RUST GONE NUCLEAR – Concept Limbo 22 | Mini reactor, Shields, NPCs, Espionage



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Thank you to Gaijin Entertainment for sponsoring this video.

Thank you to Giuseppe Gangi for the use of his artwork, his page:

In this episode of concept limbo I take a look at more community concepts such as a mini nuclear reactor, shields, NPC types and espionage devices.

Thank you for watching. Please check out the other Rust content on my channel – a weekly development update, concept limbo and the Rust back-story

Games within games:
Rust update:
Concept limbo:
The Rust back-story:

Gameplay footage from Rust

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan

The only aim in Rust is to survive.

To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town.

Whatever it takes to survive.

Taqs:rust,rust concept,rust concepts,rust concept limbo,concept limbo,shadowfrax concept limbo,shadowfrax concepts,new concept limbo,concept limbo 2019,new rust concepts,rust 2019,concept limbo episode,shadowfrax video,concept limbo rust,concept limbo shadowfrax,limbo concept art,concept limbo 22,rust nuclear,rust nuclear reactor,rust mini reactor,nuclear reactor,nuclear concept,nuclear reactor concept,mini reactor concept



  • コメント (1041)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @ProdTango
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i remember a thing where you can type thing into a chat and facepunch looks at the most up voted idea box and it could get implemented into the game but i seem to have lost the link 🙁

    • @zironcat5265
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    11:40 what about a logic bomb that attaches to the codelock and actually generates random numbers from 0000 to 9999 to crack it, to nerf it it wouldnt have a display so you wouldnt know what the code is and it would be a one time use, it can randomly crack the code sometimes taking seconds or sometimes minutes like a satchel charge

    • @nick_name5669
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The only things from this vid that i would add is shields and water and hamster weels

    • @MightyElo
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I do like idea of using atomic power or materials. Radiation has always been a part of Rust, it would be nice if the players could use it. I do like the idea of some kind of traveling merchant, but I like your idea of the merchant shadow frax

    • @GarruZGad
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    make a jungle and then have aps on horses and spears and could get Aks 47 ext ext A.I.

    • @GarruZGad
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @xxbambamxx7261
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Would like to see NPC’S henting players down, that way maybe enemies would join together to take it/them? Down and share the loot, or kill the other players to scoop everything for him/themselves 🤷

    • @Wrutschgeluck
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    9:51 Step 6 is AWESOME :’D

    • @YellowKing1986
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @touchgrass100
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I play
    war thunder already

    • @FuturusDao
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The code cracker could be s one time use that sends an electrical charge that fries the lock for 10 secconds meaning it can be opened but if closes again it’s re locked

    • @IIGnor
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @darthmauljoinedthescpfound6958
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    If any new npc’s i would want would be invaders that invade the island from time to time

    • @Tyranicall
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    for the drill make it so that it takes 1 minute to implant and its really loud like BRRRRFRRRRRFFRRRRCHRRHCRRRHHHEEERRRTR and make it so that you cant look around in the base only straight ahead.

    • @cheekibreeki7157
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Lmao you really thought nuclear generators are that easy too make

    • @jean-pierremichaud7330
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I really appreciate the part where you talk about the Wandering Merchant… because that’s what I role-play in the game… “Grumpy Loot Runner” is my name…

    • @henrydando
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    A slave NPC that could do some Jobs for you. You could buy them at bandit camp and you could give them tools to do things like mine nodes and cut trees. They start with 60 health and can be healed. They can be given the bandages or siringes and heal when low.

    • @Swope25
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Now that is something, the truck door shield was a drawing of mine I made when Rust didn’t have C4. Forgot to comment when the video came out but this made my day seeing it make it into your video ShadowFrax. Have a good one and stay safe!

    • @Takkion
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    All of them are cool.

    • @chasebrinson6246
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    There’s only intel processors in that trash AMD gang

    • @leopardmexas
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Mine some uranium, yes

    • @henrytheproducer1161
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    we gotta get the wright brothers to make some makeshift planes for rust

    • @wyattbell1870
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    fighter planes

    • @dlouhyjohnny6810
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I actually like the idea of the code lock cracker,if it would use a lot of hqm and tech trash and had low durability,for example it would break conpletely When cracking armored door,But half at Sheet metal…and the crack time would also Vary for example like 5-7 minutes on wooden doors and like 10-12 on sheet and like 15 on armored,also it can’t show codes otherwise too op,and if it even made like beeping noise,similiar to the Sound C4 does,then it would be completely balanced i think.

    • @Ty_McAlley
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Rust 2020 nukes

    • @gametravelerjr1305
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    I think it should be a chance to unlock the door and if it fails it gets zapped

    Or higher tier code locks like a uncraftable one that makes it take longer and only takes that user that placed it

    • @IanHolwood
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @donovanjohnston9424
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Idea for the merchants, you can kill them but scientists would attack instantly, but also tiers for scientists, red= attack if provoked, blue= attack if show weapons, green= attack always

    • @darkrider7625
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    bear and companion isn’t original i use to play a game with that exact feature but its still now a bad idea

    • @Jericoshost
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I would like the code cracker if it was used by hand to give feedback as opposed to just opening the lock.
    It would play like a board game that is called Mastermind (Also called, fittingly: Code Breaker)
    You plug in your Code Breaker, type in a code and get shocked for a small amount (Reduced from barehanded attempts).
    The code breaker now shows on it’s display 2 sets of 4 lights and 4 arrow indicators.

    In the first set of 4 the light is green; it means one of the numbers is the correct number in the correct place, and if all 4 are lit the code is yours.
    in the next set of 4 lights they light as yellow. This indicates a correct number in the wrong spot.
    You have 5-10 attempts before the code lock freezes up, preventing further hack attempts for 60-90 seconds while beeping. The door can’t be opened during this freeze.

    Now the arrows might make it too easy but how they would work would be that if they point up it indicates the correct number for a slot is higher, down if lower. It honestly might be too easy, maybe it would be a higher tier of code breaker and more costly.

    • @crazfulla
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    THE MERCHANT LOOKS LIKE BILLY (from Bananaduck’s GTA RP series)

    • @therivalrebel7378
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @holliday8429
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    No shields

    • @sgt_retiredcharlie4102
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I, being an Ethical Hacker, IRL; LOVE the “code hacker” idea! I think that it would have to definitely NOT display the code, therefore the device would have to be used on EVERY door lock! This might make main loot rooms revert to key locks, as this device would be useless against them! Love your channel and love your vids, as always!

    • @DanqueTV_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    How about nukes on wipe day?

    • @ckh420
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Shields from tier 1-3 yes
    Door hacking yes yes yes, and lock picking, we can trust rust to make it difficult to accomplish but much quieter than 20 C4 and 100 AK rounds going off.

    Nuclear reactor yes – make radiated rounds, endless power, lack of upkeep causes meltdown (use for raids and difficulty in possessing) make dirty grenades.Must place on ground but not building privilege required. Takes water/cobolt/HQM/wood?

    Would need a new material to farm, plutonium or “Cobolt”? Rare like HQMO.

    • @yoshi396
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The Code lock Hacking idea is already on a modded server, you need 1 laptop and 4 minutes of not moving while it hacks (Minute per number) it doesn’t show the code locks number just a star symbol and uses up the laptop when done or if you break the hacking process, but can be Countered by either killing said person while their hacking or by putting laptops in your TC Which would use one every time said invaders used one stopping them from hacking said lock and opening said door, so if they use 3 and you have 4 in the TC you stop them with 1 left to spare making laptops more valuable. though to be fair it is kinda OP against smaller bases so its important to keep them till your base is big enough to start using them on other bases. AquaFPS actually had a video called “HACKED Codelock Leads to Server Domination” that showed this off if anyone wanted to see what it would look like.

    • @ruinunes6010
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The wandering merchant, its a good thing to rust solo players

    • @ruinunes6010
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    why they didnt add a jetpack? fuel by low grade.

    • @cakecake2630
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Shadow fax I would like to share a idea I suck at drawling but I 2ish there was a bunker full of surfers and stuff but they have to go through a robot I like to call Farley and he won’t do that much damage because he will shoot out grenades and assault rifles bullets his weapons are a grenade launcher a two miniguns in each arms and the grenade launcher is on the back he has week spots on the back of his head legs and arms break his arms to get rid of the mini guns back of the legs to make him stop moving and you can only get the head of you do those and the torso can spin around

    • @richard-6920
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I think the best implementation for shields would be just like they are in mordhau. Also the full riot shield being bulletproof would require you to use both hands and a movement penalty.

    • @Barack_Osama
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I want the animals really bad

    • @5150BigBubba
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Shields and wild pets sounds awesome, basically like a Hunter in World of Warcraft

    • @TheLordvarden2
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    What about pirates as npcs?

    • @NoirChat138
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    You have for counter photocells, CCTV system. Against electronic you could have a emp pistol device, a jammer device…

    • @everythingandanything1678
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I would probably change the npc traveling trader to have bodyguards like he and his bear bro will go to outpost stay there for a few minutes and leave with to 4 or 3 scientists and if attacked the scientists would shoot and killed the scientists would drop normally and the traveling trader would from a rock or nothing and he would go back to outpost after his routine was done. Where the scientists territory ended he would leave and go to bandit town or camp what ever you say it is and do the same but it would be two heavy armed bandits they wouldn’t have to change much other like there uniforms paint and same with the scientists but the bandits are pretty over powered do the the armor and weaponery so I think it trades off. Tell me how you think?

    • @nimmdaszuckerstuck4475
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    its steam as publicher steam ist wack

    • @ricardobrands9736
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Traveling metchant please (2 of em walking in opposite directions) amd ad a fake one to (rogue/thief) that kills you when your closer amd shows itself

    • @thebigjul
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    If io remember well there is already server where you can crack code doors with computers and the defence is to have more computers in your TC than the raiding party. There is no code visible.

    • @stark599
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    F for Ruin

    • @randomknight2585
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Or maybe a small nuclear bomb fallout style

    • @make1722
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    U know raiding is too easy all ready? Too muts military weapons. This game dont have roadmap enymore.

    • @redbeanieclub8691
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    There is also a server where you can hack the codes unless they have a computer in there tc then they both fry.

    • @redbeanieclub8691
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    If you kill the merchant you cam steal his loot be he wont go near you if you kill him in the beginning.

    • @cherryboi5669
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    What if a new NPC in rust was the “PMC” a scientist hired military contractor who protects traders (and possibly juicy loot caravans) they carry LRs and some carry MP5s and theyre dressed almost like the bandits save for there choice in armor, being a simple black or green ballistic vest and a light respirator so they dont breathe in that crystal clear rust island air.

    • @williammaher6242
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    A good idea for the scanner could be to just highlight the buttons which have been pressed like a thermal scanner? It would make it less OP so the price wouldn’t need to be outrageously high.

    • @noobguy9973
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @timeforsteve4946
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The bruteforce tool is pretty op, and that’s why I believe the crafting costs are okay. The code shouldn’t be shown tho because that would be too easy.

    The spydrill is an interesting concept and I would probably use it often, but what about a mounted, silenced drill that can open doors? Depending on the door type the drill would take more or less time. An alternative to the bruteforce but a higher chance of getting detected.

    • @ruri9445
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    id just like to get a slingshot eoka its too random :C

    • @Paedow
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    2:50 Why is there black smoke? It’s nuclear, it doesn’t create smoke, it’s clean

    • @DemiNek0
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    MAKE COMPOUNDS GREAT AGAIN! Now that youre here, this is my idea, add the mini reactors, then create smt like electric net/fence/grid to put up as baricades, make them cost electricity and alow it to be put on top of external walls, make a bigger version of the nuclear reactor, that needs its own building (simillar size to oil refinery maby slightly bigger) and let it power the electric system, add fuse boxes (for lore: nuclear reactor (the big one) creates so mutch energy that it needs fuse boxes for stable flow that wont fry the entire system) you conect the wires to the fuse boxes and put fuses in them, that slowly degrades (1fuse ~24 hours) it maintais the system running and safe) more electric traps, like floor grids that can be hidden whit rugs and sleeping bags (if online damages the owner on contact) add bateries (small ones) add batery recharge box (same size as fuse box) you put batery in, it charges from the electic system, add night wission googles/scopes and make them consume said batteries (maby even for flashlights) electricity can go huge ways, just have immagination… maby even emp grenades or beacons that (for a short while (~5-10 minutes)) disable all electric traps in the small area ( one beacon/grenade shust everything in 3×3 or 5×5 area (depending on quality (primitive emp/ improoved emp)))

    • @fourarcs2585
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    More ways to make rust more laggy

    • @scruf4585
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    For the code lock it could change the code for that door and then tell you it

    • @RachniThane
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i was thinking electric heater and ac, good for desert and snow bases, pulse players could use them in trap bases by making a hot box or freezer to kill raiders

    • @bilge677
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i was just checking if i started a match on war thunder alt tab, then the sponsor came.

    • @deeped7249
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I think changing to much will ruin what’s already a perfect game, like most Creators do…they should keep rust Normal, and if they want to add stuff make a rust 2..

    • @cyprussian2287
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @DerpMcDerp101
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Id like to see Sharks in the game. and the ability to spear underwater

    • @skeyedrake5929
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    NPC’s I’d like to see are Skirmish raiders. Masked kilers/wildman. Parasupport(smoke spawn)

    • @sorrow5691
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @MrFi9
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @Renovartio
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Shields and merchant sure

    • @DocLudwig
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    9:56 Is that PewDiePie references

    • @kurkkuliini5774
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i dont like that idea too powerful that rad thing

    • @williammclaughlin7357
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Periscope rifle or a drip rifle

    • @aidand1015
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Mustard gas ?????

    • @MuseaBear
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    doggys!!!!! i need them but at the same time id be very upset if a player killed it. SVEEEEEEEN

    • @TremoloSoul
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The wipe should be Cobalt coming to reclaim everything. An hour before wipe, a huge army comes and just kills everyone.

    • @williamredding8953
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    How about we make solo base defense feasible before we hand even more tools to raiders?

    • @williamredding8953
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Why is there smoke coming out of your reactor Seymour?

    • @oliverhudson8821
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i like it

    • @MadMaxV
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    if you add a code cracker, it should not display the code , on the DEFENSIVE side you should be able to craft a code scrambler kind of that attaches to the inside of the door to prevent the use of the code hacker

    • @MaxmadV8
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Uranium and radioactive material should be stored in a lead box. Have it radiate the area if not. This might tell raiders that there’s good loot but it will make hording precious materials harder. So you wont get clans hording loot.

    • @MaxmadV8
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The drill one can just be. A heavy drill for other uses. And the addition of a laptop with a snake camera to put into the drilled hole. Or can be used to look around corners or hard to see places.

    • @billbillybobson370
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @quickmeme2633
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    wait wait wait that looks just like reactor Homer builds

    • @septoshi1808
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    They could add depleted uranium bullets

    • @mitchelldevries9996
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I want a cow that you can milk with the blue bucket.

    • @sparttin117john
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @3000shifty
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @Svevid
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @FatManzBeTrippin
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I still really want to see certain things NEED electricity or other power to function, specifically auto turrets, this would make them harder to set up and make it so that at certain times they would become inactive if, for example, the sun went down or wind died down. I feel this would lead to more interesting raids as there would be added incentive for players to take their time scouting the targets infrastructure to gauge the best time to attack

    • @pavlevrabac1289
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    F for Ruin 🙁

    • @toadlord6688
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Hmm… Methinks that instead of the grenade, what about “dirty landmines”?? Blows you up and irradiates an area for several hours. Image a door-camper putting a few at a clan compound’s front gate. 😉

    • @cooljjsplater8863
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Love the idea of stealthier raids

    • @kevinvermeulen5627
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    They need to change the tc system and workbench. In my eyes they need to merge both together.. but you have 3 fases you can upgrade your TC inc Workbench. So you can build higher level items but also you can increase your tc storage. And instead of every player needs to learn blueprints you learn them inside the workbench so your entire team can greate the item. But to make it fun for raiders they can HACK (not destroy) the TC/Workbench and steal some blueprints.

    • @michaelg4919
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @wallaceduncan9701
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Everything op except shields

    • @sievebrainsolutions2101
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Delivery Drones: Basically a flying, one item vending machine. You load it up with whatever somebody wants, set the price, then set the destination, either a map location using the grid or the player’s name and it would seek them out. When it reaches its destination, whoever might be there could get at the goodies inside by paying the vending price and once the transaction is complete, off it would go back to the sender. It could also return after a set amount of time waiting at the destination.

