UPDATE: Looks like they’re reverting the turret/chainlink nerf!!
2ND UPDATE: You can now make offset bunkers by going out 15 triangles twice, instead of the old 9 and 9 🙂
I’ll put up a video tutorial today.

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* The music in this video is my own original composition, and is copyrighted.

Taqs:Rust build,building guide,rust tips,solo base,duo base,trio base,bunker base,meta bunker,rust meta,rust tricks,rust exploits,build in rust,solo bunker,duo bunker,trio bunker,group base,rust base,rust bunker base,play rust,best rust base,best rust bunker,best bunker,best base,rust tutorial,rust guide,evilwurst inspired,offset bunker,rust news



  • コメント (366)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @GameLightz
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Important to note:
    Keep in mind that though a fix to the building system was very deliberate, the effect on offset bunker mechanisms may well have been an unintended side effect.
    So keep it civil and lets wait and see if it makes it into forcewipe (though I fully expect it will).

    • @SirLongBongFatRipps
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    OMFG, I was trying to figure out for a whole-ass day why my Bunker base wasn’t working anymore. Frustrating, that little solo bunker got me through lots.

    • @Ant_Dawgg
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Ever since the recoil update, this game keeps getting worse and worse. Such a shame.

    • @glitter_fart
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    that face when you realize an ONLINE game isnt ment to be played solo

    • @Synthetic-Chicken
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    To be fair these changes only inspire and produce more creative, out of the box designs, rust becomes a predictive boring game when everyone has a predictable youtube base or mega bunker. I know its the general way people play by min/maxing everything but when these changes come, even if its only for a short time, it forces unique and different builds styles to pop up.

    • @theherostory504
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Still no fix for offlines… At least the zergs have to use less rockets! I guess that’s good.

    I too waited for the mythical online to happen with my solo bunker. But it survived a complete 30 day wipe.

    • @mikesande2409
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Well thats dumb I guess rust is a no go!!! if you can’t protect your stuff, what’s the point. it already sucks that all the game is anymore is a kill and loot simulator, just sad!!! There really should be consequences to killing in the game like you start as a blue a good guy if you grub or steal you go grey a not such a good guy and if you kill and loot you turn red because your a murderer! These consequences would change the game for the better!!!

    • @HappyBabushka
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    The real thing they should do that is an opinion noone wants to hear (esp off region offliners) is that sulfur should be a higher yield and servers should turn off between 12am and 7am

    • @MickeyFish
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    defended 5 online raid last wipe with a offset bunker it will be missed

    • @InJJWeTrust0121
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Even as a solo I absolutely hate the idea of bunkers as they are just exploiting the building system. If it was intended as a feature then that’s a different situation, but who honestly has fun raiding bunkers?

    On the otherhand, I completely agree that this harms solo players and that sucks, so hopefully they have some other balance ideas in their sleeves to compensate for this

    • @daladirn5119
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I just finished my triple offset bunker base with six ouside offset bunkers connected to outer TCs and pipe system through the walls to auto deposit opencore loot during a raid. Now the design I worked many hours on is obsolete. Welp time to think of something new.

    • @TheRealGreg233
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I think this will mean the future belongs to the wall stacked bunkers (that i actually love 💕).. let’s make some cool wall stacked bunker design @gamelightz

    • @puretroll3000
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Finaly a good update …

    • @flexmeister8042
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i honestly dont get why so many players are using those type of bunkers anyway. by far the best bunkers are pixel gaps. offset bunkers just increase the raid cost while pixel gaps go unnoticed by most raiders so youre acctualy able to keep your loot

    • @ABlindHilbily
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    “Because who like playing Rust 2 days in a row?” 😂 Absolutely goated

    • @The_Razer803
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Is this on console aswell?

    • @MANMatt1992
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Love the video and your content, hate the update. I understood 12 autoturrets because it hurt big groups but destroying a solo-small group focused mechanic? I don’t get it.

    • @Dragonkeeper
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Finally! Thx FP for removing this broken mechanics

    • @briitash
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m working on a new 2×1 base with 3 bunkers that still work. Pretty straight forward. There will be a vid on my channel for anyone who needs it.

    • @jce-eu9dz
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Tbf quite frank i dont really have an issue with bunkers being patched/nerfed since i think its quite clear they werent an intended building mechanic. However, i think a way they could remedy this would be to buff doors to kind of offset (lol) the bunker nerf.

    • @ono1113
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @sanik9581
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This is why I went and made my own server and put /remove free for all players. Every time Facepinch messes something up I’ll get a mod to fix it like the turrets going offline cuz you built more than 12… not on my server.

    • @somawanted
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Offset bunkers have been unpatched. Y’all can stop freaking out now.

    • @BravoCheesecake
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    It’s honestly getting boring. Why do they eliminate the possibility of being creative? It’s garbage.

    • @kyleh4112
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does this mean that standard pixel gaps are being removed aswell?

    • @kaydenRL
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i’ve did so many fair early game online raids with some scared noobs hiding in their bunkers which lead us to never online raid obvious bunker bases again. Happy for every bunker being removed from the game. It’s way too cheap to have all your loot in a base tanking like 30-50 rockets and some stupid hqm double bunker core which is another 32. Unreasonable cost.

    • @enkei0
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Pretty sure it was me who discovered this. I (Onlyhams) posted it in LeftyPs discord as I was messing about trying to build the hawk on staging.

    • @andrewbuchanan2338
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Tf is wrong with these devs are they having crack and or heroine based issues like wtf

    • @HarryBallsOnYa345
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    “Because hey who wants to play Rust to days in a row?”

    Omg this hit me to hard.

    • @behindthepie9430
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    facepunch runs a 30 man clan and removes anything that is a minor inconvenience to them.

    • @odyss160
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Time to build 100 2x1S and take pay intuitions to the grub academy like griff the grub. Only way to play now is to care about nothing, not even progression as a solo and just go wild pissing off the servers

    • @odyss160
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Wow wtf. Then they should be considering better door options for defense as well as other protections. If it’s because ppl had broken bunkers because they built them wrong that’s on them. Realistically there’s no point in playing as a solo for more than a day.

    • @7thAttempt
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I feel like this game is trending towards fortnight .. If I can’t place enough turrets or use building techniques to make offlining sufficiently expensive / time consuming .. there’s no point spending sometimes hours to get a start and a decent base down, only to loose it overnight .. the antidote to that will be, make bases cheaper to build .. wouldn’t it be cool if you could gather resources really easily …

    • @bobignasty7071
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Looks like Solo bases are back on the menu boys!

    • @miloshreload
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Stability bunkers entered the chat

    • @jesseporter5807
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’d like to see buffs/ debuffs to doors. The more people auth’d to TC/ door the higher the damage multiplier. If a Zerg is going to run 30 deep they can nuke any solo base with 30 minutes of tea boosted farming, bunker or no. The trade off for that kind of firepower is walls/ doors made of paper.

