➡️ This is one of my BEST video’s on the channel… ENJOY!
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#rust #rustpvp #rustduo
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Taqs:rust,rust gameplay,rust movie,rust pvp,rust survival,rust pvp highlights,solo survival,survival games,rust solo survival,gaming,rust funny moments,rust raids,rust roleplayer,rust best start ever,rust solo infiltration,rust compound,rust jackpot raid,rust base build,solo rust,rust fastest start ever,rust clans,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust solo series,rust solo,rust solo pvp,rust treasure,rust ecoraid,ecoraiding,wally1k rust,wally1k,blooprint
コメント (635)
This is some of the BEST content on my channel in a long time 🙂
Online raids at the end were INTENSE.
10,000 LIKES? ON? THIS?!
Had a doubt (I don’t play rust but watch a lot of rust content) doesn’t force wipe means u even lose ur bp’s ?? Than how did u have any bp’s??
Why did the “mhm!” Sound so zesty 6:52
How do you have 200+fps on a i9 and 2080
You should play rust with me
OMG the sterotype dbag intro.. i thought that dies 10 years ago? unfortunately not.. yikes..
**Do NOT Recommend Channel**
I love you pookie
Wally bro you gotta play lethal company
W vid like usual
wally you were on the same server as me
eyy wally i wuld lOOOVE to se you and a1dan play a duo wipe i think it wuld be broken sick.. i at least hope one day plllllllz <3<3
I thought you were going to post every 3 weeks or something like that
I’m building that base rn. It’s called the obsidian by crow
My man already got 10k like I’ll be expecting another one soon
Yall two wild as hell 🤣 “you wanna peek at our base, oh well come peek at yours” 😂🤣💀
I liked this one a lot
Been waiting for this duo
17:35 self projecting is one hell of a thing. And really not everyone gets a paycheck playing video games dipshit You know you’re recording and trying to get content If someone talks smack get over it When you only play in spare time it’s a different experience especially on competitive games like rust , cod , Etc
long live crow’s base design
55:24 hurts my brain 1 c4 on an embrasure
Ez 10k!!! gg’s brother
force wipe and having blue prints i am confused
I’m watching this in. My hum class much love Wally
lmao classic 1v1v1 did bloo even shoot
Interesting that the recording cut when they got guns 🤔
I find it hilarious on how many c4s you guys had especially with all the rockets you guys had as well
This vid is awesome def one of the best Wally vids
server ?
worse sounds like ayrun (dbd content creator) DAYUM
Lesh go W
Keep up the good work Wally
i ain’t usually finish videos like this in one go but man, this video is up there i couldn’t tell if i watching bloo or wally tbh yall both stepped up your game for sure , mad love for u both keep it up❤
can we get a base tutorial??
Glad to see this vid Wally. I just lost my dad on the 10th and I keep going back to bloos video with his dad and the videos your talking about your parents. Like ur dad my dad was very very loving and he’s missed so much by just about everyone in my town. Thanks for the video Wally and helping me cope with his passing. He was only 51 and I’m 23
1:05:51 I hear that vape voice wally, fire vid
fucking finally getting wally1k recommended again, don’t know what happened but I stopped getting your new videos in recommended a few months ago.
1:07:32 has got to be thee most savage shit I’ve ever seen 😂
The good old days of foundation wipe lol
wally you should pick a comment to mention in the start of the video and talk on that as an intro
10/10 W video
Day one of challenging Wally to playing rust on console
That was the most scuffed raid at the end I swear
I love it when u and bloo play together yall are such a good duo
this looks like same editing A1dan uses, when are we getting the A1dan Wally duo???
can we get a lets gooo train below??
Wally learns electricity wally learns farming wally learns flying mini copters all great video ideas
Can you give me ideas for videos I’m a new console creator
1 hour and six mins it sounds like Wally had a vape cloud in his mouth when he was talkin💀
That shotty is the jams.
Finally! The best duo every
i just wanted to tell you wally i just got admitted into the hospital, and this video was amazing and really distracted me from what was going on. thank you wally. love the content keep it up bro!!
