Why Starfield never came to Playstation #gaming #gamerpodcast #Starfield #playstation

starfield 情報局

A short from our Gaming Podcast Joystick Jabber where we discuss why Starfield became an Xbox exclusive and never came to the Playstation Console
#gaming #gamerpodcast #Starfield #playstation

You can find the full video Podcast here: https://youtu.be/r17LOPbDkaw

@flclafi @SlySpyGaming

Taqs:Joystick Jabber,Sly Spy Gaming,Flclafi,gaming news,gaming podcast,gaming,gaming news 2024,gaming podcast 2024,Gamer Podcast,Playstation,Xbox,Xbox Exclusives,Starfield,Hideo Kojima Studio


  • コメント (13)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @rayfrillie8436
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    @chrisbullock8158 I screenshot your replies, I knew you would want to delete them

    • @RMPJR2
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    I was about to say some stuff but it looks like the comments section did it for me. Yeah, this guy is nonsense

    • @joen5091
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    And xbox and nintendo dosnt? This is a load of shit. Anythong for clout or a video.

    • @devondieffenbach8284
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    Maybe cry about it boo hoo PlayStation exclusives 😂

    • @potatorigs2155
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    unfair ? lol kojima also doing exclusive to xbox you spewing none sens .

    • @fatgumthegoat
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    unfair to have exclusives ok then

    • @thehunter8714
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    I was mad at first but after seeing how starfield is completely dog shit and under delivered severely, they can keep starfield, don’t want it

    • @harrybaghamian4134
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    “Unfair” for Sony to have exclusives but it’s okay for Xbox to have 34 companies (14 more than Sony) working on games that will only ever be published on Xbox, 6 of which are publishing big titles THIS YEAR. This is probably the worst take I’ve ever heard in my life and this dude needs to be banned from social media bc this is the most brain rot shit I’ve ever heard 💀💀 Xbox literally has 14 more companies than Sony that will only ever be working with them

    • @trusttheprocess5618
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    Always hated Sony for being so greedy and honestly don’t think they’ll ever change

    • @theharkinator3963
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    And this why I hate Sony/playstation. Used to own a ps4 was the worst console I’ve ever had or even thought of owning. And they’re company is filled with people who’s mommy didn’t tell them they loved them when they were kids so now they have this inflated ego by their fans and themselves and think that console exclusives still need to exist.

    • @kylepringle3102
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    Its always for the most beneficial exchanges
    The studios have a choice, which also means saying no to funding and/or free marketing
    If the studios choose Xbox, the same damn thing will happen, always.
    You call it ‘unfair’ I call it the better business

    • @woe794
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    Starfield sucked though

    • @alpacagangaffiliated
    • 2024年 3月 22日 9:56am

    As crappy as it is. That’s why PlayStation and Nintendo consoles will always be around where as this or the next is likely Xbox’s last generation