Storage buff and Caboose | Rust Update 2nd September 2022
Hardcore mode, New UI’s a storage buff and a first look at the caboose!
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0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Hardcore mode
1:22 – Furnace UI
2:31 – Storage buff
3:21 – Other changes
4:22 – WIP
System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – TUF Gaming Geforce RTX 3080
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
CPU block – Cooler Master ML360
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1
Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders
Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2022
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2022
Taqs:rust update,shadowfrax,rust,concept limbo,rust pc,rust pc update,rust 2021,subject to change,rust review,rust 2022,rust recap,rust rewind,rust console,rust review 2022,rust trains,Rust hapis,hapis island,rust monument,new monument,rust trainyard,rust balancing,rust patch,rust furnace,rust locomotive,rust event,rust molotov,rust flashbang,rust new monument,rust ui,furnace ui,rust hardcore,hardcore mode,rust hardcore mode,rust caboose
コメント (313)
when are they gonna let us opt in to play as heavies to help defend oil on the scientists side?
Imagine a base wagon with a door or two
Instead of adding cool stuff like this why don’t they focus on getting rid of hackers it literally ruins the game when 10% to 20% of players are cheating in every server. I bet the programmers for the game are the ones making the hacks and selling them for millions in side money.
I tried the furnaces and i hate it with a passion
small furnaces is broken atleast in server where do I play at minimum. it smelts only 1 thing at time and at super slow pace…..
HELP! For some reason all of my cooking UI only has ONE output slot now, meaning I can’t cook food anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Furnace update sucks. Ruined raid base plugin, cave builds, ect. Also splitter plugins take 2/3rds of your ore if clicked.
they need to tighten build limit space for roads and train tracks. you can’t build docks cause it forces you to build at least 6 feet away from the trains.
Every rust update these days makes me want to play less and less like how can they take so many L’s
Dude no wonder I didn’t see you anymore somehow I desubscribed :c
For the algo
I don’t have to wait 80 minutes to load in now!
I’ll follow you on friendface, just gotta finish my cuke XD
The ui change to the bbq and furnace was really unnecessary. They got objectively worse, loved using bbq’s in loot rooms which isn’t really gonna work now. Happy with the rest of the update though
I wish boots could boost movement speed a little
Can we PLZ!!! just be able to make at least meat pot pies in rust.
Ziplines do still, in fact, get stopped by trees.
I still dont like the furnace
I hope rust removes the furnace ui because I HATE IT you took are furnace away from us and now we are nothing screw you shadowfrax for your furnace ui and stufd
Storage buff. A welcoming need indeed.
need a level 2 ladder hatch, and a level 2 single door. well that both equal about the garage door, cuz the g*y that’s raging, quits.. just an idea to through a bone to the, “team”.. lol
Can someone explain this to me as Im kinda new to Rust: The servers update/reset on the last Thursday of each month? But they just reset on Sept 1, which was the first (not last) Thursday in September?
Whenever I spawn on the beach I say to myself “all I have is a rock and a dream”…. Usually dying shortly afterwards to an AK with 100 wood and a worm on me.
Furnace speed is trash update trash 🗑
Poker table dlc when I want to play poker with my boys at base
In my testing, it is just a furnace with fewer slots. Literally the same. Still smelts all slots, just like before, so it is still more efficient to split the stack. Useless change. Not sure where you are getting this “it’s just as fast” and “it’s like a queue” thing, but none of that is true in game.
Furnaces are still a horrible change. Have no desire to really play the game anymore, which is sad.
Editing On Point!
it’s also good to mention that you can no longer burn food with the new UI as it drops into a non-cookable slot
Not to talk about the glitch that made people able to put scrap into the spinning wheel before it stopped and getting 1000s of scrap.
Why not make Blueprint for Advanced Furnice and advanced box in blueprints Instead?
Trains are super op, all you need is a green card, some fuses, and 100 low grade and you make loads of low grade and ores. I wish they would allow you to build closer to tracks but more importantly make train cars able to have storage
I have had allot of problems with the new furnace UI, I can no longer have upkeep on bases because a whole day of farming will is spent on smelting 1000 metal ore and still not having enough
better heli control would be exquisite!
youre slipping
They need to fix burning food
Having done a full wipe day yesterday, the furnace UI is very nice. It smelts as if you split the stacks. It reduced all the time it took micro managing the furnaces, small and large. especially will tossing multiple ores in one furnace. It was very nice to have more time doing other things on wipe day. I love the set it and forget it.