    • @AlexDubois
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    The solution, every wipe build constantly 2×1 all over the map and spread U LOOT 🙂

    • @froot6086
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    ive never seen a game release so many shit updates back to back to back

    • @helmholtzthemulewatson4763
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They really should just address bunkers as a whole by making doors stronger. I know they are an intended weak point but if people constantly circumvent this by have 6 different kinds of bunkers and or Garage doors up in 2 hours, whats the fucking point.

    • @vans617
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    bruh why do they consistently make the game easier for 20 man zergs. these zerg players like the game but wont play solo. solo players on the other hand love the game and are far more dedicated.

    • @TheBookofLab
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Tbh im gonna have an awful day now 😢

    • @billywest4755
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rust…the one game where the most toxic people play and the dev teams HATE solo players with a passion…. That’s why I quit playing…That and the outrages amount of cheaters that blatently cheat without any problems.

    • @Zypic
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @deurikin2466
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I knew Rust, bit I didn’t know that I don’t ACTUALLY know Rust

    • @w3ro187
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    hahaha finally

    • @ingohregg688
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    or you just use a non offset bunker

    • @ez379
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    G Lightz! Why u don’t use floor stuck? U build so good. I think u can build something unreal with floor stuck!

    • @Pootez
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Is the triangle splash bug patched?

    • @spencerdav2002
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    will the pixel gap bunkers still work on the trio base?

    • @cornecloete69
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Next update … if you are not in team -25% farm rate, +25% increased hunger/thirst.

    • @beatonm198
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    So what does still work?

    • @cocobelfort8570
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    man they only doing update to fck with solos and duo players only meta is playing in big clan with braindead big group who can infinity spawn same with recoil changes every little kid can now spray ak so no skill gap who sees who first wins fight before all these updates people had to learn recoil and had chances against big groups if they had bad aimcontrol now its all easy for this little dick clans against small groups and solos game getting bad man no skill no fun in this game but perfomance still shit and who says go play solo duo server its still who sees who first gets the kill and wins

    • @pumpmaneuvers9896
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Part of playing solo is rolling with the punches. It’s the hardest way to play the game and if that doesn’t sit well with you, find a team and quit crying. That being said facepunch has buffed offline raiding at least three times recently and it makes me mad, it’s just moronic. Their poor decision making and clear money grubbing is gonna kill this game.

    • @rasmuslinnemann6722
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    THIS SUCKS! Just make the game even more impossible for solos, wtf facepunch

    • @soular420
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Sounds like a great time to take a long overdue and extended break from Rust. Again. 😂

    • @FijyRust
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i never said that if they add anything that the game will die but this . this is wayyy to far…

    • @dziczyzna24
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    FFS – my best bunker have gone…
    Do you sure they will patch this? I have many opinions that they wil NOT patch this bunker.

    • @alifak1
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Honnestly, as long as they don’t patch the pixel gap bunker I’m fine. As a solo, I don’t care if people raid me, as long as they don’t grief my TC I’m cool. However, I’m kind of a bit excited to see what you come up with. Is it the time for a Temple V3? Goodbye for now, and blessed be! <3

    • @gabe9474
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch is so out of touch these days.

    • @joekimpton274
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Yet another update that only punishes solo/ duo bases, cheers!!

    • @Hammerheadstx
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch does everything to make zergs stronger and solos can eat D***

    • @lowvpro9651
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch could have spent the time “fixing” this on so many useful things. But no they just decide to screw the solo’s even more than they already have.

    • @coldtouch
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This should be official feature ,not to remove them.would be very upset if they go thru with it.

    • @fuscazo5399
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I am happy they remove this shit from the game

    • @TheJunipera
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Devastating news, but thanks for sharing it before the wipe.

    • @gymkhanadog
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Yay some building exploits have been fixed (the real issue here, not bunkers themselves). For complaining about not having a base in the morning; I haven’t been raided in 3 years online or off. I never build massive bases, or exploit bases like bunkers; nothing to attract players to care to raid me. Or build in hidden spots. Or spots people usually don’t go to.

    • @georgecallender5960
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch L

    • @acquirecurrencylol
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    this game has more cheaters in it than any other game i have ever played; the changes to building, offset bunkers, etc. are the least of the problems.

    • @DeviLz1337
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Thanks for the update ♥

    • @calebdowell4027
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Bro bunkers may not originally have been an idea from face punch but they are an insanely important part of the game at this point

    • @DrRippenShitten
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    If they touch my floor stack or classic stability bunkers or stair bunkers (again) then I’m done because it’ll be impossible to play as a solo unless it’s a dead server

    • @iteeto
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    So its time for me to finally post my bases. I found a new kind of bunker a long time ago, never got fully raided with it, because its to op. Didn’t want to upload it before, because everybody will abuse it. But if there are no more bunkers, its time for mine, just wait for it 🙂

    • @kagu12345
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    when i online raid they will still insta seal bunkers instead of defending so makes not difference

    • @snoozy2nd
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    You’ve showed me the way of the offset bunker and I have loved it ever since. It’s only fitting that it is also you, that informs us about it’s demise. Every single one of my bases has had one and I’ve built tons of variations of it. What a truly sad day.

    • @francosmith9326
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Common facepunch L. Honestly I love getting offlined and starting on the beach daily. Thanks FP!

    • @HansMcMurdy
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Its fine. Just use doors to swing you in and out of a sealed bunker 😂

    • @skimmy93
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I get it they’re dope and it’s cool to find this shit out, solos need something to protect themselves yada yada, (I am solo or duo at most). I just think that you shouldn’t have the best ways to build be the least intuitive shit possible. Less bunkers and manipulation of build mechanics, the better in my opinion.

    • @user-qi6vp3gj4w
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What about pixel gaps?

    • @bleo8371
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I like they fixed it.. i am solo player and raids are impossible now.. even against solo players with these methods.. you will survive two minutes with rocket launcher or building turret raid base.. i loved old rust it was more fun more raids… now its pretty hard have good raid on vanilla.. and hacking problem its insane every server you go .. you see ban every hour maybe.. it means there is always hackers online ESP you around map..

    • @NobodyJones
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rip god bunkers, you kept me safe for a long time old friend.

    • @brodes
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @xnlogical_1108
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I am still convinced that the facepunch team is a 40 man clan and they are doing as much harm to small teams as they possibly can

    • @mathiastoft
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    u can just build further out and it will work again 🙂
    i did it on branch

    • @XPSftw
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Removing these is only making solo-life even worse. Means you need to build bigger for the same security, meaning more upkeep, meaning less fun as a solo.

    • @lukafi
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Where can I find new bunker designs once this update comes out? Ive been using this bunker for a long time and I’ll want to be up to date if we find a work a round or new method.

    • @christian_coulson1
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    ohh well, rust is dead…

    • @jackalxxx
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @wonkerwanker3460
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i quit.

