Bethesda in 2025 – The Pressure Is REAL…
A new DOOM game, an Elder Scrolls title, and much more awaits us in 2025. So, in 2024, we saw Bethesda can still publish GOTY titles like Indiana Jones, but Starfield has left other trepidatious of their golden developer in BGS. What’s in store and why is the pressure high? Time to dig into what should be a very eventful year for Bethesda!
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Taqs:bethesda,bethesda games,bethesda 2025,whats going on with bethesda,doom the dark ages,the elder scrolls vi,oblivion remake,doom 64,bethesda rumors,mrmattyplays,mrmattyplays bethesda
コメント (494)
Just abandon starfailed. Focus on making the next ES and FO games good. This really is the last hurrah if they are not.
It’s been 7 yrs since es6 was announced. No excuse for that. We will be lucky to get this game by 2028/2029
Its over
We all know if it ever even gets released it’s going to be a woke propaganda machine anyway.
Was expecting an Oblivion teaser at Microsoft Direct yesterday 😢
Stop milking it dude
Daily reminder.. starfield was Tod Howard’s pet project. A game he’s been wanting to make for decades.. Bethesda is DEAD.
i can’t believe theres something more wild than the Burger King games. Strange days we live in.
Elden Ring made them re-evaluate let’s admit it. Elden Ring changed the landscape of rpgs.
its sad how lame starfield is. if it was even remotely as good as fallout 4 (not even 3 or fnv) they would have definitely made tons lore dlc and content
Elder scrolls 6 isnt gonna be much. Unless they learn from the mistakes of starfield
Starfield has less than 5k concurrent players as of this post. Let that sink in
We got a new doom trailer today boys!!!!
God i hope its not in hammerfell
I really wish Maddie could be objective and just give them shit when they need it, because you’re part of the reason their games and company is so shitty now
8:12 Never making Starfield would’ve been acceptable.
Not sure i agree ES6 needs anything showing if it’s that far out. Just puts it all in our mind which would just be nothing but a tease.
In fact i don’t know why the gaming community in general needs to see so much of games before they’re even close. Back in the day you just saw a game on the shelf or an article and bought based on word of mouth not 37 trailers and extended gameplay.
Bethesda sucks and has always sucked
Yeah umm , nothing except for doom was there from bethesda so yeah , no oblivion remake or anything
As far as bethesda goes. I’m excited for Avowed
I very much don’t like TES Online
Jesus the amount of cope. Imagine being a bethesda fan when last good game they made was morrowind over 20 years ago
Avowed will be mid at best, and as someone who was told not to buy it by one of the devs, ill pass on it.
Skyblivion is set to finish this year, will probably be a better remake than Bethesda can do.
bethesda needs to make a new game engine
Aside from ID – Bethesda is dead. And both Bethesda and Zenimax are shite.
But you do you and keep shilling for Scumthesda.
I just need to know when Starfield is coming to PS5
cant wait for u to get hands on their future games so we can get some leaked footage
Indiana jones was a hit and doom the dark ages is a guaranteed amazing game
Starfield was awesome alittle too repetitive but great.
Starfield? You mean the star wars game we never got. Haha
At this point, all i want from them is a remastered fallout 3, new vegas, and oblivion.
I dont think they can make anything new anymore and ive accepted that. But they could make some quick money if they drop a few remasters
Doom 2016 multiplayer was more halo than we’ve got since halo 3. Shame they didn’t carry it over.
I don’t trust Bethesda anymore. After Starfield release and the destruction of the mods in both Skyrim and Fallout 4 I’ve had it.
Pocket bike racer goes hard
fallout 4 was redeemable since its gameplay was fun, meanwhile fallout 76 was the start of the downfall of bethesda….. it was literally the worst game that launched
Zenimax killed Bethesda. Todd Howard overstayed his creative welcome. Bethesda is no longer a good game developer. KCII is about to release and it’s going to knock the socks off of the past 10 years of bethesda. Throw in the towel Todd, you messed up. Your games have lost their heart.
Burger King sponser?? Lol
9:20 Hell yeah! Super proud
It’s mad how I’m back playing Skyrim over Starfield….
Honestly F Doom. I only care about the RPGs.
People still believe on this outdated studio ( development )?? Lmao
I don’t wanna hear a thing about elder scrolls 6 until it’s the year or even the quarter that I get to play.
Whats going on here? You media types keep bullshitting for clicks, pretending to be mainstream.
I don’t know why anyone expects elder scrolls 6 to be any good.
It’s being made by the same people who made Starfield
You can’t just casually drop “like the blind squirrel finding the nut” like its a story we all know😂 what is the parable of the blind squirrel and the nut?
There’s a not 0% chance that ES6 will have a voiced protagonist.
Bethesda has been a slowly sinking ship. And with their busted engine that they keep using is just sad. I’m still stocked that they think starfield is a good game. With Micheal and Kurt the KEY writers of Elder Scrolls both gone its not looking good with ES6. And if your old like me and had played Morrowind you have noticed the writing had gone down trying to mimic Mick and Kurt. Sure I had some fun with oblivion, skyrim and fallout 3 but it was like drinking watered down beer and with fallout 4 eh its a game. But starfield is like a cup of sand and when the modding community gave up on the game it was a big death flag. I have very little hope that ES6 will even be a good game.
Please God, no more Starfield. This dude says that fallout deserves more content so to compensate, he’s gonna give us even less fallout.
I was 17 when Morrowind dropped, 21 when Oblivion was released and 26 when Skyrim got released…
I’m very likely going to be 44 when TES6 releases 💀
Bethesda with a new Engine means one thing. New glitches we never saw before, and this time without mod support to fix it
MrBethesdachill at its finest😂 hopee Bethesda pats you handsomely
Starfield is so trash, I’m sorry 😅
Once Bethesda finally went all in on paid mods, I saw the writing on the wall and checked out. I could care less about TES6 now.
We know one thing for sure:the menus are going to be absolutely peak. Not sure about the gameplay, story, or graphics though
It’s a shame ESVI won’t live up to anyone’s expectations. It doesn’t really matter if you think Bethesda has it in them or not. Waiting this long for a sequel to a game like Skyrim is going to push people’s expectations to certain extremes.
Also bitching about Starfield forever is a waste of time, there are more important things to life than hating a half baked game.
OMG I completely forgot those burger king games existed
Why doesn’t homie use chapters? I don’t give a shit about MMOs.
Starfield needed BG3 levels of patch support to be salvaged. I still haven’t played the Shattered Space DLC and I may never get around to it.
Hope there’s lots of news, spread out this year, and a release of a few new games.
They announced ES:6 way too early and spent way too much time and money on projects nobody asked for. Fallout and Elder Scrolls are their main titles and they neglect them in favour of weird vanity projects. Doom will be cool but It will fade after a couple months after people beat it or get exhausted by another collectathon of audio logs or easter egg toys.. It will dry up faster than Indiana Jones did.
If crimson desert were an rpg i think Bethesda would be shi**ing themselves rn.
All this time, why do Starfield still have issues? Instead of dlc, fix the game.
Im stoked for the Starfield DLC, love the game.
The only good thing with Starfield, is the shipbuilding…
I sunk alot of hrs, until i realised, the best way to play the game, is not to use the ship you have built, at all…
TESVI is a deflated baloon… And the game should have been released atleast 7-8 years ago…
I swear, Bethesda was something i looked forward to, but now, i feel a distain, disgust and disapointment when the name or its people gets named…
Ive never seen so many people cry over something that wasnt really that bad. 69% of people unlocked the achievement “enter space for the first time”, which means 3 out of every 10 people you hear talking trash never even made it off Vectera. Yall dont deserve TES6. Ungrateful babies.
This could be Bethesda’s redemption arch. Oblivion remake, Fallout 3 remake, and then the long awaited ES6. Starfield is similar to Mass Effect Andromeda in my mind. Its an average game made by a studio who is expected to make great games. It has its strengths and weaknesses but ultimately it just makes you want to play what came before because its simply better. So Bethesda getting back on track with these 3 will really revive the studio.
I love Starfield, very excited for the next DLC. Steam player count is a bad indicator when it’s always been cheaper on Microsoft (it’s a play anywhere title, also discounted and included in the price game pass subscribers).
I would much, much prefer a Morrowind remake.
Can we just be honest with ourselves? Bethesda is never going to remake Oblivion and Fallout 3.
I have zero faith in my favorite game studios any more including Bethy. Keep making junk like 76 and starfield and keep on wasting time and resources on them instead of getting fallout 5 and the next elder scrolls out. 🙄
I see a whooooooe lot of Starfield glazing in these comments. I get that people can be negative, but do people honestly live in such a small bubble that they think that game was or is a success? Just look at the player count, that game was dead on arrival.
I need that shirt! Not the exact one you’re wearing. Unless you wash it.
Bethesda will soon no longer exist it will be absorbed by Microsoft Gaming and turned into mobile app developer
Starfield messed up BGS big time. A ton of time, effort and money put into something that almost nobody wants to play or see any new content for. I paid the fee to play early and didn’t even play it for more than a couple hours, worst BGS game I’ve ever played by far.
