Starfield: Shattered Space – Deep Dive

starfield 情報局

Get an in-depth look at Shattered Space in this deep dive with Bethesda Game Studios. Uncover the many mysteries surrounding House Va’ruun and explore an isolated, handcrafted new world in Starfield’s first major story expansion.

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ESRB RATING: Mature with Violence, Blood, Suggestive Themes, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs.

Taqs:Bethesda Softworks


  • コメント (1514)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @iwannabethenumberone
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Seems just as soulless as the base game.

    • @bettyblue2100
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    You need to improve the creation engine vastly before releasing TS6 guys. Delay the game if needed, we did not wait this long to have an above average game. We want the same feeling we all got while playing skyrim, groundbreaking immersion, and that will not happen with the dated technologies of the current itteration of the creation engine. Please take a look at the witcher 3 and cyberpunk engine.
    I’m just a random BGS player.

    • @LordGhentsis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    As long as Emil is a BGS, none of their games will have a good story and/or have good RPG elements in it. Bethesda only make sandbox games.

    • @cdmarshall7448
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The only issue I see with Starfield is what Todd wanted over what the player really wanted. Todd wanted a NASA homepage turned into a video game. I think most of us wanted a science fiction novel turned into a video game.

    • @MrZlocktar
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Calling it now – The great Serpent is some kind of Akatosh form. Possibly even Alduin himself.

    • @harleyphoenix7563
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Some of these people need to chill out, it’s only been a year. Cyberpunk wasn’t even feature complete within the same amount of time. We already have plenty of new features, including vehicles, and now an entire DLC already, give Bethesda a chance and hold back on the negativity for once lmao

    • @MichaelOfRohan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Andrejas gonna kill me 🤦‍♂️

    • @skyrexotron5031
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I think i saw a new land vehicle near the end of the video

    • @benskx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I very highly doubt this will make the game worth playing or even worth reinstalling… My biggest purchase/pre-order regret of all time.

    • @cozachthebarbarian7376
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I am very excited for this expansion, I love the look and horror like feel. I know a lot of people are hating because it takes place on one planet, but I see it as an OG BGS game.

    • @WAMIV
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Man glad I bought this way back!

    • @simon-orlandosinghai
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I think the dlcs for this game will be focusing on the main factions. Firat house varuun. Then freestar, and then uc. Hopefully we get some really cool features by then, like being able to control a battle ship base? Only flyable in space with a dock for your smaller ship?
    Mechs? Let us deploy them on planets with a helldivers 2 like drop pod for mech missions?
    Why not let us build our own city with a whole questline? to make it great!
    I have so many ideas if bethesda want to reach out. The game is done in a way where you cannot really flesh out the planets, rather than the factions. I have so much passion and optomism for this game where others do not.
    Imagine having the sentient ai have a questline where it is integrated into your ship?
    Trust me i would make this game great. It dosent have to be terrible. And bethesda we dont need quests. We need fun and engaging systems as well that make us feel like we are a part of something.

    • @wij2012Gaming
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It looks good. I don’t know how i feel about spacers and crimson fleet being there too, but I’ll hold judgement until I play it. Hopefully there’s a good explanation for it in game.

    • @stevemccann4166
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    What gets me is that Va’ruun Kai has been isolated for years but still have the same wind turbines and aid boxes, etc as the rest of the settled systems. Wouldn’t they have their own HV versions?

    • @joshschmidt8784
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hope this fixes the performance issues around 40 hours in… Game falls apart. They also should have focused on a few planets with a fleshed out hand crafted feeling. This procedural junk is so bland.

    • @lags7164
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Please just make Fallout 5 & use the Unreal 5 engine.

    I love Space games, though this game has no exploratory thrill to it since its Space Flight is boringly abbreviated & landing upon planets just to see redundancy in structures, caves, etc on consecutive planets gets old.

    • @alexk1367
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I don’t regret pre-ordering the game because of the price, but because now i feel forced to have to come back and play this DLC.

    • @Jean-Luc_Renard
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “A secret experiment involving gravdrive technology went terribly wrong.”
    -Emil Pagliarulo, 2024

    “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
    Winston Churchill, 1948

    • @googlesucks8978
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Is he wearing a visor?

    • @LaEsquelaVieja
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Fix the atrociously limited relationship options.

    • @viniciusmorgado9722
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks very nice, the zealots is that faction got most of my attention during my first playthrough.

    • @footclancatz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Can people stop bitching and moaning over shit that isn’t relevant to the video please?

    • @nodafy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    They really think people are still playing Starfield don’t they?

    • @mkow2982
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This AI video postrpocessing to focus eyes on camera at all times and without blinking is creepy as hell…

    • @gfunklorri9852
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Howard let it go. You can’t safe this game. The is 0 chance I will buy this dlc. All I want is to forget

    • @TheMostBanned
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Auto save is the most useless thing in this game. Autosave points are pure retardation. Will literally save at a spot you are getting shot at.

    • @JHydronix
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Can we get better FPS in cities/populated locations????

    Edit: Correction, can we get better FPS in cities/populated locations at base level so we don’t have to use mods to correct the issues.

    • @MrDazTroyer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Peaked my interest even if it sounds more like Skyrim in space. Starfield wasn’t terrible so I will no doubt enjoy this.

    • @1cyberdamn1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Toddler, just end this, enough of this embarrassment

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    As much as i love NASA, this game is a wannabe Sci-Fi that is a joke compared to Valerian, Traveller, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Star Trek, Aldebaran, Heavy Metal, Dark Horse comics and many others, especially from you, we expected a superhigh evolved deep Sci-Fi Fantasy Epos and not a technical boring NASA simulator, it’s just not a fun setting for a videogame, but you should’ve already known this.

    • @Peaceful-channel-l6d
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I loved Starfield that release but now that they’ve been frequently updating and fixing the game. I’m starting to see just how bare bones it was at lunch.

    However, I am very, very happy with Starfield now

    • @musclecargarage2875
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    As always Bethesda 10 out of 10 ❤️

    • @Anna_KTZ
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looking forward to this! Curious if my character being a follower of the great serpent will affect anything. I’d hope so but yeah ..

    • @kizziezizzler8080
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    fix the loading screens and there being empty planets before u even try to ask me for money. i havent gotten my moneys worth for the base game this is offensive

    • @kennakama1981
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love this game, I can’t wait for the expansion. Gives me UC vanguard questline vibes

    • @flsylar
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @binarysneaker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Ugh what a snoozefest. Where’s the fun?? I’m sorry for those who put so much effort into this expansion, but the storyline looks uninteresting.

    • @whathappened246
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This would be OK with me if it was free. But for a paid expansion, this looks worse than Dragon-born[DLC from Skyrim] and also worse than Dawnguard. I guess you can say its on par with the FO4 DLC? Still, this doesn’t seem interesting or high quality enough to warrant 30$.

    Will there be any romance options? Can we join a new faction? Any new enemies other than reskinned spiders from the base game? Why can’t we meet the giant space snake, the Varun worship? Etc. This looks like we’ll just be doing fetch quests on a small purple city, fighting boring reskinned enemies with stupid AI.

    • @Determ1nista
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Reading some of the comments make me think some gamers have completly lose their minds. Some people need to start to shut the fuck up.

    • @BryanOrion-m5i
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Just call this game what it is …a failure….and move the F on. Learn from your failures and make ESVI great.

    • @tothesky8799
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So much hate surrounding this title…

    I think it’s a great game🤷🏽

    • @von4031
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Bethesda, again, thank you for your work but I do have a question.

    Q: Will Skyrim, Starfield & Fallout ever see Mnk support for consoles in the future?

    I definitely & many others would appreciate this-

    • @maebusgaming7913
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Note Bethesda. Never, EVER have a player arrive after an event. It ruins the immersion. Have them arrive at the beginning to give players the importance of the decisions they make. That’s what Mass Effect successful and the aftermath of those decisions still had the player at the center of the aftermath for them to be involved in to either help make better or worse.

    • @vibeworldx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It would be nice if some of the planets and cities in the game already had more depth to it hope in the future they can give them an overhaul

    • @mysticaltenderman749
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Game= great graphics= great characters=great story=shit

    • @chesandfriends
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Just make it where we can fly to the planets inside of load screens

    • @justintaillon4454
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks sick!

    • @erikbrenner5138
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    If they rehaul the games POI system to be more randomly generated in loot and dungeon structure it will legit be so much better.

    • @frankmasterflash5833
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love ur games and have everyone but u guys fuck ur fans and Community

    • @InterstellarAdventure
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I absolutely love this game. It keeps getting better and better. Shattered Space looks amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

    • @FD-ms2nm
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Bullshit you release a terrible game and now you’re trying to give it actual content …. I’m already sour on starfield from its original release

    • @dioniso9572
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Great idea behind this game. Terrible execution. You just forgot about how useless ships and settlements are.

    • @fumo1000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So a DLC only giving content on a single planet…. what about the whole Space aspect??? FAIL

    • @artcurious807
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    adding some of the latest AI to create dynamically generated dialogue would be nice also, imagine wearing a headset and being able to converse with all the characters

    • @WingMaker2050
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    please Todd make this game atleast 2 player co-op would love to travel around my friend

    • @dehovix
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Just hope my save isn’t able to just walk through this like nothing tbh.

    • @hovsep56
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    8:00 love how they tried to show of the fight against the bugs like it’s something intense but all i see is them struggling with the pathing not being able to even reach the player while being blasted.

    • @tonygicz8
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This looks like shit and no im not a ps fanboy I own both consoles.

    this game looks like crap!

    • @wkanyangarara
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Is he fresh off the golf course?

    • @Shadowl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So….. One new planet with things to do for $30? I guess I’ll need to see how big is that planet because it doesn’t sound that appealing…

    • @levilleneuve
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    That headwear was uncalled for!

    • @1971ironmike
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The buggy was less helpful than I expected. I thought I’d be able to rip around and explore planets much quicker, like the Speeder Bike in Star Wars: Outlaws. Saving time on surveying. But the buggy has one major problem. It can’t deal with obstacles. So, in fact, it becomes more of a hinderance than a help because Starfield’s planets are loaded with obstacles. I’d rather jet pack and jog everywhere. Or not survey at all.

    • @jadawngriffis3745
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Don’t look that crazy the little gravity pockets where you cab fly look good I wanted more of that in base game.

    • @AshleyJernigan-d8e
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Wilson George Martin William Thomas Karen

    • @vinniciusrosa8284
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love how Starfiled uses past tech references. The trees on the terrain reminds me up about Daggerfall. The grass, everything. I inderstood you guys of Bethesda. I love it. 😀

    • @CNimmo-hh9ox
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It’s just oblivion in 2024, I think it’s safe to say a lot of people don’t want to
    Play a space exploration game that’s empty and full of loading screens in 2024, get Obsidian devs back in and build a actual RPG

    • @a2n16thony
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Let’s add some space experiences first, there are already too many terrestrial experiences!

    • @aidencampbell9120
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’ve defended this game but your mods banning me for simply saying loser to a troll who was insulting everyone on your forums. Yeah.. idc anymore.

    • @antoniowarren4841
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Yes, we see your vision, and we’re here for it.

    • @e1ectrino
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    When i first played Starfield i had hoped there would be a House Va’ruun expansion. So happy to see that hope comes to life soon. Remains to see if it’s actually any good.

    • @Classic_DM
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Best of luck! Hopefully this expansion gave you the time you needed to do the things you could not do in the retail release last year that led to Mixed reviews on Steam.

    • @l33t9r0u93
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    2:05 is that code for “that way we can sell the 3rd faction as DLC” ? I sure think it is

    • @MDF87
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I bet you still haven’t fixed the thing where weapons don’t go up to Superior quality.

    • @digibluez
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    i was looking more of this in the base game , but its very empty and dull

    • @Limberg2063
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    all of this is sooo terrible boring

    • @Limberg2063
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “we are so glad that right now 468 gamers play the game”

    • @Virtual_Sphere_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Far too many women in important roles that would realistically not happen… this 50/50 shit needs to stop.

    • @deathsyrup
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    One planet about to have more content than the entire galaxy 😂

    • @breadordecide
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I LOVED starfield, Can’t wait to return.

    • @AdromedaJoel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Bethesda refuses to accept Starfield is a failure. And yes I know some people enjoy it, that’s fine. But this should have been part of the game at release. They should take notes from No Man’s Sky or Cyberpunk 2077 those game totally redeemed themselves and are now awesome games

    • @redvoco02
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Snisshiguh from Billy and Mandy

    • @Имя-п2п6ю
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Интересно, а разработчики в курсе, что у них сюжетная линия с корпорациями сломана? Или они сами понимают, что она настолько скучная и бесполезная, что её нет смысла чинить?

    • @groupvucic2235
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    1. “It’s been an incredible journey since Starfield launch last year.”
    Yeah, nobody’s playing Starfield and modders abandoned it.
    2. “I want to thank all of you for making of the biggest launch in Bethesda Games Studios history”
    The biggest flop in the Bethesda’s history.
    3. “Your continued support and feedback”
    Do you mean the continued support of game journalists in your pocket?
    4. “Drive us to make Starfield the best experience possible”
    Then why the game is boring, bugged, unoptimized mess with terrible physics and mediocre writing and gameplay?
    5. ” Since launch we’ve added new features, technical enhancements, fresh content”
    Yeah, you’ve added a map, some difficulty settings, ship decoration options, the game is still runs poorly despite technical enhancement and the fresh content is paid mods which are not moderated and many of them are broken. Hell, you can’t even fix your official gun mod, the rifle is still broken and can’t be reloaded.
    6. “and a newly released rev-8, – Starfield’s first ever land vehicle.”
    A rip off from Maco from Mass Effect 1 (a 2007 game), the same poor physics, the vehicle is slow about the sprinting speed and every bump sends the vehicle fly very unconvenient driving.

    So full of bullshit, can’t face the reality and adress the fans truthfuly…

    • @kokamoo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Cant polish a turd

    • @Zatariz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    That hat!

    • @alvink566
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I had a great time first playthrough, but havent been back since. Was waiting on dlc to go back.

    • @RatherCrunchyMuffin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Bethesda, easy idea for a DLC: player owned vending machines with customizable skins, generating passive income, and vending unique food items

    • @Adj7991
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why is it so purple? Yuck

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    put at least gore and dismemberment both tes and fallout had it and this dead game needs it the most

    • @mactoon7068
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why is everyone in space, black? Seems a little woke to me.

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    the infinite space is full of humans – gaythesda

    • @Danker19991
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Their office being completely empty explains so much

    • @EricLittell-w4s
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    That is amazing!
    So happy that you are focusing on handcrafted and story-focused content!
    That is where Bethesda shines!

    • @peeweedinosuar3281
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m already bored

    • @artursitarz1991
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why didn’t you mention how many loading screens there will be in your DLC? Let’s be honest Starfield is an average game.

    • @daedaluxe
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Too many people who want the title of creative director or creative lead, etc, so there’s like 7 team leaders for no good reason lmao, Assistant Lead Creative Director to the Creative Director, you can see it all through this video, it’s all so corporate that no-one knows what anyone is doing in Bethesda any more, it’s all a mish-mash of conflicting lore, design and systems.

    • @Heimgang
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    this company turned themselves into a joke

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    6:00 even fallout and skyrim have more smart aliens than your space joke wth man

    • @mgsan4702
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    03:47 i was expecting loading screen but NO 😂😂😂

    • @willythapooh7446
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Who is ready to have all their mods smashed into the ground. Yaaay…..

    • @Maggiorana
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Ok, so they put The Elder Scrolls inside of Starfield. Nice.

    • @ricardofer7711
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Quando vocês vão lançar um jogo totalmente em pt?… Brasil tem mais de 40 milhões de jogadores.

    • @aura7799
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I hope you can adjust the skill tree this time, preferably like skyrim, and balance the values. Don’t be lazy.

    • @Turican76
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    terrible OUTDATED engine

    • @SWATmz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Will this DLC change anything in the base game? No? Then get out of from here. Cyberpunk 2077 and No Mans Sky – ever heard about those? The developers if those games actually IMPROVED the base game, hell – No Mans Sky got free DLCs. So go and make more Redfall type of games or new content for Fallout 76 live service bs.

    • @ScraggyPlayz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Starfields planet exploration is the dumbest exploration ever they talk about planets but its just cells of emptiness the company is not what it used to be just fake promises and they are living in a shadow of fallout, skyrim and oblivion but the people who made those games are probably not even working there anymore whoever thought of the cells on the planet exploration was a good idea should be demoted and its been years and Bethesda still have so many loading screens they not improving at all.

    • @joshuacook381
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why the fudge is this not coming to game pass or being made free? Crapped out half a game and now want £30 more to make it possibly worth playing again!

    • @NecroMorrius
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It’s called shattered space because of the 20 billion loading screens

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    you are aware millions of people are gonna play and stream this everywhere on the planet and you give us this shit ok

    • @maxell0394
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It looks so coll , can’t wait to play it

    • @laoch5658
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Enemies are reskinned versions of the enemies youve been fighting in the base game.

    • @ihabkhan1201
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Game dead, can’t be bothered to play, unless simulated landing, and flying is introduced.
    Back to no man’s sky, the better game.

    • @laoch5658
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It doesnt look good for TES 6 if this is the best they can do.

    • @hendyyoga8775
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Please make space exploration space exploration and not jumping from menu to menu

    • @nicholasgrey5225
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks like a strong pack of mid

    • @chrish813
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Keep working and ignore the hater’s

    • @lordrandolf1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    🤔 fight on Bethesda!

    • @Ronin1051
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Meh. I beat it and got over it. Introducing a “NASA-punk” rover, also meh… Bethesda, if you’re gonna tease us with ‘Mechs, at least have the decency to not just keep them as “dodads” in the background! THEN some of us might actually interested in replaying the game!

    • @ThatTravGuy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looking forward to it

    • @safvansafu007
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Of they only focus on two planets with good content it will ne a better game

    • @PriestThePuglyist
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    They better give andreja a Nick Valentine far harbor type push.

    • @alexlopez2995
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Did they make any changes to the shit progression system and the useless skills that didnt matter but you have to acquire them in order to get the skills you actually want? Are caves still empty? Are they still reusing the same hideout/base on every planet? Are there still 10k loading screens to go through?

    • @kdawg2446
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I know this video is important but #MakeJasonCanon.

    • @XLeoFate
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Great game. Im pretty sure that so much hate was because this XBOX exclusive. sucksony hate Xbox and pat many magazines. For example – sucksony buy discord and immediately adds a bunch of paid shit. And not a journalist whore or gays from rezetera/reddit don’t say anything. But all they hate BGS when Microsoft buy them.

    • @veskomenas
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Another few bones will be thrown to players. But non of them a real big. Where is the planetary flight, seamless traveling between planets and star systems? Where is the space stations with real refueling system for the ship, capital ships building, battles and etc., mechs, ability to go out of the Ship in the deep space to do some shit like fixing external ship components, salvage enemy ship or even board that shio without docking… Sad. But Bethesda lost that creativity spark..

    • @MooseMeus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    you make it seem like this is an interview with some bethesda person, but they are obviously reading a script.

    • @sinkorswim-westernaustralia
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I don’t know if I want to play a game that has been shattered on.

    • @Buff-Wings
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    i freaking love Starfield

    • @rometherevenant8749
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @QATest4fun
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m not holding out much hope for this…

    I mean, I don’t _expect_ Skyrim level of detail on every planet….but it would be NICE…and if they wanted to do something “procedural”…why couldn’t they do THAT to most/every planet in every system?

    THAT was what I expected from Starfield. NOT the vanilla mishmash we GOT.

    • @massivedamage5677
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Fool me once…

    • @leonardobarretocruzfilho6044
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The best game of this generation… Starfield is a masterpiece, art in a pure state.

    • @Roscothewarrior
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I just started playing this again! Definitely got better over time

    • @stevenfutrell7892
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    i really hope they have their own ship set parts i plan on making kane from command and conquer as my hand of the serpent

    • @TheEman11910
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    See this is what the game was missing, cool weird scifi crap that we can go discover

    • @WizardOrangeScorpion
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Is that visor even a hat at this point or is it a part of your naturally forming head?

    • @hotel707
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Farewell, Besthesda…

    • @stephenbarcus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Just play no mans sky

    • @saveyoursissors19
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Where the fuck is Todd Howard????

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    looks depressing af

    • @KrebsHD
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    20 year old games have natively 32:9 support but starfield with half billion budget dose not

    • @gamesandmoreAA
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @DrewDutka89
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’ve recently been working my way through Cyberpunk 2077 again (first time since Phantom Liberty & 2.0) so in watching this ‘deep dive’……everything is just dog shit in comparison. I kept thinking, too bad the game this DLC belongs to is Starfield. Not every game can be Cyberpunk, I understand, but looking at how that game launched, and where it is today, it is staggering how much improvement and design overhaul it received. Then I come here and watch this video where they’re trying to make the combat look and feel exciting, but I can see just how devoid of those things this game truly is. Honestly…. from 5:06-5:25 looks so Mickey Mouse and lame by todays standards. Especially from a studio with the resources Bethesda has.

    • @flixfpv2289
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Cannot wait!🔥🔥🔥👌

    • @hossdelgado
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Starfield is a new game that feels old. No thanks

    • @cliftonarnold193
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I was so amped for starfield after seeing the deep dive trailer but was so let down by the game. It had so much potential but I feel was majorly let down by whoever was in charge or quest design and storytelling to where it was my least favorite Bethesda game I’ve ever played. Honestly I don’t care what they show me anymore, Bethesda lost my trust. This looks like it will be a fun edition to the game but it won’t fix the glaring lack of meaningful content in the base game. I’ll wait for the reviews to see if this adds enough to the game to make it worth revisiting

    • @skydivin4ng3l
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Maybe finally fix ur broken fallout4 update or pay modders to do ur work. So disappointing.

    • @MsNellyuan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So boring , so generic , ppl are actually playing this ? How ? Why ?

    • @robertbolettieri3396
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Are you gonna make it fun this time?!

    • @drew-oj3pw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    can u change the theme song please, i dont like it

    • @Danceofmasks
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I might still be mad at this jank ass engine in this jank ass game, but this expansion seems pretty good.
    I hope it is properly scaled to characters of all levels, instead of just the usual mob and loot scaling, though.
    Going to try running the whole expansion in a bikini, with my Personal Atmosphere X meme character.

    • @WrangleMcDangle
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Yeah pass. Not a fan of the whole dreamscape/hallucination/arbitrary floating shards that have plagued video games in the last decade. Just want something pretty to play in.

    • @michaelwakeham3404
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m so curious how big the city is gonna be compared to new Atlantis and Akila , I know they said a chunk of the city is destroyed but I’m kinda hoping for a big and unique city

    • @rayray117
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The game I keep forgetting I own on Steam.

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    omfg is this gay

    • @junoboy4498
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    all im seeing is vardenfell in space.

    • @WhythisGGoraji
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I bet it will disappoint people again

    • @WhythisGGoraji
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @thisone981
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The music is shit. Disappointing for a BGS game.

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    where are all the flying cars shuttles aliens alien ships this isnt even a sci fi game bewww 🫵😤👎🗑🗑💩

    • @Stragus_Macleod
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love your game and the work you do, but please please please give us the ability to manually choose door and ladder locations in ship builder!

    • @riekopo7638
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    looks decent but idk if they really should be putting more resources into this game.

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    nothing is handcrafted its literally the same outposts with red and rock over it bewwww 🫵😤👎🗑🧻

    • @nicko_3d_art
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    If this DLC comes with updates that limit loading screens and add MORE dungeon/outpost variations like how skyrim had. and make the most dead and empty planets a bit more worth exploring then Starfield will go places

    • @TIUYMioou
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    7:44 What is meant by that? You become better in close quarters fighting? Or did you just add “more” melee weapons that are identical to the rest? Sincere query

    • @SlickDangler10
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hey can anyone tell me if they made it 60fps for series X and PS5? I heard they did but when I looked it said it was for the PC version so I’m confused

    • @iggyman83
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The biggest issue with Starfield is the way the game wipes your progress and starts again if you choose the Starborn route. I’m spewing I couldn’t go back and now have to replay the game to get to a point which feels familiar. Anyway, enjoyable game

    • @DavidRhyne
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The color palette looks dreadful. I hope the entire DLC isn’t pink and purple….

    • @twisted4872
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I really hope you are under hyping it . . .because I wanted just one planet . . .we had skyrim . . . .Please dont let this be a 1 year wait for 4 hour inspid story on 1 planet. I really realy hope I am wrong

    • @xbotLife
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    One of my favorite games of all time. Definitely be jumping back in.

    • @pluginseth
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Far Harbor 2.0.

    • @albertpietrosanu2667
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Another bullshet…

    • @HydeSkull
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love this game so much.

    • @alexdietrich7975
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m cautiously optimistic. Starfield is pretty neat I have a lot of fun with it but 2 fundamental issues are here to me. 1. Is the combat encounters, from what they showed it was a bullet sponge enemy vs a player on god mode. Strafing around and showing off the new cool guns but theres no real upgrade its just reskinned enemy types and the same combat.
    2. Is the conversations and dialogues, one scene showed what looked to be a plot piece moment or interaction, the npc was speaking in a strong demanding tone but everyone was just standing stone still with their arms at their sides with little to absolutely no real facial animations. It’s bugging me that bethesda hasn’t upped their game in these departments since FO4.

    Understandably these are issues kinda present in the base game and I can live with it when I am in the mood for some Starfield. But I’m assuming unless you preordered constellation edition or whatever, you are gonna end up paying half the price of the base game to play this just about with no improvements to the core game itself. I do hope its made up for with better writing and some great loot and ship modules.

    • @Mrgarunimo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Is there already a proper support for mods?

    • @dustinhilltenor
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love the game, and can’t wait to get back in it!

    • @matthewwebster3143
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    new POI’s PLEASE!

    • @SemVogall
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    What about the improvement on space exploration ??

    • @andrewdills9140
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    PS5 please

    • @maganaluis92
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Tim Lamb sounds so out of touch, “Starfield first ever land vehicle”. Really? He wants you to get excited for a small feature that probably should’ve been added at launch. I don’t think this guy know much about video games.

    • @DexPost
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Never again will I ever purchase a Bethesda game. I’ve never seen disaster like this since the days of the ZX Spectrum games.

