i lived in a tugboat for a week and this is what happened…
check out @Blooprint @luckyllama @DisfigureYT
Server Discord: https://discord.gg/ZTsGwzFgFu
i go live here: https://www.twitch.tv/spoonkid
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spoonkid3
Discord: http://discord.gg/spoonkid
EDITED BY: @1soapyboi595
blooprint and I embark on another challenge…
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Taqs:Rust Survival,Solo Survival,Rust Solo Survival,Rust PVP Highlights,Survival Games,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming,Gaming funny moments,Rust raids,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust roleplayer,rust clans,rust best start ever,rust base build,rust treasure,spoonkid,spoonkid rust,rust oil rig,solo rust,rust pvp,rust ak,rust funny moments
コメント (1809)
he got killed by @issamezany at 1:15
17:04 Davy Jones’ tugboat
i love you to blooprint
i wont to play a wipe with you spoonkid2 i am go did
this is the best spoonkid video ever
I think a minicopter could fit on there
36:10 bro is definitely friends with 6ix9ine
video so good i had to rewatch
Spoon is so serious and focus playing with Blueprint, pretty effective duo, always nice water wipes, gg.
Was that zanny at 1:15??
bring your tug to fishing village and you are kind of safe with a recycler
2:30:00 lmfaoooooo “chill CHILL”
Man. When that tug just popped out of the water… So fuckin surprised
Sponkid certified miment and I’m only 1 nanosecond in
The guy that killed him at 1:20 was itzamezany or no?
Blooprint the most overrated Rust creator fr
Hank when he found out: 53:16
Love your vids but holy shit why are there so many ads. Makes it hard to just sit back and relax to your vids
Tugboat jumpscare
llama is the best!!!
could you drive tug into safe zone, unraidable
Was that zany that killed him in the beginning
Still feel like you should be able to hook small boats onto the tug like one per side or two towed off the back of it. The thing is a tugboat it pulls things
tug boat… i was tugboat once…
Bloo is asss
The way llamma ended that was a cetified funny moment
1:11:37 me fr
either a sound board or robbertgamer is itsmezany
Ha you’re semen.
01:16:04 “Im not Playing For A Whole Week”
Bro blooprint scream at 17:00 fucking so relatable hahaha
bro said smoking on the dead homies bros smoking on his friends
blooprint is annoying.
spoon does not sound like disfigure… i struggle to watch/hear disfigure tho hes a beast
No one can find it if its always underwater. Neagans. Os that guy an admin why is his name red? Just like all games there are cheaters abouund aim bots and and spawners. HOw di they get solar panels on the tug did they nerf that cause I tried to put one on mine and I was going to hook it to an electric heater but it wont let me me place anything like that. I had fish traps out for an entire 3 week wipe and caught nothing…
bro is swashbuckling
The tugboat submarine
You don’t realize how music really effects the video until there’s no intense music during raids.
so i can say spoon has been the reason ive been learning to drift because of how long each video is and im tryna catch up again but yeah, been doing great kind of getting the hang of throttle control and much more
Anyone else notice the other tugboat straight in front of spoon at #2:14:45 when he was typing in chat. I don’t think he noticed
spoon needs to play subnautica
The Tug Boat counter was actually really cool
17:05 I got an ad right here, the blooprint cutoff was so funny
1:59:16 lmao if your goal here was to make me think you’re esp-ing you’ve succeeded
1:15:01 spoon. really. spoon. your morals. where are they??
spoonprint + blookid = success
Hey spoon, you probably make vids for a number of reasons, but you helped me through my motorcycle accident recovery a couple months ago. Sitting in bed for 6 weeks was hard, but everytime i saw a new upload from you it made my days better. Thank you <3
boxs stack on eggs if it’s not fixed
Do more like this please
You all have over 10k hours, getting raided by someone you give a base tour to is a completely predictable outcome lol
59:55 literally Pulp Fiction moment
im love sponekid
crazy blueprint can get a message back in a few hours but my hacker report is still pending for 3 years
17:00 scared the shit outta me
Can you put a vending machine in one of the top doors by the helm
16:59 LMAO
keep the duet whenever u guys can.. we
we’d wouldwe
Spoon, wanna duo?
51:06 is literally the best part of this video, Bloo FREAKED the fuck out lmaooooo
That last guy you fought is cheating 100%
1:33:31 heli is underwater shooting torpedos at you lol.
1:05:01 I guess we can violate the law “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Lol. The boat you were in should’ve been pushed back as far as you push the tugboat.
17:00 that’s one place you can hide a boat lol. I wonder what would’ve happened if you bagged, would yoy have been underwater? Lol
“I did something very bad”
“Oh Shwittt”
Jesus, that dude spoon is playing with just can’t stfu for a single second. Plus his non-stop misuse of the word ‘like’ is real annoying. I prefer spoons solo vids.
Everyone watching the video
Me: paying attention to chat drama 2:07:50
If u explo a tug boat it need 3x explo to do
Reminds me of Quetzal bases in Ark
16:58 boat jump scare 50:55 boat defense
This is a certified cat jumping on the spacebar classic.
You guys seem to have set the bar for setting up the inside of a tugboat.
Im gonna pee on you spoonkid

Was that issamezany at the start?
At 1:14 spoonkid got killed by another rust content creator named @issamezany. Truly remarkable
I wonder what MLRS would do to a tug boat?
Spoon is such a responsible young man, he didn’t gamble all his scrap away after he was up
Man you could literally watch a Tarkovsky film or this.
1:13:27 chat conversation really is something else…
You can put a ladder on the mast of the tug and use it to get onto Oil and Cargo completely behind the boat as cover. Their pretty lit tbh. You should rig up turrets on the tug boats and keep a tug oil rig base going, keep it on lockdown the whole time your there. I wonder if you can fit an AA gun on them.
ooooo yes my looot my looot
Was that zany in the beggining?
30:25 that’s the same guys that they killed for the scrap right at the beginning
Gotta stand on 12? ON 12?? WHAT LOL
ogres and trolls and ghouls are NOT real!!!!!!!!
As soon as you said it, I realised it’s a missed opportunity. The tug boat should be able to .. tug a small boat behind it. Maybe they could add a winch or something.
I watched this for my entire shrooms trip. Very relaxing, kept my mind chill. Great vid
bloo assuming spoon doesnt know how to do MLRS is some disrepect i wouldnt take personally
Hahhaa, okay I lost it all
2:10:31 hit me by surprised, what’s the title of that music that’s in the background?!
Very entertaining video I like hearing the words “Tug Boat” every couple minutes
57:11 how is that last shot a headshot
rawr xd
Love how the devs can just be a W like that sometimes respect
You mean “a virtual week in a virtual world in a virtual tugboat” ? Far from what the title declares…..
bloo and spoon r the best seamen
Imagine having that many people and your base is still twig. It doesn’t get much more Zerg then that.
Bro the tugboat suddenly rising from the ocean right before them _genuinely_ scared the shit out of me. Like I already have a fear of deep waters but that was something else man. Hahaha what a moment.
E: Ngl spoon and bloo got that Rick & Daryl dynamic going on and I’m all here for it.
i just shit my pants
What a wonderful video
Love wathing u at night so at 4am i get on rust
was watching until yall picked on thos dudes that were just starting bad example
Blooprint talks too much, ruins the video.
Spoonkid sounded like he rather solo in this video lol, he shouldnt have done the team up, spoon solo is Meta.
29:32 “Davie Jones!”
bro I swear I dread the day the last spoonkid video releases, the day this channel ends the reason for my existence stops too
i am currently tugging
Boat like Dave’s jones from pirates Caribbean
the scream of death
the one raiding him was ronald from the start
My card counting abilities
Alright I lost it all
1:12:04 fish jumpscare
Cool idea bad guy whip where he has to do cruel and evil things and never can do anything nice or good.
Or a whip where he has to complete a checklist of evil things.
That raid defense was insane. No way they defended like an 8 man on the fuckin tug boat. Love this.
1.1M views and only 21K likes is criminal.
Am i the only one that noticed the other tug boat at 1:31:53? and bloo mentioned thinking he saw one and spoon saw nothing haha
by far the best tug boat vid yet
lol you turned a heli into a sub
Spoonkid sounds like Homer blazed sounds like Bart Dinkbot sounds like Marge and lucky llama sonds like Maggie where is Lisa
who up tuggin they boat?
Jfc blueprint is so lame
we need to see more wipes like this love it
“Tug o’ War” was a brilliant name.
If you could figure out a way to make the door push you into the equipment and get stuck 100% of the time, you could use it as a trap. Leave the door unlocked and let people trap themselves.
I can harvest you, eh? Immediately eats the fuckin floor
Hmm. “I did something that no reasonable person would do!”
you shuld have placed auto turret ontop of the thug boat and in the back where the entrance is
blue has a yapper
I ran out of your videos. Please make more
Its nice that we get 2 hrs of video thanks spoon. But at 2:03:28 was so disappointing…
Something about watching two grown men tug with each other on a boat makes my day
7 days later but I wonder if vending machines would work better than locker for airlock
I picture llama as some 14 year old kid who’s mom won’t let him have a mic and he’s just cracked
I wanna see spoon play sea of thieves
My brother watches blooprint
somalian pirate life, using a big ‘hub’ tugboat to launch smaller motorboats to take cargo
Why not drive away with tugboat when they tried to raid
53:14 when hank finds out the truth
looking back at this video the guys at cabins looks like they were building the latern
Wasted an opportunity to title this video the seamen wipe
Hey maybe its a throwaway idea but what about a no crafting or limited crafting wipe, for a challenge
Seeing spoon use the blooprint sar skin made me smile
Who stands on 12 lol
Blooprints scream in the beginning when the tug boat came out of the water is too funny
“ogres and trolls and ghouls are real”
Bro keeps in the parts where he says something ridiculous
1:30:00 in and I dont think they know that its only 12 torpedos to fully destroy it
Spoon kid sorry I haven’t been watching a video so often I got sick and I couldn’t watch a Videos. Sorry.
All hail lucky llama.
hmmmm yummy yummy
2:12:10 heli rockets did mario theme song
He doesn’t sound like spoon, he sounds like John Goodman lol.
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
True horror 17:02
2;43hours later i enjoyed the video a lot
Imagine taunting the tug boat while respawning your loot
was that zany yelling “my loot” in the beginning of the vid!?
I’ve found playing by the book on the bj never works in game idk why
I’ve tugged off 10 times since this video started
Personal checkpoint: 34:48
Alone in tokyo vs THIS SQUAD
GodDAMN that would be so fire…
I think spoon needs a new microphone because in a few of his video’s now his audio sounds statically in the background when he speaks…
Wait is this a 150 pop server?
Wished you guys went out far in the water to see how big the waves could get
There is a YT solo played and got all 4 tugs outfitted and armored. He survived for a long time and actually was able to keep all 4 tugs.
I’ve never heard bloo scream until tug boat jumpscare
I feel like the play on the cave base wouldve been splash the stone foundation to make everything else crumble instead of trying to splash the armored ceiling
Blooprint try to be quiet for 5 seconds challenge (impossible)
WAY too much “let’s go”. that’s so old and played out it’s annoying, seems like habit for a lot of you streamers.
When spoon bailed off the tugboat for the small boat to get onto cargo… I was expecting a spoonkid classic with that door left open
17:00 The boat came up just like The Flying Dutchman
At 1:15:57 I had to double check the title
Stop telling me to click on more videos I gotta go to bed
the videos are just to good.
I love seeing the cheat blame in chat. So immersive
I’ve never wanted to hear the words “tug life” more in all of my existence. Come on bro.
When spoon says “its spoonin time” and then blueprint tugs his spoon