Build a Bear Pookie Shoppe! lol 🙂
New furnace system is TRASH
The smelting speed is soo slow now
Furnace chance is really nice
I don’t even play any more and still come check out your videos. Great stuff
Facepunch wants to remove every way we can be clever.
Faste Loding for ssd… Samone play rust HDD?
It’s just a lame sandbox . Taking the map away and not even the crosshair does not fix my opinion on the new state of the game.
Sooooooo you’re telling me they made a blackjack neon sign and didn’t make all the other lights beside B and J flicker so it just says “BJ” 😂
Blackjack 🃏
The caboose is cool, but how is anybody going to actually use it for gambling without getting murdered? A safezone on rails is out of the question, but there’s gotta be SOMETHING. Lockable doors?
I just dont get how the furnaces are better if you cant fit more in than b4
beep boop, can’t wait to play the hard game in the hard mode. Because rust wasn’t hard enough – Face Punch
With all this storage now imagine all the storage you will have when people start crafting their 7 box large box single square or their tc + 5 large box + small box single square loot rooms. Bunkers will be a lot more dense and small 2x1s will now be considered rich
Thumbs up for the Bowie song reference!!!
large furnace prettu much useless now, jsut stick to normal ones you’ll just be using more wood with the large ones smelting one type of ore at a time, I don’t understand the thought process behind the furnace update, everything else – great
all we (me) just want is linux nativity:(
I find it funny how I don’t even play rust anymore, but whenever a shadowfrax video pops up on a new patch, I just gotta watch it
Wait, they even took away my barbeque storage?!
This is outrageous! This was the only game where I ever enjoyed min-maxing and they ruin not one but two parts of it!
I can’t believe they are this misguided!
No more burnt food in the BBQ??? Wait until my wife starts playing again she will soon sort that out 😂😂🤣🤣
F this new updates, they are braking the game. 40% of pro players left the game because of this useless updates. the game now similar to roll play and the new community is low skill players, this game is no fun more!
Small ovens don’t work, they give you two slots to burn and it only burns one.
Once again Rust with his changes that no one asked for.
The furnaces aren’t efficient and have bugs. You still can burn stuff without loosing your log, if you start and stop often.
2nd you still have to calculate how many wood you realy need
3rd if you have a smaler amount in a input slot, than it’s able to burn in 1 go, it burns it not efficient.
4th I don’t want to talk about the bugs after we update and had a full BBQ and now it drops everything (bec we didn’t wiped)
card puns
Im not gunna lie i dont really like the new rust updates bc it just changes the way rust is too much and ik that the storage isnt that bad but the furnaces are and ik its for the new players but like i feel that the new players should just learn like everyone else and no offense but its not that hard to learn the basics of rust. I also dont like the viewmodel change ik its random but like i feel that rust should add a way to change your viewmodel like csgo
Rust is changing the stuff that didn’t need a change. Yes the storage buff is very good but the furnaces still annoy me. I didn’t see any problem with them in my whole 5k hours and I dont think anyone else did.
I was disappointed about the BBQ no longer being able to be used as storage but at least we’re getting more slots for the small and large boxes tho.
Little Johnny Stacker 🤌🏻
server i am on it disn’t work at all a BUG an we allso lost other stuff as well an now the server pop has crash from over 150 players drop to 5 as we can not cook anything inc Metal ore .it that bad
The furnaces are broken; only puts out charcoal not metals or Sulphur
“Look, you love it really. Otherwise, you wouldn’t keep coming back.” Too true haha 😂😂😂
RIP anyone who bought the coffin.
Anyone else having issues looting the top rows of new storage size?? I can’t loot the items from the first row of a large box unless I’m spam clicking all over the bottom of the slots..
edit: changing User Interface Scale from 1 to 0.9 fixes this. F1 “graphics.uiscale 0.9”
its not about efficiency the new UI just doesnt fit in
I just want them to take a break from adding things and really hit on the performance. There’s no sense in the way the game runs and loads etc. Me and friends have relatively decent rigs and this game stutters bad and has FPS issues. Its not constant either its just random stutters, frame drops etc. Also the amount of RAM this game uses is obsurd. 16 gigs of ram is barely a minimum now. I upgraded to 32 while back and it helps but still that’s way too high for any game.
