This Team was LOADED and they weren’t ready for me 🔥 – Rust Solo
I believe this will be the last day on this server, since wipe is tomorrow and I need to edit up the monthly highlights for next video. But today we mainly focus on PvPing due to not getting into much action past episode. I’m happy with all the fights we were able to find today but I feel like I was playing a bit sloppy although I was winning most of the fights. New season and update coming soon.. 👀
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2023 BASE DESIGN: https://youtu.be/yHdIH1B9pKY
2023 DUO BASE: https://youtu.be/GsqJ-_zid4A
RUST TIPS & TRICKS: https://youtu.be/uCbb23aiH58
RUST GUIDE SERIES: https://bit.ly/3aIS68q
RUST CFG: https://pastebin.com/C78dP2Ds
#rust #rustsolo #shotsrust
Taqs:rust,rust ak,rust pc,rust pvp,rust duo,rust pro,rust ps4,duo rust,rust god,rust new,rust day,rust ps5,new rust,rust car,rust base,rustoria,rust 2023,rust solo,rust 2022,rust trio,rust clan,rust best,rust game,rust xbox,solo rust,rust raid,rust heli,rust zerg,rust mlrs,rust loot,rust rage,rust play,rust tips,rust trap,rust eoka,rust wipe,old rust,rust update,rust highlights,rust clips,rust 2021
コメント (93)
Bro I really really love every single video you do but I feel like you need to play Rust loot simulator lol for the amount of hours you have
i think antone locked the boxes and them came back for them
Dylan, I totally get being unorganized helps with potentially still having stuff after being raided. However, organizing each loot area still can make sense. Let’s say you get raided but only take half your loot. Each square (or the 2 triangle foundation spots for your 4 boxes are gonna be taken either way. You could organize those rooms so that all components/boom/ tools etc can be separated in that room. Still understand it’s an esthetic thing but sometimes just doing a little organizing in those rooms could also free up space and can store more stuff but I’m okay with you being “messy” with your loot. Either way, you’ll secure the bag. The loot isn’t that important, but it’s something I think about when you mention the organizing part of rust.
word derrer
Disorganized bases are problematic when they have external TCs. Otherwise its no big deal.
I hide my sulfur in pixel gaps and internal honey comb. Super easy to get a new start
Random question but have you played red dead redemption 2 campaign? The best campaign of all time in my opinion
Launch site wipe
How bout a launch site wipe? Never seen you take brad or do the puzzle in like 2-3 years
word word word word word word word word word word lol
If you break the shelf all the boxes will break at once
Dylan, you could literally just spread loot and still have it organized. You are just excusing for lazyness. 😀
Dylan, Have you considered getting into any fantasy football?
Does it cost to become a member? I wanna see the star field gameplay
Word up. GGs great vid Dylan
The bird is the Word!
Hey shots i know ive been a bit of a silly goose lately with all the spoonkid stuff but i just want to let you know i love your content and i hope you have a great day dylan
Word. As always keep it 💯
Word to your motha…
What your bace design
Poor Grandma ;(
Word broski
Shoot the TC!, ive raided stone with Ammo, not a full 500HP wall but say 200HP left
Word deerrrrrrr
Thanks for the video. Some good things some not so good things. Looking forward to tomorrow’s video. 😁
Saw your comment on D Smoke and Sir’s recent release. Glad to see that we have the same taste in music.
Nice thumbnail 👌
Well shots really enjoyed the duo series ,but it’s nice to be solo again .Word
Word. This was a great mini season, a lot happened. I’m looking forward to the new wipe as well as the next starfield episode. Thank you for the content, have a great night shots. 🌙
7:07 is throat goat
that lr skin drives me nuts…lol.
when dylan doesnt just break the whole shelf so all the boxes break at once
wait was this recorded in july?
You who team do you root for the nfl
Opened a can of Whoop ass for this video. Got food poisoning now I’m
Shiddin all over my bathtub. Worth the wait. Great video
imagine breaking all those boxes individually instead of breaking the shelf =p
silly dilly strikes again.
Another banger. Plus the Starfield videos are awesome, and seeing what you look like is cool. You have great hair but I wasn’t expecting the nose ring. Glad you plan on getting rid of it. 😂😂😂
Shots Relax bro, I’m here…
your a beast bro i luv u lool
Talking about starfield a lot and I don’t blame you, it’s a 10/10
Not too often do you make tactical mistakes but that was a bad one when you had your bolt!
Day 35 of asking for spoonkid collab
Anything you dislike about starfield?
Day idk of asking for cave base tutorial
“Makes a huge play”
Dylan “Oh wood door base!”
Get sauced on 😹
The way you press n when running is hilarious
You’re SoLo grind is amazing. GG’s (Word)
Wurd 😅😅😅
imagine if they made the moon a part of the world you could go to
Force wipe hype
Shots calling bunkers vaults, and farming mining. Always bothers me..
Youve gotten so much better at rust😂 you were garbage in the beginning 🤣
How did that cheater get in your base without blowing in
I see you working on your silly goose skills, word man
Lil Timmy hiding in the bush 10:28
Best thing in this series is the landmines
naked in the bush at 10:34 you completely missed him even aimed over his head, you looted and was just waiting in that bush.
Shots I loved the video but like there was literally a naked in the bush don’t be doing dumb shit like this 🤣
Seen a picture of Shots from back in the day, and the dude looks like a stud. Like a steed prancing down a cobblestone street with the sun glimming down from the heavens on him. Prue angle like.
great vid as always keep up the great work, got diagnosed with bipolar disordered a couple days ago and your vids have been helping me get through the days better, thank you for the great content
Lets gooo i waited so long 😢🎉❤
I have watched this 18 times and I can confirm that this is indeed a spoonkid classic
we have been blessed
W, shots posted
Love the vids keep up the good work