they weren’t ready to get online raided
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コメント (167)
Great season but woulda loved to see you kill that last guy
I wonder is this the same Dino from another season after this one or a coincidence
Great, epic, & awesome season! Raided.
Why not just seal the base to secure the loot instead of having to hurry and loot an inventory to leave??
You been slaying it out this season Dylan, killing so many gull metals, love it
Dylan in every dance club in Europe: “I’m just gonna attempt to get down, I guess.”
Video was great 30mins was perfect and was glad to see a replay of the best raid ever
Why do u keep meds when flying back from oil, you physically can’t use them, you would be getting an extra 4-5 slots
Dayumn that’s crazy, at least it’s a good feeling being raided
22:59 why didn’t you seal
Dylan just wondering if you would stream these 1-2 hour sessions. Keep up the great work loving this season
Could’ve just sealed the base
Anybody knows what chest plate skin Dylan has on thumbnail? Thanks
check out ur neighbours defayed base for loot please
Raided. Halfway!
raided! Great series brotha
raided boi
Raided, was a great season

I dunno man that wipe seemed special some how. Im sad its come to an end but the next one will be even better..well done dude excellent job

this was a fun season
Yo shots can we see your skin locker
Raided boy
Best season ever and ended by someone getting raided lol
you know what dylan, idk if its annoying or if it helps your channel somehow lol but since you record, commentate, edit and upload every single day imma try to comment every single day too. We’ll see what i say tomorrow <3
Hey dylan, nice season
Just let me spam u once again with a simple tip: Craft armor (except tier 3) by yourself. It’s cheap, even for solos at a certain point of progression.
It’s a big point of improvement in my opinion.
Dylannnn, watching you online has my hair falling out, you definitely had enough time to door your breach with the flame turret buying enough time for you to come back and get the rest, they wont drain/break it AND keylocked TC before you fly back
why not just seal hole to raid, grief their dor with work bench, break bags, and grief front door and top door.
One of these days Dylan will research the stone barricade
Raided. This was a great season, thank you for the content. After this great season, I’m excited to see what comes next. Have a great night shots.
Raided. Great season man, whenever I get raided at the end of a wipe I always give my loot that they missed away to a lower tiered player. Do you ever do that or do you just let it decay and whoever gets it, gets it?
hey shots I been watching for a couple years and I’ve noticed alot of the times when a session starts u gotta take a shit, this happened to me and my friend too when we used to play rust and we called it the Chad’s curse because of you lol. it became a code we’d be like “brb got the Chad’s curse bro”
just thought you’d find that funny
Just stop switching servers so much…
Raided… If only electrics had been put up sooner maybe this season would be going on longer. Though this was an amazing season and i cant wait for the next.
Hell of a season man. The pvp was on point, you must have been 100 kills 5 deaths or some shit
Dylan this season has been one of your best you’ve done good this wipe and I’m excited for the next start up
Raided! OP base design, did it’s job.
Why didn’t he seal the raid?
just cause you asked, raided
You’ve been good at upkeep recently and in the past seasons good job Dylan..
Hey shots the reason people who raid you are those you have killed. You can check contacts and the timer last seen will say NOW if the person is inside his base. So you can go from base to base and find where people live at
Fire season Dylan
This is definitely one of the best seasons I’ve seen in the years of watching ! Banger
can we please have a base tutorial of this new base pls shots
The way you didn’t want to put your own door on the raid had me fuming, especially the guns you threw down either way you do you boo boo
Raided!!!! we’ll hooked on your vids bro love rust hate offline bots see u next video buddy
omg man after a long time the best season of the year comes the an end but im really exited to another season lest go. kinda unlucky u got RAIDED like this
Raided….. At 28:31 to 28:36 it is obvious the outside wood wall by your refineries is gone…. Thanks for the entertainment….
I don’t understand why dylan doesn’t learn stone barricade or something so he can stack stone like you do with wood by making tc’s. Always leaves so much stone from raids or fights.
☆♤♡( RAIDED )◇♧☆
All good tho the season was amazing one of the best brotha… Glad you had fun and I get it your starting to miss the prim come ups an I get it once your at the top all you can do is come down…
Your the GOAT
Can’t wait to see what this next season has in store for us… GG
Hey brotha, next series could you do like a fun RP style base? Pleasssse!
