Starfield | Are Paid Ship Mods A Bad Idea? (XBOX/PC)
today im going to be talking about paid ship mods and why i think its wrong to expect to charge for a ship
Link below to the mod im checking out
コメント (69)
I believe it is for the Achievement Friendly tag. “achievement-friendly mods for Starfield on Xbox must be paid for and are only available through Bethesda’s Verified Creators program.”
I am not very creative, but there are thousands of ship build guides out there that i will wholeheartedly watch before i spend a dime on a ship creation…. BUT, i am willing to pay for hab mods that provide better aesthetics, or something like falklands ship services which not only offers ships but also new habs. As long as the additions are comparable to vanilla (only thing i don’t like about falklands were the infinite chests in certain habs)
I was starting a totally new game and character last night, and it pained me to be stuck with the frontier until i could steal a better ship or buy one or have the skills and money to upgrade the frontier. So i actually got this guys mod for that funny looking bug ship he has, it was only a dollar so it was worth it. Its not OP at all its got a set of pbo50s weapons, one EM weapon and a set of missiles. Its pretty much a decent A class ship, nothing special, and kind of funny looking. I was doing a SKK start, so that and the ship was a nice new way to keep the game fresh. So while i wouldnt recommend this ship mod to anyone not staring a new game, its perfect for those looking for a non OP but better ship to start a new playthrough this works for that, so worth the buck for me.
Falkland ship services sucks big time I paid for the habs but can’t use them because the only place you can get them is in there ship services which is a complete nightmare it crashes constantly and they have priority at the top of my load order. We paid for those habs so we should be able to access them from our ship services just like the rest of the mods we’ve bought Avon tech race yards where immediately available at my ship services. they shouldn’t be allowed to block of content we paid for I literally can’t access it because every time I try I get dash boarded.
nah never going to pay for built ships. what keeps me on Starfield is the ship building. rest is meh. i would pay for quality habs or outpost pre built habs doe
The best (paid) custom ship hab mods are from Shadow Weaver, Sgt Owl and Matilija. Their mods are beautiful, fun and well-constructed designs. Paying a few coins for a verified and supported mod is completely fair IMO.
Strike the word “ship” from that sentence and it’s spot on
I mean, I don’t think they are bad. I like to build ships myself, so it isn’t my cup of tea. But, I make mods for crafters and decorators and I know that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. What makes Starfield awesome is that you can play how you want. I would not want to take anyone’s choices away.
I myself wouldn’t pay for ship presets. I’ll pay for stuff like Falkland or Avontech, stuff that allows more custom creation.
You should check out BadTech Sub Space Warfare Ship Design. They learned how to create custom Outpost Landing Pads, and made hovering ship modules so you can make ANY ship float high in the sky. I will be testing this myself, and am giddy with excitement.
(EDIT 1)- I forgot to mention that they added different unique ship designs, instead of simple re-colors. They each look fantastic.
(EDIT 2)- They made UPSIDE-DOWN Cockpits. Not even Better Flips or Supplemental Cockpits could achieve this, and it works! It just works! The SS Swordfish has two functional Pilot Seats, and the upside-down Cockpit actually functions. The viewport when flying upside-down is gorgeous. You have to check this out Crimson!
I’m still addicted to ship building. I’ve been hooked since day 1 and I don’t see a slow down in sight. This game finally allowed me to have content worthy of putting on YT in the form of build guides too, and that whole creative process has just been so much fun. And always appreciate the content Crimson.
I have no interest in paying for pre-built ships, as that’s one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me. I was SO stoked to find out Starfield would not only let you buy one of umpteen ships available, but you could design and build your own… AND then walkthrough the interior of the ship you built! Love it!
Anyways, I would (and I have) supported a few ship mods for really well designed habs that I can use in my own ship designs. Stuff like SGT OWL puts out , or the Falklands mod, with more detail and interaction than I can do with the decorator tool and my limited play time is worth a few bucks in support from me for all the work they put into their stuff.
