I Played Rust for 7 days in a World of Solos.. Chapter One
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #ChilledVibes
I Go back to my roots with a classic Rust Solo Survival series. i hope you guys enjoy!
Willjum’s second channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYBxwW1sqqKMb4KjfvDZgQ
Join my servers discord for info https://discord.gg/UScYTDAUUx
[EU] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect eu.willjum.com:28015
[NA] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect na.willjum.com:28015
After some wipes playing with blooprint, Brit, spoonkid and most recently Ser Winter, i went back to my roots with a solo series…
You can find my amazing thumbnail artist @sinhunsan1 on twitter!
Give me a follow on twitter! https://twitter.com/willjum1
Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Massive thank you to my current Patrons, Thanks to your help i was able to afford my new PC! so thank you! if you want to support me further:
Fantastic Music From
Mist3r: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChadeA_eXwpZi-eA2Ecv19Q
CapsCtrl: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=capsctrl
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
BeatsbyCon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsCdBYkKiDGJxR8ZpeAYqw
Alex: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYzQlIUDoklHxtRC2Q6_OQ
Fiendish Fong! https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/fiendish1/almost-home
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,#rust,#gamer,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,funny,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo
コメント (546)
The SECOND episode of this series is now out, check it out after youre done here ladies and gents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvtGcMX88M4
song name PLEASE 14:00
Ooga booga 😂
Console needs solo servers
classic willy j vids…cant beat em
Love wiljums content but I’m going crazy over here watching him leave components when looting when he has a rock and worms in inventory.. lol
Wait I looked up rust ps4 do you play on console ??
Love your videos keep it up 😜
Watching a willjum vid is like, sitting by a campfire at the end of a long day :). Nice to wind down to.
i like most guys enjoy hearing a female voice while gaming
yes solo!!!
I wouldnt have the slightest idea, how to play Rust. But I love the videos WJ. Keep it up.
19:57 damn, just like my ex
Baie nice en chilled love it my maat
how u loot so fast
One of the best and most chilled youtubers in the world! I love that your videos and positivity man…we should have more people like you around here 😀 Keep up the good work!
Bro had 666 scrap and dropped one
RIP shift middle mouse
Thus was the first video if yours I’ve ever watched
Normal bear for willjum just to for it to run
Epic video as usual. The amount of SMUT ads for sex games and products on YouTube today is insane. I just want to watch Wil and I get all the BS. YouTube is certainly 2 faced. We can’t post much of anything they don’t agree with, but they can for money.
wow wiljum loved the video
why did you have a bp from the thomspn at the beginning??
What is the song at 14:42? Love your videos keep them coming
Solo server would be perfect I bought rust last year probably seen 500 plus hours of videos but I don’t have anyone to play with so just get demolished trying to get hang of it lol
I love the vids and the music and the commentary of the game is really great it really helps to relax my mind
I can’t wait to get my pc so I can play on your servers
Please don’t put background music with quiet lyrics. I often watch your videos before sleeping and it proper freaks me out when I hear a voice that’s not yours.
What’s the song at the beginning ? It’s awesome and gives a chilling atmosphere that is soooooo satisfying to be in
I am from NA And been loving playing on your sever thanks for all you do! <3
26:46 how did you did that? Every time I try to go through a doorway on a horse i either get thrown off the horse and a few times i’ve actually gotten killed by it for whatever reason.
Deam you are a chad
Hey Wiljum who makes your thumbnails. Please lmk if you have time
Y do u leave 1 inventory empty every time get chance to get full inventory loots
Rip the kit at 18:23
you have great gameplay, but your server is full of cancer. it’s really a shame…
How can you see so well in the datk
Quick question for the rust community. On console, it’s considered cheating to use keyboard and mouse. Is it considered cheating in pc to use controller? Because ive played console rust for a year and a half and want to switch to pc but dont know if ill have to learn keyboard and mouse to do so.
Sounded like the guy at @3:40 was trying to impersonate you.
I want to experience that game but soon
I figured the shift middle the middle trick out for the 1st time the other day. This is the first time I’ve heard it from a creator. I wish I had heard it sooner
I just started playing on your NA Solo Only serve. It got pretty chill by day two, but I’m still learning a lot. Even won a couple fights.
Willjum, Great Video’s still trying to play the game, due to it requires 10gb ram which I only have 8gb. my internet sucks. I have a great Idea for a Fortress that no one could attack you , maybe a Helicopter, … let me know if you like to here this old player fortress idea
You can agree to ally with them and still be solo brother… Nothing wrong with that
668 K.
Do you feel it yet?
