A Duo’s Payback – Rust
Check out RustClash: https://rustclash.com/r/wally1k
Welcome back ladies and gentleman ! In this video Worse and I take on a server late into wipe… getting raided was just the start for us! I hope you all enjoy!
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#rust #rustpvp #rustsolo
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Taqs:rust,rust gameplay,rust movie,rust pvp,rust survival,rust pvp highlights,solo survival,survival games,rust solo survival,gaming,rust funny moments,rust raids,rust roleplayer,rust best start ever,rust solo infiltration,rust compound,rust jackpot raid,rust base build,solo rust,rust fastest start ever,rust clans,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust solo series,rust solo,rust solo pvp,rust treasure,rust ecoraid,ecoraiding,wally1k rust,wally1k,blooprint
コメント (504)
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Love y’all fr <3
I like this style
Longer videos are a W, more Wally content = better day.
Day 1 of trying to ask wally to play a wipe on console rust
You said wally1k way to long but tlo e the vids man keep it going
31:40 has me dying rn
i want more solo videos honestly
Brooo no shot u played on my server lol that’s awesome bro. My name was dmb ina tree
Sounds like carpal tunnel or tendinitis.
2 week server with 500 people for 500k celebration?
“When my arm gave out, like a little bit..Like when I couldn’t play.. I was liiike, damn bro. Like, what?! that’s crazy!”
Why do guys these days talk like bratty, rich white girls?
Smh.. this world has become completely sissified.
i look at my phone for 5 seconds then when i look up you have a full kit. HOW.
At 1m subs you should change your name from Wally1k to Wally1M
Right after giving ur base away he gets insided lol
Definitely the best duo out here bro !! Team chemistry is
31:15 love it lol
that’s funny
If you keep getting the arm pain which kicks off when playing (using your mouse), get checked by a doc, you could have the start of RSI.
Wallys like the child version of bloo
what happend to face cam wally1K
Idk what it is but I realy feel like Wally is a friend
wally i love you so much
Sorry it took me 10 sec

