Check out These Custom Ship Weapons | Starfield Tiger Shipyard Overhaul Free Mod (XBOX/PC)
Today we are checking out a mod that adds a lot of new ship items inlcuding custom weapons
link below to the mod
コメント (25)
I can explain the crew count thing (I actually have a new mod releasing shortly to allow increasing both crew and passenger complement) but the gist of it is you have 3 things that determine how much crew you are allowed to have. The first is the class of the ship itself, A class only allows up to 6 crew, B is 12 and C is 15. The second is the amount of crew stations the ship has. The last one is the Ship Command perk which is its own gate of how many active crew you are allowed (there are some situations where the perk is ignored, like specific NPCs). The game basically checks all of these and goes with the lowest number between them. So if you have added 12 stations but its on an A class ship then you are capped to 6. If you have a class C ship with 20 stations but you only have Ship Command rank 1 then you are capped at 4. The mod that I’m releasing can actually get around the ship class limit by directly adding crew capacity along with crew stations, it also tweaks the default crew limit (from 3 to 10) and changes the Ship Command perk so you can, at max, have 100 active crew.
that was awesome turret lol, nah not over balanced lol. guess ill try this mod in place of the matilija aerospace
That looked like drones from the ancients.
Anyone know how fix the audio bug on Xbox when using mods
I have been using Tig ship mods for a long time on PC and I use the 3x3x2 all the time and the Y sym I love to use too 🙂
The Help menu in Starfield actually explains Crew, IIRC. It’s basically determined by whichever is lower between Crew Stations, which come from specific habs, and Crew Capacity, which comes from ship systems: A, B, and C Reactors add 1, 2, and 3 respectively, the shield adds 0.5, each engine adds 0.25, and each weapon adds 0.5(which is another nod in favor of the Vanguard Autoprojectors). Now actually assigning crewmembers is limited by your Command skill, which caps at 8; though Sarah Morgan can be a free 9th member due to her Leadership. So anything above 9 is a waste without mods.
I love the TIG PB400 Disruptor. It’s not over-powered, looks so cool and the price is right. I seem to be using that more that the good ole Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectors.
So … Tiger beats Great Serpent.
House Va’ruun will now worship those rapid fire monsters instead.
House Brrr~rrr~rrruun.
TIG is one of my favorite mods. I used a bunch of the shield boosters on my latest Olympus build (and a few of the reactor boosters as well) to get a 48k shield. It was a little silly, but fun. Those new turrets look fun. Reminds me of some of the Darkstar stuff. I wonder though if the fire rate was a mistake, considering nothing else in the arsenal is that powerful.
I like and have been using this mod for awhile, although I really only use it for the extended dockers, Dr. Tiger and the Frontier hab. The weapons and equipment make everything way, way, way too easy lol
Some good pieces but too much stat inflation. I appreciate the review but not for me. Shame, as I would love to pair that bridge with a Taiyo ship.
When is the next update for starfield
There is no such thing as over powered.
@CrimsonFlyboy Is the paid mod Shopping List By korodic worth the price and worth getting?
I love the mod. Somethings in starfield of you take into account it’s the year 2330, are too limiting considering how far science should be. It shouldn’t be like other games.
The Phobos gives you 2 extra crew slots. Extra jump seats in the cockpit. The shield and grav booster each require 12 additional power
Coffee time! Ship parts good, blowing the hell out of base game stats, bad. Mod authors should add a slider in the settings to nullify the OP functions. Thanks for the review. Great video.
Nice to finally see a Class C reactor slimmed down to fit in a smaller ship. Maybe now I can actually put Class C weapons on my Razorleaf.
My xbox load order is around 110 mods & is really awesome. The only issue is my damn flashlight is now worthless 50% of the time. So dim, its like it’s not even on. Too many mods? No other issues
Huge props to the author. They learned as they went, the orig releases had some quirks, but they stayed committed (at least i assume its the same author) and squashed the gremlins and added some really cool stuff. The dr was one of the first i remember seeing on Xbox (could be mistaken) but did a lot and hung in there. 1000%.
Crew. Some give you crew slots and some give you crew station (vanilla your ‘crew’ is lowest of those 2 pools and your leadership(?), .. and a few creations mods combine crew slot & crew station and also override your leadership limit like there is a taiyo piece that gives you 200 crew slot/station/capacity all for 1 equipment plate.
Another great view…keep up the good work! TIG is a great mod and is updated often. Been using it for months without issues or conflicts.
The 3x3x2 TIG Frontier hab is just like the Matilija one, but with a “separated” top floor, so that’s why it probably felt familiar when you went through it. Valeriogiol even said they collabed with both Derretech and Matilija.
Matilija more than Derretech imo. I have a mod to try if you want to test your vanilla ships. Iconic ship battles
The word you’re looking for is “kitbash” which means taking a bunch of existing models and textures and rearranging them in order to make something new, nifskope is the tool that’s used for a vast vast majority of them since you can copy parts of one nif into another and move, scale and rotate to your hearts content.