Average wally carry sumn slight
@23:00 “Jesus Christmas” 😆😆
fs need more blu/wally
This was so fun to watch. Great video like always
Bro the let’s raid them right now got me hyped! On your guys second raid.
Watch every video just love you brother
Much love 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Perhaps what would that base design be called?
bro you guys raided my friend irl😂😂😂
This is by far one of your best vids bro epic.
rust makes me want to quit playing then i watch you and i want to play again 😂
Thank you for changing the cringe intro ❤, love ya
Great video
The classic Wallyprint duo. Glad to see it.
Sorry wally ima day late I’ve have been getting home from school and just passing out till i ended up leaving my xbox on all night. I love the content love the people love the pvp i hope yt isn’t doing to bad ❤
Crazy how he got 30 min out of 8 hours of gameplay keep up the work wally
I got my premium (better than wagyu trust me) meat out for this one!
not gonna lie.. most fun raid to watch ive seen in a hot minute was the ice lake base
When you two play, it is literally like the best duo ever. Unstoppable. Good shit.
Wally1k classic
Very enjoyable video keep it up wally 🔥
You literally raided my base at the end lol
Dude Wally.. that base on the beach at the end was my base and was teaching my new buddies how to play 😂😂. I was calling esp. awesome stuff
Crazy how underrated your PVP is, when you think of chads you think of Oilrats or other guys…but you are without a doubt up there with them!
Your going crazy the last videos.
Also i hope this vid keeps doing good, ill be here every week until your views start to grow again.
I was ur 8.4k like
one of ur best vids man, crazy nostalgic
Love how Bloo brings the more mature & controlled Wally out, prefer this over the instameme Wally
(we’ll not talk about the last 10 min..)
wally casually turned into john wick
Great video 🙏🏼
Wally i swear your videos are PERFECT to watch when i watch rust content there isnt someone funnier and better to watch then you Keep up the amazing work and i expect way more QUALITY Videos! <3
Wally, Worse and Blooprint are the pick me up I didn’t know I needed today, thanks guys ❤
Love the bloo and wally bro squad! Need more of this!!!
You always do stupid shit. Why leave your base with 4k sulfur in the dark. You always sell
The duo was great but the raid was aaaaawesooome !!!
Best Force wipe? But you have bps😂😂
I want to see Bloo, Wally1k and WillJum doing a Trio!! PLEASE …
you know it will be a banger when they have t3 guns 5 mins in W wipe
I miss 2016 rust too… honestly I liked the component system before scrap, and using scrap to copy components you needed seemed like a good use for it. I miss old nodes too.
Wally & blue video never disapoints …. EPIC!
Blooprint… so hot right now..
Base Name??
Wally and bloo are too good of a dou makes me feel bad for the other people on the server
Wally+Bloo always means a fire wipe!! easily a wally1k classic
“These kids are such gremmy grublins” W Wally
Base tutorial?
Bloo tellin wally to c4 the embrace to get in gotta b the funniest thing 💀
Good content
another banger as always 🔥👍
Everything that Blooprint said in the beginning and then halfway through, about Wally not adapting and learning about the new things added to the game… They are all so true. Whenever Wally breaks out into one of his rants about how the “state of rust” is so horrible right now, I always just fast forward through it, or tone it out… because it always sounds like Wally is just stuck in 2016 Rust, and so unwilling to adapt and change with the game. If you look at how Blooprint treats this game, he’s learned to be able to relax and take it in stride… he also does live streams, so he’s a lot more chill and not so try hard all the time… but yet, he still pulls off amazing plays and puts out great content… I don’t know if Blooprint has an editor working for him or something, but I love seeing the second channel uploads that are basically “the best of” segments of the VODs from his streams.
Don’t get me wrong, I love watching Wally, I think he makes great videos and is hella entertaining… I just think he needs to learn the other sides to rust and maybe be more flexible… Also, on a side thought, it’s very possible Wally could get new/more viewers if he tried out the different sides of Rust that he normally ignores… just saying… Anyways, great video, I always love me some Wally and Blooprint duo’s.
F$&@ing banger!!!
1:05:45 Why would anyone lie about a base looking nice?