Dear Wally, I’m sorry I offlined you at 25:10. We scouted you base y’all where online furnaces was on and you where jumping and not even 20 minutes later we came to raid and you got off. That’s the only base we offlined that whole wipe as a trio and i do apologize
noo keep the rust movies we dont need 30 min vids
Yo I like the longer videos where you kinda just talk it’s nice just listening to someone talk about life rather than just playing the game keep up the work Wally
Bro that friend talk was so good
Big hug from Brazil
the new style of videos is way better!
I always enjoy watching duos and trios and squads.. over solos.
I always enjoy watching duos and trios and squads over solos.
its honestly crazy that wallys hit over 400k already, I remember when it was solo wally at 15k subs. The grind has payed off
I would like to see Wally play a 1 grid
Hey Wally love the vids man keep up the good work and you should do a mix of VoiceOvers and something like this video but love the vids love you pooks
Day 1 of asking Wally to play rust with me
Nooo!!! Please keep adding the hour long videos at least every now and again
Banger video!
love you wally but your so real i would not wear a youtubers logo you acc know sty
W video wally
Why dont rust 2 make old version old rust for early accees for poor to play
I prefer long rust videos, and in general as well. I don’t not enjoy long rants and talking to viewers.
Wally saying 100 fps is bad bro I run 20 on a good day I legit teleport when farming
Hope you feel better soon Wally
Please don’t go back to 30 minutes. I genuinely enjoy the videos that are an hour or more
40:17 if you do make vids 30 mins again dont cut out the wally talks we need them
wally1k in the house!
Wally pls don’t change to vids
31:34 wally really talkin bout sum wierd shit no bap
actually 1h long is really nice, would be good to keep that format
Wally1k dose a rust console wipe ?
day 2 of video asking to play with wally
why build a base that large with code locks without external TCS that’s basically like plz come offline me. ? no wonder why you are having issues getting vids.
idk i dont feel the vibe with this other guy i find him rather annoying
Thanks for the content yet again Wally always much appreciated
why is the guy on the thumbnail raiding with a m92
Wally 1 KKKKK
Happy Thanksgiving M8!
Thank you for giving me hour+ long bangers every week!
Never back down never what?!
nah cause 31:45 convo was crazy
Worse is the most calm person while getting shot at
How can I find your base design @wally1k
bring back facecam <3
Noooo please keep the hour long vids they give me something to do
Stories draw you in, it makes you feel like your part of the adventure more so than anything else…
Day one of taking a shit while watching Wally
If u only Make 30 min vids im going to have nobody to watch
keep abusing the system
Should try rust console it’s not tooo bad custom servers coming out soon too
Certified Wally1k classic
if your arm hurts, your desk is too high, had the same issue, my old desk was 74cm high and my new desk is 72cm high, problem solved
Yo wally if you need an electrician i know how to setup any thing you would need if your down im down
If I was blooprint id send Wally a free t-shirt
stick with the long videos pls i love them
I like your style of videos you’re doing right now and try hard is great
Need to mix it up do shorts ones on decent wipes while the 1 hour+ with the great wipes. Otherwise keep up the great videos
used ur code but were do you get the 3 cases?
Love you man great video keep it up. I’m happy that you are doing well for yourself. I hope you’re rist doesn’t give out again
Dude I was in this wipe with him
hey just wanted to let you know that your arm going numb could be a possible stroke or carpal tunnel or whatever they call it, should get it checked out. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family
Although I like solo content, coop is always very nice!
Keep grinding!
31:37 Wally….
this channel is starting to get cringe
I do enjoy the longer movie style videos tbh, but whatever works best for your lifestyle man
No don’t go back to 30mins videos
Don’t think long vids are just made bc they are abusing algorithms I think a lot of people enjoy the long rust vids I know I do
tnx ones again for the vid love it
5:27 bro accidentally tried to use the metric system and quickly realized its no use and changes to feet
Keep the longer vids!!! Plz
Honestly, like your content, but I always skip the into opening line, it really cringes me and my friends out lol my only feedback, still dropped a like ofc.
worst and wally prolly my favorite duo to watch right now
Wally1k sponser me a computer i really want to play rust for a long time
Wally1k rust god
I don’t watch any Rust video that is under 1 hour, purely because part of the fun is watching the grind in the beginning, not a fan of 30 minute rust videos, no time to make a story in that time
A 3 hour Wally banger? That’s something I can get on board with lmao
Love ur vids wally
a question about rust clash where do you open the 3 cases ?
Happy Thanksgiving wally
I prefer solo duo trio videos tbh
i lovw his brittish accent word it makes me laugh so much ive been watching wally for abt 2yrs now and i can tell you he never disapoints and hes always funny and amusing
yes sir always anjoy ur content
Day 12 of asking for a cave base
Love you’re vids
Baby want papa
Please dont make 30 min with voice over
another w vid
Learning to setup an auto smelter is really easy and only two power. One solar panel, small battery, two conveyors. Super easy, can be done early on top because it’s so cheap
you came in 20sec ??! HUGE!
Oh my flipping god… give us winnie and wally already bro. What you doing man lmao
Be the one to bring frost back I miss his scripted videos they are bangers
imagine his content now with all the new updates could make a killer video
Keep the tryhard old wally videos
31:32 real talk tho i feel that on another level
Frames on this server are absolute dog *hovers around 100 fps near outpost* absolute dog for me is 40 I’m happy if I get 80 lol
Wally i think u should play with bloo and frost
Love the worst duos so entertaining luv you Wally happy thanksgiving brother
yes sweaty tryhard wally is great, content is always awesome but sweaty wally is better, also ask gorliac to duo bet yall would make a banger video
31:40 what is this conversation bruh
Playing solo has made me a mean duo
It looks like you enjoy partying and going out with friends more than making content .. let’s see if friends will pay your wills .. always hurry to get off
That transition to rig tho
Wally nation when?
W gamer
Day 1 of asking Wally to not use silencee
I died when he gave up 3 seconds after preaching never give up
I really wish Youtubers like yourself would take the literal 5 minutes it takes to learn the most basic electricity setups the game has to offer, the way you talk about Bloo setting up electric furnaces with piping like he’s an electrical wizard, that stuff literally takes 5 minutes to learn and less than 5 minutes to setup, its sooooo easy to learn and do. Not only would it make your life in game much easier, it also makes you not sound like a 10k hour who knows nothing about the game they play (other than how to shoot a gun)…
Wallace 1 thousand
Wally please give us a base design video
I fucking hate playing the game but I love watching it
I like the duos more
Day 1 of asking @wally1k to play with @ice5838
Still the most relatable YouTuber, always a banger video with this duo
Big no to shorter videos.
please do not change your content, your best videos are your solo wipe videos where we get to see how you do over a 2-3 day wipe. they are MOVIES and they are the best rust conent on YT
wally i think i speak for many when i say i wanna see you and a group trick a group of would be offliners into an online against your team. and by this i mean piss off some 12 man and change your steam surprise them.
Last guy french
HMU if you want electricity and auto furnys
i think i speak for a good bit of the fan base when i say i love the new style of vids we really get like a true wally1k feel
Tbh @wally1k your content is always wonderful and as soon as the notification hits. My day gets instantly better. The best content you can give us, is the content you enjoy making and sharing with us. Thank you and have a wonderful thanksgiving!
wally is the goat
wally with an actual decent base?
You should try a wipe without using the map
Play with him
is that a BMW M2 wally????
I like the try hard wally1k and what not but 30 min is just too short
Long form content is so much more fun
Wally1k u killed me and thing 6 bruh
Certified Wally banger
Console Rust
I butt F’d the like button
At my most addicted point when i played rust i was putting in 13-15 hours a day 150-200 hours per 2 weeks

