The Last Rust Defeat
In my final days of Rust, we suffer this surprise loss.
Outro music: https://soundcloud.com/lunar-frequencies/composition-challenge-3
Get the chair I have, the SL5000, from http://www.destiny.gg/chair ! Put “destiny” as your checkout code to get a 10% discount!
Make easy and quick cuts of your gameplay footage and upload them directly to Twitter with Forge – http://www.destiny.gg/forge
Follow me on Twitter if you don’t already – http://www.twitter.com/omnidestiny
Watch the stream at http://www.destiny.gg/bigscreen !
Taqs:destiny,steven bonnell,rust,rust raid
コメント (136)
I try to imagine what type of scumbag you have to be to stream snipe someone because you suck at the game so bad that you need an advantage, but I cant imagine someone that pathetic. If you’ve ever attempted to stream snipe someone in your life I have some advice for you. Load up your favorite game and shoot your character in the head because your not good enough to play it.
the zoom ins were funny af
lol the frame on their double door was twig, they just shot it out. That loot room was terrible too.
Who else went and found this after watching surge’s video?
fml, your voice is so gay af lmao
“I’m pretty triggered right now.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lol love how this guy turns into a squeaker randomly xD
i dont think he gets that its a game
I really hope rust dosent become a clan game and the majority stays solo/small group because this does not look fun at all.
Wow, this must be one of the most scared and talentless rustplayers i’ve seen lol
why would anyone want to clan with him
it’s one thing to die in rust, doesn’t make you a loser..
it’s one thing to get your base penetrated to hell, doesn’t make you a loser, what makes you a loser is when you lecture your group after you get dominated, like you’re a self proclaimed rust God or something, yet you only stayed up in the second floor the whole time.. you could have used those rockets to level their fob and you would have won.. but NO, it’s 100% your teams fault. scrub
This is why i don’t fucking play with people online anymore. People are so god damned retarded and have no teamplay ability.
People talk a lot of shit about Destiny, but he did really well defending. He killed a fkn ton of raiders while his team was panicking on TS. Come back to Rust Destiny, just make a smaller tighter knit team.
why are you such a douche to your friends?
Was it a surprise that you lost?
No not really.
I like how you zoomed in when freaking out lol
I feel bad for Kyoko Destiny is a prick
This shit is embarrassing. Not the game but the pure sweaty nerdiness of it. These are the nerds saying fam and fucc boi in game?
This is our shitty base <3
What a leader.
Calm the fuck down nerd.
Get shit on, ez loot.
awe whyd you skip me talking shit to you
best rust video from you. this was raw, exciting, and halarious.
For having so much resources and stuff, this is a horrible base and loot room
When a 30 year Olds balls are still up in his ass
Wow this guy is a bitchy douche.
How could anyone play with this guy
Always make sure to cover that entrance lmao
yer dead
Lol, “I’m pretty triggered right now”… dumb ass
you so abusive its a fucking joke
I liked your vid because it made me laugh
Lmfao, you seemed heated.
Jesus christ you sperg, would’ve turned on you and ran with the loot.
Surprise defeat? when your army or should i say zerg because army implies critical thinking and skill. When your zerg is full of kids u got off new spawn beach and you give them food and guns and expect them to get better because they are being led by a middle aged man with no tactical precedence. Not really surprising at this point i used to enjoy your videos but you’ve turned into a real bitch crying and moaning when you die claiming everyone who isn’t as bad as u is a hacker or stream sniping. Just because you have followers doesn’t make you anything more than what you are. But like most you tubers and streamers you got a fat head because you have a decent fan base and think you can use it to get what you want unfortunately hate works both ways my friend. I suggest you find your roots and quit acting like a bitch and people might like you again
you are the worst leader imaginable.
Duck Festiny. Finally no bitching about stream sniping and cheating because he is bad. Im glad to never see you again 😀
i like the rage xD
@Destiny you used to play with big zerg like that xD ?
can’t be a small group maybe better, cuz sometimes i feel zerg clans are really noobs because 5 can’t handle 1 normal player thats why you are 30 and you face 1 to win.
Destiny= zerg
what isnt shown is they get code raided a couple hours after this and they lost the base… thats why the little rager has really quit rust
destiny is like a final boss villain just running around up top, screaming at his henchmen with a rocket launcher while all his minions are scattered about as they die like dogs lol, get rekt bro.
RIP see ya nerd! im 40 years old and don’t act like a jackass like you dude wtf. you make us older gamers look bad.
Destiny you are a terrible leader. The most important thing is to stay as calm as possible and keep morale high. Both of which you did the opposite. Good thing you’re leaving Rust. Not the game for you fuckin spaz lol
You’re a shitter Destiny.
