StarField – All Weapons

starfield 情報局

Starfield – All Guns Showcase
List Of All Weapons Available in Starfield:
00:41 EON
01:53 KRAKEN

03:59 AA 99
04:44 ORION
06:20 KODAMA

10:54 BIG BANG
11:13 BREACH
11:30 SHOTTY

12:33 CUTTER

14:18 TANTO

#starfield #allweapons #showcase #weapons

All Available Weapons In Starfield
Every Gun Starfield
Starfield All Weapon Reloads Animations

Taqs:starfield,all weapons,starfield all weapons,guns,starfield all guns


  • コメント (606)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Isaac W
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Isn’t the bridger a grenade launcher. I didn’t even know that the magsniper existed.

    • Gray Garris
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    So the AK the VAL and the P90 are still there. Gotcha

    • Damien Pharos
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    1:30 garlic gun

    • Kaloyan Radkov
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I hate than some guns with the same ammo would do 3-4 damage and others on the same level will do 70-140 …. what the F…… Bethesda????

    • Taco
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The 1911 survived 2 world wars and the literal end of the world

    • pixelsafoison
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Serious lack of weaponry :3 – where’s my GLaDOS-potato launcher?!

    • TheRonynTyde
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the magshot quickly became my fave when i found a 12 round legendary

    • Fabio Fernandes
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    honestly I thought there would be more weapons and more creative weapons.

    • Metalhead
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bro didn’t even check to see if he had all weapons before posting the shit

    • Austin Sudweeks
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Thanks I’ve been looking for something like this!

    • Andrew S
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Idk what it is about Bethesda and making unnecessarily chunky ugly guns.

    • Jalapeno Pixar
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Shotgun that pump forward is so cursed

    • 김탁봉
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    So, how many misc items needs to fully upgrading these weapons?

    • a a
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    lmao no wonder this game sucks…

    • ptassa270
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I was honestly hoping for more mag weapons

    • Ashed Assassin
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why does Bethesda guns look better then COD guns now I’m not used to that lol.

    • Kirill Ermakov
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That is not all of the weapons. There is no: Magshot, XM-2311, Old Earth Pistol, Rattler.

    • Gorgutz Warboss
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Not sure if someone commented this already but isn’t there an old earth pistol as well?

    • TheWCGamer
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bridger is a heavy weapon not a shotgun lol

    • Mr Fish Sticks
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m pretty disappointed with the lack of unique looking weapons in starfield. The “unique” or named ones is just a reskin of common guns. And it does not have blunt weapons… Why bethesda?

    • BlankinBlankets
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed two handguns: old earth pistol (M1911) and the XM2311

    • infroma
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    A week ago I found a pstard comment: “starfield lack of weapons”

    • Japhox
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The orion gonna turn THE FROGS GAAAY

    • Mondo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Now that I think about it Drum Beat sounds like 20th Century Fox intro.

    • Sarcastican
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    At least they seem to have implemented the “Tactical Reloads” and “Bullet Counted Reloads” people had to mod into Fo4.

    • Escasielle
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    About the Novalight: Why does a laser weapon need a slide that has to be pulled back? lasers have no cartridges. that makes no sense.

    • Cucker tarlson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The Orion is my favorite because you can tell it is inspired by the m41a pulse rifle from aliens….I just wish they would have made it a ballistics weapon and not laser and just 1 barrel lol

    • FridayTheFox
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I know this isn’t a zero g environment but I wish gun reloads were slower in zero g for realism.

    • Feral Kuja
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Pro tip for the Magsniper: It has a Charged Shot feature, which I presume is how you get the most damage out of each shot. It does, however, shift your point of aim when fully charged, similar to the Gauss Rifle in Fallout 4.

    • Ealdorman_of_Mercia
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    very disappointed in the lack of mele kill animations.. You cant even sneak up to npc’s and stealth kill them with animations.. You cant execute or perform takedown animations like in Cyberpunk or any standard FPS game.. FFs Skyrim had all that, Fallout had all that…
    Starfield is a good game but has the worst mele combat I have ever seen.

    • serosen
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    verry nice compilation, however the bridger is clasified as a heavy weapon and is a grinade launcher, not a shotgun. i made the mistake of using it like a shotgun and almost died

    • Daniel Cook
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cool weapons. I just wish that the recoil animation didnt look like the gun is cycling a literal foot bacwards towards your eyeballs

    • Vanya Vanya
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    why no m1911

    • Otari K
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    11mm AR’s are satisfying

    • Curtis Lowery
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    So it’s everything fallout 4 does but with spaceships but rather than something to do it’s empty space. Gotcha. I’ve played 7 hours. Not interested

    • Cold
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    missing the negotiator and mag pistol.

    • Flanek Plicha
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Haven’t played the game but by judging Starshard’s shot sound this gun probably packs a punch

    • John Manzuki
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m actually really impressed with some of the gun and other mechanics in this game. Here’s a few you may not know about:

    1: You see casings eject out of guns like the M1911, and they can interact with physics objects. I shot a bunch, and they knock glasses and stuff over on tables or can land in the dishes. They also land on the ground. If they land on a plate you can lift the plate with the casing on top before it disappears. They make a neat noise too that is different depending on the surface they land on.

    2: If you stand on the balcony near the railing of the diner under your parent’s apartment, and look down at the space port, you can see little people walking around like ants down there. Neat illusion right? Actually it’s not an illusion, if you snipe them, or shoot a missile at them, they get thrown around, start running away, or die. So they’re actually being rendered in real time all the way down there. Amazing view distance, and an entire crowd.

    3: From the previous one I noticed something when you shoot missiles at the people down at the space port. The explosion happens when the missile reaches them, but you only hear the shockwave a couple of seconds after you see it. If you start shooting different surfaces, getting closer and closer to you, the noise occurs sooner until it becomes nearly instant when you shoot right next to you. The sound it makes also changes in tone as distance changes.

    • Waffle Fuher
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I fuckin love the Tombstone. Such a solid gun.

    • Guitarded1995
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where’s the Negotiator?

    • Coo Beats
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think you might be missing one 🤔

    • Fuzzycatfur2008
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Missed old earth pistol.

    • Nik Hummel
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where’s the keelhauler

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Love the fact the combat knife has a tanto blade but the tanto doesn’t

    • Kuni-Kun TOC
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wait, are there no explosive weapons in this game?

    • Mr Self Destruct
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why no rocket launchers? At least there’s a grenade launcher. You have it listed as a shotgun though but it clearly isn’t since it creates a huge explosion and you load it with 40mm grenades.

    • do da day
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    u missed the mag pistol

    • Yote Slaya
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    6 years later…
    “All 600 guns in starfield”

    • Jacky Lee
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Reload animation is ok, if a little basic. But it looks like Bethesda didn’t bother to implement an alternate animation for partial reload, instead it all acts like empty reload

    • Troxehh
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    god I wanna play this game so bad

    • Terra
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Theres a few missing from this list. The XM-2311, Negotiator, and the Old Earth Pistol

    • W. S. Foster
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Now where the f*ck was this level of gun design when Bethesda was making Fallout 4? Practically all of the guns in that game are franken-guns, and there’s only a select few that look realistic (but in actuality don’t make much sense.)

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    As far as RPGs go, gunplay and animations are really good! Not as good as CP2077 but still – Way better than some other games

    • thangh nguyeenx
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Microgun: the biggest gun u can carry around.

    • Keph P Geppo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot the negotiator grenade launcher

    • The Riot Gaming
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    What ugly weapons, they are worse than those in Fallout 4.

    • charlie hietala
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    wheres the uh, 3 pistols that are missing from da list
    livingstons pistol
    magshot pistol

    • HCJM
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    no magshot? m1911?

    • Angelfire
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Am I crazy or is the 1911/2033 not in here

    • Lin Lin Zhang
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is there no missile launcher in this game?

    • Satsuki
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You’ll think that after years of weapon animations they’ve made, they would have added partial reload anims, but this is BGS after all.
    On a side note, I feel that weapons from CoD:IW will fit in Starfield very well.

    • Bababooey
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This is the only game where I enjoyed using every weapon I found, I’m 30 hours in and I’m seeing stuff I haven’t even picked up yet. I’m not even surprised there’s an AK47 😂

    • Walter Beech
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    9:21 can someone point me towards a good place to find the var”ruun inflictor I’ve found a starshard on a merchant on neon but I’m looking for the inflictor. If anyone can help me that would be very appreciated

    • Dying Fyre
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    One thing I am wanting is a greater variety of explosives, the grenades and land mines are cool and all but I want a rocket launcher

    • Tommy Oh.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Sound and Design are 90% Garbage !

    • Micah Murphy
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    They took the double barrel and made it square

    • natey
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    …that’s it? around 50 guns for how many years of development? yikes…

    • Dalton Liles
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is it just me or are the laredo weapons actually nice as hell? especially the lawgiver and razorback

    • TheJedaiHero9000
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Without a fraking doubt that I’ve enjoyed watching this weapons showcase of Starfield

    Definitely love each and every single one of these, for Sure

    The Old Earth weapons are Most Definitely interesting to me, it’s Tragically Sad to what happened to Earth in Starfield, though….

    • wthrill
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda really likes to make their guns look like clunky kids toys

    • trabuco9
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    15 years and they still can’t make a unique animation for a non empty reload.

    • DGneoseeker1
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Mostly very very boring weapons but I do like that they’ve basically put a Metal Storm minigun equivalent in here.