Unless they’re coming with custom habs or modules, they simply aren’t worth a dime. So many other mods have so much more life and soul poured into them for either free or a little more money than these individual ship mods. Further proof that the creations pages need an “ignore” button or a rating system.
I totally respect your opinion. You make great content. That’s why I subscribe. We however can’t be more diametrically opposed on issues like this. I am completely and wholly against any kind of gatekeeping for a single player game. I get all in my feelings when I hear someone try and limit what I can do with my money. Bethesda is right for not limiting mod content, outside of what is literally illegal. I’m about as free market as it gets with that. In a mod review I’m more concerned with: Does it kill my saves? Is it fighting with other mods? Is it going to take 10 patches to work with anything else? etc. etc. Technical stuff. I’m very concerned with testing them in a vacuum though. They should just fall in line with a common set of mods that the numbers say everyone is using. Move it around in the load order. stuff like that. I’m sure most mods work by themselves. The Xbox has a serious problem with scrambling load orders and killing saves… that is the ONLY issue I’m listening to any review for.
Does anyone use or know id either of the two vtol ship thruster mods are any good, I know both descriptions say the tilt animations are a bit janky but that was months ago.
The only time i pay for mods at all is when the author has already provided me with many hours of free mods/its something useful i actually will USE.
It feels like a ship that was originally built using modded parts, and the parts it added were replacements for those modded parts so that it could be packaged up without any dependencies. That is what I think.
I see the bad tech mods as their own parts pack. With a ship as a bonus so you see all the parts in action. My only complaint is that the main weapon won’t snap to a mounting point
I 100% agreed as a ship builder on the ships. Well, I hope you like my mod. Unfortunately, I’m using the Ship Vendor Framework. I haven’t had any problems with it, and I have Falkland installed too, and my ships are overpowered. Remember, I made it without mods, so if someone wanted to change everything out, they can, people who are not familiar with merges like half-step merging, etc.
I’m with you, it’s kind of trash. Mods that are new habs or structures is one thing but something that can be built by anyone is NOT a mod. I’ll add, are these people using other peoples mods to make this ship, because that would be poo poo.
Selling a ship built as a mod is like selling a saved game as a mod. You are supposed to do this in game yourself. This is a major part of what Starfield is about.
If someone wants to charge for a ship mod, that’s on them. I agree that it is extremely scammy, as you say. I truly hope you don’t cover them. Any publicity that they get ultimately helps perpetrate the problem. Honestly, with BGS paywalling Creation Friendly status, I’d be hesitant to cover *any* paid mod, though I do understand why you do.
My Mum and my Gammy love cooking so much, it’s life to them. They say that phrase, “cooking is the best parts of life!”
So they are sick to their stomachs every time someone buys food from a take away or a restaurant.
You’re just like my Ma and my Gammy.
Paid ship mods are not for builders. They’re for people who want to buy them.
They are good for the builders who build them, though. I would love for my Ma or Gammy to sell some of their lovely food and get rewarded for their skills.
Well, as they are “paid mods” yes.
So it is a free market. If folks don’t like the mod, then they will not buy/download it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value or it shouldn’t be available as a Creation. It would be helpful when you review stuff like this if you could also review the mod on Creations and show the likes and the downloads for PC/XBox. That is more telling of if folks have found the mod to have value or not. As to Ship mods specifically (as in free/paid mods where a new ship or ships is what the mod does) I imagine there are plenty of folks that don’t want to learn how to build ships themselves that might find prefabricated ships that are available (free or paid) to suit their needs. And if the price is 100-200, that is not a lot. Example, you have a friend that plays the game and is great at designing and building ships, where you are not. You ask him/her to come over to your house and build that ship in your game… he/she agrees to do that for you cause you are friends. You’re not going to offer him/her a soda for his/her trouble? Something to think about. And with a mod like this, it technically would be available each time you start a new NG+ game. There is value there too.