Prim in rust console is nothing but stage 7 cancer you could get hit from 6 ft away with a hatchet and can’t hit em with a spear fromn2 feet
TBH i like his content. but him playing and everyone playing is completely different…. i die 7 times in a throw trying to get a bow.. my man here has people pretty much give him tommies
What’s the server called
He change the scrap from 666 to 665
I learned alot from this vid thanks!
Did anyone notice that at 23:9 to 23:10 that one second when you put your scrap in its 666.
Am I crazy or does that woman Wilijum met at around 22:00 sound like Jacksepticeye’s girlfriend????
i support you🏳️🌈🏳️🌈✊✊
Ur vids are pretty calming love the music and vibe I watch your vids on the weekends when I’m chillin out
I thought about joining your server til I saw the V.I.P benefits
Love the vid but no one needs to see those fruity ass doors
i swear this guy is a legend!!!!
I always enjoy the music in your vids
Your channel was a great surprise I randomly stumbled upon. I’ve never played Rust but watched Welyn and others in the past, yet you brought me back to rust with such a relaxing yet engaging playthroughs.
will is the most chill play: i want to make my base cool, not deadly, or both
What is the song that starts at 2:09?
17:43 LMAO! im dying laughing over here!! that was so random!
From 16:48 start playing 28 days later theme.
Game changes completely..
watching his videos are so therapeutic and gets me to sleep faster than the Calm sleeping app would lol
what is the song at the end of your videos?
13:11 song?
28:21 background music?
why dont you make it that theres a mixing table at outpost on your servers or does that break the #1 solo vanilla thing idk
im watching your videos at 15:51 you have a worm in your inventory also in your previous video you had the same drop the WORMS!! and pick up what you want
when willjum gives u respect
i thought i had subscribed only to find out i apparently hadnt even though i remember subscribing >.<
I can’t watch this video with squid game music in the background
The guy running by while you were farming at night … “Oooga booooga, booooga….” And kept running. 😂🤣 Love it
Dude willjum I freaking love your vids man. The calm relaxing way you play Rust absolutely makes me enjoy the game so much! By far best rust creator hands down! You the Sugar Honey Iced Tea!!!!!
Just as I watched you Video whilst playing Solo I heard a satchel charged and thought it was in your video. But it was me being online raided xD. Was able to defend my base against that one bully with my waterpipe shotgun, like a real primal 😛
Willjum: *in every server he plays there’s no cheater as he thinks*
Actual cheaters: *cheeky giggling featuring the fast keyboard clicks*
You all probably dont care but im at the game and im teamed with this absloot goat and we radied a wood 2×2 and got 2 meatal sets 1 roadsign and 2 aks the roadsing was from counters also the roadsign were planning raid are 2×2 so we left that base and built a big base with walls all around it i feel like my first wipe was a success And aint even over
If this were scripted id say well done, I loved the film style. (Editing)
There is a map!? I’ve been playing for 2 months and I’m only just now realizing there is a map. Edit: And there is a safe town to buy stuff! WTH!
13:34, me every time I leave my base
I was the guy u killed named casper😞
Am I the only one who heard “behold my stuff” and instantly thought of the executioner from thor ragnorok 😂
you make it look relaxt but it isnt way to much toxic is there a server that mostly just pve?
the seeds… REPLANT THEM!
would be funny if someone raided your old base right after you finished emptying it
27:28 im guessing your horse doesnt like you cos you keep galloping him full speed into stone walls lol you seem to use his head as a brake
1:55 this is exactly what i hate about many survival games and why i constantly get annoyed by being CHEATED – if you watch both times this bear hits you frame by frame.. you take damage before the bear even animates its arm.. meaning you have no real chance to try to dodge the attack… i believe game developers do this to make the game seem harder and cheat you into losing more… surely it can’t just be incompetence? or is it just lag and delay due to internet speed etc? I play 7 Days to Die and it does the exact same thing… Zombies hit you then do the animation to move their limb… I could easily step back and avoid most zombie hits if they actually animated properly. When you go to punch someone in real life do you hit them and then extend your arm? Also… I always find the range enemies have in melee is dumb as hell. Zombies have longer arms in 7D2D than my arm plus a club!
