Starfield Venera Paid Mod Review Part 2 Gunshop Quest (XBOX/PC)
I went back to cover the quest i missed in my initial review
Link below to the mod
コメント (24)
About the lore:
1. About the ranger and the Var’Ruun guy having side jobs as weapons salesmen. I do not think it breaks lore at least from what I can see. Because the way I wrote my character is as realistic people who have normal lives outside their assigned “superhero” or “supervillain” role of being a crime fighting ranger or “Romulan”. They have side jobs, perhaps they even retired and it woul not be uncommon for law enforcers to be in a business representing weapons manufacturers. As for the Va’Ruun guy, there is no lore reason why he would not be allowed to live a “normal” life wearing normal clothes living in the settled systems. I think there is more to life for a Va’Runn guy than spending all his day being Va’Ruun.
1a. I also think that it would not necessarily be a contradiction for a Va’Ruun guy who was in combat to want to lead a different non-violent life after that but still believe that he was fighting for the right side.
Because I feel that is a trap that most scifi games and scifi series fall into, they overstereotype characters into specific roles or archetypes.
2. The groat milk comment means the character is speculating on the possible causes on what happened to the Varuun homeworld, and I used knowledge the player would also be able to speculate on by not having played Shattered Space.
3. Terrormorphs being a biological weapon is not something I would see as a spoiler, it is hinted at in the first mission on Kreet where one npc says something along: “Typical UC they put something in a cage, and then it kills them”. Also the UC orientation room heavily implies xenowarfare as a weapon that is used by a faction, so the Varuun guy is basically speculating.
4. The player getting conflicted on who to side with is intentional, it is great to hear that you feel that conflict too. It was difficult to write all 3 characters so it was hard to find who is morally superior.
I would never intentionally spoil basegame quests. (When writing quests or characters that reference major factions or manufacturers in the game, the first thing I check is the timelines)
And thank you for taking the time to check out the weapons conference quest and making a video about it.
About the quest markers:
It’s a difficult thing, currently I only get 2 types of feedback: Players loving it or hating it. Nothing in between. One thing I could try is to add an option where the player gets a more precise hint but then it would reduce the payout of the mission.
Oh and about the not being able to rest bug, I am actively looking for a way to fix that (without borking up my esp file). When I find a solution I will fix it right away and then look at adding a room that can be purchased as a small player home on the station. The reason there is none is because of the bug.
I despise games that hold my hand to much. Part of the fun is figuring it out. Having said that, if you’re going to make me search for the quest than give good clues. Akila is pretty big with tunnels and secret nooks and crannies.
Thanks for taking the time to finish the content and upload it. For me, this quest and shop does justify the price more, although I agree that a place-to-stay on your journey would be a nice bonus. I will be trying out all three options, and I am not sure which one I want most. Old Earth weapons makes sense for a base formerly built by Nova Galactic, but I also like seeing Va’ruun influence spread beyond Dazra. I can also understand the inconsistency for players or characters who have not done Shattered Space yet, and it is tricky for any content made after a DLC to make references to it without breaking consistency. Maybe “Greg” was just throwing insults at that guy, but how does “Greg” know what the sky above Va’ruun’kai is like?
Running around looking for the buyer makes it not worth it, at least a pre determined meeting place would be better
I’m sorry but I have questions:
What’s with the mannequin on the landing pad?
Who is shipping in all of that wood flooring and furniture to Rasalhague?
And what is the water bill like for all of those plants and vegetation inside?
I’m joking, but there is something discordant going on here. Like it feels like the environment of the location, the build materials and decorations, the layout/visible facilities, the lore of the place and the crowds populating it are not logically consistent with each other. But that’s just me.
I am a little older gamer. I understand that people have gotten used to map markers, etc to better fine tune their gameplay timing. But I am one of those people that can survive a gameplay without all the hand holding.
