Apex Legends: Hunted Gameplay Trailer
New Legend Vantage is here to scope out the competition on a reforged Kings Canyon in Apex Legends: Hunted. Discover the will to survive when it launches August 9!
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends: Hunted: http://x.ea.com/73911
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#ApexLegendsHunted #ApexHunted #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Music: “W.A.R.R.I.O.R” by Ebony Bones
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends season 14,apex legends hunted,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex トレーラー,エーペックス,apex season 14,apex hunted,apex season 14 trailer,apex legends season 14 trailer,apex gameplay trailer,hunted trailer,hunted gameplay trailer,vantage apex legends,vantage gameplay apex legends,apex legends echo,echo apex legends,kings canyon,gameplay trailer apex legends,respawn apex legends,battle royale game,battle royale
コメント (3716)
I really hate how alot of newer apex gameplay trailers focus Soley on telling js what new and fresh rather than showing us new and fresh like in older trailers. Season 4 had the best trailer and it was straightforward.
Better than fifa
Cross progression
In the Apex games there is only 1 rule. Drop Fragment Everytime . hahaha I’m jk
I love the part when Crypto said ‘Access Denied’ as surely he wasn’t in the trailer. Truly an Apex experience.
With the damage🔥 that the ring🌐 causes now, it would be nice to have a future android legend, perhaps called “Ring Lord🤖” who has the ability:
. Passive: 50 percent less ring damage received
. Tactics: Create a small ring that damages allies and enemies
. Ultimate: Sacrifice 25 percent health to generate a large circular ring that has Ring Lord as its center
Get rid of seers heartbeat sensor. They cant do anything without it. Just trash players
I left apex but I wish if I can come back
BAN all controller players thanks
when cross progresion?
I loved the part where all of the team except for one person left instantly. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where revenant said: “I was born in the shadow’s” while using his Ult only to be brought back and shot by five different team’s waiting at the totem. Truly an apex experience
Loved the part where Vantage said “awareness is everything” right after running full speed into 3 full teams. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where everyone in trailers have 1 hp. Truly an Apex Trailer experience
Titan fall 2 better
Can we get a feature to setup our 3 choice legends that way if we aren’t paying attention we atleast land on one of our 3 choices instead of a randomly assigned legend?
They integrated wall hack a few seasons back, now aimbot. This is one of the games of all time.
Very nice.
Other than all the meme comments, this season is very fun
What’s the music name?
Dead apex please bring back the full auto prowler
will be removed in a couple weeks as they treat players like sheep. Top 3 for shittest devs going.
What’s this music?
Loved the part where respawn said “It’s money time” and released the monthly collection event. Truly a moment
they could just call her chummy like moomy version of chamber ulti almost same xD
sorry, my sister and I have been checking the game files for 3 times already, so after we updated the game, you can do whatever you want with this. thank you
I loved the part where Rhapsody said, “Come on, Rowdy. Let’s give them a show.” then-… Oops! Wrong platform. Hahaha!
Kids Enjoys this
Truly an Apex Experience.
She has the single dumbest run I’ve ever seen XD
Yeah lets give old characters new skins for the thousandth time
1:19 ese es caustic ?, que le pasó a su pelo ? (llevo años sin jugar apex 😐)
Here we Come!
What’s the point of putting a battle pass part in this video if they made a video about the battle pass?
Vantage sounds like Diane Nguyen and SideSerf cakes put together. I swear the voice was throwing me off the whole time 💀 I was like she sounds familiar…and then I had an ah ha moment for both people at the same time-
I love how cringe this community is, Truly an experience
I love the part where Mirage said, “follow ReadyPlayer2TTV on Twitch. Or don’t what do I care.” Apex a truly experience. Wait…what did I just say? Never mind, I look good.
I’m so sick of Kings Canyon. It’s been a good 3 years, but it’s time to let it go.
Is there any normal comments?? Sheeesh
You can throw all the cosmetics and new legends and new guns but It won’t matter if game isn’t fun or enjoyable
I loved the part where Gibraltar said “Raining down some destruction!” Then completely missed his ult and hit his teammates with it instead. Truly an Apex experience.
wattson has a new competitor now
So glad kings canyon is back
Almost 2M views and only 80k likes? Truly an Apex experience.
As someone who has been lvl 500 for over a year increasing the skill cap is a huge change that was greatly needed
I loved how this is the best comment section ive ever seen on youtube thus far
I loved the part where Valkyrie said, “I’m filing a divorce and taking the kids.” Then she lived the rest of her life as a waitress in South Dakota. Truly an Apex experience.
It’s a shooter game for talentless kids who aren’t good at shooter games. And have their parents credit card number. 😂😂😘
So the shadow ultimate Is getting a distance buff I see
So nobody is commenting on how they abliterated Fuse’s head into red mist 6 sec in? no.. just me . Okay
I loved the part where teammate said, “lagging too much”. Then leave the match to restart but never come back. Truly and Apex experience.
Is that true that they bring back reactive r99 and flatline?
i loved the part where every comment has the same setup yet only a very select few have an actual funny punchline so you stop scrolling after the 12th comment
Озвучив це відео українською у себе на каналі. Може комусь буде доречно
I loved the part when caustic said “Breathe it in” and no one was there, then a movement wraith one taps him with a wingman from across the map. Truly an Apex experience
They really need to add Dumie as a playable character again or make an option to be a “rando” with a random or no kit.
“awareness is everything”
fix the trash audio
Rampart sounds like a minion
what kind of event is this where everyone writes “I liked the part where”?
Ay mr white
Yeahhh cañon de los reyes😍
Skull town back?
seas 4 trailer was 5x better , the trailers just keep going down and down from there
wow, another wraith legendary.
Very informative good
I loved the part when there was a good wraith that utilises her portal the distance a res but then gets pushed midres by a full team because the portal led them to her. Truly an apex experience
I love the part where pathfinder got a passive 😀
I loved when wraith said “follow my path to win” the proceeds to rush a full squad by herself, dies, then leaves the game. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when i looked into comment section and there was only “i loved the part when” comments
Walter White Caustic
I loved the part where Gibralter said, “Throwing some cover for my brothas” when there was no one attacking but the next moment a squad appeared out of thin air. Truly an Apex experience.
man….. is this a bit of chamber feeling from valorant?
Reactive triple take looks awesome
I loved the part where the game has no ring or shield. Truly Titanfall experience.
Respawn really removing and nerfing items because of some crybaby bratty only child streamers that are used to crying to their parents until they get their way, lost some money in a tournament. So instead of changing the tournament loot, they decide to run the entire game into the ground. Never watching a streamer again, especially crybaby Hal.
Hey I can finally watch the trailer! 🥰
Walter White skin 🤯
This is “I love the part” best moment 😀
They are changing so much good things noooo😢
the game needs sound not wall hacks
I. Am. Going. To. Die. Of. An. Angerism. If. You’ll. Don’t. Fix. Audio.
I loved the part where mirage says Useing the decoy scape but instantly dies truly an apex experience
I loved the part where mirage said “bb b bamboozle” and he didn’t even bamboozle anyone
About the level cap increase, i wonder if everyone can get a heirloom shard for sure on new level cap, but at the same time i won’t be surprise if ‘Respawn/EA’ has remove 500 pack heirloom chance without telling anyone.
Let’s hope that not gonna happen, finger cross…
I loved the part where the octane grabbed all the good loot and then was the first one to die. Truely an Apex Experience
I L O V E How wraith gets ANOTHER battle pass skin even through she has like 12 and other characters could use ones. Truly an apex experience
Gibbys wife
I loved the part where she said “It’s Morbin time!” Flies to her morbius friend, then gets 360’d no scope by a flying Octane. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where pathfinder said “i’m going to use my passive ability” and then proceeded to do nothing because he doesn’t have one. Truly an apex experience
0:24 goofy ah run
I loved the part where a single comment said, “I loved the part when” Then the rest of the comments started to say it aswell. Truly a YouTube experience..
I hate bots 🙄
Lvl 5001??!?!
I loved the part where they still don’t give you heirloom shards for reaching a certain level. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Apex
“In the Apex games there’s only one rule, survive” Say that to my hotdropping TTV wraith teammates.
No new gun😑
Loved the part where no footsteps audio were heard when: a bloodhound ult’s, a team jumps on you, or you’re directly staring at an enemy. Truly an Apex Legends experience.
Hunted is going to be really good!
Loved the Part where all these People asked for something and never got it
Everyone in the comments: I love that part where 💀
I loved the part when revenant said, “Shut up” to a wall after using his tac. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part when octane said “ Im going up.. im going up.. im going up.. im going up”
Sorry i spam
this comment section is full of diverse opinions.
POV: You’re looking for a comment that doesn’t start with “i loved the part where”
I loved the part where Pathfinder said: “Grappling!” then proceeded to fly straight into a hole on olypmus loosing everything. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where revenant used his ult and then got immediately killed, and then when he spawned back at his totem is got destroyed cause he was still holding down the fire button. Truly and apex experience
Bald caustic., I loved his hair man
Why does caustic looks like hiswattson lol
yessir! 4 straight seasons with no rev cosmetics!
Man Apex has the worst characters.
I love the part where the comments said “ I love the part where (character) said “ and then proceeded to fill the entire comment section with it. Truly an Apex experience
I loved that part where I scroll for hours and everyone keeps saying Truly an Apex Experience. Truly An Apex Experience
The only difference between predator and prey is who sees who first. Truly an apex experience
Its not funny anymore guys
I love how revenant pop his ult and ran into the fight without death protection.
Truly an apex experience.
Literally had to scroll past 100 comments to get something that wasn’t “I loved the part where…”
I loved the part where this comment section has actually made me wish I still had my good bourbon.
Yall cringe af
Please!!!!! 120fps on xbox
We need a good punishment for leavers even from normal because right now its impossible to queue without friends as people are leaving as soon as their enter the lobby or as soon as they fall down. Bring back solos or punishment for leaving!!!
Can her legendary skin have a ghillie suit on please 👀
I loved the part when I saw a normal comment, truly an apex experience
The apex experience, Is truly an apex experience
Season 14
wkońcu lvl powyżej 500
These comments are amazing 👏 😂
Can you remove Stormpoint or what? Been having it in rotation every season since it dropped. Such a boring map, and a huge turn off
Looks really underwhelming. Nothing really new or fresh here.
Y’all gotta be bots saying the same thing
I loved the part where my teamate said “Im jumpmaster!” and then we proceeded to switch jump master 7 times and end up DCing because we’re gonna drop too late. Truly an Apex experience.
I love that part when everyone posting comments starting with “I love that part and sharing their Apex experience”.
I love the part I achieved diamond easily and met with Cronus and strike pack users. Truly an apex experience
The battle pass looks garbage.
*who else is excited for this* ?? 💛💙
Buff pathfinder please
I loved the part where Skull Town came back and no one cared
Nice 👍👍
You guys are annoying
I loved the part when gibby said “I got your back” then minutes later he lets you bleed out.Truly an Apex experience
Full of crash in this season. Erorr code 0x887a0006 try everything to fix and doesnt work
Ayo is that skull town
Bro please don’t tell me the triple take is the level 100 gun💀please
this looks like the most overloaded kit in a champion yet
what am I being constantly disconnected
Way to op
DDoS attack this game
POV: the cmnts all start with I LOVED 😂
That’s so awesome I.m defs coming bak online
I loved the part where I said let’s land here and my whole team hot drops in ranked and dies and proceeds to blames me. truly a apex experience
I loved the part where
They should make an April’s Fool trailer with the comments of this trailer.
love how the battle pass manages to look worse than the bugs, truly and apex experience
Ok im coming back Baby!
Prestige system’s a great idea!
Players with 500 levels have been waiting far too long!
Can someone explain the “Truly, an Apex experience” quotes I see? I love them tho
I love how Wraith’s passive still didn’t work. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part when Vantage jumps over the Wattson fences. Truly an Apex experience
Trailer : “The only rule about the apex games, is to survive”
Hackers : I see this as an absolute win
Vantage truly has that Fall Guys run
I loved the part when I scrolled down to the comments and saw that this was the trend
Wait the trippie take is the 100?
Loved the part where I go to see the comments and everyone united insult this trash game. u guys are awesome
POV:Your looking for a comment that doesnt say “I loved the part”.
i loved the part where i put your mum in a blender. truly a touch grass experience
So wat does the bat do
So… when are we getting a new gun? There’s so much leaked footage, they have the weapons, they just don’t seem to want to release any new ones for some reason.
Can i ask why the comment section is full with i loved comments?
That Caustic skin is killing it !🤘
Yall wrong for these comments lol
Can’t wait!
I love the part where Caustic says “say my name,” truly a Breaking Apex experience.
what’s wrong with this comment section dude
I loved the part where people are commenting “I loved the part ” and nothing else😂😂
Whre is rampart stuff !? LikeWTF
everybody wants to FPS legal aimbot
Would have rather had raph
All I wish is for control to be permanent.
Let’s goooo lvl cap is increased I might have to come back to this game
I loved the part where Crypto said “I’ll try keep us under the radar” and then launches the whole team out if the map. Truly an Apex experiance
I like the part where hopper dies in season 4
I love the part where Loba says “Do you know my favorite kind of loot? The Loot that’s all mine. :)” And then proceeds to take all the supply drop loot that her teammates killed a squad for. Truly an apex experience.
Great, another escape artist. Any new charactors with just combat specials instead of escaping jumps, portals, swings, or w.e..
Your game is garbage – you better fix the crashing, the server issues, the NO MATCHMAKING AT ALL.
And get a hold of all the effin smurfs.
Actually BAN someone people – not only for using a bad word in a heated moments you useless company EA.
If I go in the game and I can’t two shot everybody in the game with vantages ultimate I’m crying myself to sleep
Thats why we love Apex Legends🔥😍
I loved the part where Lifeline said, “We gon fet when we done” and then proceeded to get killed and tea bagged while attempting to loot a death crate instead of reviving her teammates.Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when rev said “ you all think you’ll make it out of this alive” and then gets shot from 3 different angles, truly an apex experience
1:30 her tactical goes mad far
So she has an octane like ability as a tactical?
I love the part when crypto said “Switching to drone view watch my back.” Then his teammates leave him to get beamed by another squad. Truly an Apex experience
Loba please don’t crouch like that bro
How to get key rooms
No Reg also in the trailer. Truly an Apex experience
My Skull town comeback 😭😭
I am so Miss Skulltown
Я всегда говорю нубам из тимы – ГЛАВНОЕ ВЫЖИТЬ ! а они идут драться в самом первом кольце и во втором умирают….
Слава Украине!
i loved the part were gibby said,” throwing some cover for my brothers” and then didn’t throw his dome shield. Truly an Apex experience.
This comment section is actually trash
So basically a new Valkyrie, ok 👁️👄👁️
Now new legend most select character for 1 or 2 week😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
When yall gonna release solo mode
pov: you’re looking for a comment that doesn’t start with “I loved the part…”
I need back my mastiff n volt smg thats all,,🥹🥹🥹
I love ❤️ the part where loba🐺 uses her ultimate🤪 just to close it before her teammates get it😔! Truly an apex experience! 😊🤞💗
Loved the part where caustic says “my vision is clear” when really he can’t see jack. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where the loba competed with me for loot instead of using her ult. Truly an apex experience.
another reason to not use pathfinder
I loved the part where a three stack of diamonds queued into ranked and proceeded to get fed entire bronze and silver teams. Truly an Apex experience.
Still waiting on cross progression.
she has such a cute running animation
I love the part where octane says, “Hitting the ejector seat!” But the ejector seat no eject. Then you get melted! Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where they promised “Yes, cross-progression is coming and we are still working on it, don´t worry” over and over again and then they ignored it because they don´t want to spend a dime of the billion dollars they made with this game.
I loved the comment that said what the song name and artist was so I didn’t have to sift through all the comments saying what they loved
Why would anyone play crypto??
I loved the part where the comments had funny and original comments. Truly a YouTube experience
I loved the part where Ash said “A wise fighter would land there” and lands into Worlds Edge’s Fragments. Truly an Apex Experience
She looks like a g100.49 kraber main
This loved the part thing is Cancer, people are so dumb.
And still no sign of the promised cross-progression.
You promised, again and again!
I cant tell if these are all bots or not… like is this a new joke or something? what did i miss?
I loved the part where revenant sai. . . . Nvm.
Мне понравилась, что снова добавили женщину-негра. Поистине опыт Apex.
Да, да, женщина-негр должна доминировать!
I loved the part where Valkyrie said, “ Fly, Fight, WIN” then flew up into the air and instantly got shot out the sky the moment she tried to fly. Truly an Apex experience.
Full on chubby for skull town baby
Really cool, but how come my game doesn’t look like that… on a 3090?
yet still no cross progression. its honestly garbage.
Narrator: in the ring- Rampart:I’m gonna stop you right there *destroys everyone/thing in her path*
This new legend gonna be a problem
Please don’t get me wrong but, they should make an apex legends show
I loved the part where Rampart said, “throwing up my amped cover” then they get blown up instantly. Truly an apex experience.
Is there any normal comment here?!?!? JEEEZUS
What are these comments
When are they gonna add a tracker for how many apex packs you’ve opened
Бател пас вобще не очом
Not Apex paying for bot comments on YouTube to cover up them running their game into the ground 💀🤡
Can you guys add refund herloom
STOP Wraith Skins!!!!!!
Please make this game a glory game like it was… I miss Apex
This season’s features-
0:10 New Legend
0:12 Slow-loading
0:51 re-skinned the oldest map “King’s Canyon”
1:06 New Battle Pass
1:24 “Level Cap Increase” (It took them more than 3 years to add this. don’t worry, just keep playing the game, grinding and paying for skins to get QoL updates like this. Live Service Banzai!!)
I loved the part where everyone says that they loved the part. Truly a loving part of the Apex experience.
in the new season, at least make it work plantain mouth, you lose RP, but from gold down, do not please, I hate the rank system right now
I loved the part when horizon pinged a gold helmet for bloodhound, and octane padded and stole it. Truly an Apex experience.
Love the music and the trailer! But can we get the voidwalker skin or bundle back in apex next season
Trying to find an actual conversation in a cesspool of memes. Truly an Apex Experience.
Are they gonna fix the severs tho ?
I love all these comments 😂😂
I loved the part when I realized all of the comments say “I love the part”
stop writing apex experiences pls
“I loved the part when you get stuck in the deathbox of the person you just killed and you die to the ring. Truly an apex experience.”
Still no nemesis burst AR 😡😡😡 the gun is literally finished, fully modeled and has working UI elements and its been collecting dust in the games files for the last 3 seasons.
I love the part where all the commenters got together as one and said, “THIS FORMAT” and then everyone decided to do it. Truly an apex experience.
Low tier battle pass skins as always. Most are just base skin with new texture.
Dude can I just find a regular comment about what actually happened in the video? Lolol good grief
unban me so i can play it ☹️
These comments are dumb af
I loved the part where Crypto said “You’ve got to watch your back, you can’t trust others to do it.” then start using the drone speaking “Switching to drone view, Watch my back.” Truly an apex experience.
Well played Respawn nerf valk for another flyer.
I love how everyones One-Shot in the trailer
Bro ived opened 500 packs no heirloom I’m sad apex plz I’m kinggucci850 I don’t undersand
why is everyone in the comments talking about apex experiences??
Where is cross progression
Is anyone gonna talk about how in 1:40 she sniped a Rev in mid air who is affected by a totem, but then to the far right the totem is impossibly far away to be still active by the time he got around to the back of the skull and used a jump pad? They’d have to pop that totem, run and slide down the hill – potentially use a wraith portal somewhere down that line to then get atop of a building or the skull, then use a jump pad with maybe 10 seconds left on the totem to be sniped back to the totem. Seeing as she aimed at rev 50m away in the air, sniped away and then they were 99m away at the totem, that is about 110.9m of distance (approx); and that’s just diagonally up into the air, not accounting for ground differentiation, obstacles, gunfire or other enemies reducing their push/movement. The most unrealistic thing in this vid was the distance that rev had the totem effect on them 😂
Artem vpav
I loved the part where I said I love the part.
Ayo please buff mirage
This might be the ugliest caustic skin in the game. And thats impressive
I loved the part where Apex said, “You are going to get banned for nothing. Again and again.” And then banned me. Truly an Apex experience.
New cancer caustic and prestige, just what we needed
So she got a free Kraber? That’s so Chamber from Valorant 😂😂
Skull town cazzo siuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm😍
POV: You keep seeing “I loved the part-” comments and don’t know when it will end.
I loved the part where Octane said “let’s push together. We always push together “ then pushes alone. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where Octan said, “THROWING JUMPAD” and then it doesn’t even bounce him up. Truly an Apex Experience.
I love the part at 0:47 when Vantage says, “Didn’t need binoculars to see that coming,” clearly indicating the lack of audio and footsteps from enemies when playing the game. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Bangalore said, “Pop the smoke, make ’em broke” only to get her team wiped by an angry Bloodhound. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where vantage’s bat said, “It’s morbin time”. Truly an Apex experience.
Looks promising
First bald wraith now bald caustic 😹
Loved the part where Wraith pushed an enemy squad on her own, busted her team’s position, and gets destroyed by a pred three stack. Truly an apex experience.
Anyone else noticed that they may have given revs totem tf2 movement when vantage sniped him. The octane wasn’t in death protection when he got knocked then also look at revs totem placement how did he get on the skull and that high in the air during the timer
POV your trying a comment that doesn’t start with I loved
Where is Cross Progression?
i loved the part where lifeline said “i’m coming ur way” but never came my way. truly an apex experience
I love the part where Loba said”Setting up shop.” and thanking her and collapse black market by you’re welcome button. Truly an apex Experience.
I loved the part where all the comments of this video start with *”I loved the part”*
No lifeline in the trailer = Not playing
Skull town!!! I’m so happy
all these loved the part comments are really cringy and lame,
Hey guys maybe just fix lobas tactical
fix the audio!! ffs it’s been ages
how are we supposed to play FPS with no footsteps
I loved the part how much this game shows how important third partying is with every new character not having any skill and stealing all the low health enemies to show how “skilled” they are. Truly an Apex experience
Fuse Ultimate rework??
I loved the part when i don’t understand a joke, truly sad experience
Boring… These last few seasons has been incredibly underwhelming.
Just aimbot in a nutshell
I loved the part when Gibraltar said “Throwing cova’ fo’ my bruddas” when throwing his shield, and then kept shooting from the inside of his shield. Truly an Apex experience.
Skins are just getting worse and worse. Imagine what people with imagination could do with this safari theme.
Bro wraith with the joker skin are you kidding the wing man looks great not to mention the new level cap are you kidding me apex if you thought wraiths were sweaty before just you wait you ain’t seen nothing yet.🌟🍷
I love the part where octane tried to stem and then he got bodied truly a apex experience
I love the part where wraith says putting a portal after her teammates died
truly an apex experience
Just what this game needs… More op snipers.
Caustic Is Now Mr white
I loved the part where Octane said “Throwing jump pad” and nobody could touch the jump pad for some reason. Truly an Apex experience.
New legend looks promising
Respawn please bring Valkyrie’s BLUE Bomber skin back! PLEASE I NEED
Its been 8 seasons since we’ve seen a legendary path skin in the battle pass where are they bro
I loved the part where lifeline said “They Don’t Just Call Me Lifeline Because I Save A Life” then doesn’t rez the two downed teammates and gets ganked by a whole trio. Truly an Apex Legends experience.
I loved the part when “everyone loved the part”. Truly an apex experience.
Cheap copy of Valk. lol
I loved the part when my teammate said “Grenade out!” and then proceeds to hit a wall, killing themself with said grenade. Truly an Apex experience.
I hope they remove Strom point
How was this age restricted pfft YouTube I swear
Rip valk
I loved the part where Wraith said, “you know what i look like, come find me” and the enemy team started looting her death box.
Can i get a free battle pass since this season is coming on my birthday?😂
Nothing but bots in the comments.
my teammates’ aim: 0:23
Finally a good battle pass after 4 seasons
I loved the bit where Horizon said “Dinnae fash yerself cause I’m best, got Newt on my side” Then launched herself into planetary orbit
I love the game but the graphics in this trailer are not good
These comments are truly an Apex experience
truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Revenant said, “Join me in the shadows” But then he warps back shoots his own totem causing the squad to push to their deaths. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where everybody loved the part. Truly an Apex Experience.
Is there going to be a gore mode added in? Never seen blood splatter before
I just really hope they actually fix the audio 🙄
I loved the part where Octane says “Faster faster faster” after being 1 health and gets knocked by a caustic trap. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Octane says “Throwing a jump pad” and misses it. Truly an apex experience.
I like the part,where everyone said I liked the part!
pov: your looking for a comment that doesn’t say “i loved the part”
Bro caustic has turned into Walter White 😭
can anybody tell me what Vantage is standing on at :47? I dont recall anything you can stand on to get that angle
Only took 14 seasons to get a level cap increase.
I love the part where wraith says “looking for me? Here I am,” then disappears because she left after getting a p2020 shot to the arm
I loved the part…
I loved the part wattson’s says incredible but not to her kit that she offers but to vantage truly an apex appearance
*finally Kings Canyon again*
I swear, I dislike each new map more than the last one
I loved……. This game.
Fireee 🔥 that’s my new main right there
Pue sa mère la nouvelle legende
How does a bat allow her to do that?
No se porque no podía ver el trailer 😭
I loved the part where Wattson said, “I’m currently at the top of my game, get it?” And was literally on top of the game during launch. Truly an Apex experience.
Are you kiding me ANOTHER wraith skin
i loved the part where the crosshairs for a TT were right on the opps head and the shot missed
Dude i can’t wait
Bring me back G7 Scout pleaseee
I loved the part where Apex Fans said “I loved the part where X said…”. Truly an Apex Experience.
1:10 yo, you even have no reg in your trailers now? XD
New guns🥴
i loved the part when rampart took out her minigun, but just get killed by a level 4 gibby with 136 total kills while only hitting the head. truly an apex experience.
lest GO
I thought octane was annoying, she’s gonna be jumping in on EVERYTHING😭💀🥲
This is a regular comment. I am excited to play Vantage and yay Kings Canyon is back.
I loved the part where Wattson said “I’m fencing. That’s a funny fence!” Then proceeds to Nessie everyone
Oh I can’t wait
context: I loved
I loved the part where Revenant was in his ult and somehow came from the opposite direction of it, clearly a mistake.
Loved the part where wattson is the only one without a special skin. Truly an Apex experience.
This comment section has to be the most annoying thing I’ve ever experienced
For real though, why is Wraith Apex’s Lux?
She’s gotten Battle Pass skins hand over fist for the last couple seasons
С каждым новым сезоном это говно все сильнее и сильнее пробивает дно:
– ведомый теперь, судя по всему, стал снайперским “пистолетом”,
– спитфайер вообще на лайтах,
– золотая сумка теперь на**й не нужна, потому что ее полностью убили.
Бл**ь, этот список можно продолжать вечно.
Почему эту игру постоянно убивают с каждым сезоном? Почему разрыбы постоянно ломают то, что всегда нормально работало?
Бабки, бабки, сука, бабки!
Oh, I get it.
So they gutted Kraber in preparation for the new legend that has old Kraber as an ultimate.