Imagine if you played on an entire server full of Chinese Solo Players? You could then say you played on a Han Solo Server.
bro you’ll never see this com, but i love so much watching your vid before sleeping.. chilling my anxiety… much love <3
Did anyone notice he had 666 scrap and he took 1 piece out so it didn’t say that
Willjums American accent was wholesome
enjoyed the video! `btw do anyone knows the background song in 30:35`
Liking the amo box tho
Your intro voice is so soothing, it’s like butter on my toasted bread. lol 😂
omg i love you mr jum
4:36 I’m that guy that wanted to know. Thanks!
Sorry bro I most likely won’t recognize the base you building cause the only rust player I watch is you maybe this other guy too but don’t remember his name so it’s mostly you!🤣
My man builds bases faster then China builds bridges
Rust needs to do solo duo trio quad servers. Limit teams tc building privileges to only the max numb
This is Minecraft of steriods
Does he have a US server?
Do you still stream?
22:33 99% of the rust community right there xD
I want play rust once
How is solo only enforced?
1:45 where was that Lazer coming from
Nice video. Were do i find your euw Server?
Where are u from ?
I’m going back to my roots another day
So close to 300k
Starts video, wakes up 69% Wet, gg beat the game.
the first base door makes me wanna disapear
I just wanna point out with the artwork is very cool, but NEVER put your rifle barrel in the ground. You block the barrel and the upper receiver will explode and take out our eye 👁️ 😆
Anyone know where to go to get a good amount of hemp fiber
Anything above a trio just pisses me off now. I don’t have enough friends to fight a clan.
He hit the car not the naked but at first I thought he was chadding out
I’ve scrolled past this server recently, I’ll check it out soon!
how is it with every youtuber that they have the perfect start or the perfect place to build. im always dying by kids with sars. or there is no place to build a home
Dude, your content rocks, but the music is fucking awful.
has this kinda base have a name,need to remake it 🙂
I wish the consele looked this good
How does he do the upgrade trick were he just hits it and it upgrades
BEHOLD, my stuff
15:41 u take aworm and leave rope.. 😁
i stay up watching Willjum…this is my only source of happiness. if you read this Willjum your the reason i’m still here. thank you.
best solo community
no one:
Willjum: finds 2 scrap in a container. Oh 16 scrap.
5 minutes later: finds 6 scrap* Oh 16 scrap.
Me: this dumbass doesn’t know what numbers are…
Rate that calm music in the background it’s chill af
I just found you and I love your videos so much I found you from your duo vid with bloo and now I have watched every video from the past year to now. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK🔥
17:44 – 17:53 rust in a nutshell
Just me or do I want willjums playlist for all the songs he plays in the vids
I can’t figure out what is Attack2 when building? What key is that?
“I Played Rust for 7 days in a World of Solos.. Chapter One” = “Rust Solo Wipe Pt.1”
I played rust for 2 hours and deleted it
Glad to see someone can actually play the game. I cant connect to any fucking server
“imagine teaming aswell”
Server owner: Wait what?
Is there a video to the base you build in this? Love your servers and videos!
Whats that song @16:30??
start building honeycomb
Lust Song ?
4:45 Thank you ! 😀
I love you Willjum
that map looks like the head of someone
Is there any chance that you can set up a solo only server in asia or australia or something? Love playing in your server but hate to play with 300 ping lol. Love the vids
*Where is 2160p60 ⁉️*
bro i fell asleepp becase of how relaxing ur vid was.
Bro rust voice chat can give you ptsd, I swear.
your videos are perfect for before sleep
Are you from italy Willjum? because what you shown there about the server it said that the server is from italy? If not where are you from?
Whats the song at 31:50?
imagine if they made a comps upkeep. witch is for things like traps, windmills , solar panels. ect. that would be wild.
Willjum its cosmic IM BACK
What server is the willingness solo server on cause I run west I would really enjoy playing something like this especially since i play on a gaming laptop and not a actual pc
Not upgrading the door to metal sheet from wood while having 600 frags in the tc… This really grinds my gears.
Do you support lgtbq?
Can’t wait till rust console comes out with community servers I wanna experience rust without my 2×1 being raided by a 10 man clan 🤣
I really don’t get why Rust content producers have unilaterally decided to call Boars “Pigs”. Yeah, I can get the yanks doing it, they’re illiterate and struggle with having a vocabulary bigger than a 9 year old’s, but they’re even called boar in game. It means you’re literally ignoring what the game calls it and English calls it to call boars pigs for no reason. I’m not sure if everyone wants to drop their literacy levels as easily as you guys are.
