Rust Academy raiding be like:
This is how rust academy raids. Creds to @crack killz.
My discord server – https://discord.gg/ngFNT43e
コメント (856)
The best rust video ever
The fact this has 1mil views is so funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yeah this was funny but I actually love rust academy
Love it bro u opens the garage door and acted like there was nothing open hood job killin those in counters 😂😂
you are doing well young jedi
What server ?
LMFAO love this
This hurts my brain
just an amazing raid
The muzzle brake on the M2 😂
Jesus loves you
alright here we have a garage doo- *accidentally opens door** yeah, tc’s loaded *tries to close the garage door** yeah **proceeds to blow into the 2000hp hqm wall**
I just love how he didnt go through the twig
Lol, dude. Good vid.
The first time the satchel blows next to him i died laughing lol comedy gold
server name?
man i only wish you wouldve went to the guy’s you attempted to scare only to depo in there…
Хотя бы перестань выдыхать в микрофон и чавкать, все видео портит
One of the best rust videos. Good job dude.
this base pissed me off
i cant raid a 1×1 twig how did you do that
Bro i was crying at every single word and action,4 minutes of pure laugh
best vid :DDDDD
Nice video
3:36 Full Body Awareness.
You seem young for such genius…. bright future ahead!
Most underrated rust video on YouTube
The Kid is annoying and his aims trash
i never saw a rust academy video is that heavy breathing part of it?
wierd kidd his prob not loved at all… I guess he cant raid without godemode in his own creative server -_-
i must be schizophrenic seeing all these counters
have a goodf day bri
Only thing missing was the lithp
wtf is these kids doing with their life omg just wasted 4m of my life
his clan of 99 people who mined it is crying
genuinely one of the best videos ive ever watched 10/10 comedy
“Alright, you have to put the TC in the door way to seal that’s how you do it” had me laughing so hard, great video loved it 👍🏻
bro this is best XD
bro this video made me blue screen
bro u could have done the raid cheaper by raiding twig first or going door and u are using creative mode so bad video
damn my man going deep
before 1m views
squeakers mouthbreathing
so bad video for rust
good vid
This had me shaking the whole time. How were you able to commentate this live?
so true
Новички оценят😂✌️👍
how the hell does this kid have 6.63k subs lmao
This was sooooooooooooo funny hahaha. Bro said 3 rockets to garage door then proceeds to open it. That was super funny
bro its like so true i got raided yesterday i mean they tried i raid defensed solo and it was just a simple base and they got like 90 c4 and like 50 rockets
So factual
What’s the server claled
this base is fire. what is the design tutorial called on youtube?
that twig building skin is so cool.
Dudeeeee I gotta use this as a guide, those twig walls take at least 10 rockets
bro this is the most real vid ever
Bro Rust Academy gonna have to take down his channel after this
Bro..nt but u didint try enough. First of all the bases are all FULLY HQM monster bases not fucking wood bro…and at least give yourself some c4 not fucking nades
is this Rust Academys second channel?
This is goooooold 😂
Bro he can just blow up the wooden wall and blow the stone wall and done
how do u get flat server
💀💀when he did the sachel on the stone wall though💀💀
Lol this is awesome
Ok this is gold 😂
so bad boi
Im dying this is funny af
Top G didnt even need turrets to watch his 1×1 raid base on a 1000000000m X server. SHEEEESH
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊
i only offline… damn kid, admitting to his lack of skills
Rust achedemy you’re so cool I wish I could raid
Loved the details you’re better than him at cringe but in a good way. You got him beat 10-0
Rust academy was probably watching the video like “😦😦😦WRITE THAT DOWN “
“Oh an M2”💀💀💀
Thats the best thing i saw today
Keep going
Please tell me the name of the server
Would’ve been ever better if at the end he walked to the stone base and said “Alright lets get this safe” and revealed the neighbours base was his base
fajny down
raid simulator is the server… thank me B)
How do I get in this sort of sandbox mode???
what server
Doesn’t touch the twig lol
He did fake his videos back in the day the day but my IRL friends got raided by him ( I was not playing the wipe he raided them) scrips is the clan if you wanna watch it’s on his YT
Thought you were going to end it like, gotta make sure you make it home after your done raiding, and then go for the base next to it.
