Rust Update | R.U.S.T – Silo Monument, Adobe Building Skin, End of Wipe Events #239
Rust Update | R.U.S.T – Silo Monument, Adobe Building Skin, End of Wipe Events #239 ( Rust News & Updates) – Join me as we take a look at the newest upcoming content and concepts for Rust!
Latest Devblog- https://rust.facepunch.com/news/r-u-s-t
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Thompson & Mp5 Recoil
1:49 – Ammo World Models
3:15 – Adobe Building Skin
4:58 – Missle Solo Monument
5:54 – R.U.S.T
6:27 – End of Wipe Events
7:10 – Skins Changes
7:58 – Flashbang Changes
8:46 – Monument Quick Tour
14:58 – Wipe Laptop
16:54 – Exit
17:40 – Silo CCTV & Rust+ Changes
19:21 – Recycler Animations
19:41 – Goodbye
20:07 – Outro
Get the Game- https://store.steampowered.com/app/252490/
Store- https://store.facepunch.com/
Get Great Servers from Gportal! https://www.g-portal.us/en/gameserver/rust-server-hosting?ref=TGG
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Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust building skins,rust adobe dlc,rust adobe building skin,rust solo momument,rust wipe,rust f15,rust road bradley,rust nuke solo,rust nightvision npc,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust latest update,rust updates,rust concept,rust news,rust devblog,rust survival,play rust,new rust,rust epic,rust tips,facepunch,playrust,rust building,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermanguy rust,thatgermnaguy rust update,tgg rust updates,thatgermanguy
コメント (25)
how do you force F15s to go over the map like that at 6:36 ?
how do you buy the adobe skin
How does anyone play this game and enjoy it with all the cheaters. I love it. My favorite game of all time but once you realize how many cheaters there are it completely ruins it. Can someone tell me how they deal with this. How they continue to play a game that when u die u loose your stuff while all along knowing that you’re always being seen by someone’s esp and the biggest portion of your gunfights are with someone with aimbot. Please help me understand how u can play knowing this.
Only one Elite crate for all that? Should be like 4-6 elite crates throughout the base…. Or 2 locked crates one on either side. Seems cheaper to run military tunnels and cargo ship.
11:29 is hilarious too😂
the scientists shooting you over and over must of been so irritating 😂 I was dying laughing tho😂😂 9:31
this video has garbage quality damn
Really impressive what they added this month.
The building skins are quiet nice and refreshing.
But i hope they relax next few weeks with new content coz i don’t want to update again 30+ plugins at same time on my server… that was hell this wipe lol 🙈
i think at the end of wipe the missile should launch and strike the map in a big nuke when the map wipes would be super cool
Throws about 15 flashbangs before managing to have any effect on the scientists 🤣those things are so useless!
Man it would be really cool if the warhead explodes and if you’re on the server you just see a fireball coming at you then fades to black as it just kills everyone on the server then reboots for the wipe.
It would also be cool if you get down to the laptop there is some kind of other, difficult challenges people could complete which would extend the wipe or something like that.
Adobe skin is way too expensive for only stone tier…
copying ark with adobe lol
I think you should kill the scientists idk tho 😭
Adobe building skins is so cringe…last week with the door now this. Might as well change rust to a damn RP game, why not add barbie in the game too
Very cool update, facepunch never ceases to amaze!Thx you for the video❤
Im not sure of that!! You can buy a blue card at outpost 5mins after wipe and go there ….kill some science dude and ……wipe it again?!!! Sounds bad to me 😂if im right…..ill wipe that game on my hard disk once for all😅
i like that they added a cam for the exit because otherwise it would be just like milltuns for campers
great vid
With the wipe events, it would really feel like survival 😂