This One Trick Will Make You Better at Rust… #shorts
This was a really cool when I first discovered it. So I decided to share it with you guys!
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The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
#rust #rustmeme #shorts
Taqs:rust,rust pvp,rust shorts,syn,rust meme,meme,ak,rust ak,rust ak spray,get better at rust,this one trick,trick,rust gameplay,scene,shorts,syn rust
コメント (464)
So terrible
Handmade sight on a ak your literary killing me
idk yet bc todays my birthday and im getting rust console
hope it works!
I can do that with just a laser…
Say ur a new gen with saying ur a new gen
Anyone who actually believes this is either a noob or an idiot
Don’t let bro cook again
I don’t use muzzle break but it’s ok too
tell me you cant control recoil without telling me you can control recoill
Bruh I just use naked ak it’s not hard to recoil control
This shit does not work on console rust the recoil is worse than ice spice
Why handmade sight
Making your character talk is getting cringe
6 months ago i asked for server name still waiting ?
use holo lazer extended mag and muzzle brake for zero reciol
You lying
Everyone’s starting to find my strat and I don’t like it
It’s a lot better on console
Facepunch watched ur video and made it happen
Muzzle boost isnt even worth it, more firerate doesnt make up for damage and velocity, plus your teamates will make fun of you
too much recoil i cant use
I really like handmade for medium and close range. Also gets bonus points for pissing off anyone who steals it from you.
I got entire wipe with this tricks gj !
I use holo laser muzzle brake and extended mag on console for ak only
This is actually viable because of the new update that removes all the debuffs of the muzzle boost but one thing is for certain remove the hand made sight and change it to the holo
The hand made sight though
No Guns have recoil the runs the game 2 years ago
Is that a dude walking in the air
Did this and got insided
Zen user
Or ur just trash
All you really need is a 4x extended mag and laser
Try my community serv. “3x Farm+/New Phantom Qs/Starts On Spawn/Monthly”
Don’t forget the no recoil scripts, those help a lot
never play the game again
just use the lr you bum
get ready so start beaming instantly takes the amount of bulllets it would without these attachments
This is a shit combo
I have 10k hours and if I see my teammate doing this I’ll be disappointed
What’s funny is I like to play on a pve server, and an npc had this combo, and I loved it! I was getting head shots left and right. It’s funny how its better than the hollow sight lol
Clearly aimbot hhahaha this auto move when kill the first directly to other player, shut up
Suppressor makes it nuttier
so its a lr?
Uninstall the game
Kicking anyone from the team with this on
Why the handmade sight and not holo???
new gen alert
I do not understand people that use simple sight over holo, u might as well just use iron sight
yeah but you still cant standspray
Muzzle boost keeps your dps equal while lowering your overall dmg per mag
it also does less damage
Bro was just clairvoyant i guess… Time to finally try this shit out
saying its no recoil when muzzle boost literally adds more recoil is wild
It come with the nice Feature in discord too. U get trashtalked even more
Looks like my zen aim
I will try
my avrage rust teammate
Just get good
Your teammates should be happy you are not losing all the aks and actually winning fights
hell nah bro is sabotaging new players by making them absorb these shit tips lol please for the love of god never use these even no attachments 100x is better than this abomination
all you need is a laser sight at bare minimum
holo is what’ll actually let you beam
hahahaha lmao
Got banned for cheating when used this. But I think it was because of my Chronis zen
And extended mag
I personally like the handmade sight better than a holo it’s just cleaner
mehh , i only use holo and flashlight
did you forget to mention the fact that you will get flamed and the fact that it brings down damage
I always use this
No muzzle boost no work for anyone.
If you cant handle the current reqoil on the AK you could also try getting good
A better combo is muzzle brake holo and lazar because the muzzle brake actually gets rid of a ton of recoil
I think it’s the handmade sight ts go no recoil
As someone who’s brand new to rust, what’s the problem with this
I wanna not make this mistake and get bullied
“all you need to do is put in your credit card information and you’ll be op”
That has been my console edition combo for years
hollow ak is way better
Bro deadass I’ve been using this setup and someone finally exposed this shit it’s so busted
How can people still not beam even after recoil update
why people hating this like what is the reason i can’t see
Old rust players know how busted attachments and ammo types are. Tommy with incen ammo, laser, muzzle boost and sight of any kind easily outgunned AK. For some reason all the people who joined on new recoil have a phobia of anything thats not basic 55/pistol ammo, holo sight and flashlight.
