I Built a SOLO CAVE BASE with a DARK SECRET – Rust
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Minor Ninth
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When I upload Rust Gameplay Videos, you will find many different things including stories of my adventures, intense PVP highlights and fights, Solo Survival, Group Survival, Roleplaying, Funny Moments, Trap Bases and much more!
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
RAM: 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB GDDR5X
2 TB Hard Drive
500 GB SSD
Taqs:welyn,Rust Solo Survival,Rust PVP Highlights,Survival Games,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Rust raids,rust island,rust plays,rust roleplayer,rust clans,rust solo,rust best start ever,rust fastest start ever,rust solo infiltration,rust solo pvp,rust compound,rust base build,rust jackpot raid,Rust,welyn rust,rust survival,rust movie,rust server,rust streamer,rust revenge,welyn clan,solo survival,rust raid,rust gameplay,rust rivals
コメント (1145)
Thank you to WB Games for sponsoring this video! Start Your Journey & Download Now for iOS & Android: https://hpma.sng.link/Djzmt/uy28?pcn=Welyn&pscn=YouTube
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GAMER PICS: https://www.instagram.com/iamwelyn/
THUMBNAIL ARTIST: https://www.instagram.com/reidsintoart/
FOLLOW FOR UPDATES: https://twitter.com/welyn
so. What kind of slavery can a dog do? We never got the answer, can’t just leave us hanging like that Welynbabe
Man i love a good welyn video! Thank you for another good banger bro.
Woah welyn, I never knew you spoke Chinese!
Spelunkers Bunker
For someone that has thousands of hours in Rust and almost 3 million subscribers you sure can make a boring ass video and also still be shit at Rust
Love that welyn kills racism in this one
“Jetta” shows a picture of a GTI
@welyn great video, but the lack of upgrading your metal door posts from stone to metal annoyed me
Please reinforce your door posts! Make the raiders job hard
I love you x
Of all of the bases Welyn has made, this one is my favorite
Bro streams in the DEEP V! respect
imagine gaming in that soffa, all the gamer grub and pumpkin you could eat in there
Never ever stop playing games wbd Posting i promise you have a gift no matter what game you play
So we not gon talk about the Sudam Husseim thumbnail???
Why nobody is talking about the name of the cheater? It’s a name of a real Italian singer
Hold up wasn’t that Japanese and not Mandarin
didnt expect to hear myself at 4:15 as a extremely casual rust player lol
The LA noire music in the first seconds is amazing
Challenge.. make a song with the sounds from rust lol
scripted as fuck
I know it’s the raid brain, but you had the mats to craft both Fire Arrow and Eoka Pistol to help with that TC destruction at 8:47…. F
bro really just casually dropped a warner brothers sponsor, man made it
Kinda funny Welyn was telling the Chinese guy to stay back and social distance
Bro said Jetta. Then puts a picture of a golf on screen
How do you hit all those shots from so far away with just iron sights? I’m struggling to see those people even with my glasses on. Is it just a lot of practice?
I have to say I watch watching welyn play rust … also his reason I got into play rust as well
Great play againt that cheater Welyn!
man, you have your pick of sponsors, why you gotta give air to the transphobe’s latest cashgrab? it makes it really hard to enjoy the video as a trans person
I know sponsorships pay the bills, but no thanks to the fascist wizard world of JK Rowling. ssssskip! and back to the content
you took a harry potter sponsorship?
i watch most of Welyns videos . he normally plays the good guy . but it turns my guts when seeing someone with thousands of hours bully obvious new players with only a handfull of hours played in game . ;( .
Welyn? More like Willjum with a base this cosy
I love how his name is Jetta and he put a GTI
maybe welyn is the forkgirl, a spouse to the spoonkid
4:17 I fucking swear that was me with the “what’s going on here”
The chances of your neighbor being a cheater
“rAciSt sLurs” lets be honest here the only reason you care is because being scared of getting a twitch ban, everyone uses those WORDS including yourself probably when the camera goes off
words can’t be racist. Cringed really hard when you called people “wayciss” for using a word
Song at 0:48?
Man you should have webcam more often its fits better than without IMO
If I ever do play Rust, I’m definitely gonna build in a cave. I love stuff like that. It’s easily defensible, cozy, and has an awesome aesthetic once you get the lights up.
F in the chat for the HMLMG and M249 lost during the heli battle.
Idk why I like these videos so much
How did he retrieve his guns from the spike pit in the cave?
w video
Classic L.A. Noire, W in the beginning.
Tbh idk if you did this or not off camera or if it’s even possible but would’ve been cool to see the hallway between the 2 rooms be turned into another part of the base further making the base bigger and more impenetrable
Welyn is my broke ass baby daddy but he sure can snowball
37:03 / 37:33
30:09 I would so live here
I would watch the worlds worst movie only if he narrated it.
Damn, didn’t know he looked like a basement dweller
“I wanna kill some locals”
Welyn, 2023
4:52 I see what you did there…
You should play Valhiem
A certified Welyn classic!
Bros singing the killers, that’s a good band
A little caveman’s cove right here.
I think this needs to be said.
Day Z sucks moose balls.
As a non rust player, that was some good platforming through the cave!
I feel like I scene this video before welyn, from a couple of years ago
“I’m better than them because I don’t say certain words” -Welyn
Your voice is very expressive as always, but your face is totally passive during that streamcam. It’s kind of a funny contrast.
Man I love your videos you are just awesome. I’ve been watching you for 2 years or so, don’t even play rust, and you are making me love this game even more every time I watch one of your videos. I love you bro you are the best
Rust is a 40USD game, how the hell can they afford so many bloody accounts?
30:41 I should call her bro… hahah I don’t even play this game but I’m 30 mins in.
Wow your subs have skyrocketed since last I noticed
give us a full welyn cam special
After actually playing DayZ I felt lied too. That game is hard asf. Just finding ANYTHING alone is hard. Then getting help is always sketchy
you better have put up shotgun traps in that cave lmfao.
Player: “speaks a singular racism”
Welyn: *sigh..* “I guess I’ll have to kill you know”
is tami a generic name when u turn on the random name settings in game?
“Killing some racists, always a good day at the office.” 12:50
Do you have aimbot because if you shoot whit a nail gun you flick a shut ton
server name ?
When Welyn was fighting you know who in the cave it’s like Welyn was a tunnel rat during ‘nam
Why is this so interesting ion even play rust
9:53 Thats actually a good question.
“i mean it could even go bdddddddddd” made me go like

knee how?
We need more gamer cam
Im bout to rust a nut
Never played this game, but I know there is a hot air balloon. Is there a way to sail it on top of a mountain and just survive on the balloon?
i like how welyn through casual shade at dayz for it’s bum ass loot drops
15:20 “after conversing in Chinese” Welyn is truly a man of multiculture, Spanish, Russian, and now Chinese
Anyone play Harry Potter Magic Awakened is it actually good?
At 3:11 the ad break ends.
please get a cross hair
i so badly miss when everyone was bad at Rust (not metagaming the shit out of it) and everyone’s bases were awesome little homes like that
Dude tf was that spondor I knrw harry potter gsmes sucled but the ad itself was laggy just jesus harry potter franchise sucks ass
Welyn i need to ask something, how do you do those 3rd person povs in ur intro? Like whenever ur panning out while ur character is running in the background. I plan on trying to do documentary style rust videos on my gaming channel in the future.
“Dies” scream? No ggs
Bruh not a jetta
Please don’t ever stop playing rust
I’m so glad we’ve finally stopped calling cheaters “hackers”. Running software someone else made (and probably sold to you) is not “hacking”. You aren’t a hacker, you’re just a shitty person.
33:43 The illusion of choosing by Polar Nights
This guy blew up upon my upon myself, never even thought this once 50k viewers could be getting Harry Potter ads.
That is the most un ironically cosy bases I’ve seen
Jetta and he shows a picture of golf
‘Killing some racists, always a good day at the office’
You sir, have my respect.
It’s been amazing watching welyns channel grow over the years. I knew he was going places after I watch his first few videos. Love you welyn
That is ngl the best looking base you have ever made in my opinion, just cheffs kiss.
I play rust but it’s on console
but I never really make it in rust due to the hit mark with melee weapons tho
Your probley not going to even see my comment
Hey question what do I do if I’m really depressed
Finally hit 1k hours on rust started thanks to this man
I like the gamer cam:)
christopher columbus: 6:41
My apologies for the n00b question but how did you know he was cheating?
anjg kok panik
What kind of slavery can a dog do. You ask?
