“New Mobile Survival Game Like DayZ for Android/iOS Online & Offline! Best Mobile Survival Games (Best Games Like RUST on Mobile) DayZ Mobile iOS – DayZ Mobile Gameplay – Game Download (RUST Mobile Games Download) Mission EVO Gameplay, Unreal Engine 5 High Graphics, Like Undawn Game”
DayZ/RUST Mobile Download: https://www.missionevo.com/#page1
Hi everyone! ExxotikGaming here – hope you’re all having an awesome day! In today’s video, I’ll be showcasing a new mobile game called Mission EVO, better known in the past as Project: EVO! Mission EVO is a next-gen open world survival game like Day/RUST for iOS and Android, and you can play it right now on Android! It will be coming out soon around June 15th, and I’m really excited for it! This game is made in Unreal Engine 5, so it has the potential to be one of the best-looking mobile games ever! What do you think about this game?! Will you play it? Let me know! 🙂
Hope you guys enjoyed! Liking, favoriting, and subscribing helps a ton! 😀
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#DayZMobile #SurvivalGame #MissionEVO #ProjectEVO #Android #iOS #DayZMobileDownload #RUST #DayZ #RUSTMobile #RUSTMobileDownload #GameLikeDayZ #GameLikeRUST #OpenWorld #Undawn
Taqs:Game Like DayZ,New Mobile Games,New Mobile Games 2023,New Mobile Survival Games,New Mobile Shooting Games,Next Gen Mobile Games,Beta Test,How to Download,DayZ Mobile,Offline,Online,Gaming,Undawn,Like Undawn,Project EVO,Mission EVO,RUST,DayZ,RUST Mobile,RUST Mobile Download,RUST Mobile Gameplay,DayZ Mobile Gameplay,DayZ Mobile Game,DayZ Mobile Download,Game Like RUST for Android,Open World,Next Gen,Survival Games,Unreal Engine 5,High Graphics,APK
コメント (143)
Another thing I should mention about this game is it’s made by the same developers that are making Earth Revival. Earth Revival is further along with development progression, so naturally it looks better right now. However, I have no doubt in my mind Mission EVO will look just as good very soon! 👀
Rip game man
This game doesn’t work anymore!!!!!!!
I’m actually getting into mobile gaming now because I have an Apple Vision Pro and a PlayStation 5 controller. I would love to play these games, but unfortunately a lot of these games aren’t available on Vision Pro. I can’t wait till the developers actually “check the checkmark” and allow us to Dysmantle, and it’s phenomenal!
Mission Evo’s service is already ended. Does this meant that we will not get any more updates? or The service will get back again if there’s significant players playing this?
Bro forgot 15 days survival
This is like rust. Not dayz.
mession evo die…😔
Looks almost identical to Last Island of Survival.
Undawn keep saying loging issues, it lagga even after you get in and then everything in the world stops moving so nah i deleted it.
The developer closed shop in December and all servers no longer exist and all player data has been wiped. Shame
Bra ai qent get in the geim plis help
How did you get access to to this game
Me just shitung my self by waiting for it to download while waching the video😂😂
Sadly Mission Evo team has taken a break, their development team is not together now, their servers are down as well!
Mission evo is no more they took it down
Brooooooo 😢😭😭please help me
How can I download Mission evo on iPad mini 6😢
Because it is not available on App store
But this game is available on play store in my android device
Please answer meeeeeeeeee😢😭😭😭😭😭
I just watched this vidio because mission evo is getting shut down and I’m searching for a replacement😢
1 Timothy 1:15
[15]This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
what game is it?
Mission Evo R.I.P
sadly i lost my gaming phone 5 days after download undawn. now i only can play lifeafter which now lifeafter has too much weird custom and weird spesial effect just like a freefire. maybe they need to change their name into “hallowenafter” T_T suck..
Mission Evo Just Have 1 Place High Tier Loot Monumen..Every First Wipe Near Port Tackson Always Full With Base Pro… So If You New In This Game I Just Say Don,t Go to Port Tackson With Your Base Equipment, Because In There Always Busy…1 more minus Raid Equipment Just have 3 choice Dyna, C4, Or RPG. So No Name ECORaid..