Good vid
Bring back crude oil merch
1:12:05 fish
Spoon play console rust again
Day 1 of asking for you to play rust console edition again since advanced farming, teas, electricity and horses came out since the last time you played it
Please play solo spoon
16:58 is my fav
30 men one on one tug boat.
All of your content is amazing but damn this has to be the best video yet! So incredibly entertaining!
maybe setup a baby-divider around your desk area to keep your cats from jumping on your spacebar
The second you decided to go for the cave instead of moving your tugboat. I knew you were going to get raided.
Big mistake.
You got lucky defending.
Love the longer videos, like a mini series
“Let’s get like 4 tug boats”
15 min later…
“They have 2 tug boats, so unfair”
Lol.. so it’s unfair only if it’s not you having multiple tugboats?
16:48 That Tugboat gave me Flying Dutchman vibes from Pirates of the Caribbean
I just watched blooprint lol at the end dink annihilate
I never even thought about it but damn yall do sound alike
Only Spoon would run down the cave and complain its dark when he’s wearing nightvision googles
“What happened to your tugboat, what happened to your tugboat?”-
That ending was very satisfying. Especially them despawning, as if ending their wipe alongside yours wasn’t the objective anyway. Fun vid.
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
The airlock with the work bench and locker was ingenious
I love when Blooprint is so excited about stupid shit, and spoons like “yeahh” lmao
Don’t… Stand… On…. 12
17:01 The Flying Dutchman lol
2:16:13 bro turned into Muscle Man
You guys should try put turrets on top of the tug boat???
My guy.. i loved the video but most sad thing about it was that i watched like half of it before work and in work break hours i spoiled it on tic tok….. Epic vid tho :)))
ps: im high so i wond bother to edit dis ;d
The sheer fright in blooprints scream WAS FRICKIN HILARIOUS
I love that you just left the guy’s corpse there, it really added to the décor!
1:13:10 anyone notice this at all
Surprised They didn’t bring 5 tugboats out into the ocean and create a massive water village
Every fun item is banned on a tug boat
That tugboat raid defence was Goated. If the lockers in rust had doors that opened, you guys would have had a must easier airlock.
we need a cat cam
2 hour 43 minutes of Spoonkid ? Damn, today is a nice day
RobertGamer takes you out at the docks with his big mouth, but at 4:40 your teammate gives him his karma and you got his loot along with yours instead.
me and my friend just got a tug boat its actually crazy
can you play with blooprint more
Man I love just putting on a spoonkid video and fall asleep just the dynamics of the video make me sleep, like no excessive yelling and he makes the videos interesting
A subnautica video would be dope
Great Work!
W Video
W Content Creator !
Your mic is messy Spoon no clue why >.< Great content as always!
I miss grinding rust being an adult sucks
Hey Spoonkid lemme see ur beans.
Y’all should make a tug boat town
3 hours into wipe I got into a tugboat at the start and got off lucky. At the 3rd hour got hit with 10 hv’S lost it
Spoonprint never fails to entertain
ur telling me you had a 12 and STAYED aint no way boi
Alpha spoonkid lives one week every 2 days.
whats 1+1= ????
Your merch i fire

56:15 / 2:43:28
Once again spoon leaves at the perfect time to take a piss
Your wipe was stressful, and watching this gave me anxiety.
defending the tugboat raid looks like darkrp on gmod haha
You wittiwilly gave that naked a tug on rust
My family told me to thank you for cleaning up my language, spoon.
Since I started watching you I’ve replaced a majority of my previously very negative language with a playful usage of the word, “goofball”.
They (and probably my neighbors) appreciate you.
chat wildlin 1:13:08
can someone remove blooprint audio from the vid completely? dude is so cringey
except if a submarine finds you. Torps wreck the tug. Cheers and keep the content coming!!
Loving these longer videos. Thanks Spoon.
This best describes my wipes as a solo lately. It’s sad. Lol. This is a good laugh for all the Rust players out there.
I haven’t watched all of it, but we need to have you make a fleet of tugboats…
Lucky lama
And others can all get a boat and you park your boat in different grid sectors to divide the loot, the grid like map will essentially be like the enemy is playing an actual battleship boardgame for your loot.
love when you play solo man ur the best
You werent built for this pirate life
Spoonkid when’s rust two coming out
47:34 – 50:00 raid
50:00 – 55:08 raid defence
1:10:15 – 1:10:22
2:28:24 – 2:28:36
finished watching
Walter white was a part of better call Saul in the ep where they take Saul to the desert he was there in the rv
Build a tug boat base lol
Spoonkid disfigure lama blooprint
Absolute banger of a movie
that was almost 10 guys
you should make only water challenge again but with the tugboat
What a wonderful video, great job guys
17:02 the timing
hell yea great vid
the tugboat rendered in on the bottom, so it floated up and when you got there it reached the surface
Who else up tuggin they boat?
the gamblin’ addiction ensues
There should be a list of gamer tags of people who despawn loot, so we can all venture to avoid middle schoolers in games
When ever spoon kid does something wrong he blames it on his cat
Quality vid
Watched a a film called double tugs once…
good film
I love how blooprints video of this wipe is Tug of war with a bunch of cool edits but your vid is living on a tugboat for a wipe
avg spoon upload all jokes aside great video keep up the good work
we need a Disfigure/spoon wipe
Been a while since I’ve saw your videos but damn you exceed my expectations every time!
#morelongermovies we need more, WE NEEDED MORRE
Liked it until the whole making fun of speech impediment, that lost a sub.
i love this video
1:26:30 he said his chest plate was broken why didn’t you give that to him
sad ending guys good revenge though
The ending of I had to use the
but didn’t want to miss anything so I brought my phone with me
The “Science Based Lifter” guy’s voice that u raided in the cave sounds identical to Rust Youtuber’s KCMO…
spoonkid changed man….. he don’t even loot the worm at 1:57:42…. i miss da old spoonkid
Damn this episode was something different. I dont know how to say it, but it fills me with happiness
Does Low Grade Larry know Low Grade Huell?
I guess that’s confirmation disfigure is not an alt for spoon
why is there a another spoonkid
If I didn’t know what they had already I would have been embarrassed when Blooprint said they are the most loaded tugboat on the server. hahhahaha “the most loaded tugboat” L.O.L. < 1:57:10 Blooprint asks Spoonkid, "Do you want to do it in a tugboat?" Dang man I guess they have done everything else so why the heck not?! Heli, Oil Rig, Labs, Lighthouse, "Tug of War" with other players....have intercourse with Blooprint!
Spoon kid u little fart upload on the main channel
Bob Ross of rust
who are you…. yes….
lol is there code really 1234
walter white was in better call saul he was in 1 of the episodes
Man who was that low energy neckbeard sounding dude? He sounds like what I imagine reddit mods look like.
Love the ending
labs used to be fun till they only made 1 per map
Spoonkid I’m back I took a break
Lama comin in at the end an grabing 3 stacks of ar ammo sealed the deal its a certified spoonkid classic
Blooprint is a much better teammate than Blazzed
2 days, not a week
The best part is Bloo losing his mind, while Spoon is AFK! Re watched that 20 secs over and over.
What kind of car do you have
Seeing spoon’s video is like seeing the vod of a stream and bloo’s video is the end result video
52:10 this is literally what raiding in DarkRP is like lmao
This rust video brought to you by the encroaching silence
Never seen spoon not fumble the bag as little in a video.
Build a tugboat base next!
woww that tugboat locker defense was actually so awesome to watch, good stuff boys
Ogres and trolls and ghosts
fish rug-a-tug-tug
Mic sounds like your talking thru a can
Demond bug more like seamen bug
The dynamic duo!! These two vibe so well… and the 6v2 tug defense was wild!!!
2:41:15 uhhh Blooprint
Are most of your vids just in rusts official servers or do you go on modded servers too? Jw
Spoonkid subnautica video!??!
these are great videos but i wish you would upload fumbles like the good old times i miss the spoonkid who would make stuff up on the spot and just do his own thing tldr stop chadding out
This is the best 3 hour long movie that has released this month
spoon get a new partner one that can fish properly thought blueprint was a Chad but can’t even fish sad
You think you could put solar panels and a battery and put some turrets on the tug
Go to 17:00 and set playback speed at .25. Trust me.
OK here is a new LEVEL UP challenge for you.. How about.. you ACTUALLY, IN REAL LIFE, try living on a boat for a weak. Think of it as a personal challenge.
this commentary touches me in places my uncle used to
This video will take me a week to finish
god, blooprint’s voice is insufferable… i’m barely pulling through this one
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Willjum is better
I don’t watch rust videos at all, but this was the most calming, relaxing play through I’ve seen. I didn’t know what was really happening, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
If rust gameplay had an asmr category, this is it.
Bless y’all.
tug life
who up tugging they boat rn
Your boat was sleeping, you woke it up!
Put lights in the boats also very dark hard to see just not at the door behind all the lockers
Next time put m249 turrets on the tug boat, scrap heli on the tug boat, baracades on the tug boat, and cameras on tug boat with rust plus. Also you could use your mlrs on anyone who dares looking at the tug of war 2.0 start with a 3 man crew and gather more players slowly to create a fleet of destroyer tug boats I’m talking lama, dinkbot, blueprint, blazed??????(aka Bart), Stevie, spoonkid, willjum (in charge of upgrades on each fleet) it would be the banger of all banger videos the rust gods have ever put into creation
walter white was in better call saul bloo is lying
I was gonna say you should be able to tie your small boat to the tugboat until I saw the tugboat is actually a submarine when you arent looking
hahaha dude really stood on a 12 with dealer 6 lmao, hell no, do your calculations again
i just wish blazed wasnt in this video
the 3 hour sponkid vid hell yeah
spoon hitting the horse and melting to outpost is hilarious
he’s called ferryman lol
Much prefer the long video format than the short one liner ones
3 hours of tuggin
Spoon & Disfigured both saying “dude” at 2:28:25 when heli went underwater is like the Spider-Man double identity meme
Wait, if the people raiding would have raided the captains doors first and gained TC access. Then blew their main door, wouldn’t they have been able to just pick up the lockers?
put turrets on the boat
There is a water torch now.
i played that wipe lmao
watching you while shiny hunting is a perfect sunday
tugboat was the Flying Dutchman from Pirates of the Caribbean
17:00 The Flying Dutchman
the llama bit at the end was the cherry on top of this video
Bro got the flying dutchman tugboat
2:28:25 chat
Tugboat boat base that fits the Tugboat within its walls. Go.
17:00 that thing came up like the flying dutch man
17:00 epic entrance from the boat
another great rust movie from spoonkid
the fucking boat was playing peekaboo with them holy shit
How many ads can one fucking video have omfg!!
hahaha wtf spoon2 really took off
Is like Christmas when spoons posts a 2 hours and 40 min video
Damn tugboat breaches the water like a majestic humpback whale.
Stand on 17 and higher for blackjack.
i love watching 2 men tug there boat together for 3 hours
When the wipe first came out I raided a tug boat and the expo amount I had to use was 128 for each door
living in a tugboat but an hour in they’re living out of a base…
Spoonkid competing with Oppenheimer
I’ve literally been waiting for the spoonkid tugboat video because I knew it would be goated you and bloo always destroy servers
“Wanna say hi to him?”
Mows dude down with LR
Wee blackjack tip. 16 or over stand, under 16 hit
Bro the comments at 7:11

i literally jiZed my pants when i saw the video length
Bro stood on a 12
Reminds me of ARK how people would hide boat bases at the edge of the map
need to make a preset for the map to generate biggggg and with lotsa little islands. it would be damn a pirate game in rust.
what do you call someone who’s extremely sick and nearly dying? ferry terminal
17:03 the flying dutchman be like
Another Rust console video?
dude when the tug boat came out of the water it looks like when whitebeard came out of the water at marine ford
I washed hands and everything call that a speed run