That’s the I got a motherfuckin 54 speed black stallion solo base build iirc.
Made it to the 3 minute mark, it’s too heavy of a sell for your server mate. Love solo content, but I’ll check spoonkid out instead for now.
Are you gay?
hi will, can’t believe you have 220k subs! you used to like my comments when you had like 22k🥲 miss those days. glad you’re doing good man
what’s the songs name that plays for a good while at the beginning part of the video?
Fake Steve
Thanks for the furnace split tip! Usually pick up the phone and go x divided by 3 😀
willjum places his tc in the dark better than I can after 5 tries in full daylight
I enjoyed this – slow pace makes for good watching! Although you sure do like a rock and torch in your hot bar ha!
Can someone help a brother out by telling me which base build this is? I can’t find it in the old video’s.
Obvious actor is obvious 31:00
17:37 give that man a medal haha
I also flinched fck this game theres no jumpscare tag
is the EU server in the community section
all i want is and all i need is to fiiind somebooodyyy
7:37 anyone notice how there’s a rock in the clothing slot?
Anyone know what that wooden door skin is called? The one with the little heart peaking hole? Lol
How do you upgrade like that
Sucks that I live in Australia and can’t play on the willjum solo server. The lag would be crazy.
Did you ever check combat log to see if you hit the naked
Looks so chilled and easy if everything works out and you win 95% of all fights. Big shout out to all players who are more on the other side, lose all the time and still enjoy the game and keep hoping to win sometimes something. – Great Videos !
Thank you for the metal thing
your music taste is very nice
For as much as I’ve watched your channel, no one I’ve seen has better graphics for rust wth
Umm are you Stevie fan sit back relax and enjoy the movie
Bro at 24:13 you made mistake in editing cause when you walk it show opening the door but then show old base fire opening
you are right next to a major monument but you don’t get slaped everytime u open the door…what is this!
bro that tommy beam was so amazing👌
24:14 Willjum exposed!?!
Bad box placement then likely just deleting that clip but missed a small fragment lol XD
U can give me some box skins if u think u have too many :9
the music is gonna put me to sleep my guy /
Mmmmmm random db go brrrrtr
whats the song at 30:50
holy hell, when you first started speaking I thought I left my speakers turned on.
Also I don’t own speakers.
When did rust start looking good I remember the graphics were trash
Its the base design i first saw in a series when u had smth like 10-30k subs
Plz tell me name of the song that u played in the ending
I’m trying to get better at rust does anyone have tips to get more loot and get more successful?
i wish ill be like you when im older just a very chill and funny guy : )
Is there anyone who knows this music at the 13:55 of the video? I really liked it! 😊
Talk naked kill on site lol
I have 3 thousand hours and I’m better then you
Willjum should use stretched res for a wipe
Your playing on your own server complaining about no mixing tables at outpost
Love the chill music man!
you never checked your combatlog for that naked tho – not sure if i can sleep tonight
how do you have so many skins
I’ve tried to play several times in EU server… and I always found it out of service 🙁 a shame.
Casually shoves barrel of rifle into the dirt so it’ll explode and give away my position later lol
Cheater everywhere esp.fly hack.wall hack.aimbot
You know who else is a banger?
love the vid
Absolutely love your content Willjum. Caught you a while back but really dig through your stuff recently after the 31 rocket solo bunker you built. That was such a strong video for newer rust players wanting to learn about effective builds. Watching you “slowly” upgrade the one from this series is and is going to continue to be a treat. Completely inspired me to join a solo server. Love the one I did last wipe but I’ll be trying your NA one next.
10 mins in and you mentioned doings raids, hope you did
Willijum ur videos is toop for me good luck dont stop 💪
U should try console edition
3:23 “I am ape, my mom is ape, apes together strong.” I love the AMC/GME short Squeeze reference. BUY AND HOLD. GME10MIL!!! AMC801k!!! LFG!!!
Ur my fav content creator
watching this in 1.25x speed makes it feel like normal speed
What name of the music ?
What is the name of the song at the end
mans simpin
hey can you make a U.S server i cant play on your EU its so laggy….
Solo only servers WOULD be fun if everyone wasn’t such a fucking sound whore. People literally afk in base until they hear nearby gunshots then decide to come out, no one roams.
Rustoria servers are literally 10x more fun to roam as a solo.
(not saying anything about ur solo server, it’s literally all of the solo servers)
Yes sir
maybe a stupid question but why do I always see everybody log off for the day naked?