Need the base design
Omg thank you for this amazing video Wally. Bloo and Wally best duo, we need more of it❤
Thank u wally ❤❤❤❤
That was the best ending to a rust video I ever seen
How is this forcewipe if you have bps?
love this duo. u guys go hard together
I don’t care if it’s blooprint, solo or whatever….as long as Wally is posting videos I’m happy for it. 🙂
My father has posted? It shall be a good day
Bloo opinions on updates is actually perfect
He said clicky on this door lmaoooooo
Watched a couple vids in the past but this got me to sub
bloo’s voice changer is freakin hilarious 😂
I dig the cool guy transitions. Also, love the duo with Bloo. Do more plz! <3
pogers w do more duos with bloo
Wally can’t say it was a good wipe without fully sheet metallying the outside of his base to flex on everyone else
Try changing the name of videos sometime….
What server is that ??
bro you guys are rlly good duo enjoyed the vid <3 <3
I can’t wait to watch this video after I’m off work today. I already know it’s going to be a banger
click E on this door LMAO
force but had bps?
electric furnace is mid anyway. you can do the same things with normal furnace + you get charcoal
How can bro have bps on force
Does anyone knows what base build is the one that they raided at the end of the video?
Bloo mentioned the “Sanctuary” and it ended up like the mad with power vid. Wally just raiding anyone in the end 😂
naa cuz why have I been waiting on
Holyyy 400k im so proud of you man, been here since day one
You know it’s a good day when wally1k posts
More blooprint wally1k duo videos ❤
anyone know what base blooprint made it looks cosy asf and cool
yin and yang at it again
Always a good morning when I wake up and Wally’s got a video while I drink my coffee
Ah yes finally the best duo in rust back together, let’s go
Anyone else see the guy a 29:00 ?
love you wally you never fail to make my day, im watching this before i go to school, watching ur videos is like my coffee, love you man keep up the amazing work❤️
This video gave me 100% comfort
0:15 did you start jumping in your room
i recognised that base from the starter haha
ey wall and bloo your wars on my server that was my base GG i was sleeping 🙁
i havent seen a online raid that intense in a while
Bro saw this in my feed and instantly knew I was staying up another hour😂😭
I would not wanna go against any of the people in this vid i had a db and died to a naked im so terrible
I love your vids and online raids ❤
can you make video on ur base please
Me personally I don’t like bloo but I’ll only listen to him bc of you
this was a banger
I like bro videos but he can’t keep telling ppl what to do especially bloo💯💪🏾
The L9 shots were wildddd
lessssss gooooo
The base you built I have raided before and it’s so expensive
That was a fire ending to the video ngl.
wyd u said what time is it 3:41 and it’s 3:41 for me
Can’t wait for my pc to come
wally1k vapes!!!!????
The base is sick af !!! 😍
Big call on the title. We will see
Best video yet. Need more of the 1v1s
Bruh the back to back raids is MADNESS!!! def need another Wally Ft Bloo vid
I honestly think i like willjum more than blueprint but thats probably because he uploads more often
Much love ❤️
W vid
W video, we were the first group yall took the heli from and raided. Ive been tryna run into you again for like 3 years and the time it finally happens i charge yall naked prototype 😭 we even tried to come back day 2 but got camped and raided by a literal 9 man at missile silo
When Blueprint said their poor I was screaming 😂😂😂
You probably won’t see this but I was one of the Heli kids lol. That night 10 minutes after I got off u raided our base and my teammates lost. We were doing decent but u guys rolled us. GG
The 1v1v1 at the end was dope another Wally W. I come back every Wednesday and the vids don’t disappoint.
I watch these vids if they were edited more
Why do you say bruh so much that’s the only bad part about your videos
“They’re in the walls” lmfao!!!
W vid lad
Can’t wait to buy a pc gang >>>>>>>
Wallys got that dog in him
Wally…..that did not sound like applause my dude……….didnt know you liked blooprint that much man…..yikes!
1:50 wally says: i only play Rust for money. Thats why i dont watch you. I’ve noticed you don’t put effort into your videos
wally is that hamburg v2?
This is so good
did you notice the c4 on his waist when you were scouting the ice lake base.