I touched myself tk this
Grub only wipe
can you just keep playing with dinkbot and blazed, these other gamer youtubers are the most annoying people to listen to
Leave ur Hausboot at fishing village and it’s unbreakable
Tugboat = gmod base
The dude you killed on tugboat was jeff, could it have been? No, wait, It might have been.. Mr Welyn? & what a defend on the tug vs 6 man!
certified moonclit classic
please make more goomba podcast, there is a void in my heart
I really like spoonkid but y team with blooprint? Just awful.
Idk if this would work, but raiding a tug boat if they are online, you could have someone hold the single loot room door and take the TC wheel room so they can’t build anymore. Afterwards you can seal and they can’t leave unless they raid it back. Just a thought
No turrets?
i ate cheese rice cakes yesterday
Who the fuck are you playing with spoonkid? Just really seemed like that dude wanted to be in control of the game. Fuck that. I don’t watch you to go and listen to some fucking ding dong tell you what the hell to do. Just wasn’t very entertaining in my opinion. Usually love your content. Not today.
1:15 its actually zany LOOL
Spoon using a noise gate so he can run his AC?
Tug life
mr spoonkid did we get an update on the clarification for “open ocean”
Can you fish from your tug? That would solve the low qual shortage.
What is wrong with Spoonkids mic ? why does it sound like a turbine the second he speaks ?
Bro how is lama so good
rip mothership
They got new torches what you doing
why they dont watch the trailers
1:42:56 Tug Roulette!
Collect lots of tugs. Take them to the same spot, beyond render distance. This will be your main tug’s offline spot. Block their windows, put heavy doors on, place work benches and cabinets behind the doors, against them. Keep all the other tugs’ items in your inventory when using main tug.
Raiders will have to guess which one has the goods, maybe waste a lot of explo and have to go home. Or they just give up, thinking they are all empty.
1:42:23 spoon?
you’ve changed
3 hours of salty seamen
kosatka in gta be like:
“I made my base 46 squares outside of render distance, this is what happened” kek love it
Holy fuck that didn’t feel like 2 hours and 45 minutes. What a journey
“I etc etc etc for a week, this is what happened” banger
The cave base was appropriate for that clan, on account of how they display absolute goblin behavior.
2:17:55 kinda rude to talk that way about someone who is just different and has a speech impediment.
You should play with disfigure more. That would make a good video
I “was” sleeping just before the Tug boat appeared out of the water and caused the screaming
can you not put bags in the bridge? imagine spawning in there and driving away while getting raided lol
@2:21:56 of course they want to get the GOAT in
Lama for POTUS!!!!!!!!
Make lamas uploads soon again!
ive been waitin on the spoonkid x disfigure collab for years! this is a top 3 video for sure
why dont you yse flashlights when you scooba it’s probably different than the light on your gun
That “ramjet” guy is 100% walling. Idk how bloop or spoon didn’t notice this
I love you spoonkid
What weirdo stands on 12 lol
where’s the main channel vids
How was there players that loaded right after wipe?
Great wipe!
Spoon should get a keyboard POV cam for the rudy moments
Trust only in the word of the Lord, the Bible! The KJV bible!
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Amen.
(Romans 10:17 > So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.)
(Hebrews 11:1 > Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.)
* + *
(A) – Admit you are a sinner > (Romans 3:10 > As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one),
(Romans 3:23 > For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.),
(Romans 6:23 > For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.)
* + *
(B) – Believe Jesus is Lord > (Romans 10:9-10 > [9]-That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
[10]-For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.)
* + *
(C) – Call upon His name > (Romans 10:13 > For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.)
* + *
Trust only in Jesus. – (John 14:6 > Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father, but by me.)
(Ephesians 2:8-9 > [8]-For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
[9]-Not of works, lest any man should boast.)
Praise be to the Lord our God! Amen. Always and forever.
Blessings in Jesus’ name.
Good to see itsmezany in a spoonkid video!
I am great friends with kevin. Also I’m gay.
it feels like christmas again watching 3 hour verified classic spoonkid videos
They really need to nerf tugboats because defending oil from a tugboat is literally going to be impossible. Maybe double bag timer when by a monument or something
dude spoonkid has like twenty videos in his files already edited head to toe ready to go bro so he has to do like no work
Yo a spoonkid subnautica play through would be ELITE
Insane vid
gotta love huge collaborations for raids at the end
Hey captain I enjoy watching urban vids but why not try to go bigger a tugboat base like the movie water world
Man, what a video. SpoonKing
I love the long content and that 2v8 tugboat defence was nuts. Alternative title: we defended the tugboat from a clan
I rocked spoon in the water hype I’m famous
I’m faded asf and I’m trynna play rust with you I’m kinda ass but I’m funny asf and I think it would be fun for you to teach a noob to play for a wipe. I have a good as mic and I am not racist or homofobic (on stream)
bro we were playing the same server cheaters on there crazy fp small 2
Top shelf rust content
Blooprint is annoying asf

at 1:37 we have footage off him saying something out of context, Was he white. use this against him
1:14:51 Competition? what you mean spoon that guy had no idea what he is doing man, dude was just trynna figure out how to play.
Your side was alot funnier than Blooprints. But yall got the mogo I wish I had all the time
blooprint emits massive goob energy
Great movie spoon. U shoulda had llama join sooner
first guy u died bye sounded like zany lmao
dont play with bloo balls again please
Watched both Spoon and Bloo’s video. Dope AF
am i tripping or did you change your name to veneers for some reason because i swear i saw ur channel name as veneers2 and when i went to ur other channel tab your first channel was also changed into veneers
@31:00 spoon doesn’t see the grub, or just left him
Epic 3hr seamen vid spoon
Should’ve added the pirates of the Caribbean them when the boat came out the water! Would’ve been MINT but still a spoonkid classic regardless
My initial thoughts on seeing this video go up: “Damn it, spoon! Two hours plus is too long for a video!”
My thoughts after having just finished watching the whole thing: “Well, that was actually pretty damn fun to watch!”
These are the most unwatchable things with bloodprint
He in fact did not wash his hands
‘Meow’ he hears you talking, obviously you are talking to him. Love the long videos. Thanks for sharing.
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
I always love seeing bloo and spoon tug one out
when I started watching I missed the part Spoonkid said Bloo is joining and for the first 10mins I thought Blazed got chill and his voice was slightly deeperLOL. anyway a great video guys!
The boat came out of the water like the flying dutchman
Is that Llama talking at 2:27:00???????
i think you should’ve put a bag in the cockpit so if u died you could just drive off
who else up tuggin they boat?
can we have an water base next
Not the biggest bloo fan, he comes off just a tad idk controlling? Idk just not a huge fan. I enjoy solo spoon vids more then anything
POV blazed rust with four tormedos
The way the tugboat comes up from the depths is almost 1:1 with the black pearl in POTC.
You really smashed this out of the park spoon I’ve watched a few “tug boat wipes” before this came out and I can say you had the best boat by a long shot
spoon and blooprint really turned that tug boat into a tug home :’)
Wish blooprint wasn’t in this video he pisses me off screaming all the time bruh
The chat was going crazy like 1:15:30 talking about man do you even know what y=mx2 is what has become of rust
What da dog doing.
Was watching stimpee getting dat bussy from the boys. I couldn’t get you out of my head, what do you know new vid. Thanks spoon.
Llamas voice leaked
I tugged my boat for nearly 3 hours until some kids blew up my mother.
imagine getting turrets on it and going into big vessel fights
spoonkid keeps that fan in the background pumpin
I think we’ve gotten to that point. You can only blame your cats for so much.
2:24:44 unsubscribe
i watched this whole video
Tugboat more like thug Life
Js the tug base is possible if u just think it out the base would be a first for rust…
A 3 hour spoonkid video, I think yes.
I been waiting for another spoonkid and bloo video
Love to see that spoon and bloo where tugging it together
Btw, walter white and his team could get the authorization from top floor and get the WB lvl 2 with hammer, just sayin..
While loggin out, tugboat can be parked to safe zones like fishing villages, no one can offline raid you
why is your code 0123 tf
always a good day when spoon and bloo play duo
big tuggy wuggy energy
you guys have a navy now!
Hey guys spoon might not be the best blackjack player, standing on 12
Yall are so lucky you didn’t just get destroyed by submarines with torpedoes and then c4 frogmen, great video!
51:03 this part gave me major door stuck vibes I was laughing so hard
how spoon says it in:
gives me hard “belly rub cat” vibes
and bloo answering with “yeah” makes it golden
“what happened to your tugboat” says the guys getting thier base pummled
Llama Clutch
1:50:00 is like you gambling your tugboat. Quadruple or nothing. Dude spoonkid you really have a addiction
holy shit nice video
I miss his streams
Should’ve built the boat base in the middle of the ocean.. kept the tug boat parked by it
Oooooh shwit


I thought disfigured was you on a new acc
I hope that one day I post and within a day I have all most 1mill views that would be so cool I’m small rn bc we only got couple vids but we’re trying
Geez, blooprint talks more than my mom.
just finished the vid, witerally the best 2,5 hours i ever spent! keep it up spoon <3
is it possible to turn off the spawns of the wolves?
i do rescue and would die from the wolf because even in a game i could not kill one
Coffins in a tugboat would be meta
that was sickest tug boat defense ive seen and i watch al vids about em
im convinced spoon doesnt have any cats and its just a bit, whenever he fumbles a key the cat is too blame its genius but not too genius. Im on to you spoon!
Bros main account is non existent
I saw a 3 year old girl with a monke plush while I was at work and now I must cop one. I’m jealous big time.
How far out can you be at sea and log off for the night?
The way the tug boat rises from the sea, it reminds me of when a skeleton galleon spawns in sea of thieves
No building plan tug boat only server would be pretty jokes for a wipe.
Dude tugboat would be op for oil rigs

is it really possible to place turrets on it? Imagine making one side full of turrets and just strafe someone having a bunch of turrets just nailing them. Or just leave the tug boat as turret defense when doing oils, no one will be able to approach by boat xD
Heck yeah, that tug raid defense was tight!
waiting on my hat to come in
The way that you just didn’t mind the body in front of the door
Damn they got the Black Pearl tugboat
next time you should build an armored bunker base far out in the ocean to keep shit in over night
Lama the goat….
I have watched the shit out of this one.
Just a sidenote man, I really enjoy these longform videos because its great to watch and listen to when im gaming on another monitor. Keep up the work!
standing on 14-12 on bj should b illegal
U need to make dou vid with Stimpee
Finally spoon and disfigure play together
Blooprint piss speedrun 1:05:10
i love how spoon is able to somehow find the most calming jazz for background music
i luv luckyllama
1:31:10 how are you just not gonna show what was on that body. My aut is going ham
super excited for another spoonkid main channel upload
i like how they wanned to go to bed but instead did heli, raided, built up another tugboat and did heli again
Why is no one talking about the absolute gamer moment of the 6v2 raid defense? The sick 3k from bloo with the pump and the work bench peaks from spoon, wild.
Im gonna need an in-depth analysis over why duncle needed low grade larrys milk
one of the most unique and awesome wipes to date. The tugboat allows for such fun fighting on the ocean and you guys utilized it as best as it possibly can I think. It’s a shame you can’t defend against torpedos; maybe they’ll add like armor for the tugboat to strengthen it and the armor could require upkeep?
1:09:44 the fucking cat like reaction lmao
that was a sick raid defense
Who remembers spoonkid dropbox
remember when blooprint shoved spoon on a locker and then spoon shoved blooprint in a locker
Spoon should play Subnautica
Spoon you should play Consol again and I’ll carry
How is spoon so good at fighting at night
On a road trip right now… this will pass the time!
Im pretty sure the first person who killed you was @IssaMeZany
Finally a video where I don’t already see it on blazed’s (?)channel
Nothing beats a Spoonkid adventure where he actually tries.
I just noticed I got unsubscribed and I didn’t do it O.o
spoonkid2 (the 2 stands for too long of a video)
Can anyone confirm if its worth watching both bloo and spoons views?
Sea of Thieves in Rust
Finally, the long awaited Spoon and Disfigure
1:04:32 learned the magic content ratio: 7:1.
It takes 7 hours of time to generate 1 hour of video.
pitch black outside and somehow he sees the sweet spot on the trees while chopping … that is a trick id love to learn…
59:00 they should make a home gambling dlc where you can gamble as the dealer against friends, or gamble with no scrap costs
Under water labs is the most disappointing monument in the game
46:32 miscommunication
Bloo n Spoon something else
Spoon and bloo be revolutionary tug bouters
what a vidoe !!!!!!!!
we love 3 hour videos
this was awesome
id tug spoons boat
Bloo yelling at Lucky Llama at 2:30:03 is so embarrassing. He’s your friend bro
Spoonkid, please make a monke on a tugboat sticker.
More videos with spoonkid and his brother Disfigure, pls
Watching Spoonkid While On Spoonkid 2x
bro ran into zany….
what the boat doin
This video is just long enough for my Wife’s boyfriend to take her out to dinner while I have my chicky nuggies
yh tried raiding that door with a rocket and my first rocket i hit dead on and it did about 20 dmg scammed
Those guys at the end were the saddest kids ive ever seen in rust
When in danger, call Lama the madman.
Boat of THUGS
Spoon, why your audio like that while talking
Bro every time you say money it reminds me of lama playing the money sound on his soundboard. One of the best vids I’ve seen from u in a while blazed vids might be a bit better
When spoon man said it’s spooning time I knew the video was going to be insane
Incredibly kino spoonvid.
Dude it was epic
Trolls are definitely real lol
are disfigure and spoonkid the same person? they sound exactly the same lol
This is like watching a movie. 10/10 movie
i’d imagine if you can use shelving racks on a tug.
then they would kinda be usable again. since space is so limited on board.
I have been in full heavy plate wet at night in snow and got to -100
The “oh schwit” had me howling. Funny guys.
Bloo talks soooo much
can’t wait till console gets this update in 20 years
It would make sense that a Tugboat can tow a small boat and then you can use the small boat when ever you want to do loot runs.
this stopped me from killing myself
Almost scripted ….
Blooprint called in llama thats crazy
llamma appearance suuuuiii
you already know it’s gonna be a good video when bloo and spoon are making a colab
The tugboat jump scare was crazy
One of my favorites to date. Thank you spoon
Bloo spamming down the devs haha
finally no twerp
ngl disfigure kinda sounds like a depressed spoonkid
What’s up spooners, welcome back hits hard when spoonkid decides to not say it last video.
bloo complaining abot a headshot 5 body shots hes never played rust console thats clear
1:16:02 but the title says otherwise
I’d love to tug the boys on the boat if you know what I’m saying
Why didn’t they just fish for the blue card
The tugboat emerging like the levitation had me rolling
You gotta respect Blooprint and TheSpoon™ coming up with all the Tugboat build strats. Making airlocks, peaks, walkways, figuring out how to cover the windows. Shame they didnt seem to get a turret working or could place shotgun traps.
That boat popped up like Jaws
Spoon has the voice of a god
Llama playing the blazed rust sound byte while theyre doing the outro
This might be one of my favorite videos of yours Bloo
I really needed this
1:16:00 never played ark then?
Best ending ever spoon
Llama is the goat
Blooprint at 53:13 calmly says O.M.G. its Walter White!
Walter White: You’re goddamn right.
Can you make a cave base video sometime
The fact you can lose all of your loot by 10 torpedos = 100 gunpowder kills my head
casually naming the boats tug of war and mothership is too funny bruh
17:10 Ferryman jaw a-gaping mask perfectly encapsulates the look of WTF……. LOL
You should play more often with Blueprint!
who the hell remove meatballs out of a meatball sandwich 
Forget Blaze

