Apex Legends: Upheaval Gameplay Trailer
Prepare to upset the order with Alter and use her Void-based abilities to sow chaos in Solos Takeover, with kitted guns and new ways to deal death. Descend into a shattered Broken Moon, unearthing new POIS and faster paths to mayhem.
It’s a new world, Legend – get ready to Disturb the Peace.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/upheaval
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 21,apex legends trailer,apex legends gameplay trailer,apex upheaval,apex legends upheaval,apex legends upheaval rewards,apex legends solos takeover,apex legends broken moon,upheaval battle pass apex,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (907)
She is going to get nerfed ASAP
mirrage didnt get bullied in this one
Lol no launch trailer😢
Well fun abilities, will quite something.
Anyone know the song? It’s so sick
Can yall add male characters please
I can’t wait to play in a solos match with all Alters xD
Daughter’s Horizon
I’m lowkey excited for those katar recolors. Hopefully they don’t cost hundreds of dollars……………………
stop pandering to the cries of the professionals, they ruin the game for everyone else
She’s cringe
It’s basically Jinx
Ash mains well on their way to becoming the Legend with the lowest pick rate. 😭
that transition at 1:48 was actually clean af
Yeah sold as an alter player
Everything except skins looks fun. New heirlooms are cringe. If you are wasting money on it, you are an id%ot
Me: Who are you?
Alter: Well, I’m the one who will be your new main.
Yall should of gave everyone there own heirloom before this universe one
stolen cyberpunk theme LOL
Where is the launch trailer ?
Solo’s coming back is HUGE. LFG!!!!
Why Horizon was using that epic red skin? 🤔
Oh. Oh my.
한국서버 만들어라 리스폰
Does anyone know the answer to my question? At 2:06 she places her tactical at a typically unreachable spot, but it literally pulled her into it. Is this an actual feature ??
Ok pas mal. Ça sent la légende qui va complètement casser la meta, je suis curieux de voir !
Unless solos goes into rotation with trios on OCE console then we’ll never find a solos lobby. We can’t even find duos lobbies due to the lack of players.
What a versatile legend. I can see multiple varieties of game play with her offensively and defensively 💯👍🏽
Welcome back, Evelynn League of Legends
So a mix of Loba, Mad Maggie, and Wraith?
please bring back titanfall
Alter gives me Jinx Vibes
we want mobile
Apex just bodied every battle royale game with this update.
MegaMind “now that’s presentation!”
This looks like it can revive the hype Apex has been missing since… well forever. I’m sure people will still criticize it but I’ll come back to play it since it’s trying something new
Imagine.. Alter dropping into the room full of Caustic traps and Caustic waiting with his Ult..😅
So they just gave rev old ult to this Mf ☠️
No launch trailer? 🥺
I am waiting for this game coming to back Android
1:17 that finisher looks hella funny
Insanely good editing and motion graphics 🔥
apex S2-S5 no more
Okay great, can you guys please default crossplay off? The lobbies after diamond are out of control…
Bass is bassin
When they put solos is never coming back I was so sad😭😭😭 Than they changed it and they got me so good😂😂😂 Also this new legend looks AWESOME!!! Best season so far for the plast 2 years??? Also I am def gonna be an alter main she is so hot!🥵 🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️🐐🐐🐐
god man they never miss with trialers
Map rotations : Broken Moon , Kings Canyon , Worlds edge Confirmed
Need for Speed Unbound rsss 😁
How about a real explanation on what happened with the hacker situation and how you fixed it or even tried
ngl new character looks like someone from mortal kombat
🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 bad game gg it’s dead you can’t save it.
Trailer was so nice had to watch it twice
But that can’t get rid of the cheaters who are ruining the game.. smh
This is just money grab game…
the design team cooked with this trailer i fear
Please Just make solos stay
Alice Longyu Gao and Alice Glass song spotted :0
Now just add Fade and call it a day
in love with her already
Complete and utter garbage as usual. No new map, another dogshit character added. Can’t wait to not play this trash.
So no credit to the music artist?
Launch trailer is lost in the void
Ok cool
But when are we gonna get the sentinel reactive
My only wish that respawn returns the og revenant it was my best main even if it was the season 4 version
Her passive is so WACK
That’s cool and all but has the audio been fixed?
This character literally could’ve just been a wraith rework like revenant got.
I’m in tears 🥹
best Apex trailer yet.
😂🤔. We never seen this before its launch.
Alright, i believe that we should say a very nice well done to respawns music team cause that track was EPIC!
are titans available?????
This character is OP
She’s OP, pls Nerf
i can fix her
Stop play Apex legends go on Titanfall 2 a true game
RESPAWN can you guys give as that we can save more random favourite skins Because there are some good looking skins that I want to equip it but we can only go up to 8 places do it up to 100 new season
Passive? What is PASSIVE!
I love the inspo from Jinx with the text and character face overlays. Really adds to Alters chaos
Respawn and Riot do trailers to perfection
The edit and the title intro animations were soooo good, music hits hard too ToT <3, can't wait to get my back whooped in the solos >w<
So do defensive legends get a boost since the only thing caustic had going was locking doors
So they give the 30-30 a reactive skin but not the 301 yet. Would’ve been cool to get a 301 reactive skin this season. Wonder how long till it gets one.
You know who she reminds me of, Maki from SF6
And the fact that she uses graffiti just makes me think of SF
S s solos
I’ve waited so long for Solos to return. Very happy it’s back.
I hope solos is permanent this time
1:22 “solos is never coming back never mind i take that back!” ahh moment
The music is hard as always
Another 300$ universal heirloom …. while the anti- cheat is dying with all the cheaters running wild …. great job EA … truly a greedy company
Solo’s W
Only for solos is the reason im going to give this game my money. Only reason. not the new boring legend.
Game is dead dead, thank god they put solos, well, i hope it gets better before they drop support.
What’s the name of the music used? Please include it in the description
fortnite season 5 moment
I can fix her
So basically a cooler wraith?