I hope console can get solo servers
69 dislikes
Your videos are a vibe and I love it
fake and gay can confirm
How are you Willjum!
I haven’t played Rust in ages but I still vibe to you when I’m working!
This just reminds me how winning fights makes Rust so much easier.
23:10 – 666 scrap in TC / 23:13 – 665 scrap in TC wtf! 😀 why you took one scrap away dont like satan number? xD
Best rust youtuber??
No crybabys on the willjum server
Outro song name?
Hope they make it so console can join custom pc servers
What an energy
fuck me so much adds…every 2mins..
Haha thxs for “3rd” tip i was just about to ask!
how do you split items in 3?
fuck a base tour can a homie get the soundtrack?
protect the horse, it is your friend
Why did he have 666 scrap, then 665 in the next frame?
Outpost in a nutshell 22:32
What is the name of the song in the back?
make a na one pls!!
12:20 bruh did u check combat log i need to know what you hit.
I wish we had such a server in Australia. I would play on yours in EU, but my ping there is 320 … too tough to survive pvp there … any chances you copy your server and make one in AU? xD I would be keen to help jump starting it
Just earned a sub for that one, you learn something new every day. “Place a campfire to see if someone is outside with the comfort”
Base design?
I tried out your server but it seems really agressive on the solo only even while your in a discord call with another person
Was that a female?
Don’t think we missed the Thor: Ragnarok quote.
Ayo he got the one shot tree hacks we’re did u get them
Followed strictly based on large box skin content! lmao
Gj paid actors perfect shoot
Who’s singing the cover of All I want, I need this version. Someone help please.
We need an Australian solo server 🥺
Post episode 2 soon okay
Wish you had Asia pacific servers. No good solo servers here
you’re one of my favorite rust youtubers and ive only seen like 2 or 3 of your videos man love how calm and quiet the vids are they are just a pure vibe, just started playing on your solo only NA server! keep up the great work dude cant wait to see more of your content!
God I can’t wait until solo servers exist on console. Playing solo now is terrible
classic Willjum is the best.
What is background song at 30:50
You’re the reason I’ve found hundreds of scrap from time to time at random repair benches and research tables at monuments.
What is the song that starts playing at 29:19 cant find it anywhere
So good to see a Willjum vid again, love your videos!!
Hope you have a great day!
Bro farm stone and get your base upgraded😠
i love watching your videos Willjum they are super chill and make my day after a hard day thank you. Keep it up!! 🙂
When you and another guy were both looting the airdrop lmfao
When u subscribe cuz u got a good server
Pretty sure that’s your old Solo base design from like a year ago isn’t it?? I remember building it and loving it. Excited to see if it’s the one I’m thinking of in the next episode as you build it out.
loving the chill vibes of these videos, played your server earlier today and it was a blast gg dude
You are gay, but good player 😀
the airdrop had me stresseddddd
dude please make these vids more joyful in tone. i love your play style, just wish it wasnt so depressing.
The thor ragnorock quote though lmao
that was an insane start for a series !
so fucked up man pick the man up
Such an awesome start! can’t wait to see how the rest of the wipe goes
Excited to finally see the air drop play since the live version……ahemmm…..had some hiccups lmao
Great video as always
willjum what song is that at 33:33 .. i cant find it
Why u dont use The Willjum base design
Willjum teaming on his own server 😂
‘bogabogaboga’ – HexBlade
brilliant video .back to basics , love to see the grind , well done ….
what base is that?
fuck fortnite
3rd run I believe and he puts one single more scrap in the tc hahahah you should see me when I play everything is so neat guns boxes armor boxes clothes boxes meds explosives comps all separate boxes food even goes in its own and the clones have their own too 😄😆😅😂🤣I’m like ocd wid game loot
27 minutes in and he’s gotta do a less important run with a Sar and SMG in the old base what
willjum can you make a 1.5x solo server love the vids
Cool video but music sucks
Love the vids, Willjum! Always so chill 😌
I never craft nail guns, but seeing how they are as efective as revolvers and even beating revolver at close quarter combat, I will start rushing nail guns
Lets see if i can get❤️ like in old days
black and white horses are the fastest btw
Bro I made it to 14 seconds and saw you spawn in with 69% wet and I already know this is about to slap
he quacked
Arent you doing your base that you have show us
I just love to see your new videos after a work, really enjoying them. Keep it up!