    • @blesfemy
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch devs play in 30 man zerg. That was confirmed long ago. They just hate solos

    • @SmartAssBaboon
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Honestly, its time now to increase raidcost. Its just too easy to farm 30 rockets, even as a solo. Raiding in rust is not everything & you only nerf zergs by making explosives more expensive. And not just 50%, more like 200-400%

    • @echetlos
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Nice, next step patch floorstacking and peaks

    • @CasualElk
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    going to just make an external tc with a workbench on a foundation and despawn my loot in my base every night i go to sleep now.

    • @CasualElk
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    literally just going to despawn everything when i get off for the night now and go to sleep in outpost with my workbench.

    • @pete8420
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Somehow they’re gonna come out with a patch next that makes it so you can’t make your base look like you’re poor

    • @SJ-ki1eq
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    huge L

    • @CasualElk
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    SO GODDAMN SICK OF FACEPUNCH RUINING THEIR GAME FOR SOLOS. WTF. why cant they focus on fucking dealing with cheaters by improving their anti cheat than making it more diofficult to now play as a solo!

    • @pete8420
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Back to low pop, it is

    • @emilowhicicornetto9105
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i understand this but still. why can’t we have nice things in life?

    • @Phillycoin
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Unreal man. Rust was such a interesting game with the build mechanics. Good to know I now have nothing to look forwards to when playing the game. Helk you pos

    • @MrPrawn1001
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good. Bunkers are bs. Just another exploit to cater to sweats

    • @FrozenGaming
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I am sorry but I loved this one! Yes! Finally!!! It was also causing a lot of fps drops to people walking by from these type of bases. Hope they will soon patch all bunkers and just show us their own bunker door which is in the assets.

    • @nagydani825
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Okay for anyone asking here is the bunkers that still work: gamelightz standing pixelgaps, 2 triangle floor pixelgap, 2 square floor pixelgap, freehand roofbunker, (wallstack) multi tc roofbunker, raised foundation bunker, suicide bunker(dropbox, box through wall thing), the newer version of stair bunker(the one going throuh a wall), various vending machine bunkers(you can jackhammer it for half the loot). If i missed any, feel free to comment it. i just tested these bunkers so they should work on wipe as well

    • @eldavisfire
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I abused this bunker glitches to the max and still never deterred an offline raid, they actually go through walls instead of doors lol🎉🎉🎉

    • @ukaszlinka4662
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    so basicly they making the game more zerg friendly again… less turrets at same time.. now no bunkers that saved my base many times.. and also turrets wont shoot if chainlink is in the way thats sick… i can understand nerfing the double chainklink mechanic but if 1 chainlink will prevent it too then big FU for devs

    • @dylanprinsloo5568
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch be like: quick they having too much fun let’s break something

    • @Noobface
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    You say that as if people don’t have multiple bunkers in their base and hide all their loot even during onlines lol.

    • @benoitheroux6839
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    the Turrets things will be reverted, it was a miscommunication on the dev team.

    • @JoaoBatista-yq4ml
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This bunker was so overused by base designers that now many people think that there’s no more bunkers lol. There are plenty of other bunkers that are just as good (or even better in certain situations)

    • @IamCaleum
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rust is pushing more and more into helping zergs, roofcampers, and cheaters and has been at war with solos for as long as I can remember so this is nothing new, just one more thing to make a solo’s life worse.

    • @larsruberti3315
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does this apply to disconnectable tc’s as well? As the roofpiece lowers the stability of the floorframes so they break, he mentioned the stability doesn’t lower as much as it used to.

    • @pinheadlarry3605
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Im a solo Player with over 4k hours. I aint very good but I realy was depending on Bunkers all the time to prevent offlining by groups… sad to see the game going more and more into a zerg direction

    • @derekadair5320
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I figured they’d patch floor stacking not this lol

    • @ice9414
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    That’s very unfortunate to put it mildly. Every one of my (up to date) basedesigns are based on these kinds of bunkers. Be it a doublebunker in the core or external bunkers. Solo/Duo wipes will now be that bit harder again.

    • @Retepp
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    After the recoil and bunker changes, and the industrial update, I can’t even enjoy this game as a solo/duo anymore.

    • @nandocax
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Ppl discovering this after sealing their bunkers

    • @beefnuts2941
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What’s funny is I see everyone crying about offlines, but when I see a server with offline protection, everyone cries about that until the admin removes it. Everyone wants to offline but nobody wants to get offlined.

    • @kachmoney1983
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @bernhardmartl4675
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    3k hours here, mostly solo.I hope they will introduce some sort of offset here (e.g. doors having more HP or so), because this certainly disfavors solo players and favors zerg mega bases. With bunkers, you could have a decent upkeep, that didnt require you to be a farm bot and zergs often stayed away since it didn’t match cost to benefit considerations. They must find a way to make solo bases expensive to take, otherwise solo players will die out…

    • @moto3463
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This games dead since recoil glad I deleted it

    • @Kato22PR
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I hope they remove every single bunker in the game. We all know, that bunker Andy’s during an online raid, instead of defending, they seal bunkers and pray you dint bring enough.

    A 1×1 should not be 16 rockets to raid.

    I have not had problems with off line raids. For 3 reasons.
    1. Overlapping tc’s. As long as I have my workbench I snow ball after an offline.
    2. I build up my base according to the loot i have inside. (Like every one should)
    3. I don’t sleep on boom. If you offline raid me, you will never profit. You get comps, guns, but no sulfur back. And i can get comps and guns back in 30 min or less, just need my workbench and im good

    Bunker Andy’s never online raid, so its hipocritical to complain about offline raids, when you offline raid yourself.

    • @puhl007
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    @gameLightz does that mean pixel gaps are broken aswell?

    • @EokaBeamer69
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    Do you think they patched this on accident, trying to do something completely different and it will come back? Or did they say specfically offets are gone? And does this also affect vertical pixelgap bunkers or do they still work?

    • @levithian_4785
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    dw guys u just need 500 hqm 50k metal and 100k stone so you dont get offlined

    • @rw1567
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good. Bunkers are exploits that we’re never meant to be in the first place.

    • @stellavirgintv3607
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    bout fucking time

    • @ElrosGames
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Lets boycot em for removing the offset bunker. They are simply making it as unfun as possible for us to play in smaller team bases and have good offline raid protection

    • @Koning169
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @ChrisCSunshine
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Hey Gamelightz! So firstly ‘poo’! Now I got that out the way, is it possible tocreate a new bunker meta, could we go out 11 triangles? or go out 9 go out 9 …go out 9???? Will the ‘used by Willjum’ two raised triangles and a twig halfwall suicide bunker still work? We ‘YOU’ are the creatives We can beat this! Can we beat this???? All the best in the future regardless mate You have given us much more than bunkers so am certain you will soldier through!

