20 Tips I WISH I KNEW SOONER in Rust | Ultimate Rust Beginner Guide.
In this Rust guide, I showed 20 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Sooner to fix your base building, game settings, pvp, and raids 2024.
Business Enquiries: stelicbusiness@gmail.com
Complete Bunker Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EJ1bMq2fjU&t=23s&ab_channel=STELIC
00:00 – Intro
00:37 – Where to Play
03:34 – Essential Settings
04:52 – Gameplay
05:41 – Small Details
09:13 – Building Tips
Subscribe – @stelicRUST
Commands from the video:
bind n “forward;sprint”
bind n “”
#rust #rusttips #rustpvp
Taqs:rust,rust tips,rust tips and tricks,rust pvp,rust tips 2023,rust building tips,rust tips for new players,rust tips and tricks 2023,stelic,rust tutorial,rust tricks,building tips rust,rust tips you don’t know,best rust tips,rust raid,rust settings,rust guide,rust tips 2024,rust survival,rust beginner guide 2024,rust beginners tips,tips i wish i knew rust,things i wish i knew rust,rust beginners guide,rust new player guide,rust tricks 2024,20 tips
コメント (63)
What advice do you have for new players? 👹
Nice one!
5:55 that reminds me of prime fortnite
This game looks booty. I don’t like the idea of a force wipe either
yo builder sanctuary is banning hundreds of people for not being liberal. Their rules literally state that if you are republican and they find out you get banned. its wild. I simply spoke up to let them know its too far and got banned. Don’t support hateful people like that. Toni who runs the server is not kind
Its a bit easy to make your own server on your pc solo action all by your self till you get hang of it or you can go pve.
I swear the Rust player base goes something like this.
10% Sweaty Players
20% Hackers
70% Bots
nom nom
i have over 1.4k and just cant get past sar and it also takes alot of effort just to get loot any tips
Map wipes every week what’s even the point then
Judge dismissed rust trail
lol I thought this was about RUST language.😀
For me rust is not a survival game anymore, its a kind of rpg fps, I miss the legacy rust vibes where your best weapon would be a revolver, now with aks and snipers if you don’t play on a fresh wiped server you gonna be there trying to make your first bow while people kill you with mp5s
Saying forget about modded servers is crazy
Solo Only servers are a good place to learn the basic gameplay loop and not have to worry about getting absolutely dogpiled every time you take a fight.
Are other servers actually not as good as some of the official ones? Me and my friends recently started playing rust and we have been playing rusty moose servers and its been pretty hard but we are starting to get better…
بسیار عالی 💣💪
Дякую ще раз
nice i was looking for the controls to directly equip attire. alt + H and hover mouse
“Tech” произносится как “тек” а не “течь” блеать!
Thank you for this video I am finding it very helpful
i started Rust ~one month ago and i totally dont agree with building in the green biome. in my expirience there are alot of idiots (roofcampers, “kiddies” etc.)
i would recommend the ice biome. or at least at the border to ice. somewhere on a mountain or a cliffside. Gasstation or supermarket as monuments near because at these is alot of food and i personally had non stop problems with food in my first 2 games. 😉
i would also recommend a smaller server for start. there should be no more than 100 players online… and not less than 30… too many players ruin your gameplay and also if you meet nobody…
Clans are gays
hello nice video! but how can i make my rust this colored ? pls help
Why do some languages just decide to pronounce random letters wrong?
Does V make a W sound in whatever this dudes first langjsfe is?
The jack hammer and the pickaxe one changes nothing fyi
“Promo sm” ✌️
I’m new to rust I found this very helpful 👍
modded tab is wrong ngl, stevious is an amazing server and countless others.
This is like average russian player tips. Stupid as fuck.
I think this was most useless tutorial
Serwer fps ? Xd – 5800x3d user here. IZI
Some great tips here, thanks! I will say, due to the instability of stashes(they started despawning again after last update), along with hacks and glitches that allow players to see them, I don’t use them anymore. I try to hide locked small boxes instead and have been successful so far.
alright u got me with the blue/orange bag color
Me and my friend always play on modded 2x servers. Its not that bad when there is faster nights longer days and gathers rates are higher. Thats what im all about. Vanilla is boring and slow in my opinion but each their own.
jackhammer and icepick tricks are from the past.
I knew all of them btw 🙂
Jackhammer tapping was removed like a year ago
The jackhammer thing was fixed 6 months ago and the salvage pick was was fixed last month so now is is not faster to miss the star the first hit
Hey love your videos but this one you got it a bit wrong on the description of community servers, they don’t have higher resource rates and modified day/night cycle.. those changes would force a server into modded
The max a server can do in community to avoid going into modded is things like minis spawn on roads, anything that requires a plugin and changes player experience is considered a mod
No no smiling the mixed tabs, there are 4/5 very good pve servers that has around 100 pop all time and they are around 2x 5x and maybe 10x, don’t waste your live on pvp toxic crap servers 😂
I think the Jackhammer was changed from 4 clicks to constant holding some time ago?
there is 1 more high hours players know about the upkeep decay tip.
The very 1st tip is one that so many freaking Rust players have no idea about. It’s literally the saddest thing about Rust. Every wipe & I mean every wipe there are several people that ask the same dumbass question “When is wipe”?
I am the Clan that has 40 strong on Rustified Servers lol. We don’t mess with you unless you mess with us. Pretty chill clan taking out rust cheaters one wipe at a time.
Keep it up!
Dayz left the chat
Great video for new pc players.
You can use building hammers to find stashs.
Jackhammer thing doesn’t work after one of the updates a couple of months ago ago, so you can now hold it, there is no difference between that
First of these videos that I knew everything in it.
bro your the best
Maybe rename it as Top 20 tips for new players, these tricks are only usefull for them, you will have more views from new players actually trying to find such video, and others normal or vets wont lose time thinking its deep trick video
you can just hold mouse1 to use jackhammer
The bag placement colours I never knew
tap farming is useless now since now the node always hits the spark
Great vid man uve helped me so much
Some of these are just straight up dog or dont work anymore/never worked
These are all old as hell btw not really anything meta or new
Definitely do not avoid the modded tab there are mostly the servers that he talked about on community (thats the one i would avoid mostly low pop p2w not really good servers) play something like rustinity/renegade/warbandits(p2w) and other all really good servers with teams limits so you dont have to fight against 20 asian kids whi sleep 2 hours a day
Good vid for new players but the jackhammer tapping was only used to avoid not hitting the sweet spot on a node, it’s no longer necessary at all since devs made it so jackhammer always hits sweet spot regardless of where you actually hit.
My advice, build more than one base and divide your loot, make those cheaters work for it
W day when he uploads