Raided great season bro
13:39 thank you for apologizing, I was slowly losing hope
My boy got offline RAIDED
Why didnt you just give that poor naked on your shooting floor the loot, so he could continue your legasy on the server?
At that raid why wouldn’t you just add your own door, grief their front door and break their bags?
Why TF wouldn’t you build a new airlock on the base and place a bag? I’m literally screaming at the screen. Anyone could get in there and take everything…
W wipe Dylan keep it up love the videos
Another W shots video
Dylan I know you love oil rig but it is getting boring messing with clans is much more entertaining
Did shots just roof camp?!?!?!
raided . this was by far one of my favorite season’s recently
raided – wish you still sated on a little longer you still had a lot of loot or gave it to naked
Raided! It was a fantastic season! Also very happy to see the second floor hold up just like you said it would. See you tomorrow!
Nice Dylan! Loving the solo videos but when is Matt coming back?
@shots that was a dope ass season my man! I love to see it!
at 11:00 min they probably killed the rib people and went to go loot one jump into the water and one picked him up with the mini
Your pvp this season is so good
Confused my dude. That base you raided … Why didn’t you make 2 doors, 1 to the outside and one for their TC room? Then they couldn’t do shit and all the loot was yours if you wanted it, no? Might be missing something.
Yo shots! I watch you everyday, have you ever posted your mic/headphone/keyboard/monitor specs anywhere? Would love to see them! Keep up the
work you do!
I’m a grown ass man and the word “Shitsplosion” made me giggle like a 13 year old
Also great video sucks you got raided but glad to know you got a tank of a base
Hey thought of an idea for an end of wipe vid when it gets slow to do a duo video with matt on rust tarkov think it will be an amazing video
Also, raided
I never have anything bad to say to you Dylan, but wtf was that raid my guy? You could have griefed the door inside and made your own entrance from the hole you made in their base.. you definitely had time and could have finished that raid 100% right then.. why didn’t you do any of that? It’s not like you broski.
Raided. Would love to see a build tutorial video for this base.
FYI you can stash an inventory of stone in your crafting queue without a workbench if you know the stone barricade BP. Same thing with cooked metal via double sheet doors, and of course wood via tool cabinets.
Thumbnail looks like you are shooting over your shoulder!
On that raid, why not just throw like 4 squares down off your entry, wall it up and put doors? transfer loot and come back at ur leisure.
What do i know im just a 31 year old drunk man
What im not understanding, is why dont you just, create an airlock where you boomed in and secure it that way and not be so paranoid about it. You had their entry door covered. Like your logic goes out the door. No disrespect though. I love your content and the daily uploads always good and fun to watch. Just curious your thought process on what was going on. I know you probably didnt need most of that loot but still good to just secure it off instead of tcing outside?
Update: watched a little further and seen they got off, so lucky i guess. Also loot management when looting kids on oil, was like wtf? You kept 16 scrap for longest time and 1 molotov. Love you either way shots.
Raided. Great season.
I’m disappointed shots you were supposed to spend 20 minutes organizing your loot
raided, gg start off with electricity in mind for next wipe.
Raided! GGs Bro, it was a good run. Turrets would’ve helped.
I’m so confused why dylan didnt even try to seal the 2 c4 raid even though the TC was unlocked
Raided that nad throw on point! Love to see it! Keep on keeping on sir shots!
Raided deerrrrrrr so glad you did an online before your base got fucked haha you never get onlined when your base is good for it, dang it
w vid as always… raided
Raided. This was a classic Shots season. I’m glad we were able to have one have so many rough wipes
shots the
They finally raided you and they still didnt get all your loot damn
Sad to see this season end
I love having a great content creator to go to every single day. Thank you Shots and continue to have great days! What a season great all around. Raided
Raided wow that’s a Tanky base gonna have to learn that base
Why do you value trousers as much as a kilt? Trousers are like a sewing kit and some cloth. Also you can make kilts easily.
Please craft a RF Pager for Oil Rig. Good vid
really my fav YouTuber rn keep up the work boy
This has been one of your best seasons, I’m sure this finale is just as epic
bro dylan holds the record for longest days without getting offlined as a solo.
enjoying these episodes man les go
How do I find teammates ?
Let’s go
lets goooooooo… im ready
Shots, I hope you’ve recovered from Ligma, best Wishes.
1st again shots is no.1
Love the vids man u have gotten me through a lot of rough times keep it up man
hi shots
Surprised you aint raided yet.
W can’t wait to watch the banger