SUNBURN Summer DLC + Giveaway | Rust Update 10th July 2020
The Rust Sunburn Summer DLC has splashed down and here’s a ‘summer’y of probably everything you need to know. Enter the giveaway here: https://gleam.io/competitions/fg6XE-rust-sunburn-summer-dlc-giveaway
My links:
✔️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
DLC crafting costs as promised:
Water pistol – 75 frags
Water gun – 50 wood, 25 frags
Instant camera – 1 gear, 75 frags
Large frame – 200 wood
Landscape frame – 150 wood
Portrait frame – 150 wood
Above ground pool – 200 frags, 3 tarps, 500 wood
Paddling pool – 100 cloth, 1 tarp
Beach chair – 50 wood, 75 frags
Parasol – 20 cloth, 75 frags
Beach table – 200 wood, 100 frags
Beach towel – 30 cloth
Boogie board – 75 frags, 1 tarp
Inner tube – 75 frags, 1 tarp
Sunglasses – 30 frags
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #shadowfrax #update
Taqs:rust,rust vehicles,modular vehicles,rust news,rust update,rust latest,shadowfrax,concept limbo,modular cars,rust modular cars,rust summer dlc,summer dlc,sunburn dlc,sunburn summer dlc,rust sunburn,rust water pistol,rust water blaster,rust dlc,rust pool,rust giveaway
コメント (285)
**Giveaway ended** Congrats to Z Roberts and M Cavicchi for winning the Rust Summer DLC keys, and thanks to all who took part, stay tuned for more giveaways as I get them.
My links:
✔️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
assisti em x1,5 e ainda assim achei o video arrastado
Why did I buy the color of that underwear? How can I change it?
Trading Is not for everyone but if you are a trader ?! 😀
Rust came from pvp to pve what i mean with pve roleplay!
they seriously need a massive optimisation update. came back after not playing a while and even after having a 2060 and overclocking my cpu, i had to do all the tips and tricks in control panels to get a playable framerate
They should add bikinis and make woman characters more jiggly hehe.
Rust for console maybe?😓😓😓
Rust became Sims after this update lul
So its just like when people buy skins, if they have paid for it you can just kill them and use it for free.
They need to make the swim where Craftmade like shorts
he said 12 of june lol rust time machine anyone
Really? What about the female part of these clothes?
This pdate is cool but the price is abused. Seriously $10 for pools some new items? Come on! Is PunchFace turned into an EA Games’ branch?
The camera will be good for scouting out bases and identifying enemy players to your team-mates.
bUT i wAnT oPtiMizAtiOn
They now let you know choose underwear but they still won’t let you choose your character appearance!
rust: new summer dlc
me: * living during winter *
Is there a confirmed date for console yet pls let me know
Someone should place a Sign saying “pool’s close due to Aids”. Hope someone gets the reference.
Rust needs to come to console
surf boards would be sick
They should add a unicorn that spawns on the map that’s the best horse in the game!
Rust console
Can u get us anything about the Console release please
Water guns plus electric trap base
the real question we should be asking fellas is do the bandits consider waterguns as lethal weapons?
if not, action is coming.
fresh or salty, like the tears of your enemies. ROFL
I wurd like to have the dlc
Speedos! 😍
Wish I had Rust lmao
There is an elevator in launchsite. Its also functional
They should’ve added water balloons to throw like snowballs
Put this on ps4 please
Since cars/summer DLC the game is full of bugs.
Yaaaaaaa yeeeeeet
Show female swimsuits xoxo
i can imagine the videos of people bluffing they have a semi handgun whilst holding a water pistol
When will you release rust on playstion
Pay to win
I was wondering why I was finding so much tarp xD. Increased probably
we need more dlc like this.. for winter locations, for green location, summer location like this… it makes game feel more fun instead pvp hunt
nudge nudge wink wink say no more heyey
Imagine raid planning with that cam
PIE!!!!! 😎
i love it that rust just love releasing dlc for money it’s soo good
So… I can’r steal underwear?
Is this Beach episode?
Ohhhhh there are gonna be so many pp pics on the victim’s walls post-raid.
Imagine putting a picture of someone in their chest
In short: a survival game with holiday feeling.
Man, this game.
Is this Rust?