Thanks dude!
I think I just came when I saw the storage updates. Holy god. It’s so beautiful.
Tell your horse to stop showing his toes on the interweb, unless of course he wants a crap load of weird dm’s.
I play on console 🥲
garry and the devs have all the weed and creativity to have made one of the greatest single player games ever made and still completely ignore that aspect . its one of the best MP games ever made , but they could have doubledd ddown and dmde one of the greatest sp games ever made and gathered more purchases. then they woulda had the game of the year award.
Doing god’s work shadowfrax 🙏
I like the new changes concerning Furnace UI and cooking, but I won’t deny having that extra storage in a camper wasn’t replaced which feels kinda bad. They need to buff other common storage solutions like they did the large boxes (Vending machine, Vehicle storage module, Campers, boat boxes, stashes, etc).
This storage and furnace update should have been done so long ago. I really love it.
top tier quality content. the part about furnace splitting and how proud we are about it had me rolling. +like
As always great video, thank you for summing everything up concisely whine still being entertaining =D
And thanks for answering the one question I had left, the speed of the new furnaces compared to the old.
cant wait to explore the entire map 10 times just to draw its outline
Oddly you cant seem to burn food in the new bbq etc.
As for hardmode map being “impossible” to get, I suspected it wouldnt be quite so hard. Took about 5mins to find the .map file in the rust installed directory. Its file name is the size and seed. You an check that on one of the many mapping sites or simply load the file in rust edit.
I hate the furnace changes far less than I thought I would. Plus my idiot teammates dont make a mess of my stacks like they used to.
I remember playing rust when the only 3 guns were the bolty, an m9 and m4, and there were zombies and loot spawned in piles still. Amazing how far the game has come.
Getting a full box of AK’s is going to be a bit more difficult
heck…why dont they have a train that goes around the entire map, a bandit train, where you can trade and recycle inside of, as it is rolling…and there will be possibilites to drive, or ride, or fly on top it, but there could also be normal stops, maybe 3 around the map, where you as a ped. could jump onto it…It would act a safezon, a moving bandit camp really.
I mean, this game is already going downhill…why not do it on a last ride on a train?
dont try the experimental optimized loading lol
The game is broken. It smelts one stack at a time, as opposed to 3. I need 3 furnaces for the same output as 1 prior to the update. You turned everyone into a lumberjack. Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood. Upkeep is a full-time job. Call my boss, tell him I’m leaving to play rust full time.
The skin for fire pit the green pot you can’t cook food on it no option
Both furnace and box changed are really nice, good work facepunch.
Who else dosent play rust anymore play rust because the game has changed a bit to much but still watch the shadow just to stay in the loop plus good content
new furnace looks horrible.
Moving save zone on a train
is that MIG welder model at @2:53???
With the storage from barbecue gone
, having more space in box is fine
change on furnace update,..totally cancerous sh*t – complete garbage! May not have change cooking speed…but when you ONLY get the ONE slot to cook ONE thing at a time instead of 3 or 15 ( small/large ) = that just means LESS cooked amount coming out of the output. See they need to either increase the cooking speed to 3 times the speed,…OR im totally done with this game after 5 years of it!
“ITs me , ITs me , ITs me” Rust, is BACK !
wait, where’s the spider?
i hate the new furnace ui its so bad
I dunno @SHADOWFRAX in my experience dreams take up significant storage space!
I dont play rust, but i watch your videos so i can have a better understanding of minor/major updates in the rust videos i watch lol
The new train should be like the “Snowpiercer” aka “safe zone”
new furnace ui is faster
Hm, the u.i. is meant to slow down raiding sprees giving newer players a chance to establish themselves – we all know of the Godric’s out there that will max stack with other aristocratic folk such as themselves and dash towards that Mercurian sunset..