The number do shit in rust u have to be organised, with a lot of people its impossible, 5 people is perfect. Plus, never play with kids…
The kid said im dead im dead their is a guy down there with an ak and then he said because i had to get back up? He obviously died with the hatch opened you should blame him it’s 100% his fault.
you get way too stupid during raids. If I were your team I would probably have muted you after awhile. You were talking over everyone repeating shit about times and still lost lol.
your team holding a raid is cancer
stfu and calm down
i love ur graphics lol
I never watched any of Destinys vids, but this clan is soo freaking bad. Also their base is easily raidable. Even a lone wolf like myself can raid them because of their stupid design. The only reason they can’t be raided is that they are 24/7 online.
No skills-Zergs.
who ever built this base must have autism tbh, cheapest raid out for such a big base with sooo many people.
Well, Shit destiny this is what happens when you don’t Cover that entrance
this shit is intense goodbye destiney <3
zergs vs zergs, this is the sad part of rust boys.
I heard what sounded like a 14 year old kid get annoyed at your constant bitching..
You were literally the worst person in your comms..
just to be honest with you destiny you are playing this game wrong way and with bunch of kids and noobs…really dont understand that but w/e…
14:44 when you eat ass
Worst players ever
rip destiny lmao
Destiny doesn’t do shit except scream shit
Zerg comms is fucking disgusting…
u fucking 50 guy why u running
u think u need anymore ppl fuck r u that bad?
Zerg life ez loot ez die
git gud, this was cringey as hell
Destiny u cry so much haha
so much salt.
Awwwww poor baby 🙁 Are you gonna cry???
jesus, destiny such a crybaby
The fall of mother base.
Lmao this kids so mad he bout to cry over a game chill out bro
What? you had like 16+ players and you dipped out? No walls to throw down, no temp structures to fight from? Afraid of using stashes? Why do you need 16 people to raid that small base?
How did they get on the 2nd floor anyways?
10 yo kid bad callouts
Good base, good team, but Poor communication.
Farming bots trying to raid defend:
i appreciate the video and watching you guys get rekt hopefully i can learn from your mistakes.
Get fucked destiny
Holy fuck, those comms are fucking terrible. It’s like playing with a bunch of autistic kids.
this shit was funny af!! legit had me dying at points
Holy fuck that 12 year old crying is intolerable
autism is loud.
Could be way more fun if you played with a team instead of twitch shitters?
14:44 I can’t even XD
Have mercy I was near death laughing with those close ups
Destiny gets so salty xD
hey look its a zerg lol
To be truly immersed in your rust video you should let the screen black for the first 15min of the video PEPE
you’re trash
its mainly your groups fault, there coms are trash if you were playing with better people you would have a better experience in game…try again without those people your playing with lmao
“Can I get oral confirmation that someone is covering the entrance?!”
fucking madness, great fucking memes
Destiny please take your TeamSpeak boys into Arma 3 and organize them into fireteams, squads and platoons(if you have that many) with leaders for each then have them run missions where they can’t respawn. Then maybe they will be good at teamwork and communication.
that is what happens when you have a big group I like to keep it small
Hurr durr lets guard the forward base..
These are the type of people killing rust, look at the fucking size of this clan, are you that bad at the game you need this many people?
the 10 year old yelling at destiny around 10:30 hahahah sooo funny
i’ll miss these sodium filled rust memes RiP
Probably someone who went down left one of the hatches open.
Edit: guess i was right
Jesus no one knows how to stay calm and make clear calls.
all these guys are shit , all they do is zerg and they are able to do kill people
you guys got rekt. so bad. lol
His team is useless lmao
Someone left a hatch open
So fucking intense
Destiny why whine so much bro , why you just tune your team whole time and scream
which server is this?
Destiny, your “teammates” dont know how to use voice comm efficiently. “AHHH” “I see them”, are useless calls. At least have your allies memorize which section is which, and dont make your bases too symmetrical, so that you can say “fountain”, “oven”, or something. which makes easier calls.
Bro you were betrayed hardcore lol… People saying they were inside working for others.
How was that a loss. He killed like 30 people and died like twice the other kids just ran in there and died over and over again how the fk did destiny’s useless squad of cucks do nothing off that lmao. That is like cs go match making in a nutshell. You kill 4 draw attention of the entire team and your dumb fuck team gets 1v4 with the bomb planted
jesus holy fuck the rage and yelling lmao
Hectic as shit daamn
Did you build that base destiny? That wooden door frame doomed you.
when you drop a 40 bomb and still lose
I feel like I’m watching fucking Taken or some action shit lmao
>dat butt clench body loot in fire
>dat rawketlawnchair
Destiny: “Are you all alive? Im proud of you.” 2 seconds later “What the fuck there were only 7?!?! You guys are so bad at calling numbers.”
Lmao desinty almsot single handledly taking out the enemy team
Nice memes d00d GG
well i can see why u left rust that was painful to watch but i hope you come back to rust even just as a small group or solo or something
one of the worst team ever hahahaahaha
That 10 yo is whispering cuz its way past bedtime
14:44 has me crying
who’s the little kid
Ending youtube Rust memes with Destiny shitting on d1g for a mistake, how fitting
Why u quit rust?
Everyone is speaking at the same time and that’s pretty criiinge
dam that was pretty epic
gnna miss yaaaaa