    That and the microgun. Which is a real weapon by the way. But why the hell is it using magazines? That thing should be backpack fed.

    • DGneoseeker1
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Hunting rifle?! That’s a god damn VSS Vintorez special forces rifle.

    • alex ojea
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Que armas tan aburridas

    • Karpai
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why does the top part of the gun open if the magazine is loaded at the bottom?
    If its not for magazine, what is it for?

    • SkyNinja759
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You’d think the sidestar and the urban eagle would have their sounds swapped. The revolver sounds dinkier than the standard semi-auto.

    • Halfcircle H Ranch
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Would have made the video useful if you at least gave base stats for the weapons. Just watching them being shot… boring. This video is devoid of worthwhile content.

    • Madlad805
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I bought the elegance and 20 minutes later I found a legendary with the same effects shattering with titanium build and bashing plus mostly the same mods was happy because it quickly became a favorite weapon

    • Cipher Codex
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The old earth weapons…yikes…

    • Chaddam Harkness
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    wait the 2311 you missed

    • Nerf Sledgehammer
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Lots of fun little sci-fi doodads and quirks to the guns, then you notice some don’t actually chamber rounds from the magazine when you can see inside. Modern Warfare and the like have really spoilt me. XD

    • Q
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I really like these more subtle animations in comparison to what we get in games now, modern warfare games look like the player has hand tremors and jerks their head around from what would be basic motions

    • Justin Lapid
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    @1:20 the regulator design reminds me of the pistol in DOOM 3

    • Guardian-Angel
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    $20 gunplay in a $70 ‘game’, btw

    • BiasedGrunt1998
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ah, yes, I too use a VSS as my old earth hunting rifle, an heirloom passed down in my family for many generations 😊 also why tf does bro hold the ak like its poisonous lol

    • Ghostpanzer__
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Pistols you missed old earth pistol ( I think that’s the name ) it’s a colt 1911

    • TheExclusiveMan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I hate how the character holds the old earth assault rifle.

    • Killtryray
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    imo bethesda will never fail to make the most aesthetically unappealing old earth weapon animations

    • Steve Shergold
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why didn’t you overlay the spec panel for each one?

    • Smoking Crab
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ak reload and sound is horrible. What’s the future revolver shooting? Garlic? Anyone here remember the game perfect dark on N64? Old game. But they did reload animations and futuristic weapons right. It had imagination and things were unique. This game has future-ish looking guns, but really they’re no different than modern ones other than looks. The reload animations largely are repetitive and mechanically make no sense. For futuristic weapons, many designs don’t seem to have ever improved. It’s just empty mag, change mag, rack charging handle. Why not have guns that change mags for you? Or rack the slide for you? Why not have guns that have organic properties? Why not make the guns have alternate firing modes and more capabilities since they’re futuristic? Game developers seem to be losing a lot of creativity. Games look and feel boring now. Lots of wasted potential.

    • A.K
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Sure has decent weapon variety, in-comparison to Fallout4.

    • WatcherMovie008
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why the fuck do laser weapons have recoil? Seriously Bethesda? Again?!

    • ItzO’s
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why is the holding animation on the AK soo weird, they had one jobbbbbbbb ffs

    • Vaughn Robbins
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    regulator pistol reminds me of the bladerunner gun. Super cool.

    • zaryab K5888
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i thought i only hated these bs animation and design Bethesda brings

    • Dirty Dan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No left handed weapons but also horrible reload animations. So close but wow

    • ToasterWeevil
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    “Old Earth Hunting Rifle” = extremely rare Soviet-era integrally suppressed assault rifle

    • Václav Mašat
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I am a bit shocked game has no rocket launchers or mini nukes. What is the point of explosive skill, then? Use greandes and a single grenade launcher? 😀

    • Scuzz1204
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Missing the Ripshank, the negotiator and the 1911s

    • J. Blackthorn
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why are there no laser rifles, Pistols ? Still stuck in the stone age I guess.

    • Ginger Licious
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ah yes, I fondly remember hunting local wildlife with my AS VAL.

    • Jeremiah Wise
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    A few of these weapons are really cool. Some of these weapons are ALMOST really cool. But the majority of these weapons are either unpleasant to look at or take up too much damn room on the screen for no other reason than “design language”. The sounds of like half of these are… well this clearly isn’t a game that made its weapons it’s top priority. Graphically this is an improvement, obviously, but the game doesn’t seem like much more than a graphical improvement over Bethesda’s long history of using the same engine since morrowind and making basically the same game since just as long. The outer Worlds was a piss game made to compete with Bethesda, and for some reason this game looks like they were trying to compete with The Outer Worlds. This would be a quick delete for me.

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed the 10mm fallout pistol. Its just the fallout 4 model but its chambered in 7.77

    • Achou Forlocke
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i dunno of Im seeing things but i sensing some hyperX dna in some of the animations. However small it is.

    • George Mcfadden
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think u forgot a few

    • JKi
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Correct reloads for the pump actions where the rounds are loaded individually, but no tactical reloads for the ballistic guns that use mags still smh. Lazy Bethesda. Either a modders gonna have my back or I’m gonna have to be really picky with what guns I use because that shit drives me insane

    • H S Chan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I dont like the bulky designs. It makes them look like nerf guns in first person

    • Jplichta
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    They called the VSS a hunting rifle 💀💀💀

    • Jplichta
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Probably the worst feeling guns in recent gaming history. Everything feels like it shoots BBs lmao

    • lance Kro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Va ruun Inflictor is probably my favorite so far. Powerful and fun to shoot with iron sites

    • brotcon
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Aim Down Sight for Snipers is VERY OLD School. Should be able to see a Blur around the Scope and not all the way in.

    • Kero81
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I love the shadow glitch on the Hand!

    • Munchies 2019
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda did a far better job modeling these guns and rifles compared to fallout 4.

    • Daniel Hicks
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The m1911 is on here As well forgot to mention that

    • moisturized pancake
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is there an in-universe reason for laser weapons having recoil?

    • BanditoBurrito666
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Just wish there where more blocky cyberpunk ish pistols i hate round fat ones

    • Delta Zero
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ngl these videos are like a weird form of ASMR to me for some reason and I’m not complaining about it

    • kratos messi
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda moment

    • youkilledkiller22
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Sad there’s no flamethrower, but I guess Arc Welder fits the theme more.

    • Luka
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    There is no ‘Mag Shot’? Why isn’t there?

    • Cynthianwings
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the jump in animation quality from Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 to Starfield is actually insane

    • Jakub Ševčík
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    they should hire someone from Respawn to create guns ….. like F4 weapons most design are flaws nor weapons.

    • John Revelator
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda’s most fluffyest weapon I ever seen)))
    More fluffy than in Fallout 4

    • Swiggle
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Razorback is hella ugly

    • net netovich 0.2
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    why there is no unarmed weapon ?

    • Federal Bureau of Investigations
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No matter how much time will pass and technology advances, blades will always be extremely effective

    • Creedz
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Actually not half bad reload animations wow

    • Some 30 year old virgin who fantasizes about being anally penetrated by human foxes for pleasure
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    As a gunnerd this is all absolutely cursed and I hate it.

    • leslie myers
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    missing 2 pistols, old earth hangun and the xm-2311

    • R0-SA Theclanker
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    And with traditional Bethesda fashion, you can’t aim accurately due to stiff sticks

    • TheKna5041
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    bridger is a grenade launcher heavy weapon

    • Chicken Rice Warrior
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Anyone doing a Cutter Build lol? Idk just something about unlimited ammo, triggers my monkey frugal brain.

    • Aaronindaflesh
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It definitely didn’t take them 25 years to make this malarkey

    • Alireza Johari
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Trash game! They can’t even properly model the difference between animation of a fully empty magazine weapon with a partially empty one!!!🤦

    • Thenoteworthy1
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Something interesting that I’ve noticed (though it may just be my controller) is that the controller vibrates more when reloading the guns than when you shoot them-

    That aside though, I freaking love these, they fit the game perfectly.

    • Serpentar9000
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    somebody needs to tell Bethesda that tactical reloads exist
    (at least they got shotgun shell reloads properly)

    • Andrey K
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    VSS as hunting rifle. Hah

    • Zen-RPG
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    “Heavy weapons” …

    Half of them are Heavy duty tools

    Nice one bethesdha…

    • Rivery Jerald
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the guns are left handed again just like in fallout4/fo76. 0/10 game

    • I forgot about this, found where my money was goin
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Orion gun icon looks like a messed up Aliens Pulse Rifle

    • Calamity Hex
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ok played 4 days now and while I do appreciate the wepons in starfeild. I kinda expected more from Bethesda. What’s here is good but it struck me as odd melee has no wepon mods. Also with game titles like fallout and doom and wolfenstein my exspetaions we’re high.

    • noeoeoeoe
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    definitely not all weapons

    • Dakota Bigovich
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You’re missing some weapons in here

    • TP FradeN
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Embarrassing low melee options

    • Esteban Troncoso
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    If you have parents in game SPOLER ALERT you receive a pistol who belongs to sir livingstone is a colt 1911

    • Willow
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Love starshard but don’t know where to get it. Tried the console but it’s kinda… strong for base weapon damage-wise.

    • Matheus Leão Gomes
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Kinda bland, ngl. Cyberpunk 2077 did a way better job with futuristic weaponry.