    • @twiceknightly1391
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The wandering merchant as an Armored truck with turret and scientist escort? traveling along the road maybe?

    • @qweqwe_Flinstone
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    what about rust will give us access to some experimental items like that drill with camera every month only on servers which have enabled experimental items. That would be a great test for those concepts and if many ppl will like it it will pass into game 😀

    • @killeroox
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Have games for this type GAME you broke rust slowly

    • @axzor5372
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Wish they’d add planes, made out of scrap metal and wood. That takes a spin by hand while the engine is running to get the propellor running.

    • @lifefindsaway483
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @thedrawlp2041
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @teex1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    With the lock brraker i Will balance it firstly IT Will wants special laptop some high cost next the breaker it needs gunpowder low grade hqm And techtrash it wont show the key i saw it working on a server already

    • @mijunlily
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    It would be amazing to have homemade nuclear reactors in the game that are very complicated and you can build larger and have many extra parts that can increase your output of energy etc and if the owner of it is careless can cause a nuclear meltdown and blow up their base and make their house full of rads permanently and the surrounding area

    • @MrPryor94
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Raider NPC! it raids duh lol

    • @MacSimba
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Rad 55.6, you get radiation poisining after being hit.

    • @dabzilla2641
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @MalinnikTV
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    WOW WOW WOW WOW)I love you work MAN! GJ REALY!!!!!

    • @danablalack613
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Maybe the nuclear reactors would have an emp field so any drill cameras would fail and alert the owner . Just sayin

    • @Kevin-jk2cx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Code raiding is the worst thing rust could do right now like the just nuffed expo raiding cuz it was to quite so I don’t think code raiding is the any better and I no these are just idea and might never happened

    • @wickermanrd
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Arma 3 exile has a good code cracker concept, where you can use it 3 times and gives you a small fingerprint smudge on the buttons the have been brushed on a code lock in the last 30 mins.

    I think add a code scanner, cant research, has very small chance to get it in locked crates only. You will have only 2 scans per unit then it brakes, and will only show which buttons are pushed in the last half hour (could do 10 mins for rust). Obviously for those confused it doesn’t show the code order just every number pushed even enter. And maybe increase the code on the locks from 4 to 5 for a bigger variety of codes to make it less op.

    So in reality it would be possible to get a full base if they had 1 code for all. But you would have to be VERY lucky and the chance of getting it is 1/5000

    • @MrAlphanumerick
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @MrAlphanumerick
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    holy long ad

    • @G4br1eel
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Falout 76 already Showed what happens with player + nukes

    • @Animated-of4cg
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    we might not need the toxic gas cuz theres enough toxic levels in players

    • @MrDeamien
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I like the idea of the traveling merchant, and agree it should not drop loot & be able to defend itself. I would say no to the sneaky drill bit, I feel it’s better to let players get into a base and have it be a guessing game of being a worthy raid. While I like the horses they have implemented, I would like to see the classic horse that doesn’t stay static. Also food… Whatever happened to more foods able to be grown? (Potato… blackberries…?) As for new NPC’s… personally I would like to see either scientists (blue or green) or maybe surviving workers at the larger monuments and NPC bases. Raidable, randomly placed small bases with basic loot (nothing above tier 2 items) with a defensive tenant.

    • @AutoTurret_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    i liked them as concepts but i hope i never have to play with any of that

    • @Kingjay814
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The high tech raiding thing is sorta kind of a thing. I remember watching an AquaFPS video a while back where he played on a server that had something like this. No crafting required but the laptop acted as a single use code breaker. It didn’t display anything and the player had to stay perfectly still or it would stop. It had a long duration time like 4mins per door and if raiding base had laptops in their TC it would act as like a counter hack and destroy the code breaker.

    That was a freaking awesome way to play for sure. It didn’t seem OP either because you couldn’t see the code, and you had to sit there for a long time so you were also vulnerable too.

    • @voiden7340
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @fuzzytrufflethe3rd500
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    reactor in a propane tank

    • @alastor-6230
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    add a flamethrower shelled

    • @tylerhomie909
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    there should be bullets that give you rads

    • @trickydicky2594
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Wandering traders, possible companions, Factions, and nukes. FALLOUT 5 CONFIRMED?????

    • @trickydicky2594
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    5:49 that would be so cool, lik the server would wipe by detonating a nuke but if you built a bunker you could keep your stuff/bp craftables? Yeah it could be abused but it could be for different types of servers maybe.

    • @Kkamil68
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    the drills should only let u see thru 1 door doesnt matter witch one cuz they have key holes anyways

    • @dilbertdonges910
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    why would we need nuclear power in rust if the community is already maximum amount of toxic?

    • @iiTzSeb
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    You made an awfully bold assumption and stated it as if it were fact when you said “throwing weapons would be unavailable and would need to be remapped”

    The shields can use the same secondary fire + fire button inputs as the thrown weapons without any need for any sort of remapping whatsoever.

    • @kaismith9285
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    For the code thing make it display parts of the code over time allowing for the player to try and guess the code until all the numbers are displayed

    • @early5326
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    *when you already play War Thunder* Do you even know who I am?

    • @Travvvv
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    nerf turrets.

    • @MinecraftKarol2005
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    this generator looks like a bomb. it’d be cool if it could be used as a bomb (a meltdown when theres like a 10min big radiation area around it, or bomb which would be better than a c4 but it’s a furniture – you can’t place it near peoples bases if they have a tc both metods obviously destroying the generator

    • @rogueroger0
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    F for ruin

    • @Wikstammen
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    rust becoming ark out here

    • @rusty7332
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @bolt3039
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    lol im playing warthunder whilst watching the video

    • @mandem1209
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    the idea where the island gets nuked instead of wiped, i love that. I really hope they consider that

    • @MerlasPaul
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    they all are awsome, but they need to be very very balanced stuff..

    • @jeno2256
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    They need to make like a motor bike like a Vespa sorta fast but moderate health

    • @jeno2256
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    We need toxic thingo ma Jig

    • @bigal7989
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @stamx_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    who else isnt going to play war thunder?

    • @captainobvious123g2
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @bartskibula8026
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @your_favorite_commissar2008
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    npc Idea: Hippies sent to try and help you poor mutant fools

    • @Dovoski
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @playwithnyc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    How bout another food like berry of watermelons… Or berry that grow in snow area…

    • @highlanderjeff2720
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I would like nomadic tribes *NPC*

    Going around high tier player areas making it more fun for them and give them something else to shoot at 😂😂

    • @CombatKing1237
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @crimmcatherine
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Shields are a great idea , gives not so godly shooters a fighting chance .

    • @jkkingjkking9353
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Like the mpc not the hack cods

    • @MultiJerm1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    People always search for faster profit easyer raiding faster travel…dont waste the games PLEASE

    • @sxxith
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    for the code lock cracker i think it should create a very load noise when in use it and should only be able to be used once after that it breaks and you have to make a new one

    • @anac3652
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @dotbmp
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @medoalmouhtadi930
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    No one will mention making nuclear weapons from nuclear waste after the use of uranium?

    • @kngretro2823
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    If the merchant is ever added into the game im gonna be THAT guy who traps him in 4 high stone walls just cause

    • @hmsdeathstar8846
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The code hacker should be one time use or require tech trash as ammo per use.
    An interesting concept would be to add a mortar

    • @danielroberts2012
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    They had a taming system in rust it was actually a lot of fun but super broken

    • @kiarime
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The toxic use to defend home from door camper :yes i gree with that

    • @bettertelevision968
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @bettertelevision968
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    western spy blyat ahahhaha 5:18

    • @HereComesTheStormTrooper
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The chicken program. Now.

    • @suni8
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I like the idea of having a small reactor with a small radiation radius. Would be OP though. Just adjust the drop rate of uranium. Was also thinking about placig an option to recruit a scientist to guard your base with a backpack behind to put scraps as payment for his service. Like a TC behind something to upkeep

    • @Drakonijsx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @kaascracker
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    We need a wipe mechanic so: yay to nuclear bombs

    • @youtjmen5425
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    And if you can put the shield on the ground to use 2 hand weapons? What do you think?

    • @tusk3260
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I hate the drill one

    • @tusk3260
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    The lock decoder is already in the game but just not vanilla

    • @tusk3260
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    If you dont get loot from roaming trading in a game like rust ehere its all about killing roaming people for loot then that trader should not even be in the game

    That said i have a better solution: Give the travelling merchant a heavy escort:
    Two attack helicopter 6 tanks and about 20 to 30 heavy scientists and give the trader the best armor, infinite meds and a hacking sniper that insta kill anyone that shoots at him

    They would be as friendly as the outpost with same rules so you xan kill them and get the best loot ever or simply trade but taking them down would require major forces like a fully geared clan of 30 plus also the trader would have a rocket launcher to destroy bases so its not that easy but when you kill him you’d get 1 or 2 tier 3 weapon plus 1 or 2 high qual armor piece and a thousand scrap plus all the loot from the escort

    But most attempts to fight the trader would be pretty much suicide you will have to team up with your enemies to take them down then fight one another for the loot

    NOW THIS would be true to Rust and loads of fun

    • @geolefleur4908
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Those are Water Wheels not Human sized Hamster wheels😂

    • @tusk3260
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Lets be honest rust is based on toxicity so of course we need more

    • @burzagyozo5701
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Its pretty cool that rust is improving and more looks like fallout 3-4 XD And you could take more ideas from that 😀 I would love to see more GORE more way of dieng , cutting some limbs of . Or maybe add some dragons , or some sort of flying aniamals that are agressive 🙂 OR just add some Super mutants XD I would love to see some Boss Fights where more people have to take down a BIG NPC !!! And yes trader is good idea and yes if you kill him you wont get big loot , just some small ones ! But maybe you should add Tasks ( Ability to get some tasks from the trader , missions ) He could ask for something and in return he give you some realy unique stuff !!! Easyer task harder tasks . Easy to get something like rock ! Hard to give him some rare things or maybe kill someone XD ! Maybe add some huge molerats or similar that live underground to so you can have fun in the mines and such places 🙂 Or Big bats that fly ! And yes shield is great idea for early play !

    • @pjackson6688
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @sir.beefswaggerton9103
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Waiting for the rust song like…

    • @isuckatkarting8450
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Small video drones would be cool… i would love to spy on ppl 🙂

    • @bezie3080
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    No way it could display the code that would break the game

    • @Caboladk
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    in regards to the hacking isn’t there already a server mod with that? I remember having played with something like that before…

    • @thatflyingwaffle109
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @rancidmarshmallow4468
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I still like the idea of a huge vault door. think fallout or classic bank vault: it fits into a double door frame, takes a load of hqm and metal to make, but the crazy part is, it takes as much as an armored wall to bust through (4x as much as an armored door). here’s the balancing factor: the process of closing and sealing takes 5-15 minutes. for the first bit of that, it’s open and anyone can walk up and cancel the process. for the last 30 seconds, it slowly closes, and during this time even a fairly weak explosion such as a satchel or a few rounds of explosive ammo will destroy it. however, once sealed, it’s nigh impenetrable. the purpose of this should be obvious- it’s a way to make offline raiding much harder than online raiding. even a solo would be able to get the resources for a small room surrounded by armored walls and a single vault door- and the lengthy closing process makes it hard to close in the middle of an online raid.

    • @z31Joshyman
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Really LOVE the chicken coop. Add eggs.

    • @PolarBearSushi
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I’m sold on the nuclear self-destructing generator.

    • @lastino_official5080
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    No rad grenades already got doorcamped 24 hours

    • @botbee-eater9234
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Dirty grenades and perhaps some sort of rad emitter like that one kill streak in bo3 for defense would be cool

    • @friday6760
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Uranium is created out of the asian zerg pesants

    • @flytothemoon50
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Gim me back my Castle blueprint!! And Chik farm XD

    • @johnderek4377
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    All i know is that NPCs make the game more interesting imo

    • @nqrsek7272
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    – Shore Scientists
    – Sharks NPC’s near the Oil Rig’s
    – Code Cracker with 35% chance of success / 2 times use before it break ( no repair )
    – Red Zone ( yea i know it’s silly but it brings some fun too)
    – Patrol Helicopter Assist on Heli Towers , Scientists will jump from the Heli and attack the tower with C4’s or Rockets ( more fun ya know ), if Patrol Helicopter is down some heavy Scientists will spawn next to loot and secure it until it despawn or looted ( if a scientist is dead , another will spawn in 20/30 seconds , so it can be a bit hard to get it and add more fun for clans )

    • @DrJ4Y
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    There is a code cracker in Exile Mod. You get 3 uses before it breaks and when a lock is scanned it will show heat signatures on the LAST 3 numbers or keys that were inserted. The last number or key inserted having the strongest or hottest signature getting fainter moving back toward the first signature. Bearing in mind that only the LAST 3 keys are shown it still leaves you with one number to guess! (which would be the first number in the code) .also only works within 15 mins of code (door) being used!!!

    • @RichhyyyRiichhhhh593
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    Great vid, as always.
    The code breaker has peaked my interest, would be an awesome addition to rust i think. If anyone reading this happened to play ARMA2, back in the Dayz period going back 6-7 years ago. Do you remember the thermal scanners? Similar to rust, the bases in ARMA had a 4 digit code lock, when used, the last 3 digits of the code would stay ‘warm’ for 15-20 mins. Giving an opertune raider a chance to scan the lock, giving them 3 of the 4 digits to the code. obviously, the more locks with different codes you have the longer it would take somone to cycle through 10 random digits to guess your last number…could this make the code breaker viable? Take this information…get it to the people that matter! 😀

    • @glenmariusmanumbakken6755
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @zoltarthegreathighgiant5547
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am


    • @theorisrotier4464
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    ok reactor cost loot a mid amount also add more electronic stuff rad grinade no think of the hi level trolls trooling noobs on the beach code lock shows code but cost so much drill murk on one wall but cost mid gear and make a lot of noise so other player can here the drill can only go throught a singal wall not the hole base onle works 2 times

    • @Katsuhi50
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    when Rust is finally left to a stable satisfactory position i hope that facepunch will revisit the idea of doing Ruin.

    • @dubuhuru
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    When will they add chicken eggs?

    • @connorstarks7630
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I like the dogs

    • @Ortega.Juan.C
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    I dont like none of these concepts. How about refining what we already have & weather changes.

    • @gevix6384
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30am

    These concepts are slowly turning rust into fallout 76

    • @jackiewang2582
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    oh yes, shield, always wanted a shield since the very beginning of rust, its been a few years and i lost my hope already but since it made its way to concept limbo, yay xd

    • @doogieman01
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the idea of nuclear tech, but with great power should come great responsibility ( SHUT UP BEN) — currently, I think its pretty toxic as far as raiding. It would be interesting to see more defensive measures for bases, maybe scientists for hire, or some way to include NPCs for protection around bases or some other means to slow down others ability to raid. More deterrence would be amazing.

    • @chairio6212
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the shield idea, dogs too 🙂

    • @jacksonbuster2262
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    love the nuke stuff

    • @desp.8003
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Make the trading traveler a group of three carrying bolt actions that have aimbot

    • @mysteryunknown1139
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    If I got a npc I would make it hit all headshots with the l96 and mine sulfur for me aka Slave or make it defend my base

    • @NoSugar7567
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The Code lock breaker is already in some modded servers using just computers, also allowing for people to place computers in TC to protect from them. they don’t display the code

    • @ItzsDev
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    They should add raider AI that attack the outposts

    • @witcher9917
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Merchant, Guard dogs, and nuclear power im down with.

    • @w0rgen157
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @thomasmarshall6097
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Create a nuclear bomb to throw at houses to create toxins and damage

    • @spitefulhunter8108
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Ark survival evolved

    • @Syrkyth
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The manhole shield made me lol. Nothing like strapping 250lbs of cast iron to your arm for your daily run around the map. pfft.

    • @11energize
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @firtdudecoolmanplayer5357
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Mobile chernobyl

    • @thefirstlast8114
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    the merchant would be a good idea but if the game could add multiple guards to guard him

    • @skylavolaille8529
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Put the chiken on bucket Not KFC ;’)

    • @volodyakrutoi
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    2:50 looks like some bongs lmao
    btw 5:18

    • @mdavisaero
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    War Thunder is p2w sadly. Great game, but once you reach the higher tiers it becomes almost impossible to progress since you need to repair your planes constantly, and you don’t earn enough silver lions from normal battles.