Imagine asking the guy with bps to make this
My friend tried this before i still fucked him up with no attach
I used to always use the handmade before they changed it
i always used this combo lmao, not for the recoil difference, but so i can have a advantage from upclose so i can triple faster
Muzzle brake works better for me because being more accurate is hard to beat.
Bruhhhhhhhh no extended mag lol
I BEEN SAYINH DONT SLEEP ONA HANDMADE also it makes every Kill better bc they see that they died to someone using a. handmade
if you had an extra mag, does it mess it up?
Good to know
It’s good for close quarters but far range drop the muzzle boost
muzzle break 4x next?
8x on ak ontop
Does it have to be a hand made sight?
Yea all great and everything but u have to know the ak recoil to begin with. Me with 1k hours held one one time and lost it immediately
I’m on rust cons9lw so i don’t think it will work much
And tactical gloves
Step one:
find/craft said mods
Non rust player here… Why are attachments frowned upon in rust?
(I only enjoy watching rust gameplay)
Join my console crossplay server: DerpRust – 2x
Too bad conse recoil is still jacked and my aim with its spray pattern is ass
Nk recoil and proceeds to no control recoil well and also get bullied by his teammates
your friends will treat you as disabled, your random q will boot you instantly, but you will know what it’s like to be a madman
-Take 7 friend and own a personal recycle (become VIP)
Do a video on how Overpowered the maniac facemask skin is considering at close distances it looks like a bandana
bro Ak recoil isnt hard at all, original recoil was harder
Please link that server
You legit don’t need anything if you can’t spray with new ur dogshit it’s all right based anyways
Hand made by itself is all you need I play 400 dpi, .9
How to get bummed 101
People give the handmade sight to much shit it ain’t half bad
I can’t aim without holo site. I’m sorry, sir.
Bro are you gay????
Bro has 4 hours in rust sayin this
All my shit getting stolen
holo and a flashlight does just fine.
Just get good with Holo and laser
Exchanging some damage for the same fire rate does absolutely nothing for dps, you just lose velocity for no reason.
This is just now on my feed and I have done this back when recoil was a thing… Like 8 years ago…
How to get insided by your teammates 101
Fuck rust
better use a python or smth 55 dmg
GG if you need this after the weapon update last year, GG boys
This is super good thank you
Man I have over 5k hours and this is the beast am tip but I wish they bring back old recoil bc the was fun to use but this has my teammates bulling me
You see this tip works because your enemies will be so confused by your profound gooberness that they’ll forget to shoot and you get the free pick
Yea let me pull out my Ak from my farmed compound I did solo
Having a muzzle boost is a big red flag to any rust player
. Everyone will shot on you lmao
If you need a handmade sight and a muzzle boost to kill somebody in 2023 rust i dont know what to say the game is call of duty recoil now so
This game is laid af for consoles fr a waist of 50$ I wish I got my money back
What’s up with rust players not liking attachments? Like so what I got random stuff on my gun.
Dont know why people dont like the handmade sight it feels amazing and is incredible on the Thompson, dont underestimate it
If I’m using ak it’s either holo or it sits in a box until I get a holo
Good crosshair placement looked like you most click heads
just stop being a bot and staying prim then you should be fine
Or just cheat ahahahahaha
Where tf do you find guns in this game?
I’m bad with ak spray, it’s a bit too slow with the fire rate in my opinion, ive been using the muzzle boost for a while now and it’s awesome. Console meta fs
Wow use the attachments
tip 1, this only work with zen
Every person who sucks with the ak has had these attachments, pretty sure it makes them worse lmao not to mention this dudes standing still crouched in the clips it’s embarrassing
Muzzle boost is good?
I think you forgot the part where you have to be good at the game
I’m new, why are the comments like this, do people really care that much what attatchrments you use?
You didn’t create that did you though.