This was a sick vid man❤️❤️❤️❤️
Been waiting forever for you to post😂
Bro wally is so respectful for actually liking all these ❤❤❤
about to say he never did missile slo i have never tooken it but large is nice i’m new to game but my pc won’t take my wi-fi anymore so i was sad i can’t play pc anymire
Please do more with bloo
The best part was when Blooprint made Wally drop bags down! 4Real
Wouldnt be a true wally1k Video if he didnt messed up the recording at one point 😂
Watching at 10:34 pm and I have school tmr but it’s totally worth the risk
Bro he raided this server is face punch small 3😭😭
Wally move in to my house so I can kiss you
That’s was freaking awesome!! Laying down the hurt in some people ! Much love ❤❤❤
crow base?
How does he have bps on an offical server?
No wally one kayyyyy
i also like how you cut out the part where you door camp us for 20 mins
Always enjoy the videos . This was a classic
1:05:51 wally?
15 seconds in the video and wally already clapping cheeks smh
Wish I could give this more likes; the ending was my favorite
I feel like Wally and Timothy Chalamet would vibe together.
1:05:54 Wally vapes?!?
W Wally and bloo duo we need more
Bp hammer that mf sound good aHHHHHHHHHH
famous quote by wally1k
Wally finally has an insane wipe, even though it was a legendary duo. (trio at the end)
that was one of your best video’s by far. 2024 only up brother.
Jesus loves u
Looks like a blooprint Classic!
That intro was crazy… can’t convince he didn’t clap without hands boy was still moving in game! Cheek game must be crazy
What do u think of men😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
Best Wally vid by far. Liked
how you cant fly mini?
Honestly W video
Studio clans don’t stand a chance against this duo!🎉❤😂
I love when you play together but i stop watching for a few weeks bloo because he was screaming way to much on few videos like tilted but is part right at the end of the day is about gaming, much hugs buds, happy new year!
Wally-mhm 😫😫
Never thought I could say Wally1K and Blooprint raided my base before but I guess I can now lmao
Worse my glorious king 🔥🔥
Let’s goo
That fight at 04:50 was sick
What is with all the bleeping lol…
Hi wally love the vids i know with will never happen but i wish i could play with you
Banger to go to bed with‼️
I loved the part where wally pushed the doorcampers with 4k gp and a bolt
Wally u make sad please more face cam rust video u are cute asf come man I need to see that cute face of yours 😢
Wally and Blooooooo Let’s Goooooo
Bro officiall just got so easy just purchase poop from other player and sell for hours ez scrap for if you can’t get a start
Watched this purposely on my tv to get the most amount of adds possible I got you Wally:3
When bloo said they don’t stop not dying had me dying laughing
Love the vid wally❤
That was my group you guys raided at the end lol
Great duo!!!
Great trio!!! Great video man
does anyone know what sar skin is that 5:25
We for sure need a trio wipe of you 3 playing! that was nuts
Day 1 of trying to get Wally1k to respond to my comment
As usual another Wally absolute banger
Hope this isn’t taken the wrong way or offensive but I watch all your videos that don’t have facecam. Same goes for all the other streamers. I find it takes away from my rust watching experience. Just not a facecam enjoyer. Love your vids though!
Imo best rust duo ever
The 1v1v1 was crazy, best way to end a wipe tbh
he made sure to cut out 15min of door camping after we sauced them we were 3 deep
anyone else stop playing rust but still love watching Wally
Yo base video…? That thing is sick
Btw the base they built was the humbug and they raided the obsidian both by crow rust
I can confirm this is a Wally1K classic
Who all remembers rust when you had to c4 brad when there was no hvs
Love the content ❤❤
bp hammer represent
based upload
Insane 👏 😮
That was a great video 🔥 well done Wally
“Press E on the door!” What a bully 😂😂😂
Best video I’ve seen from Wally. Pure enjoyment throughout the whole video. The raid spree at the end had me dying. PRESS E ON THE DOOR BRO
waiting all week for wally to post and he finally does😩
whaat are ur setting
1 sleepingbag again an again
bloo wally big w
I never miss Wally’s uploads another beautiful video
Love it when my two favorite creators play my favorite game🥹
Yes I might be kissing ass a little lol
Benelli Shotty just MELTS coffeecans + roadsigns
its kinda funny to me, that this generation doesn’t even know what guns they are using in a video game haha.. im getting old.
