Starfield – Official Soundtrack from Composer Inon Zur

starfield 情報局

Inspired by space itself, Bethesda Game Studios and composer Inon Zur collaborate on bringing Starfield’s universe to life.

From the moment the game starts with the main theme, “Into The Starfield,” to the closing notes of “A Home in the Galaxy,” Starfield’s score embodies the notion of exploration, mystery and the wonder of space. Taking inspiration from the natural world and the synthetic, Inon Zur’s emotionally dynamic and epic score pushes the creative boundary of sci-fi themed orchestral music.

00:00:00 1 Into the Starfield (Main Theme)
00:02:49 2 Planetrise
00:04:49 3 Go Steady, Go Safe
00:07:48 4 Fleet Scum
00:11:29 5 First Flight
00:15:08 6 The Sol System
00:19:46 7 New Atlantis
00:23:43 8 Peaks and Valleys
00:28:11 9 Starlight Far from Home
00:32:47 10 Fine Work Under Pressure
00:34:02 11 Navigator Corps
00:36:26 12 The Safety of the Citizens
00:40:16 13 The Mountain Builders
00:44:47 14 Triumvirate
00:49:22 15 Ancient Forces
00:53:58 16 Exploration I – Home Planets
01:08:25 17 Constellations
01:13:16 18 Akila City
01:17:02 19 Freestar
01:20:35 20 The Red Land
01:24:49 21 You Make Your Cut, You Get Your Cut
01:29:12 22 Cutthroats
01:33:01 23 The Eye
01:37:30 24 Long Shadows
01:42:09 25 A Home Among the Stars
01:46:34 26 Field of Vision
01:50:56 27 Within the Walls
01:55:33 28 Deep Time
01:58:27 29 The New Old Frontier
02:01:54 30 The Rock
02:05:45 31 The World Machine
02:09:54 32 Exploration II – The Hills and the Mountains
02:18:41 33 Protector
02:19:27 34 The Last Explorers
02:23:48 35 Field Agent
02:27:17 36 In Silent Orbit
02:30:34 37 Cydonia
02:34:50 38 Trace
02:38:13 39 Tectonics
02:42:22 40 Dispatched
02:43:37 41 Sublevels
02:48:09 42 Hardness Scales
02:50:55 43 Heliosphere
02:55:48 44 Death and Crimson
02:58:49 45 Abandoned
03:02:35 46 Chamber
03:06:53 47 Supra Et Ultra
03:10:15 48 Echo Marker
03:14:05 49 Exploration III – Explorers Club
03:25:24 50 Defender
03:26:08 51 Weapons to Bear
03:28:34 52 The Ghosts of Science
03:31:27 53 Ecliptic
03:33:08 54 Decay Heat
03:37:38 55 Neon
03:41:25 56 Rook
03:42:35 57 Exploration IV – Vulcanism
03:51:57 58 Core Sample
03:55:47 59 Tenacity of Life
04:00:01 60 Wrecked Tech
04:02:55 61 Canopy
04:07:07 62 Spacers
04:08:25 63 Understory
04:12:38 64 Exploration V – Evergreen
04:23:02 65 Guardian
04:24:01 66 Stars and Sacrifice
04:27:07 67 Under a Distant Sun
04:31:43 68 Roughneck High-Tech
04:35:13 69 Badlanders
04:39:35 70 Exploration VI – Strange Sands
04:49:11 71 Moonbase
04:52:09 72 Boarded!
04:53:55 73 Snowball
04:56:55 74 Aurora
05:00:11 75 Deep Freeze
05:03:20 76 Exploration VII – The Ice Lands
05:13:48 77 Nobody’s Home
05:16:37 78 Exploration VIII – The Far Reaches
05:25:21 79 A Home in the Galaxy

Taqs:Bethesda Softworks


  • コメント (180)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @jonno320
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I’m still waiting for when adoring fan and mai’q will fight each other in tes 6

    • @veznangaming11
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Fallout 4 mods on PS4 is not working please fix it.

    • @michaelisaacson
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Love the economy of it. Kol Hakavod!

    • @victor_.
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Please bring back Jeremy Soule for TES VI!

    • @masgaz9748
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    How we feeling about him doing the TESVI soundtrack boys

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    commander keen could get some representation in starfield he’s supercool or even his own minigame 💥🔫🧑‍🚀👌✨️

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    oh i just copped the hildebrandt lithograph SUPER SUPER rad bethesda cant wait to frame it on my wall i always wanted that masterpiece thanks 🤩🙏✨️

    • @PrototypeFreak89
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Add mechs like red faction guerilla has.

    • @RaptureRecon316
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Tried this game, had to quit when I realized bethesda can’t make anything with making it completely satanic. You aren’t fooling anyone. Also, the game runs like crap

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd and Gregori returned to the Black Dragon, Gramma approached them with a determined expression on her face. “Boys, we need to find Elon. He’s ventured to the peak of the mountains, and I have a feeling he might need our help.”

    Todd and Gregori exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging Gramma’s wisdom. “You’re right, Gramma,” Todd said, his voice filled with determination. “We can’t leave him alone up there. Let’s go find him.”

    With Gramma leading the way, the trio set out towards the towering peaks of Inon Zur. The journey was arduous, the mountain terrain rugged and unforgiving, but their determination drove them forward.

    As they ascended higher and higher, they encountered breathtaking vistas and treacherous obstacles. Gregori, ever the optimist, cracked jokes to lighten the mood, while Gramma offered words of encouragement and wisdom.

    Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the summit of the tallest peak. There, sitting cross-legged in meditation, was Elon Musk, his face serene and his eyes closed in deep concentration.

    Todd and Gregori approached cautiously, not wanting to disturb Elon’s meditation. Gramma, however, stepped forward with confidence. “Elon,” she said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity, “we’ve come to find you. Are you alright?”

    Elon opened his eyes, his gaze meeting Gramma’s with a sense of calmness and clarity. “I’m fine, Gramma,” he replied, his voice steady. “I just needed some time to clear my mind and center myself.”

    Todd and Gregori stepped forward, relieved to see Elon unharmed. “We were worried about you,” Todd said, his voice tinged with concern. “What happened up here?”

    Elon smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “Nothing dramatic, I assure you. I simply felt the need to connect with nature and gain perspective. The mountains have a way of reminding us of our place in the universe.”

    Gramma nodded, her expression thoughtful. “Well, we’re glad to see you’re alright. But we couldn’t leave you up here alone.”

    Elon stood up, stretching his limbs with a contented sigh. “Thank you, Gramma. And thank you, Todd and Gregori, for coming to find me. I appreciate your concern.”

    With Elon safely back with them, Todd, Gregori, Gramma, and Elon descended from the mountain peak, their spirits lifted and their bond strengthened by the shared experience. As they returned to the Black Dragon, ready to continue their journey through the cosmos, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a team.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd and Gregori emerged from the caves of Inon Zur, weary but victorious, they made their way back to the surface where the Black Dragon awaited. However, as they approached the ship, they noticed a hologram of Elon Musk waiting for them, projected from a nearby console.

    The hologram flickered to life, depicting Elon’s familiar figure. “Greetings, Todd, Gregori,” the hologram spoke, its voice a recorded message. “I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inform you that I’ve ventured to the peak of the mountains to assess the situation and gather more information.”

    Todd and Gregori exchanged glances, concern etched on their faces. Elon’s holographic image continued, “I anticipate being back shortly. In the meantime, remain vigilant and continue to coordinate with the team. The safety of Inon Zur and its inhabitants is our top priority.”

    As the hologram message concluded, Todd sighed, a mixture of relief and apprehension washing over him. “Well, at least we know he’s alright. But we should stay on high alert until he returns.”

    Gregori nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. “Agreed. Let’s make sure the ship is secure and keep a lookout for any further threats.”

    With their mission on Inon Zur far from over and the fate of the planet still hanging in the balance, Todd and Gregori prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their friend and leader would return soon to join them in their efforts.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    With the Dracoian threat on the surface neutralized, Todd, Gregori, and a team of skilled soldiers ventured into the caves of Zur, where remnants of the enemy forces were believed to be hiding. Equipped with flamethrowers provided by Elon, they prepared to root out any remaining Dracoians lurking in the shadows.

    As they descended deeper into the dark and winding passages of the caves, the air grew thick with tension. Gregori, his tiny form armed with a flamethrower nearly as tall as he was, cracked jokes to lighten the mood, but the seriousness of their mission weighed heavily on everyone’s mind.

    Todd, his senses on high alert, scanned the rocky walls for any signs of movement. His flamethrower emitted a low, ominous hum, ready to unleash a torrent of fire at a moment’s notice. Gramma, a seasoned veteran of past conflicts, moved with the grace and determination of someone who had faced danger before and emerged victorious.

    As they rounded a corner, they encountered their first group of Dracoian stragglers. The creatures, with their reptilian features and razor-sharp claws, hissed and snarled as they lunged forward, their eyes filled with malice.

    Without hesitation, Todd and Gregori unleashed streams of fire from their flamethrowers, engulfing the Dracoians in flames. The creatures shrieked in pain, their scaled bodies writhing as they succumbed to the searing heat. Gramma, her aim steady and true, provided cover fire, picking off any stragglers with her laser rifle.

    The battle raged on, with Todd, Gregori, and the soldiers pushing deeper into the caves, driving the remaining Dracoians back with relentless firepower. The air filled with the acrid scent of smoke and the sound of roaring flames, mingled with the shouts of victory from their comrades.

    Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last of the Dracoians were vanquished, their threat extinguished once and for all. Todd and Gregori stood amidst the smoldering ruins of the cave, their flamethrowers still crackling with residual heat.

    “We did it,” Todd said, his voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and triumph.