I personally believe all tes6 needs to be is skyrim with more biomes, better combat keep the radiant system, add some of oblivion stuff to leveling, be reasonable graphically, i dont want the fidelity so high it slows modding down, add co op Thats all they have to do in my eyes and its a day 1 buy
Bethesdas latest game is also always their worst…never forget that
Zero expectations for any Bethesda game, it’s been 2 decades since they’ve released anything good
Yeah, Brian is right. We all now really have to close our ears to what Bethesda says. It’s dead man, they are gonna pump out more trash and get the last cash before the brand dies, as they have clearly been doing with Star Field!
You can have my copy of sneak king it’s just sitting in a box currently
I significantly enjoyed veilguard more compared to starfield if that is saying anything about Bethesda these days lol
Who cares KCD 2 comes out this February. Everyone looking for a good RPG should just play KCD 1&2 made by a better studio than bugthesda.
Big year for Bethesda… Doom… Oblivion… lol
Nobody is waiting for more Starfield DLC, let’s be honest.
if es6 is bad i will be furious
Please something fallout, don’t care at all about anything else
At this point, I would not be surprised if Wayward Realms is released before ES6
My relationship with Bethesda is tricky. I loved Fallout 4 even with its flaws. Fallout 3 was an early, eye-opening “this is what games can do” moment for me. And truthfully I enjoyed my first playthrough of Fallout 76 (post wastelanders to be fair). But there’s no question they’ve lost touch. Showing their age. What was once endearing and unique (jank) is now unacceptable. They don’t innovate anymore. And Starfield, even with some good, is a huge swing and a miss. Get back to what you’re good at, but with more polish and better mechanics/gameplay. Dive into story and world building. Starfield was too big. Stay “small” and focused. Quality over quantity
I hope they don’t have an oblivion remake as it will take away from the amazing work the Skyblivion team has been doing (which should release this year). I hope they get the support and appreciation they deserve.
They failed to support Fallout 4 but now with Starfield they do? Weird to say the least. I think it can be said that Starfield is way less popular than Fallout 4.
I couldnt feel more pesamistic if i tried. Unlike you i feel bethesa is the same as blizzard. Their downfall has been going on so long it might as well be complete… The bethesda of old deserves this type of hype. But 2025 bestheda? NO
I’d rather have a Fallout 5 over TES6 I couldn’t care less about elder scrolls
Before I even watched the video I 100% agree that the Bethesda is pretty much in a f***** or great situation it kind of just depends on what happens soon like if we get elder scrolls 6 and it is a flop like starfield or even more dumb down Skyrim I will be irritated as hell and I will literally say f*** Bethesda I’m never buying a game from you again but if they turn around and look at boulders gate 3 on how it went full into the RPG stuff then I think it could be an amazing game warehouse at least get closer to how Oblivion was and also I just got to say this I prefer the old art style over new I mean Skyrim is really good looking I just prefer like the Oblivion look The fallout 3 look it just oozes creativity in my opinion where fallout 4 just yucky
Matty is a Bethesda paid troll used for managing expectations. They need to eject these turds, and focus on making a great game they would want to play, don’t listen to boss, stats, your fans, just make a game you want to play.
Sadly I now view bathesda the same way i see bioware.
A studio that used to stand for something and make great games, but has now become a shadow of its former self.
I doubt anything they release will be worth buying.
Roll on Kingdom come deliverance 2
I think ESO is long overdue for a big evolution. It still suffers from the mistakes made during its initial design, stuck in its WoW clone shackles
pocket bike racer is goated
ES VI could tickle my balls and make me a sandwich and it still wouldn’t live up to nearly 2 decades of hype by the time it launches. What could? Nothing is worth waiting that long.
Burger King games brought me back to late 90’s finding the most obscure CD-Rom games in, of all places, walmart. Their console game selection was always preem but the PC section was tiny and only had oddities
Hope they stay the same ….thats what makes em great
Imagine thinking Bethesda is and has ever made good games 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I never would have thought big bumpin would be a collectors item
Bethesda been a dead game dev since Skyrim, same old dead engine and hasbeens working in the studio… Nothing has changed or improved their in about…. 20 years, so why even bother?.
People that support and buy the fecal matter this company pushes are the same ones buying EA/Ubisofts/Blizzards money hiking bullshit to and then trying to tell us they wont focus on microsales as they alwase do. Please get a working brain and start to think rationaly.
They’re cooking and I can’t wait for the games to start coming out but they’ll got a lot of hate from Ponies just because they’re Xbox titles.
Bethesda is a Boeing of gaming industry, their new games are created by clowns, supervised by monkeys. They run out of ideas 10 years ago, corporate greed destroyed anything what left. Nobody from the developers or managers has gaming background. They are more or less bean counter designing “products”.
They can’t fix a lever action reload in a game as old as fallout 4. I dont wanna know what they can’t do for future titles.
6:27 the fact that after all this time, they’re STILL only on year 1 of full production for es6……….
I think it’s likely that we get another big Fallout 4 update this year for it’s 10 year anniversary. Just like with Skyrim Anniversary Edition.
ESO has been on lifesupport for a year now. This year they “cancelled” all the big content updates and resorted to something smaller.
A Fallout game from today’s Obsidian would be nowhere near as good as New Vegas.
CDPR isn’t the same studio that created The Witcher 3
Bioware isn’t the same studio that created Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins
Bethesda isn’t the same studio that created Oblivion/Skyrim.
What they all have in common is they are a shell of their former selves with all the talent that made your favorite games long gone with new dei hires trying to live up to their standards but failing miserably.
After Starfield (🤮🤮🤮) I have zero faith in The Elder Scrolls VI being good and that is a sad sad thing.
I have proper critiques where Bethesda could Improve the ES6 experience.
1.) Don’t make the game world too big because people just want to get to the quest and fighting etcetera, but add a lot of caves/temples or you can use Procedural Generation technology to make caves/temples more randomized.
2.) Make the UI similar to Oblivion (paper like) but less intrusive. Those are already in mod lists
3.) Have a dark souls dedicated key for healing and magic and combat.
4.) Facial animations of Cyberpunk 2077
5.) Havok Body and Hair Physics similar to that of Dragons Dogma 2
6.) Have a beautiful fantasy landscape similar to Oblivion or for modern reference I think the Outer Worlds 1 has beautiful landscapes similar to a fantasy world.
7.) Combat animations of Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor/War
8.) Story is subjective so I would say stick with a Dark Fantasy theme like Game of Thrones or DnD has some pretty good source material.
9.) Bethesda has the best character creator so keep that but Improve it slightly to be kind of like Baldurs Gate 3/DND style. Maybe more so like DND.
10.) Choose classes and the sign at start of game like oblivion
11.)Have map markers unlocked like oblivion or give people XP for finding a location similar to Fallout 4
Make traversal fluid and fun, Early Far Cry games introduced Gliders, mounts and Rappelling and for modern reference Breath of the Wild and Palworld has gliders and mounts as well.
12. Make raytracing an option
Things that might not matter as much: As for the radiant AI, main quests, location of game (probs going to be hamerfell border area because you get different biomes in a short area), survival mode and content or the ridiculous flying on a dragon whatever nonsense that’s entirely up to Bethesda whether they include it or not.
I personally do not want to fly on a dragon and there are other games that offer that.
I think Unreal Engine 5 is capable of most of this.
There you go bethesda Elder Scrolls 6.
All the freaking terrible random quests in starfield that felt so tedious and pointless…
Poor Skyblivion developers
I would just play Elder Scrolls Online again if I wanted that fix.
Matty can you switch away from X and start using your Bluesky account? Would love to see your tweets on there instead , especially considering Elon’s latest acts
Lmao game of the generation slowing down updates a year or so after launch
Please stop with the ‘boomer shooter’ tag. It sucks, it belittles classic titles and it has not caught on in the slightest.
The pressure is not real. Only to you “influencers” who want to click bait and monetize everything.
They don’t have it anymore. They’re out of touch, Starfield is a perfect example. Starfield had so much completely wasted potential. Let’s hope they don’t fuck up the oblivion 3 remake by making it a buggy mess.
I’m at a point where I’m more excited about Outward 2 and Fantasy Life i than any other big RPG.
If GTA 6 is 100 dollars, that’s fine by me.First chance I get, im preordering it along with Doom the dark ages and doing a playthrough of dark ages when I get a chance.
They should have id Software make a heavily customized version of the latest id Tech engine which Bethesda can then use for TESVI and beyond. I don’t want to see another Creation engine Bethesda game and I don’t want to see another Unreal Engine 5 game either. I wouldn’t mind waiting for 10 more years for TESVI as long as they get it right.
But I know Bethesda are using the Creation Engine again for TESVI, which is just going to be as bad as Starfield. I have zero interest in it, tbh.
You know people keep saying es6 will be set in hammerfell but no one says it could also be set in elsweyr
With the way Todd like to show things right before release, if we see ES6 this year it will be at the end of the year with a release date of next year. I think Fallout may be done by another studio with how popular the show was. Microsoft is going to want to make some money off the hype.
They have hundreds of devs but none of the drive or passion.
There is no pressure. It’s been 10 years since fallout 4. It’s only been stinkers since then and no evidence ES6 will be any good.
The problem isn’t that fallout 76 or starfield were mid games. The problem is that besthesda has proven they don’t want to evolve or improve on their game engine.
It really annoys me that Todd says he regrets dropping the Elder Scrolls 6 trailer too soon. How about you are taking way too long to drop the actual game. The entire reason for dropping that trailer was to let people know that they are working on ES6 because it had already been too long since Skyrim came out. Fans were already starting to worry at that point because it had been long enough that a game should have came out at or been close to release.