Ez pz
why was this age restricted when it came out
Anyone else annoyed of those “Truly an apex experience” comments yet?
Welcome, travelers. This is the place you are looking for, where people don’t act like a bot and comment with the same joke pattern as if repetition is somehow funny.
I loved the part where Octane said “Enemy spotted, way out there like little cucarachas” and then stim and jumppad to fight the whole enemy team alone and get downed while teammate’s still behind. Truly an Apex experience.
Am i the only one who saw the level cap go from 500 back to lvl1 just to work back to lvl 500?????
I loved the part when this meme died
bot comments???
Since when did Apex trailers become saturated with “I loved the part” spamming?
I loved the part where Respawn said, “Game-dev doesnt work like that” and then didnt fix the servers and audio while also pumping out a better performing mobile game and dumb cosmetics and useless champions. Truly an Apex Experience.
Few companies are better are giving people the opposite of what they want than Respawn and EA
Bots? Everywhere or fun being had the world may never know lol
Sooo excited 😊💜
I love the part where every1 loves the part.
Truely an Apex Experience
Can someone tell me why people are saying it’s coming out on August 9th but on apex it says it’s coming out in zero days I’m so lost
The loved the part when the chat said I love the part when. Truly an Apex experience.
so is the tht the new skull townv2 ?????!!!!!!
Loved the part where Crypto said “Putting an eye in the sky” after throwing his drone out, then it doesn’t go in the sky because it got deleted by a wall. Truly an Apex experience.
Wraith that leaves the game before lands on the ground should be banned, meaning that all wraith players should be banned/
I think the ads info comes on weapons other than snipers as well, because I thought I saw her getting it with an r301 in the trailer.
Und dann noch kommentare und likes kaufen xD respawn ist echt ein drecks verein geworden
Maprework? Wo ihr macht kc s2 rein und malt n paar dinge rot an ihr lappen was für reworked map xD ist halt wieder komplett unnötig und nichts besonderes das update beste ist level cap erhöhung aber sonst sollen mal da scrossplay rausnehmen dann sind updates eh unnötig weil apex dann wieder spaß macht
Vantage and New King’s Canyon Map looks awesome. Can’t wait for the launch.
Ce perso va être complètement cheaté
The way she run tho😂
i wish we would have seen a vantage finisher
would love to play this get nothing but packetloss from my location in apex only. doesn’t effect any other FPS games cod bf2042 both can be played without issue.
I loved the part when the comment section said “I loved the part when…” and proceeds to continuously do it to the point where you can’t find a comment that does not say it. Truly an Apex experience
No way school town is back 😱
Me trying to find a comment that does not start with “I loved the part when” 👀
Guys I also loved the part when…
😡🤬🤬🤬 where is my pathfinder in this trailer…..😭😭😭😭
I loved the part where Octane said “Must go Faster” pushed a full team and then died, truly and Apex experience.
i love the part where Bangalore throws a smoke bomb and a Bloodhound scans immediately. Truly an experience
is ‘I love the part where…’ a new meme?
I love when octane says that was awesome but all he did was jump from high point apex moment 💅
I loved the part where rampart used her turret and said “everyone gets a bullet” and then proceeds to miss every single shot. Truly an apex experience.
buff pathfinder
I loved the part where……..
“The only difference between predator and pray is who sees who first”. Are you even a Biologist lady??
エーペックス レジェンズバンデット ガチで楽しみ
I use expecting a legendary or at least a good Wattson skin in this battle pass😭
Truly an Alex experience
I love the part the part where Octane said, “Must. Go. Faster” and then stole all the loot. Truly and Apex experience.
I love the part where everyone loves a part
I loved the part where Octane said “faster faster Faster!” To steal the gold helmet from bloodhound.Truly an Apex experience ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
I loved the part when Lifeline said „I gotcha, shields up!“ and proceeded to revive in the line of sight of 5 teams. Truly an apex experience.
The devs are about to ban the self revive from the gold shields🤬😠😡🤬😠😡😠😡🤬
I’m confused about the comment section
1 week postpone, those are always bad.. L season
Buff revenant
cross progression????????
Ahh godbless this community 😀
Ea and repawn thx so much gor more levels cus i was stuck on 500 o seoson 5
사랑한다 리스폰!
LOOK HERE……..Clean up those who use this cheat first. The game is not played.
I loved the part where i deleted Apex from my console. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Bangalore said “Popping the chimney.” and then blinding the squad and fighting a bloodhound. Truly an Apex Experience
Vantage just casually destroying bloodhound 2 trailers in a row
I loved the part where Bangalore says, ‘come get some’ repetitively before landing. Truely an apex experience
Loved the part when Wattson said ”I didnt see you coming, but my fence did” while the full squad moved around the terrible miss-snapped doorfence
POV: You’re looking for a comment that doesn’t say I loved the part where ______ Truely an Apex Experience
Hello there just looking others favorite parts about Apex Experience.
I loved the part where octane said “I’m going in!” And ran off to engage the enemy without his team, died, and left the match. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where put his totem down and proceeded to get fifth partied, truly an apex experience
Does the wingman base model look skinnier?
I don’t like the way the level reset to one wish it just went to 501
Jesus this comment section is lame.
Star killer caustic
???:You want to play? Let’s play…
I loved the part where wraith got yet ANOTHER battle pass skin meanwhile certain legends are yet to receive one. Truely an apex legends experience.
Now make the game 120fps XSX
I loved the part where they cut out two minutes that were only shown in the premier because they weren’t actually gameplay and just animated to look that way. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part when octance said, “Using stem” and then it took half of his health then he got beamed. Truly an apex Experience.
Is Xbox cross progression coming to PC now??
From the look of this, skull town is not remotely worthy of the name. The whole point of the place was its size, the long, connected buildings and the addition of those tall buildings with the stairs round the outside. Made for fun vertical fights. This just looks like a skull covering some boring little buildings. Same with The Cage changes – what’s even the point in that POI if it’s completely undefensible?
Bro what are these comments
Control as a permanent mode when?
Love this map❤️💔 plz dont change anymore
Ya know I skipped season 13, and I just came back now to see the comment section has OD’d on copium.
i sleep
every seoson: every legend speaks a new voiceline
wraith: LooKiNg FoR mE
I loved the part when revenant says “welcome to the shadows” but then the totem disappears and your whole teams dies, truly an apex experience
wait is the Wingman sound different as well?
Wow nobody is funny in the comment section
I loved the part where Loba said ” Tossing jump drive!” only for it to do literally nothing. Truly an apex experience.
Loved it when pathfinder said “Its time to fly on a zipline” and no one but him got on the zipline. Truly an apex experience
What’s up with this comments?
I like Nessie.
Truly an apex experience.
i loved the part where nobody i care about is streaming Apex Legends anymore and moved on to better less scummy free to play games like Multiversus. Truly an Apex experience.
0 recoil hacks all over the place, truly an Apex experience.
Give path finder a better passive! You should make his beacon scan show nearby enemy locations or something
I Loved the part ” When Maggie Says Jump , you say down who’s throat? ” And then proceeds to get jumped by the whole Lobby .Truly an apex experience 👌
Walter white caustic skin LETS GO
Release it in 5 th August pls I won’t play in apex 7-21 August 😩😭
Great another goofy ahh run
Yes, i get it. She has a bat, Morbius memes, ha ha. Is no one gonna talk about the extended levelcap? That looks amazing!
KC is back baby 😭🙏💜
I loved the part when the community says “It’s fixin’ time” and then Respawn destroy their game with changes. Truly an Apex Legends experience
Bruh charge rifle gonna be horrible no with new character
skull town ??
So a valkyrie and a Kraber all on one character? K.
Skinny wingman lessgo
Like chamber ult 😐
Who is better Wraith or fade?
i loved the part where i said, “where does that meme come from”. Then nobody replied. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part when Apex makes a trailer, and then players troll them commenting about their Apex Experience. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where Bloodhound said, “Allfather give me sight” and scanned an empty field. Truly an Apex Experience
cool trailer and all but… when cross save?
I loved the part where Bloodhound said “I bathe in the blood” and then immediately got knocked out of existence. Truly a bloodhound moment.
i loved the part when cross progression was going to be added
Where is the update?
I loved the part where truly an apex experience happens
I loved the part, where I found a comment without “I loved the part”
I loved the new update
I can’t believe they added morbius to apex, truly one of the greatest crossovers in gaming history
I like it
Gings Canon is coming back and awesome new season!🤩
I call bs on revenant somehow being that far away from his ult.
my death wish is 1:01
Great comments, but song name pls
I loved the part where lifeline said: ” I gotcha your back brother”, and proceeds to never rez you .
Truly an Apex Experience
Im confused is this some joke or the chat is full of bots??
I love the part where Octane said “scootin and lootin amigo” then proceeded to share and tag loot for his teammates just to prove all octane mains aren’t toxic.
I loved the part where wraith violently shat her pants and then rushed a squad, to then die and leave. Truly an Apex experience
L comment section
I loved the part where my team told me to flank and when theres a third team behind them and they die to third party they get mad at me for not being there. Truly an Apex Experience.
at this point I am so frustrated because of no cross progression
Walter White
Tf is happening with the comments
The comment section hivemind is acting up again
Least hyped for an apex season ever I’ll be honest
Kings canyon is back
Can’t wait for my teammates to call me trash because i landed Swamps not SkullTown with them
I loved the part where Horizon said, “thanks jump jets” after every single 1/2 meter she falls down. truly an apex experience
Main chamber be like: that my time with the tour deforce
New legends ult will be nerfed soon after launch. Its a prenerfed kraber, with upgraded magazine
I loved the part where a team ran up on someone and had no idea since their’s no audio. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Respawn gives us the worst battle pass skins. I can tell they put 100% effort especially since they just copy and pasted the same colors for each skin. Truly, an Apex experience
Apex we need a Apex Valk battle pass skin
The person who is making Caustic skins should be fired.
another wraith legendary bp skin… who didn’t see that coming…
Okay but whats that ice explosion at 0:57
Why apex forgetting Revenant….smh
I loved the part where they finaly showed the new weapon weve all been waiting for
I loved the part where “I checked the comments to see the bits people loved” 🤣
I loved the part where the narrator said “or you’ll be forced to neal” truly inspiring because it really shows how you just take life lightly and always rush the smallest things. Truly an apex moment.
Am I missing a joke here…… everyone’s loving some part of apex 🥲
Rest here, legend. We have enough of Morbius reference here
loba heirloom when???
W respawn for increasing the level cap
I loved the part where Fuse said, “Any of you lads up for a campfire sing song,” and everyone gathered around and sang their campfire song. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where my dad walked out the door to get milk and never came back. I wonder how far that milk is, he’ll be back anyday I know it.
I love the part where wraith got downed by a charge rifle and says “You’re on their sight”. Truly an Apex Experience!
Please tell me you changed Rampart’s minigun fire animation to be that hysterical.
Im glad you guys love this trailer ☺️
I loved the part where they brought skull town back. Finally.
i miss when a comment section was filled with genuine criticism rather than this aids trend
I love the part when crypto says” I don’t know if you’re bad or idiot” then proceeds to watch their teammates get bodied from all angles with his drone.Truly an Apex experience
I know this is off topic but if respawn is going to let titanfall die at the very least give an explanation for what happened to the titans.
I loved the part when the announcer said “There’s only one rule, survive” then a comp team gets perma banned for tbaging. Truly an apex experience
You just know people are gonna be using that new legend like crazy, I can already see nerfs for that character in the future lol
You know pros will max prestige day 1
I cant wait to get one shot from 500 meters away!!!
I loved the part where wraith said ” looking for me ? ” To her teammates upon instantly quitting the second she got knocked returning to lobby…. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when loved the part when loved the part. Truly loved loved experience.
thank god now we can go more than 500
I loved the part that said no cross progression or 120 hz
Normal comment
1:07 as a Christian this rii here is confirmation apex is not a game I should ever play
I loved the part where crypto said, “attacking here!” Then proceeds to stay in the corner with his drone for 20 minutes, truly the apex experience
I loved the part where Seer threw his tac and said “Unveil yourself” and didn’t unveil anyone, truly an Apex experience
Octane’s Ult?
Reactive r301plz
Chamber in Apex sigh*
Love the part where seer says “throwing my hart out” and then throws it in the middle of an empty field so it immediately gets shot and then brings half the lobby to your location truly an apex experience.
I liked the part wher- [SERVER DISCONNECTED]
I loved the part where Fuse said “Here comes the knuckle cluster” then hits the wall next to him and gets knocked almost immediately. Truly an apex experience.
And still no cross progress?
i loved the part when the controller pathfinder watched many tutorials on movement and put in the effort to wallbounce and super grapple, but then the free movement valk just gained insta high ground. truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where vantage says “Mozambique here” and proceeds to wipe out 2 squads and third party solo a team herself, in her dreams.
Imagine saying “Awareness Is Everything” to a Bloodhound😂😂😂
I loved the part when players land away from everyone, loot up, get their guns and end up getting killed 15 seconds into their first fight of the match. Truly an apex experience.
They really had to bring back skull town to bring me back to play again smh come on now
Alright, Can someone please explain to me why the whole comment section is filled with people saying: “I love the part when ____”.
fix ur fcking game
Best apex legends trailer ever!
I already love her
That loba scene 🛐
Skull firkin town is back
Apex mobile still got solos before y’all☠️
Loved the part where Lifeline said, “ You’d betta hope you’re with me!” Then doesn’t rez. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where pathfinder says, “ let’s ride on a zip line!” And leaves the gunfight with all his teammates dead. Truly an apex experience
I love when Wraith said “looking for me?” After she inevitably quits on the team after being downed while pushing a 1v3 with red shields
the lvl cap increase is a nice touch, thank you for that apex.
Kinda feel bad for the devs because all the hate on the trailer
I loved the part where Wraith said, “nothing phases me” then she took 9 damage and procedes to phase. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when I main Crypto and my two downed teammates become banners so i pick them up with my drone. But on my way to the respawn beacon they leave the game. Truly and Apex experience.
I loved the part when octane says “They say death catches up to everyone, he can certainly try” then says “im down, no bueno”. Truly an Apex experience.
Bro are they recording on an Xbox 360 0:12 the muzzle be un textured asf
I loved the part where Bangalore said ‘popping a smoke’ to only land on her feet covering the view of all her teammates screens, while getting scanned by a bloodhound and obliterated by the the other squad. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Newcastle said, “Charging my evo shield, not the one on my back.” To remind everyone that he is not charging the shield on his back. Truly an apex experience.
I love the part where the next mass shooter shows up at Respawn HQ. Truly a needed Apex experience.
Imagine going to the comments to see the reaction and all you see is a bunch of people repeating the same line to death. Ya’ll are bored asf
What is this comment section
RIP Octane mains Vantage is gonna change the game for sure
신캐릭 환영합니다. ㅎㅎ에펙이여 영원하라 에이펙스레전드 화이팅 ㅎㅎ😁🙂😊
Just give me Titanfall 3…
hey apex legends can u donate me v bucks plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Blah blah 🤟blah blah 🥲bla bla blahh🔥😆 blah hablahaha bla balha bla blah, blu blah bla Blah bla bla ba bla blagh bla.Truly an Apex experience
Her running animation reminds of the Titans from Attack on Titan Haha
That’s an awesome tripletake skin
Honestly there are so many bots in the comment sections I don’t see any real comments at all.
I love the part Wattson said, “thanks Crypto, it’ll be our secret.” And then he proceeded to EMP all her fences. Truly an Apex Legends experience
is that pistol wingman? or is it the new pistol that we don’t know about?
I loved the part where Octane said “faster, faster, faster” then flew by in a flash snatching up all the loot in the vicinity. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Valkyrie said,” No one left behind!” Then she used her Ult without her teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
So I’m guessing no moon map
I loved the part where Fuse said “Nothing like a lil’ chaos, eh?” And then proceeded to live the rest of his life in peace and happiness. Truly an Apex experience.
Loved the part where Mirage said, “throwing decoy!” And the decoy disappearing because it touched a misaligned rock
y hack when repawn give it to you
I loved the part where Mad Maggie said “Throwing out my wrecking ball” and then proceeded to miss it completely and have all the speed pads land in only one room cuz she threw it indoors
Truly an Apex experience
But will Loba’s bracelet be fixed this season?
I loved the part where pathfinder said, “Here, I go!” then proceeded to get one clipped out of the air. Truly an Apex experience.
Yayyy…. my favourite map is back.. finally, thanks dev….. need more stress pills
Truly an Apex experience
Well,skull town is back
I like her kit, works like Valkyrie’s passive and ult. And the best thing is you don’t have to wait for your teammates
I loved the part where crypto said, “Eyes in the sky! Recalling my drone, logged of my drone.” for the 32nd time during the game that the one crypto main played. I say Truly, an Apex experience.
I loved the part where wraith says “I think someone’s targeting me!” and then proceeds to get 3v1d because teammates didn’t listen to the warning. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Lifeline said “I got yuh, just keep your head down” before absolutely abandoning her knocked down teammates 3 meters from her. Truly an Apex experience.
And yet…Still No Cross Progression!!
I love how she (vantage) run.. Love it already.. Should I comeback to play this game?
I loved the part where I missed the part to love the part of the loving part from this Apex experience. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where I lost all my paid skins and wraith heirloom because I wanted to switch to PC from Xbox. Don’t you think it’s about time you guys got cross platform progression fixed?
Man all I’m seeing is truly an apex experience in the comments yall wildin🤣
My new main
I love the part where loba says, “Its time for a Mickey Mouse-Ke-Tool!” then proceeds to use her ult to get loot but closes it so her teammates cant get any. Truly an Apex experience.
And where is PATHFINDER?
I have lost faith on Apex
I love the part where they dont show cross progression because the company is money hungry
Hello there, here’s the only one normal comment
I loved the part where mirage said “Sending in a decoy!” then he used his Ult and all of his decoys got stuck on a rock. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where mad Maggie said “mint” and her teammates said, “wish you’d ask sooner” oh my does her breath stink.
So we got a character who can literally aimbot with 5 bullets, totally fair if you ask me, I don’t see how this could go wrong.
I loved the part where Wraith had a useful passive and ultimate. Truly an Apex experience
What’s up with all those comments “I loved the part where…”
I can’t wait
Oh cool it’s not age restricted anymore
Enough wraith skins
I really do hope no one plays this season.
1:01 is saying Loba heirloom
I love the part when Wattson said “I’m fencing” and I can’t even get to hear “That’s a scary fence” quote because the weird floor decided it’s no good place to put a fence. Truly an Apex experience.
Ok, maining vantage.
Did anyone else notice when she is aiming down sights with the 2x at the enemies she can see the armor and who is alive on the enemy team thats broken
I Miss Auto-Prowler…
oh cool level cap increase but where is cross progression
Level increased so we get lootboxes again each level??
I loved the part where a gun was shot
I loved the part where everyone says I loved the part…
Alright not the comment section I was expecting
This is probably the reason why they neerfed the kraber
The Bald wraiths accepted caustic into their community now there will be sweaty caustics everywhere
I loved the part when Vantage’s ultimate does only 20 damage, but one shots everyone in the trailer. Truly an Apex experience.
I feel like we need a new pistol
Remember no apex august stay strong my brothers and sisters
Finally the hero for me
Skull town is back ? 🥺
wait is skulltown back??
Now new gun big sad
Yay a new wraith skin! I really feel like they weren’t giving her enough
I loved the part when Crypto says “I’m connected to the grid” then none of my shots registers. Truly an Apex experience.
I feel like the trailer is lowkey showing rev getting a buff to his ultimate
Common W
I loved the part where game breaking bugs were acknowledged on twitter and never fixed or brought up again. Truly an Apex experience
POV: I loved the part where
I loved the part where wraith said “Looking for me?” then phased into the middle of an enemy squad on her own and died. Truly an Apex experience.
POV: you wanted to see how players react to the trailers in the video.But all u see is I loved the part where in the comments.
I liked when John Apex said: this is it this is the Apex Legends
This is one of the hypest trailers ive seen from Respawn. KC finally looks bright too.
Bald Caustic about to be the greatest skin ever released.
Gmn mau maen orang steam masih di blokir gini
Now add cross progression
I loved the part when Valkyrie talks and makes everyone mutes their game. truly an apex experience.
New wraith skin looks fire
Why all people comment about the Apex experience? i dont understand the meme.
The new level increased is gonna be hype cant wait to see people grindinf for it, it’s gonna be a fun and thrill season ! People can now know when they can get there heirloom cause of level cap increased . Gonna be a dope season !
The new level cap is making people exited so they can actually count when they can get ehre heirloom , I’m really exited for the new level cap it’s gonna be a hype season ! <3
ps. Wraith skin looks dope af also !
i will call her “COVID-19”
I loved the part where Caustic says “breeeathe it in” and then he dies and stops breathing. Truly an Apex experience.
Bro not the bald caustic
In all seriousness we finally got a couple misses in a trailer & of course it was with the triple take 😂😂
I loved the part where Wraith said, “There’s a thin line between life and death, find me there” she already left the game. Truly an Apex experience.
Christ, why does Wraith get her fourth Battlepass legendary?
I miss the part where the apex community came up with original comments
I loved the part where all the comments start with I loved the part where
I loved where the commenters said “It’s comment time” and then proceeded to comment a bunch of morbius memes. Truly an Apex experience
Oh wow, 5th legendary wraith bp skin
I loved the part where I loved the part.
are you trying to find a comment that doesn’t says ” i love the part where ……. truly an Apex experience. its safe here LOL”
why was the video age restricted
Cross progression
Who’s ready for sweaty bald Caustics lol
I love that pathfider doesn’t have a passive, Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part That skull town is back and everyone gonna land there and die. Truly an Apex experience
I love the part where there’s aim bot 0:41
So we get a thicc gorl with a derpy run plus she gets a free kraber ALSO PRESTIGE
It started with bots, but then the smooth brained took over.
I loved the part where new castle said no one left behind but he used his ult to escape from a fight truly an apex experience
Bro why do I come to the comments on these vids 😑
I loved the part where apex said they’d add cross progression in season 8 and now it’s season 14, truly an Apex experience
skull town is mid tbh
I will love the part when this meme dies because it’s getting old as shi
Truly an apex experience comment belike :
I loved the part when they didn’t add cross progression. Seriously? :/ Truly an Apex experience.
This game is so trash bro….. So trash.
Apex legends is truly an apex experience
What about her eye peace
I love the part where I can’t find a single original comment because they all start with “I love the part…” Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where Vantage said “awareness is everything”, meaning that we’ll get another recon legend. Truly an Apex exprerience.
I loved the part where Caustic said “breathe it in” and then threw his ult into a wattson gen. truly an apex experience
Caustic got cancer-
I loved the part where Respawn said “Revenant rework coming!!!!!” And then proceeds to say nothing about it. Truly an Apex experience ❤️
Everyone commentating the same thing are annoying lol
demasiado mediocre
I like the part where the comments are like “I like the part where ___ was like “_____”” and then proceed to make a joke about anything and what it does. Truly a community experience
I loves the part where Bangalore said, “Better find me before I find you”. And she drops to some far flung place, loot for 15 minutes and never see another soul until the last couple of circles. Truly an Apex Experience.
Plz make the game fun
B a l d Caustic 💪🗿
Most of this comment section starts with
“I love the part “
I loved the part where Maggie isn’t even in the trailer despite being the 3rd newest legend. Truly an Apex experience
bro she even jumps just like morbius
Oooo she Op 🤯
Y’all need to stop nerfing the game !!!! It’s making it not fun to play anymore. If anything buff some legends but stop with the endless nerfs please !!!
They should add Post Malone as a new legend next time.
I loved the part where octane said “go fast win fast!” then dies. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where rev said “No ones coming to save you know one ever was” its pretty much saying if you get downed the wraith will not do anything truly a Apex experience.
I loved the part where I’m trying to find normal comments
Charge Rifle cringe lords are in for a treat with this new character… This is gonna be an interesting season.
I love how the comments are the real experience in apex 😂😂
Loved the part where bloodhound said “All father give me sight” and proceeded to rush into a team only to get destroyed
Ok but I been waiting for forever for you guys to put a Fuse prestige skin on the shop! I’m gonna buy it! So don’t be afraid to put one
This is huge! 🔥🔥🔥
Reading the whole comment section about an Apex experience. Truly an Apex experience.
Fix arenas bro
We all know kings canyon is coming but what maps are gonna go tho I wish it’s stormpoint she is like chamber in valo
Se va armar el pica qulo!!!!
This comment section is cancerous
We’re all dropping skill town constantly right? Yea? Ok cool😪
Wat is this comment section 😆 🤣 😂 😹
Respawn i need Cross-progression please
I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part truly Apex experience
I loved the part where the enemy dropped on a Peacekeeper and then proceeds to hit 120 on a white armor. Truly an Apex experience.
WHY IS EVERYBODY PUTTING a truly apex experiance AT THE END OF EVERY SENTACE probably cause its truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where octane says its morning time and then morbs
Wraith BP skin… again?
loved the part when i asked
I loved the part where wraith said “looking for me” and she was found at the lobby waiting for another match while her team is now a 2 man. Truly an apex experience.
what’s up with these bots?
I loved the part where there are no normal comments
I loved the part where Wraith said “Looking for me?” and then her player left the lobby after receiving one point of damage. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where they gave Wraith another skin just so the Wraith mains just ignore it and go bald Wraith anyway. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where Verizon throws down her tactical so that she can solo push two squads. Truly the Apex experience.
I loved the part where they said “It’s Apex time”, brought a tear to my eye.
Historically accurate caustic
I loved the part where the octane took the loot that was called dibs. Truly an apex experience
error 10011
That actually looks pretty sick!
Bald head caustic looks bad lol
I love the part when the comments are the same but no the same. Truly an Apex experience
Love the map changes but I’m more excited for the new character that’s only for mobile then this new character.
I loved when revenant wasted his ultimate and proceeded to die l. Truly the apex experience
Что за трек?
Lo más molesto que tengas que jugar arenas por obligación para terminar el battle pass
pause at 0:36, someone forgot to set the graphic config to high, look at that polygons 🤨
I loved the part where Loba says, “ Only the best for my friends” And she took everything away. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where lifeline said “Shield Battery Here” while his teamnates getting knockdown. Truly an Apex experience
That’s it?
a new wraith legendary skin, yay?
I scrolled for minutes on end, and I will never forget..
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
I loved the part
Truly an Apex Legends YouTube video comment section experience.
I loved the part where wraith said, “phasing” Then she still died in her phase. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when i went into youtube comments. Truly a youtube experience
Here i am the only comment that doesn’t say taae
Truly an apex experience
trash game still
Nice gameplay. Now match me with the people who cant move and shoot at the same time and play without shields.
Another wraith bp skin for god’s sake, revenant and Crypto haven’t had one yet, respawn you are mad. Truly an Apex experience
Pov: You are looking for a comment that doesn’t start with “I loved the part where”
the triple rake😍😍😍😍
I loved the part where bloodhound said he can see every legend but gets sprayed by vantage truly an apex experience
Idk it’s the first time I see a trailer who’s like.. meh
I loved the part where we got more Wraith skins. Truly an Apex experience.
Yo finally level cap but where’s cross play?