Coffins suck now should def release them an a permanat item furnaces are fine since they buffed stoarge but i feel like you should have put resources into diffrent changes like a big new land monument to offser the offshore meta
brabeque cooks up to 8 raw meet at once. it’s a buff overall on barbeque aswell
BTW whats the purpose of a coffin then?
i just dont like that 1k wood cant cook 1k ore
How can it possibly be faster when you can only smelt one ore at time now? Large furnace is officially a joke as well as small lol
This game really lost its identity 😢
id like to see railway tracks branch off at random locations around the map that lead to a type of build zone like in the mines..
have it just big enough where you can place a stone gate + a 3×4 base for trains to keep them protected the same way you can do for scrap helis or rhibs.
I love the fact that in Bbqs the food cant be burnt anymore
They’re ruining rust, been playing since it first came to steam and this seems to be the death of rust. They shouldn’t be messing with the inventories like this, updates haven’t been “exciting” since they added cars and I think we were all disappointed with them too
we need lakes and rivers in rust, because we have too much space to build in..
The barbaceu stuff sucks
I wish you could place a tc in a train car
The description why they added the furnace update has to be one of the worst reasons. Newer players dont know how to use the old furnace? Is your IQ fucken 2?
A storage box where if you put items inside the box they would be displayed as loose items on the table depending what’s in there.
I am not happy with these silly changes, not happy at all!!!
No, I haven’t played the new update yet, why do you ask?
the game is getting easier and my desire to play is decreasing day by day but I love the game
Ummm 1k metal ore and 1k wood into a small furnace does not yield 600 frags anymore…it also takes 1.5x longer
the boxe update doesnt effect peoples ability to keep more stuff. Its a direct nerf to raiding, as it makes bases designed for max raid cost without a consideration for storage capacity much more viable.
i don’t like the storage buff. Sometimes the whole reason why people expand their bases is for more space!
Plus because of the lack of space, people would put some of the good loot out of the core.
Instead of a train wagon with Casino Games, they should make a DLC of “Casino/Parlour Games” so we can place them ourselves and make our own. Stellar work as always old bean! Keep it up *sends pie*. Cariad fawr o Gymru – Much love from Wales
Best update in rust
The campfire only having one slot💀
Good video!
jesus christ the new smelting ui looks so fkn cheap
That palpating meme had me laughing loud af
I thought this was going to be an awful update but its honestly really good and a massive qol improvement, my starters get more box space, i dont have to sort furnaces just shove stuff in and hit start. I still havent even experienced all of it yet.
I currently use the BBQ as a storage box, because you can fit a small box under them.
That being said, Hate the change.
I think you should still get a map but it should be blank and you have to fill it in that would make it more realistic
Still no steam deck eac support
The new storage is so OP the amount of storage u can hold and the thing about that is the large boxes is not that expensive
You promote your Facebook.. but haven’t posted on there in like a year..lol
it was the way i expected when i played yesterday… as slow as a single stack of ore cooking 1 ore at a time. Then the speed was upped a hour or so into wipe and im fine with it. The large furnace is even cooking multiple stacks at a time now too so yea. But originally the cook speed was advertised. the same as it was before. meaning 1 stack at a time not 3 stacks at the same time speed but now its good
My addiction with black jack increases
repair fake wipes please <3
the TSAA flickering water in the beach is finally fixed?!
Chest expansion is an absolute treat, though the furnaces feel like they are a hair slower, but maybe that is a state of mind verses a statement of fact and the charcoal output seems to be a bit less. Oil refinery used to be a charcoal dream maker, now it has the same output of a small furnace. Camper BBQ is gliched. Overall I like the first in, first out process. Cheers for the episode and have a champion day.
I don’t like it what is happening to rust….
small furnace feels a bit faster but large feels super slow. i rather use small furnaces for the being moment
2:25 yes i did, still hate it
OHh more space in boxes!!!! Oh hohoho BOY!
its funny. I dont even play rust anymore but i keep comming back watching these kind of videos 😀
Also now you can’t hear jack underwater.
They can still have the drone delivery system in Hard mode if they just remove the map part of the UI, and instead just have a directory list of available vending machine shops, much like how they have the Phone Directory system where you can call up another section of the map that has phones at them.
Heres how it works;
– Firstly no map screen
– Directory list of shops
– Clicking on shop of choice goes into a sub-menu from the list and shows you what’s for sale.