    • @williamtaube5500
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @ElrosGames
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    maybe they now we just have to offset it more to have the same effect? idk

    • @dante5526
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    ngl i dislike bunkers as a concept so i dont mind, i see the issue builders have but realistically bunkers should be its own mecanic with associated cost rather than a bounch of exploits.

    i dont think it changes much as far as raiding goes, on any noteworthy base worth bunkering ppl just boom trough walls rather than following door paths in my experience

    • @nagydani825
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I really dont like this… why, i mean bunkers are the coolest thing, they patched the spiral staircase bunker, the various roof bunkers and now this…. I mean we still have pixelgaps and freehands, but if they patch those i might as well close rust forever. They are trying to make rust less solo friendly

    • @DabCityyy
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    ❤ thanks for the update and I am kinda sad about this update. Offset bunkers were OP

    • @tree_alone
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Oh just make a suicide tc room and use dropboxes you goofball. Break the drop boxes when you have the tc stocked so they wont know what honey comb it is stuffed into. You might wake up to a cleared base but youll wake up to a base and some amount of resource you can drop box out to yourself.

    • @youtubenameprohibited1564
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I loved this game because it was a hard game now it’s to easy with no challenge devs you have killed the game well done

    • @youtubenameprohibited1564
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Devs killed this game a long time ago

    • @kuki9800
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    bruh, this turret nerf its a fucking joke

    • @metasamsara
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    FINALLY. time for good builders to be rewarded again. copying youtube glitches was never a fun game mechanic especially when it was meta. now if they could go back to the days of building inside of the ground for foundations that build halfway through that would be amazing for hidden basements that don’t use a bunker entrance.

    • @gdgd5194
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rust is incredibly boring and their updates are retarded.
    Started 7 days to die recently and it’s like 100 times more fun than rust. And if a shitty, glitchy game like that is more fun, why even bother with rust.

    • @iiMFROMHAWAii
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Dude I had a feeling something changed lol had a god bunker going in a 2x came back later and was ceiled in forever after breaking twig

    • @bromstar8482
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    That would affect detachable externals as well ,or?

    • @jameshyman418
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i’ve played rust from the start but facepunch has and always will favor the clan and groups over single players, there has been 100’s of little things solo’s could do to hide their loot and everytime it gets patched without fail. Then they add more stuff for clans to get more loot … the last time i played my friends base next to me was getting raided by a clan he was offline (shock i know being offlined) as they got through his bunkers roof … they jumped in and i threw a grenade in … killed the lot .. i sealed his roof and setup a turret inside … i then respawned back in base … but somehow they knew where i was and said if i didn’t give them back their kits and ak’s they would be back … about 30 mins later they missile silo’d my base to foundation … solo and duos have a lot to contend with and everytime we find some little thing to try to hide our loot it gets patched

    • @cloveruty
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    UPDATE FOR EVERYONE: While the bunkers still remain broken, one of the devs have reverted the changes to the turrets not being able to shoot through chain link. It’s stated that while it is intentional for turrets to be able to shoot through chain link, player projectiles being blocked by more than two chain link walls isn’t.

    • @TunnelVision
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does floor stacking still works?

    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Raid costs are abnormally low dudeee, raiding shouldn’t be this casual I think. On the other side game will be much more fast tempo which means I don’t have to play all 4 daya of the wipe and play the most fun 2 days

    • @user-wq9fw7hb7r
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m sorry to say but.. when I see y’all complaining like that when you have such a great game and mechanics I’m kinda sad. As an Ark fan, the things are worse over there. Duping, aimboting and last but not least meshing. Rocket spammer too. Ark is so full of bugs and unfix issue but instead of getting good work on it we have DLCs and a graphic rework. And I’m not complaining either. But let me tell you, my next game will be rust and I’ll enjoy it very much.

    • @hanfiball4136
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Top 3 leas favorite update for me.

    Top1: Recoil change
    Top2: no wall stacking (so many amazing footprints lost forever)
    Top3: no more amazing solo bunkers

    But hey, I stopped playing anyways. I may do a trap base once a year or something…who knows.

    • @kaiohshin2322
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I have found that out of all bunkers, the one that consistently works across multiple updates are the ones EvilWurst uses in his ‘Tycho’
    After testing it on staging, they still work – although the message ”too close to another building” keeps popping up, with some effort and fiddling you can still place it.
    I like this style of bunker myself, because it means you dont need a door (so raiders always have to go through walls) and it closes itself with a simple shotguntrap/flameturret. Rather than upgrading roofs before you logout, you just leave it as is. Lowest effort for highest security.

    Also, with the shipping container skin, the method of building out 8 squares and building back with triangles, leaves NO gaps.

    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does the throne still work?

    • @xaeo
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’ve been falling out of rust over the past year, just enjoying building servers and pve(don’t even need the bunkers there), but it was the only “fun” thing to do besides just throw up squares and triangles everywhere lol Ah, well. Everything has an end.

    • @tomtricker792
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    While they’re messing with the building system, hows abouts we get some quarter circles that we can use in place of triangles?

    • @PurpleHaze2k9
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They are making a mistake. That will kill the building community imo. I can see myself moving to a different game. Building was my baby and if they wanna kill it, ill just go play ark or something. I dont mind moving to a game that makes me comfortable. Whats the point in learning all the nuance if they are going to simply remove it. This is like making redstone changes in minecraft, we would spend ages coming up with ways to use redstone only for our long learned methods to get destroyed.

    They changed vehicle physics so I can no longer fly the same. They are changing building now too? Everyone already complains about ‘old recoil’ and they are creating a new troop of ‘old building’ people. Now chat will be riddled with ‘old recoil blah blah’ and now ‘old building blah blah’

    They could just stop changing things that dont need to be changed. They could also stop changing things that might have unintended consequences.

    • @bkiism
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i was dissapointed that they fixed pixel gaps.

    • @JohnmillerPowerlifting
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    well I guess we are back to the roof bunkers.

    • @enviouswings2363
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    stability only bunkers, ey, gotta evolve my ways again

    • @bigouncetv8608
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Is floor stacking and pixel Gaps working

    • @Wrutschgeluck
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rust is tooooo easy with this, so good it got finaly patched!
    Me and my 150 friends can’t wait to roam around and raid 1×1 bases now without having trouble with bunkers 😀
    *sarcasm* ofc!

    • @danielharrington8691
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does this also patch out the super efficient conditional roof open/close bunkers?

    • @anthonyroom
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @culty1736
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    First my turrets and now this. Having been so upset in a while

    • @merk6658
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    build 15 triangles out and when building back with squares remove the foundation it would normally snap on making a triangle foundation gap which you can place 3 furnaces in, unless thy patched this one too

    • @bizepstv6285
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Im always SOLO and if they fix ALL Bunkers I need to stop playing Rust, Even with Bunkers u get raided and without its so much easier that the game makes less sense to play ist

    • @TS-mf6ff
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i give them one more year and by that time they will have completely ruined there game, rust nowadays get designed by people who obviously not playing rust at all or totally hate there community and only looking for profit. am i wrong?

    • @keegkrino
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    When did the change happen? Because I have an offset bunker that works still

    • @JonathanLangdale
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I would appreciate an official game mechanic for bunkers, which is basically the suicide bunker (I guess).