Same as you on this one crimson, although a commission ship build sounds kinda cool
Honestly, I’d never buy a ship mod but I’m not that concerned that they exist.
they better not fuck up Elder Scrolls 6
First, thanks to @WKBaldwin for the mod(s) and @Crimson for the commentary. That being said, ‘Caveat Emptor’, Let the Buyer Beware! I have no problem with a) paying for Mods or b) getting a free Mod and showing support for the creator by other means (Ko-fi, etc.). MY problem is, if Bethesda is going to support paid creations, their QA has to be such that NO paid mod could conceivably cause trouble with any other paid mod, DLC’s and the game. Well, we all know that that is just not the case. That being said, the weapons and Landing Gear may be worth a deeper look or as a vendor pack similar to AvonTech and Matilija.
Personally, I’m going to pass on the paid prebuilt ships since there are way too many good ships out there already. There is an exception to the preceding, if a paid ship is required for an Anthology pack of additional ships (see Hot Wings and Hong’s collections).
I disagree with all payed mods. If people create great mods the Bethesda should buy them and add them to the game for players for free.
The only way I’d pay for a ship is if it has new habs added like SGTOWL.
Half of the ship mods mimic real life planes and a few of them mimic real life water vehicles
I am very basic with my ship needs. Early on I always steal a Varuun Hymn and later it’s a Claymore. I have my own rebuild scheme for each and it’s just muscle memory and efficient for how i play.
I only bought one ship the constellation fuel jumper cuz it was gorgeous 😆
But i know how to build flip and merge ships also
But i would like to point out that the constellation fuel jumper has parts u cant get in vanilla starfield and because i know how to build highly advanced ships i turned the constellation fuel jumper into a beast of a mother ship
I dont know how to enter the ship building contest so if anyone could be so kind to tell me how… Much appreciated… i feel like ppl would so pick my ship when they see what ive done to it 😆
Problem is u can fly it 😆
But u better not ever try to dock to a starstation or land on a planet with a city like new atlantis akila neon etc etc the game will crash
But using fleet commandeer
I can fly the smaller ships like the frontier or the mantis down to the surface of the planets with cities like new atlantis akila neon etc etc then return to the constellation fuel jumper mothership pretending it has docking bays for my ship (that would be a cool mod by the way being able to see your ships inside of your home ship within their own docking bays).
Anyways I had to use the ship builder to pull it off i use the paid version tho
I also have falkland systems but that mods habs crashes my game when i try to install them and exit the ship builder.
I would like to also say that some of the modders who arent selling their mods should like aliyahs recharging weapons or zone 79’s crimx mods (he sells all these other clothing mods but wont sell crimx or the mantis smh) plus many others who should sell some of their free mods wont
Like the mods that let you recruit any npc but they wont sell it and waiting and waiting for them to eventually come around to selling them i might be done with starfield for good by the time they do
Look how long it takes them to post new mods im on xbox one x playing thru gamepass since day ine but i payed for starfield anyways 😆
i like mods that add new skills like technomonk or cheaty mods like winters digipick but i love mods that add companions
But i hate the way these modders add in companions stop making them take up companions slots i paid for them to follow me everywhere i go not sit on the ship twiddling their thumbs.
My gripe with weapon mods is everyone keep uploading weapons that use bullets in a space game 😂 i want more mass effect 1 like weaponry ammo on a cooldown plz i dont want to walk around with 5000 magpulse bullets
Again the modders who should sell their mods arent selling their mods and the modders who are selling their mods should sell some of the mods that they aren’t. Like axe of friends sell it bruh 😆.
Free is fine paid is not. That’s been my opinion from day one and it shall remain so. Bethesda needs to make “mods” that are JUST a ship build should be barred from monetization period. A ship included with a mod that does other things? Fair play.