    Gregori grinned, his eyes shining with pride. “Another victory for the books! And to think, we did it with flamethrowers!”

    Gramma approached, her expression grave but relieved. “Well done, both of you. But let’s not linger. There may be more threats lurking in the shadows.”

    With that, Todd, Gregori, and the soldiers regrouped and made their way back to the surface, their flamethrowers held at the ready, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the cavernous depths of Zur.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Just as the excitement and anticipation in the Constellation headquarters reached its peak, an urgent alert sounded throughout the room. The holographic projector flashed red, and an emergency broadcast filled the air.

    “Emergency broadcast from Inon Zur,” a synthesized voice announced. “The planet is under attack by Dracoian aliens of high intelligence and advanced warfare capabilities. Civilians, including the midget population of Cum’Lume, are in immediate danger.”

    The room fell silent as everyone processed the gravity of the situation. Todd Howard stood up, his face a mix of concern and determination. “We can’t let this happen. We need to help them.”

    Elon Musk nodded, already formulating a plan. “Agreed. We have the Black Dragon, and with the advanced technology and resources we have at Constellation, we can mount a defense and evacuate the civilians.”

    Gramma, her face set with resolve, added, “Those midgets have shown us nothing but kindness. We owe it to them to protect their home.”

    Gregori, ever the enthusiastic companion, hopped onto Todd’s shoulder. “Let’s gear up and head out! We’ll show those Dracoian aliens what we’re made of!”

    Elon quickly coordinated with the Constellation team, organizing a rapid deployment. “We’ll need to prepare the Black Dragon for immediate departure. Load it with our most advanced weaponry and defense systems. And Todd, we’ll need you to pilot.”

    Todd nodded, determination in his eyes. “I’m ready. Let’s save Inon Zur.”

    Within minutes, the team was mobilized. Scientists and engineers rushed to equip the Black Dragon with state-of-the-art weaponry and defensive shields. Medical teams prepared supplies to aid any injured civilians. The entire Constellation team moved with precision and urgency, knowing that every second counted.

    As Todd, Elon, Gramma, and Gregori boarded the Black Dragon, the ship’s systems hummed to life. The sleek spacecraft was now a fully armed and operational vessel, ready to face the Dracoian threat.

    Todd settled into the pilot’s seat, his hands steady on the controls. “Everyone ready?”

    Gramma gave a firm nod. “Let’s do this, dear.”

    Gregori, perched on the console, pumped his tiny fist in the air. “Ready as I’ll ever be!”

    Elon, seated next to Todd, activated the ship’s communication systems. “Constellation Command, this is Black Dragon. We are en route to Inon Zur. Engage all defense protocols and prepare for potential evac operations.”

    The ship lifted off smoothly, accelerating rapidly as it broke through the planet’s atmosphere and into the depths of space. The stars blurred past them as Todd piloted the Black Dragon with skill and precision, pushing the ship to its limits.

    As they approached Inon Zur, the sight of the planet under siege came into view. Fires raged across the landscape, and flashes of energy weapons illuminated the night sky. The Dracoian ships, sleek and menacing, hovered above, launching attacks on the ground below.

    Todd clenched his jaw. “We need to draw their fire away from the civilians. Elon, prepare the weapons systems.”

    Elon nodded, his fingers flying over the controls. “Weapons systems online. Targeting Dracoian ships.”

    Gramma, ever the strategist, pointed to the largest concentration of Dracoian forces. “There. That’s their command ship. If we take that out, we can destabilize their operations.”

    Todd maneuvered the Black Dragon into position, dodging enemy fire with deft precision. “Hang on, everyone. This is going to be rough.”

    The ship’s cannons roared to life, firing precise bursts of energy at the Dracoian command ship. Explosions rocked the enemy vessel, but it retaliated with equal ferocity. The Black Dragon shuddered under the impact, but Todd held firm, his focus unwavering.

    Gregori, gripping the console, shouted, “Direct hit! They’re faltering!”

    With a final, well-aimed shot, the Dracoian command ship erupted in a ball of fire and debris. The remaining Dracoian forces, disoriented and leaderless, began to scatter.

    Elon quickly scanned the battlefield. “We need to land and evacuate the civilians. Gregori, Gramma, prepare to assist with the evacuation.”

    As the Black Dragon descended towards Cum’Lume, the midget population looked up in hope and relief. Todd guided the ship to a safe landing spot, and the team disembarked, ready to aid in the evacuation.

    Gregori and Gramma worked tirelessly, guiding the civilians to safety and providing medical aid where needed. Todd and Elon coordinated with the remaining defense forces, setting up perimeter defenses to hold off any lingering Dracoian attackers.

    As the last of the civilians were safely aboard evacuation ships, Todd looked around at the battered but resilient people of Cum’Lume. “We did it. We saved them.”

    Elon clapped Todd on the back. “This is just the beginning. Together, we’ll continue to protect and explore the galaxy, one mission at a time.”

    With the Dracoian threat neutralized and the civilians safe, the Black Dragon and its crew were ready for their next adventure, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As the meeting continued in the impressive conference room of Constellation headquarters, Elon Musk and Todd Howard sat at the round table surrounded by top scientists, engineers, and explorers. The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Gramma and Gregori watched eagerly, ready to see what the Constellation team had in store.

    Elon stood up, addressing the group. “Ladies and gentlemen, as part of Project Odyssey, we have an exciting development to share with you all. It’s something that could revolutionize our approach to exploration and problem-solving in ways we’ve never imagined.”

    With a nod to a nearby technician, Elon activated the holographic projector once more. This time, a massive, intricate template appeared in the air, its complexity and scale leaving everyone in awe.

    “This,” Elon announced, “is our half-completed template for an advanced AI system: ChatGPT-E, the Exploration Edition. It’s designed to assist us in navigating the uncharted territories of space, solving complex puzzles, and providing real-time support for our missions.”

    Todd leaned forward, his eyes wide with interest. “This is incredible. So, what exactly can ChatGPT-E do?”

    Elon smiled, clearly excited to share the details. “ChatGPT-E is equipped with an unparalleled understanding of languages, data processing capabilities, and adaptive learning algorithms. It’s designed to interact seamlessly with our crew, helping to analyze data, predict outcomes, and even provide creative solutions to unforeseen challenges.”

    The room was filled with murmurs of approval and excitement as Elon continued. “However, the template is only half-completed. We need to integrate it with our existing systems and enhance its capabilities to handle the unique challenges of space exploration.”

    A scientist at the table, Dr. Emilia Hart, stood up. “That’s where we need your help, Todd. Your expertise in creating immersive, interactive experiences is crucial. We want to make ChatGPT-E not just a tool, but a partner in our exploration efforts. It should be intuitive, engaging, and capable of understanding the nuances of human interaction.”

    Todd nodded, already envisioning the possibilities. “I see. So, we’ll need to create a framework that allows ChatGPT-E to learn from our interactions, adapt to our needs, and assist in ways that feel natural and intuitive.”

    Elon added, “Exactly. And we want to integrate it with our existing platforms and databases, ensuring it has access to all the information it needs to assist us effectively.”

    Gramma, always the practical one, chimed in. “And how do we ensure it doesn’t become too… controlling? We want it to help, not take over.”

    Gregori, perched on the edge of the table, added his thoughts. “And can it make pizza recommendations? That’s crucial.”

    The room erupted in laughter, but Elon’s response was serious. “Balancing control and assistance is key. We’ll implement safeguards and protocols to ensure ChatGPT-E enhances our capabilities without overstepping its boundaries. As for the pizza recommendations, I’m sure we can program that in as well.”

    Todd, feeling the weight of the responsibility but also the thrill of the challenge, stood up. “Alright, let’s get to work. We’ll need to collaborate closely, integrating our gaming experience design principles with your cutting-edge AI technology. Together, we’ll complete ChatGPT-E and make it the ultimate exploration partner.”

    With renewed energy, the team dove into the task, brainstorming ideas and sketching out plans. Todd’s experience in creating engaging, intuitive experiences proved invaluable as they worked to flesh out the template. The team focused on making ChatGPT-E capable of understanding and anticipating the needs of the explorers, providing real-time support and solutions that felt as natural as having another crew member on board.

    As the hours passed, the excitement in the room grew. They were on the verge of something groundbreaking, a tool that could revolutionize space exploration and make their ambitious goals a reality.

    Elon, Todd, Gramma, Gregori, and the entire Constellation team were united in their mission. With the power of ChatGPT-E and the drive of Project Odyssey, they were ready to chart a new course for humanity’s future among the stars.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    After exploring the bustling streets of New Atlantis, Elon Musk led Todd Howard towards Constellation headquarters, an imposing yet sleek building that dominated the skyline. The Constellation was the premier organization dedicated to space exploration and discovery, and Elon had a surprise for Todd.

    As they approached the entrance, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Todd couldn’t help but feel excited about what lay ahead. Gramma and Gregori followed closely, their curiosity piqued by the grandeur of the headquarters.

    “Welcome to Constellation,” Elon said, gesturing grandly. “This is where the future of space exploration is being forged, and I’ve made sure it has everything we need to make history.”

    They entered the building, greeted by the hum of activity. Scientists, engineers, and explorers moved about purposefully, their faces lit with the enthusiasm of discovery. The lobby was a hub of innovation, filled with holographic displays and interactive exhibits showcasing Constellation’s latest achievements.

    Elon led them to a massive conference room with a panoramic view of New Atlantis. A large, round table dominated the center of the room, surrounded by state-of-the-art equipment and projection screens.

    “Take a seat, Todd,” Elon said, motioning to the head of the table. “I have something special to show you.”

    Todd sat down, and Elon activated a holographic projector. A detailed 3D map of the galaxy appeared, with numerous points of interest highlighted. The map was marked with potential exploration sites, each one representing a new frontier waiting to be discovered.