    • @tim_nextvolleyball
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Man, I just got the hang of offset bunkers. Was feeling good about my building skills. Building skill is a good way to make up for pvp skill, Zerg and gear differences. So I hope this doesn’t make it to force wipe.

    • @redsteph2680
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m so disappointed as a solo. The game is heading towards monotony.

    • @8acteria
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Nice good job developers👏👏👏🫠

    • @AlphaOmegaXIII
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Now patch the ability to not be able to offline raid, and we’re set to go!

    • @collinrottinghaus6480
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Likely some larger issues at play here. It sucks that we’ll likely have to give up a complex mechanic that rewards knowledge, but in the end I know they’re hard working people and intend for the best for their game. Hopefully removing an issue like this will be a net positive eventually by making the building system more comprehensible from a dev perspective.

    • @derpmachine90
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    does this apply to pixel gaps too, since you use the same technique to seperate the foundations from eachother to create the gap?

    • @murateskiturk9708
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does the roof version of bunker of doom still work? What you call the baby rock bunker

    • @bryans5878
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good, they just need to come up with better building mechanics instead of all those cheesy bunkers.

    • @Syph1l1S
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    ive been waiting for them to patch stackable floors and things like it, since they did it to stacking walls and made like 10+ bases i made obsolete..

    • @helloeveryone147
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    what about pixel gap foundations?

    • @Claythargic
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I picked up a ladder and the 3 ladders nearby broke, a buddy put a window back in and a t2 broke, it takes about 234234324 attempts to get out of the water onto anything and they are working on THIS?!?!?!?!?!?! about 1% of the population even knows what this shit is.

    • @vk3638
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Stop crying guys and learn 2 build new things

    • @KeravnosPrime
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    now what for solo players?

    • @sparhawk2195
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Make bases indestructible unless the owner is online or it’s decaying. No more offline raids allowed.

    • @ItGabby
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @dimmu6897
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    stability bunkers should be ok yes?!?! the offsets were cool and all but a pain to setup if not on a good terrain

    • @leetabern1940
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    “Welcome to Rust. Are you a solo or a duo player with a job? Don’t bother playing our game, it’s only for children and unemployed adults.” – This is unironically what I hear every time I read the patch notes. I love this game, but it’s so damn time intensive and they just keep making it more and more weighted towards “no life the game or don’t bother playing it.” Not everyone finds it fun to start again every. Single. Night.

    • @ryder7331
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    imagine being helk and waking up and be like , I ONLY WANT 2 WALLS TO YOUR BASE. NOTHING ELSE NOTHING MORE. STUPID BUILDERS. THIS IS A GAME /S

    • @AquaticBlossom
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    So i guesse it’s time to wake up the Zerg instead of soloing. I mean, how else to play is we can’t play 2 days.

    • @WildDisease72
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Patching bunkers just makes new players leave.. easier for chads

    • @justv7536
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    The “I don’t have 50 people to constantly keep my base stocked with online members” update, very cool

    • @lisungeorge
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Lol, rust developers be like: let’s roll the wheel 🎡 of 1000001 bugs in the game to patch this time, fixing beloved mechanic 🥲

    • @sebast1annn
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I just finally figured out this bunker too! :'( thanks for all the helpful videos!

    • @inZaneFPV
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Building is getting so fucking boring, when they changed the roofs a while back it killed so many sick looking bases

    • @dutchy4830
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @MrTolikll
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Ураа! Наконец то убрали эти бункера! Можно вернуться в игру! Про турель не понял?

    • @magicbonez
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m somewhat happy they did. It was such an obtuse system to work with for base building

    • @mrotss
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    facepunch is actually smoking fucking crack with every single change since hdrp update

    • @masterjack8222
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    So the offset bidirectional bunker doesnt work anymore? The one from the cantrip

    • @anasmikail9276
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Why would they ruin the game ???

    • @falcofn7387
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    worst anticheat ever but they are focusing on nerfing turrets and bunkers. what a shit game. seems like they want to help the zergs and nerf solos.

    • @ImpProblemLive
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    пиздец… 😢

    • @NewWestwood
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    These patches make me wonder, when they will put limit onto external tcs and finally kill the game ?

    • @stop_tryharding
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    @GameLightz do you know if roof stack bunkers are also broken on staging? I don’t think I’ve seen any on your channel and I don’t want to plug anyone else’s in your comment section but if for some reason you need an example of what I mean I can give the title of an example video.

    • @Sffker
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    didn’t they also patch freehanding bunkers. I tried to freehand place the square in front of a triple triangle foundation (middle missing) and it would go from placing normally a little ways away, to immediately clipping in place, with no inbetween.

    • @funpolice8601
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @Z0mb13ta11ahase
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This will cause an explosion in bunker ingenuity. They won’t be as “clean” as the offsets but I’ve got like a dozen bunkers that don’t use offset in my repitoire. When you’ve got something like the god bunker in the game there’s no point in fiddling with confusing stability and conditional bunker mechanics.

    • @testtube1842
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 🙁

    • @agoniaXdunya
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Dang… 😢

    • @Bendino93till
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Oof that sucks I can still do them on console for now I guess

    • @dylanmedler8769
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    We can have endless cheaters but god forbid we make bunkers.

    • @DonZdravac
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    That’s why I was only using dropbox bunker for TC. I knew they will change this sooner or later so I didn’t want to get used to other bunkers.

    • @upurbum_Official
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I stopped playing after 5000h. The game is heading to be more pvp orientated and marketed to the very young audience.

    • @Breaddd
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch just doesn’t understand what’s good for the game.

    • @angrylandmammal
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i’d really love to know why they hate solos so much, this will probably make me quit

    • @baska-
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I don’t understand why Facepunch hates bunkers so much.

    • @Azratful
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    OMG, they fixed perfect offset bunkers for high iq people and left suicide bunkers for zero iq players?

    • @moretikaroa221
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Damn thats not cool dw bro you can still have some good base build videos who knows there might be another way to make a bunker

    • @ryankitra5704
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Pixel gaos still work but whwt about raised foundation bunkers?

    There goes the best base designs.

    • @Credon59
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Thanks, I’ll be watching your channel to see what you come up with after the patch.. I enjoyed the small solo bunkers.. bummer =(

    • @michaelwilson6597
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Really dumb move if they do this – I’m done if it goes live

    • @camiloalonso3709
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Cus why not incentivize offlining am I right?

    • @lmao7887
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    NOOO the burrow was my go to base when i played solo… im going to miss it 🙁

    • @Welcomepimpoforigin
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m happy about this. I’ve got 22k hours and I’ve been playing since Legacy. All y’all some nub ass players crying about this shit. Bring back OG rust baby!!!!!! This is a step in the right direction! Now let’s get rid of skill tree and bring back old recoil!