Boogie boards make some crazy base doors
So you can stand on them, enough to get potshots off 🙂
Lelska pelska ich esse ne Elster
things you wont get to use before getting blown up
Gonna open up shop and sell dik pics lol
Flak didnt tell about the fact that those things loose health when you stand on them….
this is the best and the worst update ever
Did u know “pies” in russian mean dog?
Shadowfrax, this is all great but PLEASE can you tell me when the new series of Come Dine with Me will be coming out?
Most useless dlc ever…. But who ever is hyped for overpriced crap like this only the camera is okay….
Not even sandcastles? Smh I’m out.
Saddly there is only 341 comments when i typed this (including mine) and saddly SHADOWFRAX has only 327k subscribers i wish he had more
The camera… Trolling intensifies. Take a photo of someone while vanished and put it in their base
To be honest, I like the DLC but why is it required to cost this much money everytime they bring out a DLC… remember the days where DLC’s were like highout few euros, now they almost cost the same as the game itself lol (i got this game at 9euros btw)… but then again if u count both DLC together you almost at the price of the base game, i hate it when developers only think $$$
hey girl, can I get my car lift into your base? 😎
win me that bikini
This is definitely pay to win in a way. Free no-fuel water travel, extinguish fires from a distance (Rip large furnace bases?)
Thats allot of money in dlc terms not for very much.
The beach chair gives 100% comfort, which is great when you just can’t find the normal chair BP. Crafting that with just a little bit of food is great.
The dlc sounds cool but the 10 bucks arent worth it
“Nudge, nudge…”
i would love turrets with water guns and sprinklers in cold biome….
Updoot for IT TEAM, because only TEAM players can support eachother.
I wonder if they will make it so outpost doesn’t aggro at squirt guns? I bought it today so I’ll find out!
Oh gosh I can’t wait to buy it and display it on my windows 7 professional
wHeN iS cOnSoLe CoMiNg OuT?
That intro lmaoo
You can raid a base, take photos the entire time, and post them on the wall of the base for them to see when they log back on.
I love your vids <3
Now i can shoot zergs in the snow and get free sets
I simultaneously hate, and love it all
You can use floaties as an exploit to chase people swimming faster and use them to stand on anywhere in the water to start shooting for a short time
haha so ummm how do you get the swiming truncks buying them right shadow
pay to win. water turrets in the snow are op
Cant w8t evrything on ps4…
Boogie boards are pay to win
i have a 1070 a 1`7 6700 16 gb ram and get 50- fps
At this point the lack of pies is a grave insult.
If the tier 2 cooking station doesn’t feature your favourite pie recipes, we’re going to REEEEEvolt.
See what I did there? 😏
Kill full HQM armor with water pistol, splendid.
Great, I can now sell my nudes as an actual picture ;D
Has anyone realised that SHADOWFRAX youtube channel actually losing subscribers lol
Lol i all ready swam to the oil rig on the bogie board
Mister Flak beat you to it
5:09 12th of June? 😅😅
can i were the flooty in a car?
BRUH imagine if they made boogie boards able to catch the waves
worst progayssist DLC ever
PSA turn off parralex-mapping (I think that’s its name in settings) to stop that weird tear/crease on the ground when you run
My god that camera is amazing 😂
I can’t wait to use waterguns to make people freeze to death
Looks neat!
I wanna see a zerg or a clan on floaties storming oilrig or cargo while ride of the Valkyrie blasts. Or zerg vs zerg for control of the high seas!
DLC……..DLC……….DLC……..Disgustingly Ludicrous Crap……….
When will water bottles get the same visual treatment as the water guns? Lol.
I’m just so proud of the RUST dev team! What a long way from the Legacy Rust! They are doing amazing work after all these years. Let’s just appreciate them for a moment.
The entire pool can be destroyed by one bone knife, and if damaged it will need to be repaired with not only frags and wood, but tarp too.
I hope they buff the pool because I’m tired of nakeds destroying it in seconds.
Man, if we actually get elevator blocks, that could change so much. I don’t want it, I need it!
I got it and I don’t want it I NEED IT
The lulz that could come from this are going to be….well, lulz
I legit only want the camera
what you can’t give people frostbite? that’s stupid
This is really cool, not sure how it adds to the gameplay, but it keeps the captives of Rust fresh in the mind and creative.