ALSO, ADD A BLUEPRINTS SHIP SHARING FEATURE BETHESDA. It would make mods like this pointless and put an end to the paid ship mods.
Personally, I wouldn’t pay for this. I can appreciate the custom assets and I quite like kitbashed assets. I don’t like the fact its just a blatent cheat mod. I get that some people like that but you should really balance the parts for the base game and add a free add on that makes it “cheaty” if people want that.
I wouldn’t buy it, but I guess if you didn’t want to build your own ship for 2 bucks you can get one already built, I do like the landing gear and weapons also. So while I wouldn’t buy it, but I’m cool with it being sold on creations for a fair price like this.
Should there be paid ship mods? Yes.* Will I ever buy one? No. Should you cover paid ship mods? What do the analytics say?
* As hard as it is for a ship builder like me to comprehend, some folks aren’t interested in building ships. If a mod author can make a buck on them, more power to them.
$2 for this is laughable, even with the barely custom parts. But if people buy it, that’s on them.
Bethesda has clearly shown they have no interest in curation and Creations is a marketplace, not a curated storefront. It is disappointing as it encourages flooding Creations already poor to navigate UI with shovelware.
As much as I want to try the cool ship building and mining conglomerate mods I have/own in CK, they are heavy on console. You really have to make a separate load order just focused on them and that type of playthrough. If you try to load them into your 200+ QoL load order, “you’re gonna have a bad time”. Catch a smile out there. o7
I actually bought one of these mods early on for the custom parts, the Constellation Fuel Jumper I think it was called. This was B4 the snaps/flips mod had all that it had and def b4 SMSEX dropped on Xbox. Like Crimson, ship building is what really does it for me and we’ve been without a lot of new parts for a while so I thought “What the heck, it’s $2 and I’ll get some new parts”. The parts were ok and were pretty cool at the time but can now be replicated with other free mods. The ship itself (I play on Xbox Series X) was not fully functional as a ship if I remember and I don’t think it’s ever been updated and fixed. It might have been by now. You could enter it but you could not get to all the areas (habs) within the ship and could get a little stuck inside if you entered the ship by going into the cockpit (X) vs boarding (Y). Also, like Crimson mentioned in the video, if you’re not use to merging and don’t build ships using mods then if you tried to modify this ship too much by taking it apart it might be challenging to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. As a rule, I agree with C, that ship mods are not a thing I would buy “for the ships” because I like building but I can see the argument for ppl that don’t like to build ships or that don’t have the time to build ships and would rather fork out 2 bucks and just buy one that they like and go have fun. IMO, they should look at all the free ship mods out there first as there are a lot of cool ones for ppl that just want to grab a ship and go…I know Sadyr has a mod that adds a vendor that you can use to get ppls free ships and there are others as well…at the end of the day, spend your cash anyway you like, it’s yours after all…a paid ship mod should at the very least be FULLY functional though…lol…🤔
honest question did starfield even earn its money back? i mena creation club has always been a scam
This is where Crimson and I disagree. I do not like ship building. I own one of this mod author’s ship and I have my eye another one. I am happy that Bethesda allowed this ship mod to be in the store because it gives me a chance to have a cool looking ship. To me, $2 is not a bad price for this mod. It is just like buying a hot wheels car ($1.50ish) for my son.
I just don’t like ship building. Now, when it comes to decorating outposts, habs, etc. I am all in. Why would I buy decorative homes mods for $4.00 when i can build an outpost ( on any planet I want) for my home, and decorate it.
there is 0.001% added value to your game and takes away fun from it with this kind of mods.
I think, and i’ve said form the start of the starfield store, paid ship assembly are just scam, by the modder over all.
Is unfair ask for 200 credits for a mere assembly parts.
You can say what you want but it’s like this, unlike mods where in addition to the assembly there is an accurate realization of the interior, such as in Falkland, or completely new custom components such as in Of Wind And Sun or Derretek or Avontech, the simple paid assembly is a rip-off and does not deserve such a disproportionate payment.