– Make purchases as you normally would with standard 20 scrap for delivery cost, and it shows you estimated time of delivery before your goods arrive on the UI and on the terminal screen that has the players name on it.
In addition to this have a separate tab screens to differentiate between monument shops and player shops. So it lists basic shops from all over the map, you have your Outpost, Ranch, Bandit Camp and Fishing Village, and over in the other tab, just a list of player shops.
furnace ui sux
Hate it one reason being I used the large furnaces as storage an unreasonable amount of times through a wipe primarily raid defenses or combat at base but still I could also cook more then 5 stacks of 1 ore at a time if you did it right
but it doesnt make sense that you cant cook more than 1 type of food in a bbq…
Can we get a rust giveaway 👉👈 i just got a Pc and missed the summer sale 😁
Still mad about the furnace’s
Revert furnace UI change, garbage update just like the recoil
TBH I’ll miss speed running furnace stacking, but my mouse hand will not miss stacking barbeques
I love the trains and I wont rest until they full expand them. I want to be able to make my own train modules or at least find them so I can assemble my very own train base with its own dedicated cooking/living/crafting/storage modules
Shoutout to all the little Johnny Stackers
the furnace change is utter bs.
but the box size increase is very nice
Alot of useless crap 🤦
Horse storage now requires satchels
Need party train 😅🤣💯
God i want train bases. Like you can place a little branch off of the main tracks that has your own train that you can live in
How about having a walkie talkie in hard mode so its not so hard to communicate when a teammate is far from you
they took away BBQ storage… T_T
Any update on pets?
Storage changes are fine but the smelting changes are absolutely trash. You can’t put whatever you want in furnaces or bbq’s now or smelt everything at the same time. They are literally directed at new players but if you still haven’t figured out how to sort your furnaces yet uninstall.
Feel like they should add the compass as an item
Storage buff was needed. Now I can finaly move around my base without parkouring everywhere over boxes.
i like the furcance changes less micro management
Mixing table should make Med syringes.
the only bad thing for me is that u cant put loot in furnace anymore i used to play a lot with that u far away from base have some good loot on u you see raided base griefed by a furnace (exemple) u put some loot in the furnace u will allways find it when u come back
They now ruined 2 things i liked about rust, recoil and furnaces.
smelting is faster now
Bro ur humor in these vids are so random but great 😂
I was upset that barbeques are now cooking only, because you can stack them in front of large boxes, on top of small boxes; for maximum storage in a 1×1. However, the buff to storage boxes over all is insanely nice.
Is this on console?
i detest the new smeltery ui
otv kids will kill this game
The storage buff is amazing. The furnace smelts SOOOO slow. It’s terrible.
There’s an issue with the new furnace update. It ony smelts charcoal
As a rust gamer I refuse that I did that to a furnace
barbecue is bugged, only one input and one output slot. no more burning food which is great but you still have to babysit the bbq becuase its bugged
Unsubscribed for showing close up photo of spider
Love your vids man!
personally I want to see more dlc-like items. All the dlcs so far have been adding a lot of social items and I think it’s been well enough of a wait to see more things like it.
Furnace update was unnecesary, rust is becoming worse and worse with each update.
The storage increases will probably ease most of the rage about furnaces and bbq
I really would like them to let people put cars, and horses on trains.
i kinda always used BBQ as a storage on top of small box so this makes me sad 🙁
The furnace are disgusting
Now we just need craftable backpacks so we can carry the loot in these massive boxes
omg! seeing the chest expanded made me smile on the inside. I can farm even more wood and stone now 😀
Way too much unnecessary hand holding for newbies/newcomers of the game when it comes to the furnaces and dumbifying and reducing creativity of loot rooms by encouraging players even more to not organise their boxes with extra spaces. Do you rmb how miraculous and joyful it was to discover stack splitting when doing the furnaces and also to discover it works with other stacked items? Well neither will anyone else going forward cuz now the stack splitting functions will become even more niche as no one will know how to use it or even its existence now that furnaces are one way and the storage room is being increased. I like more storage capability but not at this cost, I rather ppl be completely inefficient and figuring things out on their own or watching Rustubers/tutorials than just have the game do everything for you.