I love the part at 1:51 where it says, “Apex Artifacts Shown with Customizations Require In-Game Purchase” in tiny hard-to-read text. Truly an Apex experience.
“Solos is never coming back” the way my heart skipped a beat
Bro, where is quads ?
Le trailer de fouuuu
Olympus is gonna be funny. Dropping people through the floors in energy depot lol.
Actually surprised that Alter’s Ult is basically “let cheese it”; thought it would be something more violent.
So if i put a portal on the ground 😮
Respawn has been real quite when this dropped
You guys no matter what will eat this game up no matter how stale this game is what a joke
u guys never fail to amaze me! <3 but i’ve been playing this game on and off since the beginning and i’ve never gotten any heirloom shards 😭 what’s up with that
Alter + octane. (Revtane ptsd triggered)
Wow again with the one shot trailer
no shot. Why you had to do my girl horizon like that
I just catch myself we got a story of the outlands somewhat but gameplay trailer before the launch trailer wow
ngl wack
old revenant ult?))
I hope the games not broken on the launch of the new season.
People: start to loose interest to the game.
Respawn: let’s introduce another legend with void abilities so that ttv wraiths had more variety and more ways to annoy the rest of the players.
She is good against all controller players so there is that
did she zip jumped???
Where the launch trailer?
That is really cool how the solos is never coming back, what was once said on twitter, get’s changed to solos is back. A really sweet cool detail!
Love the part where Alter said “it’s greedy time😈” & teleported into our bank accounts for a $400 heirloom & $60 weapon recolors
Nerf Alter to the ground please.
Solos coming back that’s all I need to hear that means the sweaty octane’s and wraiths can do that instead
I love the part where the entire season got leaked by AutismGaming420 before Respawn released the trailer
So no new map still, solos, reactive 3030 and Katar recolor
I’ll be honest, this video just leaves me confused. I don’t understand what her abilities are.
Bruh this is Sombra in a nutshell
im too hyped
Respawn and Bungie are masters of trailers. The product usually leaves alot to be desired though.
Fix the sound
Solo is back
3 strikes needs to come back permanently or I will uninstall! Respawn I’ll give you guys 3 weeks
this is one of if not the best season for trailers. the team has cooked let’s see if they go 3/3 with the abilities trailer
the best thing ive ever ever ever heard about this game is that solos are back. thank you for FINALLY (shouldnt have taken this long) listening and giving players what they want.
We got a mechanical furry as a legend now.
100 times better then warzone mobile
Love her creepy design. Her abilities seem decent. Not a fan of axing old abilities for new legends tho
Bro Faide was the player for Alter in this trailer i swear with those moves🤣
Why reactive skin for the 30-30…..
Imagine coming up with a cool ability(circa 2007) that is otherwise fun to use but it can only work in a game that’s…fun and yours isn’t.
So i guess all those glasses are gonne be useful this time around
Idc ab the haters SHE EATINGGG
캬 21시즌 프데 딱대
I feel like EA is behind this season and were gonna see less lore and interesting stuff and more cash grabs and ways to make em earn money
Solos is back because money!
When will you bring back the arena mode?
Woohoooo solos
I hope they make solo permanent eventually just like Fortnite made no builds.
Where tf is seer
вы одеты как чёрт
3 new styles of korlbot knife thingy (idk what there called) 0:52 and 2:13 and 1:54
Every new map looks the same as the old ones
Sorry loba I have a new main St
Is this game actually designed for casual players or is it still sweaty?
im just waiting for the interviews when the devs say : our team has worked so hard 😂😂. like sitting in front of a computer dragging virtual objects across screens is such a heavy lifting job
@DEI Leave the kids alone 💀More tranknee propaganda I see
It’s over. They don’t added rebirth to apex 😂🤣
Something something i can fix her.
And im pretty sure that from these videos I’ve deduced that Alter is Horizon form an edgier goth timeline
She reminds me of jinx so much
Now you have no team mates to blame when you lose 😂
Finally wont have to deal with teammates who don’t communicate or are only hostile on the mic. Make solos permanent and bring back Arenas as well.
Alter is gonna change the game bruh her abilities to take her time outta a fight and into a building that at team is holding is gonna go crazy
I dont want a new ltm , i want duos to stay ,and an actual solos mode where they dont baby you
This is actually good
fuse mains crying now
Perfect example of never say never 💕
goodbye control legends!
The Solos is never coming back SCARED ME!!
Alter is my new favorite legend for bringing back solos.
God this new legend is so hot ❤
so many leaks in the past 4 days that this shows literally nothing new except the map update
Lowkey hyped looks fun
dammm…no cap. that was a fire trailer
Thank GOD solos are back!!!!!
please make a new server in india
this is a rich market so its profitable and obviously a large player engagement
Players will 100% misuse her abilities 😂
They just recycling other abilities at this point..
her ult is basically a better pre revork rev ult?
Bro we gotta be careful for alter this season 🥶
But why did newt have to change genders, there’s no point we don’t care focus on the game for once?
Enemies on top of the building
Bloodhound Scan + Void Passage = Difference maker
Solo is baaaaaaaack 🎉🎉🎉
visually she looks low budget compared to the others. like she was originally modeled to be in a mobile game.
Guess I’ll be playing some apex for my bday 🤣
German Defence role players when Alter is released: ALTER!
Goated for having Alice Longyu Gao as the background song
why is the new legend fentanyl wraith
boring legend kit
and wheres the newcastle heirloom ?
It reminds me old Apex game plays with cool rap music
i cant wait to respawn to add solos again, and then take it awey after 2 week and wait a nother 3 years
Why did they not release a lunch trailer for the season?😕🤔
Solo mode 🔥🔥🔥💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
This trailer is absolute FIRE and I pray EA gets hacked by Alter
Oh look, another mental patient added to the game.
