Treasure In The Sea – The Ocean Guide | Rust Tutorial
The ocean piles and diving sites offer a safer but less rewarding option of looting crates when compared to roaming the roads and monuments. Going out to sea is recommended if you are just starting out on rust, have an ocean base, or are tired of continuously losing your farming kit to other players. In this video, we’ll cover the ocean piles, sunken shipwrecks and sharks along with charts to identify the expected loot obtained from farming within the ocean.
00:00 – Intro
00:23 – Ocean Piles
01:22 – Diving Sites
03:28 – Sunken Loot
03:57 – Sharks
05:20 – Final Notes
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—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Amanecer – El Neon
2. Faded – Ooyy
3. I Think You Better – Tigerblood Jewel
4. Teenage Lullaby – Ooyy
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,rust ocean,rust ocean guide,rust sunken loot,rust sunken shipwreck,rust underwater,rust sharks,rust speargun,rust floating junk piles,rust ocean looting,rust scuba,rust diving tank,rust ocean treasure,rust sea,rust boat,rust shipwrecks,rust tutorial,rust guide,rust overview,rust info,Jfarr133,jfarr,jaffar,rust how to,rust getting started,rust beginner,rust ocean loot,rust early game
コメント (62)
2 years later and you’re still helping us. Thank you
Love your videos Jfarr.
Ok to help y’all even more if you craft a combat knife it will make your life’s so much easier because you can use it to hit the boxes than wait for it to untie so you get more out of you tank
Does the rock formation despawn after u loot all the crates from it?
shit video why cant u tell me how many boxes per monument / where the boxes in the momument are located
In short, going underwater is useless and a waste of time when you an find the same loot around world. Disappointed.
I haven’t seen anything about this, but maybe it was just my server or area. It seems like the spawns are very infrequent if at all in arctic areas. Confirm?
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. Died on the cross rose from the dead three days later so you can have eternal life. You just have to accept his gift of salvation so you no longer have eternal damnation meaning to repent from your sins and surrender your life to him Jesus Christ for eternal life.
God Bless Everyone and Everybody!!
excellent video
I went in the water and saw something big swimming and never went back in💀
God you are under rated.
The sea has been my favorite way to farm so far. Generally it’s been pretty safe and I can just watch youtube or something else without much risk of running into other players.
thing is it takes 125 scrap to buy the boat so return on investment is questionable
I don’t really see the point of bothering with the water areas when the loot is so crap
Not really bro diving is insane to get look so quick and t1 items quickly. Go run a road now and then go diving and tell me how you do
Bad guide. You bring 5 or 6 diving tanks, and a large submarine. You can loot the crates under water very quickly. Farm the sharks for low grade by killing them with torpedoes. Lots of ships under water without a bottle above them. You can literally just stay underwater long as you want and the sub has extra storage. I usually come back up with 2k scrap and about 3k scrap worth in components. Almost zero risk this way.
is just me or we swim “slower” now since last update?
Think I’ll be shark hunting later. Thanks for the tops Jfarr.
Man’s said you gather low grade fuel from a shark
You can refill diving tanks at workbenches?! Cool!!
I’m wondering how these ships sunk? Bad weather? But what about the larger ship?
Can we have a cave guide?
How does this guy not have more subs. His vids are nearly profesional level and his voice is so relaxing. Mans needs at least 500k subs
Hey Jfarr. Love your vids! Can you make a video on the underground tunnel system? Not the military one, the one with the tunnel dwellers.
I think you should add to the “Here’s the loot I received” part a “Here’s what it looks like after I recycled it”
Must be PC!! 🤷🏻♂️
Ok question, Can you build ontop of the rock formations and then still have loot spawn beneath them? if so that could be so cool.
Thankyou your videos are great <3
Yo can you do an electricity guide
Bro i’ve watched all your vids tonight haha, Helped me a lot thanks bro that’s very good quality vids ! And honestly i am shock to see your followers, you deserve way more for all you did. Support from France ! ( Sorry if i did fault, my english is not that good ) 😂
nice videos, can you do same with electricity and water?
O Man i really need your tutorial about swą treasure
I was expecting better tips to fight or run away from sharks, it is still nice, i didn’t knew about rock formations.
If you have a combat knife you untie boxes faster.
I was waiting for this guide for so long,thanks Jfarr!
W youtuber man
I love your videos, your the best.
Thank you for the amazing, easy to understand content. Happy new years
your voice is so realxing what an amazing job you do, keep doing it <3
The divemaster’s “I want to go diving” quest is to untie 10 crates for a pump shotgun and is normally my first gun I get to snowball with
Pog video
Thanks for teaching me all monuments 🙂
Great guide, just one thing I’m surprised you didnt mention as you usually add all kinds of tips & tricks:
If you untie the sunken chests it is possible to immidately loot them using the over-loot-button. You gotta be fast and it takes a little bit of practice but saves lots of time and also makes it less likely that people spot your floating boxes because they immidatly despawn if you fully loot them.
i love the vids man. happy new year btw, keep it up!!!!
haha dont even play console rust anymore but i still watch your videos, just extremely calming. Happy new year 🎉
Good tip to get a bunch of scrap and components to start with is to head to fishing village and get a free kayak and diving kit from the quest NPCs.
weeb simulator 2012 is way better then rust hey
I just checked this out around the first 5 minutes after the upload, and it already has 16 likes and 13 comments…
Great vid man thx so much
Happy new year
You are the definition of underated
Good video! Helped me a lot!
12:31 in the morning in AU and the video is 12 seconds old. Never miss an upload from you. Keep up the great work Jfarr
Im surprised u did this guide……i was thinking about like best box placements guide e.g: like loot room box placement or like ramp loot room
Faster then flash
jfarr can you do melee weapons
Great video as always thank you man👍