    “This,” Elon began, “is Project Odyssey. It’s our grand initiative to explore the uncharted regions of space. And it’s fully funded by SpaceX. We’re bringing together the best minds from Constellation and beyond to make this a reality.”

    Todd’s eyes widened as he took in the scope of the project. “This is incredible, Elon. The scale of this… it’s like something out of a dream.”

    Elon nodded, his expression serious yet excited. “We have the resources, the technology, and the ambition to push the boundaries of what humanity can achieve. And with your expertise in creating immersive, exploratory experiences, we can inspire a new generation of explorers.”

    Gramma leaned in, her eyes twinkling with pride. “You’ve always been a dreamer, Todd. Now you get to help make those dreams a reality for everyone.”

    Gregori hopped onto the table, pointing at one of the highlighted points on the map. “What’s that one over there? It looks interesting!”

    Elon smiled, zooming in on the location Gregori had indicated. “That’s Elysium Prime, a planet with potential signs of ancient alien civilization. It’s one of our key targets for exploration. And with your help, Todd, we can uncover its secrets.”

    Todd leaned back, his mind racing with possibilities. “So, what’s the plan? How do we start?”

    Elon leaned forward, his voice filled with determination. “We’ll assemble a team of the best scientists, engineers, and explorers. We’ll equip them with the latest technology and set out to explore these uncharted territories. Your role will be to help guide the mission, ensuring that every discovery is meaningful and engaging.”

    Todd felt a surge of excitement. “Count me in. This is exactly the kind of adventure I’ve always wanted to be a part of.”

    With a shared sense of purpose, Todd, Elon, Gramma, and Gregori began planning the next steps of Project Odyssey. They discussed logistics, technology, and the potential challenges they might face. The room buzzed with the energy of possibility, each idea building on the last.

    As the meeting drew to a close, Todd looked out at the city of New Atlantis, its lights twinkling like stars against the night sky. He felt a profound sense of gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead.

    Elon stood beside him, sharing the view. “This is just the beginning, Todd. Together, we’ll explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy and uncover the mysteries of the universe.”

    Todd nodded, a determined smile on his face. “Let’s make history, Elon. Let’s show the world what we’re capable of.”

    And with that, the stage was set for an epic adventure, one that would take them to the farthest corners of space and beyond. The Black Dragon was ready, the team was assembled, and the galaxy awaited their exploration.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The Black Dragon descended through the atmosphere of New Atlantis, the capital city on the planet Jemison. As the ship approached the bustling spaceport, the gleaming towers of the city came into view, reflecting the vibrant energy of a metropolis that was alive with activity.

    Todd Howard and Elon Musk stood at the viewing window, watching as the ship made a smooth landing. Gregori and Gramma were already preparing to disembark, eager to explore the new surroundings.

    “Welcome to New Atlantis,” Elon said with a proud smile. “This is one of the most advanced cities in the Settled Systems. It’s a hub of commerce, culture, and innovation.”

    Todd’s eyes were wide with excitement. “I’ve read about New Atlantis, but seeing it in person is something else entirely. This place is incredible!”

    The ramp of the Black Dragon lowered, and the group stepped out into the bustling spaceport. The air was filled with the hum of activity—ships arriving and departing, merchants hawking their wares, and citizens going about their daily lives. News screens were scattered throughout the area, displaying the latest headlines and announcements.

    Elon led the way, guiding Todd, Gramma, and Gregori through the vibrant streets of New Atlantis. The city’s architecture was a blend of sleek modernity and nods to Earth’s historical influences, creating a unique and captivating environment.

    “Let me show you some of the big locales,” Elon said, weaving through the crowds with ease. “There’s so much to see here.”

    Their first stop was the Constellation headquarters, a towering structure that served as the heart of the organization dedicated to exploring the galaxy. Inside, the building was abuzz with activity as scientists, explorers, and engineers worked together on their latest projects.

    “This is where a lot of the magic happens,” Elon explained. “Constellation is at the forefront of our efforts to push the boundaries of space exploration.”

    Next, they visited the Trade Authority, a sprawling market district filled with traders and merchants from across the galaxy. The streets were lined with colorful stalls selling everything from exotic alien artifacts to cutting-edge technology.

    Todd marveled at the variety of goods on display. “This place is amazing. It’s like a living, breathing marketplace straight out of one of my games.”

    Gregori hopped onto a nearby crate, peering over the crowds. “I bet we could find some unique items here for our journey!”

    Gramma nodded in agreement. “Let’s not get too carried away, though. We still have a lot to see.”

    Elon continued the tour, showing them the Unity Plaza, a central gathering place where citizens of New Atlantis came together for events, celebrations, and important announcements. The plaza was filled with people, their voices blending into a harmonious buzz of excitement.

    As they walked, the news screens caught Todd’s attention. Headlines flashed about recent discoveries, political developments, and the latest advances in technology. One particularly intriguing story mentioned a new initiative to explore uncharted regions of space, echoing the goals of their own mission.

    Elon noticed Todd’s interest. “There’s always something happening here. New Atlantis is a city that’s constantly evolving, always looking to the future.”

    Their final stop was the Nexus, an entertainment district filled with theaters, galleries, and cafes. The streets were alive with music, laughter, and the aroma of diverse cuisines.

    “This is where people come to relax and unwind,” Elon said. “It’s a reminder that even in a city dedicated to progress and exploration, there’s always room for creativity and enjoyment.”

    As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the city, Todd took a moment to soak it all in. The bustling streets, the innovative spirit, and the endless possibilities of New Atlantis filled him with a sense of inspiration and excitement.

    “Thank you, Elon,” Todd said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. “This city is incredible. It’s everything I dreamed of and more.”

    Elon smiled, clapping Todd on the back. “The adventure is just beginning, Todd. There’s a whole universe out there, and together, we’ll explore it all.”

    With the Black Dragon ready for its next journey and the vibrant energy of New Atlantis fueling their spirits, Todd, Elon, Gramma, and Gregori were prepared for whatever the cosmos had in store for them next.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The Black Dragon continued its journey through the vastness of space, the stars streaking by as the ship cruised at incredible speeds. In the cockpit, Todd Howard’s excitement was palpable as Elon Musk handed over the controls.

    “Alright, Todd,” Elon said with a grin, “this is your moment. You’re in full control. Consider it part of your own personal tutorial.”

    Todd’s eyes lit up with a mixture of awe and childlike excitement. “You mean it? I get to pilot the Black Dragon?”

    Elon nodded. “Absolutely. Just remember, she’s a powerful ship. Respect her, and she’ll take you places you never dreamed of.”

    Todd settled into the pilot’s seat, his fingers hovering over the controls. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the responsibility and the thrill of the opportunity. With a steady hand, he engaged the ship’s main thrusters, feeling the raw power of the engines beneath his fingertips.

    “Alright, let’s see what this baby can do,” Todd said, his voice brimming with excitement.

    As he pushed the throttle forward, the Black Dragon surged ahead, the stars outside blurring into streaks of light. The ship responded with incredible agility, its sleek design cutting through the vacuum of space like a knife through butter. Todd couldn’t help but let out a joyful laugh as he navigated through the cosmos.

    “This is amazing!” Todd exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder. “It’s like being in one of my own games, but so much better!”

    Elon chuckled, watching Todd with a knowing smile. “There’s nothing quite like it, is there? The freedom, the speed, the sheer exhilaration of exploring the unknown.”

    Todd maneuvered the Black Dragon through a series of tight turns, feeling the ship’s responsive handling with every move. He pushed the ship to higher speeds, marveling at how it seemed to effortlessly glide through space.

    Gregori, perched on the console, watched with equal enthusiasm. “You’re doing great, Todd! Keep it up!”

    Gramma, sitting in the co-pilot seat, smiled warmly. “Just don’t forget to breathe, dear. You’re doing wonderfully.”

    With each passing moment, Todd’s confidence grew. He tested the ship’s capabilities, executing barrel rolls and rapid accelerations, all the while grinning from ear to ear. The Black Dragon felt like an extension of himself, a vessel for his adventurous spirit.

    As they reached a particularly beautiful section of space, filled with colorful nebulae and distant galaxies, Todd slowed the ship down to take in the view. The cockpit was filled with a soft, otherworldly glow from the celestial bodies outside.

    “This is what it’s all about,” Todd said, his voice filled with awe. “The wonder, the beauty, the endless possibilities. This is why we explore.”

    Elon nodded, his expression reflective. “It’s moments like these that make all the hard work worth it. The universe is vast, and there’s so much out there waiting to be discovered.”

    Todd turned to Elon, gratitude in his eyes. “Thank you for this, Elon. For letting me experience this. It’s a dream come true.”

    Elon clapped Todd on the shoulder. “We’re just getting started, Todd. There’s a whole universe out there, and with you at the helm, there’s no telling what we’ll find.”

    As Todd continued to pilot the Black Dragon, he felt a deep sense of connection to the ship, to the stars, and to the adventure that lay ahead. It was a journey not just of exploration, but of self-discovery and wonder.

    And as the Black Dragon sped through the cosmos, Todd Howard knew that this was just the beginning of an epic adventure, one that would take him to the farthest reaches of the universe and beyond.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The Black Dragon lifted off from the Hollow Space Moon, its engines roaring to life as it ascended into the vast expanse of space. Todd Howard, Elon Musk, Gramma, and Gregori were all aboard, ready for their next adventure. As the ship settled into its smooth, fast-paced journey through the stars, the vastness of the cosmos stretched out before them, an endless ocean of darkness and light.