    • @KrioeLrin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Could there be a second Colony War DLC featuring mechs and massive space battles? Furthermore, it would be amazing to be able to declare a system for a faction and have them deploy troops and a fleet to defend it.

    • @morbidcorpse5954
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I got rid of my NG+ Character and went back to the original universe. I feel better and am having more fun prepping my followers for the upcoming Shattered Space. Currently, its just my Character, Rosie and Omari traversing the systems for a new Constellation homebase for all my follwers. Rosie was pretty much with me from day 1 of ever playing

    • @stuartmiller4363
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So elder scrolls 6 coming out?

    • @chickenmcranch704
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    can you guys go back to making good games

    • @SROD_559
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Completely forgot about this dlc and I paid for the collectors edition 😅

    • @Alleyezonjimz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Eh? Looks kinda bland tbh, more of the same..

    • @gbird5000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I really wish more games would be released finished these days

    • @The69Oskar69
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Would you like at that, Starfiled actually need some sort of a vehicle? Wow, nobody asked for that before release date… But Bethesda knew better, right?

    • @2810Mad
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Mehh, the hype is over. It’s too late even if the dlc ends up being good.

    • @serzh0lozer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    it turned out space without Intelligent aliens is boring
    even eve online world have sort of alien life form

    • @musicmnw1982
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m in like Flin. You’ve already got my money, bring it on.

    • @MrJman9001
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    bruh my first complaint about starfield was that varuun faction was not a thing u could do then i thought defo will be a dlc AND HERE WE ARE lol

    • @delos1471
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Dont get me wrong. I really enjoyed starfield even with all the bugs, soft locks as not finished product as it was year ago…. And i cant wait to play it again with DLC (if it is playable day 1 which is as likely as me becoming king of england as foreigner) But how do you have audacity to call it biggest launch in bethesda history… Like.. damn… unfinished mess maybe…? Well as I sayed i enjyoed the game anyway. It just needed year of polishing and mods… lots of mods.

    Thank you all the modders of the world for fixing what milion/bilion companies cant.

    • @MrJayson204
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Is this the part of the base game y’all couldn’t finish on time so you made it an expansion?

    Brilliant, thanks for giving me my moneys worth!

    • @artean4700
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Really looking forward to this!

    • @Martianed
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I see this dude 4:03, I say forget it.

    • @markcunningham2243
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Don’t forget paid mods, you added Paid Mods .. again

    • @Nalzir
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Please just let it be not bad or else i might lose hope for ES6 bein good at all. 🙁

    • @marlonc7668
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    ngl, this kinda trash. that “space shotgun” looks trash. I’m not impressed with what I saw. No companion combat to be found. nothing fun to actually do.

    • @allanwong3447
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I bought Starfield on day 1, and abandoned the game after 5 hours of gameplay. I’ll get this DLC and return to Starfield if this DLC makes some connections with the Elder Scrolls universe. That’d be mind blowing. Starfield universe on its own is boring.

    • @pabycci1330
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “Since launch we’ve added new features.”, yes, a City Map feature and a land vehicle. Groundbreaking technology, truly.

    • @olahmarkjozsef2712
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hello. I don’t know where to write to you. But there are some bad quests after the update.

    • @bean3243
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    If nothing burger was a game, this would be it.

    • @marlonc7668
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Expansion is called Shattered SPACE. but takes place on ONE planet.. says something fishy already

    • @moriyokiri3229
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I will never trust Bethesda again.

    • @t-virusterrance4734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hello, Humans
    In a time of weak minds, strive for mental strength.


    • @jamekinro2850
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Wow! it suck! it look boring and bethesda not even fix gun combat.

    • @readyplayersolo8297
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This will definitely NOT get me to reinstall. Take some notes from No Man’s Sky, oh, and STOP LYING.

    • @SQWERLY
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love the hand crafted worlds, hate the procedural content. Game woulda been better with 50 hand crafted worlds over so many procedural ones, surely others feel the same.

    • @lud3re384
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    How did Spacers and Crimson Fleet pirates make it to House Va’ruun’s planet..?

    • @Jonayofsweden
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Purple planet with jagged rocks and blue plants with stuff floating in electricity for some reason. Never seen that before. Brave new concept for an alien world.

    I mean we have rogue planets for as an example in real life, mystical intergalactic wanderers. Dark and mysterious loners powered by their own molten cores with entire galaxies stretching across the night sky. But why draw inspiration from the incredible diversity nature already provides us, lets just make a copy of Outlands from World of Warcraft in staid.

    • @jackivy8704
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So if they’re “ramping up combat and making it more chaotic” does that mean that when we play the base game, it’ll feel much more empty and essentially boring?

    • @alexblinder1549
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Bethesda trying to make the combat look ‘fast paced’ is silly. The combat will be the exact same as it’s been since Fallout 4.

    • @HuierWone
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Okay, I’ll pick up Skyrim once more.

    • @mhrn021hsni
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    We’re really love to see this game become what we wanted ❤

    • @Gaming_since_the_eighties
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    If Alien, Event Horizon and Prometeus had a child together, it would be Starfield: Shattered Space.
    What i like about this DLC is that, not only it is a new planet but you also get new weapons and different creatures, you didn´t had in the base game.

    • @namshimaru
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    new todd

    • @ShahulHaq
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    isn’t the buggy… BUGGY 🤔

    • @flavobarth
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I was expecting they would add more features and further explain how Shattered Space fit along the NG+ system. I suppose I’ll just go back to my old save in the first playthrough.

    • @swellerace
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The game still has bugs in it some quests maybe more you can’t progress, and boxs and rocks are still floating on some planets and you say it’s incredible journey i’m sorry but that is just straight up false not to mention ship communication is all messed up!

    • @Capt_CrimsoN
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This is so awesome. Starfield is begging for some horror.

    • @NeoZentrix
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    people want a new fallout game and yet you’re still working on this garbage? tf?

    • @AlanSmith88888
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @kurthectic7778
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    idk… getting nuka world dlc vibes fdrom this… hope its gonna be good.. unlike the stuppid main quest…

    • @NorthstriderGaming
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This level of quality should have been set as standard for all planets. This is the only thing you’re good at.

    • @scottland906
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This is how the original game should have been….. 4-5 Far Harbor style planets set in a single solar system. Each planet could have its own quest line, factions vying for power, etc. Even space travel could be re-worked to allow for seamless travel or at least no more limits with planet borders.

    I hope this DLC is great, Bethesda does their best work when their scope is smaller and they focus on creating a good open world. Fallout 4’s open world is still arguably my favorite world space from any game ever. Fallout 76 and Starfield both, to me, felt like the scope overshadowed the games.

    No one complains about the size of Fallout 4’s world… or Skyrim’s world… even though they are smaller.

    • @CD-pm9kc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So no new content for the empty base game?

    • @CodyLee8504
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I can’t wait to play this on my new Xbox series X!

    • @b01scout96
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I just hope this DLC ist gonna be better than main questlines or all the faction questlines.

    • @user-qq2ic2vd7y
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hopefully it doesn’t take 5 years to fix the game like No Man’s Sky took. And hopefully they push more free updates instead of just using DLC to fix it

    • @mobydick1045
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Dog shit story, bland enviroments, horrible weapon balancing, constant animations/loading screens

    Youtube comments: IdC wHaT pEoPlE sAy. tHiS gAmE iS gReAt

    • @Calinks
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m just about to finish the Starfield main quest right before this DLC drops. Great timing.

    • @kasch3288
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’m excited I’ve got my Va’ruun background perk and Andreja romanced and ready to go on honeymoon.

    • @davidjohnstone7665
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Can’t wait for this 🎉🎉🎉, looks awesome, hope starfield planets dlcs keep coming.

    • @MiaHarris-k6b
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @Mrowiec
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It would be cool for future expansions to focus on specific planets instead of adding new factions/planets. For example we have an interesting but woefully underdeveloped cyberpunkish town. Let it be bigger, have other towns on the same planet, various districts around it, let it be more lived in, egdy, violent with many new quests and storylines. Then do the similar to the “western” planet and so on.

    I would also love to see activities. Let me plot a course in a starship then move around the ship as it flies while I speak with the crew, play darts or this chess-like game we see in many areas with them, maybe some cards. Let me dance in the clubs, have animations for sitting and drinking/eating in bars, etc.

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love the nude mods.

    • @relevsethekrvken
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    lol they should have done this from the beginning

    • @rjpatnode215
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Glad to see they added a longer varuun blade also, that varuun sandstorm looking real deadly!! Can’t wait to see what this DLC has in store!

    • @HeyRnold
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Waited years for this game, only for it to feel like a dlc to a game I never played 😢 half cooked half prepped.

    • @benboren3332
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Thankyou! ❤

    • @brandonaguirre6384
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    game is good, but i would rather have 10 extremely detailed planets instead of a thousand random planets. if only they did this in the beginning

    • @xtranathor8143
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks good, but can you please fix Fallout 4? I don’t want to give Bethesda any money after you introduced so many issues to Fallout 4 with the latest patch, and no communication either. It’s unacceptable.

    • @MehlstaubtheCat
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I am done with you, Bethesda, lifetime banned!

    • @KomithEr
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    so your spaceship is useless in the entire dlc, ok

    • @crackmeup1113
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I always had so much love for space and how wonders and beautiful it is… Until I played Starfield.

    • @hallucy2215
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    no man sky copy, shameless bugthesda

    • @VodKaVK
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Same boring ass voice acting as vanilla. PFFFFFFFF

    • @PetePeterson-t6e
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So when will we be able to construct settlements (as opposed to outposts)? Walls, stores, industry, culture, raids, and other such things.

    • @MaMastoast
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So you are telling me I will have even less to do with my spaceship?

    The ship builder of the single most interesting feature in the game, yet we have no reason to actually fly our ship. Please make actual space exploration possible, instead of ignoring it.

    • @downtownvolley392
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Can you fix the planets please? The “you should not be seeing this” on every planet for me really pulls me out the game

    • @SoulCast7
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Doesn’t sound interesting to me, sorry. Your problem isn’t in the writing of a story, but rather the telling of it, which is where complex character animations, proper camera angles and cutscenes come into play. Mass Effect had the camera orbiting around characters in a cinematic way and although the cutscene character animations repeated, they EXISTED and made those character appear more fleshed out, it looked like people having a conversation, for you it’s mainly motionless, like talking to a robot.
    I don’t care about having an open world to explore if it means it’s boring and empty, instead of destroying Earth, you could’ve had it as it is now with explorable hubs within large cities or other locations on the planet (Deus Ex Human Revolution, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and yeah also Mass Effect 1, 2, 3) , now Earth is fully explorable and empty and New Atlantis is one relatively small village on a empty planet. In Skyrim and Fallout, settlement-sized locations made sense because one happens in a 1400 fever dream and the other on a post-apocalyptic world. If New Atlantis was an explorable hub within a larger location, it would’ve made it more authentic, instead it’s bank, hospital, shop, wilderness for miles. Sucks…and no expansion or DLC will ever fix it from the looks of it.

    Playing Fallout New Vegas currently, a game you released in 2010! And it blows this out of the water, proper atmosphere, faction reputation that matters, complex world politics (for a video game) that don’t boil down to gender identity, race or sexual orientation, SKILLS THAT MATTER and probably more. Bethesda isn’t gonna read this anyway, but I still said because I care, I really wanted this game to be great, I scheduled my vacation off work to play this because I thought that ~8 years of development would yield something really good, but no, just a mediocre whatever game to kill time.

    • @VodKaVK
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Does this make the vanilla game fun?

    • @Bravo1-1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Something still feels off it’s gets a meh out of great

    • @simonperring2546
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    As a long-time “Starfield” fan, thank you everyone for your constructive replies to my earlier post on this video.

    This was about how there could be a “Cosmetic” (only affects appearance like character clothing and ecosystems for settlements, but not actual gameplay like armour and guns) category for mods, that wouldn’t disable Achievements, that would allow fans to enjoy the new “Shattered Space” DLC, while still running their favourite “Quality of Life” mods.

    I do hope that Bethesda reads the fan comments in their YouTube official videos to help make “Starfield” the great game it should have been from the start. Hopefully they can enable the following suggestions (together with suggestions from other fans) to help “Starfield” quickly get to a good place with fans:

    (1.) “Cosmetic” classification of mods

    Have a “Cosmetic” classification for certain types of mods (which alter appearance, but don’t change the outcome of gameplay).

    This will allow fans to enjoy “Shattered Space” with its Achievements with their favourite “Quality of Life” mods installed.

    Hopefully “Cosmetic” can be a check-box filled in by the modder when the mod is put on the website, with Bethesda approving it is “Cosmetic”.

    (2.) “Game Improving” check-box for rapid improvement of the game

    Have an check-box for “Game Improving” mods, in Bethesdas mod site.

    This can be ticked by the mod user for Bethesda to consider the mod developer to be richly paid for, and incorporated in updates to the game for all to enjoy. The mod can be further developed and incorporated by Bethesda into the game.

    This will greatly encourage modders to develop more great mods for the game, really improving the game.

    I do have some examples here:

    (i) “You can finally fly to planets in Starfield”

    (ii) “True Bounty Hunting – Bring Them Back Alive! Starfield Essentials: Xbox Creations Review”

    (iii) “Fight Mechs and Walkers with Mods – Starfield Essentials: Xbox Creations Review”

    (3.) Make the “REV-8” fully modular, with air, land and sea travel modules

    Have the “REV-8” rover fully modular, like the spacecraft, with selectable weapons, stun weapons and missiles.

    Also it would be great to be able to select:

    (i) Constant boost engines to allow it to fly

    (ii) “Monster-truck” size wheels to allow it to drive through the roughest terrain

    (iii) A water-proof hull to allow it to work as a boat.

    Also there could be a fully-enclosed cockpit and crew area allowing it to work as a submarine with underwater bases and monsters.

    (4.) Have the “Inventory” and “Cargo” amount size appear on the HUD

    Have the “Inventory” and “Cargo” amount size appear on the HUD, so that the player doesn’t get over-burdened when selecting resources to carry.

    This would be great together with (X, Y, Z) co-ordinates on the HUD.

    This would allow to allow POIs, interesting locations and missions and resources to be more readily found and shared and enjoyed by the “Starfield” fan base, so that Bethesda’s programming efforts in creating these locations are very much rewarded.

    (5.) Fully-modular Fallout-like “T60 Power Armour”

    Finally, hopefully the introduction of something like a fully-modular version of the iconic “T-60 Power Armour” from Bethesda’s “Fallout” series would really help to boost the “Starfield” game.

    It could be fully customisable with modules to help with missions like:

    (i) Combat missions: With weapons and armour modules, with weapons, stun and grenade launchers modules. Possibly also force-field shields modules like on the spaceships.

    (ii) Stealth and reconnaisance missions: With cloaking devices modules, and night-vision eyewear and audible wearable modules.

    (ii) Bounty Hunter missions: With extra-enhanced tracking eyewear and audible wearable equipment modules, as well as bounty stun and restraining modules.

    Also possibly this could have underwater modules to allow it to do deep-sea diving missions into underwater bases on water worlds.

    As a “Starfield” fan who really wants the game to reach its full potential, I do hope that Bethesda looks at these recommendations, and also those of other fans.

    Wishing “Starfield” a really great future and many more DLCs to be enjoyed by the fan base! 🙂

    • @IcyModz420v2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The whole game should have had the attention of this one planet… What happened..?

    • @chrisxl5152
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I gave it an honest shot. Put about 100 hours into it. There was just nothing going on in terms of planet life diversity. I didnt feel threatend by any enemy despite heavily gimping my playthrough with the setting tweaks. I really want to love this game, the premise is so cool. But the npcs AI are so poorly implemented, the planets are so beautiful yet so boring. And i dont see a reason to build a base at all. How many caves with the same layout and enemies can i explore before i leave myself hanging from my ceiling fan? An answer id rather not find out.

    • @vandelayindustries6313
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It’s nice that they “handcrafted” the planet, but it still looks like all the other generic barren rocky planets, just in purple now. Bethesda has really managed to make me not expect a single positive thing from them anymore.

    • @cdillowtg
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Did bro record this right before he hit the Links for 18 holes?

    • @aramisheredia4724
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    is the hit from the back in 3:50 the same animation as the one in Skyrim? lol

    • @maidenlesssoul
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I don’t understand the hate this game received. From the start, it was announced that there would be procedurally generated planets, a non-infinite space, and other things that surprised people when they bought the game. We were never deceived; everything was shown and announced from the beginning. Starfield has a very good story and gameplay, great game

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Ну и кал, даже с торрента не буду перекачивать…

    • @JebemDobr0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    U need younger people in bethesda, this guys are too old to make moves in modern games

    • @VerunsicherungsVertreter
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm
    Honest Con

    • @shayneoneill1506
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I wish I could enjoy this game more than I do, but I just get so bored with the repetitive fetch quests and janked space flights.

    • @PlebNC
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Can’t wait to play it once the game is finished and they’re rereleased it a few times.

    • @asktoseducemiss434
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    7:44 What is meant by that? You become better in close quarters fighting? Or did you just add “more” melee weapons that are identical to the rest? Sincere query

    • @Unit84Owner
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Imagine paying the Ultimate edition and you don’t even get the first DLC just 1000 credit for bad Mod

    • @cabuscus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    wish they put the time into TES6 instead of this crap

    • @lioraja9951
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    wondering how my level 1 character will survive there?

    • @lioraja9951
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    wondering what feature will be added to the main game?

    • @VerunsicherungsVertreter
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hate from Germany

    • @JVYZilla
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This DLC looks sick, I’m pumped! 😃

    • @armurazor0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “It just works”
    … and awfully unbalanced.

    • @BrenturoX
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks really good. I’m excited!

    • @meridiasbeacon7669
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    RIP Far Harbor died 2016 welcome back Far Harbor born 2024

    (I HOPE this is Starfield’s Far Harbor)

    • @moses1114-wt7ek
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
    ‘If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. (John 12:26)
    ‘And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. (1 Timothy 6:8)
    ‘In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: (Colossians 1:14)
    ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)
    ‘The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8)
    ‘And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. (1 John 4:14-15)

    • @Shadowband72
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I have a really weird glitch with my game . I can go through unity three times without any problem . But on my fourth trip through everything looks like it’s going to be fine until I try to land on a planet and get nothing but a forever black screen . I have restarted the game three times and had the exact same thing happen the exact same way three times . This wasn’t a problem until the last update .

    • @snnrman4053
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why it looks like pas gen B tier game?

    • @kenmasters734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Meh, i still have to use a mod to not wear a space suit in my own ship, must try harder Bethesda

    • @REDBowllTheDevil
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Stalker meets Half Life on Va’ruun.

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    can we have 2 melee weapons and lightning tryna make a darth revan build also the pois need to be all purple and alien in a time travel story need that star wars vibe not ugly nasa outposts

    • @PestilenzialesOdeur
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Gore and dismemberment, when?

    • @ricktyman4709
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Waiting to buy this when it goes on sale with GOTY in a few years and all the big bugs are patched. Until then I can wait.

    • @ScarletRedCrimson
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    If i had a quarter for everytime Bethesda made a dlc with an eldritch theme and isolated on an island/single planet. Id have three quaters, which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened thrice.

    • @nagyzoli
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    To be very fair, it’s kind of.. lame. I hoped to continue the story, not a sort of separate story

    • @chryseus1331
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Where is the gameplay enhancements ?, doesn’t seem to do anything to fix the existing poor gameplay.

    • @Steven-t8h
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Still no end game, new story quest is great but nothing to keep you playing after you complete that.

    • @miss_pixXxi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Really like it. It might gonna bring me back to check around again. 🙂

    • @rfa0_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The gameplay video is played by total virgin again…

    • @Joshydeadguy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I hate that I trusted Bethesda and paid for the first DLC. Never trusting them again. Now back to Skyrim and New Vegas.

    • @AL3S93
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    You guys should really focus on making games everyone wants, like TES 6 or Fallout 5. Skyrim was released in 2011, it’s been 13 years already, guys! 13 years!!! It’s so sad that making a huge AAA game these days takes, like, 5 or 6 years to develop. I understand you wanted a completely new franchise, but as a fan of your games (TES 3 to TES 5, Fallout 3 to 4, including NV which was developed by Obsidian), I am not interested in Starfield and I really keep on waiting for a new The Elder Scrolls instalment. I was in my early 20s when I played Skyrim. Now I’m 31 and have a 1 year old kid. Will my kid be 7 years old when TES 6 is finished?

    • @2killzore
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This reminds me of the shivering isles in a good way.

    • @QueenoftheStarrySky-tf7ro
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Something I realized now is that there won’t be GOTY edition, kinda sad

    • @Erynash
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    There better be a whole lot of options for Serpent’s Embrace trait.

    • @LordFoxxyFoxington
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    There is nothing to fear except D.E.I.

    • @mario-rh7sq
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This looks great, but i hope in the future you can also focus on the space content part of the game. Right now moving through space is incredibly boring, which is a shame given how awesome the shipbuilding is.

    • @hektikheck
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The most shit game in the history of gaming. I would pay a 60 dollar/month sub just to keep this game from even existing.

    • @Dark__Thoughts
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So, how much we bet they won’t touch Andreja’s personal quest and if you do it AFTER the DLC she acts like she has no idea where her homeworld is? Also, how does she not know? Even the spacers and CF know their location?! She could just force it out of them.

    • @krulltheskull
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why are there Crimson Fleet and spacers in a place that’s meant to be cut off from the rest of civilization? Hopefully because the disaster has broadcast the location of the planet, but probably for the same reason the Brotherhood are in Fallout 76.

    • @mikegaming4924
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I could not care less about House Va’ruun in the base game, so this DLC seems like a waste of time. This is caused by inconsistent world building in base game and not giving proper meaning to player actions.

    • @Hammer2k11
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This game is bad and it will never not be bad.

    • @hyderabadstyleart
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Great deep dive into Starfield: Shattered Space! Can you explain how the new mechanics will impact gameplay strategies? Also, are there any major changes from previous installments that we should be aware of?

    • @danjoy2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Anyone stlil excited for Starslop?

    • @mafarus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The recipe for “making money” on fans and suckers: slap together a clone of your own old products, and then sell an add-on that may not close the holes, but will bring you money.
    Your competitors from No Men’s Sky also made a crude product at first, but have been polishing it to perfection for years for FREE.
    Your competitors from CD Project Red released an exceptionally crooked release of Cyberpunk, but managed – again for FREE to patch it up to quality, and only then released a paid add-on.
    Guys from Bethesda, personally, I have a strong feeling that you not only do not value those who feed you – your fans, but have also completely lost your sense of reality.

    • @abigor46
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    have they added a fix for alt tabbing. with out changing the settings your self ?

    • @Micromanic
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “It’s been an incredible journey since Starfield launched last year”

    Has it!?

    • @Nord_Meadly
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’ve noticed they purposely don’t show a lot of the new spacesuits and weapons I’m hoping for less bulky gear to fit the stealth bounty hunter look I’m going for.

    • @Thor847200
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I am getting some Event Horizon vibes.

    • @AngelCakes1997
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Alright, what’s the damage?

    • @JohnMacDonut
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    take a trash , repackage it , make pay for it , it remains trash

    • @dunkirk4289
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I have never been so unexcited for new content in my life

    • @driver3899
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    In the distant future… only one man in the entire galaxy has a drivable buggy

    • @Copiio
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I like Starfield but the storylines are always so inadequate and depthless. All the characters have the same personality. All the random NEGATIVE things people have to say walking past them, everyone on each planet dresses exactly the same. There should be 15-20 cities on each planet with plenty to do on each one. We should have colony planets/systems, as well.We need better ship modules and designs and factions send stories. ..

    • @loveyuiz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    amping up the enemy combat aggresion ?
    *laughs in starborn powers* particulary the slow time power

    • @Cammmmeron
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I might actually open starfield back up. I stopped playing after they patched the money glitches haha

    • @GrowWithSerge
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I really love Starfield. The only one thing which is kind of strange and disturbing – that all the aliens are made in the form of a human being (in the form of human being). I miss Mass Effect’s aliens and alien lifeforms. It would be so much more interesting … I hope they will add this

    • @FirestormX9
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why do people care so much about freakin melee combat in a futuristic game?! Holy shit, its not age of fuckin empires.

    • @Robedon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Crimson Fleet on the Planet eh…

    Is Naeva hiding there if you take them down?

    • @evilbeardedman
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This game is a joke.

    • @ignaciomartin562
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    After a great launch, I quickly lost interest in this game. I don’t know if this expansion has got enough to bring me back and thousands of more players…We will see, but the game needs a major revamp, especially the reset loop.

    • @MordredMorghul
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Base Game: “no one knows where Va’ruun’s home planet is, not even most of the agents they send out”
    DLC: “yeah, so there are spacers and Crimson Fleet there too.”

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Man I can’t wait for this!🔥

    • @snookiewozo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @okunii3737
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hoping having a Varuun background will come into play!

    • @outcast5018
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    is losing everything on making a new playthrough still a thing, it’s what put me off playing so much

    • @MordredMorghul
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Wow, another “huge city” we don’t get to explore because an “incident” rendered most of it damaged/destroyed/missing/etc… Devs really need to stop it with that trope.

    • @3KPK3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks sick. Can’t wait to jump back in.

    • @aoikuroyuri6536
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    does “closing the distance” mean “make melee viable before finishing the game and maxing every single skill impacting melee” ?

    • @MrOttoMarrakech
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I feel one of the reasons people, including myself, were drawn to House Va’ruun was because unlike the milquetoast and laughable world that was inconceivably created, so little was actually said about them allowing the player’s mind to simply invent and to think and to imagine. This was in substitution to the bizarre exposition and some truly baffling writing.

    It seems Bethesda were determined to correct this oversight.

    Edit: Oh f’ me… “the Scaled Citadel” — worldbuilding but with a monocultural obsession. Come on now. This is like calling Washington D.C., the City of Red, White & Blue.

    • @aithemed
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    so that’s the DLC? 😒

    • @mrfryfilmguy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Yes please keep building on Starfield, this really can turn into something special!

    • @hovsep56
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    please cancel the game and just go make elder scrolls 6

    • @COBBA123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why waste time on a shit game and work on the next elder scrolls game instead

    • @artfact2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    It looks gorgeous.:3
    I feel conflicted about it taking place on a singular planet with no connection to the rest of the galaxy. In a sense it doesn’t expand the existing game world.
    But on the other hand, a fully handcrafted setting with integral story is very welcome.
    I’m planning on finishing my first character soon and starting a new one to align with Va’ruun and cozy up to Andreja.^^

    • @開田宗介
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @Evilfish82
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’ll be honest, it does not look that interesting. I wouldn’t have bought it if I didn’t already own it.