    • philip tm
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    this is not All of the Weapons

    • Ankush Chatterjee
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Halo spv3.3 all weapons 🥲

    • JerichoBalisticMissile
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Some animations seem like they’re much more polished compared to others. I appreciate the shotguns being chunky as hell.

    • ratshave
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Pistols are lame as fuck. Not a single revolver that doesn’t look like a satellite dish?

    • Darius Broen
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where is the VARUUN weapons from ?

    • Jose Lopez
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    $400 million worth of shit with no grenade launcher and rocket launcher 😮‍💨

    • Ratch
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    is it just me or old earth guns look so weird?

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot about the Old Earth Pistol(1911)

    • Kieran Findlay
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I see Bethesda hired a Californian to name and categorise the guns.

    • Mr.L XR
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I will say it like an utter asshole, I hate the pistol because all that function attachment to it doesn’t seem right because you can see it is a regular pistol cover in high tech counter machine when it doesn’t really help, hated it, and question why they are trying to reskin some the gun which 1 the gun look like P90 straight up for the only guns I don’t hate is old earth guns for they are worth keeping more then keeping a new version of other guns trying to look unique when there is too much shit on it for its looks heavier, too bulky and 2 guns look like it came from tesla’s car company which if we did try to test them out in real life there will be lots problem and probably dislike about it already how uncomfortable it must feel once the recoil kicks in for what part the gun is grinding on what directly to the human skin or bone.

    Now melee weapon, the osmium dagger look nice but straight-up garbage for it looks like a kid’s toy or some sort of from a fantasy setting instead because well who da hell want to fight with the dagger if your hand is sweaty as fuck That is going slip and slide up to the blade, rescue axe is legit from old but probably only good certain situation, varuun painblade looks like another fantasy setting again but does it work actual weapon sort of but not practical for more look like street gang end up using the knife thinking they have a biggest knife then anyone else in their street, barrow knife I can get behind it because it looks like a bowie knife or k-bar knife, the stander combat knife…stop fucking murdering the actual real combat knife for that is not a knife that is fucking another fan’s maker knife and also another whoop to happen in the field but more likely I prefer seeing it as survival knife instead, the traditional tanto is a knife but still want the hand guard instead, UC Naval Cutlass seem sort of alright but prefer not keep making the dent nor making the handle too big for it looks too bulky like the fucking guns I hate, wakizashi exact perfect right there.

    Gosh, I never had the shortest shit I made about the guns for I usually complain that shit wide.

    • Cart
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Designs are good but those animations though haha had the budget of a happy meal

    • JayLemad
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why the rifle equinox has a reflex? Actually, why I cant eliminate that reflex? I dont want to use reflex on equinox ☹️

    • It’s a Doggo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m kinda sad even tho the Bridger grenade launcher is kinda a lever action rifle I was rlly hoping for the actual classic lever action rifle or even the modern one with a bunch of attachments lik havin the bullets on the stock guess I’ll just hav to wait for mods thn wait even longer for console 😔

    • Ilay
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This is animations suck 😢

    • Weston Stout
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I didn’t see the Old Earth Colt .45 in this list, most unfortunate. I managed to find one in some container outside the mantis lair, not sure if it is a random spawn or just has random stats each run. Finding ammo for it is the fun part. I see a lot of people mentioning you can actually also get this gun from your dad if you choose the Kid Stuff trait, but don’t think that’s your only option for acquiring this gun.

    • SouvLess
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    yep, I think I just found my new favourite game, im so glad that it’s on game pass for me

    • Cultured Man
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It’s like some sci-fi 70s/80s weapon

    • BilboSaggins
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Playing fallout 4 for so long and seeing these animations it makes me cry how cool these looks except for the ak reload gonna download a mod for that one tho on a serious note i actually like these animations fallout 4s guns and reload animations were god awful

    • Matt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    all the pump shotguns are designed after the neostead 2000?

    • Beraetue starz
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Gotta say, I’m surprised. They look good, and theyre quote unique. Now if theyll only apply that effort to fallout…

    • Orbit
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    lmao they didnt even make functional chambers. No shells coming out LOL

    • Tomáš Hradil
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Didn’t play it yet, but from this video the way the char. holds the “Old Earth” weapons seems a bit…. I don’t know…. crippled.
    Somehow falsy. Like they were made from paper and he’s affraid to propperly hold them 😀

    • burialgoods
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think it’s hilarious that every weapon has a round counter, but no electronic sights. Iron sights are becoming obsolete even today.

    • Daniel Olsson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Honestly, these all look bland and lifeless to me. None of the character or creativity from Fallout or Elder Scrolls made it over to this game it seems. I really wanted to love this game but everything just looks so disappointing.

    • Zach Fett
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Your timestamp for the Breach in the description has a typo, it’s making that “chapter” not show up in the video timeline.

    • Nguyên Anh Lê
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cool design. But the firepower feels kinda lacking.

    • ムーティ
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    These are good ones in general.
    Fallout4&76’s was a terrible nightmare.

    • Raven Wolfe Games
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    you missed 2 pistols the 2311 and the 1911

    • Nicollo Khumalo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No alternate firing modes?

    • Frank
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i swear everytime bethesda decides to implement a gun i want it’s basically a monkey paw moment
    “i wish there were AKs in fallout4”
    ***left handed AKs with shovel handle as stock***
    “i wish bethesda did AKs again but RIGHT”
    ***somewhat normal looking AK but with no stock***
    i swear it feels like they spy on me and do them good enough but with intentionally infuriating details

    • Killertrol65
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I just got into starfield looks like one past Bethesda titles before they fucked everything up im happy about this game i dont say thay often with Bethesda titles usually its either half assed or rushed or some bullshit

    • MrCoolSmoovie
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda carrying on their tradition of featuring some of the worst animations in the industry

    • FrosT_1302
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is there weapon attachments and visual customisation?

    • Crupt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Gotta love everyone being “impressed” with Bethesda serving up pure mediocrity. Fallout 4 and Skyrim are amazing because they have soul and lore and heart. This game just looks and feels lame as hell.

    • TJ Rich
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You would think there would be better melee weapons, fallout has more than just blades, none of it was as crazy

    • mada
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    ugly ammo counter on some of these wtf

    • Insanity 14
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is it just me or does the pacifier shotgun reload look… off?

    • Vitzel33
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    In space… there are no slide releases.

    • sam
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wasn’t there a 1911 pistol in the game ?

    • JP808
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I honestly like the weapons and the animations. The only thing that just stands out to me being picky is no ejected casings for certain projectiles

    • Filip Studený
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I hope I am not the only one, but those are some ugly weapons

    • Khang Hua
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The guns just scream steampunk and cyberpunk at the same time

    • イワシロ @key haru
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • Frizbin Games
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    NO FREAKIN WAY! They use the old Fallout 4 laser pistol/rifle reload sounds for the equinox’s reload sounds!!
    Either this is a small nod to the fallout games (seeing as these two weapons are both energy based I guess?) or they used it as a place holder and never recorded new stuff, and tbh I don’t know which is better

    • clau ro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Side note, i am the only one seeing Jean Renno in the sidestar demonstration?

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    God futuristic handguns are always ugly as fuck!

    • matthew veinotte
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    These are not all the weapons tho? where are all the space guns? I have no idea if the “auto” guns automatically lock onto enemies and fire or why do they say auto. Was hoping you previewed ship weapons here too but alas still no answer

    • Капитошка 1
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Это пиздец беседка ебанулось

    • srj yrgla
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    why are there only few melee weapons here, are more coming or is that all? and seriously melee animations are absolutely trash / junk. same junk animations as in fallout 4. Dead island ,Cyberpunk 2077 & Dying light games melee weapons have better animations.

    • Jushtan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed the Old Earth Pistol and the 2311. There might be more, but I know for certain those two are left out.

    • Torcularis
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    None of these weapons seem like they should work, but that’s the beauty of fiction. Where da bolt go? Who cares, it’s neat!

    • D H
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Which of these weapons are electromagnetic and which are lazer.

    • The True Pepol
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why the guns position on the screen is so low

    • Corgiee5
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Big improvement from fallout 4s poop lefthanded cereal box guns. Wow theres a vintorez thats unexpected. I just hope they do gun damage based off gun caliber and not the receiver rip fallout automatics💀

    • Tristan Blanchard
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    What is it with all the energy weapons with recoil

    • Xander Bassett
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    If anyone knows a good place ir way to farm the varuun wepons please let me know

    • Femboy bussy inspector
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    We made the greatest spider man game of all time and the way xbox got revenge is they bought all these company’s and made one of my most anticipated games of the year only made for xbox and pc

    • ATom Grav
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    They way the character pulls the gun into ADS makes me want one of those hype anime power up backgrounds to flash in the split second he raises it

    • Kurt’s Kats
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Does anyone play 3rd person?

    • DONkonve
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You see…? Tedior, Jabobs, Hyperion, even (S&S/Bandit)!!!

    • TheLocalBogan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The AK needs the most work, the hand position is Jank af, reload is ok, good they got it correct. Besides that everything else seems impressive for Bethesda

    • Sapharan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Does it only bother me that “laser” weaponry has recoil and mechanical parts that move?

    • SuperCosmicChaos
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    now i have to get and feed the microgun!

    • Mestari1Gaming
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    So there are no Flamethrowers in Starfield? Damn this is not good.

    • Kyvan_ Unheist
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bridger is a heavy weapon. More specifically, a grenade launcher. Theres another Heavy grenade launcher called the Negotiator.