Play with oilrats
shooting toes xd
I bet you Wally would not like this comment 9 hours after the video is posted
Another wally1k banger
love ya!!
Try hard solo. Goat
imagine rock fighting someone that you think is a random to go on youtube and learn it was wally lmao
I clicked that like button .3 seconds after he said it.
luv ya bub
W transition at 11:50 wally
Bro worse is crazy for saying “it makes me lock in” 31:35
That Kaaaaaay was like a hard jerk that ain’t been happened in 3 months
Who else was edging
Love your vids they make my whole week go better
Lee up the work Wally I got to ask you though could you help me I run 20 to 40 fps and I’m still ok at the game I just wondering if me and you could play a wipe so you might be able to help me get better?
“Im getting silenced” opens a food crate
wally’s vids are what i need at night
Yo we need a bloo x wally duo again that was epic
30 minute videos would be sick
iv’e been watching your vids for a while and i love every video that you post your one of my favorite rust content creators keep growing and dont let the hate get to you which i dont see why you would get any
It is… in fact… your boy… Wallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 1111111111111111111111111 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
am i tripping or is his motion blur on
Are you shadow banned???
Cargo casually passing you 17:07
Wally why cant i play rust. my computer took 30 mins one time to load into a server and once im in sometimes ill just get kicked or my pc will crash. what can be casuing this issues and stopping me from gettin my rust on?
Wally I know you see this im edging to your vid but when you talked your voice contracted my bust out of my Johnny into your sleeping character
Don’t go back to 30 min videos, you only put one vid out a week, need these hour or more videos
I like on this comment = 100k dollaroos to The Wally1k Yapping Foundation.
Week 3 if asking wally to play with me
Wally’s weekly banger vid
Def a monthly
sounds like a bunch of farmers to me… lol jk w vid
bold of you to make the “online raid” assumption with the state rust is in XD
Yo are you gonna do a wipe day
Bro Wally I played on this server too rustafied long iii and we were built above launch
Back again as long as Wally is making rust videos. I will be back to watch and drop my like because I want him to keep going. Imagine not having Wally uploads.. Now never imagine that again.. Lol
Wally was def faded
Happy thanksgiving, cooter!
Is it me or is the vid not working?
Love you and your videos but not a fannnn of late wipes, there is nothing more thrilling and educational than watching you tackle fresh wipes.
Wally, please don’t go back to the 30minute videos dude, these are so much better.
Thankyou rust clash
hey man how is your arm feeling man you really got me worried but hopefully you are better man stay safe
Walllyy i watched this is in class
wally i made it the same day this time
I was looking for a Wally1k upload just yesterday, looking for a “humble” rust episode. Welcome back bud.
When you said Wally 1 k in your intro while going up the hill it sounded like you tried to fart
love the vids
love you wally from PHILLPINES
Mr. Walbert with another video
old wally videos hit differently man i would love to see that style back
WALLY are you crazy? 39:50 i know you didnt just say that. Dude i never comment but i always like and watch ALL of your videos. Becuase you pour your heart into the effort u put into them. Dont you dare go back 28 minute videos….

