Living Inside Rust Players Bases
I used a Rust Glitch to secretly live inside peoples bases in Rust…
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,rust gameplay,rust movie,rust survival,zchum,chum,living in rust walls,living in rust player bases,memeio living in rust bases,rust glitch,bug
コメント (508)
Memeio tries not to break the game challenge *IMPOSSIBLE*
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2D2OMXO
I haven’t paid rent in 7 years I’m out of food and water and I’m in McDonald’s walls help me
Name song
This takes I’m living in your walls form 0 to 100
Wait i can actually do this irl wait how much human would i get from that to sell on the dark weeb
Do you use rustoria for your trap videos for the replay mod kind of thing?
at 6:00 you should have just chopped a box placed a workbench in the door and hid the loot behind the bench as a wall and spent the scrap.
I’m inside your walls, every time you hear some random noises at 3am, it’s me in your walls
i think a good way to improve people using the base, is to play in that trap base for like 15-20 mins and try to make some enemies and let them go deep
Best Real Estate Agent Ever
What is that music called when u were raiding
Nice rusting
If only he added king ,king reminds me of leo Escobar from the neopixel gta rp server
Love the gorillaz reference with 19-2000
Why do you choose the tommy to fight base owners when there was aks?
That was clutch as fuck, man should’ve gone deep on that 4man hahaha
Now I must try this you bastar
@mammkalo ??
Can we do that on console ?
Prob is that you can’t extend a 2 by 2 easily, if you took an other base plan would work better in think
They’re in the walls THEIR IN THE GODDAMN WALLS
thats rude man u are wasting ppls time i mean its funny but also sad no hate
If this happened to me I’d be really angry
3:25, this is now our loot base. Plot twist, someone pulling the same joke on Memeio lol
i never understand whats the point of all this loot in Rust
omg is this smart and useful especialy if you are a youtuber sinse instat of starting from point 0 every time you can do that on 10 dif servers and whe you log in for a vidio you get free loot to start
YO weaksauce is there he was in 1 of your videos back then and from spoonkid haha
how can u watch on ur left without turning so u got that weird pov
I was wondering who would be stupid enough to think you wouldn’t take all their shit lmao
. Some of the players did empty the base and move which good for them and their big brains 

Man how do you come up with these!
What’s the server name ?
3:30 lol, theres a towel there to
I think the other guy recognized your voice, figured something was up and peaced out.
imagine walking in your tc room and finding a dead naked body
is spoonkid making everyones thumbnails now?
Hilarious if the base you took for your loot base was also a trap like yours
wouldn’t is say building blocked because of your bed?
your roceketing just crashed my game dude not cool 16:40
Memeio do you mind paying for a stalker?
song name at the end pls
you should totally try this challange in real life
Pretending to be the naked was a top tier play
It would work better with 2 people. One on the outside..
Everyone who are reading this we gonna annoy mr. memeio until he starts posting new videos his old channel Rinsed by this massage on very video We want peter and Jackson
how do I buy rust?
2:32 “Kobe flew to close to launch”
I like the strategy but you are a jerk for that. this is to low. Way to LOW! You present absolute trust in you but then come back and break the truth. You are KOS
whats the bbno$ song?
You cant just say you’ll play a whole wipe with King then not do it
do you have plans for a merch?
100% would believe you were hacking
1m subs
so we are stealing ideas now, great stuff memos
How do rust youtubers do that they drag their mouse over the items and they get in their inventory? I know that right-clicking does that but how do you move your mouse over them and also click them so quickly?
I have never played rust but i still gotta say these videos are entertaining
You make it better to be a rat