    • Vlexon Kol
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I guess caseless amunition work in this timeline? G11 will be proud

    • B
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    After playing with most of these they are cool for a Bethesda game. Sound could be improved but I feel like the reload animations are really good and they feel impactful when you shoot.

    • Phil Y
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Really upsetting for a futuristic game that they dont have a whole range of scifi weapons, even some that do things other than just killing. Energy weapons too. It’s just fallout weapons with a resin, with lacklustre sound effects.

    • Жмяк-жмяк
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    AK? VSS? ✊😂 Comrades ❤🇷🇺🚩

    • Blancpain Britt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I love the guns in Starfield

    • FriON
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Seems pretty decent, especially for Bethesda game, but WHY he hold AK so weirdly ?

    • Hanyuu
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    game of the year

    • Phil_Zupra_B58
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I love how some weapons use caseless ammunition.
    But i still don’t understand how Laser weapons still have recoil.

    • Sangum Linggi
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The double barrel shotgun has bullets still attached to the shell after firing and the cartridges are round and the barrels are squares. This is a reference to how Bethesda, who cant do any shit right.

    • Yuki Kami
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    recoil when shooting from a welding machine and a laser cutter? seriously? what are you smoking there?

    • ЧайныйПакетик
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Винторез в образе старой охотничьей винтовки? У них что животные в бронежилетах ходят?

    • Robert Steiner
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wow, holy shit the gun sound effects and reload animations are fucking awful. I knew this was gonna be a rough game from how mediocre it looked but I didn’t think it would be this insultingly bad lol. Bethesda knows they don’t have to try hard for their fanboys I guess though.

    • Mark Gruner
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    So far been disappointed with unique weapons. Old Bethesda games always had weapons with unique models. “Uniques” in this game are just modded variations of other guns with legendary aspects.

    • Hi Vad
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Kinda reminds me of weapons from pixel gun 3d a mobile game

    • Ityyax
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think ID tech had a hand in weapon animations

    • Pro Ishaan Puri
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    My major complaint is that the weapons lack that oomph in the SFX department. Seriously, it is 2330s and the weapon still sounds like typical AK or SMG

    • Peskost
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I have feeling that most of this weapons is retextured guns from Fallout.

    • Selvbilde
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Idk if this is a unique weapon or not, but I found a funky rail revolver at 1-of-a-kind salvage on Niira in the starting Narion system.
    The gun is called Trickshot

    • Viktor2 2010
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I can’t imagine that all the weapon from Starfield is submitted here. After only two days from the game release. So there are two options – the first is that there are only some amount of weapon is introduced in this video. The second is much sadly – Bethesda is lazy and did’t make hundreds types of guns.

    • Fgy Tred
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wheres the unique n crazy alien guns

    • Zeztren
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    To me it feels like they tried to capture what made 2077s guns great but somehow fell short. Some of the guns just have to much going on visibly, and others don”t look like they’d “feel” right ergonomically, even in a space suit.
    Like why does a one shotty need canted irons, and why does another have two barrels and load tubes modeled if we’re only using one side.
    Some of the designs are cool but it feels like they leaned to heavy into the rule a cool for a lot of them.
    On the plus side, it looks like there’s a lot of animations that could be easily recycled for mods

    • Basically Bacon
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Some of these reloads are just downright awful and stiff.

    • Kureikon
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I like how they added physical ammo counters on the gun, something that required the use of F4SE to function on modded guns that utilize that feature.

    • Caymean Dewitt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Damn, fallout 5 is awesome

    • T S
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot the old earth pistol

    • NPC beep boop
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    what a garbage game, just reskin of fallout
    environments are just copy and paste garbage
    aliens are the same 3-5 models with just different skins
    retarded enemies
    walking sim of wide areas with nothing going on
    space is just fast travel with occasional lame ship fights
    but then again most morons are satisfied with shit
    like the retards who buy cod or sports games

    • KAZ drums
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    4:44 ORIONはLGBTのコミュニティに好かれそうな弾道してるな

    • Red FroNick
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Всё оружие выглядит толстым и неудобным. Дизайн сделан людьми никогда не державшими оружие в руках.

    • Alfrancis Buada
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Guns remains the same like in Halo

    • jhonatan aroni
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Es hermoso el diseño de esas armas

    • MehrunesDagon
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Id expect some of these futuresque guns to be able to cock themselves when you put a mag on it with all their bulkyness

    • NipplWizard
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Way better that FO4s selection and animations. A splendid job on all accounts. Still gonna need a few weapons mods to balance things out and one to fix the god awful microgun sound. A minigun should NEVER sound like a vacuum cleaner.

    • moniker
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You know, and I’m not saying anything about it is bad, I think shooting at enemies would give it a better example of how the weapons work and are showcased

    • Rain
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:23 so thats where my Draco went. Looks like someone put some magpul stuff on it tho.

    • sgtdude1110
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Man $40 shooters from 5 years ago have better animations than this game.

    • Manas Sikdar
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    va’ruun painblade makes no sense design wise.

    • Monty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Yup. Those are some Bethesda reloads for sure.

    • StRanger
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This animations is pretty similar to a rust ones, what a shame

    • Mr. Foster
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why 99% of these guns look like it was made from AI? Its so weird to them to have good sounds. Its sad that Bethesda doenst know how to make weapon models

    • Nguyen Phan Viet Hung
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    old earth assault rifle animation look like it’s come from rust 🤣

    • Mikey Johnson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where’d you find the hard target?

    • The last Minuteman
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    While there is nice leavel of detail and artistically they look good but aside from a few cool looking guns here they all suffer from the same bulky nonsensical crap stuck on them like the firearms in Fallout 4. I mean crap Bethesda technological advancement in firearms and ranged weapons means they get smaller, more streamlined and ergonomic not become bulky boxy monstrosities. I get there is some leeway in energy weapons and electromagnetic coil guns which were so of the few that I thought looked cool and made sense. You even had the “old earth pump action shotgun” cycle backwardd.

    • cdtv360
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    urban eagle = bullshit desert eagle

    • XelusPrime
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Never thought I’d see so many ugly weapons in one video game.

    • slick *
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Even in 2023. they could not implement tactical reloading.

    • YTDTV
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Oh yeah I remember going hunting with my Russian subsonic integrally suppressed special forces Marksman rifle.

    • Aqua is useful
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    6:40 that’s straight out of Deus Ex Human Revolution

    • Alexander Cotman
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where in gods name can I buy a hard target? I can’t find one anywhere

    • Kulich Ilyich
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Idk why, but its looks like… deja vu from fallout 4)

    • Alcatraz
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Most of these look kind of shit if im being honest.

    • Roguewarrior37
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    What’s with the Russian guns?

    • Gladiator One
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Nothing beats good old AK!

    • Jester
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where are the smgs and explosives?

    • Jeremiah Freeman
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    9:45: how the hell did they manage to fuck up an old earth pump action shotgun?


    that means you are somehow Firing the shell with the breach partially open.

    • Rick HCA
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Pros: Bethesda stopped being lazy and made right-randed guns
    Cons: They’re still lazy enough to make just one reload animation. There’s no difference between the gun being empty or having rounds in the chamber

    • CHEPO
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No recoil, good

    • Mechawolf studios
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Love how they call the minigun the microgun

    • PremedComrade25
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Was really odd how it wasn’t included in the vid but you get a special 1911 pistol used by Livingston if you took the perk in which your parents are alive. Right after visiting them and telling them about the constellation gig you got and stopping by the lodge they’ll actually be there to visit the place and your dad gives it to you as a gift from him and his dean friend that worked to restore the piece to functioning condition after it sat catching dust in a display case. At first I was honestly expecting an old school revolver or something with how they were describing it but I was gleefully smiling when they handed a fully modified 1911 with an extended mag. However I will say good luck finding ammo for it though, it’s a pain in the ass and have no idea where to start looking.

    • Cesar CL
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The animations are clunky af again, but at least they look better than the ones from Fallout 4 💀

    • East Wind
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No energy melle weapons, no laser weapons, no explosive weapons, no grenades, no brass knuckles like weapons, no claws like weapons, is this evolving backwards? Fallout New Vegas had more weapons, even fallout 3 had, what is wrong with you, bethesda?

    • Soviet Starfish Productions
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    you’re missing weapons like the 1911

    • Waldherz FeuerClan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    While the models look great, the animations are not good, the sounds are bad and not even synchronised with the actual animations at times or dont even make any sense in context with the animation.

    • BelRaiD
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Дизайнер оружия – больной на голову человек, который ничего не знает об оружии.

    • かいむちき
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Dude animations are really terrible, FO4 animation modders do better. Bethesda should hire these people instead of completely noob animator for AAA title.

    • Takahashi Sakura
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That’s all???? kinda disappointing…………..

    • TheRubberMatch
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Not very impressed by the guns in this game tbh

    • diego gaona
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    question . This game is first or third person?

    • Dead Eye Brad
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You didn’t add all the weapons like the two variants of the 1911

    • Vilpax
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Can’t believe the eon is the 10mil from fallout least it looks very much similar

    • AJ
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The “old earth” weapons are so bad

    • Major Chip Hazard
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Eh. Cyberpunk and Deus Ex’s guns feel more futuristic than many of these.

    • Killian Isn’t a Kid
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why Old Earth Weapons are so small?

    • BaNeBlade
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    is this a fallout 4 mod?

