Bro they might be free but you got no skill if one was look dead at you youll be dead an wait if you kill him theres still another to kill so you got lucky
Console rust is horrible…. Sorry but rust should be only played on pc… Your waisting valuble time and money on rust console, and aiming in rust on console is like bro … I cant even explain it dogshit i guess its the most worse game ive ever aimed in on but probably the best hip fire iv hit is in that game
Rusty Randys 3x needs repopped bro, usually events my dad owns serv and can give some starts, lots of pvp just not enougj ppl, Zingles_Gettit is the owner
Console is just being ruined by shitters with something they plug in , your not triple headshotting me from a small boat while I’m on cargo at 75 m like no that’s a program bro that’s not you
That was almost cool? Rust is literally for grown men who have no life, job, and act like little girls. Facts. I literally quit Rust because every person I teamed with was a loser who yelled at the video game when something bad happened to then losers
People swear us console players got it is if they played console they would know how Ruff it is being shot 100 meters away w a zen then a 8 man lurking and raiding 24/7 like it’s not easy not the mention it’s no aim assist and this video kinda old so everyon gonna always get better and better
Yo carsons 3x 6 man pop cap needs repoping active admins check it out
Bro they had there back turned of course thats free kits
If they were worth a shit they would have killed you easily. Me? I’m a zen slayer. So I don’t think you’d pull that shit on me.
I miss old rust
Donkey ass aim
2 bot
What where they doing?
Oh m’y god why are Skyrim NPC’s in rust now ?
Fake the helmets are different
Bro they might be free but you got no skill if one was look dead at you youll be dead an wait if you kill him theres still another to kill so you got lucky
Lemme play with you
Can anyone explain to me why everyone on console rust is so egotistical?
So laggy compared to my rust console, what console you play on bro?
hop on real rust bro LOL
in my prime i was slaming
Bro thinks anyone cares he no life’s Minecraft with guns
10 fps wtf is that
Why do these videos get 500k views
Bro what you looking at
Terrible aim not a single head shot
They were indeed free
Do rust players shoot back
Can I play a rust wipe with you
Join my rust console server retro’s Paradise
He died right after I heard the footsteps
he would’ve clipped it if he didn’t
Uh you suck
lol get a pc
they playing on the Kinect for sure
Je recrute sur un serveur communauté console édition le nom est serveur=farme×6
B r o there console players. You play to much cod.
Console rust is horrible…. Sorry but rust should be only played on pc… Your waisting valuble time and money on rust console, and aiming in rust on console is like bro … I cant even explain it
dogshit i guess its the most worse game ive ever aimed in on but probably the best hip fire iv hit is in that game
Bro was on 70000000 fps
And he got Rhodes that very night
Every console clip looks like pure dogwater
YouTubers when they play rust console: free kits omg free base
When I play rust console: the sec I put down a base it’s getting raided
1000 ping
Damn that shits clunky
Nahh why does console rust look like this
how do u even know when you hit them? I swear pc companies don’t even try when they make Xbox ports lmao
Rust on console looks so awkward lol
I found a m2 in a boat on console
I’ve never seen such a good representative for console rust because I can confirm that half the peopl act like this
These are se goofy ah content creator player what they doing inspecting the wall?
Rusty Randys 3x needs repopped bro, usually events my dad owns serv and can give some starts, lots of pvp just not enougj ppl, Zingles_Gettit is the owner
Bro, get a better recording set up you’re recording is trash and you’re trash at that game
Bro, you literally suck
Rust console is just a budget version of Rust for broke mf
L+ ratio + mid
Yo can you please be on my team I need really good teammates and me n my teammates are usually always on
The zen tho
Ho played rust in console?
Bro u shot them in the back point blank so ye they were ez kills but doesn’t make them free kits bc u got too ez kills bro bro
Bro has good armor
You play on Xbox of course there will be free kits
How do you get those graphics?
Bros playing rust mobile edition
Bludenz is still plaing on console

Pls join my server treeless 5x
bru go play pc rust
Cocky but ok
Average ps play
bros spiting out faxs
Try help grow my crossplay server: DerpRust – 2x
I doubled a m2 kid in the head with sar snow jacket
console players are free kits
Your zen your zen jk nice kills
bro swear 2 godddd that’s literally my trio
i mean, they were turned away basically

Console rust
Please tell me where to find these people
Ps or Xbox
Bro put “

Bro that fight was so free
Bad aim
can’t tell who’s worse
And that is when like crust first came out
Bro they are not looking at you
As a console rustian I can confirm if this
console rust is ass just get a pc
console sucks and its ez
I thought it was like a scientist pov or something jesus fucking christ
Console is just being ruined by shitters with something they plug in , your not triple headshotting me from a small boat while I’m on cargo at 75 m like no that’s a program bro that’s not you
bro said nah no more kits 4 u
What server? I need some donations too
This gotta be on an old gen console because the game runs far better on ps5 haha
Scripted content bet that was your team to troll us
You’re all bad
Ong free kits kid has no game sense