No Todd, the problem is not that you released the trailer too soon, the problem is that you guys are taking way too long to get the game out. Bethesda should be working on Elder Scrolls 7 at this point with 60-80% progress already.
Dude it’s been 14 years since skyrim and 10 years since fallout 4. Bethesda has failed.
I feel like we were slated to get an Oblivion Remaster but Skyblivion made them do a full remake. We would’ve got a remaster by now. I’m glad we didn’t, though, because Oblivion and all its DLC are playable right now with 0 issues on the Series X.
Like you Matty, I love Fallout and it is my 2nd all time favorite gaming franchise, but I have no faith in anything Bethesda does anymore. I was disappointed with FO4, I was angry with 76, Starfield was a huge let down. They have to prove they can still make good games and based off what they have said publicly, I dont think they’ve learned any lessons about how to fix the issues they have. I hope they prove me wrong.
KCD2 is about to come out. I do not care about Bethesda at the moment. lol
I don’t see why people use steam as a benchmark for active players on Starfield when it literally has 10’s of thousands playing on xbox
Saying that playing as a ghoul is like playing as “other races” is crazy considering they are just people are irradiated 🤣
Lol ES6 hurting ESO if pushed out too early? Are you sniffing glue over there, Matty? I want a proper RPG, not some MMO slop.
Stop wasting time and money on Starfield
They missed up with starfield people were hyped for ES6 and after years of waiting you just came and say we stopped developing that game and here is the alternative a future boring rpg game
The only thing we care about is the fallout or elderscolls, If they don’t want to make those games anymore cool I’ll take my money else where.
Theyve had 14 years to give us another elder scrolls game and 10 years to make another Fallout and theyve only just begun working on production. Boycott Bethesda!!!
C’mon Matty, Doom 64 has already been out for some time.
Expecting Bethesda to make a good game in the past 10 years and the next 10 years is like expecting insurance companies not to screw over their customers.
If Fallout 3 Remaster ends up being on Unreal Engine 5 I will actually cry because it would mean that I could use UEVR to inject VR support into the game day one. Also I really hope they remaster and bring the old assets into the modern age. I want the old 2000’s Sci-Fi grunge look again. Not the rounded edge colorful aesthetic that Fallout 4 and 76 have.
This is not the same Bethesda anymore. Current Bethesda is full of crazy activists and talentless DEI hires who has zero love and passion for art and video games. That’s without even speaking of the corporate greed that completely rotted this company. There will not be another good Bethesda game.
Bethesda has been seriously mismanaged for a long time. Now theyre just floundering. The focus on creating a cash cow instead of a quality experience has made them a joke.
Besides doom, im tired of playing bethesdas clunky loading screen simulators.
Sometimes i enjoy listening to this channel, and sometimes i wonder how much good will is too much.
The last “not shit” thing Bethesda did: Skyrim
If tes6 still no news even after gta6 release, no one will care about it anymore bcos gta6 is just gonna be better than managed to get all expectations players want
Bethesda stole $ from me. Fuck them.
ESO was *my* Bethesda game – I spent almost 1500 hours in it, found a raiding group that did weekly high-level content, it was my happy place for a long time. I spent about 5 years playing only this game. But one day I just…lost interest. I think ESO’s weakness, which is a weakness across all Elder Scrolls games, is the storytelling is very weak – something you have to get through to get to the good stuff, instead of something to enjoy. Which is why I moved to FFXIV and never went back, because they understand that you need to have a good story as well as good gameplay in an MMO to retain players.
Wasn’t doom 64 re released for eternal?
Old obsidian was able to make a game in the time Bethesda takes to make a coffee
They just need to move on from Starfield.
Starfield is a shocker what is going on with that
When they gonna fix fallout 4
You will all be buzzin off them again soon, you fickle bunch 😂
People are ridiculously difficult to please nowadays, glad im not a developer.
Im guessing you don’t inovate with every new task at work but you expect these game companies to do so!!!
Its just isn’t how the world works (ylSocial media makes you think it does/should. You’ll be shittin’ on fromsoft and Larian soon, watch. Youtube doesn’t help the false expectations.
I will ignore the coping replies 😂
I didn’t play Starfield. Beyond the hate + personal lack of interest in a Skyrim in Space, I wanted to let ES6’s development contain more personal surprises. I purposely created a void in their ideas so ES6 will have a more impactful difference for me compared to Skyrim. This may backfire.
If there is a fallout 3 and new vegas remake coming out this year hopefully on ps 5 I would definitely want to play It..
Yes let’s talk about Bethesda, a company run by known liar Todd Howard. How this guy is keeping his job is beyond me.
Starfield is an AMAZING game. I been hooked and just started playing it this year
Matt. I jnow you like the click bait and money but does little for us as a audience. Is you point to prove even tho you got the interview your still not biased that you gotta mention every video you “love ” these games. Do better. Cause you make vethesda videos every video and its 100 percent negative
Starfield ruined their reputation. And thing is, I enjoyed the simple gameplay and even the simple ship combat. But it is the most boring game I’ve ever played because the story, characters and side quests were so damn soft and uninteresting.
The biggest enemy of ES6 is Oblivion remake in UE5. For example, what if Oblivion remake has no load times between caves and towns? Much like Stalker 2 … ES6’s tech probably won’t be as impressive as UE5, so it’ll be a huge point of contention.
After playing single player games for 40+ years, I can’t get into that anymore. With AI going to be designed into NPC’s in games, I am looking forward to what games like Fallout 76 will morph into. Nothing replaces gaming with (and against) real people, but adding AI npc’s into the MMO mix will make that part of the industry wildly amazing.
Feeling rather burnt out by Bethesda. It’s only the modding community that stops me placing them in the archive.
If they go the route of ‘Procedural world’ and ‘AI generated’, I’m out of here.
I bet we see Skyrim AE for switch 2 😂
Besides working on doom probably figuring out how to bamboozle the fans for starfield some more.
Bethesda shit the bed with Fallout 76, Starfield, and many others. I’ve been playing their games since Day One. I don’t trust them to design a game folding paper bags at this point. Before anyone pulls the Indiana Jones nugget. They didn’t make that damn game. LoL.
I’ve played every elder scrolls game Morrowind. For YEARS I’ve eagerly anticipated the elder scroll 6… but lately that anticipation has died down almost completely. BGS has lost my confidence and at this point there are simply much better games to look forward to like KCD2.
BGS has done a phenomenal job alienating their core fanbase to the point where many of us are expecting the worst and are losing excitement.
I have zero trust that Bethesda will knock TES6 out of the park after how disappointing Starfield was.
The Bethesda hate is still mind-blowing to me, its so over the top. Todd is and always has been a real one. It still feels like pure bandwagon rage bait when you’ve more than likely had some of the best memories whilst playing a Bethesda game..
@MrMattyPlays 2:31 Doom 64 Has been out everywhere for a while though.
Its crazy how such big studios like bethesda and ubisoft rely on decade old formulas that they dont try to innovate in any real way. They are just making a product to reach a deadline. Thats why they are in the shitter and players dont care about them. Hell, some of us are even cheering the downfall. Its just sad bc there are indie and double AA developers who make actual masterpieces but are seldom praised.
i’m truly hype for the next starfield DLC. the main game, shattered space was fun. can’t wait for more.
Starfield is dead. I hope they cut their losses and abandon it. It would require so much work to make that game interesting that by the time they got it to that point, no one would care about it anyway. Starfield is the gold standard for why you shouldn’t rush a game out if it’s not a complete package. Shattered Space was the final nail in the coffin.
Hold up…
WTF is a boomer shooter?!?!
I do have some sympathy for them, far too many of you have the rosiest of rose tinted glasses when it comes to viewing release Skyrim because release Skyrim was a pile of shit, it was by some distance, and up to that point Bethesda’s most bug riddled game, and graphically was a generation behind its peers. It’s only with the introduction of the Special Edition and the modding community it’s looked upon so favourably. That said, had they released TES6 5 years after Skyrim it wouldn’t be an issue, and if Starfield hadn’t been a lazy, procedurally generated bugfest people would have a lot more faith in their ability to deliver on TES6.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, no matter how good ES6 is it’s never going to live up to the hype that was set out upon it.
Everyone gets insanely hyped for BSG games because we love the games that objectively don’t hold up as good as they could’ve. I think we all want the memory of what he had when we first played FO3/skyrim/oblivion but BSG will never be able to match that experience now that we dissect games too much
Elder scrolls 6 4/5 years from now woot!
Starfield the “space game” without space travel, without space ship purpose, and without sentient aliens races, but with a buggy!
Also Beth though it would be a win to release Oblivion remake, but they will face Skyblivion that will be 10 times better lol.
Lost hope in Bethesda when they sold out to Microsoft and made their games exclusive.
it dose not take a genius that todd howard is the only OG person left. same with every ip i dont know why yall act like this.
Wow another year of starfield 😴
I don’t feel Shattered Space was a response to the games launch at all.
It is Bethesda finishing the base game’s cut content while being dismayed at the base game’s reception.
From here on out is their real response to the games launch. So far it’s, Here are some mods and paid mods to address the game’s short comings. Oh and there is a new DLC coming.
All I want from them now is to do something about the repetitiveness of POIs and perhaps put some kind of reputation system so all thevarious factions react positively or negatively to whatever you do in the game and also unlock some new quests.
At this point, im not even hyped for the next Bethesda RPG. I’ll wait and see if it gets good reviews, and wait for a discount.