My question is, now that it’s possible to raid oil rig on a boogie board, when will there be a shark release? …and shouldn’t the boogie board sink when leaving oil… because the player is loaded down with loot.
veri good update
I want to set up a beach resort in Rust now.
What happened to the minigun
The water guns can put out fires.
Could change the tide of battle in a base defence. So potentially P2W.
(I know buckets exist but these are wayyyyyy better)
Gonna take pictures of before and after raids, raiding party’s, offlined, roams, etc omg so much fun
This game has gone to crap… this was a survival game… now it is more caramagedon and buy dlc to make face punch rich. Adding new stuff that is stupid… and not fixing the tone of bugs that effect the game (squba bear, arrows stuck in animals and so on.) Moving onto green death. An actual survival game.
Will be fun to extinguish Large furnaces of Clans! 😂
The glasses should lower weapon flashlight brightness
A bit of pay to win with this dlc, boogie boards will allow for ocean farming without a boat, beach towels work as sleeping bags and take up less space, I was able to fit two towels into an area that would not allow two bags.
i want the dlc >P looks cool
Take note some of the Summer DLC items decay pretty fast..
Rust slowly turning into GTA. What a waste turning this awesome survival game into helicopters and cars and swimming pools.
How about female characters? They have bikini’s?
5:07 Draw two winners randomly, on Sunday the 12th of June. Sucks that We’ll have to wait a year for the giveaway.
We want rust key give away😭
I recommend stacking the beach towel. It’s better than the sleeping bag. Meow
…so I’m here with the full summery for you… OMG!
I wanna water flog someone with the tears of my enemies.
Dominating them in a gunfight with nothing but my sheer determination to see their pants wet. The bastards will never see it coming.
Conveniently I have sun burn. How fitting
Good lord the toaster comment killed me.
Claiming the entirety of this video’s income rn!
Best update in a while -mini helies 🙁
*the 12th of june?*
I would love the DLC, if I actually owned the game :U
Man, no entry for me, no twitch or Twitter…
Bought the DLC the moment it released but awesome that you are giving out keys, also i knew you would get excited over the horse innertube
The large pool is kinda glitchy. Me and my duo have been booted off a server on several occasions with some type of error showing up.
Pff can’t make people wet unless they have a watergun. At least with the piano I was able to drown out the sound of the incoming counter raiders, resulting in a saved base and some salty beggars.
Where is the console info
Okay that camera is gonna come in clutch for planning raids
I have paddled all the way to large oil rig with the new dlc item and it has taken me just under 5 mins to get there 😂
Love your videos keep it up
Literally all we are asking for is for the game to run good
When is rust coming to ps4
can you hit with the water pistol?
We need CODE LOCKS on vehicles. Vehicles are an expensive and time consuming project. Please rust devs
Don’t know if anyone has said this but it’d be cool if you could fill it with low grade. Then ignite them with a torch 😀 its like a nakeds flame thrower
Gmod camera xd
Yo you could do recon with the camera, take pictures of possible weak points raids could be more tactical if you have it
me and the boys rolling up to oil rig on boogieboards
Also the silent jump in silent water doesn’t work 🙁
Big question here, if someone has nudity turned off, someone else doesn’t, that person takes a weiner pic, does the person with nudity turned off see it in the pic?
This dlc is amazing, my friend and I recently counter raided with squirt guns
Imagine buying RUST DLC. Lmfao.
rust shud add fishing 😉
10k views – 1.5k Likes.. Everyone goes here to get their weekly Rust update. Give the man some credit and smash that like button! 🙂
I vote we should be able to hook up a water line to the splashy boi turrets
its so sad that these items have the best quality in the game now…
Now THIS is the DLC we deserve.
Wats this, rust with another DLC yes please, aw how i miss rust
Dude shadowfrax is swaging out the wazoo
also i think i may have found a bug if u take a picture with the disposable camera and die/ get downed right when you take the picture your whole screen turns white not sure if this was a one off thing but hopefully it was
Get a weather update going, hearing the rain indoor should keep you immersed inside and cozy too
Pff, why fix bugs and add important things when you got waterguns
im just waiting for the console version to come out
The entire dlc seems really good. Especially, the camera, I could see a lot of clans using that to take pictures of their offline raids.