Memio hit 1mil
it was you that was in my stone base
Rinsed hit 50k subs btw
Evil Mr Beast be like
Can do this with normal sleeping bag?
Sy I have a trap base I want you to check out!!
hey memio you said reply to acknologe my prize?
lol the chat lmaof
How did u just get 1 kill all of a sudden
What happened to RINSED? Are you bringing it back?
Bro memeio your making me feel like you post every once a month
Do you remember you were playin lost before
Memeio lives in my head rent free. And could live in my basement anytime
its annoying how impatient memeio is, and how he doesnt just put the stuff back and f1 kill quickly
“yoh he killed me” LMFAO 8:45
Can u play with king on a wioe day pls
This is a good method to get a bag inside your own base that is indestructible.
idk man u sound like a bad person u lie a lot in game like its a simple thing and u still need to lie about it and i heard about your gf
you should probably change the title of vid @Memeio
There will be a day when you beg your subs, rn you treat them like garbage
I have watched most your trap base ideas, I have one that I build a base that looks like it’s decayed with boxes all on the top and with ladders going up to it. I then have a drop down with wooden ladder and shotgun traps inside. They come up and drop down to die and I get all the loot. So far a couple of Ak’s and random stuff so far. Love your videos
“Get this puppy up and running” Instantly would have sus’ed me out

what song? at like 15:50 timestamp
any boys want to team?
Your vids are way better then stimpees oh was that my inside or outside voice that said that
memeio does it better because he’s a solo
its ok, im lonely too

day 1 of asking for crust release (you hit 1 million subscribers)
Please do more base trap
I appreciate that you opened the video by giving a nod to others who have done it before and how your idea is different. Classy move my good man.
@Memeio The New Rust Mobile Is Released Its Called Survival And Rise It has some cool feature zombies dinosaurs airdrop and more!
Zchum has scarred everyone with a free base
love it
memeio go play rust with bbno$
Back in the day before the changes to TC the radius was a sphere. Me and my friends built onto a massive tower base’s shooting floor and put our own TC on the upper floors since they were not in priv. And just lived inside this massive clans top 2-3 floors. We annoyed them so much they ended up rocketing their own base and raiding us lmao.
3:25 I’m amazed he didnt assume or didn’t care this could be the same kind of trap base he was literally in the process of making
Memeo i can see you
Jesus loves you alot trust in His death 4 salvation and be saved from eternal hell <3 Jesus died on the cross for you bro. <3
Zchum did it first

please make a video where you go to bandit camp and use a the drone to ram into peoples minis to make them crash
Ima do this in real life but my crush

havent you done this b4? no hate i love your vids but i think i already saw dis
Memeio you owe us every trap base on one server you hit 1 mil
I would do this but there’s a problem I don’t have 40.dollars
3:55 bro giving off this cat vibe lol : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlLhw1mtCFA&t=6s&ab_channel=Brolita
Bro play a while with king
that Wold be awesome
stolen vid idea
This man never disappoints
Memio I love ur vids but ur upload schedule is worse than my will to live playing with a Zerg
Can you do more of that
Memeio i Dared you in your next vidoes go in OTHER SERVER AND BREAK EVERYTHING BE THE KING OF THAT SERVER THAT my dared TY!
How did they not know this? Maybe so it was easier to get out
14:00 min talking to them with these doors sticking out of the base made me scream.
congrats on 1 mil
This whole video can be titled Memio memioing it up..
Who’s writing these scripts???
I cant get in any server pls help me
bro made satan
Memeio saw the best trap base ever. Using square floor grill pressure pad and disco floor make a disco trap base
i got an epic trap idea that has never been done if u want i can tell u it
1mill subs is crust coming? hmmmmmm
Never stop makin these
whys that
16:51 No but joke’s on u! Hahahaha, been sayin’ it for years! As a solo, don’t raid bases that take more to get in, than a stone 2×2!
Gotta learn the hard way 
Thoroughly enjoyed the vid though ← ↑ Comment for algorithm +
* Sighs * no one listens to old men
13:02 why would door to TC be unlocked?
Better than zchum
one word ~Broken.
lol thats me that was rust in peace im 12345678
I died at the end
I made bro rage quit and switch servers
The song at the end of the video is fire I wish I knew the name of the song
Bro that outro really made me pause the video and be like.