Gone are the days of on-the-fly creativity and freedom to play in unorthodox or unconventional play styles. Wats next? Objects that only belong inside/outside bases/foundations can only be placed in their respective places? Specific door only work with specific door frames? Rust while is a survival game, its not a friggin reality simulator. Don’t try to fix wat isn’t inline with reality, its a game, put some effort into actually dealing with more important matters like cheating or something…
Edit: Now that furnace efficiency has been reduced for both the large and small, wouldn’t it be more fair or realistic to reduce the crafting requirements for them seeing as they are less than wat they use to be? This was a balance right? So shouldn’t it be more of a balance than a huge nerf?
Welp now I’m gonna have David bowie stuck in my head all day.
Shadowfrax, I’d like you to know I have been watching your updates for years and I probably will as long as you’ll keep making them. They’re the best, the jokes, the exclusives, tho no BS. Love it. Keep it up!
game continues to go downhill
I’m waiting for people to start making challenge videos where they only live in the train caboose.
The storage buff is an excellent compliment to the new smelting/cooking feature. I will admit.
Add more so that my FPS will drop significantly
Furnace and barbecue changes are rightfully hated. Being able to smelt multiple things at once was so useful for early game, like making metal for doors and sulfur for handmades for wipeday wood door raids. RIP barbecue loot rooms too. A barbecue still has space in it, why should you only be able to put food in there?
This is officially a different game than it was in the first place
I didn’t like the furnace changes because I thought it would smelt slow because it’s only smelting one stack at a time but if it’s the same as having 3 stacks at the same time or even a smidge faster it put all my worries away. Now I like the change I think it looks much cleaner and quicker than having to separate the ores into smaller stacks
I don’t think anyone has a problem with a nerf of the satisfaction of perfectly splitting the stacks–I am a bit bummed that you can no longer hide things in furnaces which is a bit lame. Gone are the days when you could hide things in a decayed base’s furnace quickly before being beamed by a fullgear…
I am the only one to appreciate when you said embarrassing the nomad moved with it perfectly in sync nice edits
Yknow,,, this new furnace ui isn’t all that bad…
ok, the box changes make the furnace changes alright now
what day will the update come in? I am not at home
1:38 “Johnny stacker” 😎
I’ve tested small furnace and campfire so far, haven’t had the time to play much around this update, but so far everything seems to function exactly as it did before. Metal frags are processed 3 at a time every time the ore is considered cooked, which cooks at the same rate as if you had split a stack into thirds. Campfires still produce two cooked meat at time. I expect the same from everything else. They’ve had plenty of time for players to test and find the most efficient stack splits for furnaces. It really isn’t hard to just copy paste that efficient output number into the new UI.
Lastly, coming from a novice programming background, it makes sense that the Furnace *UI* update doesn’t actually change the practical functionality of the furnaces themselves. User Interfaces just display information in a way that the user can understand. The new changes just kind of baby lego the furnaces into simplicity. I think it’s worth noting that they took the time to develop something themselves instead of just incorporating the auto split plugin. I think dying in the name of avoiding easy rust on the hill of the furnace “skill ceiling” is a silly one, personally.
4:34 or as I like to call it, the *Cabussy*
They should not increase storage capacity it will make bases harder to raid because of the square cube law and it also reduces creativty in base building
0:15 we are a slave to our own valuations. Daddie Frag save us! 😩😩
day 2 of wishing for the old rust to come back
Wow no talking about the horses now having two seats
I really hate the new Storage in the boxes, it just feels off. I also hate the new furnaces. They feel like they take forever to smelt a stack of metal
I hate the changes to smelting
Love your content, keep it up 👌
No new GUNS?
Ziplines “should” no longer get blocked by trees.
Just fell from a ziplines due to a tree, but ok
This is all fancy and we’ll, but when can we throw poop?
Shadowfrax IS Rust and Rust IS Shadowfrax.
Blackjack tables would be sick.
nice!, I wish my country still had active servers
The furnace change is the dumbest thing they’ve done in 4 years
I’m surprised, they did’t make you became a hostile if you deal damage with a heli in the safe zone
begrudgingly i will say that the new furnace ui is not that bad, yet it remains to be an utterly unnecessary change… waste of dev time
fudge you for that spider
So are coffins getting more storage also? since they are meant to have more then normal large boxes
the OTV dumbify of campfire/BBq and Furnaces was on needed and player that could not figure things out, should just stick to Minecraft.
the old craft able map should be brought back but without any location on it making you need the draw the location of the monuments and like before if you
you need to start over with a black map and your killer has your map
Not being able to melt more than one thing at once is dogshit
“If it aint broke dont fix it” the devs should have this quote hung up in the office
Definitive improvment for the food, no burnt meat anymore, seems faster too, ores a bit weird at first but not so bad after all.