When do they sell an anti-tan so I can become a white guy again?
They need a covid dlc
I now refer you as the Oracle of Rust when talking to my rusty friends.
New Boat “! :D:D:DD
pls make the cars slide less
can you turn off a flame turret with those? would be amazing for raiding
Shut up and take my money ! 😀
rapido+sunglasses=dying from heaT
bring back helis :'(
This update is because of Corona, bringing people together to have fun with water ingame instead of reallife. Thats my opinion 🙂
Hello if I won I didn’t believe I won 😉
Who’s taking a tube to oil rig with me
Love the new DLC shadow, looking forward to win the giveaway.
i love the camera!
Have I ever said I love your voice lol
roleplayer’s dream
Camera should be a default blueprint. Its so much fun and brings the information resource into the game
Mike The Vike made a video about it first
Maybe this will be my first win… 🤣
Oh cool fun things that won’t be able to be used because 15 man asians zerg clans sweep the entire map every night.
omg finaly a really funny dlc for rust :DDDDD
its kinda funny that rust updates are getting less serious or atleast this one
what has this game become
So yeah, now I’m waiting to buy this till all the lottery’s/give aways have ended…
i uninstalled after the minicopter nerf but now I’m throwing my computer in a dumpster
4:48 – First heard 10 cent discount 😀
Where the slides at ??!!
I will roam with water pistols now but in the snow xD
was playing this morning and crashed a scrap heli into someones pool right after they placed it
Everybody gangster until the Zerg raids oil rigs via floaties
I am born and then dead within 60 seconds. I just about have enough time to hit a tree to get enough wood to build a weapon. How am I going to get enough time to play an instrument or relax next to the pool.
I was so happy that so many of the items had variable styles <3
I’ve committed tax evasion
This had everything but Sand Castles!
Why rust.
If you hit your friends with the water guns above 75% wetness, you get damaged pretty quickly. If u had 3 people spraying you with water guns youll be dead in 5seconds
as usual rust devs making them game for role players and not optimizing there game. Rust Devs hate pvpers
This DLC looks good
Finally I can put a umbrella and a lawn chair on my roof for real roof camping
At last the reveal face of shadowfrax & also skin reveal..
select your undergarments (ive already stolen all of my neighboors pictures and made a gallery)
boutta get wet
Looking forward to turning off my enemies furnaces over their walls using the water pistols
But will server admin double up as pool life guard’s?
Mr. Mememios thumbnails with the camera just got a whole lot gaayer
Give me those new underpants lol
Ima kill full metals with cold
someone gib rust for free
The roleplayers will be thrilled!All 12 of them.
Nice looking forward to having some fun in game
Oh boy now we can take pictures of bases from a mini copter and plan out raids better, scouting just got that much better
Who else plans on becoming a Rust serial killer who takes pictures of their victims and hordes them in a special place in their base?
they have time to make model test and all ot that for DLC but game still have content of beta and same ammount of items as in 2017…
Screw greedy developers – never buying dlc for this, fix game and make it fun/filled with content first.
Rust will die because of updates like this – how about add more primitive weapons? Fix anitcheat? Add working fire? Terraforming?
Screw you gary
All this stuff looks so cool! But my Rust is broke so i cant play it bruhhhh.
Notification gang
Gl every one
Were also getting a rake for fall and a snowblower for winter😏😁
32 seconds. A new personal record
Youtube Next Week “Watergun to AK in 30 Seconds”
And rust PS4?
Rust updates always have problems so let’s see what bugs come up in the next months
Just here for the jokes, still dont play rust.
I have a question, i watch rust videos, why do the raids always go for the walls? Surely go for the foundations???
Finally, I can ambush another someone with a water pistol
Keep up da good content bro
I know where I’m taking my horse
I bought the DLC… I just want the pool…
It says no views but there is 41 likes, ayee
When they adding sunscreen for my radiation covered body?
Maybe I love shadow to much?
I want dlc please!
Thanks for making these boring times more interesting🙏
Not first but still early
Finnaly got rust I CANT PLAY IT ( i will still buy the dlc or win it 😉
why no pies
Finally 🙂
Yes epic
Pog video
Keep up the great work!
i hate this update pls remove it