Best Essential Starfield Mods for Xbox/PC 🌌 | Top Starfield Mods Picked Daily – Part 12
Best Essential Starfield Mods for Xbox/PC 🌌 | Top Starfield Mods Picked Daily – Part 12
I aim to get 10 mods in each video but if the mods are large or more complicated I’ll spread the mods across multiple videos. Thanks for your understanding.
00:00 – Intro
00:19 – SecurityGuardRobots
03:15 – POI Integration Project
04:05 – Avontech Suit Power Cores
08:11 – Defense Depot – NEW Expert Social Perk
11:12 – Equip Your Fists
11:54 – Better Boxing
13:50 – Vend Unto Floor
15:00 – Noel Is A Giant Bug
15:26 – Darksaber
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コメント (31)
Im a bit baffled That you need insane stat armour .. I’ve never been challenged enough to need these insane stats
Someone needs to add boxing gloves that adds the ability to put legendary effects on. That would be awesome, Furious, Rapid, One Inch Punch…
You can fix Noel size easy on PC, just hit ` to open console, click on Noel and use mouse scroll wheel until her name appears, then type, ‘ setscale 0.13’
You need my Unarmed Mastery Mod. It changes Unarmed combat drastically. Rather than increasing the % damage for boxing it decreases it but gives + damage for every Unarmed related skill plus spreads out the % damage increase to all the Unarmed combat skills.
The mod is still being updated and stupid Nexus was flagging it as suspicious even when you click on it and see that no security vendors reported any problem. I had to change it to an ESM file to stop Nexus from tagging it as suspicious. But the current version has the green Check.
I’ve also got 2 other mods coming out soon one is a total Physical overhaul that takes all the crappy physical skills and makes them useful or at least makes them feel like a better choice. Decontamination for instance increases your experience for exploring and makes food heal more since it’s safe to eat. Gymnastics all ranks make you jump higher and give a small chance to dodge, fitness makes you run a little faster and so on with the rest of the skills.
Then there is another mod that adds entirely new skills like Trailblazing that makes you run faster, Enlightenment that increases your Experience, Ninjutsu that does several things and some new Unarmed combat skills that will help you become a true martial arts master. If you focus entirely on the Physical skills with those mods by the time you’re in your level 20’s you feel like a Pathfinder Monk zipping around the battlefield kicking ass.
Look, who’s gonna make a mod with an ‘80’s soundtrack? Are copyright infringement laws the cause for not having one already?
I love this game. I’ve played a good few hours of No Man’s sky and the solo exploration is much more enjoyable in Starfield than in No Man’s Sky. I know Starfield is flawed, but it’s far superior to No Man’s Sky in many ways.
This series is gonna blow up man, give it a lil time. Too good not to.
Well done! I love your content. My biggest question is what does your load order look like, thats my biggest problem is getting it right to stop the crashes. There is a big need for mod load order videos that we had for Skyrim and Fall Out
Anoyone else got the ussue where the creations page wont load from the main menu?
You’ll become a big YouTuber bro I promise
I look forward to your consistent mod reviews, I also appreciate you taking the time to test and explain how they work. 👍
I just need 2 mods to return this game. 1. a mod that plays landing animation every single time. (I know there are mods that tried this but no they dont work as they should) 2. one is smaller and I dont know why no one made this yet. A mod that makes us not face the planet when we leave it but only face towards to planet when we reach it.
I dont know why I say this on this videos comments man sorry about it lol. Thanks for daily cover!
Dear modding gods,
Please make some horror mods, something like the first pitch black movie would be pretty cool. I would even just love a horror ambient noises mod, random creepy loud creatures off in the distance, that would be pretty sweet!
the noel is giant bug is caused by the essential crew mod
In your next video can you cover the ‘Improved Sublight Engine Boost’? It claims seamless travel between planets
It would be cool if someone made constellation faction the jedi order. 🙂
The mod causing the issue is essential companions
Its a bug from skk mew game
Skk new game makes Noel giant
The ingenuity of these modders is awesome what will they think of next, gotta say the armor mod looks brilliant & if it’s got Nomad armor mods then it’s on my list of must haves same as whenever someone creates a bed for the Starborn ships…….please, someone….the floor is cold & I think I am getting piles.
The videos are great but don’t burn yourself out man. A 15 to 20 minute video every day is a hell of a lot of work.
Ayyyy perfect timing!
those robots interesting … not really stable are they…..
I installed “The gangs all here” mod and that’s what did it for me, for the giant Noel bug that is
I love how new universes can truly feel new because you can download or uninstall a bunch a mods before entering unity for a fresh start and feels different. The just wish there were more base changes to different universes and more starborn dialogue
Security robot mods is next level.
I’d really like a skin for the Equinox that turns it into the Fallout 3/4 Laser Rifle.
I am loving these Starfield mods
Bro… as always! Thank you! ❤❤
Mods make everyday a new adventure. Let’s goooooooo