    • @OuTSMOKE
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The thought of shields just makes me sad because I remember they cancelled Ruin. 🙁

    • @andrewp.4852
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @YourTapeworm
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @mrvenum8741
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Yea different tribe groups or somthing similarcthat are set up at monuments and the supermarkets ect

    • @mrvenum8741
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @mrvenum8741
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    That home made nuclear generator would be good for offline raid defence as would make it harder to raid a base if you set it to overdrive so it was like the launch site that you got alot of rads even with a rad suit on.

    • @r-mur
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Thank you for reminding me. F.

    • @privatepoggers5247
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    its not fallout 76 but i like it

    • @graxx2805
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @ezebuike3770
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Would be super cool if dev could expand on farming and animal husbandry.

    • @webcomari4422
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    man excavator is here

    • @ezebuike3770
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    That drill concept is just over the top and will take away the fun of building a decoy base.

    • @Vengy_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @nicolasballadone7044
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @davidsharkmandawson7492
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Need parachute

    • @GrantMcGrath
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @johncurtis118
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The code breaker should have a 30percent chance of working.

    • @idkstillidk2013
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    When will rust come to console?

    • @mrmat2127
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Rust in 2022
    Hey have anyone seen my space ship?
    I lost it on bandit planet!

    • @brandonreyes3765
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Talk to much

    • @RichRacc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I hate killing the wolves man. It makes me sad whenever I encounter one. Like “here we go again”….

    • @rainwild592
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    they have nerfed building numerous times all to make raiding easier, I am against anything to help out the raiders even more

    • @TinyGiraffes
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    someone tell him a nuclear reactor doesn’t have smoke

    • @wuthemaurine735
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    sperm market

    • @TikiShootah
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    *My group’s base just got a mini reactor. 3.6 roentgen….not great, not terrible. Some naked outside keeps shouting about graphite, but that’s impossible so I shot him*

    • @SmittyWerben373
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @lonewolf9390
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I actually think the homebrew nuclear reactor with a meltdown option would be an awesome weapon of last resort if your base was being raided. If you’re gonna die, take the sorry bastards with ya!

    • @shanestonn
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @JustinJJHCS1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    like Fallout 4 you might have a traveling veneer like Strong or Cricket one will have basic Items and the other can have Rare Items and if you kill them you get Nothing…

    • @soggybubble
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    All I want is dirt bikes….where I can put my enemy skull on it…..also a A-10 warthog

    • @qway
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I have an idea so listen up:
    Rust devs were too add a group of rebels that roam around the map with guns like semis, crossbows, revvys and killing any players they see and when they encounter other player like ai’s so scientists and the guards at outpost and bandits at bandit camp and they shoot at them and annoy the camps.
    And if u kill the group u get a reward from the camps like e.g outpost u can get everything u can buy from the vending machines and sellers for a certain % off dependent on how many rebels u kill
    Thats my idea. Many thanks

    • @ThePopeOfAwesomeness
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @iaminhere6022
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I would love a Nuke Wipe

    • @GoGoX1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Don’t think I wasn’t going to notice that the video length was 13:37!

    • @Mattplego
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    This was awesome.

    • @peakysneaky5855
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i will build chernobyl

    • @deede1999
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Erick726
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I was looking forward to Ruin. I know Facepunch never could get player/zombie models right but in the hands of the right artist a medieval sword and sorcery style survival building/pvp game sounds amazing.

    • @spongecact7019
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    eat uranium become peppa

    • @isaakgilissen4579
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @peppy6052
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @RebelScum409
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I’ve always thought that you should be able to use a bone knife (or other type of knife) to cut clothes back into cloth. This is a feature that DayZ has, and it would be well received in Rust…

    • @YSGPittle
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Pretty cool ideas. Brains blown🤔

    • @zzurge1173
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    “Historically accurate”
    WT fanbase:😂

    • @sugabopp
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    What about a ghillie suit

    • @sindyliaru
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @bobjohnes2187
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Reaper-hn6mc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    NOO Never

    • @NiskaMagnusson
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    given the Radiation being a feature that has effected the game since it’s very inception i think it’d be fantastic if they actually reused it in some sort of “dirty grenade” as he suggested, i think that’s a very unconventional weapon which i love, rust has plenty of “conventional” weapons

    • @yori015
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    any1 else enjoying even the sponsor ad of this video?

    • @eitanbareli
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @joshua3959
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    If the radioactive things were to be true, they would have to emit gamma particles because alpha particles can’t even through paper and beta particles can’t even go through wood. Considering this fact the gamma particles can only go through about a few centimeters of lead or concrete. (So do we consider this stone to be concrete or not??). If so and stone in rust is similar to concrete in real life then a simple honeycomb will easily stop the gamma particles from affecting you.

    • @MikiTroy
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I just want a light shield to pull out some epic melee fights with the sword, on the back of my armored camel.

    • @darvox5361
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I just got an ad that talked about WWII and the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, coincidence? I THINK NOT!

    • @mrsneshi6748
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We need to be able to hire npc guards

    • @timothybakht6820
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The last two would ruin the game but the trader is good

    • @ChrisHall117
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    9:10 why does the one on the right look like Nemesis out of Resident evil 3?

    • @oathm8426
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i think we should add another 1 shot sniper to the game

    • @dylpckle
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    For the Codebreaker I would like you to have a 50% chance and for the code to not displayed can’t afford to have one use but still be expensive to make cuz it’s a silent option to raid

    • @moderator_man
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @radestan7899
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Wher new update???

    • @kakifruit733
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F 🙁

    • @juliusskoglund5638
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F… 🙁

    • @kohazi9554
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    it would be really nice if we get natural disasters in the game

    • @barry6541
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I gotta say, rust doggos would be great.

    • @maddokm6429
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    [F] R.I.P Ruin

    • @grayson1487
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I thought they were gonna add those planes into rust until you said “sponsor video”

    • @thelordcommander1475
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @failuretolife5623
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Hows about NPCs that just tried to act like regular players? Like they can chop wood with a rock, and you can kill them for loot or something.

    • @Yelrow84
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I would actually make the barge that players can spawn on and maybe put the travelling merchant on there instead. Roaming on roads means they’d have to building block the roads, then worry about how to keep him from getting camped.

    • @idontknow-hc6ri
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    song name from 3:48 please?

    • @Mirauge
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think the traveling merchant is not only been done but also just not a good idea for many reasons. Mainly being able to kill them…

    How about instead, villagers in the compound. Expand it. Make it a livelier place. Some could sell items. They also could replace the vending machines that flat out dont make sense and never have.

    We need more world threats. How about some mutants. Zombies didnt work because the dev’s were tired of the idea… mutant wild life? How bout some deformed humanoids.

    Less end game and more primitive play and ideas. Give more to the little guys and solo players.

    • @LucasAmgren
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F for ruin.

    • @Astrowla
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I need chickens and dogs/wolves pets.

    • @ctrlaltdel3101
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Garage door lore

    • @supreme84x
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I love all the ideas for training animal NPCs like dogos.

    • @daniellevandoren2357
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I want pets so bad, maybe then ill start playing again lol

    • @chef1253
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    horses could have like small boxes on their sides if crafted and deployed maybe

    • @user-xe8be3cu1m
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Haha) my pic from Reddit on 4:13

    • @agoddamnferret
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    players are toxic enough as it is >XD

    • @supreme84x
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    7:58 Pirates out on the open waters. And sharks.

    • @palomo766
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Subtitulos en español please

    • @Alessandro-dz3cw
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @LasseRafnDk
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The Forest and Rust merge would be massive! Imagine the NPC battles… oh.. yeah so just bring back zombies

    • @spunkydude2196
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    One suggestion….. A giant hamster wheel 🎡 for storing electricity

    • @kanit6659
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i have the best concept … a group limit for all servers…

    • @plagu3421
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Just use keylocks lol

    • @toa8565
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i dont like the new raiding metods

    • @ScarYTAgar
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @xxlava-manxx7742
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    4:50 High chemical grenades will be useful to gas all the slaves 😂 my brain is awful

    • @hexerade.e6142
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Just set a different code for each door you have in your base and boom done.
    And maybe add a codelock that costs 5-10 tech trash and 25-50hqm that has 6 or 8 digits so it will be less hackable/unhackable

    • @adeveth
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    So is no one gonna mention the fact it was called M o s s first though?

    • @szalontaizalan2235
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Can we get Mutant NPC’s in radtowns (waterplant, sewer branch, trainyard, airfield)? You need to fight with them and it drops bp’s, tier 1 loots, components, and when it hits you, you lose hp and get some radiation :3

    • @xi_dowzz8998
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    the laptop codelock hacking is pointless that concept won’t be added you might as well just blow the doors off

    • @zzZAnubisZzz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The idea of the travelling merchant and the shield was the most intriguing one. Using guns in Rust is hard enough and I dont want to kill other peoples doggos…

    • @grim5766
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think that there should be a NPC that u can trade with or complete tasks so that he or she can help u farm or protect your base. But you will be able to give them better weapons or tools and armor to help them survive longer or do there job faster. Just wanted to throw out my idea.

    • @WillowDecay
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Imagine if there were big cats on the island that would stalk you

    • @WillowDecay
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I really like your idea of the traveling Merchant. About him or her wearing a red suit and if being hit would cause all other NPC’s to be aggroed

    • @rawspaghetti05
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Instead of the drill taking like 15 seconds it should be minutes so it’s not too op

    • @TheHed94
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like it all. Especialy the code cracker 😀 seems interesting.

    • @challengemaster6685
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    A manhole is 200 something pounds

    • @Broganshire
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Xur like merchant would be awesome

    • @cheekyd-z
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think that the bear and man trackers who offer handy loot for a price is very cool

    • @MetalAsFork
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @LtSheppardXxL
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @dervish6970
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i like youre version of the travelling merchant, and i find the cremator idea to be interesting.

    • @whatup5491
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I support the idea of having dogs travel with you that would be epic

    • @bendunn354
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Yes, give the m92 faster than the speed of light trigger finger games a shield, I like it

    • @dominatorandwhocaresanyway9617
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    About the nuclear reactor : easiest reactor is radio-thermal generator (RTG) . basically the effect of heat on point where iron and copper alloys meet generates electricity. as simple as that. i can make my own home if swat didnt show up tomorow

    • @heyfindmenoob
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    what ive wanted for so long is new “primitive” items like molotovs or rope sling to slow people down or a new trap thats just a spear under tension on ceiling and will swing down if someone unfriendly walks in front of it that will drop you to half health or low damage but high bleed {} and speaking of bleed would be nice if bandages only got rid of 20bleed per bandage cause its kinda dumb you only need 1 bandage to get rid of all bleed but a billion syringes to heal during a fight. {} and on 4:57 they would need to fix smoke going through buildings, with a radioactive grenade people could just walk up to a base throw one on door or roof and would give you hit makers to let you know if people are in there and if its just a starter 2×2 you could just throw multiples on there and kill everyone inside a couple times till they’re on bed/bag cool down then just raid them from there with 0 pvp effort since they cant respawn at base due to a cheap tactic. {} for new AI i would like is a shark for the ocean since there is 0 danger to you if your in the water while looting a body or if you fall off oil rig or floating barrels or cargo {} the code breaker would only be balanced if made some sort of noise even if its really quite to let the base owner know but only if you have no noise being made in your base by a furnace or if the electric generator makes noise ( idk if it does or not haven’t played since before electricity ) and if the time it took to crack was based on what kind of door your using wood taking like 1 minute to crack, sheet being 2 or 3 mins and armored being 5 or 6 minutes, but would still need to be expensive to craft. and would only work once so if the base owner closes door you would need to rehack ( if it doesnt show raiders the code ) but i guess you could get around that by just not setting every code in base to the same one like pretty much every player does {} the drill shouldn’t be a camera that lets you look inside, people have already been looking through the cracks on sheet walls, doors and ladder hatches to see whats behind it, the drill should just make a small hole that you could look through and would stay there until the base owner repairs it. it would be hard to see the hole but it would encourage people to repair their base more often. could prob even be used to weaken a wall, drill a bunch of holes through it which wouldn’t directly damage the wall to stop people from just using it to raid but would make weaker explosives deal more damage like bean cans f1 grenades and satchels. :3

    • @templarsnusnu1680
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Nukes for players??
    This isn’t fallout now is it?
    There are lots of potential concept but man some is stupid ahahhahaha guess thats what makes it fun

    • @kuntasoraus6930
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i think mutants/radiated people should be npc’s in rad towns 🙂

    • @jacobrobinson2003
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    When u raid u need to have is have the knowledge and understanding of where to blow through, it’s a skill

    • @kgscary1506
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i liked and sub nice vid man keep up the good work

    • @TragicSpider
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @TheBradevil
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Josh-hg8sz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Only thing I like is the wolf’s everything else kinda ruins rust

    • @bokkom4386
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Turrets should be more powerful. BUT they should run on electricity like SAM and both should be distracted for a few seconds by flares.

    We need to make raiding harder for all these Chads.

    • @tagadapwet
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @thefinancialchannel882
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    fire helk

    • @Tristan1062
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F for Ruin

    • @TheWolfysan
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The ability to use both hands to carry a large chest for additional storage. You will not be able to use any weapons.

    • @antonylawson3880
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @xxacidpotatoxx2102
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I feel like instead the drill idea should use a jackhammer because of how much of a special tool it could be

    • @noxsamus397
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    what i think is, it is time for a character creation menu, i’m sick and tired to play someone that does not even remotely looks like me! and to be frank if i knew this game assined your look random based on your steam iD i would not have bought this pile of dog poop.

    • @mike-hk2vs
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Something i havent ever seen anyone talk about is a “vehicle workbench” Supposedly, it would require a level 3 workbench with additional scrap to create, with this workbech, you could craft deployable weapons onto vehicles such as Minihelicopters, boats, or maybe even horses (lol) I wouldnt really know what kind of weapons would be added, as i think guns would be a bit over powered, but maybe flame throwers, landmine dropper, deployable spikes for horeses, im not really sure but if anyone else has anything to add id be happy to read them

    • @lexon7vod
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Rework Bradley. He was the first Hostile NPC in the game and today he’s just abandoned and sad 🙁 Boost his loot, make him more hard i dunno

    • @Jumbro6
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    People would just camp the merchant and kill you when you’re looking at JUICE trades

    • @joher91
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @dankyeti3409
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    You could use a radioactive aura as offline raid deference. Than when u log on u pop that radioactive rock er wat ever back into a cast iron pot to kill the radioactive effect!

    • @bestmatesforever2012
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @snoken1473
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    what if the wandering trader gets killed and a heil spawns just to kill the player that killed the trader

    • @nettogames4268
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I do love the idea of a code cracker tbh. It should certainly be slow, maybe 20-45 seconds, or even a few minutes (depending on the door quality perhaps?). This would keep people on their toes as they raid, and allow time for others to stumble across the raid.

    I do think the code should be shown. Yes, it will screw over people using the same code for every door, but it adds reason to use different codes for different areas, and keep them recorded somewhere to remember them. (In game or out of game, either way)
    Seeing the code would allow you to authorize yourself on the door, which makes it way more interesting. They can close the doors and walk away, you won’t even know they now have access as they wait for you to do some high tier loot runs or something.
    This would also encourage people to have a reason for routinely changing their codes.

    I do think that there should be more options aside from “big boom make new door” to break into a base. Ones that don’t rely on a player being incompetent with air locks enough to let you in. Combined with shields, it would be a really interesting way of raiding a base by destroying as few things as possible, to not let the owners know you were even there.

    • @berryhops
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Wandering merchant should be accompanied by 4 heavy scientists and 2 green scientists which will try to bodyguard the merchant, the 4 heavies will stand around them in a square and they will only follow roads and once they’re road reaches a dead end, they’ll either walk back to the nearest outpost(bandit camp?) and restock for the next in-game rust day, the prices you have to pay in would depend on what resources the outpost is low on, which explains how the outpost(bandit camp?) can restock on supplies.

    Edit: the wandering merchant has to look like some form of rad-resistant person, not saying scientist because maybe there is a alternate solution.
    Oh and not to mention, low grade fuel or any kind of fuel would be a highly requested commodity/resource

    • @deltoid4
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i like the idea of a shield, maybe as a team you could have breach and clear potential behind a heavy armored team m8 with shield. Also love the thought of a travelling merchant, or even an assassin of some description, a npc that is hostile and actively hunts players, maybe ninja style no bullets, just sword and crossbow. Just a thought.