I’m the OG I know the base design and the bg music so well, mad respect to other OG
23:08 to 23:15 you lose 1 scrap in your tc 😉
Behold!! My stuff!!! I like to call these “Des” and “Troy” together they Destroy!!! LOL!!!!
Spoooooky! harvest Jack, you don’t wanna mess with this champion
How do you switch between item skins so fast?? Love the Channel!!!
the map is shaped like a face
@2:30 yup
The struggle is real
How come you always use that door?
omg its jason bourne!!..lol
4 moojus on my desk and a willjum video on life cant be better
old school loot runs
i love your vids man. and you are an insanely good player in this game. but how come that you legit never encounter people when you go somewhere?
i would love to be better in this game but its all the time the same shit.. farming and dying because of houndreds of people camping me while i try to farm something.
I don’t even want to go to monuments because im to scared
The beningging of solo journey
يسطا انا لحل صوتك
24:14 @willjum whats it clip?
I will be trying your server, trying to find the solo dream.
Do u still have your solo server?
Love how at 23mins you had 666 scrap and next flash you had 665
but if you loved me why’d you leave me
Noice vid Will
willjum: “ah it’s a naked” then proceeds to fold the mf like an omelet
I feel confused… I has already watched this wipe
You are the Best
We do a little re-trying tea farmin? 🥺❤
Always chillin with your vibes
id like to play on the solo server but im worried id just get banned. i dont often attack other players. if they dont try to kill me i have no reason to attack them. i dont want to draw attention and make a bunch of noise and attract more people. i like to survive not rob and murder. i get my loot from crates and sneak around, and build awesome bases. would i get banned for not attacking other players?
im always a solo. i gotta find me a solo server to even the odds lol
I needed this calm and relaxing video cause I had a totally shit start to my morning, knew it was a good idea to wait until today, it spoke to me!
Hope you’re going good and your days better than mine 🙂
How do you loot fast? I just click every single item, and for you and many other youtubers just swipe the items. How do you do that, can’t find on google.
“I need to get some bags down” spawns in hemp close to him lmao nah I’m jp would be funny af tho
Tc placing hacks
It literally says how to split stacks into 3 everytime ya join a server nothing new there
you literally just upload the same video series every time, so boring
Your happy that your server isn’t kill on sight naked, but your a hypocrite.
Yes a chilled solo series with ol’ Willjum! Looking forward to this bro
Screw the stack splitting, how do you hit X’s in the dark?
What is goin on with the graphics.. Not as perfect as always… Nah nvmd nice VID thx for all the uploads sir
+rep for not kos
I really like the version of that song at the end of your video. One of my favorite songs. Never heard that version before, good choice 👍
Love the vids keep it up
i just join you server
ur neighbor is gonna build the mini vulcan, i can reconize the footprint and that he has wood doorframes
Man… I have 1.4k hours and all of them hours have been with my duo partner… He has now left for Uni and I have no one, Im anxious when I solo… How do I get over this? xD
Would love if you started putting the full song names in description if its not too much of a hassle. Its hard finding these songs throughout their entire portfolio.
Why are you lying about your solo server being rank1 vanilla solo server? There are a few better ranked, one of them even in top 100.
Definitely looks like the love shack base design
When do you start live streaming on YT?
I don’t play rust or am interested to, but your videos are such chill vibes you’re earned a subscription ^~^
how to split in 3?
Willjum Bucket helmet cant wait! Will.to.jam sleeping bag would be epic!
Will do military tunnel cuz before i do that i got mp5 6 time.
I’ve been playing regular servers as a solo for a while, it’s not fun get offlined every night by zergs, I’m gonna give this server a try
17:45 the tree man
Bro… The placement 🥲
Great video amigo , but can u do in future subtitles so i can translate it to spanish?
Love you all
Danke für die genialen Videos
love your vids keep up the good work!!!!
Sometimes it’s hard to say why Willjum videos are so enjoyable… Sometimes I wonder if it’s just the relaxation!! Usually i can’t stand vids where they show a bunch of menial stuff like farming, shopping, crafting, base building but somehow in your vids, it doesn’t bother me at all….. Weird. ←↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆ ½
Everything is quiet in the clips of this man. playing, fighting and building.And the way to explain it while playing. I like this guy.👏👏👏👏
The problem I have with solo/duo servers is a 4 man will just raid it and destroy so much progress. It’s happened to me nearly every wipe I’ve done on these servers, they get kicked eventually but by that time it’s to late, you’ve lost your good gear sets or even worse your base.