Be a gud boy……
Remember men! No base is disgusting.
Unless you specifically made it for roof camping.
3:39 thats a golf on the picture, but apart from that the video was entertaining to watch as always, keep it up
Welyn I used to see you as an absolute beast at rust, now *no offense* I realize you aren’t after watching other creators and spending far more hours. But what I noticed even more is that I don’t care because I keep coming back to watch the same funny man who makes weird noises at the sight of a pumpy kid whipping around a corner and shooting him.
I still enjoy your content, and may you forever be a great person. much love – KERMIT
For next time you build a cave base, leave a triangle-space to place an Oil refinery! Low grade is a killer when living in a cave base unless you are close to outpost like this instance but that won’t typically be the case!
I want to live in dat dare cave
Downloaded HP game, thank you for a recomendation, Welyn!
great cave base and great video!!! 
keep on going! 
Oof sponsor…
What kind of slavery *CAN* a dog do???
Being a K9 cop unit I guess? Yuck.
“I wanna kill some locals” – Hernán Cortés
11:25 are you alright sir welyn?
You should play trident survival in Roblox
9:18 your average TikToker playing Rust streaming on Twitch
classic welyn
Hey man no clue if you read comments or not but im glad you chose a youtube career you helped me a lot in my life with all of your content and entertainment and im glad i watch your videos i hope you succeed in whatever goal you are trying to reach man i really do and thanks man really wouldent be as happy as i was thx again
Almost love it when Welyns recording hecks up, because then we get to see our handsome gamer man
Evelyn is skeleton. Confirmed
Why does he know the neightbour is a cheater?
How zoom in like that or is that just in editing
would there be a sequel to this if something interesting happened on this server? This video was so good
i’m having a really bad day and i don’t have a person to talk to that i need so in lieu of this i’m going to be nice to someone. Thanks Welyn, I enjoy Your content, particularly the wholesome, goodnatured humour of it all.
Your next name should be the cross crusader
Booooo that Harry Potter game is nothing more than gacha trash covering up an egregious micro transaction factory. Combats kinda fun but the content dries up fast. Now onto the video.
I think we can say we like the stream view
started watching you years ago, now i have 6k hours and hate myself, great video though
pov skaven
bro the ad at the start was like 10fps wtf

excellent video as usual
Was not here to grief but just to loot.
“Okay have a nice day.”
Your stories are so good even Warner Brothers are sponsoring you. That’s crazy.
I woke up way too early on accident and I needed to go back to sleep….but I saw this video pop up in recommended and watched it all instead of sleeping which is what I should have done
Lol this was a movie
The bonks at 7:40 had me rolling omg

For mi this is one of the best looking base i have seen. Really cozy
Welyn got me into Rust and even the time I met him he was super nice
cheaters why.. why do you need to prove that your scum?
without a doubt in my mind welyn is my number 1 fave youtuber ever
My brother once bought rust and he played for a bit and gave up then I started to play and some nice player gave me a crossbow but right after I got attacked and I had no arrows
why was bro not using the nailgun in all of the crossy fights? D:
bro fuckin batman now
Spelunker base vs a damp troll cave. What a contrast.
Ark is more entertaining for me
Put raid pics in your frames!!!
Watching Welyn is always an adventure
He did not just disrespect golf’s with a Jetta
I love rust but I can’t play I can’t afford the game so sad
@welyn thats a mk7 volkswagen golf. A jetta is a 4door
Bro hands down one of my fav youtubers easily in my top 3!
Can you imagine having a little hobbit cave and then 8 hours later the highest geared solo on the server wants to be your neighbor, well he moved in already.
welyn has some of the best story telling, just good ole times
I like to imagine that Welyn’s eyes turn into cartoon style dollar signs whenever he hears explosions.
Most cozy welyn base ever
Most epic gamer cave base name = the squeeze
“Welcome to my humble abode”-Arthur Morgan and now welyn
goddamn, willjum has to step up his cozy bc this base knocks him out of the park
How was he cheating 31:10 ? (I never play rust so I don’t know anything)
Your story telling abilities never cease to amaze me
Can you please play more ark survival evolved
9:55 *manual labor*
Say’s Jetta and then show a photo of Golf 7 GTI….
is it just me or the video doesn’t have a better quality ?
The guy who yeawd granata is Bulgarian granata means ganate
3:39 “jetta”, shows a golf lol
The Spelunker Lounge looks like a house I’d buy.
That was a golf welyn
good video but holy shit your aim is silly
The name jetta is so familiar i think i saw him in a Blooprint vid
31:14 I love the way he said that lmao.
You catching your neighbor in 4K was hilarious
6:40 Columbus deciding how he will become famous
I’m tired of mobile game adverts.
you went to paris??
tell me what a “citron” is
The spelunkers funk with the junk in the frunk
6:31 shimmy shack
Love these videos
You should try leaving the gamer cam, it makes it more interesting
Clickbait video. Where is Saddam Husain?
Hooray welyn is back
Hey dark and darker surprise
Thants nice! Hello from Ukraine!
1. “Now…”
2. “This thing happened…”
3. “But I’m getting ahead of myself…”
5. *Numerous obligatory high pitched squeals*
6. “And we sure taught those bad guys a thing or two…”
7. “Now we have a lot of loot…”
8. “Golly what a splendid time we had…”
You got a fire beard fr

I would love to see Welyn play on a multiplayer server with some Youtubers on 7 days to die.
As a VW owner and enthusiast. You used the wrong car. So disappointed.
What sick base, the best one yet! Awesome video welyn
day one of dark and darker wipe is today. get to going gamer. THE LINE HAS BEEN HELD LONG ENOUGH. ADVANCE!
i feel like welyn would like vermintide 2
Why was I surprised that welyn didn’t know Chinese
I loved how the steak was served flambé, perfectly accompanied by the colourful array of grilled vegetables.
Never played Rust and i am enjoying Welyn playing
“Living in the metro” or something like that cause it would be pretty cool
You should do a dayz video
welyn and willjum both putting out vids
After a month really welyn
Why dont u Play with some people and make ur vids a bit more interesting
Gotta love the mini seizures welyn has when fighting people
. Much love man the video was very entertaining
16:19 i literally fucking jumpscare in my place lol
Would love to hear Welyn’s version of Mr Brightside
I was there for this stream!
God I love his voice
I rly dislike this game because it’s full with toxic ret@rds.
great vid tho
instead of jumping over the pit fall you can just hug the wall and crouch, and you wont fall
Why did I picture welyn as like a 17 year old that’s just hella well spoken
honestly u got my blood going too with that last 1
Does welyn play on 5x or smthn?
Man what a funny amazing guy this welyn character you believe me not guy is probably little crazy but a good crazy
You do know your videos are all in terrible quality now right?
Tarkov next pls
i love your videos
My favorite thing is when he makes a cozy af and functional af base, this and the sky tower video are officially my favorite rust videos. And that one where he built a base between two giant rocks lol
I’ve been playing for a solid month and I always wanted to know why do you place the soft side outside? Are you just a cold at the game or you don’t care or is it for strategy?
That guy is… well who knows but he just lost AT THE LEAST $80 in minutes
Dayz is fun if it’s not offical more to do better guns maps better builds items ect
I find it hard to believe that those two guys got deeped on so hard for that long and they still had the audacity to say that you suck.

Is nobody gonna talk about the “GiveItem Failed” in the bottom left corner at 7:59?
“Jetta” shows a golf pic jajaja
I just don’t understand the gratification one could possibly get from playing a game with cheats… there’s no real accomplishment! It has to be just an empty, false sense of achievement.
I love how the cheaters get clowned on so hard they have to change their usernames after a video drops lolol
L cheater
Around the six minute mark, the song what’s the name of that song? Sounds like something from Jo jo
He looks much different than i thought he looked like
HMLMG-Heavy Machine Light Machine Gun
Welyn: plays one of the most racist games known to man
Also Welyn: gets upset when there’s racism
Not going to lie, I like having the gamer cam in the video. Adds a little more emotion to what we’re seeing and hearing.
Wactus 18:55
What a twist.
How can they come back they dont get bann on ip ?