wtf just happened
bro the tug boat wants to be a submarine so bad
crazy how the tugboat withstood a heli take, classic archibald wipe
Spoon the amount of ads man I couldn’t leave it on and just listen and relax great video but fustrating amount of ads
love u spoony man
Spoonkid: Oh what fu Bloprint: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Take a shot everytime Blooprint says “like”
Bloo says like A LOT!
Spoon goat.
I love the 3 hour long vids but when they end it’s so depressing
get a dog
Spoon I got robbed and stabbed -29 times and was about to call 911 but then I saw you uploaded so here I am and it’s worth it
It’s about to be 4 am and I’m still watching
best birthday gift i coulda asked for
2:23:18 Godly Timing. I indeed enjoyed.
so glad blazed ain’t in this video ( im joking )
The way bloo screams gets me every time
put some shotty traps on the shelf and place the shelf on the front so when you ram somebody you shotgun trap them to pieces
Llama the hero of the wipe
I click upon another spoon video ready to laugh and cry but all together have a good time
bloo i cant get your merch cus im uk and it costs $50.00 with shippin
This was a good one!
OOHooOhoo i’m gonna enjoy this over this weekend, smokey smokey hehe
almost 3 hour video ?
Meat riding in the comments
damn, y’all dropped the ball on that cave raid but clutched the raid defence
Been waiting for this title
Thank you for another addition to the Spoonkid movie series.
the goaaaaaaaat lama back at it again
Man post another goomba podcast or i swear im gonna die, i cannot live without them
9:19 Spoonkid: “Oh, no upkeep, i didnt even think about that..”

You literally just thinked about it 

Spoon make the play of his career when he stood on that 12. Take notes kids, that’s trigger discipline
Wish i could play with you 1 day
Spoon playing with Bloo is exactly the team I needed to see. These two vibe so well.
18:04 kinda sus when he jumped off the ladder
Standing on a 12 in blackjack is crazy
I get a feeling this will be a spoonkid classic
Lets go, Spoonkid with Blooprint again!!!!
Fantastic video spoon
we have to buy blues!!!!
Just remember submarine’s will win vs a tug 100%
whenever i see spoonkid swimming in the water i imagine the monkey swimming meme
Let’s go the fat man cannon
3 hour spoon video is the best thing ever
Spoon “can i get like a candle hat or sum” HAS NIGHT VISION GOGGLES ON
”Fighting John Wick” lama I love you
50:10 broo u loose so much time looking in shit before seal it up :))) broooooooooooo whyyy
I lived in a cave base for a week and this is what happened…
Lucky llama the goat
Wait is that issamezanny at the start
LETS GO SPOON!!!!!!!! im hypppppped to watch this dude!!!
Man seeing a wild heli breaching from the depths during the sunrise @ 2:10:55 is some nat geo shit
This is crazy content
Is it possible to automate the tug boat & add some defenses like lots of barricades, multiple sentry guns & shotgun traps? Is it also possible to put some bags/beds/furniture/box inside the boat”s driving area?
there’s no way his base code is just 0123…
The tug boat came out of the water like that ship from pirates of the Caribbean
the tugboat jump scaring them was absolutely beautiful
Definitely one of my favorite duos
Man, watching spoon and another dude tug each other is so cool!
almost 3 hours of goodness!
1:15 Pretty sure this is Zany Rust lmfao
Spoon and blooprint are the best duo on rust. No one can deny that.
I love when spoonkid and blooprint tug together.
Hear me out tug boat modules so I can get a hook on the back of the boat to carry small boats
This was much more worth it than seeing Oppenheimer or Barbie. Spoon is a certified movie maker
SPOONKID GET BACKKKKKK, fucking love it dude hahahaha
rust rust rust rust rust……..
17:50 the entire boat is soaking wet, dripping from being a submarine for 15 minutes. I wonder if yiu can use this to your advantage? Maybe attach a fish net to it. As it cimes up it will snare a bunch of fish, lol.
Any inventory item need to be mixed with water? At least it won’t catch fire while you are away.
Such a wholesome fellow they gave him a tug boat from thise brain rot guys that was really cute
3hrs thank you
Three hour spoon video. It’s a good day!
Llama murdering everyone at the end was hilarious
*Crazy music starts playing, doesn’t even go deep*
17:42 Bloo knows the true terror of the Ghost Leviathan
Cant believe spoon posted a whole 2 hours of him tugging it
ill b real w u spoon anytime its not u lucky and dink and blazed i cannot watch the collab videos you just do not mesh well with bloo and disfigure
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
thank u for watching

we hope u enjoyed
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
Spoon and disfigure I’ve waited years for this. Finally confirmation you’re not the same person. Great ass video bro killed it.
tug me
Disfig and spoon! Legendary!!
God damn I’m hyped to watch all dis!
2:11:46 Roblux
Fun video. Keep it up boys.
Where is goomba podcast?
How is spoon hitting the X on the trees at night though thats what I wanna know, like I can not see shit there
for some reason i can only imagine luckyllama as a cambodian child living in the back of a van
my favorite part was when spoon said ITS TUGGING TIME and tugged all over blazed
Watching spoon double tug is satisfying.
I with this Blooprint guy would step away from the mic before he shouts
Broo a 2 hour video with bloo.. I’m dead
Ive been waiting for the spoonkid-tugboat wipe since before they announced the update, absolute legend
This isnt a spoonkid classic this is a spoonkid elite
Why isn’t this on spoonkid 1
21:30 yes, they did update it. The lighting now has like HDRIs or something that makes it a bit more realisticly lit
Screaming about the tugboat being a leviathan is my exact thought process 17:01
“I think we should se it by now” pops out of the ocean
Rust but it’s half Sea of Thieves, I dig it
We love when I just grabbed in-in-out and then I see a spoon kid video
Thank you for sharing your seamen with us spoonkid
17:03 Flying Dutchman
Day 32 of asking spoon to bring back the original monkey phone case
iN the photo the door is not open but when you l0ook at it it is oopen nowI dont know where Iam anymore
please help me
love this, goodnight to me
walter white was relentless lmao killed spoon like 3-4 times haha
bro this eguys pissed me off sm w the “ohhh where’s the tug bois? what happened to the tug?” ooOOOOO its wiping time like level the base at all costs
Best Guess is that the tugboat works off of water physics loaded by the player when the player isnt there it probably sinks to the bottom of the ocean to keep the server resources alright.
i dont think tugboats should be able to just sit at oil shits so stupid
Hey Spoon! Just wanted to say, i bought a phone case from Monke Clothing, I’ll give an update when it’s here

speed comparison>race
That raid defense 52 minutes in was actually insane
Attack submarine
Look at chat from 1:13:16 to 1:13:25
This is a spoonkid main channel classic
Tug of War. Love it
Okay hear me out though, boat base, but to park the tugboat
So I was going to comment “have you seen the Blazed tugboat video?!” Because it’s so fire, but then you had Disfigure gest star so you win
Who up tugging they boat rn?
I’ve not had such a good breakfast in long time. Thank you spoon! you cured my depression.
Did they fix the shelves? Cz you cold place, but you then could place shotguns or turrets on them…
Sorry i chased you off the dock of fishing earlier, it led to big oil bag tho
What if you like set up a wall of vending machines and like on thing you can pick up
you have to play subnautica that shit would be so funny
2:10:55 the heli coming out of the ocean was poetic
17:01 that’s some sea of thieves shit right there
i did a wipe with tugg and the begining went identical all the way to when he found out it flipped, i also had mine out 20 squares
@52:57 @blooprint literally killed 3 people in 3 seconds. One of the best shotty defenses ive ever seen lol
gets 12k wood, goes to recycle for wood
How about building a base on the beach large enough to store one of the tugboats, and when you start getting raided you can just drive the loot away? That would probably be your goofiest raid defense strat yet.
Is it possible to clone Spoonkid? I need double the length, three times a day. Also, videos more videos.
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
Bluuu could freak up a wet dream. Stop. This isn’t the 100x you’re use to. Go away and leave the real rust players alone. You can tell spoon doesn’t wanna play with you.
Finally back to the 2-3 hour videos I’m so hyped
certified spoonkid classic right here
super satisfying ending
Spoonkid subnautica play through?
Bro on 17:00 that ship just popped out like the black pearl
That was bada$$ 8 man vs 2 and they were dropped like nothing that was the play of the year
Spoon, you make me want cats.
Great video just one problem, the pacing feels really off and the editing is very abrupt. It feels like a very rushed video.
Ive been waiting for this moment….
Did you hear the disappointment in spoons voice when he chose the boat base.
Spoonn bro I love the long format content keep it up!!
What a great vid
no mf way you dropped the tugboat wipe right after the vid where someone was pretending to be you talking about doing a tugboat wipe :/ lmaooo
Oh, There you are spoon. Just in time when I have exactly 2:43:29 hours available. What a coincidence !!!
My favorite part is when he tugged the guy named Boat
I guess Facepunch collabed with Rare, they added Skeleton ships this wipe
Spoon having full on navy battles with the cargo ship
i love you
been waiting for this video
Blue is a little too excited compared to Spoon
17:08 never hear bloo scream like this before
Finally a video with absolutely zero Bart action, I will sleep so well tonight!
I love seeing spoon play rust and I genuinely want to see him play subnautica.
Glad to see it went so swimmingly, you know swimmingly.
Poker in da labs
Nice watch on a Friday!!
I am depressed, when a 2.4 hour spoonkid video releases I am slightly less depressed
It would be funny if facepunch made a sheet door skin that matches with every tug boat to make it look like it’s a fake one
the blue spoon tuggin it out
Beat video to date
New bart vid and new spoon vid in the same day this is a dinkbot classic
Spoon just loves tuggin seamen
you both sound like you’re just going through the motions…maybe try playing another game for a bit, or just taking a break
17:03 ww1 German uboat moment
im pretty sure they debuffed labs a bit :
i have wet dreams about spoon uploadoing
Some more classic spoonkid Ws

