This Week @ Tassi (3/7/25): Monster Hunter Madness, Starfield Update And…Marvel’s Avengers?

starfield 情報局

Interesting week as two games are reviewing and performing extremely well, then some flashbacks to both Starfield and Marvel’s Avengers.

00:00 – Intro
00:29 – Monster Hunter Wilds
03:23 – Split Fiction
05:09 – Marvel’s Avengers
07:45 – Starfield Update
12:44 – Destiny Dungeon Event

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  • コメント (48)

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    • @moviesteels7422
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    You’re so real for your measured takes on She Hulk and Marvel’s Avengers game

    Marvel’s Avengers is the best $5 I’ve ever spent on a game.

    And for real saying you regret your Starfield rating.

    • @intalek305
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I was really just here for the Marvel Avengers news, still think even at the end it had far more promise than other ongoing games still going and beloved right now, and that combat was fucking amazing to master. At that time I felt like the best 3 combat systems in gaming were FF7 remake and Ghost of Tsushima, and I still have it as one of the greatest combat systems of all time. I always converted haters of that game when I taught the how deep it was and I did so at a 100% success rate with over a dozen players.

    They tried to start slow and build up, and it killed them in the end.

    • @davemalone7006
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I feel like every time the elder scroll thing comes up we should also be mentioned how Sony did the exact same with FF7 😂

    • @InnerRise
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    You didnt put it on the screen🥲

    • @chicknwing2742
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Oh man, is this a new TWAT series? 😂

    • @icarusfluffybottom899
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    This is the third time this week I’ve seen someone say that the She-Hulk show was WAY over-hated, and let me tell you… it brings a twinkle of joy to my withered, bitter heart. I have maintained for a long, long time that She-Hulk got WAY more negativity than it deserved. It was a light hearted comedy with, yes, some less than stellar CGI, but it had fun characters, and fun cameos, and for the TYPE of show it was going for, I thought it was pretty great! Sadly, I saw a lot of people expecting it to be something else, and when it didn’t fulfill their expectations… it got bagged on.

    I know Marvel hate is very common now, especially online, but MAN it felt like She-Hulk got EXTRA dunked on, and it was just sad to me. I really liked that show/character and wanted to see more of her :[

    • @t.j.hunter1149
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    20 million for It Takes Two is crazy considering only 1 person needs to own it to play with a friend with the friends pass.

    • @smiddyman
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Finding your way through the MH Wilds menus is the real end game.

    • @joshuam6975
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Awesome to hear they are still adding more to Starfield it is one of my favorite games of all time!

    • @cozminr
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    you don’t know shit about video games

    • @CenturyChild533
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Marvel’s Avengers character designs always makes me think of that bit from Spaceballs: “These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!”

    • @bobby1129
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I will be there day one for every dlc. And I really agreed with ur review of starfield great job on it 😅

    • @michaelmonstar4276
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I think (or know) the whole “big expansion was supposed to bring people back” is a false narrative, because “Shattered Space” was always going to come and not made to “bring people back” as if it was some kind of “Phantom Liberty” to “CP2077”. – They’re two completely different scenarios or sequence of events and it was NEVER trying to be like a “redemption arc”. This is why “Shattered Space” was underwhelming, because the gamer-hivemind put that stamp on it and the rest went with that perspective of it, even though it’s highly inaccurate. – Sure, it COULD have been “so great that it redeemed the game”, but no, it was always just going to be an expansion in the same vein as the main game, even though they might have made some changes between the poor launch of the main game and the release of “Shattered Space”. I’m sure they scrambled for improvements, alongside regular updates, but again, it was never meant to be some kind of “overhaul” ANYWAY.