Is there a cat !?
using this next wipe 1000%
Bro invented taxes in rust
pls do horror again
It’s very dangerous to use. God’s name in Vain ! 2:46
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. Died on the cross. Rose from the dead three days later so you can have eternal life. You just have to accept his gift of salvation. Repent from your sins and surrender your life to him. Jesus Christ for eternal life.
God Bless Everybody and Everyone !!
That’s a mistakeø
seeing u on sat
We need king in our lives
why did you run when you could’ve gone deep lol
i was the whiteout kit that you grubbed
I killed you at 9:21 lol
What’s that song please
whats the bad to the bone song?
@KCmo 2 made this first
i love your videos man yes yes
i think this glicth is going to be fixed soon
1:38 is that exfibo??
Someone did this to me and i rage quited. Then i didn’t play in months
If I get up off my bed just for once would it rain down on me?
I’m baaaaad to the bone… I don’t know if you’ve been told!
That transition of breaking the tree is crazy
Actually, How you find glitches?
memeio is the kind of guy to rat his way into someones TC room see a box of aks and pull out an eoka to defend it xD
so waht does memeio do? try all this shit or just read it somewhere, do a vid? well nice “kinda stolen content”… do ur own shit man
i have an idea you can put a ladder hach in the roof and cover it in a bear rug
song name at END
Bro this guy is just stealing content over and over
I’ve tried this before and it actually works……..
Man watched KC’s 102 tips lmaoooo give credit to him
Plays on a super modded server and is excited about mid loot
Damn ZChum brought this wonderful series of videos to life and its great!
plese never stop do this man
Bro i had 50 dollar in my pocket and i was planing to go to the market but i am to lazy for that but when i saw the YouTube notification i ran there as fast as i can to buy all the snacks i need for a perfect video
memeio u defo saw this in that 102 rust tips video lol i appreciate the hustle lmao
10:32sound name pls
fakest rust player ever
bbno$ is top tier.
so you are not going to give credit to the person who came up with this? KCmo2
Stop stealing kcmo2 ideas without credits wtf man, like its the second time
well done on 1m subs, remember in the cactus trap 2.0 vid you said you would rebuild every trap base…
Day 73 of saying
Daddy memeio
Next time god sident online base And for ten three and admin
Dang dude did you get bbno$’s permission for that? If so that’s awesome he watches.
The last one they was going to build spinky 2×2 expansion
Man took the meme i am in your walls to another level
I swear memeio has improved so much he’s like a mini Chad now
Ay his back with another bangersss! Btw congrats in 1m
So you watched Kcmo’s video, good job.
ahhh the towel trick… yeh…. pretty sure *_dirtrider_* done this and i saw it on KcMo’s 102 new tricks video…. *_{Edit: “Gustas the crazy” showed it a month ago and he wasn’t the 1st}_*
As a HUGE Y-Tuber, how hard is it for you to throw a credit for who u got the idea from? ← i mean, it helped u come up w awesome content.
Old Man Paxus askin’ you to play nice with the other children.
Another stolen idea tho
12:04 sounds like zuckles
How much did you pay them this time?
Poor Memeio… King of 80 IQ ideas and 60 IQ execution.
I will like to see more of this content
I wonder how he came up with this idea cough* cough* KCmo2’s new video?
Set a bag outside the bases so that when you loot you can jump kill so your head is sticking out of the base, that way you can collect everything and run
So basically anyone who makes a beach base needs to do this as added protection against being raided and having bags broken?
I wonder where he got this idea from
Bro add king
Bro, how do you find all these glitches and manage to make and release videos exploiting them before anyone else catches on? you got a team of people thinking up and testing this shit? Mole at facepunch?
I need answers man.
Gratz on the mill man. You deserve it.
I’m doing this I’m real life in everyone’s moms
Can this be done on console rust ?
This guy that kills Memio at 8min leaves the doors open and then the one stone ceiling has 380 health. Kinda lucky
He saw the New kcmo vid
Congratulations on 1 million subscribers Memeio!!
Bro thats me at 16:26 lmao i remember this wipe and i hated you LMAOO gg
I was just wondering about Memeio yesterday or the day before thinking it’s been a while. Let’s get some madness going.
Would love to see king and babyseal doing a wipe with you XD
Congrats on 1 million
“YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAG HAPPENS NEXT” stop doin that cringe shit
No one.
Absolutely no one.
Memeio: Oh Neeeeeouroooorrrrrrarrrrrrrr!
Lets get an adventure with you and king
Somebody else check this out at 9mins and 10 seconds into the video he kills a 3 man in there base but right before he goes to jump off there roof I think he closes their door I could be wrong but if he does then memeio is really faking shit. I really hope not bc I love these videos.
this kind of video never gets old, love to see your vids memio
you stole this from Zchum . atleast give him credit sheesh
Such a crazy premise!
why do you do this on modded servers
That is actually insane haha!!
That song at the end slaps ngl
Edit: Found it. It’s *Bad to the bone by bbno$*
Bro, the end of the video with the song going on was Poppin
everyone just wants to be zchum now
You are genius
first time seeing memeio fr play rust n not challenges and trolling W vid
Soooo he would you use the tommy over the ak!? Surely you knew he was going to have an ak as well!
You hit a mill!!
memeio remember how you said in cactus 2.0 video once you reached 1m you build all the trap bases you made in the past? well guess what amount of subs you have
u expose the sulfor at the start like mkjvsdhvgsdvusvdb
When the people say memeio: SCAWY MONSTER
this like the worst way to build a 2×2 personally I would take that base
i hate the spoiler
Love the montage at the end
I love this video style
credit the 100 tips guy new video for the idea thanks
As someone who almost exclusively takes over bases this is my nightmare
You’re gonna have people scared to ever move into a base everyone is going to do this for the next week
memeio i will come to your house and give you one big sloppy kiss if you lose another base because you spawned in when they were online
i love the “bad to the bone” montage at the end, when you basically did the equivalent of “Trimming armor for free”… xD
I dont know how you betray these people so easily, I’d feel so bad lol.
Memeio the chad for actually crediting zchum for the original idea
Memeio you gotta start doing this on rust console,there is genuinely so much glitches its insane.
Chicago Simulator.
8:44 that play had me hype
copying twig?
stop stealing other peoples work and claiming it as your own. Atleast show credits for the people who find these bugs. every single video you post is a bug you stole from someone else
naaah at this point, watching ur videos is kinda like a necessity to me