Bro stop lying u know dam well u opened that garage door
I can’t believe I watched this entire video…
The “building decaying” is what got me
I thought It was Andy for a second there. GG this is awesome.
What shite did I just watch 😅
I just knew he would open one of the doors. Hahaha
Lost my shit when he opened his inventory the first time.
i only ofline
“Kinda profit”
“Oh an M2” gets me every time
Somehow I missed this when you made it but I saw the absurdity that was rust academy and you nailed it. Particularly like the attention to detail with only raiding the outward facing walls lmao.
So true
What server is this
kids mic
That’s a nice pc your parents bought you
So talented it’s explosive
the mouth noises had me rollin, not sure why
He’s not wrong
why only offline offlining GAY
Love it dude keep it up you need to rip off more rust youtubers…
server ?
I never knew how they do it now I know how
Daym there are so many dumbasses in comment 😂
3, 2, 1, OAAhhh
bro its so informational damn i learnt a lot
ngl best vids ever keep this stuf up man
Fr best rust content I’ve seen 😂
Thank you for teaching me I never knew how to raid 🙁 but with this video Im very educated. Thank you very much man 🙂
Even when I first got into watching rust videos his videos were so obviously fake do people just watch his videos because there fake?
Bruh if you do raaids like this and not just go trough the twig wals your dum but ik what you mean😂😂
How do u fuck up this bad 🤣🤣
that’s profit
Btw it’s Vanilla
Bro look at profit
“GOTTA SCARE OF THAT GUY REAL QUICK” blows half the base apart
Lmao, amazing video
kids a comedic genius
Why didnt you just raid the twigg… what a noob XD
troilling shit
Honestly the comments on this video or just as good as the video itself
so true man
How do I create a map like that?
You should of c4ed the twig
What server is this ?
Hi I know it’s a year old but what is this
Got to scare off that guy **deletes his base**
what server is this?
pov u idiot:
“thats profit” after he takes the m2 over 1000 rockets lmfao had me rolling
I gotta check this server out man
Such high paced pvp and raiding
Why tf am I just now finding this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The funny thing is I just watched rust academy’s videos 😂 and this is spot on
Man you didn’t eat the mic enough
I’m going to subscribe on the promise that you make another of these 😂
Most beautiful video ever 🥲
In accurate you forgot to a naked run out and shoot him then send him a discord message later to the fact he actualy landed a succesfull shot on you and fire him from your video team
This man nailed it, I’ve only watched a few rust academy videos but they’re not much less sus than this.
dude u opening the garage door and tried to play it off to close it killed me but u aint lying
So dumb lol
If you were standing next to that satchel charge like that you would die everytime
I remembered it so I came back and I am not mad.
whats the server called
This is the best video I’ve ever seen
Laughed so hard when he “disarmed the trap”
is this Rust Academys little brother? thats brother love right there.
This made me dumb
This kid is based
You earned a sub
Вот вы угараете а чел задыхается
Haha spot on hey toast it’s me New4geGam3r
You didn’t say “Frick” enough to be rust academy 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
cant say rustacademy is a squeaker
And still no proof
“gotta scare off that guy y’know?” destroys half of his base
😂😂😂 @Rust Academy got yoked by you fam
this was too much lmao
lol dont get damage from satchel rust IM DYING HERER
havent laughed this hard in a while! gold video
Gotta make sure they’re offline. LMAOOOOO 😂😂😂😂
haha , good one :’D
Rust academy when watching this video: 👁👄👁
bro just a lil hater boy imagine
Not gunna lie this is funny . He got the thatch wall and full inventory of rockets.. That made my day…rust academy really is like this i cant believe that fool still putting out vid
What server
This is scripted.
I’m still in the “offline” raiding phase personally…
plzzz make a part 2 or a series 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
“Only offline” it’s either that or when ur starting fresh someone with an AK come raids u for ur torch and rock for no reason🙄😂
what server is this
This is the first video I watched and I instantly like this guy 👍
Dam so real
Your precious!