I wanna live in a cozy cave base with Welyn
“they were spewing racist words, I jumped out moments later to pursue” single handedly ended racism
Anyone remember the video of Welyns where he invites heaps of his twitch to join him in destorying a base??? And kids are singing bluee crewww or something? Trying so hard to find it
Why was your aim pretty trash with sar this video? Usually it’s way better
16:07 nice short horror film idea right there
i love your ark vids
Finally another welyn build
Not that the videos are boring or unentertaining but I use them to sleep at night, easiest thing to close my eyes and listen to. The sound of rockets slamming toxic kids bases and the pleads to not take their loot. Something about it is just so calming especially when it’s welyns story time.
Am i the only one that noticed they fixed the ad block thing
hope you dont get death tread from the lgbt
gotta love a happy ending
It’s a shame that there is a decline in video quality when people move on to using mainly clips from streaming. I think it alters because you have to entertain people for hours, so your perception gets skewed. Something that wasn’t noteworthy before is now played up with fake excitement for the purpose of entertaining the live audience. That doesn’t translate to people who watch the video
Skip ad here 3:10
I’d love to see welyn and the crew face off against that guy with the whole army in rust
12:11 I think he sayin WEYLN!
No disrespect I have luved your vids for many years but something changed
Start a cult in rust
No welyn, don’t make groomer flags!
DayZ movie when?
5:58 Darude Sandstorm
„Killing some racist, always a good day at the office“ -Welyn
Welyns got a photo of his neighbors corpse hanging on the wall lmao
Like a true Vietcong
Damn if this isn’t the best hook in a video idk what is.
You should make a video on project zomboid. I feel like that game would be perfect for you and maybe even your friends.
when avoiding the spikes, dont jump, run along the wall @welyn
Was great!
i miss building cave base
lost m2 too
This is one of my favorite bases you built! It looks so cozy!
I’m really disappointed, and frankly hurt, that you took the Harry Potter sponsor. I understand money is a necessity, Warner Bros probably paid a nice amount for you to consider it, and I know you’re a really swell(yn) person, just.. Frustrated and hurt.
Welyn, you sound sick you ok bro?
Sir that was not a Jetta
“Hey sorry i got in by accident” LMFAO
Budget Hogwarts legacy?
how u doing welyn you good man? awesome video your videos help me get to friday man thank you
I really miss his Sea Of Thieves videos, please bring them back Welyn.
You’re a sellout Harry
Welyn, you should make a 1 episode special of a game called ghosts of tabor, which is basically Escape from Tarkov but in VR. I feel like you would like it
More webcam!
I mean around the 9 minute mark, I’d probably be pretty pissed as well as
Welyn how could you, I’ve loved your videos for years but being sponsored by Harry Potter sucks. I get it like get the bag my guy but the creator of that franchise literally wants me ded
You arent what i expected you to look like with your voice
33:20 vietnam fight be like
I like the gamer cam for a little bit. Welyn you’re a handsome pumpkin farmer
“After conversing in Chinese” y’all know he def talked about 1989
I love your Videos
Finally a new Welyn video. We waited so long and now its there. Please keep progressing on your adventures. Your content is blasting. c:
saddam hussein
Was that grenada splinter cell or socom us navy seals?
Favorite YouTuber honestly this is the best video he’s ever made truly special
I’m sorry but the car guy rising up in me has to say, that’s not a Jetta. It is a Golf. OK, gamer guy resumes…
You should really play with willjum eventually
this guy is sponsored by harry potter wtf
Wait, your editor is indonesian ?
at this time is gonna say something funny 14:02
Thank you Welyn!
Hit up camomo_10. For a colab.
Nice work sir
“thunder is spooki”

>jetta >shows golf gti
yep that just about what i expected from a cheater….an imcomplete base like how are they even having fun
I bought rust because of welyn a year ago and still havent played it once yet i still watch his vids
LA Noire music in the intro = chefs kiss
“my neighbor is a Rust cheater!” Sounds like a sick anime name.
maybe the dark secret was just the friends we made along the way
I wish Escape from Tarkov didn’t have so many cheaters so you can keep uploading it…Good work Welyn!
I brought a pc on the back of welyns vidoes. I enjoyed rust for a few months but then found dayz, i am 1600 hrs into dayz. Thansk man.
cheaters can go heck themselves.
Cave base ot
leave the gamer cam on every video cuz its GOOD and fun watching you react to every thing
3:40 “jetta” shows picture of a vw golf
absolutely love the vids tho, no hate g
Honestly I just enjoy welyn improving him self, even if he is a YouTuber and a twitch streamer, he has a pumpkin farm going, is rapping and is story telling his videos. Welyn, your doing great and I hope that you keep going like the trumpet playing beast you are.
It’s been long Welyn
Harold Potler and the Mystery of the Fussy Bussy
is this maybe first time cave base i seen?
is anyone else worried about Welyns mental health <3
You can tell by the length of the bleep which gamer word was used
Band for cheating should delete entities
When you stream and record do you use both streamlabs and obs that way you can utilize different scenes on your capture and stream? Maybe there is a less roundabout way that i dont know about but it does make me curious
Are you doing any pumpkins this year?
god i just cant get enough of these videos, whenever im bored and come back its always such quality. One of the best utubers out there easily
Welyn in Paris?
This one is probably my favorite base, would be cooler if the clan had joined you and moved into your neighbors place after your raid.
A Warner bros brand deal. Good shit Welyn.
welyn be angry in this video
@welyn you don’t need to jump the spike pit, if u run and hug the wall you’ll make it every time.
Can you do a colab with gupp… he’s a hilarious rust troll
I wouldn’t be surprised if netflix collaborated with Welyn
Rust cheats and new accounts have to be the most expensive thing to play besides Diablo immortal
You can hug the wall and just run over to avoid the spike trap in the cave everytime
Is it just me who prefers the stream version with face cam over recordings?
I love gamer cam
I now know who was in Paris
Welyn and the chamber of secrets
“I’m not greifing you” whilst stealing their stuff and killing them
jetta. shows a picture of a golf
Genuinely the coziest little base I’ve ever seen. A comfy little nook to relax in while the fire crackles and the cheaters get banned. 10/10 cave base. Comfy Cave forever
Just bought this game again I remember watching my man in high school now I watch him on my break
Don’t like God it’s becoming Vietnam in a rest
Always enjoy watching your videos Welyn. Thanks for the cool content (:
Disappointing to see u take a Harry Potter sponsorship
i would love to see a video where he plays terraria. him and porgie playing that would be so much fun to watch
I was hoping the twist would be that immediately after Tami established themselves as a major annoyance, it would turn out that they were your neighbor the entire time
dayz video
The Sanctum Spelunktorium.
Should have given this base to tami
Arguably the nicest Welyn base of all time
nuvu nee erripuku advertisements!
Should make a dayz vid
6:40 the British in the 1600’s
Welyn’s method of measurement is “DEHDEHDEHDEH.”
Play on this server again !!! Would love to see more adventures of this base
1. 29:40 the character is gonna suffocate(?
2. 30:45 *flies… realizes a witnesser, tries to defly and realize its too late* “…………….. ssssssh“
Gamer cam >>
that in fact was not a jetta @ 3:39
This is easily to coziest base I’ve ever seen!
Hey man! I’ve been watching you for years and I really hope you didn’t know about it, but you have to be careful… I understand getting sponsorships is huge, but J.K. Rowling is a bigot and supporting HP stuff makes you look really REALLY bad… :/
Please adress this soon… So we can all be reassured that you didn’t actually mean to support this…
Please Moro ark weyl
I enjoy the gamer cam
Busy handling the battlefield like a boss. Shooting multiple enemies covering healing yourself. Ah f*** a cactus
Welyn is the kinda guy to wake up on Monday, and before getting out of bed, he says “There I was, at the start of a new wipe…”
I like the gamer cam.
The fact that you have almost 3M subs just by posting rust videos is insane dude!! Amazing job! keep it up
now this, this is good. but we need the reconstruction of the library in its final form.
“I just need your loot i dont wanna grief” as he griefs the base the whole time he is in it.
Never ceases to amaze me how Welyn can just headshot someone despite them being only 2 pixels on the screen like at 16:04
9:58 I noticed a “Giveitem failed” in the bottom left of the screen just going to assume that’s not what I think it is. you know an attempt at cheating.
Bro got sponsored by Warner brothers
Bro did a saddam hussain
Aye b you should play rainworld. It’s lit
Man I wish there was more GAMER CAM
I cant wait till you play dark and darker again. That one was interesting
Can we get a DayZ video!!! Please that would be so good! I love your rust videos and I love DayZ if u could make a video that included u ofc and DayZ that would be awesome
Killed 37 mins at work. Hell yeah
Rather easy soution for the cheater. Either a MAC ban, or HWID ban. If its implemented in the game.