50:23 blooprint kinda threw
When he put that extra 5% into “Welcome back” I felt that in my soul
2h43m video what a good day
Spoon… never stand on less than 15 fr. smh over here!
Before I watch this I have High expectations for this spoon. I will check back when the movie is over
Bro i was watching the last water wipe last night bro
Lama such a troll
Was gonna watch blueprints vid but yours is longer so watching your instead. L blueprint
Bro didn’t watch blazed tugboat vid
when the boat jumped out from under the water at 17:03 made me think of the flying dutchman
Spoon do you know what lama voice sounds like?
Its Spoooiinkid!
let’s go big video
I didn’t know this was coming, but I knew this was coming. Been looking for weeks now. Today is a good day
i thought there would be no gambling this wipe thinking spoon has stopped his addiction then he found outpost
This is the moment they became TUGBROS
Looking forward to it man
Just upload the full recording, WE WOULD WATCH IT!!!!!
What absolute children to deapawn at the end. Its a real pathetic move to try and make an online raid into a zero sum game.
The point of building a base, is to defend from raids, the point of a base is, it can be fun to defend it, and see how it, and you, hold up. And when you’re a 6 man getting shit on by a 4 man, where 1 is drunk, and the other is mute, its incredibly bitchmade to despawn everything.
As for the video itself, its fuckin’ good man.
Tugs are seriously vulnerable to torpedoes, and they have virtually bo defense against them… Theyve patched a few things, like the door hit boxes, but it leaves me asking Facepunch; Tugs with real electricity capability when? Armored hull tug boats when? And depth charges when?
Also, the ability to tie off a small boat on either side near the back to tow them along, allowing small boats to properly dock with the Tug.
bloo and spoon and are such an unlikely duo but they’re amazing together. Loved the last water vid and this one!
gonna tug your boat smh
Raft Life
Be nice if you could tie a small boat to the back of it. Tow it around with you. You can land a mini on the back.
youre just wrong for that in 1:14:56
idk if i can watch you the same
I have to be up for work soon but spoon uploaded so we roll
i cant believe i watched the whole thing
Tug Boats are making wish for inflatable lifeboats you can carry around as an item. Edit: A water base to defend your Tug Tug from torpedos
Two of the best to do it, very nice videos guys!
Yooo spoon and bloo you can now hit underwater crates!!!!!!
i liked this
Just realized how annoying Blooprint is. He made the video a lot less enjoyable to watch. He overreacts to everything like he is making one of his scripted videos.
apparently every one is incapable of playing alone anymore. wont watch anymore, fk you people
One of the best spoon videos, coolest raid defense, dopest cargo I’ve ever seen. Shit looked like a battlefield game
an entire movie man
damn spoon love the vids bro
Spoon the goat fr
Thank you so much for this spoon kid and editor! I seen the time on this video and I already know its about to be lit <3
ahhhhhhhhhh ha!
i see what you did there with swimmingly, classic =?
bruh the end when llama killed everyone had me crying
The mysterious tugboat in rust? 17:04 that’s goated
Dude. This is actually, not joking, a fucking banger. The awesome start, the rise, the decline, the fucking raid of 2 previously established enemy groups. Actually awesome
Well I have a 8 hour trip at 7am but if spoon uploads it’s worth it.
Bloo: “He’s got a med!”
Spoon: *uses med 2 minutes later*
This video was a banger
I like corn
Labs did not deserve such nerfs. First wipe I played with labs there was a TINY lab with only a red card room right near an island in the corner of the map, was nice to run as a solo. 6 labs was fine, it allowed smaller groups to compete with each other for their local lab. All they needed to do was fix the respawns while you sit in there and do nothing, that was the only OP part about it. Even having a blue and red card is fine, makes it a race to get there early on…. Fix was simple but instead they absolutely butchered the monument to the point I also forgot it exists… still decent for tugboat wipes but god damn did they do that monument dirty.
your mic is a lil fucked up, like a grinding noise in the background of it
tugboat took a trip to Davy Jones’s locker 17:00
Certified tug moment
Certified spoon kid classic
Next video ….hunt tugs with subs! …OP!!!
What a scam this was clearly not a week. I demand another 4 hours at least.
need more 3 hour vidsss this was fire
The base doesn’t exist until it does
2:23:45 scared crow is back
Petition for spoonkid Subnautica run
there should be an island map with chains of different places to visit with the tug boat
the inside of the tug looks like a day Z base
I laughed, I cried, I even coomed a little when you guys raided the cave base. In all this was another certified Spoonkid/Blooprint classic
Loved seeing Disfigure and Llama getting in on the fun times too!
I’m almost certain you can just keep you tugboat at fishing village to Make it practically not able to be raided
I been waiting for this one
Bruh was that zany that killed soon at the start
That is a majestic thumbnail
rip tug
makin youtube, makin songs and FIGHTIN ROUND THE WORLD!
Yo could we get a spoon cat cam like at his bed or something. Love the vid you and bloo are the best duo and so nice and a good team at the same time love the vid

There are storms that make the waves huge now.
We need to get a spooner vid on subnautica, it would be epic!
Seeing spoon with a pickaxe made me realize how long it’s been since he actually collected the stuff he uses. Spoonkid goin beast mode
I don’t want to watch Blue print tho
You definitely got this video idea off that guy threat was pretending to be you in outpost
It feels weird to not hear spoon talking to us the whole time
Play subnautica please, make a story out of it and i’ll love you forever
Glad we got kevin because i cannot stand actually playing this wretched game
i’ve never been so touched by a video in my life
1:15 That has to be IssaMeZany that is so funny!!!! @IssaMeZany
How can Spoonkid shit on “whats up spooners” then put out a 3 hour long banger with “welcome to rust” himself
Banger video
1:26 is unseasonably funny
Bruh sounds like Spoonkid with Covid
What’s up spooners
Holy crap, thanks a ton for the almost 3 hour movie, very nice, I would like to order more please!!!!!!
whats up spooners
did you die to IssaMeZany at the start
but imagine if spoon really did do a subnautica playthrough that would kick ass

“SpOoOoOoON…. COME BaaaAAAAck!” almost as good as ” Trinity…. HELP!!” XD
when spoon drops a 2 hr long vid I make a sub sandwich and settle in. it’s a ritual for me now. thank you silverware child for your content
You gotta duo with disfigure i think it would be great
Anyone else stop after a slick play to like the video, then realize you already liked it? Like, 10 times in one video?
it is crazy how much blooprint sounds like me
That early tug defense was a joy to watch
I loved the part where they were tugging his boat for 3 hours that was great. spoon classic!
spoonkid sounds like a tired father playing rust with his hyperactive son
5:40 Willjum *cries*
Shout-out to the intro graphic. It’s like a Pixar movie where I know nothing will really happen, but I’ll be very entertained.
1:43:29 what the hell, how is there still an hour left in this video
I came for only 15 minutes, Wound up staying for the whole thing.
Please fix ur microphone
hey spoon preety please tell blooprint to unban me from his server xx
Bet your uncle could lol
Bro 17:20

Another twerp-free video. Nice!
Yes a movie
Shouldn’t this be on ur main
I somehow took the entire video to meal prep holy shit I gotta figure out how to streamline my process that took way too long
WTF is the chat logs at 1:13:20 lmao
If you think about it, this video is about the concept of mutually assured destruction, spoon may have won the war and absolutely dumpstered those who wronged his (mostly) peaceful nation, but both sides have been crumpled
spoonprint and blookid at it again
Be careful with the edge of the map, Spoon. I had a tugboat that was stacked like a box full of cooked metal and ak kits loaded. Anyway, the edge of the map will kill you and despawn your boat if you go to far.
17:00 that the mf flying dutchman? what in the hell.
Just 3 seconds in… its over 2 hours long!! must be my lucky day
I just bought shrooms and a 2 and half hour long spoonkid vid came out. Time to relax
Finally I been waiting for this
spoon kid and blooprint >
Spoon kid what is that click bait title
Wtf was that first death intro
ooooooo my loot
The adventure, The fight, the defences, the raid and then´the revenge. this has all the tugboats is meant for and more. this is the most played out tugboat wipe there is as of this time, and it’s so befitting that is Spoonkid and blooprint. the combo is just right.
can you stream again PLEASE SPOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goated video !
The video I was waiting for
Ogres and trols and ghouls are real 100%
first time I rolled up and my boat launched itself up outta the sea I had pretty much the same reaction as you guys
Spoon you can jump into caves by riding fire. I recommend using incendiary shells and also made a video about this a half year ago with the cave jump.
Rust players discovering raft bases, i wonder if you can place turrets on rafts
you guys need to do an heavy armor only wipe
I’m upset that bloo yelled at lama
Spoonkid back at it again
Blooprints 1 hour videos are poop
i love how rust went from clan wars to piracy operations
Blooprint is a chump
I like the part where he had wood
The fissure-man?
45$ for a Hoodia cmonnn om poor o got like 25
cringe rust babies instantly despawning so sad
More than 4 Hours from Blooprint and Spoonkid with insane PVP
Just watched Blooprints POV
In an hour in and just realized it’s almost 3 hours. This is AWESOME!!! Friday night popcorn and a movie that’s as long as titanic and about a sea vessel!!!!!
Top giga chad for spoonkid here (:
Its 2 am rn, I was like I have to watch this but saw its 2 hrs long, I was abt to skip it but yk ITS SPOONKID
Hour in and seriously one of the best rust videos lve seen in a long time.
Rust of Thieves
underwater is so dark now because they are selling a new torch skin that works underwater. rust is becoming p2w more and more with every update.
+1 for the extra long form content
Bro you guys made the toughest tugboat interior ever
i can verify this is an instant spoon and bloo classic. i could farm you. spoon

those two bricks in the beginning swimming around were me and my friend
Why did he scream
“What’s up spooners welcome back.” W line
Epic ending love that you raided the 6 man as they were raiding the mother ship couldn’t have been any better
Almost 3 hour video from spoon, heaven answers prayers.
3 hour special…