What about people that are already level 2200 like myself? Do we automatically level up or still start from 500c
I loved the part where wraith said “it’s morbin’ time!” and morbed everyone. truly an apex experience.
Why is everyone saying ” I loved the part when ____ said” and then finish with ” truly an apex experience”
Loved the part when rampart said “putting down some amped cover” and places it in the wrong area truly an apex experience
Best part was when revenant said “time to shut you up skinsuit” then missed his tactical by 50 miles best apex experience to date
I loved the part where rampart said Sheila’s ichen for stichen and then got hit by a silence truly an apex experience
If only your game was as good as the trailers you do, guess all the employees budget goes to the trailers and skins, wanna know the best trailer this comunity could see? Your team fixing the game
Buff mirage
Valkyre + chamber
trash skins
Why is everyone clowning apex???
Reminds me of a FIFA 11 song lol
Love how she waddles
99% of the comments: I love the part when ___. Truly and apex experience.
Me: mirage buff?
What is the joke with the apex experience? I don’t understand
I loved the part where Caustic said, “I can still see everything.” but he cannot see anything in his own gas and ends up getting one clipped. Truly an Apex experience.
i loved when rampart used her sheila in front of a whole team with no cover. Truly an Apex experience.
How many dislikes?
1:00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thank you for the level cap increase but calm down with the wraith skins
What’s with the jump cut at 1:37
I love the part where horizon says “we do this for science” while her teammates are spectating from the dead truly an apex experience
Ya’ll are so unoriginal and boring in these comments.
Jesus Christ, it’s so hard to find a comment that isn’t anything more than a boring Morbius misquote. Season looks good, can’t wait to get my hands on the new Legend. The versatility of that kit looks hot thoughhhhhh!!!
Oh my gosh is that skull town
i loved the part where the comment section is i loved the part
So does that ultimate really one shot or is everyone just 10 hp?
The gameplay is Very good, thé community is discusting
I loved the part showing off the new legend and season and it still looks mid. Truly an apex experience
Bloodhound moment
i LOVE you apex but can we chill out with the wallhack legends?
I love the part where Caustic said, “Noxious gas deployed” But the trap never came up because something blocked it from being raised. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where after wraith died she says ” I think there’s a shooter nearby”
i loved the part where everyone in this comment section typed ” i loved the part where…”
i loved the part when the controller pathfinder watched many tutorials on movement and put in the effort to wallbounce and super grapple, but then the free movement valk just gained insta high ground. truly an apex experience.
Idc new wraith skin pogg
hopefully they make sheila not as unfun to fight
She bout to be broken
I loved the part where Wraith said, “I’ve seen this all before.” Then she rushed into a squad and instantly turned into the deathbox and went back to lobby. Truly an Apex experience.
That Caustic skin looks dope also Triple Take reactive nice! But I was hoping for the Alternator.
I loved the part how pathy got a passive. Oh Wait, I dont have one 😥. Truly the Apex Experience
Still waiting for a pathfinder skin
I love the part where they promote a paid battle pass where 90% of the skins are dog-water. Truely an apex experience.
Bruh how r these type of comments going on for ages when I scroll down😂😂😂
Timmy bouta hit some nutty shots fs fs
Why does every comment is all about the legends’ voiceline logic here.
That’s pretty annoying!
That Caustic skin is rad
lol ebony bones lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I loved the part where Mirage said “You just got bamboozled”. While Respawn and EA keep trying to advertise their broken game. Truly an Apex Experience
I loved the part where Bloodhound said,”All father give me sight!” Proceeds to see no one until his ult ends and then the whole lobby ends up everywhere. Truly an Apex experience.
I did not love any part.
I liked the part when the level cap said “500—1” and then still proceeded to give apex packs every 5 levels. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where Wraith goes “looking for me? Here I am” — disconnected XD
In terms of the theme of this season… I think it’s gonna feel like good old Apex again🥰
I love the part where revenant says “looking for kills let’s see what’s over there” then proceeds to get bodied by a sweaty 3 stack pred team. Truly an apex experience
what wrong with community lol??
I loved when Wraith told us “I think someone’s aiming at me.” after she got down.
I loved the part where Newcastle said “recharging my evo shield. Not the one on my back” but moments later got knocked due to not charging his evo shield, and instead had a fully charged knockdown shield that he usually carry’s on his back. Truly an apex experience
Why vantage got the fall guys run tho? 💀
I loved the part when lifeline said “bring it”, but then gets bodies because her blue bins have no guns on the hot drop. Truly an apex experience
Loved the part where Mirage said, “throwing decoy!” And the decoy disappearing because it touched a misaligned rock. Truly, an Apex experience
I loved the part where Respawn uploads a trailer on youtube and comment section is filled with people explaining the part of the trailer they loved. Truly an Apex experience
i love the part when Octane siad “Say cheese for all my followers” and he has only 1 viewer which is Lifeline
Got my wish, someone who utilizes snipers
Truly an apex experience. I loved the part.
EA: *bald caustic exist*
I loved the part where Ash said,” Bound by my hand!” Then threw her snare only to miss and get steamrolled by 3 stackers. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where they said they would fix matchmaking, only for me to get Masters lobbies when I’ve only just barely made it to plat. Truly an Apex experience.
Loved the part where lifeline says “I have you’re back, remember me tell you” then when I’m downed from 3 stack preds, she’s level 1 and doesn’t even know she can use the drone to rez. Truly an Apex experience!
So when’s cross progression coming?
I loved the part where wraith asked if we were looking for her but no one could find her because she left the game already
I loved that for 6 seasons there were no new modes…
I hope to god horizon gets some dive emotes
This gonna be a great season
Thanks for changing level cap respawn
Kinda disappointed ngl
I loved the part where female and male legends have become indistinguishable from each other. Truly an Apex experience
Give pathfinder a passive you cucks.
I loved the part when lifeline said “Here’s your birthday present” but proceeds to loot the entire care package. Truly an apex experience
Y’all still doing this smh
I love the part where they show every shot made by a character using kronos, as they never ever miss a shot. Truly an Apex experience.
All these comments are such troll
Is this the first time an Apex trailer isn’t trending?
Yooooo caustic lookin fresh with the chemotherapy
Bruh what is this comment section? is this kind of a running gag?
No but what I really wanted to say: So we are getting 500 more levels to increase right?
I loved the part when wraith said “It’s phasin’ time” and rushed a team by herself. Then she transformed herself into a deathbox. Truly a classic moment.
I loved the part where Caustic threw a gas canister and it got destroyed as soon as it deployed. Truly an Apex experience
I love the part were horizon says “another wee pick me up” then gets glitched into a roof and gets shot in the head. Truly an apex experience
Why are there so many bots in the commets🤣
I loved the part where they present a new map never seen before called KINGS CANYON
Those skins better not be the legendary skins cause they look like rare skins! 🤢
Easily the worst season gameplay trailer they have ever made
I love the part Wattson said, “thanks Crypto, it’ll be our secret.” And then he proceeded to EMP all her fences. Truly an Apex Legends experience
Will be skipping this battle pass. Can’t wait for the next one!
POV you don’t start your comment with ‘I loved the part where’
i love the part
i loved the part where they didnt release a gun again
I can tell the skins are the worst we’ve seen in a while
I loved the part taht everyone one says i love the part
Scoll town I’d back baby
I have gotten game logic error 7 times in a row now while stuck in the same ranked match
– A new Wraith legandary skin
– new char has gun as ability
– no new node
– no new gun
– skulltown
actual bots commenting, not a single normal comment !!💀
I loved the part where Respawn released a new trailer but left out so many bugs from previous seasons. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when wraith said “putting up a portal” when there was no reason to poral. Truly an apex experience
L pro pandering game
I loved the part when you put 120 fps on ps5 🙄
I love when first thing I do after watching a YouTube video is to check the comments. Truly a YouTube experience.
Color/ theme of the battlepass is… ehhhhh..
Finally king’s canyon can be fun
W comment section
I wish YouTube comments were funny
this game got soooo boring, day 1 player here! sorry not sorry
Yea I’m not playing ts
I loved the part when Wraith said “phasing” and proceeded to take damage while in the void, truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where Wraith said, “nothing phases me” then she took 9 damage and procedes to phase. Truly an Apex experience.
Level cap increase? More like level reset to 1
Who needs ‘awareness’ when you have console aim assist?
wow, another battle pass wraith skin??! we haven’t one of those in so long!!! (satire)
Oh yeah…. It’s gonna be a good season
when will they release a legendary skin for the octane in the battle pass?🥺
Her run looks ridiculous and way too silly, also her tactical is just another copy mix octane ult and valks tactical.
Take WE out of rotation and I’m happy
I loved the part where you created a new legend that distinguishes herself by sitting behind her teammates by a mile and then they get downed while she breaks one person’s shield, then they get finished and rage quit and she has to solo rat until 3 squads are left and gets obliterated in the final ring because her abilities are meant for teammates and distance… Truly… an Apex experience.
D h m I I no d9dvxw
Bunch of weirdos in the comments 🤦♂😂
What is up with this “I loved the part” trend? Please learn to be original. I have zero idea what people honestly think about this season.
When you resize this hole comment section is just “Truly an apex experience.” Truly an Apex experience.
Thanks for the update! Are you guys ever gonna put old battle pass music on rotation in the store :)!
All I care about is skull towns bk, so party in skull town ?
What s up with the i loved the part when?😅
My favourite part is when Caustic finally went to the barbers and got his haircut.
“you want to play? Let’s play” – Chamber ult voice line
I loved the part where respawn said “ok guys you can get more Apex packs from the new levels” and then everybody loved the new season already.
Truly the Apex of apex legends moments
Hopefully this season they just take storm point of completely and erase the map
I loved the part where People said : Truly an apex experience.🤣😜
Well guys this is definitely one of the seasons in Apex Legends.
I love how nothing in this trailer makes any sense. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the Part where Respawn said “We need more Ethnic Diversity” and threw in yet another Black Woman without adding a straight white Male in forever. Truly an Apex Experience.
Love that they still have no 120 fps for console! Keep doing nothing useful
i loved the part when the season drops & nobody plays 🤭
I loved the part were they didn’t show the level 100 bp skin.
EA banned my account without an explanation. After years playing and hundreds of dollars spent on my favorite game, I got banned and I don’t even know why. After two disputes, they consider my case closed and I don’t know what to do. It is just heartbreaking.
Please help.
This season feels like a filler episode
Looks interesting
Gotta love on these triggering trailers.
Noobs see everyone get hit once and get knocked, little do they know the bots in the trailer are all at 10hp for theatrics.
Noobs start playing and get instantly devoured by the everyday grinders
If “awareness is everything” why do you keep introducing legends that reveal and track enemies?
I mean like wow that’s super duper and I mean SUPER DUPER AEWSOME 🤟🏿🤟🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🤟🏿
Loved the part where cross progression was announced. Truly an apex experience
1:39 ダァーーアッ😵
Loved the part where Apex attempts to portray diversity but there are almost no straight male or female characters in the game…and all the strong characters are either LGBTQPDSF1+10+ or Feminist, witchy females which definitely doesn’t portray reality. Truly an Apex experience indeed.
I loved the part where wraith said, ” looking for me? here I’m!
POV: the comments are filled with people saying “I loved the part where…”
I love the part where I read about truly apex experiences.Truly an apex experience
Love the part where Crypto says, “With an eye in the sky there is nothing to fear.” Then getting one clipped whilst unaware in afk drone simulator. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where pathfinder says, “ let’s ride on a zip line!” And leaves the gunfight with all his teammates dead. Truly an apex experience
wheres cross progression ? 🙁
Kings Canyon..yeaaah no. See ya’ll in season 15
I love how y’all make another legendary wraith battlepass skin y’all forget abt path and Bangalore all the time
I loved the part where Valkyrie said I own the sky’s then we got a legend that flys kinda like the first iron man suit from Lego marvel superheroes
This is gonna be a good season
I fell asleep. People will be bored in under a week, again. Truly an Apex experience.
That caustic looking cleaaaan
I loved the part when an apex fan said “I loved the part when” and proceeded to say a few more words after that, truly and apex moment
I loved the part where everyone said “No Apex August” and proceeded to buy the battle pass.
Truly An Apex Experience!
Excited for this
I love the part where they showed that we can legit use an ESP now 🙂
I loved the part where bloodhound said “I am the jumpmaster” and then everyone on the server was in a big blob of air raid siren hovering below the dropship. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when nobody had shields
W comments here
Just a Chamber but version apex
I loved the part where Wraith said:”Phasing”,only for her to dc when her teammates just won the fight.Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Respawn said “we’re going to fix this or that” and they end up doing nothing and instead are good at selling skins thinking we’re idiots, Truly an Apex experience
Skulltown, baby. Nostalgia overload.
I loved the part where morbius broke the Internet what is going on here 😂
Wattson’s skin is IDENTICAL to her rare skin “Disruptor.” I’m actually not even upset, it’s her best camouflage skin.
The commentsection is so toxic. Truly an apex experience
Was there always blood splatter? 🩸
Hope this is better thAn it looks
I love the part when APEX LEGENDS becomes TRIBES.
I loved the part where caustic became bald. The new toxic character literally. Truly an apex experience.
Do we even have people writing their own thoughts anymore
I loved that respawn finaly still have gaven us a new gun
That Caustic skin is 🔥
I loved the part where Pathfinder said “who’s ready to fly on a zip line” before getting one clipped off it
Forget bald wraith. We got bald caustic now
Nah these comments tho 😭
Goofy run
I love the part where all the people down here comments with “i love the part,truly an Apex experience”
Laser sights? I see the skill gap is getting lowered no thanks
Apex’s version of chamber XD
Wraith with another battle pass skin and this one isn’t even good, truly an apex experience.
I love hating this trend
0:54 Oh yeah, Wattson’s love setting their pylons out in the open against a high ground enemy. Truly an Apex experience.
So hyped
Sooooo no Apex August or nah?
I like the part when Vantage said “It’s Vantaging time! “
Now the triple take is a reactive weapon this season
1:15 wow someone actually missed their shot in a gameplay trailer 😂💀
I loved the part
*Read more*
I got nothing from this…….
WOW that was terrible 😭😭
still no bugs and audio fixes have been addressed . Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where horizon said “for science!” Then she just missed the triple take shots. Truly an apex experience.
I hope her movement speed is normal and not tanky
Thank you
This is truly the trailer of all time
It ain’t skull town, but good enough
I loved the part that I see in below comment section that everyone’s typing begin with “I loved the part”
This trailer is awesome even if the only thing I know for reel THERE WILL BE BLOOD SHED
The more new stuff the more sweats great 🙂
the comments are making me more mentally challenged.
So we got another bloodhound
Bruhhhh I thought we was getting morbius 😡
Am I the only one who wants to see the behind the scenes for these amazing gameplay trailers? Lol
Season looks sixo
Poor wraith……it cost her the strength of her whole kit to get that fancy lil’ skin.
I loved the part where I don’t play this game anymore. Truly an Apex experience.
Is there a new gun
Congrats you found the comment without ”truly a apex exprience”
I loved the part when they showed wraiths 100th legendary battle pass skin and haven’t gave octane one since season 7 truly an apex experience
Does anyone have a real comment??
Bro, I stopped playing Apex in season 12 but this trailer made want to play again
Nice job
I love everyone is saying “Truly a Apex experience”, Truly a Apex experience.
Oh my gosh! That looks epic 🔥🤟🏽 It seems like og BO which were worth.
I loved the part when Apex players became unfunny and repeated the same joke for the 100000th time. Truly an Apex experience.
Aimbot ledgend?
They got lazy this season
I loved the part where, where Loba throwed her ult and said, “Shop’s open for business!” Then got jumped on by 2 enemy teams and dies, giving everyone a full kit. Truly an Apex Experience.
0:57 WFT is THAT?
Best season is comming
This was a good trailer. Not sure what everyone was complainin about before it was even released.
I love the part where Wraith goes “Looking for me? Here I am” then they find her and gun her down. And after being downed immediately disconnects from the lobby
Nice 👌🏿
I loved the part where seer says “The great unveiling” but unveils nothing. Truly an Apex Experience.
I love this comment section. Truly the Apex experience.
I love this Apex experience comment Chain. Truly an Apex experience.
Fix the servers
What happening with these comments. They are all very true though
I love the part where my teammates ping the worst location with the least amount of loot possible, go down, and then leave before grabbing their respawn banner. Truly the apex experience of all time
Respawn why are you so terrible at the majority of the legend cosmetics? I would buy every battle pass if the cosmetics were crazy designs but these look boring, bland and uninspired.
Why tf are you giving Wraith another legendary battle pass skin, I have yet to wait for my boy crypto.
I love the part where they annouced crossplatform progression 3 years into the games life cycle. Truly an Apex Experience.
Y’all are corny
Of course another wraith skin
This is cool and all but, where new gun Respawn
Caustic bane skin?
Skull town is back, boys
I love this content, and certainly makes Vantage look like a potential OP character right from the start.
Valorant nerfed chamber so hard that he quited and became a female to join the apex game
That triple take skin 🥵
had me at kings canyon
I loved the part when Every Fuse player keep over peaking with his broken shield just to use his ult. Truly an Apex experience.
Almost the entire lobby in the Skulltown and a lone Seer drops elsewhere. Truly an Apex experience.
Caustic gettin a new skin?? 👀
one more season without a new weapon
These comments are getting old real quick. 🥱 other than that…the trailer was meh. I think respawn needs to take a break from releasing characters every season.
Still No 120hz update for PS5 😔😔, whennnn?
I loved the part where Mad Maggie said “You fellas get the drill”, then proceeded to not hit anyone with the drill and made her squad die. Truly an Apex experience.
Bald caustic doesn’t exist it can’t hurt you
Bald caustic
I loved the part where this video was age restricted…
Im just getting hyped time for some willing specimens to be trapped
I loved the part where Revenant said,”Time to silence!” Then he used his silence and threw it into a tree. Truly an Apex experience.
hold up, aint you nathaniel B???
I love the part we’re Wraith got another skin bc she literally only has 2 legendary skins and doesn’t have 15 like Bloodhound bc Bloodhound be getting a skin every season 💀
L comment section
I feel like when we still don’t have battlepass skins for Maggie Ash Revenant and Crypto (and Newcastle technically)
It would’ve made more sense to give bp skins to Rev and ash, both being sumulacrums, it’d be ironic for them to have skins during the safari season, filled with nature and such
is it just me or kings canyon looks exactly the same except for skull town
She can see the enemy team shield without her ultimate ? (Evidence is when she used the flatline)
Not the character for me since I’m not good at sniping
I loved the part where Respawn saw players were going to boycott the game so they gave us back skull town instead of fixing any of the problems the players had with their buggy game. Truly an Apex experience
I love the part where pathfinder said “ get ready, it’s zipline time” to only get absolutely beamed while riding the zipline. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part were the game went please put your credit card information here. Truly an Apex experience.
POV the comments: Truly an apex experience
I love the part where we didn’t get a new weapon for the 3rd season in a row…Truly an Apex experience!
Loved the part where the game gotnfixed
cross save?
That triple take skin with the fold weapons built in
I loved the part where mirage says “Go out and Bamboozle em” and proceeds to have his decoy disintigrate from literally nothing. Truly an Apex Legends experience
Now is the time for Loba heirloom I hope😅
I love the part when respawn have no content to pushout for a season, and said ” it’s season 14 time!” , and called a battlepass+ a new legends a entire new season
I loved the part when “everyone loved the part”. Truly an apex experience.
Nooooo not bald caustic, are we really gonna be seeing bald wraith and bald caustic in our matches
Can’t wait to see what specific artists will do with vantage
Fix you’re game
New Legend feels like she may be hard to use ngl 🥲
Lets gooooo
So can someone explain to me the “I love the part” meme?
I loved the part where Loba said “Jump Drive out!” then had the bracelet returned to her and got third partied. Truly an Apex experience.
le fusil triple on dirait un skin ion de valorant mdr
Battle pass lookin shot as usual
This whole comment section 🤦🏻♂️ jfc
shes op
Ahh so she gets a giant blue box when aiming with her ultimate and it one shots AND comes with four bullets…. Thank god I stopped playing
I loved the part wear gibby says “they’ll never shoot through this” only to get his team bummed rushed, third partied, and go down. Truly an apex experience.
Another recon?
I loved the part where the servers ran great… ohh wait a min.. nevermind…… Truly an Apex experience.
저격 조준할때 램파트처럼 포인트 점 찍어주면 저격 위치는 찾기 쉽겠다
I loved the part where pathfinder said ‘watch out i am very skilled with this grapple’ and graps 2 inches further dies instantly in an open firing truly an apex experience
I love the part where the whole comment section is trolling.
I loved the part when octane said “it’s stimmin time!” and then rushed into the team by himself and died. Truly an apex experience
Can we get run on walls with no jet pack
No new weapon well that’s ok, we can’t get we want all the time, I like vantage and, Edit: look everyone we go laser thing on guns now, see there’s no reason to threat.
bruh vantage is gonna be busted
change my mind
I’m a simple apex player. I see a character with a big jump, I get excited
Anyone else feel like the new agent looks fucken lame? Abilities are cool, just her design.
She look so common and lame compared to all other champs
i hit 500 yesterday so the level cap came just in time lol
And still no cross progression. It will literally be December 31st at 11:59 pm when they finally drop it. But hey, at least we finally got that long awaited level cap increase. They just need to stop using mobile as a test run area and start looking at it as the blueprint for a lot of other things that they are actually getting right over there.
Vantage has THE WORST running animation 😂
No apex August
The one thing i’m wanting to know, who’s gonna get the new heirloom????
so the bad is just a free octane jump pad
Skull Town revived is cake, not seeing a Valk or Seer is even better.. just his cruddy dome.
I love the part where horizon said “anyone need a pick me up?” then nobody used her pick me up and got killed by a full team, leaving horizon to 1v3. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Crypto said “Hacking into my drone,” then he said, “I’m down. I need to get back in…”
I loved the part when Apex developers said “Don’t worry, we’ll add more guns and items and general content” then adds a legend who is the only one able to use the “new gun” and floods our inventories with more cosmetics. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part octane jumped into frame and yelled “ITS MORBIN TIME”
Kinda underwhelming
Why was this age restricted before?
I’m definitely gonna unlock her she looks sooo fun
I can’t wait to see what reptar tosh and janks do with her
I loved the part where Bangalore said ‘popping a smoke’ to only land on her feet covering the view of all her teammates screens, while getting scanned by a bloodhound and obliterated by the the other squad. Truly an apex experience
Bro what is this comment section💀
Nerd comments
I’m maining this legend no matter what
Youtube finally took down the age restriction lol
I love the part where everyone started commenting this. “Truly an Apex experience.”
I love the part when they said “cross progression between all platforms without problems” truly an apex experience
I loved the part where everyone says “i’m the jump master”, launch our team in a place with 10 other teams and makes me play apex lobby – the game. Truly an apex experience.
Apex put a giant piece of meat in Kongs Canyon…
I’m so confused! Why is everyone talking about an apex experience?
So if caustic is Walter white, is crypto Jesse???
That bat is from Wuhan
Rev buff?
So the new legend is an AIMBOT?
What is this comment section tho-
I love the bit where mirage made a mirage and then said “time to bambussy these opponents”
Apex truly an experience.
El totem de revenant está muy lejos, se viene buff
Hahaha i love the comments here man hahahaha
wraith gets ANOTHER LEGENDARY💀 this is such a joke
New Skull town gonna be lit!
its rlly cool but its been 4 season and we still dont got a new weapon or less idk
Thanks apex
If only in game fights looked like trailers
This was the worst trailer yet
Where’s the new map where’s the new gun. Oh but we are getting a new character and a new old spot on a old map yep. I’m are ready for the next season to be disappointed
I loved the part where Gibraltar said, “Throwing some cover…for my brothers”, and put down his dome shield, but only for his female teammate, and the forgotten male teammate died instead. Truly an Apex experience.
Literally none of you are funny.
Can you all shut up with this Morbius Meme 😭🤣
Its Vanting time
I loved the part when Ash said “UGHHH she’s gonna gloat about this all day” even though she did not in fact gloat about it all day.
Finally a level cap increase
Still no apex in August everyone ?
Bruh these comments, “I loved the part where” are killing me😂
The running animation 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
I love the part where Maggie said “drill some sense into ya’s” true Apex experience
Apex best event come to gaming world i found my best friend because this game
Love the part where you have to close application four times just to move without lagging or freezing in place
I loved the part when Mirage said “go bamboozle” and his decoy die to fall damage. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where Wraith solo drops in trios, and is the first one to get down then immediately quits because the other team mates are playing as a team. Truly an Apex experience.
Did they really add gore to the game with blood and headshot
I don’t get the meta with the comments but gotta say this season looks fantastic
I loved the part where wraith got another legendary battle pass sking. Truly an apex experience.
All jokes aside first character in a while that doesn’t look op so she MUST going to be op
Why nobody talking bout skull town possibly coming back
Nah we all boycotting lol
I love the part of everyone just complaining about Apex of misleading spell of the legend…..you know…something that need skills….not a problem from the game.
I loved the part where Respawn fixed the game. Remember that moment guys ? Truly an experience of the ages.
My favorite part was when wraith got her 30th consecutive battlepass legendary
I loved the part when people left normal comments. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part
Can’t wait !
all these comments rn 💀🤣
nice aimbots
POV: Your looking for the comment that doesn’t mention someone loving that one part when that one character said that one thing and saying it’s apart of the apex experience
Bro yall are so annoying.
I loved the part where Revenant placed his totem, made a huge red effect. Truly an Apex Experience.
People is kind of mad in this comment section, arent they?
Hoping Rampart can pick up banners without crashing the game
I loved the part where Octane says “Must go faster” then proceeds to run into a team of 3 solo with his jump pad and complain that we weren’t with him. Truly an apex experience
Walter White caustic skin
I love the part where Newcastle said “Recharging my shield… not the one on my back” to let us all know he was not recharging his back shield but his regular shield. Truly an apex experience.
I’d really like a new gun to stir things up.
i love the part where comments use to be normal
looks like caustic getting a walter white skin
All bots in Comment section
Why is every comment ‘i love the part…’. Come on there is more than voice lines in this trailer (maybe about how op this legend is…)
Love y’a respawn
I loved the part where everyone loved the part.
she wattson-ish
hi whats up
Noice 👌🏻
I love the part where Gibraltar said “I got your back brudda” and then died to his own ult. Truly an apex experience.
If the ring closes on that giant skull. Im going to the top of that sucker.
Might as well just remove the youtube comments section at this point. Have to go to reddit just see people actually talking about the trailer because you mfers think you’re comedic geniuses
Sooooooooo…. i hate this legends already
If she has more distance and less cooldown with her tactical than pathfinder I’m gonna delete this game…
Vantage runs like such a dork, and I’m all for it!
Bruhhh LuLu is going to go off with this 🥴
No cross progression? 🙁
I love the part when Lifeline said, “Don’t worry Lifeline’s got your back.” And proceeded to let you bleed out in a corner because newbie DIDN’T KNOW about her special revive. Truly an Apex experience.
Nice we have an evolving triple take
Duo comp please
This comment section is truly an apex experience.
So what about cross progression and next gen updates…..?
Caustic breaking bad
Does anyone know if the legends from the mobile version are ever coming to the other versions ?