goated vid
Crazy wipe omg
Wally where can I find your pc? Want to buy the same one
He said bruh 73 times through this whole clip
force wipe and he has bps wtf
dk why yall dont make more vids together
Grease police
Great video homie, much love. We need a trios wipe with all of you!!!!
map without launch site?
a wally wipe. A ONE hour vid. A DUO WITH BLOO? this is a damn certified classic
The tiktoks and instagrams didnt lie
Most wholesome ending for dum raids to so 1v1v1
Great vid Wally! Keep up the duos, love seeing the interaction and plays between friends!
Thanks you so much for this vid need to see a lot more like it man with Blooprint love the grind and the love you put in your vid this gets me through my days when I see a new vid. Ps. Youtube needs to stop saying you broke guidelines😢.
I love you wally1k 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Great video love you Wally
Great Video. Nice Work
Cave base vid please
this video is what you parents tell you what summer camp is going to be like, and in reality its an enardo zerg
Insane video
damn, that basement song has really lost the entirety of its cool factor now. literally just got a clash of clans ad with fkn kurt angle standing there and the slowed down ‘when i’m, with you’ playing – that song is now lame asf in my mind.
eta i’m putting money on narrow head being the next ostensibly cool band to get worn out by lame shit
Best vid I’ve ever watched
Man rust has been ass lately….but this vid was a good one!!! Good job broski’s
One of the best vids of yours I’ve seen in a minute, great work Wally gg to all 3 of you
I watched this video 100000^42 times and can confirm this is a wally1k clasic
This is a fire 🔥 video and i love ❤️ the colab and yall should do alot more vids together to me yall sound like brothers to
I like text overlay detail to give some context after a clip jump
isn’t a force wipe when it wipes your blueprints?
Dope vid, why do you bleep the swearing? Is it better for the algo or?
This is the best Wally vid I’ve seen
You guys are ridiculously insane !!!! That online raid against ICE lake was off the charts !!!! Ive got no fingernails left xD
Bro the dude outside at 30:13 is the first perter parker
the real question is do it clap???
Im sick af , i think i have covid and just couldnt find sht to watch luckily i remembered you uploaded so now i will lay here and watch this 🤌
I predict a Wally and his group vs blaze and his group video one of these days
Thank you Wally for all that you do we appreciate you ❤
Damn I just watched you get carried for 20 minutes
Two PVP warriors playing is crazy
Dude the last parts 😂😂😂
Those guy’s bases got absolutely ANNIHILATED for no reason at all
Wow that was me and my team hahaha gg it was an insane wipe i was always so triggered haha
An absolute W video.
this is the wally im talkin about story type video w plot twist sheesh
the “hit e on this door” play was hilarious
Wally doesn’t fail to complain about old rust every video ☠️ let it go bro it’s so annoying
Honestly don’t understand why your friends even play with you. Your vibes are so off.
W vid!!!!
Where is the mouse pad at??
Wally can u be my dad
awesome stuff!
Yo bro its marks amazing wipe thx for the online❤
w vid bro!
Wise words of blooprint. Wally, sometimes you have to adapt and overcome. It’ll never be 2016 again.
Amazing video
Love your vids Wally you keep me going on the rust grind 💪🏼
yea i only watch vids with bloo wally spoon and memeio all others are bleh
w ending LOLLL
Good video pretty good gift that on you heart surgey day two of your most favorite rust YouTubers post
Video # 4… day # 120… Wally please bring back the challenge videos😭🙏
Wally what kinda pc do you have? I see you were getting 160-180 fps @wally1k
Love you wally
Bro it was me and my team in that base my friend is redsheep
I had a great wipe this week and I think it’s because I watch wally1k.