    • @evgenytemnov
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    dont fallout 76 just dont

    • @Tyquonne
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I feel like rust should have SHARKS,DOLPHINS, & WHALES in the sea

    • @MaxMarubbi
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @TuRkA.
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    if you make the hacking process 1 hour, it might be balanced. you might leave it there, go farm and wait for hacking

    • @itskingpakal
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    when it comes to the code breaker, it should randomly generate a code that’ll unlock it to avoid op raiding. what i mean is, is that the code that is generated is random and works as a sort of “default password” like the ones you see one safes irl. It generates a new code like how a key lock generates a new key that only opens a specific door.

    • @maskers21
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @busquetts
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    will be the update today?

    • @jpeg.jordaan
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    more building foundation shapes, walls, windows etc. More options.

    A sledge hammer for raiding with out explosives would be good. moderate price, loud af, a longer process of breaking in depending on the tier of wall

    • @hades6-3-63
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I dont want all the radiation stuff in the game

    • @masonbaker4700
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like rust at its current state leave it tf alone

    • @VitusHH
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Honestly i only like “The Wandering Merchant”

    • @Vordun
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    @SHADOWFRAX i love pretty much all of it especially the chicken coop. i think uranium as a material should be radioactive in the inventory too for example for every 100 uranium you have in your inventory you would need 10% rad res not to get radiated. And then they could add nuke rockets for the rocket launcher that cost like a fortune of uranium and GP and had higher damage than a C4, and irradiate the 5-6 foundation impact radius, so you could only fight with hazmat suits. Code lock breaker should work in the same amount of time it would need to breach said door with satchel charge and it should give a BEEP sound like when someone opens the door and NOT display the code, and i think it would need a more balanced cost it seams way too expensive with 100 tech trash (i think it would mostly be used by people who are solo / duo and have less material than bruteforcing a base with explosives AND fighting off counter raiders) i think it should be like 20-30 tech trash 1 computer and 20 hq metal and you could use it to break like 3 locks and you could repair it with tech trash and hq. The drill is a good idea as well but instead of the red light it should give out a loud drilling noise, and would be powered by low grade fuel(piercing an armored wall could be like a full tank(50-100 low grade?) with 30-50s drill time after which you could have a 10s glimpse of what is inside)

    • @Dracona63
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I could see the last two being abused a lot…Also i don’t know how many bases I’ve raided where there’s been no traps at all. The code breaker and camera would definitely be something that probably changes this aspect of the game, but I prefer the risk rather than knowing exactly where to go in a raid. It makes it more fun to take the chance on the raid and hope you come out profiting.

    • @Waebbit
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    can only open 1 door and not change em

    • @drkongo2139
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Bigger map

    • @seikaparadox
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F i’m actually really sad about ruin i was really hoping to see it rise but sadly not everything make it out of CONCEPT LIIIIIMMMBBBOOOOO

    • @RetroOzzy
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Not a fan of that drill but maybe some sort of UAV controllable with technology would be interesting to see past peoples walls in style.

    • @Ky-zn6fx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Have diffrent Teirs of Code Locks

    • @999darkmatter999
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    As a concept, why not have the game wipes a nuclear bomb going off?

    • @kieranwheeler3247
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Wouldnt it be awesome if the traveling merchant had like an auto turret on his back?

    • @emillarsen5003
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @diiiaggl4513
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The merchant wo loot when killed

    • @grinch5885
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F for RUIN was actually excited about that game. FeelsBadMan

    • @Silenroc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i want to ride a bear.

    • @skorsh
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Ruin should be turned into a Gameboy in rust where you can play it

    • @butimohammed3264
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Well all the new updates are only annoying and supportive for clans
    Imagine a riot shield and 3 other people with him rushing me that very thought makes my skin cripple

    • @WhoisAle
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    And perhaps making RADs endure a bit longer unless you get the pills. Currently everyone throws those away and just drinks lots of water/ eats food/ uses syringes…

    • @baitposter
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    11:46 There was a modded server with a similar mechanic already

    Basically you could simply use a laptop to crack a lock, and it would take 4 minutes (or 5 or 10? don’t remember) to complete the task. It could be countered/defended against by placing laptops in the TC. A code lock attacker would consume one laptop to break one laptop in the TC, so whether the base was safe depended on having more laptops than the attackers.

    • @jackhood3676
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Lmao you put Eric andre in there HHhahahaaha I died

    • @xPumaFangx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Roaming bands of theives.

    • @xPumaFangx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @cera5900
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I feel like Rust needs to stop advancing towards technology. The game would lose its post apocolyptic charm and would soon look a lot like ark survival

    • @twentyonetoone9783
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @creetan9997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @creetan9997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Add a system where tier items are only available at a certain time of the wipe. High tier being only available towards the end of the wipe.

    • @creetan9997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    NPC that raid you if you are the alpha of the server

    • @darrenwinter369
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Motorbikes please

    • @kheopps3233
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Rust is good like it is now, but the merchant guy isnt a bad idea.if they keep adding way too many things it will turn into fortnite with people flying with wings and shields and fking nuclear reactors blowing up people s bases

    • @Jakeosaurus100
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F 4 Ruin

    • @tsikros22
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    How about toxic water huh?

    • @gbr_guru5308
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    There should be a server where the launch psychic fire a new Candlewood nuke everything on the island and wipe everything but there should be a bunker somewhere to store all of the stuff of like three coffins of loot and then everybody else dies everything else gets wiped in the circle be timed out but everything will still be there inside of your boxes but the rest of the server will get wiped

    • @Thonglover37
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    rust is not rust anymore , the survival aspect is gone . sam sites , army snipers , helicopters . they add so much crap , and you half of ALL the items that were there from the beginning dont even have a world model yet . PRIORITIES PLEASE !!! please rust , dont listen to those cod kids who want army guns and more war styled gameplay . its a survival game . not a shooter . sadly to say i become more and more repulsed with what they add . they rather add new useless stuff then finish the base game content ( jeah its bad ) . most of the items are still a cloth bag . yet they chose to add a fully modeled anti air defence system in a survival game ….. ??? for me if it continues like this , i dont feel like playing much longer . but that what i think about adding crap .

    • @unforgiven1272
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Ayy! 6:26!

    • @hammy5388
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i would want gordan ramsey in bandit camp selling food

    • @t1aoshibby
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Thanks for the video uncle shadowfrax!

    • @flopperstein6303
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @sageofthetiger4166
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @coldfront2695
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think that if the nuclear reactor was added it could be used as a raid tool because of the possible reactor explosion but you would have to wait a long time for the radiation to drop or have a fully repaired hazmat suit to enter the radiation zone and the way to make it explode is by over fueling it with diesel or low grade and waiting

    • @Ghost8919
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Michael-wj1sw
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    There are some servers where you can use a targeting computer to hack doors of bases without a computer

    • @ChescoYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    *Want a personal pet dog, with purchasable breed skin*
    *Dog barks when strangers near by*

    • @ChescoYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @tomdilullo1414
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I recently got into rust, I could see a lot of this stuff in game but some others are a little too advanced, me meaning that some of the stuff in the game aren’t as advanced and is that way to give you a challenge. The drill with a camera is too much info and will strip away the fun in raiding because as you said, “you don’t know what you’re getting into”.

    • @darkironsides
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @ChescoYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    *Rust needs ski’s for fast-travel on snow!*

    • @ChescoYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    *GoT Wildfire in Rust.*
    *Sure, why not!…lol*

    • @catowong1387
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Have a monument that full of heavy sciencetist, allow the user who can deep inside to launch a nuclear missile on only one of the box in the map which wipes out player building. Monument resets after each wipe of that server.

    • @jjpesek87
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I would like to see sharks in the waters, also the code breakers do exist on some modded server, and they have it pretty even out

    • @snoey6284
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Ghillie suits

    • @lindsaydessent329
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Dirty nades sound nice a rad cloud click click click. Shields would be nice as well

    • @kylerbriskey372
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    If horses could talk, they’d sound like Shadowfrax

    • @arkboy4390
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @PhantomGun4
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    most of those do sounds pretty solid ideas. Only thing is, if servers wipe about every 7 days. It sounds like you wouldn’t get to enjoy those higher level stuff long before wipes.

    • @Legozanman
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @wesley1969
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @conman4204
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Some kind of single shot grenade launcher (with home made incen & frags). Gotta have the applicable shotgun & shotgun shells BPs before you can research &build. Reloading should be a pipey speeds.

    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    And I vote for some more critters. Hoop Snakes in the desert. Drop bears & crocs in the swamp. PLUS, the darn bears and wolves need to be able to climb up onto foundations, or enter buildings.

    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Maybe some of those “blank” doors could be upgraded to have somethng inside? Like a sleeping giant rat?

    • @joshthelwell5988
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Dont care for shields I think they will be useless just give us the legacy deploy-able cover so we can stop using high walls please

    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Distillery. Use corn plus some wood to distill low grade ethanol… And low grade ethanol can ALSO be used to keep you warm!

    • @thy_4047
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Id like the ability to pick up a chicken then yeet it

    • @mike29412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Jet pack.. And the occasional cluster bomb strike by a F18, followed up by a strafing run or two, when you down a helicopter.

    • @rhovr
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    A reactor would actually be pretty cool. What if going into meltdown like irradiated the entire area for a certain amount of time. giving off more rads than the cargo ship

    • @tgagaming1354
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    wudufaq? why is it called S-U-PERM -MAR-KET!?


    • @liquidbyrnes8466
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We need more low tier items for solo players and small groups to combat clans and stacked kids.

    • @arktheevil
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    the hacking thing is out on some modded servers, and to counter it you have to put your own counter hacking laptops in your tc and it uses a laptop everydoor and it does not show the code

    • @wtfomfg7786
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    we need sharks in rust

    • @MonochromaticEarth
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Villagers. We just need other NPC survivors wandering around to trade with.
    1. We already have the models in the form of the bandit camp NPCS
    2. Wandering around the wasteland is cake for an NPC.
    3. Each NPC can trade only 1 item and its random for each NPC. One may have scrap. another may have cactus flesh.
    4. Killing them gives you a very small amount of whatever they were trading.
    5. Killing should be no easy task. make the loot worth it but I’d tie it to distance. This will keep turret farms and snipers from popping up.
    6. Killing an NPC means you cannot trade anymore for the wipe. They will shoot on site.

    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i want more animal types… here are my ideas

    snakes – brown for desert areas, green for forests and meadows, bites from snakes give a poison effect, can be caught ( not sure how, maybe using the bucket) and released as a weapon ( will still bite the person using them) can be killed for meat. can be used as a trap in a box, when opened, it escapes and bites the opener. will die if not fed ( place bird in storage box, see bird idea below) dead snakes produce snake fangs ( max 2) which can be used to produce 1 poison arrow per fang ( same poison rate as a bite, plus standard arrow damage). snake skin boots can be made ( requires 2 snakes similar properties to hide)

    Bees hives – hidden in trees, can be knocked down, swarm gives an area effect, similar to smoke, or fire, but induces poisons stings ( similar to snake bites, but less potent) if a tree is cut down with a hive, it initiates its effects. can be picked up and thrown ( triples the poison effect) effect continues as long as its in your inventory ( rad suits act as bee suits). usable as a box trap. bee hives can be killed with fire, leaving honey behind, stored hives also produce honey. Shooting or hitting hives angers bees, increasing sting rate.

    birds – we hear them now, but never see any? lets get some birds! nest in trees, similar properties to bee idea above, birds can be used for food, same as chickens. nests contain random amount of eggs(0 to 5) eggs can be eaten raw, cooked, or hatched, also spoil ( during incubating (requires incubator) or long storage) will defend their nests. most available in morning hours ( goes with the sound effects, and the “early bird” saying) Rotten eggs can be thrown, inducing vomiting in players who are directly hit.

    Cougars ( or other large cats) – act similar to wolves, but are more stealthy, sticks to cover such as rocks, trees, or tall grass, attacking from behind. Makes a cougar hat or rug from from its hide, similar to bear and wolves.

    Monkeys – jump out of trees, and from tree to tree, steals players items (1 or 2 at random) dose not do damage.(whole stacks can be stolen at once)

    sharks – i feel like i dont have to explain how these work, they bite….. when killed, may contain human meat, and random items and gear. if a shark kills a player, and the shark is then killed, the items will be a random portion of the killed players items ( removed from bodies inventory) attracted to areas with bodies, water can be chumed using fish meat.

    RAD-KEN – ( radioactive kraken) – over sized squid or octopus like creature with a glowing pattern of skin, only ( or mainly) available at night, emerges from below and attacks and destroys boats, shaking players out of them, emits a sizable area of rads, can not be killed, only retreats after enough damage is dealt to it. often accompanied by a school of sharks (1 to 6 random).

    • @TurkeyMaze
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I’m enormously in-favor of having more NPCs in Rust, but we all know what that might do for performance.

    • @keanu3943
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i dislike most of the ideas but the doggo and the new npcs thatd be cool

    • @firstcosmicman3742
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    These nuclear things are overpowered and so poorly thought out I’d hate to have them in game

    • @RealityGamez
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The merchant honestly should wonder in trees and the middle of the snow biome and the desert not near anything major

    • @CaptJarlaxle
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    ok. something for you. We have corn, we have water, we have a water purifier to put over a camp fire. We now have tables and chairs. how about a still for making liquor with? can even use moon shine as a fuel source. but mostly I just want to see people getting drunk and falling over a lot.

    • @daltonwalker734
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I hate all of these ideas I really hope none of this gets beyond concept

    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F ;(

    • @notninja97
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    None of these are bad ideas I’d say the cost of the code raid option should definitely be balanced carefully though.

    • @seanmcgurgan76
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    my concept would have to be adding in thermite. thermite should be extremely rare, maybe theres something like a 2 percent chance of getting one off a heavy scientist body for example, but its use would be to place on the door of a base, and blow the lock off of it. it would be a really cool idea, that might be extremely useful in specific situations, but seeing as it is very rare wouldn’t be too OP. Another possibility would be to make it purchasable on the black market… AKA at bandit camp, maybe sell it for 2k scrap each. An ideal situation other than raiding and just opening a door might be something such as you are raiding a small base, but you use thermite on the first door to A make it look like the base is unraided from far, and B make it so when you get TC you just need to lock the door instead of having to make one and place it to secure the base. Another possible idea that would be understandably difficult of a use for this would be to pop open a keycard room at any monument. As I said this would be understandably difficult as the implementation of this alone would make it so it would delete the lock on a door, but for a monument it would have to temporarily unlock the door or delete the lock then have a respawn timer on it, which would be hard to build.
    On a similar note an idea I thought about would be similar to the device to code raid a base, make a cheaper variant that you can’t find anywhere and have to experiment on the T2 workbench to get, and what it would do is that it would jam/hack the keycards on monuments to open them, and be a one time use device. Also for the one to code raid bases, maybe again make it something that you cant find, but have to experiment on the T3 workbench for. this way not too many groups would be likely to even have the BP unless they were very rich

    • @cyanide-3421
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Hm why is this guy when he talks i think theres a hourse in the mic

    • @FutaCockWorshipper
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Concept: [Event] Meteorite
    -A Meteorite lands down onto land after 3 minutes and becomes a massive mineable resource which will also take a couple minutes to mine
    After 10-15 minutes it despawns.
    Concept: Stationary Minigun
    Requires manual input to spray down enemies to make online raid defense against clans easier
    Concept: Elevator Pad
    A square or triangle floor that can go down one floor, reactivate to go back up

    • @overastart8412
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @exodus_black4913
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    For the riot shield, I think you should be able to hold pistols, but you can’t aim down sights, but to counter this, you could stick the shield into the ground(in snow, desert, and grass areas, not rocks) and then use a 2 handed weapon/tool. However, anyone can pick it up.

    • @garry6047
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Hmmmm… A new NPC type? Well, let’s see here….
    Isolated island – check.
    Lots of radiation present – check.
    Secret biotech company that played around with genomes – check.
    Organisms that respawn after being killed – check.
    Okay, I got it. Giant mutant killer deer. Radiation saturated them so often that it changed their DNA, since they could not truly die they physically and psychologically mutated. Now, creatures of the night they hunt.

    • @sebastiantapia804
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F for ruin, the game i have looked forward to the most in a while

    • @williamrush4483
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F n chat for ruin

    • @williamrush4483
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am



    • @williamrush4483
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @cocopufer5667
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @CashewBestofNuts
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Hacking someone’s code locks been around for I don’t know 6 Months 8 months now at least on servers? haha strange fellow forgot, or didn’t like them enough to mention?