I remember the day I used to play muzzle brake with semi beeming everyone and still got bullied by team mates
love the handmade but the muzzle boost is just -10% velo
Now you are ready to be flamed by both your friends and enemies
been doin this for years
Camping in spawn on 2v2s huh wackk
Ironsight with a fucking weapon flashlight all a guy needs.
My friend made this allready
Did not work LOL
Lol I found that out such. Long time ago
That’s been my combo for years
Warning! Warning! Using this combo puts you at risk of : Being doxed being dropped bullied being swatted death threats
I know a guy who unironically ran ak 16x.
meanwhile holo lazer crying in corner
why do I need a trick to help shoot someone close range to mid range?
No one gonna use this unless they want to get jumped by their tm8s
Add an extended mag gives you more time for the buzzle boost
was that literally a cheater in the video lmfao
I will also say this. Rust players think they know everything and any attempt at creativity is met with them losing their shit and THATs gross. Cant be helped tho ig.
Muzzle boost is okay on mp5 and custom, but other than that… Idk. Id maybe run it for lols on an LR or AK but i wouldnt go out of my way to make it. And why use simple sight over holo? Holo reduces aim cone. Simple sight is for guns like the hermalmgerer because the irons are nasty.
Yea I was using this as a joke the other day and i was like this shit slams it’s new meta
Even before recoil update I used to use handmade and laser
If you get in a 1v1 and the other person has ungodly recoil control with no muzzle boost 90% of the time in a you lose because of the damage reduction
*Not me hovering over the kick button after my teammate sent me this video
Beaming the mountain behind that guy over there
this is the most virgin
Alone in Tokyo uses the Holosight and has a dodge pattern that locates on one side of an obstacle, shoots on the other. He has the reflexes of a mongoose too.
Bro, who that hasn’t figured this out already speak up.. sheesh
Bro say the AK has any recoil to start out with lmfaooo
Thanks for telling the shitters man 0_o
Might as well give myself cancer while im at it if i want it in games so much
Oh the em2 is just the ak’s insecurities
Replace the muzzle boost with silencer
I use handmade sight and laser on mp5 and it beams
Honestly is this guys being sarcastic because all the comments are kinda confusing me????
i would rather kick one of my teammates before i waste my beautiful hq on a muzzle boost
Is that for console cuz I think the weapons are completely different 8n PC rust
put handmade sight on any weapon = gay
little to no recoil?
After the recoil update, the AK already has NO RECOIL.
Recoil update killed the skill gap, and thus killed PvP.
Yea good idea facepunch, just change the spray patterns that have been in the game for years, all just to appease shitters who couldn’t control the AK
please just use the fucking holo and not the handmade.
Tried and failed gg
Ur aim doo doo
Loll my guys used to play with 8x aks when the spray in rust was wild no way i could justify this setup to them
You are kinda gay idk bro
I promise you if you practice AK holo for 30 minutes for a week it will make you so much better of a player
Imagine asking ur teammate “can you craft me a hand made sight and a muzzle boost”
that’s a insta drop from the team lmao
Wait I don’t understand. Is this video a troll or does the gun actually perform well?
every ak guy i killed had those attatchments it really works guys everyone should use it id like more aks please
It actually makes zero different to recoil, ive tested it extensively. There is a reason that holo laser is meta.
Instructions unclear my entire clan started bullying me
Lol high dpi 2500 and down sight aim sensitivity at.4 then make ur mouse4 as ur primary pick up as hoverloot
CHAT-GBT…Make me an AK build
“Okay, add these 3 attachments”
*Makes Video*
Now you will be accurately missing your shots
Does it work on console
For got he was using zen
It doesn’t work
I have massive skill issue
Or just learn ak’s easy ass recoil
You didn’t find this stolen content
Bro it’s so bad
we are both not the first to find it pal i did it before you but still were both not the first
Holo laser bruh
Meanwhile there’s a guy shooting from the sky
Tips and tricks on how to make every player think your an AI
People still play rust after the devs broke it? Wow that’s surprising.
