STARFIELD | Bethesda Tease New Updates For 2025.

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Bethesda have finally broken radio silence regarding Starfield in 2025!

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MUSIC | “Interplanetary Express” By TeknoAxe, (, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (

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Taqs:Starfield,Darth Xion,starfield news,Starfield Shattered Space,starfield new dlc 2025,starfield expansion,starfield gameplay,bethesda starfield,starfield update,starfield dlc,bethesda news,starfield updates,starfield info,starfield 2025


  • コメント (8)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I was hyped for Starfield and as usual hoped for something good to be as with most games – let down… I played all campaign and side quests along with shattered space and even briefly had fun with some mods but, I cant put my finger on it apart from I just get bored… The building is not great the setting up of mining and supply lines is meh… and even if you do have lots of money – what then… it was cool for the time but, there is NOTHING to make me want to spend my time on it anymore… Im trying to like it to continue – not uninstalled it yet but, I just got no interest to actually return and do what… walk about more empty planets – go look at my home – do stuff that all feels the same on repeat. Im overpower for most enemies and even with a challenge its still the same ole same ole… just lose interest.

    • @leinadreign3510
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I stopped playing Starfield after the 3rd playthrough.
    Still interested what kind of stuff thesy will put out, but I wont re-install 140gb for “just trying again”
    So it will stay of my plate for now.
    Still was interesting in some ways

    • @imrurknix5569
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I suppose you play Avowed?

    • @KO-iw3vu
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    The only thing they need to focus on is the core gameplay loop and mechanics. As much as I want to enjoy this game due to the settings, it’s just not that fun and dlc like shattered space gives me zero interest to return.

    • @stitchfan08
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I’m sure this year will have the PlayStation version and dlc 2

    • @mblair5327
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I think if they don’t add enough to make the game more long term playable this will be the the last year of dlc.

    • @AustraniJohan
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    I wasn’t impressed with shattered space. Let’s hope the next dlc is better

    • @Poke-ladd
    • 2025年 3月 10日 9:56am

    If they fix the sniper rifle that they promoted that would be great