🤓Truly an apex experience 🤓
I wish the lobby’s was like this
So hyped
Her run lol is adorable
I loved the part where Pathfinder didn’t have a unique passive, making him a lot less unique and exciting to play. Truly an Apex experience.
Don’t tell me vantage locks on to you with the rifle ?
Let’s be real no one plays this game anymore
I loved the part where Octane said “Even death can’t catch up to me!” Then he dies two seconds later. Truly an Apex experience.
Loved the part where Bangalore said “Come on in, old painless is waiting” then proceeds to try and run through her ult and gets obliterated by it. Truly an Apex experience
Look at all of these sheep’s in the comments.. anyways fix the game
why do they always take away maps just to bring them back after a season or 2. its getting old. and still no cross progression ???
man cant wait to see thousands of people be prestige 2 level 100 when the new season comes out
Let’s nerf valk to the ground after we stolen everyone’s money for the heirloom so we can make the new legend more relevant just like we did we lifeline
I loved the part where loba said “it’s time for season 5” and proceeded to destroy skull town again. Truly a heartbreaking experience.
I loved the part where Mirage said “Bamboozles for the foozles” and then his decoy died to a slightly slanted rock. Truly an Apex experience.
I’m level 489 and i really wanted to reach max level and when i was so close to reach it….BOOM LVL CAP INCREASED…my luck i guess😂😂😂
Best part is when it’s only hyped for the first day or so
I loved the part When Devs mentioned earlier Cross progression but cant see it even after 14 season
I loved the part where Crypto said “Getting my eyes in the sky” and proceeded to get his drone destroyed immediately. Truly an Apex experience
Okay I’m so hyped
I loved the part where the servers crashed during the gameplay trailer. Truly an Apex experience.
Wow i see wasted comments everywhere.
I loved the part where Maggie says “No one hides from my drill” Then the drill procceds to miss a wall and blast a fire under the floor doing 0 damage. Truly an Apex experience.
Her running is absolutely adorable. And i can’t wait to see what wraith’s 20th legendary skin is going to be
I loved the part when there were original comments and people didnt just follow trends, truly an underrated time.
This new prestige is so good, that way we have a guaranteed way for an heirloom and other stuff, even tho It takes alot of time
I loved the part where Mirage said, “using the decoy escape” before immediately getting vibe checked by a Seer ult. Truly an Apex experience.
New skull town thank u so much 😢😭
I forgot to say love the trailer like always good trailer
Bald Wraith and Bald Caustic is going to be a whole new kind of sweaty combo
everyone making the same joke and thinking they’re funny is a real apex community experience
i love the wraith skin
If storm point is in map rotation I’m going to throw a fit
just putting a normal comment here 👋🏻…to many “I loved the part”
why is this trailer better than the last 2 seasons
What’s going on with the “I loved this part where [Apex Legends Name]” that I see
Every one crying here 😂😂😂😂😂
New season looks so good. Only downside is that I spent all my crafting materials on a Newcastle skin
If there still bugs we uninstall
When she said: “It’s huntin’ time” I got goosebumps completely, it’s certainly one of the existing games
I will finally get more free packs. Been maxed since season 6
I love the part where wraith has 5 legendary BP skins in total. Truly an apex experience.
I love the part where wraith said “I got another new skin look at me” then get one more new skin immediately, truly an apex experience.
patch notes when?
So her tactical is basically New Castle’s ULT boost?!
why you put triple take at 100-110 omfg
I loved when my team start insulting me, cuz they cant deal with enemies alone! And im a solo player! Sorry (not sorry)
Every one said “Truly an apex expiriance
I need that wingman skin it was clean
“In apex, there’s only one rule… survive”
HisWattson and FURIA catching strays 🤣😂😂
I loved the part how ppl spamming “i love the part and blah blah blah”
does anyone know if 120 fps is coming to series x and ps5? Been looking for an update on this?
I have a question why can’t lifeline have her Shield back just with 100 health or 120 health that would be a great buff for lifeline
so can the bat do anthing else or this is gonna be another harder to use valk?
How am i wathching this on ps5
Great, no console upgrade or cross progression again, waiting for 2 years nearly
Honestly the only thing I fine interesting is the map, volt n g7. Everything else looks lame
Is the entire comment section bots ? YouTube has gone to the dogs bro.
Bald Wraith Caustic remix
I loved the part where we finale get a level cap past 500
What’s with the “i love the part when” comments ??? lol
Why is everyone saying I love the part when a legend does something?
What’s with the “o love the part” comments ??? lol
I loved the part where Lifeline said “I got yuh, just keep your head down” before absolutely abandoning her knocked down teammates 3 meters from her. Truly an Apex experience.
Just posting to see if my comment comes out normal or will it have the “I loved the part” thing
I loved the part where Loba said, “Always the best for my friends” and proceeds to take all of the good loot in the area leaving nothing good for her teamates. Truly an Apex experience.
i love the part where all enemies are cracked and legends are third partying them truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Newcastle says “Newcastle got your back” while getting shot in the back. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where bangalore says “droppin the pain ” And proceds to get stunned and killed by her own ult
Can’t wait to watch the exe later
Fix the servers
What the bat for
I dont think its to hard to make the numbers 500 to 1000 for are level but ok wowzers 500… Again…
Skull town is back baby!
I loved the part where Bloodhound said” My name Bloothhunder but you can call me Bloodhound “Then goes ultra beast mode all around the map”Truly expiring experience
Please new pathfinder skin
I loved the part where mirage says “its dupes o’clock,” then gets absolutly beamed by the enemy team. Truly an apex experience
Finally no longer age verified
She’s just one tapping everything😭
Its Chamberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
This season seems borin
Ugh these comment are meh
Walter white is caustic confirmed
Me waiting for Cross progression 🫠🫠
This is a bad season😒level cap increase? That’s just resetting your levels
I love that their doing a remodel of kg but if it’s just gonna be kg then I’m in for a headache of a season
Bro and the way the new legend runs too😂
So next season is long distance fighting
I loved the part when Octane said, “It’s Orbin time.” And then orbed all over the other legends.
I love the part where they charge you $160 for one skin and you get one clipped first game with it. Truly an Apex experience.
This litteraly just looks like a power krept valkerie
Do we get cross progression with this too or…
Bald caustic wooooo
Truly an Apex Experience
These comments give me aids
I loved the part where I forgot to comment the last part of this joke and had to make another comment to finish it.
I love the part where everyone in the comments kept saying they loved the part….
They could of did wayyy better on the skins mannnn.
I loved the part when people in the comments were actually original
Truly a youtube experience
I loved the part where Respawn says “CTRL C + CTRL V” every single season. Truly a modern gaming experience.
I hate everyone in this comments section
I loved the part where rev said “putting up a death totem” then looses his ult before even getting into the battle because the status effect lasts 5 seconds.
truly an apex experience
I loved the part when Wraith said: “It’s wraithing time” and proceeds to quit 3 seconds after landing, trully a unique experience
We have snipers already 😭
Respawn on there way to give wraith another legendary battlepass skin:
I loved the part where revenant said, “don’t die now!” Just to instantly get sent back to his death totem and downed immediately
I hate this comment section and everyone in it
Instead of just sweaty bald wraiths
We’re gonna have sweaty bald caustics now who dc too 💀
Another season without a legendary Wattson skin
Stop saying “I love the part when”
I loved the part when this teen rated game said “The trailer for Apex Legends: Hunted is coming 08.01.22” and the trailer got age restricted before it was even shown. Truly a YouTube experience.
n anoda runner
100% I loved the part where …. comments
0% any other comment
Another wraith skin, Wasn’t predictable wow
나는 sllalls 전설이지
레전드 아이탬 외관 뿐만아니라
어느정도 소량의 능력치도 올려줘라
Now just have the characters unlocked for all players so people don’t have to grind a season just to unlock 1 of the 20 locked characters they have. I’d be willing to bet that would increase pick rates without even changing anything. I imagine alot of players who don’t play as much as I do don’t have everyone unlocked especially new players
Before it was age restricted
Даже в трейлере не регает …
[0:26] “Awareness is everything.”
Meanwhile, the footsteps audio… NONE
Scope thing you say oho
I loved the part where
LEVEL CAP INCREASE?? does that mean more apex packs each level??
That’s cute.
Fix the game and I’ll buy
Those comments are truly an apex experience
Love how the mobile trailer looks better 😂
This is pretty cool!
I loved the part where Pathfinder said “Grappling” and had to wait a whole half-minute. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where everyone made relatable apex memes in the comments. Truly an apex communitu experience!
I must say that caustic skin looks sick
another uninteresting character
Controller aim assist gettin* buffed with this one lets goooo
I loved the part when people started typing these “I loved the part where” jokes for no apparent reason. Truly a meme experience.
so her ult is a kraber? maf
What is the name of the song in the background?
Well im happy that I can save my money
I loved the part where Wraith said, “Void Jumping” and then Left the Game which was a ranked match. Truly an Apex Experience.
Here’s a real comment, cuz idk why everybody and they moms wanna make an “I loved the part when” where’s the originality 😭. Anyway, she’s gonna be vital info for deciding on when to push a team, cuz u can see the shield they have and how many members too
Wraith battle pass skin again :/
Still no cross save?😩
Mande time
I love the part where wraith says “someone is aiming at me” and the proceeds to get knocked before finishing the sentence. Truly an apex experience
what is up with the I loved the part where
Nice update 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Is it just me or does she run like octane?😂
So no new gun
can yall like chill on giving wraith a skin every battle pass
I loved the part where Mad Maggie said “No one hides from my drill” and everyone hid from it. Truly an Apex Experience
I loved the part where crypto said, “sending out my drone. There’s no squads near us. Logging off my drone. Sending back my drone.” Then continues to get sniped in the face. Truly an Apex experience.
Nerf bloodhound
And hunted I had to rewind
I love the part where I tell my wife I’m gonna spend my check Inorder to get an heirloom and she thinks I’m joking only to find out 2 weeks later… I wasn’t joking. Truly an Apex Experience.
I love the part when apex gave wraith an other legendary skin but haven’t gave crypto one
skulktown from wish
Camping at its finest is being highlighted
I loved the part where we got a straight white male as legend. Truly a woke experience
I loved the part where Bloodhound said, “Marking our surroundings” then proceeding to scan in the opposite way. Truly an apex experience
Why are there so many bots in the comments?! Shut up with the “I loved it when b this person said this” nobody cares.
I loved the part where Caustic said, “breath it in” Then he throws his ult in a open area without anyone breath in his ult. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where Gibby said “Watch out, I’m opening the skies” and then gets downed by his own ult. Truly an Apex moment
I loved the part where Newcastle said, “Charging my evo shield, not the one on my back.” To remind everyone that he is not charging the shield on his back. Truly an apex experience.
Everyone is always 1 hp in apex trailers
And what happened to putting cool or heartfelt songs like Season 3 or Season 4 trailers?
So basically she has a Kraber as an ultimate, okay
Me seeing another “I love the part when” comment and wanting to lobotomize myself.
Bold caustic skin welp sweaty caustic now
Great update can’t wait, thanks Respawn!
Why does rampart sound like a minion laughing, I just noticed that.
Wraith has like 6 legendary skins like that is so unfair, i wanted a wattson legendary skin😒
I loved the part where everyone didn’t comment I loved the part…
Cross progression pleaseeee???
What are these comments lol
Снайпа в трейлере такая что крабер забился в угол и плачет
И ее урон в игре: 20
I really hate the changes but they always make the game look fun
Skull Town❤️
I loved the part where Crypto said “ I cracked your Securities and your Face “ then got obliterated by a Bald Wraith hiding behind him . Truly an Apex Experience
I loved the part where Mirage said Bamboozles for the foozles, then his decoy tripped on a pebble. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when i spent $500 on Pathfinder and don’t see him in the trailer. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where they show of the new battle pass wraith skin, because she already has 4 and their giving her more so the wraith mains that never touch grass don’t have a tantrum. Truly an Apex experience.
daddy caustic
Pov: trying to find a normal comment that is not “I love the part where”
I loved the part when Fuse said “Uncle Fusie’ll catch you when you fall!” and then abandoned the team to go to Fragment and died instantly. Truly an Apex experience
I kneel for loba anytime
I just love how I can’t watch the trailer on my Xbox one version of the becuz it’s “Age Restricted 🚫” like What!? Respawn? I had to come over to my iPhone to watch seriously!!!
Where’s cross progression???
I loved the part where everybody just says “i loved the part” in the comment sections
Sweet Jesus here come the morbius joke😢
It about time they increase the level cap. thank you respawn.
I luv the part when vantage says “ who sees who first.”
Tanta roba, i m so exited
At 1:20 is that a new gun I see
they FINALLY increased level cap?? I never thought I’d see the day😭
These skins are mid at best
Me searching a comment without a « I lOvEd tHe PaRt wHeN.. » :
Ok they nerfed the kraber because they cried about 1hit drop but now a legend ultimate is to 1 shot everyone…time buff the kraber back
Caralho q hype
Is that wing man skin on Mobile
Finally a level cap increase my gosh about time
idk what to say but its truly an apex experience
Sooooo. No cross progression.
These comments are killing me 😭😭😭😭
He’ll yes! Bring it baby!
I loved the part where Octane drops solo and spam pings, goes down, spam pings again, and disconnects all in a span of 24 seconds. Truly an Apex experience
Why do we need another character that talks like Valk. This is not what we wanted.
I love it when Bloodhound says “I bathe in the blóð!”, only to use his ult to runaway from enemies and abandon his teamates for good. Truly an apex experience.
Looks great
I loved the part where bangalore tries to smokescreen her team only to not know where the enemy is. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when Newcastle says Charging my Evo Shield and not the one on my back but still dies in 3 shots. Truly an Apex experience
Nobody going to talk about how fire caustic looks with a haircut that skin is sick
These comments are truly trashh
breaking the dumb comments by saying FINALLY a level cap increase 🥰
I loved the part where I got packed loss and servers died and then I was sold 50e skin.
I loved that part.
“She quite literally has aimbot”
I think we know why they made the kraber not a I shot for all helmets now
I loved the part where Crypto said “You can’t see me” and was never seen in the whole match because he wasn’t even picked. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where valk used her ult while her team were in the middle of a fight and left them to 2v3 as she flew to the other side of the map! Truly an Apex experince.
caustic esta calvo por el cáncer?
Please say storm point is vaulted this season. It’s the worst map ever
Not gonna lie this is probably the lamest seasonal gameplay trailer. Lol nothing hype inducing
Another Wraith skin, truly the Alex experience
No legendary Crypto skin? Miss
Bane caustic skin!!!!
At this rate they might as well disable comments
Is the sound fixed? And the servers?
Cool skin for the weapon. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…… Again no social life(
I love the part where pathfinder says “who loves a zipline? I do.” Then zipline towards a team and instantly gets folded. Truly an apex experience.
Where was the mad Maggie skin
The New Legend… 😅😅😅😅😅
Would have gladly skipped this battlepass but they just had to include reactive triple take
Can we just admit this is not enough content right now…the map looks cool that triple take is dope but at the end of the day it isn’t real content..and to whoever gets mad at this comment make sure to come back 2 weeks after release and tell me how you feel then
These comments, truly an apex experience
Я гей
I was very close to leaving Apex, but this looks promising. One more chance (like all the other times XD)
Do you wanna play?Let’s play〜
I loved the part where mad Maggie said” it’s drillin time” and preceded to hit nobody with it truly an apex experience
Gimme Kings Canyon ranked!!!!
Ugh. Another wrath skin for the battle pass. Thats her 3rd one. Not gonna be a good pass afterall.
Is anyone else getting annoyed with the I love the part where trend here in comments section?
thank you for getting old kc back
Anyone know the song used in this?
Another legendary skin for wraith but keep up the good work at respawn
I like the part where Gibraltar said “ Don’t worry brother , I got your back” then proceeds to get shot from the back. Truly an apex experience
Yay another offensive character, we were really needing more of those, don’t worry I think we have enough suports right? Right?
I miss my PS4
I love the part where revenant said “silencing them” and then it didt disable anything despite being right next to them
No apex August
Omfg the triple take skin is so fkin cool
Embarrassing that I got the age restricted so I had to change my age from 16 to 18 💀
I love the part where I shot every single bullet from Spitfire on wraith n she didn’t receive a single damage a lovely bug truly an Apex legacy ❣️
what is this comment section?🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wdym coming august 9th? The counter on my game says 0 days left 😭
12 long long seasons its finally back time to drop in and die 1min in again and again
Everything in the comment section is truly an Apex experience. 👍🏻
I love the part when almost everyone in this comment section just repeats the same unfunny joke. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where the announcer said “and this brings a great battlepass then proceeds to show one of the battlepass ever”, truly an apex experience
Why is this age restricted-
How aobut cross-progression?
Trash skins
Whole comment section full of echolalia comments
So glad Wraith got her 30th legendary skin. Can’t wait till she gets another next season in the battlepass
oh thats why the kraber cant one shot anymore
I love the part when Gibraltar says “The important thing is not to die.”, then instantly gets knocked off drop. Truly an Apex Experience
Kings canyon less goo ❣️
Bruh another legendary wraith skin.
Three seasons in a row without a new gun.
Anyone else finally bored & burnt out after 3.5 years?
Wow how am I not surprised wraith got another bp legendary
That caustic skin phenomenal.
My therapist: don’t worry bald caustic can’t hurt you, he isn’t real.
Bald caustic: marvellous, so many willing subject’s!
i loved the part where Wraith said “trust me. i know what i’m doing.” and then proceeds to get knocked and immediately leave. truly an Apex experience.
Bald Caustic? We’re not safe.
Lulu’s new main
I loved the part where we see wraith get yet another BP legendary skin. Truly and apex experience.
this game keeps getting more addictively painful
I like how octane stimmed and boosted to steal everyone’s loot after not contributing to the fight and leave nothing behind for his team, truly an Apex experience
wow another wraith skin who couldve guessed
No audio in the trailer
I loved the part when Octane said “Catch me if you can” then got downed and eliminated right after. Truly an Apex experience.
Stop giving wraith skins jeez
Bro not trying to hate or anything but why another recon/scan legend
Thats the worst comment section ever 💀💀
Anotharr battle pass skin for wraith…again…
So she has octanes jump pad abilities without the ability to let your teammates use it…?
i loved part where crypto said “activatin EMP” and stunned everyone but the enemy. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where I haven’t touched this game in 9 months. Truly an apex experience
Yo wasup kandy 🙂
Shitties battle pass
Congratulations you found the one comment thats not about apex legends
Why a triple take skin why not anything else
I love the part where I stopped playing. Truely NOT an Apex experience.
chamber ult😶
I love the part where fuze said “cluster charge set and kills the hostage, truly an apex expirience.
I love the part that this is age restricted
Skulltowns back yay
Im not excited
Another wraith battle pass skin, good job respawn
I loved the part where i’m gonna try force Vantages ult in close combat.
So lame, boring and cringe the coment section…, I thought I was gonna find more hype People to the lvl increase, no more lvl 500, after 3years!
Nothing special, zero creativity
soooo, do we get to shoot the bat?
Newcastle showing his usefulness once again!
These battle pass skins are by far the worst lol the only exciting thing about thos season is the volt coming back to ground loot.
All of u saying I love the part were ect, are bots 😂 had to break the cycle I came to the comments about the new skull town but all I see is bots commenting don’t get mad its just a joke
Remember the name VecnaCursedU
We can all agree vantages run animation is adorable right ?
Iove the part how people write the same firts words
Fix the PS4 servers bro, I get 30 fps max and can’t play the game anymore
Was hoping for a new weapon
what is happening with the comment bro 💀
Looks like we’re grinding some more level’s.
anyone else laugh hysterically when Vantage ran around that corner 😂
I love the part where Bloodhound called the bird and slapped Vantagnat. Truly an Apex experience.
It isn’t apex if it’s another wraith skin for the BP
This comment section is Truly an Apex Experience
Fifa 11 song!
I loved the part where this is gonna be a update but it won’t be playable till 2 days after like every other update. Truly an Apex experience.
I like the way she runs with the gun. lol
Yeah, but when is control coming back?
Wow this gives me hope for next season cool skins especially wraiths and vantage abilities kings canyon level cap increase should be way easier to get heirlooms
I loved the part where Octane said,” Must! Go! Faster! Throwing jump pad! Olé! I’m down! ¡No bueno!” Then he left the game after spamming ping. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where the video said “confirm your age, this video is age restricted”
For the love of god please stop wasting gold battle pass skins on wrath till AT LEAST every legend has received one. It doesn’t matter anyway because as soon as they equip their pretty new skin they’re gonna land streamer Buliding alone, get downed instantly, ping like crazy the call me racial slurs in chat before leaving all in 6 seconds flat
man these comments 🤣🤣
That showed it resetting to level 1, I think that means 500 new levels
Bald caustic
“Truly an Apex experience” 😂😂😂🤣
nice thats what we need a character with a mini kraber as her ult
I love the part when Bangalore said, ” Poppin a smoke!” Then shortly after dies to Vantage
Vantages third person running animation is amazing
Yawn. Patchnotes even more yawn.
Been lvl 500 since season 5 and they gonna wanna give me a new lvl 1 lol.
Been lvl 500 at least 2 to 3 times over
I loved the part where Vantage said, “awareness is everything,” and then leaves her team which is getting pushed by a full squad. Truly an Apex experience.
Im so excited for the new level cap
I loved the part where YouTube viewers made “I loved the part” Comments. Truly an apex experience
I love the part where no one in the comments can think of an original thing to say 🫠
i love the part where “i didn’t hear anything and then died” Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where everyone spammed the same sentence “I loved the part.” Really part loving experience.
this season could be the best season i think . i loved
This actually looks like the worst legend so far. Hope I’m wrong.
Most of the comments story “I lover the part blablablablablablablablablabla…………………….. Truly an Apex experience nonsense”
Congrats u found a comment that didn’t say “I loved the part when…”
Day of the update plz?
ну такое..
Apex u made me sad
I’m so hyped!!!
why is it age restricted tf
let’s go i’m so excited to play King’s Canyon again
1:03 😳😳😳😳
This game is mediocre and is going downhill and this battle pass is mild like the last one sad to see a downfall of a once loved game
THERE IS NO OTHER COMMENTS THAN “I love the part… true apex experience”
I loved the part when the comments section was completely destroyed by an unfunny and already overused joke. Truly a YouTube experience.
Glad to see nothing about Cross progression
Cuando llega la actualización?
Bro it’s been a minute since I felt this hype for apex🔥🔥
There’s over lvl 600 now? 💀
Are people really going to do No Apex August?
I loved the part where Mirage said “We’re all having a good time” and we were all not, in fact, having a good time. Truly an experience.
Why is this age restricted?
They should add 3 drop ship’s in the game to spread everyone out everyone lands in the same spots every game
i loved the part when wraith said “Looking for me” because you know no one can find her since wraith already left for the lobby. Truly an Apex experience.
When does it come out the new skin
I have no use for the level cap increase if they dont implement cross-progression
So whats up with cross progression…….
Loved the part when they released cross progression!
I like the part where wraith is like “wow another new season and a new skin, and no new gun”
brilliant apex 🙂
Caustic is bald😭
Another lacklustre battle pass
I loved the part where Arin talked about macaroni for a looooong time. Truly a Game Grumps experience.
I love the part where, 3 stacking Charge rifles to beam fifth parties from 500+ meters boosted by Vantage markers makes you think you’re good at the game.
0:14 bro ramparts head is doing some exorcist stuff and it’s hilarous!
Pov you’re searching for a normal comment
My favorite part was when gibraltar threw down his shield and completely missed his downed teammates and got them all killed. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when Pathfinder said “zipline out!” Then proceeds to let the enemy team ride the zipline he set. Truly an Apex experience.
Bald caustic
Please… why guys 😖
Goofy ah run animation
Truly an apex experience.
is that a child
I loved Apex
Is that chamber?
So we get another legend that can go “up” as an ability. I just love being a wattson main!!!!!!!
So many people loving the “apex experience”.
I can already smell the comments
POV: you can’t watch the trailer
I hope they finally put 120fps 😩
The trailer is age restricted? Seriously?
bro nice bots apex
Mastiff go back :c
what about cross progression 🥲
I loved the part where Seer said “stand out, or stand aside” then preceded to never appear since his launch trailer. Truly an Apex experience
That Caustic Skin! 🔥🔥🔥
My main
Где русские комментарии
What’s wrong with that comment section?
I loved the part when Pathfinders said “Using my grapple.” and the just dies because he’s been nerfed into the ground. Truly an Apex Experience.
Of course they add a pay2win winman skin with better iron sights…I doubt that was unintentional
Agree, I loved that part
Yo whys the battle pass skin quality looking like season 0 lol thought we where past that
now draw her eating a hamburger
Another legendary BP wraith skin….
Rest here soldier. You’ve seen too many “I love the part” memes
I loved the part when crypto used his emp only to miss the enemy but hit his teammates and himself. Truly a apex experience.
New rampart minigun hold animation? If it is it looks sick I’m a rampart main btw
Caustic been hanging around Wraith a little too much with that cut
Get rid of arenas and give us TDM
It was said the ult does 20 so those people dying are literally 1 shot
Bro, the comment section tho 😭
age restricted?
POV: You’re currently looking for a comment that doesn’t say-“Truly an Apex experience”.
I love the part where everyone says “I love the part where…
t rated game gets trailer age restricted 💀
Yes new season!! I’m excited wich new bugs we get this season
Did i miss something whats with the “i loved the part when” comments?
man apex has great potential but is so full of little things that make it unenjoyable, just look at the comments its all memes about annoying situations, ALL of the comments, i hope this game improves i would love to love it
I loved the part when the Apex community trolls the new trailer, truly an apex experience
Possibly the most disappointing trailer I have ever watched.
I loved the part when. Truly an Apex experience.
Good job youtube i cant watch it without passing age restriction
I loved the part when comments said they love their part. Then become a template. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the part
At 0:11 if you slow it down you could actually see wraith dc before she gets shot, such good attention to detail in these trailers.
Cross progression
So excited for skulltown to be back.
Hmmm, so they brought chamber in the game less goooo can’t wait for this!!
What is going on with these comments?
I love the part where we got another support legend.
Triple take skin for level 100 🥹
I loved the part where I mag dumped the bald wraith and watched the bullets bounce off her skull with no reaction, only to turn to me say “you know what I look like. Come find me.” Then proceed to tap strafe all over my console playing self and kraber no scope me! Truly and Apex experience
only reason why im coming back to apex is skull town and cus theres a bat
i like the way Vantage runs, its cute.
Why does it show multiple shields when looking at someone? is it just everyone in vision? or by looking at one can you see the whole team?
So the level cap increase is basically a prestige system. That’s really cool that’s going to change the game for the better hopefully and also for all the ogs we’re really excited for skulltown to come back!!
Man there’s new levels ? Let’s go
Worst legend yet, and crpto/wattson exist
Bald caustic!!!
apex community beating a barely meme into meme into the ground
Ooohhh… this is def gonna change things for ALGS meta
That showed literally nothing
love the part where Vantage said ”the differnence between pray and predator is who sees who first” and then got third partied even tho she saw her enemies first, truly an apex moment
Was that part at the beginning rampart getting hit with her nerf
0:40 to 0:46
Where gibby
bloodhound but again
It’s all fun and games till you realized that you live in Indonesia, :'(
So basically they nerfed the Kraber. To add a kraber legend.