    • OneAmongOthers
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot the 1911. There is one of them in the game as well.

    • Chairman of Constellation
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:16 Kalashnikov always somehow managed to make its way into every single game ever 😂😂

    • DeathLOOP
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • Noe Loza
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It’ll be funny if you go to a really small planet where you shoot out into the horizon and the round flys by you a couple of seconds later.

    • brkic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    03:16 this looks worse than CS Source LMFAOOOOOO WHAT

    • monji momo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Fast at getting work done

    • Too Darn Shooty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    These are all ugly as sin. They should have made the designs more streamlined and simple. Bethesda should consult actual weapons experts instead of people who played call of duty once.

    • Monostripe Zebras
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    In before Jonathan Fergusson reviews!

    • General Stalkkus : f.c.d.f
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Me sees these guns and Melee weapons
    Also me : I’ll tack your entire stock

    • AB 2647
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I will never understand the guns clicking on their last few rounds.

    • Caden Dicky
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I quite like this arsenal. Probably my favorite detail is how some of the guns tell you how much ammo is in them on the actual gun. I think it’ll help a lot when doing a hudless playthrough. It is basic, but still cool.

    • Dorian Mielo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Missing mr livington pistol (1911) you can get it by having parents.

    • mevenyo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Im very disapointed about the design , 90 % of all the weapons are just stupidly made without any logic. “It hzs to be futurist so just mew pew” no it dosnt work like that

    • Mert Erda
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Most of the automatic weapons sound like firing 2 round bursts when firing just 1 bullet, that must be fixed!

    • David Kim
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Nice to see all these modern weapons in Starfield compared to Fallout.

    • Robert Wildschwein
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Melee weapons:
    Teeny weeny toy axe
    Weeb knife
    Weeb knife

    • Mason Green
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The old Earth hunting rifle is literally a VSS Vintorez lol

    • ken stone
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    NOVALIGHT sounds good.

    • Aaron Z
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    something I don’t get in futuristic game is that they always make the guns look uncomfortable to hold or shoot

    • Drunk Koschei
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The hell is wrong with old earth firearms? They look like toys and it’s not even FOV issue. The model is tiny and thin as hell, lmao.

    • Wendy Hotchkiss
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ah so that’s the “Lever Action Rocket Launcher” at 10:03 😎

    • Donlookatme
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The Kodama is obviously a designed off the Kriss Vector. There should not have been any muzzle climb from that gun. I call bullshit bethesda

    • Art The Clown
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m not gonna lie, I dont like some of these guns LMFAO

    • The Duke
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Game looks like a mix of cyberpunk and the outer worlds with shitty mobile game animations.

    • jord 121
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Razorback is sexy

    • Jon Parker
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I really love the look of the Combatech weapons and the rest of the UC arsenal, so I’m glad I decided to go along those lines for my first character.

    • Kaiser
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That eon look awfully familiar

    • uHCneKToP
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Years go by, and AK and Vintorez are still relevant guns

    • Jayne
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m a little disapointed there aren’t more… improvised melee weapons other than the rescue axe, kinda. I want my starship engineer character to be able to swing around a wrench

    • Ray
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the gunshot sounds are insane, especially the varuun starshard. love the power behind each shot, and the wavy sound it makes as it travels

    • Rick Suter
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Starfields Guns are horrible and don’t make sense from actual firearm design…. Bethesda go too the range… l recommend one in maryland like free state. p.s. love the kalashnikov and the one after both Russian and make sense.

    • Blake Bridges
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I love that they added in actual weapons we use today. Because just like we still have weapons from the 1800s it makes sense that weapons from today would still be around in 300 years. It’s a good bit of world building.

    • AldeonUwU
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda just cant make games with firearms, theyr just trash in every bethesda fps game

    • HuttsonKill
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cant wait for modders to port these weapons to Fallout 4 so i can use them. 😊

    • Joseph Doughty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    and the shotguns… really? pumping it forward? why? they jus seemed to add extra moving parts and stale animations to the guns

    • Vitor Ribeiro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No shell ejection?

    • Joseph Doughty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda just never understands how guns work I understand this is in the future, but everything I’ve seen just looks so stale in the animations

    • Arung Parikesit
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Slow Motion Ver Please In Starfield

    • Benjamin Swanson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Love the sound of the micro gun at 13:18.

    • Bosssoider
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    these guns look so goofy af

    • B. Pack
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Game is PURE TRASH. Back to Armored Core 6, a game that wasn’t ruined by WOKE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION STAFF. Thank you Fromsoftware for not hiring WOKE IDIOTS to make your games. 343 and Bethesda are PERFECT EXAMPLE of go Woke go Broke.

    • SCA
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Still no tactical reloads 🙁

    • 空の鳥
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is it the reload animation from fallout4’s 10mm and the ugly scope from gauss and hunting rifle?

    • SqueakyChair
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The old earth weapons make me visually distressed

    • WildBill94
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Designs are kinda out there. Don’t fix what ain’t broken I always say.

    • Killermo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where is m1911?

    • Ze_Glitchy_Gamer7
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot some timestamps on the vid like Breach

    • Mark346533243
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Thank you for the upload.

    Not really interested in getting the game, but it’s nice to see all the interesting designs for futuristic sci-fi handguns and rifles.

    I like how they have the standard ‘modern’ rifles and weapons listed as ‘Old Earth Assault Rifle,’ ‘Old Earth Hunting Rifle,’ and ‘Old Earth Shotgun.’

    The Coachman looks neat, but I haven’t seen a single shotgun in a video game that surpasses the cool/rugged appearance and functional burst damage of the quad-barrel duplet shotgun from Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light.

    It’s also interesting that the devs put a tanto and a wakizashi into Starfield. Those are some fairly short but also functional eastern blades. I’ve been thinking of utilizing such blades in the setting of the stories that I am working on.

    • Imperial Commissar
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This video is missing several weapons (at least two pistols for instance are now shown including the Old Earth Pistol which is basically a 1911, as well as the XM-2311)

    • Anon53
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Goshdamn boy, developers and their screen-shaking 🤢. I find the weapons very unique and cool, though.

    • Eric Rendeiro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The old earth shotgun reload animation is better than that of Fallout 4

    • Hubertino855
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Yes!!! At last!!! Guns in Bethesda game that don’t look like piles of junk!!!

    • Nangsanbhalang Blah
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Can’t wait for British arms museum man to rate these.😮

    • MunSnek
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    game not even out for everyone yet. geez slow down on this stuff my guy.

    • Brian 666
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Dang heavy guns and meele hardly got any love this game

    • Anonymous 73
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Can’t wait till Johnathan Ferguson keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal Armories museum in the UK sees these guys

    • FeeLiT
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It wouldve been better with impacts on a wall.

    • burnouter7
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The grendel is like a P90.

    • Bakerf Ftoo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    not a single bolt action :((((

    • Bakerf Ftoo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • Erzaad
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Man, I really wanted more from the melee weapons. They just gave us 7 basic knives and an axe.

    • α φ
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No rocket launcher??

    • Billy Cobb
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I need to find the wakizashi

    • pyrogamer 75
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed a pistol it’s the old earth handgun because the 1912

    • Were_Mule
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Some of these weapons look like they came from Black Ops 3…

    • Faxton Tale
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • ghosterino
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    They really don’t know how to make two empty and partial animations huh?

    • Were_Mule
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Not impressed

    • GrowGhosg
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I wish they had a stock option for the AK. They did it for the old world shotgun so idk why they left the AK out

    • The Gaming Skeleton
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I need that Magsniper so badly.

    • Wrathsful
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Just gotta say, I enjoy the content you make! I really enjoy weaponry [especially in video games] so it’s nice to have someone who dedicates their time to show off ALL of the weapons in a video game! keep doin you, love the content!

    • The Doom Slayer
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Do it again you forgot the pistol M1911

    • Yann
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why the guns are all so damn bulky

    Energy weapon is justified, because to make them usable you’ll need big batteries and bigger parts than a traditional gun (but there is so many of them, that ain’t logical as what they can do, a traditional gun can do it as well, while probably being more cost effective so these type of weapon would be more niche than anything else, but they’re cool)

    There is also too many useless parts that sticks out for no reason (other than to give the “futuristic look” and makes it hard to look at the gun to comprehend how it is built)

    The guns looks heavy, futuristic setting or not, having lighter firearms is always preferable (because that means you can carry more things, or simply makes it less tiring to use the gun)

    That’s the problem with futuristic design, they have no idea how a gun works and use the “rule of cool” too much

    And before anyone tries to defend the game, saying I am just finding reasons to hate the game like many others, first I am not a Twitter user so I am not here to hate on things for no reasons, I just point out a few flaws in the gun designs because I am a gun nerd but I am not saying that the game is bad

    • Saint Erebos
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ima be honest these all look terrible. Maybe a handful at best looked interesting but super uninspired. At least I now know that Bethesda can not do weapons right. All melee one handed and pump shotguns having there pumps slide forward in order to slide back to eject a round is so bad.

    • Dignus Dingus
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Animations aside (which I like), the way the pistols are positioned on screen, it’s quite visually appealing. They remind me of the way they are held in Halo 3 and Reach, there it actually feels like you’re aiming it *down* the range as opposed to aiming from the hip and up towards the center.

    • an ngoc
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    5:11 A SMG with the mag on the top and 50 rounds? That’s a P90 right there!

