Starfield Grooves Advanced Ship Tec Paid Mod Is It Worth It (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out a paid mod that adds some new ship stuff
Link below to the mod
コメント (23)
Hello Crimson. Thanks for the review and kind words again. Glad you like it. I was really sick while building this and was so focused on building that I almost died. LOL woke up in the hospital 5 days after putting this up for review. The flashing picture is a Bethesda thing. In every ship mod where you’ll see that it will be flashing. It has to be saved in a packin or else it disappears along with a lot of other decorations. As far as the outer doors I’ll see what I can do about covering them up though. The program in progress is for if I do any future updates and add more compressed habs, I have buttons to play with. The dancing npc is a marker I placed because I thought it was funny. 😂
Seems very cheaty. Cool, but over the top OP. Haven’t played Starfield in quite a while and have no idea how the creation stuff compares to that of Fallout 4. Kind of surprised they would offer something this unbalanced.
You’re supposed to put another hab on front door for entrance.
This hab is not supposed to be entered from the bottom.
A docker on top is fine tho.
The dev of this mod, should add rotating option.
This is perfect for starboard or port side. Alongside in the back.
So THAT’s what the Neon ship technician looks like! Dude’s been missing from my first character’s game since almost her first trip to Neon. lol
The mod itself basically strikes me as being a bunch of ship cheats (30,000 cargo? really? lol) but to each their own, I guess.
So many people talking about how cheaty this is, and how it sucks a paid mod gets achievements enabled.
For the latter, do not use Creation Club mods…. modding on console is insanity, sorry… do what you gotta do, get a PC… then use Nexus and other sources. Once you do that, you can easily reenable Achievements for the game even with mods.
If you are playing from a retarded, handicapped, position, re modding, because you are on console, you really have nothing to complain about, being allowed to use mods at all is a privilege.
As for the former…. I just do not get this whole ‘its too OP thing”…. the game has a grossly UNDERPOWERED progression curve, that level grind between about 35 and 65 is fricking HORRIFIC, and seemingly, the skills tree is set up to deliberately retard progress, with many of the skills requiring specific actions which DO NOT just happen naturally as part of gameplay.
I believe all this was a way to unnaturally cultivate NG+ replays, and extend the shelf life of what has proven to be the poxiest, lamest crappage game released by a major studio as an AAA title in the last few years.
This game is SO BAD when compared to say… Fallout 4, and that games improvement in all ways to 3 and NV and compared to their last major title before it, Skyrim, even. SF HAD ONE JOB… make the same leap between it and FO4, as FO4 was to Skyrim.
So mods like this, just make up for it.
Also, if you are like me, with thousands of hours in this game (yes, I just dunked on it, but as of this moment, thanks to F up with my PC, I can only have ONE at a time, thanks to massive downgrade in my SSD capacity I cannot fix right now)…… and are level 200+…. these mods are GODSENDS.
This is HOW BAD this game is. They OBVIOUSLY want you to be at LEAST level seventy five as a late game level…. because the highest level planets are this. Of course, the best rule of thumb for successfully navigating levelled areas in any game, is be five levels higher for lower levelled areas, and about TEN higher for high level end game areas. They know this. That means they were anticipating people being like, level 85+ when on the fringes of the right of the star chart.
But ships max out by about level 60… by then, you have unlocked EVERYTHING, all the BEST vanilla stuff…. and no matter how far you advance thereafter, how powerful you become, your ships cannot improve beyond this point. Is that realistic? Sure. Is it ideal in a game? NO. Sorry, I say no. If you disagree.. you’re wrong.. 😛 If the studio can see players playing through to level 100, and indeed, KNOW they will be at least level 75 if they follow the world levelling BGS set out…. ships never being able to improve, in to late game, high level, kick ass ships beyond I think… level 56 is when all the best things are finally all unlocked by, almost twenty levels below 75…. that is shortsighted AF.
If I am walking around with all Level 10 SB powers, with ALL skills unlocked, AND MAXED, with one shot OP Legendary weapons, which drop like leaves in autumn for me because I am grinding on insane difficulty… and still one shotting because I am that boss… all this because I GROUND there, because the game seemed intent on luring me to those levels, with highend worlds, and NG+ variations….my ship SHOULD be as OP and End Game. But it CANNOT BE in Vanilla SF.
THAT is where THESE MODS are AWESOME. For players like ME, they are Holy… because they allow use to have what we SHOULD have been able to have from the get go.
Personally… I get my OP ship fix from Darkstar… but I am really interested in this mod, and it might be the first one I buy… IF I can figure out if it is compatible with Darkstar Astrodynamics at least.
For that price, this is a pretty sik mod, I love the cockpit.