I loved the part when vantage jumped to echo and said it’s vantage time.
I loved the part where Pathfinder said “This is my favorite part” then slingshot himself with his tac only to get shot out of the sky two seconds later, truly an Apex Experience
In game purchases (includes random items) oh you mean the lootboxes that should have been banned for over a year yet EA keeps getting away with it.
revivió el apex 🔥🔥❤️❤️
I loved the part where rev said “welcome to the shadows” and summoned the whole lobby with his ult. Truly an Apex Experience
I love Vantage’s running animation, it’s adorable. She, Wattson and Horizon have the best running animations to me. There’s just a lot of personality in them ~
No next gen features even tho announced with a supposed next gen update last March, no cross platform progression even tho accounts are linked to the same email adress and “promised” in 2021…thats why we haven’t seen the devs livestream anymore its just a soulless cash grab microtransactions vehicle, it disgusts me…there should be laws in place for lying developers
Also level 500+ on xbox level 190 on ps5 and have received 0 heirlooms…
I loved the part where an Octane main solo jumping into a crowded enemy, and then rageing his teammate why did not jump whit him, where more than 10 squad jumped on the same area, and then he just ragequit. Truly an Apex Legend experience.
Tf is this battlepass skins
She sounds like Valkyrie 2.0😭
i loved the part when
Another season without a rev skin in the battle pass
I loved the part in the comments when everybody said I love the part and truly an apex experience
I loved the part where the sound of your enemy walking completely disappeared from the game, and after your death realize there’s 6 people on top of you. Truly an Apex experience.
one of the worst battle passes in a while 😭😭
I loved the part where every comment in this video starts with “I loved the part”
I loved the part where everyone repeats the same comment over and over again.
pov: looking for a non “I loved the part” comment
i wish the weapon sound effects here were the actual sound effects in-game
This comment section is truly an Apex Experience
I loved the part where Bloodhound used their scan and then immediately got triple teamed. Truly an Apex experience.
Looks awesome!!
Bald headed Caustic is hard
I love the part when lifeline said “last one down and a boom boom” and then got third partied, truly an Apex experience
So that means no 120fps for next ge consoles still?
Mfs we need cross progression
Pero que bellesa de Trailerr!
I loved the part where Pathfinder said “Its Pathfinding time!” Then proceeded to grapple off the map. Truly a cinematic masterpiece!
What is up with these comments?
I loved the part where bullets were shown hitting their target registering damage. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part that it got age restricted
gonna be playing all august!
Wow, another amazing legend who can have they game tell her where enemies are. Another legend with a jet pack, wow
So no new gun again ?
I hate this comment section
She is broken
Can’t wait for people to jump away and snipe from far while I’m 1v3
0:12 LOL
I loved the part when the video was age-restricted. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part when Vantage says “Didn’t need binoculars to see that” Truly an Apex Experience
basically chamber
nice aimbot.
I’m sorry but what is that caustic skin he looks like he try to cosplay as wraith
Caustic wallter white , finally
I love the only part Bloodhound appeared was when they were shot down. 1 second of content.
Also no new houndy skin so maybe houndy skydive emote…? please…?
That was weak af
Могу сказать что вышло круто, но реактивный скин на триплу это как то глупо, нет я люблю трипл тейк но на него скин за 100 уровень бп. И разве в игре мало скифов на Рэйф? Напомню 4сезон, 7сезон, 9сезон скины на Рэйф с БП и сколько просто скинов на неё когда идут колеционные события
I’ll never understand why new legends only get a rare skin in their battlepass
Ah, it’s Valkyrie and Seer’s ablility child.
I loved the part where Horizon said “We do this for Science” only to fall of the map thinking she can tap strafe off her Q. Truly an Apex experience.
Look at all the fun you WONT have trying to finish your battle pass
Another wraith battoe pass skin?
It’s going down skull town
Are we seriously not talking about the lv cap increase?!
I loved the part where mad maggie said “here comes the wrecking ball” but it bounced off the wall & sent her into the ring
Finally adds new levels
Ok where is cross progression
I loved the part where rampart said ” putting up some cover ” only for it to be destroyed a millisecond later
There’s not a comment that doesn’t start with, I loved the part
I love to see myself get knocked out
Respawn give the person picking the music for all the trailers a raise, they have great taste!
Of course Wraith gets ANOTHER skin
they didn’t show off Vantage’s finsher on here like they did with all the other legends’ trailers :0
I loved the part where they hunted the Titanfall 2 DDOSer only to finger blame like a lil beach instead of fixing the game. Truly, an EA experience.
So they didnt actually incorporate the bat, they probably had no idea what to do with it
Cross progression would be so much bettrr
The comments are kinda ruined.. instead of commenting how you like the new features all i read is repeating “jokes”..
age restricted?
Wow apex you just made the shitest season ever
Jesus christ I’m so happy I quit this game. How tf are you ALL like this?
im impressed
I loved it when loba said “it’s lobin time”
A h h yes… A lvl cap increase after i’d already be lvl 850+ anyway
Is this a new narrator?
wraith is soo overrated
I loved the part where the jump master picked a place to land, but his teammates landed 2 maps away. Truly an Apex experience.
So Vantage is basically Octane with über tagging capabilities?
I loved the part where lifeline said: “last one down and bom bom” then it get insta knocked by a third party. Truly an Apex experience
Titanfall 2 the hunted and abandoned
I loved the part where Octane said” Placing jump pad!” and only places it for himself while his whole team is fighting a squad. Truly an Apex experience
why does she run like that lol
Trash skins as usual
So you telling me her tactical is literally octane ult 😳
Definitely not playing this season either. Maybe next time
Ok that triple take skin tho? Fire … oh and bold Caustic 🤣
These “I love the part” comments are getting old already 💀
Dosent look to promising anymore skins and everything becoming more basic 🥱
0:23 This has to be the world’s worst aim ever.
Well for Wattson it’s lore wise accurate.
I am hyped! Will definitely get the battle pass
I love the part when everyones said truly an apex experience
I loved that everyone comments in this video.
vantage is crypto and octane combined
Was that the death totem activating, or did Revanent actually teleport
Skins mid asf as always
I loved the part where Wraith finally made an appearance in a trailer.
Of course wraith get another legendary what a apex moment
Battle pass skins got some season 5 skins vibe.. with the yellow/brown wild colours
These comments are killing me
Does anybody know the name of the song?
I loved the part when Newcastle said “protect everyone” when he used his ult to jump away. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part
I loved the part where apex crashes out of nowhere saying “MSVCP120.dll” error.Truly an Apex experience.
Loll what is good with these comments! They not even about the video anymore 😅.
I loved the part that all the comments say similar things
Truly an youtube experience!
I loved the part where caustic skin is bald caustic… Behold the new bald caustic leaving the match as soon as he gets downed… That will be a truly Apex experience.
Level cap increase let’s gooooooo
I love the part where everyone says the same meme truly a YouTube experience
I hate this comments.
valkyrie 2
Ok the I love the part memes are getting old I can’t find a single normal comment
Tengo una duda ya que párese que el siniper es la ulti mi pregunta es el siniper apunta la mira automáticamente al enemigo o tenemos que apuntar con la mira nosotros ?
This game would be SO much more fun if i didnt have to play in lobbies filled with masters and predators… as a plat
I loved the part when Wattson used the interceptor tower and destroyed all her teamates granades (included fuse). A truly Apex experience
I loved the part where the one team that didn’t land Skulltown spent the entire game looting and won the game with a single kraber shot. Truly an Apex experience.
Why is this age restricted!?!?!
rev buff?
But can she… Spot the real Mirage from far away
Glad their finally adding chamber from valorant to apex. Truly an apex experience
Heisenberg caustic hits hard
Bald caustic 😮
I loved the part where the comments section instantly turned into a meme page
So no cross progression again what a surprise
song: W.A.R.R.I.O.R.- Ebony Bones!
Sooo.. a new legend and an old map? With a level cap increase.. a filler season again, good job apex.. not
I loved the part where devs don’t even care about revenant and uses him only as a target practice for every other legend in the gameplay trailer, truly a revenant main experience
Loved when wraith said “It’s wraithing time” then jumped in void into the victory
I loved the part hit the enemy and make no damage. Truly an Apex experience. NO APEX IN AUGUST
I loved the part when Revenant said “I’m jumpmaster! I wanna land on someone’s neck” but he get killed off drop like he landed on his own neck. Truly an apex experience.
Her tac is crazy
Whats this comment section tf? 😂
I loved the part where they give wraith another battle pass skin even though she has like 4 already.
I loved the part where everyone said I loved the part where. Truly an Apex experience.
Did rampart get a new hip fire view cause she was holding it like heavy in tf2
Amo Apex ❤️
Complete the sentence.
I love the part where
I loved that part where Bloodhound says” i bathe in the bloth” and gets bathed in his own blood.
I loved the part when Octane says ”Hit the Ejector seat” only to stim towards the pad and miss it, and go back to take it once more. Truly an Apex Experience
It’s Morbin Time
I love the part where Bloodhound said, “I honor those who’ve risen not those who’ve fallen” and then refused to Res their teammates, truly an Apex experience.
Did Cryptos drone shoot out rockets!? 😱
I loved the part where pathfinder said “I’ve got the next ring location for us friends!” Then proceeded to get outclassed by every single other recon legends passive. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where bloodhound said, “AllFather give me sight!” And then proceeded to run towards the enemy and get knocked without scanning or hitting an enemy once. Truly an Apex Experience
why is apex mob getting a new hot female charac, n pc is getting this dude looking woman?
I loved the part where Loba said “Throwing jump-drive!” And didn’t even teleport before her team got bodied. Truly an Apex experience.
You’re all a bunch of robot parrots with this ‘I loved the bla bla bla crud’
ffs, still no cross progression?…
Pov: you’re trying to find a comment that doesn’t say “I loved the part where”
I loved the part where everyone says, “I loved the part where”
So she gets two jumps and one is off a bat ? Or am I seeing things
i loved the part where all the comments are also “i loved the part where all the comments are also ………………………………..
I loved the part where someone writes the most loved part.
POV:you keep seeing “i love the part” comment everywhere truly an youtube experience💀
Ура череп на месте!!!
POV: you’re just seeing ” i loved the part where….” in the comments
I loved the part where your 3rd Decided to land hot by himself, get downed and immediately quit out. TRULY an Apex Experience
Thoroughly excited to play the new season. Keep up the great work guys!
I loved the part where Bangalore says “Oscar mike” just to run away from his teammates in a fight. Truly a magnificent experience.
Cool . Now Un ban me I got banned for no reason
Id kneel for mommy loba
Flatline doesn’t sound the same
Stop giving people jet packs!!!!
Cool trailer, but honestly this was probably their weakest gameplay trailer. Still looking forward to it though!
I loved the part when love threw her tactical but she didnt move at all, Truly an Apex experience
Nah he tweakin’
again à bad season GG
*disliking every “apex experience” comment*
What is this “i loved the part when” meme
I loved the part when solos came back. Truly a wishful experience
Bald Caustic Moment
I love the part where the servers are slow and the game has several bugs. Truly an apex experience.
I love the part where everyone here agrees that respawn should fix the game like bugs and glitches and errors.
Do we get packs for leveling up???
Apex community really showing off their originality rn huh?
No new gun ? Again ?
I loved the part where YouTube said, “Please confirm your age” and didn´t let me watch the trailer. Truly an Apex experience.
dear lord not another scan legend
🎉🎊lets goooooo!!!!
Опять скин на рейсу(
Now fix everything
Happy hunting guys.
I loved that part when the wraith said “pain, death, nothing phases me” then died a minute later and left the match with absolutely zero hesitation. Truly an Apex experience.
King’s Canyon!!!
I love myself
Respawn: hey riot can i rewrite you homework?
Riot: yes, but not write same.
It’s the level cap for me
so boring
It would be a lot cooler if you fixed and upgraded your servers, then got rid of the bugs instead of releasing half assed content.
I love the part where Bloodhound said, “I bathe in the blood!” Then proceeded to bathe in their own blood after getting hit with a Kraber. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when everyone’s comments start with the first half of this sentence for literally no reason hahaha 🤣
No Cross progression yet? I’m out 🚶🏽♂️
i can’t wait
These comments are gold.
Que the music now !
Legend skins are kinda meh but that triple take skin is pretty awesome
love the part when Bangalore says “come get some move it or die” but then proceeds to get krabered in the head instantly, truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where Crypto said “Getting my eyes in the sky” and then got beamed cuz he was sitting in the drone view. Truly an Apex experience
Nah these comments got me dead like Octane is every new trailer.😭
holy ahit fifa 11
I love the part when ”
“. Truly an Apex experience.
Great. Another Wraith skin in the battlepass. 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
Not a single origin comment here. Crazy
I loved the part where Seer threw his tac and said “Unveil yourself” and didn’t unveil anyone, truly an Apex experience
What is with the i love the part comments?
Been a long time since I played apex ,what’s with” the apex experience” memes😂
I loved the part where Wraith said, “Void Jumping” and then Left the Game which was a ranked match. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where revenant used his death totem and his teammates ignored it. Truly an apex experience.
I love the part where this whole comment section going ” I love the part ” 😭 so adorable!!
1:47 new weapon?
Those BP skins tho 🤮
I love the part when Lifeline said, “Don’t worry Lifeline’s got your back.” And proceeded to let you bleed out in a corner because they forgot about her special revive. Truly an Apex experience.
I love how this community meme of everything
wanna talk about caustic turning into ash whennit zooms in on wraith?
love how everyone is always 10 hp in the trailers to make the abilities look good truly an apex experience
I loved the part where it said that im not old enough to watch the video
morbing time.
I loved the part when Fuse used his ult and said, “Bombs away” but then missed by a couple inches. Truly an Apex experience.
Bro these comments 🤣🤣
I loved that part when the wraith said “pain, death, nothing phases me” then died a minute later and left the match with absolutely zero hesitation. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Seer said “I hear no heartbeats!” and then the team got obliterated in the next few seconds. Truly an Apex experience.
So she has aim it with snipers???
I loved the part where Loba said: “This precious is all mine” when using her Ult, then quickly looted then destroyed the black market, letting no teammates loot at all. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Ash said “These bonds aren’t easily broken”, Captured someone with the Arc Snare and still managed to get downed by them. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where Fuse said “Here comes the knuckle cluster” then hits the wall next to him and gets knocked almost immediately. Truly an apex experience.
I love the parte when Wattson said “incredible” while I see another legend that can easily dodge her fences. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where Valkyrie said,” No one left behind!” Then she used her Ult without her teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Crypto says “I’ll find you” and he’s on his drone for 8 hrs finding nobody. Truly an apex experience
Deffo not op
I loved the part when a third party comes and the trio have no Audio and then proceed to whipped u and ur team with no audio amazing
I love the part where all teammates are down and lifeline is healing herself in a corner. Truly an apex experience
Can someone please explain to me why the whole comment section is filled with “Truly an apex experience” I’m so confused. I wanna read a normal comment
Bruh i cant watch it cause its age restricted
Cool new Bangalore skin
honestly the level cap is the biggest news
I loved the part i didn’t want to ruin the comment section . Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when Lifeline said “Mozambique, here.” Then started Mozambiqueing all over the place. Truly an Apex experience.
Buff to wraith when? 👀
Fixed ranked?
Skull town Is baaaackkkk!! **ahem** I mean….truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Bloodhound said,” I am blooth hunter” Then continued to miss the team ratting above his head. Truly an Apex experience.
This comment section is exactly what’s wrong with the community.
This whole comment section is Truly an apex experience
Got it so she has aimbot
It’s morbbin time
Age restricted
I’m genuinely surprised they fit all that in under two minutes.
I loved the part where all’s the enemy’s dies with only one shoot,truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when something happened
Honestly, is there a normal freaking comment in this comment section???? Like, can we actually talk about the battle pass that’s coming and the new season???
Another wall hack legend? With a jump pack? Ugh… Respawn running out of fresh ideas. 😞
Man this game has the biggest bot following I’ve ever seen it’s quite a sight to behold
I love the part where Wattson said, “ a good offense is a strong defense “ but never fenced anything up or used her ult to protect her teammates. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where two squads were fighting, then a third shoots at one so both of them turn and focus fire on them and wipe them, then carry on fighting each other after. Truly an apex experience
Why does almost every comment begin with “I loved the part”
I loved the part where pathfinder said “hi friends!” Then proceeded to absolutely obliterate someone truly an apex experience
Where’s new gun?
poor revenant always getting neglected in every battle pass
I loved the part where you go behind a wall and still get knocked because 200ping and no local servers. Truly an apex experience.
Loved the part where they dropped a new legend like every other season. truly an Apex experience
Thank goodness it kings kanyon. Best fights happen here imo
I loved the part when lifeline said “here to help” and then never revives anyone. Truly an apex experience
No apex August?
Was hoping Vantage’s passive would show how many are left in that enemy’s team. I don’t think it does.
I loved the part where she said don’t underestimate this young woman, how brave she is to be amongst other woman……
I loved the part where wraith didn’t use her tactical and didn’t. Go down leaving the game Truly an apex experience
30 hp gamemode here 🙂
I loved the part where Vantage uses her tacticical then manages to fall off the map. Truly an awesome feature
What are all these repeated comments?
Caustic went from gas daddy to GAS DADDY.
Yet again another disappointing trailer didn’t feel excited for anything
I love the part where the teammate lands solo and gets downed instantly and then flames the team. Truly an apex experience.
There should be an animated series on Apex Legends on every legeng backstory
Sin nueva arma otra vez? 🙁
That triple take skin looking nice
God i hate the “i loved the part” meme so much
Skull town we missed you
I love the part when there is no gameplay in a gameplay trailer
I realy like the cakground music what is it?
This comment trend is so mf annoying
I loved the part where mirage said, “it’s doops-o’clock” then proceeded with “shots fired, and they’re hittin’ me” and got the whole team eliminated. Truly an Apex experience
What’s the deal with everyone saying truly an apex experience?
hope this new season is fun
1:00 They’ve just re-added the old location. 😂🤣
Looks like the most boring Apex Season. It’s like a Season 1, they added only new Legend and Battle pass.
The most boring Apex trailer ever made. Even the font looks cheap.
What’s wrong with these comments!?
Skull town is finally back again😤😤
Finaly the lvl cap is incresed!!!
what happened to the era when apex actually made battlepasses that the skins are actually good? That sh** stopped in season 8.
I loved the part where EA and Respawn said “We are gonna fix the G…” never mind they never said that… Truly an Apex Experience
Welp towards the end I see that revenant totems are still a thing next season. So Rev rework isn’t going to effect that I see.
Great the same boring map and another sh!!ty battle pass, feels like ive been Playing on the same maps for 3years lol is it me or all those comments look like fake accounts
KC is back in the rotation!
Skulltown is back, thats an Apex experience!
I loved the part where everyone is always 1HP. Truly an Apex experience.
Lemme guess, the kraber took the hit for this to be the new one-shot hotshot rifle?
I love the part when you land and your team leaves the match 💀💀💀💀
I loved the part when everyone in a comment section talking about funny things they saw in a trailer instead of the game changes. Truly an Apex experience.
Lol been ln kings canyon since season 1……gonna sit this season out
I loved the part when
Every single comment is something ridiculous
What is that run that Vantage has 🤣
“I think there’s something wrong with my gun” – Vantage
Bald Caustic. Bald Caustic.
I love the part when Fuse said “here comes the motherload” and walls off his teammates from third partying a fight
Nice vid
I loved the part where vantage said “Surival is about more than living. Its about living free” then she flies like a maniac. Truly an apex experience.
I loved how every comment starts with “I loved”
I loved the part when revenant said it’s reving time
0:37 is that you chamber ?
Probably the lamest gamplay trailer I’ve seen for this game so far
I love the part where Lifeline uses her healing drone on herself. Truly an Apex Experience
Yoo these comments 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wraith legendary?
That Caustic skin is amazing!
I loved the part where Wattson said, “My electric fences will herd you, like cattle.” only for yet another legend entering the games able to get past them using an ability. Truly an Apex experience.
Not wraith looking like billie elish
Great looks like KC may have just went from second best map to third best, now behind WE.
Yas the craver ultimate!!!
I loved the part where Michael Morbius himself apparated in front of that team and exclaimed ”It’s morbin time” calmly. Truly an Apex experience.
Am I the only one who is so not hyped about this? For the first time? I mean the video is ok but I just expected a bit more.
No regs and audio better be fixed since its an awareness season
Add a Apex pack counter pls !!!😭😭😭😭 So poepley that they are close to Apex pack .
It’s sad that IGN steals their views
I loved the part when the Bangalore said “Lemme at ‘em” then proceeded to miss all her shots and get downed. Truly an Apex experience.
Was that a reactive triple take skin???
I loved the part where octane said “mas rapido” and it do a noscope 360 with a kraber. Truly an Apex experience.
This entire comment section is a bot lobby with these awful, derivative, hive-mind comments all copying and pasting each other.
I love the part where i cant play cuz steam is banned
is that all???????
This is starting to look lamer and lamer 😂😂😂😂
I loved the part where every comment is so funny and true. Truly Apex community experience.
Where tf is cross progression
These comments are better than the game
I like the part where Bangalore said “Pop the smoke, make em broke.” but the enemy had digi sights and a bloodhound. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part when bloodhound says “scanning the area” and proceeds to scan an open field with nobody in it. Truly an apex experience
Vantage was actually cheating on this trailer
Ok the biggest thing they did in this update is the level cap
I loved the part where I get to read the comments of everyone else who loved a certain part of this trailer. Truly a great apex fandom
Add Cross Progression!!!
Reactive triple take ill take it but I wanted a sentinel. Lol
Ffs not another wraith skin😂
Very few innovations: new small location(old location), balace edits, new legend whith titanfall ability, fuking battle pass and it’s all. Three months of work, and we will get this? This is another season that does not bring anything new. the content is enough for two days, and then you can forget about the game again. Let’s declare a boycott
Can someone tell me what’s the ULT and the TACTIC of this new legends. Cuz if her TACTICS is that jump, well Valkyrie can literally fly 🤦♂️
I love how everyone is 1 shot , and in Game it’s more difficult
How is this age restricted?
i loved the part where lifeline said “i am your lifeline” then gets her skull completely combusted by a 50. Cal, truly an apex experience.
Скины для бомжей в пассе?
Seems like a very very cool season, sadly it’s in August
Please never stop this joke 😂
Loved the part where the comments were annoying af. Truly a smooth brain experience.
I loved the part when Bangalore said “Smoke’s out!” And and then smoked all over her teammates. Truly an Apex experience!
The way she looks when running with a gun is so funny
Man respawn and their obsession with baldy peeps …..why the HECK IS CAUSTIC A BALD MAN ?
I loved the part where the game is littered with bugs; cheaters, balanced issues, … Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where Wraith gets yet another skin but favorites are limited. Truly an Apex experience.
these comments are lame af just like my teamamtes. Truly an Apex experience
Why’d the make caustic look like howie mandel
I loved the part where caustic said “I do not concern myself with the ambitions of insects” and then refused to trade his grey shield for a purple one because someone else told him to do it. Truly an apex experience.
I love how all the comments start with I love
Another apex update adding more of the same thing. Respawn has truly fallen into the “Release the same thing over and over and hope it make money” pit.
Miss the days when you guys were the ones to literally rock the FPS world to its foundation.
Lame trailer and battle pass altho they have nothing to show with this legend. Mobile got lucky rip
I loooved the part where the patch was downloaded and the servers crashed. Truly an Apex experience.
When you are looking for a normal comment to discuss the trailer
POV: you go to comment section for comments and reactions
Reality: a bunch of memes
was I hearing skull piercing rounds in those wingman shots
i loved the part where respawn don’t give a f about titanfall 2 servers and cheaters in predators lobbies in apex. Truly an EA killing game studios experience
They better bring cross progression cause if not I’m officially done with apex and uninstalling
These “I love the part where” comments are gonna last a while huh?
I loved the part where Bloodhunter was in the video of a trailer named Hunted.
Fix rank
Vantage will learn not to aim at Wraith directly.
Morbius joke are dead
I would play this again but I always get whooped on it lol 😢
Apex Legends MOBILES new character looks cooler and better than Main Apex last 2 new characters 😂
I love the part where the team dropped in and instantly in hot mic they start being racist. Truly and apex experience
So this is why they nurf kraber?!
these comments are legendary
I’d rather have a Mozambique tier 100 than the triple take
Ahhh… so THAT’S why the kraber got nerfed…
The comment section is truly an Apex experience
Yeaaaaa recon…
Bruh she runs very goofy💀💀
I loved the part when everyone in the chat became one and said truly an apex moment.
truly a hive minded moment.
The comments section are incredible
Welcome to a apex trailer where everyone has 10 health
I love the part where the small fraction of Apex pros continuously states bad takes and Respawn listens to them and not to the majority of regular Apex players!
Therefore making poor decisions every single season. Truly a Respawn experience.
The triple take skin 🔥‼️
Sorry but can’t hype for apex anymore
Skulltown is back yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the part where you removed the unnamed poi on the hill but show a whole fight scene in the trailer
Insane Season 🙏🏼💪🏼
The add blood?
I loved the part where everyone loved parts from characters in which they said a quote and then did an Apex Legends unique moment. Truly an experience experience.
The trailer is not that impressive
These comments are on point 💀💀💀💀
comment section sure loved that part
I loved the part where octane said “ready to go!” Then leave his team to go loot truly an apex experience
I like the part where rampart said “oh sheila they’ve never seen a girl like you” and proceeds to get one tapped by a kraber as she takes out sheila because she didn’t have a purple helmet truly an apex experience
Oh boy, can’t wait for all the bugs and issues that will plague this season and ultimately not be fixed until the next one while people open their wallets for more skins.
Fans: “You know there’s some legends who haven’t got a BP skin yet, right?”
Respawn: “Cool. Here’s Wraith fourth BP skin. Enjoy!”
I love the part where there is still no custom lobbie. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part when Vantage said “It’s morbin time” then she morbed everyone. Truly an Apex experience
No New weapon disappointing😭
Cross progression? Fix bugs? New weapon? Nada
Skull town has returned
Cross progression?
I was looking for wraith, she came through the portal and said ‘looking for me?’
I loved the part where Loba said “Shop’s open for business.” then closes the shop just before her teammates reached it. Truly an apex experience.
how about people who played since season 0 who reached lvl 500 before then? Are we also gonna reach lvl 501 instead of lvl1500?
I loved the part where the Octane said “it’s go time”, pushed a trio by himself, died, cursed his teammates out, and left. Truly an Apex experience
Ребята, там авп
wait, is level cap still 500? i was hoping for 600
Sooo same map….with like one thing changed, sub par skins , another recon character and still no new medic . I’m sure they won’t add weekly or bi weekly LTM in rotation either. New level cap don’t won’t mean a thing since it doesn’t give you anything, they haven’t done anything with the clubs….like no clan versus clans….sigh
King’s Canyon WOOOOOO 🔥💯
She’s S tier MARK MY WORDS
I loved the part where respawn or ea updated the game
So they nerfed the kraber because of vantage ok
I love the part where YouTube said ,,Verify your age”
to be honest I only want storm point to be removed
What a convenient excuse for not adding new weapons. Give me a break 🖕
Wish they wouldn’t make it seem like it does so much dmg
I loved the part where the narrator announced the UPGRADED SERVER news
I love vantage’s voice
I loved the part where Revenant used his tactical and said “Shut up!” only to completely miss the enemy. Truly an Apex experience.