More try hard with duo+ content
I like hour plus long videos. Wish there was more of it.
I love you
Yo wally i got pc rust couple tips
36:05 KOKA IS FLYING. Thanks for the great content Wally love watching your vids
Please let the next upload be an 1 hour vid
My Girlfriend – “is that the Wally Wonka guy you watch.”
had this on repeat since yesterday, certified wally classic
Wally…. Seriously you have 100k subs that could teach you electricity
I love the longer content videos. I enjoy watching them after a long day at work.
wally was on something else in this one
Day 727 of asking Wally to see my comment
The more tryhard you go the more i love your content, keep it up!
Nah we love the new Wally vid
Hi Wally!
Base video?
keep making 1 hr videos 30 min too short
100 hour
Try 200 in a week
Bro i havent watched in a while i forgot about you lmao
I’m here just so Wally can feed his husband and kids
what program do you record with?, i think would be an option if you have NVidia graphics card, to have the instant replay active for 20 min option for those situations that you forget to record. Because it recovers anything that happened if you did not record
Mama told me about people like you
Finally!! Yes
Wally do you skate??
*kills bear* *dies to bear trap*
Did you ever get your arm checked out? I would definitely make a visit to your doctor I hope you feel better but as always another W upload!
I almost had you and worse at the end. You just had to run away
Love the videos
Watched this on my foot great tik tok a1den
Stop promoting gambling to your viewers. Majority of them are underage and its not even legal for them to gamble and youre making it seem like its okay and fun. It can ruin lives. You like to be contributing to that? Its disgusting. Be better.
if u respond to my comment id be so silly willy nilly happy
Wally we need you to make a solo/duo base design tutorial video
W vidd
I love that you gave all the bases back to that guy he was nice just laughing the whole time. Wholesome ending. Classic Wally1k banger dude!
W wally 1 k love ya mate happy thanks giving brotha
Idk if your arm is good now or not but i hope your healthy
In the other side this video is not wipe day so am sad to not watch it
Never back down never what… never mind :v
This exact video is the best type tbh.
Ngl Wally, we all enjoy the 1 hour + videos.. BUT.. Liking your IG to watch ur car, is just not my style, i’m sadly over 22..
wally these videos increasingly become less edgable each week i just keep exploding i cant help it
Love your vids guy , you, bloo, and willjum got me into the game man , just wish I had friends to play it with . The solo life with 300 hours is rough. But you give me hope lol
wally i’m in a weird place rn in life. I’m 19 about to be 20 just have no one what to do with myself. I work paycheck to paycheck and it sucks. your words of wisdom always help bro thank you.
Miss not seeing the facecam in the vids recently, hopefully it comes back soon <3
I fw the try hard rust
Shorter content would be nice
Wally can’t do piping
? Did I hear that right. THE Wally1K, The PVP chad can’t pipe some boxes. I think if you do it at least once you’ll figure it out, it’s pretty simple. Anyway Love the video and looking forward to them facecam videos next month 
damnnn all that loot we fumbled
How’s your arm doing?
The man, the myth, the legend!

Glad to see you again Wally
Insane video!
Look I like your videos but why do u do WORSE like that. You ignored him and it felt like u didnt like to play with him.
The jungle backing track at 15:00 is a huge W
I reccomend that if you go back to uploading 30 min videos, it would be fun if you uploaded twice a week instead of once for those people like me who rather watch one longer 1h video than the 30 mins ones. Love you Wally keep up the grind
Not cutting out talking abt jerking off is wild
Need a Wally and weyln
I dunno about anyone else but i’d really like to see like a long wipe from you tryharding. Like a week long or something, its my favorite thing when you’ve got an enemy and all that
Give @ice5838 a chance wally
Here’s your 10k likes! But I can only give them to you one vid at a time. sorry lol
Damn I missed the video release, Have a great thanksgiving Wally
No 30 mins keep em long
Wally definitely u should keep this style
Great vid like usual fam