Hope u blow up calming video for long video
ur voice smexy bro no cap
Bro u have 5 weapons still roaming with bow and nail gun wtf 😂
I just love whatching willjum
Anyone notice how at 23:09 he had 666 scrap in his tc and then when he opens it again after the small cut he only has 665? Lmao
Outro song lit!
what is the base design? 😀
How do you do the thing where yo u swing your hammer and upgrade is that like a key bind or are you just the fastest man alive
Go Will………
That ooga booga booga guy is the player that makes rust worth it
Already saw it live, but watching it again is better
YESS +++
Am I just noticing after a couple thousand hours that the rock is the same shape is nodes
A random thought popped into my head while watching you upgrade your base… What would happen if someone was under your wood foundation when you upgrade it to stone? o.o Would it kill them? Would it even let you upgrade it? I need answers
Back with da Solo, love to see it <3
Im from INDIA which Wiljum server should i play for good experience
willjum i love u so much and i have a question do u have a duo server
Man that was an awesome start I’m hyped for the next ones
What’s the song that starts at 30:33?
I had a cool experience on your NA server once were a guy blew one of my doors found i was online, apologized, gave me advice for my base, and was very chill. Discord if your seeing this, whats up dude
Oldschool vibes right here! You love to see it ~ Willjum
Enjoyed the video.
u have so many box skins that they cant even load in lmfao
How did you have thompson bp?
How many hours a day of play to make this game worth getting back into?
24:14 what is this
The last 3 server wipes, I’ve gotten spawned killed by animals. Still love the server though
what is a mixing table
Is it the same design from one of your old solo series I feel like it was the one that was showcasing the new update with the berries
Say, how demanding is the game? I’ve been considering getting it for a while, but my current computer only has about 7.75 GB of usable ram, about 2.25 GB below what is recommended on Steam. My main question is if I mainly stick to smaller, low pop maps, would I be able to run the game smoothly, or should I wait until I get a better computer?
It’s your server put a damn mixing table lmfao nah that’s a great idea tho
This is man is so chill like there’s no other youtuber like Willjum!! I love you man❤️
Wishes there was mixing table at outpost. . . . . isn’t this YOUR server?!
I feel like he’s trying to tell us he’s coming out of the closet with all this rainbow
Is a mixing table in outpost something you could get like a plug in for?
Yo this is like the one willjum video that is not chill. THERE IS SOOO MUCH ACTION!
i know this is random But RIP rhythm
I watched Steve, frost,bloo and some others but willjum your video gives different vibes, never get tired of watching your videos.
Chapter 2 please can upload it right away 😂😂😂
One of the best and most chilled youtubers in the world! I love the your vids and positivity man…we should have more people like you around here 😀 Keep up the good work!
New video love to see it
hay can any one get name the music in 30:50
Question for the pepole in the comments base next to airfield or lunch
Have you heard about that guy name willyum hes stealing your vibe and content style
whats the name of the last song you put on video, i really love but i dont know the name
The furnace splitting trick is even in the tips on the loading screen for rust lol
They call me 007.
0 players killed.
0 shots hit.
7 days on record for rust…
30:50 song?
anyone else notice at 2314 he had 666 scrap and tossed one so he would have 665
Dude you gotta go into more detail about the trick at 5:15, screw the stack splitting! Had to dive into the wiki for that one but for others: comfort is dependent on the sources of comfort *and* on how many nearby players are receiving the comfort buff. If your comfort is higher than it should be (furnace and campfire both provide 50 comfort and sources don’t stack), than you know that there’s someone nearby receiving your comfort buff with you, like a door camper. I’m just not sure why Willjum was receiving 75 instead of 50
Will we get a Willjum Solo AUS server?? I’d love to play without 200+ ping
I now know why there was a steady, calming rain. Willjum posted another video 😌
Were you watching blooprint during video upload?
Good vibes man
Hey willjum Ive been suded for a while now and I love your content your one of my favorite youtuber and the reason I got rust your very inspiring and fun to watch thank you for that
Damn haven’t seen you build this base in a while, thought I recognized it
Ngl i watch too much rust vids that i completely remember all the items, and i don’t even play rust
I been waiting for the next series
Please make an AU solo only server
23:10 I love how u had 666 scrap n decided to drop 1 so it ain’t 666
Ready for this new adventure!
Currently watching while zooted and that music in the background makes this sm better🌿
can u make a au server
No solo server is truely solo thoe lol
Is that an AIT base? Did I win?