New gen build
this isnt a new tip lol this has been a thing since the muzzle boost came out gotta love it when the new kids start and think the tricks we found out years ago are new lol
Yikes just get good maybe
Wonder what loadout the guy floating in the sky is using…
Rust console people discover this a year ago
by Dylan Sitts & Ooyy
I watched a guy shoot like this he turned out to be a hacker
I killed a zerg group one by one and took some loot. Atleast 3 AK’s with 4x scopes
The literally took the recoil away for all the twitch kids. What else do you need? NEW RUST IDLE CLICKER MOBILE
Na just get good like tac spicy etc
just learn the fucking spray
can we please stop this retarded trend of making it seem like the rust character is talking and waving his arms around its so fucking stupid just get to the point and end it
why does it have to be handmade sight
I missed when rust was actually skill based with recoil
Works on m2
Funny since u don’t have recoil on pc rust try console and you will hate it cause u suck
I would not recommend this but if your comfortable with using this combo sure, but practice with no attachments because your most likely not always gonna have these attachments on you
Ive been saying this to my friends for years even on the old recoil.
I got accused of cheating
thats just cringe
Tbh the handmade sight makes every Gun look like it has reduced recoil but it’s still very much there it’s weird
Bro this has ALWAYS been my goto, its so weird seeing others do it now
Most unrealistic thing in rust is that this site is zeroed at all
Even before the aim cone disaster it was too much bullet spread. Imagine now
This will just make you bad with no accessories and will hurt you in the long run when you don’t have access to the accessories
Play on console where there’s no auto aim, no crosshair, no nothing
Only really works on 50m and below, the damage drop off is crazy with that combo
this used to be a meta on the LR before it got nerfed. good ol days
Instructions unclear, I got caller retarded by my teammates
I am to poor to afford that in rust
I feel like i can aim like that in aim trainer but i aim like a stormtrooper in an actual gunfight lol maybe panicking too much idk
Nope I still suck ass
Cod load outs in rust
Handmade squad rise up!!!
How to get called the n word speed run?
Holo laser is accurate already what
Remove Muzzle Boost and its P
Lmao, меня начали булить за самодельный прицел и дульный ускори… А лол я же в соло
You literally just pull down and to the left with AK and it beams. If you need this you’re literally garbage.
2018 rust is calling
Just need the muzzle brake
You can’t shoot the ak as it is now
Or u just learn how to pull down..
Skill issue, just get good
And a keyboard and mouse*
first step of getting shit on by a maze goblin that stand sprays
Using this combo basically means your shooting a mp5 now. Don’t bother!
Roleplayer attachments, shitty roleplayer wannabe Chad channel
Also tactical gloves tho
Ya being on MAK
If you really wanna cheese this, use windows magnifier and Dock it on the scope, set a key binding to increase and decrease the zoom, now you have a sight with a variable zoom and the ak can also laser beam.
Just tried it out and it is working very very well
Surrender your butthole after this one trick
Man in the air is chillin bro
Why u disrespecting the ak with handmade
recoil is ez enough already lol
People still play this dumb fuck game?
Handmade sight is the best sight in the game except for snipers
Bold of you to assume I can get an ak.
Please, everyone use this. It’ll add some comedy when I pull this off your dumbass corpse.
This is why I’ll never lover the the new recoil
I just use scripts… thanks anyways
just something I discovered last year but never used because it‘s boring
been using this on the al forever anyway lmaooo. mind you i played a lot 20-6-17 and then recently.
u should of tagged the original guy man
this is for new people guys
Been doing this sense new recoil
Like that one guy flying
it sounds like you only have 500 hrs
I love the handmade anyway
“You play Rust”
i used to use this back in the ol recoil and it didnt move
You have horrible recoil control
this is horrible is fucks your damage and zooms you in more then using gun sights
Me who never gets an AK unless some chad gives me one. Oh cool I’ll use this next time.
Whenever I kill a ak kids they always have this
Oh hell nah
Why the handmade? You already have AK so just use holo
Bro when the old recoil was a thing I practice in UKN with Ak suppressed and boosted to learn the recoil and the booster after time makes your regular spray improved I would always recommend it but it works for the most part new players will definitely not like booster but if you have a decent spray it may help
There’d already no recoil guys just pull down literally.