wally get your arm checked lut because my mom recently had tge same issue were her arm would go numb for hours on end. When she got it checked out thr doctor said that she had carpal tunnel. Also keep ip the good work( the vids are great) luv ya
You’ve actually got me back into rust, praying for the old days to come back
Wally upload at 10 pm and a fat j is amazing
Bro that was me and my friends at 44:18 we were like 30 minutes into the server and you raided while me and my other teammate were away at arctic base recycling. I just posted the wipe and came to watch your new video to find out it was you that rolled us. GGs <3
– and saw this rlly funny tiktok abt rust players going out to gatherings wally was the theme
L manz always forgetting to record the clips
is all love tho
these funny intros just make me insta like xd
Can you tell me how I almost killed you with 25fps
You deserve 100x more views than u get rn I hope rust get promoted more luv u Wally.
You got carpal tunnel from having your wrists in unnatural positions while playing like a champ. Need a doctor appointment.
falling asleep to this vid while eating peanuts, so I can confirm that this is a wally1k classic
Love the vids bro, keep it up
I have been watching for a few year now and each video I watch it just gets better and better and more crazy
“I actually really gotta take that shit… you know when you’re playing hide and go seek-”
what was he gonna say
What a great day wally1k posted
my wednesday is now complete with the release of this wally1k classic
Can confirm wally1k vid
I really love all of your videos and always look forward to watching you every Wednesday thank you so much
Wally uploads go crazy

Yhhhhhh buddy!!!! been waiting for this video for what feels like forever
I’m gonna stuff Wally like a turkey
Thanks for the upload it was great per usual
love u wally
I just want to see one video all uncut start to finish even if it’s 20 hours long farming building PvP everything all wipe
“If we die we die” instantly dies as you walk out the door
he jinxed y’all
can confirm he gets 17 boxes of sulfur
You gave up at the beginning
Certified goat you helped me start rust
Aww so your arm still isn’t better… sorry to hear that man. Hope it gets better wally!
Even without one arm this guy still posts W’s, it’s insane, hope u get better lil jit
Wally if you see this just wanted to say you helped with my depression I’m 15 right now not in the best time of my life and you helped me so I just want to say thank you
Are you resting on your elbows at all?
You may have inflammation of the nerve going through your cubital tunnel.
Lower your desk or lift your seat so that you are holding your arms, not resting your arms – it should avoid the pressure on the nerve, which will eventually relieve the inflammation.
Watched this 5 times on my Alexa another classic from spoonkid
The way they had you surrounded omg
Get your popcorn ready
the starting is already hilarious I’m never giving up
climb that hill man
Lovin the content
Never back down never stop climbing
happy thanksgiving wally, vids have been fire lately
You frost and willjum would be a sick trio
Wally you should team with spicy u two would go crazy
Day 1 of asking Wally to carry me steam SNAKE LOAF hit me up
I liked at 500
I liked my own comment
Wally1k and hardrock colab?
Anyone else wrote down the box count at the start and then didn’t see them at the end , or i am the only one with OCD type behaviour ?
Love your videos btw
strait banger
Love when the worse duos
Another upload let’s goooo!!!!
when i got the notification of this i instantly clicked on it and i started watching it, keep up the good work love u wally<3
1:57 – A whole lotta yapping
love ya bro
you anit no solo today get that #rustsolo outta here XD jk love your content man keep it up
Wallyyyyyyy you never fail to get 17 boxes of sulfer

YO U WERE ON MY SERVER AND I DIDNT KNOW IT, me and my group were the kids at e13 that walled off the whole island
Yessir I know what I’m watching while I’m working
Hey bro keep up the hard work I love the content
“Idgaf pussy” worse is funny af that’s me fr
Fire upload
other people: when i think people see me, i get shy
worse: i get harder and get locked in
Bro instead of beating my tiny schmeat shoulda been watching big Wally
Early gang
love your vids keep it up
Watched this 24552 times and this a certified Wiljum X stevie X blooprint classic.
Love you wally
Have a great thanksgiving !
Keep up the goodwork man
I’m late to commenting early because I was helping make thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow
Says press the like button in the first 3 seconds of watching the video a minute and 20 seconds in
How’s you week been wally
How your arm feeling wally
Wally I love you so much. I’ll always support your vids. Thanks for everything you do
Another certified banger
I swear there’s always like five people who comment first
been a rough month to say the least. wally never seems to disappoint. truly a blessing.
Good video
Love ur vids Wally
Does rhe lengend say hi?
Speaking of your arm…is it better??
does wally1k respond
I love your vids
Luv ur vids Wally
keep it up
How are you excited about the turbine ? You don’t even do electricity lol
We do be loving Wally
I have watched this last week and can say this is a certified Wally1K classic
How is your arm Wally?? You mentioned in the last video it was all tingly and weird
Love your videos wally keep it up g
Keep up the good work and love your content
Always a good day when i get off work and your boy wally1k posts a video
Love u wally free toe tickles when u need
Apple juicington
Best YouTuber
lets gooooo early pls heart comment….
I busted all over
Love the content Wally keep it up my guy
A bear then a bear trap how poetic
The intro ha me laughing
Been watching you for 4 years now and you just make everything in my life better and I also live in South Carolina I’m from Aiken and it’s funny because ive been to Myrtle beach and you also amazing best YouTuber ever I can relate to you, you fill me with so much joy happiness I can’t thank you enough
dub vid
As soon as I got bored I see Wally uploads
You have to play console rust one day, im doing content on in currently and its getting better! (This is my alt)
wally i love you
Yooo Wally
Watched this in 2x to give you a view
Yes sir new wally