You should get a USB keyboard with one giant key for Shrimp. Bind it to something innocuous like a dance or wave keybind, that way Shrimp can interact without literally throwing for content!
This video made me act up
Y’all saw wooden door on that cave base and brought satchels but really didn’t think of bringing stuff to seal
blooprint teaching spoonkid where to put it..
if spoon ever wants to take a break from rust me and many other s would love to see spoon play subnautica.
We need more spoon and blue vids.
How are you so bad at blackjack? That is a HUGE L
this is a certified spoonkid classic
“We lived in a tugboat for a week” one hour into vid: I am definitely not doing this for a week
1:13:26 Rosa Parks “NO I SIT IN THE BACK OF THE BUS”
the moment we start seeing more subs they are not coming to oil, naked sub taking everything
Bro that tugboat surfaced like a skeleton ship from sea of thieves xD
Thanks for the long vid man saved my day seeing u tug ur boat
Llama carrying as usual
Let’s go new spoonkid video
Wait so does the tugboat hide itself underwater when you go to land or something?
Does spoonkid still stream? I don’t see any vods on twitch
Can you put turrets on the tug boat?
Thanks for saving my night
Good stuff, spoon
17:01 is hilarious
i love seamen
if you play rustorea 5x you can have some real fun
Fucking great video
“good wipe” Bro yall played for 2 days lmao.
best youtube video ive ever seen in my life no kizzy blop blop blop
Thug life
3 hour vid and i was gripped for every minute of it, great content from spoon once again!
what happened to the og spoonkid channel
the unexpected disfigure appearance was hype lol
omg bro i saw the other pov of issamezany hes a youtuber he was live i remember him killing someonein ferry terminal that was you?
cannot wait to stay up tonight until 12:45 watching this even though i have to wake up at the crack of dawn
Do I watch bloo or spoon first I can’t decided
lets gooo!
that first death sounds exactly like IssaMZany
Every where I turn Youtubers are talking about Bud Light being cancelled, and all of the rust creators are living on a tugboat.
Lol that’s our Robert gamer
he’s with our clan
change my mind…
but tug boats should have a timer of max 1h to lay in fishing villages… and than despawn with all the loot thats inside..
people are literally the entire wipe in safe zones hiding with all their loot smh
I miss blazed
Gnomes are real
Spoonkid straight up claimed the Flying Dutchman.
spoon tugged his boat pov
Blooprint’s voice sucks
can you put a SAM site on it
You missed The Tugboat Wipe Life
i look forward to your videos, your personality makes it 20x better. dont ever stop putting smiles on peoples faces with your videos
can you put turrets on the tug boat or like shotgun trap or something.
love you spoon love you spoonkids editor
does the tugboat despawn on server restart tho?
Thumbnail goes crazy
Watched this video 3 times already and can say this is certified spoonkid classic
I forgot labs was a thing :/
Every time I watch ur vids I get anti fentanyl commercials
Tf happened to the goomba pod
Spoon and Blooprint’s interactions are so weird lol. Blooprint is all overreactions and screaming at the top of his lungs when the boat resurfaced for content and spoon is just monotone
800 scrap farming supermarket classic
comment for the algorithm (please do more long form vids, thx).
its kooky how opposite of players blooprint and spoonkid is. blooprints more base building and roleplay but spoon just wants to do smoil and loil lol
You and blue have to do another ocean wipe
Hello man i am a very skinny guy it’s so bad i threw up once and now I have panick attacks every now and then and just wanted to say thanks for your videos you have helped me going trow this
shoutout to luckyllama for the raid carry
It’s scripted because of this disfigure
This is the tugboat wipe I’ve been waiting for
This makes me forget about everything
Decay in 6 hours would have been insane …Bro my job and road to and back takes way more than that . WTF are u supposed to do? Lose it due to having a life or sleeping? Good to hear it is actually 36 hrs and a 24 hr grace with engine starts.
The best to ever do it. Always elite collabs
You should sell a shirt that says “That Was a Beautiful Wipe” & it just has a roll of toilet paper on the front.
blooprints vulgarity and incessant talking is nauseating
17:02 Sea of thieves be like
let’s go
let’s go
let’s go, let’s go
let’s go
Awesome video length. The 30 min ones end too soon.
Luckyllama, blooprint, disfigure, and spoon collab

. Enjoy my 3 hour watchtime
ogres and trolls and ghouls wipe?
Finally a proper video on tug wipe
Every other creator barely had any tug content. was entirely just bozo’ing trying to get a tug, and then once they got a tug, they didnt use it for anything and the video ends.
but actually seeing these dudes use the boat and build on it and use it for combat. thats the content people want
Thanks Spoon and Bloo for always bringing banger content when you duo
2hrs 40…. <3333
The way the Tugboat came out of the water like the Flying Dutchman 16:58
i can confirm that they were some great seamen
I watched this 10 times and I can certify this is a spoonkid goober classic
Spoonkid . you can fish for bluecard !
3 hours of rust with my 2 favorite rust players, yes please
Tug boat base lol
This sea of thieves video was awesome!
1:13:09 look at the chat classic rust racism
what happened to your tug boat? same thing that happened to your base its been reduced to atoms
Pirates of the Caribbean 17:00
That tugboat at ferry terminal isnt a usable one, its a sunken version like near icebergs.
This is crazy the new possibilities geting Raid on main base just drive away reminds me of ark raft bases
Bruh I got bit by a dog 3 minutes in to this vid lol
I was waiting for this video for so long!!!
The only videos that come close to this one is the floor is lava series I dint leave the square and the castaway video. This video is a true classic.
13:30 how is spoon seeing where the x is on the tree?
“I got an idea, rugs lockers and make a maze” no BLOOPRINT… YOU didnt have an idea. Sleth did, you witawally dwidnt
1:01:28 bloo made concept art for this idea like 3 years ago on his reddit account, funny that he’s still talking about it. Still seems like a good idea though.
just watched this for the 51st time and i can confirm that thsi is a certified spoonkid classic
Who aint
ogres and trolls and ghouls are real
Hes now a certified seaman
aw yep, perfect video to get stoned to watch
code was 0123
I work on a tugboat irl for 28 days at a time and 14 days off. Long months out here
17:04 Davey Jones locker type of shit
25 minutes in and wondering if spoon is in the video or just thise docile guy acting on his best behavior for bloo.
another way to live in oil rig
Bro the base u raided at like and hour and 14 mins in I’ve started that base like 4 times and everytime got offlined hopped on ptb built it turns out it’s ass fully built cheap to raid but it’s built for a online raid defense
The tug jump scare
I’m ngl, lama is cheating
Wasn’t here first today was abit busy but next one again I’ll be there

the no traps on the boat stinks. super easy to raid. really good for a floating moving respawn. also it runs as fast as cargo you can run right beside it. hop on and off with ease
knew this was coming haha
its really quiet but i can hear bloos game and spoon is also echoing through bloos mic. U can hear bloo shooting silencer at 1:02:02 through bloos mic
1:32:18 them calling it a day and then going onto raid a base instead is peak spoonkid behaviour
i hate blooprint so much man, hes so fkin cringe
new sub base design @17:00
Bro that tugboat rose from the water like The Flying Dutchman lol
I wonder if you can put tesla coils on tugboats. Unstopable raid defense?
Blooprint impression- “HE’S LOADED!!”
was that IssaMeZany at the start
Should put a bag in the room that you drive in
Title sucks. Should’ve made it something about worm tugging or something
This guy stands on 12
Can’t believe I failed raised spoon
Lama is the GOAT
W spoon vid
I love when spoonkid is an avid seaman enjoyer
Long Live Spoon Nation!!!
cant believe i played with them
This is like the ark boat bases I love it
Who came here from bloo video
HELL YEAH 3H VID!!!!!!!!!
the quality is so bad bro
The boat popped up like the flying dutchman
OMG 1:19 That’s zany lmao
I was waiting so much for this!
sounds like blooprint hit puberty during this video the way he is hitting those notes
I’ve been waiting for a long video for so long bro and my birthday was yesterday it’s meant to be
they found the flying dutchman ?
i was thinking you guys should make new episode on living in the water but i never asked. here it is
Imagine MLRSing a tugboat. You’d have to be a MLRS master to pull that off!
CAPTAIN HINDSIGHT: @2:20:15 you ran past the helm, out in the open, and tried to kill them like a thirsty goblin xD btw I’m just hindsighting coz you straight up lied to Bloo about how you “couldn’t” get to the helm LOL
You literally could’ve went inside in complete safety and drove away, BUT I agree that this was better content.
I love you spoon <3
Why no more spoonkid og videos
Ah. 3 hour spoonkid vids add 5 years to my lifespan. Thanks man
gotta love that what’s up spooners makes my day every time
This is the first video I have seen where there weren’t people rolling around with subs sinking every single tug they saw within the first few hours of day 1. I just wish the game was nothing more than zergs and cheaters.
Another certified spoonkid classic
Hello spon
I’ve seen this video 300 times and can confirm it is in fact spoonkid playing
we need the goomba podcast and grease police collabe for a wipe!
Willjum would not approve this video title.
dancing IRL after seeing the vid length
Woot woot
Imagine turrets on the Tugboat you have a whole war boat at that point.
The first dude was issamezany
how far is blooprint on the spectrum?
You know it’s going to be a banger when bloo and spoon are doing a tug boat wipe
.01 seconds in to the video already a spoonkid classic
Wait wait wait..can you mlrs tug boat??
Nothing but a good tuggie in the tugboat
Bro some of them people in the game chat are going crazy
“14 against a 4 you’re gonna stand there” me? Yeah hell na I’m not standing on 14 and u shldnt either lmao
“I’m not gonna play for a week” -> The title of the video….”I lived in a tugboat for a week…”
An almost 3 hour video?! You’re an absolute goat spoon
Nah that heli wanted to be a submarine lmao
tugboats need to add a way to mount small boats to them that would be epic
Spoon you probably won’t see this, but you’ve really helped a brother out while I’m stuck in hospital for the weekend. Thanks brother
I love your long form co tent plz do more love them
Did not know I was going to watch a 2 hour long rust classic today
Thank god. I’ve ben waiting for this episode since they announced the tugboat.
can you count cards in rust poker?
2:04:24 dude did the Homer Simpson meme…. slowly disappeared into the bush

(air balloon)
Spoon yo! you gotta aim for the rotors bro!
The body has way more hit points than the rotors do and if you destroy both rotors what is left of the body health doesn’t matter.
Quick kills are rotor focuses. whichever rotor catches fire first you then focus the other rotor until it burns.
It cant fly without the rotors.
Quoted from Rustlabs “There are 2 weak points for the Patrol Helicopter, the main blades and the tail. If both are destroyed, the Patrol Helicopter will be destroyed, ignoring its actual health.”
Main rotor hp is 900
Tail rotor hp is 500
Body hp is 10000
i swear that dude with the sword at the beginning sounds just like zanny lmao
Blooprint’s Subnautica trauma is so real.
Bro got killed by @issamezanny at the beginning “my LoOT”
3 hour video, we have been blessed, fellow spooners
i love you spoony boony
New spoonkid video? On a FRIDAY? This is epic
Blooprint casually saying “shitty rockets” every time he gets them from heli is the hilarious
Yet another forkgirl classic
17:05 Jaws
I like that spoonkid2 is now the main channel 1m is around the corner

twerp rusts video was way more crazy than this
You can tug my boat.
got an ad right after bloo screamed and IT emerged lmao 17:07
Oh no. Almost 3 hours of spoonkid. It’s disgusting. Please do it again
Yo Spoon, I think you and the boys should give Wobbly Life a try, it’s a silly game but I think you guys would make it awesome. Just saying! Either way awesome video as always!
This video will make you $$$$$$
tuggin for 3 hours straight
I have been watching this through the day and it’s made my dad 10 times better
Wow you are a true seaman!
I wonder what would happen if he’d blame every single death on blaze for a week
This video is the same legth as blade runner 2049 damn
Damn I had the same video idea, but I also went to the new ferry terminal first tryna find a tug boat. I built a lil starter next to it then realized they spawn at harbors and both harbors were on the opposite side of a large map lmao
dinkbot fingers hurt after this edit XD
Wait WTFF 3 HOURS???!!!
Thought it was blazed xD
I fucking love spoonkid
you guys can just fish some blue cards you didnt even needed to suffer that much
3 hour video
Bros videos are just unbeatable
i called it
what probably happen at 17:30 is when you went far away the ocean probably deloaded allowing the tugboat to fall to the bottom, and when you approached the water was “spawned” back in and the tugboat needed time to float back up
Yoww yours is almost twice as long as Blueprints♡ the vid I mean
This video touched me in places my pastor couldn’t
Bro there’s no way none of these comments aren’t talking about how he got killed by issamezanny In the start
Love the long spoon videos
You gonna make me bust spoon
Release the KRAKEN that boat came up
16:58 LLOLOL
Was waiting for this to happen… stokedvyo watch
Nothing better than a late night 3 hour spoonkid video
U can place boxes on top of each other with eggs I think
@Spoonkid and @Bloo, I you guy’s have not idea how long do i wait for this day!!!