Just a shame they don’t actually block and ban cheaters in this game by their ip address
Aww man these quote comment are back a new wave of I love when they said this instead of just quotes what even is this
How did rev get in front so fast!? Is that a rework????
season 14 still no cross progression
No but seriously guys this season looks really good I’m excited what do u guys think
Cringe Canyon 🤮
This better be a good season respawn. Haven’t enjoyed the game since season 11
loved the part where Mirage said,” You got bamboozled ” Then he proceeded to run in a circle with his clones. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where everyone in the comments is acting like they’re gonna boycott apex then go and play apex. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where half of the comments are “I loved the part where X said “Y”. Truly an Apex experience” Truly an Apex experience
I love the part where they said cross progression is coming in 2022
POV you’re trying to find any comments that don’t start with “I love the part”
I loved the part when Horizon said: another soft landing, truly a “no one freaking cares” experience.
Her running mechanic is absolutely amazing 🤣
I love the part where everyone in the comments starts off with, I loved the part where…”
Level cap increase is green! I love it!
The fact that the BP was a significant portion of the trailer concerns me since this was supposed to be about the season itself.
This is totally sick!!!!! I remember that song from the Fifa11 Soundtrack and now it’s on my favorite game… Still can’t believe it
finally they showed some love to caustic 😁😁😁
Are we all ignoring the fact that out of all of these trailers and the kills, this trailer gets age restricted
i loved the part when everyone stopped commenting the same thing and gave me an actual comment to read
Kings Canyon 🥱
I loved the part where Ash said “These bonds aren’t easily broken”, Captured someone with the Arc Snare and still managed to get downed by them. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where the wraith on my team hot dropped died then instantly left truly a fantastic apex experience
I’m never reading comments before watching the actual video ever again 😭 I had high expectations
I loved the part where they announced new Pathfinder passive. Truly an exquisite addition.
Is Vantage rifle hit scan?
I loved the part where this video was age restricted for no reason ☺️
I am not ready for a chamber meta in apex.
Filler season confirmed
I feel this and yesterday’s trailer is washed up. Nothin interesting, except they nailed the new char presentation and map reveal
Bro the triple take is clean
seems like we are getting TripleTake Reactive skin caustic, wraith, wingman Legendary
how did this video get age restricted?? ANIMAL ABUSE?? IS ECHO ANIMAL ABUSE????
I loved the part where Wraith got another gold battle-pass skin and then her passive proceeds to not work. Truly an Apex experience
Pov: You only see comments starting with “I love the part where/when”.
0:14 pause it it is epic
cant wait for patch notes, oh wait, we never get any
No nueva arma ??? 🙁
I loved the part when as of posting this comment the first 54 comments in a row are “truly an apex experience”, truly an apex community experience
I loved the part when EA Respawn said, “Lets fix the game since there is a planned boycott!” Then they just released a filler season with mediocre battlepass skins. Truly an Apex Experience.
So…no new weapon,again?
Dude I’m so so in love with these creators, they make this game so interesting it’s truly another world
still no cross save announcements..
That feeling when there’s No Apex August but they bringing back Skull Town…. 😭
I loved the part when the season drops with a ton of lag and a mediocre battlepass and then we have to wait a month for an update to come lit only for it to just be overpriced skins. Truly an apex experience
Everyone in Comments: Truly an Apex Experience 💀
i love the part where everyone saying ”love” in the commet
She’s rivaling Octane’s launch pad!
lookin good, lookin good
wow they really added a prestige system
I love the part when Lifeline said, “Don’t worry Lifeline’s got your back.” And proceeded to let you bleed out in a corner because they forgot about her special revive. Truly an Apex experience.
I hated the part where everybody said I love the part. Truly a hating experience
Can you guys comment real things it’s really annoying saying the same things over and over
All the best trying to take a 3v3 in this god forsaken map
120 FPS next gen coming soon 🙄🙄
2 seasons waiting now. When is soon?
Hhhhhhhhhhh she runs like a coward headless Chicken
I’m convinced that vantage is the reason why they nerfed the krab otherwise her ult would be pointless
For the love, Kings Canyon needs to die out already. Nostalgia < Better content ( Hands down)
Really good trailer, has me hella excited for season 14
Why are the comment section a bunch of bots like in game team mates???
why did it get age restricted?
just look at vantage movement style!! lol 😂
Thank god, this trailer actually gave me the strength to uninstall.🙏🏾💜
like Chamber 🙂
L gold stuff change
I loved the part where Wattson had her fences up and nobody was fooled and ran into it. Truly an Apex experience.
Hace un calor del carajo y ella abrigada, muy pro xD
I hope this season the only map will be Kings Canyon
Wraith did not need ANOTHER legendary battle pass skin. She already got Perfect Soldier, High Class, and Demon’s Whisper. Meanwhile Crypto hasn’t even gotten a BP legendary yet.
Bunch of salty comments 😒
What song is this ?
So we get a prestige system. Interesting. Hope after 1-500 again there will be a reset again.
I loved the part where Wattson was in the trailer but nobody paid attention. Truly an apex experience
Unironicly this trailer slapped. Best one since season 10
Yes people, keep ruining comments so YouTube removes commenting aswell
I loved the part where the Apex community picked one meme and they kept on going with it for 2 weeks, truly an amazing community moment
i loved the part where cross progressions wasn’t announced Truly an Apex experience.
Every Comment: “I love the part”
I loved the part where there are soo many “I loved the part ….” Comments under this video like wth guys
Where cross progression 🙁
Anyone find a weapon leek?
Filler season for sure
I loved the part where the comments said, “I loved the part where the comments said, “I loved the part where the comments said, “I loved the part where the comments said,”
All I’m seeing in these comments is I loved the part 💀no actual comment about the season but hey the masses move together 😭
When Fade in Apex PC ?
So we still not playing right
when i saw caustic i immediately thought of the spongebob movie.
“It’s not Bald, it’s thinning!”
I loved the part where vantage said “it’s vantagin time” and proceeded to vant all over the legends, truly one of the of all time.
Level cap increase is cool…not actual content though is it
0:15 What is that? Is that some sort of totem of the bat Vantage has?
I loved the part when octane says “They say death catches up to everyone, he can certainly try” then says “im down, no bueno”. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where the nemesis didn’t show up truly and apex experience
L’s in the chat
I loved the part where Newcastle said,” We don’t run we clamp it down ” Then his whole team get knocked in the other side of the wall. Truly an Apex experience.
Automatic PROWLER
Welcome to the Best game on the planet
Where’s cross progression EA?
all those skin appart from that triple take skin are less than subpar but the new vantage character looks sick
I loved the part when fuse said “Bomb’s Away” and then proceeded to his ultimate on himself and his teammates. Truly an Apex Experience.
part when respawn and EA logo was shown reminded me a little ghost recon games
Another battle pass another legendary skin for Wraith. Couldn’t see that coming from a mile away
No new weapon for the three seasons in a row?
Still no cross progression?
I take it we’re gonna see lobas ring cooldown reduced?
I haven’t seen a normal comment yet 😕 with all these I love comments in the way
I love the part when revenant said “you climb like a legend, I climb like a roach” truly inspiring. Thank you Apex Legends.
pls stop with the Wraith skins i beg
Worst season ever!!🤬
Where are titans?
No way theyre adding a bald caustic
Is there a single comment that doesn’t say I loved the part
I loved the part where Morbius said “It’s apex time”. Then proceed to morbin… trully a work of art
Gameplay trailer pretty good
Respawn really thinks bringing back Skull Town is going to distract us from the fact that this is going to be another filler season. We want real content.
These comments bro 💀🙏
Anyone notice this 1:11 💀
I loved the part where Valkyrie said,” No one left behind!” Then she used her Ult without her teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
is that a bb reference?
She looks fun
that’s all? mmm…
Okay I’m back to apex in next season
every comment is essentially a bot comment here
So no 120 fps got it
It seems like thjs is the worst BP skins.
Her passive is gonna be op
First time in awhile im actually excited for a new season
I loved the part when I saw “level cap increase” then got disappointed because the trailer ended and I thought cross progression would be announced
I love the part when Respawns said “Cross progression in the first quarter of 2022”, and still haven’t added it. Truly an Apex experience
Another mediocre season
I loved the part
I’ve the part where titanfall been abandon
Wait why is this age restricted?
This comments section is really something. Truly a YouTube experience.
I loved the part where Octane said “Hitting the ejector seat”, just to throw his jump pad behind his teammates to charge into a 1v3 and die. Truly an Apex experience.
bet they gonna nerf her ult really fast
i loved the part when this game was fun
why do i have to verift my age
please tell me they removed shitpoint from the map pool
Best part about the trailer is leviathans have moved somewhere different yay
Skull town is back!!!!!!!
好啦好啦影片做得很棒 排位機制跟垃圾一樣
Everyone in the comnents be like
“I loved the part”
When is cross progression, I don’t think I wanna play a game I spent 200 bucks on to have nothing…
Bro why is this comment section full of idiots using a dead joke?
Level cap increase! Woot woot
I loved the part where Loba said: “This precious is all mine” when using her Ult, then quickly looted then destroyed the black market, letting no teammates loot at all. Truly an Apex experience.
*Very opposite of poo*
Skull town is about to become nuke town cuz people gonna be quick scoping with the new legend
So she is an octane with a kraber that can scan enemy teams…..
Cross progression…. maybe … no? Great..
I loved the part where the octane said: “must go faster!” and proceeds to steal all my loot. Truly the apex experience
I loved the part when people in the comment section said “I loved the part that..” Truly a lovely experience
The triple take skin look 🔥
but the legend skins look boooooring.
I love the part where everyone is blaming their teammates truly an apex experience.
level cap increase thank god
I like the part when Mirage wasn’t even in this trailer. Truly an apex experience.
че за пиздеееец
Octanes now useless
1:30 U can hear Disrupter rounds
I’ve never watched an Apex trailer and been less excited for a season… no new gun is a major let down.
At the very least they need to put the volt back on the ground
New Main
Bruh why is it age restricted?
When’s cross progression coming?
I have a good feeling about that wraith skin…
I loved the part where octane yelled “IM GOING IN” and then solo rushed two squads with his jumppad.
Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where everyone is saying “I LOVED THE PART…” it’s …Truly an Apex Experience.🤣
I loved the part where Vantage hit the 360 no scope on me from her bat jump then spammed finishers until I bled out. Truly an Apex experience.
0:06 what a chad
Bunch of sheep in the comments
I loved the part where Octane said, “I can’t believe I’m standing still, you’re lucky I like you!” Then dies before finishing the revive because he didn’t think to revive you in a safer spot. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where everyone morbed. Another true Apex experience
I like how everyone dies in 1-2 shots even tho respond knows the ttk is long and it’s not actually that easy. It’s just for flash
I loved the part where Loba said, “Only the best for my friends!”, and then proceeded to destroy her shop right after she placed it to troll everyone. Truly and Apex experience.
Is the flatline skin coming in season 14?????????
I loved it when people didnt copy each others comment and just added their thoughts .. unoriginal
Left BloodHunt
Left Rainbow 6
Left Valorant
APEX ? thats impossible
Why is everyone in the comments retarted?
I loved the part where
Music,i need it
I loved the part where maggie was waiting for a care package to drop and spawn a mastiff, only for 4 replicators to drop instead. Truly an Apex experience.
wheres faide at respawn???
I loved the part where Fuse said “Here comes the knuckle cluster” then hits the wall next to him and gets knocked almost immediately. Truly an apex experience.
my main caustic now bald! yess!!
Hagan que el círculo se cierre en el Búnker y le meto tarjetón
I loved the part where all the battle pass skins look like they’re from season 1, and all the cool ones are locked as event cosmetics. truly an Apex experience
Dawg why is this age restricted? 💀
Why is there NEVER a pistol battle pass skin!? Spread the skins out better for the passes.
That triple take skin is clean lookin tho
ooooo, the poor BattlePass 🙁 looks horrible
Apex fell off
bro. they made caustic into jim hopper from stranger things
All that strange comments out here. Truly an Apex Experience.
I love the part.. man I love these comments more than the trailer 😂😂😂
Pray for Indonesian Players
Love the part when the video got age restricted
I loved the part when your teammates die to the ring and leave right when my drone was retrieving them. Truly an apex experience
Why is this video age restricted isnt apex rated teen?
Instead of bringing out characters and skins you should probably fix your games bugs and fix the tic speed from 20 to something higher
I loved the part where LeBron James said “avengers assemble”
Man I just opened the comments to see some
Discussion on the next season. Instead I found the most unfunny YouTube comment trend that I’ve ever seen. Maybe the first two were funny when I saw them on the last trailer, but now they’re just super annoying
nobody is going to say something about cancer skin caustic?
Not the Fifa 11 sound track🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍😍😍
I loved the part where the comments section said I love the part where
Rampart has gained the ability to snap her own neck 0:14
That caustic skin is fire 🔥🔥🔥
So another season of pretty much nothing… 🥱
Octane jump pad with out the jump pad wow nerf tac
Старая карта , ура
Love the part when wraith said “its wraithin’ time and solo pushed a team and died. Truly an Apex experience
0:18 Temp 2?
Bro what are these comments
……Pad is dead……
i loved the part where pathfinder said “grappling!” then grappled everyone on the map. truly a cinematic moment
Bro what is with these comments
i loved the part when i saw 69696969 i loved the part
Out of all the guns, you chose the tripletake for tier 100…
I hate these comments
Aint no way they actually missed a shot in a trailer. Whoever played horizon needs to go back to the lobby lol
I loved the part when Loba said “Shops open- for VIPs only!” then closes the shop before the other VIPs get there. Truly an Apex experience.
They have blood now?
Can we please get horizon an heirloom?!!!
The skins are….dissapointing.
tf why dose this say age restricted
I loved the part where Wattson said “ I keep my squad mates insulated” then drops her Pylon only for her team mates to ignore it. Truly an Apex experience.
oh baby kings canyon is looking good!!! 🤩
I loved the part where Forge said, ” Legends never die!”. Then he got stab through the heart and dies miserably on the studio floor. Truly an Apex experience.
Cross progression?!?!
Sick reactive skin for the triple take
I loved the part where Loba said “Throwing my phase driver!” And then the phase driver didn’t work for the third year in a row. Truly an Apex expierience.
why apex buy bot comment ?
I loved the part when Vantage took out her ult and start aimboting everyone. Truly an Apex experience
If you have exp overflow do you level up instantly or you’ll just have to lvl up again
i loved the part when loba got an heirloom truly an apex experience
I loved the part when Octane was knocked down but crawled to a nearby jumper pad, landed and used a golden knock down shield , Almost got fully back up to his feet but died from the 1 hour it took to use it. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where everyone is typing “I loved the part where ” in Comments. Truly an Apex experience.
No cross progression? 😢
Trying to find a comment about the trailer is hard when you got a bunch of leeches copying off each other
I love the part when wraith says “looking for me?” As she proceeds to disconnect after being downed for a millisecond, truly an apex experience
I loved the part when wattson said “that’s an angry fance” but the fence does not damage
Angry french
I loved the part where instead of increasing the Apex Levels they just do what they always do and give us a new recolor. Truly an Apex experience.
So like… why is this age restricted?
No hay emocion
I love the part where Vantage said “It’s Skull Town time!”
I loved the part when the trailer came out but it was dissapointing and the new content is few as last seasons
Truly an Apex experience
Мммм ху&тааа…..
What’s up with these ” I love the part where ” comments 😂😭😭
*I loved the part where I just died within 5 sec of landing. Truly an Apex experience.*
Why are these trailers lack luster?!?!
I loved the part where
There’s a theme in thos comment section that I failed to understand
i loved the part where these jokes are not funny
Can’t wait to have bald wraith and bald caustic.
Great no new gun
Respawn please do something for the low end PC gamers
add cross-progression
Bro triple take
I loved the part where Wraith said, “going to FaZe” and then proceeded to go to NRG. Truly an Apex experience.
wait so we are not getting a new gun….aww man well we kinda do get a new gun in vantages ultimate but ya know……..
I just watched bridge to terabithia…nothing matters anymore
Everybody knew this was a filler season
Season 1 vibes
0 hype
0:57 what weapon was it that shot downward?
Bro all ya wilding in the comments lol
Cross Progression?
I loved the part where everyone in the comments said “I loved that part where”
These comments are so annoying
Bruh vantage gonna be OP
I love how valk says no teammate left behind, then just leaves. Truly an Apex ecperience.
I loved the part when Fuse used his ult and said, “Bombs away” but then missed by a couple inches. Truly an Apex experience.
Great, now there’s a “Tour De Force” in here too
Yeeessss… 💥💥💥💥💥💥
Why we always getting reactive snipers like bruh
No new gun and no lasers let’s go
I loved the part where Gibraltar said “I got u broda!” then placed his dome shield in a random location several meters from his teammates. Truly an Apex experience
the gun that caustic held is nicee skin
I love the part when Bloodhound screams “I will slatra!”, only to get 2-tapped by a Wraith. Truly an Apex experience.
Elliott :We need to make traps Mr white
Looks lame, only good thing is maybe the skill cap increase
I love the part when im to be a champions. Truly an Apex experience
Still no new gun? Dawg cmon
I loved the part where apex matchmaking would actually work. Truly and Apex experience.
I love the part where Respawn completely abandoned their novel and unique shooter titanfall and said “It’s Apexin time”. Truly one of the companies ever.
I loved the part where I have fu*** my girlfriend like an apex predator. Truly an Apex experience.
Whats with the comments bro😵💫
I need that wingman skin in my life
Where is the Cross-progress?
I loved the part where Lifeline (while reviving her teammate) said “I gotcha’ now keep movin'” and 2 seconds later got thirsted to death bc of no protection at all. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where Octane said “do you feel the speed” while simultaneously rushing a full squad alone only to leave the match a second later, truly an apex experience.
No crosssave ?
I loved the part when…..
*server shuts down*
So we still doing no apex august?
I love the part where Caustic said: “It’s simple really. (coughs) I’m just better than you.” then gets 360’d by a ttv. Truly an apex experience
Apex using bots to sway the comment section 🙄
Watching another apex trailer. Truly an apex experience
I like the part where Rampart laughed when no one said a joke and nothing humorous happened. Truly an Apex experience
i loved the part where lifeline said, “pass me that suga!” and her teammates ignored DOC and died. truly an apex experience.
We gonna talk about how many times fuse shot his ault towards the middle of the vod
Another trailer where every legends hp is 15
LET’S GO! This looks awesome!
She weak
I loved the part where Octane said “by the time you see me coming, i’ll be going” then used his ult to throw his teammates off a care package, truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when an incredible game with a very interesting story degrades over time, gets full of microtransactions, and the devs stop listening to fans and just focus on pushing out more skins. Truly an Apex experience.
Is that a Sentinel @1:19 ? This looks pretty sick !
Looks boring with a lame battle pass like usual.
I want cross progression already respawn 🙁
I loved the part… huh?
The blood is a nice touch
All the comments sounds like bots 💀
That caustic Skin is 🤌
The battel pass is not worth the hype
Yeah when account merging is here, that’s when I’ll play
I loved the part where Wattson said, “Shush now!” and then her pylon got destroyed. Truly an Apex experience.
These comments are pure cancer
I loved the part where Wraith said “I don’t fear anything. Can you say the same?” then proceeds to phase to the lobby. Truly a TTV moment
1:20 Unbelievable, Caustic is cosplaying Walter White from Breaking Bad!
I loved the part where Ash got snipped off a zipline. Truly an Apex experience.
Everyone has 10 hp
Ok ok I am hype!
I loved the part where Ash said “rats can be thought!” then she used her ult to get to the care package loot first, truly an apex experience.
Vantage is cool she will be good in ranked
I loved the part… what’s going on?? 😂
I loved the part where this meme became old and died. Truly an online experience.
Puro reyeno ya no saben que mas hacer
I love the part when loba said” it’s jump driving time” and then teleported truly a thicc apex experience
But… Will there be cross-save?
LOL…. already running out of ideas? Skulltown? Really?
Vantage looks good!
And the crowd went mild
Best BR on the market.
I loved the part when… where’s cross progression 😭
Am I the only comment that doesn’t start with “I loved the part” here?
Currently trying to find a comment that doesn’t say “I love the part where”
Whoever is reading this comments at Apex, I bet they’re having a very bad day.
These comments, truly a great community experience
Why tf is the comments I love the part etc… stop the cap your trying to get like in anyway possible.
Finally its bright again
I loved the part where Gibralter said, “Dont worry, Gibby’s got your back!” Then he proceeded to cancel the revive and loot the death boxes. Truly an Apex experience
Titanfall gagdets are comming 😭
How did this “Apex experience” stuff happen 😂
I loved the part where Announcer said: “You are the Apex Champion” and I got carried by the sweaty players. Truly an Apex experience
lets gooooo new cap
Vantage runs weird af😂😂😂
Ngl trailer looking good tho, no apex august gonna be tough
Bloodhound players stand up
These trailers get cringier after every season
Love the blood
God, you kids in this comment section are so funny…
Best trailer!
Battle pass 👎
I loved the part where the viewers said: ” I loved the part where _____ said, “________” and then _______.” Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where rampart said, “haha-ha” and ate the camera. Truly an apex experience.
best szn ever kekekekeke
I loved the part when respawn said, “Season 1 V2” and then raised the level cap. Truly an Apex experience.
We love Apex Legends
This is insane!
I loved the part where Mirage said,” I’m just perfect” Then hes not perfect, weak af. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Gibraltar said “Dome shield out!” Then threw a dome shield projector that projected a dome shield that protected the players inside from enemy projectiles. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where they said “it’s fixing your game time.” Truly one of the most moments ever.
I loved the part where you didn’t mention cross progression at all. Truly an Apex experience.
Loved the part where Gibby said “They’ll neva shoot through dis” then gets absolutely team sniped” truly an apex moment.
That snipe on the zipline was actually good for a trailer LOL 😅
Kinda wanted to see some normal comments too lol but it’s ok
I loved the part when Vantage screamed, “It’s morbin’ time” and Echo echo’d everyone. Truly an Apex experience
“Vantage looks balanced”
I loved the part when Mirage said, “Sending out another me” and gets bamboozled by it. Truly a decoy experience
I loved the part where loba said, “Shops open” but closes the shop mid shop. Truly an apex experience.
i loved the part where caustic said, “breathe it in” then you can hear the players smashing their keyboard . Truly an apex experience
everyone is a sweat lord and like is playing for a 20k torney .. game is not fun kek
i loved the part were octane spam stimmed into a full 3 stack pred team by himself truly a Randoms experience
Ahh another season no jack cooper great😐
age restricted? cringe.
Yo she got an aimbot as an ultimate
I loved the part where it said “New Battle pass” but it’s the same type of mid tier skins we always get
Cheater is playing of this video.
I love the part where all the legends said “This is Apex Legends” and the game crashed, one of the greatest experiences of all time.
I can not wait!!!
Love the part where crypto can’t be scanned cause he’s “Off the grid”
Why is everyone so desperate to be a hive mind?
Awesome video straight from the source!
I loved the part when pathfinder said “Finally they gave me a passive”
Cant play in indonesia
I love this comment section, truly an apex YouTube trailer experience
Looks through comments and sees the same meme every comment. Truly a YouTube experience.
I love the part when wraith said ‘enemy spotted’ when theres 4 squads fighting in front of me using charge rifles truly an apex experience
You guys think they fixed any of the thousands bus in this season
Congratulations you found a not “truly a apex experience” comment
I loved the part where everyone gets third partied. Truly an Apex experience.
Poor choice of skins
No nee weapons?
Caustic looking like Bane😍
Vantage looks insanely overpowered at first glance
I loved the part where Lifeline said,” Mozambique Here!” Then she didn’t revive her downed teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
Another seasson without cross-progresion
No new weapon? Welp
I absolutely love that caustic skin! It screams I’m a sweaty stinky wrai…. caustic main!
I love the part where Echo flew around Vantage and shrieked “It’s Morbin Time!” Then proceeded to go Mighty Morbin all over Kings Canyon… truly an Apex Experience!
Where’s the new gun??
ok guys we get it. ”i loved the part” boring asf stop
I loved the part when they said “new battle pass” and it’s a wraith skin again. Truly a bruh moment
I loved the part when bloodhound scanned and found no one then the team got beaten up by 2 squads truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Vantage said “didn’t need binoculars to see that coming” but I never see the the hit rag coming. Truly an Apex Experience.
Where is the volt ?????
Bring back the volt please
Am I missing something? What’s with all these comments lol
wow now even the trailer tells us to camp
Looks like a legal aim bot
Vantage runnin animation is top tier
1:13 reaction to season 14/ HUNTED
lately they are releasing some horrible battle passes, but I still love playing the apex
The comments have me rolling 🤣
love it being age restricted
Let’s goooooooo!!!!!!
*i loved the part where they showed the new weapon*
She has gibby hit box how exited is that 😀
Can’t wait to not play this
I Need Cross Progression.
Such an underwhelming trailer thought we would have more content like permanent game modes and cross progression
Whats wrong with the comment?
I loved the part when Caustic said “i feel most alive when rapidly approaching my death” only to land with a wraith that steals the only weapon and kills him. Truly an Apex experience
The skins don’t look that good 🙁
I loved the part when wraith said “Looking for me?” and left the game truly an apex experience
this actually looks like a good seasob
Bald caustic!!!!!
Great Trailer!
I loved the part where everyone was a bot in the comments.. does anyone actually wanna talk about what we just saw?
i loved the part where it said “cross progression”
I loved the part where Pathfinder said “today smells like victory i love pretending the smell , sniff sniff” but he has no nose
Very nice skins in the new season
Also loved the part when bangalore said “poppin’ the chimney” and then blinded her entire team and herself. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved all your comments
Apex experienceっていうスラングみんな使っとるけどどういう意味なのか
is this a compilation of “truly an Apex experience” trailer???
More prowlers -_- truly an apex experience
cross progresson mannn
Idk how I feel about all of the screen-clutter with Vantage? I like the idea of Name/Range/Shield-type while ADS’d, however, after seeing how they implemented it, I’m really hoping they gave us the option to turn it off..? Specifically the shield-type option as that seems to be the biggest point of “clutter.” Maybe if it were more transparent? or off the the side? idk?
You think Apex will make Morbillion dollars with this update?
Horizon with the missed triple take shots and missed the last one but they flashed it out 🤣🤣🤣 who is playing these legends to show off these gameplay trailers cause this isn’t the first time someone missed multiple shots in a trailer
Vantage is trash
I loved when the when
Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when I went into the comment section and saw nothing but “truly an apex experience”Comments. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part that we are just getting this love part comments
This comment section is incredible
I love the part where Wraith said “Nothing phases me” “I’ve Been shot I’m phasing” truly an apex experience
Looks amazing!! A new weapon would’ve been amazing this season tho
Wow Really a legendary triple take skin I’m sooo excited 😒😒😒
This jokes aside has given me hope for the new season it looks really good cosmetics wise and even map wise
I dont understand, did she bounce off a bird?