He plays hound n4
Who’s worse
They play xbox ofc there free
Goofy mobile game how yall play this
Every body on console off lines no cap
Very funny this is ur friends
Console GROSS
Guys guys stop giving him credit this is a old clip from a while ago you can also tell he cropped out the watermark and reuploaded
Bro u stole that vid
Bro missed an Ak

Yo help me
I’ve ran into phantom frost before he’s a dick roof camper
That was almost cool? Rust is literally for grown men who have no life, job, and act like little girls. Facts. I literally quit Rust because every person I teamed with was a loser who yelled at the video game when something bad happened to then
Ps4 rust playere
if you on console, xbox are the inly comp players fr
Nice play brother
People swear us console players got it is
if they played console they would know how Ruff it is being shot 100 meters away w a zen then a 8 man lurking and raiding 24/7 like it’s not easy not the mention it’s no aim assist and this video kinda old so everyon gonna always get better and better
Bro console rust
Watching console rust looks like someone playing PUBG mobile
Obviously using zen lol
Console players on rust are npcs
One sec im messaging both of them whats their cashapp im buyin them a headset
Bro where are these guys when I got a full inventory of loot. I swear every time I am geared an ak veteran pulls up to beam me
console ew
Bro the lag and graphics are so bad on console like a completely different game
I doubt free kits when u came from behind….
Bro 1 why are you on Xbox 2 get a pc
why dose this never happen to me everytime i try to kill someone they beam me with a zen from 300m away
Console rust is so garbage just get a gaming laptop bro
That lag tho
fucking console 

Я не представляю пвп на Луках на консоли.
Is this a new roblox game?
Bro your definitely new teh Xbox is why
Nah you use zen weird
Name :Killerklownken13
Play together
Can we p
I forgot how terrible console rust is
gotta love the inferior gaming hardware, i have more fps on all max than you have on, that
I have about 2k hours on actual rust… i bought rust console due to friends irl… they should genuinely call it Rust Lite edition
This is the worst game I have ever fucking played. The only thing they could give me is a refund for ultimate.
Does anyone know any xbox servers that allow aim assist cause this game is unplayable without it
Sick bot battle
You all look like npcs
Got 1.9k hours on pc rust and I barely play console rust
Actually it wasn’t free it was players you had to kill and it was very very dangerous. Be more careful next time!
Zen or Xim? Either way L for falling in to being so trash u gotta cheat, smh frfr.
What’s the server
lol even though it looks like an npc bros has 0 ping on god
Damn they bots how many hours u got I got 3153k hrs
Chill it’s just he on Xbox
You box kids get skins?
You are a bot , PC is better
Imagine playin console rust
I swear rust Consol players are either Thinking they’re going x games mode or they are potatoes
That was sad how u put a clip like that on Yt
Just to all the nerds your not gonna get no bitches or money flexing that ur better at a video game. Noone cares…
When I get shot at I get scared and jolt/jerk

Edit:1 I have almost 1000 hours in the game
Come check us out daily rust streams
Bro where are these players when I get counterd at large oil by a dam 6 man
I wish my kills were this clueless
“Free Kits” when he killed them with there backs turned
Your behind them both Wdym free kits
And you gotta be toxic?
Bro got that 20 gp
So your proud of shooting some dudes in the back ? Damn console be weird asf
lol u killed permafrost
Bro every console rust clip I see it’s like a npc interaction
Wait a minute bro I thought i was the only one that actually made that base I never see them!
And ofc
bro I must be the unfortunate rust player as always lmaooooo
Do console kids understand how sad this shit is
CRUST is fucking gross just sell your console or play a different game LMAO
No headshoots bad
console rust hella cringe
Bro i start shaking every fight
Man can I have my kits back it’s only been like 3 wipes
Bro that was me I ain’t even finna cap we lived on the ice lake above launch
They either deaf or blind or both
I farm sulfur for people i charge $5 per row lmk if you interested
Bros in the perfect 2×2
Gimme a start
Free kits *Misses a shot on a knocked person*
you say that but you didn’t hit a single headshot from point blank range
Ah yes Rust console the game where you online anyone they despawn loot
We all know u died 3seconds after , u can hear the footsteps and u would have included more if u killed a other one
Not Impressive Seen Better Sorry
That’s not really toxic just some free kits and ez kills
Immagine being toxic in console edition
Bro u killed from behind like excpet they dont know about u
Why ppl salty ?
Did you get shit on right after this clip cause at the end you can clearly hear someone running on grass
runs so smooth
U forgot the pvp part ThY didn’t shoot
This is a new nightmare Pedro’s nightmare
Bro what server is this
U look to be way better than most ps5 players I’ve seen
This is embarrassing
Killed two guys from behind who didn’t know u were there and still almost missed. Free kits my ass
Bro that man is clearly wearing a metal face mask HOW THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE A COFFEE CAN EQUIPPED?!?!?
Why there so many negative comments jeez
New sub!
Bro really uploaded a video about spraying 2 ppl at close range and almost whiffing
Try and do that pc rust old recoil shitter
You got a zen lmao
Says free kits proceeds 2 miss alot of shits if I was there with Tommy holo bro those guys would of been deader than my dad
Doesn’t seem like free kits
Is this old rust?