So cooking wont result in burnt?
ahh yes, i already can feel the server lag caused by hundreds of furnaces to fill up this change -_- like seriously, it will simply cause players to place mroe and more of them to make up for smelting capacity
Seems like Devs are trying to slow down the Zergs and Large groups abit with some of these changes.
I tried furnaces. They suck. Disgusting change
Blackjack?! Oh sheeeittt
I still don’t like the furnace UI and how you can’t do 3 stacks of ore at a time, even after playing with it for a day
they should give us a blank map to draw on and make notes
The game just keeps on getting worse and worse with every update.
For a long time I thought this was an official facepunch channel because of the quality
Videos so good that people who don’t even play rust watch….nice.
I did like my furnace efficiency.
Can you hear the roar of thousands of players, furious over the fate of the barbecue ?
I think the furnace thing is so frowned upon because you can’t depot things in large furnaces anymore
Ok I’m looking for actual reasons why people hate the new furnace gui. It’s just a friendlier ui for newer players and it really doesn’t effect older players? So why?
I stopped playing rust when they changed the recoil but watching your videos is always fun.
WE NEED A NEW LORE UPDATE…. Ffs.. been asking for this for years!!!!!
they added a sound wen you open the recycler
A Caboose, or as I like to call it, a Caboossy
That spider picture was perfectly snuck into that list…
482 like
Dunno, but i felt furnaces being slower.
new furnaces are dogshit. it penealizes the small teams the most as always
Dunno why, but I genuinely hate the furnace changes. In gameplay it just feels like a nerf more than anything else
okay the furnaces are kinda cool but THE FREAKING BBQs f for efficient lootrooms (but if the boxes are making it better
After trying new furnace UI it’s fine and all but It streamlined something that really didn’t need to be
Apparently they fixed the audio for Bradley
Best update ever
Why the furnace UI change. I love to stash things in furnaces
you have a very nice voice 😀
Using my bbq for cooking? Surprise to be sure, but NOT a welcome one.
New update is great but I hate the furnaces
Why is Facepunch changing things that don’t need to be changed :/
oh sweet baby jesus, if they add blackjack im gunna go full gamba goblin with scrap. who needs to play rust when i can just gamble scrap!
What happens if you give sleeping bags to people and they already have 5?
I honestly don’t like the storage change, I feel as if it’s way to much and almost a little OP. I don’t think it was necessary what so ever.
No no no no. YOU stay calm. And stay Rusty!!!!!
When Rust decides to fix their game code or enhance their anti-cheat. So that loot / player location data isn’t constantly sent client side even if the player is far beyond line of sight. In order to fix it so it isn’t so easy to ESP and see where everyone’s loot is and where they are at all times.
That’s when I will start playing Rust again. I’m tired of playing a game that I can spend 40 hours building a massive base and someone know exactly where all my rockets and c4 are. Entire base was made of same material every wipe.
Fix your game FacePunch.
The only thing I see on global chat is how bad the furnaces are now. Lmao
They should make the coffin box craftable now, or even sell it as a permanent craftable during halloween..
Since it has the same space as the new large box
Woah, the box change 0_0
When is the bloody pie making update comming out!?
Thats a cute horse. What is his name good sir.
Also good vid pls keep going.
I can imagine that rust content for the next while is going to have a bunch of youtubers complaining about the UI
Greetings my fellow survivors and friends i hope you’re all having a good friday, including you Shadowfrax
Always posting when its 2am where I live 🥲
atleast there’s more storage
Your uploads are the highlight of my week shadow, keep up the good work sir. 👍
I was first to like
Reeeeee for buffs!
45 secs ago?!
Bruh I was about to go to bed
new vid nice.
I should be asleep but I’m glad there’s more storage
#1 view yay
thank you <3
Box looks wierd
Oh sweet, a new vid!