Welyn could you try a hardcore valheim series? Game would be so good to watch with your story telling expertise
Lets go bro i always love when Welyn posts rust videos
Idk why but I love welyns jittery aim when he is panicked or is in a close range fight it makes me laugh so much and it honestly scares me every time cause it makes him miss so many shots lol
Tug boat video when?
It’s funny how you met Jetta at the beginning, but you never met Golf.
the la noire music fits so good
I would hate to play with you if that’s how you act I’m sure my next GarboStreamers segment has its newest star lol
You can run the pit. Just hug the wall.
Can’t believe you reported a guy who might have cheated to avoid the cave spikes as his only time he cheats since he knows he’s in the cave. Such a toxic pos you are. You call him a scummy cheater when you are a literal scummy gamer who can’t let people play how they want when they aren’t hurting anyone THAT YOU CAN EVEN PROVE!!!!
The darkest secret, Raaaage, pure raaaage.
Welyn you should totally make a DayZ movie.
Who was in Paris?
A cheatsy hermit living in a cave, the utter irony is laughable yet anger inducing.
It’s hilarious how many people you kill that are racist while being relatively new or casual Rust gamers and you act like you’ve done the game a service by killing them once or more like they aren’t gonna come back and act the same way a billion more times…..you really show them lol. I’d come back over and over again because the real victory is mine because I still make you hear the racism and bile and all you can do is kill me and save yourself 5 min till I run back and spew more and more and if you stream then it’s all out there for thousands to hear lol. Sorry but the racist are the true winners in that scuffle. And you did grief some new players and act like you weren’t so I say you earned it.
am i the only one that likes the GAMER cam ?
Homeboi I think it’s time to hit the trainers, these shots are preposterous.
Although these wiffs make the gameplay pretty funny at times
Hiding the fact he was a cheater till the end was great, this video felt like a classic welyn video i’ll rewatch multiple times!
lowkey love gamer cam
I miss the time welyn did rapp about the history of the video and put the music in the end
Cave base!!111 (same doors as a 2×1)
that’s crazy bro… dude thought hmlmg was for PVP.
Are you going to make a dayz video? Would love to see what kind of epic adventure you would make out of that
Great video keep the good work up
make dayz video
Y dont u stability bunker caves
Keep em coming.
i reallyy think you would like hunt showdown, its a game on steam similar to escape from tarkov but like in the west and easier but less hackers
Gamer cam should be in every video!
Welyn. I love your narrative touch. It makes the entire experience more exciting and engaging.
finally you’re back
YOOOO da gamer cam (da pumpkin KING)
Ooh new rust upload
He got the LMG for the heli segment and had to return it after the mission, damn 2005 game design
3:39 Welyn thats a Golf
Bro got the spy laugh.
kinda similar to the viet cong’s tunnel
Want to know why I think this is scripted….like 3 different people said ggs one after the other
we all know the normal rust players
I dont even like playing Rust, but hotdamn I loooove watching Welyn playing it. Always a good day when a video comes out!
See i had, Now i had.
Never watched rust but you made a video about it so
You are the most Pro level RP player out there it’s awesome
Honestly… Welyn face cam should stay
Cant lie… never played rust but your video kept me around rust
how do you now panik ?
sorry for not understanding this but i dont see how his neighbor was cheating can someone explain plz??
bro why are u shaking every time a bit of action happens?
Sorry to correct you welyn but the the car you showed as a jetta was a golf/rabbit a jetta is more a saloon/sedan
Cozy abode? Willjum Illuminati collab confirmed??
Cook Food
Welyn Posts New Video
Eat to Video
*Good day*
I love welyn but holy shit does it look like he plays on a lower difficulty sometimes
every Welyn rust video: get killed by cheater > cheater gets banned > raid cheater > good ending
I hate people who make videos only if they get a sponsor
I’m so glad I have followed this fellow for so long
dawg neighbor literally got clipped in 4k
Idk if its just me but I def prefer the gamer cam over no cam
What servers does he play on?
nice one @Welyn, i realy like these cave base vids !!!
Y no more Adobe?
Hope that sponsor money was worth it, I’m gone for good because of it.
I feel sorry for the dog for being inslaved
You wanna know the dark secret read down
Watch the goddamn video (*´ω`*)
Funny seeing you with a beard, you sound like you don’t have one. Lol boss beard bro!!
Best Wellyn vid
cheater sure don’t know how to build a base. cave base is so hard to raid but they just put 3 door and that’s it?
Bad sponsor this time huh?
Welyn your videos are so good, and so well edited
I love it welyn but, the thumbnail looks like a mobile ad
As a big fan of Portley Game’s Hogwarts Legacy, I expected more from them for HL before a mobile game. Hopefully they polish the mobile one so its a little smoother for those looking to play
A very enjoyable watch. Thank you!
Welyn love all your vids, but can u do me a please. There is a Vid where i call 2 ppl Diddledoo and Diddledee can u may gimme the vid i like to see that again. <3
Hoi, hope you have a good time in Paris!
Weather is garbage this summer but enjoy
Best days when Welyn posts
Wow the sponsored gameplay footage was super choppy, good video tho
The alphabet people are mad the welyn got sponsored. Thats funny.
Ignore them welyn, you take the sponsores you want to take and enjoy your life.
Hey weyln, I think you would really thrive in space engineers, it is a big game about creating ships and with an update that was made recently , they have a hudge combat system that is based between ships, you have drone vs drone combat + PVP, I mainly think this bc of how you made your Flying Fortress in ark, so I thought you might want a large, competitive survival game, where you can be the dominant power through engineering genius
Before they ruined cave builds I was the cave master. I knew every cave type. I had premade layouts for the best rooms in the best caves. It was a glorious couple years playing rust. And then they made it damn near impossible to build anything that was worth a damn. So much time designing, and perfecting a system to place the first foundation and build a real base that was hard to raid. I had to alt tab between fullscreen screenshots and back into the game to make sure the screen matched perfectly. Then they nerfed the cave builds. Rust just wasn’t the same for me after that. I still played about another year. Made it to about 5600 hours. Here’s a fun fact and it’s still probably true. I knew how to drop down the bucket hole, skim the side of a wall and land without going down. I could do it 100% of the time. You’re back door aint’ safe boys. I’m not the only one that knows how to do that, of course. And finally rust just didn’t give enough bang for the time spent. Now I’m a retired Rust player.
31:45 Welyn supports LGBTQ+

I’m disappointed in you Welyn
GTI boys seething in these comments hehe
I’m ngl without your commentary like in edit it is like I’m in a fever dream
I have to know your dpi and sens. Every time you click its like my eyes are vibrating
Well watching this base my bass got raided by hackers lol
10:43 hey that’s Indonesia Leaguange
I wish u wouldnt take sponsorships that support terfs
I like when the face cam is on. Because who doesn’t love welyn?
Ever since I was a kid I have watch his videos, one day I first found his channel I saw a game called Rust, I clicked on it then ever since I’ve watched every rust video he made so much it makes me want to play rust.
The Splunker Shimmy
this one hit the spot welyn. as usual u knock it out of the park!!!
Can’t never go wrong with watching a welyn video.
still toxic and cringy as ever
Tammy Whynot
Am I the only one that realized he put a picture of a Golf instead of a Jetta at the start of the vid when he first went into the cave
My adventure Begin…
Disappointed in you for taking a harry potter sponsorship. You’re putting money into the pocket of a transphobic bigot…
you got a sponsor from warner brothers games???? good shit bro!!!! thats so cool!!
Who’s in Paris?
Tame a giga in ark pls
The base kinda looks like it would be from fallout
33:16 bro playing Vietnam
I don’t always comment but when I do I make sure it’s a welyn video
bro is the crossbow collector
Welyn could you do another pumpkin patch bear trap wipe? The videos you uploaded were really funny.
your sponsor is at 240p and has 16 fps truely an L of a game.
0:00 Are you fucking kidding me. You took a Harry Potter sponsorship?
Welyn, dude, both the author of the source material, the source material itself, and even the stuff spun off from it, has been known to be blatantly racist and antisemitic for years now.
I can go into heavy detail if you want, but suffice it to say I am disappointed. I’d almost prefer you took a gambling sponsorship.
Legends say Tami looks behind her every time she leaves home in fear that welyn might apear
this is a wiljum title xd
i cant tell if welyn has really high sensitivity or if hes got the shakes
very nice cave.
