a huge cost on my. I think I’ve developed severe mental illness from playing 12 hours a day, every single day for months and months on end. I regret nothing
I played it for 30 min and got killed over 15 times.. not one guy spoke to me just 1 kid said i should f myself. I took the refund on steam and wait for Ark 2
Got Rust in a part of a Humble Bundle back in 2016, the whole bundle cost me 1€, best purchase i ever had. Played Rust so much, enjoyed every minute of it. Highly recommend it, the game still holds very well after so much time.
Great vid man and thx for reviewing this game because i was actually waiting for u to make a review for rust bec i really like how u overall do the reviews not like any other YouTuber i just prefer u , keep doing begin cool bro
Its on sale right now and after watching this, Im considering on buying it. cheers
I want to like the game. But I can’t recommend it to anyone because of the other players. All people do is camp the landmarks and spawn areas in every server. If you do get a base, it’s gonna get raided while your offline. Either you live in-game to protect your loot or you have nothing and will die with nothing for nothing. The official servers are plagued with hackers.
Had to refund this game I couldn’t get much done without getting killed losing all my stuff constantly.
Spawn#1 I got chased by a few nakeds making weird noises throwing rocks and spears when i barely spawned and died.
Spawn#2 Next I got somewhere actually was able to make a small base feeling pretty good then I heard group of guys telling me “Give me all your things or we gonna destroy your base” I told them I’m new to the game they didn’t care so they count to 3 which did reach to 3 they end up leaving then few minutes later i heard explosions then gunfire before i knew it i was dead in a instant saw 4 guys in a gas looking suit.
Spawn#3 Pissed off about that encounter I start running around collecting resources to make another base needing food i saw a boar I tried spearing a boar then i realize that was a bad idea and it killed me also forgot to add a sleeping bag so i lost everything again!
Spawn#4 Already feeling defeat and all i can think about is killing at least 1 player then i can feel complete so I gave it another go I decided to get resources again had a bow and a spear ready to kill this player while i was sneaking i heard a bear then it proceed to come at me and you cant out run the damn thing then i died again…
Spawn#5 Basically already frustrated at this point my last straw was when I got killed by 2 naked characters (no censor on) with spears then I ask them to kill me so i can just spawn again but they wouldn’t kill me instead they decided to just tbagged me which both of them dudes start making girly moaning noises then I had to force kill myself with a command.
I laughed a bit since it caught me off guard and that was good enough for me I stop caring about getting 1 kill but that’s how my journey ended with rust all within a hour. lol