    • @saynotothemeta993
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I understand both sides of it tbf..
    Bunkers stopped noobs from learning how to raid
    Bunkers saved like 70% of bases from being gone in the morning

    • @Denvr_
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    again rust choosing anything but what the community wants….

    • @Manoplays62
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    por eso prefiero no aprender a hacer bunkers o no hacer nada bunker, porque no esta pensado para eso y tarde o temprano lo arreglarán, prefiero un buen plugin de antiofflineraid y ya jeje

    • @stdjunior
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    nuuuu the chad village T_T

    • @stop_tryharding
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    On one hand, if this is intentional I can understand why, since bunkers are essentially an exploit of deep/probably unintentional building mechanics in order to gain an advantage, and as you said it’s easy to unintentionally brick some offset bunkers. But on the other hand, FP should really implement something like a vault door that offers sheet wall+ durability to seal your most valuable loot. They could make it slow to open/close, make it require power to operate, make it expensive to build and research, and/or make it thicker so it takes up more tile space, but the game isn’t hurt by making smaller bases more survivable in an offline raid. Jackhammers, teas and mixing stations have made farming up 20+ rockets trivial and most weekly wipe servers are already dead on day 3-4. Building is already long overdue for a buff so nerfing what little protection smaller bases have is a questionable decision.

    Ultimately bunkers will always exist as long as drop boxes do, but that just makes them more annoying to use and means even in an online raid theres no chance they’ll be left open, which sucks for everyone.

    • @bobsyouruncle1574
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They recently introduced a special helicopter specifically to make raiding every 1×2 in sight more fun for clans. Any questions?

    • @chasethelights
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    alright that may be the final straw for me.. im tired of having to change the way i build every 2 months. the 12 turret nerf and ramp nerf really annoyed me, and now this? i think im more annoyed about the chainlink fences. i don’t understand the bias they have towards offline raiding.

    • @Folded_Soup
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    L update

    • @thiskidkills7806
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    That’s why I only use kill bunkers – simple and super strong.

    • @PSYSwagYoloYolo
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @mike404lol
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Hey man just a heads up, huge fan, getting online raided is all about how you interact with the server and what time you play, not what base you build or how expensive it is to raid

    • @kennyk5150
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Yaayyy I barely like the game as it is lately, playing as a solo/duo. Can’t wait to finally get pissed enough to just quit!

    • @Nor1MAL
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’m crying now. I don’t even play rust anymore, but if I were to, it would probably be the mini chad v2 or something I would build. The investment of time into the game at beginning is too much, and if you don’t do it, you are most likely going to start all over again, cause of being raided.

    It is not even like most people are able to do this builds. I can’t be sleeping with headphones on to hear explosions… And that is also insane as a solo!

    I hope it doesn’t go to forcewipe, or we get something else, hopefully cooler! 🙂

    • @T00ii
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This is terrible news

    • @derankingsystem9051
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    they really punched the solo gameplay with that update

    • @CodyTaylor115
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Yeah very silly of them to do this especially while offlining is the biggest reason nobody wants to play

    • @valeriojackable
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I guess the only sure way to stay safe is to play on two computers and leave one player inside a suicide bunker with dropboxes.

    Unpatchable, easy to build cheap to upkeep, and with a lot of storage.

    • @edgarmilhaisreis7183
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Well i was excited to play this forced wipe lol not anymore.. do cave bunkers still work? The one with the roof that opens the wall

    • @kennethmorris1571
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Do you think adding a new foundation shape would be a good idea?

    • @TheDrunkenMug
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @cloveruty
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    A lot of people are going to quit because these changes if they go through. I do like the chainlink blocking turret idea tho, but they should increase the turret’s health as a compromise because the reason chainlink was used was to stop grubs from compound bowing the turrets out and stealing the guns.

    • @cowdy293
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @Auguur
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I’ve spent a considerable amount of time recently designing bases with these bunkers built in, so of course it is being patched. Story of my virtual life.

    • @houndYT
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does this affect the old school pixel bunekrs?

    • @Souloso
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Offlines yayyy !! Clans with 30+ are AGAIN with an advantage, jesus, MLRS, attack heli and then patching bunkers, ive heard enough.

    • @valeriojackable
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Nooooo, the bunker of Doom, noooooo 😢

    • @austinhenry4092
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Game design should really be going in the direction of encouraging online raids, not more offline raids.

    • @lagmasterjay7930
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Hoping this changes before release. I’d really been enjoying the diversity of bunkers available to use. In many ways the past year has felt like a golden era for builders. I might hang my building hat and quit rust if this becomes a continuing trend.

    • @AxleLotl
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Oof… Facepunch be sounding like Studio Wildcard at this point.. focusing their efforts on the wrong optimisations…

    • @maxipi8820
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    oh no… how would solo like me survive now… :../

    • @bigfoot3631
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I love that Facepunch has the goal to make Rust more newbie friendly with all the changes to the mechanics. And also make it impossible for solo players to survive 1 day into wipe. Legends..

    • @davidinmossy
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Next patch is a map update where if you’re in a team with 6 or more people . Dots will appear on the map showing you where all single locks are……. 🤪

    • @OMGclueless
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I understand why they want to clean up building so the offset method doesn’t work. But these served a really important role. Maybe they could make a type of wall/floor that was extra expensive (2k stone/frags maybe?) that can always be demoed if you have building priv? So you can make a bunker legitimately.

    • @That-Fungi
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Super upsetting

    • @bigbluetoe1023
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Console players chilling rn

    • @workoutandread
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Every time the game updates and feel better about quitting this garbage game. Face punch really need to load into a server solo and a group and see what a pile of shit their game is. But nah keep pumping out those dlc’s.

    • @ducky_does_exsist
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    so many of my bases are obsolete after this hope they revert it

    • @first-du3xq
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    if you dont get onlined it’s probably because u suck at the actual non building part of the game sorry to say it I get online every wipe on official vanilla

    • @mripwntheworld
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What bunkers do still work?

    • @Chevalier_knight
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Do simple bunkers like stability triangle floor bunkers where a wooden half wall supports the triangle till you break it and the floor opens up?

    • @milesmccollough5507
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    i feel like if you guys are mad about facepunch getting rid of what’s essentially a building exploit you guys need to either get better at rust, get better at bulding normally, or stop getting so emotionally invested in your bases. there are so many things you can do that aren’t bunkers to keep your base safe after you log off and if you’re paralyzed with emotional anguish over the possibility that you’ll be offlined more after this change then maybe just stick to playing singleplayer ARK or something.

    games get updated, get over it. facepunch doesn’t want the base metagame to become overrun with any more niche mechanics than it already is (pixelgaps, widegap shooting floors, funnel walls). this is a fix to the game’s progression curve and makes it so that you can’t make a 1×2 into a 16-rocket raid. if you guys can’t see the reasoning in that i genuinely can’t make it any simpler for you.

    serious question: if you have a lot of loot you want to keep safe and a lot of time/mats to mess around around with getting your bunker to work, why not just expand your base like a normal person? there is literally nothing wrong with a honeycombed 2×2 and some shotgun or flame traps. stop trying to hop onto whatever flavor-of-the-month bandwagon is making it onto reddit and actually play the game.