I absolutely Detest Modern Fallout Art Style. Ugly,Lifeless,Ps2 Looking Character Models. Overall Fallout 4 and 76 just looked visually CHEAP.
elders scrolls online was ruined for me after i played 20 hours on release and realized it was pay2win. waste of my money and time. fallout 4 was bomb, i loved it. IMHO starfield just wasn’t interesting, felt lifeless. in my mind bethesda is dead, micro transactions and buggy crap has tarnished their name. The soul of bethesda has leaked out with their climb to monetary success. Fallout76 also is just missing the soul of the original games.
Bethesda is a lost cause ! 🫡💀
I don’t understand the big deal with a doom 64 reveal. The game was already re-released for modern systems back when eternal was released. You can already play it.
If anything, the pressure is off. The expectations are low. If they can knock it out the park, then it’s the win Bethesda and Xbox need.
Can they/will they do a good job? I’m not sure
“Can’t mess up with TES 6. So let’s remake Oblivion.”
Matty you are onto something re zenimax online as they are moving away from anual releases as gold road was last one
walking away from fallout 4 when its popular, full commitment to Starfield that noone plays……… Bethesda is out of touch with reality.
Bethesda sucks
Starfield is done. If they waste a fucking moment more on that pile of garbage they’re definitely dooming ES6
why is everybody so excited about a UE5 remaster/remake? This will probably strip all of the modding abilities of their in house engine away from the games. And if they see it works – well, then they will switch the newer games also to an UE5 engine, most likely with only a tiny bid of modding abilities.
Ah good news! New Doom and Oblivion, these are easy slam dunks. Just take my money already 😅
Bethesda, Bethesda, Bioware, Bethesda, Bioware, Bioware, Bethesda, Bethesda, Bethesda… Unsubscribing due to this. No hate; love your coverage in general, but it would be nice if it was a bit broader. I’ll be back if that happens. Stay sexy, stay active.
can we start holding people like you accountable when we get lied tto again and again
shitted space should be free, not worth even 3 dollars
If Bethesda looked like a person, they would look like Jimmy Carter in late November
Starfield was the fecal release upon death, anything that comes out of Bethesda now is just gasses escaping.
Starfield was Betheada’s final chance and they failed by default because it wasn’t Fallout or Wlder Scrolls. Bethesda is not “under pressure” as much as they are in a death spiral with all the alarms going off while they just turn off the alarm and sip champagne
Doom Eternal was released in March lmao and Doom 64 released alongside it
It would be very sad if ES6 took so long that Skyrim Grandma doesn’t get to play it. 😢
i think your coping man
I wonder if they will fix the broken leveling bug in the remaster of oblivion. I’m kidding, I know they won’t.
They will fail, nothing new here from Bethesda. Starfield is 100% a failure and the vast majority of people can cope all they want but they know its true. The steam player count proves that
I really hope Obsidian doesn’t get Fallout the studio isn’t the same as the nostalgic one people remember at all it’s not the studio that matters but those that make the games and those NV lot have almost all left now, and recent things with them prove they won’t make a fun game it will be something else entirely and not for the better.
Pressure? I expect nothing from them at this point.
Starfield is the absolute biggest waste of time. It’s been over a year with ONE DLC that was mediocore at BEST! To already be saying they’re going to be taking people away for ES6 is Wild. They knew they had a lame duck, but we had to pay a premium price for their mistake.
I’m leaning toward 2029 release….
I love how Matty’s thumbnails have devolved to him looking at either us the audience or the subject of the video with a face like if we just did the nastiest fart.
So now we have had Bethesda games running on same engine for 25 years. Here’s another 25 years of mediocre engine. Oh and about 32 years for a “trilogy” of games to release, ha ha ha.
If you were born in 2000, you would be on your deathbed playing a “5th” title of the same game. Basically a 16 year cycle between games.
What has mattyplays got against starfield?, apart from your crewmates it was ok
They need to get back to that handcrafted feel. Yea Starfield is a huge game but it’s missing all the stuff that made their older games special. Like the rare loot, locations, and grit to the stories.
Bethesdas a busted flush…..and I’m gutted! RIP we won’t see quality from this or other studios for a long time…..dig out your back catalogues folks. I’m away back to Fallout 3 😉 .
Nothing ‘is going on’ , got plenty of games to play, no worries
What? Everyone’s not preoccupied with Starfield?
I think we are going to have a cinematic trailer for TES6 later this year
Just make more FO4 dlcs now.
Bro, such a blessing to have you be so consistent! stay well my guy! 🙏✝️💯
Dreamcast version of Doom64 looks amazing😍 amazing what the guys behind this new version is able to do.
So DOOM64 is getting an update? It is already available on pretty much every platform since it lauch with DOOM Eternal
I don’t agree that ESO is really good. It’s no replacement for Elder Scrolls.
Good video, FO3 in FO4 engine for the win
dude, if bethseda f-s up elder scrolls 6 they are basically dead and flatlined
they’re gonna fumble the release of elder scrolls sooooo hard. they do not have the properly trained devs working on their games. just idiotic dei hires. its quite sad frankly. you’re gonna be getting pronouns on the enemies everytime you fight them.
I was disappointed with starfield
If Bethesda don’t drop their super out dated game making style that they have then we are absolutely cooked
i don’t know what i feel about Fallout 3 remake or remaster or whatever. F3 is my favourite in the franchise and i replay it whenever i’m in the mood for a depressing, dark, empty, apocalyptic world. i like everything about it and if they remade/remastered/whatever it in Unreal 5 engine i think the game would lose a lot of the visual and atmospheric appeal. i kinda imagine it looking like Fallout 4, with more colours than it should have. so i don’t know, i’m really worried. would be nice to have a somewhat updated F3 but i don’t trust Bethesda not to ruin it. besides, to me at least, F3 visuals are part of its charm.
I just want a Fallout New Vegas Remaster… Like up to date graphics and the ability to sprint. At this point, I’m more excited for The Outer Worlds 2 than anything Bethesda is currently planning to develop and release, tbh.
I know its a touchy subject on Matty’s channel, but I really don’t see any future for Starfield, even with new DLCs, even with great modding support, its just a very flawed base experience which cannot be altered or evolved in any meaningful ways.
I never played starfield and I never will, even If I got it free. It’s a disgrace to gaming. A disgrace to humanity
I have a really hard time imaging a world where ES6 is good. If they released it back when they advertised it, they would have been way better. But Bethesda is too far behind the times to be able to drop something even today and have it be a contender against other RPG games. Let alone like 20 years after the previous title.
Didnt Shirley Curry/Skyrim Grandma retire last year?
“They’ve been working on the TECH for the game for a while now” yeah since like 1999 or whenever they made that outdated engine
Bethesda is basically dead, they have mismanaged everything since Fallout 4. Dropped so many balls and ignored their fans.
Until they release SOMETHING I just don’t give a crap anymore.
Somebody needs to lead a dlc team for Fallout 4. The hell with waiting 15 years for part 5. I still play Fallout 4 to this day over the others.
5 years? So elder scrolls 6 in 2030 and fallout 5 in 2035 if we are lucky
ES6 can never hold up to the hype and with Bethesdas current track record I’m struggling to believe it can even equal Skyrim.
People bashing Bethesda while also loving Indiana Jones, ESO, being excited for Doom and Oblivion Remake, which are also under Bethesda. Not saying they dont deserve the criticism, but acknowledge the good too.
I just hope they keep RL social politics out of tes 6
Man the only thing I know is that if Bethesda flops those upcoming “big” games (as they’ve done with everything in the last 10 years) is gonna be really bad
I just dont care anymore, time and time again they have shown no signs of stepping up their game, comfortably sitting in their bubble.
Im done playing their bug ridden outdated slopfests.
I get people being disappointed in Starfield and that vampire game I honestly cant remember, but didnt they just give us Indiana Jones? And Doom is next, which will likely be pretty good. ESO is doing pretty good and they fixed up FO76. So Bethesda seems to be doing ok.
Doom64 has been on Game Pass for few years now , are you talking about a remake or another remaster of it ?
Bethesda is a lazy greedy company just look at skyrim how many updates has their been yet it still looks graphically like the day it was released
Bethesda is cooked.
I would have loved Starfield back in 2012. Everything about the game feels outdated and it got old really quick
I am expecting ES6 to be terrible. It will be set in Hammerfell and we all know why it will be in Hammerfell and it will be infested with ESG. Additionally, Bethesda has turned into Blizzard and their greed can never be satiated. It will be stripped down and full of microtransactions and creation club paid mods.
There is no pressure become there is no expectation, everyone knows Bethesda can’t make a good game anymore, like a 90year-old dude is not expected to be able to run a marathon
I have sneak king the best most creepy game ever
Every time I go to one of my old favorite fallout or ES channels to see what’s new in the scene I’m always disappointed by the same things. Every year its like I’m hearing the same thing on repeat, “this will be the year for ES6”, “Microsoft is pushing for a new Fallout game this year”, “Bethesda is pushing forward all their big titles”, and its always not true at years end. I feel like everyone is just accepting that ES6 will be out in another 5 years, people are ok with remakes of old games, and I feel like its too late for them. Especially when with mods there is so much you can update and change already to have the exact experience you want. We saw it with the Skyrim remakes, like its cool to see updated graphics for the general public, but I already had that and many also did so it was just like a neutral update. These constant neutral updates to their resume has made it almost impossible for me to get excited for anything new Bethesda, like even if ES6 is great I don’t think I will have the same enjoyment I would of if if it was a worse game like 5 years ago, they could of already been on another big game toto make up for their failings. I feel like they don’t want to risk anything any more and are ok with just being bland after their big successes. I spent countless hours in all Bethesda games starting from fallout 3 and going back to play oblivion to see more of the ES, and fallout worlds but now I think its too late for anything Bethesda, I’ve lost all hope for the future of my favorite series’ and don’t know if I’m the only one who feels the way about this, and want to hear what people think.