The disrespect 😂😂😂😂😂
Kids nowadays be funny af I’m not gonna lie 😭
Goofy ass base lol
There is twig🤣
Switching to the meds and back to the gun was so accurate
Almost spot on, but you gotta keep saying “LETS GOOOOOOO!!!” every time you open a loot box.
bro props to u man even made sure not to clear tc before raiding
The lip smacks are spot on
Damn Bro, I gotta go farm for this base, gonna be real hard to raid but I promise you I’ll do it
False, Rust academy would never spawn in satchels
why is he a heavy scientist
This is a building map
How you do that
The door was open the whole time
I’m so conflicted! I love Rust Acadamey’s videos, but this was hilarious!
how do you make own servers
how did you get that kind of map?
One of the best rust academy style videos I’ve seen.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂it’s so true
Server name?
Perfect video doesn’t exis- kid you gonna be famous one day
Still funny to this day
Don’t forget about AndySoAmI
we got profit my dudes
what build saerver is that
Shits funny af b/c its true
Dudes look like he is playing on a gmod map
Omg so true
*lemme scare this guy”
*procceds to shatter half of his base with 100 rockets*
what is name of server
Why does it look like that, why didn’t you just brake the twig, how do you have that much loot, why did you blow that wall
it would of been very funny if you just walk in the other base and depo your profits
server ip?
bro that 3 2 1
You’re a legend kid
Bro u killed yourself 1:17
HAHAHAHA omfg this is the funniest rust video ever produced! Keep it up man, this was hilarious *wipes tears of laugh of my face*
great video man
What server is this?
Ah bro that was spot on 😂😂
Hahahaha this shit is to funny LMAOOO HAHAHA
Man you rally scared that guy off he poop him self man
This video is nothing but facts
😑😑😑😑😑 bra 🤔 what I don’t understand it’s in creative
i love this
Love that
Impeccable performance. 95% rotten tomatoes.
Big people like blueprint could learn a thing or two watching this
Hahaha damn you made my day. RA destruction is enjoyable.
I remember watching this video before I had ever played rust and I was completely lost. Now being in the rust community for a while now coming back to rewatch this gem of a video just warms my heart ❤️
I laughed.
Love the video
100% true
Lol had me rolling, great job
wait is this Rust Academy or a different video?!?!
Dumbest video I’ve seen so far
Even tho this is his base he built lol why not take out those twigs
Might have to steal that base design. took kind of alot to get in.
The profit is insane. 😆
thank god i was hoping he didnt online thanks for the great raid videos
Bro I don’t know how you and Rust Academy are so good at Rust. How do I reach god tier like that?
So accurate. 😂🤣
This is fucking hilarious, best rust video ive ever watched
haha bro the inventory part with 1000x stacks rockets xDD
thats a fricking MASTERPIECE!
pls ban me on ur channel lil kid
Man iq is whole different level that no one can catch up
how do you go there like is that SP with commands
I lost it when the satchel went off in his face and he was in godmode 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is so funny😹😹😹😹😹😹
your so good at rust
Bruh frl tho💀💀💀💀
Server name
Love the vid what is that server your playing on?
has inventory of thousands of rockets and satchels raids loool
i like the fact that he got exsited over c4 not rockets
How did you made a server?
Hahahahahah so true
Beri jinius kid
why i even watched whole shit :.;
When you opened the inventory for the first time i gasped
Exactly like rust academy 😂😂
This guy is more entertaining than Rust Academy himself.
Yo buddy this game is for 18+
fucking legend
lmao wtf
tell you what this kids goin far cant wait to see what raids this kid does
My man eating his mic
What’s the server
Das Dur Sorver
He said gotta watch for counters
He opened the garage door and still blew it up XD
The best the fact he said I don’t online only offline and there’s nobody else but him XD
You forgot to rocket the wood door its not a good rust academy vid if he doesnt. Rocket a wood door
My brain,”Just shot the twig
Your a faker you have building private
I wish I could raid like this in rust this kid has mad skills
what server are you playing on?