Capitalism is awesome! I get your thoughts on “you can just build it yourself” but that is the whole basis for a wide scope of the real economy. A lot of things you own you could technically do yourself without a lot of investment into tooling if any at all. You choose to purchase them because it saves you time and maybe you are just not inclined or you just think the item you saw is cool. Easy example though not building something but changing the oil in your car. Pretty simple task, anyone COULD do it but there are some pretty giant companies and lots of small ones that will change your oil for you and most people utilize them. I would not buy that mod but thats me, others just want to play the game and not build ships
I would be ecstatic seeing you build a doomslayer style ship for A Class for matching set for the Pretorian Armor from Bethesdas add on. Same color, hard hitting weapons and fast. If their was a ramming ship part that helped with the build, that be awesome
Imo it’s only a bad idea if they charge alot for very little, its the same for weapon mods I’d happily pay 500 credits for a weapon pack but I saw one mod recently believe it was 600 creds for two weapons!
Coffee time. Not a chance in hell. Don’t like it, won’t support it. Too easy to build ships. Won’t pay for one. Bad precedent to set. Great video, nice review.
The whole thing about mods are a bad idea!
I wouldn’t want to pay for something that’s already in game. Even if you can’t assemble it that way.
Just to play devils advocate, if someone did not want to spend time or enjoy shipbuilding (crazy from my perspective, love the shipbuilding), this mod would allow someone with a single level of pilot fly more capable ships and not have to build them, load a lot of mods that might cause issues with load order, etc.
Me, I do not enjoy base/outpost building, so if someone made a mod I could pay for and it would get me a series of outposts with cargo being transferred to get me the materials build and modify items without having to spend skill points on outpost engineering, habitat, etc… I would probably pay for it! 🤷♂️
I love paid ship parts!!! Not ships themselves though, that seems shit
I was watching Sista Citizens channel, and had to point out someone was selling Marcos ship from the FC missions. An exact replica. How discouraging to see Starfields potential being squandered by lazy modding, and pathetic cash grabs. We should be making communities, sharing ideas, creating one of a kind bargains for a more fleshed out, immersive experience, IMO* 😎
I agree with not paying for ship builds with vanilla parts.
The 1 thing i want is more ship variety in the world. More faction ship variety. Personally I don’t use any mods that only add ships to vendors
No problem with ship mods. I am quite utilitarian with modding my ships, I’m quite good at getting the weapons engines and reactor I want but no interest in aesthetics, flip merge, custom parts or learning the decor of all the different Habs. So I paid mod makes sense to me, if I want the Rocinante or Millennium Falcon I’d probably pay two or three hundred credits for it rather than doing the learning curve to figure out how to make something myself.
I can never get half of these to work
Here’s the thing. You know that one video where a guy paid for armor in an MMO and got clowned because he didn’t grind for it in the game, and the guy explained how he grinds in real life for money and doesn’t have the time to do the end game way to get to that level but still want to enjoy it.
That’s this
Some people are severely lacking in the designing department, or don’t have the time, or any number of reasons. But they want a very cool ship.
That’s who these type of mods are geared towards. I would never buy they but I would never bash them either. I’m glad that people have an option to fly around and look cool casually.
Crimson i love you bro but this video just kinda seems like a big ole glass of haterade. most of the things you pointed out aren’t issues for 90% of pl;ayers of this game. Ship builders don’t buy ships.
Okay lemme give my opinions on a few points:
1- Bethesda should not dictate what could and could not be a mod or even a paid mod (unless it’s like illegal stuff or whatever). Leave that to the mod author. I know, it may open the door to silly stuff here and there, but I want modders to have ALL the freedom to create and even sell whatever they want. Let them and the community decide.