Titanfall 3…
im moving house on tuesday…dont get my pc for 3 weeks…looks like im missing solos after 3 years of waiting for it to return
No Star Wars? 😂😂😂😂😂
at least this time the trailer wasn’t leaked i hope
They’ll give us anything except a character with og pilot mobility
Respawn = Solos is never coming back 😂
Ea – solos is coming back but only because we can make money off of it
Why is everyone one shot in these trailers like can you at least make it realistic
Cant wait to see all the new bugs at launch with her releasing
oh nice. took a lengthy break, but this has got me revving to come back
Im honestly kind of scared 😰
30 30 repeater reactive skin
Wait where is the launch trailer tho???
Turns out Alter’s VA, Crystal Yu, was in Doctor Who. Neat. I love Doctor Who.
So is this gonna be another one of those ltms that stay for like one season and then never come back
Genuinely excited for this new season.
according to this vid the portal opens based on the angle of the surface you throw it at, not the angle you are facing (picture magie’s drill if you dont understand me)
So “Loba 2: but better”. Loba mixed with revenants totem.
And shes unhinged. But shes a woman, so its a good unhinged, right? Shes not crazy and criminally insane – shes just neurodivergent, right?
Kidnappings with Alter are going to be next level.
The abiities of the new agent look op except for the ultimate which looks like a worse version of wraiths portal that people use to get their team in and out of areas. Dont like the personality of the new agent it is edgy like reaper.
dont get me wrong, ive seen the leaks and all… but at 1:09 revenant (who is knocked) also can tp to alter’s ult? didnt know she could do that lol
My dear Dearie 🙁
i still want newcastle heirloom plz
Solo ❤
Kolejka postać z teleportacja? Nie ma pomysłu na coś świeżego? Może chociaż jakieś działko automatyczne?
Welp, Heirlooms are officially dead.
Man that’s so sad, EA or whomever higher up has seen the $ and now they can’t resist anymore.
Well, Rampart and catalyst in the mud
Make titanfall 3 already.
Ultimate is a reverse old Revenant
Wait. where is QUADS!
After so long, solos is finally coming back ❤❤
Finally a legend that doesn’t have abilities that do damage!!
Looks like she has a talle like an alien from movie 😂
if you don’t put worlds edge into the solo rotation im sueing
Solo yessssssss babyyyyy 😊
*Marty McFly voice* “Hey ive seen this one before this ones a classic”
I am distraught, what have you done to Broken Moon? First the meteor and now Olympus?
Broken Moon is the first map I played on and my favourite map.
Two Asian girls in a row? Really wish this game had a more diverse cast of characters.
I want alter to destroy the apex games before respawn has a chance to ruin it more
how about ✨fix matchmaking, ranked, the whole game✨ ?????
okay so either alter is an alternate version of horizon OR she’s her arch-nemesis?
I genuinely want to be excited about a new season, but based on the leaks and personal experience?
Its going to be enjoyable for a week or two before the burnout kicks in, and the lack of a new weapon, legend rework, or any new additions out of a few map changes start piling up.
Then the swarm of ‘Events’ are going to have even more gambling aspects, or forcing semi-desirable cosmetics to be locked in a bundle (especially the Heirlooms).
And then we have the Hacker problem, and accounts being wiped or reverted left, right, and center.
Also, why is the new legend what Revenant was originally going to be?
2:06 is that a super jumps?
Will there ever be a 4 person squad team ?
Yay i don’t need friends anymore to play this game!!!
That was such a sick trailer.
Let Season 22 be about Fade from Apex Mobile. We miss that Legend
I can’t wait for a moment to play Wraith pro max & Revenant (old ver)
They just don’t know how to make male characters anymore huh?
so this new legend is a female rev mix with wraith mix with ash and a little bit of jinx
Haven’t played since Revs rework but I will be back for solos
pass trough and through the portal = invincible ???
Remove Broken Moon, we hate it.
So who’s controlling the apex games now?
Is reallyy soloos a playabe mode aaaah finally solo battle royale!!!
MAN the skill cap is going to be insane on her with that rift trough walls xD
It’s funny, she’s taking snack about others when She doesn’t belong ANYWHERE in any universe
Ngl this looks really cool
now that solos is back you can no longer blame your random teammates for your own inadequacies 😂
So a combo with Wraith, Ash and Loba😑
They need to get rid of Gun Run. Hate that mode with a passion
Still no arenas? I’m not playing
Tf3 when?
Do solo kills contribute to main stats ?_?
Will be nerfed week 2
Para cuando el Apex Mobile pa?
Guess I’m glad I stopped playing apex
Bro wattson better be getting a buff or rework or better perks
The zip jump into the portal is so clean 😩
Coolest trailer yet imo
the teleport through surface is so useful
Okay 2 things.
1. WHAT?! she can take the entire team out of the situation even when downed?! That’s crazy… this is going to be so interesting.
2. At the beginning did I see a new crypto skin?
If she doesn’t have voice line interactions telling each legend a different story of who she is, we riot
I love how in every Apex trailer you’re fighting vs 0.0000001 hp enemies (i have no problem with that)
I need x2 stars to finish my battle pass 🙁
It looks cool but it’s probably the same garbage from every other season
I wish for a legend that could copy teammates abilities and enemies nearby abilities….but can only select one every 30 seconds or so.
100k views? This game fell off hard since the last time I played
now we just need arenas to be back
Alter is responsible for traveling and destorying the universe where respawn made titanfall 3
I know it was asking a lot from Respawn, but I was hoping, since it was a different type of void ability in the trailer, being it’s shattered, it would have a different color. But that’s a lot asking from respawn.
Getting more and more void characters
make solos permanent
I love the past where everybody makes the same unoriginal, unfunny joke in the comments, truly an Apex experience
Definitely going to be my mani for sure
3030 sounded different
Disruptor rounds on the 3030?
Will this legend fix audio??? Or will her q make it even worse??