Elder scrolls is Bethesda’s golden goose. I think that’s why they are being so careful with that IP. If they fuck up elder scrolls 6 it will surely be the last peg for a lot of gamers. As much as I love Fallout too, I cant deny that the fallout IP is not as popular as the Elder Scrolls IP. Its a great game but Elder Scrolls has sold more copies and carried Bethesda further than fallout has. On top of that Bethesda hasn’t really ever struck out with an Elder scrolls game. Fallout76 was a flop for Bethesda and Fallout 4 just wasn’t as good as fallout 3 or NV either.
I would hate to see Elder Scrolls come out with some kind of voiced protagonist. Where its TOO story driven. Elder scrolls has always had a story but it allowed room for the player to be who they wanted to be. Fallout 4 was a predetermined thing where you had a voiced protagonist that hurt immersion more so than anything. I think Bethesda, if their smart, they will do anything to deliver big on the new Elder scrolls game and hopefully they wont let the business side of things tamper with what it will take to make ES6 the game it needs to be to win back fans.
Cause if it comes out and it doesn’t run, or if its got a voiced protagonist that limits the whole RPG side of things, if it doesn’t feel like a quality elder scrolls experience in line with morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim. It will probably be that last straw for a ton of people. I think they need to take as long as they need because it has to be a full and vivacious world full of meaningful content.
Todd’s enormous ego is not letting Obsidian do another Fallout game, seeing how New Vegas is considered to be way better than Fallout 3 and 4…
I’m very nervous about Oblivion, I loved it and put hundreds of hours into it but the game really doesn’t hold up..
nobody needs more Boooringfield……
If Bethesda was a ship, and Todd Howard was the captain, it seems like Todd has either never been a good captain, and it was actually his crew mates that sailed them through so many storms over the years.
Or… he has been a good captain all this time, but he has allowed a new crew to sail the ship the past 5-10 years, and even though they have collided with a couple ships and are headed straight for a iceberg, he is too much of a coward to grab the wheel to steer them away
Bethesda game in space was such a cop out and I totally went along with it. Interacting with NPCs in that game and the environments were BLAND AND BORING they need to step up their storytelling a LOT if they want to be taken seeiously ever again
20 YEAR FROM NOW…”TES6 only 5yrs away”.
Dude burger king racer was sick! I used to play it with my dad
I think Bethesda has been bought out by corporate interests, and they will abuse trust and do as little as possible until they go under, with the idea that they will make profits for the shareholders quickly and with no regard to the company or customer trust. THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER SEVERAL TIMES NOW WITH NO SIGN OF ANYTHING ELSE.
Betheseda is done, last good game was Falliout 4 and we will never see another game like that sadley 😢
Until they fix Skyrim and Fallout 4, I refuse to discuss this. I don’t give one tiny little shit about what Bathsoft does now. I have been playing since Arena, and I modded it when no one knew what a mod was. That was a bug fixing/QOL patch mod I was forced to make to play the game. That was in 1994, so I guess I’m a slow learner. I’ll miss all those neat little tips on the wonderfully advanced loading screens gameplay loop.
In what universe does it take 14 YEARS to possibly release a teaser for an Elder Scrolls game. I’ve lost interest.
I was 13 when Skyrim came out and looking to be 30+ when es6 comes out, damnnn I wonder how old ill be when es7 comes out💀💀
The problem I have is that ES6 isn’t on unreal 5. It’s on a clunky ‘upgraded’ version of the creation engine that they used for Starfield. That being said, look at games like Witcher 4 or Blood of the Dawnwalker. They look like they’re going to be AMAZING RPGs. Same with Fable. Then you have the prospect of Obsidian making the new fallout, will they be forced to use the creation engine? Because Todd knows if they use a better engine like one of their own or UE5 then all of a sudden demand for Bethesda to use a different engine will increase massively.
Anyway, I’ll play them all on gamepass so it’s no real skin off my back. Just that I would not get excited at all because of the huge risk of disappointment
I think if they’re going to do a remake of anything, it should be Morrowind.
unreal engine 5… great
If Oblivion remake is indeed planned for this year, depending on when it is I doubt they show off anything Elder Scrolls 6 as it would take the wind out of Oblivion Remake’s sails
More excited for Atomfall and ExeKiller. Used to be massive Bethesda games fan, but got bored of it all.
I dunno i want fallout from obsidian. They are huge woke leftist freaks. And the best ones left them anyways. Also the dev on avowed is an bad person on work even 😂
Stop trying to HYPE TES:6. Bethesda had disappointing their fans for over a decade. They them selves admitted that they will be reusing their creation engine that was upgraded in Starfield for TES: 6 development, they also stated that they will re-use the fast travel system present in Starfield. The new elder scrolls will be exactly the same if not worse then Starfield, and that is an undeniable fact.
Bethesda had been sitting doing jack shit, milking Skyrim for over 14 years and re-releasing that game for the 17th time, they have gotten so lazy and incompetent that majority of their talent had left the studio this includes developers, lead writers and lore masters, in fact there is only a single writer who doubles up as a lore master currently present in Bethesda, he is also single-handedly responsible for the worst game in Bethesdas history, Starfield! As we all know the story and lore are easily the worst thing in Starfield. If this is all they had to show after 8 years of development we are beginning to see the “END OF BETHESDA”!
PS: Elder scrolls is the last game Turd Coward will be working on, before he is gone, one hell of a way to leave the company, by destroying the very legacy that helped put Bethesda on the map in the fist place, by more capable and talented individuals then him self!
Bethesdas best game is Terminator: Future Shock. Way ahead of its time and set the blueprint for Fallout and Elder Scrolls.
Only things Bethesda can do to get me excited is either fallout 4 dlc, fallout 5 or make fallout 76 offline with single player cause any game i have to play online just sucks n will never play them n rest of there games I’ve not been fan of.
Unless they rerelease morrowind im done with bethesda
I had that much trust in bethesda i pre ordered starfield and bought a whole new set up for the game but yeah i lost all hype for elder scrolls 6 after what they sold us but luckily kingdom come deliverance seems to be my new franchise and gta 6 is out this year (hopefully)
Bethesda is going to be amazing in 2025.
Well no, they’re not, but Skyblivion is!
Don’t care for snorefield I bought that game and it was the most boring game I have ever played and I tried. I have 223.3 hours in the game. The only thing that interested me was killing the terrormorph bugs and base building. Everything else was boring as hell. The storyline sucks, I have to help these annoying, woke humans find these artifacts. None of the enemies feel like real enemies and feel like they could get along if they met in a room and had a cup of tea.
The worst thing about starfield is…. It’s a mature game and Bethesda treats me like a child and doesn’t give us any gore.
No sense of wonder, No sense of fear, boring ass storyline.
I am glad I still have an Xbox 360 so if Bethesda censor the oblivion remake ill still have the real version on xbox 360.
As for The Elder Scrolls Six I bet they will make it overly censored and I will be bashed over the head constantly for my character choosing the decisions I want to role play.
I only have trust in ID software. Bethesda is dead to me.
FromSoft and CDPR are have now the leaders in the RPG genre and have surpassed Bethesda over the past decade. Bethesda peaked during the 7th generation and fell off hard over the course of the 8th and now 9th generations.
I just wanna see es 4 remake!!!
As someone who was hugely invested in ESO I can’t imagine going into their new IP honestly. Trust isn’t there, dev teams are as far from an audience perspective as they can be. Probably the last people I’d be waiting a game from.
Never multiplayer where our precious unrepeatable short time on Earth depends on others patience knowledge and their free time it’s gambling, never first person. Only STR8 or nothing no more brainwashing
I know speculation about it is sort of cliche, but speaking about obsidian, we still dont know what josh Sawyer is working on, if anything. Its been a while since pentiment, and after that he said he was “bouncing around helping teams that needed him”, but its been a while since he said that.
Perhaps he could head a future fallout project.
Bethesda gonna shutdown skyblivion right before they release. they are like that
I’m not believing Oblivion is getting a remake until I see an official trailer.
This year is going be way over packed with fantasy rpgs and then gta 6 and if a oblivion remaster comes out I hate to say it it’s going get attention but not as much as it should because of fable and doom and avowed and gta and on top of that outer worlds 2 but a fallout remake would of been a better choice with the hype fallout has at the moment and save oblivion for next year honestly
Doom 64 was already re-released at the same time Eternal came out, and it was fantastic
Obsidian isn’t dark anymore it’s all colorful now
Bethesda is back down to being like a AA studio for me and in a bad way.
I hope they add a hardcore mode to Starfield this year
unreal engine 5 🙁
12:35 I think it was more, new players that were tricked into buying 76 because it was the newest game relative to the show when they should have just bought 4, rather than drawing in actual OG fans
Lets see:
Doom Dark Ages: Awesome. Something to look forward to.