this kid had me deeed
this is genuinely one of the best videos i’ve ever seen
Yo wth!? This kid funny af!!😂
1. Raids the most expensive way
2. Builds the bases
3. Doesn’t know what’s profit and what’s not
4. Overall does not know how to raid other than on his servers or 1000000x servers and when nobody is on the server
5. If they are defending he probably
gave them sulfor not to try and let him kill them
A fucking gem
would’ve been wayy better if you depo’d at the counter base but god damn man LMAO funny stuff
true lmao rust academy only folio bc he trash
You forget to clear the tc before raddd h
for anyone new Nick_Boi said the server name is Rusticated creative
What is this servers name
Actually funny . i hate rust academy hes so ass
ahhahahahahahaahahhaah epic dude
he dumd
“Gotta look out for counters” – stares into the endless abyss of desert
another great rust academy tutorial.
what is server name
The sad part isn’t the fact that he didn’t break twig, it’s the fact that he raided his own base
Lol so funny
i cant stop laughing HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA
But like he is a solo he has to offline
So true
My man got 20k rockets Grindset 😂👋
Similar to my own raiding skills. All profit all day.
so accurate lol
Which server ?
Kind of profit 😂😂
Who plays m249 with muzzle
😂😂😂 omg this is amazing
Wen u can’t raid 🤣🤣🤣
Absolutely hilarious
Andysolam and rust academy punching the air rn
I will broke wooden wall
why did i watch this video front to back
That’s not real
wait i will like i seen you but hey rust academy nice to see your raiding is still the same as all ways
Yes break the armored wall instead of the garage door
ur mic is shit stop breaving hevely in ur mic
bro this is my kinda humour i laughed hard
This is one of the best videos I have ever seen
THE 16x muzzle break m2 not going throught the twig AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m screaming.
0:38 gotta make sure i watch for counters
>stares out into plain of nothingness
This is amazing video
“The garage door should take 3 rockets…” Doesn’t even fire at the garage door
how do you spam rockets
“Gotta make sure the, are offline, I only offline.”
I remember him going for my cave base at 3 fucking am. I still came online fast enough and just nuked him.
Still more real than Rust Academy.
what a god
God damn it, epic raid i cNt believe wacthing this shit
Quality content. Love to see it.
Just gonna scare this guy off *fucking explodes his base into pieces
Next time I recommend shooting more rockets at neighboring bases to stop counters.
I love how you have show off all the t
Rockets and explode ammo but continue to use satchels that had me dead
The sigh every 8 seconds makes it so good
so true tho
what server is this? can someone please tell me
Never in my life have I found a kid more funny. Great stuff. Love all the jokes. Taking the 3 rockets had me cracking.
when he threw down satchels bro
How do I get this version of rust
Bro I think you tot me no need to foundy wipe him
Ty man for this tutorial it really helped me to improve my raiding skills. Yesterday I raided a twig base with just 4 c4
What’s the name of the server though
It so true though
I loved when he accidentally open the garage door
Good shuff bro LMAO!
server name?
10x better than any rust academy video
The fact that u don’t have at least 1000000 sub’s from this is sad to me
“Never let them know your next move”
— probably this guy
not the 16x m2 with muzzle break
much wholesome best learning experience yet 10/10
This is fucking hillarious😂
wtfffff hahahahahahhahahahaah
Bhahahha I love it
the bear trap 🤣🤣 and then he demolishes the other base
The funny part is when he said gotta scare off the other guy🤣🤣🤣
its so bad
wrong, you forgot handmade sight on m2
Imma say it cause I’m new but stop killing nakeds unless provoked
Not at all it raiding like dat
never forget, 196 meds
oh thanks i didnt know how to raid. now i can raid so easy
i was laghfing the entire time
“Make sure he’s offline because we don’t online” 🤣🤣🤣
What server is that
Love it hahhaha
Leaves 1000 Rockets for 10 C4
kid has a point
M8…. i fixking died laughing
not funny
What server is this?
This kid had me cracking up lmfaooooooo
what server is this
I’ve never played rust before and I’m skulls and bones
Twig wall ok the boxes she there let’s blow to stone wall and then let’s blow the armored wall instead of garage door.
well done my boy yhat was hilarious 🤣
Your not funny
You forgot the shitty trap music
lol awesome vid
is there like a creative mode but for rust?
The way he got so hype for the c4
If we full auto a launcher on console my PS4 would explode
guys, i don’t think this is a real raid
Holy shit I started dying when you open the garage door
Love when you said i offline no online lol so true watched his videos such a spineless player trash good video
I dont Do online🤣
By Ur recoil handling i know why😂
Offline noob
Bro why you dising rust Academy when you can’t do anything yourself
But have a million rockets and say oo profit
What server is this ?