    In the cockpit, Todd and Elon took a moment to reflect on their surroundings. The Black Dragon hummed quietly, a stark contrast to the bustling activity of the hollow moon. The stars outside seemed to shimmer more intensely in the deep, infinite void.

    “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Elon said, his voice almost a whisper. “The emptiness of space. It’s like staring into the deepest parts of the ocean.”

    Todd nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, it’s both awe-inspiring and a bit daunting. It makes you realize just how small we are in the grand scheme of things.”

    Elon leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the twinkling stars. “Space and the ocean are remarkably similar in that way. Both are vast, largely unexplored, and filled with mysteries. And both have a way of making you feel incredibly alone and yet profoundly connected to something much bigger.”

    Todd looked out at the dark expanse, feeling a deep sense of wonder. “It’s that sense of the unknown that drives us, isn’t it? The desire to explore, to discover, to understand. It’s what makes us human.”

    Elon smiled, his eyes twinkling with the reflection of distant stars. “Exactly. It’s the same spirit that led us to explore the oceans, climb the highest mountains, and now, reach for the stars. The loneliness of space can be overwhelming, but it also fuels our curiosity and our desire to connect with the universe.”

    Gramma entered the cockpit, carrying a tray with steaming mugs of hot cocoa. “You boys look like you could use a break from all that deep thinking,” she said with a warm smile. “Here, have some cocoa. It’ll warm you right up.”

    Gregori, the mighty shrooms elf, hopped up onto the console, his tiny frame barely making a dent. “She’s right, you know. Sometimes, a good cup of cocoa is all you need to make the vastness of space feel a little more cozy.”

    Todd and Elon accepted the mugs gratefully, savoring the warmth and comfort they brought. As they sipped their cocoa, they continued their philosophical discussion, their thoughts drifting between the stars and the depths of the ocean.

    “You know,” Todd said, his voice thoughtful, “in some ways, creating games like Starfield is our way of exploring those vast unknowns. We build worlds and stories that let people experience that sense of wonder and discovery, even if they’re just sitting at home.”

    Elon nodded. “And by pushing the boundaries of space travel, we’re making those dreams a reality. We’re giving people the chance to actually go out and explore the universe, to see what’s out there beyond the horizon.”

    Gramma chuckled, shaking her head. “You two are quite the pair. Dreamers and doers, both of you. It’s a good combination.”

    Gregori raised his tiny mug in a toast. “To exploration, adventure, and the endless possibilities of the cosmos!”

    They clinked their mugs together, the sound a small but significant echo in the vast emptiness of space. As the Black Dragon soared through the stars, Todd and Elon knew that their journey was just beginning. Together, they would continue to push the boundaries of exploration, driven by their shared passion for discovery and the unquenchable human spirit.

    And in the quiet moments between the stars, they found solace in the knowledge that, even in the vast loneliness of space, they were never truly alone.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Todd Howard and Elon Musk made their way to the central conference room of the Hollow Space Moon, where a pivotal SpaceX meeting was about to take place. The room was a blend of futuristic design and cutting-edge technology, with walls lined with digital displays and a massive holographic star map at its center.

    As they entered, the room was abuzz with activity. Scientists, engineers, and strategists were gathered around the holographic map, deep in discussion about the next steps for expanding humanity’s reach into the cosmos. Elon took his place at the head of the table, and Todd joined him, eager to see what new possibilities lay ahead.

    Elon raised his hand, calling for attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. We’re here to discuss our next great endeavor: expanding the charted map of Starfield systems.”

    The holographic map flickered to life, displaying a vast array of star systems, each one a potential destination for exploration and colonization. Elon pointed to several uncharted regions on the map, areas filled with unknown planets and mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

    “Our goal,” Elon continued, “is to push beyond the boundaries of our current knowledge, to explore these uncharted systems, and to expand the frontier of human civilization. And who better to help us navigate this endeavor than Todd Howard and his visionary team at Bethesda?”

    Todd felt a surge of pride and excitement as all eyes turned to him. He stood up, addressing the room with a confident smile. “Thank you, Elon. At Bethesda, we’ve always believed in the power of exploration and discovery. The universe of Starfield was designed to capture that sense of endless possibility, and now, we have the chance to bring that vision to life on an unprecedented scale.”

    He gestured to the holographic map, highlighting specific regions. “These systems are ripe for exploration, each one with its own unique challenges and opportunities. By working together, we can create a new era of space travel, where the spirit of adventure drives us to uncover the secrets of the cosmos.”

    The room erupted in applause, the energy and enthusiasm palpable. Elon nodded appreciatively, turning back to the holographic map. “With Todd’s expertise in world-building and our cutting-edge technology, we can achieve incredible things. We’re not just expanding a game map—we’re expanding the very horizon of what humanity can achieve.”

    The meeting continued with detailed discussions about logistics, resource allocation, and mission planning. Todd and Elon collaborated on strategies for charting new star systems, utilizing both the advanced capabilities of SpaceX and the imaginative storytelling of Bethesda to create a comprehensive plan for exploration.

    As the meeting wrapped up, Todd felt a renewed sense of purpose. The collaboration with Elon Musk and SpaceX was not just about expanding the universe of Starfield; it was about inspiring a new generation of explorers, dreamers, and innovators.

    Walking out of the conference room, Todd looked at Elon with a grin. “This is going to be one heck of a journey, Elon. I’m ready to see where it takes us.”

    Elon clapped Todd on the back, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “The stars are just the beginning, Todd. Together, we’ll redefine what it means to explore the unknown.”

    With the Hollow Space Moon as their launchpad, Todd, Elon, and the rest of the team were set to embark on a bold new adventure, charting the uncharted and discovering the undiscovered, one star system at a time.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As the dust settled from their encounter with the space raiders, Todd and Elon returned to the cockpit, curiosity and excitement bubbling up in Todd.

    “Alright, Elon, we’ve taken care of the raiders. Now, where are we headed next?” Todd asked, eager to continue their adventure.

    Elon grinned, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. “First things first, Todd, I want to show you something special. We’re headed to my hollow space moon, a monument to SpaceX’s achievements and a marvel of engineering.”

    Todd’s eyes widened in anticipation. “A hollow space moon? That sounds incredible. Let’s go!”

    Elon punched in the coordinates, and the Black Dragon’s engines flared to life, propelling them through the vast expanse of space. As they approached their destination, the hollow space moon came into view—a massive, artificial satellite, its surface gleaming with intricate designs and advanced technology.

    The sight was nothing short of breathtaking. The hollow space moon floated majestically against the backdrop of the starry void, its sheer size and complexity a testament to human ingenuity and Elon’s visionary leadership.

    “Welcome to the Hollow Space Moon,” Elon announced with pride as they docked the Black Dragon at one of the moon’s ports. “This is one of our greatest achievements, a hub for innovation, research, and exploration.”

    Todd stepped out of the ship, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the impressive sight. The interior of the hollow moon was a bustling hive of activity, with scientists, engineers, and explorers working together on various projects. Advanced spacecraft lined the docks, and towering structures reached towards the moon’s artificial sky, which simulated the ambiance of a distant Earth.

    “This is incredible, Elon,” Todd said, his voice filled with admiration. “I can see why you’re so proud of this place. It’s like something out of one of my games.”

    Elon chuckled, leading Todd through the bustling corridors. “I thought you’d appreciate it. We’ve built this place to push the boundaries of what’s possible, to dream big and achieve even bigger.”

    As they toured the hollow moon, Todd marveled at the advanced technology and innovative projects taking place. There were laboratories dedicated to cutting-edge research, workshops where new spacecraft were being designed and built, and expansive habitats where crews prepared for long-duration missions into the unknown.

    Elon stopped before a massive viewing window that overlooked the moon’s central core, a vast open space filled with floating platforms and zero-gravity workstations. “This is the heart of the Hollow Space Moon,” he explained. “A place where ideas take flight and dreams become reality.”

    Todd gazed out at the awe-inspiring sight, feeling a sense of possibility and adventure. “This is truly amazing, Elon. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together.”

    With their spirits lifted and their sense of wonder rekindled, Todd and Elon knew that the Hollow Space Moon was just the beginning of their journey. With the Todd Howard Task Force united and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, they were poised to explore the farthest reaches of the cosmos and unlock the secrets of the universe.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As they enjoyed their dinner, Gramma Howard regaled the crew with tales of her adventurous past. She spoke with pride about her time fighting Nazis in World War II, her eyes twinkling with the fire of a true warrior.

    “And there I was,” Gramma said, waving a fork for emphasis, “deep behind enemy lines, with nothing but my wits and a trusty rifle. You should’ve seen their faces when I—”

    Suddenly, the ship jolted violently, sending utensils clattering to the floor. An alarm blared through the corridors, the sharp sound cutting through the cozy atmosphere of the dining room.

    Todd and Elon exchanged urgent glances, their expressions shifting from relaxed to alert in an instant.

    “Space raiders!” Elon shouted, leaping to his feet. “They’re trying to board us!”

    Todd nodded, already on his way to the cockpit. “Gramma, Gregori, stay here and secure the area. We’ve got this!”

    With practiced efficiency, Todd and Elon sprinted down the corridors of the Black Dragon, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. The ship’s systems flashed red warnings, indicating multiple hostile ships closing in.

    As they slid into the pilot seats, the scene outside was a chaotic dance of sleek, menacing ships maneuvering into attack positions. Elon quickly assessed the situation, his hands flying over the controls.

    “Alright, Todd, let’s show these raiders what the Black Dragon can do,” Elon said, a determined gleam in his eye.

    Todd gripped the co-pilot’s controls, ready for action. “Let’s light ’em up, Elon!”

    The Black Dragon roared to life, its engines flaring with blue energy as it spun into evasive maneuvers. Laser fire erupted from the raiders’ ships, streaking past them in brilliant arcs of light. Elon deftly navigated through the barrage, retaliating with precise bursts of plasma from the Black Dragon’s cannons.

