Rust Top Skins | Fox Rug, Blackout LR, Oyster Rock, And AK’s Galore! #99 (Rust Skin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Fox Rug, Blackout LR, Oyster Rock, And AK’s Galore! #99 (Rust Skin Picks)
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=2165229409
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Other Music- Happy ride magnus, ES_Happy Playground 1-3 – Merlean
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust skins,rust new skins,rust top skins,rust top 10 skins,rust glow skins,rust marketplace,rust skin unboxings,rust store,skins,rust weapon skins,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust updates,rust devblog,rust survival,play rust,lets play rust,rust lets play,rust pvp,rust building,rust epic,rust news,rust tips,facepunch,playrust,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermanguy rust,thatgermanguy
コメント (88)
i love tehe box
If I miss the skin where else can I still get it?
How do I buy the iced out ak skin?
that m249 skin is awesome also
that hemp door and cult one is awesome
The skins we got in comparison to all the great ones in this video astounds me.
Great video, hoping for the cult door!
Please god.. no more aks
That Python door is SICK
So are these in the game or are they going to be soon
Occult door – Winter scout bag – glacial visage and elite chestplate are my main picks the rest is fine..
I can’t find the blackout lr
Hope that beach 🏖 wooden door makes it
A cow skin ak? Really?
No offence to the creator wich did a good job but i’d like to see less troll, more rusty/army/warr/gore/tech like skins
HMMMM glacial visage PLEASE!!!! I liked some of the stuff I saw early on, but as soon as I saw the blue runes on the side of it, it had me jizzing all over the place. Using Molten Visage for 99% of my LWB’s, this would be perfect to mix it up!!!
There are so many good skins this week, probably gonna buy several ak skins
Blackout AR, Hemp Door, snow camo bag, hell/cult metal door are easily the best. Everything else is meh
I love the car box and m249
Love the rugs and that python door!
12:04 malachite
Give box
why would someone get offended at naming that skin desert storm??? lmao fucking clown word
Oooh my god……this is a cow ak!
Voice please!
i wish TC skins are a thing :/
Right on! Good content! Go visit my channel and join if you like 🕹
Thanks TGG! I can see you had a lot of work this week.. +60 skins ahah Good luck everyone!
Nice stuff. I’ve wanted a blue glow box for a long time.
That demon door is top of my need list now
A LOT of good skins this week, btw! Now this is a hard to choose week.
Don’t screw it up, Helk! You already passed by another good glowing cheat. Don’t skip this one! PLEASE!
skins at this week is so cool!
Baphomet door and hemp door… FTW! Tropical AK very cool.
Too bad they didn’t add an inflatable summer ball to the dlc. to play around with people on the beach.
Thanks for the video! Can you suggest a skin set completion week. There’s sooooo many sets left unfinished now.
We def need more skins for the bolt, python, M249 ,etc hope one of those make it
so much stuff this week lol not a big fan of the deployables but the guns are cool, any of the LR/Ak or python I would buy
Snow sleeping bag, fox rug, ops knife all look sweet.
I want the Cow AK
A lot of nice skins
Blackout. And tactical
well I won’t buy anymore new skins cause FP don’t compleete older sets, so it’s pointless to start buying new sets.
Things i will buy if they make it in and i hope they do, open bar door, car box, tropical ak, oyster. Where are the summer skins from last week? none were in shop this week??
I must have the visage box
Need that visage box in my life 😍
Please <3
Oooo ooh I want that “hemp” door!!!
This video is .. definitely for sure
Definitely Definitely
Blue glow box for suuuuuure!
hope helk finishes the phantom set 🤞
Been really looking forward to the iced out sets for guns.
The blue glow box for sure and the oyster
If a skin doesn’t make it in during the week that it was submitted, is it over for that skin? We’ll never see penguin set? 😢
bling bling ak …………………bo2
Not even half-way through the video and I need to add money to my Steam account given the potential of so many skins that I’d want….
The demonic door is sick and the chest. I’m getting both for sure if they come out
Was the stickered small box skin from 2 weeks ago an exclusive skin because I can not find it on the steam market
Beach door and Blackout LR 👌
Dang that’s a lot of skins 😮
A lot of bad gun skins shown in this one… Skip last 7 minutes
Lot’s of great skins, but if I could pick just one to make it in I would go for the M249, looks so different to all other M249 skins, love it and want more skins for it.
So want the the M249 and the sleeping bag …..and the glowing box…..lots of good
My favourites are the beach door and the visage box
i pray for the cult mettal door!!!
Another sick week for skins amazing job everyone. Cheers TGG for the showcase ❤️
Holey Moley that’s a lotta skins right there!!
bling ak sadly aingt going to make it
when can i buy these?
Vlek is really creative with box skins! good luck all to thursday, thanks for the video 🙂
A moment of silence for my bank account…
its sad that the visage box wont be added
62 skins wow. alot of nice ones tho
That furnace with the glowing mushrooms is clean af. Copping if it comes out.
yes! diamond AK
Oyster oyster oyster. Even if every other skin is dog crap, I want that Oyster rock lol. Lot of good looking skins there though. Would be a hard pick for sure. HELK !!! Oyster Rock!!!
so many skins this week 😮 good luck everyone
Very nice skins,love the Elite camo set! 🙂
We need this bolty !
Oh wow I really like the polar bear, python, and beach door
Nice aks
wow that a lot of stuff, good luck to everyone !!
Great video 👍🏻💪🏻 thank you for uploading the news from the community skins😁
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