love the video so far keep up the good work

Already watched this 700000 times and can confirm this is a certified Stevie classic.
LETS GOOO HES BACK.. keep up the work big man
Love the videos man
1 second in already top banger
Best rock pvper
WALLY be my boyfriend, no gay shite tho
Play with bloo
Ok love the hype already lmaooo
wally i love ur videos man keep the work up heart my comment i wanna flex u liked mine
Love the videos Wally you make Wednesday my favourite day of the week hope your well and can’t wait for a live stream to see that sexy face
always be dropping bangers
You man good to see a new one
Grease police
I’m early for once
Love the content man, keep it up.
Happy birthday to me
had a bad day at school with my girl; not with her anymore, but that’s about life. lowkey thankful for like you communicating with us in your previous videos and having a wholesome with us all
Already know this gonna be a banger
hi walley
Lets go!!!
Day 12 of commenting until Wally1k replies
the greatest to ever do it
I wanna see them burst mp5 kills wally 3:17
perfect timing, just got home from work and I get a wally1k upload to relax and watch
Back again time to sit back and enjoy another banger
Had the worst day today, got some news that my mate I’ve known for years has committed. I’m European so it’s fairly late for me, knowing that you uploaded had made the day just a little bit easier. Thank you Wally, much love
W vid wally keep up the good work

He is the only reason I got back into rust
You’re really helping me rn Wally

Wally I love you I watch all of your videos as soon as they come out I had a Wally 1k account with 6k followers then I got banned you commented on on one of my videos one time and yeah man i one of your biggest fans trust

its always a awsome day when you upload hope ya have a awsome thanks giving and honestly im dieing from that intro :)
yoooo week 13 of watching daddy will papa reply for his little kitten, seriously tho i love u wally jus remember that bby love from the uk xxxx
6am in the Philippines and I have class later at 8am, here I am watching a chad rust player
Wally your the reason I keep playing rust and trying my hardest to get good you engorged me to play rust from the start thank you man
Just started watching it know its going to be a banger
Love you Wally icl was waiting the whole of today for ur vid
I’ve watched this 826849484638 times and confirm it’s a banger video from wally 1k
Whats goooooood wally how we doing today
ayyyyyyyyy wallllyyyy
Wally I love uuuu plzzz answer !!!!!!!!!

1 minute in and can already tell it’s a certified wally1k classic
Keep it up wally
Day 3 o f asking wally1k to play a wipe with me
Yoooo let’s goooooo
Watched you for nearly 4 years man I have recommended u to all of my friends and how you pulled me out of a rlly dark part of my life and I love the videos keep it up Wally
Happy thanksgiving Wally perfect day too for the day before thanksgiving
The intro
Need a bloo and wally wipe
Daddy Chill!
you know its a good day now, our guy posted
It is in fact ur boy Wally1K, we love to see it ty wally
fuck yes
Bro is impossibly consistent
No Views is WILD.
Let’s go Wally
Letsss go wally hows the trip going man
Love your vids man
In wally we trust
Love you wally
Love the content bro
Love you wally
the best youtuber posted guys , grab ur popcorn and sit up. reply wally with
if ur a goat
lets go.
watched this 30 times definitely a wally1k classic
Keep up the good work thanks for the vid
Great new video always love the intro
Watched this 24552 times and this a certified hood classic.
lets goooooo baby
we here in 30 seconds big dubs
love the vids wally
Luv u Wally
wally classic
Love you Wally I’m already done with the vid good job dude
Love your vids
im the earliest of them all
Love your vids :DDDDD
wally can u twerk
First your my favorite Wally please pin
Edit 1: what did I just hear. I mean he isn’t wrong tho 31:27
(no homo)
First ez
(love u Wally)
Hello hello
First one
First wally
i love you wally