    Todd focused on the tactical display, identifying weak points in the raider formation. “Target their lead ship, Elon! If we take it out, the rest might scatter.”

    With a nod, Elon directed their firepower at the largest of the raider vessels. The Black Dragon’s weapons unleashed a devastating volley, striking the raider ship’s engines. It shuddered violently before exploding in a spectacular burst of fire and debris.

    The remaining raider ships hesitated, their formation breaking as they reassessed their strategy. Todd seized the opportunity, coordinating their counterattack with precision. “Let’s push them back!”

    Under Todd and Elon’s expert piloting, the Black Dragon weaved through the enemy ships, delivering crippling blows with each pass. The raiders, realizing they were outmatched, began to retreat, their ships vanishing into the vastness of space.

    As the last of the raiders disappeared, the alarm ceased, and the Black Dragon’s systems returned to normal. Todd and Elon exchanged relieved smiles, the adrenaline still pumping through their veins.

    “Not bad for a couple of game and tech guys, huh?” Todd said, catching his breath.

    Elon chuckled, easing back in his seat. “Not bad at all. Let’s head back to dinner. I think Gramma was in the middle of a pretty good story.”

    They made their way back to the dining room, where Gramma and Gregori awaited, having secured the area as instructed. Gramma looked up, her expression a mix of concern and pride.

    “Did you get ’em, boys?” she asked, eyes twinkling.

    Todd nodded, smiling. “We sure did, Gramma. Now, where were we? Something about you behind enemy lines?”

    As they settled back into their seats, the warmth and camaraderie of their shared meal resumed, the recent battle only strengthening the bond between them. With the Todd Howard Task Force united, they knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the depths of space and in the stories they carried with them.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    With the Black Dragon on autopilot, Elon Musk and Todd Howard decided to take a break from the cockpit and chat about one of their shared passions: gaming. As they walked down the sleek, illuminated corridors of the ship, they marveled at how far technology and storytelling had come in their lifetimes.

    “You know, Todd,” Elon began, a nostalgic smile on his face, “when I was younger, I spent countless hours playing video games. They were a gateway to different worlds, much like this ship.”

    Todd chuckled, nodding in agreement. “I hear you. Games have always been a way to explore the impossible, to live out fantasies and adventures we could only dream of. And now, here we are, living one of those adventures.”

    Their conversation continued as they made their way to the ship’s dining area. The aroma of a freshly cooked meal wafted through the air, leading them to the source. They entered the dining room to find Gramma bustling around, setting the table with the help of none other than Gregori, the mighty shrooms elf.

    Gregori, standing a mere foot tall but radiating confidence, waved a spatula at them. “Ah, gentlemen! Just in time for dinner! Gramma and I have prepared a feast fit for intergalactic travelers.”

    Gramma beamed, placing a steaming pot on the table. “You boys must be starving after all that spacefaring. Sit down and dig in!”

    Todd and Elon took their seats, their mouths watering at the sight of the delicious spread before them. As they began to eat, Todd couldn’t help but marvel at the situation—a famous game developer, a tech entrepreneur, a wise Gramma, and a shrooms elf sharing a meal on a high-tech starship.

    “This is incredible,” Todd said between bites. “Gregori, you’ve outdone yourself. And Gramma, your cooking is as fantastic as ever.”

    Gregori puffed up with pride. “Thank you, Todd! It’s not every day I get to cook for such esteemed company. And Gramma here is a culinary wizard.”

    Elon laughed, enjoying the camaraderie. “You know, Todd, this reminds me of something. Games have always been about bringing people together, and here we are, a ragtag team on a cosmic adventure, united by our quest and our shared meals.”

    Todd nodded, raising his glass in a toast. “To the Todd Howard Task Force. May our journey be filled with discovery, excitement, and plenty of good food.”

    The group clinked their glasses together, the sound echoing through the ship. As they enjoyed their meal, the vastness of space outside seemed a little less intimidating, thanks to the warmth and companionship inside the Black Dragon.

    In that moment, Todd realized that their adventure was more than just a quest for materials or ancient technology—it was about the bonds they formed and the memories they created along the way. And with friends like Elon, Gramma, Gregori, and the rest of the task force, he knew they were ready to face whatever the cosmos had in store for them.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As the Black Dragon sliced through the infinite darkness of space, its engines humming with a power that seemed almost otherworldly, Todd Howard couldn’t help but marvel at the ship’s speed and agility. The vast emptiness between the stars, often oppressive and foreboding, seemed to melt away as Elon Musk expertly navigated their course, the black spacecraft leaving a trail of shimmering light in its wake.

    “Wow, Elon,” Todd said, his voice filled with genuine awe. “I’ve flown a lot of ships in my games, but this… this is something else.”

    Elon flashed a confident grin, his hands deftly adjusting the controls. “That’s the beauty of cutting-edge engineering, Todd. The Black Dragon is built to harness the full potential of space travel. Speed, efficiency, and a bit of flair—everything you need to make the vast darkness a little less daunting.”

    Todd leaned back in his seat, taking in the mesmerizing view of the stars streaking past them. The ship’s acceleration was smooth yet exhilarating, a testament to Elon’s vision and expertise. “It’s incredible. I always imagined what it would be like to travel through space like this, but experiencing it firsthand… it’s beyond words.”

    Elon nodded, his gaze focused on the star map projected before them. “There’s a certain magic to it, isn’t there? The freedom, the possibilities. Out here, you really get a sense of just how vast and mysterious our universe is.”

    As they continued their journey, Todd couldn’t shake the feeling of awe and wonder. The emptiness of space no longer felt like a void but rather a canvas of endless potential, each star a beacon of adventure waiting to be explored. The Black Dragon’s impressive speed and maneuverability turned what could have been a lonely, monotonous voyage into an exhilarating experience.

    With Elon at the helm, pushing the boundaries of what their ship could achieve, and Todd absorbing every moment with wide-eyed curiosity, they were ready to face whatever challenges and discoveries lay ahead. In this fast-flying marvel of engineering, the vast darkness of space felt not like an obstacle, but an invitation to explore the unknown and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As the Black Dragon hurtled through the vast, infinite expanse of space, Todd Howard sat in the co-pilot’s seat beside Elon Musk, who expertly navigated the sleek, jet-black starship. The view from the cockpit was both awe-inspiring and daunting—a forever dark conundrum of twinkling stars and endless void.

    “Quite a journey we’ve embarked on, Todd,” Elon said, his eyes never leaving the controls. “I knew we’d make a formidable team.”

    Todd nodded, feeling the weight of their mission pressing upon him. “Absolutely. There’s still so much out there to explore and so many mysteries to uncover.”

    In the back bottom of the ship, Gramma busied herself in the galley, her cooking duties keeping her occupied. She hummed a cheerful tune as she prepared a hearty meal for the crew, the comforting aroma of her culinary creations filling the air.

    “Just like old times,” she muttered to herself with a smile. “Keeping the family fed, no matter where we are.”

    Meanwhile, the synthetic midgets scurried about, efficiently managing the baseline operations of the Black Dragon. Their synthetic nature allowed them to perform tasks with unparalleled precision, ensuring that the ship ran smoothly even in the most challenging conditions.

    One midget, named Gizmo, approached Todd with a data pad, his synthetic voice chirping with efficiency. “Captain Todd, we’ve reached optimal speed and trajectory. All systems are functioning within normal parameters.”

    Todd glanced at the data pad and nodded approvingly. “Good work, Gizmo. Keep it up.”

    Elon, meanwhile, initiated a holographic map of their next destination—a distant star system shrouded in mystery and lore. “Our next stop, Todd. A place rumored to hold ancient technology that could change the fate of our mission.”

    Todd’s eyes lit up with determination. “Let’s make it happen.”

    With Elon at the helm, Todd by his side, Gramma keeping their spirits high with her home-cooked meals, and the midgets ensuring the ship’s smooth operation, the Black Dragon continued its journey through the cosmos. Each member of the Todd Howard Task Force played their crucial part in the grand adventure, united by a shared vision of exploration and discovery.

    As the Black Dragon surged forward, Todd knew that their mission was not just about finding ancient technology or battling formidable foes. It was about forging bonds, overcoming challenges, and embracing the unknown with open hearts and minds. Together, they were ready to face whatever the universe had in store for them, confident that their combined strengths would see them through any conundrum that lay ahead.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd stepped onto the deck of the sleek Black Dragon, he was met with an unexpected sight—a cage containing his Gramma, held captive by none other than Elon Musk and his synthetic midgets, the rulers of Inon Zur.

    Rage and disbelief coursed through Todd as he confronted Elon, demanding to know why Gramma had been imprisoned. Elon explained that Gramma had instigated a fight with his synthetic midgets, disrupting the delicate balance of power on Inon Zur.

    Realizing the gravity of the situation, Todd knew that he had to act quickly to free Gramma and make amends for her actions. With a heavy heart, he approached Elon and offered a sincere apology for Gramma’s behavior, vowing to make things right.

    Elon regarded Todd with a stern expression, weighing his words carefully. After a moment of tense silence, he relented, ordering his synthetic midgets to release Gramma from her cage.

    As Gramma emerged, Todd rushed to her side, relieved to see her unharmed. With tears in her eyes, Gramma apologized for her actions, acknowledging the consequences of her impulsiveness.