    • @crazydog104
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Hopefully, there are also massive fixes and improvements for the main game

    • @jonhillbarry
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    improve the side quest maps, every building is just the same, even loot locations are the same, it’s so boring

    • @thaafire2503
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    The hand crafted Worlds were always a huge selling point from Bethesda Games. I loved especially Skyrim. Glad to see this in Starfield.

    • @aronb03
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I just doesn’t matter in the long run because of the fact that you leave the universe at the end of the main story

    • @vampirelordx1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Particle Mini gun!!?!?! FUCKING YES!

    • @dongungraffw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    plenty of loading screens even in a deep dive video, huh

    • @Taczy2023
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Totally lifeless and boring, only the most dedicated and sad fanboys actually care about this.

    • @eliadietz6978
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I knew a jumpscare was coming and i still jumped

    • @Brilliantick99
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This looks so good. I can’t wait to play it!

    • @exia7684
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    We need more space horror content for Starfield. I mean the atmosphere is there, the technological advancement in-game is there (grounded to reality to some extent), and the aliens are there.

    • @adamxx3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Where’s my boy Todd

    • @GyLala
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    bro when when when when when when The Elder Scrolls VI?

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @guyinapandasuit2691
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Very sneaky how you cut away right before you swing back after you mentioned the melee combat. You didn’t show the animation on purpose. That’s fine. We know why. I’m still gonna play don’t worry Todd.

    • @bjohnson7998
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Was anyone wanting a starfield that’s more close-quarters combat + horroresque without any focus on space? I wonder if they focus-grouped this and this is the outcome.

    • @LeftoverDirt
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Man… no wonder this game is so generic. Did you see the Lead Creative Producer? Does he look like someone who inspires creativity or innovation? People who made this game look like a bunch of aging nerds and there’s nothing interesting about them. Uninteresting people making uninteresting games.

    • @drawingdavedraws6152
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I hope this is just me and the update won’t be this way, but from this presentation Bethesda made Shattered space look smaller than New Atlantis, which is already small. There is no feeling of grandure, no feeling of interactivity or immersion in the “culture”. Hopefully that is not true, as I really want this update to be the turning point of Starfield.

    • @guyinapandasuit2691
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This all sounds great. I’m looking forward to it buuuuttttt…. I didn’t hear much about Space Combat. Specifically I heard that the whole DLC takes place ON the planet. I hope they didn’t focus so hard on the planet that they ignored an entire core feature of the game.

    I feel like adding a space combat mission here or there wouldn’t be hard to do.

    • @JDroo-me5uo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Game still sucks

    • @thedrake5072
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So its just worse Morrowind, gotcha. Nice for you to preemptively temper expectations by blowing up most of the capital, thanks.
    Its also hilarious that the answer to make a “compelling” “interesting” planet was just to ditch Procedural generation entirely.
    Well, looking forward to watch others play content that really should have been in the base game (or free DLC). We’ll meet again when they add Hammerfell as the first Major Content update to Elder Scrolls 6 (It’s just Sentinel except 90% of it got covered by sand)

    • @Angel_volkor
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    fix the creation kit, make it so we can at least have the same amount as skyrim or fallout. it has the lowest mod limit of either game, its supposed to be 2 steps forward not 2 steps back….

    • @alexcolomb9007
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @willmorgan5692
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    BETHESDA you keep on giving me more and more reason to play 🌟 FIELD the awesome updates the REV – 8 and the mods👌 now we get SHATTERED SPACE im ecstatic to venture into VA’RUUN space and meet the people and grapple with or to talk to the GREAT SERPENT please know we all appreciate the teams hard work and the whiner’s and haters be damned I’ll be there to play the dlc day one thanks 👍

    • @W_Saencharoen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Far Harbor 2…

    • @averagesouthvietnamenjoyer6634
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    ive always seen starfield in negative light but ive decided to play it recently because of Alien and got to say its fun mods helped me but the core gameplay is fun

    • @dmitriy21rrrr
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    game engine is too old and flawed for 2024 and especially if they are going to expand the game for the next 10 years like skyrim

    • @Rambleism
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So they added some Elder Scrolls into Starfield? Sure ok

    • @TheCanadianDreamEvergreen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I love star field

    • @AnInsaneTaco
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So I’m supposed to jump for joy over this mindless consumerist garbage when it clearly doesn’t fix the rest of the game. Might as well just wait a couple of years for the game to be complete and bargain bin price. Plugin limit for modding already has me turned off, now they are marketing the DLC and I’m seeing nothing changing about the core game (which was trash and yall know it). Please for the sake of ES6, move on from this pile and learn from it.

    • @forux
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Why it feels so untrue? Like creatures are disconnected from planet, I cannot believe in starfield planets. I want to feel that they actually live there that it is believable, but it is not at least for me.

    • @jleszuk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    So the their captial has been destroyed. Thats the excuse theyre going to give us as to why a “major” settlement will only have a dozen buildings in it.
    Thanks Todd.

    • @箍发
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    There’s not question about starfield now, I just wonder how bgs can get rid of those haters ,cyberjunk’s fun and soul boys. It seem like the company should dismiss themselves to fulfill those haters willingness, even though they prefer those seamless vast map cans.

    • @notaspectator
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    20, 30, 40 year old kids still playing? Very concerning how many hours people put into this black hole.

    • @marioaldape7147
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    And you gotta pay for it yea what’s are you guys on?!! I’m so glad black ops 6 and assassins creed around the corner so I can forget that I even bought this game

    • @boundesumo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    #MakeJasonCanon the story teller is gone….

    • @lacielaskari
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This actually looks cool. Just like the “Entangled” misson. This game needs more of this… mystery and aliens. Please fix the general exploration and add more randomized stuff for dungeons / points of interest.

    • @KennethV45
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    When will you allow more mods to become achievement enabled?
    At the very least, all the visual mods should have that feature. Maybe even some mods that change the gameplay via clothing, weapons, etc.

    • @c523jw7
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Umm im sorry why is no one pointing out just how beautiful the graphics look. Insane.

    • @skyriminspace
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This actually looks pretty epic guys!

    • @pigeongris9429
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I would like Bugthesda to discontinue this trash of game and instead focusing on TES 6, even though it will also be trash certainly.

    • @super_terram
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This looks terrible.

    • @Paddddd14
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    does anyone actually play this anymore?

    • @mangaas
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Starfield got me to never care or anticipate anything Bethesda-related ever again. No matter how good the Elderscrolls 6 looks in trailer, and how well you hype it up, I will not be purchasing it. Because I already know what you guys are capable, and that’s 15 year old game design and nothing else.

    • @kmwsavaki
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @TheGMOB
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    LMAO literally reused a VA/ character commander akande from UC Sysdef 😩😭

    • @Medicbobs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    This game needs weather effects badly…it looks so boring. Also it needs better hit effects and dismemberment

    • @mephisto8191
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Sounds like a very interesting story. Looks like some cool new guns as well. I assume we will also have some new stuff in the creation thing too. Good time to be a Starfield fan! Cant wait to play this!

    • @SinbaGaming
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm


    • @Skeltro105
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Does anybody even play this game now?

    • @atrusx8232
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks great but fix the bug where the artifacts dissapear from inventory, I can’t finish the main quest

    • @kainhighwind2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Okay but can we genuinely join and support the snake cult? I want to play as a cultist!

    • @djp1234
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I’ll buy this game when someone finally makes a VR mod for it.

    • @VJ-zm5xi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Will they maybe even patch the broken 1st person melee sprint animation now..?

    • @maltdairy2164
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Has the word “creative” in his title, is producing a scifi game, and shows up on-screen in a lifeless golfing outfit.

    • @erwinzyx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    An entire DLC dedicated to the least interesting faction in the game. Nope, I still don’t see a reason to reinstall the game.

    • @Yshtola.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I mean it looks better and more interesting than anything in the base game, so that’s a step in the right direction.

    • @axelhopfinger533
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    I hope for your own sake that the story and writing of this DLC will be of uncommon quality compared to the main game, Bethesda. If this one’s another dud, Starfield is likely done for.

    • @realpano
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Cosmic Horror… Nice

    • @nighttimestalker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    “we’ve added new features and technical improvements”

    Na. Y’all just finally added shit that should have been in at release.

    • @TwoLiterSoda
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:55pm

    Looks amazing

    • @ChadBrake-q6l
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    3939 Royal Green

    • @Hoowwwww
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    if you buy this, you are a lost cause

    • @maestrochi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It warms the cockles of my heart to see that house vroom doesn’t discriminate in its quest to dominate the universe. And to see how much value they place on fashion over thyenth!!!!

    • @ianshaan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Please let them fix the mod limit,

    Plus help people understand animation modding to extend the combat slide and more + allow for creation of new hairs. That’ll make the game last light years longer.

    • @UpperEchelon8
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Starfield – Skyrim DLC

    • @SP333DY
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    blandest, most uninspired writing of all time. Just shitcan this entire company already good grief…

    • @danielOconahap
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ahh yes, space muslims.

    • @Halfshanks
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Honestly this is not a direction I’m content with, it’s a bit to sci-fi for my taste, Starfield is best when it mixes realism with exploration, the land rover was a huge win, they should have focused on adding more poi’s on the planets we already have with additional quest lines for each faction, maybe add more factions, they definitely need to add more randomized space events, spacewalking, ability to land on asteroids, they really should’ve focused more on space here, this is a huge setback for me, and I genuinely enjoyed Starfield, there are so many creative ideas that could be done for NASA punk instead they choose a generic expansion of some weird religious faction no one really cares about, imagine a new city built in space, no planet, it’s a huge self contained star city orbiting some planet with traders from the UC and Freestar, the city could be controlled by a crime syndicate that has control of all the helium in the system, adding Helium stations for space crews to land on, refuel and rest, I could literally think of countless ideas for this game that would be more interesting that what this is.

    • @SP333DY
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    corporate slop

    • @EliotJohnson
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Only complaint I have is that it looks like you are all reading que cards.

    • @deztructo123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Have they fixed ship building to have controllable door and ladder placement yet? Or given all the citizens day/night behaviour cycles and homes/places to go to? How about a personal mother ship? Maybe in a future DLC?

    • @Tramadex
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    game is sucks, dont f***d up with TES 6

    • @jamesgarry112
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Idk why they try and show off the combat when it’s absolute bare bones, somehow the gunplay is worse than in fallout 4. Bethesda has such uninspired ideas now compared to its hay day.

    • @Apis4
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Be great if just ONE planet had.. idk.. actual civilization… outside ONE location.

    Repeating the elements which made it a dead universe, on new planet, means you gain a hundred pointless locales, and gain one.

    Be nice of just occasionally, there was not just pathetic two shack outposts, and or the occasional facility which was NOT abandoned and taken over by some baddies, there was ACTUAL small towns, or even just self contained communities like New Homestead, on supposed faction planets.

    Instead, you guys gave us vibrating trees, and dung harvested coffee beans…. like… three dozen missions which are boring and silly…. you gave us random, pointless, and underpaying Space Race encounters….you gave all kinds of mini fetch missions, and I am not talking about mission board stuff, but crap like the Bianchis Boots BS.

    How you can have all that fluff, but have Companions, less developed than FO4, Outposts which are just sad, and also a huge step back from FO4, and space that is so…. DEAD, wholly lifeless, and seemingly evident of the imminent extinction of humanity, is beyond me.

    I at least thought Varuun;kai might be a little more interesting. We’d see a more alive, and civilized world…. but nope.

    I guess I get to be a White Savior though, for swarthy skinned people who whilst clearly heavily influenced by the fictional Romulans of Star Trek, are ALSO CLEARLY based on medieval Islamic kingdoms and people from the Crescent.

    So, being able to swoop in to the cliche, limited, and same old same old, and save the savages, is something I guess, right?

    At least for me, as a middle aged, cis male, hetero, white middle class western atheist…… just convert me and add a crucifix necklace and I am EVERY WHITE SAVIOR in HISTORY, right?

    I wonder how other people might feel about it though? Meh, who I am kidding, like BGS, whadda I care! To quote thee great philosopher Homer… … J Simpson “I am white male aged 25-50, everybody listens to me”.

    Good job on making such an ethnocentrically p[atriarchal, WASP, middle aged, middle class, Ma and Pa, Apple Pie, Leave it to Beaver, Prom Night, Football and Jesus kinda of DLC though, I guess?

    A snap shot out of time, of an era thought lost!!! I am sure it is destined for the National Archives, if nothing else.

    • @TanguDisen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    What’s strange about this video is that it doesn’t feature Todd!

    • @TerryAFreeman
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Don’t get me wrong, I love me some hand crafted stuff but… How about some of that goodness in space exploration as well? U know guys… To make space more interesting in your space game?

    • @Ana-zv8mq
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why is there no bestiary in the game?

    • @Jay-ix3rf
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Oh god lol. It seems Bethesda hasn’t learned anything lol

    • @OddeyeDL76
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Couldn’t possibly be less excited.

    • @MrX-ny3jv
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Possibly see a new cockpit though it’s crashed. also see interior of new cockpit but both could be not for us to build with.
    see 1 total new gun. and 1 total new sword. But also see I think a blacked out equinox, maybe they’re finally adding in the advanced equinox that was clearly ripped out of the base game like this whole fucking dlc was.
    3 new armors, maybe we can get them all.
    some new outpost buildings but who knows if we get access to any of them
    the grenade seems to have a gravity effect, whoopty shit.
    it seems the varuun were trying to hide their city in another universe with gravity fuckery and someone can shoot a massive laser at them vortex bubbles for some effect.

    Ok. I’m peak disinterested in this DLC. I don’t know why they withheld this ‘deep dive’ from us for 2 weeks, but doing so completely crushed my hype. I already paid, otherwise based on this, I would have considered not. Fuck. This looks like it’s going to be ‘ok,’ as in not great, not even good. Fuck.

    • @lollipopwaraxe6032
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    One of the highest quality xbox 1st party titles

    • @darkspartan1573
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Good don’t put it on trashstation 5

    • @SpecSolve
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I love this game so much got me through cancer and death of my father

    • @Lord_Skarra
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    When todd howard isn’t in the trailer… i’m liking the news…
    Why? because it means theres not just 1 developer in this working on it 😐

    • @Cannibust
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This makes no sense to me, you have a massive universe with countless boring planets that could use some sort of extra content to make them actually worth exploring.

    Then you make a totally self contained DLC, while acting like the game was a huge success…

    • @xOwLStrikEx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Great game! Now that the universe is known, Bethesda can fill in the universe.

    • @craigfuller5067
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love this game

    • @Super_Daddyy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You know what would be hilarious? If the great serpent was just a reused dragon model from Skyrim. You just see Alduin pop out the time rift & the Varuun guys chanting 😂

    • @lSeKToRl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Played Oblivion at launch, played Skyrim at launch, Starfield is the only one I finished and thoroughly enjoyed.

    • @justinjeffries1554
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @navyrayne
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Congrats. You told me absolutely nothing across 10 minutes. Well done.

    • @Varoun717
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Welcome to my home-world!

    • @DankDovahKiin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    i really hope the the 3dimensional gameplay of starfield is in elder scrolls 6 akin to morrowinds levitation and such

    • @bulletsponge1656
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @pewpew305
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Fool me once…

    • @user-it6bx9tt5h
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    shattered space > shadow erdtree

    • @finnmeredith7822
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Okay, but when will you let followers come through the Unity with us?

    • @PresterMike
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks terribly boring this is what happens when you have women and beta males in your dev team. Fucking sad

    • @simonrockstream
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    trying to polish an absolute turd thats smeared all over your faces.

    • @simonrockstream
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @thefalloutguru
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    this fallout 4 mod looks good!!!!

    • @ZennExile
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This weird model of releasing a “blank chip” and calling it a “possibility space” where a game might exist didn’t spring from nothing. Following the formula doesn’t work, and never has. Why continue to take money from these people only to have your business model and creative integrity undermined? Just cut the chord and reform under a new corporate structure. Continuing to spiral down the corporate toilet for the sake of investor’s belligerently over-zealous demands isn’t worth the namesake and presents little-to-no positive future outcomes. Toxic positivity is a signal of cultural decay. Not progress. There is no cure while the source of the infection controls a stake in the company large enough to set terms shaping the product.

    • @jibjub7047
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I hipe those face markings and tattoos are available for us to use

    • @UlyssesDrax
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The company that manufactures those med kit storage boxes must have a real monopoly in the market.

    • @mikedennett7206
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love the game. Love the concepts. Love the consistent drive to refine and develop gameplay and technical elements.

    • @pak7524
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    presentation 10/10
    gameplay 5/10

    • @RaymondStormbl3ssed
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @WolverineXOXO
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    the game just doesnt work until loading screens are removed

    • @TimeBreakerSprites
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    you guys need to put more life into each world, so many empty spaces that bored me when ever i travel to other world. This is what makes fallout games better, because you meet and encounter many things when you travel not just in main area.

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    God damn it.

    • @MarkSpencer-u4i
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Are the caves still all empty ? It’s all very well having a moon buggy but where do you go on those planets

    • @kevindoyle3498
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Been preparing my character all month for Shattered Space, would love to know the level requirement or what point we gotta be at in the game to access the dlc ? I seriously cannot wait for this!

    • @w0mblemania
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks really good for a PS4 game. I hope we get an enhanced PC version one day.

    • @DrekRivers
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    ”handcrafted world” = copy pasted shit. you will see the same exact settlement on many planets even with the npc spawned at the same exact spot. empty lands with nothing to do, loading screen nonstop, non existent space travel, cant fly on a planet, etc.

    • @KingDoogan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    You made a new planet with a few more creatures and a main city wowee.

    You guys cbf even making new gear or factions lmao

    • @indestructible-today
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This game looks unbelievably ugly and divided of any soul.

    • @saile_1004
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait for Shattered Space. But I’m hoping you’re working on better compatibility with Creations.

    • @MrCthur
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Arriving only a few weeks after disaster doesn’t really lean into the lore…just reduces it to a new planet. Oh well, cross fingers; wouldn’t take much to exceed the base game, but maybe it’ll be good and weave it all together.

    • @Archy871
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So I pre ordered the Skyrim planet dlc? What about space tho?

    • @FrostyDuc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Look, all I want to do is stay on Varuun’Kai with my wife, Andreja and somehow rejoin the faction and fight against the UC.

    • @aurumthebrave3427
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Lowkey this is what the main game should’ve been – around 4-5 planets and maybe a few moons fleshed out and hand-made without the Starborn New Game Plus BS, it would’ve been pretty memorable.

    • @zepho100
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Loading screen simulator.

    • @UmmerFarooq-wx4yo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    As far as I calculated bethesda pays its staff better than rockstar.

    • @about47t-rexes12
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    PLEASE add the ability to actually fly your ship like NMS

    • @James_care
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    i buy Console x,expensive tv,and controller Starfield style,i played some 20-30 hours,and i bored…Sold Xbox and buy ps5 . But developers still trying😊

    • @robertc.5558
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I just cant. Being decieved for all these years. Unlike your child audience i hold grudges like the fucking dwarves. Ill wait 10years when this 80% off.

    • @foist101
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Very happy to hear they are working on fleshing out a handcrafted location, I feel like the design of the original game was laid out before people were exhausted with spaces that were big for the sake of being big.

    • @damonmlinaric9254
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The game definitely deserves some of the criticism its gotten but i enjoyed it and this looks great

    • @chivalroussoul661
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    stop beating a dead horse and update your engine as fast as possible before elder scrolls 6 just don’t embarrass urselfs by having loading screens and weird NPCs after gta6 release, we’ve been lied to of getting space travel between planets and systems in the first trailers of the game i thought it will be as good as 10 years old space games or even better space travel but it was literally a loading screens.

    • @Sir_Loin_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Omg this guy lol

    • @HolyRaincloud
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Biggest launch in BGS history? don’t shame yourselves like that, it definitely wasn’t.

    • @rosesareredbutzerglingssti9290
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Is this DLC fixing how bland the main quest is? Is it getting rid of that lazy written and boring multiverse narrative, including the that ridiculous NG+? Is it eliminating the need for that boring and repetitive mini-game in the alien temples or adding more variety for the overly repetitive points of interest ? Is it making the Starborn and their powers far more interesting than what we get in the game? No? Then please, keep this DLC for yourselves. Or even better, *_delete it!_*

    • @robertc.5558
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    “Biggest city weve ever built” bahahahaha, fool me once.

    • @italienn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Okay. Sounds better. 1 planet with hopefully rich story content and not some boring fetch quest or kill X people at X location. I’d like them to update other planets and flesh out whats already there too. Also keep QoL enhancements coming. And PLEASE make armor get removed if you loot it like every other Bethesda game.

    • @jonbutcher5593
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forward to the expansion 👍 More POI’s in the expansion and / or elsewhere would be very welcome 😉

    • @mrpalaces
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Imma just take the Revenant and brrrrrrrrt everything

    • @theBeasman333
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Glad they are going back to hand crafted. Procedural generation is wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. Depth is better than width.

    • @pinksymcfloy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Will I still need a mod to place ship doors and ladders? I hate the idea of relying on a mod to keep my ship designs in tact, but this missing feature seriously hamstrings ship customization. And it seems so incredibly basic. Turns ship customization into a frustratingly obtuse puzzle at best, and a maddening exercise in futility at worst, depending how compact your design is and your tolerance for barely navigable, labyrinthian interiors.

    • @connorrobinson8387
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The best part of this game was the ship builder, so I hope they can give us more ship options. The story has been boring so far, so just give us cooler enemies to fight.

    • @MikeJw-je4xk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Very much looking forward to play this with my wife, my love Andreja! P.S. TY very much Bethesda for Andreja! <3

    • @ChiefGaucho
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks so boring omg,,,

    • @Glare108
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @bradleyd.jordan8113
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Actually super … Loading… Excited… Loading… To get my hands on … Loading… This expansion!

    (I actually am. Quest writers should be given props! I just hate all the time I have to eat spicy Doritos between loading screens)

    • @haxx1707
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I can no longer refund this trash so I really hope you guys can add enough content to entice the modders back into modding this game because right now it’s just dead weight in my steam library

    • @aliensinmyass7867
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This DLC will last 2 hours maximum.

    • @kouroshkordiak
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Could there be a second Colony War DLC featuring mechs and massive space battles? Furthermore, it would be amazing to be able to declare a system for a faction and have them deploy troops and a fleet to defend it.

    • @leehrvyoswld
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You’re insane if you think I’m giving you money.

    • @jimmyjanga4358
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ill wait until it comes out on ps5 🥲

    • @The_Gent
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    How much u wanna bet every person in House Varun is White. Wont be one non-white charcter in House Varun.

    • @alienaurochs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks sweet. You guys know how to make good games. ✌️

    • @joealexander4883
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I haven’t played since launch, is it better now?

    • @Gorg-oe1hu
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I get that this game is supposed to be a bit more grounded in reality, but I think Bethesda is missing out on not adding some really whacky stuff. Imagine fighting a space dragon or encountering intelligent aliens. Would make the game way better IMO.

    • @echo5827
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    They already have a lot of creature content art/animations why not lean heavily into that for more unique combat encounters? Spacers pirates and varuun are all exactly the same and occupy the same spaces

    • @Littleeqb
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This is cool but what about the base game ? Theirs still a lot of problems that need to be fixed and updated general exploration,companions,factions,weapons and armor etc the game still feels so empty compared to FO4 and Skyrim in terms of content

    • @beebo8408
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I can’t take these guys seriously unfortunately.

    • @DavidCarbone-x1l
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Howdy escapists! No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to escape into the universe to explore other planets. Why? Because the earth is flat and no amount of W.M.D.s can destroy the firmament that separates heaven and earth!

    Anywho, the God-man, Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, loves you just like God the Father, He willingly became of no reputation to serve us through being perfect, then dying for our sins, being buried, then resurrected by God the Father and the Holy Ghost on the third day. Christ took our place on the cross and went to hell for us so we don’t have to. (only for those 3 days) All we have to do is believe in this truth, and God will give us the blessings that Christ earned as a free gift. One of those is eternal life in the heavenly places!

    • @LunaMoon0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    i just say paid mods. Bethesda is dead as EA.

    • @arturzimplayerpro2573
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    where is the elder scrolls 6?

    • @Voitan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You’re going to add mechs eventually. Might as well have a future expansion based around open conflict.

    • @bigluc2491
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    this is the direction the base game should’ve gone for: maybe 4-5 handcrafted planets. we did not need 1000 planets

    • @Loln02345
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Buying DLC for an incomplete game seems dumb. Discount No Man$ $ky over here needs a crazy amount of work before they should have their hand out for more money. If you must buy this DLC, I urge you to consider waiting until it goes on sale. Help send a message to Bethesda that Starfield is not an acceptable entry in their catalogue in its current state by refusing to support it in that state.

    • @tbolt720
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks cool

    • @iVilliain
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Thank God it doesn’t have that chromatic aberration from the previous trailer in the actual gameplay. I’m sooooo excited for this DLC! I haven’t completed the base game yet (taking my time) but I’m loving every second of it

    • @danielbejarano6723
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks gorgeous, I cannot wait!! Exactly what the game needed.

    • @dropdod
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I really hope they are changing this engine for the new Elder Scrolls

    • @sorinpopa1442
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    2024 system requirements , 2012 graphics and animation detail !
    Dont know but thats nothing that stands out here also in this expansion compared to the main game i mean.
    like this game missing a soul , or its because of the very dated animations or the graphics , but im not at all atracted to what im seeing here .
    They really need to switch to a brand new engine or a different one that has actual gen. tools at least !

    • @whiskeychicken
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Wearing a visor inside, fully buttoned up polo, darting eyes, reading a script like a hostage. Is that red spot on his neck evidence of torture? Send him help!

    • @MrDay53
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love the look of the planet, also liking the horror vibe they’re going with, similar to the unearthed quest. Can’t wait to to bring Andreja along on this new adventure and exploring House Va’ruun.

    • @echo5827
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I still don’t get how after all these years marketing can’t get a single guy that knows how to play games to record footage for the trailer. It’s always trackpad/55 year old console gamer aim

    • @erroneous3493
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This was the biggest launch?