theres 4 tugboats 2 at each harbor
I demand at least 3 Spoons per week
use barricades for your boat and if subs come up u can charge the sub and c4 it. and 249 it as well
When i clicked on this video i thought it was in real life and got excited
already watched this about 18 dif times its pretty good guys
Did you really lie on your cat.. jumped on spacebar, ok spoon
Hell yeah. I was hoping for some tugboat action from you!!
The boat battle was insane
lets go mart gaming
the dude with the sword at the start was zany
Randy Jackson predicted
I think they missed the opportunity to name the sleeping bags “tug rug”
bro im on this server lol do u rememer diabetus fetus im his teamate lol spoon i hope u see this if u do our team all watch ur vids im not gonna leak the server or nun im not like that keep up the good vids bro
this guy blooprnt talks too fuckin much man
What a raid defense
I swear that was issamezanny with the sword at the start
I predict this will get 2.5 million views in one month
Certified spoonkid classic
Wow! I’m so excited to watch another SpoonKid Classic!
+1 gay
damn that jump scare at (unspecified time, stop scrolling down to read the comments and watch the damn video, its pretty early on) was hilarious
sorting comments by new is a mistake. average spoon fan seems to have 12 iq
Missed opportunity to call this video: “This Might Be My Proudest Tug…”
W videooo
Was rewatching the water challenge and now this banger appears
So ultimate underwater bunker….if you sink it you can still open and close the doors and you can still loot the boxes so out bags and loot in it find somewhere you’d like and sink it the only way to get raided is by sub or c4 or eco raids
The legend has come as soon as I get bored LESS GOOOO
Blazed had the insane vid on the pirate tugboat wipe
Mokkee clothing
can’t wait to see what happened
Bro died to zany at the recycler in the first minute lmao
another certified spoonkid CLASSIC.
Wow very unique and cool. Tug boat on top
i love u spoonkid
Bailed on my sons Bar mitzvah to watch this
Babe you know u can’t post this long cause I’ll have to watch the whole thing in one sitting
What’s up spooners welcome back. Is the best thing to hear when you click on a spoonkid video
Fianlly u posted!
What is ” Spoonkids Secret Weapon”? Not the boat. That’s for sure.
The best thing spoon and bloo did was probably that submarine raid in the river

Spoon voice my cubical fall off
two hours and forty three minutes of bag fumbling to ensue. Lets gooooooo
Yeah they messed up the hit box they weren’t thinking fully I guess or maybe they did it on purpose since the only protection you have against raids is doors
boutta be the best 2 hours 43 minutes and 28 second video
watched this 12 times, certified spoonkid classic
3 freaking hours w video
W video
The tug downside is that you are a 1 door raid and 9 torpedoes from sunk. The play is tug base. The tug is more like the camper than an actual base so you take it out and do oil or raid but then return back to your water or shore base.
a good airlock is placing a table on the inside of the door it makes who ever is camping outside have to crouch jump but allows you to easily come out
That is the most fitting door for the tugboat
love the longer vids, 3 hours of spoonkid means todays gonna be a good day
the best part of the tug update is its the basework for building real floating bases
tugboat jumpscare
could you buy me a 5 dollar mic plzzzzz
Blooprint spoonkid crossovers are the best
Bruh Tugs are OP
This video is so wild I just threw my baby in the washer to watch
not sure how i feel about the tugs. good if your only jumping on for a couple of hours to try and control labs or something but seems pointless to try and keep for a full wipe. also makes farming rss almost void. i would use it like the camper but wouldnt want to live out of it. also makes rig and labs impossible to do as a solo if there is a group with a tug.
Omg it’s all over my monitor
the tugboat raid was crazy
Yesssss thank you spoon kid
spoonkids zack snyder’s cut
31:53 Standing on a 12 is wild
Bloo got a little too excited about that bed probably because of the implication.
Let me drive the boat
All we’re missing is Willjum and Blazed
Was that itszanny in the beginning lmao
Back to back vids W Spoon
16:57 pirates of the carabian type of shit
Tugboat Jumpscare at 17:00 … WTF WAS THAT LOL
It’s always nice to see a 2 hour spoon kid video
21:32 brenda look more realistic lol
i watched 2:43:28 of this video but i cant afford rust:(
I knowed that this vid would be one i was waiting for that vid ty spoonkid ur a legend
Oh yes, I’ve seen this video about 47 times a true SHOTS classic
i aint reading all at
im shit at rust
You STAND with 12 againts 6 ??? Man you gotta stop gambling
Fucking love 3 hour vids.
16:59 spoonkid clip of the year nominee
Blooprint CRUSHED you in video titles, hope you’re ok
Spoonkid? More like high seas gaming
cat throwing cargo damn
Spoonkid OT
51:06 he was screaming like they were about to get robbed irl
the boat coming up from davy joneses locker had me like wtf!
Is this the same one he did with Blazed who puts out videos 1 week before Spoonkid does?
3 Hour video?? Holy cow Spoon, you’ve outdone yourself
summit said ur 1 of his fav rusters!
thot id get dose birds w 1 stone by telling u here so u also get a comment .
to editor: you dont need to cut so much, its okay for there to be a little bit of air in the conversation its natural, it sort of ruins the atmosphere and vibe if theres 4 cuts every 10 seconds
3 hour video! THATS WHAT IM FUCKING TALKING ABOUT!! Time to tug myself off over the tugboat spoon adventure!
Was the thumbnail made by blazed? Or whoever does blazed thumbnails? Because it reminds me alot of some shit he’d make
I know this will be good, just started watching
Bloo screaming “IS WALTER WHITE” is hilarious
This video came out as soon as my boyfriend got home to kiss me on my mouth. Nothing could be better
at this point i am convinced spoonkid1 channel password is lost
This should be onspoon kis 1
A spoonkid movie? Damn
U love to see when spoon becomes a seaman
I was praying to god for this video, then luckylama answered.
i hope they do a water only wipe again (:
No blaze, yess !!!
Bruh blooprint
bro what are those door you put on the tug with a window???
average Australian rust youtubers regularly do this
Almost 3 hours. You spoil us!
Spoon was harrased early by the gamer family
You can definitely put a mini on a tug I did it it even is able to stay on when the tug moves
my 3 tugboats are out there somewhere on some server, if you find it you get a couple m2s
ronald gamer came back for vengeance
Bro spoon is the ultimate G.O.A.T also blooprint because I could never do this

Never disappoints
I touch myself to the sound of your voice.
deep zergs are unfathomable goobers
this vid touched me more than my uncle
these series are goated spoon
Love when u guys play together.. @blurprint do u not like blaze or dink cuz u never play with them
Who else got BRICKED UP when they saw 3hr spoonkid video?
Hey spoon Love the vids and every time I watch your vid it make me what to play rust even if I get raided and not fell like playing rust your vid just motivate me to play. play solo , console rust, mid at the game. love you vids and keep up the good work

I shaved my nuts to this video
Start back making vids like I played rust for 35 hours and this is what happened plz
Glazed rust
7:10 笑死幹
bro uploaded the directors cut
almost 3h yeah thx
Just got a sharpness V and Fire Aspect 2 Satchel Charge on Fortnite while drinking a Chug Jug on rust
1:13 is that zany?
Never played Rust, never will, never miss a certified spoonkid classic.
17:02 Yarr! It’s the Flying Dutchman!!!!!
you can place shelves on the outside of the boat but they may have fixed it cause you can place turrets on the shelf
oi, anotha spöönkid classíca, huzZAH!
another wonderful production by the one and only spoonman.
I would say new video idea is water only in a tugboat.
hey spoonkid, how often do you ACTUALLY use spoons eh?
wow great video i watch to the end and it was fantastic
tug time
1hr in w vid
thats my friday night sorted. thanks spoon!
epic rust movie thanks based kevin
thanks for the vid lil bro i was bored
Petition to get spoonkid to play subnautica
Thank god! 3 hour video from spoon i love you man i want you…
i hate the word wipe, makes me think of poo. so dont use it again or il wipe you from the planet mr spoon kid
HOW was your first thought putting it in the middle of nowhere and not parking it outside of oil. Disappointed spoon
Certified classic, no joke. Just use the tugboat tho maaaan whats with the gear fear=D Like, you can just pull up to a fight (like harbor) with your moving ass respawn, just so much more fun^^
Lmao I was one of the ramjets
spoon at 33:49 you killed scrappycocos you ran into him in a different video but i can’t remember what vid
Fire video
I already watched all 3 hours and I can confirm this is a certified spoonkid classic
us facepunch small 2
Small 2
This video touched me harder then my parrot every could.
nice balls
always a good vid when bloo and spoon work together
I was just checking when this was posted and it’s brand new
I got so much loot just caring like you
Tugboat Tammy strikes again
Another spooner classico
Man I was hoping we would have been a long video, then I see it’s 2 1/2 hours long, I am now the happiest man of all time
I think with it having a bright light on top, parking at a specific angle be best so someone on a boat doesnt see a light in the distance
Holy hell, 17:20 a real pirates of Caribbean moment with the boat there.
this looks like a spoonkid1 post
Why are the game sounds so low?
“Whats up spooners” my favorite quote.
Oh HELL YEAH! I just watched the last one a few days ago. Somethin tells me it just goes smooth as hell. Unless everyone was there for the tugs!
What’s up spooners
this could’ve been a spoonkid1 video with a manscaped and monke clothing ad
I was in the middle of my afternoon fap on PH and got a notification for this. I didn’t even finish I just tucked it away and started watching
. Thanks Spoonkid for another banger
I’m halfway thru and I started two days ago.
what is a fairy terminal and why dont they use DOS
I’ve already gotten over living in a tug. The thrill lasted about 3 days.
I’ve tried to use the tugboats twice and have been raided within 10 minutes of owning one both times. Idk how anyone can even use them.
“This thing kinda whips!” – Spoonkid
God bless you spoon
otw home from vacation spoon blessed me
do a blazed only video
Why did robert gamer sound like zany
Seeing spoon tug his boat and becoming a seaman makes me happy
11 seconds in and I can confirm this is a cwassic
Spoonkid challenge-He plays console rust, but he has to be on old gen
i have been waiting ages for a new 3hour vid
wtf is a 3h video, ill watch tho
Haven’t watched this a single time, and i have no clue if this is a spoonkid classic.
Rust naval military industrial complex
Comment from sweden
I commented when this update come out on blooprints tube channel bout living in a tug for a wipe.. this well waited to watch
Was there a tank event if not why is nobody talking about the tank in the beginning
I literally rewatched the water video last night cuz it was a certified banger
HOLY 3 hour long vid waited for it for like a month
Spoons video recording bitrate is fucking low geez what is this video quality im in 1080p cant see shit
Jumpscare 17:07
spoon is tugging off
is that Zany at 1:16?
Content is
17:04 was the Flying Dutchman lmao
Spoon if you respond I will cry and shit my pants
17:00 that’s some flying dutchman shi right there
A 3 hour video with bloo honestly makes me wanna tug it
Ive watched this 729263 times already, can conform its a banger.
played rust for 10 hours, logging off, starting youtube, see new upload of spoon, making 1 kg of lasagne and going to watch, while eating to coma. TY Buddy
“What’s up spooners!” – another banger video incoming
Gotta drive back home for 3 hours this is perfect timing spoon thank u
3 hours?? banger for sure
“What’s up spooners!” – another banger incoming
Finally the boat vid
Been waiting
me when spoonkid happy yes glazed rust dead lol
good vid
Your truggy turned into the flying Dutchmen when y’all rolled away from it lol
Spoonkid classic right there would be more funny with Dave Ann willyjim
Waited 3 weeks for this video. Pog.
i hate blueprint duo videos so much, that guy is such a tryhard all the damn time, like everyone knows youre good at the game mate try something different for the sake of youtube content for once
Lets gooo, spoonet special
Put a tv on the tugboat
Thanks for the supper long video
i lived in a tugboat for a week and this is what happened…
The only longer than this video is Spoonkid’s fork
What’s up gooners, *cough cough* I mean spooners
spoonkid what happen to forkgirl?
Crazy good vid
Here before this video hits over a million view
SPOONERS THIS IS INDEEED a Funny Business special
keep up the good work frost
Yesss beeen waiting for thisss
The tug boat popping outta the water killed me
Imma need to bust out the munchies for this gem
just incase u didnt realised he lived in a tugboat for a week
love your vids
I love Mr.SpoonyWoony
Blud does not no what I texted him to say I don’t think I have any more money I just want you know that I’m going out to dinner and I’m going out with you so you don’t get upset and you know or something and then I’m not even sure how you want me to feel right I know you know I have no idea I don’t care about what I say but you don’t care I just don’t want you feeling like you’re being rude and I know you’re being rude but you know that you are
being rude so I’m gonna say I am sorry
I might’ve just finished in my pants, let me check… yep I sure did
ive watched for 5 seconds and can confirm this is a certified spoonkid rust movie
holy shit
Spoon can you help me get good at rust pls
Incoming Blazed Cove base Ft. Tug boat
I love you so so much bro I hope you have a great day