    • @CJayD03
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    how about the key lock cracker? Since codelocks only cost 100 metal frags. Like the old times when you could key raid someone, and since facepunch made that quite impossible, then add it back, but in a new way. idk about the specifics but just an idea. maybe a lock pick type gadget? going from 3 – 6 minutes? nothing too long but nothing too short either.

    • @odinchristensen8442
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @michaeldenton8610
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I would say yes to pets… Make a bear pet. But if you don’t feed it then it will attack. No to drill camera. Yes to shield. Yes to reactor. No to rad attacks. I would like to see npc attacks. Like a ship lands and a small ish army steps off and sets up a FOB. And starts attacking settlements over time. Make it nearly impossible to destroy so it can’t just be killed and looted. Make them Americans.

    • @BrambleHead
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @TheWise1Knows
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @dreadahead88
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @cynical_sl8257
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    shadowfrax?…more like selloutfrax…HA..jk you more than deserve a sponsor <3

    • @gmunay420
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @mattkirk2858
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The dogs would be cool.

    • @00brin
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @jacobschutz2592
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Lightzy1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    No drill, no codebreakers, no to all of it. No to anything that helps advanced groups on the expense of nakeds and starter groups.

    • @MoB21
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The drill camera isnt needed because most clans have someone with esp and can see everything in your base anyways

    • @sarchlalaith8836
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like all the ideas but the wandering merchant should have a load of armed guards with him. Like 20 you should be able to loot him though.

    Also why can we not ride bears into battle? So much better than a horse.

    Lastly, we need pies.

    • @inkaz2133
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Sees title

    • @georgerobertson9251
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I’d make the code breaker not work sometimes/break after one use

    • @buickgrandnatty
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @LiLxF310N
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    These all look awesome. And the small/complex things like the chicken coop give players things to do besides fight and makes the game more enjoyable.

    • @stuarthayes6750
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @GainingDespair
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I can see it now, in a year we will have nuclear weapons and admins everywhere will be nuking any rivals base….

    • @AlluzHH
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    They really really need to make “Rust classic” that is rust but all updates reverted by over a year because rust was so much better couple years ago

    • @some1calledalex
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i was literally playing WT while the ad was passing

    • @Lycanmaster
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @MachineSanto
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    the only one that is not completely retarded is the wolf system

    • @nerdgamingmalaysiapandalal1699
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think dont need nuclear rust player already toxic

    • @IlTHATGUYlI
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @fourthousandhammers3493
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @NDferro
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    How about a wolf, That looks like a wolf?

    • @MankyjsJankyjs
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Drill great

    • @cj09beira
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @harmonb
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @kaiba7756
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    maybe have a high tier drill thats uncraftable drill into metal and armored

    • @powdemonic7121
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Oh oh also “Battle chickens” 😆

    • @OscarGreenworth
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The code breaker should break after one use, non-stackable, and use expensive and rare components.

    • @nochance6640
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the nuclear but I dont like the nuclear meltdown or nuclear rod ideas but the nuclear thing should have at least some rads included

    • @Dremaus1911
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i want the mutants or the creepy mech gaurdians to awaken out of the secret bunker under the rust island

    • @xvjpf
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    chicken + C4 = RUST.

    • @evanhamilton8323
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the drill but it should cost more, Then the merchant sound GREAT

    • @percides8272
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Massive F

    • @seb1oz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    shadowfrax is the only one that can make a sponsored segment worth watching

    • @haptorripman1228
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @ThatLoserTyler
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Cannibal Tribes and other NPC’s? Cool idea but no thank you, already can’t escape the masses of 13 year olds calling me the n word.

    • @Saw-cd9db
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    For the camera drill. Maybe the camera should have a tight fov and be a static camera. NO TURNING.

    • @coach533
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We need O p t I m I s a t I o n s.

    • @arraboi026
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @UnknownButlovesFood
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @bob3476
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    NEW IDEA:——>

    we should be able to dig down in rust

    • @Jorge-nv4fw
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Oh! I’ve forgot about the pets. Yes to that!

    • @jamesfoland5072
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I have been saying make the ground like that of 7 days to die. Be able to dig for resources. Build bases undground. Being able to use explosives to create craters. Would add a huge dynamic to the game.

    • @cyanocitta3728
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    code-cracker: very expensive, can get 2 uses max before breaking, is almost completely silent (won’t be heard unless you’re in the base), does not display the code, only creates a guest code of your choice. Means that it can be countered effectively by defenders, however, is an extremely silent and powerful way of raiding. Also due to the lack of explosive components, a drawback is the lack of ability to grief a base, which I see as balanced as it is simply gaining access to doors rather than brute-forcing in.

    • @bobbieluij
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    A bigger controllable blimp would be cool

    • @Jorge-nv4fw
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Nuclear Reactor? No
    Block Attacks? Yes
    Traveling Vendor? Unnecessary but I don’t oppose.
    New NPCs? Yes, mutated creatures would be nice, even better if they are hard to kill.
    Code Unlocker? Maybe, if they take a long time to brute force the lock, do not display the code and break after the first or second use.
    Drill with a camera? No! That would give away traps.

    • @kristijonasbutkus1307
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    A shield is an interesting idea. It could just be an additional piece for the heavy armor set. Applied a similar movement speed slow mechanic or some vision decrease i do see this item in the game. I dont understand why people are still not riding horses with these heavy armor sets

    • @Nate.M427
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We need useable cctv cameras

    • @CanadianGentleMen
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Horse masked zombies that drop pie, it’s all we need…..

    • @tctc3001
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We just want triangle ladderhatch

    • @itsyeboi2837
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Console ps5 ????????

    • @chrishales6563
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the idea of having a pet dog or wolf that carries loot and follows you and then runs home when u die

    • @VladislavStarikov3763
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @gorillagamer2333
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Lol key lock

    • @badgrub7304
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The code hackerman should give you accese to the one door that you hacked or how many doors will hack in that raid, instead of giving you the code

    • @wadqua2436
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F in chat for ruin

    • @lumlain
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    We need flame nades like mini incin rockets

    • @MaxmadV8
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Rations and survival supplies from Air drops. Camping stoves for cooking your beans! MREs and ration packs. Wilderness survival kits with small amount of high calorie food, meds, water. A knife and fire making kits.

    • @mzcat6126
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Less ads please

    • @matkomatko1652
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i would like the code hacker if they made it so you have like x amount of minutes the code lock doesnt work but you cant steal the door or remove the lock, just disables them so you can go in and grab loot if you get stuck inside and your hacker ran out of use , youre fukt

    • @spyder3354
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @alternatemusicaddict5226
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    oh god a nuclear reactor in our base could be a naked deterent

    • @CaptainLoupe
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @obsidiack1489
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I actually love the idea of the code lock cracker, and whilst the price of it is quite absurd I don’t think it’s too far fetched(apart from the techtrash) as being able to gain access to someone’s front door would be very op in raids as it basically allows you to seal off a base without getting tc

    • @daznapoleon6799
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @TheCreativone2
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F !!

    • @immiked4702
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Yeah players are definitely already toxic enough that could make for some bad situations but in other certain situations it does seem like a cool idea 🤔

    • @danielhaupt2066
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Shadow, ive been asking for Primitive NPCs for ages, it would be awesome if they roamed around the map a bit like the ones in the forest.
    they could add some extra life (literally) to empty servers, and the Pet system sounds awesome! this game with taming would be the favorite of many people, just having to take care of animals is something that makes people come back to a server!

    • @RitztheDJ
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    How ab instead of showing the code you would take the lock off

    • @Biface
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @nitricacid3307
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @shiina_0296
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    My idea for Code Lock Cracker:
    – It takes 5-10 min to hack a door
    – After hack the door will just open
    – After successful hack item becomes unusable, you have to craft another one
    – Cost Laptop, 10 Tech trash, 25 HQ

    • @EnchaJini
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Drill with a Screen, Isnt that Payday 2? lol

    • @Militiaman71
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    “Ruin” F 🙁

    • @ZeroGaming-ds7mb
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Don’t like neither the code breaker or drill idea. Couple of other ideas: 1. More random loot in random location. 2. Loot rate increases over time to keep players on servers near wipe. 3.Maybe a special crate that can survive wipe where you can put items you wish to keep for next wipe.

    • @Alex-oz3sr
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @sumboredazn
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    i like the merchant idea, but a little tweak would be the merchant would have bodyguard npcs as well. so basically the merchant, the bear, and maybe 3 or 4 heavy armor npcs (like from bandit camp) that roam as a group on the roads, with the same no weapons or tools out rules like in bandit camp and outpost within a certain range of the merchant group or they start shooting at you. if any players decides to kill them no drops from the merchant or bear but the usual low level drops from the bodyguard npcs. after a few minutes into the initial fight starting, the merchant group would then start to move on while shooting within a certain distance, and the less npcs are left the faster they move. as for any bodyguard npcs that are killed, after a certain amount of time (maybe like 5 or 10 min) a new npc bodyguard spawns to refill the lost numbers.

    • @brianjones4183
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    shields are the only thing I saw that seemed like it could work, the others just dont seem like they would work, possibly the traveling merchant.

    • @StainLifter
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @RidesandRambling
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @RidesandRambling
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The drill camera is probably the worst idea I’ve seen… for so many reasons,

    • @tripalink
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I want them to bring ruin back that game sounded awesome

    • @codybattery8370
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    rust is just going to gradually become fallout

    • @hobblesofkarth3943
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Rading your base to force raiders out of armor into rad suits interesting idea.

    • @5upern0va85
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    just go easy and simple . we only need a code lock for larg and small furness

    • @Hkkr1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The one who launches the nuke keeps the blueprints wipe everyone and rule them all

    • @vladimirpain3942
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Wow, cracking device would be awesome.

    • @dumduck55k45
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    GIVE ME MORE ARROWS DAMIT. Also a bloats would be nice. Low tec way to keep those helis away, and if you hit a naked with it that’s a plus.

    • @aphexpesuto
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @enthargaming9700
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @enkei0
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I saw a working mod with the code lock cracker. A counter to this is to have laptops in your TC. It would consume one per crack attempt. The attacker would also lose theirs.

    • @Ban_Usury_Worldwide
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Cracking a lock shouldn’t show the code…

    • @xwhirl8000
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I clicked it mate so u can get ur pints

    • @tylerrichardson8251
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The farming of animals is a good idea

    • @landon8133
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @tylerrichardson8251
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the radioactive grenade

    • @YeensWrath
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I like the hacking laptop.

    Instead, make so that the player has to stay on the laptop for 3 minutes (Time could be any). And how about a 15 minutes of cool down?

    Edit: The Laptop could worn out like any other tools and canot be repaired.

    • @doducchannel
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    So we have russian server where u can summon your own boar with a chest on his back when bean attack boar fight back for u. Server calls blood rust go check it out its free.

    • @brodycantrell2852
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @intrix.1987
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    What if you could hire bandits?

    • @BananaDuck
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Did you mean to make this video 1337 mins long?

    • @jaket418
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    There should be multiple types of traders and they’ll each specialize in a different type of thing kind of like fallout four. So there could be like a hunter dude and he goes around selling food, bear traps, arrows and stuff like that. And there could be a scientist and he sells meds and weapons. And maybe a scavenger dude with road sign gear on and sells components. Also F for Ruin 13:36

    • @chillmeisterchillmeister4997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Ethorbit
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I wouldn’t add a travelling merchant as Fallout already has this and Rust is supposed to be a different game. If a travelling merchant IS added, it would be nice to have a different look than the Fallout merchants.

    • @Old_Grey
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    A medieval version would of been awesome

    • @derpcow
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @markata4747
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I hope they wont add shields

    • @newlands4210
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Make the camera drill have very limited use and not be able to drill through sheet metal and armored walls. Those are my suggestions.

    • @jarredbierman9032
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @uppset_dave4982
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    The NPC I would take:
    My “MOM” because she would do everything for me.

    • @thebeanienation548
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    F into chat for Ruin

    • @deavannoah1273
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    This episode if Concept Limbo is really good.

    • @blazedyoda8608
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think the code cracker item should be in the game but I think it shouldn’t be a craftable item, I think it should be a very very rare drop from the Heli perhaps the same drop rate as the m249. Also the code cracker should brake after say 2 uses but have the option to repair it with him, tech trash and laptops

    • @desdrian3312
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    below this comment for RUIN 🙁


    • @fraznofire2508
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Not sure why there would be black smoke coming out of a nuclear reactor, regardless of how makeshift it is

    • @mathgasm8484
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think we need camo netting for small bases so mini chopper will have a harder time to see it.

    • @JohanNordlander885
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @blazedyoda8608
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I think there should be come NPC’s that roam the map maybe a group of 4 with randomised weapons and armour and if you kill them they drop oil rig heavy scientist loot

    • @Roman-fh9mn
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @outismo2922
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    this is geting to minecrafted

    • @thebestian6039
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @realTryAngle
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    0:19 S PERM 😂😂

    • @isacerikssonfohlin2256
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    I want pirates and cannibal tribes, they could make a new game mode with more primitive play style with bows and stuff and have tribes you can join in it, or just make a new game with those features.

    • @tobiass4225
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    This stuff is cool and all but the game is far from adding half of it

    • @nucleararkndjdk9476
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @tropicalii
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Fallout 4:D

    • @ericmaher4756
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Still waiting for some kind of reputation marker, that would let you know of murderous players. Maybe some wanted signs to get a reward for killing them, or a system like the one used for teams so you can see in the distance a colored dot, red being total psycho kos, and green an actual friendly person.

    • @hackse4883
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @AlexJamesDean
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @lenkrach5934
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    take this video down. remove 1 sek. reupload!

    • @prorok2505
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Drill ??? HATE Code Cracer ?? HATE !!!

    • @mongo7882
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @oltimeri8256
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    You have more subs than the facepunch channel

    • @Ace-oy5ib
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Shields and manable turrets.

    • @sweetcorn1936
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    Feel like garrys getting sloppy with cool content updates

    • @frog6584
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am


    • @Mira-ln4uv
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:31am

    8:50 “I dont want to be in your video”

    • @nonamexd9856
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @logie263
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I love horses :3

    • @anoymousanamoys4787
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    6 years ago nobody would believe this was rust

    • @TheDarkHunter
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I didn’t expect the “F in chat for ruin” at the end and it make me jump

    • @jacek5894
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    War Thunder Is a pretty good game, i can confirm 🙂

    • @mrcookies2149
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I like the idea of pets and the NPC but the reactor and stuff doesnt sound so good to me.

    • @gabrielquinole9554
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All these are actually pretty good ideas

    • @davidpapp9240
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @a-tv1428
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I want myself a RBMK reactor because those can’t explode.

    • @nikolaosleonidaspatsiodimo3964
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All of these ideas are Trash….

    • @UnionParkPlumbing
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @EpicDDK
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i didn’t even try rust but i love to watch it 😀

    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @kucher997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Ставь лайк, если нихуя не понял, но это что-то очень интересное

    • @horrorview
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I still have a DREAM! And that dream is of irradiated scavenger guys who only come out at night in large groups. Little, hunched over, white-as-ghosts, wrinkled, glowy-eyed, naked beasties that scramble about on all fours, use primitive weapons like clubs and blades, but are very fast, strong, and require more than a few shots to take them down. Imagine hearing their shrill cries at night outside your base as they scamper by, maybe stopping to try and get in, scratching at doors or climbing on one another to scale walls….creeeeeeeepy.

    Also if you kill them they drop pies.

    • @wombledj
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Idea for an npc that would never work. scientists have a tendency to get stuck on things, but groups of around 5 heavies that roamed the map randomly would be a fun way to incorporate more npcs as well as give some of those angsty teens something to shoot at other than nakeds.
    regarding the door hacking tool. I think this is an excellent idea. perhaps having it as a sort of ‘weapon’ in the sense that it could require some sort of costly ammo equivalent and keep track what percentage the door had been hacked that way, if you ran out of the ‘ammo’ you could come back to it after obtaining more just like a partially destroyed door. Also having it not work on key locks could help give solo players a little boost too!
    love the delivery of every video. keep up the good work!