Gonna give this a watch once I’m off work just wanted to stop and leave a like and comment to support 💪
awesome vid that shit was so fun to watch
Any advice for me to make content? i want to grind content but i don’t have any ideas and don’t have much time because of school. Love the vids Wally❤
Wally thx for posting I lost my car today because of money but your vids help me feel better
Wow this was awesome to watch! DUO AGAIN
Wished i could superlike this shit is a BANGER
best time of the week
guys it was my clan ahahah nice one wally1k thanks for the online dude
Love the videos wally I wish I could play pc rust but I play console hit a fat ass raid last night
Loaded?… mhmmmmm 😂
I’ve never et been this early to a wally1k video
Wally you should stop using the burst mode
Bro was clappin🧐🤣
Keep up the amazing work you inspire millions every day even me
Ft Blooprint is doooooppppppeeeee lets get one with Spoonkid soon!
Claps* Blueprint!!! I love you!!! XD
Bro is the best rust youtuber to watch while eating. keep doing what you are doing Wally luv you dawg.
I’m heppy
Seeing a new Wally or blooprint video brightens my day. Your content is so fun to watch and the way you talk to your fans is amazing. Keep up the good work, I’m glad you’ve made it this far.❤
The last raid was insanely entertaining
wasnt force
Great vid, good shit wally!
Amazing vid thanks wally
I just got back from school now watching this very d eating pizza I love you Wally 🙏
bro finally came from under the rock
great vid broski ik youtube doing you wrong but i promise if you keep posting like this they have no choice but to push your content out
Good streamer/promoter but the game is dog shit and full of cheaters! Dont say ive never warned you
W content bro🙏
One of your best vids
Certified banger! What an insane raid at the end too!
Thanks for the crazy vid wally
im really not tyring to hate i swear. i love bloo. but hes not the best in any category and im just gonna leave it at that.
Wally the best vid in a long time well done keep it up
Wally kiss me just kiss me I needed a Wally upload tonight I really did and I check and you uploaded just kiss me
1:51 bloo didn’t lie Wally should try out what rust has to offer in 2024
“We ain’t reverting back in time” literally seconds after Wally ran past a legacy wooden shack.
Maaann what a duo!!!!! Luv u so much from Saudi Arabia🖤🖤
That’s my dawg Wally 1K
js finished the vid! great ass duo, love you wally keep it up ❤
Bro wally I need this base design like why does this look so good
we need more bloo+Wally content bro. this was one of the craziest day 1 force wipe loot ive seen
That’s mmmhmm made me but
hows it force wipe if youve got bps?
WaLyWaLy!! ❤
that was awesome you guys had so much fun and worse made that shit even better yall def need to send a bigger group wipe on a clan server and fight the zergs once, sorta like the avrgjonas wipe group size wise but do like 2 or 3 days. Im sure it would be a pain in the ass to get the content but i have a feeling you could def get it done and if done well that shit could be a multi part banger. 🙂
Thanks for the content Wally
Your best video yet. This was amazing
8 hrs of dominating first day dang!
just the vid i needed
I’ve been waiting for this video! Keep it up love your videos Wally ❤🎉
Let’s get it get the popcorn ready ❤
What server are you playing on this wipe ?
Btw really love your video bro !❤
Never in my life have I seen so man “Rocket C4” Crates like wtf!
Me on the treadmill watching you 20k steps every day love your vids
I love the consistency! Unfiltered wally1k is the best. When I say this people always thing about profanities. None of that, this is not an Aidan video. It’s just Wally spitting wholesome thoughts.
“Force wipe” and have all de bps lol
BEEN WAITING FIR THIS!! keep us the great work wally much love
nothing better than seeing the og duo on a rust force wipe
Huge fan of you wally your videos make my week and i always wait for a banger every Wednesday ❤❤
how can bro start 2024 with a video like this 😂 shit can’t be topped
Bro no way he opened the door and got obliterated
Best video ever bro keep it up
say hi back im going throw a tuff time
pooopoopppoooo been watching wally 3 years before i had rust i got rust in 2020
Omfmfg wakakttyyty1.k iluver the video sooo so so much I could cry because how amazing it was thank sosososo much for posting another video I luv you wally1k❤❤
W video 1.4k likes in 1 hour IS CRAZYYYYY
Wally a real one frl
Week9 of asking wally to play with me
Wallys voice make me buust
😂utstanding Video that had to be one of the most entertaining I seen I a long time. You guy should do more together.