Oblivion Remake:
Cautiously optimistic. They have to fix a lot of issues with it very carefully. They better not gut its mechanics like in Skyrim tho.
Potential Fallout 3 remake:
Starfield DLC:
WHY? Please just leave this dead horse behind Todd and focus on a game people actually want to play. Speaking of which.
Elder Scrolls VI:
A lot of this is riding on wether or not Starfield gets abandoned and someone puts a Muzzle on Emil. I am very pessimistic, especially since they “announced” it way too early.
EsO and Project Kestral. Eso is not taking players from ESVI. Also wow a new Bethesda IP. Cause Starfield was so good… please Stop. Stick to EsO or make ESO 2.
I just can’t figure BGS out. Take their UI for example. Doesn’t matter which game, they all pretty much suck. But they know their UI sucks. Obviously, the popularity of mods point this out. So with a new IP (STARFIELD…..), they STILL can’t make a half-ass UI????? WTF Bethesda?
My theory is that BGS is banking on paid mods to fix player’s in-game annoyances (like their UI), and perhaps even building these annoyances purposely into their game in order to benefit from all the mods (that they get a cut of the profits from) to drive demand to fix them.
They have so many examples from Skyrim mods
It’s crazy how literally every comment make fun of Bethesda and starfield and say that they can’t deliver anymore even on this “Bethesda friendly channel”
I just starting playing starfield a few weeks ago and I love it. Am I crazy
76 you have to pay $12 a month and if you don’t you are penalized. It is not a fallout game. Our perks were random and I could never get the cards I wanted. Then they made it that no enemy would be below your level, enforcing it is a shooter. However they control ammo. You cannot even go back to a camp near beginning and go try to harvest material to make ammo. We tried, we could never have enough ammo. So just because they added NPCs please stop referring to it as a Fallout RPG, because it isn’t. It is a fraud, cash flow, money grab team shooter. At least let us have our perks we want, and the ability to set our own difficulty.
damn we messed up not supporting a popular game, lets support the unpopular game then see it’s still not popular so that when we do make another popular game we won’t continue support because the last time we did (Starfield) there was barely any popularity!!! 😥
I’m just excited to see how it all ends. Every title after morrowind I had grown more and more apathetic, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt, thought for sure this is when they go back to a true rpg. I was wrong, if anything they have continued to go the opposite direction. I will watch from afar from now on.
Didn’t Bethesda say Starfield would get 10 years of content updates post release? They’re already putting a skeleton crew on it?
I doubt we can expect more. Expect less. They don’t have to compete for your dollars. They are getting paid whether it is good or not.
DOOM is all that matters. The only thing that sucks is that it’s attached to Bethesda
Your insane for implying Obsidian wont turn Fallout 5 into a empty blah blah, speech every single thing to win, walking sim. Horrible take, tasteless asf.
Obsidian screwed up with New Vegas let that freaking go, Move on…. Moving the goal post like a professional soccer player doesn’t change the fact that New Vegas was a shallow game, just like Outer Worlds was (REMEMBER OUTER WORLDS?), Just like Avowed is gonna be… Obsidian cant do it, they never could. You just didn’t like Bethesda out of spite and jealousy… Hating on the Fallout 3/Skyrim/Oblivion combo in the same generation makes you a hack when it comes to gaming opinion and disqualifies whatever take you have. Not saying that’s what Matty did, but too many Bethesda haters are going around being full of garbage and going unchecked. Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim all came out during the same gen. I’m sorry but that was impressive…. Only franchise to pull that off was the GTA trilogy on the PS2.
Todd’s gone I get that, But Obsidian can’t carry the Fallout universe, they have no creativity, a bunch of words but no creativity and bad taste…. Nobody cares about any of the 27 factions New Vegas introduced and the NV fans are toxic and have begun to upset casuals with the constant Skyrim/Fallout 3 bashing… Give the opportunity to someone else….
Couldn’t careless about Bethesda they’ve lost all credibility
Just give us Fallout 5 ffs Bethesda we honestly do not give a 💩about anything else unless its a Fallout 3/NV remaster with some added content/quests/DLC
And the Indiana jones dlc?
I think Bethesda is too far gone, their writing has been going downhill game after game, as has their choices. Their freedom do whatever you want in their games. It’s just all got worse and worse some of the years, I have no faith in Todd Howard or Bethesda anymore. I do not believe they will have a redemption ark.
Are we still going to be using a dated engine?
Starfield still sold well. ES6 could show nothing, only cinematic trailers, and still sell well just off of name and hype. If it’s truly abysmal, I think the heat really turns up and they’ll have one more shot with FO5.
Not me watching the same song and dance video from Matty every year around this time of year. Nope
Part of me is glad Bethesda released that dumpster fire Starfield so they know what not to do in ES6. I did hope that after their disastrous Shattered Space release they would’ve dedicated all developers to ES6.
Burger King games FTW 🙌
“Doom 64” came out in 2020. I have it on xbox.
If anyone expects The Elder Scrolls 6 news at all this year, you’re beyond delusional. Bethesda’s timetable is embarrassing. 2026 at the EARLIEST.
I’ll probably be in my 50s when ES7 comes out.
As much as I love Bethesda, I’ve accepted the fact that the people behind the magic of Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Oblivion are just not there anymore. Sure each of those games had goofy bugs and lifeless npc’s, but at least the world was fun and exciting. Everything they put out now is completely lifeless top to bottom
After starfield (which I didn’t buy) I see no point in being excited for es6.
Doom Eternal launched in March 2020 not april 😉
Also the may date has already leaked.
Is elder scrolls online worth jumping into the first time in 2025? Also is there micro transactions…?
I liked Starfield at first, and then realized it was half-baked. More a money grab to build up to TES 6.
Bethesda hasn’t made a good game in 10 years, Bethesda hasn’t made a great game in 14 years.
If obsidian dose new fallout game add mods
The Outer Worlds team would be the Obsidian Fallout team, not the Avowed team. You want Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarski.
This comment section may be the most entitled cynicism Ive ever seen. Are games getting that much worse over time or are gamers just getting more spoiled and impossible to please?
I didn’t know the Nickelback singer was a game reviewer 😂
No New Vegas remake, huh? Todderino is still totally not salty a side studio showed him up on his own engine I see
Bethesda, Bioware, Bungie, Blizzard, Naughty Dog. None of these studios excite me anymore. I’d be more shocked if they made a game I actually want to play at this point.
I want Doom in VR.
I already own Doom 64 on PS4, why are ppl acting like it being re-released is a big deal? It was JUST re-released.
ESO characters have FLAT BUTTS: unplayable
Pocket Bike Racer was peak fast food video games
pattern recognition dictates how the future of bethesda looks like so i cant share your enthusiasm
but atleast were getting some video essays out of the inevitable letdown that es6 will be.
Doom the dark ages
When Shirley and I went to visit Bethesda, we got to see a small glimpse of ESVI. We sat and watched Matt Carofano walk around a wooded area for less than 10 minutes. The graphics were mind boggling and mind you this was in 2018! This game has been in some form of development for much longer than anyone thinks. We saw lots of artwork too. We had to sign an NDA until the anniversary video came out lol. I’ll always cherish our visit to their studio!
Skyrim Ultima and Nolvus mods are every bit as impressive as anything I think Bethesda could create for ESVI. Truly passion projects creating those amazing mods bringing Skyrim next-gen and shows just how much more those engines are capable of. Excited to see what they come up with but dont feel impressed by what Starfield ended up being. The new Doom looks incredible!
Cyberpunk is way beyond thanks to modders on both IP’s, Bethesda Tech shows it’s age.
Bethesda is simply a bad studio. When they own both fallout and elder scrolls but focus on starfield. 😅
Bethesda has some stinkers lately for sure but i think they can still pull it off, first thing they need to do is get some better writers
I think they’ll wait to reveal anything until next year
I quit caring. 76 and eso are not for me. Fallout 4 11 years ago was the last fun game. So I’m only watching this because you have a good delivery. Bethesda hype is dead
Are they? Good I skipped Fallout 3. It would be a good starting point for me.
Bethesda games are worth about as much as a costco hotdog these days
I’m really excited for fallout 3 remaster of it’s true.
Starfield – still loading on the ps5 😂 🤣 has it loaded yet ponies??? No starfield for gaming terrorists!!
I’ll sell you sneak king. $100 lol
So starfield is really just done now
It’s over man
Anyone who did not like how shallow Starfield was compared to previous games like Skyrim or even fallout 3 should realise that ES6 will be just like Starfield.
If you think I am wrong look at how lifeless starfields npcs are
ESO was ruined when they made everything your level. That was when I stopped and never went back.
I dont want obsidian anywhere near another fallout game anymore ngl
Doom Eternal was March 2020, not April.
Matty is allergic to talking about skyblivion for some reason
Bethesda needs to do what Hello Games did with No Mans Sky with releasing content DLC and patches month after month after month, until Starfield gets to a playable state!!! To me personally, Starfield will only be playable once they get all 1000 planets Quest Objectives on the planets for something to do on the planets!!! I still say what a waste of a game to have 800 planets in the game with nothing to do on the planets! I still think when Todd Howard announced that there was going to be 1000 planets in the game he effectively killed the game!!!!
I like Bethesda for Doom only now. Lost all faith in their RPG pursuits. They created one of the best selling pieces of media of all time with Skyrim and just let it be. ES6 should’ve come out years ago, I’m not even excited for Elder Scrolls anymore and I used to love everything about the world
I haven’t even thought about starfield since my first play through it just was not it. Not an awful game by any means, but it fell well short of my expectations for bethesda.