    • Igor Dementyeff
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    AK and SVD are forever 🙂

    • please kill yoursef
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Theyre kinda lame, but its a Bethesda game so if anything at least they are not cursed or EVIL

    • Devin Whitehall
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I too hunt deer with a vss

    • kamikaze00007
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Man, the melee sure took a huge hit for the new guns huh? I wanted for melee to be much better and for there to be more melee stuff. Seems there’s less than what FO4 had.

    • Subject Delta
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Massive step up from fallout 4, insane actually

    • RedAlpha101
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Idk if it’s the only one but you’re missing the old earth pistol.

    • Fluffywolf O
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Huh. Bolt on the Maelstrom looks a lot like a Fostech Origin. That’s neat. Wonder if it’s an AK descendant. It’s admittedly a _little_ silly having bullets eject from the other side with this big ejection port, but I will admit that it looks _really cool_ watching this big chunky Fostech bolt.

    • serbianchromus
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    dont get me wrong the guns look beautiful but the reload sounds on the other hand…

    • Rodrigo Jaramillo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Una de las armas de Cecil y el super escuadrón cyber monos hyper fuerza y el rey esqueleto

    • ImInYourWalls
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Nyet! kalashnikov fine

    • Ocean
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The magshear looks like so much fun

    • NevadaHighroller69
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    these ugly as shit

    • Scott H.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wow. Never ever would have expected to see a Vintorez in this game.
    I will say this, I love me games with tons of guns, and boy Bethesda delivered on that front at least.

    • Feariex
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Only empty reload animations?

    • Elias Nicolas Miranda
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    that has to be one of worst AK model i’ve ever see in videogames

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Stats would have been nice, but good video otherwise ☺️

    • Mr. Grim
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The fov on these view models is fucking horrendous. They look so squished into frame its like im playing gmod. Just look at the AK and old earth shotgun. Terrible.

    • Philippe
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The weapons look so fucking good 😫

    • dialup-dialdown
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Yep, feels like a bethesda game.

    • DuckPunt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That hand grip on the AK angers me!

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The sound design is god tier

    • Nathan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    so are there no explosive weapons, grenades, or mines?

    • Drummag Hua
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It’s really cool that after Crysis 3 and cp2077, someone else makes fictional Metal Storm weapons again. And not just one, but a whole family.

    • SkullOwner
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    2023 and they didn’t add see through scope OMFG and half of the guns are disgusting ugly WTF

    • Jason Inkurai
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    While these arent the level of MW’19/MWII, BF4 or Insurgency, these reloads are still great, especially compared to 4. These feel like NV and 3’s but with much more polish. Basic but fun.

    • SilentGaming
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Seriously in a game that big there is only 8 melee weapons? Thats kinda pathetic … also there is like what 30-40 weapons in general lol …. I shouldnt be suprised its bethesda, gear and enemy variety was always the weakest parts of their games … luckily you can have hundrets more added with mods lol

    • chris james
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Boo no laser swords

    • lumberluc
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    *sees Old Earth Assault Rifle and Hunting Rifle*

    Huh, I see Bethseda is playing favori… wait a moment.

    *Rereads the labels*

    Oh… is this a point that Russia will take the Forgotten Nation role? Welp, color me surprised.

    • kevo300
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    90% of these are fallout 4 reskinned

    • Fumbled
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Honestly the sounds are actually pretty neat. Not the most ground breaking sounds out there but they are definitely satisfying enough to play with. I like how most of the guns dont actually sound the same and have an almost unique kick in their own respective manner.

    • Steven Julian
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The gun designs are really cool, they sound punchy and loud, the animations….pretty fine, not amazing, but not terrible either.

    • ADAM96
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    how are people able to get this game early? is it ps5 exclusive until the 5th or something?

    • cajafruty fruty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    “Sir Livingstone’s Pistol” the only decent gun in the game that look like something a serious gunsmith do not all the others toy guns

    • ʇuʇʌɥs
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    With all the posible VFX for amazing laser shots and they choose RAINBOW.

    • F.B.l.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda finally makes beefy sounding guns!

    • What Are Seed Decomation (WASD)
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Then can you do it in a special video for the modifications and spells in the game?

    • Der Riperino
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Most Weapons seem like smartlink guns from cyberpunk 77 but better design

    • Acidpond
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Hate how they don’t have a full mag and half mag reload

    • Box
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I cant stand how small the old earth rifles look.

    • Person With Many Aliases
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Come to think of it, a bit rare to see an FPS without explosives, unless they belong to another category or powerset. Not even a rocket launcher, though I understand that in space, it’s not necessarily wise to hand such things out.

    • David Nguyen
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The fact that after 419 years, people are still using M1911 is just proving that John Browning surely knows how to design a pistol

    • Joshwist55
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You can tell they didn’t give a fuck about the Old Earth weapons. Same awkward grip placement on all of them with the AK literally floating in the air. All weirdly stiff. Like you have iD software working for you. Use there animators. Hell go hire modders who animate. There’s like 10 of them or something.

    • Hai Nhat Phung
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Old Earth Hunting Rifle? Well it hunts man alright.

    • JoeTheJedi
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed a few btw

    • Greg Kiss
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Fallout 4 graphics… Again!

    • Alex Deva
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cyberpunk did it better, the weapons all look the same here

    • Dwiki Razani
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    with all the technology, why weapon from future still use bullet and worse recoil ??

    • Hypo
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda still using the old scope overlay trick eh?

    • DangerDean
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I like how some of the weapons have ammo displays on the gun itself

    • Попугай Иннокентий
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Лол а стволы старого мира калаш и винтарь

    • Venture Kain
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda is always in top as expected, but not much for the gameplay in my opinion still better

    • Merouane BELAROUSSI
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That was FAST !!

    • SP
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    so we need see through scopes mod again

    • Aether_archon_assassin1830
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The game just came out, how does Blud have everything already 😭😭

    • Karim Taufik
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Are these all the weapons or there’s more?

    • B Sherman
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m so glad they added an normal ak

    • KingxTerro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That AK looks like dog shit 🤣🤣 everything else looks fine I guess

    • Derpass Twahtskie
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Ayyy they got a weapon animator in the office

    • Pvt. Dutch
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You forgot the old earth pistol

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    starfield reminds me of cyberpunk but in a good way

    • The First Curse
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I love the look of the sleek White and Black weapons like the Novalight. They look so sexy.

    • L4br3cqu3
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Some of these guns are very satisfying to shoot, sound-wise. There’s way more guns than I anticipated. And, well, modding community is already going all-out, just a matter of time before we see the arsenal (well, everything in fact) expand tenfold.

    • Storm Surge
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Sorry, but most of these look pretty boring to me.😢

    • Ferax2k10
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    /k/ is going to have a seizure after watching some of the reloads

    • Littlepip002
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Man they did the AKM dirty with those animations. Also do all of these weapons only have an empty reload animation?

    • Overlord1153
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The guns sound weak as hell. But they are cool in terms of design. Hopefully they are fun to shot when in a fight.

    • Nova Vortex77
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Classic Bethesda leaving it to modders to make the weapons even more awesome.

    It slightly bothers me the guns sound similar or the same.

    • wiresss
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Kinda meh.

    • Harry
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Putting a vss in a space game is so fucking cool

    • Scarecrow
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It’s 2023 and Bethesda still can’t make tactical reload animations for the their weapons. At least they remember how shotgun reloads work this time. Am surprised that the earthly weapons are not left handed but they honestly look like a badly modded weapon in the character’s hands…also who’s idea was to call an ASVAL, “hunting rifle”

    • Winter ECU
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Theu are using some of the models from fallout 4, but the look far better

    • T J
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Couple of the guns I felt where meh, but the majority where nice. Melee really left something to be desired. Maybe take some melee tips from how Cyberpunk did it, controversial game for sure, but melee always felt pretty good. Speedy, when you connect, it was punchy, and didn’t feel like my character was slooooow and incompetent.

    • GreenTea💚
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:28 what the hell is this…

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Impressive weapon model, really cool looking design. And animation, it’s not crazy like EFT, ready or not, or COD, but this one definitely one of the best animations compared to any Bethesda games.

    • GreenTea💚
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    2023 an fps game with no tactical reloads…

    • Arkham FX
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    is there SMGs and LMGs ?

    • reaty05
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    All 0 damage guns hitting air is all i see you doing with these

    Do these tests with a target than show what they do to damage wise

    • Halcyon Sun
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Can’t wait for this weapons to come to Fallout 4 as a mod probs somepeople are already on it probably

    • Jacob Pugh
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Well from these designs I’m glad I didn’t buy it.

    • David R
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    In the future, we don’t use slide releases

    • Hao
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Some of them are actually fine or even good for a bethesda game, but some like the old earth rifle are not good

    • KingJustin1019
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bruh the game hasn’t even dropped yet

    • RE-L Mayer
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    minigun got my attention👍

    • I’m Liam
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Why do so many of the guns sound like pea shooters in this game with the exception of a few like the revolver, the designs are fine but if they sound like shit then they won’t be that fun to use especially against the bullet spongey enemies.

    • Artist Egg Kun
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You know what I’m pleasantly surprised by the gun animations they aren’t call of duty level but they actually feel like some effort went into them.

    • Microwave328
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    When are we going to get all the weapons from one of the borderlands games

    • Joey Greenwood
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No rocket launchers?