    Moreover, I think it was just part of the main game, which got cut due to not enough time, and so they made it an expansion to be developed or finished after release. The game was too ambitious and it was simply underdeveloped as a whole because of that, and they were probably lucky to get a delay of barely a year (from that “magic” 11-11-22) or it would’ve been way more disastrous than it was. – So I dare to bet that they decided to cut a part, make it part of the expansion, so that they could re-allocate part of development after release. – I think it WAS quite similar to “CP2077” in that regard, not the same, but similar, in that there was still not enough time and there was pressure to release. – It got released in the same fiscal year after all and if it wasn’t for investors it could probably have been moved to like early 2024 or a bit later even. – Which could’ve helped a little, not massively changed the game of course, but I do think time (as well as direction) was still an issue.
    But I also think, today, ever since launch, its reputation is just way worse than it deserves. Again, this is not me saying “it’s so great”, but it’s so over-hated for all the wrong reasons. Well, not all reasons people give are bad, some of which I agree with, but it’s just an expression. – I can’t take anyone who says it’s a pile of garbage seriously, cause they’re just a brainwashed perpetually online fake gamer at that point. In the same way that anyone who calls “The Last of Us 2” garbage or “Skyrim” a masterpiece. – Not levelheaded people at all.

    • @ultronburgundy1581
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Welcome back, it was a rough week without TWAT

    • @peterrodriguez14
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hey Paul, I wanna play this too. Hit me up I’ll play with ya.

    • @betterthanstarlight
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hello Paul, Amalgamator Of Stories, Kell Of Forbes

    • @giantwallrus
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Narrative wise….crafting is really weird. Every time we craft, we are scarring the very fabric of the universe against the face of Mars. Seems excessive for its benefits. Why forever damage the fabric of the universe to just transform the shape of a weapon and not….transform the shape of reality? High-minded ideas limited by the medium.

    • @NadeemShekh-uy9zn
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    We need a better Avengers game

    • @scoty_does
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    They really need to guarantee 1 armor and one weapon from every chest in the dungeon.

    • @RosstheBoss6666
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Were you in a daze when you watched She Hulk too?

    • @GP-sz8mj
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    If dungeons and raids were at least 2 drops every encounter it would be better, If they had double perks or stop adding doa perks to the pool we would have never needed to ruin the game with crafting, drops are just so stingy in general in destiny for the time investment

    • @LordMuzhy
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Paul has a wife? And a KID??? 😅

    • @EvanFB
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Dungeon random rolls are one thing, I’m over here trying to farm the boss to just drop the chest armor ONCE so I can finish the title still

    • @ashreplicant
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Got into No Man’s Sky last month and my god it mogs Starfield so hard. Of course Starfield has voiced characters and storylines and stuff. But honestly I’ll take a AA game that skips having those in favour of robust exploration and great basebuilding and so much more, over a AAA RPG with horrible worldbuilding, bland storytelling, annoying and flat characters, samey “exploration”, unbalanced loot, the most boring skill tree of all time, etc.

    Only thing I felt SF has over NMS is the gunplay, but that’s not nearly enough to keep me interested in it over the clearly superior space game.

    • @stalkholm5227
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Starfield just feels so generic from the outside, it doesn’t have a personality. Skyrim was introduced to the world with a Nord going toe-to-toe with a dragon while epic music boomed in the background, and then the game lived up to it; Starfield kind of strikes me as a generic space simulator. Adding more generic space simulation isn’t the trick.

    • @spacecowboy7193
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Awww, Paul. I’ll play split fiction with you. 😢

    • @beezwax112
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I’m enjoying Starfield a lot with mods/creations, playing it for the second time after launch. I’m excited for any new content tbh

    • @Capta1n_Chron1c
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Never miss a TWAT. When there was no TWAT last week, I was Sadge. Glad the TWAT is back!

    • @Inline-6
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I am gonna say crossplay helped it selling well

    • @koraysahin8778
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    back with a TWAT

    • @bells5385
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Wow look Paul an actual good game sold over 8 million copies unlike your last 2 games you gave a 9. It’s crazy when a company makes what their target audience wants.

    • @pdxholmes
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Monster Hunter: Wilds proves what I’ve said for a while: Gamer rage is a joke and should basically be ignored. The game is practically unplayable for a lot of PC users, but everyone is still glazing it. When given a chance to actually hit a company in the wallet for releasing a truly bad port, gamers are like “nah, let me just scream about ‘woke’ games instead”. As a collective gamers are our own worst enemy. We have no one to blame but ourselves when companies keep releasing broken ports to meet quarterly numbers.