Hey Matty, this might be wishful thinking, but do you think this year we could MAYBE see a one minute or thirty second teaser trailer for The Elder Scrolls VI? Just to see what the game looks like? I don’t expect the game to come out this year, but I think it’s fair to ask for just for some kind of short teaser trailer, just to see what the game looks like
Cannot wait for quake news🤞😎
I really Hope oblivion remake and fallout 3 remake come out for ps5. That would be quite nice. Although part of me thinks it’ll most likely be Xbox exclusives.
I’m rooting for their failure Ik it’s horrible bc we all just want good games but honestly can’t stand their decisions the past ten years. They’re now just another greedy tech company that doesn’t care abt the fans and has zero pride in what they make.
Matty, does Todd Howard have to give approval for another studio to make a fallout game or can Microsoft override him with that decision? I think if it’s up to just Todd Howard, he’ll just keep Fallout 76 going for another 15 years.
TES6 was announced primarily to boost the studio’s valuation before its sale to Microsoft—that’s all it was. The announcement essentially froze development because everything had to be evaluated for the sale, and no major decisions could be made during or immediately after the deal. That so-called ‘release list’ is just bait to make it seem like progress is being made, but the real focus was on selling the studio. This also explains why Starfield turned out so poorly—no one was allowed to make significant changes for two years. Keeping this in mind and looking for 2025 – i would not have the high hope to see anything big from Bethesda.
Sneak king was the best
The Bethesda games community is so toxic these days. It’s seriously depressing. Nothing but negativity and hating. Can’t you lot just cheer up a bit.
I just want doom, fuck Bethesda.
Hopefully ES6 has atleast “16 times the detail”
Obsidian has also used the “CG announcement trailer early for hiring” style reveal in the past, so if they are going to be working on a Fallout project, would be an easy marketing W for xbox during the summer showcase. I don’t really think it will happen this year but kinda like matty said, i feel its a coin toss
So you not gonna talk about the PlayStation canceled games, or do you just hate Xbox
im curious if they will put effort behind the remake for oblivion or if it will just be a remaster. will towns feel more alive with more npcs, will there be changes made to combat and enemies AI? that kind of thing. With a different studio im not sure we can expect that much but i can pray
Nightdive already released a Doom 64 port alongside Doom Eternal though…🤔
How come your thumbnails always look like you are in an elevator where someone farted?
hopieum for fallout 3 I assume? It’s not gonna happen bugthesda can’t even fix fallout 4
I’m mostly looking forward next dlc for starfield starborn heard base about the constellation founder or something
The words “shame” and Todd in the same sentence. The man lies , obfuscates and misdirects.
Super psyched for Oblivion remake. Bethesda has brilliant ideas, but can’t properly code a game to save their lives—this is exactly what’s necessary, someone else, someone competent and capable taking Bethesda ideas and building it for them.
no amount of dlc will make me like starfield, they need to severely overhaul EVERYTHING for me to even tolerate that game, minimize the loading screens, the amount of star systems, let us scrap weapons and armor for parts, let us take off parts to later put on our weapons and armor, remove the godawful fucking “do this to unlock next tier perk” crap, and stop releasing lackluster CC content, that doom one was so boring and lackluster i uninstalled the game right after, also please ffs improve or remove the NG+ and add more power temples so i dont have to do a hundred replays just to get fully upgraded powers, they shoulda taken the good stuff from fallout 4 and skyrim but no they dumbed it all down even more.
Love your Mega Man shirt Matty 😍
As long as Bethesda still out right refuses to put keyboard and mouse support on console, then I’ll continue to not be interested in anything they’re doing
Fall out 3 remaster will release after season two of the show they missed out on so much money not have something ready after season one.
If they don’t have a ES6 release date or the oblivion remake isn’t real, they aren’t even on the radar.
You won’t have new Elderscrolls 6 info/trailer until one year out of release at latest. Todd wants to release games as soon as he can from trailer/reveals he will try to do the same with Elderscrolls 6
I am curious to see what is going on with the Doom 64 speculation, because they released a port of it when Doom Eternal came out
ES6 doesn’t exist until I have my hands on it
After doom the dark ages we need RAGE 3
Star Field is half baked at best.
fallout 76, i’d only play an offline version.
Elder Scrolls 6, i have next to no faith Bethesda cares enough to pull it off any more.
Bethesda is content on delivering halfass titles these days, while hoping the modding community can rescue them from “Oblivion”. (see what i did there?)
they don’t deserve the benefit of a doubt no more like 99.9% of all triple-A developers who can’t keep their word. people need to stop pre-ordering from them. wait for non shill reviews, only!!!
How do you still have hope for remasters Matty? Don’t give me hope 😭
Its clear that Skyrim being a 13 year old game, with how much of a glow up it had with the mod comunity. It certaintly played as a double edge sword. Because now Bethesta needs to surpass even higher expentations and they have to build a game that would serve as a new spot for the mod comunity for the next 10 years and they know it
I want to hear more about Arkane’s Blade game
I’m hoping you do a Bethesda games tier list next. It just makes sense.
Wait, didn’t Doom 64 already get rereleased back when Doom Eternal came out?
I’m sick of the Bethesda hate. Been replaying Skyrim and I’ve had an absolute blast! Bethesda is waiting for the TRUE next gen experience to release something
I’m a huge Bethesda fan and I am honestly very worried about ES6. Starfield was passable but not great. If Bethesda doesn’t want to improve their game making process then I think their efforts are best spend remaking the classics like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, etc.
Oh Matty! Full of hopium again! Bethesda hasn’t really made something special since Fallout 4. BTW I am not an Indiana Jones fan so that didnt hit for me like it did the industry. Fair enough… but much like I said about Bioware.. they arent them anymore. Bethesda is Microsoft. Plain and simple. Todd swung and missed with Starfield. He probably still has some power, but not like it used to be. Look at Oblivion remake… Todd said he wasnt a fan of doing this… yet here we are…. I am keeping expectations low and hoping for the best. Big corporate greed has ruined gaming.
Eso2, more Starfield dlc, more 76 “content”….how exciting.
Indiana jones is like their only good game since skyrim
It’s ironic that fans weren’t clamoring for an MMO rpg and yet Bethesda seems to be doubling down ? Is that what you’re saying ?
Not trolling folks just curious. Elder Scrolls fans have to wondering if Bethesda is just pulling a GRRM move on them at this point. Whether they , the fans , will be alive when the next installment comes out.
I wish we get Rage 3
To be honest, i care about fallout and ES, and maybe what Obsidian is up to, and that’s pretty much it.
And, unfortunately, I’m ready to be disappointed, because that is what Beth have been doing best, lately. We shall see.
Time for a turnaround on the xbox showcase and I can’t wait for the other games as well!
Let larian borrow fallout. Let them cook.
Oh and Obsidian is trash now to.
Im never playing starfield again. I really dont give a shit what they do with it with how bad the base game is
Bethesda is trash now Matty, face it.
They need to rescue Starfield like No Man Sky – for free not with paid expansions.
They made $351 million off a mediocre suckass game – that loses its appeal after a few days
5 years is an acceptable gap in a Franchise, 15 years is not. The lack of a mainline TES release since 2011 is absolutely fucking insane to me. The fact that Todd and Emil still have a job is absolutely disgusting to me, they needed fired as soon as Microsoft absorbed them and maybe I’d have some faith. But with Todd, Emil, and Creation Engine 2? It’s gonna be a piece of shit.
I want more Starfield. This game slaps. As a Gen Z individual, such as myself, this game is the only thing that I can really focus on. Normally my attention span is just a tad longer than an eye blink but this game really helps me pay attention to something. So bro skibidi starfield and other Gen z/alpha jargon. No one wants that boring mythical elder scroll horseback 💩 we all want more sci-fi space stuff am I right you guys it’s really entertaining to us fellow youths.
I saw the Skyrim trailer when I was in 8th grade with the boys I’m almost 25 now 😭😭crazy
I thought I might be dead from old age before they mad ethe next Elder Scrolls game.
I’m a huge fan of Starfield loading screen simulator, it’s actually a fun hidden game to do a playthrough and count how many load screens you endure, I got up to 100 in 20mins play time I think it’s a record
Bethesda’s not a leader in the RPG genre anymore
I’m pretty confident that I will be disappointed.
I used to be an adventurer till i took a premature teaser to the knee.
I am looking forward to new starfield stuff.
and I love your interview with todd howard, its one of my favourite videos from you <3
i dont care anymore i bought only few games for my ps5 elden ring is top and its fvcKing 3 years ago
I used to be such a big bethesda fan but every game since fo4 has been dissapointing to me personally.I really hope es6 is good
Dear developers,
Please stop announcing games a FULL DEVELOPMENT CYCLE, OR MORE, BEFORE they are ready for launch.
Elder Scrolls 6 “news” at 9:09 It’s still years and years away.
After shattered space I got zero confidence in ES6. They managed to put out the worst expansion I’ve ever played with that one
bethesda needs to be split into 1 studio per franchise
With them breaking Fallout 4’s mods menu with the “Next Gen” update, I’ll take a Fallout 4 Anniversary Edition of the game, the game is turning 10 this year. Which could turn the mods menu into the creations menu. I think that’s what caused the Fallout 4 mods menu to break, they definitely meant to introduce a creations menu and because of Microsoft possibly rushing them to do the Next Gen update to capitalize on the show’s hype, there’s probably unstable coding that’s conflicting with eachother.