“jetta” shows a golf
Would u play amesia the bunker ?
Welyn always saves me by his videos from me getting bored.
Your a special guy thanks for everything you do
I’m glad you got sponsored, but holy shit does that game look bad haha
Nearly as awesome as SebbyK, thanks kid!
5:42 Hallway
6:08 TC placement
7:17 – 8:58
23:13 hype song
27:56 Nice catch Mr. Pumpkin investigator
Finished watching
Nothing else needed
Welyn and his chamber of secrets.
Top tier content as usual. You are the best my man, keep doing what you’re doing!
Glad to see Welyn not being washed anymore
“Welyn Angy!”
Gamer cam is OP, i want it in these videos, pls pls pls pls
The crossbow nerf needed to happen
that was such a garbage sponsor lol the game looks terrible
Every Rust session that I’ve done in the last six months had me facing cheaters. I wish you and other big streamers could join up and do something about it.
can you do a rust console series? there’s a lot of super aggressive clans and groups on the playstation servers that i’d like to see raided
stating the obvious , you are a super talented story teller Welyn. Excellent video
Only a day late
Man ur videos so funy
the harry potter sponsorship is disappointing.
It makes sense why he only heard one foot step the dude was hacking
“i feel like we got the best stuff” he says while hold 2 rad pills in his hot bar XD
What a moron. If the cheater had killed you before flying out of the trap, maybe he wouldn’t have been found out so quickly.
Well, cheaters aren’t exactly known for their intelligence…
Anyway. Love the cave base. I like caves in general but you managed to make the coziest base I think I’ve ever seen. Very nice.
its good to see the gamer cam once in a while in the vids
Ugh welyn. If i was rich I would literally pay you whatever you wanted to play duo with me and train me to be leet like you.
6:40 POV: it’s 1492 you’re an italian dude and you’ve just discovered America
I love the LA noire music intro
I wonder when he will play tarkov again ?
Gamer cam? Looks like a daddy cam to me
i swear every time i go on youtube i see this man and i love it
Another banger mr Welyn.
27:34 You should of cleared tc authorization so they wouldnt of been able to place a door.
tami with the Tommy.
That cave can have power and water brought from the surface. We best
don’t take this the wrong way but you look like you would be a beloved village shoemaker if you were born in the 14th century
The La Noire music
The irony of using your Camomo Ban skinned hammer to build your base…
wtf I’m in a welyn video??? 4:12
keep it up dude love ur vids <3
ark plzzz
Why dont use M249 bruh.
The G4M3R C4M isn’t actually an issue in my opinion. Anywhoo, keep up the great work !
That was good gotta see what youd do about running turrents in a cave base
Hocus pocus, You are a Bogus
welyn you introduced me to rust an sea of thieves. one of my fav game
JUst went to Paris
noooooo not the harry Potter sponsorship welyn :(((
god i love you welyn <3
Too bad it wasn’t a bunker base, could’ve been the spelunkers bunker
I really enjoy your cute facecam
Bro sounds like Master Wu to me
The perfect video to watch while eating
3:40 I like how he said Jetta and then put a picture of a Golf
We need more of Tami’s b plot
I am sick, but a Welyn video always makes me feel better
666th comment
Servers full of cheaters atm
Hereby the legend posted another great story to tell us.
Play ark plz
For the listeners at home, the “dark secret” is Harry Potter Magic Awakened.
i know its backup stream footage but i liked the facecam
damn well done crush them cheater scum they dont deserve and love except the deadly one
that a gti my dog
How funny would it be if one day we see Camomo in a video of yours…
W new episode bouta watch dis while i munch on that gushy cereal
the base lucky llama wouldve made
Day z video??.
Its almost like you could say you had a “chamber of secrets” in you cave eh?
Welyn kinda got lucky the admins didn’t ban him for “affiliation” both him and the cheater had a cave base, so the admins could’ve mistaken welyn for a cheater
“Killing some racists; always a good day at the office.”
Welyn, you’re my hero for that. =)
aim god
We need a Welyn and Willjum collab
Me when welyn(•‿•)
would like to see a video with the facecam on all the time
Goddamn it WELYN! Im suposed to be working man
Nah cause the gamer cam is a W
the car you show is a VW Golf not a VW Jetta, cmon it’s not hard to research the name of a car for like 5 secs
Vietnam moment
Weyln gives you that feeling of wrapping up in a blanket with some hot cocoa and watching a movie
i have a shitty day at campus the only thing that excites me today is your video. thank you
Why didnt you shut the door
Good pvp good base, Perfect.
Love the solo plays!!
Js Welyn don’t sleep on the double crossy sword combo. 2 crossy shots and a sword hit even with healing people dont have time to react. If they run just reload a crossy
yippee pumpkin gamer rust video
Hmm hey when does johanne return from that vid that made the i sword him merch could be fun
“I was naked and afraid” me when the lights go off in the shower
yeyy new video
We need caves on console plz facepunch, we’ve waited long enough
Great vid as always, but did you really have to take a Harry Potter sponsor? Not cool, man.
My favorite part is the bandit camp betting and Welyn just Screaming makes me laugh so hard thank you Welyn love your videos!!
It blows my mind how there’s people willing to pay not only for Cheats/Clients, but also for a steam new account. guy could have bought something worthwhile… like soup to wash their unclean hands from that filth.
It warms my heart to hear people say GG after losing a fight
how down bad you gotta be to sellout to Harry Potter
I wish he had gone back and tried to raid those toxic asshats from the beginning
I don’t get how he was banned immediately after you reported him. I’m not saying I think you’re lying, but did the server owners just accept your word at face value?
Babe wake up welyn posted
Such a great video with an epic ending!!
hi welyn, i think u should play deep rock galactic, it would make a good video for the type of style you have/story telling esk
Do you upload raw footage?
Welyn never fails to entertain and tell a magnificent story full of character. Every upload is deserving of all the love it gets. I love your videos Pumpkin Man.
I don’t know how kids get away with speaking like that… if i heard my child speaking racism like that, i’d honestly put them up for adoption because i’d clearly failed as a parent.
tami the cheeky horse rider tami mayhaps?
They should do an IP ban on rust so they’ll learn after getting banned to a paid game.
This one was absolutely crazy man, actually had me enthralled
The ending is very abrup
That ending was incredible
make a dayz video!
amazing video
i missed watching u
Bro made Blightown
Welyn can you please play Grounded again? It’s almost finished now and has tons of Boss and items, hope you this reach you
Cool cave base bro
the only reason i got rust, tarkov and ark is all Welyns doing.
This base is beyond cosy
Bing Chilling
Wiljum would be so proud of those cozy vibes.
I saw cave base in video description and just had to watch, I’m such a cave rat lamo XD.
The aesthetic of the cave base be looking fire…
can’t wait to see what you do with the tug boat update!
i love solo vids
omg welyn cave base vid
Good job on the sponsorship, amazing series.
Cave base was gorgeous
@16:15 the hills have eyes.
great gamer content as always Bumpkin King.
I was expecting Trausi behind that door
I just keep watching the old ones over and over again, love the style and passion put into the videos!!!
welyn makes rust fun but when you actually play it yourself you get depression
I like welyn cam 20:28
For some reason the end of the ad read made my Alexa think I asked it a question and it scared the shit out of me,
Christmas came early, Welyn vid has dropped.
im i tripin of is he playing withold recoil ?
TIL: welyn is a god with the crossbow and absolute garbage with the sar
You really make it feel like a cool and Epik gamer story
something to watch while eating
To anyone making a fuss, homie’s probably got a contract to promote WB games. If you’re mad he promoted a Harry Potter game, please consider it doesn’t have any relevance towards Welyn likely, contractual obligations are what they are. He’s a “let’s play” creator of sorts, categorically anyway and my mans gotta make a living. Sometimes that means contracting with a huge studio that makes a bamillion things, what they tell you to promote isn’t really up to you at that point yeah? Good on ya’ Welyn me mate for getting such a big sponsor, I love Buggs Bunny. Shame it ain’t Buggs himself they got you promotin’, but it’s a bit of a flavor of the week thing now innit?
Welyn’s editor deserves a raise, that plomp sound always gets me, DOINK!!!!
What a beautiful base. Unironically. Seeing it all lit up when you put the fireplaces and the couch down…. beautiful.