I’m just gonna say with pumpy slug
I did a full sheet of damage calculations and the boost actually makes the ttk a bit longer. on the other hand it is worth using if you like the tommy and only hit headshots :p
Yeah I think I’ll just keep running the AK naked thank you very much
Bro that is honestly sad the recoil is already to easy that just makes it do less damage
Faster fire rate with less damage
Where is tactical gloves ? Accuracy ++
or get better
Simple sight is literally all you need, for cqc/mid tho, Holo is great for a JOAT
Or just get good
Handmade sight is the way takes most of the recoil away from all guns
Bro there’s no recoil anyway combat update decimated learning curve for weapons
If you are new player like me and you can mange to get this on a sat it makes the safe 10x better
Miss using muzzle Boost with 16x on old recoil
naaaaa man dude
Super good
Another over powered trick turn on aim bot and it will make it so you never miss a shot
I watched this video and it has changed my Rust play. So I rented a movie theater with free showings so I can change other’s lives too.
dont do this lol
just install hacks why would you do this
yea please dont run this just practice with holo laser and you’ll be as good as you can be
Kids who just started playing rust thinking they’re discovering things that have been in the game for a long time but isn’t actually useful and we’ve known it
Oh hell nah, homie used the forbidden mussel and the forbidden sight
I use handmade laser but muzzle boost is just mid asf imo
the farmer on my clan started using this and ended up controlling fights
Scrub af
You weren’t the first one to make this nigga
Instructions unclear got banned for cheating
Ive been doing this with iron sights instead.
Just give me a holo and laser and call it a day
and I wonder how the guns i pick up have these attachments
Just get better nerd
I feel bad for everyone who does this
I can’t wait to pick someone’s gun up with these attachments
And the gloves.
Some one used this combo against me i killed him with a crossbow
I’ve been doing this since day 1 of recoil change
I used to do this when I first started playing like 2 months ago. You can also use holo, laser, muzzle break if ur new, boost if not new to make it basicly 0 recoil.
this tip will get u bullied and turn u to the most dogshit player in rust lmfao
What worked was the old fucking recoil, now the game feels like Im playing warzone
Why would you ever put a muzzle boost on any gun?
Iron sights flashlight muzzle boost and a laser
nah ill stick with the laser holo and just pull down combo
Lmaooo top bait
the main tip is, it’s always about the reaction time
I used to use this until I started getting bullied for it
Stop making your rust character look like its talking that shit is cringe asf
That’s how I always used to do it in the practice, servers or battle servers
just get good simple.
Or just learn how to control the recoil
I tried it and it didn’t help me much, but replacing the muzzle boost with a muzzle brake did.
Man u didnt know this? I just use lasersight holo
If I kill you and you have a muzzle boost on an AK I will report you for your parents not loving you properly.
I used this a few months ago, sad now that more ppl will start using this
Pfff lol bad build
No shit Sherlock…. Damn… Awesome trick bro, u came across it? Or did everyone already know
replace handmade with holosight get rid of muzzle boost and get extended mag
Or just use no attachments and play until u get the spray
nah flashlight and holo
Is better without
Nah imma just buy cheats
I’m surprised people know about this minus the muzzle boost
Buncha kids play this game I’m good
it crazy how i use acurate that on ukn
I have 9k hours in rust if I saw that shit I would take your ak and send you to the sulfur fields
This tip will also make everyone you play with think you have brain damage
Bro I been on this for so long and everyone been bullying me
Holo laser is better combo
Doesn’t matter because everyone is Zen anyway
I bought a zen and never looked back
Why not holo it literally reduces cone lmao
It’s dmg is bad
I remember back in the good old days of rust spending no less than a couple hundred hours perfecting the most complicated fps games recoil on the market the AK and it being a cardinal sin to use something like a muzzle boost on anything but a sar. These days you mf get to have a life and spray an AK semi accurately envy, pure envy
I’ve been doing this for the last few years
Also a tip instead of the muzzle boost suppressor makes it a lil better
how is no one talking about the guy floating
Also learned from FFA ak, the first bullet will always hit if you shoot right before ads, and more often the 2nd bullet will bounce up to a headshot. Just get the first shot off before you ads and you’ll have the advantage
the handmade has nothing to do with it
Look what they did to my boy man. Rip rust recoil grind
This is old mate
Arguably it’s also easier because it has less visual recoil
Bro I used this combo for so long time and no one wanted to believe me that I was a beamer with these attachments
Thank you for not looping. It’s the most obnoxious thing and nearly every Rust Youtuber has contracted the “need-to-loop” disease.