Oh man, not watching yet but a near 3 hour spoonkid vid for the weekend? It’s going to be a good weekend. Let’s hope Blazed ain’t in it
Was gonna go shower, but it can wait
This is a certified blazed classic
Spooners up what’s!
Let’s goooo
this is one of the videos
Certified twerp classic
fixed the title
glad to hear whats up spooners stayed
Ive watched this video for 10 seconds and i cant really say anything yet
Spoon me bb
spoon spoiling me today
He did indeed live in a tug boat! You won’t believe what happened guys
0.002 seconds in comfirmed spoonkid classic
wow i love the ending
Please spoon i need you to tug me
. You have my info. Tug tug tug tug tug tug 
21 minutes old and we got 9.9K people watching the video
Sea of thieves 17:09
you are the goat tbf
i have been waiting for this…
it makes me happy because spoonkid took a break and dropped a 3 hour banger when he didnt need to
spoonwoman has posted. it is a good day
Let’s gooooo long video time. I have been waiting for a pirate wipe
I have seen this video 69 times and can confirm that this is a blazed classic.
Damn spoonkid rlly does know how to make a spoonkid classic!
Yessssss we love the long vidss
This is the most video of all time
spoon you need to play Subnautica and possibly make a video on it i think youll enjoy it
Spoonkid2 posts 2hr video on a Friday?!?! There goes my day!
Earliest I’ve ever been wow
I watched this 6969 times and it’s a certified blazedkid classic
Already watched the whole video and can safely say that this is one of the videos of all time
I love the bigger uploads
It’s the first day in my new apartment, I’ve been working really hard and honestly, spoonkid is one of the people who is always nice to sit back and watch. Cheers to new beginnings spooner’s
Tugboat moments
I love u spoon
hey spoonkid, i’m part of the ramjet group that raided your tugboat and then proceeded to get pounded by you…GGs <3
best duo around
lets goo! we love seeing another video!!
I just nutted
Bloo and spoon is one of the best duos in rust. W video
NO WAY you died to ssaMeZany, i been seeing him all over the place recently
I just started watching but I know the script is good this video
I wish more rust creators would make long form rust vids like this an hour just isn’t enough
Certified Hood Classic.
Certified Spoon Classic!
hey daddy
Holy shit this will rival the ocean wipe
Tugboat jump scares
I don’t even have to watch to know this is a spoon kid classic
ty spoon i was actually hoping for this vid and 2 plus hours??? goated
Very original Titel
gooday kevin
This has got to be a spoonkid of all time
its funny that no1 has actually finished the video yet
was that guy in outpost not lyin then (from the last video (randy(the guy randy) jackson))
Just sit the tug in fishing
certified spoonkid classic
3:17 you don’t drive a boat…
W video
loved the video man just finished watching the whole thing <3
4:49 robert gamer
Hey spoon my brithday is in one week
the long awaited wait is back and almost three hours oh how my day is taken by this man
This video was great and all, but the people want to know where has the podcast gone?
Have you finnaly taken it behind the gulag camp and taken it out?
i literally commented to live in the water for a wipe wit bloo last vid
Yey yipee I been’d waiting for this epic win episode

so happy to watch!
DAMN A 2:43:00 MIN VIDEO?!?!?
How shit I’m gonna bust
Guys this might be a certified spoonkid classic
Best vid
You should try rust on console
certified blazed classic, once again!
w youtuer w cointent w mans
3 hours wtf
just woke up and see a fresh spoon vid best way to start the day
3 hours holy gotta love it
Let’s gooooo
I like to break into peoples houses at midnight so i can tell them that spoonkid uploaded
instant classic
Spoonkid2 you answered my comment thank you! I’m going to watch this video from start to finish!
A 2 hour 40min spoonkid video really jingles my bells
when will forkgirl have her next appearance ??
Its been 5 minutes wtf! Yall need to touch grass!
another spoonkid classic
Just finished the vid and can’t emphasis enough how spoonkid never misses
I was waiting for a tugboat vid
Please have my children
this video was released 10 mins ago but ik its already a spoonkid classic
3 hours lets goooo
I love you
too true
I was literally praying for a third sea wipe video
You know the video is gonna be a classic when you hear the opening line

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the vid we know we needed and the its the vid we received
havent watched. not a spoonkid classic
Shheeesh posted 9 minutes ago I got warm pizza and cold ass soda ready to go
Ruins the video with spoonkid I’d rather have dinkbot
i lived in a tugboat for a week and this is what happened…
not main channel?
The part at 2hr is so funny
Finally doing a video on this couldn’t wait
Soon to be a certified Spoon Classic.
But didnt bloo quit rust ?
use your webcam mic as in game mic
I just skipped the time sequense to watch this video faster
3 seconds in and I already know spoon kids gonna fumble
It’s criminal to be this early
i have not watched it and cant confirm anything
Bigest video yet
When the face cam coming spoon
I’ve already watched this 148 times, and I can confirm it is a spoon kid classic.
Zany kills spoonkid?
Wow! cant believe Spoonkid Tugged on his boat for nearly 3 hours straight! This ones a real spoonkid classic
within 10 min GANG
i was waiting for this upload and it has finally uploaded
Certified spoonkid classic, my favorite part was when he lived on the tugboat
i love watching spoonkids videos while driving 90 in a school zone
omg. this is the best night evert. i miss this fun duo so much
spoonkid 3 hour video makes my heart warm
daddy chill
bro rlly just dropped a 3 hour vid like it was nothing
5 mins early
Watched this countless times and yet again he doesnt miss, a true spoonkid classic
yes a 3H video I NEEDED THIS!!!
Got in on that tugboat hype just in time…
Dang getting blessed with a 2 hour video and it would of sick if you built a tug boat base no one’s done it yet
spoon is a tug master
my volcano screams LETS GOOO
Restock your plushies pls. W monke clothing
i watched this in 69x speeed , and can say
i dont understand everything, i need to rewatch it again
I’ve watched this video for 5 minutes, and can proudly say that this is a certified spoonkid classic
spoonkid im happy to say that you are my youtuber of choice while sitting down and eating a meal
I can confirm this is a spoonkid classic
1 or 2 mins into the video and the comment section going absolutely going hams “Already watched this 3000 or millions times and I can confirm…”
Spoonkid casual 3 hour upload bomb, always happy to see this
woot woot
one of the best spoon moment for me
After watching this video I have come to the conclusion that Blazed needs to be cancelled
This is a certified Twerped Rust classic
I can confirm this is a registered Spoonkid classic
Having video, classic spoon
already watched this video 192,301,324,248 times and can confirm this is a certified spoonkid classic
This is in fact a certified spoonkid classic!!! Bag fumbles left at the door!
Cool vid
happy spooners fr
Wassup spooners
Watched the vid in 2 minutes had atleast 2 kids this is a certified spoon kid video
woop woop, hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After watching all 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 28 seconds of the video within 1 minute of release, this is a certified spoonkid classic.
I have already watched this video 53890316071 times and this is a certified gamer moment
already watched this video 79451 times and can confirm this is another certified spoonkid classic
Letsssss gooooo!!!!!
Hi spoon
it’s always a good day when we have a 3 hour spoonkid upload
I haven’t watched it 1 time yet and I can confirm. This is a certified spoonkid classic
great timing, just finished the other one
This video touched me in places my grandmother couldn’t
having watched this 69420 times i can hand on my heart say this is a certified spoonkid classic
spoon if you realease spoons with spoonkid i will buy them
Awwwh man, finally the long movie episode after a long time.
Fire straight heat always be putting bangers even tho ion watch it yet
uuoohh!!! spoonkid and blooprint!! erotic!!!
no blaze = smily face
lets goooooooooooo instant spoonkid classic
What’s up spooners
3 hours of spoonkid bag fumbling and gambling to watch on a Friday afternoon, thank you spoonkid
i liked the part where they were in the tugboat for a week
A 3 hour video get in
this video was crazy !!
No way it didn’t decay
What’s going on forkers
watched the whole thing. definitely a spoonkid classic
just bought a brinda plush
Spoonkid gets ak in first 5 seconds* Also spoonkid finally a ok weapon
love the vids dude keep it up
Spoon Classic
wuddup gansta
Tugboat my throbbing personality for a week next
tug me
I’ve watched this video 20 times already and I can tell this is a certified spoonkid classic
R *hardly*
i already touched myself to this video 37 times and i can confirm, this is another luckyllama classic
Spoon kid classic
damn this game has water?
a bit short, but was a good watch
Wassup spooners
ez ez ez i saw this when it came out 23 seconds im the 5h viewer therefore i should be pined bc kool and i have 25 types of spoons in my house
I can confirm that he indeed lived in a tugboat for a wipe.
3rd in the vid
“whats up spooners” is spoonkid’s favorite motto of life
I’m a spooner, are you?
ez 1 minute early
A 3 hour Spoon vid and I have to be camping all weekend?!?
Certified spoon classic
Why is your name spoonkid2? Where is spoonkid1? Is like great britain without britain, or new zealand without an old zealand
2.5 hours!
Spoonkid with another banger

appreciate ya man hell yea
My balls tickle
i predicted this video
i Love the long vids
W videooooo
hey the Noodle approves by the way
Ah yes a spoonkid classic for my amazing train journey
already watched this video 397 times and can confirm this is another certified spoonkid special
I just watched this video 69 times and can confirm it is a spoon kid classic
daaamn, that was a long time without that long video
Is spoonkid boater certified??? These are the questions we must ask…
A THREE HOUR SPOONKID VIDEO. Best day of the year!
Ogres and trolls and goblins
2:43:28 in and I can proudly say this is a bart
I love your videos
Ahhhh shit here we go again
God i wish spoon would tug my boat
Let’s goooooooooooo
I luv u spoon
Why i say u commented 38mins ago if the vid published 15 secs ago?
Hey spoonkid
A 2.5h+ video? At this time? In this economy? In this state of the world? Wow. Just wow.
U should play rust console again it got better
Hi dad
3 hour spoon video

Already watched this 37961 times and i can confirm. This is a certified spoonkid classic
I think we all saw this video coming and we can’t wait
Spoonkid sounds like a mythical creature named Patrick
watched the whole 3 hour video in just 2 minutes. can confirm its a spoolkid classic
i am going to find your location and lock you in my shed
Spoonkid classic
I love your videos thank you for all you have done for me tho hard times
Nice video very well put together. Tugboat looks fun nice wipe
Spoon kid the goat
I already watched vid 69 times and can confirm it’s a blazed classic
Letsss gooooo new vid
Watched it 69696969 times certified spoon classic living on tug boat
Yet another spoonkid classic
Joo nice vid bro
Certified spoonkid classic
This is a spoonkid classic
This came in very good time I was about to spoon off
hi spoon
I eat spoons
the guy at the beggining of the previous video predicted this exact video
I have not seen the video but this is gonna be a good one
I play with my self to your videos Spoonkid
Mmmmmm tugboat
goomba pod cast is best pre workout
You know its gonna be a horrible day when spoon uploads

Only a matter of time
Goomba podcast
Great video
i’ve watched this 0 times but i know it’s gonna be a spoonkid classic
wow truly a spooner classic!
new spoop kid video
YES another doing something for a week video
Day 2 of asking spoonkid to crossover with welyn
He fell
Hi spoon
Not this guy
Let’s goo
Good timing
Love u brother
No way he lived in a tugboat

He lying he didn’t say in the boat 1:58:39
i cant believe that ogres and trolls and ghouls are actually real!
i wonder about goblins though…