please keep em comin fam!
In this video I’ve turned *the whole server* into a trap base!
are we just gonna ignore the fact he had ak but still chose the thompson over it in close quarters
Did them dirty! Hey, everyone knows you never take an empty base.
Wow very original video memio I have never seen this one before
Congrats on cracking the code! Shadow gave you props for figuring it out that must feel good!
LOL XD i see u copyed again
Memeio I love you
Pay to win?
Why are you abusing exploits? You should be banned permanently
Yo memeio could u play a wipe?
This trick is genius. Pity it didn’t work out spare that one base.
I’m not trusting any open base I see until this is fixed!
Man this the 1st ‘under de floor’ vid I watched. Very nice
stop playing modded you wierdo
FIRE VIDDY!11!!!!1

who let him cook 

Literally insiding them
Before 5 hours gang
What recording software do you use?
Memeio is the Professor Akali of Rust
How are you always innovating in this old af gamee. Insane video bro!
Imagine in ur loot base at 3:38 someone was doing the same thing that your were doing
doing good man keep up the good work
9:00 no way bro 4v1 bro just kill kill kill no dmg loot kill kill
Best of luck to all your clever ideas, may you never run out of them. However I wouldn’t mind seeing more of your guests like Jackson, Lucas and Johanna (I think that’s how it’s spelled
). Great content once again.
Lol…spawn inside, get build priv, respawn outside and build a new airlock hehe
never knew rust was so realistic that.s what im doing
found this out of kcno 2 channel
Loaded base at the end
Lol I saw Kcmo2’s video showcasing this method.
Alt title: I became a fraudulent real estate agent in rust
You took this from KCMO I’m really bummed that you did I didn’t even get to try it myself now everyone will know oh well at least the video was funny xD
I love how all these songs are BBNO$ he’s underrated af
There in the walls… *racks assault rifle* THERE IN THE GOD DAMN WALLS!
Who needs to farm in rust when you can get t3 from donating bases lol
Hey memio
play wth king
Loot them and then try and sell them back their loot
great, already the most paranoid inducing game ever and now i can’t even take over empty bases now..
Memeio yo mama a hoe
The 2 times you got caught you should’ve just owned up to it and gotten their reactions, their minds being blown would’ve been a better bit of content than you going back and realizing you’d spooked them and they’d moved out. Still a funny video though.
its always a good day when memeio uploads
such a fun video!
It’s looks so easy almost makes me wanna trap base kids again
I’ve got 3000+ hours how many do you guys have?
We need a wipe with king man
I love how he just leaves his dead body inside their TC room every time
You know there’s gonna be bbno$ at the end
Has anyone learned a lesson watching Memeio here? Yup Don’t thing a free base is free, because it might not be. Good Shit man!! Gott’em lol
We need more of these! Them dudes at the end had to be pissed. You just appeared in their base

the best way to respawn in irl put a bed under somebody house and your there bro
I feel bad
memio always got the amazing editing! Good vid canh’t wait till I’m a creator like this
What’s up
Memeio is legit gonna make a trap base that literally doesn’t even need people to get caught on it
I don’t even play the game but I like this guy’s channel
Next hell upload himself living under a childs house irl
But you dont discover IT Someone have down this before
Good shit Memeio good shit
memeio has ascended to a different type of grub