2- I never bought a ship in-game, let alone download a while ship design as a mod. I can soooorta give the mod you showcased a pass because it adds some ship parts and only charges 200 credits, but still could have been implemented better. Do the ships spawn as NPC’s? Are the parts available in other ship mechanics? How come the interior is just meh? And, a little personal thing, I don’t even like the design. So I dunno :/
3- You can still build something that looks way better with vanilla or with free mods. I struggle to know who these mods are for.. free or paid. Look at the Intrinity Aeroworks mod, free. Falkland, paid but waaaay better than this. Mattel’s cockpits, free. OwlTech mods, all free. And the list goes on and on.
4- Just give us a way to share blueprints.. maybe we can attach a list of needed mods per blueprint.
5- About the mod possibly using work done by the better flips mod, yeah that’s sketch af. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t like that one bit. Not that one mod OWNS the ability to flip ship modules a certain way.. but still, it makes me pause for a bit and not consider support these mods at all.
I don’t understand the conflict, there are quite a few ships i would gladly pay for, some of your ships, wizards ships, and cmdr eagles ships which are actually free. I hit the unity ALOT. i wouldn’t mind buying a ship once so i can go through the unity and just pick it up at a vendor. Especially some of the ships from the various ship builder contest. Authors aren’t making these for avid ship builders, they are for people who don’t want to spend hours with trial and error over and over and over.
I can’t see the point of paid ship mods but not everybody enjoys shipbuilding. In the end its up to people to decide if its worth it to them. I know that in all bethesda games there have been players who regard crafting/building as a waste of time, they’d rather just shoot things.
I think the value of a mod like this is it provides a quick start that gets you straight into space combat action on even the hardest difficulty without the need for grinding out skills, levels and credits. Just hop in one of those fully loaded bad boys and you are all good. Its basically a cheat but on ultra hard on a new save you going to need all the help you can get.
This is a rare instance where Crimson and I disagree, or at least have different takes on base concepts. I am not one, but I know players who have 0 interest in learning the ship builder and the various advanced techniques but still want to have ships that are not vanilla. Just like some have. O interst (or at least no patience) to make a custom outpost so use paid player home or expanded outpost ‘prebuilt’ items.
If a ship was 100% vanilla parts and straight ‘day 1’ vanilla build (ie you can build it with no special techniques or parts, I would be closer to Crimson’s position for that. But this isn’t that.
The overpowered reactors etc..are no different than the star wars ships with their micro modules.
I guess at the end of the day more options, to me, are better, since each player will have a different focus so their mod needs will vary.
Much like SVF, I personally do not use that as I have had to many conflicting issues with my other mods so I do not have access to some of the cool free prebuilt ships, but as with all modding you ultimately have to make choices and weigh the value of a paid creation against your game style, either to deepen a playstyle or to expand a play area they otherwise would not use. Doc.
Here we are, the futur of modding.
It’s gonna be way worst with the next Elder Scroll.
I was disappointed when I brought one of these creations. Yes the class A was over powered for early game. And the merge build made it hard to change the layout. Was not vanilla friendly at all.
Brought the constellation ship pack .. ended up scrapping and building a ship myself
I stand by my opinion that if you are going to sell a ship mod it needs to be custom inside and out. Have full deck out habs with empty vision and some new parts otherwise it not worth the money but that just my opinion.
I still have same achievements to get so I have only been using paid mods because they are achievement friendly unlike the free mods. It is a shame too because there are some awesome free mods I plan to use only after I have no more achievements left to unlock like the Owltech mods. The achievement friendly for paid mods versus no achievements for free mods I feel is a big sticking point.
I might make ship building guides etc, what can be done in the vanilla ship builder is actually quite impressive, this mod is a skip for me.
I don’t think I would ever pay someone else to build ships for me.
Regarding Creation prices, McClarence Outfitters set the standard when it comes to pricing for me. It costs 300 creds and is one of the few paid creations that I have no regrets about supporting. However, looking at the Creations page, it really baffles me how many of the other paid mods on there think they are worth more (or even the same in some cases).