Is gonna close Shutdown
Game in December 07 2023
So sad😢😢
mission evo is shutting down its the best apocalypse games for mobile 😢😢😢
I need game’s that’s look’slike this but offline please if you can find more offline Games please notice this
Earth revival still not on Google play store?
It has been discontinued unfortunately. The servers close in December
Looks identical to 21 days survival but updated
Wait. Is mission evo not going to be on iOS? It’s not on the app store
does it have a First person view option? I’m gonna download this game if it has a First person view option.
This game by far my favorite open world survival game on mobile. Once you kill these special zombies you get ember drops which are red crystals that you use to upgrade your base, I’ve managed reach 134 embers and you seriously build a freaking building. Keep in mind everythings faster and better when playing in groups.
more like rust, not dayz
And that’s how I lost 9GB in 2minutes
when will game drop
I played it for a few days
But banshee is easy
I did it with a bow and arrow
Took around 15mins as it was full health but worth it
Where can I find the game?
session end ,, s.
Does this have farming/ hunting gameplay like day z?
Mobile gaming is going through a major change especially with apple committing to making iPhones capable of running PC/console level games. Especially with more great AAA mobile games being released and in the making
N tem pra iOS n 😢
Is mission evo not in ios? Cuz I searched for it I didn’t find it
I don’t see it in the Apple Store? Is it coming back soon?? I’d love to try this out
Mission evo needs fpp servers badly. Game feels wonky as tpp imo.
How do I play this on iOS
I can not download in ios
That game fuckin sucks and you know it…
Name game?
It just like rust….you walking around get some resources and boom you got kill and and all you hard work just gone…or you just exploring the world map game..and boom you dead got shot from rendom player..will I pass on this one
Mission game not for my android
Dayz will always be #1
Is it offline or online
Every time I play mission evo a random bot just come to me and want to kill me but I always kill the bot
This is ripoff od last day rules lol
It says ios is still in development
How do u play
Its not dayz mobile it is more like rust
Ldrs ripoff
So basically Rust mobile with zombies
In the olden days, a similar game (open worldp will be like many houses, all furniture available (without crafting or research), do house redecoration/renovation on your own street + farm + airstrip + … and have fun immediately, for life, with 1 price for everything at the retail-shop in a cardboard package with a free plastic-bag without risking your credit-card to scammers or developers or game-hosts or… and maybe invite others to have a look (hosting)
Microtransactions and story-lines and …modern… takes the fun out of games and uses time and effort or money, or money plus insults(time and effort).
Is Dayz online or offline? Cause I’ve been searching for offline Survival game like Undawn arena And I downloaded many Survival games but it sucks It doesn’t work
I hope my English is correct 😅
1:33 name game???
ngl when bro had a vector and he died trying to kill the other dude w a machete it pissed me off so bad lol
It’s laggy af
Love this game ❤
I play last island of survival….Myself. I like the talent trees in that game. Wish they all adapt it.
This game is basically rust mobile version
When is it coming out?
Undawn is nothing like dayz or rust. Play project evo
Is it not available for apple ? I cant find it on the appstore I wrote everything literally
Are player we met on the game bots? Like why are they so dumb, like DUMB dumb.
This doesn’t like look anything like rust, Dayz wtf are you talking about?
Finaly i found something like rust ❤❤❤❤
Why does this game look so bad graphically? Thought it was made in unreal 5 lol
I have try this game. And what I can say to you guys is, download it once it is out. It is a very great game for you guys who love rust and zombies. This game contain all the fun that you want. Okie maybe when you first start playing you will get kill a lot, but that’s what make the game is fun. You will learn and learn and learn more things once you get how the game works. It is somewhat kind of rust, where you need to search for cards to access a lock door to get a good loot. The higher the tier of the card, the greater the loot you will get. The order is green card, and then yellow card, lastly red card. This game also contain boss, which is The Helicopter and Kane. You will need a very good and durable equipment to fight them and the rewards are good too tbh.
As long as the game named battleground, there is should be no more pay to win just like other games.