Wally I love you
Absolutely a masterpiece
Best day of the week
Also one of the best vids on the channel I’ve ever watched please play with bloo more it’s a banger with you two 🔛🔝
I need good server to play
you got to do a trio with you, bloo, and willjum
Wally duo with bloo all ways a god vid
Been watching heaps of rust content lately been getting the urge to play again thanks for a banger vid Wally🫡
Wally being old gen and bloo being new gen for furnuses
Ffs was gonna go sleep but check youtube and see this 🤦♂️
Wally and bloo let’s go
I want to kiss you Wally
best feeling seeing wally upload bro. another banger too
The only time I talked smack in rust is when I was playing with a clan and an 8 man tried to raid us when I was the only one on with 120 hours I 1v8 them and they were calling me bad and I sealed too 😂
This video probably takes the spot for one of my favourite duo video
this is a banger, wally never dissapoints.
Best rust player @wally1K💯💯
this is a certified blooprint classic
It’s such a great feeling to watch my favorite YouTuber after coming home and eating, I love you so much man keep it up❤
how is it force wipe if u alr have bps? im confused lol
NGL best vid in a long time🎉❤
Day #2 of trying to get Wally to respond
Love u wally <3
First ever vid I wached
Im pretty sure the base build is the humbug by crow. Its either v1 or v2 but both are super cheap with a great bunker
I actually love this man with all my heart❤
Wally so proud of you you made outer bags this wipe
blueprint really went downhill…cant stand him now
w videos like always
wait wally.. how were you clapping and running in game at the same time… HE THICC!!
I love this man’s videos, makes me happy every Wednesday at 5pm. Keep up the good work⭐️
yoooo 60min under
yoooooooooooo under 60min
The Xm shotgun has to be the most satisfying gun in the game now, just the sound, the recoil, everything about it feels so nice to use. I love it
Wally And Blooprint again ❤ lets about to watch the best 1hr 11 mins of my life
Love the vid!
wally da goat fr
W man continue this shit😍😍😍😍
I didn’t like my own comment
Wally is so gooddddd and blooprint omg best rust duo all time
Hey man ik im young but your vids help me so much in life and i love these videos so much and they help me through the week so thank you so much
What a banger video Wally! You always impress
i love wally 1k so much
Another banger video ready to be watched
holy moly another banger from wallis
Wally my boi whats up.. dude still awesome right
Woop time to get me in the mood to play Lios. One day ill buy a computer again for rust. For now, lios will do. Spent too much to quit lol.
Wally carried bloo again like always😂
Wally and Blooprint is an instant like!
Early again keep grinding Wally 😊
A Wally vid at 11pm gotta watch this
Force wipe but you had all the BPs?? I’m confused
Love you and the vids wally ❤keep up the great work!
i love ur videos man
Another Wally1k classic
luv u wally. keep it up fuck dem hatters
love the content keep it up
before i even start the video.. how are you gonna get a Blooprint feature and have the video title as the same unoriginal, overused title that there’s a million of?
wally love the vids
0:16 if Wally had his hand on the key board and mouse to move around… then what did he use to make the clapping noise 😳
Love ur videos g keep up the good work 😅
So sick, wally and bloo is always good.
ur a w wally I’ve seen every vid in the last 2 years and im still not disappointed
yet again when i see that wally noti my day gets 10x better!! keep it up bro.
Love your videos man
Only True Wally1k fans can like this comment.
Love the content Wally u should duo with an eu Chad like oil rats or posty
Wally is amazing when he unloads his content into us
love the content man love you
Isn’t it just ‘wipe’ if you still have bp’s? Force wipe when it BP wipes too, right?
W content?