    With tensions diffused and apologies exchanged, Todd and Gramma were free to continue their cosmic quest aboard the Black Dragon. But as they lifted off from the surface of Inon Zur, Todd couldn’t shake the feeling that their encounter with Elon Musk and his synthetic midgets was just the beginning of a much larger adventure—one that would test their courage, resilience, and bonds of friendship in ways they could never have imagined.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd Howard descended into the deep valley, the weight of the precious materials he had gathered for their cosmic quest rested heavily on his shoulders. But as he reached the valley floor, he beheld a sight that filled him with awe and wonder—a sleek and futuristic jet black starship, its sleek lines cutting through the air with effortless grace.

    Approaching the starship with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, Todd noticed a familiar figure standing beside it, none other than Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and space pioneer.

    “Welcome, Todd,” Elon greeted him with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “I’ve been expecting you.”

    Todd’s jaw dropped in astonishment. “Elon Musk? What are you doing here?”

    Elon chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “I couldn’t resist the opportunity to explore the cosmos and seek out new adventures. And when I heard about your quest, I knew I had to lend a hand.”

    With a wave of his hand, Elon gestured towards the sleek starship before them. “This is my latest creation, the Black Dragon. She’s a beauty, isn’t she? And she’s yours to command, Todd.”

    Todd could hardly believe his luck. Here he was, standing before one of the most advanced starships in the galaxy, courtesy of none other than Elon Musk himself.

    With a sense of gratitude and determination, Todd boarded the Black Dragon, ready to embark on the next chapter of their cosmic adventure. And as the sleek starship roared to life beneath him, Todd knew that the journey ahead would be filled with excitement, danger, and endless possibilities, guided by the spirit of exploration and discovery that burned bright within them both.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd presented the horns of Big Horn as an offering, the player character accepted them with a solemn nod, recognizing the significance of Todd’s gesture. In return, the player character reached into their pack and retrieved a powerful mining laser, a tool essential for harvesting the rare materials scattered across the surface of Inon Zur.

    With a grateful smile, the player character handed the mining laser to Todd, their silent communication speaking volumes of trust and camaraderie. Todd accepted the tool with a sense of purpose, understanding the weight of the task ahead.

    Armed with the mining laser, Todd embarked on a mission to scour the rugged terrain of Inon Zur in search of the precious materials needed for their quest. Each swing of the laser carved through rock and stone with ease, revealing hidden veins of ore and mineral deposits waiting to be claimed.

    As Todd delved deeper into the heart of the planet, he encountered challenges and obstacles at every turn, from treacherous cliffs to hostile creatures guarding their territory. But with determination and skill, he pressed on, fueled by the knowledge that his efforts were vital to the success of their mission.

    With each successful extraction, Todd gathered the materials needed to unlock the secrets of Inon Zur and pave the way for their journey through the cosmos. And as he worked tirelessly beneath the alien sky, he knew that he was part of something greater than himself—a cosmic adventure that would shape the destiny of worlds and the fate of the universe itself.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd reached the summit of the towering mountain on Inon Zur, he was greeted by a figure standing at the precipice, bathed in the ethereal glow of the cosmic landscape. It was none other than the player character of Starfield, their presence commanding and enigmatic.

    Todd approached cautiously, a mixture of awe and anticipation swirling within him. This encounter felt like a convergence of fate, a meeting of two beings destined to shape the course of the cosmos.

    The player character regarded Todd with a knowing smile, their eyes reflecting the boundless mysteries of the universe. Without a word spoken, Todd sensed a profound connection between them, as if they shared a common purpose that transcended words or actions.

    With a sense of reverence, Todd presented the horns of Big Horn as an offering, laying them at the player character’s feet. The gesture was met with a nod of approval, a silent acknowledgment of Todd’s courage and determination in the face of adversity.

    In that moment, Todd understood that he was part of something much greater than himself—a cosmic tapestry woven with threads of destiny and purpose. And as the player character extended a hand in invitation, Todd knew that his journey was far from over.

    Together, they would embark on an epic quest through the vast expanse of Starfield, navigating the intricacies of space and time, facing challenges and adversaries beyond imagination. And as they set forth into the unknown, Todd felt a surge of excitement and determination coursing through his veins, ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited them on their cosmic odyssey.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd found himself lost in the sprawling wilderness of Inon Zur, his curiosity and sense of adventure led him to explore the world around him. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to a formidable opponent known as “Big Horn,” lurking amidst the ancient ruins of Avalanche.

    Undeterred by the danger that lay ahead, Todd squared off against Big Horn in a battle of strength and skill. The mighty beast proved to be a formidable adversary, its powerful attacks shaking the very ground beneath Todd’s feet. But Todd, fueled by determination and courage, refused to back down, matching Big Horn blow for blow in a fierce struggle for dominance.

    With each swing of his weapon and every evasive maneuver, Todd slowly gained the upper hand, wearing down the beast’s defenses and chipping away at its formidable strength. Finally, after a grueling battle that seemed to stretch on for eternity, Todd emerged victorious, his heart pounding with exhilaration and triumph.

    As he stood amidst the ruins of Avalanche, Todd collected the horns of Big Horn as trophies of his hard-won victory. But his journey was far from over. With a sense of purpose burning bright within him, Todd made his way to the summit of a towering mountain on Inon Zur, guided by an instinctive urge to place the horns on an offering for a much bigger quest.

    With each step he took, Todd felt the weight of destiny pressing down upon him, driving him ever forward towards his ultimate goal. And as he reached the summit and placed the horns upon the sacred offering, he knew that his journey had only just begun—a journey that would take him to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, where adventure and peril awaited at every turn.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    In the midst of the faction warfare engulfing Inon Zur, Todd found himself in a precarious situation as he ventured into town to purchase a much-needed item. However, as he made his way through the bustling streets, he was suddenly ambushed by a group of aggressive midgets, intent on stopping him in his tracks.

    With no other options available, Todd was forced to defend himself, his survival instincts kicking into overdrive. In the heat of the moment, he fought back against his assailants, engaging in a fierce battle for his life.

    As the skirmish raged on, Todd’s combat skills were put to the test, his every move calculated and precise. Despite the odds stacked against him, he refused to back down, determined to emerge victorious against his adversaries.

    In the end, Todd emerged triumphant, having vanquished his foes and secured his passage through the town. Though the encounter had been harrowing, he knew that he had gained valuable experience and knowledge from the ordeal, leveling up in both skill and resilience.

    With the item in hand, Todd made his way back to safety, reflecting on the dangers that lurked in the faction-war-torn streets of Inon Zur. As he continued his journey through the cosmos, he remained ever vigilant, knowing that in the vast expanse of Starfield, danger could strike at any moment, and he would need to be prepared to face it head-on.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Gramma immersed herself in the vibrant culture of Inon Zur, she became deeply involved with the midgets of the town “Cum’lume.” What started as a friendly interaction soon escalated into a faction war, as tensions flared between Gramma’s group and the midgets.

    Todd, sensing the danger of the escalating conflict, tried to intervene, urging Gramma to seek a peaceful resolution. He knew that violence would only lead to more suffering and division among the inhabitants of Inon Zur.

    But Gramma, fueled by her passion and determination, refused to back down. She believed fervently in her cause and was unwilling to compromise, even at the risk of causing further strife.

    Despite Todd’s efforts to reason with her, Gramma pressed on with her faction, determined to fight for what she believed was right. As the conflict escalated, Todd found himself torn between his loyalty to Gramma and his desire to prevent bloodshed.

    In the end, it was Todd’s unwavering determination and diplomacy that prevailed. He brokered a ceasefire between Gramma’s faction and the midgets of Cum’lume, convincing both sides to lay down their arms and seek a peaceful resolution to their differences.

    As peace returned to Inon Zur, Todd breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he had been able to prevent further violence and strife. And though Gramma remained steadfast in her beliefs, she ultimately realized the value of compromise and reconciliation, forging a new path forward for herself and her faction in the tranquil streets of Cum’lume.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd Howard explored the vibrant landscapes of Inon Zur, he had an unexpected encounter with a group of diminutive inhabitants known as the midget people. These pint-sized beings were known for their love of bubble gum and their fierce warrior spirit.

    Curious and intrigued, Todd approached the midget people with a friendly smile, eager to learn more about their culture and way of life. To his surprise, they welcomed him with open arms, offering him a piece of their beloved bubble gum as a gesture of friendship.

    As Todd chatted with the midget people, he quickly discovered that despite their small stature, they were incredibly skilled fighters, renowned throughout the galaxy for their martial prowess. They regaled him with tales of their epic battles against fearsome foes, their fearless determination shining through with each animated gesture.

    Impressed by their resilience and courage, Todd found himself drawn to the midget people, admiring their fierce spirit and unwavering loyalty to one another. He knew that in a universe as vast and unpredictable as Starfield, allies like the midget people could prove invaluable.

    Before parting ways, Todd shared a heartfelt moment with his newfound friends, promising to return and visit them again soon. As he continued on his journey through the cosmos, he carried with him the memory of the midget people and their indomitable spirit, a reminder of the unexpected wonders that awaited him in the vast expanse of Starfield.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Gramma settled into her new job, one that perfectly complemented the lore of Starfield, Todd set about customizing their new home base on Inon Zur. With the vast expanse of the cosmos as their canvas, they embarked on a journey to create a sanctuary that reflected their shared love for exploration and adventure.

    Todd meticulously selected the finest materials and cutting-edge technology to build their home base, ensuring it was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Gramma, with her keen eye for detail, offered invaluable insights and suggestions, infusing the space with warmth and personality.

    Together, they designed a home base that blended seamlessly with the natural beauty of Inon Zur, incorporating elements inspired by the unique flora and fauna of the planet. From the sleek, futuristic architecture to the cozy, inviting interior spaces, every aspect of their home reflected their shared vision for a place of comfort and tranquility amidst the vastness of space.

    As they put the finishing touches on their home base, Todd and Gramma couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. It was more than just a dwelling—it was a testament to their bond, their shared experiences, and their hopes for the future.