Not using iron sight or holo will get u joked on for sure
Or just get better lol
Well I’ve just started loading in to a server so il let you know in 3 hours hahaha
Coming from someone with many years experience trust me don’t you’ll get bullied and holo laser is the only way
Bro I have been using that. I noticed back in 2020. For some weird reason the homemade sight has less recoil than most optics and it’s also op on the M249.
Also the bolt action rifle and L96 have a broken reload that can be used best if you don’t want to do a slow reload.
Ugh i miss the old recoil. Haven’t played much since the change.
That combo is better on the hmlmg
Taking credit and saying you found this without giving credit to original vid is pretty wild, don’t be that guy
Yes but i play the holo sight instead of home made one, is giving me more view in the sight
its just placebo from the sight, only thing to run on an ak is iron sight and laser
HMLMG + Holo + Laser + Muzzle Brake = overpowerd to
But be careful bcs this is gonna really change the recoil so get ready to get used to it also reduces the damage
Forgot to mention the scripts
I like having a hollow sight in my inventory
ive been using this from the start lmao. silener works good aswell but sucks on damage
I used to do this with the MP5 I would get FLAMED by my teammates but I would choose mp5 over AK and absolutely rip people with that thing it was OP now they nerfed mp5 so bad it sucks I hate new rec change for mp5
no nooby lmao
This is trash
holographic laser and a suppressor in inventory , that j what I run tho
No using anything with muzzle in it on rust is a sin
Meh I just run the regular halo laser and extendo just play on those practice servers for few hours every month you get good
Been using this fr years
This is not right please for everyone’s sake don’t advise this. Just learn the recoil
I already knew this lmao
Lol, as if the ak had any recoil in the first place XD
He said combo on the ak like he making a cod class
Well you could just use a holo with a laser and hit your shots
Bruh the AK is super easy to use. If you have to add attachments to it to make it good you’re just trash at rust
You also need a pc or on console or you need a xim
The ak spray is so easy now you dont need anything on it. Those attachments make you do less damage. If you can beam ak spray with no attachments then youll beam when you put the laser on. Problem solved
Ive known this for 2 years
Holo laser is meta idk what this dude is talking about
Sorry but, why dont use a muzzle brake?
Fixed , will not worck
Just use aimbot
bruh did it like 2 years ago
Can you stop givin out the tips the og’s have known for years
Not the muzzle boost
their for people with little to no practice with guns
I always do this
I’ve always done this
Now this is a trick hahahaha
Go outside
not you that found it
You stole some kids strat wow good job
Bruv y u telling ppl my tricks I been running this setup since day 1 on console rust
Just use holo and laser
Pov: You’re gay
Op on tommy
console rust players:

Dude you’re revealing the secrets of Rust dwellers. Even this technique isn’t listed in the Sacred Order Of The DB Naked
This tip will also get u bullied by ur teammates
Muzzle attachments are so under-rated lol
Does anyone know if this works on console?
Or just get good at the game?
Can i make that combo on All wepons or Not
been on this since like 2020
Or just get good with a laser extended mag holo loser.. lol that setup is for the bad Ak sprayers….
Do not use this
jus use iron sight laser or a holo if ur feeling sexy
It’s awful in a real vanilla fight when someone’s far. Probably works for ukn when you are in voice command range
I knew that shit from the start
Muzzle boost is very understated ( I’m weird and put it on customs pls don’t judge me)
Just close range
Bear is the first one to find this
Holo laser is all you need all ranges
this was before the recoil update dummy
Muzzle brake laser 8x
It did
I tried telling everyone the handmade laser combo is OP but all my friends just laughed ta me lol
I already knew this lol
Credit to the owner who found this?
Just get good with a holo only
Is it only with the handmade sight or does the hall have the same effect
Does this work for console?
Don’t ever talk to me again
I’ll check it out
Close to mid range it works really well, past 100m I’m having trouble seeing what I’m shooting at
All that and yo spray still ass
This goes against my every instinct but will try and get back to you
whens the new video coming out
It works.