I’m so disappointed that I am disappointed in Starfield. I wanted to love it so badly. But it got so stale. It hurts my soul.
…did you just say this year is the FIRST year of production for ES6?! Seriously? Dude, we arent gonna see that game til like 2032.
Matty you deliberately don’t do timestamps so it increases your watchtime
13:00 Fallout 76 is a turd… and no amount of perfume is going to make it stink less.
their character creator will tell me all I need to know about any new games they make
I don’t have any trouble with, I trust Bethesda and all the announcements they made.
I paid to play avowed the next month, so, what’s the problem with it, and I have all the confidence with Bethesda teamworks and what they’re doing and working too.
I am convinced that Bethesda will announce Elder Scrolls 6 this year and release it in the next 2 years, possibly even next year. Ever since Starfield failed, the writing is on the wall. They have one last chance to gain favour with the gaming community and this could be their redemption. But lately Tod has said that Elder Scrolls 6 will use a lot of procedural generation with the landscape and dungeons and cities and that makes me very, very worried. I hope they don’t use any AI voice acting either or anything like that. I think the Oblivion remake is getting made to tide people over and buy some good will in advance of TES 6. As an ESO fan, I am very worried about Project Kestrel. I hope they don’t abandon ESO. ESO does have a lot of problems even nowadays though it is much better than when it came out. But when the game came out it had a TON of problems. Granted, it drastically improved. But I worry about the launch of their new MMO.
As much as i dislike game leaking culture. one of the reasons my hype got so high for starfield was the occasional leaks. so I’m somewhat looking forward to when TES6 leaks begin surfacing. It will make me feel like its actually being made.
Doom 64 has been re released a few times already. Why bring out another version? Maybe a nightdive version?
I really hope console gets doom eternal mods soon
Haven’t looked forward to a Bethesda game since fo4 a decade ago
Is Doom 64 not on consoles? I’ve owned it on Steam now for what seems like a couple years. Or is this release a remaster/remake?
Hammerfell alone would suck. It would be okay if it was hammerfell AND highrock or something
But elder scrolls hammerfell sounds terrible.
Starfield is dead and Bethesda deserved it
Always excited when I see a Matty video come up. Thanks for the entertainment at the gym!
Todd has regret for showing the TES6 trailer too early. Where is the regret for letting the cultural phenomenon that was Skyrim rot on the vine. 15 years without a AAA single player TES release is too long to maintain excitement. I hope that lightning will strike twice with TES6 but I won’t be holding my breadth.
the pressure is highest its ever been. and they did it to themselves. in 2010 if you had told me Bethesda was teetering on a needle point, i would never have believed you. i would have believed you even less if you told me it was because of their own games. crazy.
Dale Matty Carajo el 2025 Es nuestro!!!!!!
The oblivion remake and leaks of improved stealth, stamina, parry, etc. give me a lot of hope for what they’re doing. Also insanely great call to implement some of the stuff they’ve prob been working on for es6 in the remake. Hopefully they listen to the feedback of it to improve es6
Eternal was March 20th with ACNH
I’m about as excited for the next Bethesda game as I am taking a 💩 after a midnight T Bell run
Question for you on Starfield yr 2 and beyond: is it maybe time for Bethesda (and other AAAs) to move away from DLC for single player games?
Was listening to an interesting discussion in the Triple Click podcast (Jason Schreier + 2 other industry members) about how expensive DLC production can be despite the perception that it should be less than standard game development
Look at Elden Ring and Cyberpunk – both sold in the 28-30+ million range with some of the highest rated DLCs in modern memory with roughly 5 and 8 million in sales for their DLCs respectively. But those are exceptionally high attach rates for high selling single player multi platform games. Most expansions like that are not going to do those kinds of numbers
While yes you don’t have to build the engine, dev tools, and many of the game assets from scratch, you still have to pay your workforce, put in the dev time, and run the marketing machine – all to sell a lower priced product to an inherently smaller consumer base than if you were launching a new standalone game
In an era where game dev cycles are longer and longer and it’s seemingly harder and harder to recoup development costs for anyone, let alone a AAA studio largely beholden to a Game Pass ecosystem that potentially cannibalizes sales, does putting resources to years of DLC support for a single player title like Starfield make sense? It’s not like a F2P live service game that lives on incremental content and MTX – and meanwhile, it keeps resources off of other projects like Elder Scrolls and all the rest
Would be very curious to hear your thoughts on this really complex topic. Apologies for the excessively long comment, and appreciate all you do!
Who cares, move on to new games from a better developer. I was their biggest fan but I just don’t care anymore. It’s been 10 years since the last real Fallout game and 14 since the last TES game, and if Starfield is an indication of what’s to come then they can just keep it. Other games will fill the voids.
Can we get a fallout 3/ new vegas collection on switch 🥲
I prefer 2016 doom multiplayer reminded me a lot about old Halo and customization!
Bethesda set the bar real low recently so no one is expecting much from them as developers anymore but disappointment.
Why trust a company that has failed 5 times in a row. Bathesta has become a woke company no better than Ubisoft
I plan on modding Starfield to make it fun to play, and I hope Bethesda only rolls out updates when they’re really substantial. I don’t want my mods breaking unless the update is damn well worth it!
Actually came out in March
I think the pressure is more on PlayStation
Yes ES6 is absolutely top priority rn. What do you think will happen to Bethesda if it flops?
Does anyone remember Starfield? Feel like its a decade old already, no one talks about it
ES VI won’t live up to the hype much like if Valve were to release Half-life 3 Bethesda had their time in the sun for many years, let’s just remember them for what they used to be a lot of the future of games is not from AAA gaming companies anymore, it’s from the indie devs now or hell even modders.
I’m so desperate for a spin off elder scrolls game from anyone
Matty, we need you to make a video on Bethesda shutting down the Elder Scrolls Legends servers at the end of this month! It’s an absolute gut punch to the small loyal community that adores this game! There isn’t even an offline mode for the community to play!
you got to love how every damn channel keeps showing skyblivion as if it were the bethesda remake lol.
All I know, is I’m done with BGS until ES6. Starfield was the biggest gaming disappointment I’ve experienced, so they better nail ES6
Todd Howard needs to lock it in too much messing around since fallout 4 with the voiced protagonist
I loved starfield and shattered space was just average. I feel more of us starfield fans got to come out of the wood work. You guys are out there right? RIGHT!? and btw i liked your video matty but uhhh WHY DO YOU KEEP THINKING DOOM 64 is coming. We’ve had it for a long time bro. just deck your editor man.
Tes6 akavir?
*Zero trust or confidenece in modern day Bethesda, just like Ubidaft, EA, Activision/Blizzard!!*
Why wouldn’t they start with Morrowind? I love Oblivion but it really doesn’t make any sense to me.
ID and Machinegames are the only studios to trust at Bethesda
I still disagree with your view on shattered space. It’s a pretty good DLC in my opinion. Really enjoyed the slow build up of the sinister plans of the speaker & some of the side quests really stuck with me. Also I finished the Indiana Jones game and wow it’s like watching the original 4 movies. Plus, I love how it ties into Indy’s relationship with Marion. It does a good job showing that he regrets breaking up with her.
I think Bethesda has been made redundant everything that once made thier games great has been done better by other developers you want a large open world rpg with lots of interesting locations and great combat fromsoft and cdpr have you covered you want choice and consequence deep role playing systems and complex character builds larian have got you there and instead of adapting and innovating to stay relevant Bethesda instead keeps making the same kind of games they have been making for the past three decades with the same mediocre combat writing that keeps getting worse and the same bugs and glitches I think that the time of bgs has passed
BK Pocket Bike Racer!! 🤣 I had that game! It rarely got picked to play 😅
So I’ve spent the afternoon playing Starfield. I have about 6 hours into it before today. And I really liked what I had seen. But I have to admit, it’s a really fun game. I’m really getting into it. I’m feeling like an adventurer who’s has the entire universe to explore. It’s super intuitive. The dialogue options are spot on. I don’t get where the hate comes from. I just find some of the criticisms to be very petty. It’s too bad because this is a great game.
I have full confidence in Bethesdas upcoming loading screens. When it comes to loading screens, Bethesda are ahead of the game. Minutes at a time. And frequently. Fantastic stuff!
Im really hoping the Oblivion remake will release on the new Switch 2. Especially after hearing the rumors about Fallout4 releasing on the new Switch!
I feel like once you played one boomer shooter youve played 99% of them
We need a new Fallout game stat.
I have sneak king
Men balls
I wish it was morrowind being modernized
Used to be my favorite studio but they haven’t put out anything ive enjoyed in 10yrs now so maybe they should just cook some more cause unless theres some complete overhauls the Bethesda glitches, bad animations have lost their appeal.
Hopefully confirmation of the Oblivion Remake on Thursday.
Wow I’m super early this time.
Maybe I’d be more encouraged if I had played Indiana Jones.
Fk Bethesda, I wanna hear more about those Burger King games.
First bby
Holy bot comments
Matty how do i meet u one day😂😂😂
Zenimax Online can’t stay hidden for much longer. 7 year dev cycle is nuts
Hey matty:)
That secret game from the developer direct better be a glimpse at the Oblivion remake, you’ve put as through enough pain Bethesda give us something good!