    • @Yoshmin34
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    War thunder is my life

    • @KurtMitGurt_97
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the drill is a nice one

    • @essgaming404
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @cadesmith7119
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Thanks unc

    • @2bithacker
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Russia’s lighthouses, like Aniva Rock, weren’t reactors, they were Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators using a strontium-90 core. As the radioactive material decays it gives off heat, which is converted to electricity using thermocouples. RTGs are very common in deep space probes and Mars rovers. Not used so much on Earth due to the radioactive element. But there’s no reaction going on, just decay, so it’s not a reactor.

    • @WaterMelwin
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    cant buy chainsaw from outpost

    • @farbott8137
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    They are toxic enough.

    • @8Delian8
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The npc variants are pretty good. we could do with some robot walking on 4 legs shooting geared/hostile players on the beach (or near it), and patrol around lower tier monuments.
    The rest in the video are also great.
    The bunker is also a good idea and there should be a few of them around the map for small groups or solo’s searching for a quicker starter base.
    The drill and the door cracker are too much for raiding tools. You should make a lot of noise when raiding and also not be able to get wallhacks

    • @HellCrescent
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The shield concept art was spot on. I loved that road sign and armored door concept in particular.

    Would also be funny to line your base with your nuclear generators so rad-suits or rad pills are required to hangout near it. No ones getting their loot back if they rush back to the raid naked. XD

    • @davianhernandez479
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @pedermork5214
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Performance needs to be worked on before adding more stuff.

    • @leviadraconia
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Meanwhile I just want the mutants to be in the game. lol

    • @camiscute3578
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I would balance the code cracker by not adding it to the game

    • @hugob2726
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Ghingis00
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think it would be good if the merchant could be killed, but you and everyone in the vicinity will be number one enemy.
    Also a (transport) chopper (this would bring the merchant to the island too) with scientists would came from the Scientist Compound, trying to kill you.
    After they succeed they would land and pick up the remains of the merchant. If you manage to take them out you have all the loot.

    • @hugob2726
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    definitely do not show the code after cracking it

    • @leo766
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What if you could use the targeting computer and security cams for a security system around your base

    • @wealthycat3071
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @thehotdog8402
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    How about on wipe day instead of having a wipe where server restarts we have a timer before the nuclear bomb goes off destroying everything. BUT you can have a new buildable that you need to hide under to not die from the nuclear blast. And in the bunker there is storage to store your most important loot with a limited amount of spaces. After the blast you need to get out and build everything, asap, to start the new wipe.

    • @isaacfernandez637
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    That was Crazy Wolfgang

    • @DirtySnowman439
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    here is an idea, being able to auth on sam turrets

    • @mud_dub6396
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nah they shouldn’t at a code lock breaker it would be to op or you should at least make it hard to get by making a boss the drops it or something

    • @MarcoKulmala
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    can i use link if i already have a account

    • @st3ph4ndk
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The code cracker is really an interesting concept. If all it did was unlock the door (not allowing you to change the code afterwards), it could really be a nice alternative to raiding with explosives. Sure it’d be more silent, but if it takes longer, and is more expensive is it really that broken?

    • @djord_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    When you showed the snowy clip of ruin, I was expecting an image of Todd Howard to appear on my monitor

    • @sleep3929
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Which role player thought electricity in RUST was a good idea?

    • @PhysicistGamer
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @DavidFaulkner1986
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @user-pr6zv6gr4g
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nuclear powered core with potential to jerry rig a self destruct mechanism sounds good >:)

    • @kevinkostler6537
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @SkylrKaosSol
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @press2ifyouhate130
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Escaped Convicts who took over a police station that would have a armory requiring a key found on a boss. The armory would have m92’s riot helmets perhaps batons riot shields

    • @ryder6526
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Roaming bandits or a bandit patrol that would walk along the roads would be cool

    • @BubblegumYum
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    That wandering merchant could just be a bandit group, say three bandits and the bear or a horse, and they’re well armed to take on any trouble they receive from the “polite” community of Rust.

    • @shadiraghfan2196
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I was waiting for a nuke. I can finally nuke the annoying clan that raided me right after they see me with an LR-300.

    • @ryanherron1423
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @DjSL3ID3R
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Video starts at 1:52

    • @johnmarkjimenez9175
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I really love your accent

    • @logie263
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @jacobwiley2794
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i would love a group of Scientists who wear special black outfits and only are deployed at night complete with flashlights so they arent just a bush aimbot. Rough idea but its a CONCEPT IN LIMBO!

    • @linus2974
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i would make code cracker not show codes, break after about 4 uses, take maybe 3 or 4 minutes per lock, but also make it so that you could just place it on the door and you can run about or defend, but it can be taken off the door but it would take a few seconds

    • @Badboys-hq6kx
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ms-pz4wy
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i like the idea of a dirty grenade or bomb for defense or short range attack

    • @NaKiriAi
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    *See’s the title*

    [inserts joke about the rust community]

    • @linus2974
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    if they added wolf taming i could see myself luring nakeds into my base and making a pack of wolves fight him

    • @CharlesBalester
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    For the automatic lock cracker, I would just have it be a small charge that allows you to place it on a single door, you detonate it, and any ELECTRIC locks would instantly explode, making a small noise, but much MUCH less than a standard C4 approach. Metal locks with a key would be unaffected, and again this would only be single-use, so it wouldn’t do a whole lot of good against a base with many doors, but would be a quieter alternative to barging in Kool-Aid man style.

    • @deep4797
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @MossadAgentEpstein
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @kaell9759
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @andrewcurrie9506
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @StanceRewind
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    they should make little farms like lootable farms that strires a military crate and food, i think that would be pretty cool, or like a haunted boathouse that boats spawn at and theyres a vendor there that sells lowgrade

    • @soulvalorant
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    They should add a military base that has SAM sites, turrets and where the Chinook helicopter and attack helicopter land and you could raid military bases for tier 3 loot. The military base could be located in the water.

    • @simpa9653
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Lazy4444
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I like all the radical ideas, rust need a shake once on a while

    • @antoniobandeles6244
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @capnskurk8679
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I like how the video is 13:37 min long 😀

    • @ResponsibleBread
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    5:53 is that a fallout 76 reference? XD

    • @turbol6002
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Better will be option too upgrate TC 🙂 hq or metal

    • @capnskurk8679
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @isaacgejames
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    why did you have to remind me of ruin I was exited for that

    • @lolglolblol
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @alezkarlsson5531
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Why do you promote these ideas?

    • @platypus1639
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    shark npc to restrict the amount of nakeds who just swim for ages to farm barrels and snowball or full metal guys who accidentally fall off cargo ship stranded with an inventory of juicy loot to die to a shark which in turn punishes the idiot for being stupid enough to fall off

    • @derpiesaurus
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @mekihd1789
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    So whats in the update tommorrow lol

    • @NNJX7777
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    for the first time i see the name of the market 0:19 called SPERM LMFAO

    • @shirone503
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @YoursTruIy_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    It’d be cool if you can raid people’s bases using Thermite (a powder that burns really hot). Using Thermite on a bases wooden door will have a very drastic effect and burn through it fast, and on a sheet metal door have it burn through at about the same rate as a flamethrower burns through a wooden door, and maybe not have it be able to burn through armored doors.

    • @hawkeyebit4948
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Thank you sir shadow frax

    • @Z3ROcrossGamesAndTech
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for Ruin xd
    what i would like to see its ‘hi external walls lvl 3’ and ‘hi external gate lvl 3’ they all ready in game around safe zone why not let players deploy them

    • @MM-lv8ib
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Steam… Please! So many things could be done with steam. Base heating, base power, even defensive capabilities.

    • @niels2045
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    codelock breaker = hack the first door, hack the second door, stuck in airlock, hack first door so you are not stuck anymore. Get loot, hack first door again.

    • @fedeeeedar7852
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    we don’t want new rads, we also don’r want the game at 30 fps in super potato. We want optimization

    • @mont5093
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Z3ROcrossGamesAndTech
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    there is mod allready with codelock crack option 😀 and kinda simple you use laptops to crack the doors there is a times couple of minuts and you can defend the hack by placing laptops inside tc , and when you cracking its not showing the code you crack and 1 laptop for 1 codelock

    • @ezequielvelazquez1700
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    we only need Radiactive Animals like legacy 🙁

    • @MrSageOlorin
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @SnipeR-02
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    08:52 could shoot a flaregun when injured, noone would even riski it the second time..

    11:23 Could show you the actual code after finding it?
    Inputs a random code every 0.1s,
    Survives 250-500 attempts

    • @jericogreen6559
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I wish I could play rust I always wanted to but I dont have the money for it. I want to experience the problem or funs of rust before I can make any comments on what to add think you can help me out

    • @AuditorsUnited
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Kiko-yq2cs
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    War thunder is pretty fun

    • @loganxman
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    click bait

    • @AuditorsUnited
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    that dirty grenage is a epic idea.. but i guess we have incindieries don’t we …give it a try

    • @karnicrep3
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    for the decoder could be easily balanced. only 3 uses. needs 100hqm 20 tech trash and 2 laptops. timers dependant on the doors. 45 for wood 90 for sheetmetal 120 for garage and 180 seconds for armored. make it sound like a locked crate while in use. just my thoughts on it

    • @Matt-hq9ie
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    So nobody is going to talk about step 6?

    • @kitkats257
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I hope to god they dont shields trying to kill a geared guy with a spear will be close to impossible if they’re gonna be half decent with the shield.

    • @snakegum9288
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    If you were going to hack a door it should instead be a drill (think payday 2) that makes a lot of noise depending on the fuel used to make it run and produce a long crate hacking effect that would take longer and consume more fuel depending on the door type your drilling in to.

    • @godoftitans420
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    VIDEO TIME?? 13:37

    • @torqa4676
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    maybe for an npc idea you could have a drifting ferry or boat, in which the player has the option to kill the crew onboard the vessel for some quick easy loot, or help them repair the engines for some better more high quality loot.

    • @AuditorsUnited
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i dont know why i hang on the edge of my seat to find out that they changed the shader on the monument every week but here iam… what ya got for us today shadow!

    • @dragsteraudioart
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    We need bagpipes…

    • @sssiman
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    all bad. stick to sky diving, rock climbing and hell’s.

    • @congruentcrib
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Think it’d be cool if when you kill the traveling merchant, you’re marked on the map and all players can see where you’re at, much like in gta online

    • @ntdspades5971
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Doggo and bokbok huts are very needed

    • @karrawr9538
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @RedMenace0
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think all of these are pretty awesome. I do have a couple of problems with some of these that i would like to adress, so bear with me. And if you want to, please like this just so i can get a conversation going, and hopefully Shadowfrax sees it so he can put his input on it. Thanks gamers.

    The placed uranium-type trap would be cool more for defense, like what Shadowfrax said, but it should be activated by electricity. A trip wire could set it off, or a laser. Something like that.
    The drill should be a tad bit more expensive, maybe more tech trash, and a laptop for the screen so you can see the video from the camera. And it shouldn’t be too strong either, like eventually the camera might get messed up, and the video feed you see should get even more blurry every time you use it, to the point that you need to either
    A) Make a new one,
    B) Replace the camera in it.
    You could fix it at a workbench probably.
    After a couple times you replace the camera though, the drill could deteriorate and you won’t be able to repair it at all, and you will be forced to make a new one.
    The drill bit itself will get some wear and tear, which will cause it to break through walls slower. Same thing with the camera, it will just break after a couple uses. You could repair the drill bit will more HQ metal, or they could add a new item with the update: drill bits.
    You could find them in Super Markets, or buy it at the scrap casino, or in barrels or trucks. Anywhere basically. You could even craft one with maybe scrap. Once you get a drill bit, you could fix the drill like the camera. And same with the camera, you replace it too many times, you won’t be able to replace it anymore.
    I don’t think the code cracker should show the code. Once you use the code cracker and successfully break into your opponent’s base, a message should pop up that would say something along the lines of “Successfully Cracked the Code!”
    It should also be very weak. The wires could be getting messed up because the code cracker itself is getting shocked, as is tries every possible combination until it finds the correct code for the door. Maybe something like, 2 or 3 times. Maybe even five, but that’s if it becomes even more expensive.

    Well, that’s really it. Feel free to ask questions, although I may not get back to them.

    • @routezeroco979
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    we need some better form of land transportation, and a wing suit and or parachute

    • @jamesk400
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    players are toxic enough, lol… i like the idea of the pirates… give them a cove too! we could raid the ship when they leave/return and we could raid the pirate cove also!

    • @marcusskovran6491
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    War Thunder is the only acceptable sponsor

    • @ulumurigaming7523
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @_Mare4455
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    do more rust mafia

    • @chaoticblankness
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @yourm8042
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Next video: interstellar travel?

    • @paulvinova
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ValAllenSamonte
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @geloa_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @TimeToUninstall
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust > War Thunder

    • @marshallkerper7536
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    They need a raid item for the teir 2 work bench. I think it should be tnt. There would be two parts :1 dynamite stick :2 would be three sticks tied together. I think it should be like satchel in damage but more reliable and maybe a bit cheaper.

    • @walkerthehat
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    You have no idea how desperately thirsty I am for walkie talkies. I want long range in game voice chat. Radio towers/stations would be hilarious as well.

    • @gotanyadvil337
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin

    • @whitey2579
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The nuke should be on every map and blow up min before server wipe when set lol would give a reason for the map wipe

    • @LAAG10
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Big thanks to war thunder for helping shadow!

    • @commanderfoxtrot
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    War Thunder is nice and all, but I personally prefer DCS World.

    Even though I have very few hours in the game.

    • @ajsuperman3063
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Dev_Toast
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Don’t play war thunder on PS4 with planes, the yaw will always take you to the right and you can’t take off

    • @sippinthefnordies
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Killing the Wandering Merchant should make every NPC perma-aggro for the remainder of the wipe.

    He should have OK to decent loot leaning towards components and a good amount of scrap.

    BUT if you attack him not only will he and his Battle Bear fight back (both donning Heavy Armor?), AND a small platoon of Heavy Scientists and/or Bandits should show up like on the large oil rig (but faster, like 18 seconds later)

    • @roostermoistboys1860
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I quit rust when they added in the Mini heli copters. Face-punch is actually ruining this game. Dont think ill ever play it again but ill still drop by this channel to show some love <3

    • @614BlueBerry
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Evo_350
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    13:37 f

    • @Michael-iq1nq
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @dvineplays7619
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Dogs and Chicken farming, with a new egg consumable item

    • @xephorce
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i like the base self destruct idea with the reactor.

    • @DrewisJuicedYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Most of these aren’t that good ideas. The rad defense to keep nakeds away is cool, also could they just introduce 3 tier of backpacks… better idea than most

    • @yuu5974
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Idea: you should be able to go to somewhere and use scrap or something to hire a few scientists to protect your base from raiders. I mean it would be expensive but it would add some more protection from raiders.

    • @dvineplays7619
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    bring back legacy zombie ai

    • @matthews4621
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Evo_350
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Finally a 10 minutes vid

    • @alfred5379
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Don’t really like the code thingys

    • @Powerbow47
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Bomb drop works the same as a air drop but when you throw it it drops an atomic bomb

    • @SongOfDeer
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Honestly, the code-lock hacker sounds like a good idea. Sure, the stealth mode makes it more OP on populated servers but you could still just as well get ambushed by someone walking by.
    And the thing displaying the code? Well, players just need to use a different code for all the doors, duh! It’s a bit more hazzle, but even for a large clan, every players only needs to input the codes once, so I think players would adjust to it fairly quickly.
    As for the drill… how about this; Implement it, but also give players a cheapo wire mesh made out of chicken fence that you can place on the inside which will electrocute the driller and damage them a great deal.

    • @tommyheron2532
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the camara could not be to op if the hole was set to one point in every wall, and u could block the inside of the wall with something

    • @elmotuz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    That codelock cracking device could be so that it only gives you(everyone) set time(like 5 minutes) to open and close it without the code? Or it could remove the codelock from the door? Cost should be like: Laptop, 5 tech trash and 50hqm? And make it rare drop.

    That drill camera should make ton of noise and take like 5minutes on hqm, 2min on sheet metal, minute on stone and 20sec on wood and it should destroy twig.

    • @sterlinglapratt1377
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    There’s a mod that makes laptops able to open one code lock (without showing code). And can be countered by the owner putting laptops in the TC. 5 minutes to crack the code without moving or looking around.