    • Ops2Mops
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    AA-99 make 2 shot sound when firing 1 shot

    • JohnnyDragon97
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:20 that is the most goofy ahh AK47 i ever see in video games.

    • NX3
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Lol at how the urban, aka highest capacity and thus probably lowest caliber pistol seems to have the highest recoil from the handguns aside the two last revolvers lol
    Why don’t the echoes stack on high fire rate guns? Why do the laser guns have the same echo as the powder guns (and why doo they have echo at all)..? Also no bullet drop for the bullet guns still i see, and melee animations straight from skyrim lol, typical bethesda…

    • EarlGray26
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    it’s 2023. Bethesda still don’t know how to code partial reload…

    • MrKatzenwerfer
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    not a single animation with a little punch.

    • ZicaoWasTaken
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The fact that the Old Earth Hunting Rifle is a VSS and called a hunting rifle 😂😂😂😂
    Literally one of the rarest guns in the world

    • Ryder – Motovlogs
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    damn you’re fast bro, the game only just came out, keep up the good work

    • nonbiri
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the AK is such a big no for me

    • マック
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Yes finally Bethesda has a good animation, not like Fallout 4.

    Starfield animation is has feeling like Cyberpunk 2077 imo

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • wolfganghammerfistheywood
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Holy shit did they actually finally manage to add partial reloads to the Creation Engine? Congrats Bethesda, only a literal quarter of a century behind Half Life 1 mechanics.

    Roasts aside thought these are way, waaaaay better designed than Fallout 4’s guns.

    • Joe Lang
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    People when he doesn’t tactical reload at 100mph, flip the mag around in his hand and shove it back in 😡

    • Ozzie Dylan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Great Weapons

    • lobban2027
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This game looks terrible

    • madár pauser
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    03:16 I like that the *Ak-47* is included, even if it sounds a bit plastic.

    • Joe
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    These are the most sci-fi weapon designs to ever sci-fi

    • wow anime Joshua
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wow. I hate all of these designs

    • Garfield
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    9:45 oh god my eyes, its so awful

    • Blueskies771
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    If you have the kids stuff perk and go back to the lodge after talking with your parents after meeting them, they will appear in the lodge and give you “Sir Livingstone’s Pistol” which is a 1911

    • SkarmoryThePG
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Hmm. Largely unimpressed with these but a few got my attention. Breach in particular is pleasantly chonky.

    • Space Sirius
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Shotguns look 🔥🔥

    • Noah Abbey
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The guns look nice. Has a Cyberpunk 2077 / Battlefield 1 vibe about them especially the Microgun and shotguns… wonder if Bethesda hired any animators involved in either of those.

    Audio could be better and variable animations would always be welcomed – we spend so much of the game time look at the guns and reloading them.

    • Antynomity
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bethesda slop

    • Fenrir’s Rage
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:36 wonder what kind of world Earth was in Starfield when the VSS Vintorez is considered a Hunting Rifle

    • Solid Beard
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Not gonna lie the weapon’s design are really cool and unique aside for some weapons with the overused kriss vector designs. I could see Infinite Warfare’s weapons in this game.

    • Asobi Buddy
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    so it has not even 40 guns? what the actual fuck?

    • Fastball3267
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    ak model looks funny

    • Ali BALABAN
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Empty buckets do not appear in some ballistic weapons. 3 guns are against physics. But it still far exceeded my expectations. It’s pretty cool

    • SovietBaltazar
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Orion sounds like a player death sound being tased in csgo

    • DOoggo –
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Something tells me both the Sidestar and Urban Legend should have swapped sound effects…

    • poznan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Looks like shit

    • Бармаглот
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Almost all weapons have a completely empty and unmemorable design, and some guns, on the contrary, seem to be copied cleanly from borderlands and cyberpunk … Well, yes, the recoil of laser weapons is very funny!

    • germandan5
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The pump action anims are backwards on two of the first shotguns you showed. I’m hopimg that was a goof on their part.

    • Soviet
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    cool weapons indeed, but i missed a good belt feeded light machne gun and a bolt action rifle, maybe in future dlcs

    • Wyatt Williams
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cant wait for modders to add star wars weapons

    • Clit Yeastwood
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bro there’s a fucking VSS Vintorez in Starfield?? Game of the year.

    • your friendly neighborhood scunt
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    damn, even in the distant future humanity will NEVER let the AK die, huh?

    • Seb Leonard
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You’re missing some I think. I saw someone having an space AK looking assault rifle and I’ve also seen another one that’s akin to an M4 with a Magpul M4 stock

    • M92FSINOX
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The way some of them shoots the whole cartridge out of the gun is pretty stupid 😅 Why waste resources like that?

    • Nobody survives even one bit
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Cool guns.

    • Omar M.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Not really digging the designs, weapons looking like GPUs

    • Petr Polák
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • Redfield
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    these look cool as hell even if they make no sense

    • Dan 167
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • Visionmid Games_rtx🟦🟨
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    All Mars

    • AeroHybrid 1160
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Well they do look and feel like a massive improvement over Fallout 4’s ugly vanilla excuse of weapons

    That’s progress right there

    • Revenant
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The coachman….some things never change lol

    • jared pope
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Quick question 🙋: can we customise the colour of our guns in this game?

    • Danso999
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The gun design here is actually good for a BGS game. Reload animations are a mixed bag, so I’ll leave it for you to decide.

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Most interesting thing about these weapons is most of them have no empty shell ejection 🤔

    • Killer Queen 💀
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    4:47 ” GAY GUN ” 😂

    • MasteroftheBlaster
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Novalight looks like a fun little gun

    • Skeeter
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Mam thise fucking russian weapons are very infuriating, i fucking new they where gonna go nazi or commie with the guns, they went commie, disgraceful, better get a m4 based rifle soon as i dont see consile mods on the horizon

    • Lộc Nguyễn Đình
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    scope overlay just like in fallout, i don’t like it😮‍💨

    • Something Somewhere
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m actually kinda impressed with these, given Bethesda’s track record with weapon animations. Maybe they’ll figure out tactical reloads by the time Fallout 5 releases.

    • Barbatos Rex
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Honestly this is how I expect Cyberpunk 2077 guns to look like

    • FightCain
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Damn, which parallel Earth has a VS VAL as a hunting rifle
    Might need to move Earths

    • pokebreeder 25
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i can’t wait for more weapons from bethesta and the amazing modders that would fill this came with modern and ww2 weapons XD and even some cool sci fi weapons like from cod and other games XD

    • Pajamapants Jack
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:37 just imagining someone hunting with this in old Russia is so badass. Like I mean you could use it as a hunting rifle sure, but like do you really need an incredibly silent gun worth god knows how much money to hunt?

    • Rat_Poobrain
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It amazes me that in 2023 Bethesda still doesn’t know tactical reloads exist.

    • Pawan Hans Bhadwal
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    was waiting for this vid to drop <3

    • Jesse Mach
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No fist weapons RIP

    • S_O_
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I don’t know anything about weapons from 300 years ago, i understand how the people in Starfield could mistake the vss for a hunting rifle.

    • Hoang Nguyen
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    when I saw VSS VIntorez and AK and 1911 I thought I could see an Old Earth Combat Carbine (the name I would imagine as in-game M4A1), kinda suck it’s not added, welp time to wait for mods

    • Dum_Potat
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Aw hell nah, they did the AKM and VSS so dirty

    • Español Insumiso
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Wow…..i’m disispointned.
    I think it worst than CoD Infinite Warfare (on 2016).

    F por Bethesda and there engine graphic and animations.

    • Depriving Klavdi
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I can appreciate the weapon designs despite giving me aneurysm when trying to figure out on how it works. The reloads itself are basic, however

    • john smith
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The model and texture quality is suprizingly good, the animation quality is pretty good, but not great. Sound design is pretty nice too.
    And they’ve finally added self shadowing in first person, yay. Although it’s the screen space shadows and they are not that great, but good enough I guess.

    • Man of Culture
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Looks pretty good. Good video too

    • Иван Алёшин
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    CREW: WHERE YOU Weapons?
    Arc Welder easter egg Resident Evil 2 Remake.?!

    • Armstrong Qwerty
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    А почему свою Мку не вставили подлые американцы, а старый добрый калаш и ВСС? Шучу, разрабы даже портрет Гагарина добавили в игру, молодцы. Но вот руссик позабыли)))

    • Writer’s Lair
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Can’t wait for this animations to be ported to Fallout 4, especially pistol and revolver animations

    • Андрей Супер
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Разработчики молодцы. Starfield действительно получилась отличной игрой и также радует что и оружие в ней сделано отлично.

    • SamuelC
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I wonder is there a reason why bethesda reloading animation is so pale compare to other top tier reload animation like MW series ? is there like rigging limitation or something i dont understand

    • Shishoro-Kua
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Когда на фоллаут накатил моды.

    • Camo15590
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    as a gun nut who hated fallout 4’s guns, holy shit, the guns look like they can work now

    • Aaahrg
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    That “Old earth hunting rifle” lol. As if a VSS Vintorez has anything to do with hunting.

    • J L
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Good on the old weapons being correct but it’s missing the tactical reload.

    • Черно Книжник
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    3:27 wtf 😅

    • videogames 1000
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    “We fire the whole bullet. That’s 65% more bullet per bullet.”

    -Cave Johnson, Aperture science CEO

    • kmatford 1887
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The reload for the AK and the VSS Vintorez is actually pretty good I give them props for proper ak animations.