Ban cheaters with their mac address THANK YOU
Solos forever please! 🥺
if solo mode has no stats i will uninstall this trash game at day 1 of the season
Now i know who the one is breaking the game in season 20. It’s her.
This character comes off as cringe/edgy 😩 but I do feel silly criticizing it since the game is already super wacky. Personally I liked the early vibe of the game.
This character feels so forced to be cool it hurts. 😢
Когда выйдет Titanfall 3?
Im waiting for the new map but this is still incredible
How long is solos back for?
This game is dead bruh
Song name – Alice Longyu Gao, Alice Glass – LEGEND like
After 5 long years SOLOS is finallty a thing
Ngl this trailer is really good and the music fits
Y’all think it’s grippy?
Love it that they already tease three full katars
fix your dogshit game
Seems kinda mid
Who’s watching rn?
Apex deserves an Award 👌👌👌🥰🥰👏👏👏
New broken moon looks so good, as an avid broken moon hater, im super excited. for those who havent seen the leaks its a lottttt smaller, and way less open space. sooooooo stoked, lowkey looks like it might play a bit like kings maybe olympus
So is her ult just a better/more op Ash ult? Enemies can’t use it, teammates can use it. It seems like it’s just a better Ash ult
Where’s squads at bruh, I NEED IT!
at 1:27 ok this catalyst skin is fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
So shes apex legends jinx…i love that
What is this battle pass legendary skins ? Doesn’t look like legendary skins at all
Okay ngl they cooked with this trailer
Nah even the downed person can tp away ya is dying this season
Wow! ❤
Please fix EA Apex servers before release this update…
solos, never playing casual while thats around.
so, another season without a new map..
Possibly the biggest W from respawn yet
Лучше бы вы пчелиную войну сделали
Keep solos permanent
Как же долго Respawn переобувались)
Я про соло режим
Guys it’s a free to play game, no one is making you buy the skins so stop complaining about skin prices. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it
Y’all bury the game a little deeper into the ground with every update
Remember Titanfall 3 died for this
Those last seconds when Alter is focused on Horizon and the camera just switches from one to another. If you know you know. 👻
I love this “Solo is never coming back” hacking scene :O
1:22 ja me encanta cómo hacen referencia a lo que dijeron y ahora es lo contradicen
Give us titan fall 3 please
…..yawn….. where is Forge?
0:28 alter is dual wielding?????
Love it how to justify the existence of infinite skins Respawn had to bring infinite realities. Truly an Apex Legends experience.
just like a Madden gameplay video, never play like game.
Finally we get night mode.
Trailer is hard 🔥 🔥🔥
broken moon is now so much worse
Everyone saw these skins days ago because of the leaks so the this trailer isn’t doing much
With her kit, I would have never thought she’d be able to use it for making someone from a distance come go you. That’s wilddd
Great even more free revives and resets like come on bruuuuuuh
Why is nobody talking about solos like it isn’t what 80% of the player base wanted
Bro I got jumpscared when it said “ solos is not coming back” lol💀
What do you mean we need 3v 3 mode back
“I can fix her”
no akimbo?🥺
God dayum
nice music
Praise to the ones who made the trailer, i liked the edit.
Will all the sweats go to solos so the game can be fun again
I was going to say this season looks dumb but this could make it amazing
Where arenas
That catalyst skin is cleannnn
Derpixon Easter egg
Best season in apex ever about to drop frfr solos finally and they changed the loot finally
One day we’ll get a male legend with cool powers and abilities besides revenant 🙃
Why are people concerned with other things besides the “SOLO IS BACK” thing?
New skin unlocked: Powder, Arcane Legends Edition. Just waiting for Jinks now
I’m excited for solos but not the micro transactions
_SO_ glad they brought back solos!!
1:25 I’m sorry, Solos is what now???!!!
1:22 yeah, just took about 3 year
I can fix her
I hope you Apex players come up with a strategy to stop Alter’s abilities. She’s quite a trickster to beat her.
Altar is giving Seer on Launch
She oooks crazy, I’m very happy.
We got brokener moon now.
Anti camping legend and solos? Very nice!
This is super sick but seeing them show off artifacts as if anyone wants them is sad
her herloom ?????????? lol
So even downed teammates can interact with the portal? Wow.
Where the new heirlooms
Add Quads mode please
REPLACING DUOS! FFS, we only play duos…
Apex we like this!!
cool but fix the pk it dose 9 dm
Ay gameplay trailer on my birthday!
thats tuff
This ain’t what solos used to be it’s more of a LTM just solo clearly just to get player count up
What is the ranked map rotation?
Solos is officially back, lets fking goooo baby!!
No launch trailer?
“You give them one tiny push and suddenly they all fall apart” ite dark knight joker. Rip Heath Ledger. Your influence lives on 🔥
Song info Please!!??
Solos is back?
The skies are mine.
is it safe to play the game now?
I’m excited for solos to be back. The highest I ever got in season 2 was second place and it was a close death too. I need to redeem myself.
bruh the design is so karesmatic
Mid game
I can fix her
Solos is back baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why everyone has the void ability now? 🤦🏻♂️ Can we get at least a unique tactical?
another 300 dollar heirloom
I sure do hope the QA Department will test the new season well
Heck yeah! Cant wait…
don’t forget buy another 400€ budle to support poor CEO
Besides the greediness & the awful bugs, this game is still great. Seeing a lot of saltiness up in herea’. 💀
RIP Wraith. Im gonna need them to give her OG phase time back to make her worth picking now.
Skins com preço extremamente abusivos
where is that gorgeous map called “District” man? … common respawn L season after season
I don’t understand!! If the Skins are too high don’t buy them lol!! If you don’t like the game! You have a choice to play another game lol.
I really want to know her lore
She got that they/them hair fr
Jogo morto
Is it me… or is the new Horizon biting off Arcane Jinx ??? Regardless NEW SEASON HYPEEEEEEEEEEEE rip wallet
i love this drop
KENDRICK ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
Alter looks ridiculously strong. Dont need to interact with ult like the old rev ult, doesnt need to waste time wraith portaling knocks of somewhere, you can just leave and have the knock hide. Also your team can play around buildings with few entrances so you can run inside to saftey through a wall whenever you need to.