    • @synkstar9921
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    If you dont maintain and properly cool your reactor it will explode blowing up an area around it and irradiating a larger area like say uour whole base so you will have to wear hazmat suites all of the time or move

    • @simohenrik1860
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The heli should attack only the people/direction where they have fired their weapon, or it should be replaced with something that people can hide from it. It is a major turn-off for new/role players, like a second night. Airdrops should not drop “crappy DIY-weapons” like DB or spears but real military equipment, even claymore mines which can be set to tripwires with a wiretool. Also mines should be craftable to large clearance ordnances like 40kg TNT that can be wired into a landmine, that would trigger a larger explosion. There should be a shovel and ability to dig underground, even for a few meters, or to level foundations for building. For bullets the “naked” damage values should be identical, only differing in penetrating bodyarmor, which should be most effective against shotgun and then pistol ammunition, or least 9x19mm shot from a short barrel. All similar class weapons with the same ammunition should have identical damage values. Craftable melee/arrow shields are a great idea. The horse controls should be lighter, like in M&B. Box skins should be appliable with a hammer/tool. One horse shouldnt be able to clear your whole 200 crop plantation overnight. The through should have water in it. Why is there not a regular saw? Hatchet and axe should be crafted from HQM and wood, repaired with wood, and when reclaimed as broken give back the HQM. Workbench should function as a repair table. The Compound WB should be L2. The research table should warn if you already “know” the BP. Boats with items in them should not dissappear from OilRigs so soon.

    • @wellwisher7091
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Keep everything beside and just tell me
    “Why no birds, when there is alot of animals in the game”?
    And even there are hot air balloons
    You get on them go up in sky and “boom” u still see no birds
    The sky is clear😂

    (Sry for ma rip english🤣)

    • @L_U-K_E
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    warthunder is good game

    • @daveneoo
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    RUIN F


    • @mattglennon4750
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i feel like if you add other alternatives to raid at this stage in the game then you’d kill the survival strain raiding costs, plus remove the fact that its a stressful event by being a sneaky gremlin cracking into someones base

    now maybe after a few changes and reworking raiding/communication/pvp then i could work but all im hearing is an influx of alt accounts afk in base just monitoring for when someone is gonna raid you

    • @svengroen7166
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i hate the shield idea

    • @thehurtisforever
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @johnwilkins3449
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ydurt1475
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Now im not sure how this would effect player performance, (this probably wont be added for that reason) but the tribe and maybe other animals would fit in well in a jungle biome, abundant of food and wood along with cover in the trees, but low on resources and the risk of dying to an animal.

    If this ever is added, my clan will live there are we will be called the viet cong.

    • @CNC-Time-Lapse
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @realtomatoket
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    tribals,merchants(btw it should be like the image of the guy looking like one of us but instead should be a community with a badge on his right chest and if threatened he would pull out a random weapon such as, Crossbow, pump, db, p2, m92, mp5, custom, semi and a revolver and the bear would only knock u down and not kill u as the owner would finish u or help u after looting u to sell but if u kill him u will get half of ur loot back and other victims that fell to him) pirates, code breakers and the nuclear reactor (u could have it where u would have a small, medium or large small would have a bottle and makes less waste medium would be a propain tank and large would be 5 large propain tanks maker a massive barrel of course prices would be lil bit diffrent but still more but with the waste you should be able to make chemical impact nades and darts the nades u would have to hit close to them to actually do damage and a lil puff of gas will be there u have to put it at face lvl for the enemy to breath it in and to the dart u will have to get a direct hit on them to make them move slower if hit in the leg and if head shot they would have nausea for 2 seconds and would do alot of damage to the point its a bit too over powered but it cannot be craft but only be found or bought from random merchants or from bandit camp and it wont be cheap either as it should be 80+ or 100+ as it would make the enemy slower if shot on the foot and nausea in the head and if shot in the arm they will either drop weapon i choose not or make them unequip their weapon) like this comment if u agree with me reply if u would like to point something out or ask me something

    • @miguelon2968
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Imagine being able to craft radioactive barrels to place around your base or TC range to forge raiders to wear hazmat suits. Good for us Solos.

    • @jacobmason543
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What does the Chicken say? Bok Bok Bok Bok, Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok.

    • @alanway5
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i love the radioactive grenades and radioactive defense against naked doorcampers. genius ideas. also the shield, you can only use pistols, very good.very high defense and lower dps. everyone would start using pythons, we need more pythons insteads of ak.

    • @telmosilva9161
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am



    • @blacktiger7442
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i have other idea why don’t they add an electric shock device (the one carried by police) which work on batteries (or electric source in general) as a stun weapon i believe that will add much for the game.
    its rare to find this weapon in games where its general in real life.

    • @wanty72
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What about a vehicle crafting station where you couls make vehicles: snowmobiles dirtbikes etc

    • @Yeahh322
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All this information already broke the game

    • @honorablehome6675
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    It would be cool to have maybe a npc that can farm for you.

    • @gccdude6876
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the traveling trader could be like an APC not a Bradley but a friendly kind of vehicle that would open the back end of the vehicle and would allow trading. destroying would yield loot but the vehicle would call reinforcements and would be similar in health of the bradley

    • @pyjama_nop3407
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @danieldebeer6292
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Instead of traveling merchants, what about Scientist convoys that you can trade with

    • @TimothyFrancisco
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    We need camo nets for smaller bases. This can be to hide remote bases from choppers. Choppers make it too easy to find and raid solo bases.

    • @ohlookawyvern251
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    for the code lock breaker…. just unlock it when hacked xD so you can change the code… if you say…”reset” the code lock

    • @greenghost4977
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    rust on mobile pls pls

    • @thotty3357
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The code guesser thing mayby make it really unreliable like i only gets it right sometimes and if it does not you take more damage like 10 or 20

    • @Robosium
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Has GTA:Online and Fallout 76 not teached us to keep nukes away from gamers?

    • @StuckInSilverCS
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Ant_Dawgg
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @louisryan5815
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F… god I wanted medieval rust…

    • @vononcyka4702
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust = Chernobyl

    • @gunbreon9309
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    0:46 I thought the concept was planes in rust but it was an ad

    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    How about just gimmi a Rusty Bike same speed as the horse – sorted

    • @fxlegacy7085
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    cool concepts, but kills it for solo players big time

    • @TheHolyOnlineGamer
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for Ruin. 🙁

    • @foosic1742
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    *video length: **13:38*

    “We were on the verge of greatness”

    • @joostwittebrood5071
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I just want to pull up with my bear buddy, just imagine a zerg with 8 bears rolling all over you. Hahaha

    • @LongPigg
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Just give us powdered milk so we can make bread and pies etc.

    • @gibby1154
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Dude I’m working on my nuclear reactor and I have 7 problems that I counted on my hand

    • @alfredklintandersen4775
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    11:40 i love this idea, its the perfect tool for a solo player.
    I would make sure it cost more then c4 in tech trash, hqm, and metal to raid a door, and could only be used once

    • @jeffod12
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Shadowfrax we need to speak! I have a burning question. Also where your Patreon link.

    • @noice8533
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @freakytitmaster814
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin…

    • @jeffod12
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @stiki3162
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Please dont add shields,we dont need another minecraft update

    • @Barnaclebeard
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    If the travelling NPC shop gets aggro’d, it should just detonate itself, destroying all its inventory and everyone nearby. The NPC would resurrect just like everyone else on the island so it would be a rational strategy for discouraging banditry as long as the NPC never carries more inventory than it can afford to lose.

    • @spacecake6843
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @retribution3180
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nuclear things sounds the best but to be honest what I would love in this game the most would be a generator you can have inside your base

    • @poeticnije
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Shields, wandering merchant and pets sound good. The rest….meh! Ruin still hurts to know its gone :'( FFFFFFFFFFF (in chat for Ruin)

    • @_Washing_Machine_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I want some kind of horrible scary monster to come out at night and rip people apart

    • @phatcatuk826
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    this is by far the worst youtube video I have ever seen.

    • @underratedasmr7052
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The dog and chicken concept would be super awesome especially for solos because it won’t be that lonely in rust. If you die atleast you can see your dogs and chickens still and it’ll be helpful.

    • @hes1hp_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @jahlouw1131
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Much love and respect shadow, but ill rather play World of tanks & warplanes. 😛 maybe Wargaming needs to sponsor u instead 😉

    • @FoxFallsInc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    soo a sever (i forgot the name) had a mod like that where if you use a lap top on a code lock would hake it butt can be counter hacked by having a lap to in the tc. soo the code lock cracker is a amazing idea for true silent raids however they should have a counter to it called a code lock cracker jammier which as the name says jam

    • @michaelkatcher4483
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    what about when fire was going to be able to catch wood walls on fire when the flame thrower first came out?

    • @retribution3180
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Yes and nuke at the end of the wipe would be epic

    • @darkxdonley2651
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Only good idea is traveling merchant rest are trash or to op. If they add that stuff then I’m uninstalling

    • @mrmree
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Yes to Mini reactors!
    Place on foundation
    Decay level for rad emissions/radius
    “Cooks” water; which reduces “decay” of reactor
    Produces rad water. (Fuel for super Soaker?)
    plzzz there are so many reasons

    • @stefane8512
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust and WT are like bread and butter

    • @mickael5455
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    You should add a Slingshot, something easily craftable with the ressources you can find on ground 😀

    • @kyle910
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @kakarutas6783
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    just build the amount of doors equal to the players in your group and make everyone a key lock, easy go around the hacking thing

    • @MatheusPratta
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Something I think should be implemented is actually farming road signs from…. road signs? Like, literally hitting the signs along a road would yield road signs, instead of randomly finding them on boxes or barrels…. lol

    • @Rupertchingameing
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Ruin is cancelled? NOOOOOO

    • @ivanmartinson
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Noah-fx4cm
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    One of my fav youtubers sponsoring one of my favourite games, nice

    • @surfinshredder
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Mad F in chat

    • @FirstnameLastname-dm2xl
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I want rust to become harvest moon.

    • @whatscout78
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    cant wait to return to rust in 2037 when its optimized

    • @mcstefo4429
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    When they are trying to kill the game

    • @Noah-fx4cm
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    *Rust 2020*
    -Hey anyone got a ramjet engine?
    -Ye 2k uranium

    • @soople75soople56
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    we dont need a nuclear grenade !!

    • @dr.gempire7936
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nuclear is cool but w the door camping thing it takes strategy out of the game by doing scaring off door campers or make them more determined

    • @keirtapper6158
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust was always toxic

    • @janisstradins652
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    shield and dogs only good ones


    • @JizzyJizmo
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the last 2 raid ideas are disgusting, no one wants that in rust, totally gets rid of all the raiding normally.

    • @j0kernnn458
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    havnt done a single thing with electric stuff… completly useless

    • @solarsolistic199
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust should add a digging mechanic and able to build your base underground like 7 ways to die.

    • @H3rry118
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @UnlivedPie4
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Most of those are mods

    • @115octane4
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    long time no seen

    • @tacodolphin5523
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I tried to stop playing warthunder…but in every video i watch i see it,it haunts me

    • @icata12345
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i like the traveling merchant idea , Merchant have HP of armored scientist [from oil rig] but dmg from [normal scientists] the bear [ normal better with 2x HP and better AI?] if you kill them u can just harvest the bear and the merchant and he could drop same loot like Oil rig scientists?

    • @qWwWq
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    11:33 nice raid

    • @quadrophenia3630
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @JizzyJizmo
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    traveling merchant?

    isnt that thing called a vending machine lol.

    • @juggery
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Great making the game more toxic

    • @JINX-ie2ld
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I cant make out what he said at the last second of this video XDD the part where he shows a castle lol..something ruin

    • @aaronpereira5545
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I hate all these they make no sense except the dog and trader the cod code lock shouldn’t be displayed

    • @RebelScum409
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    It would be awesome if we could dig. So, instead of using walls to make bunker bases you could dig them out.

    • @DashyDev
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What if those reactors could make

    • @joshaf3096
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Beregorn88
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I’ve seen the hacking already implemented in some modded server: they used computer, the more pc you have on you the faster the attack. You can place pc in the TC to slow attacks, and pc are destroyed during the attack. You don’t get the password but you gain control of the lock, so you can remove it or change the password.

    • @higherthanclouds535
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    guess that wasn’t unintentional

    • @turbosquido4262
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The chicken coupe and merchant are good ideas

    • @Garagegarments
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Best series on YouTube, keep it up brudda

    • @computeraidedworld1148
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think the reactor is Hideous, but a good Idea. I think it should be really big and require costly maintenance, but the reward (electricity) being worth while. And the idea of the self destruct would make sense but I’m afraid it would make raiding less fun (like de-spawning items when you know your done for).

    • @nickblaster13
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @flipflopsgarage
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust needs a dirty bomb

    • @SIFrepresent
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    You really nailed the SPANK this week 13:06

    • @garrett8408
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    For the code lock breaker it would only have three uses and wouldn’t show the code to the base, but the code lock would be permanently broken

    • @chillerhasen
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    1337 i see what you did ther :3

    • @gamersagainstweedrepresent
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Code cracker is a good idea. Maybe it shows you another part of the code every 2/5 minutes and disables the shocking mechanism? It would be a tad op if someone was using a global code, but that’s the price of poor security measures.
    (Not really, but I don’t know how to balance that part.)

    • @Georgei95
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Have you guys ever thinked about the idea to locked creates should require laptop to break the code? It’s should be a good nerf for oil rig also I believe.

    • @jansres6573
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    It would be too easy to clear a room with those toxic nades. Bad idea.

    • @LpDreadshot
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    With the granade Launcher , maybe add Gas Granades , would be cool

    • @masonschneider7546
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @gonzo3915
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    We need an NPC that is sworn to carry ones burdens.

    • @SL2K2000
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    glad i quit

    • @_zero_gaming
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F …… reee

    • @nathann5169
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Sounds a lot like Minecraft. Wondering traders, taming wolves , and adding Shields.

    • @Ziavia
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ritrtardzintraining6242
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    add them all

    • @Britich
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I find the best part of your videos are the bits where you zoom into the character.. I sit here going “oooh wheres he today”

    • @4eRegiment
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Pas sure pour la perceuse.

    • @jakob6399
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Bomb dogs pls

    • @badger129
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I like the shields, along with pistols.

    Need more good stuff for all the solo players out there.

    • @wckdisgood2093
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The code locker breaker you can already do on some modded servers with a certain amount of laptops you have to be right outside and not move for a certain amount of time but one laptop, one code lock and the code doesn’t show

    • @CreatureCook
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Could we get battering rams for early raiding. They would take time to charge and are very heavy but its good for early raiding. Later it can be upgraded to a high external battering ram and would be very strong but very loud. like half the noise radius of a rocket. So first tier is a small wooden you hold but next tier. is a metal one that uses a steering wheel to charge up.

    • @SyntheticKill
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    all of which would make the game more fun, especially the trader, i don’t want more monuments i’ll barely see or use because clans are hogging/camping/building around them 24/7. i want little things like this like the trader which help out all, and isn’t related to NEED SCRAP, NEEDS GUNS

    • @thinchin178
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @risiko6765
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Check out tamed boar at blood rust servers (alternative tamed bears)

    • @repulserice2494
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    one things : npc raid

    Too many toxic player.

    • @user-nh2lq6iu3j
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    If the dog gets really realised, im just waiting for guys in chat, pretending to be John Wick if their dog gets killed

    • @xDeeKayHD
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    SH *ad* OWFRAX

    • @Teknologix2010
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    @ 2:12… man sized… make them HORSE sized! I mean it’s not a leap in evolution like building a spaceship or anything. Even in Rust it would take seconds, before somebody tries to stick a horse in there.

    • @wowbaggert.5593
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Wow you had to get a sponsor?! Garry should help you out, since you cover his game for years!!! Thanks for the upload and news. Have a great week!

    • @TfromO
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Why is nobody talking about animals in the water AKA sharks, squids and jellyfish?

    • @august8349
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ye8438
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @justabard2255
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @averyngo8975
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I don’t like the idea of the camera drill very much. I feel like part of the fun, is the gamble that you might be wrong trying to raid a base you’ve been eying.

    • @logancattanach9342
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I’ve used the code crackers on other servers before

    • @Rock-hs2oy
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @batuhanakn5482
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All those raid/defence systems would work. Community can and will be find counters to them. Radioactive building? Bring rad suits to raid base. Drills for raiding? Do hide chests and split loot rooms so all of them look the same+ (honeycomb) Code cracking? %100 do a garden with auto turrets, use shotgun trap over the door(they can make it shoot off but people will come to sound). All this systems make us, the community, will force us for better base design. Especially more traps/more raiding techniques are definelitely needed. As an old zerg builder. Building huge base without thinking anything is the best way right now. They need to force players for clever designs. And i am sure they are on it. *F for Ruin* *poggers*

    • @Rock-hs2oy
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Costs 50hqm
    *breaks with 2 spear hits*
    The Logic

    • @boris6293
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust should have more farming like the chickens and sheep instead of adding stuff what would ruin the game and what players don’t want is big changes.