    • @Dylorian_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    For me, Starfield defied so many logical expectations I associate with Bethesda Game Studio’s games after playing their games for 20 years. I’m cautiously excited for Shattered Space.

    • @echo5827
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Guy with nerd emoji voice speaking and then cutting to him bald and bearded 2 seconds later more funny than anything in game

    • @noahlefebvre29
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Excited, loved Starfield but this feels more like classic Bethesda

    • @tealwraith9045
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Shattered Space looks great, but how are you going to reconcile that thing with that one companion? Is it being rewritten?

    • @blakej6416
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks like a lot of fun! I can’t wait to check it out. Hopefully there will be some secrets, maybe new mechanics, that we haven’t seen yet? The gravity spheres are a really cool idea. Thanks to everyone at Bethesda!

    • @Cenot4ph
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    What a disaster of a game and hopelessly bad updates.
    I dont think even Modders can fix this mess you created Bethesda

    • @mxdanikastephens94
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This is giving me Far Harbor vibes combined with ALIEN, I’m very excited to see what it’s about 😊

    • @TK-hw2ph
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This is so lazy. So we get a spooky themed POI, randomly spawning spider enemies, and what: a 3 hour fetch quest that probably ends with a light show?

    The game needs more weapons, suits, ships/parts and definitely new mechanics. I know modders will take care of it, but come on Bethesda. This is not a DLC

    • @deadpan450
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Im so exited for this expansion. I can tell the 30 dollars spent will be worth it.

    • @Nosirrah2112
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It’s getting better. But yall need to hit up Hello Games and ask em how yo do space flight correctly.

    • @redeyeflight6988
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Anyone else feel like they need to take a nap after listening to this game music for more than 10 seconds? Maybe the music is the problem.

    • @JonnyZuccs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Never going to buy and play this game. EVER EVER EVER. I’ve put thousands of hours into fallout. People who spend money on this garbage are the problem.

    • @sometimes1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks good, they should also focus on upgrading these melee combat animations, it looks really stiff, even for Bethesda’s standards

    • @TussFace
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Not for me. Love Starfield, hate space horror games. I like to snipe, sneak, hide and steal. This seems to just remove certain play styles that I’ve just put 400 hours + into perfecting 😂 To me it also looks a bit out of place style/techwise and almost seems to change the games genre. Oh well, I’m sure lots of people will enjoy it. I’ll just have to stick to slaughtering Spacers 😀

    • @invaderjoshua6280
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Now fix the mod Index limit bug for Starfield, and fix fallout 4 in general after your last patch completely broke it!

    • @sown-laughter4351
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Starfield where only Animals can evolve as aliens..

    Where humans are the superior race..

    Constantly in conflict


    How boring..

    • @SledTillDead
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks like another half assed attempt. I laughed when all the Vaarun looked like normally dressed people from New Atlantis.

    “Taken over by zealots, spacers and Crimson fleet” You seriously can’t even come up with new enemies in what is supposed to have been an ISOLATED, CUT OFF system?

    You guys are the worst.

    • @Almsavi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    We now have 4 civilizations that all seem to only be capable of building 1 medium sized town on 1 planet. Anything beyond that either gets abandoned and overrun with endless pirates/spacers or is filled with lifeless npc’s. Great work BGS.

    • @sown-laughter4351
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So COD and Halo .. Minus the things that make them interesting ..

    And alien..

    • @jijoe2151
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Add more available outposts so every resources can be mined even if you have only 2-3 resorces at the outpost. And add no skill point to first level of all trees only prerequisites like kill 15 dumbases and you get first level at ballistics etc 2nd 3rd and 4th can still be aquired by spending skillpoint.

    • @CalebStonge
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I honestly love this game very satisfying to play also love the new mods

    • @popedanger
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Just please fix the mod soft limit! Please!!! I’m begging!!

    • @sown-laughter4351
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Aliens? Nope just egocentric visions of ego and self centeredness.. Who hurt you Todd to whip you into this substance-less creator.
    Unhappy marriage? *Gasp* Is Microsoft abusing you Todd!?..

    • @djoglala
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    $20 all the building are going to be the same buildings we cleared hundreds of times.

    • @justinbarrett5318
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So as a UC player or a FC player… why the hell should we care about an expansions ALL about HV? Bethesda screwed up excluding their gameplay from the original game so that way they didn’t feel the need to dedicate an entire DLC to them. Stupid.

    • @sown-laughter4351
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Since launch 😀 we added …

    *monotone takes*

    New features.. 😐

    Can feel the amount of times they had to kill the man just to get it to sound like a disapproving parent..

    • @RyuKaguya
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    looking forward to it

    • @Zach_D
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Fuckin boring

    • @whitotv9815
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Game crash every 5 min on series x

    • @ShadowSamurai192000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It’s been a year, and they still haven’t fixed the Outpost Management bug. Cargo links at outposts don’t increase from 3 to 6 in NG+ universes despite having the perk.
    This is just one example of the company showing greed of pumping out more product before fixing the current build of the game first.

    • @littledrummerofDEATH
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m so ready… I love Starfield especially for what the base game is, but this is the perfect version.

    • @jrrd4069
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why even make the base game about having 1000+ planets to explore then make the DLC all about curated, single location content? Why not instead have something like “100+ new randomly placed POI to explore”? So now we have one cool planet and a thousand boring ones. This seems like an admission that their original design was flawed.

    • @loganlevesques
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks so incredibly uninteresting

    • @amiasfree4526
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    looks like more of the same slop tbh.

    • @LuizFelipe-lk1hs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    What happened to your neck, Tim?

    • @ViperVenoM13
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Give us VR

    • @flamethefox1998
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    i wonder if there will be special diolouge for those who gone threw unity alot already. though i will complain the abbritrary hp buff enemys have and damage debuff you have cause of entering unity so much is annoying cause it kinda forces you have use certain weapons or gear limiting exploration of options get to use

    • @c0rruptreality
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Don’t recommend, thanks youtube

    • @thetwo-armedman
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Every alien creature shown in this preview was a reskin of fauna already present in the base game. Even the “new” vortex horrors use the same model as the hostile creatures players can encounter in the oil rig point of interest that can randomly appear on planets; they just added a sparkly cloak effect. Color me unimpressed…

    Finish the base game before trying to sell new (low effort, incomplete) content. Every paid “Official Creation” is content that should have been the game from the start, and the game is still buggier than Skyrim and has incomplete systems.

    • @Davidarneson-e8w
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    But how do we start the DLC do we need to be a specific level or have a specific amount of missions done or do we need to complete the entire game

    • @walong84
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    plz official Korean localization

    • @dionpierre5847
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Give us a NG+ Starborn vehicle to go with the Starborn guardian

    • @onymaru8658
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The melee overhaul =NPCUseAmmo=1 ini tweak 😂

    I’m glad they sticked to 1 planet. I hate the whole “go locate this on cilla v. ” loading screen , loading screen fast travel loading screen now go find answers in boltamir ” ..1 objective and gotta travel to other planets for 1 thing. Whoever idea was this was on crack

    • @kiekeyz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Andreja is best girl 🥰. Can’t wait to play this expansion with her by our side

    • @Z3d195
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I didn’t like the base game all too much but this is looking decent

    • @Capt_CrimsoN
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Annnnnnnnnd cue the haters.

    • @mteezy0226
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I barely managed to get through nine minutes of this video, so fkn exciting, meh.

    • @spartanleonidus238
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I figured it out, Cora Coe brought them enough food to survive!

    • @iceteasahne
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Most boring game atm

    • @leopardik999
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Garbage game, bots 🤖 in comments

    • @roadtrip_mchighwaypants
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I know a lot of people like the weird and dark aspects/environments of these sorts of games, but just to give a bit of feedback it’s really a bummer seeing ‘rift in space’ aspects to games with twisted and confusing and depressing architecture.

    The most memorable parts of Starfield for me were the bright places with ‘normal’ buildings and people, I guess ‘easily relatable’ would be the term I’m looking for. No floating rocks, no zealots wearing snake based costumes with convoluted stories, no gnarled buildings, just reasonably futuristic relatable elements. I’m hoping there’s an expansion to the game down the road that’s the polar opposite vibe of this expansion.

    • @anticorruptionagenda5106
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    yeaaaa i am out ….am gonnat replay Alien colonial marine!THx

    • @_SacredNemesis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Tim should switch from visors to headbands

    • @biviero2725
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    We want this game for ps5 as well 🫡

    • @sirdubs27
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ve been play Starfield here and there and still enjoy wandering in space exploring and leveling up. Can’t wait for the dlc 🎉

    • @MidratsSnack
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Got premium edition but had a rough go the first time I tried. Modded up a bit on series x, and now I’m on every night now. Trying to finish the main before this drops. More romance options I hope and ability to port more mods over

    • @RoboBlastoise
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Anyone know if the Life Begets Life achievement is still bugged on Xbox?

    • @JRDIXON34
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ll get this eventually. I’ll wait till the mods catch up. Cause I refuse to play starfield without mods.

    • @yukidaruma6988
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Yo dawg! We heard you like loading screens, so we added loading screens to your loading screens!

    • @Macky4941
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I have over 1,000 hours in the game and plan on plenty more.

    • @lastdayer101
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    What do you call a group of Va’ruun hiding in a cave?

    • @heroicgangster9981
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Shattered Space is basically what we should’ve gotten out of base game Starfield, a normal Bethesda game with handcrafted content.

    • @panik7680
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks like I’ll have to buy another Xbox again to play this looks good

    • @TdotTbot
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I couldn’t even get half way through this snooze fest of a video.

    • @neoraven223
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    the same people crying about starfield are the same people who cried that fallout 3 was just elder scrolls with guns and shit on it endlessly. starfield isnt even that bad for a Bethesda titles all your isues are that you expected a lot from a company that made skyrim a game where most dungeons were copy pasted assets and the world was mostly grey and boring as hell yet it still sold well. people praise skyrim yet oblivion was 100% better in every way except combat which they still didnt improve hardly at all with skyrim.

    • @youngtilt5506
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    you pissants that map isnt a feature this is just sad, ontop of that this entire dlc is a rip off if you consider its faction is already in the game and you simply just didnt expand on it so you could charge ppl twice for a full game

    • @valentingenev5815
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    We want starfield for PS please!

    • @yehudapaley3752
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    They can’t fix their main game? They have to jump to the expansion??

    • @creepspilla
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I wonder if Bethesda will make a model of the GOTY award and stick it in the DLC somewhere – the one Splat Howard thinks he should have won

    • @-drey
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    advanced equinox please

    • @aweboatani
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    DLC looks great, but why am I once again encountering the game-breaking New Atlantis spaceport floor disappearing glitch that I had to restart because of when the game launched? Maybe focus on fixing what we already bought before asking us to buy more?

    • @comical4609
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Where’s The Todd?

    • @Darkn3ss17
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love it! Cannot wait!

    • @evildoggo1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Just give me tes6 lil bro

    • @darrenwalker2003
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Omg reading the comments is like watching Luke Stephens YouTube channel, have you all been brain washed by him and others, can you not see through the monetary value you give them, there are some seriously bad games out there this one is not one of them.

    • @tonio5084
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    People still play this?

    • @rontaylor6136
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    PlayStation release coming soon

    • @NseviAlocz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Cut off from the established systems… ruled by the Crimson Fleet and Spacers (yes, the same two hostile factions you’ve already encountered)

    • @Neon-Flux
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Goodluck with expansion bethesda <3

    • @neuroticninjah
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This is a really good expansion if you have low expectations

    • @TheRealMrWolf
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Wow! This looks like “Morrowind” of Starfield. And focused on horror and maybe space magic? :O Hype is real! Can’t wait!
    And thank you guys for sticking with this game, it’s really gotten far in a year <3

    • @Madcat221
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    6:53 Weird Orion blazer rifle with definitely non-stock laser chambers.

    • @BrianSnyderND
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    On what platform was the game footage captured? It looks amazing!

    • @AHoardyBoi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @AthosZ92
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    “We wanted a more handcrafted and secluded locations”. More like you got made fun of for the laziness of procedural generation.

    • @rosumparat
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Oh look, content that was supposed to be in the base game right at launch.

    • @ErikSomething
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So, let me get this straight, over A YEAR later, the Starfield team finally “invents” a 4-wheel vehicle for players to use to explore planets – In a game that takes place VERY FAR into the future – when anti-gravity vehicle travel is possible (hence, starships). If you have spaceships that can land and just hover there at the space dock in a ‘parked’ position, and travel between the worlds, then shouldn’t anti-gravity vehicles to help explore these worlds also be available? Actually, shouldn’t Anti-gravity vehicles practically BE THE DEFAULT vehicle??

    • @ratchex
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Man, if you guys can make gravity anomalies and interdimensional horrors look lifeless and janky, I’m excited for the steam reviews of this DLC.

    Gonna be way better writing than anything that Emil can shit out.

    • @johnnydelgoto
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @jamesg871
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Meh… I played about 5 hours of this base game and wasn’t blown away. I’ll play this again in 2-5 years for the complete edition.

    • @hardlikepotatoe1361
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I put all my points into melee/unarmed and as a result my character was pretty much unplayable. Will you be fixing that?

    • @juanpolancoPTY1982
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @kryder757
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Wait wtf is the crimson fleet and spacers doing there? I mean andeja didn’t even know where her home planet was.

    • @silasimplisment
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why not enable mouse and keyboard to xonsole users?

    • @_multiverse_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Procedurally generated used to be a selling point, now they’re making sure to tell us the world is “handcrafted”

    • @SladeIndominus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So, when is the sound bug when loading mods going to be fixed?

    • @ksan3409
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Will this be the last dlc? I hope there are more to come.

    • @darrenbrown8877
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The base game was fantastic! Can’t wait for the new expansion

    • @zq7246
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The people coming back to this game are in for a pleasant surprise especially PC gamers using Nivida graphics cards that the game was admittedly not well optimized for at launch. Bethesda has done a lot of work to make sure that’s not the case anymore.

    • @DontEatCream
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The base Starfield was one of the most “7/10” games I’ve ever played. Perfectly whelming in every way. I’m glad to see Shattered Space is looking a little weirder, scarier, and better than that.

    • @danielkahbe964
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    There are so many bots reacting here, it’s overwhelming. But let’s be honest, this won’t improve the stats on Steamcharts, so stop fooling yourselves, Bethesda. This looks bad. Everything you’ve shown appears dark, gritty, and unnecessarily convoluted.

    Starfield is already massive, and adding even more content feels exhausting. It doesn’t add anything meaningful; it only serves to further confuse players. You can’t just keep piling more stuff onto an already problematic foundation. First, you need to fix the base game. There’s already plenty of content to work with.

    Planets feel empty, NPCs and cities lack life, locations are repetitive, combat feels stale, and the enemy variety is almost laughable. And sure, we get it—REV-8 is the first big vehicle. But it’s 2024; adding a vehicle to a game isn’t groundbreaking anymore. Time to wake up and focus on what really matters.

    • @TheCrazedEB
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This doesn’t look captivating at all

    • @arcadeportal32
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Honestly, if they showed some actual Snake People like the Tsaesci snake people in Elder Scrolls or some crazy things like that would hook me more that I might actually take a look at it, but Ghost people? I’ll just play Skyrim if I want ghost people lol. Just kinda eh? I needed something more I guess? Interested in seeing more game-play though to see if these is something more interesting.. Still looking forward to more.. Edit: I am kind of confused too? Isn’t the whole thing that no one knows where house v went? How do the raider guys, and whatnot know where this is at? Maybe I missed or forgot something.

    • @SnakeEyes111
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So basicaly this world is going to exacerbate the issue of the other worlds… Great solution lmao

    • @ysmir6065
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @Lethal_Venom
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Games dead

    • @GodParticleZero
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    One thing I don’t like about DLC is that how it’s always confined to one area. Would be nice to have things that affect the entire universe

    • @zq7246
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I ❤ starfield!

    • @draconis9766
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Meh, I couldn’t even complete the base story. doubt this will bring me and other back.

    • @RevrenD23
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m wondering why my series x game is grey washed and the developer footage here doesn’t seem to be …

    • @victorhughgo2376
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Dig your feet in Tim Lamb and dazzle us with your techno team skillage; blow us away, impress us. Go crazy in a creative sense, the stars are the limit which means there are no limits. Bethesda fans expect nothing less and we can’t wait to see what your team comes up with. Teamwork makes the dream work. What I like about this game is it has INSANE POTENTIAL. It is the future of Bethesda, the only way is forward, as the team leader, it starts and ends with you. If I were Todd Howard, that’s what I would say to you. If you pulled it off and made the fans happy, I would give you a bonus and a raise.

    • @MsgForce
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    16 times the loading screen

    • @mckracken8314
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    all this is so unoriginal, its like someone copied and pasted bits and pieces from various sci fi movies

    • @PiMpiNx187
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Boring empty game from an extremely overrated studio

    • @Badgerinary
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Please add more laser weapons to the base game

    • @TechieNI
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I love starfield but i hate horror games. For me this might be a miss for me even though it looks good.😢

    • @mikesshowcase8513
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Man, we’re never getting ESO 6 are we?

    • @Hauler24
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Still haven’t played through cause there are a lot of bugs that need cleaning up. I hope this doesn’t introduce more.

    • @DiscoDragonFTW
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m #1 Starfield fan OG SUE ME HARD!

    • @TiMSKiii
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait!

    • @thehater6844
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Trash game

    • @Grumbledookvid
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Your exterior environments team is actual garbage

    • @lox3mgaming819
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I never left…on my first NG+ and this just adds more sweet sweet gameplay to do 😁

    • @mirolyub_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    В этой игре не хватает космоса
    В смысле полётов

    • @aspiringgirl4422
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    There was hope until I saw Emil was working on this DLC.

    Fire him.

    • @DeathStalker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Biggest issue I have with this game is that there isn’t a single location worth staying on for more than a few minutes and I am super happy that they are focusing entirely on 1 handcrafted planet!

    • @psychofroggy8062
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Hopefully we get to join the Zealots… I’m all for making the settled systems now to the great serpents will…

    • @SkyrimInMyPants
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    For those of you who enjoy the game & continue to play it.

    I say thanks for beta testing.

    Ill pick up the complete edition for 20$ loololololol

    • @Lugiavsgiratina
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    If only it could run at a stable 60fps on my Series X 😡 I still love the game though, but it’s extremely unacceptable for the game to choke up and freeze for 5 seconds or longer when exploring the worlds in the REV and powerful and modern hardware to be unable to handle it

    • @maul4083
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Keep pumping this out so you don’t have to do real development of ES6

    • @Azerkeux
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Hire a writing team

    • @mihanshid2158
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It’s like Fallout + Morrowind in Starfield.

    • @heavyplateproductions
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    so you fuck up the launch, and now you give the players skyrim……..fuck you

    • @crashmer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can you make a travel point directly to inside the lodge 😂

    • @Pixx2266
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Did they reduce the loading screens to 5 per minute?

    • @Jiraiya_9142
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I enjoyed Starfield and look forward to the DLC. It’s not perfect but they did a lot of things well. That being said, the game fell far short when it came to the exploration, and pretty much any section of planet outside of main cities.

    • @skywalkies77
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Will the loading screens between everything be any different?

    • @bev8200
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Quick warriors wakishi will cut through them all

    • @bev8200
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ryujin managing assets mission is still stuck. Take care of operator. Nothing at the marker

    • @Unwindfilms
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I can hardly wait!

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I was expecting a more seemless experience that would be better than what outer worlds had done previously. To my dismay it was just another space load screen rpg. Even in matters that dont need load screens. Being able to jet pack to a second floor and avoid a load screen is just a slap in the face.

    • @jimhetland1423
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Sweet another short side campaign with some little different dialog. Was tired of the sheriff and crimson dialog that’s same outcome no matter what you say lol

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Some Destiny 2 Witness type shit….but I like it.

    • @stevej71393
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I was hoping Shattered Space would be more of a Broken Steel type DLC that expands on the existing main story, but it sounds like it’s just going to be another segregated side quest like Dragonborn or Far Harbor. Kind of disappointing, given how the game ultimately never explains, or even speculates on what the Unity actually is.

    • @trollza
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Wow last year was the beta version lol

    • @briangalligan360
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    update the game more than once a year

    • @muffshroomh6203
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    fully hand crafted world huh… bout time ya read some reviews

    • @darkalleywaystudio3975
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Very excited! Hopefully, we see more content like this in the future as well!

    • @Leslie-hg6wl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m beyond excited for this expansion; to elaborate on the backstory of House Va’ruun (my favourite faction). I do hope they provide additional options for those who have selected the serpent’s embrace trait.

    • @gibbs3000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Really hope this brings a POI system overhaul.

    • @temhirtleague-chess
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I like SF. And all I wanted to here was, “… and now you can do seamless planetary landings” Come Bethesda, I know you can do it.

    • @EloyBushida
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    More of the same. The problems with this game can’t be fixed by adding a single interesting new planet. They need to go back and do this to all the planets in the main quest chain at least, otherwise the game will continue to feel like a loading screen simulator across a dozen copy/paste boring locations.

    edit: oh and of course its horror themed. yawn.

    • @crapkiller3008
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks great

    • @Matt-nv2qg
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    No, go away. We’re over it, ya’ll haven’t made a decent game in 13 years.

    • @reeanimationgaming1034
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Again. These videos spend SO much time talking about story and lore, it’s politics cults and factions, it’s so boring to listen to.. We want to know about the new gameplay. No one care about story in trailers. We want to experience that when we play the game, not in our trailers or reviews..
    Story and lore is the last thing on our list when we decide to buy a game or not! Damn!

    • @marivercan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    16 times details

    • @enescustovic1883
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    the writing is on the wall for these boys and gals. you won’t pry away the Skyrim and FO4/NV players from their comfort games.

    • @markjones2349
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This game is dead to me. Short, repetetive, empty, and boring. I’m not giving Bethesda any more money.

    • @lightjedi777
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Talk about turning a game around. Nice job guys, can’t wait until the expansion.

    • @chosenmimes2450
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Have you replaced your writers yet?

    • @wykeyMo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    honestly looks pretty boring. i mean first of all doesn’t look like at least from the trailer there is much to do, I was hoping for a huge DLC. i wish they would do like 3 planet DLCs. doesn’t seem like its gonna be worth playing the game again to play it

    • @JamieAyling
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Remember well over 10 years ago when skyrim came out for like £30. The best open world game to date made 10 years ago without mods. Now here we are in 2024 yet another half assed game missing all the things we thought we would get. Nothing but loading screens empty worlds including the main factions , one city with absolute nothing around it no small towns, trading hubs , space port. Buggy as hell space ship building that relied on glitches and work arounds to make stuff actually look good. Poor characters didnt feel attached to any of them , boring repetitive dialogue. Poor graphics some of the trees and plants etc in the UC look like they was made in 2002.

    Once again they patch their game with the odd update, and modders are slowly making this game better but i think even they don’t want to put in the effort as seem fed up also when you look at mods for fallout and Skyrim a year on compared to what we have now.

    I had hopes for this game and actually pre ordered as I know fallout 3/4 , skyrim etc were great. But based on fallout 76 on release I should have know better. The best thing Bethesda can do now is make this DLC free. Maybe just maybe some of us might download this game in another year or so. But until then I and I know others wont be adding more money to this companies pockets

    • @ondrejbartak5538
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ve seen doors without loading screen at least once!

    • @enescustovic1883
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Damn, would love to try this out but I’m too busy playing good games.

    • @GeneralX-s3m
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love this game, love this sound track.

    • @barrymcnamee507
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Awkward actors or employee’s reading scripts that sound like natural talking. I’m getting ready to be completely underwhelmed. There is no innovation just asset creation. When my follower doesn’t block the doorway I’ll know that someone has finally bothered to breath new life into this bloated pack mule. (and I don’t mean me).

    • @thejazzcat117
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    VERY strongly disagree with the narrative behind this game with a large number of people. An amazing experience and cant wait for DLC

    • @MrValeK42Stuff
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Where is the sandwich lady?

    • @SOMA-gj4xc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Please tell me Crimson Feat will react to the fact you are One of them / Destroyed their Home.

    Also, What if you had been playing the Great Serpent’s worshipper?

    • @geovane19
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You people could focus on fixing the performance, my PC is about as good as the recommended settings but this runs terribly.

    • @tailaihaha
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Great. Love to see new contents. Just deliever all those fancy things and dont let us down.

    • @CapitalTeeth
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m playing this anyway because I made the mistake of pre-ordering a video game so I’m getting it for free, but from what I can see here, I’m willing to bet money that this was originally supposed to be in the base game, but they deliberately cut it off so they can work on this more, and then charge money for it.

    • @Swaggy.McNasty
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    How far into the game do I need to be? I don’t want to go through unity if I have to speed run a bunch of stuff

    • @danielkurtz3045
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m really hoping to see more substantial improvements to the base game. However, I’m not sure how much of that we’ll get with Shattered Space. It seems like they’ve realized the underwhelming state of their procedurally generated universe and opted to have everything consolidated into one planet/world map. Good choice on their part

    • @rexrickard6333
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Shatteted Space Looks great looking foreward because i like the game.
    Base game should be more like this fantasy style.
    The thing i hate most about base game is there is abandoned buildings everywhere, you land on barren moons in random locations with spacers/fleet doing nothing but waiting for u to come and shoot them. its Totally unbelievable and goes a long way to help destroy the feel of a rpg in space, having said that i like to take kill wanted missions as it just feels more fitting. There should be a feature where u scan for life/radio signals from orbit.
    Still a good game i like BGS games because it feels like im playing without rules hardly no other game acomplishes this.
    Ps make more ship pieces…Now😊

    • @johnnybradata6847
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    is SF an indicator of what we could expect from ES6 ?

    • @samuel0spicer533
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    looks freaking awesome

    • @bubrub5564
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Skyrim is still mogging Starfield in player count.

    • @Boss_Fight_Index_muki
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Are you gonna patch the game so it works with Intel Arc GPUs?

    • @MattTheriot
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It almost feels like they are showing us the developers and designers to try to pull at our heart strings. “Please buy our game, we tried really hard!”. And it does kind of work, it makes me sad to see them in this state rather than gloating over their begging. This expansion is doing the right thing by actually providing a hand crafted experience (what a crazy idea!) instead of infinite, boring, procedurally generated content (even though No Man’s Sky managed to be fun in spite of procedural generation, but I digress), but it’s too little too late, and it honestly doesn’t even look fun. “Unlock the secrets of the Verune!” The who? There’s some cult on some planet that has ‘gravitational anomoles’? Wow how original and exciting!