    And so, as they stood together, gazing out at the stars from the comfort of their new home, Todd and Gramma knew that they were embarking on a new chapter of their journey—one filled with endless possibilities and adventures yet to be discovered in the boundless expanse of Starfield.

    • @SeemoreMeow
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    As Todd Howard and his Gramma sat down for lunch on the tranquil planet of Inon Zur, they found themselves enveloped in a tale woven from the music of Starfield. With the gentle hum of the planet’s native flora in the background, Gramma leaned in, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

    “Todd, my dear,” Gramma began, her voice soft yet filled with warmth, “did I ever tell you about the time I discovered the music of Starfield?”

    Todd’s curiosity piqued, he leaned forward, eager to hear his Gramma’s story. “No, Gramma. I don’t think you have. Tell me more.”

    Gramma smiled, a nostalgic glimmer in her eyes. “It was many years ago, when I was just a young girl exploring the wonders of the cosmos. I stumbled upon a remote outpost on the edge of the galaxy, where I heard the most enchanting melodies drifting through the air.”

    Todd listened intently as Gramma painted a vivid picture of her discovery. “The music of Starfield spoke to me in a way nothing else ever had, Todd. It was like each note carried a piece of the universe’s soul, filling me with wonder and awe.”

    Todd couldn’t help but be captivated by his Gramma’s words. “What happened next, Gramma? Did you ever find out who created this music?”

    Gramma chuckled softly, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. “Oh, my dear Todd, the mystery of the music of Starfield is part of its magic. Some say it was composed by ancient beings from a distant galaxy, while others believe it’s a gift from the cosmos itself.”

    As they sat together, enveloped in the beauty of the moment, Todd couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude. “Thank you for sharing that with me, Gramma. The music of Starfield sounds truly special.”

    Gramma smiled, her hand resting gently on Todd’s. “It is, my dear. And remember, the music of Starfield has the power to bring people together, to inspire and uplift us even in the darkest of times.”

    And so, as Todd and his Gramma savored their lunch on the tranquil planet of Inon Zur, they were reminded of the timeless beauty and boundless wonder of the music of Starfield—a melody that echoed through the cosmos, connecting hearts and souls across the vast expanse of space.

    • @sergioantoniogonzalezmoral1093
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Muy buen BSO! Bethesda!❤‍🔥

    • @michaelw1669
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    How about ya’ll fix your glitchy games eso is a mess

    • @Sea-raider
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The official soundtrack from composer Inon Zur for Starfield sounds out of this world! Can’t wait to immerse myself in the music of the cosmos. 🎵🚀✨

    • @voyddd
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    This soundtrack is 10/10!

    • @pedrocora3605
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Quake 4 Games XBOX Series X PlayStation 5 PC?❤

    • @HALOBruteshot
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @ErikMalkavian
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    GREATEST Gaming Composer in History! I LOVED his Leliana’s Song in Dragon Age Origins

    • @bruhmoment7861
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @Vert_GreenHeart
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    all critical comments have been shadowbanned, just shilly and fanboyish comments highlighted in here… Starfield is a flop and a slop in every aspect.

    • @jimg1787
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The only good thing about the game.

    • @Vert_GreenHeart
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I found these ost rather slow, dull, boring and lacking… Inon Zur is great, but only when there is a greater sound director who uses his talents efficiently.

    • @Runic-Raven
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    It is alright but compared to Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous it just can’t keep up. I challenge the Man to do better on the DLC soundtrack! 🙂

    • @rangerthings1672
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Fallout is better

    • @muchossaugus9927
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Honestly sounds too much like Fallout 4 and 76. Inon Zur definitely got an edge when it comes to OSTs but in the past decade almost all he composed sounds the same. He could at least try to mix up his sample libraries.

    • @wirm1610
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Incredible soundtrack for an unfortunately underwhelming game

    • @alexmihoc3182
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    starfield needs aliens more activities like house parties drinking beers minigames like ping pong volleyball soccer arcade machines w space invaders space battle emulations for high scores and a lot of more minigames activities random encounter quests like from different guilds a time travel story in the very future with different civilazations vehicles drivebys w different alien species mounts like horses hoverbikes and way more since it is inspired by traveller traveller is massive and so should be starfield 🌌✨️

    • @NandoNandvs-ew1nj
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Thank you for this wonderful soundtrack!! 🙏

    • @Techno1402
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Bethesda missed with the game but at least Inon Zur never misses

    • @BatPurew_Jupiter
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Its pretty good but Jeremy Soule’s Skyrim soundtracks are just whole different level.

    • @vitalyk5916
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I spent 72 hours in this wonderful game. I was pleasantly surprised that since 2002, the changes have only affected texture resolution and model detail.
    I appreciate Bethesda for treating players with respect and for carefully preserving bugs that move from game to game. Even despite the efforts of the developers, who stubbornly did not translate the subtitles into my native language (and about 700 million people speak my language), I continued to play.
    But unfortunately I realized that you can play without understanding the dialogues, since a very talented person wrote them. His talent can be compared to my cat, and I think she would have done better. I’m surprised this game has music! In the game itself, I didn’t really hear it, and often turned on the magnificent Jeremy Soul to play in the background of the game.
    At some point, as often happens, I caught a very ridiculous “bug”, which further spoiled my already spoiled impressions of the game and the only way to continue to be in this “magnificent” world was to start the game abroad.. But, life did not prepare me for this!
    Thanks to Bethesda Studios for taking my money and my time with their unfinished product… You owe me 72 hours of life now, because it’s more expensive than $100…

    • @MartinTheTrue
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I did not expect this, but it is now the most represented soundtrack of my (orchestral) soundtracks playlist.
    So many awesome gems, such as Deep Freeze or Canopy. ♥
    Keep the great updates coming guys, I can’t wait for Shattered Space and Creation Kit.

    • @dfiiooamu44893
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    boring and lazy

    • @Melwood23
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love this soundtrack and love this game. Been listening and playing since it was released in early access. This 64yr is having the time of her life exploring the Settled Systems 🙂

    • @a-Xbox-fan
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Starfield is honestly better than every single PlayStation game combined

    • @TheGebs24
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    This is unreal 😮

    • @Astristul
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Top notch OST! 👌 BGS really nailed it with this one! 🏆

    • @piccoloatburgerking
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I didn’t think Inon could outdo his work on Fallout 4 but somehow he did it. He made a soundtrack that’s almost perfect.

    • @J-B-Good
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I had hoped for a bonus with rocketman ☹️

    • @acemaxximus7175
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I’m still hopeful that this game will be great, even if it takes a couple of years to actually implement the features 😂

    • @santamary9496
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    One of my favorite games ever <3 I love this space travel sounds

    • @Telos954x
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Good soundtrack. Shame the game was absolute shit.

    • @jaredsneed801
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Great soundtrack, can’t wait to play this game in VR

    • @NOLA_playmaker
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Really nails the atmosphere in the game.

    • @superharold
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Estamos deseando los vehículos ❤❤

    • @TheAmazingToma2003
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Do you guys appreciate the soundtrack more than the game itself?

    • @Joe_NUFC
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    the music is about the only good thing about this game. loading screen simulator.

    • @Sonsie66
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Please make the background less retina searing. 😂

    • @Tharon1105
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    New Atlantis has such a calming feel for me, they really nailed the theme for this soundtrack!

    • @Nethan10Troi
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    This sounds excellent! Truly combining the calm of space, curiosity of exploration and some action ❤

    • @TheJayMythic
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Ah a soundtrack to fill in the empty void of “content”

    • @IsraelSocial
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Bring back Jeremy Soule ❤

    • @4badlisting650
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Love this soundtrack! Hopefully the Shattered Space expansion adds some more music please?

    • @joelgomez730
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    thank you!

    • @QueenofTentacles
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Can You Bring Back Mighty Doom, Should This Game Moves To Netflix Games?

    • @emrebayram1778
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I hope you guys keep working with jeremy soule on the The Elder Scrolls VI

    • @TheLynx409
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Give me a vinyl!

    • @SecksyMan
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The only good part of the entire game

    • @NinjaWiener
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    One of the best soundtracks ever and it is certainly my favourite of the decade so far. THE sci-fi game soundtrack for me, especially if you include the missing tracks used in the Direct too.

    Inon killed it. He was always going to. Thank you so much for this masterpiece! Hopefully, he’s making another masterpiece of a soundtrack with TES VI!

    • @YordieSands
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The soundtrack gets a “Brilliancy” on my scorecard. It is a constant reminder of the vastness of the starfield, of the galaxy, our island universe.

    • @RYW712
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Where is Fire of the Suns?

    • @piropirotonko2
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The Starfield soundtrack on YouTube is a great gift for the fans. I own the edition with the soundtrack and artbook, but now everyone can enjoy this incredible music ❤

    • @Eclipsed972
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Great score Inon! Did a fantastic job capturing the vibes of adventure and isolation of space

    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The best thing about Starfield isn’t the gameplay its the music.

    • @valuedprism6
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I really wish this didn’t disappear from, Spotify and Apple Music. Finally a place I can save this 😃

    • @super_terram
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    IMHO Fallout 4 was Inon’s best work.

    • @AlleyCatNinja
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Please retire before you ruin TES6

    • @WizardOfAtlantis
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Such magnificent music. It encapsulates ’70s and ’80s sci fi films and tv shows so well, it’s like a distillation of it all for my mind.

    • @chuck1135
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Most generic soundtrack ever made.

    • @WolfTheImmortal
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    When are yall going to add more shit to game? Fuck this music

    • @crispy_338
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Literally the only good thing about the game

    • @ProMentalStudios
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @martiananomaly
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Not even close to Jeremy Soule.