    • @xkrez8344
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    vertical pixelgap FTW, i dont need anything else, just spam a few in your base and make sure to have externals ez (even if they have tc, the vertical pixelgap is a real unlootable)

    • @morgunz5365
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    You guys ready for the next update? You can only BP ak if you are in a team of 6 or more? Solos will only be aloud customs. Lol.

    • @bobross9127
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    God bunker still works for me.

    • @chexo3
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch apparently would rather patch out a fun mechanic than do something about P2W skins

    • @redfistlee
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    lmao it’s like they don’t want anyone to play the game🤣

    • @happymstr
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    not em bunkers how am i gonna piss of the 20 man without making them waste insane amounts of boom now

    • @a77ack69
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good. BUNKERS SUCK. INFINITE TURRETS SUCK. Facepunch just needs to sit down and balance the game. Depending on bugs is riddiculous. Turrets are riddiculous and shouldnt even exist.

    • @nickg4238
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I quit after the recoil update as the devs just make it more and more clear that they are trying to reduce skill requirements, increase luck / rng, and screw over small groups / solos with these changes…

    • @DavidRamseyIII
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I used 5 gamelightz offset bunkered externals attached to a trio heaven. I am not even slightly annoyed they are patching this. We have been offlined and onlined (we get onlined all the time because we are awful at the game and clans know it) at least 100 times, and never lost any substantive loot. Not once. And they know very well where the bunkers are. I don’t think patching the offset bunker will promote onlining or do anything for the game except make it fairer to raiders and I totally understand the change. Our base was a complete joke to raid. Now it’s just a 3 roof bunkered pun

    • @Panzi-mk5di
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    first turrets, now this – makes it easy for me to get rid of my Rust-addiction

    • @user-rk7xd1lm6e
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    patched on console?

    • @EarlsPearls
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I understand that bunkers arent a part of the mechanics but as a solo I basically get raided everytime I go offline. They were really useful

    • @21tabs69
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They better not patch the pixel gap bunker.

    • @scaraboid
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    that sucks really bad, why is facepunch punishing the many solos and small teams and damning them to be offline while adding things like clan tables and such to help clannies? This is truly nonsense and I wish they’d dedicate more work to things that the community agrees matters more. All pixel gaps bunkers now cease to exist. Great, how does that make facepunch more money?
    “Just add another 20 dollar skin pack”
    Edit: the skin pack is P2W as well

    • @saccaed
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Probably not playing Rust again. Pretty much patches out every single base I run. Good bye small group rust.

    • @DrummerJacob
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good. Bunkers are so dumb. Bunkeres arent a real thing and its just a glitch thats been allowed for far too long.

    • @wmnsriteslol
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Bunkers mostly helped solos or smaller groups…why they would buff zergs is beyond me

    • @WaZaaap6
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This was one of the Best thing about the building part of it…
    Just bunkers in general is some of the most exciting part about building in rust. +90% of the people Offline you now days which means they taken out your often Only way to come back to Some resources the next day..
    Just as you said “who wanna play rust the next day,right”? ..a lot of ppl Do leave the server/wipe(even)if they come back to a full clear out the next day after entire wipe day grinding hard to gain things and because it was an Offline,ppl just leave(quite a lot of them.not me thought lol) but still.. *WHY fixing something that doesnt need to get fixed when there are dozens of other things to fix?* Come On Gary,1st time you made me upset my guy:(

    • @korzer
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Very good Facepunch thank you

    • @NewWestwood
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    yah, the game is getting worse every update, good luck for those who look fowards to playing this in 2024.

    • @user-sp4gy7ko5l
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    As someone who can’t be assed building bunkers i like this update. Ya gunna get offlined anyway..

    • @nerdhunt
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Wait if the triangle/square foundation offsets are fixed does that mean that most widegaps that space two half circles out are also done?

    • @sixrust
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Massive L

    • @dakotaj1824
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Does anyone know if this affects console?

    • @aarone4336
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    there reasoning for not liking bunkers is foolish, the fact that people seek out the information on how to build better bases and other hidden knowledge is what helps build a community, and it has to happen organically with unintended mechanics like bunkers and other things, but it wont matter they will just Ruin their own game like every other developer does because of ego that they know best, then a few years from now they will try to fix it but trying force “hidden tips and tricks” and it will fail horribly.

    • @sessshomaruuu
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @brianfulmer2232
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What rust needs is Conan stlye off line raid protection. When everyone on the TC logs out, the base can no longer take damage unless it was damaged prior to you logging off, say like 30 minutes. Then it can still be damaged for like an hour… You solve raid logging and off line this way.

    • @JLawL
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Will completely quit this game if they remove bunkers. Offlining is the absolute most bullshit way to play rust and it shouldn’t even exist. Without bunkers there is no reason to play at all as you’ll be offlined every single night.

    • @bear532
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rust shitting on solos once again. Literally just came back from a 4 month long break from rust because I got tired of their bs and now they go and do this.

    • @blank474
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good change, I like my stability and tricksy bases but they’re so annoying to build everytime. Having a solid reason not to use them is going to be very refreshing.

    • @raspberryarizona
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I hate Facepunch

    • @KingJames-go8pq
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Zergs and offliners win again…

    • @oaksho
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Still look on the bright side, Rooted the new survival game is due to release in 2024 🙂

    • @crazylasagna3576
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Welp, I’m definitely not getting back into the game now.

    • @orcristghost3204
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They need to find a way to incentivise people to roam more rather than raid like this patch is doing. In my opinion, raiding should be a revenge thing instead of the current meta where people just raid to raid and usually end up killing the server within 2 days. Stronger bases (bunkers) are the only thing keeping the solo pop around.

    • @user-if2gq3kb9t
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch has been somewhat out of touch with their player base for a moment. Development decisions that incentivize players NOT to be creative in unintended ways is bland and stifles fun, especially when the “bugfix” causes balance issues. I like youtubers like yourself and Dirtrider because you guys remember that the whole point of videogames is to have fun while also being creative and stimulating. As if I didn’t need any more reasons not to play rust.

    • @kratezu
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Good to know this is where theyre attention is focused whilst the game is in shambles

    • @SaltedCanine
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What I’d like to see is a building revamp and have new options for building (new wall types/placement etc), with an option to actually bunker your base at a cost.
    I’ve played 6.5k hours and this is one of the worst updates of the year.

    • @changbooger
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Double chain link is gone??

    • @gingercholo
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    lol why even learn to build more than a 2×1 with way they are removing things people like

    • @Sniff-Sniffa
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    One bunker they wont patch is the suicide bunker

    • @CastewaPL
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    put more doors instead of gay bunkers

    • @YoutubeSalvatrucha
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    When does the patch came out?

    • @chucklee4439
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @unseenmal
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    The Burrow was my go to base….