4 minutes it was intertaning
Lol I only raid offline , so let’s hope they not online
I think this might have been fake
This man didn’t even try to hide the biuldng the biuldng privilege banner 🤣🤣🤣
yo whats the server ong
this is so true
So true
how do i play that type of rust
walls are all soft sided, twig walls for loot room. I need whoever built this base to build for me
Man really called in a airstrike
Omg your so fk bad at the game omg a muzzle brake on a m2 and raiding his own base in a creative server
The intro oh my god😂
true lol
This must be the dumbest rust video if ever seen 🤣
Why vanilla players hate modded servers? Idk
How do you start a creative world pls tell me
ahhahahahahahhaha best video XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
this insane bear trap would take all people who enter the base
Nah but I get tech trash is great but he could find a single piece of tech trash after going thru 100 c4 and say it’s profit
I laughed so hard when he look at tc just to head look back at the garage door he opened just to close it
Bruh when I saw the inventory full of rocket stacks I lost it lmaoooo
He raids real bases its just he knows where everything is because he owns the servers hes on
gj bro, in fact it does not feel as scripted as the original videos 😀 😀 😀
“Gotta scare that guy off” then continuously destroy half of the whole base
shit viedeo
LMAO that sounded just like him hahahA
“oh an m2”
yo whats the server name?
I call hack’s the way he shoot the rockets is hacking
server name?
Let scare the other guys off start 2 raids at once that would of may headlines the NEW RUST ACADEMY
What is the server called
Rust raiding be like How many rockets did you use? Me: Yes
You make no sense at all child
Bro the accuracy of this video is scary
He will get rockets but take 1 sulfur
Holy shit, that’s fucking brilliant. 🤣
this is the best
Base builders are shaking rn
I feel like I’d watch an entire series of this.
Lmaooo had me ded asf love it bro
Kid is prolly gay but definitely needs a life
lol just noob
Best lines: “hopefully we can profit from this raid” // ” Now we gatta raid…” *opens garage door* // 2nd “were deep” // “ohh an M2”
Ahhh WTF
New sub bro keep up the grind
what did i watch now
Yo i love how u pretend to be him and mock him but you watch his video’s Lol
Tried to hard on this, the original rust academy parody’s are way better
what’s the server
What rust server was this one?
*opens garage door* *shuts garage door* ok it takes 3 rockets to break the garage door. Shoots at the armored wall and uses all of rockets 🤣🤣
This was so funny lmao
Your a funny kid. This video was so spot on. Well done.
Bro like, you is american, cuz I had a deeper voice when I was like 10.
The way the roof fell and the wall still remained after a barrage of rockets is so fking hilarious
The audio tho…. I am speachless
what server is that i wanna do that
That’s good for you little man kip it up
RIP headset user
lmfaooo, i laughed to hard when you where like “alright gotta watch for counters” looks to a empty plain xDDD
isint it easier to break twig instead of satchel charging stone?
Bro if u opened the door looked inside then closed it back when u said “making sure nobody’s online.” I would’ve have died.
Im trying to be the most subscribed yt channel with no vids so please help me:)
i know its a joke but him blowing up the stone while leaving the twig hurts
Legend says he still stuck in the base
Solid raid. Would recommend roof down in the future. 😉
I love this make moe plss
Good video but stop eating mic 🤣🤣
He cares so much about c4 but he underestimates the value of rockets
He gets a follow for this
please fucking stop breathing into the mic
this is honestly the funniest video i have seen in the past few years thank you man
This was so funny to watch XD XD
Favorite part when he beam the zerg when they try counter that has to be so hard i fell blessed for see that play
make sure that base doesnt do anything🤣🤣
Guys I think he faked this, the map seems a bit off
How do i get a server like this
I really want play on 1 to practice my raiding
This video was so funny, a thumb up and a sub, still laughing.
you should’ve scared them off more
3k subs, and youre riding the coat tails of rust academy for views hahahahaha!
Just painfull
I thought this was gonna be funny
I’m dying of laughter by far the best rust video I watched
Hey dude i think you forgot to put upkeep in that tc.