    Bethesda is dead, somewhere along the line the talent must have left and they are incapable of making good games. Fallout 4 was when the cracks really showed, mostly (MOSTLY) competently made from a technical perspective but the writing was just AWFUL. Fallout 76 was a total dumpster fire, an insult to the fan base. Starfield is a boring, sanitized, buggy, unoptimized mess where the main gameplay loop is mostly loading screens. People rightly point at the engine causing these technical limitations but the thing is, many engines in use today are 20+ years old, Bethesda just does not have the ability to really iterate on it. Look at the ID Tech Engine, Source, even Unity and Unreal.

    I take no joy in seeing this happen, I LOVED Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and especially Fallout New Vegas. It reminds me of Akrane Studios, who made some of my favorite games, the Dishonored series, Prey, even Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. But with Death of the Outsider and Deathloop they revealed they were losing their touch, with Redfall, they showed the world they had completely collapsed and the studio closed. I suspect Bethesda would have collapsed after Starfield if not for their deeper pockets.

    DO NOT get your hopes up about The Elder Scrolls VI, it will probably be WORSE than Starfield.

    • @basedcrusader8205
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why would I even CONSIDER playing Starfield when Space Marine 2 is available??

    • @pathe7102
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @androsh9039
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Will it come with maps or is that a few months later?

    • @basedcrusader8205
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Elder Scrolls 6 is so cooked

    • @hdhdbej
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Keep that woke shit at bay and the crazy bitches away.

    Very good presentation here.

    • @TazGaming141
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    No new ships? Or ship parts?

    • @nashcoleman8259
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Please bethesda, stop making this and your world of warcraft bullshit. Get back to making the games for your flagship franchise.

    • @flakmonkey6796
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Is starfield a hardcore shooter game or more story focused ?

    • @longliveleninism5503
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    7:05 Oh it’s abandoned you say?? All interactable NPCs have conveniently retreated into a single city you say? Procedurally generated gangs of spacers and crimson guild? I played Skyrim at 13 years old and wondered how Bethesda would ever top it and I’m still wondering that today.

    • @Pinoisreadingabook
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    you would need to pay me a lot of money to waste my time with this mediocre game

    • @ass_assassin_6969
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    when it comes out it will be shattered expectations, again

    • @dr.ludwig8189
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Babe wake up they made a new DLC for Midfield

    • @RandomDude453
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    pay to be fedex

    • @ass_assassin_6969
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    not touching this until its discounted, if at all lol

    • @tor2919
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I love Starfield and have hundreds and hundreds of hours in it. History will be kind to this game. So unfairly underrated right now

    • @danteunknown2108
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    8:00 “amping up”, and the AI still looks useless. Spawns big melee bug, it immediately turns away and runs from player. Another smaller one is just running around, player jumps on a convenient rock and the big bug can’t do anything about it. How bad is the game that for the trailer to be interesting they intentionally jump the player back onto the ground level out of a good position to (checks notes) throw a grenade? 🤦

    There’s nothing in the trailer about improved melee mechanics, it’s just lip service. I wouldn’t be surprised if the footage shows more than half of the entire explorable area.

    • @veganporkkebab389
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Are Starfield super powers still super OP? combat got super boring with these.

    • @garyward6987
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    My only complaint about starfield is. After spending so much time in the same universe. The game lags and crashes. The more time I spend in the same universe the more frequent lag and crashes happen. If that will be fixed when this dlc launches I will buy.
    I also want to know why melee attack speed got nerfed?

    • @sk3tchinatortv733
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Starfield is a slow burn but it’s been growing on me a lot

    • @Phunky1366
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why does this remind me of the set up to Dungeons of Drakkenheim?

    • @RoiLouisMC
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Yes <3

    • @Logan-hh9me
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Good, one planet down and now about 900 to go.

    • @nuclear_panda86
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m just praying the update doesn’t absolutely destroy my load order.. like they usually do.

    • @michaelguastella930
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Thank you for all your hard work on such a great game and experience!

    • @Tom-bv1sc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love how they are admitting how badly designed the exploration in this game was, by trying to do the opposite here, keeping it all on one planet. Too little too late. It could be a 10/10 expansion, nothing could make me turn starfield on again.

    • @Tom-bv1sc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Handcrafted… deep story line? After starfield, we all know your buzzwords aren’t accurate to the experience we will actually get. Game was just bad. Bethesda have fallen so far. Luckily I saw it coming, as you started falling more than a decade ago.

    • @2138Dude
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This game flops like a flip. Same spacers and same pirates to fight…. in a closed-off world. LMAO

    • @NotUp2Much
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Slopfield: Shittered Space

    • @sweetpain8277
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks great, ladies and gents. See you on the 30th!🚀

    • @Pedro_1826
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    starfield was the worst purchase of my life regret every second of it

    • @OneKaleidoscope3812
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    this is literally your best work. i stand by it with almost 30 whole days played already. I even stood by call of duty infinite warfare. lol sometimes it seems like people like the fun of the drama. even when everyone else got a ps5 i still got a series X. Starfield and Halo is for sure peak. they can keep kratos and spider-man lol

    • @tailsmaniac1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You know, I know they said “ramping up the aggression and chaos of combat” but what Starfield kinda needs is some major blood and gore like Fallout and Elder Scrolls have; for an M rated game, it’s almost TAME for it’s lack of extreme violence. IT’S SPACE, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY GOREY THINGS CAN HAPPEN IN SPACE AT ANY GIVEN TIME?!

    • @matthewlast5305
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Starfield is such an amazing game.

    • @MrIamWIN
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I like Starfield…… but ALL the loading screens kill it for me.

    • @Kittems
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ll play this… But the Varuun was the one “religion” in the game I didn’t give two poops about

    • @hihosilver1234
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks great! BGS and Blizzard make the best Expansions, so I hope this delivers.

    • @vampirefox7
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    will play with an arachnophobia mod. i underestimated how many things in the game would freak me out

    • @tonyjohnsen3160
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I played it, didnt hate it, found it quite boring. Will wait and play it some time in the future. I have hopes.

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This continued focus on sticking with the themes and story from the base game does the dlc no favors.
    It wasn’t compelling the first time around, making an entire dlc continuing it is just doubling down on a bad concept.
    I couldn’t care less about varune, constellation, or the weird time/space warp crap.
    Tell a new story about space pirates, smuggler’s, add a sentient alien species for us to interact with, something, anything new.

    • @BingusGarfunkle
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    guys im the biggest bethesda fan but im not playing this shit

    • @WestSeaSpirit
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    RIP my hard drive

    • @XALECATX1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Still not sure why this game got so much flak its kida revolutionary for bethesda I know they worked hard on it.

    • @aegontargaryen573
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Fire Todd Coward!

    • @radem5874
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Give us TES6 Bethesda, stop with this crap.

    • @cwpv2477
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    story stolen from the rift in 40k still nice

    • @please-wake-up-now
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m super curious about House Va’ruun! It looks like we might finally get some lore that makes the universe feel more alive. And that Grav Drive twist? Total wild card! Can’t wait to explore more of this handcrafted world 🚀✨

    • @tiefensucht
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Sounds like we get a short linear story on one planet with nothing is added to the base game like new things on other planets, more space combat, new enemies, a dynamic faction system or so.

    • @gormelimi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    374 hours in …

    • @MtMarshi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m so ready for yearlyish story expansions for the next few years. Starfield has SO much potential to be a literal universe of extra content to be added. This looks like a brilliant start!

    • @yfz450rider39
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    They are actually asking us to spend more money on a very very unfinished game. This should be a free expansion! Hello Games has released 7 years of free expansions. Starfield was easily, as big of a disappointment at launch as No Man’s Sky was! Bethesda will never get me to pay full price for anything ever again.

    • @NAME494
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Is it a bug?? 5:25, who is walking on the bridge?

    • @megamadvladr
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Oh I’m so ready for this!

    • @VJIX
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I really want more ship parts, buildable space stations, reasons to have more than one ship, weapons

    • @xenomorphlover
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Damn i hope this will be good! Starfield is a dream come true as a scifi fan and this expansion looks like they’re adding horror into the mix.

    • @sunnyesparon7068
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It looks like shit

    • @Evrgreens11
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This comment section is paid for…

    • @justinriley4063
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Waiting for this to be the fair price of free

    • @amberserpent
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Пластиковый мир, которому невозможно поверить

    • @121597Luke
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    >deep dive
    >9 minutes

    amazing gambit todd

    • @tokiwartuthe
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I enjoyed and still am enjoying Starfield today….I’m glad this is coming out!

    • @codelotus6500
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Hey devs, wondering if Creations save can have an issue with the DLC

    • @drewgoin8849
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I truly hope that “Shattered Space” is more than the “Dragonborn” DLC in outer space.

    • @Game_Showz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks more fun

    • @roswell851
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Loading screens -WAS the biggest JOURNEY since release

    • @chris1234999
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forward to it – I know the internet says I”m not supposed to like this game, but it’s been my favorite since launch.

    • @AllanScott28
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Snakes in space ?
    😂 Yep, all them planned DLCS will be cancelled after this DLC expansion.

    • @KalEl7802
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Bethesda should add remove color filter to the main game. It’s makes exploring planets much more fun. No longer do I feel like I’m playing a video game that was made in the 50’s.

    • @trashking1867
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Fuck yes, one fucking handcrafted planet! God im so fucking happy about this fucking dlc. Cant wait to fucking see what its about.

    • @Fraaankiee
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Hopefully they can continue redeeming themselves the way no mans sky did.

    • @SilverBld
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait to play this on ps5 with the complete edition

    • @methatguy5996
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ll check out the new stuff, but i really think they could have gone a different direction, i would like to see dlc focused on the terrormorphs, IMO the best side story in the game. Or even a second colony war.

    • @fullmetaltranshumanist8511
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Still a no from me Dawg. Gimme my money back. Frauds!

    • @mazulon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    All of the devs are white yet all the npcs are brown. Why is that?

    • @bsndragon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I had to skip 90% of this video just to avoid spoilers… I mean I appreciate the “deep dive” but this entire video is one big spoiler.

    • @Alvinie_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    are there any plans for a Starfield VR port, like skyrim and fallout 4 vr?

    • @plume…
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks fantastic, thank you!! <3

    • @soniabartelloni4454
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ovviamente non vedo l’ora 🤗❤️

    • @SecksyMan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Game is dog shit. Bethesda is dog shit. All positive comments are coming from bots. Don’t believe the bots.

    • @yeahbuddy01
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @BillyOrBobbyOrSomething
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So this is like Starfield: Stranger Things.

    • @Seatanic
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Does this dlc have technology (allen wrench/screwdrivers/etc) to scrap loot and customize weapons? or do you still have to travel light years away and harvest metal from alien planets to put a new scope on your weapon? Did the loot or weapon bench systems change at all from launch? (serious question)

    • @Kintabl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    FSC and UC should also have extended handcrafted home world from the start.

    • @bluedragonstudios9004
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I hope I get to become the leader of the faction, if not then not worth it.

    • @Fenrisfil
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I noticed there was no mention on if the land vehicle can be used outside this one new planet. Indeed it doesn’t sound like any of this content impacts anything outside of that one planet. Oh… I’m sure “You” will tell you it does with a single frame cut scene at the end/new game. Maybe a random space encounter will go “Hey remember that decision you did?” but it won’t actually impact anything.

    Yeah not falling for that. Bethesda, Fallout 4 is nine years old and has more current players that Starfield (According to Steam stats). Skyrim is thirteen years old and has more current players than that! I know you can do better. But let’s face it, you aren’t the same company you were ten years ago are you? Fix your priorities. Give us a new Elder Scrolls. Give us a Fallout 3 Re-Master (And don’t remove anything that isn’t politically correct! Because that’s like half the content!).

    Starfield is beyond salvaging. This isn’t a Mass Effect 3 scenario. It’s more like Mass Effect Andromeda, all you can do is give up and hope the next one is better. Maybe a Starfield 2, rebuilt from scratch with a new game engine that can actually support the ambition and an end game that actually has a purpose beyond replaying the game in an infinite loop and perhaps set it up so this massive open universe doesn’t feel incredibly linear. Yeah that’d be worth a shot. But you aren’t getting all that in to this game. Oh and don’t rush it. Put out an actually good Elder Scrolls and Fallout first and if you manage that maybe you can get this right.

    I love ranting in a comment that will be buried under a million cum dumpsters sucking up whatever low quality garbage they are offered. Lol.

    • @BionicFreakOfficial
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I just want ALL loading screens gone (aside from the obvious initial start-up).
    No invisible barriers on planets, no landing/take-off animations, and no loading into and out of any location. Just pure seamlessness.
    And don’t say “It can’t be done”, because it HAS been done. Y’all just decided to take the lazy route.
    Also, full-blown VR support would be very nice.

    • @esotericbeef
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    hell yeah

    • @justingedak
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forward to this, I loved playing though the main game. Just really hoping proper HDR support gets added eventually, instead of needing to rely on mods.

    • @SKRWdFaLife90
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    that new weapon at 6:54 looks pretty dope. Hope we get lots of new clothing and armors

    • @marcusarelius
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why does this look so much better than the version I have?

    • @henus123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    stop it, it can only get so average this much

    • @Izanagi-Okami
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The issue with Starfield was that for such big ambitions, it was quite empty. Traversing and exploring other planets was boring and repetitive. At least we’re focused on one location and this is what I hope will turn things around. Cause I didn’t necessarily dislike the gameplay of starfield, it just felt meaningless and especially tedious due to the multiple load screens.

    • @SchmokinJoe
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    You’re charging THIRTY dollars for this???!

    • @Eeriekid
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The art direction in this dlc looks amazing!! 😮

    • @neilltbone7501
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’ve 0 Hope’s for elder scrolls 6. I’m getting absolutely sick of the state of the gaming industry.

    • @mindfield8572
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    How do I get these clear graphics?
    TAA ruins it all for me, but there is no blur in this video.

    • @angusmadmac
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Still not fixed the ECS missions line ?? In all 10 NG I haven’t manged it to work . Hopefully Shattered space won’t be as much as a disappointment. Went back to elite ( console gamer )

    • @ГорчаковВиталий
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    >Emil Pagliacci is involved
    That’s how you know it’s gonna be shit.

    • @paulreynolds7103
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looks great 👍 😊

    • @Jason_rk0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Best game ever

    • @Deadlyvoltage3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forward to giving the game a third try

    • @jaykuptake
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Biggest launch in history followed by almost no one playing it anymore, speaks volume. You coat-tailed this title with your previous successes and failed to deliver. Even then, you tried to milk even most money from your fans with paywall quests in the creation hub…

    • @LymeGreen04
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks pretty good. I wish the rest of the major areas had more handcrafted content like this

    • @superchucksvd
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @majicMix911
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I uninstalled you’re garbage game like a year ago. Fail.

    • @IsraelSocial
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The only good of this game is the main song because the universe was so disjointed, just loading screen, hope they change it some day

    • @unadventurer_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Nice visor, DORK

    • @r.v.4241
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Yeah so Bethesda found a new way to not show a capital: we arrive a few weeks after an incident that destroyed almost entirely the city, how convenient.

    This is so disappointing, the world felt bigger in morrowind than in this space game.

    • @SwampDrippin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    People said Skyrim and FO4 were low quality when they vame out , but those people only play FPS games. They do not know the time and energy it takes to make these type of games. No game today is like Fallout or Elder Scrolls or Starfield for that matter. All people are talking about these days are hack n slash God of War copies. All they compare Starfield to is NMS and thats a “High Quality” survival game apparently.

    • @Phobion_1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    what if my character is already from house Va’ruun? what about Andreja, will she react to all this? will she finally react a bit more if i’m from the same house?

    • @webounce
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    meh, maybe ill torrent this dlc someday, games still boring af on a side note add a radio

    • @bangomango91
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ready to keep exploring the universe 🤙🏽

    • @LukaSkywalk3r77
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Mods have made this game so much better💪🏻🔥

    • @aimz_wolf5286
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    30$ for a planet and faction…

    • @Enjinercraft
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Going to marry Andreja and go serpents embrace to see what changes

    • @legendarycrysred1106
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Haven’t played the game cause I don’t have an Xbox series and damn it I don’t have the money I only got an Xbox one and I like starfield cause I only watched it

    • @coolguyjaxon3620
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    welcome back nuka world

    • @stevenjones4122
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Thanks bethesda looks good!

    • @Casualgaming-rz8og
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Who knows, maybe they’ll even patch broken melee animations this time.

    • @No-rl9wn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Great more spacers, red crimson, and va’run zealots to fight! They couldn’t show off any new weapons or gear?

    • @Ata.TeaGargler
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The Va’ruun really are just aliens at this point. Even more so than Starborns

    • @TheXeroLink
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This sounds like it might be fun!

    • @BrandiUntzGamingChannel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forward to the DLC. Finding Spacers and Crimson Fleet in abandoned locations is disappointing. Andreja doesn’t know where her home world is, but we’re fight the same old bandits there?

    • @nb7466
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Is shattered space jusst a new building with a mission?

    • @simonperring2546
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Thanks Bethesda for not giving up on Starfield. Thanks also for launching this new DLC, and the Creation Kit. Hopefully with the mods generated by the Creation toolkit, there can be a “cosmetic” mod category which won’t disable Achievements – so players can experience this new “Shattered Space” DLC while still enjoying their “quality of life” mods! 😊

    • @deadly-fix
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So… not a single new POI added to the base game systems .. what a joke.

    • @Faeozz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Looking forwards to playing it. Hope it’s good! 🙂

    • @Jasonsolano2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love this game 😁💚

    • @von4031
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Thank you Bethesda 🙏

    • @smthsmth
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Finally Bethesda doing smth they are good at. More handcrafted content please.

    • @alb-bos
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    More suggestive stories instead of actual story telling – typical Bethesda.

    • @77Arcturus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    A most complete and fully formed nightmare coated in intrigue and hope. Thanks to all for making it so.

    Hail Bethesda ☕

    • @captainRogue41
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Love Starfield and Fallout 4 Next Gen 🥰

    • @Rockr69747
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ok Bethesda, keep the mystery. Don’t over hype.

    • @whzpoor
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Sun visors are just, dreadful.

    • @D_Pellagrino
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The only way I could be more excited is if this launches with a couple bug fixes for some of the BG quests. 🤙🏻

    I’m so ready

    • @BoonTheGoon.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Time to start a while new playground again

    • @dillanyoung4799
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I would totally pirate this! I already paid full price for an incomplete game. They owe us this one.

    • @D_Pellagrino
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Dang, I’m pumped dude.

    • @bluewizzard8843
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Starfield has potential to be a reall good game with the right dlc policy. Other games are great without dlcs. To be clear starfield is not it, but other than other games this one is redeamable.

    • @rzrx1337
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    These comments are being botted. Didn’t know Bethesda would stoop so low.

    • @simo_486_3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Should’ve been more factions since launch. Not enough from the base game.

    • @pshpsh5247
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Wonder if Shattered Space has a design document, hmm Emil?

    • @Rockr69747
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why do I have the nagging feeling that under the surface this expansion is gonna be super “woke”? These Va’ruun better be some nasty mothu’s. Heck, I don’t know what it’s gonna be. I just hope it’s good!

    • @GR1MRACER
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So…. When are we getting Settlement building (not outposts) Building walls shops, manufacturing, culture, raids, stuff like that.

    • @RedDaddy328
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I’m just wondering what the best way to approach this dlc is. NG+ or a new playthrough?

    • @alb-bos
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Todd knew that Bethesda was going downhill and running out of ideas, that’s why they sold out to Microsoft, releasing their irrelevant games on GamePass.

    • @Blgmilk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Buying shattered space dlc is like shitting your pants and changing your shirt

    • @ranger_rick
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Hell yeah, $30 for features that should be free!

    • @Solitude102
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait to start a new playthrough with this DLC. Love this game despite being constantly told otherwise.

    • @dhotnessmcawesome9747
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    No hate… but that’s not what I’d call a DEEP DIVE. That’s barely a toe wetter.

    • @hankdedalus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Seeing how this dlc turns out will be telling for later bethesda games.

    • @The_Gent
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    BasedMods has a mod that changes all the black ppl to white 😂

    • @sekyS
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    i cant wait for play this DLC

    • @null_geodesic
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Another overproduced video for an underproduced game.

    • @williamchavez365
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    With mods, I’m enjoying the game .

    • @reapthewhirlwind6915
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @Archangel125
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I just want a laser sword

    • @orbitaldropshocktroopers8174
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Finally dark style !!! ❤

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    So a isolated world but they are all perfectly diverse, gay and ugly as everyone else in the universe, amazing.

    • @DoeJohn67
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Nobody cares, get to work on TES 6

    • @aedynhenderson8625
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    9:10 where’s Todd??

    • @windowone
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Dude I’m so excited!

    • @thomasjones6413
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Please optimize the game for my potato pc!!

    • @supratimchatterjee825
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can Shattered Space beat Shadow of the Erdtree and Phantom Liberty?

    • @Olter_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It is rather telling that this Varuun DLC doesn’t show a single shred of dialogue involving your VARUUN WORSHIPPING COMPANION… BRUH

    Andreja who?? Bethesda is so clueless it hurts

    • @KarlRock
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    It looks like a great adventure! I’m in.

    • @beaudamien
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can’t wait. You all have done a fantastic job and I hope you all keep doing great work for this game and the community. Thanks Bethesda. 😊

    • @TravelMate242
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Realmente se ve interesante.

    • @rodeyrevenge
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Ooweeee looks amazing

    • @aedynhenderson8625
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    4:03 last face I wanted to see

    • @damienthorn1340
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The madman did it. Todd recreated Morrowind in space.

    • @eduardornelles
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    My body is ready!!!!!!!

    • @arthurmorgan8794
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    🗑️ trash

    • @bobgrunsdigger
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Does this make the game not completely suck? I mean on a core level, does this change everything about this game and make it what we were actually sold? I doubt it.

    • @xsoundofsil3nc3x96
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Game is incredible, cry and cope about it below 👇

    • @javebjorkman
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    God, don’t give Luke Stephens more content

    • @Steve92583
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This game is so cool and this DLC same to be very very beautiful. Keep going guys, I have more of 300k hours played and I want to see more on house va’ruun, Crimson and other faction in the game. Thanks for have done this game.

    • @Shizaho
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks awesome!!

    • @drk.walters
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The people, want unique dialogue and options with Andreja

    • @MineIgaX
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I forgot all about Shattered Space coming this month. I was expecting to wait until Oct 25th to play Xbox’s next game Black Ops 6. Sweet!

    • @rodeyrevenge
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Interesting remind me of planet X

    • @mdfm28
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Gravity anomalies!!! THank you bethesda!
    The base game is a wasted potential. many mechanic of the game are not used or only used once.
    0 gravity level are only occurred twice outside the temple “challange”. once in abandoned casino, second on the ship with faulty generator.
    I hope this DLC explore the game more and fulfill its lost potential.

    • @bluuowl3325
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    who needs this when you have modders

    • @Ruleof2Review
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks incredible. I can’t wait.

    • @moistmarsupial3528
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    “Since launch we’ve added new features,”

    That came at a glacial pace and should’ve been there at launch? Like basic town maps?

    “Technical enhancements,”

    You mean having the game be in a playable state? It took us over a month to get official DLSS support, and the framerate still completely tanks in any major settlement, regardless of settings. It’s actually nauseating.

    “Fresh content”

    (Shows extremely linear quest locked behind a 7 dollar creation club purchase)

    “And the newly released Rev-8.”

    Okay I’ll give you that one. It was a good addition, but being able to traverse lifeless planets with the same 4 POI’s copy pasted everywhere at a faster pace doesn’t make it any less uninteresting.

    What a load of corpospeak bs. BGS’s “biggest launch in history” was it’s biggest flop. They’re describing Starfield like it was some massive success story, but if you look up “Starfield” on Youtube, all you’ll see are people still flaming the game and wondering if *finally* it’s worth playing a year later. The player numbers fell off a cliff less than a month after launch and have never recovered. Those people see through your act.

    For the 10% of players who still play and enjoy this game, I’m happy for you, but this DLC isn’t going to fix all of Starfield’s problems. You’re gonna get a few people coming back to play it one time like they did at launch, and then they’ll never have any reason to come back. Bethesda still has a LOT of catching up to do if they want this game to be the next Skyrim that people will be playing 10 years down the line.

    • @jessiada
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This looks like it will follow Bethesda’s pattern of making DLCs a THOUSAND times better than their actual base games. If only they could learn from their mistakes and make good games in the first place…

    • @Thejoker0071998
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Does anyone know what planet is at 0:39 where the rev-8 is driving ?

    • @SwanB
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This excellent. I really enjoyed Starfield and will keep coming back. Glad they are expanding and supporting it. So much potential here.

    • @NeoKhai
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    How about fixing the base game first?

    • @mr.starly2423
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm


    • @sugar_beard
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Bethesda, guys – when we will be able to fly M-class ships?

    • @rt3455rr2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Why is dude dressed like a golfer?

    • @jeremiahpuckett4259
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I feel way more optimistic for this DLC than I expected to after watching this

    • @dilmerfilosofo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Pronto, agora que vão lançar essa bomba, foquem no que realmente interessa – TES VI.

    • @MikeHuckleberry88
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I try not to be too critical because it’s not like I could do better. However, after playing for hundreds of hours, I must ask why more attention wasn’t given to “purpose”

    For example –

    Why aren’t the powers good for anything outside combat, or why did I work so hard for powers just to get perks that have the same effect?

    Also, why do I need outposts at all?

    And, why be a space trucker if it’s the lowest paid gig in the galaxy? 😅

    Oh, oh, and why did you try to sell me quests instead of fixing bugs or adding simple new POIs?
    (I don’t like this type of business)

    • @jasonbowers498
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Can we get a 2nd Colony War DLC with mechs and large space battles.. Also i would love the ability to claim a system for a faction and they send their fleet and some troops to guard it.

    • @tylerhenry5575
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Am I the only one that thinks that the ending of starfield kinda makes anything else that happens feel pointless like why would a post game character care about any of this? I’ll still play it but feel like you almost need to make a new character to do so

    • @nbdante
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The weird thing about this video is that there is no Todd?!