I loved the part where Gibby threw down his bubble early. Then said “opening the skys” Then threw down his ult onto of us with three seconds left on the bubble. Truly an Apex experience.
Excited for the triple take reactive skin!
why was it age restricted
I loved the part when Caustic said “gas trap deployed” then he locks his entire team out of a building and they die. Truly an Apex experience.
please improve the battle pass, this one that we have right now it is embarrassing, the skins look awful, so do the emotes, charms and everything on it, just make it better, please.
I loved the part where Lifeline said “Looka at me, back in the Mozambique days!” Truly an Apex experience
Vantage, the legend I’ve always waited for
She is like chamber from Valorant just female version
At this point yall are pretty simp for copying and pasting the same thing over and over again. The internet really is 90% trash
I see Bloodhound is getting styled on yet again
the most on brand Apex trailer ever
If valk and Bangalore had a kid
How are you going to have a “season of the hunt” and not have a bloodhound skin
I wonder how/if shooting Echo to block Vantage from using her tactile will work. Will it be similar to Crypto’s drone and just have a cool down? I mean it’s a “living” bat so idk how that mechanic will work
عالییییی ,, amazing 👏 😍 🙌 👌 ❤️ Iran
I loved that part when the wraith said “pain, death, nothing phases me” then died a minute later and left the match with absolutely zero hesitation. Truly an Apex experience.
love how everyone is always 10 hp in the trailers to make the abilities look good truly an apex experience
such a trailer
I like Wraith but I feel like she got too many skins. That wouldn’t be a issue but it stops other legends from getting skins
POV:everyone is saying “I loved the part where **** said “****” truly an Apex experience.”
Хватит, пропагандировать, феминизм и ЛГБТ !!! Не нужно это нам, занимайтесь этим сами!!!!
Bro this comment section 💀☠️💀☠️
These comments are annoying! 🙄
Another legendary BP skin for Wraith? 4th skin? Rly?
Does any1 remember leg BP skin for Crypto or more than 1 leg BP skin for Wattson?
King’s Canyon is almost back!
Truly an Apex experience.
Why we dont have a New gun men!
I gotta admit I’m glad I won’t be playing anymore 🤢
Wha is this ‘ i love the part when’ phrase? Did i miss something? Is it an on going joke in apex community?
No Cross progression
Can someone explain these comments to me? Did I miss a meme?
i really loved the part when i won the game ….*true gaming experience*
yo ban the spit
I loved the part where respawn said “here’s a new season with a ton of map changes” and then I no reg an entire clip of a spitfire. Truly an apex experience.
I love the part where everyone shut up, not even funny anymore
Isn’t that loba finisher in every single trailer??
I love the part where everyone said they loved the part
Can’t wait to miss all my shots with her ability
Nothing will ever hit as hard as apex 1st 5 cinematic trailers after season 6 it’s all been lame
Can someone please explain the gender identity and sexuality of the new character?
Surprised Respawn didn’t lead with those details!
Let’s hope that it’s only in pubs and not rank
That’s fire
I loved the part when Respawn said; “Let’s patch the game before we release more cosmetics!” Oh wait, this wasn’t a good season experience
Bald Caustic
WWoohhoooaaaaaa 😱😱❣❣❣
I loved the part where Crossprogresion?
WHY ALL THE COMMENTS ARE “I loved blablabla”?????? i dont get it
I loved the part where bloodhound used his ultimate then never scanned anybody, Truly a Apex Experience.
Bro why is this age restricted
I loved the part where I scrolled down for 2 hours looking for comments that didn’t start with ”I love the part where” Truly a Youtube experience
So no new weapon again?
No rampart skin I’m uninstalling
i loved the part when i came to a realization that we are getting a really boring season.
It’s a great trailer but WHERE IS GUN GAME 🥲🥲🥲
1:30 it’s still says 500
It is refreshing to see another legend with a gun ultimate like Rampart.
Loved the part where fuse said “Yiffin’ a thermite!” And burned himself, truly an apex moment
mid mid
mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid
mid mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid
mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid
mid mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid
mid mid
mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid
mid mid mid
mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid
I can already see Vantage being an Itztimmy special.
song name ?
I loved the part where it is age restricted. so new so refreshing 🙂
müq <3
all in this trailer looked good the music the new Legend Everything
I loved the part where Newcastle said “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back,” and then went down before his teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when Bang-a-whore uses her smoke on a Bloodhound team. Truly an Apex Experience!
Honestly this looks finally like a fun season
why this comment talking ” i love the part where…..” ?
This game has the lamest battle pass in any game. Nothing worth it
I am so glad scull town is back!
The changes in the Map: „BRIGHTER“
New character, not impressed. 🤦🏿♀️😒🤷🏾♀️ Recycled abilities. Same ability as Horizon and Loba😒🤦🏿♀️ nothing new.
They fly now?!
Wow otra temporada de relleno 👏
I loved the part where I take a knife and slice my neck open
Thought the comments would be real…
Meh 😐
Isn’t she a hunter? Why she run like that with a gun💀
Instead of adding new things how about yall fix all the bugs and ranked
Bro what are these comments
I loved the part when I went to the comments and saw only ‘I loved that part when’ memes. Truly an Apex comment section experience
اه ريث
I’m so hyped I can’t believe that Goku is finally joining the apex games, absolutely loved that part
Why no new gun
I loved the part in the comments where everyone copied everyone.
literally widowmaker
Please, fix the stuttering in game
the bald caustic☠
Finally the level cap gets increased. It’s been 500 since the dawn of time.
Otra skin legendaria para Wraith… Vaya sorpresa 😒
Apexx pls respond to me😔
No new weapon 😑
I *hate* these comments.
I loved the part where everyone in the comments “loved the part” truly a Youtube experience.
I loved the part when Ash said: “Phase tear here. Use it” and then nobody used it. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part when octane said “it’s go time” then immediatly went down after pushhing an entire team of three. Truly an Apex experience.
I must’ve missed the memo because all the comments are in the same vain and its scaring me 💀
I loved the part where Loba threw her tactical and said “Tossing jump drive” but nothing happened. Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where Mad Maggie said “unleashing my wrecking ball” and stunned her pushed up teammate. Truly an apex experience.
Oh look, another filler season with minimal changes to one of their 4 maps. Great work Respawn. Putting those Billions to good use 🙂
Yeah this is pretty bad
I love how wraith said looking. For me? Like I would ever find a wraith who insta leaves
Truly and apex ledgends exp.
chamber from valorant
POV: Looking for a comment without the “I love when” as a starting sentence
I love the part when Loba puts down black market and collapsed it when her teammates got to it. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where they shoot with big guns. Truly an Apex experience
smh at YouTube age restricting this video when Apex isn’t even M-rated to begin with.
I loved the part we’re you get third partied by a cooked up Spanish man. truly an apex experience.
I loved when you FIX that BAG from last update, 3 days now i can’t start the game. DO SOMETHING APEX DEV ! ! !
So… no cross progression yet?
Yikes.. that’s one of the worst Gameplay Trailers we’ve ever received. Excited for KC tho!
I love the part where they don’t release a patch a bug fix update and instead add more useless content that will undoubtedly make more problems NoApexAugust
So once again we get nothing new that changes the game…. Hopefully they will bring some new mode or something ….
Are they finally giving weapon skins new sound effects? That triple take sounded way different.
bro what are the comments on this video
I’m just glad king’s canyon is back
After a bald wraith.. Now we have a bald Caustic.
My boy caustic tryna get the waves
jesus so many bots in the comments
No nemesis 🙁
For the love of god… STOP GIVING WRAITH SKINS.
Wow….. check out the comment section full of Sheeple who can’t use their own brain and come up with an original comment. 🙄
I loved the part
Дайте пожалуйста уже золотой скин на кого-то другого,а не чередовать Рейфу,которая выходит каждый сезон,а если не выходит на этот,то на следующий точно выйдет. За эти сезоны на Лайфу был только один скин,а про других вообще молчу
I in fact did not love the truly apex experience
Thats it?
tasty wraith skin
Song is W.A.R.R.I.O.R by Ebony Bones.
Rev have the jump ability now when he in his ult ? ???
New movement legend and exclusive to Non-mobile platform, you guys got what you wanted
Why is it age restricted???!
Very hyped for the season!!
W season, finally Apex gave us a wraith skin , the atmosphere it gives me it’s crazy good and it’s dropping right on my birthday I can’t wait to reach Pred with the new battle pass 🫶🏼😩
I love fortnite.
就这?Just That?
What’s the one rule?
Last white straight male was base game I feel underrepresented and will cancel this game.
Another Wraith battlepass skin 😑
that was…kinda dry. what is happening
There’s no way that revenant was that far away from his totem in shadow form. Other than letting the whole map know where to wait for you to spawn back. It lasts 10 seconds!
vaya vaya oye oye un dedote al que me tire y un pulgar el que me apoye
I loved the part where Octane said “Faster faster faster!” and then rushed solo into an enemy team and died. Truly an Apex experience.
I remember when apex’s trailers were good
Why is the comment section not about the actual game?
Csn t wait
Where’s the Loba heirloom
I loved the part when yall werent spamming this “ i loved the part “ meme everyday
I AM THAT ONE NORMAL COMMENT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR. Hi, I like this trailer but idk wasnt that hyped
Loved the part where wraith popped off with the wingman. Truly an apex experience.
Why are there so many people making “I loved the part where” lines? What did I miss in this community?
Wth people comment with I love when that. I love when what. Whatever 😤
“Awareness is everything?” nice joke with the sound 🙂
I loved the part when Revenant said “Join me in the shadows” and then proceeded to die charging an enemy in the open. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Wattson said “It’s shock’n time” truly a timeless game
Ok so her tactical is either a jet pa h or a freaking kraber
She looks like if Watson Gained weight and got a tan💯🤔
This girl carrying portable instant kraber? WHUT?
Caustic looking like Hopper from Stranger Things. I love it.
Why is her run so weird can we change that she looks ridiculous she looks like Wattson just worse other than that we chilling
im kinda bummed
i wanted new valk legendary skin
I Loved part where Mirage said, “Loba…you are welcome to sit on my face anytime!” Then immediately gets kidnapped by wraith. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Caustic said “I don’t concern myself with ambitions of insects” and then proceeded to sit in one building with billion traps the whole game, truly a gigachad move!
You telling me we bout to start having bald caustics too?
Early… I’m on ps4! Anybody play with me? I’m rlly good at movement
I loved the part where Revenant said, “Shut it” and then still dying because his tactical is garb. Truly an Apex experience.
i am 13 and i cant watch this
I loved the part wehere everyone stoped saying i loved the part
Yesss king cayon is back my dream map please swap away storm point
Will they fix matchmaking and the servers? ALL I WANT TO MAKE THIS GAME BETTER.
The new season comes out on my birthday
Kings canyon all day baby!
Let’s go season 14
No new weapon?
What is with all these comments?
POV: You’re looking for a comment other than “I loved the part where”.
No Apex august
Vantage looks low-key busted… Respawn sure loves to bring the fun first and the nerfs later, haha.
where is the volt 🥺🥺
Meu apelido e RHIGIT: Estou tendo muitos problemas durante o jogo, fico com desempenho muito abaixo dos demais jogadores, e não é caso de trapaças, mais creio que estou “nerfado” e com problemas de salvamentos, minhas conquistas durante as partidas, como derrubadas eliminações e acertos de tiros tem sido contabilizada para meus companheiros de equipes, achei que fosse falta de compra dos passes de batalhas mais estou percebendo que de fato se trata de nerf, gostaria de poder conta com vocês para solução do ocorrido.
PC Gamer: Win 10 64 Original.
Intel Core i7 4770.
DDR3 / 32 Gigas.
GTX 1050 TI.
Internet fibra 400 mega
Cidade de Curitiba Paraná.
Let’s go!
This comment is for the people who are absolutely done with the memes. Don’t worry. You’ll find refuge here.
I Loved the part where EA said,”we’re gonna add cross progression.” But then doesn’t. Truly an apex experience.
hey fu$#% EA, where is the Crossave?
i loved the part when octane says “give me a challenge” and then gets shot 5 seconds after he landed on the map. Truly apex experience
И какой уровень теперь максимальным будет?
Short but satisfying
So that’s why they nerfed the krab?
I loved the part where they age restricted the video so most people couldn’t see it
Why is it age restricted !!!!¡!
Am I the only one not aware of this huge meme in the comments?
i’m very excited to try this character out
I love this comment section. Truly an Apex experience.
“Awareness is everything”
my teamates didn’t hear that
I love the part when crypto used his drone and said “eye in the sky” truly a cyber privacy moment
It was so funny when caustic said “Releasing an independent variable” and used his ult on his teammates, blocking their vision, and they all died
Deeeeeeeeeeesh 🥹
She’s a movement legend with a scouting ability with a third gun.
new champ already broken ult
I hope they removed Storm Point
Ain’t gonna lie that caustic skin looks like Walter white
Tf with comments?
I loved the part where revenant used his death totem and his teammates ignored it. Truly an apex experience.
Bro how am I supposed to know how y’all feel about this when it’s just memes
Still no legendary battle pass skin for rev? Ight🧍♂️
Can’t believe respawn added morbius to apex. *it’s morbin time*
Truly an apex experience
I don’t even play Apex anymore, I just like watching these.
Soooo…. will I get loot boxes based on how many hundreds of hours I put into the game after lvl 500 or are we gonna just ignore all of that…
So no new gun again?
So no new gun?
i can t see the video!!!!!!!!!!
I had to look through VPN, thanks YouTube!
Is she carrying a personal Kraber? 😳😳
Interesting… 👀
I love the part where caustic dressed like wraith and mocked her because of her chemo inspired skin. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when Wraith got her 4th battle pass skin when other legends still have zero. Truly an Apex experience!
Already 3 seasons without new gun kekw
New Chamber
No new gun? Sad player noises
I loved the part when Horizon said “Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye.” and then trapped her teammates with her ult.
Truly and Apex experience.
Тупое говно, тупова говна. Скинов нормальных не завезли. Из интересного тольок r-301 красного цвета и wingman необычный.
Ok but why does the emote Vantage does at the end look so much like the one Rhapsody has in Apex Mobile
Wow weak season
This is how the game gets more sweaty every updates
Oh coming this on my birthday.
Bald Caustic, 😂 Awesome
I loved the part where the trailer finished and scrolled down to read the comments. Truly a nerf valk experience.
Buff havoc,nerf r301
У челов в комментах походу конченный юмор…
The part where rev reached out and pulled down my shorts and got to work. Truly an apex experience
Can’t Wait To Land Skull Town 💀
I loved it when
it was so emotional, truly heartbreaking
Bro what is this comment section. “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part” “I love the part”
I loved the part where Jack Cooper said,” Don’t worry, BT. I’m not going anywhere.” But then BT sacrificed himself. Truly a Titanfall experience.
Lol what’s with the comment section … i guess it’s just another Apex experience
I loved the part where Revenant gets killed in every trailer. Truly an Apex Experience
I hate to do this. but… I uploaded it on my channel so you can watch it without having to download it or give youtube your ID
When the F are this guy’s gonna give us Cross progression 💔
Didn’t realise that Caustic looks so badass without hair
This is not looking good. They put caustic on chemotherapy 💀
she’s a chubby girl, might be fortified
Ok so this is why they nerfed the kraber lol
I loved the part when newcastle says “not the one on my back” truly not the one on his back
Looking awesome. Although I still think the “Unshackled Event Trailer” is the GOAT here.
I loved the part where the octane became a loot goblin and the wraith ran off on her own and disconnected when she got downed. Truly and Apex experience
So if you don’t notice the triple take is going to be the battle pass 100 and 110 skin if you think I’m lying look at the beginning and horizon she is holding it
What’s this song?
I loved the part where every comment is “ I loved the part ”
I loved when wraith said “nothing can phases me” and used her phase when she heard 1 shot from 200 meters away , Truly an Apex experience
She looks like someone fix her art on twitter
Is the comment section full of bots
what are these battlepass skins???
I especially liked the part where it said “verify your age”
I love the part where Mirage said”it’s miragen time” and the decoys dies from a little pebble in the sand, Truly an Apex experience.
On 1:59. Do they really mean that there will be next 500 levels after our 500? or its a mistake. And they didnt show lifeline levels from 600 to 700.
I thought they usually show atleast one legendary skin for the new character?
Why the f youtube had to put age restriction to this???
I loved the part where every comment said I loved the part.Truly an Apex experience.
This comment section is so funny and original
I loved the part where Wattson said “I fight until it hertz” Then she won without a scratch. Truly an Apex experience.
I hope Respawn still gonna hook me up for that guaranteed heirloom at the 500th Apex pack
Kings canyon coming back yessir
I loved the part bloodhound say oi mate how r u
The beat went hard a f
Yo the triple take reactive skin looks sick
Totally not copied from valorant “ION” BUNDLE
The hype for apex legends has truly reached its peak.. this gameplay trailer did not do anything for me..
Let’s goooooo. The triple take is getting a reactive skin and Kings Canyon is coming back. The new season is looking fun already.
Everyone in comments loving a part
We went from having a new gun, map, character to having no new gun, no new map, for three seasons straight. You guys let them cut more and more by telling them it’s a great season
Woooooo, Let’s Gooooooo!!!!!
Don’t see anything good
Where is cross Progression 😒😒😒😒😒
Why’s her ult a smart pistol🤦♂️🤦♀️🤦. The pain begins
I loved the part where it gets boring every season with more boring characters
loved the part about it being an age-restricted video. Truly an apex experience.
People are now “i love the part…” u guys ok ? Is it all of this community got ? Smh
Another wraith skin
Let’s Gooooooooo
season 13 ranked changes sitll HUNTS me. F
Awesome trailer. Legit!! 👌👌👌
I loved when revenant ulted and said “ITS MORBIN TIME”. Truly an Apex experience
I really have the impression that this new character is going to be completely abused, people are going to snipe all the way to the bottom of the map 🤯
… I don’t get the jokes being made in the comments, but WOOHOO, SKULLTOWN’S BACK!!!
Tbh didn’t really like new castle thought he was gonna be a better Gibby but can’t replace my boi but her I’m actually excited for because I love snipers and I didn’t really like how they were in this game but maybe playing her I’ll start liking them and she’s an interesting character aswell. Also what’s with the comments trying to do the Morbius meme but with the legends lol.
That’s it??
I loved the part where everyone in the comments said: “I loved the part where/when…” Truly a hivemind experience.
Hopefully the Last filler season also bald caustic
Respwan loves lgbtq more than blacks smh
They said the only rule in Apex games is survive
so that’s why there’s a bunch of cheaters running around
I loved the part when Mirage said “It’s bambamboozlin’ time” and bambamboozled his own teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Developers said : “We fixed 3 small bugs that noone knew existed, and then we added 10 more gameplay breaking bugs along with a new Legend!’
They be looking like season 1 skins 😂
The day one player in me is SCREAMING WITH EXCITEMENT!
King’s Canyon back on top, baby!
Look, a comment that do not start with “I loved the par.t..”
how are there comments from 23 hours ago?
So she is a Octane double Jump, Seer and Bloodhound Recon legend?…That is Extremely Intresting
To be honest good map update but….no new gun no more fun….;(
Hate skull town
Uh…what’s with these comments, did I miss something? 😅
And of course Loba bracelet is still broken like always
New Caustic Skin hype
oh boy! another wraith skin…
_( °~°)_/
Looks okay.
Chick looks like Loba and Valks love child
🤞 They’re slowly easing players into jetpack movement meta because TF3 🤞
I loved the part when Fuse said, “dropping the motherload” and burnt a small Vietnamese village to a crisp. Truly an Apex experience
Hunter and pray would’ve sounded nicer instead of hunter and hunted but i am just nit-picking the smallest things now great trailer
Was hoping the sentinel would be the reactive skin but that triple take looks pretty good.
what is with all the “I loved the part where”?
I love the part that I didn’t see any new guns in trailer 🥲🤡
POV:your trying to find a comment that doesnt say i loved the part when
I loved the part when Ash said “Tearing a rift” and teleported right into an enemy squad and died because she couldn’t see where her ult was going. Truly an Apex experience.
Why do the new skins look like commons.
Comment section turned aids, yet another bandwagon for zoomers to follow
I think they are using aimbots in this trailer lol
I see the commenters are still fighting the ‘unfunniest overused comment’ war
Just give us a new gun
Good trailer as normal.. but I swear that’s the only thing you’s get right.. I could go into detail’s but i’ve done that since season 4 or 5, so yeah nah not again..
If this season isn’t better in general, I most likely won’t play it as much as I uses too(hoping it will get better), it will just be another game I get bored with and play for 10mins max and just find something else to do 😁👌.
Pov: all you see in the comments is “I love the part when..”
Can’t wait to see jack Cooper in this season
I Loved the part when. Then it. Truly an apex experience.
My new main 😉
I loved the part when lifeline said “here’s your birthday present” then she processes to take the items for herself, truly an Apex experience
Is it me or did they put more blood to the characters
I loved the part where revenant used his ult and said it’s revntime! Truly an apex experience
Lol have to update game again 😅
Now they add the level increase once I barely play this game smh
I loved the part where Newcastle said “Charging my Shield” but didn’t charge the one on his back. Truly an Apex experience.
So basically the new legend’s ult is chamber’s abilities
I didnt love that part where everyone commented “I loved that part”
apex fans try to be funny (impossible)
I loved the part where wraith got another legendary bp skin just love that! 😒
I loved the part when rampart said, “ and you get a bullet and you get a bullet and you get a bullet” as she proceeds to hide behind her walls all game and leave her team to die, truly an apex experience
Is it just me or are some of those battle pass skins kind of booboo, reactive triple take skin seems like the only thing worth it
I love the part when rampart said “say hello to sheila” and then kills full squad
Truly an Apex experience
Where is the content?
lessss go
Content Where 😞
Bad skins 😐😥
Another wraith legendary skin. Yay
Why is everyone one shot in these trailers?
level increases from 500 to 500?
I love the part when Rev doesn’t get any battle pass skins since he launched and wraith has 3 by now, truly an Apex Experience.
This comment section did not pass the vibe check
She look Ummm Neww alot skill play to play her! i like it! thanks god something that need skillplay to play!
The one real working EA company thank you respawm
Another, wraith legendary? Your kidding right?
Level cap increase? Oh can’t wait to finally level past-
oh yeah i can’t. no cross progression
Vantage main confirmed
Love it
POV: you’re looking for a comment that didn’t love a part
I loved the part where vantage said “it’s vanting time”
Truly she is one of the legends in apex
I loved the part where I read the comments in apex trailers. Truly an Apex experience
So I have to restart from level 1 again and I’m level 1300+
I’m ready for this
“Awareness is everything”
I guess EA can learn a thing or two from their new upcoming Apex Legend.
Women: Battle Royale
New skull town is by the Costic treatment centre?
oh i would gladly kneel in front of Loba.
I’ve legit seen funerals funnier than this comments section.
I loved the part when these comments weren’t filled with inmature people who followed every trend. Such lovely days, truly an Apex experience.
Season looks fresh reminds me of those time when Fortnite felt like Christmas apex is giving me vibes with these big change feels a lite bit like a new game now
I miss my gas station in kings canyon 🙁
Wth respawn, Bring back the scout!!!
Buff revanent
I’m sorry to say this but we’re going to get another bad season. Respond needs to add something more like custom lobbys, new game mode, or a new gun. These is going to be fun in the beginning but then it’s going to die soon just like last season. The events aren’t enough with good skin but nothing else to do. I was hoping to see something more then the standard battle pass, map, and legend reveal.
I loved the part where all the comment sections says “i love the part where”
I just wanna drop skull town again!
Revenant went nuts, that video became age restricted
I loved the part where Wattson said “try as you might, you cant kilowatt-son” and then got killed. Truly an Apex experience.
Are you hackers of apex 😳👌
I’ll play but like The burnout is real
? 아니뭐야
what is her ult???
Skull town back in this beach!!
Скин на рейфу в батл-пассе, никогда такого не было и вот опять
why tf is it age restricted tho
I’m hyped. But the battle pass skins ain’t lookin too good 😬
I loved the part where Seer said “I hear no heartbeats!” and then the team got obliterated in the next few seconds. Truly an Apex experience.
More of the same. It’s starting to get very repetitive.
Baldstic is here boys
this comment section
I loved the part where Bloodhound said, “Allfather give me sight!” Then got fooled by Mirage clones. Truly an Apex experience.
we got walls and now we got aimbot
I love the part when Mirage said “My ultimate is ready like spaghetti..” then proceeds to bamboozle no one. Truly an Apex Experience.
is any1 gonna talk about how caustic’s new skin
is bald
Ok, level cap increase, but what will happen to all the level I already got but didn’t increased?
buff pathfinder
The community had a psychotic break in the comments 🤣🫡
Imagine not playing on August lol LOSERS
I loved the part where i thought there would be a new map but there wasn’t, a truly sad experience.
I loved the part where there’s now a sweaty caustic skin
Now? Were is the gameplay
POV: Your looking for a comment that doesn’t start by saying ‘I loved the part’. 👀
any new weapon in a whole year?????????????????????
I can’t wait to morb all over my enemies in the new apex season
I like how the devs care about the “Truly an Apex Experience” gameplay on this trailer than fixing servers and bugs, Truly an Apex Experience
Anyone see reactive skin?
What’s a gun on the back of vantage at the end? New Gun?
finally aimbot for mnk. what a time to be alive
Where is the update? Why are you waiting one more week?
Let hope that this time, maybe this Time respawn would finally upgrade servers. And fix the rubber banding issues and restarts
I loved the part where pathfinder said
yes kings canyon is back ☺️
bots evreywhere
I loved the part where Watson got the legendary battlepass skin…. Oh wait she didnt….. TRULY AN APEX EXPERIENCE
i loved the part where it said age restricted
no new gun
I loved the part where they showed 4th wraith battle pass skin. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where I didn’t get to watch the video because it’s age restricted. Truly an Apex experience.
Triple take reactive skin!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!😩🙏🏽
Still watching apex trailer even though can’t afford to buy PC yet 🥲
I loved the part where horizon said “as above so below!” And then proceeded to float up to somewhere with a zip line right there. Truly an apex experience.
Why triple take
Oh no. TTV bald caustic!
ayyy yoo that triple take look so cooll
Basically there’s absolutely nothing new except for one legend and the addition of Skull Town to the game. How do new seasons become drier and drier for content, i dont know.
I loved the part where bloodhound says “i leave no one behind” then proceeds to die
I am not giving them my ID
The amount of repeating comments I see of “I loved the part” is ridiculous 💀💀
Glad to FINALLY see a new Caustic skin in the Battlepass…
I loved the part where I loved the part where I loved the PART 😌
garbage battlepass skins
Truly amazing how the “i loved the part…” thing got old after reading just two of them.
Kc back with a map update, hope its going to be good, I think this is how it’s going to be now either one new point update like ltm and maybe a new map nothing big, I won’t complain if they have fixed mist of the things in game.