23:09 did anyone notice him throw 1 scrap out of the TC to keep the number from being 666😂
“I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack,…..ooOOoohhh” I am fucking dying at that timing.
Am I the only one that got happy he went back and ate the chocolate bar?
your builiding blooprints base design idk
love your vids man cheers
Since you haven’t gotten the second video up. I can only think it would be aloneintokyos base design modded to your design
Hey will, where do i find your playlist?
i have a lot of respect for solos.
i loose motication to fast
Whats the outro song man i cant find it anywere
Song name plz
Lol bro its ur server if u want a mixing table in outpost put one in
Does anyone know the outro song..?
Yes no winter screaming in my ear
This is an odd request but would you use some Skyrim music in a video I feel like it’d fit your vibe
To this day we shall not know what Willjum hit with that mighty arrow…
Blooprint and Willjum posted in the sameday let’s foo baby
Remember when you had like 15k subs and your PC froze every 10 seconds. So happy to see improvement in every aspect since then. You deserve all the success
Finally u back
Willjums streams just keep getting better and better.
23:08 – 23:13 Did you happen to remove a single scrap from the pile in TC between these times Willjum?
whats the song at 30:50 ?
Already hyped for part 2!
Love you
That thumbnail and title are sick, I hope this series goes well 😀
Nice video✌
cheeky reference from thor ragnarok 🙂
What is the exit song?
I was raided by a duo on this serv on the very same wipe/week than this video. Near airfield.
Mods on discord actually didn’t seem to even complain.
Still, I’ll keep playing on it.
I love you you the best guy waht
After an extremely stressful day a Willjum video can really help me chill. Thank you Willjum 🙂
Watching you vids are so relaxing 🙏 you should definitely play with Happy. Another chill solo player
Love you
If outpost had a mixing table there’d be no way to get in or out of outpost on large pop servers
nice one
Really great video, my favorites are the Willjum solo only server wipes
Highest ranking? That’s not accurate
Why do most dudes in this game have female characters? 🙄
0:59 when Willjum dont finish the rock… Every wipe. My anxiety get overloaded.
Is this a reupload? I swear I’ve seen this before
holly shit a willjum video on my front page on youtube, you love to see it
wijum microwaves his pickles before he eats them
is this a reupload?
Love to see ya back on the solo server!! The handicap of playing solo on official servers is rough
The best rust content, and ive watched ALOTTTT
willjum love the content brother keep up the good work
Man you really got me into solo rust. It’s refreshing after playing with a full group. After a long day of work coming home and watching one of your well editet videos with a good story and some pretty chill music in the background is just the closure i need for my day and life. I really love your content. You always manage to make my day better.
Thanks for this and please keep on making such amazing videos. Love from Germany! <3
9:35 This made me laugh, I can relate with my 79 large box skins I’ll never use XD
yay new content…also your videos have helped my mental heath so damn much <3
Also how many chapters ?
I was about to go to sleep as it’s 11pm but a new wiljum video is a must watch
Comment before watching the video
what’d he hit at 12:17 ?
Last time I played on a willjum server is was 4 hours into wipe bases everywhere. Constant AK, MP5 firing. Was running around finally got a base down. Was raided 30 minutes later by my neighbor XD
Love you videos :3
I had 2 options. Talking with e-girls on twitter or watching willjums new video. The choice was easy
love all ur videos man
10 minutes earliest I’ve ever been but I’m liking the vid so far
Underrated opinion you should play with spoonkid
Love your content amazing work ❤
It won’t let me join your solo only na server
Hi man great vid 🙂
WOOOOOOO new vid
Using the campfire to see if you are being doorcamped is actually 5head.
hi 🙂
1:30 When you’re the man being attacked by the pig… it went downhill for about 2 hours after that death, feels bad man.
love u
I genuinely recommend the Willjum Solo Server, on NA the people are generally nice and aren’t toxic (most of the time) The map is usually pretty good and it’s just a great community for solo players
Love the vids will, keep up the great work
lets go
What you studying in uni Willjum?
yeah the algorithm
I love your videos willjum not just because your a god at playing solo but because of how chill the vibe is I feel like I could watch you for hours my friend keep up the good work ❤️
it said 14 seconds ago
For the mother ducking algorithm ❤️
I whos the first to like
New willjum vid lets goo❤️🔥
Almost first 🙂
I was gonna type that you smell
Uploaded 2 seconds ago, lol lets gooo
also hi willjum