    • Digger Tony
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I honestly can understand why AK can survive for some reason, BUT WHY VSS ? Seriously, in Stalker this can be explained by russian supplies for Duty, but even now it’s rarely used by russia (yes, this mistake made special) . Why? For what? Better Remington bolt action or any else….but not this peace of garbage.

    • Jeremiah Beltz
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Yo, the railway rifle. Never dies!

    • At0m1cDust
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    VSS Vintorez as a hunting rifle. Weird jump from rifles in previous Bethesda games, but at least it is more interesting than non-descript bolt-action. Hope mods add full-auto mode.
    Chunky “assault rifle” from F4 gets a successor in form of aa-99 and equinox. Wonder what is used as an excuse for their bulk now. Or maybe it`s just really weird ads view.
    What even is that “old Earth shotgun”? Pump looks like it barely has space to move.
    Are those canted sights on a pacifier, or am I just misidentifying some random bit added so it would look futuristic?

    • Allen Chung
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The second pistol is called urban eagle

    • He hit me with that alphabet soup in SSF2
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    “Old Earth Hunting Rifle”, when almost literally every part of that description doesn’t describe a VSS Vintorez in the slightest

    • H HyperXuserXD
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Unique looking weapons, but the sound design make them feels like cheap toys

    • Wayne Kennedy
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think pistols will be my weapons of choice

    • Gloomreach
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Gun designs are overall pretty bad. I appreciate the video.
    The regulator/Bridger/magshear are nice

    • Rick Sanchez
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Where tf is that revolving grenade launcher they showed off

    • Randomix
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i do like the animations , although i do wish they were a bit more varied since some of them look reuse of other guns

    • Mason 🇺🇸
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    The VSS Vintorez is not a hunting rifle lmao.

    Unless they mean hunting as in “assassination.”

    • Hung Duong
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Reload animation looks boring 🤡

    • Deathtrooper204
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    You missed the m1911 which you get if you have the parents trait.

    • Trinity
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I wonder how long it will take for modders to either put guns from fallouz 4 to starfield or via verse, and also till somenody makes nsfw mod for starfield

    • Goblina Animations
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Love the Nasapunk aesthetic! 🧑‍🚀🌌 🚀

    • Simon Pikalov
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    After 5 years of dev, he finally her! Thanks!

    • Im Jerry
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    For a Bethesda game, this is actually a fairly impressive arsenal. The animations leave something to be desired however, They are serviceable but basic.

    • EverRunic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I think they should’ve had the doom team to work on the gun designs and effects(and maybe the combat as well) to make it feel more futuristic sci-fi and less of a post-apocalyptic-ish like fallout. Still cool firearm designs nonetheless

    • R E T R 0 – G H 0 S T
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    no old world 1911, i know i saw it the trailers

    • Cypress March
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Having only one reloading animation for both empty and “tactical” reloads is embarrassing.

    • Kaine Peterson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Am I crazy or is the Drum Beat just a Nerf Hyperfire?

    • Jeremiah Johnson
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Gonna need some reanims, these are stiffer than a corpse

    • Eric V
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    In the direct they showed a 1911 pistol, did that get cut?

    • Mecks089
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Well, the reloads are better than anything from Fallout 4, but that’s not saying much.
    Why do laser weapons have recoil??? That makes zero sense.
    [Edit]: Some of these sounds are awfully cheap.

    • Vermark87
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    where on this green earth are we hunting with VSSs? I need one

    • Chevy Ortiz
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    My favorites are the lawbringer and bridger.

    • Misha Petrov
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    За видео спасибо, но пушки говно

    • May Sparkle
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m very curious to see how the nodding community will repurpose these.

    • Aztec Warrior, Going Dark.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    For once Bethesda GS made actual guns.

    • inCawHoots
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Slowmo when?

    • EverRunic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    If you guys like starfield you should check out a game called “star citizen”

    • RyanArtward
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Who is anticipating Johnathan Fergusons review on these?

    • Ghost
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    no tactical reload in 2023? full cringe

    • Pootis Mann
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’m just nitpicking but its current year and Bethesda still can’t figure out how to make good looking long range optics lmao

    • batterysurf
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    if NASA had a weapons budget

    • Riley Whidden
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i didn’t think it was possible to greeble guns this much.

    • Driver Wheelman
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Just comment, waiting for Bethesada fanboy..

    • seeasaa
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    1:32 garlic gun

    • Ajit
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Need mods for see thru scopes and slim down models of certain guns

    • Pghw Hpffw
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Game is set in 24th century and pistols have sights like homemede ones

    • catsndogs98
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Of course the old earth is an ak 47

    • sammyflinders
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I’ve been waiting for this video. Im a few hours into the game and the weapon models are fantastic.

    • James Wasdin
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Even in the age of advanced space travel and laser weaponry, people still use ballistic firearms lol 😆

    This game looks really cool too, can’t wait to see what Jonathan Ferguson from Royal Armouries thinks of the guns.

    • GunmasterDUDE
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Somehow, the AKs still survive after the earth collapses, just saying.

    • Bruh
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I don’t expect too much animation of bethesda

    • FridayTheFox
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    i was waiting for this

    • dustin_echoes
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Hopefully the gunplay is good this time. I like Fallout 4 but the combat wasn’t exactly enjoyable compared to other fps at the time.

    • XLINE
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Guns designs are cool.
    Since it’s a Bethesda game, I didn’t expect much for the reload animations.

    • Георгий Лебедев
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    4:53 and 8:51 Hello reticle regular and recon scope from Fallout 4, too lazy to draw futuristic reticles
    03:36 in Fallout 4 Handmade Rifle reload animation better, there even the magazine release is movable

    • Nobody. Knows.
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Im kinda sad their’s no easter egg stuff from other Bethesda games 🙁 no power armor inspired space suits, no skyline melee weapons, no fallout guns lol nothing…not even a poster

    • P0loski
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Seems like Bethesda finally got a better idea of how guns work in general, these are quite competent. Fallout 4’s guns were atrocious in design and functionality. These are SciFi guns so there’s a lot more room for freedom though.

    • Myles Riley
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    This looks a game I have

    • Popmei
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    so many guns are ugly as heck i love them omg

    its so weird and cool

    • youreplymeYOUGEI
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    LMAO, still use AK in Space

    • Storm Rage
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    LOL VSS Vintorez as hunting rifle. Lazy bethesda 😂

    • Diinou HotHead
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am




    • AKKSI
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    It’s ok
    All I care about is for modding tools to be released so we can start porting mods from Fallout 4

    • danklovic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    cant wait for the modified versions

    • Nobody at all
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    No explosive weapons? That’s a bummer

    • Тихон Шутенко
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    WOOOOOOOOOO, Yeah, that’s what I was waiting for!!!! Big thanks to you, WFG!

    • SolisFactor
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Gotta love how there’s no partial reloads in this game despite modders adding it to FO4 :/

    • Lucan Henrique
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    These weapons looks cool as fvck, soo far away from most of the horrendous weapons from Fallout 4.

    • danklovic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    the ak and hunting rifle feels out of place, looks like modded lol

    • Jeremiah Lozano
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    🤮🤮🤮🤮 These have to be some of the worst weapon designs I have ever seen. 😂😂

    • Henriqxx
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I was waiting for this lol

    • chris alfaro
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Still missing some weapons legendary ones

    • danklovic
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    holy fuck just an hour i searched for all weapons in starfield and i see this pop up in my feed 8 minutes ago lmao

    • arkgaha randan
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    where is the 1911?

    • PhantomFox
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    I genuinely don’t understand wtf people are saying about combat feeling sluggish, it’s been improved SIGNIFICANTLY over Skyrim and Fallout 4. Damn even the animations look much more fluid and less stiff than these 2!
    And the weapons look great!

    • Saunshilu
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    im honestly astounded bethesda was able to model non left handed weapons

    • Grim6679
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • D1Z0N
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    sweet fuck, you’re fast

    • SteelBatoid2000 Official
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Is it just me or does it look like the re-skinned Fallout 4?

    • Uzil Raam
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Bro game just came out today chill out XD

    • Сталкер
    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am


    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    “Old Earth Pistol” is missing. I’ve tried to get it, unfortunately without success…

    • 2023年 9月 29日 9:55am

    Starfield – All Weapons in TTP
    00:00 SIDESTAR
    00:21 URBAN LEGEND
    00:41 EON
    01:13 REGULATOR
    01:30 RAZORBACK
    01:53 KRAKEN
    02:15 NOVALIGHT
    02:33 SOLSTICE

    03:59 AA 99
    04:21 MAELSTORM
    04:44 ORION
    05:07 GRENDEL
    05:34 BEOWULF
    05:57 DRUM BEAT
    06:20 KODAMA
    07:03 HARD TARGET
    07:21 LAWGIVER
    07:38 EQUINOX
    07:58 MAGSHEAR
    08:16 MAGPULSE
    08:40 MAGSNIPER
    09:02 TOMBSTONE

    10:02 BRIDGER
    10:19 COACHMAN
    10:36 PACIFIER
    10:54 BIG BANG
    11:13 BREACH
    11:30 SHOTTY

    11:50 ARC WELDER
    12:10 AUTO RIVET
    12:33 CUTTER
    12:47 MAGSTORM
    13:09 MICROGUN

    13:44 RESCUE AXE
    14:02 BARROW KNIFE
    14:10 COMBAT KNIFE
    14:18 TANTO
    14:36 WAKIZASHI