    • @SCP–cz5tw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The last time I played this game was 28th of september 2023, I was so excited for starfield, I even pre-ordered which I kinda regret now but since CK2 and Shattered Space trailers I’m getting excited again, Bethesda, please make this DLC good and revive this game. I will go get another copium bottle

    • @KitHavok
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    I hope my oxygen tank lasts long enough to see Starfield VR 🧑‍🚀

    • @prodGGERARD
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    ok cool, nice, but now give me something about TES VI

    • @AzikuraProductions
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This is what the main game should have been, hand crafted content.

    • @Fastball3267
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    trash idealist story

    • @jesusfranco
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    No new mechanics with the DLC?? 🙁

    I don’t know… maybe travelling between planets in the same system??

    • @SkullObsessed69
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    This does not seem like it’s going to be worth the $40 price tag they’re probably going to put on it. Wowie, they expanded the story of a singular planet 🙄 big whoop. I wanted ship parts, more outpost habs, varied customization of my gameplay the way fallouts expansions actually expanded on the things I could do and create. This is literally just another questing loop. Pay $40, go to a place, get told to go to another place, marvel at how pretty it is, and come back, then go to another place, rinse and repeat. Big. Fuckin. Whoop.

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    LETS GO🔥🔥🔥

    • @zerotheg0d330
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    The ONLY complaint I have is that there are Spacers and Crimson Fleet on the planet. “They’re looking to take advantage of the situation” ok how? How did they know there’s a situation? Ok there was a big explosion in the capital and that suddenly means every faction knows the location of the planet? I get that they wanted more human enemies in the planet so it didn’t seem empty, but they could’ve made 3 factions of House Va’Ruun with different armors and clothes instead all fighting each other. It makes no sense that these bums now suddenly know how to find House Va’Ruun now out of no where when Va’Ruun agents don’t even know the location once they leave. They better have a SOLID lore explanation in the DLC, and also explain why only pirates are going there and not the other major factions like the UC and Freestar Collective

    • @tylerwhite3335
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:56pm

    Seriously, can you guys fix Fallout 4 and Skyrim? Your updates broke them.

    • @SandierBigfoot
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I still want the ability to choose which Starborn outfit to wear, I have the 10th one but personally I prefer the 4th one.

    • @ErMarietto
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Stop updating Skyrim and Fallout 4 with your garbage patches. We already bought those games multiple times, stop bothering us. Also, I will never buy that totally ridicolous game of Starfield ever, no matter if you broke Skyrim and Fallout.

    • @MrStumpson
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait to see how they explain the dozen lives I’ve already lived without ever doing this

    • @robertraynault2822
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    you know whats crazy is how much BG3 Updated and Released content a fixes and add ons and here we are and after a year not as many updates as could be. i get is DLC milk money. but more value would be nice. its a decent game but seriously space exploration needs a major update improvment. ah well maybe in 5 years. if its still around.

    • @Leo007619
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @jiwik731
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    It looks like we are getting more creepy places. Nice.

    • @MrRiceGuy95
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks great, cant wait to add another 100-200 hours to my playtime 😅

    • @Adammss
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    If they don’t rework the basic mechanics that don’t work in a game about space, then a dlc based on 1? well done planet won’t fix it.

    • @maskedspartan7397
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ill play this next year once mods are available

    • @HumanZ-df8xd
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    please be natural …
    nothing personal

    • @TheLoafyOne
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “It’s been an incredible journey since we first launched”
    “The biggest launch in bethesda games history”
    Just stop with the lies man..

    • @Scorpion_GamePlay
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Жду! Дед спейс прям

    • @t-rexreximus359
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hope they add optional gore – dismemberment in Zero G would be wild! 🤘

    • @nodraxy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Essa DLC vai ser paga?

    • @nosibro
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    is this thing worth playing yet?

    • @djordjekostic3141
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “Sign in to confirm your age
    This video may be inappropriate for some users.” Whaat????

    • @cytoid7062
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Fastest refund of a Bethesda game ever, didn’t make it past the tutorial.

    Skyrim was the last good thing they made, and probably will make, ever.

    • @farbekrieg355
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I wanted a less spongey but more deadly enemies and a more complex and interesting leveling, Ai, crafting, mission, enemy variety. i guess ill have to hold my breath for 2 weeks

    • @fitzgerald434
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Sorry I’m good not playing this. Empty planets, loading screens, boring story, bullet sponge enemies. Starpoop is trash

    • @Rave-agent
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Surely no-one will fall for this again? With money at least.

    • @vooshoos
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The ambiguity woven into key aspects of this trailer reveals an underlying lack of authenticity and confidence in its presentation. Shattered Space, presently now emerges as a quintessential ‘watch-before-you-buy’ DLC, teetering between triumph and failure. Many were eager to embrace Starfield, and some still appreciate its conceptual ambition. Yet, as time progresses, it’s evident that the game is undergoing reparative measures. However, there remain fundamentally flawed aspects that modders seem powerless to address—such as the Rev8’s tile loading issue, which detracts from the immersive fabric of the game, despite Todd’s aspirations. This creates a paradox: the game is caught between aspiration and limitation. Ultimately, it’s a ‘wait and see’ scenario. While it may yet fulfill its potential, we’re left hoping to be proven wrong by those who believe it’s destined to falter.

    • @molluskwater
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I wish I cared

    • @ShadowKallig
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Im most excited for this, but I hope that another expansion they do is another War. Always felt like Varuun and Freestar collective were lacklust in terms of story, and presence. Seeing them flesh out particular planets and locale like this gives me hope going forward that most if not all expansions will be along the same vein like this.

    • @GreatWhiteElf
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope more is added to the universe at large. The game could use it, and if the DLC story is all on a single planet, that doesn’t seem like it’ll be the case

    • @Passageofsky
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Deep-dive, Starfield has the depth of a puddle

    • @TallulahSoie
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    There is no redemption arc here.

    • @FORNAX.0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    the starfield hate at this point seems so forced I genuinely dont understand where its even coming from anymore. the majority hating on it haven’t even touched the game

    • @jasonkeenan4154
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Happy to see some new weapons. I felt like the weapons in starfield needed some love, at least some variety. Hopefully we see some new ship components with new weapons as well.

    • @khalidhashmi9772
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They showed this footage at gamescom

    • @x_ph1l
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Interesting idea to isolate DLCs to separate planets.

    • @Demetrius900000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So it’s not pure scifi? Going into space fantasy territory?

    • @JakaKeela
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Why is the only romance option for straight men a 45-50 year old woman Sarah with the voice of an 86 year old pensioner?

    • @Aunny123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    What a wonderful surprise!

    • @ogmeatwad.6
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield blowed. Could have been a great game but it’s still boring as hell. If you have fun playing it good for you. But this is the most boring game I’ve ever played. Fallout and Skyrim feel like their own adventures exploring the map. This game is just walking around an empty abyss of a “universe”.

    If this DLC goes back to that handcrafted feeling that fallout and ES series have this might be enough to bring a lot of people back to the game for good. Not just for a week to beat the dlc then stop playing.

    • @Capper_Bra
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    4:02 fucking hell you are still there? I bet your work is so hard and i care so much for your hard work

    • @que-tangclan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ok I’m in

    • @yahikotargaryen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    i just like that my bae andreja’s house is getting more screen time ,i always wanted to know more about va’ruun. but ima put starfield back down after that

    • @dnevill
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    10 Times the Story, 10 Times the Space, Same wonky facial animations.

    • @Lord-Keeble
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The issue for me and many others is the constant loading screens. In a “modern game” We understand you are using an ancient engine but if you could have just hidden the loads by behind animations, to make a seamless immersive experience, to bring it out in its current state was just showing how little effort and polish not to mention thought actually went into this game.

    • @Mmachine88
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cannot wait to play this! Salute and blessings to the team cooking this up. I gotta start another new game plus asap and get my girl Andreja back as my day1 partner in crime for this.

    • @KingDerek58
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks great, I’d love to see the other settled system planets fleshed out as well instead of existing just to sell loot

    • @dtube441
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cant wait 🙌🏾

    • @milanmarko8862
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Well, this is looks extremly promising. 👌

    • @Hatecrewdethrol
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Look like ‘too little too late’ to be honest

    unless you can change the whole ‘you’re too far from your ship no more explore’ mechanic the game will never be popular

    • @jimjab3631
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Is it full of females and blacks folks? Asking for a friend

    • @smittyvanjagermanjenson182
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    As soon as i get my game pass ultimate back gonna keep playing this game. I wasnt in any rush when i started this game, but i saw its potential. Just a cool galaxy to explore, not race through a campaign. Keep up the good work!

    Wish we could play 4 player co-op, have a whole crew with their own lives that are completely different to yours with more missions to help out with

    • @Flameville
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Fire the writers who contributed to the piss poor story and world building. Such a game teeming with potential and no direction and limited still. Thank you guys for introducing nasa punk as a genre, I hope another developer does it justice and better than what you guys gave.

    7:03 is from the base game it’ll be like seeing the crimson fleet every time you find an abandoned generated location 😂. I’m hoping this time they implemented in a way that doesn’t break world building. The base game doesn’t reward exploration enough in my eyes because of the game design and dialog it coulda had.

    • @adamuser8246
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I have enjoyed the game, love the work of Bethesda. Please keep it going!!

    • @vytis47
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So they said they are going to focus on melee combat, but no overhaul to make it more fun. There’s a reason no one bothers with it… stupid.

    • @soviet3918
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No new wepons/ship parts/equip??? feel disapointed

    • @paul7408
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope its better than the Red Mile , was that area handcrafted?

    • @capnovan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Two Weeks!

    • @killsmith
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Was really hoping this would help tie in a future larger conflict/story like in prior Bethesda games. E.g. Varuun invades the settled systems and starts a major interplanetary conflict that you have to pick a side and settle (or maybe stay on the side and profit), maybe the interdimensional rifts spread across the galaxy, forcing you to go in and out of them and you have to find the sources and shut them down (like oblivion gates) maybe using your temple powers in the process so that they become useful and you can become a savior of humanity, training others in how to gain and use the powers to fight off the interdimensional invasion. Idk. Something bigger than just, “go explore a bunch of empty planets and idk maybe fight some pirates or join them with no consequences”. I really need some story to make the universe more alive.

    • @triforcegamerz7150
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thanks team!!

    Looking forward to it!!

    • @blake21693
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    every time I play starfield I see a bunch of effort that should have gone into fallout 5. The steam player count speaks for itself.

    • @TheParagonIsDead
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @scaletho
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    And ANDREJA?? Is she part of the story or will she treated like a non-Varuun if we bring her with us there??

    • @Mark-mu4pj
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks really good

    • @AceDRob
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Loved this game from day one! Excited for this DLC to finally drop!

    • @setheubank314
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Sounds cool, not gunna to play it, though. Until the base game has an option for an evil playthrough, sign me out of this slop forever.

    • @Br0joe96
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Tbh no one can ever make me hate this game! Looking forward to hoping back in at the end of this month

    • @AlexQuill63
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    6:46 is that Lance Reddick? Did he record lines for this before he died?

    • @devinhoffpauir8915
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    HEY! You got Dead Space in my Starfield!
    YEAH? Well you got Starfield my Dead Space!

    • @ReXaZz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can we have planet Nirn (from elder scrolls series) as easter egg in Starfield. Just so we know they’re in the same universe.

    • @MilenBourilkov
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “Part of it is amping up the aggression and chaos of combat” – that’s exactly the opposite of what I wanted.

    • @Mr88B
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks how the rest of the game should of been. Bet its a laggy mess though.

    Story sounds the same as nuka world and i cant wait for it to break sll the mods 😂

    • @Joseph-wh5of
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    560 hours in, and my body is ready for Shattered Space.

    • @Tapr00t349
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    i’m here for it!!!!!

    • @abdullaheyni
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @GTexperience_Channel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    cool, but will the base game also be fixed?

    • @goddessv8420
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    What about the crashing on Xbox? I can’t even play it for that long

    • @tanukijohnson6850
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Reminds me a lot of tribunal in morrowind

    • @GangstaSlimjim
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hopefully this let’s us take our equipment into new game plus

    • @Monclivit
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    How are you going to add new stuff while the game itself is a barren wasteland… good ol horse armor back at it again

    • @anzolomyer4584
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @tigger62
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Two weeks away 😊. Currently enjoying Rev-8 fishing outside Neon 😂

    • @corruptparagon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Says they ramped combat; you forget we’re all space Dohvakiin?

    • @CzaroJCT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    true to bethesda’s spirit, even youtube subtitles are bugged xD

    • @dasfrundselt
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    the color palette of a 70s brothel

    • @ThousandSunny94
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Will Shattered Space be included in game pass?

    • @HarryTwatter
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I still haven’t played looks like it’ll be good to go next year

    • @bemesda
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This is going to show people what a new Elderscrolls game design might be like.

    • @theazhang997
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I like starfield!!! It is kind of calming, perfect after a hard day. shatter space release at 17h in Germany???

    • @infintebruh007
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I cant lie this is looking pretty good.

    • @homermorisson9135
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hope this time around you’ll actually deliver something worthwhile to play… the main game is still utterly broken in its flow, 99.9% of the places are boring and empty, PoIs repeat all the time, and what’s the point of the potentially amazing ship designer when you always lose your tens of hours of work for NG+.

    No idea how that crap ever passed internal UX QC in the first place… Starfield had so much potential to be the definitive singleplayer Space Opera RPG, but it failed utterly to realize it.

    • @nothanks4204
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This is the thing they started working on halfway through development of starfield because they realized the hundreds of planets model was going to be shit mark my words

    • @SistaCitizen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @monsterurby
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Oh, hey. I get this DLC when it releases because I paid extra for the game before launch. It almost looks like a step in the right direction, but nah, I’m not reinstalling.

    I regret that my order and many others have given Bethesda the illusion that they had a “successful launch.” Talk about buyer’s remorse.

    Maybe their next paid DLC will fail to make a profit and they’ll get the message.

    • @Walter_Stroud
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m a believer in self reliance.

    • @TheFos88
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Absolutely love Starfield. BGS did so good…

    • @61FPS
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Тодик делай пятый фолыч.

    • @Seifukusensei
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Now I’m more satisfied with how I completed Andreja’s quest.

    • @uscmhudson5504
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Is this going to be one of those “Next Gen” updates?

    • @vchair23
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So so good, can’t wait.

    • @ecfeclipse
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cant wait to see the catch rate of a paid DLC to a game pass title lol

    • @Necr0Mancer666
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Come on Bethesda. Give us futuristic cities in distant planets. New Atlantis is just a tease.

    • @JiubTheSex
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait to pick this up again

    • @EloquentiaSerpentis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They desperately need to actually do some effort on the Space portion of the Space Game, because its terribly lacking and planets are always going to be templated and boring.

    • @sveningvardentredje
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    idk man, wish they did the expansion close to the main game instead, to improve Starfield as a whole.

    • @EloquentiaSerpentis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    >Cut off from the settled systems…

    >…taken over by Spacers and the Crimson Fleet(you know, the same two enemy factions you’ve experienced already)

    • @twodayrulefan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks very Morrowind imo which is good.

    • @t-rexreximus359
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The face tattoos look cool! Reminds me of the belters in the Expanse. Hope we get body tattoos as well!

    • @t-rexreximus359
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Would love them to add new rival pirate & merc factions! (even if they just reskin Crimson Fleet & Ecliptic)

    • @gondalasatvarsh5892
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope there are cool locations in the DLC, so far nothing crazy in the trailer.

    • @WiillPlay
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm



    • @zvolchen117
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield should’ve just been a handful of planets. I’d rather have a few highly detailed and varied planets than hundreds of copy and paste structures

    • @t-rexreximus359
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope they add combat & stealth finisher animations! & optional slow-mo kill cams! (like in previous BGS games)

    • @OurLou
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cant wait to play this on PS5 😎

    • @sparrow56able
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    so basically same crap gameplay but with a new story…no thanks

    • @niklasbl4030
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    please fix game performance on pc

    • @faiz697
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    in other words: “Hey guys, now that alpha testing is done, we are releasing beta testing”

    • @d4rkwest40
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Tim just got back from the golf course

    • @theidajawho
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Now just keep doing DLC sized stuff there in house and leave the nickel and dime little mods to modders. THIS, THIS is what we want from BETHESDA not one off quest!

    • @henryheavy8044
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Will there be more than one new ranged weapons ?

    • @al-fred520
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    How did spacers and crimson fleet made it to Varuun Kai?

    • @Goldbergeri
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I got done with 10 NG+ and started on a new playtrough preparing for shattered space. Even spent 100+ unity loads for perfect rolls for my starborn armor. Now im enjoying the game again as i left few things undone on purpose so i got new things to discoverer on 2nd playtrough. Cant wait for the DLC to hit so i can explore what exiting things they added in it.

    • @Yougottubed89
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thanks for the interviews with developers and an in-depth look at the new expansion. Showed almost too much where I wanted to stop watching so I wasn’t spoiled.

    • @lackingnskill
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hmmm… to attempt to play again…

    • @evgenyyurichev
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Handcraft? Sounds already great!

    But need body and shadow from 1st person view – dont miss this.
    Cutting limbs like in Fallout – why you miss this? So weird, when after explosion nothing happen with bodies.

    • @pixeltaco9782
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    hopefully there are a couple faction quests with the minor house varunn factions.

    • @centura86
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Dont be so sure, my understanding is pretty good, otherwise i wouldnt get immediate responses

    • @joeverecondi8096
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks like a step backwards to me… More boring dialogue and boring Emil writing

    • @mcryan07
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looking forward to play this on the ps5 pro

    • @FrankHaul
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Go woke go broke 👍😎

    • @Nemisish
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I mean this is cool and all. However! The base game NEEDS to be improved with more handcrafted content. Space exploration, more POI (Point of interests) etc… And what is already there needs to be improved upon aswell.

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks decent but it’s extremely disappointing it took yall almost a year post launch a brand new IPs first DLC, a DLC a lot of people including myself had already paid for, hopefully it shows a years worth of work, especially since yall leave all the hard work for the modders to do for free like, patching your games, hopefully Shattered Space isn’t a broken buggy mess.

    Starfield is definitely the Elder Scrolls Arena of the Starfield franchise, large as an ocean, but as shallow as a puddle, the procedural generation and the vast amounts of planets with little to nothing to do is a big disappointment, the vanilla cookie cutter no intelligent alien lore is pretty boring too, and unrealistic, how in a universe with Terramorphs is there no other intelligent life? Lazy, it needs to be fixed for the next games, clearly the makers of Unity isolated intelligent species.

    Hopefully for the next Starfield games they stick to less than a dozen systems, that way the games are more fleshed out, like ES Skyrim, not ES Arena. Also, Starfield definitely has the markings of a great MMO, all the systems are pretty much there, might be worth looking into.

    • @bassibar6312
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Euer schlechtestes Spiel……… Nach Skyrim kam nur noch Müll.

    • @Itssmial_Ova
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Prediction: Some people will enjoy playing it. Others will enjoy trashing it. Years from now those who enjoyed trashing it will claim they were fans all along.

    • @Mr.SpaceMann
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ok fine, I’ll play Skyrim again

    • @redguard6886
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    interesting to check out

    • @vapegod3659
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Yall couldn’t make a better game in less then a year? Also this is shit Todd, you fuck us again and we will do you like Ubisoft man, you fucks were almost there anyway after Redfall, it’s pure fucking luck that every other game released was shit tier too so all people complained about was the state of game development last year. This year space marine 2 dropped, so when this doesn’t change your game or make starfield actually good in every other game mechnic outside the DLC

    • @MrDrewHunter
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The game is great to be honest this has so much more potential. Paid mods are a blight and overpriced i dont wanna pay 7 dollers on a quest that can be done in 3 minutes.

    The sidequests are excellents especially the UC vangaurd. More faction like quests would be amazing.

    More exploration options. More companions.

    Mods need to be revamped to reflect its potential instead of doubling down on paid mods. Double down on creativity.

    This DLC and future updates will either see Starfield fall or rise from the ashes and into the stratosphere.

    We want to love your games and we do. But we are not dumb to your practices either.

    • @tetchedskate3366
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Considering the shortcomings of the base game, I think making a large dlc take place on a single planet that has many different unique locations is the right decision to make.

    • @aallaaaa1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    but how many loading screens ?

    • @idonegotold
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    my homies and i think yall need to add some new hair styles bein that almost all of them in the game now are wack as hell

    • @RandomWandrer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I love Starfield. It’s the game of the decade for me. I can’t wait for Shattered Space.

    • @justmordecai
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m not holding my breath about this DLC, but I am glad that they’ve clearly listened to the feedback of the game so far with the gameplay design of the DLC. I’ll definitely try it, and I hope to be pleasantly surprised!

    • @StarComrade26
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    You guys really need to amp up the actual gameplay in this game. The gunplay and movement feel terrible for a modern game. Base game POIs are too repetitive and few and far between. This entire DLC just looks like pretty setpieces with no proper action – even the segments in this trailer that show the gunfighting against the aliens look stupidly boring.

    • @InMourn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    should’ve been $20 since its a $70 game

    • @evilforhire
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    More adventuring with ugly and overly representative space diversity. Yay.

    • @Drainola
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks really cool and all but do we know if the other 95% of the game is going to see improvements or is Bethesda putting all their eggs into this one planet while ignoring the others?

    • @BackRoadsBandit
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I put 100 hours in as soon as it dropped and stopped playing. Will be coming back when dlc and more mods come out. Need better weapons dawg.

    • @mercmech
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Right on the heels of a Yamiks vid, lmao.

    • @ryansarafin12
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    7:44 what does that mean? You improved close combat? Or you added “more” melee weapons that feel like all the others? Genuine question

    • @JS-Machine
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I want to love this game and I wanted so much to be excited by this but it just feels flat to me

    • @odintheprole6068
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Do we *need* every game to be treated as GAAS? Why couldn’t the game just get delayed a year or two to fix all this stuff prior to launch?

    • @Riri_734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Only thing you’re missing are Daedric Anchors. Those ambush portals look lame.

    • @AStrangeWindmill
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like some solid work!

    • @elnecromancer5968
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No thanks

    • @spicy.tuna_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m ngl this looks fire

    • @mrnobodymobile
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I think I would have enjoyed more of an expansion to cities like Neon and new Atlantis but may be some technical limits for consoles to implement big vast cities say like Night City

    • @Daynger_Fox
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I cannot WAIT for this expansion. Can we jump in without having beaten the game? Or should it be reserved for a NG+ run?

    • @HomogenicK
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thank you for Starfield, my comfort game for life

    • @NihilistTurtle
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I like starfield, there I said it

    • @dulmephistoslordofhatred
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I dont give a fuck about others, i enjoy this game a lot!

    • @jaro200879
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Like every Bethesda patch or DLC they ever released, it will break the game and make it unplayable for months (latest example Fallout 4).

    • @sashautrera6935
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So we want the gore (dismemberment etc) from Fallout in Starfield aswell. It’s way too soft unfortunately.

    • @wbwarrior6689
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Come to PS then I’ll care lmao. Shitbox

    • @jeremysowers7853
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Seems like something that could have been in the game from the start

    • @Shibby
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looking GREAT!

    • @Multifidi20
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    We need more 3rd person melee finisher animations. Just like Skyrim and Fallout 4.

    • @djungelskog9581
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    A nice hand crafted world is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear, heres hoping thats the direction going forward!!

    • @Dymmy83
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So more running 1600 meters for a roll of toilet paper and 163 credits in a lunchbox at the same POI you’ve encountered 478 times before as you pass the same plants and animals on 200 other planets; scanned & logged into a non-existent database you cannot access.This is a Florida Timeshare commercial from 1995 in a game format. Boring, generic and lifeless. Your ship only gets to boost and shoot, you don’t “fly” anywhere. Random NPC #337786 you’ve seen the same face of 900 times that needs you to check on Toxic Gas Vents, no wait a lost crew member in a storm, no wait a civie who wanted to leave but needs credits to come back. wait no it was some meat they needed for cooking, wait no they need a ride to Montara Luna, no wait they need the generator fixed now! This game is unfinished poop made by people who do not play games, nor care about QA in any capacity. In the end though… random POI/POI layouts would make this game immensely better… I had such high hopes… 😡

    • @1983beau
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hate that you guys choose to create DLC but insist on having it NOT integrated into the main game and instead choose to create a smaller satellite game that orbits the main game. I haaaate that. It feels so utterly separate from anything meaningful. Because it’s its own separate game outside the main game. It should have been evenly distributed throughout the actual main game. Inflate the game. Don’t have a flat game with a peak of quality on the side.

    • @jaredmongrain2966
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    It’s a very enjoyable game just give us merge glitch ship building back

    • @mrtguero
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    5:46. Look at the ground. Yeah… It’s just standart for them now.

    • @trichromatic5717
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    But are you guys just focusing on one planet or are you going to redo all the Copy and paste areas? I’m sorry I don’t think one planet or dlc is going to save this game the damage is already done. If you guys are redoing everything and more handcrafted areas and more interesting lore then I’m in

    • @zurfey
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Praise the Great Serpent

    • @austindrake4697
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m stoked to see if they are using different color tape to told this DLc together vs. the base game. Next gen update broke Fallout 4.. 76 totally broken. AP messed up, items dropped with pointless perks. Enemy loot despawns etc… skyrim broken since launch day.. so stoked for this !! ❤❤❤

    • @alchemyize
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They’ve been doing anything but making seamless entry-exit planets 🤦

    • @youp1tralala
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Wooo lots of blue and purple and an evil Daedra lord lurking. Apparently, this is what people wanted.

    • @ksa-vv3gm
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Just make a new skyrim dlc instead

    • @daito7729
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I only seen one new weapon and that grenade? I really hope there is going to be much more than that considering this is supposed to be an expansion.

    • @daniel7767
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    so basically sci fi far harbour? Im ok with this

    • @Sinsation27
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This was an underwhelming deep dive. It talked a lot about the story and the environment but I honestly don’t care much about those. I was more interested in learning if additional systems or improvements were added to the game, such as base building expansions / settlement gameplay systems and new ship parts / building improvements / additions. Since those are what I spent most of my time doing in game. Nothing here looks very innovative or makes the game any better to me, except for another area to run around in. I’m going to wait and see what else is coming with with expansion

    • @evok2691
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So.. they spent a year.. to introduce grenades in a slightly different arch type and a story that looks like it was written by AI.. nice.