After watching a welyn video i just have em on run in the background as i listen to the the sultry voice of the pumpkin gamer
so entertaining bro thank you
30:38 the villain intraduction
Great video, but i am sorry, i cannot let slide you saying “Jetta” and puting a picture of a Golf. 3:37
36:22 seeing that sleeping player, makes be believe he had multiple accounts already in that base, and all he had to do was log in with the account linked to that sleeper and the raid would’ve been beached
Great video as always, JK Rowling can eat shit.
That cheater, legit has no life, he bought, cheats, got banned had the time to make a new account (presumably with the same email), and got banned again, and this cycle repeats itself like the definition of insanity
This man went from a cave rat to a caveman to a cave warrior
Welyn’s dwarf hole
part 2 plis
Welyn’s rust videos were the best but now the story doesn’t feel good enough like blueprints or stevies. Editing is still the best.
Welyns vocabulary Is so large its scary.
Nice video
I never understood why people commentary their own videos even they can say exactly same shit while playing
welyn plays the only games with more idubbz specials than counterstrike
Day 1 of asking for more ark
This is one of the Welyn bases ever
Peehaps a hot take but, gamer cam makes for a good time
Welyn you sound 14 and look 28 and your videos are 100/100
I genuinely do not understand people who cheat in videogames, how much of a loser do you have to be?
WELL,yn he uploaded
Bro, I love these videos. The story telling and the gameplay is so awesome
well done content back on top ggs big dog
“jetta” shows a golf
cool cave build. looks cozy as heck
This is surely a hood classic, before the pitter patter of the new upgrade system.
Thank you welyn
Yo, can I teach you how to efficiently play and tame every single thing in ark?
6:40 Christopher Columbus when he got to america
I was expecting Tami to show up being your neighbor XD
Welyn, I am sorry I cant watch your live streams for very long. Its because your narrative story telling of game play has me spoiled AF FR. Without I find rust boring without a trap base being involved.
It doesn’t matter whose stream it. However your storying telling is
AF. Please don’t ever stop with the YT content. Take a break when ever you want. Your vids make my whole week worth it.
The big plot twist
i swear ive seen this video before
bro went full monke, attenborough could make a documentary out of this.
Just got me back into rust
I must say, Welyn was certainly gaming on this particular occasion. fine job good sir.
Bro can not control his sensitivity
12:10 Is that you, Porgie?
everyone after saying a single word in another language: So i basically rizzed them up
A normal Legendary video by Welyn.
I personally like the gamer cam, it makes narrator welyn and gamer welyn into more distinct
This didn’t show up on my feed the hell?
this is a rock and stone moment.
I loved the dark secret
19:11 bro really said “substitution jitsu”
Willjum aint got shit on this coziness
I lterly am addicted to ur videos!
Fantastic vid, Welyn
Hell yeah u get that money. Glad to know the sponsors of this video wont really make money of us.
15:24 “after conversing in chinese” (moments earlier just repeatedly saying hello)
pls play dayz
The coziness of this cave base may rival a wiljum base. Great job Welyn
Welyn and The Chamber of Secrets
Holy cannoli this was a great vid.
Amazing base, amazing plot, and pure unadulterated Welyn badassery.
This is why I’m subbed to you man. This, and Porgie’s antics… XD
That’s 1 cozy as looking base!
Getting boring watching streamer sweats Harass noobs.
bro is the arch alliterator
This might be the coolest base I’ve seen in a long time Welyn!
POV: Vietnam tunnel warfare 33:30
#sled dog
We need main channel vids with cam at all time it would be so cool and funny
Dude I was vibing in rust a couple weeks ago when a random ak kit gave me a sar. Then like an hour later I met him again and he gave me his full kit. But then some random piece of shit with a tommy killed us as he was giving his stuff
more ark pls
That’s a nice little base. Cosy indeed!
Keep the gamer cammmmm plss
You’re a wizard Welyn
A serial killer rolls into town and 6:40
id rather have bamboo splints than play that harry potter game
You don’t need to jump those spikes, just hug the inside corner and you can run round it.
Dope base. Shoulda framed the pic of that cheaters corpse for the outro.
I want welyn to read me a bedtime story
How many alt accounts this cheater has XD
shrek feet
pt 2?
Record these in HD one day??
Ffs smh
“They are haulin @$$”. Me thinking *I am speed*. Welyn building “I am speed” what Da. Hec
“Killing some racists, always a good day at the office”
How the heck does he have a full on 1v1 with heli with nary a soul showing up to mess with him
That was a golf not a jetta

This has major willjum vibes!
Sponsored by WB, because they cant come up with their own hit, and so have to use Welyn and games like Rust to show their micro transaction shovel ware based on a problematic writer.
Bro got deeped on twice killed twice in a 2 v 1 and still talked shit
Yoo i wanted to SEE you raid the toxic bois from the start
bro i stopped watching you cause you take too long to post lol top tier content always
The heart is happy once again seeing weyln post. It has been too long once again
take a shot everytime welyn said tami in the video
says jetta and shows a golf
Post more escape from tarkok bitch
no bunker for the cave base?
Why are you shaking your mouse so much when using any sorts of weapon xD It’s so stressful to watch
that “vapedad420” comment about selling his dog into slavery is EXACTLY the type of username/comment that Erik from Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik would make.
Is the dad here?
Play ark
bro says Jetta and shows a Golf
close enough
A Harry Potter game being the sponsor for Rust is hilarious,
Just imagine Harry pulling out an l96 on Voldemort’s ass
Classic welyn video
No way congrats on the big name sponsor movin up keep it fav creator
It’s currently 3:22 am for me, but sleep can wait, welyn first!
Can you do more videos that show the Gamer Cam? That’s a handsome fella playing. (Also, please pin this.)
That was a GTI not a Jetta
Welyn get some sleep. You look terrible. I don’t mean to be a dick but you look like if The Walking Dead asked you to play an extra. Could be the camera but if this was 2020 I would say that without a doubt you’re patient zero who originally spread covid.
Welyn is the kinda content creator that makes you wanna play a game that you hate and is honestly unfun to play. Maybe I just don’t have any friends to play it with
Man! I love these type of contents
w editing
If you get on a community server in DayZ that’s modded a little bit with higher loot spawns it’s definitely a lot more fun
Warner bros sponsored you
nooo, how could you support the rainbow community? 40% of them are child predators
Rust is getting dull for me where’s that Sea of thieves
why not spray his door from your door tho like u face open ur door n his door is right there
for some reason I thought the “secret” was going to be a bag hidden in your base, like either in some dark overlooked corner or hidden under the floor (like your neighbors saw you were moving in and decided to take out a few foundation tiles and replace them with floor tiles and make a small space for them to put bags and break down the floor from underneath to get into your base once it was full of loot)
never would have guessed the real secret, and that your neighbor would go for an even more open floor plan than your base lol
I so glad that this made it into a video, I loved watching him build this base live
With a dark &…. darker secret
Great content ty
Why have I seen this video before?
I appreciate Welyn and his lack of convoluted “objectives” and “story”
Feel like you missed an opportunity to add a sign in between the bases so you could leave them messages
My mood improves when i find get a noti of a new welyn video
When I saw welyn build that 2by1 I just thought I was watching a willjum video
This is gonna get like 254k likes in 2 days I know it
a fun thing to know is that if you have the water gun then you can put out the fires on the box’s
Yooo ive been waiting for an upload for a week so happy. Great vid
Yo welyn, you need to do a Doug Doug collab
15:24 that ni hao was pretty good
Let me get a feature bro ?
what a sweet little cave build
jetta… shows a pic of a golf
Tammy here??
anyone else who havent played rust but still gets so excited everytime welyn uploads a rust video? gatdaym this sh*t is so good
rust with a heart rate monitor pls
I gotta say, that base was pretty tight
Perfect… Absolutely Perfect!
Why does Welyn’s base looks like a Hogwarts dorm room
i really do this games should start banning peoples IP and not there accounts. just my opinion on things like this.
bro turned to willjum
always be killin it on the main content mane, keep up all the amzing work
I honestly wish you’d include your gamer cam in more videos, hearing your reactions is great, but its so much better seeing your reactions when you get jump scared XD
lawd have mercy im boutta bust ;D
lmao the 15 fps mobile sponsor gameplay
Ye you got the hmlmg
That jumpscare at 16:18 caught me off guard. You would think the dude would be in the room with the shotgun traps
Love the art work on the thumbnail
Very cool base. rustic lol
spelunkers slide spot sanctuary
Off from work and I see welyn has uploaded perfect day
I don’t play rust but I like watching. And I gotta say that cave base is the best I’ve seen
one of my favorite welyn bases, easily. good vid
Does Welyn ever go back to these servers? Or does he just amass all this loot and leave lol?