Pretty good lil dude.
What is the name of the server
C4 ‘look how many’ Lmao
“Alright i should have enough” literally enough boom in ur inventory to raid the server lol
haha nice video
is this funny ?
That m2 is so scuffed
whats the server name XD i want to shoot rockets fast
love it
The building privilege aswell 🤣🤣
“Holy moly, I’m making so much noise right now!”
-Aims at ground
How did u get a private server
This kid awsome
So funny
This was hilarious
True omg you perfect
Nick_Boi, Frost duo next
lollllll kid
ты уже умер 2 раза от сочели
Ok , im deep , no counter 🤣
Fact and that is on god
What sandbox is this
Gahhahaha 2:02 you are so funny lol
Damn I didn’t even know we where still making jokes abt him
2:04 lmaoo xDD
My man has enough explosives to Ride the White House but yet he only takes two stacks of c4 and 3 rockets
This shit was funny “let me scare this guy off real quick”😂😂👌🏼
i dont online only offline LMAOOO
this is absolutely hilarious. glad i found it
This is the most cursed Rust video I’ve ever seen WTF was that 😂😂😂 yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Rust academy the ytuber?
*New INVISIBLE WALL GLITCH* for rust console PS4 and Xbox one.
💀shit had me dead
can’t believe i just spent 4 minutes and 1 second watching this video😭
Omfg whats is wrong with you😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
they way he handled the recoil was so amazing. didn’t even missed a single shot at the bear trap
the most unoriginal shit ever
what’s up
0:57 lmaooo faxx
“i dont online only offline” lmaooo
Nick I watched over half the video until I actually realized it was you when you opened your inventory to look at the loot in the boxes bro
what build server is this
It’s so tru🤣🤣 mans had building privileges in one his vids too
I died when he shot at the other base 💀
anybody know the base design Asking for a friend
Gotta make sure no counter raids looks into nothingness
Wrong he will 100% go thru the hqm wall
Broooooo this is so accurate 🤣🤣🤣
bro you’re 12 where are your parents
Everything about this is amazing
Definitely made this after his 1by2 got offlined by a clan
The panic when he open the door
this is fucking funny haha, thank you man
Imagine being so good at making content that people need to mimic and mock it to have content for their channel… this kid sounds super sweaty
I love how he meds before going into the base with the bear trap lmao 🤣
ahhahahahahahaha im gonna remove my rust game from my steam after seeing this video hahahahah
your mic sucks
This is true Lmfaoo I can’t
“Gotta scare off that guy right”
*Obliterates base with the power of a nuke*
what ties it all together is the kid sounds 11
how do you release so much rockets?
You will be written in the history books! So funny lol 😂
Gotta watch for conters
damn son zprotz would be proud
LOL. Everything about this was perfect. M249 with a muzzle break and 16x scope hahah. Bag full of rockets, but use the satchels. Raid the armour instead of the twig 😂😂
Rust academy videos are not fake he is just the admin if the server
Why did i watch the whole video xD
Straight to tc is exactly how he does it 😂
“C4 LOOK HOW MANY” *takes only two
This video is amazing and it’s literally bringing me death too
I love how he ignores the thatch and soft walls
this is so fake big juicy dislike on this video very rubbish
Everyone that disliked this video unironically watches Rust Academy
Love this video so much
Gotta scare off that guy “chucks 30 rockets at his base”
I watched the on my tv now I’m watching it on my phone
Fr doh how does he get out he blocks him self with like 4 armored walls and then say Yh guys I don’t want to eat into my profit
Why is it so true
Jesus loves you all!
Rust academy’s video’s might be fake but it is still a good way to learn about raiding in rust and what to expect when raiding
Number one Rule: Watch out for counters
Looks into a box of m2s, “oh an m2!” Bruh that shit was so funny
I love how that satchel blew up right in his face when he picked it up and nothing happened 😂
Damn this was lame af ngl lmfao 🤣
*this I can’t say words I’m fucking done*
understandably real fucking understandable
“Ooo an M2”💀
Rust academy’s videos aren’t fake he just had a better gaming chair than everyone else
This might be the funniest thing I’ve seen regarding RustAcademy LOL. you were pretty much spot on brother
Na I’ll move on can’t stand haters.