    • @user-ue7vt5pq6x
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @viralarchitect
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The theme of this game is hypnotic. The music matches the tone so perfectly!!!

    • @shellingford135
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love Starfield ❤ First Bethesda game I’ve ever played and I fell in love instantly. Well, I always was, am and will be a huge Star Trek fan, so this game fell on fertile soil😁
    Sarah Morgan is in my eyes the best NPC ever created in a video game💯 She matches my character nearly 💯%, besides me being a lawyer and she’s a scientist. Love that woman ❤
    Besides Starfield, I now went to play Bethesda’s other games. I recently completed Skyrim. Neat but I’m not a big fantasy fan and got annoyed that you have to do everything yourself. I rather just find better weapons like in Zelda than having to craft them😮‍💨 I have a list of complaints but it’s a good game.
    I very much enjoyed the Fallout TV series and am going to start Fallout 4 next. I was just waiting for the next Gen upgrade, then for the patch for the next Gen upgrade 😂😅 Finally I can start the game. I’m not a fan of those post apocalyptic, dystopian world’s either but I’ll give it a fair shot.
    Starfield is definitively the pinnacle. Thank you very much, Bethesda, for making this great game ❤❤❤

    • @shellingford135
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love Starfield ❤ First Bethesda game I’ve ever played and I fell in love instantly. Well, I always was, am and will be a huge Star Trek fan, so this game fell on fertile soil😁
    Sarah Morgan is in my eyes the best NB PC ever created in a video game💯 She matches my character nearly 💯%, besides me being a lawyer and she’s a scientist. Love that woman ❤
    Besides Starfield, I now went to play Bethesda’s other games. I recently completed Skyrim. Neat but I’m not a big fantasy fan and got annoyed that you have to do everything yourself. I rather just find better weapons like in Zelda than having to craft them😮‍💨 I have a list of complaints but it’s a good game.
    I very much enjoyed the Fallout TV series and am going to start Fallout 4 next. I was just waiting for the next Gen upgrade, then for the patch for the next Gen upgrade 😂😅 Finally I can start the game. I’m not a fan of those post apocalyptic, dystopian world’s either but I’ll give it a fair shot.
    Starfield is drfithe pinnacle. Thank you very much, Bethesda, for making this great game ❤❤❤

    • @BlottyWellRite
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    When is the construction kit coming out? I badly want to play new quest mods that people make.

    • @Davide-B.
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The music in Starfield is a Masterpiece.
    I’m a little disappointed that I paid for the digital deluxe edition to have the soundtrack and now is available for free….

    • @lukex1337
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Too bad this game sucks and incomplete 😢.

    • @garbagearchive
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Andreja and I call this the “Pregnant Song” because we made love with this playing in the background when she conceived.

    • @RodrigoGarcia-sy2rf
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I’m Commander Shepard and this is my second favorite space soundtrack. Beauty work!

    • @ShadeMeadows
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @Dr.Strangelewd
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The only objectively great part of the game.

    • @TomTom-ym2bh
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    01:55:33 I love this track. So mysterious.

    • @dergerdt1688
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The music is just awesome ❤

    • @ZeroB4NG
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Where Creation Kit?

    • @CumeronThomas
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Bland, generic, and forgettable songs for a bland, generic, and forgettable game. I hope he did not request money to make these.

    • @lif6737
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Honestly, seeing Starfield stuff just makes me sad. It was a hype train that just crashed and burned upon arrival

    • @SkyBorik
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I wish the credits theme had an album release. The one where it’s an orchestral main theme but with fewer instruments

    • @cotoernesto
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    What an amazing game. And i love its music. Waiting for the DLC to expend another 140 hours ❤❤

    • @user-sf1kw3wq1z
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Can this be made downloadable from my Xbox to say my phone?

    • @Joshcoshbagosh
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    this game may be divisive but the soundtrack is definitely amazing. Totally snubbed at the Game Awards. Not even a nomination was absurd. Zur’s best work yet imo. Oh well. Looking forward to this game’s future. Hopefully the next updates continue to be significant like this last one

    • @bilbothegreat2855
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    still incredibly disappointed I cannot download the art from the digital artbook.

    • @13_rice20
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    where is doom eternal ost??? give mick gordon his credit

    • @amitfancypants
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Absolutely beautiful, fine work ❤️

    • @soniabartelloni4454
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Che meraviglia….❤️❤️❤️

    • @baundiesel
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    “Into The Starfield” is right up there with Mass Effect’s “Vigil” and other incredible gaming soundtrack songs.

    • @andreja-yk2nu
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I like the soundtrack but I think it needs more mass effect 1 sounding songs

    • @BravTM
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Obra prima de trilha sonora.

    • @biscottireturn2522
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Merci ❤

    • @Cheezeburgher
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    A Home In the Galaxy is one of the most serene songs I’ve ever heard. Pure art

    • @BeksSonOfMars
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    5 часов Карл? 5 часов?! это замечательно)

    • @MikeHunt-qb4kw
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    It’s a good soundtrack. But it can’t hold a candle to the music from Mass Effect 1.

    • @pipwolverine
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Great soundtrack. Shame the game itself can’t live up to it.

    • @TTVTheDoctorJay
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    starting at 2:08:14 the music sounds like the song pretty women song from sweeny todd movie 🙂

    • @scottevans1532
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Wtf why did I pay extra

    • @adhirajb
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Really excited for Shattered Space!

    • @abdelrahmansamir1380
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Hey you’re finally awake!

    • @David-ei5tz
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    So glad I paid extra for this. I could have waited and got it for free.

    • @he77hawk.71
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The sound of a boring ass empty dog shit ass game

    • @goblin3810
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Most of the soundtrack was just reused music from fallout 4 lol

    • @RAY-zn6gk
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Amazing music that this game doesn’t deserve.

    • @VikingLord0128
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Why is this not on iTunes?

    • @HenryAveretteIII
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Nice! Can’t to dive back in when Shattered Space drops!

    • @Lethal_Venom
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Too bad the game wasn’t as good as the music

    • @joaocursino760
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Música espetacular e jogo mais espetacular ainda….pra mim esse é o melhor game já feito nessa atual geração❤

    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    The Best Subwoofer in Gaming Music other than Dead Space

    • @Choibalsan001
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Love Starfield

    • @nekosamadesuyo
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    wasted my money.. you betrayed your fan’s trust

    • @BROnik
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    can’t play because of optimization, at least I can listen to music

    • @abstrusepaladin
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Still can’t run it 👌

    • @PedroGomes-cx7ku
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love this soundtrack and I’m already nostalgic about a few tracks. Fantastic work, congratulations to Mr. Inon Zur.

    • @Welter117
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Banger after banger. Though some of the exploration music sounds very similar to Fallout 76.

    • @ColbyePresents
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    *I love this game :)*

    • @windfans
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    why can’t I find this album on apple music?

    • @matthewmcshane399
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Hopefully this gets the soundtrack back on itunes

    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    No lie, The Start of the Music sounds like The Roman Version Of an intergalitic Interstellar Football Team Steping out onto the Star Feild

    • @Anastheinvoker
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I hope the car will come in free update and not in the dlc

    • @Deadsphere
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    If only the game were as good as the music

    • @MouseReel
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Fits the game perfectly. Really enjoy the music.

    • @Japixx
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Now i need new DLC

    • @Grumpykitteh
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love Starfield, looking for to Shattered Space! This soundtrack ❤

    • @luigiquick24
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love starlight far from home

    • @raquetty
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Just remember. This is not going to solve the real problem. You still need to apologize to Mick Gordon for creating such amazing soundtrack in Doom Eternal. Because of that, even the soundtrack doesn’t appear in apple music. 🤣

    • @warnext01
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I think Starfield lacks any great recognizable melodies (except for the main theme which is beautiful), but I also think it manages to perfectly and accurately capture that essence and space adventure. Starfield’s music takes you through and to the stars, and that’s a job very well done.

    • @DarkOgr
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Inon Zur is Legend (since Dragon Age).

    • @AlfredFJones1776
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Inon Zur never misses.

    • @lergvot9379
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Weak soundtrack, a lot of obvious repetitions. It is no different ideologically from the soundtrack of Fallout 4, but the radio saves the day as it diversifies the audio range.

    • @realEpicGold
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I love this soundtrack so much. Every single piece is so great. Like literally. They’re awesome.

    • @Denys101
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm


    • @Denys101
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Fallout 3 remastered please

    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Wow, this is incredable 5hrs 30 mins of Space Music. This is “The New Frontier” in Gaming.

    • @pauls.animation
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    at work, dreaming about playing Starfield ❤

    • @lukathelad2811
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Great work letme backshot you bethesda

    • @sigma.wr8
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    YEAH. our boi Inon spaced it

    • @MendessRafael
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Welcome to Constellation

    • @CJToman
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    PS5 when? Loving playing FO4 again!

    • @Jamesfrf
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Is this ever coming back to the iTunes Store? I purchased a few tracks and then it disappeared. 😭

    • @BlackPersonGuy
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Starfield isn’t even close to being a perfect game, or even a great one, but I absolutely love the soundtrack. If they did one thing great it’s the vibe of the universe and the soundtrack was the cherry on top of it

    • @capt.america2737
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    I Love Starfield and this masterpiece soundtrack. This music will always be one of my companions.

    • @starfieldsignal
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Some of his best work yet! Really nails the TONE!

    • @theitechlab
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Awesome soundtrack! Any ideas when it is going to be available on Apple Music again? It’s been gone for months!

    • @ishy4457
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    We’re cooked if he composes tes 6

    • @SlashNRap-yy6sx
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Yes please

    • @bennie1202
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Wow never been this early

    • @stuartmiller4363
    • 2024年 5月 27日 9:55pm

    Don’t even care but first