    • @Elmarapoo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The “biggest launch in Bethesda’s history” is as important as a fart in the wind right now.

    • @andreaskohn3107
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hype Rocket 🚀🚃🚃🚃🚃

    • @Asilhan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks good Bethesda! This game needs at least 4 of this scale handcrafted DLC to be a masterpiece like Skyrim, and of course you MUST remove loading screens.

    • @GrecoRomanNinja
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope they updated some of the interfaces. For instance, making the buying-selling and inventory screens more visually appealing and easier to use. The drab minimalist dull grey doesn’t look good.

    • @louisbrown3793
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks amazing can’t wait to play 🙂

    • @macash75
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ich freu mich drauf…..

    • @andyheaton4601
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t watch the video, it just keeps saying “Loading”. lmao

    • @instantrameng0d36
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    starfield is a great game! just wish they didn’t rush it out like they did.

    • @vasileiossaloufas2994
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    amazing job from amazing people! bring it on I can’t wait!

    • @LilBoTeeth
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ill never get my 60 hours back

    • @Dr.Strangelewd
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “It’s been an incredible journey since Starfield launched last year!”
    You sure about that, chief? Also, gotta love how Todd doesn’t even care about his “dream game” ever since it released, must’ve moved to his next “””dream game”””.

    • @kyledodson2992
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So you still didn’t fix/eliminate the load times?

    • @Gluckanutyj
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m glad we are getting a DLC but BGS must really concentrate its work on fixing/improving the fundamentally boring activities and sidequests. I also hope they will fire people who made the space RPG so unexciting before those people do this to TES6 as well.

    • @matt.o.nutz3dnutz930
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @benjaminoravecz4686
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    looks like shit

    • @Viggo3000
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @R4TSL4Y3R
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope they made some enemies incredibly tough to beat, I’m only NG+ 3 on hardest difficulty and breeze through enemies quite a lot

    • @Caucasian60
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’ll be impressed if this game updates to the Shattered Space DLC and no mods break the game without update.

    • @MikeT-vs5cl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So 1 planet out of 1000 is worth exploring now?

    • @igobraz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Every person u see on the screen here either never played their own game more than 10 hours total either relatively stupid. I was so depressed when realised that Game which i waited since the first name teaser is just a half-digested, half-undercooked, semi-finished memorie of a good old Bethesda Game. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • @tomje7024
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    How does this game look so old already

    • @farrelicious1951
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Imagine if every planet is filled with content like this

    • @neondharma
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    7:18 look at the character in the fronts gun

    • @takh6806
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Finally Starfield is about to leave beta stage

    • @PedroGomes-cx7ku
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait!

    • @xxlukexx08
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope it’s free.

    • @ivegamed4decades
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Coming to my channel on day one 🙂 💪🏿💪🏿

    • @willd7596
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ship building expanded! Waiting on that!

    • @mauvecloud0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “Terrifying ambush scenarios”? That phrase alone would probably make me avoid this DLC, except that I already bought the premium edition of the game. I can see for myself if the ambushes are really as terrifying as they claim – since I generally play with reduced difficulty settings, maybe they’ll be tolerable.

    • @BenWillock
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ew, Emil. 🤮

    • @funkyk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Still wish there was in planet flying with our ships.

    • @c_marquez117
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hell yeah

    • @jhitcho2026
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    It’s terrible when I dlc begs for our interest in an otherwise mediocre base game.

    • @firejayhawk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Add more Starborn stuff please! I want to be able to customize my starborn ship or even make a custom starborn ship. At the very least make it so we can edit the weapons and shields. maybe make a starborn ship vendor like the starborn vendor that you can find randomly in space. I like the look of the ship but not having good weapons or shields makes it hard to use, even though it looks really cool. I personally think it has the best bridge of any ship and id like to use it more. and having more starborn ship parts would be really cool

    • @insane5907
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Wish this game was on PlayStation so i didn’t have to wait until I got my PC

    • @Sustape
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Asmongold please dont play this shit again. (im not a dev i swear)

    • @nathanthreshie199
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hope a dlc get created about the starborn! who created the temples and unity and what them rings mean perhaps! How you end up with starborn ship from nowhere so so..

    • @arielyagudaev547
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No other location in the base game is detailed , it’s ridiculous to make DLC for this game if you don’t fix the most annoying problems like traversal and loading screens

    • @psevdonim481
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thank you for your hard work, Shattered Space looks amazing, can’t wait for it and new updates to the base game. It’s sad that it game so underrated and hated too much. I hope more people will look at the game differently with the DLC

    • @lesmoe524
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    looks great

    • @hosshydraa1181
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Played Starfield for the first time in months, and my god it is such a completely different game now. Surface maps are massive for finding trait locations quickly on planets as well as just how clear they are. The Rev 8 is just awesome, and the trackers alliance, man that’s an awesome new addition!

    • @wayhik6178
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Is that Joe from Impractical Jokers?

    • @zeropoint216
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    90% of the “problems” with Starfield came from people who, with no reason whatsoever, expected it to be anything but a Bethesda game.

    • @Lentjauguar1426
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    i don’t know if i like this game

    • @papapudding
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Honestly I don’t think I’ll be coming back even if I got the DLC for free with the premium edition.. It seems to me that Bethesda has lost their magic touch.

    • @kolewright2107
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield was already fantastic and this will make it even better. 90% of the bandwagon critics on here wouldn’t have any complaints about the game if they didn’t have their internet thought leaders convincing them it was bad with willful uncharitability due to some grudge left over from Fallout 76. With some basic media literacy, they may come to realize that emptiness is the point; it’s a purposeful statement. If you don’t find that statement fun, you can go spend 30 hours in Neon, New Atlantis, or this new city.

    • @thelazysword3789
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I can’t wait!!

    • @TomTom-ym2bh
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks fantastic

    • @Ninjalox2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I really hope the ending you get has an impact on the game outside of that planet

    • @MatthewTheGameFusion
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    We don’t care of this crap give us Doom The Dark Ages trailer 2

    • @chrisamos521
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Much more in line with what i (and many others) want/expect from Bethesda. Thank you!

    • @liongohammer9466
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I love Starfield. I have to schedule some time to play Shattered Space when it drops. I don’t want any interruptions.

    • @SkullyBones448
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Always thought this was the best way to go with Starfield. Lots of different planets with different stories to tell or expand on.

    • @romanferguson4032
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @suzuplaza
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    all of this should of been in the game day one, so embarrassing

    • @yarou3124
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Good to see they’re focusing on one planet intead of hundred of empty randomly generated planet. Heading to the right direction.

    • @CheefChaos
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Game has only gotten better. I came back a few months ago and beat the game, Bravo Bethesda!

    • @olsongc8422
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I really hope the rumor for the next DLC being focused more on the Starborn and how it all works is true. I honestly would love to see some sort of intertwine connection between the Great Serpent and the Unity/Starborn…..hell………would be awesome if the Great Serpent had it’s own “Starborn”…….and the Great Serpent was some of Jormungand and was “ever present”

    • @davidpelaez7176
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    this is where mid peaks and becomes meh

    • @DaoistYeashikAli
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No matter how much sugar you put into it. A sh*t will stay a sh*t

    • @arielyagudaev547
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Get rid of loading screens please

    • @breakinggames1810
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Bring it to ps5 and I’d buy it. Selling yourselves to the devil was a bad idea and less money in your pockets

    • @DarkElfDiva
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Congratulations, you’ve upgraded from burning toxic waste dump to smoldering toxic waste dump.

    • @pabluh18
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    they cooked 👀

    • @TheBHAitken
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Today I gave a negative review of Fallout 4, on account on how badly Todd Howard (censored) it up. How long before you do the same thing here because someone makes a better story?

    • @thedonzhorzh
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So when is the PS5 release?

    • @thewhizbang
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Been playing since launch! Looking Forward to Shattered Space! Thank you Bethesda team!❤🎉

    • @GuyFawkes1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks awesome! Can’t wait

    • @ReviewBrad
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Best game and world I’ve ever experienced. Red Dead is the only thing that comes close. You’ve ruined other video games for me. Thank you for creating such an inspiring universe and all your hard work! Cant wait to see how you innovate the ‘platform’ of Starfield going forward ❤️🩷❤️

    • @IBM29
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The Grav Drive experiment gone wrong sounds like something Vault-Tec would do, but on a larger scale.

    • @Astro-M0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No thanks I’ll go play a real space game (Star Citizen) where I even have the basics of flying my own ship 😱😱 Mediocre content as always Bethesda you never disappoint 🤣

    • @kapitankrunch3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait for this! Love this game

    • @fakeperson9788
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    To be honest I would rather play The outer worlds. Hear me out you guys did good on bigger maps, but it’s really boring…

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So a Dead Space type expansion….

    • @Z3nPnk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Sounds great, more of this! A yearly expansion like this would be awesome.

    • @CumeronThomas
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    What a massive waste of time. All this effort should’ve gone towards Elder Scrolls 6.

    • @gaming-den
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Please please improve on the surrounding areas of New Atlantis and Akila. It’s really unrealistic to have one city on a cliff with no suburban area.

    • @andypanda5783
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’ve been playing Starfield since September when it was released, and I’m looking forward to the new DLC.

    • @sw-gs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Wow, all those devs are giving so much enthusiastic speeches and so give out many emotions.
    They look as alive as this game is.

    • @davidkusma
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    looks fantastic, cant wait!

    • @Alan_The_Jaguar
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Will this DlC include less loading screens?

    • @LeonLancaster
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Was hoping there would be some sort of pre dlc free update that might address the some things people were hoping for but this isn’t filling me with a lot of optimism

    • @gmmgrey1852
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    PLEASE: with this update id like to see 2 major things:
    1. Environmental hazards do not continue INside buildings or shelters.
    2. POI update so all generated content appears only once!

    I feel like they didn’t take the randomly generated content far enough. If done corrctly, you would never see the same instance ever!

    (I know there are mods/creations out there that do a really good job with these, but tbh, this needs to be standard!! Also i’d like to get my achievements still while going through the game for hundreds of hard earned hours)

    • @DoctorTBR
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Love the whole vibe of the place

    • @tempalar7530
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    4:03 That’s him! The person responsible for writing the cursed and awful story of Starfield

    • @AgentPaperCraft
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They really have employees using DTK2200s in 2024. Treat your artists better than that, you guys can afford more modern equipment.

    • @SuperPartymonster123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks too good to be true.

    • @Hellmukmin2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @RadicalCrab
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    oh yeah, more nasapunk for the ppl

    • @chocolatepvp9611
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @duppypixels
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I really enjoyed my playthrough of starfield, and that was before all of the performance updates and the land rover… i sunk 170 hours into this game, so many fun side quests and after i beat spiderman 2 and mario wonder, i went right back to this. The people who trash this game are usually the ones who never played it or dont even have access to it natively lol

    • @tarnishedhunter222
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Not elder scrolls 6. Don’t care.

    • @newbmechanics5699
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    such a magnific world… so many colors… wonder if i will be able to build my ship and not have hundreds of ladders automatically spawn everywhere without my consent… or have the ships targeting system let me manually aim my guns… please just let me manually aim… ……

    • @yallqaeda1349
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    If they’re dumb enough to run dangerous experiments IN their capitol, they deserve what they get.

    • @hoknjok
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    PLEASE get rid of the loading screens in space travel!!!!!! Figure out a way to make it seamless, I know you are capable of doing this as the elevators in FO4 were seamless loading screens.

    • @RuthlessMetalYT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    this game is just too janky. this needs several more years in development before it’s worth playing, sorry but I’m never preordering another Bethesda game after this.I bet my comment will be deleted because criticism is hate in 2024. lol-

    • @Abdalhakeem707
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Omggg i need this injected to my veins please

    • @christopherarocha92
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Next year let’s get full RTX support

    • @Phlegmcandango
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Game is a load of wank, i want my 50 hours back

    • @lucademarte
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cool, to see the evolution of the game. I need to get back into it when it drops.

    • @skillywilly187
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I still didn’t finish the campaign

    • @samuelcalderon5525
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks great and handcrafted. Love it. Hopefully this dlc comes with improvements to the base game too. Will definitely purchase if that’s the case

    • @merrakul894
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Now if you could just find a way to do something like this on approximately 100 other planets… you will have something….

    • @EEEEEE1337
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Yeah, I love Loading-screens, is all I ever wanted more Loading-screens, gimme some. You devs. with your way of: “feedback makes our game better”, when people clearly were not happy with your product. Now, some DLC emerges, when the gameplay is still not really fun and full of Loading-screens. Amazing. Truely some Bethesda mastermind behind all this. Keep it up. Tbh Elder Scrolls VI shouldn’t be released until Bethesda gets it together, man. Boo Bethesda, boo.

    • @efxnews4776
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Congratulations for the first vehicle of Bethesda. 😅😂😂😂

    • @sammmywashere
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    thank you devs!!!! we appreciate you all!!!!!!

    • @ronaldmckee7542
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I love Starfield, flaws and all. They’ve fixed and added many things. 60 fps, over 25 game play options, camera options, difficulty sliders, other game play sliders including a survival mode, creations kit, Rev 8 land vehicle, surface maps, bounty scanning system, tracker alliance building and quests, and more. And the 1st major expansion DLC Shattered Space is coming soon. Which is said to be the size of Far Harbor and is all on 1 planet and around 1 major city with all hand crafted content. After all the updates the game is a 8.5/10 for me, which jives with the 85 PC and 83 X Metacritic score. And it maybe a 9/10 after Shattered Space drops.

    • @tig3rjax494
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I need to play this again before the DLC. I haven’t played since about 2 weeks after launch.

    • @sindx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I like the game! Over 300h in and playing as a bounty hunter atm.

    • @edgardoproductions7181
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks really good!

    • @ShadowOfIntent94
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Bet they still have load screens lol

    • @itisWhatitis12345
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks so good

    • @xplodrox
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @pirlouit9116
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Not a fan of starfield overall but House Varun was one of the things that intrigued me the most in my playthrouhh. May as well try the DLC when it comes and see where this lead.

    • @ClosedCasketVideo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This game sucks.

    • @thesolidsnakealpha
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Good game, shitty character models.
    No noticeable difference in the expansion, it seems.

    • @Veryfriedperson7
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait to forget this exists in the next couple hours

    • @kriidk9827
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    You can criticise this game all you want , but inon zur really made a magnificent soundtrack 🤌🏾🤌🏾

    • @imtherealfish6146
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Add dismemeberment or something to make the combat better

    • @DoltCat
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @suneosatellites
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The only Shattered Space we care if you shatter the loading screens and make everything seamless

    • @barsnack7999
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @luckylanno
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like there’s at least one new energy weapon too!

    • @mrfireclaw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hey I hope that y’all doing well over there My question would be to you to everybody over there Vanessa is how do I put this in short have you fixed all the stuff is wrong with starfield I have went through so far 84 playthroughs and still running across the same set of bugs from the old engine to the new engine and I keep going but you get the idea and one other thing can you make a flat deck like a better way to describe it over the internet somewhere where you can actually work outside and be able to do the stuff you like like of a better way to in terms🎉

    • @silverwerewolf975
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Locking the entire dlc on one planet clearly invalidates the sense of a freaking interplanetary game. Clearly the game didnt meet expectations and they had to go back to classic way of doing the bethesda games

    • @84jesterx
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can you at least update and expand the previous main 5 planets??? The one where the Rangers homebase at is bland with no real dynamic planet-wide features for example. No real purpose to explore out of the city with No real branching out settlements having their own identity or quest line NPCs. Which defeates the idea that these are “hand crafted” and just isolated biomes with ONE planet loading screen…

    And if not that, could you at least buff up the space stations? We know your tech is limited, but it would be nice to explore derelict spaceships, stations, even do a space walk in a suit or some kind.

    • @mkreku
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Yay! Finally we get a chance to experience new loading screens in the best loading screen simulator I’ve ever played!

    • @Co11io
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like Half-Life’s Xen

    • @tomekjas
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    amazing game

    • @murkypuddle33
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    lets goo

    • @Nuclayer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Entire video is doing nothing but explaining the backstory. No mention of how large the content is or how many hours of playtime. New weapons? New armor? new enemies? additions to the base game, new powers? New ships or ship parts? Big New features? I wont be paying a dime until I know all of these things.

    • @droshinjii7744
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Soooo looking forward to this! Ive never been this excited about a game before! Good luck to everyone playing!

    • @acidseaforce4836
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Dogshit game

    • @Exiled1138
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks great and really captures why I started playing Bethesda games and still love them. I took Sept 30th off work and can’t wait!

    • @senoka4638
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Honestly, even after watching this I’m more hyped for the Star Wars Genesis overhaul. With Emil still writing I have no faith this will be intriguing at all.

    • @riccardocurrao7619
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’ll try it for sure. Would be nice to see a return of the finisher animations for melee combat like in previous games

    • @JarofMayonaise
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They need to do something with new game+ before I come back to play. How about taking some of those stupid temples and only making them available in the 2nd or 3rd unity trip, giving those a reason to be played. Starfield is not a bad game by any means but it’s just so goddamn boring Bethesda. One of my favorite missions was finding that ghost ship, but was let down when I wasn’t able to take it or do anything else with it. Finding strange wrecks in the middle of nowhere and trying to piece together what happened is fun. Ya’ll need to be throwing anything and everything you can at this game like No Man’s Sky did and I guarantee the players will return Todd. It’s kind of scummy but look at what mods people make for your games and just do it yourselves, without asking $29.99 for a gun and a space suit.

    • @Mr_snappy.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Damn the game world looks so beautiful yet fresh, I wonder what the game would’ve been if BGS had gone for handcrafted planets about 50-100 rather than 1000 of procedurally generated planets

    • @KUPSMusic
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Has the sunken cost fallacy set in yet?

    • @KingFanMan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks great!!!!!!

    • @deaddrop3772
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The M-class ship near the beginning might just be an explorable poi, but I really hope the dlc introduces M-class ship building.

    • @lukaspodany5210
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    7:24 Is it just me or does it seem to me that this is really a big inspiration from the game Dead space?

    • @zaldronthesage
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope they fleshed out the games core features, that is all I personally care about. A million miles wide and 1 inch deep.

    • @itisWhatitis12345
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Love this game so much

    • @itisWhatitis12345
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Finally hell yeah let’s goo. I’ve been waiting on this

    • @river9548
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Still waiting for the day I may win it through giveaways 🙏

    • @bullseye0419
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Loading screens and Fast travel now have 16 times the details! 16!!!!

    • @tqpro
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Proceed with caution.

    • @benjaminnappez6084
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    If the AI remains the same, the enemies can change skin, etc., they’ll remain dumb bullet sponges. Reactive, working together to chase you out of cover, sending back grenades, using the environment just as you can, with explosive pipes, etc. New content is very nice indeed but please bring the game to a 2024 state of the art, not 2015.

    • @littleanonymous4785
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This DLC look like it’s going to be awesome

    • @djmurph123
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I loved this game don’t understand the hate tbh

    • @bobbys9459
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait!!

    • @lukaspodany5210
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    5:47 well, it’s clear that it won’t be like the base game, when the base game is worth shit…..

    • @bobbyb42
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @giovannifim4964
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    WOW blue ghosts!!!??? we never seen this before!!!

    • @LaykoRenix
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @nickekrnikku644
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “First major expansion”. Oh?

    • @IamChris_8
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    F*cking HYPE! 😍

    • @voidlee2578
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Where is Todd?😭Give him back!😭😭😭

    • @HeavenlyPalace-Y2K
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Are your games still full of bugs at launch?

    • @abendingmetal7640
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    OKAY! you guys getting another chance, can’t wait for this!

    • @Jonnyr31
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    A deep dive into boredom, i fell asleep half way through…

    • @wakeup3843
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Tim Lamb literally looks like he just walked off the golf course to make this announcement….what dedication!

    • @Gorthek1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Close quarters combat? Time to set up a shotgun build.

    • @chainsaw8507
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Bro, I’m so pumped!!!

    • @FairGame206
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Damn I hope the year long wait for dlc includes massive, massive updates to the game overall. It’s needed so fucking bad. I’m nervous that we won’t. I can’t lie I’m not excited about the dlc I’m way more interested in a cyberpunk 2.0 update for starfield.

    • @Caucasian60
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thank you Bethesda, I needed some excitement for my Monday to start the week. I cannot wait for this DLC. I also started playing The Elder Scrolls Castles too! My favorite part is the micro transactions.

    • @wilfred6084
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Nice deep dive! Can’t wait to play this! 🙂

    • @dougr8646
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can not wait!!

    • @enzosw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    After we finish exploring the planet, then what? The rest of universe/planets/factions will still feel soulless. Starfield’s unfortunately not going to have that same longevity and replayability as fallout and skyrim …

    • @vakko7734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looking good 👍 👌 I want play Is possible get that dlc on cloud gaming if yes I’m ready ❤❤❤❤

    • @Mr_snappy.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    does anybody recognize what’s the weapon at 2:30? Is this a new gun?

    • @GWGS_YT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    good dlc

    • @abeidiot
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    the creatures actually had dismemberment in fallout 4. why are they going backwards

    • @АлександрИванов-р2з3ф
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Best experience possible… but possibilities is very low.

    • @Yojimbo825
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Been playing it a lot lately and excited for this new expansion.

    • @shawngrimes6770
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks absolutely fantastic. Can’t wait.

    • @JohnnyCaldwell
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @anexs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I enjoyed starfield. Would love this❤❤❤

    • @ThrobbGoblin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So, my takeaway from this is that you’re not changing anything about / adding anything to the base game.
    Just more of Emil’s writing.

    • @SOuthCOOl96
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    this game is so good cant wait for this

    • @GunterThePenguinHatesHugs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    My fingers are crossed for an overhaul of the melee combat 🤞


    • @SpecteR3145
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope House Varuun didn’t sign a pact banning giant combat robots 🙂 I need a battlemech at least as a boss, but of course a piloted one would be better 😉

    • @brandflakeswiley4583
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Glad to see the comments arnt all just haters

    • @Reklawization
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks really good.

    • @solidusste2202
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Il dive straight in once it releases on PS5.

    • @HeartOfNull
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @fabriceholc5508
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Wok woooook … ?

    • @YeTism
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I forgot this game existed

    • @williamblake8560
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I have been playing this game since the beginning and I still enjoy it

    • @xNeo_z
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    OMG CANT WAIT 💚💚💚💚💚

    • @vonb8984
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Will there be side quests or is it just a main quest with branches?

    • @MrReaxxionAction
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait =)

    • @celzeeto1748
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Wow! 🔥

    • @Majber
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I wander if anyone cares. I will definitly not buy it. Fallout 4 is still broken.

    • @cheerio2298
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    yet another bethesda game with a lame excuse to not include a big city.

    • @PunishedOwn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Happy to see this! looks great

    • @Tinywars
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Truly awful game. On another note. Fix Fallout 4. How you’ve left that game is absolutely disgusting.

    • @DaringDan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    You invented the plot to Morrowind…20+ years later. Good work.

    Also, if you’re really listening to feedback, cookie cutter bases, outposts, and cave ain’t it and your cities feel like cities from the mid-aughts. Witcher 3’s cities feel more alive, and Baldur’s Gate 3’s conversations feel more real. You guys used to be on the bleeding edge and now this game feels like any other shooter out there.

    • @Archivescarologrizzly
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Lets gooooo 🌌🌌🌌🚀🚀🚀

    • @a7xgunslinger
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Bethesda absolutely cooked 🔥

    • @vajramagic
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    No Todd where’s Todd

    • @J.T.G.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Only thing I don’t like is the river physics and suspension

    • @keepyalegs2gether
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’d be happy if they fixed FO4 that’s been fubared since the last update.

    • @surge1229
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    hopefully the zealots, spacers, and crimson fleet will play at least a decently sized part in the story besides occupying locations

    • @skre4m842
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks so beautiful,i love this game ❤

    • @BrandonDenny-we1rw
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Just a critique. Is it really feasible any spacefaring society would have only one kind of vehicle for traversal.

    I get you want to do a space game sim but in all reality this is extremely biased in a closed environment.

    Competing companies would have their own design but only one company can produce a vehicle?

    Is it worth to keep developing what you can never achieve. This will never be a believable space sim because youre ignoring how life evolves according to its environment and youre just slapping creatures together in an environment thats seems thematically correct. On observation though none of their appearance reflects a use for their ability to survive.

    Its just AI generated.

    If you cant handle a critique about blatant flaws you cant make a game that outdoes the past.

    Id rather play Oblivion than any game youve released since and Morrowind puts that game to shame in its depth.

    Youve become a shallow puddle of a reflection of your former games.

    • @NinjaSquirrel30
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Bethesda RPG Icons

    🫡 Xbox 💚
    Gamepass Ultimate 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @Witcherfalse
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m excited to play Starfield again. I just wish the main story was better.

    • @maineman5757
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Anyone else find it strrange that Starfield is lacking intelligent alien lifeforms?

    • @Dillondegen
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ugh. Yea I’m happy it’s one planet but Emil is so annoying.

    • @Prometheus1992
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    New suit looks sick 😍

    • @jrosejoker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can they add in a gore system make the combat more satisfying and enjoyable

    • @smoc9478
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    that looks incredible

    • @godfire18
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like it’s almost finished cooking! I’ll check on it again in 3 months, maybe that will be the best time to jump back in.

    • @ace90210ace
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Not watched it yet. But a “deep dive” that’s under 10 minutes either isn’t a deep dive or it’s a deep dive into a 1 inch deep puddle so my hopes are not high…

    Here we go lol

    • @DV_VG
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    maybe dlc will be at least enjoyable

    • @BruceLee-kf7rl
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Where is Todd? Where is my CBBE?

    • @leegoldr
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So wait 6moths before playing this cuz it will have so many bugs that it will nuke you world

    • @NlneLives210
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m excited

    • @dissident1337
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cool. But you need to rewrite the base game and actually bring back the immersion for me to play it again.

    • @gh05t_55
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Dear developers from Bethesda Game Studios, I have several minimalistic proposals for you that will make the Starfield gaming experience better and more systematic. Below is a description of the solution with a list of the benefits of its implementation.