I liked how said garage door takes 3 rockits then goes and blows the armored wall hahahah
The pc didn’t enjoy rocketing the armoured
“kinda profit”
This is so accurate it hurt
It would be 10x funnier if there was a wooden door on that high quality doorframe
Gotta scare off the other guy (shoots 30 rockets in full auto)
Wow, what a banger
When he opened the garage door an panicked I lost my shit 😭
Gatta scare this guy blows up the guys entire base
The scaring off the other guy had me dead when he just released the absolute barrage on the base😂
Nice man you are so pro 🙂🙂🙂🙂😂😂😂😂
Holy shit this is actually legit mad fucking hilarious 💀💀😂😂👌
I dont get why people talk shit about a rust server that’s very popular. If no one really liked it then they wouldn’t have such a massive player base.
How do u shoot the rockets so fast and what is the server name_
Rust academy fucking fakes raids 😂
This is so funny 😭😭 one of the best and very useful
It was worth the four minutes
Ksks OQ
2:02 lol t.c t.c t.c
Back off the mic a bit mouth breather
Fake asf bro lol. Lmafo
Nice always watching door skin
Honestly best vid hands down 😂😂
hahhahahha love it so mutch
BRO WHAT YOU MEAN PROFIT I DONT SEE A EOKA i dont understand rust academy sucks
Man u forgot the tc privilegi and i cooold make it better but i do not have an pc so gg
It’s so dumb in rust academy’s videos when he is out of explosives he completely locks himself in their base and then ends the video or switches to a new raid
when the squeaker is rust academy
I don’t know man, non of those boxes had tuna lamps and broken spears. Doesn’t seem like profit at all to me.
Tbh, I thought this was rust academy.
Dude u have seen alot of these this is by far the funniest
this is very funny ngl
amazing video!
You know rust academy as admitted that all his videos are fake and just content for content sake right, in many of his videos he has tc decay time from.being the base owner in the video
how do i play in this server
So True
I don’t know if it’s bad or good I’ll say medium
I think I lost brain cells watching this video
Lmao he’s not wrong about rust academy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haahahahaha a this was so Good. Nice work mate
I just wasted 4 minutes of my life
Pepega LMAO
When he just stands right beside the stachle when it explodeds I loved that
so fake i love it
I can’t believe you profit raided I never get those
You got god mode on and you break a wall you didnt need to the door was unlocked
*opens garage door*
“AH Uh YeAh TC”
I died
Smh 🤦🏽♂️ yall will learn one day that hating will get yall nowhere
I’m triggered on how long it took him to enter the base
bro you earned a subscriber LOL great video
Only one m249 and a few rockets? I expected more for the best offline raider in the world of rust youtube content creation. They’re NOT FAKE! this video is proof that he is legit, see how he threw satchels, and how he checked for counters. absolute skill, Just because he doesn’t reload his launcher doesn’t mean his not legit, it was lag!!
this kid know the rules 😀
This is actually so funny 😂😂😂
few years ago i had the same voice as u man
@Rust Academy Wya?
Best rust academy by far
I lmao on the I gotta scare off the neighbors part lol u earn my sub XD
One of if not the best video of this I’ve ever seen
I need that base design 24 rockets thats epic.
What the hell
Fail, ive never seen him use satchels in my life.
You guys gotta admit, this was a pretty good raid.
The fact that he fought all of those counters is just amazing
The real rust academy
please shut up thx
The muzzle break m2 melts trust me
what is the sandbox server ?
Bro why I hating he better than u u 7
so true tho
Bro just add some hype music I can’t tell the difference
Skare of the guy you mean blow up the guy
This is actually amazing acting. Props!
Spot on impression
Why flat earth
I genuinely hope rust academy sees this 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lol ur m2 spray is sooooo bad
This was fun haha ..
Perfect satchels speedrun
That armor bunker base was super hard to raid hats off to you for pulling it off solo
fucking love this video
Funniest shit I’ve seen in a wile🤣🤣
Nice raid man!
This was the most shit rust video i have seen in a while
That m2 spray made me laugh so hard
100% xD
How do u shoot rockets so fast. Is this a mod on a server?