The design is very lifeafter😂 wait it becomes PvP and Disney outfits 😂
Mission EVO isn’t out on IOS right? Cuz all it says is pre order or someshi
MiniDayZ is a good one
Lol unreal engine 5 🤣🤣🤣
Undawn is really bad, I would go and suggest people play Evo Mission then any other zombie apocalypse open world game.
Bro you just found a bug then called it “stun” actually i played this game it was fun when you get to know it, the main thing I don’t like is the bug and glitches that other player is abusing like you can build inside rock it’s unraidable i hate it so much i can’t raid them and they can just farm ember. So i just quit temporary in this game.
How do I change my language from Chinese tho 😭
I think undawn is the best survival game rn. That game is almost like days gone but the zombies are more nicer
This game is for Chad’s only
Garena release of this game will be on June 29
Tpp mode is tr*sh any that is not Fpp not worth playing
I have been around 5years playing on phone and i still playing right know, and i think you know about play games app he is like steam in achievements but its on Mopo Anyway i had 1982 achievement and my level is 66 literally bruh 😃
Edit: i can say the big proplm in shoter games is the doesnt add the gyroscope
Also is my english good all that without translator😃
I don’t think it’s on IOS yet
Is it offline??
oh god i hate TPP
I think ark mobile is the best and underrated open world survival game
ofc it’s not out I swear any good game is js never out and never comes out
Fully online and all locked 🔒 games.
You can actually k*ll a banshee with just a bow, heck, even a machete can work, but it takes a LOOOONG time. What you would do is hit the banshee 2-3 times, then run the other way. Then repeat.
EDIT: just make sure there’s no hostile players nearby. They can just k*ll you right after you k*ll a banshee, since you might be low on health after defeating it
Can u play standoff2 if you haven’t already?
Would be fun if they add FPP
this is a big NO for me
Has it got gyro aiming and controller support? Can’t try that out since the open beta isn’t on iOS yet
Do some more call of duty mobile
Been known u since 2012/13 , keep the uploads coming , i’ll never stop watching🦍🫶
Worst version of dayz i wish it was realistic
How I get to the beta buddy I need a code ask me for a code Man
Looks cool btw can you do a review and gameplay of the game called (zoz final hour)? I think it got potential tho just like this one it’s also a zombie game but escape from tarkov style
Nothing new it’s last island of survival 2.0
I’ve been finding lots of Mobile Unreal Engine5 games ! What’s happening?!
Nothing bears arena break out in terms of graphics yet
This game looks a little like pubg, and it reminds me a lot about pubg.
Is mission evo gonna be on iOS and does it have controller support
Offline or online game it is???
Kojima needs to make a Death Stranding mobile title, his games would fit the mobile space right.
This is getting old…. China is trying too hard to make the next “Best seller” BR and Survival is dead because the people making it DON’T CARE ABOUT IT.
I’m gonma stick to whatever new games i discover and enjoy the masterpieces that have long had hype die down on.
What phone do you have? Is it possible to play on budget phones? I have a moto g power. It’s kinda a cheap phone but I really want to play games like this. Might want to buy a tablet soon but I want to try them on my phone first. Also any recommendations on a good tablet that won’t break the Bank?
Bro make vid on project bloodstrike plz. I think theres some news.
offline or online bro
This like PUBG mobile and DayZ
pls do another pixel gun video PLS
How change lenguaje i download but all is Chinese
Mission Evo is basically trying to copy everything on Rust. The gameplay looks very stiff right now but I hope it will be improved in the future.
pretty much everything i want in a survival game? hmm? does it have offline mode?
I really loved watching this guy back in the day you desserve more attnetion again
The game is good but the game will die fast because of the progress wipe that is weekly and it takes time to unlock blueprints
W project evo
i have a question which game of these are offline please tell
You’re doing well
Any idea when is undawn coming
Ppl should stop adding “high graphics” next to mobile game
Pubg is goated
No way I’m the first comment
I am the first
Bro rust is the goat on survival if you play it on pc its VERY COOL
First viewer
First 🤑
Also Cool Vid
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I was about to say first but realized I had a father😂
John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.