Bro I was just about eat and I found this. I’m lucky af
WTF is wrong with these cheater who spends this much money to play a game you only have to pay for once. Such degenerates
Love it when you fight cheaters
9:08 Welyn goes and takes out a ton of people, but remember everyone it only takes that one death after having your ammo and health whittled down and they have all the impunity to say you suck and are, in-fact, “Not a gamer”
I always love people’s hidden cave or arctic bases in rust
Thanks for another work of art Welyn
geymer came
i like face on. its nice to see the facial changes to match the screams of fear or joy.
Rust nuclear bomb + bunker update
Totally think Welyn would like Ghosts of Tabor
Damn brother a warner brothers games sponsees. Glad for you Welyn, you deserve it. I make rust content as well and am working hard hoping someday I can collaborate with you. It’s one of my biggest goals. I’ve been told many times my voice and personality is similar to yours. Your awesome!
Bro has basically completed rust at this point. He made every base at every location and poi possible.
I want wiljum to see this cozy abode
That nailgun POV would kill me
Will you ever play ark again? Also love your videos 30m of sertifid welyn moments
Always fun and great story telling!
greedy welyn just couldn’t walk away from the last heli crate while solo, after already grabbing rockets and an LMG, lost the big guns…
New willjum video yesterday and a Welyn video today. Fucking GOATED
Always great to see the notification of a new video! What’s the track used starting from around 23:23? You know it’s serious when that song comes on in these videos!
always a good day when Welyn uploads
Normally when a cave has a ‘dark secret’ its either related to human trafficking, organ harvesting, or dungeons and dragons clubs
How did he get the GIANT picture frame?
Welyn, the Cave-Chamber u choosed is capable of power from an above base, you know ? ^^
Anyone know the graphic settings he uses ?
The answer to your question what kind of slavery can a dog get, its a simple one its by be such a good doggy slavery
3:38bro shows a GTI
How does that work, the cheater ban?
Is it manually handled by admins or is it a bot? How do they make the difference between an angry loser and someone actually reporting a cheater?
It’s insane how many rust YouTubers cite you as their direct inspiration. Myself included, you’re a fkin legend man. The true frankieonpc of our game
that was a golf gti
sorry not sorry
Great vid
every dog is a slave if its well trained lol
You don’t have to jump to make it a cross the spikes. All you have to do is stare at the wall and walk forward while looking to the side a bit so you actually move. Works every time.
thank you
Maybe the naked guys were admins who have watched you if you are playing together with your neighbor cheater
Welyn is litterally the best shaky aimer
i’ve never really been interested in playing rust since i’m not all too into general survival games but now knowing i can live out my fantasy of being a subterranean crypt creature? i might pick it up
I love how his thinks he miss all of his shots but, in reality that guy was lagging….
u made this 3h ago and u have 5k likes
Welyn you look and sound like Duncan Trusell. It’s beautiful.
I like gamer cam…gives us a look at BEARD
You should play grounded again it has a lot more to it than it had last time you played.
The coziness I felt from the base rivals the vibes I get from wiljum! A feat to be sure
papa himself
Welyn vids keep me grounded in a way
Bro didn’t make a base. Bro made a home.
your the best rust youtuber
Honestly one of the more aesthetic bases you’ve made man. Great vid
please understand I didn’t actually sell my dog to slavery.
Why are you insulting me with the same ad 4 different times, 3 in the video, 1 in the comments.
I thought I was dreaming, still getting over the highlights vid.
Ahh the storytelling i know and love
Wylen sponsored by Warner brothers?huge step my boi
Best game tips i can give out
• Guns consume ammo, use them wisely!
• When your health bar depletes, you die.
• Drink water and eat food, your hunger goes up.
• Some weapons are better than others.
• Armor negates damage taken so always wear armor!
• If you need materials, scavenge the land.
I hope these end-game tips help you alot
Me: Ah yes The Tribunal are here, judgement day is upon us.
That IS a heckin’ cozy base! I kinda’ wish I could have just chilled in there.
hey welyn if you see this i just want to tell you great job and keep up the hard work man im trying to be a rust youtuber:)
The base looks like hufflepuff common room
Me sweating watching welyn right the wrong this man did him
I enjoyed this video a lot more than usual ! Not sure what changed but keep it up dude
The *Bumpkin King* returns with another masterpiece of a video
Not now babe Welyn made a new video
The stone fireplace is actually much underrated, like the rug it raises comfort and drastically speeds up healing.
Your going to become a grand philosopher one day you know?
When that guy climbed back up from the spike pit I was like wait… did that get changed? And then welyn confirmed cheater I was oh ok lol
Going from raid shadow legends to warner brothers as a sponsor is a true gamer move.
Minty as frig ! Laughed my butt off.
My boy is back!
Welyn I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was cave! Eminem was kinda hard to understand when I was younger.
dont forget about the thousands of dollars youll need to spend to play this mobile game!
ad ends at 3:10
Welyn consider dropping your sens or maybe you’re just a gamer spaz idk
Id love to see a Camomo and Welyn colab sometime. That would be dope.
Pls play with friends more. Way more interesting when you do than just 1 voice for so long
Still don’t get why anticheat doesn’t auto remove banned players entities, stop them coming back that way
hp cringe but baller storytelling as usual
Should have put a couple of auto turrets in your front door to cover his. Filthy but hilarious.
I would love the combo of Welyn and Wiljum in a Dou! The cozy solo builder with the energetic joker
I just love welyn’s word choice in his videos
How many languages does Welyn know?? XD
I sword him
i thought welyn would look much younger
Do you think you’ll ever be doing dark and darker again?
I love the art style of the thumbnails
That base was actually so cozy
Always a good watch!!!
*When you forget that there was a “dark secret” because you were so engaged in the moment*
Gotta get the dayz launcher and play modded servers
Just on time for lunch, what a perfect way to eat and enjoy your lunch
Nice Vacation Pics! But could tell me Who was in Paris?
Ngl I want a willjum and welyn Collab I feel like that would be great plus it’s just W’s all around
“You lost everything!”
“It was all your stuff!”
Can’t wait to hear Stimpees future intro involving his shadowy tunnels and clammy walls
Don’t show Wiljum this. This base is more cosy than any of his “most cost base ever” and he knows it
This came out just as I was looking for something to watch while eating. Unexpected but a welcome video
Welyn didn’t make a cave base, he made a cave home
how do you do this effect where u zoom into a different scene? 3:09
Saddam Hussein hideout
Welyn you should try playing with willjum
welyn i noticed that when you are attacked, you do this spastic movement with your mouse where you literally just shake your entire body and somehow manage to kill people, good on you
It’s nice that I can like Welyn’s vids even before fully watching them, because I know it’s gonna be good.
You didn’t land on Spelunker Bunker? How could you do this?
magic awakening is Wizard101 lite . . .
Thank you for bringing joy into my life
Exercise in Futility – great album by Mgla, thanks Welyn for calling it out
harry potter for mobile. looks laggy and bad lol.
common welyn banger
Welyn should adopt me
Welyn is the reason I like rust and sea of thieves I bought an Xbox because of him and had great times and made many memories when I would play bad I would just enjoy the game and then I could watch welyn and admire how good he was at everything than I started getting better and I’m still no where near this man’s skill level and it just makes me feel so good whenever I see him upload i always watch the video the second it comes out and it’s always the first thing I do. Welyn is just the person that I’ve always admired and wished to find in game or become a big enough YouTuber so I could play with him
“What are they doing to that man?!”
“I cant watch this”
You know you want to…
Trans rights are human rights
We want johanne back
Not digging the sponsor, see you in the next video
Two month prison stint over. Pumpkin boys back.
The boy WELYN getting the big sponsorships. Get that bag ya hob gob
Welyn I love you but I need to hear the words “I reconstructed their base later on my private server”. I miss your more story heavy plot lines. Anybody can clap cheeks in rust. That’s not the only reason we love you though.
3:39 is most jetta
You know it’s gonna be a good day when welyen uploads

Welyn my guy, thanks for the content as always!
Welyn i like your vids pls make them a bit longer
perfect timing i almost got to your first rust video bro
A cozy home is the true Rust endgame.
Welyn Rust video POG
Watched it all and boy was it a good one, a homey base with a dead cheater base next to it and with tons of loot from both
Cheaters are the worst. Cheating isn’t fun so I assume they do it for social status, small time streamers thinking they will be worshipped for success. Unfortunately, they always end up getting exposed and humiliated. It’s baffling that people will buy the same game on dozens of accounts just to cheat and get banned a few hours in.