bro why u more popping than an auchwitz camp
I like how you never make unoriginal content, and even if you’re copying another idea, you’ll always add your own twist to it. Great channel!
That ending tho
Love ur videos memeio keep it up!!!
Bro Seriously Tricked so many people just by saying he is leaving the server. 300IQ move
Killing players doing oil rig with a rock
i love memeio
and then people say rust isn’t pay to win smh
The second I saw KCMo’s video I wondered how long it would take for memeio to make a vid
You watched 102tips xd.
Ngl that play “he killed me” was actually the best play memeio ever made?
Pov:you see memeio uploaded new video
That raid at the end was deserved for what Memeio did to those poor souls lmao
Whudya know! A unoriginal memeio idea!
You are a legend
More videos please!
Base you raided is profit
This is the fun shot haha it makes me want to play rust again
congrats on 1 mil memeio you deserve it
People who believe this is real are really dumb.
This is cruel
Love the content will be better if you get better
king is the embodiment of chaotic good rust
Bro that ending was so relatable!! That shizz is demoralizing as hell
I where waiting for you to make another video

Lol… if he couldn’t tell the first guy was a total slacker, he isn’t racist enough.
seems faked
zchum also did this first, not just the idea, the exact sleeping bag towel trick.
you know it’s a good day when Memeio posts ngl
This part hits hard 15:45
evrybody that you trapped built weird
5:50 Memeio still owns the double door with a lock on it, he opens it then F1 kill, after that he logs in the base and now it’s closed + code locked ? yeah bro
Bro you had like every door open, you could have gone so deep instead of running away
Good way to troll with this image they are online and they hear someone knocking in there base and all confused and you just act like you been living with them the whole time
Hikkik discovered this method you could give the guy some credit my man.
guy at 6:45 is a cheater.
Memio’s American accent kills me
Creative rust video
Ngl I was getting mad he didn’t wait more time like 3 days or sum
Goofy ahh ZChum walmart
why does his little kid voice sound like Dr Doofenshmirtz
Right after kcmo reveals the trick…. Strange
beach towel idea isnt original ive seen it already, bro thought he had smth going for a second
Hi there
W video
pov: you just watched zchum 2 102 tips and now seing that
“That’s actually 200IQ”
5:00 Pai do Grêmio, tankei foi nada.
Dude, how do you find these glitches. Who’s your exploit dealer? I need some of this good good
Congrats on a million
200IQ plan
What a great original video idea
So damn funny!
Im a parasite but in your bathroom walls… MEMEIO WATCH OUT WHILE U POOP
I was doing the same thing in toys r us until the feds came
We want a all wipe with KING
well done on 1 mil subs bro, been watching since 60k
I’ve been wanting to hop on rust to try this for fun but now memeio does it there’s no way it’ll work now
This is why never take abandoned base kids
FINALLY A POST! Love your vids bro! <3
OH MAN, that whole bit before youi switched servers… man i was yellin at you and my whole house could hear me!
“GET OUT OF THERE!! OH SHIT!!!” – lol oh had me laughin tho
love u
dang it
you didnt discover it. unsubscribed
bro uploaded this literally a day after KCMo2’s video
This method is 95.5% undetectable… until they place a campfire down. Don’t you watch Stimpee’s videos bro?
memeio help im stuck in the base
Every like this comment gets is one signature for the petition to add King and play a wipe with him
This is NOT ZChum