This is so true that I kinda hurting me
I didn’t expect a kid but nice vid
whats the server ip or name for the raid counter?
Is anyone going to give credit to that beast of a stone wall
The breathing is so fucking funny lmao
you sir have killed me brain cells xD
So true
this kid is actually 12 LMAOOOO
I die laugh XD so good
What is the server name
oooh an M2 xD
Do more rust academy be like videos
Lol true
Everyone a fun rest academies second YouTube channel
My brain is dead after this video 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Gotta scare off that guy😂😂💀
hahaha this is great
Sus nutsack😳
Gotta watch for counters
Gotta scare off that guy was just hilarious
its funny how you open the garage door then turn arond to the tc again to close it
U had me dead lol plz make more
rust academy he doing he’s job that guy earning from that he creative he’s owns and he gives u constant also u make videos from that come on kid do ur own something ur still kid don’t make vengeance on anyone it’s helpful for ur future
This was actually really funny and made me laugh unlike many other videos like this, you deserve my sub.
Make sure he doesn’t copy right you for stealing his video
Not sure if this is actually rust academy?!
Ahahahahhahahaha xDDDD….
I’m so happy someone made this, I’m dead. Good stuff, enjoyed the laugh.
10k rockets and used satchels lmao. Rust Academys videos are faker than this lol
61k views lets get him to that many subs
Garage door takes 3 rockets proceeds to take the armored wall lmao
I don’t understand how people can be this talented at raiding, it blows my mind.
Yes I carry 15,000 rockets everytime I raid a 2 by 2
this dude deservs more credit
Thats how they be tho
yeah dude, this is golden, LOVE IT! xD
hahaha. wth. So funny!
The “garage door should take 3 rockets” was freakin funny
Why no one mentioning he opened the garage door,then pretend to chage the subject by going back to tc.ahaha
LAMFO this is sooo fuvking funny xD
Not server so bad youtuber
wtf is this
the “i gotta scare off that guy” then the 200 rockets send me LMAO
So true
bro when he opened the door i was dead lmfao
true shit
I didnt know this was a skit until the end when he walled off everything
shoulda said “theirs another m2” before you opened the chest but love the video xD
Dude. This is the most content creator I have ever seen lmaoooo
This brought a smile to my face so true
why do i find this so funny
go to school kid
Another dude drenched with salt
You did better than him =]
What server
hes a solo, why wouldnt he offline.
That was actually good
lower ur mic, jesus
your not funny at all how your not in school
So much hate 😂😂😂😂😂
Yo dude what is the name of this game bro it looks damn cool bro
1:45 I’m dead ahaha
You forgot your workbench tier 3 activation
What’s the server
one of THE FUNNIEST rust videos i have EVER seen
lmao gotta scare off that guy
Loved every part of it 🤣🤣🤣 From the attachments on the m2 to the sealing of the raid 🤣
Ur trying too hatd. Go to school kid
What the server
When u try to be funny but u not
Holly shit gg
No profit bad raid
Hahahahhaha N1
Bru u just raided that huge armored base only solo!!! Bro skill af😊 nice profit
Why did you not use a C4
these kind of videos are getting so old to the point where all of them are not even funny anymore this one was actually funny
This is the effect of Corona
mocny ziomek z cb
Absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂
I hope you profited from this video
What server is that lmao
u need to blow in your mic more
How do you shoot rockets so fast lmao
There is a lot of these but this one was actually funny
so true
idk what’s with all these kids posting about rust academy we’ve known for years that he is fake xD
The bear trap, dude I CAN’T this is too funny xD
Ur 11 you cant make a video like that british mate
i laughed so hard to the fact he said “gotta scare off that guy” completely obliterates the base
What server you make this on?
i love your content btw what is the server?
Trading 1000 rockets for 10 c4 😂
Nice base brw
Love when you say, gotta watch out for counters:D
u didnt check for secret lootrooms under foundation probably why u got no profit
anyone get asmr vibes?
now this is content
This was actually funny though. “gotta scare off that guy you know”. Obliterated.
Always watch your six for counters, they could’ve hid anywhere around there.
bro I dotn think that’s profit because you used 10 satchels
Insane raid man nice profit
I laughed so hard dude keep up the content 😂
dude why dont yku post on tiktok anymore