    1) Add new workbenches to the game in outposts and ships for disassembling and crafting equipment. For example, you can add 3 types: 1) for spacesuits, helmets, backpacks; 2) for weapons; 3) for clothes and hats. On these workbenches, you can disassemble any found equipment. If it has any rarity and additional properties, the hero studies them. Then, using the mined resources, you can create, for example, a disassembled weapon. And then improve it, increasing the rarity (if the minimum required number of effects has been studied). In this case, the effects can be selected independently, like enchantment in Skyrim. Unique weapons are produced immediately with their unique effects and with the required rarity, which eliminates the need to further improve them. Same with spacesuits and clothes. You can add 3 new parks to the game – one for each type of workbench. The first level of the perk is the ability to create basic equipment. The second level and above – the ability to increase the rarity of equipment.

    Benefits of this innovation:
    + The player is given the opportunity to create a character build himself and play it more deeply. Without the need to use what he accidentally found, and does not suit your style.
    + Additional gameplay elements encouraging exploration, resource extraction and construction of outposts.
    + The ability to switch to a new game plus without the fear of losing your favorite, hard-earned equipment.

    2) Add the ability to link an outpost to any settlement for automatic sale of resources.

    Benefits of this innovation:
    + Additional benefits from outposts, adding value to the player from their construction.
    + Remove the need to fill the player’s and companion’s pockets with resources and wait for hours in front of the store every time the seller does not have enough money to immediately buy all the resources.

    3) Add in the new game plus the ability to buy from Walter Stroud (or in a more suitable place) your ship, with which you entered Unity last time. Perhaps you can also buy a network of your outposts from him. In terms of plot, this can be explained as custom production according to blueprints.

    Benefits of this innovation:
    + Additional opportunity to spend found credits.
    + Increases the value of building a ship and outposts in a global sense.
    + Deprives the player of the fear of switching to a new game plus with the loss of his ship and outposts, on the construction of which he spent a lot of time and was happy with the result.

    Starfield players reading this, like the comment to promote it if you want to see such innovations in the game.

    Write an answer, what other advantages in your opinion these innovations can give or what disadvantages they will add to the game.

    • @danakji5802
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait!!!

    • @Dav11d137
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They need to abandon this game already and get all hands on deck for ES6 shit was so lackluster no one cares bout this game anymore

    • @KristianKumpula
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like Starfield might finally get something that makes up for the lack of an engaging and consequential main plot line

    • @taha7383
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Please be good

    • @Shooopdawooooop
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I stopped playing like halfway thru my first play thru. I’m open to coming back, impress me. Also after I beat Elden ring.

    • @lazarus7657
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    cool, now we need a gore mod & more old earth content

    • @taha7383
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @luisfernandoarciga8776
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    A elevator!!!???

    • @Ravenhoodie
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They should have made all planets a bit different. So everytime you land, its a new adventure. One planet the monsters come out at night, one planet that is like mad max or fallout, one planet that is still in the stone age and so on.

    • @Jamesweight77778
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Storyteller needs to be canon

    • @GunterThePenguinHatesHugs
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞Please don’t break my Load Order 🤞

    • @vlkark7480
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Glad I preordered ❤

    • @MarcoriusXXL
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    It will be a 2 or 3 hour long dlc experience? Or it will be a real expansion? Being Bethesda is imposible to know right now…

    • @dusk1947
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This is exactly what I’m hoping to see with Starfield: DLC after DLC of tailored, detailed, and story rich content.
    I very much enjoyed the foundation of the game which launched last year. However, its game world (or worlds) while vast, is also sparse. And after completing several of the story lines, there was not enough in Starfields other systems to keep my interest.
    What the game currently lacks, is content to fill out it’s ambitious scope. Which can be added over time, given it’s solid foundation. I’m looking forward to this DLC, and hopefully many more after it.

    • @_SimpleJack_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Absolutely LOVE this game Bethesda, keep these updates and expansions coming!!

    • @insertnamehere4419
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield sucks. Like … a lot. I really thought it was going to be good.

    • @805Havoc
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Handcrafted world is all I need

    • @Libertas_P77
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks great, and like how all the Starfield DLC should be: we need far more hand crafted, unique locations to explore to make the Starfield universe believable. Right now there’s just far too much repetition and obviously procedural generated too. Keep it up and investing in this, because you could turn it around and bring me back.

    • @Pren0110
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’d rather try to enjoy this game instead of letting people hating on it influence my opinion about Starfield, I’m gonna keep so many sandwiches

    • @MassMissery
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Could affect the future of the settled systems. Interesting. Hopefully they mean it affects it in a substantial way.

    • @requettie
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I love Starfield.

    • @dallasvincent6653
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    hearing “starfields first ever land vehicle” just felt wrong lol

    • @zu-tangclan8113
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait🔥🧑🏽‍🚀🚀🪐

    • @gamermum2.0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I know starfield gets a lot of hate, but it’s the last game I actually fell in love with and felt like I was having a unique gaming experience.. and that’s hard to find in games nowadays. So yes, I am super excited for this dlc. And I haven’t been this excited in a while for a game, so thank you, Bethesda. 🥳🥳

    • @Glubttub
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I have a series s so I’m won’t be playing this game ever again

    • @ChaotickChrisShow
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Well for me the most disappointing part was that BGS never used the space part of there game to its full potential that BGS is capable of, but maybe the game should have been 10 or 100 planets instead of 1000 to be more open ended. But I will give Shattered Space a try, still more excited for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2.

    • @TitusFlavius11
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ah yes. Like we haven’t had enough copy/paste spacer/crimson fleet/zealot locations, let’s have even more!

    • @maineman5757
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’ve been waiting to play Starfield. Looks like it’s almost time to finally try it!

    • @RpgCrow
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Game of the generation is getting even better 😎
    Played most big games last year and starfield definitely stood out from the rest.

    • @Zikfrector
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    lets rock baby!

    • @WingMaker2050
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    guess my current 100 hours playtime will increase even more.

    • @iamrichrocker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm your copious free time have your guys take a look at FO4, you know, the stuttering, broken mods..or maybe browse the YTers who have posted excellent videos highlighting theglitches, bugs that pisses people off..and try playing the excellent, maybe one of the best mods..Fallout: London..and the killer part is it is FREE..geeze…these fine modders have embarassed you..

    • @demoflow
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Straight heat 🔥🔥

    • @YanitedBT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks AMAZING

    • @taha7383
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @Homievegetable
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Can’t wait to play it on the mandolin

    • @LukeSkyjacker
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Will this dlc break my Star Wars mods?

    • @moonracer1313
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope at least one of the future DLCs adds depth to the existing world.

    • @sxrvsvct7911
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    they better do more dlc and show us what happened to earth. like the Alaska dlc from fallout 3. would be cool. and please fix the scanner. it stutters a bit when I bring it up and has been doing it since launch.

    • @TelgonicBrute2
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So pumped!

    • @TTVSmileyz420
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Do I already own it with the 35$ premium upgrade? I can’t preorder without confirmation

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield – Shivering Isles

    • @RonDFK
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Thank you! Was tired of all the YouTubers making crap up with no idea. Very excited!

    • @Toyme
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m so not interested xd

    • @hassledvania
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Who would pay for this

    • @films9762
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Best game this gen

    • @Broke-Media
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Loved the game! Didn’t play much after beating the campaign but I’m looking forward to this bringing me back

    • @joshuagcwong734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So instead of another city y’all did Winterhold again and pre-destroyed it… Also, the ambush bug things were in the base game… Except the creatures had a different skin…

    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I wish starfield had a VATS.

    • @bobman3093
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Conveniently their major city has been destroyed…

    • @joeknowles7493
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Shatter this 🖕😏

    • @magickaddict
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    They said something bout Minor House Varun factions – I wonder if we have questlines for each of those Houses and real faction rivalries.

    • @79Mully
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    You have been busy since launch adding features standard in any other game, a sure sign of a rushed launch and not respecting a quality launch for your fans. You have added new content, the most interesting being paid mods. Bethesda you have truly lost your way.

    • @vinipm300
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    😐😐This dlc bla bla bla😐😐 even the devs don’t seem happy about it lol

    • @arkdelta637
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Starfield has allot of players. Groups on FB have 100k+ active members, which is allot for a videogame FB group.

    • @T0asty-
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Have you added a game to the game though?

    • @azathothwakesup
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Weird, I was just looking for something like this
    Guess the official thing will have to do, haha

    • @NecroFkz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks like Event Horizon movie and I like it. If you had more House Va’ruun content and hand-crafted adventures from the start – the game would be better. Pity there won’t be any space travel in the expansion of the game about space.

    • @seansilkworth1469
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I hope being married to Andreja will give additional dialogue/ quest options

    • @Schizm1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Don’t get me wrong, I love me some hand crafted stuff but… How about some of that goodness in space exploration as well? U know guys… To make space more interesting in your space game?

    • @capt.america2737
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I have played Starfield from lunch and I have never been disappointed, this is a masterpiece. I love this game, thank you!

    • @shtposternutbag8207
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Damn, I wish I could watch this, but since my 30+ hour Starfield playthrough from launch (that I was loving btw) was broken by Sam Coe’s ex-wife completely disappearing from the game in classic Bethesda bug style…and me not realizing she was gone until another ~6 hour gameplay session…I still haven’t returned to the game. When confronted with “Do I roll back 6+ hours of gameplay and keep going and hope there’s no more game-breaking bugs?” or “Maybe I should just start a new game on my backlog?”…the latter has been winning every time over the past few months.

    • @reuben6483
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    can’t wait until it launches and breaks every mod that made the game semi function

    • @KBIRD524
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @blackfoxstudioX
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Look amazing so far!

    • @StonedMagician99
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I want a gigantic space snake you encounter while flying your ship. PLEASE!

    • @TheRGLDragneelArchives
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    i really hope theses some unique dialogue for people who have the serpents embrace or are in a relationship with Andreja if there is then that would be amazing since they are both links to the Va’ruun culture and lore

    • @bamababy152
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    My fingers are crossed we may see future updates or dlc that expand on the factions and allow more with them

    • @maxi8331
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    So you made a space travel game about exploring time and space…..and made the expansion about a single planet

    • @wraithryder
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Time to update the ol’ bethesda engine ya think?

    • @RenanLopes
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    remember starfield?

    • @EliteBladesGaming
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Hope we get an interesting companion or two with some actual depth. Not like the three flavours of beige and Andreja in the base game (still think it was a huge writing mistake to put all the reactive companions in one faction rather)

    • @MiguelFernández-t3e
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm


    • @billwhite1603
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Clear I’ll be changing settings on 146 level character from hard to easy.

    • @deskitop_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Is the game ready or still in Beta?

    • @olegulanovskiy1792
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Looks sick, definitely gonna jump back to the game👍

    • @SlenderManIsDead
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Disappointed the whole dlc takes place on one planet. Kind of takes away the space exploration part out.

    • @darkknight4353
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This game is the best bethesda game after Skyrim

    • @IamWheatThin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    “…Could affect the rest of the settled systems.” You mean a few thinly spread NPC’s that give like two lines of dialogue referencing the whole event? I got to say it’s kind of disappointing hearing how House Va’ruun is hiding out in their mysterious city of secrets, only to arrive and there be no city. I guess it was too much work.

    • @ConnorMccloud25
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I don’t know man this doesn’t have the same vibe as the fallout dlcs tbh I get that in space you can’t do much but what bethesda is forgetting is that it’s a fictional world they can go as crazy as they want but choose not too I couldn’t give af about this dlc looks and sounds incredibly boring

    • @bobjoe5937
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Cool. Did you guys go back and fix the other empty and boring planets?

    • @sallee132
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    It looks cool !

    • @4badlisting650
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Love the hints of music we’re getting. The music sounds like it’ll be a bit more memorable than the base game!

    • @JesseWhiteman117
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Still playing this game. Its funny how no matter what comes out of it the media is trying their hardest to convince us its unplayable. Been playing hours and still having enjoyment out of it. Just goes to show that word of mouth doesnt always hold weight.

    • @Skurai_X
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    excited for the update, not excited to see all my mods break lol

    • @DrLoaky
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The music is so good in this game.

    • @TheRozanz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Please bethesda, get rid off all annoying loading screen before making a new dlc.

    • @ashkandaqlavi
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    looks i need back to space again XD

    • @crtrsllmnn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    If Starfield has no fans, I am dead.

    • @dcross6360
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Take my money!

    • @这啊-t2x
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    more weapons plz

    • @dannyd464
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    The worst space combat I’ve ever played the AI is incredibly stupid…. please fix…..?

    • @Cheezeburgher
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    if anything, the art direction of varuun kai looks amazing. really looking forward to playing this expansion

    • @pipelinecowboy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Considering many including myself couldn’t even complete the main campaign after release bc of bugs …. this def should be free !!!

    • @TheLudwiga
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I might…..might redownload.

    • @matthewbrady327
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Ready to play the hell out of Shatterer Space.

    • @jcminaro587
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    • @jdvplays1871
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    Don’t care what anyone says, I can’t wait to play Shattered Space 🪐

    • @snakyjake9
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m happy to see them focusing on fleshing out one particular planet. If they can give the same treatment to the home worlds for the UC and FSC home planets and continue to improve variety of procedural POIs, the game will feel much more complete.

    • @HeroicLeonardo
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    I’m really hyped for this DLC. We really cooking now!!!

    • @stuartweaver4153
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    As long as they fix the bugs along with it, then i might just get excited about it but as it stands I have npcs vanishing from main settlements. It’s really annoying.

    • @TheBlackRose3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:57pm

    This looks AMAZING! It has all the key pieces of great Bethesda games. A gorgeous hand crafted setting, richness everywhere, and lots of mystery! I’m very excited to play Shattered Space.

    • @Cullen413
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    A large part of this game is still boring and still happens to be a loading screen simulator. Wasted my money buying this game, not gonna waste more on this dlc.

    • @squallion777
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    It looks like they didn’t include Andraja in the DLC, don’t you think it would be fitting, Bethesda, She is from House Var’run after all, I bet if you take Andraja with you she will have nothing to say, as if where not even there on her HOME planet. Sad😒

    • @MitchCyan
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can’t wait!

    • @gandheezy6163
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I’m so freaking pumped for this

    • @ISenSusI
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Please make a ps5 Version Bethesda!

    • @arrasonline
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Love Starfield…is it optimized for Steamdeck yet?

    • @Aurik-Kal-Durin
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    That new Particle Gatling Gun looks awesome. Can’t wait to play with that.

    • @daethmer7834
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    It’s insane that they say that Starfield was Bethesdas biggest launch, considering game itself is less ambitious than Morrowind

    • @Ox_DaV
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    • @RobertoApodaca
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I get a sense of HP Lovecraft in this DLC

    • @theherald1734
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Always excited for new updates

    • @xanderl2162
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Ставь лайк если ждешь эту игру больше чем дня рождения!

    • @DagothDaddy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    When the primary feature of your game you made the center of all your marketing not being present in your DLC is touted as a good thing you made a bad game mechanic.

    • @Maksie0
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    So insane that something as simple as a map had to wait until a later patch. Why didn’t you just finish your game before releasing it? Or better yet, make something other than your same old aged formula with a gimmick that actively works against it?

    • @rudy_lp4
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Waiting for The elder scroll 6

    • @giovannilazzari2072
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Cant wait to play this ❤🚀🪐

    • @DevonNygren
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looks awesome I can’t wait to jump in and play it!

    • @ajbell1288
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looks so awesome

    • @jackmcmahon6964
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can’t wait! Hope you all continue to give us new content for years to come, honestly. Heavily modded, admittedly, I’m enjoying this game so so much. Thanks for all your work BGS!

    • @he77hawk.71
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    God even the gameplay in the trailer looks boring as fuck Bethesda you are all fuck ups elder scrolls 6 is doomed you suck ass Bethesda

    • @RabeDennis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    half of the new content is behind a paid mods paywall…

    • @acemaxximus7175
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looking forward to play this game again once I got a new beefy computer

    • @muaxh03
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I just hope that the space exploration would get fixed, fast traveling everywhere is not fun there should be a cruising speed that we could travel between planets without loading screens.

    • @NewsanceInHD
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Guess I’m going back in

    • @OneEyeAccuracy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Me and my girlfriend especially my girl hates you Todd just wanted to let you know my guy, hope our 100 dollars makes a better game from yall 🙃

    • @guanyunLee
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @RayzaNC
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I don’t think anything could save this game, what a let down it was

    • @seanproctor7367
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I thought the dlc was starborn related

    • @samuelselassie57
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    finally I’ll be able to meet Andreja’s family and try to understand why she has a cold heart

    • @flouserschird
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I’m not gonna touch this game again until multiple expansion packs and bundles are out for a cheap price. I am in absolutely no rush to return to this game. The ending was such a drag and ruined it for me I don’t wanna play it anymore.

    • @lunatoon4597
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This DLC LOOKS AMAZING! 💚 can’t wait to play this on my Series X! 💯

    • @NoPe-no4sn
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I played this game for a month and then realized how shallow it is. Why do you all love it so much? I really want to, but I keep on wanting to replay Cyberpunk instead

    • @BoxGhost-e4c
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    “Since launch we’ve added new features”
    Proceeds to show a functioning map. Great, Lmao

    • @owldcdawg1785
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    if you’re closing the distance for melee combat, pls make sure it’s not shit anymore. ._.

    • @dorriankarnett
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    “Completely handcrafted world” = maybe they finally figured out what the problem with Starfield is and why people like other games from Bethesda more

    • @YungBeezer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    It’s all just Skyrim

    • @flynn6853
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Thank you Bethesda for creating all of this. I love Starfield…. It´s one of my favourite games ever and I couldn´t be more excited for all that is to come in the, hopefully, many years ahead

    • @batchest7377
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I like the space, so I enjoyed the journey from beginning to the end

    • @YanitedBT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Lets Go !!!!

    • @clementinejohnston3511
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Love this game, luckily my rota has me off work on release day, so looking forward to this.
    If any bgs people see this, we need companions to romance from the crimson fleet, like Delgado 🤷‍♀️

    • @zjflorence
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This is putting lipstick on a space pig. I am not that hard to please and was hyped for Starfield, but you have a lot of game play that is just meaningless and no expansion with new content will fix that. The CORE game still needs to be fixed, and that’s not even mentioning the story was kinda bad.

    • @RollingDude.
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looks underwhelming… we waited 1 year for this? I doubt this will be bigger than Far Harbor tbh

    • @RichardBejtlich
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    THIS LOOKS AWESOME! I’m taking vacation in two weeks for this. 👏

    • @badwithsalt
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    That was quite a dive! I’m excited to get back into Starfield again.

    • @he77hawk.71
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Let see if you fuck ups can fix this dog shit bare bone lazy ass game

    • @hiruu
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Awesome! This was my most played game of last year, and while it wasn’t my most played this year…so far…it will def be up there for me. The potential is massive and we are seeing that now. Handcrafted expansion for years to come. For Elder Scroll fans (which I am one of) the implications are tremendous.

    • @ConfusedCoast
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Im ready, already set to play shattered space the whole week it comes out

    • @sleepngnight
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @chypres89
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looks sick. the art direction is pretty cool. just hope it’s optimized and doesn’t run like shit.

    • @Xboxcampking334
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Ill be there 🎉

    • @TheRadiationbum
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looking forward to this, i know the game was lacking at launch and still is lacking in a few areas, but playing with some light survival settings and now the new rover the game is a lot more fun, now if they can improve the ship building to give us more control of ladder placement and make outposts more than just a boring tool for making money then with might have the game we should of had at launch. also creation club is poor value for money.

    • @noahboardman5002
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Hopefully starfield comes to ps5 soon .

    • @Varil92
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I enjoyed Starfield, and I plan on playing it again in the future. Sue me.

    • @seto3153
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I’ll buy it if you make a video of the guy at the start making a teary eyed North Korea style apology video where he begs for our forgiveness for the crime of wearing a topless baseball cap inside of a building.

    That or you can make Todd Howard dress up like Trump and do his own version of the Apprentice where he says “Emil, you’re fired!” I’m also willing to accept him cosplaying as Legate Lanius and forcing the staff to draw straws before firing every 1 in 10 people with short ones.

    Thanks guy, get right on it!

    • @flamingcroatan3739
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @stickydude8921
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    NGL This looks a bit boring:(

    • @dojam141
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can’t wait until the launch day! Thanks to all participants of Bethesda for keep supporting my favorite game

    • @hacksawDDS
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I’ll play it, but I don’t expect anything more than a 4/10 time.
    (Also the captions are off time. You guys can’t even get a YouTube upload right lmao)

    • @charlestongeek964
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Excited! This look great. Can’t wait to get the buggy. Also, hope ya’ll are working on Starfield Online, really want to explore space with a friend.

    • @a.trance6997
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Do these blood trails end up on normal-looking corpses again?

    I am reminded of the Freestar mission where it’s a scene of gruesome death with tons of blood but it’s just a regular body not befitting the carnage around it lol.

    • @G_Silent
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This looks awesome! Thank you Bethesda for all the hard work and passion you pour into all your games!

    • @antonab1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can you rewrite everything in the base game while you’re at it?

    • @danielenriquemarcano9429
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Let’s see how many lies they come up with now! 🤘🏻🙌🏻💪🏻

    • @rodionus8355
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Well this is all good, but how about fixing fallout 4 after “next gen” patch?

    • @molopower2354
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @wibiz9657
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Classic. DLC for an unfinished game.

    • @Imperial.Soldier
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @GoldLBS
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I love this game.

    • @r.e.z9428
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This game shouldn’t be rated M, its way too safe.

    • @holyone1542
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    the fleets here? bruh why does no one know where the snake people are.

    • @Kill_a_Bear
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    We as a community have lost complete faith in Bethesda.

    • @koheletcalaforexclan6508
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Oh yeah spend 40 more bucks.
    Let’s see, I came back to the game a couple weeks ago, and was enjoying everything. THEN THEY ADDED THAT STUPID VEHICLE! This patch has returned this game to being a DARN PC KILLER! OPTIMIZE YOUR GAME! And maybe I’ll buy the DLC

    • @iiangmariiomega2639
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Looks great. ❤🎉

    • @thirsk3
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Finally a new Quake 2!

    • @e21big
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Really love the art direction, but I am a bit disappointed that you just give in and put everything on the planet. I think what Starfield really need is the expansion of space, in addition to the location-densed planet. But I am willing to wait and hope that we’ll get there sometime.

    • @pantsui4423
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Bethesda game can drive😭. no way😭😭😭😭😭

    • @michaelkhairi7360
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This isn’t enough…

    • @mfvicli
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can I massacre Constellation yet? Not everyone likes your moralizing, stick-in-the-mud companions, Bethesda 🙄

    • @Metalliogre
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    hopefully the story is better than the main game. That story was so bad. Such beautiful worlds and they had a bullshit story to ruin it.

    • @CanadaRandom
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I still cant get past the floppy, laggy and irresponsive xbox controls. I really wanted to get into it.

    • @JOHNSMITH-vx5yz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Iv managed to pinch a BIGGER SHIP. and i hsve extra. Crew. With me. ,4. Now. , ,i have ,the blonde girl. ,, a new girl. And dark hair girl. ,,,( i cant remember their names. ) SORRY. ,but iv managed to dump that robot guy. A n d get a human. Person , instead.

    • @mylesdorado769
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Love this game man. Excited to jump back in and finally finish my first playthru after this haha

    • @jared_1181
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    If this game was multiplayer it would be great, solo, what’s the point. I love games that give you a tone of hard to obtain skins and artifacts with absolutely no way to show them off. I mean what’s the point. Ive got 200 hours with the 10th endgame skin. For what, make this game the new fallout76 then we will talk. 1500 planets vs just West Virginia? That would be awesome!

    • @xslonk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I legitimately loved the game despite the flaws. But damn, I was expecting a dlc half a year later,.. not a whole year 😕

    Oh well, beggers can’t be choosers.

    • @iamFreddyP_
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Game needs some precidural-generated planets…

    • @joshuaali257
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Please be good

    • @theitechlab
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I’ve already got the day off work and am ready to spend some time in Varuun’kai!

    • @55giantsfan22
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Cool but ill probably never touch this game again

    • @TheHartleyBoys
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Loving the look of those new tattoos

    • @gamernippel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    fix the game first
    then fix the rest of the game
    then add fixes to the game
    then release dlc!!!

    • @spenceriow
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I would pay for the remove all the sodding loading screens dlc. Its more like travelling through portals than space

    • @DarkBladeicus
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    A self contained hand crafted experience? Ya mean like how all of starfield should have been?

    • @chris23790
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This game was putting me to sleep compare to fallout and elder scrolls i was alert and having fun 😂

    • @gamernippel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @gamernippel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @Augustus0802
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Let’s go!

    • @sigma.wr8
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @gamernippel
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    nah…. i play star wars outlaws…… this game here is another scam

    • @DirtyMacSauce
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Just put this on ps5 already.

    • @mauricegray5007
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Hyped🔥🔥🔥 still on the planet/moon grind.

    • @liam9338
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Trailer looks nice but the gameplay will be the same old uninventive chore without any cinematic elements.

    • @_obsidan_one
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    fix mod index issue already jfc.

    • @JOHNSMITH-vx5yz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Heyyy guys at bethada. Im having trouble. With my CAR/ BUGGY. thing. I got. It goes ok for a while. THEN. it starts. Bouncing. Around. Doing flip flops. , spinning. Around. Every thing. Wrong. ,,,soWHAT IS WRONG WITH THE MOON BUGGY. ??????

    • @aj9156
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    This will look glorious on PS5 Pro.

    • @AlfredFJones1776
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Don’t give up on Starfield. Prove all the Obsidiots wrong.

    • @mrkay2553
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Make it free.

    • @cra2yfart173
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I NEED Elder scrolls 6

    • @mc_sheepface5166
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    I wish bethesda was just wotking on elder scrolls 6 or a new fallout instead of waisting time on this garbage

    • @j_lemy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    More like deep shit

    • @chingunmendbayar3257
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    My god, this game died out and got boring so fast

    • @Leopez02
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Can’t wait to Starfield coming for PS5! 😊❤

    • @joejones1991
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    After everything that has happened with starfield, this dlc should be free

    • @KingCrimson68
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @Synchro789
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm

    Fix Fallout 4 on Series. …. Please…. I refuse to play 76, ESO, or Starfield….

    • @TheHartleyBoys
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @wolfspartan_360
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @Arshin53
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm


    • @poopscoop720
    • 2024年 9月 20日 9:58pm