    • @CrashingOut27
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Is the weekly twat back

    • @nothingisawesome
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    you son is closer than you think sir. my 4 year old plays Horizon Forbidden West quite well.

    • @Actualchristianity
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Playing through MH World now and enjoying it a lot.

    • @EvanJamesAudio
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I genuinely still love the avengers game. Breaks my heart to see what we could have gotten.

    • @MichaelEilers
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I’m actually way more reluctant to try a D2 dungeon due to just 3 players, if someone sucks (and that might include me) or quits, there’s a lot more risk than a 6 person raid.

    • @timseverson2279
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    lol she-hulk was such a bad show. When she came into the real world she should have slapped the writers.

    • @BeeeboBaggins
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Starfield is like sugar-free vanilla ice cream

    • @MattEffectGames
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I loved avengers man. It’s such a shame it never got close to fulfilling its potential, the combat kits and the co-op sandbox was so much fun, especially hitting after endgame. I hope one day , someone can crack a live service PVE hero game. Unlikely tho

    • @Henry_Chan
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    In regards to Starfield updates, I imagine at this point they’re going to keep working on updates until it releases on PS5, after which I think Bethesda will probably go all hands on deck for ES6 or Fallout. I think this probably is their last shot at really turning things around for Starfield in terms of public perception. I like a lot of what the game does, but certainly no denying it has issues and that Shattered Space was really underwhelming. I’d love a great expac for it, though I can’t imagine that’s in the cards at this point. The vehicle they added was a good addition to the game, though, same with the modular difficulty settings.

    • @irishwr
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Wilds does feel too easy at the end game to me. I think its a combo of personal skill from playing 4U, GenU and World and all the weapons having all these new tools for fighting the Monsters. I’m hoping the absence of Elder Dragons means that they’ll see people’s criticisms and give the Elders more tools in their kits to counter all the new tools we got.

    • @Mohroka
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Weapon crafting was a major step forward, they scaled it back with enhancing weapons instead, but the root problem still remains. You have to grind for weeks, if not months to get a roll you want, the less time you have to play, and the less access you have to those activities means its exponentially harder to get the thing you are aiming for. Clever content like coil, and now nether, and even back in the day with the tribute hall stuff, allowed you to have much better access to not only good activities, but also the gear you wanted. I personally think weapon crafting should have been refined even more, instead of mostly discarded, its not lost on me, and hopefully not lost on other people as well, that they reprise raid weapons with crafted versions in order to get people to do those raids, even giving a bump with weekly quests/bounties from Hawthorne.

    The name of the game is what I call ease of access. The easier it is for people to access activities, means it is more likely they will attempt those activities, which allows them to get better at those activities, which means they get are more likely to complete them, which means more loot. If they just put matchmaking in raids, dungeons, and grandmaster nightfall’s, yes there would be drama but at least it would be a much easier process of just getting into the content to fail as many times as necessary to be able to succeed. instead of relying on external websites, and the usually very friendly network of sherpa’s there are. It is weird to me instead of having a half decent system in game, that Bugnie instead relies on the community to pull most of the weight in order to get people to be able to even dip their toes into some content, arguably some of the best content in the game. Sherpa’s do pull a lot of weight in getting people to and through end game content, but they should NOT be necessary.

    • @Ghoel
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    Hey Paul. Just wanted to let you know that your Forbes articles seem to be broken. I tried different browsers and machines and upon scrolling down a certain amount, I get an error message and can’t continue reading.

    Only seems to be on yours specifically, not on other people’s Forbes articles. When I googled it I found that at least one other person had this issue.

    • @GeremyG
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I was excited for Starfield until I played it. I really wish Bethesda was all hands on deck for ES6 and making it the best possible experience.

    • @Zurrke
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    MH wilds is my GOTY. This game is so goddamn sick

    • @kirkx1170
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I think them adding the guided dungeon is cool for these old dungeons. Like the new dungeon should never launch with one but like a year later like ghosts, yeah that’s fined.

    • @grimbordin
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    T.W.A.T lol?