    • @_Juke_
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    If it makes them connect, doesn’t it break some pixelgap methods?

    • @johnnygeorgopoulos4072
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Firstly GL, you’re the man, you could literally make videos of you just F’ing around in Rust while talking BS and I’d gladly watch it.
    Now that that’s out of the proverbial or literally or hypothetical way….that sucks 🙄

    • @Mozric
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Rip my bases. At least i got to defend an online with this bunker, externals, inner and freehand outer peeks, and, of course, invisible roof-covering turrets. I think it was the last one that encouraged the raiders 😊

    • @Toxa-cq4jr
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch pls don’t fix pixel bunker

    • @sweatystoner
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    stop building these bases for the love of god you werent going to wake up to a base anyways if your entire base was 10k sulfur to raid. doesnt matter if you dont have loot you’re going to get popped for living in a stone 2×1 doesnt matter what form of it you try to build. if you cant get a bigger base down on day 1 go to a server with boosted rates that will allow you to

    • @andrewzerdelian5060
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    No god no

    • @gaz4553
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Damn, back to suicide bunkers again I guess 😑

    • @sissiwasabi
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    they should fix multi tc as well.

    • @Frozenduckling
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    They need to do pixel gaps now

    • @LeftyyP
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Uhhh ohhhhh

    • @darfoggy1644
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Well shit

    • @Spork888
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Are there any stability bunkers that still work? I have only seen offset bunkers, I don’t know which ones I can still use.

    • @darrengreen7906
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @snake4546
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    freehand roof bunker externals it is 😛

    • @smitasticalll
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I think a lot more needs patched as far as bunkers and stuff too. Its always been annoying that the game even lets people play the stability game. It was never intended in base building anyways.

    • @tiemenvandenbergh3210
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    but the pixel gap bunkers still work right?

    • @AKDoubles
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Ugh. Facepunch really just going out of their way to buff offliners again and again.

    • @rpnp2
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Facepunch just needs to add a 1k hp ladder hatch and with the armor doors buffed awhile ago its about the same raid cost anyways

    • @Caesar2001
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    This was my fav bunker meta 😢

    • @WaterMelwin
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @gutted3955
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I really loved offset bunkers im so sad theyre going away…offset bunkers made some of the most creative and fun base designs 🙁

    • @vanDanger
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @JSON_bourne
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Glad i never learned to do these super well

    • @sephinator1368
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    next update will lower the anti-cheat security, sounds on point

    • @konradwithak6940
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Well this doesn’t patch the floor stacked version. Which is why I thought it would never be patched but oh well the games shit nowadays anyway and not worth playing.

    • @PKrust
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    RIP indeed. Thank you kind sir for the heads up!

    • @85inexact
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    The timing sucks considering the christmas holiday population surge is on the way…I guess all you can do is roll with the punches and adapt.

    • @patrikengas6479
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    well good thing we still have the tc method

    • @neethree5674
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Yet another way to screw over solos and small groups.

    • @kingslayer8575
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Is this only for pc?

    • @kellyjones71
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    FFks sake face punch. Turrets cant shoot through chain any more? What about cell walls? protecting turrets is a ma
    jor part of base building. Guess they getting their way finally about turrets only used inside.

    • @TheBrothersCompound
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Awesome, they do this but cheaters run rampant. Gotta love this game.

    • @hawkmattz4215
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Just spent about 10 hours learning a few building with this kind of bunker. Sucks

    • @guitarsolos89
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Cheaters ruining the game but hey, let’s fix bunkers. Maybe there’ll be a bunker DLC in the future :shrug:

    • @garyhamilton2104
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I am glad

    • @matheusfab
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Trio heaven and minideathknell are patched too?!

    • @lonewolf9390
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Cue the ‘REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The game is ruined forever!’ crowd in the comments…..

    • @tauiopongo9692
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    It’s a bit sus that this affects only solo/duo players. All new updates make zergs life easier and solo life worse, so sad. A lot of people are gonna have bad time playing rust becouse of this, good job facepunch.💀💀💀🫡🫡🫡

    • @AngryAlfonse
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I quit rust for the past couple months because the turret limit update just incentivizes MORE offlines, which is one of the TOP TWO reasons people hate this game (the other being hackers). The only reason I started playing again this month is because I found a server with no turret limit.

    Now this? Seriously, if you’re reading this and you personally know Alistair McFarlane, please tell him that I, Angry Alfonse, hate him, and I hope that his next 17 bowel movements are as uncomfortable as possible.

    I was just offlined this morning, again, at 5am. Seriously. At this point Rust is only enjoyable for unemployed basement dwellers with no friends. Nobody with a job and life can dedicate enough hours to this game to offset the fact that you lose your base almost every single night.

    • @bsadlol3690
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    sadge now its just gonna be 2×1 snowball instead of 2 days in a row

    • @TheMrFaceRape
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    What an annoying change, guess I won’t be sending any solo wipes anytime soon.

    • @Neltu13
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    at this point they want us to keep the tc behind a door

    • @jacksonshaw5235
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    this is the first time i’ve been genuinely upset with an update. what a stupid thing to patch when there are 500 other things that need attention.

    • @YupsOT
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @kazumakiryugaming
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Goddamit. Have been using the mini Chad shed v2 for a year and had been offlined successfully 0 times. Now it’s over(

    • @whitepuddinn4847
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    “But hey, who wants to play rust two days in a row” – this is hilarious

    • @der_krasse_lasse8476
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Are floor-pixelgaps still working?

    • @TraxS-
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    🙁 I loved my Trio Heaven with the bunkers as externals, anyways keep it up, you’re the best yt builder for me ♥

    • @RanDom-if2ee
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Thank you for this information❤

    • @HoldinContempt
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    im so glad I stopped playing this shitty game.

    • @Kansatsusha355
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Bro cmon what the hell is this? I’ve been using my own variation of the Chad shed v2 for almost a year now nearly every wipe as a solo and now they’re just gonna remove bunkers all together? Why is rust always punishing small groups or solos, all their updates are literally designed to benefit the 30+ player clans that already have it extremely easy.

    • @tsunlastspock2206
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    I was literally just looking at getting back into Rust and deciding on a base design to run with (with these bunkers as a *requirement* in my mind). Gee thanks, Facepunch, totally makes my day and completes my plans about playing your game again.

    • @ericmaher4756
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    RIP GameLightz

    • @mrkmdz
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    AAaaaarrrrrgggggghhhh!!!! I guess it’s time to give up solo life and find a 20-deep clan to join.

    • @jordanlebaron9052
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Damn there goes my favorite solo base gone 😭

    • @user-cp2py9ky3z
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @Piktro
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @derustyshado
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm


    • @user-ci3cj4ft5g
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Bri uts kinda stuid rlly how rust is now ruining bases and removing so many bunkers kinda sad

    • @somecanadian7049
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

    Damn I used offset bunkers in every base. RIP

    • @johnchoog7425
    • 2023年 11月 30日 7:30pm