Repost, I’ve seen this already
Revenant and her would make a KILLER couple (dad joke) 😂😂😂😂
W compared to this filler season
Solos is long over due !!
alter seems fun and cool but why bring her when u nerfed wraith for like 1 1/2 years straigt
only thing missing is a new gun and a new Map ! wouldve been the best season since season 7 and horizon release but BM changes are huge the map is terrible
I don’t think we needed another legend like this. Fix Gibraltar or something
SOLOS IS BACKKKKKKKK…………………………………………………..
mim de papai
I hate this legend😅
Wraith’s Chaos Refined Lab Sister: Alter
someone really said “Remember, if u want to enjoy the next season, dont come with any expectations, eitherway its better than nothing”
She basically couters every defense legend
Not gonna lie, I’m hyped for the solos mode
okay this one is hype
Ufff! 🔥🔥
🙏🏻But please keep KING’S CANYON, WORLD’S EDGE & OLYMPUS in the rotation! The rest are just trash maps!
the void passage gon change the game , trust me
My boy fuse getting abused by Alter😢
solos. finally.
Kobalt katar: green, red, purple 7000$
Apex PLEASE give us theater mode alread think of all the cinematic trailers the community could make
Her ult seems lackluster
Please for the love of god.. Kings Canyon and worlds edge together… if you’re not going to give us a new map, GIVE US THAT
other season again borin puff
me and my homies all sure love broken moon
Imagine they pull a forge
I have 345000 k and 23000 shards waiting for this new legend that’s costs 12000 to 🔑
Song : Alice Longyu Gao, Alice Glass – LEGEND
So is void passage the activated ability or gift from the rift?
Can’t wait for Cheaters to destroy lobby’s with this 😂
And they call Maggie mad
Is that heirloom still unlockable?
Apex legends players will cry about high prices and still buy skins like the sheep they are
Anything but a new Weapon 😔😔😔
Alter literally broke the fourth wall and changed the dynamic of the game to bring back solos. She changed the dimension, that’s pretty clever, Respawn.
maaan its mindblowing !
running with gun out is so accurate
I miss season 4.
They’re taking notes from NFS Unbound.
Solos is back baby!
pump and dump the last of this game.
Bad servers, manipulated mechanics that interfere with the game like EA FC 2024( Momentum). People don’t let this game take money out of your pockets. Everyone start a boycott against this devilish company EA/Respawn
Bring back the arenas
no dout about it alter is completly coucou
Remember, if u want to enjoy the next season, dont come with any expectations, eitherway its better than nothing
reactive 3030 and cobalt heirloom redesign
i lost all hope in apex being fun again, trailers dont hype me anymore
Will we be able to get damage/20kill badges in solo?
Solo is never coming back, Solo is back 💀
Is that her heirloom already? Tf
fix my wraith heirloom istg
Is that Jeff the killer? ☠️
I like how alter was able to hit all their shots on an iron sights 3030. Truly an apex experience
The most realest thing EA ever said in a video description. EA I am ready to be upset
I was expecting an exciting trailer. I did not expect to hear Alice Longyu Gao and Alice Glass!
Song in the background is Legend, for anyone looking. 😊
when u have passion about jinx but you work for ea
I love the part where new castle tries to develop his Heirloom and ends up getting shot and dies
Still waiting for content
The editing on this trailer is top notch
They gave her wraiths anime run.
Альтушка теперь и в пупексе😏
Is it my idea or is Alter Horizon from another multiverse? I say this because Horizon has the device to travel through time and in his travels through time he could have changed his personality.
She looks like a fun character, but there’s something about her face design that feels unfinished. I can’t put my finger on it.
So Alter ult into Octane double bounce pad into void passage through a roof into a tiny occupied house into Caustic ult, then teleport back to Alter ult, then double bounce pad again to shoot the peasants coming out of the house to breath.
goosebumps all over
Why is no one talking about solos being back
She reminds me of the sphinx from dragon’s dogma 2
I’m the only one from Nepal 🇳🇵
Where is the launch trailer
Solos with nothing but Wraith and Horizons…. can’t wait lol 😂😂
That thing on her back should have been a melee weapon or sometginggg
I genuinely can’t tell if anyone is actually excited about this season
Fkin ehhhhhh shes a punk rock scorpion star of badazz
Thats what she is ,,,,yesssssSirrrrrrrr
is it just me or doesnt the song sound like lifeline is singing it
Joker of Apex
Defense legends: hey I perfectly secured the building guys
Alter: Aw you locked the door
I swear, devs get to do all the fun stuff with their cinematic gameplay trailers, very well edited!
Respawn:” solos is never coming back”
Also Respawn:” solos is back”
Broken moon shatters
Broken broken moon?
Apex Legends U R THE BEST LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup I don’t like her # wraith parody
Could someone pls gift me the battle pass I’ve been playing from season 6 and I did t get a single battlepass and I don’t get allowance so I can’t save up and get one
Every thing looks fire so far. Loved every season and character but this character looks a lil mid lol. We got ash and wraith that do portal stuff lol. But maybe my mind will change. Day 1 player so ill never hate the game
Wish the game was at least half as good as this trailer.
the devs breaking broken moon
Truly an Apex Experience
Song name
Alice Longyu Gao, Alice Glass LEGEND
New spell in clash royal :void 😯😅🤣
alter is chinese? no wonder why she likes hacking, hacked the whole apex website lol
No new gun?
So is Alter an evil version of Horizon?
wallhacks are legal now?
Landing and getting instantly knocked down is truly an Apex experience.
Looks meh
The character design feels so uninspired, just like random stuff put together, I felt the same way about conduit too
Please name the song
I loved the part where octane jump padded on a full team got downed and left the game instantly
Sheesh another broken legend.