Thank you
37 minutes of Rust by Welyn is the greatest thing that has happened today
Bwo was a little angy
What servers do you play
congrats on the thick sponsor.
thx for feeding
i need a 5 man with wleyn, hjune, frost, willjum and blooprint
my life will be complete after a 1hr episode of them
The rust base, the symbol of freedom and vitality.
Where every man can build his base and have room to sulfur smelt and not be scouted by his neighbors.
downvoting bc harry potter sponsorship
Laughing so much best video
I prefer the gamer cam ngl
Pumpkin father blesses us once again
Legend has it Tami is still trying to move the raid loot to his base to this day.
We need more Monday Welyn video releases. This turned my typical dreary Monday into a 5 o’clock Friday
Great video as usual, I especially love how cozy the base looks.
What a banger, Welyn, every video you release is top-tier entertainment, thank you so much for the great content.
His comment about Dayz couldn’t be more spot on, you have a buttstock for five different guns, five different barrels and ammo for every type of gun in the world except for the one working on you got on you. kek
Never played a second of Rust but I still watch every Welyn video for his story telling.
Bro this video was named so well I thought it was willjum you were just missing the (cozy)
It says 3 minutes ago and I’m 19 minutes in lol
32 mins early I LOVEE YOU WELYN
Still loves ur vids
when is the next dark and darker one ?
this video made my day
I’ve been watching him for 3 years and his content never gets old!
Love you Welyn, got me into rust most fun I’ve had in ages
Welyn the CEO of making me do stupid shit with the way he describes stuff. Man said “clammy walls” and my dumbass put my hands together and said CAVE at full volume out loud
Great video always welyn
Hope you’re doing well welyn! Thanks for another great video!
he killed you cuz you saw him embarrassingly fall into the pit xD
-opens front door
-goes outside
-“I wanna kill some locals”
Truly inspiring words.
Me (sick):

Intro Welyn: Very intricately constructed, poetic-ass intro
Post-intro Welyn: Profoundly dumb shit
Me: :))))
It’s the contrast that does it for me. Keep doing the things with the words my friend.
My new favorite Welyn quote “Killing some racists, always a good day at the office.”
10:57 out of pocket
I wish you hadn’t accepted money from a Harry Potter property, Welyn. I get that everyone needs money to survive, but every bit of support that game gets is going straight to a woman who uses all her influence to hurt trans people. Not gonna unsub or anything, I’m just disappointed.
buying Harry Potter directly supports anti trans groups as JK donates her money to said organizations so don’t buy Harry Potter stuff new unless ur transphobic and wanna donate money to scumbags
Tami with the bag fumble
My underpants started tingling the moment i saw this on my frontpage
Just gonna skip riiiight over that particular advert…
Welyan is the type of guy to just eat pumpkins then get 73 bags and place them around the map

It’s a good day when I see mr chad uploaded
I wanna see ur face why no face why take it off are you embarassed why take off facecam is it hard to edit it in ok imma shut up this is probably cancer to read
ive been waiting lets go another banger im sure
Welyn is one of the few youtubers/ twitch streamers that looks exactly like he sounds
Welyn when will porgie make a return? I miss him and i always got a great laugh from him
Anyone else want to see Welyn play RLCraft or just me? Just me? ok
why does it look like he’s on negative fov lol
A Welyn video. My breakfast is gonna taste good today.
I just finished cooking my food, sat down, and saw you uploaded! Welyn never let you down!
A perfect video for the week
Gotta love a Welyn Original, especially one where a cheater faces the hammer, and ESPECIALLY when it’s Welyns neighbor who brutally fired upon the pumpkin dude
Welyn and the Russian badger would be the most confusing colab ever and frankly probably wouldn’t even make sense but for some reason I want it
WELYN VIDEO!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!
Honey wake up, Welyn just posted another Rust video
Gotta love being the first few to see a masterpiece

my day is saved, thank you welyn, your videos are always a welcoming sight!
Hey welyn and everyone who play rust. Want would you tell a new player on rust to do and don’t do
WELYN! Would you rather eat a raw pumpkin or fight a bear (cute bear)?
We’re cave boys now
Ya know I was just looking to see if Welyn uploaded a video. nice timing!
Welyn uploaded it’s a miracle
oh nice a gamer video
where ark
the comment on day z couldn’t have been more accurate
Everyone who sees this comment has to do 20 pushups
Thanks for the video Welyn!
Rust mini movie
Can we get a wiljum colab that would be fire
9 mins ago, epic
I wish welyn did introduction to everything
Let’s Go, A Welyn video!
I just finished a Welyn rust video just a few hours ago.
Welyn upload means it’s time to grab the snacks
*minecraft cave noises*
* Vague statement about the video that was obviously posted within the first 45 seconds *
I liked when he hit the big rock with a little rock and the big rock broke
I loved the end
Never been this early
I’ve been waiting for this!
Shilling for terf queen’s harry potter shit now? Shameful.
help im dont understand
Welyn has the best thumbnails
Tug boats? Nah. C A V E
Welyn is like god at rust
pumpkin gang

After watching this vedio 36673 times…. I can confirm that this wylen vedio is a certified spoonkid classic
lets gooo welyn vid
Welyns story telling, music and gameplay are all S tier : best YouTuber out there fr
Lesssssss goooooooooooo
Hey there fellow commenter, i have a message to Welyn, could you like this he might see this?
To Welyn:
Hey Welyn, long time fan, and pretty new rust player, ive never had the chance of getting even close to high tier loot. I wanted to ask if you could do a wipe with me, i dont care if it turns into a vid or not, i just really need advice from someone who knows rust.
Now this is epic worth the wait thx welyn I have something to watch with my food and tea instead of me scrolling for the next 3 hours finding a good vid thank you
Ahhh yes, excellent
cave bases are goblin techs and i love it
this is a certefied normal day in rust
Did I hear, CAVE BASE!?!
You make this game look too easy. I began playing not long ago and got absolutely demolished (mostly because my PC ain’t too good so I had bad frames) but I knew how to do a lot of stuff from these vids,and it carried me a bit past a naked with a 2×2 base,but maybe we should play sometime and you can help me learn the ropes better?
OMG, you can see Blooprint run past at 13:42!
Always a great year when Welyn manages to remember the password after a month
The cave I would say is
been 1 minute but this is a welyn classic
Welyn you know when, when, you know when you, when you
park in son:
always a W video!!
You already know it’s gonna be a good night when welyn posts
fire, still a banger after a month
Cave base’s are the best
Welyn you always manage to spread my cheeks
wow , ive never been this early
34 seconds gang. By the way great video
As soon as I sit sit down with a bowl of popcorn to watch pirates of the Caribbean I see this and me and my wife change to this love your vids man
Love your content
I pooped in a sock!
U is the best dude
the thumbnail made me immediately think “saddam hussein”. i may have spent too much time on NCD
*RIP Paul Reubens AKA Pee Wee Herman* (August 27, 1952 – July 30, 2023)
Imagine getting pinned
Harry Potter sponsor. Poggg!
Brooo I LOVE U.. love ur videoss
First babbyyy
Watching this for queue for a Monday wipe
Not first. I guess I DONT KNOW
Damn keep it up and when do you stream I wait for it for sooo long
Welyn always gets me hooked with the intros. 10/10.
Welyn rust console is getting horses next month
Certified spoon kid classic
Here we go !!!!!!!!!
First one here
let’s go new video!!
Your the only reason I watch YouTube at this point lol! Love your vids!
I knew it would happen soon
i love you welyn
A 30 plus minute Welyn Rust video is the perfect way to start your week
Finally, yaaaaaaay
Im here 25 seconds late
Wow im very early
The goat has uploaded.
When you upload I instinctively smile
I love cave bases
A cave base video this is going to be good
Hallo Dude
Haven’t watched it yet, but great video
Third comment
Welyn classic
FINALLY!!! I literally watched all the video you post in here because i was waiting for another video of rust
Welyn uploads during my depression what a pog moment
finally you posted
This is indeed a Bart classic
pompkin man.
Yoooooooi welyn!
Let’s go new vid
can i get a yee haw
Day 2 of asking for more tarkov
Hooray new welyn video! Hooray!
Omg new vid
Let’s gooo new rust videooo!!
pumpkin father with yet another W rust video, thank you!
W vid