    • @ScaryPlayerNorway
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @danielrdrigues
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Could be a power plant with a nuclear reactor still working, and people go with inventory full of car batteries to power then.

    • @kaldain
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Very nice, I’ve missed these, thanks! Doggos and Chickens sound good! Chicken Pot Pie Farming!!! Like the code lock hack, if it didn’t show the code, don’t want raiding to be too easy. And a “yes please” to wandering merchant, maybe with some special loot only he sells. That raises the question of what to use for money, instead of scrap? Also, is weather now forever stuck in Concept Limbo? Oh, almost forgot…poor RUIN!

    • @mephInc
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The whole point of raiding is the risk involved. Imagine a clan running up to your base and quickly poking holes through the whole thing.
    No thank you to that idea. I like the gamble.

    • @jaydice1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Here is something I think should be added to Rust since the BP System. The TC Shares your BP’s.
    If you’re kicked off the TC or its destroyed the sharing also gets destroyed.

    The whole idea behind this is to get rid of the crafting player. It’s usually the first guy to get something important. well, then the team usually gives that guy the rest of the BP’s. So when he’s offline you have no armor no guns nothing. It’s like stocking up your beer on Saturday because you live in the bible belt and all the liquor stores are closed on Sunday.

    • @contro
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for Ruin it looked so cool.

    • @Logical
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nucleair waste trower, instead of fire it sprays nuclear waster over atackers, we could have super soakers shooting nuclear waste aswell, that sound very Rusty to me. Instead of all those high tier military weapons.

    • @tl510
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Morexo scientests? for the new monument, unless cobalt are pirates.

    • @unknownmrjoker
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Love the animal and shield options also mabey pets could lead you back to where you died last? And or guard your body depending on the commands also the dog house need to store meat for upkeep of your dog just a thought

    • @fu5t719
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    my idea is that the traveling merchant would have a escort with them and if you go near it without wepons you would be good but if you have wepons out you would get shot like a moving scientist compound

    • @demiurgoplatonico7815
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    More tipes of enegry generators, please

    • @ptnickb8830
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    This is starting to become Minecraft and I love it it reminds me of all the mods we used to have when we were like 8

    • @toasty230
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think the nuclear reactor would be a great idea for energy since it would be one of the only you can keep inside and to combat how overpowered that might be, It should be a tier 3 item costing tech trash hqm metal frags and a bit of the uranium it needs to fuel itself. It should have to be locked in a room that requires at least a metal door on it to “block the radiation” until you opened the door then it would slowly leak out into your base and last for 5 minutes

    • @midnattsol6207
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    nice video!
    for the tradesman i would prefer him over a scientist since Rust has so much civilisation in it already, it’s barely even a survival game. Let’s keep it primitive! 🙂

    Also all the past concept limbo is gone now anyway since they scraped the roadmap, isn’t it? Or are they still completing the roadmap even with the new suggestions forum?

    • @CubularCreeper
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    There is a modded server that uses laptops as code crackers. It takes quite a while and requires a player to stand there using it, also does not display the code.

    Also, you can put laptops in your cupboard. If someone tries to crack your door code and you have a laptop in storage, it breaks both of them. Basically they need to bring more laptops with them to raid than you have in your base.

    I like how that works a lot more than the suggestion you go over.

    • @pinesolo
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Besides the merchant not really a fan of anything else. A lot of it seems pretty game breaking.

    • @rhilianis5811
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @elijahbowen1599
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I was just hoping you would have a new upload video, ty for making my day a bit better!

    • @VirginaTechPlayer21
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    An island that spawns a little past the distance of oil rigs that occupies the scientist headquarters. Extremely difficult to control and massive amounts of loot. Maybe the ability to dispatch an attack helicopter and Chinook for players to take on the mainland, or as a defense mechanism for potential enemies of the scientist trying to take the island over. Also would give story to where the AI events come from. Harbor for cargo, factory for Bradley, ect.

    • @caydennaude1240
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the traveling merchant should be a bradly and 8 green scientists if u kill em u get loot or you can just buy , the merchant should not show on map and only use roads (make roads un buildable) the merchant hase a radius where it give warning to put away weapons such as it is in outpost ( use same method) if you shoot while in radius u dead if u kill scients the merchant wil be unavailable like the cooldown in outpost and to not make OP ( raiding tool) u only get the warnign while u are in sight and if not in sight the merchant wil drive away in , only if you are out of sight more than 1 min , PLS vote for the idea i think it could change rust for better !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @jimgiraffe5253
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    shadowfrax, would you be my daddy?

    • @mortycreeper1473
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All ist super good ^^ like you Videos

    • @fatfingersman
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Yeah, defensive radiation seems awsome, it forces away doorcamping peasants and forces raiders to wear a certain gear.

    • @ZorroChicken1997
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Pspisripoff
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Rust is bad for all these chicken huts and stuff, it has very low play time, like a week or two, you have to grind every day and if you get raided or robbed you spent days for nothing

    • @Robantdimaso
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @TheLittlebonz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think the code lock cracker is a good idea but have it only drop in locked boxes and not be able to craft it 4 uses and only have the door unlocked for like 30 sec then you could not open that door again

    • @robmatthies2457
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    N E E D P U P P E R S

    • @yoshikagekira4471
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Un-cancel Ruin

    • @jerryreece4356
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin

    • @gmbane384
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin… i hope for that drill btw

    • @brandonhuber7490
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Long time no see for this wonderful Concept Limbo

    • @KnightKishi2012
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ArticCircleGaming
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I lost it when you started breaking down the “Chicken in bucket”

    • @ajanredzepi8744
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I am staying rusty and f for ruin 😫😫

    • @simonbannow3905
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Keeping chickens, great! Shields sound kinda ok, i just hope it’s only melee(apart from arrows) related, deflecting bullets would be too OP. A traveling merchant maybe? He/she/it could stop by those water pump facilities(maybe remodel the water pumps monuments altogether?) no one ever uses idk, hard concept to work out. Uranium for fuel/energy fits with the lore. Apart from having an attack wolf in base or compound, I don’t really like any other of the ideas.

    • @Thereisnogreatersword
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Can we get a smelter that requires electricity but smelts faster than a standard furnace? An actual use for electricity

    • @theattackchef6031
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @michaelfoote6477
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @loserx8910
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What about mines in the water? They wouldnt be too easy to notice as the chance to run into one would be fairly low anyways. They could also have a max distance from the shore so you couldnt get hit while cruising 10km from the shore. They would be crafted from 30 metal and 20 gp

    Also bombs dropped from a helicopter would also be nice, they would be better than grenades but would have the downside that they need to be dropped from above

    • @laurczt5686
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Giving a video a like didn’t kill or hurt anyone, in fact it helped him a lot.. so.. spank that like button. If that doesn’t work, spank your GF 😀 I’m sure SHADOWFRAX would like that too 😛

    • @Timboektoe1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    A radiation grenade for the grenade launcher

    • @FrexieFrex
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @absoluteprawn3805
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Love me some concepts

    • @BFG__
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    They should make npcs Similar to the hills have eyes people since it is radiation there could be a whole bunch of weirdos roaming at nights

    • @Arrkail
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @w4lt3r76
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    npc idea : Ravangers, they have little camps that look like a players base and doesn’t show on the map. They would run around the area of there base and trie to kill you. they would have some low-/mid tier wepons like revie and python… if you kill them they drop some ok loot, like comps or bows or something that a player could carry around. If you kill al of the ravangers at a camp or raid the base the camp wil despawn and spawn somewhere els on the map. but if you leave a male and a female alive there would spawn new ones so you can farm them (This is just to make it more easy for not so good players/rolepayers to get some loot aswell, but can be removed)

    • @Kevinskcirdneh
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @majormajorasic
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Shadowfrax this is an intervention, we need to talk about your addiction to pies!

    • @miatribe
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @highnivia
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    video is 13:37 long

    just letting you know

    • @countcampula
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I have an idea for the code lock cracker, instead of displaying the code it could just open or unlock the door instead, or give you a temporary code for that specific door and then you have to crack the next one.
    If cracking takes like 15 mins such as the lock boxes on oil rig then it would be very easy to counter.
    Basically cracking doors would take forever.

    • @delaneyt.8836
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    All I want now is a dog with whom to share my short lives in rust

    • @dwarfed7695
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The merchant, the pet, and the nuclear power, and other npc’s sounds like it would be cool. The others need some tweaking.

    • @grudge7719
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    just add craftable dirt bikes and call it good 🙂 chainsaw + 20 pipes + 10 gears ez clap

    • @gregorgracnar
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nuclear mini reactor? Nuclear bunkers? Launching a nuklear bomb to destroy oder players bases, anyone knows where i am going? I thought fallout 76 was coping rust not the other way around

    • @Chris_P_Lettuce
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Shield definitely as well that seems like it should already be in and it raises skill ceiling a little

    • @norbertjianu5219
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    So many great ideas, I‘m impressed!!

    • @FrexieFrex
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    13:37. Elite

    • @igiwar8824
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    scientist: exist
    EVERY Polish rust player: Pokaż mi sowje towary

    • @CalebRust
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields Please no shields

    • @L0xi3
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @bradcfg7585
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    if it gave radiation u know im putting them on every beach just spawn killing nakeds

    • @RnDxJha
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    You could say it was….


    • @Chris_P_Lettuce
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Chicken coops definitely!

    • @drblik6379
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @LeeFazzani
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    If they have no intention of revisiting Ruin, then they should implement medieval building blocks into rust – so people can build legit castles. It’s all I ask.

    • @ATSucks1
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin

    • @AflacMan13
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The players are toxic enough as it is… but you still need Rad-Grenades. 😛

    • @skeleton_trees
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Watching my favorite series and seeing it’s sponsored by my favorite game

    • @GamingwithInvis
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @ejfoote9053
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    F for ruin and rust seems toxic enough with chads

    • @realkesii
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @bongo3320
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    i dont know why but i’m getting the urge to watch your rust backstory video..

    • @tensor1129
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    if it was a bit more like fallout it would be lethal, wandering mini-boss’s

    • @countcampula
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I hope they add riot shields, I miss the days of Call of duty Ghosts when people would complain non-stop about them.

    • @tylove1535
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think if they add pirate raider type dude there should be a pirate hub like bandit camp but on the coast, maybe they could turn one of the harbors into an npc area seing as harbor is pretty useless currentley.

    • @dammekes6406
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @chemkreation
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Hate the peep hole drill and code lock hacking. Part of RUST raiding is the gamble and danger of it. Being able to cherrypick and stealth raid takes the fun/challenge out of it. The map wide nuke sounds like a great idea. Forcing players into some type of shelter. Maybe have it originate from one of the monument at random.

    • @norfolknoise383
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    So gutted about Ruin, hopefully it’s just sat on the shelf and will be picked up again soon to continue

    • @jared9783
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Love these vids👍👍

    • @E1025
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    The only one that would be an objectively positive addition is the travelling merchant imo

    • @AflacMan13
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Get a helicopter, fly and find the chinook or attack helo, and try to steal it or blow it up from close range. 😛

    • @moritzwieding3463
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    In my opinion all those limbos are trash but the trader

    • @Pogal
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    What about Pufferfish ?

    • @betoot3888
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    for the wipe they should make it so over the whole wipe the scientists are making and preparing a nuke to get rid of the evidence of the island but you and other players can slow down this process by killing and destroying scientist transports that are delivering parts for the nuke and by attacking scientist controlled rad towns so if a team want to end the wipe they could let the scientists create the nuke or if they want the wipe to last longer they could team with other players to stop the scientists.

    • @Alex97237
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @danielboon1317
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Historically Accurate?

    • @bruskis8685
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    13:37, what are you trying to say?

    • @lucvdk1155
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @LazAnnya
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I think the code lock breaker is actually pretty nifty, it shouldn’t display the code of the door, and break after maybe 2-3 uses. but it shouldn’t be something quick, kinda like drilling in Payday 2, it should take about 45 seconds or something so it wouldn’t be spammable

    • @aussie870
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I still let a little tear loose every time I think of Ruin. I’d argue that there was enough differences between it and Rust to validate it’s release. Especially since Reign of Kings died out like everything from that developer.

    • @spindogg8814
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @SparkyOnYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    drills into honeycomb

    B R U H

    • @SebSenseGreen
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    I haven’t played Rust in over two years. I still watch your videos… What does that tell you?

    • @FrequencyOfThought
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    SHIELDS !!!!!!!! Awesome if it came reality. 3 tiers of shields, 1 wood, 2 Sheet metal/ road sign and 3 HQ shield for larger projectiles.

    • @bjobbert6262
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @lazygames6387
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    love you`r videos

    • @L0xi3
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    This is the best series on youtube, ive watched every episode during the 2 first hours you realeased them. Keep it going Frax!

    • @gelatoGstrat
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    When ur so early, its nuclear war era graphics

    • @federalbureauofinvestigati1052
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Not even the FIRST

    • @amaturesalmon5318
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @kauls1048
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Is this real

    • @lazygames6387
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @gelatoGstrat
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    Awwww man

    • @erensisman3826
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    Nicest channel in the world is SHADOWFRAX

    • @stox1806
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @Zypic
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    we need skis to move faster in snowy areas you could craft these with a pair of boots and wood or frags ?? next concept limbo?

    • @valkasolidor6727
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @kachel313
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    You can counter the Lock breaker with just a normal door lock with keys.

    • @sarboo_5435
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am


    • @jjlenoxw.3101
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:32am

    the camera drill sounds amazing

    • @MultiSnake21
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @turtlengw1396
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @georgerustic3817
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    nuclear weapons would be awesome especially on rust pvp server i would love to raid someone then drop a nuke on them hee hee. what could be more worse the apocalypse is already here

    • @LukiKruki
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    9:55 PEWDIEPIE

    • @conorcooper1086
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    bringing back rad animals around irradiated areas would be nice

    • @Sosig593
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Holy Frick my poorly drawn Bunker concept :)))))

    • @Rex-sy8ye
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    I still dream of seeing the Peacekeepers in… I dont want to fight it but I want to see how people react to activating a peacekeeper fight.

    • @filenotfoundpunktexe5454
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Shadow, ur cool <3

    • @england8879
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    all i am saying is that all these concepts are all great for zergs why is there nothing for the solos. half of these concepts are all from other games such as The Forest.

    • @catsonfirelike
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @johnnymccool4987
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @realtimechemistry3864
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    if u have a combat knife you should be able to knife people without having it outside

    • @Tarris_
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @PowersPhotography
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    I’m not first
    I’m not last
    But when it’s Shadowfax

    • @johnx140
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Just make the smoke bomb a learnable blueprint please? 🙁

    • @deannagrogan4761
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    love the vids keep it up =)

    • @uhhyahso1493
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @yunghanis9100
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @Ash007YT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Was not expecting a war thunder promo. That Surprised me.

    • @DevineHQ
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    we need prymfaya from ”the 100” and a wipeless rust haz born 😛

    • @LezlyBeetz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @ThomasTheFapEngine
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    My Man says that you sound like TotalBiscuit
    take that as a compliment.

    • @jamey5881
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Thanks for the 13 minute video 🙂

    • @jakob.o4979
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Still watch these videos even though I stoped playing rust 😅

    • @turbutkadgytis8405
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @gmodiscool14
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    good boy shadowfrax 75th like good video yes i dont even play rust yes

    • @bettonn
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Ehm *NUKES*!?

    • @vegas8baller532
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Yoooo wave gang

    • @onerat
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @thatsunfortunate2205
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Notification Gang

    • @bryanudi
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Oh boi, gotta nuke the Reds.

    • @dorin391
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @turtlengw1396
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Look at the total time EYYY

    • @Randomuseryouhate
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Shadow, update on your server?

    • @fruitjuice7341
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    What about pies ?

    • @Chipplez
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    I love this series! and all your videos in general, good stuff chief

    • @mcgrizzly
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @jogi453
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    Already liked cause I know the vids gonna be great 👍

    • @Randomuseryouhate
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    new video, always excited

    • @LeKaiju
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

    notif squad <3

    • @TheGamerLpey
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • @polobear300
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am


    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:33am

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