As a Catalyst main, yes I am a bit worried
Respawn you’re slowly redeeming your selves
1:03 граната типо такая
– ладно я подожду не буду взрываться
This was a dope trailer….
Bruh. How do i do zipline jump on the console
proceeds to show the $300 dollars relic in all shots
Respawn didn’t hold back this time. Also the Repeater looks good, not the best but good enough.
So now new map?
47909 views in 30 mins, bro fell off….
Is the solos mode permanent or an ltm cause i hope it not leaving ive been waiting for solos for years
A new ttv appears
Her abilities look insane I love it
revenant and alter being on the same team is crazy
No more camping inside buildings 😂
Wow that was epic well-done respawn👌👌👏👏👀👀😍😍
Apex will be revived when they add solo mode
She’s going to be overpowered but I love it
upload the video during the ALGS genius move
Respawn Number 1! Thank you Respawn!
who was feeling the sondtrack
Never thought that a universal 4d chinse spy would enter apex legents
can’t wait for more overpriced 300 euro skins
stop making new legends and focus on the old ones…ffs
excited for season 21
2:05 the zip jump into the portal was sick! I love Apex acknowledging and leaning into movement tech.
destiny 2 fallen
Song –> Alice Longyu Gao – LEGEND
I think she hates Horizon in some way
No way the 30 30 get thé evo skin ☠️
just suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
If only apex legends mobile was alive
Apex legends: Into the Alterverse
man, they really put some effort here
I use catalyst to help my team and give more time now if there is a alter will be kinda uselesss🤣
I like the part where crypto says “starting emp protocol” and hacks the devs into thinking 30$ skins is acceptable
All glitches that are coming nice
Unless the character ties into titanfall they dont matter to me
Music : Legend – Alice Glass, Alice Longyu
Let this cash grab go already folks
your whole battlepass and legend abilities got leaked days before, nothing in this trailer suprised me
They did it they added solos! Time to play the game again
Такое уебище этот новый перс, ещё уебищней чем рейф
1:20 this part had me dying
they remembered that they said “solos is never coming back” and then changes to “solos is back”
Okay, I have to be honest being able to teleport dropped out of thin air is better than wraith being able to teleport with her ultimate for fallen teammates
Where is the lauch trailer????
I wanted to see miraj die again
1:46 there should if had a finisher were you open a portal but close it before the enemy exits it😂
Please stop trying to make the Katars cool, no one likes them
Should we eventually hold the Devs accountable for continuing the game if the quality is more harmful towards the gaming industry as a whole? Or should respawn have a exodus , and let EA “make” something.
Being F2P goes so far, and discussing “let them enjoy” is harmful and predatory
Whoever edited the trailer needs a raise
Most excited I’ve been for a new legend! Great work!
Now Solos is a big W
YouTube hacker nexus war hero villain game movie official tralier
Nobody gonna talk about solos ? You always wanted it and now that you have it you still have to hate ?
This legend reminds me of a character in Transformers 2 and I hate that character
Solos is back!
She looks insane
So, she basically hard counters tf outta catalyst 🤣
Let me guess another mentally ill one?
Nothing is clear
nerf pls
Meh maybe I’ll come back next season 🥱😴
Cool Trailer
This girl looks like Wrath + Catalyst with a +10 Edgyness boost 💀
Dude this may be their best launch trailer yet
Now thats how you make a trailer 🔥🔥🔥
I think I’m the only one who doesnt care about Solos
I don’t need to fix her
I love the part when Conduit says “Here we go, spending time!” and 5 more Katars got added
Alter seams to be Gearge Santoes inspired
I love the part where there’s always an event to steal-I mean acquisition funds from me twice every season with 300 dollar skins/heirlooms/deathboxes🤣, truly an apex experience.
Apex’s take on Arcanes jinx character
I want to know if wraith can see alter if they go into the void or not?
Didn’t expect to hear Alice Longyu Gao my latest favorite artist in an Apex trailer but here we are
i like how horizon is usin the r99 in a burst way rather than full auto despite her target is in fronta her . Truly an apex experience
edgin’ edgin’ edgin’
i havent been this pumped for a character release since valkyrie! Massive
Can’t wait to play ranked and verse all the 12 mans
apex is arguably the worst fps out rn but boy oh boy to they make fire trailers 🙏🙏
like me if u “dont” know every detail about her from leaks months ago😭
NGL that trailer was pretty dope, new legend looks awesome 👌🏼
An Alter squad pushing at you with Wraith is gonna be insane😅. Good luck next season 😅
So the ult is better then we thought…and they straight up admit solos was never coming back then right after put solos is back 💀
We say bye to Wraith 😢
Another busted character on release that’s gonna need a nerf in like a week let’s go
that song is fire
ok i just realized you guys are making a crazier wraith to pull some of the wraith players off always maining wraith 100% of their playtime.
Aaand Ash is no longer usable 😆
apex is dying, bring back titanfall
New map leaked?
Yall better say thank you Alter , she brought solos back lol
can’t wait to see respawn rob peoples money with the katar styles
Can’t wait to see a lobby full of only alters in the solo mode, haha
Solos part was hilarious well played
Imagined, if they started doing the same thing for Titanfall 2 or make Titanfall 3
Can we do something about teaming in ranked and algorithmically seperate the methheads and adderall kids from the old people who just want to pew pew a little?
Solos probably gonna be limited time again or put in the rotation
I don’t care about SOLOS we need QUaDS
I loved the part where the new Legend is a crossover from Marvel’s Spiderman villain, The Scorpion, Truly an Apex experience.
Alice Longyu Gao song detected!!
Solo is back great!!!☺️but is it permanent or limited because if it is limited then I’m going to play that mode as much as I can before its removed then I’m out. Cause the only reason i came back is for solos not playing with randoms and being annoyed all day
I fear this legend is going to be another vantage, cool concept, but way too situational and ineffective
all her abilities require a setup and can be used by enemies, so none of them are effective escapes, nor do they deal damage or provide any raw combat advantage
And where is the actual launch trailer, or will this season be the first without it?(((
Did you notice that the colors of the heirloom change during the trailer?