I loved the part when Octane said, “Yes, we are awesome”, run to a entire squad and died inmediately
This is insane… I love it 💖
i love new legend snipe kit show enemy team body sheild
passive likes gravity cannon but use echo
Ps: Вам всё понравилось?
One letter “L”
Apex I am disappointed with this filler season… see you next season
Wraith looks a bit fatter now
Our home is back boys
Zzz con todo afán de ofender
I love it can’t wait
Skull Town 2.0 guys…🤪
So her tactical is like loba bracelet + octane’s jump pad? :d
Walter white caustic
goofy ahh run animation
why this age restricted
Sad me stam blokir 😢
Still don’t understand the abilities clearly just show that in these trailers please so we don’t need to search leaks to get the info that we want
Bro the video is unavalable
I loved the part where Seer threw his tac and said “Unveil yourself” and didn’t unveil anyone, truly an Apex experience
why is it age restricted 💀
Why does she sound like Selena Gomez
Is that a new scope? Defo the Sentinel. King’s Canyon? Looks like the Phase Runner map in arenas.
I wish originality was more ….. original
I hope those not the battle pass skins…
Y’all really trash ash for this. All you got to offer is more levels? Trash season already
:(((((( no new weapon :(((
This is about to be fired
This is God game.
Was up Macro
i love kc ❤
And no new weapon again classic Apex moment
please fix “Fully Kitted” trophy
Pretty cool trailer. Not hyped for vantage but she does look like a fun character
How much health should the characters have in the trailer?
Devs: No
i cant wait to die in skulltown and leave faster than my knock downed wraith
L skins. L
new weapons plz
Bro stop with the wraith skins
Skull town is back🥰
Mid trailer tbh
Caustic and Wraith skins look like Epics, the rest are very very weak
my main is bloodhound. so I’m gonna hunt her down
This was a great trailer 🙂 good look at everything, very excited
Bald caustic is something never thought I needed
Is this it
Why 19?
Bald Caustic 🥵
739th comment. PIN ME
No apex august lookin a lil’ weak rn…
Loved the part where revenant yelled it’s “reven time” and then died in the trailer truly an apex experience
Anyone know the song?
This season definitely has potential to be really good 👍🏼
This is giving me OG vibes 🔥🔥🔥
I was too distracted by how much of a daddy caustic is.
Mas niveles SIIIIUUUU!!
well going to keep using Rev we have another skinbag with a jet pack .
0:18 *gets fifa 11 flashbacks*
That triple take skin is insanely fire, didn’t expect the triple take to get a skin tho
Oh hello Chamber I didn’t know that u r in apex too))
I loved the part when Fuse used his ult and said, “Bombs away” but then missed by a couple inches. Truly an Apex experience.
make gibby hitbox smaller 😓
I loved the part when Maggie said “drills ripping through,” and then the drill did 4 damage. Truly an Apex experience
The most disappointing gameplay trailer ever. Who even uses triple take? Not worth for the reactive weapon. Eva8, Mastiff, Car smg, so many good weapons were there…. Very disappointing battlepass!
ps5 120 fps?
dz nuts
this season already looks way better than the last one
Wraith skin again?
W season
and the trailer is fine so let’s see what’s in the game
I loved the part where rampart said “shooting some plonkas” then missed every shot truly an apex experience
i loved the part when vantage said “its vantin time”, then proceeded to eat her pet bat and got covid
Another wraith skin XD cant wait
I dont love the part where rampart died
I love the part where the video got age restricted
Bro this is epic
Goofy ahh caustic skin
Valk(passive) + octane(pad) = sus movement legend
I loved the part where Mirage said “decoy escape deployed” and then got beamed by the wraith with no shield. Such a beautiful apex experience
So she have aimbot ?
new gun please… PLEASE!!
I love moment when Shrek appeared, screamed “It’s Shrekin’ time!” and then shrekt all nearby squads. Best trailer. 💚💚💚💚
That music is sooo goood!!!
Looks cool
I love the part with Loba
Because Respawn made her a thirst trap
Truly an Apex experience
I love this comment section
the comments on this are cancer
Funk yeah
This tt looks incredible
wraith skin again? how boring
This is gonna be Lulu’s new legend
Loved the part where she said “it’s Vantage time” and then sniped everyone from across the map. Truly an apex experience
I that was anti climatic
Legendary Caustic skin?! Reactive Triple Take?! This is gonna be a GOOD SEASON!
Also, I love the way Vantage runs. It’s so cute, maybe even cuter than the way Wattson runs.
Melhor jogo,mano!
So what I’m hearing is, more Apex packs from the new level cap 😁👍
I don’t think ANYONE expected the reactive Triple-Take
I loved the part where revenant said “ITS TIME TO REV UP THE REVENATOR” and soloed the verse.
That was pretty weak ngl
Yay another wraith skin 😒 as if I didn’t already own 12 legendarys for her.
Love the part where the game is completely broken, full of bugs and cheaters and still no cross progression
Ahhhh the level cap increase arrives
Literally no new content of note
New level yesss
**Looking at All the Comments**
I’m starting to see a Pattern here…
Pov : you are lookin for a comment that does not start with ” i love the part when”
Nice map changes hope no frame drop like season 12
You show her instant killing everyone while it only does 20 damage. Why?
These skins ☠️
They gave caustic cancer
Weird trailer bro.
In real game all of these are happening with no audio
trailer was ok
These skins are so sickening tbh
Apex Legendary Pokemon Scooby-Doo Doge
I loved the part where Horizon said “For science” and proceeded to defy the laws of physics. Truly an Apex experience.
She seems cool 👌🏾 lfti
Esta mas que claro que la creatividad si esta acabando..
Passe de batalha tá uma merda…de novo
오 레벨 다시 500이야 천짜리네 ㅋ
Vantage ult = Kraber ?? 🤔🤔🤔
Fix the game thanks
kinda good
defenetly better than the last trailer
another wraith skin loll
how long are we gonna have to wait for corss progression😐😐
Looks incredible it is definitely one of the games truly an apex experience
Worst trailer so far
Didn’t really show much tbh
Soooo cooool
L seaspn
que trailer legal!!
They did not add a new gun
Big W
She’s so annoying dawg 💀
I loved the part where the game crashes, truly an apex experience
That tripple take reactive looks fire asf
Yooo 500 level cap increase no way
Кайф кайф 🥰
Should’ve said whoever has a better vantage point it was perfectly set up
Another trash battlepass
That loba crouch finisher was um uh 🥵
vantage is literally aimbot
Apex legends is now legends eat apex
why age restricted
I loved the part when horizon said another soft landing as she landed. Apex is truly of the games ever released
skulltown is back 😀
Shaw shee
new kc lighting is super dope
Lets ggooo
Upupuuup il panino dell’porco dio
I love the part when Apex said it’s LEGEND time
finally, kings canyon back
buff ukraine
Let’s all cross our fingers for a great season of apex!!
I loved the part where mirage said,”how do I know im not the decoy” and disconnected. Truly an apex experience.
season 14 will be:
vantage plus a squad all using charge rifles
I loved the part where Wattson said, “Don’t be so shocked.” then stuck someone with an arc star and immobilized them for a while and then shocked them. Truly an Apex experience.
oiii alguém br
The time has come
I loved the part when Apex fixed the game audio. Truly and Apex experience.
These comments are truly an apex experience
I loved the part when lifeline said,” Hang tight im comin for ya!“Then looted instead of reviving her teammate. Truly an Apex experience
Let’s get it
so good
l.ove the lvl 100 weapon
i loved the part horizo
Loba heirloom!!!! 😤😤😤
Hi macro
Let’s gooooooooo
I love the part where the youtube community trashed the apex trailers comment threads with a terrible meme. Truly, a pathetic experience. (You are not funny)
I loved the part where Octane said “I’m quick and you’re dead” then proceeds to stim into a full team, die, then dc. Truly an Apex experience
I’m blódhundr
я узбек
I loved the part where the youtube comment section got wildly out of control while the live chat begged for nerfs and buffs. Truly an Apex experience.
I like the part when Nancy Pelosi inside traded.
برو بوخورش
I loved the part where Mad Maggie said, “Cracked that egg’s shield!” when she did no damage, then rushed in with a P20 and a Mozambique and died then alt-4’d. Truly an apex experience
Is this a new update?
i loved the part where the age restriction restricted all over the viewers, truly an age moment
Bro all Valk mains switching……🤥
Donde están los de Colombia esperando ansioso por lo nuevo
ボルトカモン(*‘ω‘ *)
i loved the part when Vantage said “We’re team. We look after each other.” and raced his enemies to the LZ. Truly an apex experience.
Trololololololo trololo
Hey que espera
I love the part when Ash started moaning
and devs removes the fun part.
Truly a sad apex experience.
Hyped for season 14! Hopefully the legend will be my main 😶
I loved the part where the new legend always gets boss level health. Truly an Apex experience.
Lesssssss. Ggggooooooooooooo
Buff rev
I loved the part when Fuse used his ult and said, “Bombs away” but then missed by a couple inches. Truly an Apex experience.
POV: Almost all of the comments start with “I loved the part where”.
You also join them.
Heirloom Horizon please hehe
anyone heard no apex august movement
I loved the part where Newcastle said “I can do this all day”. Truly a captain’s experience.
I loved the part where captain Lastimosa said, ”Each success is built on a 1000 failures, don’t give up now.” Truly, a Titanfall experience.
Bring back skull piercer
buff Apex
That one part where a slice of cheese becomes a playable character was the best piece of gameplay ever
Volt and G7 out, Bocek and Selectfire equipped Prowler in and I will be in heaven.
Skulltown remastered. So everyone can drop there leaving me free to loot and get all the good gear in peace.
Lessssssss goooooo
I loved the part where nessie shot bloodhound with a wingman. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when I when you uhh
i loved the part when octane said he loves beans. the best apex experience in the history of apex legends.
Wow new map and improved practice mode, also Ltm rotate, can’t wait…
“연령제한 동영상”
I loved the part when it said “this video is age restricted”
I loved the part where I said “let’s push the zipline” to get stunned and beamed by a Wattson. Truly a apex experience.
Lets goooo
I loved the part when Octane said “do you feel the adrenaline running through your veins” and looting with q. Truly an apex experience.
You should bring and add Rhapsody to console game and update the perks system to change each legends ability or add perks
No originality in these comments. I wish people did something else with their lives instead of trying to get likes by copying other 1000 similar comments.
Buff fuse
Dont even matter!!! All we want is THE VOLT!!!!!!!!!
( and wallhacks to fk off but we all know that won’t happen because we are all playing a childish af game).
I loved the part where vantage said it’s vantaging time. And then her pick rate dropped to sub 3% because she’s a trash character with a trash kit.
Judging from this comment section, humankind’s intelligence is nothing more than a relict from the past.
I loved the part where EA said, “it’s moneying time” and then proceeds to make everything pay to win and “fun” for all, truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part, where Morbius flew in, and said “Its Morbin’ Time!”
I love the part when revenant said “Enter my shadow” and no one used his totem. Truest an apex experience
Disclaimer: This Channel is highly addictive 🙏❤️
I loved the part when Rampart said “It’s Rampin’ Time” and then Ramped all over the other squad. Truly an Apex Experience.
I loved the part where this video was age restricted
I loved the part where lifeline said “I gotchu” and then started shooting her enemies with a light machine gun. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where vantage died and then god revived her and he also broke her mom out of jail. Truly An Apex Experience.
i like the part where they showed the season 4 legend forge that part was so cool
no freakin way… peter griffin playable legend season 14??
I loved the part where respawn said ” we will fix the servers ” ohh it was just a dream
Buff Caustic
Please be good please be good, my summer is about to end
Is it the same time for everyone?
Can’t wait for cross progression hopefully
I love the part where thay said “Its apex time”. Truly an Apex Experience
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “no one left behind” but then uses her ult leaving her teammates behind. Truly the best Apex Experience
Who’s maining Vantage this season?
Sorry to ruin the pattern, but why is it age restricted? YouTube=Dumd Af
I loved the part when Mad Maggie whipped lil nas👴
I loved the part when Respawn sells triple A games that can’t be played. Truly the EA Experience
Why is it age restricted?
Loved the part were bloodhound says we are blessed than we get no loot truly a rng experience
Tf is wrong with half theses comments?
best part is jack cooper saying its coopin time
I loved the part when Mad Maggie said “It’s Maggin’ time!” and proceeded to leave maggots everywhere. Truly a mad experience.
I love the part where jack cooper said”it cooperin time” and cooped all over the apex games, Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when bloodhound says “allfather give me sight” then gets banned, truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when Bangalore said “Pop the smoke, make ’em broke” and smokes her teammates during a gunfight to blind them. Truly an apex experience.
Skull town is back baby
Ohhh yeaaah
I loved the part where God said “Believe in Him and you shall have everlasting life.” Truly a blessed experience.
I loved the part where Bangalore said “smoke out” and then pulled a blunt out of her tactical vest. Truly a hip hop moment.
I loved the part when octane said “uhghshauhssuhswhshuseuuehe” truly an overdose experience
I loved the part where mad maggie said “It’s ballin time” and threw a ball. Truly an apex experience.
Why everyone saying I loved the part 🥲🥲
Rev is the best
I love the part where Mirage said, “It’s alright Crypto You’ll warm up to me eventually Everybody does.” Truly an apex experience
Omfg all these “I love the part” comments are annoying af and not even funny 🤦🏿♂️
I loved the part where they decided to add solo mode, this will bring in more players and more fun
Pongan modo solitario y agreguen más gente al mapa, 120 personas que nos la pasamos luteando
I love the part when blodhound says “allfathergive me sight” and then proceeded to scan nobody.truthly an apex legends experience!
Add morbius
When wraith said “it’s phasing time” as soon as she shot at probably leaving her teammates to die I felt that.truly the apex experience
All of These comments are cringe
I’m here before making a video :))
Love it how mad Maggie says killin and drillin after she gets drilled with 120 bullets a true apex experience
future vantage main
Personally I really enjoyed the part when Mirage said “Its miragin time” and proceeded to confuse himself with his decoy. Truly a wonderful Apex experience.
When is the new season?
I loved the part when lifeline said,” Hang tight im comin for ya!“Then looted instead of reviving her teammate. Truly an Apex experience
I loved the part where people randomly started commenting “i loved the part…” What an Apex Experience 😂
I loved the part where Wraith said, “Pain, death, nothing phases me” then she phased immediately. Truly an apex experience.
I loved the part where wraith started to get mad at her teammates for letting her rush 50 people and then die, truly an apex moment
No apex august
I loved the part where Wattson said “it’s Wattson time!” and wattsoned all the legends and then she said “You can’t kilowatt…SON” truly one of the moments of all time
I loved the part where gibby said, “It’s gibbling time!” And proceeded to gibble all of the opponents. Truly a apex experience.
I loved the part when forge said, “its forgin’ time”, and everyone died, truly an apex experience.
I loved the part when Bangalore said “Smoke out” and then her whole teammate can’t see anything and wiped by a full digital threat squad. Truly an Apex experience.
What are these comments lol
I love the part where Loba said”you should smile more”Truly a romantic experience
I enjoyed the part where Bangalore explained how a door works. Truly an Apex experience
めちゃくちゃ気になる〜^ – ^
Que baser
I loved the part when Ash said, “Binding them.” and trapped the opponent in her arc snare. Truly an Apex experience.
can’t wait
I loved the part when wraith said “It’s phasin’ time” and rushed a team by herself. Then she transformed herself into a deathbox. Truly a classic moment.
I loved the part when respawn said “cross progress will be out in 2022” then a developer said on Twitter it’s not happening.
We’re all just hoping they fix ranked for this season cause they destroyed it for season 12 REALLY bad. 10K rp and you’re still Plat2. Sad times for Apex
I loved the part where everybody shuts up about the “I loved the part “ jokes because they are highly UNfunny.
I understand you don’t wanna shake the meta too much, but please bring the nemesis PLEASE IM BORED
Boys, wassup
I loved the part where Caustic said, “Life is meant to die. I thank you.” before dying. Truly an Apex Experience.
Perfect start of no apex august
Life is life
I loved the part where Octane said “Faster Faster Faster!” While injecting his drugs to himself while in 1 hp and no armor. Truly an Apex experience.
في حدا يفهمنا ليش تعليقات زي هيك
these comments 😭😭😭
I loved the part where nothing happened
I loved the part where Rampart said: “I’m only doing this to fight and win,” then proceeded to get beamed upon landing when landing hot drop, truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where my team mate said “one hp! They all one!” but actually no one get cracked. Truly an Apex experience
Come on
I loved the part when vantage said, “it’s morbin time” truly an apex season 14 experience.
I hated the part where everyone follows this “I loved the part” fad like it was some type of lame tiktok trend for kids
I loved the part where revenant said “Its shuttin up time” truely one of the apex experince
ChengadaMadre, mañana trabajo
You guys need to stop with this comments, go back to launch trailer
Why am I the only not copied comment
I loved the part when Horizon said, “Anyone need a pick me up” and then got Kraber shot
The repetitiveness of I loved the part is getting lame, it was funny when one person said it.
there is like 24 seasones
I loved the part where people shut up about ” Apex legends experiences”
Oh wait, they never did.
I loved the part I quit playing this game
I loved the part when Mirage said, “Bamboozles for the foolzles!” Then he tricked his enemy with a decoy. Truly an Apex experience.
time to hunt or be the hunted cause Looks like the Hunted Gameplay Tralier is here and we’ll we just stay toon until tomorrow…and ok yeah that was the Hunted Gameplay Tralier and it looks good can’t wait to play in this new revamped skulltown and the two other spots as well and the battle pass is pretty good….but yeah this was a pretty great Hunted Gameplay Tralier Season 14 is looking promising! 👍✨💚
I loved the part when mirage finally got laid
I loved the part where apex legends got legends, (i don’t know I haven’t played the game yet.) But it’s truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Mirage said,” Bam to the BOOZLE!” and his clone stubbed its toe and died. Truly an Apex experience.
I loved the part where Fuse said, “that’s a prezzie for Fusey” and then Wraith stole it. Truly an Apex randoms experience.
I loved the part where Catalyst said “Welcome to Fortnite peter” then cranked 90’s on all her enemies. Truly an Apex (Season 15) Experience.
I loved the part where Crypto said “Getting my eyes in the sky” and then got beamed cuz he was sitting in the drone view. Truly an Apex experience
I’m soo happy with this season and the trailer was really cool.Also the new map changes has the vibes of old seasons which is cool because I never got to play those seasons.
Congrats if you saw this comment already before I might trick people into thinking i saw the trailer early :):):):):):):):):)
I loved the part when caustic said “Breath it in” probably causing lung problems to his enemies. Truly a healthy experience.
Apex Team can You do Jack Chopper from titanfall 2 in the next season because He get the Apex card in the last Story Mission and That is one point why Jack Chopper must get in apex
I loved the parts when voice lines like loba’s, “I fought nightmares all my life none of you scare me.” And then they end up Dying after landing truly an apex moment
I loved the part where Wraith said: “It’s phasin’ time” and then phased through everybody.
please keep the 3030 best gun in the game by far
I loved the part where Wraith said, “Void Jumping” and then Left the Game which was a ranked match. Truly an Apex Experience.
New legend vantage
I love the part where people in the comments said “i love the part where a legend said…” a very comment indeed
I loved the part where everyone dies in 2 shots. Truly feels like Apex.
I love the part where mirage said “ using the decoy escape” but then his mom forgot who he was
The only thing I’m hunting this season is a reason to play this game in this state
I loved the part when ash started moaning again, that made me shed a tear of nostalgia
loved the part where the wraith left the game
I love the part when
Truly an Apex Legends experience
I loved the part when Cooper broke into the Apex games and announced the shutdown date for the game’s servers
I loved the part where Wraith said, “Here we go ready up” while dropping out of the dropship and the servers crashed. Truly an apex experience.
wow, right before my exam day
I loved the part when everyone stopped making the same joke in the comment section. Truly an apex experience.
Loved when captain Lastmosa said “It’s lastin’ time” and then proceeded to get stuck in a floor
No apex august✊
Love the part where Pathfinder says, “It’s time to fly on a zip line” and then died on the zip line. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part when can’t launched apex legends
G7 <3
This launches the same date as my birthday
I loved the part where TSM ImperialHal asked his teammates “Why are you so f-ing bad guys?”. Truly an apex esports experience.
I loved the part where blisk fired everyone. Truly an apex experience
I loved the part where Viper came back from the dead as a simulacrum and said “Its Viperin Time.” Truly an Apex Experience
These comments are the most annoying thing I’ve ever seen
I loved the part where the screen said “HUNTED” for 19 hours till we got to see the game play. Truly a Livestream Experience
I loved the part where everyone loved a part
The part when Wraith yelld he is 1 HP and Mirage dealt 98 DMG to the enemy flesh and died. A true pub’s moment.
I love the part where no one has a original joke. So they just copy and make the same jokes on every trailer video
I loved the part when bloodgound said “I bathe in the bloth” and then she died truly a bloodhound experience
I loved the part where wattson said, “im fencing” then turned into black panther, truly an unforgettable apex experience
Missed the part where the comment section wasn’t like this.
i love the exclusiv xbox lifeline lucio skin yall truly slayed it
I loved the part when Tracer came in and traced everyone, truly an Overwatch experience
My friend Eric still plays this game, he said it’s a stable game and everything is balanced.
i loved the part when everyone started saying “i loved the part”
I loved the part where Horizon said “a-nother soft landing” but then she broke her legs. Truly an Apex experience.
You can tell how bored the Apex community is now, just look at all these “apex experience” comments
I loved the part where blisk kills vantage, and becomes our season 14 legend
Modo soloooooOOOo… ₩¥£€@
I loved the part when Wriath said,”You know what I look like, come and find me.” But then phases away so nobody can find her. Truly an Apex experience.
Apex I BETTER SEE a skin/heirloom for by boy Fusey this season. It’s about time you gave my dude the RESPECT he deserves I’ll edit back tomorrow and see k bye
I love the part where valkyrie got a stand arow
Apex been really leting me down, so this better be good!
I loved the part where Revenant said “it’s silence time.” and silenced everyone. Truly an apex moment.
Who’s Exitedddd?
“No troll left behind”
İ love the part where revenant says shut is skinsuits and shuts everyone.Truly an killer robot moment
fingers crossed that vantage tac and ult is good!
I like the part where everyone is 1 health
I love the part where Darth Vader said, “I’m your Daddy!” And start light sabering every legends . Truly an unexpected collaboration.
I loved when morbius said “it’s morbin time” and morbed everyone
I loved the part were seer said”it’s seeing time”and saw nothing ☠️
I loved the part where Yoru said “i don’t care of there are 5 of them or 50 them, let’s Go” Truly a first wipe out squad experience
I loved the part where vantage killed everyone and looked super op until the next season trailer where she gets dumped on by literally every other legend
Will Octane be 1hp for the whole trailer and then get headshot by a kraber? 🤔🤔
Wait a sec. Did the new character use a jet pack on the launch trailer? Valkyrie… sad
Just bring cross progression already 📈
I loved the part where Bloodhound said to Vantage “it’s World’s Edging time” then both of their flying companions flew up high. Truly a Hunted experience.
I loved the part where the comment section shut up. Truly a Dream experience
I feel like this season is gonna beat season 13 for sure
Reactive Sentinel! Reactive Sentinel! 🤞
Edit: Reactive Triple Take… I’ll take it!
To make this the best season nerf valk add the volt to ground loot give lifeline a better ultimate and give us ranked gun predator skins and LTMs in rotation like mobile then it would be an amazing season 🎮💕
I love the part where morbius says “its morbing time”
A truly morbing experience
Also loved the part where Vantage sniped all the bots in the comments and live chat and said ” it’s Vantage time “.
I loved the part where Bloodhound says ” C*m getta” then teebags deathboxes with revenent while spamming edgy voicequps. Truly an Apex experience.
Loved the part where morbious said ” it’s morbin time ” then proceed to morb everyone in the server.
Echo looks like momo from ATLA 💀
I loved the part where loba said it’s braceletin time and proceeded to bracelet the enemies
I loved when Bloodhound said “it’s houndin’ time!” And he started hounding. Cinematic masterpiece
Shame this comes out in no apex August….
Do we get patch notes with this tomorrow?
i did quit and now i am quiet
Need 120fps on next gen consoles please
Mozambik here
I hope this season is better then saivors
I loved the part, when people didn’t use similar phrase construction in order to get many likes and just left funny and interesting comments. Truly a nostalgic experience.
I loved the part where all of you weirdos make the morbin joke and thought you were genuinely funny
I hate the part where people in the comments said “i loved the part where ….. said …..”
Bring me those balance changes baby!
Early comment that’s vague enough to still get engagement after the Video releases.
I really hope they fix the ranked system back to normal .
I loved when the whole apex community came together to be as unfunny as possible in the comments
I love the part when Jack Cooper came outta nowhere and Jacked everyone. Truly one of the moments of all time
I need winter map in next season, now.
I loved the part where Valkyrie said,” No one left behind!” Then she used her Ult without her teammates. Truly an Apex experience.
I’m so hyped to see all the stuff. We get this season since the leaks have been wild. It be interesting to find out what’s real and what’s fake.
Give me 2 heirloom
Gonna be another filler season untill we get a tdm mode or titanfall 3.
Loved the part where Lifeline went “It’s Lifelinin’ Time” and got crushed by her care package.
Loved The Part Were Everyone stopped talking about buffing legends in chat
👀 أنا مستعد
Better have a new weapon!
I loved the part when Pathfinder said “this is my costume, I’m Octane’s leg”. Truly a Halloween experience.
I loved the part when Octane said “It’s Octrain time” and raced his enemies to the LZ. Truly an apex experience.
boring af (as always)
i loved the part when the titan dropped, and cooper put in BT’s memory unit. Then when he started crushing and lasering people, i got rlly excited and happy. Cant wait for jack cooper.
Fix rank
Art style of apex legends is rejenuavating
bruh this game
I can’t believe they removed Caustic!!
Holy, When blisk called in his titan that was crazy 🔥🔥
I have 23 hours to finosh the apex battlepass wosh me luck
Love the part when Mirage dies
The moment that the New Angel city map is released is going to be such a Apex moment
I love the part when everyone said “I love the part”.
Love the part where apex fixes it’s audio issues
Do you guys think that The Thunderdome will return?
I loved the part where BT came in and bodied everyone. Truly a Titanfall experience
When She says It’s Vantage Time:😍😍😍😍
Love the part when Valk doesn’t talk
The moment when jack cooper killed valkyrie was awesome, truly a titanfall 3 experience
hopefully the mastiff will be on the ground again, the shotgun meta is so boring rn
Wooo Skull Town
Надеюсь зайдёт
When is the Moon map coming out APEX
Gonna take my clones to the skulltown road
– Macro
Loved seeing mirage die again!!
I’m so ready for skulltown o my god
Morbius scene is the best scene in this trailer
Please put stormpoint out of rotation lol
That John Cena scene was sick
I’ll take revenge on Newcastle
buff mirage
All this season needs for me is to have the Volt out of the care package, that’s all
Vantage main
imagine waiting 24 hours
That moment when Jack Cooper arrived was amazing!
Loved the part where everyone was 20 HP
estou ansioso esperando 🔥🇧🇷🦾
24 hours and chicken nugget
Nerf Valk