401 like
you should make someone’s base a trap base so every time they go into their base they die
So fun to watch Love u memeio!
Memeio: *seeing all the comments*
Memeio 1 week later: today Im living inside my neighbor’s walls using this weird glitch with the windows at exactly 12:00 midnight
touch me
Nice editing
you’re dirty little child memeio
Memeio the type of guy to hide under your bed at night
11:52 Is that wiljum?
Nice video, Verry well done!
You should do this on an account with /trade for the big memes.
Memeio lives in my head rent free.
And could live in my basement anytime
King is the player we don’t deserve but we need to see
Set up a random shop (1×1 with shop front not vending machine). Give away c4…blow it up remotely when they start running away.
How much scrap do I need to do this in my crushes house?
13 min rn
I’m illegally early
no new content?
every youtuber says you steal their content… but actually, you are doing them same in other ways that makes the vid more suprising and amazing to watch! soo smart! deserve a pin?
congrats on the mil
sorry homie kc showed this already XD
Your the master
Very nice.I’m glad to see memio do this like zchum did
awww mannn this is crazy. I didn’t know you could do that with a towel! Amazing video my friend, keep it up.
I haven’t even played rust and I probably never will but these videos are amazing
Lol this is golden
like my comment
You discovered? kcmo 2?
your the best
Leeez go new vid love em
Tip, I’ve found that it is better to let people “””raid””” you, or think they stole the base from you rather than giving it out. Got way more stuff that way.
Watched this video 16 times and realized that I am in love with your videos.
When you don’t know what to comment but you just want to get likes: loves memeio’s content
Love u man the best youtuber
U finally caught fb up to this trend after 30 years
i love your videos memeio !!
im not even going to try to pretend I watched the whole video yet, I just commented this so I can be early.
What’s your discord
Wow this is such a Memeio Classic I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!
Living inside someone’s pouch …. how Australian of you.
hello there
Love u bro
u are one of the funniest and best youtubeers in the world
no cap
Memeio trying to not find the biggest rust exploits:
V not c
1 more player
I’m doing this in real life in Memeio’s walls.
Love the content man! Keep up the good work!
Love you Cidieos
Gotta love when this man posts
I’ve waited for ages I finally get to see your amazing content
That’s a good plan
I been waiting for a new video. Memeio makes my day when he posts
Hi memeio thank you for blessing us with another amazing vid
Hey man I love your vids hope you read this cuz I’m a big fan and I’ve tried hopping on the server with you every now and then with my brother but I’ve never been able to so yeah love you babes and keep up the good work and thank you for being there for everybody to make their day
W for the credits
Good vid
Love your videos
I love you memeio
Love your content
Basically being a rat
I’m the first fever
memeio you are my favourite youtuber – first
Yes sir
First time in live before
finally another one of these videos!
Great video Bro
1 Millll
First one

Hi memeio
Deez nuts
Nice video
I love these kinds of videos!!