What a trailer
I’ve played this game more than almost any other game. It’s the perfect blend of aspects that keep a game fresh and engaging. Always something new. Always something to strive for. Every game is different. Always room to improve.
No cinematic trailer wth?
Sick trailer! Anyone know the music?
Her abilities look kinda mid.
so normal ability is basically wraith ult that’s instant and goes thru walls
maybe one day they’ll think to ban certain legends for rank and league play
one of the best trailers yet
this trailer slept me
That trailer looks amazing can’t wait to play as ALTER
Unnecessary legend she makes Wraith useless
Now it is impossible to play one against two or against three because you will not be able to hide for a minute or even to fill the shield and there is nothing preventing penetrating the walls.
The disappointment with no launch trailer is overwhelming
First hot character in a while, count me in, im reinstalling the game
The lauch trailer??
bro come up with something better than wraith 2.0
I want heirloom mad maggie please
Solos Is LIT!!!! Worlds Edge STILL in rotation Is NOT!!!
looks bad
the trailer its crazy
Last season is the first time ive had felt the need to take a break since launch both ranked and non ranked are so sweaty nowadays after a few rounds its just not fun anymore.
New character looks cool though
w devs
Love how they kinda made fu of themselves with that “Solo is never coming back” thing
“One tiny push” is ripping on the Ledger Joker in Dark Knight.
lowkey hype
Honestly the new legend is very cool but I found this trailer kind of confusing.
Y’all might as well release the season already the whole season plus and 3 collection events got leaked
The way “solos ain coming back” glitched out and changed into “SOLOS IS BACK” was fr crazy
That’s a nice color for the new katara heirloom
whats the song?
Never knew LIFELINE was such a good singer.
A thousand and one things to see bro this was amazing I can’t wait
Wow 🔥
New broken moon looks so good, as an avid broken moon hater, im super excited. for those who havent seen the leaks its a lottttt smaller, and way less open space. sooooooo stoked, lowkey looks like it might play a bit like kings maybe olympus
1:04 that grenade totally exploded on her face before ulting
Solos are finally back in Season 21! So sick and tired of playing with bad randoms in trios.
We don’t care buff servers
why do people care about a launch trailer u dont need one
*sigh* greaaaaat. Another character who uses voids. Can’t wait for the next one.
The glitches gon be insane this season guys!! 👍👍
Wraith 2.0
Okay, I normally clown on these trailers. But that “Solos is never coming back” was actually so good.
I can’t wait!
Dropping the enemy through the floor is crazy
“Solo is coming back” my dead body just went warm,
dude she looks op
Us Caustic Mains will punish Alter Mains!
Ok ok apex finally something interesting. Solo is coming back, and my people in the comments, how do yall feel about the new legend?
Wish they would tag the artists in the videos or something the background songs bop so hard in these trailers
Season GOD🚬🗿
give us Titanfall 3
Looks good just need the servers to actually work properly
I feel like I’ve see all this already for some reason
solos better be a permanent mode bro
Launch trailer where???? 🙁
Alter is a menace🔥🔥🔥
no alternator reactive?
Man alter looks awesome her abilities obviously look very similar to wraith but there also unique at the same time and i really want to see whats going on with her and horizon hopefully we get some info in the treasure pack stories
if you guys gave us heirloom stickers, i promise they would sell out so fast🙏🙏
give a raise to the ones who produced/edited this trailer
let this game die already and focus on titanfall 3 ffs
Alter ❤
0/10 not enough Cobalt Katars
I just cant get over how much she looks like someones apex oc like the spray paint reminded me of eko from episode 8 of arcane
Bring back legend based heirlooms please
Trash map trash map
Finally no stormpoint the cancer map
1:23 bro they’re self aware💀
I’m pretty sure people want Jack Cooper in it
So the Cobalt Qatar is the main event in the trailer, gotta get those exotic shards 😂
30-30 reactive skin? Here’s my card respawn. Take my money and shut up.
looks like we’re not getting meet the legend trailer anymore 😔
I wasn’t here first btw
Brutal!!!! BABY
guys, GUYS. she was holding akimbo p2020’s
Why she got Jeff the Killer eyes?
So is that a guy, a girl, an it???
took revenant’s old ultimate
It’s like I’m seeing gameplay of this map for the first time
This will be the best season ever !!!!!!
low key this fire
Apex nunca esteve tão vivo😍😍
love it
Está un poquito roto el personaje 😅
Mighty morphin power
wow lo mismo de siempre!
Jack Cooper solos all the Legends combined
Yes yes yesss 🔥🔥🔥
Best yet
Solos 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Solos coming to apex is crazy
S/O to the video production team. The editing on this is so fresh!
Already Over powered lol
Sick af 🗿
Loved how they show how op and powerful alter is, even tho she’ll probably get nerfed heavily a week later and wont be used anymore
I love that song. legend from Alice Longyu
Why the enemies on the trailers always have like 50hp 😂
Solos Hype! 🔥🔥🔥
I like when she stole my ultimate
Truly an Apex Legends experience
I love the part where revenant called alter an unoriginal edgelord and alter cancelled him on Twitter. Truly the peak of apex lore
Joker reference
I loved the part where Revenant said ” You cant escape” while trying to escape himself and dies, Truly an Apex experience
people still play apex???
I love your videos Apex
Sure we didn’t saw anything about new season right guys?
This season finna be lit
Can this move any faster
Edge Lord goth mama ❤
Let’s gosky
Show gibby twerking please
smash. next
This better be🔥
Who tryna be my plat perminate squad I’m a 4k Watson a 1k crypto and I play support and ash
Who excited to Alter I know I am it’s about to start
Howdy everybody
Will Alter be able to alter reality and reduce skin prices?