16:30 …yeah, all the Lore here is very, very eyebrow raising! It’s not that any of it can’t happen (i.e. a Laredo Arms rep from The Freestar Rangers or a member of House Va’ruun selling guns to a third party), it’s just that most of it is highly unlikely. The cherry on top was the balding NPC suggesting that he’s ever seen, or been to Va’runn’kai, which is nearly impossible to find unless you have an exclusive device or means (like the Oracle). 🧐
05:31 …imagine not wanting to hold the player’s hand, but then, providing them with the wrong information about how to start a quest! The amount of time that must’ve been wasted on trying to find this NPC (pretty blonde woman) for the average buyer must be insane…
Crater 87 was good but this mod was disappointing. I too could not start the firearm shop mod. The lost and found quest for the helmet I had to go to Venus for 600 hours before it spawned. I would prefer quest markers and repeatable quests like the guy on Mars. For $5 this was a ripoff, I deleted it.
The first cavalry are rouge free star collective Rangers and millita
This mod author’s, constant defense of your critique of his work is a prime example of people who obviously can’t get a job with a game company trying to justify their work. It does not matter to the buying public what his personal opinions are of sci-fi stereotypes the game was written a certain way if you’re going to mod the game you need to stay within the lore. Crying to people who criticize their work that they spent a lot of time and effort in designing it is irrelevant. We play a game because we like a game if you want to mod a game stay within the lore of the world that was initially created by the game maker and stop trying to force your personal likes and dislikes on people you want money from.
Crimson, I love your reviews. This one along with the last one has definitely convinced me I don’t wanna waste my money on this mod. one criticism of you though my friend if you think this is good voice acting, you need to raise your standards. The dialogue and the delivery is simply trash.
The mod author should either have the red scan option it makes the hunting faster. Or have a small area circle around the person. OR have the person stationary not moving around
A little bit of environmental nudging goes a long way. If the akila onion guy were to specifically mention that you should do another job to open other jobs avenues……
Both sides are correct. It’s nice to have quest markers when you want them turned on but it’s also nice to be able to turn them off if you like challenging RPGs
This searching is nothing compared to when someone makes the Mod ” Where in the Starfield Is Carmen Sandiego? ” Then searching gets real
Might have google search it, for those who didn’t play computer games in the late 80s 😊
If you don’t do quest markers you should at least do notes leading from a to b otherwise you skip step or go in circles and with a limited time gaming running in circles is exactly the opposite of what i want to do in my free time. but thats my opinion and i do not represent everyone.
I can’t get a second smuggling quest to start.
Dirty blond
Coffee time, at night. I’m game. Yes quest markers are good. No she isn’t blonde. And no, you’re not using buckshot for home defense if you’re trying to limit penetration (certainly not in 12 gauge #9).
Even in vanilla, Arboron has both lethal and non-lethal arms.
If not quest markers, then maybe some form of better predictability, such as being in certain areas or clothes in the day or nighttime.
I haven’t done the second sale yet. I found the buyer the first time sitting on a bench in the park area where the kids play. The bald head with the mustache was fairly recognizable from the description, and he was in a security uniform, but named “Akila Security” instead of “Akila City Security” which is what clued me in at first from a distance.
And Janet is definitely blonde in my game lol
The signage for Trade Authority and Sleep Crates definitely threw me off. Just a bed for rent would be nice.
I first arrived at the station in the early morning on the planet – in a small CF ghost with no crafting or beds. I couldn’t switch ships because it wasn’t nighttime, and I couldn’t wait or sleep anywhere in the station to pass the time. I even tried to throw down a sleeping bag from Cozy Camping, but got the message “you can’t sleep while being asked to leave”
I’m stopping the video for now at 10min in to avoid spoilers, but I’ll be back to watch rest later.
Thanks for the vids, Flyboy.
kinda like how it takes time to jump into the quest like stepts to get too it makes sense and the complaint about the doors that lead nowhere….i like them….leaves the options for expansions openlike adding new areas to the mod to explore
I’m a morwind player it’s how I found beth I guess I’m old school but I understand players need in the markers