NO PAID MOD IS WORTH IT !!!! The mod creator deserved reward/payment, but Bethesda take a cut for paid mods, suggest Bethesda pay the modders and give it to the players for free, modders are doing work Bethesda should be doing .. We, the players, AND the modders are being scammed by Bethesda ..
I honestly thought that black and white room was a Star Trek holodeck mod, is this what it’s meant to be?
Within the first 4 minutes I lost interest in this mod thank you for reviewing it but this seems way too cheaty and me personally I cannot stand cheating mods. I think I have over 1080 hrs in this game and still can’t justify something like this. I’m sure this is got a niche for some people and I hope they enjoy it
I’m getting Star Trek vibes from the engines, the Hallow Deck themed hab, and the captions chair in the cockpit.
Coffee time in the truck at a hotel, late obviously. Thanks for showcasing, probably not on my immediate list, but certainly a cool concept with being able to cycle between habs.
Great video, can you do a review of “The New Crew” mod, it just came out yesterday I believe
Hello i found a skin pistol with your name
If You said you hate ppl with epilepsiy why?? Or did you mean who i couldnt understand neaither the subtitles even said it that way it says i am the one photographer that hates ppl with epilepsy why What makes ppl like me with epilepsy hated by you i think that snyde comment was a little off dont you not all epileptic ppl have photosensitive epilepsy there isnt just 1 type of epilepsy there are several types thats a little out of order mate ive been following your channel for some time now and that has to be the meanist thing youve said we do not ask to be born wirh epilepsy sort your priorities dude i am ex military ex for a reason because the epilepsy ruined my career damn dude i thought here is a youtuber thata respectfull kind and does good content why say somethin like that about us epileptics that you hate do not ask for or even have a choice to have these illness thats fked up dude
paid mods are for chumps
This is cheaty a f between the ship carry weight and pre-stocked aid items. Why do we have to go through the trouble of charging for free content to get achievement friendly status if this is what passes for paid content??? Also I can see so many issues… if this could release in this state I’m worried about QA.
Dancing Cora is obviously “grooving” :p Must be an animation marker.
Thanks for being so great at finding and reviewing new mods! I certainly agree with the overpowered (cheat-y) changes and sometimes go into xEdit and nerf some of more extreme values, like changing 100 power reactors to 60 or something.
The engines look neat. It’s great to have new options which don’t look the same as everything else. With the length restrictions for landing pads in some situations (<30m) I like the side strut mounts.
The multi-purpose hab is neat and I hope bigger habs are added like this in the future. You could reconfigure your ship habs in-game depending on the mission; if you need more passenger slots, more crew, more cargo, maybe habs like a battle bridge which add combat bonuses, a brig hab, etc. It's probably possible to make rotated alts of each virtual hab so you could use any of directions depending on which wall has a door on it.
I'd like to see what happens if Cora is sleeping in your bed and you switch to one of the other habs or turn it off. 🙂
I like the custom bridge and how it uses space instead of having beds just right in there next to the pilot. A version which makes the fabricator work to where you have to put in raw materials would be neat. There is at least one mod which makes fabricators work although I've never used it. Maybe just a "no loot" version of the mod although the packed storage looks nice.
I've always thought those spazzing digital frames were originally meant to slowly cycle between standard images but Bethesda couldn't figure out how to animate them correctly. Just making them static would be better so maybe someone will make a mod for that. They're all over the place in the game.
It'll be neat to see where this mod goes in the future!
Okay, how do you have Starboard Cora Coe as a crew mate? That is so cool. Is that a mod?
Oooh, so, that decorate button is a PROBLEM. I figure I should say this for your audience, but when decorating your ship, and placing down objects, the object you place down will “attach” to the nearest decorator panel. This can cause odd behaviors if you have multiple panels, including not being able to modify stuff. That is why you should only have that panel in the cockpit (and why in my All in One mod, I removed the panel from the secondary cockpits).
Amazing habs.😱👍💪
I’ll be honest my jaw literally hit the floor when I saw the button that switches the habs, I’d kill to see how they did that!
5:19 Cora’s dancing because there’s a new Star Trek Holodeck installed in the ship! 🤣🖖 (I would too! 👍😁)
Yeah, sadly, achievement friendly paid mods are a scam.
Allowing achievement friendly paid cheat mods obviously proves that it’s an easy/lucrative/money grab by Bethesda.
ALL mods should be achievement friendly in the 1st place. (Not locked behind a pay wall.)
That being said, I like the 1×1 hab and might get it thanks to you, Crimson.
Navigating the Creation website to find new mods is a chore and poorly executed by Bethesda, so your reviews are always greatly appreciated. 👍😁👍
Appreciate the review! Cool concept with the habs, but seems to be a little bit of a work in progress still. A little disappointed this didn’t turn into a nightclub ship review after that into lol.