The best duo is back
I liked my own comments.😅
Happy wally Supports small rust creators like blooprint
Ay yo
How have you been wally1k
Best rust duo oat
we love you wallyyyy❤️
Love you and your videos wallypoo ❤
Always love it when Wally uploads a banger thanks for making my day and uploading
W video Wally luv you bro!!!!❤
i was jelking this whole video
another classic from my boy wally1k keep it up
let’s goo finally😭
day 2 of asking wally to put on his webcam so i can edge to it
Another classic from the goat himself❤ love ya content
Watch 0.0009 second and this is a wally sertififed
I saw the duo w bloo and I got so hyped
Got home from school and watching u before I go to the gym, amazing day 🙃
wally whats your max bench
I’ve been waiting for this video with so much excitement ❤
Wally and bloo? The goat duo 🙂
genuinely what would it take to play a wipe with you
Love it man keep up the good work have a good week 🎉🎉🎉
What a way to start the year a duo with bloo🎉
yeahhhh new viddddddd
I rly don’t understand how bro post weekly videos and they all fire and bro still hasn’t hit one mill legit getting robbed
Thanks for another video love u
8 min and already 700 views
W community
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you did it again didnt you hehehehehehe
If more people watched rust you would probably be the best rust YouTuber
hey wally sorry i havent commented in a while ive been trying to keep up w ur vids and ive been liking and watching the full way through. i had a bad day at school today and this upload really makes me happy, thanks dude
The duo we all know and love. Insta classic or course
Chipi chipi
I was waiting patiently for this
The Wally comeback fr my favorite tangent of the internet im rooting for you Wally
2 minutes in and I’m already waiting for these 2 to shit on everyone
been waiting all day for this
Ive watched this 69000 times
Lowkey was a bad day, I’m down bad rn don’t got anything to eat or nun, starving rn but Wally posted so the days already better
Keep up your work we love you and I hope you have a great time ❤️
Shiiiit never been this early before.
Haven’t even watched it and know it’s a banger🫶🏻
love the videos bro keep it up, also how you doin man?
Wally is my fav always gonna come back
We love to see it
w vid
Love the bangers Wally!
Best rust YouTuber keep up the good work
This is a cetified Frost X willjum special we love to see it
Wally I’m always early I luv u man ❤
Thanks for keepin up strong with the uploads love ya wally. 10k likes gamers lets hit it.
Been waiting on this duo again
Let’s goo🎉🎉 early to a Wally1k classic❤❤
This is gonna be a banger
This is indeed a certified Wally1k banger, all seriousness I love the vids bro, love the duo vids ❤❤❤
Let’s gooo
Wally wsg can already tell it’s a banger
Eyyyy wallllz
love you wally keep up the good work.
10th viewer
Love your videos. You and blue are a unstoppable duo
3 seconds in have a like wally
in wally we believe
been waiting all day for this no doubt another Wally1k banger love the videos wally keep up the fire work also no better duo than bloo the chemistry is on point between the 2 of u
0.341415926091231 seconds into the video and can officially say that this was a certified Beta Squad classic
I am ready for this vid 😄
Love dis vid since the start ❤
Best part of my day is when wally uploads. Keep up the hard work!
Wally the best fr 🎉🎉
Classic Wally dub, another banger video i can alr tell
Best rust YouTuber out
Got the noti and was so happy bro you don’t understand and you and bloo is a long waited vid love the content Wally my guy ❤
Ft. blooprint, is this about to be best vid of the year already?
Hey mat it’s me Aidan wolowitz
Wally smells
love your vids dude. keep it up man
Love the vids right when I get home from school
W Wally
W duo I already know
This early lets go wally gotta be my favorite rust youtuber
Can confirm this is a wally classic
wally i love you and your videos Your soo good
Hey bro love the content😊👍
اول عربي 🎉🎉
Yessirrr, a Wally UPLOAD. watching it in class, Keep it up Wally it’s all love🖤
It’s ya boiiii, Wally, 1, K
love you wally
lettss goooo, love watching the best solo/dou player
Certified Wally1k Banger
The man the legend walllly 1 k
Love you Wally
Let’s gooooo
Kiss me??
Sup wall6y love your vids❤❤
I love you Wally love your vids
hey wally<3
Hey daddy
Certified wally1k banger
Yippeee ❤
Best ytber
Yo keep it up love it
Let’s go ❤
Up it come on
first let’s go
I love the vids
Bets vid
First everythinf❤❤❤
Let’s goooo
I’m first please wally
Let’s go perfect timing 🎉
Wally1k classic already
i gotta be first
certified wally classic
Hey wally