Edit: does anyone know the name of the song from the trailer?
Buff lifeline
add me EA id @fearlash for this breakout challenge gifting .or next one going to be the r99 reactive recolor
I am going crazy
It’s Chart Game
Solos mode ! 🔥🔥
Broken Moon update better make the map better. Can not name many updates Apex has done that actually improved the maps or are memorable.
After seeing alter’s kit, i’m pretty sure she wil end up breaking the game just like seer did. They will have to rush out a nerf lol. Very cool kit, but still broken and for the first time ever, wraith might not be that useul, which would be great to see.
When is alter gameplay trailer dropping?
Seer need buff
i want arenas to come back 😢😢😢
Can’t wait for Season 21 new bugs 🔥
New legend got be a bad Guy
estoy esperando A N C I A N O
Gameplay better be fi
What kind of name is upheaval name it voidswap or void chaos💀
Waiting eagery. See you guys in the premier.❤
Is anyone else trying to play Rumble? Does it start when the trailer releases?
I wonder what this update will have? Will we lose our stats, badges and heirlooms again? Will we not be able to play the first three days of launch? Man I love apex updated they’re always full of unintentional hidden features
I love the part where vantage said “when do I get my own heirloom” and then the katar releases
dark trailer for a mean character
Don’t know why respawn keep making wraith spinoffs 🤦🏽♂️ There’s only one void walker
wraith mains in season 21 📉
Hurry up
Alter is better than rev
at leaset we didnt get a leak for this
Can’t wait for it to release live!!
The best game ever
Who are you?
Let’s just still pretend like we haven’t seen the abilities yet.
Guys there will be launch trailer. After this one. I’m sure about it because i found a picture in next season battle pass. That picture is from launch trailer. Dont worry it will be here soon.
Y’all really named the new season “throw up” 🤮 ?
just got a crazy dub in ranked appreciate a bro out ( also open for one more spot)
What about the Launch Trailer?? The most anticipated trailer for the new seasons. It’s not enough that the trailers are coming in the last days, but are you missing the most important ones?
The upheaval will be the servers finally breaking as it’s been nigh impossible to not get frozen by the void and kicked with no xp in every mixtape game for months now. Truly an Apex storytelling experience. Been setting up the new season all along
Catalyst is way worse and she was perfect and then they nerfed her and ballistic tactical and every legend like my main is Newcastle he has a 0.5 pick rate and he’s really good but no one uses home because they want to be aggressive and not help there team and just be a rush person but Newcastle can do all of those things so y’all buff Newcastle and mirage in the chat and like this comment if you agree and with any other legend nobody uses anymore like crypto and rampart and more
Looks like someone’s taking inspiration from Zelda tears of the kingdom…
Alter looks great! First legend I’m this excited for since Mad Maggie. Last 5 legends were disappointing to me ngl.
There will be a launch trailer guys. I think they’re just doing it last so its an actual LAUNCH trailer
Alter: A legend of made up stories
Also Alter: Wraith on Steroids
Wraith searching an dimension where it already realeased…
What about launch trailer? 🙁
New seasons are so fun
The launch trailers are like the best trailers to me if they don’t make one that’s just sad
Spoiler: It’ll show new skins that cost absurd amounts of money, and each character dies from one or two shots.
Fix the matchmaking for God sake
y’all just skipped over the launch trailer?
It only there was a solo mode. What kind of battle royale game doesn’t have solo?
In the meanwhile, the rumble tab disappeared and cheaters won the competition. Such a great job
Games dieing
Disgusting…. the EA developers should be ashamed of themselves
Solo mode is going to be fire!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
We all know she’s gonna be broken af like every other legends and will recive a huge nerf…and bugs and account resets are features now at this point….Let’s be honest here Respawn…ya’ll do this deliberately don’t you ?
Wait no launch trailer
game has died
I love how out of all the realities alter traveled to the one with 50 dolar skins
Hopefully solos is only there for a week we don’t need it just how arenas was a waste.
Ah finally the gameplay is always the best part can’t wait to watch it tomorrow 😅
Apex I know you put a lot of work into your game but I’m not gonna lie Alter is a rip off version of wraith
Nerf the nerf
New Character AT LAST!!!
I love it when alter says “it’s altering time” and then proceeds to alter everything good about the game and add 47 overpriced cosmetics! Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where all the legends said, “Who are you?” And Alter said, “I’m the one who’ll be meta than nerfed to the ground.” Truly an Apex experience
I am here only for see solos mode
Mate what is this season- I’m so lost
WHEN old prestige skin will be update with sky dive trails ????
No Launch trailer?…
Cant wait for boosters and cheaters in Solos. Will truely be an Apex experience.
Wait wait. Where is the season trailer?
я люблю
Love how at the beginning of each season, EA makes the new legends abilities OP and shows how their abilities are OP in the trailer, everyone buys them, and they become meta, then they get nerfed heavily a week or two later and has about one or two mains afterwards. Truly an Apex experience
New legend just looks cool her kit is mid
Hope up for quality animation
Remember, if u want to enjoy the next season, dont come with any expectations, eitherway its better than nothing 💀💀
Hope this season will be better 🙂
Glad Solo’s is back!
Although not looking fwd to vs’ing 59 Horizons…
Where is the Launch trailer?
The launch trailer launched itself in the void
I love the part where Alter say. “Who am I, I’m the best legend that ever lived” It’s a true Apex legend experience.
Probably will be the best season in a while with a awesome new legend. Solos. Broken moon updated *that was needed* and a good battle pass *with a terrible tier 100 skin* and 2 new cool recolors and new shards
Mozambique here!
Cant wait to not play apex once the season comes out because the game keeps crashing or just being completely unplayable or maybe all my progress being gone 😊
Yall gotta stop complaining bro 😂
Cant wait!
can’t wait to experience new contents with packets lost and lagging 😊
No launch trailer this season? Only STFO and gameplay and probably battle pass? Maybe they fired their animation team too